damistrolls · 2 months
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cunt? served,
hi guys this is mondon (or mondy if u wanna b cute) and he works on the mola mola
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pulcheriebalhoud · 1 year
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thezaralondon · 2 months
Looking for a makeup artist in London who can bring out your best features and enhance your natural beauty? Look no further than The Zara. Renowned for our exceptional skills and artistic flair, The Zara offers a range of makeup services that cater to every occasion, ensuring you look stunning and feel confident.
Why Choose The Zara?
1. Expert Techniques: At The Zara, we combine the latest trends with classic techniques to create flawless looks. Our team stays updated with the latest beauty innovations to ensure you receive the best service.
2. Personalized Approach: We understand that every client is unique. Our services are tailored to your individual style and preferences, ensuring a look that perfectly complements your features and personality.
3. High-Quality Products: We use only the best makeup products from top brands to ensure a long-lasting and impeccable finish. Our selection of products caters to all skin types and tones, ensuring a perfect match for everyone.
4. Versatile Services: Whether it’s a wedding, photoshoot, special event, or a simple day out, The Zara offers versatile makeup services to meet your needs. From natural, everyday looks to dramatic, glamorous styles, we’ve got you covered.
Services Offered by The Zara
1. Bridal Makeup: Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and we’re here to make sure you look your best. Our bridal makeup services include a consultation and trial to create a look that complements your dress, theme, and personal style.
2. Special Occasion Makeup: Whether it’s a party, prom, or any special event, we’ll create a stunning look that will make you stand out. Our makeup artists will work with you to achieve the perfect look for your big event.
3. Editorial and Photoshoot Makeup: For models, photographers, and fashion designers, we provide professional makeup services for editorial shoots and fashion shows. Our expertise ensures that you look impeccable on camera.
4. Everyday Makeup Lessons: Want to learn how to do your own makeup like a pro? Our one-on-one makeup lessons are designed to teach you the skills and techniques to enhance your beauty every day.
Why London Loves The Zara
London is a hub of fashion and beauty, and The Zara stands out with its exceptional services and personalized approach. Our clients rave about our attention to detail, creativity, and ability to make them feel their best.
Book Your Appointment Today
Ready to elevate your beauty? Book an appointment with The Zara, the top makeup artist in London. Visit our website to learn more about our services, view our portfolio, and schedule your session. Let us help you look and feel extraordinary.
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ueslangeais · 1 year
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cathygeha · 2 years
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The Way of Cicadas by Audrey Henley
 I have read several dystopian and postapocalyptic books and high hopes for this one. I read “adult reader” and the blurb sounded promising but as I look again, the book details mention it will appeal to YA readers. If I had seen that, I would not have requested a copy as I tend to avoid that genre.
 The book is well written, for a YA novel. It has basic language, emotions, and descriptions that would, I believe, resonate with young readers. Sadly, the story did not provide me with anything new or different and did not engage me as an adult reader.
 I skimmed the book after reading a few of the opening chapters and then read the end and decided not to invest more time in a book that I do not feel is the right fit for me.
 Thank you to NetGalley, Monodon Books, and the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 1-2 Stars for me and adult readers who are well versed in this genre
3-4 Stars if recommending to YA readers
 An amnesiac survivor proves the outside’s habitability and spurs a group of bunker-borns on a gritty journey through an irradiated wasteland in this tense and poignant post-apocalyptic—perfect for fans of The 100 and Station Eleven. Ten years after nuclear war devastated the United States, Hayden is bored of the meager rations, recycled air, and sterile light of the bunker he’s called home since childhood. But when Brita, a mysterious woman with no long-term memory, becomes the first outsider to stumble upon the bunker, she proves to the underground city that the surface isn’t as hostile as those in power let on. Her arrival sets off a chain reaction that causes Hayden, Brita, and a handful of other residents to emerge. The outside world is teeming with life, but also with danger they never anticipated. After an outside survivor betrays the group, they’re imprisoned by a military faction with the key to Brita’s identity. For Hayden to save his friends, he must uncover a past Brita would rather never remember—along with secrets the bunker sheltered them from all these years. A lyrical near-future post-apocalyptic novel with an ensemble cast featuring government conspiracies and secret military technology set in the Nevada desert.
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j4nusz · 1 month
Randall and Rachel's first stay in prison
Rachel : I don't believe it! We ended up in prison
Johhny : Don't be shy, dear
Randall : Wait a minute? This banana carrier is going to be our neighbour?
Johhny : Wait a minute? ''Banana carrier,'' ? Randall, but I saved you, we worked together….
Randall : Ye, But you know I'm back in Monstropolis although I'd prefer Mondon, you're rotting in a mamra - all happy!
Rachel : Randy have you worked with him?
Randall : You know sis someone had to free me from the world of humans
Rachel : Immediately you were in the world of humans?
*Rachel panics and Randall tries to calm her down, in the meantime Rachel calls him 'Randy'*
Johhny : uuu , 'Randy' starts laughing.
Randall : Why do you think I hate you?
Waternoose : Hey can I join the conversation?
*Everybody* : SHUT UP!
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Back in the 1970s, Stuart Hall, Charles Critcher, Tony Jefferson, John Clarke, and Brian Roberts’s work Policing the Crisis famously characterized the moral panic about mugging in the following terms:
‘When the official reaction to a person, groups of persons or series of events is out of all proportion to the actual threat offered, when “experts”, in the form of police chiefs, the judiciary, politicians and editors perceive the threat in all but identical terms, and appear to talk “with one voice” of rates, diagnoses, prognoses and solutions, when the media representations universally stress sudden and dramatic increases (in numbers involved or events) and “novelty”, above and beyond that at which a sober, realistic appraisal could sustain, then we believe it is appropriate to speak of the beginnings of a moral panic.’
This quote from almost half a century ago is extremely prescient when it comes to the trans panic. As Shon Faye notes in The Transgender Issue, the anti-trans moral panic has also relied on the paradox “that the rights of a small minority of the population wielding little institutional power are in fact a risk to the majority.” A recent opinion piece in the Guardian is particularly illustrative of this, suggesting that men in the Labour Party (often gay men) who defend trans rights are more of a threat than infamous violent misogynist Andrew Tate.
Fran Amery and Aurelien Mondon, How Transphobic Moral Panics Fuel Authoritarian Politics
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patavermelha · 2 months
Você só precisa ser humano
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Você não precisa ser comunista pra querer que todo o mundo tenha uma vida justa, digna, com casa, educação e saúde, livre de exploração. Se você quer um mundo melhor, você é um camarada nosso. O que nos faz comunistas é o fato de que nós identificamos o capitalismo como a origem desses problemas. Mas quem acha que todas as injustiças são justificadas para proteger a "civilização", caiu no fascismo.
No precisás ser comunista para querer que todo el mundo tenga una vida justa, digna, con casa, educación y salud, libre de explotación. Si querés un mundo mejor, sos un camarada nuestro. Lo que nos hace comunistas es que identificamos el capitalismo cómo el origen de esos problemas. Pero los que creen que toda esa injusticia está justificada para proteger la "civilización", se cayeron en el fascismo.
You don't have to be a communist to wish for everyone to have a just and humane life, with housing, education and healthcare, free from exploitation. If you want a better world, you're a comrade of ours. What makes us communists is that we see capitalism as the source of those problems. But those who believe all of that injustice is justified to protect "civilization", have fallen into fascism.
Ne necesas esti komunisto por celi, ke ĉiuj havus justan feliĉan vivon, kun loĝejo, edukado kaj sanservo, senekspluatade. Se vi volas pli bonan mondon, vi estas nia kamarado. Ni estas komunistoj ĉar ni vidas la originon de tiuj maljustecoj en la kapitalismo. Sed tiuj, kiuj kredas, ke ĉiuj maljustecoj ĝustaj por protekti "civilizacion", falis en faŝismo.
Il ne faut pas être communiste pour vouloir que tous aient une vie juste et digne, avec du logement, éducation et santé, libre d'exploitation. Si tu veux un monde meilleur, t'es notre camarade. Ce que nous fait communistes ce le fait que nous identifions le capitalisme comme la source de ces problèmes. Mais ceux qui croient que toutes ces injustices sont justifiées pour protéger la "civilisation", ont tombé en fascisme.
Nu trebuie să fii comunist ca să dorești ca toții să aibă o viață dreaptă și demnă, cu adăpost, educație și sănătate, liber de exploatare. Dacă vrei o lume mai dreaptă, ești un tovarăș al nostru.
Ce ne face pe noi comuniști e faptul că vedem în capitalism sursa acelor nedreptățile.
Dar cei care cred că toate nedreptățile lumii sunt justificate pentru protejarea "civilizației" au căzut în fascism.
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thatsacooldragon · 1 year
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"What do you think little skull?" art by Lou Mondon (Artstation, Twitter, Instagram)
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nando161mando · 2 months
Slackbastard: **Yeah Nah Pasaran! #218 w Aurelien Mondon on race riots in the UK : August 8, 2024**
"This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! we talk to Aurelien Mondon [X/Twitter] about racist rioting in the UK and Belfast in the wake of the murders in Southport. Daniel Trilling: The racist riots across much of England and in Northern …"
Via @slackbastard
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supplyside · 1 year
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Snow is cleared from the roadway in Soda Springs, Calif., as an atmospheric river storm approaches the Sierra, Thursday, March 9, 2023. (Karl Mondon Bay Area News Group)
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pulcheriebalhoud · 1 year
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ueslangeais · 1 year
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tsp-narrator-ask · 2 years
Daily shrimp fact.
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There are thousands of shrimp species around the world.
There are A lot more then you’d think. Some include,
Mantis shrimp
Alpheidae (or snapping shrimp)
Whiteleg shrimp also known as (Litopenaeus vannamei, synonym Penaeus vannamei)
caridean shrimp or true shrimp,
Shrimp fishery
Brine shrimp
Penaeus mondon also known as Asian tiger shrimp or black tiger shrimp.
Bee shrimp
Caridina multidentata (also known as amino shrimp)
Lysmata amboinensis
Fresh water shrimp
Lepidophthalmus turneranus also known as (Cameroon ghost shrimp.)
Neocaridina davidi also known as blue pearl shrimp.
Oh my would you look at the time? More shrimp facts coming tomorrow dear readers!
Sincerely the narrator
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halottlehetnekmar · 11 months
Ha mar senkinek sincs elete akkor tessek irok az enyembol,hogy mindenkinek legyen mit olvasnia.Elbasztam az eletem nem kicsit hanem nagyon es sok mindent basztam el az eltembe eleg sok mindent es nem egyet banok…egy undorito ember vagyok aki bant masokat folyamat,mert semmi mashoz nem ert csak masokat tönkretenni.Akik ezt olvassak es bantottam oket bocsanatot akarok kerni nagyon sajnalok mindent. 1 szemely akitol bocsanatot akarok kerni ő már sajnos nincs velunk…sajnalom,hogy fentrol vegig nezted ahogy tonkretettem magam es neha meg ma is😕tenyleg sajnalom,hogy egy elbaszott unokad van aki bant masokat es magat is es a legfontosabb szemelyt az eletebe nagyon undorito mondon megbantotta😕es ban minden dolgot amit tett vagy mondott szamomra is egy undorito szemely vagyok,hogy ilyet tettem vagy mondtam…2 szemely akitol bocsanatot kerek az a szivembe a legfontosabb szemely megha nem is azt mutatom őt sose felejtem es mindig szeretni fogom örökké mégha szerinte sincs orokke szoval eletem vegeig.Kurvara megbantottal nem egyszer nem ketszer sokszor jottem a multjaval es banom nagyon banom,de en nem rosszbol akartam a multjaval jonni soha,de vannak bizonyos dolgok amit nem tudok elnezni neki es ezt sajnalom,de azert mert van egy olyan elmenyem azzal kapcsolatba amit soha senkinek nem akarok elmeselni,mert azota rossz minden es nem akarom,hogy meg rosszabb legyen.Szoval bocsanat ha nem erted meg es nem is varom el foleg,mert nem mondom el az okot,de kerlek ertsd meg ezt nem tudom csak ugy elmondani😕tenyleg sajnalok mindent es igazad lehet jobb lesz így csak nem mindegy kinek hisz a lelkunknek nem vagy csak az enyemnek nem…Sajnalok mindent,de tenyleg mindent.Es en itt leszek barmi tortenjen es legyen en mindig itt leszek!!3 szemely hat o a legjobb baratom volt aki ugyanugy egy nagyon mergezo szemelyiseg,de ennek ellenere is szerettem es mellette voltam,de rajottem jobb nekunk kulon,mert csak bantjuk egymast mi is es sajnalom ha bantottam ot is es nem ertettem meg sajnalom ilyen vagyok szamomra sokszor csak en letezem senki mas.Es lehet igaza van gyerekes vagyok,mert a szemebe igy maradtam meg,de o se tobb nalam,de nem veszekedni es szidni akarom az ember hanem tole is mindenert bocsanatot kerni azert is,hogy elvileg miattam volt szar az elmult 1 eve,de o nem tudja en mennyi mindenen mentem akkor keresztul…De mindegy is mindenkitol szeretnek tenyleg bocsanatot kerni sajnalok mindent probalok jobb ember lenni es megfelelni az elvarasoknak.
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