#molly o'shea smut
ravengards-rogue · 3 months
beta molly and the way she weeps when you pop your knot in her. withering gasps and sobs, pretty green eyes tinged red with a blush down her soft freckled chest….
✧ tags : omegaverse, alpha!reader, gn!reader, reader has a penis and knot, reader is in rut, betas have faint scents, lotsa pet names, knotting, 18+
✧ wc : 1.2k
✧ a/n : hnngjgjfsdhkjsdjnflksjdfkdlfsdkksdflkfsgvsjkdfdl. its fine
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
"You're alright, sugar. Just breathe."
Molly gasps as your cock swells inside of her. Her voice is soft, prickly against your ear and warm as she whimpers. The soft curves of her body melt against your as you're slotted together, the red-head snug and comfortable in your lap.
You feel her face press against your neck, nose nudging against your scent gland and you groan. You know it's not easy for her, no matter how much you stretch and prep her, to take you. She always insists on it.
You think it's something to do with the fact it's the one thing she doesn't have.
It's what Molly is always most insecure about. Not being an omega, that is. You can't blame her, not after Dutch all but tossed her aside. Makes her antsy. She's skilled at catching even the faintest hint of an omega on you. Weeps herself into a fit whenever it gets too strong and demands you stay next to her for a few days to wash it out of your scent.
You can feel it whenever you reach your ruts, her own desperation to prove her worth—prove that she can be good and take it.
She's a pretty sight when she insists to take your knot. Always. There's many times you nearly gave it to her. Green eyes and hands fisted in the front of your shirt and all determination and longing, as if she's not the most delicate little woman in the world. For the longest time, you let her down gently with a firm, but kind 'no'. You'd spent your ruts with her, fuck her to your hearts content, but knotting was always off-limits.
And then just a few days ago, you helped Karen get somewhere safe to ride out her heat. You may be a lot of things, but you're not so much of a scumbag to leave her to own devices. A scented coat across her back and a horse ride to nearby inn later. Didn't lay on her, of course - but you did wait it out with her for a while. You came back and reeked of nothing but sugary liqueur, nothing like the soft, light scent of strawberries and clove you usually do.
Molly's been less than happy with you about it. Not helped by your rut coming in only days later, jump started by a woman who ain't her. After some crying, she'd demanded of you again but with more more fervor than normal.
And you're not stronger than the woman you so adore weeping in your arms about it, so you promise it to her. But only after making her cum enough times to make her stupid with it.
Even after though, the fit is tight. You've stretched her open, made her cum so many times she was near limp in your lap - but she still insisted. And she is still so so tight.
You can feel the muscles in your abdomen strain as Molly's pussy pulses around you. You take a shallow heaving breath, hands on her hips as the base of your cock starts to swell.
Molly's insides are softy and sticky, silken against your length. You're too big for her. Her body isn't made for it. She can hardly take you as is on days you're not like this.
But you try to keep your composure anyways. Ignore the baser part of your instincts aching for her inconceivably. Aching to pop your knot and keep her full, make her head useless for anything but thinking of you.
"All ye damn alphas are so," She shudders, burying her face against your shoulder. Her words are clipped by a moan, subdued and wanting "Uselessly big,"
You laugh against her. "I'm sorry, baby. Real sorry,"
She knows you're not, probably just as much as you know her vitriol lacks teeth. It's hard to take her seriously when you pull away and look at her. Her expression perfectly debauched, wide green eyes red at the rings - weepy from stimulation and rogue-red lips smeared from stolen, needy kisses.
When you feel Molly sink all the way down to the base of your cock, knot tight - you gasp against her neck. Fangs prick with urgency, to mark her and claim her. Sink yourself so deep into her wet, willing cunt she couldn't run if you tried. You have to remind yourself to keep your instinct at bay.
"Don't hold back from me," She huffs, somehow sensing that you are. You stare at her love struck, eyes starting to glaze over and take in just how pretty she is. How pretty she will be even sooner with your knot stuck in her. "Don't you dare."
"You're playing a very dangerous game, sugar."
"I don't want to beg any more for what I want. You always say you wouldn't make me do that, not like Dutch," Her voice is attempting to be demanding, but falls flat on it. It only ends up sounding desperate and needy and so perfect for you to sink your teeth into. "Give it to me. I want it."
"You're so spoiled," You remind her with a breathless laugh. "A good girl like you doesn't know how to be anything else does she?"
She shakes her head and tucks wraps her arm around your shoulder. You grunt, almost pained as you feel her intentionally squeeze.
"Alright, alright—you made your point. It's gonna hurt."
"I want it, damn it."
"Okay," You close your eyes and hold her hips "Okay, sweet girl. Be easy, please?"
She nods, satisfied - most obedient she's been all evening and it makes you want her even more. You like when she acts that way, like a spoiled princess. You don't know what part of you that is. If it's the Alpha in you, all wrapped in biology and blood or just you. The you that desires her for all she is so hungrily it makes your chest ache.
"Fuck, baby." You shake and you grip her tight. You want her so bone-deep you can feel it in the back of your skull, in your gums. Your fangs protrude against your lower lip. Buzzing, all the muscles in your body go taut like a bowstring. You can feel yourself swell and twitch, just as you can feel Molly respond to it every time. "Feel what you do to me? That's,"
You pant, trying to keep your sense. "It's all yours baby."
Molly crumples against your lap like those are the words she's wanted to hear most, more than anything in the goddamn world. She whines helplessly for the first time. You push your knot into her in one hard thrust. Willing and eager, and that's what gets you. Strokes your ego enough to make the base of your cock swell and swell and swell, and you push until you can't be anywhere but inside. You can feel the way the air gets punched out of her lungs right after, a shaking shuddering breath making her whole face turn pink.
The strain of it is too much, but she takes it like she has everything in the world to prove. Big, water-rimmed eyes and shaky little moans but still insistent.
She whimpers soft and girlish as you ease your knot into her and make her take to you. She accommodates you so well, pussy so perfect like it was made just for you.
All yours, like everything else about her should be in a perfect world.
Your body works against your mind as you cum inside her, thick ropes shooting up with no where to move from. Your cock stays still like that, twitching and hard as you let out a deep and long breath trying to regain some composure.
"Gotta stay like this for a while sugar," You hum, uncharacteristically checked out.
She giggles contentedly, pleased - happy sighing as she remains draped around you, soaking in the attention. "I already know that, you know."
You nod, adrenaline making the blood rush to your ears as you hum. You let your big hands hold the back of her head, drowning her in your affections as you kiss her freckled shoulder. "Just makin' sure."
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
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messrmoonyy · 3 months
-What they’re like as your bf/gf (Hcs) 18+
Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch Van Der Linde, Sadie Adler, Molly O’Shea
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Request- Hi if it’s okay could I ask for some hcs of some of the gang and what they’re like dating with you? NSFW ones toooo🙈🙊 could you include Arthur, John, Dutch, Sadie, Javier and maybe any of the other girls Mary-Beth or Molly or Karen? Thank you 🙏🏻
A/N- I didn’t include Javier cause I like barely speak with him in camp or anything idk I don’t vibe with Javier tbh. And I saw my chance to word vomit my Molly brain rot and ran with it so she’s the girl I picked. Hope this is okay! Enjoy :)
Masterlist - requests are open :)
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Arthur Morgan
- We’ve all seen how he was with Mary. He’d be besotted with you
- His journal would be filled with sketches of you, entries talking about how much he adores you, little notes about how you looked that day or musings about his plans for your future together.
- Definitely doodles a little heart with your initials too <3
- He’s touch starved. So he loves physical contact. A hand to your knee, your back, arm around your shoulders or your waist. He likes keeping you close.
- Brings you stuff from his little travels. Picks flowers for you, finds little trinkets for you.
- Keeps a picture of you by his bed.
- Forehead kisses!!!!!
- Kisses your hand. And kisses to your wrist. He loves when you reach up to cup his face and he can turn to press his lips against your wrist.
- He’s so much more than a tough, burly cowboy. He’s quiet, caring, considerate. And he adores you
- takes his time. Likes to work at you until not a single tense muscle is left in your body. Worships you.
- Loves any positions where he can see your face, needs to be close enough to constantly kiss you and tell you how good you are for him
- “ there’s my girl, doin so good for me darlin “ “ jus’ like that darlin, let me take good care of ya “
- Not incredibly vocal, but the noises he does make he ensures are right by your ear.
- Refuses to finish before you ever.
- Loves to finish inside tho. He knows it’s risky, but he loves the closeness. And if he’s feeling particularly risky he’ll definitely push his come back into you with his fingers “ don’t waste it now “
- Grips The headboard.
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John Marston
- he’s stupid. He really is. He’ll be head over heels for you, with you clearly reciprocating those feelings and he’d still think you didn’t like him like that.
- Like. You could kiss him and he’d still be like ‘ what are we? ‘
- When he does finally put two and two together he’ll have no shame or cautions in showing you off.
- He’s handsy. Likes coming up behind you when you’re washing dishes for Pearson to rub at your shoulders.
- Or pull you down to sit on his lap before you can even think about taking the empty spot on the log next to him by the fire.
- Overprotective. One tiny snide comment from anyone and he’s ready to start swinging.
- Definitely knows how to push your buttons and wind you up, and will do it just for fun and to get a rise outta you.
- And then spend the rest of day grovelling and apologising.
- Loves going down on you. Like. Loves it. The man could spend hours there if you’d let him and Lord has he tried.
- Not very serious most of the time.
- Pretty vocal. And doesn’t really care if anyone’s listening either.
- Like i said, he’s handsy. His hands are restless and will grab at whatever part of you they can.
- Loves when you ride him and has absolutely made a cowgirl joke more than once.
- Will grab at your hips and guide your movements as you do. Told you he’s handsy.
- But also isn’t opposed to you on your back, legs over his shoulders. Presses kisses to your ankles and makes jokes about how good the view is.
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Dutch Van Der Linde
- he’s not the most attentive of people at times. He’s constantly in his head and constantly thinking about things that aren’t you.
- But when he does allow himself time alone with you he is disgustingly charming.
- He always knows what to say, always knows the right words to have you melting into a puddle at his feet. You could be in the worst mood with him but a few whispers in your ear and it’s all forgotten.
- Has a million terms of endearment for you. My angel, my dear , my darling. He rarely ever uses your actual name, only when he’s mad.
- Loves to give you gifts, the more expensive the better. And he likes you to show them off too. He likes to show you off.
- Reads to you a lot.
- PDA is afraid of him. He doesn’t care where he is or who’s watching him, he’ll loop an arm around your waist to kiss your neck, pull you onto his lap when he’s reading beside his tent and kiss you. No shame.
- will take his time with you but in a far different way to, say, Arthur
- He’ll edge you and overstimulate you for hours, because be gets off on the fact that you simply let him. That you obey his every command.
- Degrading and humiliating 🤝🏻 Dutch Van Der Linde
- He’s never too mean. And his degrading comments are more often than not laced with something sweet.
- Dacryphilic. 100000%. He loves watching you cry because he’s worked you into such an overstimulated mess.
- He’ll swipe your tears away or kiss them from your cheeks “ well isn’t that just a pretty sight? “ “ those tears for me, my angel? “
- Definitely has some kind of authority kink. Likes you calling him sir for sure.
- Loves you giving him head. Just loves you on your knees. It’s a power thing. And he’s a cocky son of a bitch.
- Sat back in his chair and won’t lift a damn finger to help you out, won’t even unbuckle his belt. And don’t tell me he doesn’t smoke whilst he watches you.
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Sadie Adler
- She is absolutely not shy about her feelings when she finally accepts she has them.
- Shes just so sweet to you.
- Around camp she’s stuck to you like glue. Her arm is permanently around your waist or your shoulders, or her hand laced with yours and is ready to snap at any intrusive questions from anyone else about it at the drop of a hat
- Love language is gift giving. Just taken in a bounty but found a shiny lil necklace in his pocket? Well. It’s hers now. Or should I say, yours.
- If your hairs long enough she’ll braid it like hers, any excuse to be able to sit close to you and whisper sweet things in your ear.
- Would teach you how to shoot better, she wants to make sure you know how to defend yourself. but also wants the excuse to stand behind you and show you how to hold her rifle properly.
- Big spoon.
- Sadie’s gained control over literally everything else in life, and it doesn’t change in the bedroom
- She trusts you whole heartedly but she’s not about to give up any sort of control to you for a While
- Makes sure she can see your face at all times, loves watching your face contort and relax in pleasure that she’s giving you
- Full of praise “ ain’t you just the prettiest thing? “ “ oh look at you! D’ya know how pretty you look from here? “ “ always such a good girl for me “
- Has a thing for putting her fingers in your mouth. Especially after she’s just fucked you with them.
- Having you on your knees eating her out drives her crazy. Will pull at your hair a little too hard but will soothe the sting with a thousand words of praise about how good you make her feel.
- And now hear me out. Loves to watch you. Will book you a hotel room together just so she can sit across the room and watch you touch yourself for her, encouraging you the entire time
- It’s never long before she absolutely has to have her hands on you though in the end.
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Molly O’Shea
- sheeeee has some trust issues. And abandonment issues. She’s just… she’s a lot at times.
- But she is fiercely loyal and will love you with every fibre of her being
- And she wants to be loved as fiercely in return. She’ll spiral without constant reassurance “ d’you even love me anymore? “ “did I do somethin wrong? Haven’t told me you love me today “
- She knows deep down you do love her. She’s just afraid.
- She is such a romantic. She loves holding your hand, sitting close to you, doing your makeup like hers and stealing kisses in between painting your lips red
- She’ll write you sappy romantic poetry and leave you lil notes
- You’ll often overhear her gushing to other people about how in love she is too. She just loves to talk about you and how deeply she adores you.
- Likes when you give her forehead kisses.
- Pillow princess. End of story.
- She’s not completely submissive though. She’ll tell you what she wants and what she likes
- She just wants to be taken care of okay. She needs to be taken care of.
- Makes the softest, sweetest sounds and will tell you she loves you a million times over.
- Enjoys when things just… naturally happen. Cuddling with you at night, but pushing her hips lightly back against you. Which usually ends with your hand slipping past her waistband and making her come on your fingers.
- Likes to be on top of you sometimes, simply so she can show off whilst she strips. Not to really do anything. Shes really not that much of a giver. She likes being watched. She likes to know she’s desired. And usually it ends up with you dragging her to sit on your face.
- You have to shower her with praise. She wants to know she looks beautiful, that she’s doing well, worship her. Which is incredibly easy for you cause like fucking look at her she’s gorgeous.
- Wraps herself around you when you cuddle after, legs intertwined and arms around you, head buried in your chest or neck. Pls my sweet baby needs to be held.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 8 months
Ik you said resquests are close but my oh my, I'd love to see your relationship/sex hcs for the GIRLS
Relationship/Sex HC For VDL Gang Girls
Thank you anon for requesting something with the girls. Also I didn't include Sadie bc I wrote for her already previously in another post
Warnings: smut
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Mary-Beth Gaskill
Very affectionate and loves showing you off
Lowkey writes short romance stories about the two of you but uses different names
Loves asking for your opinion on her outfits
Very shy with her writing but allows you to read em
Tries to recreate scenes the romance novels she reads with you
Plays with your hair and tries to style it for you
I can imagine her making flower crowns
Is so lovestruck, she definitely believes y'all are together FOR LIFE
I just know she reads smut in her books
She'd probably ask to try out a few of the things she reads about
Comes off as docile or vanilla but would be surprisingly kinky, huge expiramentalist
Bottoms for sure
Would unintentionally grind into your face or shove you in while eating her out
High pitched moans or gentle mewls
Squirms and moves around a lot, just cannot sit still for the life of her
Karen Jones
She'll put on a tougher front but she needs a lot of reassurance
Very sweet in private
Gets flustered with PDA but still does it with you
Loves it when you hold one another closely especially around the camp fire
She'd become very vulnerable with you
Especially when she's drunk
She'd feel as though you're the only person who can see the real her, and that just makes her feel even more in love
When she's unable to take care of herself you do her hair for her
Asks to dance with you randomly
As we saw in-game, cries during sex
Feels extremely vulnerable during the act, but instead of sadness it's more of an overwhelming feeling of love that brings her to tears
Super clingy, holds you close during
Wants to stimulate every sense, bascially smothering you
Loves kissing all up and down eachother's bodies while fondling and just holding
Also enjoys hand holding during sex
Likes to start off gentle but things get progressively wilder
Tilly Jackson
She's a playful, yet altruistic lover
Puts you before herself all the time
She could be bleeding out while you have a papercut and she'll insist they tend to you first
Constantly fixes things for you or just generally takes care of things just so you don't have to do them yourself
I hc that whenever she falls asleep on you she drools A LOT
Because she gets really relaxed
Likes sitting along rivers and lakes with you and feeding ducks or skipping rocks
Super short so she's gotta go on her tiptoes to kiss you; constantly cranes her neck to look at you, even gets taller boots
Like in other aspects of your relationship, a giver
She knows just what you want, and is more than happy to provide
I feel like she'd be real skilled with her tongue and hands as a result, skill born out of practice
Kinda likes riskier sex so she'll opt for more scandalous locations or situations
Y'all could be doing chores together and the next thing y'know y'all are sneaking off behind a nearby tree
I feel like she'd top, but she's down to switch
Abigail Roberts
She's a good, honest woman
And she's got standards for her lover
Constantly has your back, and is very patient with you as you two grow with eachother
Constantly encourages said growth and improvement in oneself
Loves seeing you put effort into improvement or work!
She just wants a calm, stable life, so if you're able to provide that for her, even if little by little, she'll be happy
Very affectionate with you, one of her favorite things to do is to sit down and have deep, intimate conversations with one another while chilling
Doesn't care how many or mundane dates are, as long as the effort is there
She's got demands, and they will be heard
Loves recieving head, or being the main focus of sex as you provide for her. Will hold your head in place
Likes telling you what to do, definitely a dom hehe
Into kinkier stuff so maybe tying you up or even spanking
LIVES to see you cry or to embarass you
She'd probably make you bark for her
Will top or bottom, doesn't matter to her as long as she's taking the lead
Likes passionate sex so she takes her time with every detail, especially foreplay, rather than speeding things up
Molly O'Shea
She falls HARD
The most lovestruck, romantic girlfriend ever
Writes love poems for you
Likes it when you show eachother off
Her favorite types of dates are when the two of you go out together and try new things
Like a new restaurant, a new spot, a new show, etc
Cue that meme of one girl sitting on another's lap while she does her makeup
Yeah that's her
Loves asking for your opinion on her makeup, greatly values your opinion in general
Constantly tells you she loves you, gets sad if you dont say it back
Will ask you to be gentle but like rough passionate sex
Moans loudly and shamelessly
Definitely a pillow princess, this is cannon
She'd communicate lots with you about what she likes and what she wants you to do
In a modern setting I feel like she'd wear lingerie or sexy outfits for you
Probably likes roleplaying
Also a huge expiramentalist! Likes trying next and exciting things, including in the bedroom
Susan Grimshaw
This woman keeps you on your toes constantly
Probably a little high strung but it's easy to tear her walls down!
Good at setting and respecting boundaries, while also reminding you of her own
Knows the time and place for affection, so when y'all are working, wants to keep it to a minimum.
But during down time, loves to dance, talk, kiss, and play games together
She's super hardworking and she loves real hard
Good at grounding you and keeping you in check
Like many things in her life, puts so much effort into the relationship and will never let you down or make you feel neglected.
Like Abigail, has demands that will be known
Though she'll make sure to pay special attention to you as well and not just focus on herself
I feel like she'd like to be called mommy LMAO
Loves taking care of you and the name during sex would definitely do things for her
She has lots of experience so you'll always recieve the most mindblowing orgasms
Has like a mental map of your entire body imprinted into her mind at this point
Also hands, I feel like she'd be into anything hands
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moeitsu · 2 months
Molly O’Shea been on my brain as of late…there’s a criminal lack of X reader fics with her.
Lowkey wanna write a f/f/m drabble with the reader, Arthur and Molly. Something like she’s jealous of their healthy relationship so they show her a real good time…
If ya catch my meaning👀
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mamahex · 1 year
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Molly O'Shea/Dutch van der Linde, Sadie Adler/Molly O'Shea Characters: Dutch van der Linde, Molly O'Shea, Sadie Adler, Simon Pearson, Charles Smith (Red Dead Redemption), Arthur Morgan Additional Tags: Lust, Sadness, Desperation, Loneliness, Depression, Unhealthy Relationships, Jealousy, Homophobia, Loss, Blow Jobs, Masturbation, voyeuristic, Lesbian thoughts, Suicidal Thoughts, Cunnilingus, Lesbian Sex, Dildos, Vaginal Fingering, Kissing, Lesbians, Dom/sub, Sadie isn’t exactly trans but Molly sees her as a man some of the time, Masculine woman, Masculine dom woman, androgynous, Suicide Notes, Tribbing, Squirting, Intrusive Thoughts, good girl, Mental Health Issues Summary:
Molly is nothing more than a ghost...invisible, unnoticed, unloved. Since Blackwater, Dutch has lost interest in his piece of meat.
But there is one person who can still see the ghost...Sadie Adler, not much more than a ghost herself, notices her. And she's not going to leave her so untouched.
 This is a dark story, and we already know the ending is not a happy one. This is the story of misery and desperation, obsession and self destruction, of love and lust turned to poison. Its the story of Molly's demise, months before her actual death.
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spongeyspot · 7 months
Red Dead Redemption Masterlist
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Tags: [Smut 🔥] ; [Angst 🩹] ; [Fluff 🧸] ; [Dark Themes 🖤]
Arthur Morgan
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
1890s!Arthur in the Modern World HCs (Headcanons) (GN! Reader)
John Marston
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
General Modern Hcs (Headcanons)
Javier Escuella
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
General Modern HCs (Headcanons)
Charles Smith
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Lenny Summers
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Dutch Van Der Linde
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Micah Bell
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Sean Macguire
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
General Modern HCs (Headcanons)
Hosea Matthews
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Bill Williamson
Nothing yet!
Kieran Duffy
Nothing yet!
Eagle Flies
Nothing yet!
Mary Beth Gaskill
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Abigail Roberts
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Sadie Adler
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Tilly Jackson
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Karen Jones
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Molly O'Shea
Toxic Traits/ Red Flags HCs (Headcanons) (Fem! Reader)
Run Away With Me (Fem! Reader) 🧸
Poly Pairings
SWF/NSFW Poly Relationship HCs 🔥🧸
(John Marston/Fem!Reader/Abigail Marston)
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tiredcowpoke · 1 year
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Pairing: Molly O'Shea x Fem!Reader Request: Anon sent “Hey! I was wondering if you’d ever consider writing Molly? Something about an angsty molly/f!reader just makes me 😩. An “I can treat you so much better” type situation and both are aware there’s feelings there? (one-sided or otherwise! however it comes to you!). Smut if you are up to it, but no pressure at all!“ Warnings: Cheating (emotional, at least), pretty Dutch critical, angst, pining. Note: I'm upset I had to take forever with this, but I'm always down to write something with Molly. lol Thank you for requesting, anon, and I hope this at least lives up to your expectations? Regardless, I hope you all enjoy.
She disappeared down the shoreline again, fists clenched and arms swinging at her sides as if she was going to punch whoever might appear at the end of her march.
A part of you, not born out of frustration toward her or her situation, almost wished that she’d just keep going. You had seen and heard her issues with Dutch, that she had taken a punch from Karen a day or so back for some sort of fight between the two of them, and you knew she would fare better if she just left. Yet, you knew she wouldn’t. She was loyal to Dutch, she loved Dutch, and you could see her trying to win his affections back.
Given how he’d been acting around Mary-Beth, who was unwillingly dragged into this mess without wanting to be, you had found yourself biting your tongue a few times from making a comment or two to him about everything. Yet, you knew your time would be better spent giving Molly your time. Things had been good between you two–you had been warned by the other women a few times about her temperament and how Molly kept her distance. You still found a way to get her to talk with you–it wasn’t hard, back in Horseshoe. Spirits were high, or better than they had been since Colter, but now things felt…different.
Molly was distancing herself. Didn’t really want to talk with you for too long, and her anger was rearing its head a lot more since the gang had moved camps. With her and Dutch going head-to-head most days, you couldn’t blame her for the foul moods.
Still, you wanted to try. Even if it was a small conversation or she would brush you off.
Upon seeing her sit down on a rock just out of eyesight from most of the camp, you started to make your way over toward her. There was some apprehension to your movements–at most, you just didn’t want to ruin her day more than it already has been. It wasn’t even midday yet and she was sitting out on her own again after another shouting match. You knew you would have to tread carefully, at least.
“Molly?” you asked once you came within a couple steps of her.
She glanced toward you, eyes sharp but you could tell from the puffiness that she was holding back the tears. Seeing her like this, it pulled at something in your chest–sympathy, but also anger toward Dutch. You realized you were about to give her the apology that he wouldn’t.
“That was horrible…” you started, “I’m sorry. I know things aren’t good with you, but I just wanted to check on you.”
“I’m fine,” she stated, voice tight. You didn’t believe that for a second, but you didn’t press as you gestured toward the space beside her.
“You mind if I sit?”
“Go ahead,” she replied shortly.
With a small exhale, you finally crossed the space between you two and sat down beside her. You looked out at the river, the islands across from you that were still shrouded in the morning mist. Even with the tension, you didn’t want to speak. To push Molly into talking when she didn’t want to. Yet, you just…wanted her to know you were there, you supposed. You had wanted that more than you cared to admit, and not just within situations like your current one.
You knew you were just putting yourself into more pain in the end, but it was hard not to feel drawn to her. Yet, you knew you couldn’t act on it. As far as you were aware, Molly hadn’t made any signals that she returned your sentiments, and you knew trying to pursue the woman who was with your gang’s leader was just asking for trouble. Reason pointed largely toward why it was a bad idea, but you couldn’t seem to help yourself.
You had wanted to see her smile. See her laugh. Anything other than the shouting and crying that you had seen out of her as of late.
“I don’t know what to do,” Molly admitted, pulling you out of your thoughts as you glanced toward her. Her voice was shaky and tired, her Irish accent thick with the tears you could hear she was holding back.
“I know you’re all watchin’ me, too,” she continued, the venom in her voice taking you aback somewhat, “Just waitin’ for the next show–well, I’m sure you’ll all keep gettin’ it.”
“I’m not finding any amusement,” you said, tone even despite the anger that clearly sat her own. “You’re one of the first people I got close to in this camp. I care about you.”
Molly turned to glance over at you, then. While she didn’t say anything, you could see her expression shift. The sharp gaze she gave you when you first approached fell away to something a little softer, though you could clearly see the hurt in her eyes before she turned to look away from you. This place was draining her–clearly. You could see that, and you knew others did too. Yet, you had the feeling that you might be one of the few, if not the only one, to try to talk to her directly about it.
“Let’s get out of here,” you said, the words slipping out without much thought, as much as you knew an idea had been forming in your head.
“Just for a while,” you continued, “I know a quiet place that would be nice for the afternoon. I…well, I think we both could use some time away from here.”
“I…I don’t know,” Molly replied after a pause, looking conflicted. You raised your hands somewhat in a placating gesture–you didn’t want to stress her out, but you thought that maybe it would be nice for her. You knew nobody else was going to, anyway.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought I would offer. I can lead my horse around, you won’t even have to explain it to anybody else. It’s not like I’m asking you to rob a bank with me or anything.”
Molly seemed to debate that for a few moments–in that time, though, you had noticed a change in her body language. Even if it was just a suddenness of the offer, she seemed to perk up somewhat at the idea, even if she hadn’t voiced it out loud just yet.
“…Not for too long,” she settled on, making a small grin appear on your face.
You appreciated the shift in temperature from Lymone into New Hanover.
Perhaps more than you did when the gang had been staying in Horseshoe, but the current camp was stifling in more ways than just the tension you had noticed in places. While it wasn’t a major drop in temperature, you didn’t want to go too far out, it felt like you could breathe a little easier. Well, as much as you could in the current situation.
Honestly, you were a little nervous as your horse trotted along at an easy pace, you being all too aware of the passenger you had behind you on the horse. Molly’s hands rested on your hips, the two of you not really talking much on the journey toward a little spot you knew from a while ago. A place you took off to from time to time to be alone with your thoughts, or when camplife got to you a little too much. It was quiet, isolated, and sometimes it felt like you were separated from reality for a while. Little peaceful places like that, you had learned to appreciate where you could.
You didn’t know if Molly would get the same experience, but you hoped so. At the end of the day, you were just hoping that perhaps it would give her a chance to relax. To get away from the camp, Dutch, and all the rest. (As much as a small part of you did wish that it’d be your company that would help her do that, but you didn’t want to put her in that position. As much as your mind tormented you with the idea from time to time.)
“I haven’t done this in a long while, you know,” Molly said suddenly, pulling you from your thoughts as you turned your head toward her somewhat over your shoulder. “Dutch used to take me on rides like this before, but…not so much anymore.”
“…He’s busy these days. You know how he is,” you offered in reply, though your tone betrayed the fact that you didn’t put much heart into your defense of Dutch. It kind of felt like a knee-jerk reaction, sometimes. You cleared your throat somewhat, perking up a little. “Though, I’m happy to take you out for a bit. It’s not too far now, I think.”
“Ya don’t have to defend him to me, you know,” she said, “He…I just want someone to tell me that they see what I do.”
“What do you see?” you asked after a pause.
“That he’s…different, now,” Molly said, you feeling her hands tighten a bit on your hips as she shifted on the back of your horse as you steered down toward a familiar patch of trees.
“A lot of things have changed lately, haven’t they?” you asked, “Not to dismiss your concerns…”
“Yes, but…” Molly trailed off, sounding a little frustrated but you were glad that at least she wasn’t bottling it all up. “Even before Blackwater, you saw how he was. I thought things were getting better in Horseshoe, but now he has no time for me. Can’t help but resent the man.”
“I can’t say I know him that well,” you said, “I’ve only been around for…maybe half a year? Yet…well, I’ve seen the way you two yell at each other now, so I can’t say I haven’t noticed a change.”
“Mortifyin’, that’s what that is,” Molly muttered, “I just don’t want to sit there and take it. I just want him to listen.”
“I know,” you replied, reaching a hand back to grasp at her own where she was gripping your shirt, “Dutch…he…Don’t tell anybody I said this, but it feels like doesn’t listen to anybody unless they are agreeing with him. From what I’ve seen, anyway. He may change. Come to his senses or something…”
God, listening to yourself say those last couple of sentences didn’t make you believe you believed what you were saying. Molly didn’t say anything in return–you couldn’t blame her. You wanted to respect her relationship with him; and for all you had to say, Dutch did help you out. Yet, you really didn’t want to force yourself to defend the man you saw hurting someone you cared about, day after day. You knew Molly hurled her own share back at him, but after seeing what happened with Mary-Beth and her discomfort, you couldn’t help but want to stand with Molly.
It wasn't your place to get involved, anyway. Not directly, at least. You could just offer her things like this, you supposed.
Finally, after making sure to take a path into the clearing that wouldn’t get you both smacked by tree branches, you arrived at the little clearing. The little stream, some rabbits running off into the bushes on the other side and the early evening sunlight giving you plenty of shade. You steered your horse to a stop near a tree, slipping out of the saddle first before offering your hands out to Molly for some help down with a somewhat awkward chuckle.
She took your offered help, slipping off the side of your horse with your assistance, gripping onto your hands as she glanced around herself. You couldn’t help but notice the freckles that dotted her cheeks, a few strands of her red hair resting against her shoulders as you still gripped her hands in your own. Your heart was beating hard, both worried about her reaction and the fact that you were still standing like you were.
Finally, you dropped your hands to your sides as you looked around yourself before giving Molly a small grin.
“Like I said, it’s not a gala or anything, but it’s nice.”
“I don’t think I could handle anythin’ more than this,” Molly said, “It’s…quiet.”
You made a sound of agreement, moving toward one of the trees to rest under as you gave Molly the option to follow. Really, you couldn’t say you had many hobbies that you could do in a place like this, but just taking in the relative quiet was enough for you. Though, you noticed Molly walking over to join you after a few moments, lowering herself down to sit next to you as you glanced toward her.
She pulled her legs up to her chest somewhat, crossing her arms on her knees as she looked off at the treeline across from you both. It was probably the most casual you had seen her.
“I used to look for places like this to write poetry,” Molly commented, making you raise your eyebrows at her somewhat.
“You’re a poet?”
She chuckled lightly at that, the sound pulling at your heart a little. “I appreciate the flattery, but I wouldn’t say that. I don’t write nearly enough.”
“You could always pick it up again,” you encouraged, “I’ve seen Arthur with his journal many times, Sean and his whittling. Javier and his guitar, even Uncle with the banjo…”
“I know, but…” Molly started with a small shrug of her shoulders, “I don’t think I could write the same. About nature, love, folktales…things have changed too much.”
“I don’t think that means you should stop…” you replied, “Not to pressure you. Just…well, I know Mary-Beth writes romance, but I doubt Arthur’s journal is sunshine and rainbows. It’s a way to express yourself, I guess.”
“I never took you for the creative sort,” Molly commented in some mild amusement, which made you huff.
“I just think I’m overcompensating for the fact that I don’t have a creative bone in my body.”
“Well…I don’t think many people have encouraged my poetry in a long while,” Molly admitted after a few moments, “Thank you.”
“Of course,” you said with a nod, glancing down at the tips of your shoes, “You deserve to have people supporting you.”
“You…always do that,” Molly said after another pause, which had you glancing back toward her, “Since we’ve met. You go out of your way to lift my spirits. I know I don’t appreciate that enough.”
“I just…” you started, squeezing your hands together, “I want to help. I like you–your company. I think you deserve better than a passing greeting or…” Dutch, you wanted to say. You deserve better than Dutch. “I know you appreciate it. You don’t have to say it.”
“…Why me?” Molly asked, the question taking you a little off guard. “You’re friendly with others, but you go out of your way for me…”
“I…It’s…” you said, trying not to stammer as you could feel your heart in your throat, “I mean…you have to know by now, right? I appreciate your company and friendship a lot, and I shouldn’t even say anything more, but…I’m sweet on you.”
“You’re sweet on me?” Molly asked, her tone not quite as shocked and put-off as you had been expecting. “That…makes sense, I just never thought…”
“You don’t have to say or do anything,” you said, meeting her gaze with your serious one, “I just know that you deserve better than Dutch. I know you love him, but I’d hate to see you chasing after someone who isn’t there anymore. The idea of him, at least. I don’t want to say I’d be the one who would be better for you, but…I just think you deserve better than to be brushed off and ignored. Certainly better than being condescended to and yelled at.”
Your gaze had dropped as you spoke, feeling like you were saying too much and should stop while you were ahead. Yet, it was all true. You knew you had felt some sort of way toward her for a while now, and to see her and Dutch had taken on a particular sting. Especially with how things had been lately. Still, it wasn’t your place. You were expecting to be told off or something along those lines, and you’d understand that.
So, you were surprised when she leaned into you, her head resting against your shoulder as she wrapped her arms around your middle. You returned the embrace, holding onto her as she didn’t say anything. You knew it was a lot to take in, and you were concerned that you had ruined things, but this reaction was a bit of a relief. You rubbed your hand over her shoulder lightly in a small, soothing gesture.
“Regardless of how you feel about this now or later, I just wanted you to hear that from somebody,” you muttered, Molly nodding before she pulled back somewhat.
It looked like she might say something for a few moments, but instead she just reached out for your arm again as she leaned her head against your shoulder. You sighed, turning your head and pressed a small kiss to her hairline before pulling back to look across the clearing where some rabbits had returned to graze.
“I know,” you muttered.
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bonusholegent · 1 year
You all seemed to like the story about a transmasc reader and Arthur Morgan, so I wrote a second part. It's now twice as long!
Strange Cowboy by bonusholegent
Fandoms:Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)  
No Archive Warnings Apply
Complete Work
12 Jan 2023
No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Reader
Arthur Morgan, Dutch van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Tilly Jackson, Molly O'Shea, Fluff and Smut, Trans Male Character, Trans Male Reader, Healing, Gunshot Wounds, Two Shot, Rescue Missions, Glad to Be Alive Sex
Your life changes when you run into the Dutch gang. Arthur quickly takes a shine to you.
Language: English Words: 2,849
Read it on AO3!
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arthursdoll · 7 days
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𝜗𝜚 just talk to me ab anything and everything!!! send in reqs, asks, chat... anything u want!
𝜗𝜚 im a real sweet girl. just be kind and dont be weird or gross,, to me or my doll fans. im not a hater so u shouldn't be either.
𝜗𝜚 minors are welcome but some fics will be suggestive so pls be aware. this is a safe space for everyone. if ur mean to me or my fans i will block u!!
𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼 .ᐟ.ᐟ
i accept anons and mutuals,, i dont mind u interacting with me as long as ur not weird or gross or anything like that.
sometimes my notify doesn't go off && im so so sorry in advance ૮ ྀི◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა
pls dni if ur the basic weirdo... (like if ur sexist, racist, etc etc) and huge dni if ur a abigail roberts and/or molly o'shea hater cos u don't get me.
im not the type to block ppl but if ur weird with me, my mutuals or to my fans,,, then im pressing that button
𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼 .ᐟ.ᐟ
i'm writing that...
suggestive themes . mild smut . fluff . angst with happy ending . age gaps(+18) . wlw . fics, drabbles, imagines etc . character x reader . fem reader
i'm not writing that...
male!reader . trans!reader . vandermorgan . vanderbell . morston . bill williamson . micah bell . angst . aged up minors . heavy dark topics . character x character
𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼 .ᐟ.ᐟ
pretty please be patient with me,, i do have a busy life or i dont have the motivation. but i promise i will always do my best to write ur req immediately.
im happy writing for any rdr2 character unless it's micah bell or bill williamson.
im so sorry if i don't do ur req, it's nothing against u i promise.
i am just a medicore writer,, pls bare with me
𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 .ᐟ.ᐟ
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messrmoonyy · 3 months
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All my works set in the RDR2 universe in one place.
Request are currently open for hcs, drabbles and OS
Mainly looking to write one shots for Arthur, Molly and Sadie rn but will write shorter things ( drabbles and hcs ) for some other characters just ask ☺️
☆ - smut ♡ - fluff ☾- angst
Also check my photomode captures for rdr here
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The Gilded Cage ☆
Dutch believes bringing some of the girls along to the mayors party will make them seem more agreeable. Arthur brings you along, but gets a little jealous at the attention you receive.
The forbidden fruit ☆ ♡
After Dutch’s affections for you start to simmer down, you seek solace in the arms of Arthur Morgan
Give me my sin again ☆ ♡
Arthur keeps you secret in some hopes of keeping you safe. But it does means weeks pass before he sees you again
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Sadie as your gf hcs ( sfw/nsfw )
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What they’re like as your gf/bf (nsfw/sfw)
Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch Van Der Linde, Sadie Adler, Molly O’Shea
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ttuesday · 3 years
Hi! 🥺
I know you have lots of request lately, and its ok if you take a while or if you cant do it.
You can do a one shot of ArthurxFem! Reader, where the reader is from a REALLY high society, and Dutch gets Arthur a job where he can be her bodyguard to earn some money, but they fall in love, obviously Arthur wont think that he is good enough for her, even more after what Mary did to him, but she chooses him over her family and over the money and scapes with the gang to be with Arthur 🥺❤️
(I Know this has lots of Molly O'Shea vibes but everybody Knows that Arthur is not like Dutch)
ok I did not intend for this fic to be this long but here it is lol
“You’re all I need”
Word Count: ~2,180
~no smut~
You sighed as more people came through the gates and into the garden. The party had only started half an hour ago and you already despised being there. You swirled the remaining champagne in your glass before downing it.
You knew you had to socialise with them eventually but for now you decided to stay on the balcony, watching as people let out loud, fake laughs and secretly judged each other.
Behind you, someone cleared their throat. Sighing, you glanced over your shoulder to see your father standing by the door.
"What on earth are you doing up here? You should be down there," he hurried forward and gestured to the people below "entertaining our guests and being a good hostess". You scoffed but before you could snap back a sarcastic response, you noticed a man by the door.
"Ah, Mr Morgan, please come meet my daughter" your father placed his hand on your shoulder so you would properly face the stranger "my dear, this is Arthur Morgan. He'll be watching over you tonight to assure your safety".
"I'll be fine," you shrugged his hand away from your shoulder "I've told you before, I don't need a bodyguard".
"Yes but if anything was to happen to you that would be very bad for business" your father muttered, tired of having this conversation with you yet again. Putting a forced smile on his face, your father wished Mr Morgan good luck and hastily left.  
Arthur wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. He knew that if anyone tried to cause any trouble with you that he had to roughen them up but until then, he wasn't sure how to act. He knew this place was going to be fancy so Arthur felt grateful that Dutch talked him into buying a new suit and taking a bath beforehand.
You could tell Mr Morgan wasn't used to this sort of thing. He had a suit, freshly trimmed hair, polished shoes and an awkward expression on his face which revealed this wasn’t an environment he was comfortable in.
A silence settled over you both as you continued to watch the guests mingle. "I like your dress" Arthur broke the silence.
"I don't," you huffed "it's too tight, I feel like I can barely breath". Arthur's eyes went wide as he feared he had messed up your first impression of him "Oh... sorry about that".
Tearing your eyes away from the party, you looked him up and down. "You don't look you belong here, Mr Morgan" you smirked, finding how out of place he was somewhat endearing. "Is it that obvious?" he smiled, walking up next to you and leaning against the balcony railings.
"You gonna go down there?" as soon as Arthur saw the party, he understood your reluctance to go down. Letting you a long sigh, you replied "Be warned, there's a high possibility I'll die if I go down there".
Arthur's face dropped, suddenly on high alert. "Wh-What?" his brow creased at the warning.
You nodded "Uh huh, if I have one conversation with these people, there's a very high chance I'll die of boredom". Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, chuckling slightly at the revelation. You couldn't help it as a smile spread across your face too.
You stayed with Arthur on the balcony for a little while longer before hesitantly heading downstairs. It surprised you how Arthur was able to make the night more tolerable. He stayed around you at all times and whenever he could sense someone was starting to bore you to death, Arthur would interrupt and make up an excuse for you to leave the conversation.
The night moved along faster than you thought as you greeted each guest, slowly making your way further down the garden. Eventually you found yourself at the very end of the garden, sitting on the dry grass and gazing at a part of the river
"Hopefully the guests should stay up by the house," you said to Arthur as he sat down next to you "the servants didn't put lanterns down this part of the garden so I doubt we'll be disturbed".
Although it was the end of Summer, there was a slight chill in the air. "Here," Arthur took off his suit jacket and placed it around your shoulders. "Why thank you, you’re quite the gentleman" you tried to conceal the blush on your face as you held on to the jacket.
Arthur clenched his jaw for a few seconds, debating something in his head before slowly saying "Well, I wouldn’t say I’m a gentleman".
“And why is that?” You questioned, expecting some quick witted reply. Arthur looked away from you, not able to hold your eye contact. “Let’s just say I ain’t a good man” he replied vaguely.
“What do you mean?” You pressed for a proper answer.
“I… I’m a bad man, Miss” he frowned “I ain’t like any of you folk”. Arthur was right. He wasn’t like anyone you had ever met before. Arthur wasn’t fake or selfish. He was genuine, caring and although you had only spent a mere few hours with him, he made you feel special.
Shimmying closer to him, you gently rested your hand on top of his. Arthur met your gaze, surprised by your action. “I know your not like anyone else here,” you breathed, your face close to his “you may think you’re a bad man but you have a kind heart, and that’s a rare thing to come by these days”.
Arthur’s eyes flicked to your lips, the both of you thinking the same thing yet both hesitant to make the first move. “You deserve better than me” he whispered, his hot breath hitting your face. Giving his hand a small squeeze, you replied “You’re exactly what I need”.
That was enough encouragement for Arthur. Taking the risk, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours.
You kissed him back without hesitation. It started out soft as Arthur tested the water with the kiss. Your hand moved away from his and made its way into his hair. Arthur held onto your waist as the kisses became more needy. What was once shy kisses quickly transformed into a lazy make out session.
Soon, you pulled away so you could catch your breath. Arthur rested his forehead against yours, a light shade of red becoming more noticeable on his cheeks. You giggled slightly, feeling adrenaline rush through your blood.
“So, Mr Morgan, what makes you such a bad man?” You asked, tempted to give him another kiss.
Arthur didn’t want to lie to you but he was scared you’d push him away once you learned what kind of man he truly was. “You sure you want to know?” He questioned.
Giving him another kiss, you nodded “I’m sure”.
You kept things innocent, not going further than a few stolen kisses here and there as Arthur told you about his life. He wrapped his arms around you as you leaned into his warmth, listening as he told you about the gang and exciting robberies.
In a way, it was like he was living the life you always wanted. He travelled, didn’t have to live with the confines a city has and he was a part of a family that accepted him and cared for him.
You stayed out there until the party eventually ended and drunken guests stumbled out of the property. You and Arthur strolled up the garden and towards the house as servants cleaned up any messes left by the guests .
"Ah there you are," your father greeted you both as he picked up another glass of champagne "I was wondering where you were".
“I hope you had a good night, my dear” he said before turning to Arthur “Mr Morgan, your payment is on the desk in the parlour. I’m sure I can get it yourself and show yourself out, hm?”.
Giving you one last lingering look, Arthur brought your hand up to his mouth and kissed it. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your night, Miss” he said earnestly before reluctantly walking off.
Your father watched Arthur intently as he left “He looks like a country bumpkin, nevertheless if he was able to keep you safe then I suppose he did a good job”.
You nodded and smiled to yourself “Mr Morgan did do a good job, in fact I think he should be hired as my bodyguard for any other up and coming events”.
Weeks passed and with every social function and party, you asked your father to hire Arthur as your bodyguard. He didn't care nor did he question why you always insisted on hiring Arthur.
As time went on, each party didn't seem like an actual party. Unfortunately you still had to socialize with the high class dirtbags of Saint Denis but you and Arthur always snuck away at some point in the night to a secluded area.
Each time he touched you, kissed you and confided in you, you fell deeper and deeper in love with him. Until finally, you made the decision.
Arthur was taken aback at first. It didn't feel right for you to leave your life behind for him. He asked you constantly if you were sure and that a life on the run isn't as fun or exciting as it sounds. Arthur made sure you knew what you were getting yourself into, that you wouldn't have anymore fancy dresses or servants to run your errands for you.
Every time he started to panic and list off everything that could go wrong, you put your hand on his cheek and simply said "Arthur, you're all I need". Together, you planned all the small details of your escape to a new life.
You were anxious the entire day, eagerly awaiting nightfall. A week prior, you bought a bag specially for your getaway. You had packed all your belongings into the small bag and kept it tucked underneath your bed. Nerves built in your gut but soon the day finally drew to a close and those nerves evolved into excitement.
There was only one lantern lit in your bedroom as you quickly changed into clothing more fit for a life on the road and grabbed your bag. As quietly as possible, you crept along the corridor, down the marble stairs and to the foyer.
Arthur told you he would meet you there, knocking once on the backdoor to let you know he had arrived. You paced back and forth as you waited for the knock. A few rooms away and by the servants quarters, the sounds of laughter could be heard. You mumbled to yourself under your breath, begging for Arthur to arrive before a servant sees you.
As if on queue, you heard a soft knock from the other side of the door. You rushed over, swiftly unlocking the door and yanking it open. "Arthur!" you exclaimed, flinging your arms around him and pulling the man into a hug. "I was scared you got cold feet or changed your mind" your grip on him tightened as Arthur shushed you.
"It's alright," he whispered "John couldn't work the damn boat but we're here now". You had heard of so much about the other gang members. After hearing Arthur's stories, you knew it was going to be surreal to actually meet them yourself. "Where is he?" you asked.
"He preferred to stay in the boat, keep watch for anyone else" Arthur responded, taking your bag and slinging it over his shoulders. He took a step forward but hesitated. "Are you sure about this?" he asked for the hundredth time "There's still time for you to go back".
You shook your head "No, I've made my decision and I want to be with you". Leaning down to give you a quick kiss, Arthur took your hand in his and began to lead you down the garden. It reminded you of the first time you met him, how you both snuck away from the party and sat by the very river you were now using to escape.
When you got to the river edge, Arthur scanned the water for John. "Look, there, he's rowing towards us now" Arthur pointed to the silhouette in the darkness that looked like it was struggling to use both oars.
Arthur looked at you and without speaking, you could tell he wasn't sure if you were going to regret this. Before he could question if this is really what you want, you leaned up and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Arthur melted into the kiss, his hand pressing the small of your back and encouraging you to come closer to him.
You momentarily deepened the kissed before pulling away, there was plenty of time later to celebrate your escape. Speaking against his lips, you repeated what you always told Arthur when doubted if he was good enough for you, "You're all I need".
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amorgansgal · 3 years
Hi friend! I’m pretty new (and late) to the red dead fandom sadly. Do you have any good fic recs that I absolutely must start with? I’m looking for some classic reader x Arthur fics. Also I don’t know if this is a popular thing at all but do you know any Molly fics? Her story is so sad and I was wondering if there’s any somber ones out there that you know of about like her when first meeting Dutch. Anyways, thank you!! Love your posts 🤠🤍
Hello! Well me too in a way, I only got here in January 2021! So welcome on board! I've done a selection of my favourite fics in the fandom, which has led me to realise I read a lot of smut. So if that's not for you please let me know and I can find some others (or maybe other people can comment with their suggestions).
Arthur Morgan x Reader
Neighbourly Affection by @verai-marcel. It's an amazing modern au with both High Honour and Low Honour Arthur Morgan. Verai writes incredible Arthur/Reader fics, so I would recommend everything they've done anyway!
Happy Wife, Satisfied Life by SaintLilin. It's a really wonderful fic about being Arthur Morgan's wife and feeding him all sorts of delicious meals (seriously, the smut took second place because I was drooling over the food descriptions)!
Of Bounties and Born Liars by SaintLilin. Arthur Morgan and a bounty hunter fic, but it's more around them working together and hints at a previous relationship.
Arthur Morgan x OC
I appreciate you didn't ask for these, but these fics are absolutely amazing and their writers should definitely have more love.
The Bison, The Stag and The Songbird by @giraffiqpark. Really wonderful story with Arthur Morgan x Charles Smith x OFC. It's a real slow burn and giraffiqpark is doing an incredible job at dragging us along and making us suffer! :D
The Flower & the Serpent by AnMorrighan. It's an amazing story that covers the life of the gang pre-RDR2 and works so well in not disrupting what happens within RDR2. It's got some really great historical details, especially about Irish history. Do be prepared to cry.
Blackbird's Song by TheTiniestTortoise. If you do want to be in denial and want everyone to live happily ever after then this is the fic for you! Surprisingly, how they change the story doesn't feel forced or unrealistic.
Molly O'Shea
I've only recently found love for Molly (I know, shame on me)! So I haven't read much. But here are two I've read and enjoyed.
Some Shameless Indulgence by luxgloriana. It's an Arthur Morgan x Molly O'Shea fic. Appreciate not everyone's cup of tea, but I love the idea of Arthur stealing Dutch's gal and treating her right!
In A Rich Man's World by intheforest-hides-a-light (stinatinde). More of an exploratory piece around Molly's feelings towards Dutch and how he behaves towards her.
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battyjester · 3 years
One Word Challenge
Y'all send me some asks with
One rdr2 character,
One word or a phrase
And what gender you'd prefer!
Help a bitch get better at writing and get a free drabble~
I will not write!
Character death
Excessively kinky smut.
Characters I will not write for.
Mary Linton
Tilly Jackson
Molly O'shea
Javier Escuella
Abigail Roberts
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tahitianmangoes · 4 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Dutch van der Linde, past!Vandermatthews Characters: Arthur Morgan, Dutch van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Sadie Adler, John Marston, Molly O'Shea, Susan Grimshaw, Tilly Jackson, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Colm O'Driscoll, Javier Escuella, Charles Smith (Red Dead Redemption), Micah Bell Additional Tags: Chaptered, Eventual Smut, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Mildly Dubious Consent, Sex, Underage Sex, Past Underage, Underage - Freeform, Dubious Consent, Angst, Underage Rape/Non-con, Past Child Abuse, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide Summary:
"We find comfort and safety when we can and with who we can."
Sadie Adler was new to the gang, Dutch had saved her from her burning house and now she was trying to settle in. But she couldn't help but be curious about Dutch and Arthur. Their relationship seemed so complex yet she couldn't work it out.
For as long as Arthur could remember, Dutch had been the only person he trusted and the first person to show him that he was worthy of love. And Arthur had always been Dutch's special boy....
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danielvanderlinde · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Dutch van der Linde, Arthur Morgan & Dutch van der Linde Characters: Arthur Morgan, Dutch van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, John Marston, Karen Jones (Red Dead Redemption), Molly O'Shea Additional Tags: Smut Summary:
Whatever smut I write up that does not fit my main story, will go here! It’s mostly going to just be Dutch and Arthur trash all day. Let it rain!
I’ll update tags as required.
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tahitianmangoes · 4 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Dutch van der Linde Characters: Arthur Morgan, Dutch van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Sadie Adler, John Marston, Molly O'Shea, Susan Grimshaw, Tilly Jackson, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Mary Linton Additional Tags: Chaptered, Eventual Smut, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Mildly Dubious Consent, Sex, Underage Sex, Past Underage, Underage - Freeform, Dubious Consent Summary:
"We find comfort and safety when we can and with who we can."
For as long as Arthur could remember, Dutch had been the only person he trusted and the first person to show him that he was worthy of love. And Arthur had always been Dutch's special boy....
(So I updated and now Imma run and hide)
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