#money pac
alchemie-tarot · 4 months
Material Blessings
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Hello! Long time, no pick-a-card. The Universe has sent me a few things to deal with since my last post, lessons and blessings alike. My creative energy is having a new life and I just want to do it for myself and share it with the world. Yes, that includes sharing more of my photography from past travels.
I meant to post this during my bias season, Taurus, but I have been taking it easy with my body, and trusting the timing with it. This pick-a-card is also shorter than my previous ones.
Anyway. Welcome back. You know the drill: Take a breath. Feel free to choose the pile or piles that call out to you. Some details may not feel like it’s for you and that’s because it isn’t, it’s alright, since this is a general reading. Please don’t take it too seriously as well. Nothing is set in stone. 
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Pile 1
Cards: 4 of Cups, 10 of Swords (I had a bit of a mind exercise with this message.)
Your material blessing is something that you will receive, but its purpose is to make you realize that something you already have may have been taken for granted. I see that it’s something shiny to you, “a shiny toy,” whether it’s figurative or literal. It may be something that is a bit of a flex somehow. It may also remind you of something that you wanted in the past, maybe as a child, but couldn’t attain then. It will give you that mood boost and yes, you will enjoy it for a time. But, ultimately, you will find that it does not go as deep as you thought it would.
If you feel like something that you have previously enjoyed is losing its luster, even if it has been in your life for a long time, maybe that is a message for you. Is it really rooted in sentimental value, or is it from a fear of lack?
Eventually declining something that is coming your way may sound counterintuitive for a reading about material blessings. But, heed detached feelings and they will remind you of what really matters. Let go of what has served its purpose in your life, especially if they have pointed out what gives you long-term value. Be true to your principles, that you won’t spend your energy on things not aligned with you. Remember that “all that glitters is not gold.”
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Pile 2
Cards: 2 of Wands, King of Swords
A business opportunity, specifically a trip to somewhere. A ticket. Could also be a gift coming from a far place. A box of fruits or wine, specifically, for a few. An invitation to a party, again, for a few. For the majority, travel is really emphasized.
It was 2:22 PM when I was interpreting these cards, and this is the 2nd Pile, and this pile has the 2 of Wands. Amazing. You may be getting two things. A double of something, or some combination of the ones I mentioned.
Whatever you will be receiving will grant you access to something exclusive. Opened doors that will basically, I believe, reconcile two separate aspects of your life (your career and family life, for example). They can be anything. Not only will you be let through these gates, but you will be given the keys to hold them.
You need more structure for this material blessing coming to you. To do that, your guides advise you to lean into your duality. Practice and get good at multitasking. You may have to hold two different things that require a ton of responsibility. Do not waver or be intimidated, however. You are chosen because you are wholly capable of doing this. Self-discipline and judgment are your friends.
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Pile 3
Cards: 8 of Wands, 7 of Swords
You are about to get news about something pending. Since this is a material blessing, it is about finances, for the majority. A letter, the approval of a loan, insurance, came at the top of my head. Especially if it is something that you have wanted to do for a while, or have been waiting a long time for. Something that will solve your problems.
For some, this is something that you will gain as a reward for being resourceful. It could be an inheritance, or it simply was someone else’s previously. A specific image for a few, but it is something colorful and could appeal to your creativity or inner child.
Once you receive this blessing, you are advised to gather all your smarts in order to make sure it doesn’t slip from your hands. Don’t get complacent. Make a full-proof strategy for this. Bend the rules when you can. Don’t let yourself be distracted by schemes and excuses to use this for a purpose other than its original one, or somehow turn this into something it is not. Be careful not to give in to greed.
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Pile 4
Cards: Wheel of Fortune, Page of Coins
A very unexpected gift, perhaps a long overdue one for something good that you have done in the past, that you may not even recall. A big reward for a big risk you took. Something you worked diligently and pushed the limits for, used your creativity and resourcefulness for, everything. And it comes with a bow on top. For a few, it’s something sweet, could be a food treat? This gift translates into some kind of knowledge that not only benefits you, but a lot of other people as well, a community. This gift will start up a web of connections that root from you.
This is not something everybody comes along often. Set tangible goals to ground this. Lead by example and hope, I’m hearing. Your success has a direct effect on the sacrifices and mindsets of this community looking up to you. You will definitely lift them up in some way, perhaps through a gathering. Maybe you will host a party, or a kind of workshop.
Share these blessings of yours, but not at the expense of yourself. The moment you feel that something is amiss, you must withdraw accordingly, and you are encouraged not to feel bad for that. Boundaries must be established and respected.
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Thank you for gracing my post with your presence and thoughts. Take care and be happy!
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bitchy-craft · 3 months
PICK A CARD: Your next nice surprise
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on what your next surprise is going to be. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful!
Masterpost > Paid Readings
NOTE: scammer alert, please read. I have been scammed recently and am in financial trouble because of the amount. Any help such as ordering a reading from me or supporting my posts would be appreciated🩷
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
You will be blessed with a little bit when it comes to financials. Think of getting an enormous discount on things you often buy, getting back a certain amount of money you have been waiting for (if it’s not through fraud > looking at you rn if you see this). You might even be walking through the city and find a bit of money on the ground. Small financial blessings such as these will be coming your way. And even though it won’t be a big amount of money, it will be money nonetheless, and therefore a nice surprise coming your way.
Try not to look for these things, since you will most likely not even notice it if you overthink it. Let it all happen and before you know this nice, little surprise of yours will be right in front of your feet.
Pile 2:
If you have been waiting for a review back of some kind such as a grade or a response back from a job interview or an application for a school of sorts. This is your confirmation that it will all be okay and you will get a good grade on that thing, you will be accepted for that job and you will be able to get closer to that dream school of yours. There is nothing to worry about, because this will be the surprise waiting for you; it will most likely come way earlier than you expected as well.
So lay back, try to be confident in this outcome, and have fun until the good news finally arrives at your doorstep.
Pile 3:
A certain wish regarding animals will come true for you. Maybe you wanted to go to a zoo for a while, or an aquarium of sorts, maybe something like a dolphin show; you will be getting tickets and get going soon for these things. Some of you have been wishing to get a pet of some kind, which will be coming to you as well.
If your pet is sick, this is confirmation that they’ll get better again, even if it might seem unlikely at first (or right now). If you ever wished to see a certain animal, they will cross your path soon, although you shouldn’t try to force this dream; it will only create more nervousness and distractions from you. Trust that what you are wishing to come is coming, and before you know it, it will be there already.
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lilliancdoodles · 7 months
I have so many feelings about that create discussion at the end of fits stream.
Fit has no interest in create. So in his mind it’s not worth the 20k to unlock it. He can use that money to buy other things and not have to worry about it. It hasn’t even crossed his mind that if it’s locked for him it’s locked for Ramon. He so causally says “yeah I’m not getting Create, that’s 20k we’ll have over everyone else” and Ramon was right behind him. He’s a smart kid he knows what the financial situation is on the island, and Create is a massive ask. So he doesn’t mention it. It probably hurt a lot hearing that. One of his greatest interests and he wasn’t going to have access to it, but money was tight and he didn’t need it so better to save their money.
But Fit happens to bring it up. He goes small cause he knows how much it is. 20,000 coins. He doesn’t want to be a burden, but he answers. With the smallest head nod, yes create is locked for him if it’s locked for fit. And Fit tells him that if that’s the case then they can make it work. He’ll get create for Ramon and maybe by his one year birthday they’ll have it.
I get that. I understand that so much. Wanting things but knowing it’s way too expensive. Your parents can’t afford it, you don’t want to be a burden. They’re already doing everything for you, it feels selfish to ask for this too. But that’s Fit’s baby boy made in heaven by god himself. He knows how much create means to Ramon and as soon as he knows that he has to get create so Ramon can have it, he’ll do it. It might take a bit, but it’s worth it for Ramon.
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bae-science · 2 months
when you’re visualizing how badly your stomach lining is about to be torched from the number of naproxen you’ll need to take in order to counteract the muscle and joint strain of fucking those aliens out of him so hard his prostate has a permanent dent
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punkpandapatrixk · 7 months
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🍯New Age Money ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘When I was small, God was around and curiously granted my every wish. Now a grownup, I still believe that miracles do happen and that alone gets me up in the morning with such gladness.
And if I am enveloped by a peaceful sun filtering through the branches as I open my curtains, I am sure, everything before my eyes is a message.
When I was small, God was around and sent Love my way every day. And now, it is time I opened that precious box that’s been forgotten, kept hidden in a corner of my heart.
And if I am enveloped by the soft fragrance of cape jasmine in a garden awash by rain, I am sure, everything before my eyes is a message.’
– When I’m Surrounded by Kindness from Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
あなたの特技!Surely everybody was born into this world carrying some precious boxes of God-given talents. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to open those boxes and monetise such talents with Soul?
SONG: Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta nara by Matsutoya Yumi
MOVIE: Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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Pile 1 – ‘Harry, you’re a Witch!’
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untapped divine talents – Queen of Cups
Hey, magical creature~ You literally possess mystical powers but you probably didn’t even know~! You’re a sensual being, like a siren, who has an innate ability to feel what others can’t easily perceive. Naturally, this translates into your being highly intuitive, empathetic, imaginative—and you might’ve felt like this world wasn’t made for you. Psychics are incredibly sensitive people and you could’ve felt out of place most of your Life, but as the insightful Jiddu Krishnamurti said: sensitivity is the highest form of intelligence. We’re talkin’ EQ here😘
Someone like you was definitely not built for any kind of money-making endeavour that doesn’t allow you to be sensitive to the needs of others. There’s meaning in your being emotionally attuned and imaginative; even if—for example—you feel that your calling is to become an author, even in your writing it’s clear there’s a purpose of healing those who come into contact with your Art. If you’ve chosen this as your main pile, you literally possess some innate ability to heal others and this explains why you’ve always had the urge to make the world a better place🌍
You see, back in those long-gone days, those who were called witches were really scientists, teachers and healers. The word ‘witch’ comes from ‘wicca’ which means the wise one. Wicca (male) and wicce (female) were the knowledgeable ones who sought to apply their wealth of information and perspectives for the betterment of others as that’s how knowledge becomes wisdom. There is an untapped divine talent resting in you and it is your ability to feel through your psychic senses what society is lacking in terms of its maintenance of its own sanity🎭
YOU, literally hold all the ingredients necessary for a once in a lifetime breakthrough that could potentially heal all of Mankind for centuries to come~🌻
karmic/dharmic opportunities – XIII Death
I betcha you have significant Scorpio influences or 8th House placements or a specifically strong Pluto/Neptune presence in your natal chart. It could be that shortly before you were born someone quite spiritual/religious/magickal in your bloodline had passed away and it almost feels like you were born to pick up the pieces they had left. I betcha that some of your innate interests since childhood or pursuits you feel very strongly about that may have developed later in Life were inspired by or related to that relative/ancestor, one way or another. Like you just share similar patterns of behaviour, interests or even thought processes🦜
What you can really take away from all of this is that you have a purpose higher than yourself. That you came with specific blueprints and that your whole Life, your sense of purpose or mission, all of that is a group project you share with many Souls in the Higher Realms. Only high-vibrational peeps will really resonate with this message😊And that in itself is confirmation for you to know you have many opportunities in the healing and creative industries.
Seriously, you needn’t even have to worry about how you’re gonna make money with these opportunities even if they sound out of reach at the moment. Because it is your Destiny to be a cycle breaker—to start something completely new on your own—a path will be made for you just to fulfil your Destiny. And you can wholeheartedly trust in that to save yourself from excessive worry/anxiety🍷
the future of jobs – 5 of Pentacles
In the industry you’re meant to be part of, there will be a lot of chaos right before you make your debut. Like things are just falling apart and many of the players aren’t even sure what they’re there for anymore. There’s a lot of disillusionment that’s needing to be felt to the max until a breakthrough can really have any meaning. Either that, or some of you could be the one creating more chaos in the industry as you enter it LMAO We call you an industry disruptor, alright? You’re that breath of oxygen everybody was needing because they had been suffocating themselves with their own stupidity🍭
If you’ve resonated with this pile thus far, know that you’re meant to bring some healing—even enlightenment to some extent—to whichever industry you feel a calling to. And this is totally not a one-man’s show; you will be meeting a lot of kindred spirits in that industry and others associated with it. You’re meant to have an audience and serve a greater spiritual purpose for all involved. Bring back all those people into OG spirituality. All of this for what? For people’s mental health, obvi~💕
How does every one of these people expect themselves to be truly happy and abundant when their viewpoints are marred by childhood traumas and the excessive need for revenge? You of all people understand the innate darkness of the human psychology and the future of jobs within the industry of your calling is dependent on its people transcending above trauma and lack mentality so that a new, healthier paradigm can be established. Out with addictive behaviours; out with destructive habits; in with purer intents~ That’s the kind of New World you’re meant to be a part of to earn your keep in the most high-vibrational way👒
CURRENTS OF CHI (currency)🔻💛
being of service to Mankind – Gold Physician (Hippocrates)
delights of Life – Priestess of Contemplation
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Pile 2 – Paths Least Travelled Lead to the Greatest Stories
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untapped divine talents – 9 of Cups
You…need to go and carve out a LYFE of your own, honey. Since you were quite young, you’ve always had this desire to go explore strange territories and come back to share grand stories only you could tell. A unique Life of your own that sets you apart from your family/community. Try to check what numerology has to say about, for example, your Life Path, Soul Urge, Expression and all that; there may be something there that validates this desire to be unique, to be different, to be a fucking unicorn, and perhaps, to be the FIRST to discover or invent something🦄
You have what it takes to thrive alone, that much I can assure you. Some of you probably even have Jupiter in Pisces/12th House or Neptune/Uranus in 9th House. Whatever it is, your Soul does intend for you to travel paths least travelled and discover magical things only you could have access to. What is this strange narrative for? For discovering your Soul’s heritage. I know it sounds weird. But you’ve come from very distinct bloodlines and I sense many of you have a strong affinity towards the faery realm? There’s a lot of historical truths to uncover as you walk the lonely path of the eccentric hermit🏞
The New Age of Aquarius is changing the way we receive truths. It’s such a glad thing that people are now more open to seeing things for what they truly are no matter how politically ‘incorrect’ or heartbreaking the truths are. Your untapped divine talents will naturally bring you towards avenues where you will arise as some kind of a whistleblower or you will be unearthing ancient esoteric wisdom and sharing it with the public. Your life path is definitely very exciting and will take you to wonderful places and meeting the most unique people in the world!⛵️
karmic/dharmic opportunities – 7 of Wands Rx
In many regards, your life path could even lead you to meeting some of the world’s most distinguished individuals OMO But the path is understandably not easy. This kind of calling will require a great deal of character and tenacity. You will be rocking the yachts of the Devil, right? Your Life Stories could get extra absurd and your discoveries might lead you to some dangerous encounters. Nevertheless, if you are nudged by a sense of being of service to Truth, you will decide it’s all worth it. When we die, our Souls carry only stories and memories of our heroism anyway🧬
You will have friends though. People who share your passion for the real re-education of the people. I see professions in journalism, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, criminology, even celebrity exposé stuff that reveal the scammy behaviours of the evil rich and famous. You could also be drawn intuitively to the studies of the REAL history of Planet Earth, her extraterrestrial history and the truths of the lost civilisations that have shaped the wars of our Time. You could secretly (or not so secretly) be part of the disclosure movement😉
The studies of Astronomy and Astrotheology will benefit you a great deal if you’ve resonated this far with this being your main pile. In everything that you do, there is a panacea for the brokenness of Humanity. Your sharing of outlandish discoveries and suppressed information could be what Humanity needs for it to mature and choose global peace and harmony. It will be a lifelong effort that may not end with your lifetime though. So make sure you leave enough material as your legacy for the next generations to continue on🍁
the future of jobs – King of Cups
I suppose it’s pretty clear to many of us now that the world is run by psychopaths. Indecent human beings with terrible hobbies that hurt others and the sheer disregard for the sustainability of the Planet and the livelihood of her inhabitants. With you, you will see for yourself pretty soon that the world is choosing to move to a more compassionate space, and you will have a role in giving a voice to those whose intentions for their societies are more honourable. You could be one to contribute an invention or two yourself; perhaps an exposé book, perhaps a channel, a website~ Idk, what do you feel called to?🎪
In the future you will be part of, you will see evil leaders getting replaced, thwarted even, by compassionate leaders of the New Age Money. Down to anarchy; we want real peace. Down to young psychopaths rebelling against old psychopaths only to start a new cycle of abuse. The future you will be seeing will see that those with a genuine heart rise to the top and begin taking charge of the wheel of society. Leading with a heart. People before profit. It’s really not that difficult to sow the seeds now~🌱
You yourself, and the people who share the same passion, vision and mission as yourself, you are a bunch of experts who will glue together different factions of society who want to work hand-in-hand to remedy all the destruction caused by the powerful psychopaths. There is diplomacy in what you share with the rest of the populace and there is kindness and grace. People’s mental wellbeing will be put at the forefront before profits are made. And if we really did go into a WWIII…
CURRENTS OF CHI (currency)🔻💜
being of service to Mankind – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
delights of Life – Priestess of Solitude
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Pile 3 – For You, It’s Never, Ever, Been About the Money
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untapped divine talents – Queen of Pentacles Rx
Of all the piles, you’ve always resonated with loving being of service to the world since you were tiny. You could’ve been attracted to the service and hospitality industries since you were quite young, too. You were probably quite social when you were a kid and liked the idea of working jobs that would ensure other people have a good time, have a good experience with excellent customer service—basically, you liked the idea of helping/assisting others. If you could make your own choices, you’d rather have these types of job🩹
Unfortunately, growing up you were told that such jobs had no money or glamour. Some of you reading this could’ve come from a wealthy background in which working to service others is seen as uncool…even low. So this could’ve caused a great deal of psychological conflict in you. What you want and what your society deems worthwhile seemed to be in conflict. But let me tell you that your heart really knows what’s intended for your highest good🦉
From a very young age, you were already able to see that this world is sick and needing a lot of help when it comes to healing and transmuting negative aenergies. Your child brain couldn’t have verbalised that but your higher intuition knew you were put on Earth to tip the scale. You didn’t want to care about money; you wanted to pursue an authentic Life where your existence could be of some use to somebody👑
karmic/dharmic opportunities – III The Empress Rx
Some of you could’ve come from a rather impoverished background. This is easy to deal with. You were born face to face with this Devil called ‘lack’. But some of you could’ve come from a wealthier background or at least you weren’t necessarily starving and your society could’ve expected a lot from you. If the latter is the case with you, at some point in Life your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides will force you to get down from the high horse of your inauthentic environment and have you experience Life from the perspective of those who haven’t got much in Life🐛
When this happens, your eyes will be opened to what truly matters in Life. That essentially, everybody in this world is sick to the bone because they’re trying to fill a hole in their hearts with weirdass purchases and hobbies. Part of your karmic reason to be born at this passage of time is to help Mankind transmute its unhealthy affinity towards excess indulgence via obtaining things that are truly fleeting. When you learn to overcome your own traumas and addictions, you help the collective conscious of Humanity transcend above that, too. This is very noble and you deserve a big bear hug just for existing in this realm~🧸
Rest assured, it is in your Soul’s blueprint that you must end up abundant yourself when all’s said and done. You’re destined to be very wealthy, from doing things that are high-vibrational and fully in alignment with what your Soul wishes for you to express as a Human being. You’re meant to set an example of what it means to do a job with Love~🎀
the future of jobs – 2 of Pentacles Rx
Many of you grew up in societies that taught you: passion doesn’t put food on the table. And you’ve observed many real examples of those who prioritise good deeds end up not having much money, indeed. And you could’ve believed that Life is about choosing between passion and duty. Bullshit. If people can’t thrive doing what they love, it’s the society that’s broken; how can there be no money to be made in those endeavours that are more exciting, more meaningful? You realise now that the System was designed to depress the common people in the pursuit of serving the Devil😰
You and your kindred spirits are the free spirits that are going to usher in an era of New Age Money where people no longer need to ruminate over sacrificing passion or freedom for a stable income. Back to before Industrial Revolution, maybe? Let’s reset the paradigm so we can recalibrate ourselves towards something more of a Solarpunk Society, or a Steampunk Society, that’s cool, too🍵
For you, it’s never ever been about the money. Career endeavours that would suit you most are whatever you feel an innate calling for. Many of your natural talents you’ve got since birth can be monetised in the service of your community, and better yet, online community. Some of you may feel a calling for being in the hospitality business, engineering, have an online presence or be a social media influencer, and some others may simply work in the aviation or F&B business, while some could want to become an eco-farmer or something. Whichever it may be, know that you have the unique power to elevate many aspects of the industry you are part of~🏹
CURRENTS OF CHI (currency)🔻💚
being of service to Mankind – Silver Astronomer (John Dee)
delights of Life – Priestess of Faith
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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kp777 · 8 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Jan. 6, 2024
"Billionaires attempting to influence politics from the shadows should not be rewarded with taxpayer subsidies," said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.
Legislation introduced Tuesday by a pair of Democratic lawmakers would close a loophole that lets billionaires donate assets to dark money organizations without paying any taxes.
The U.S. tax code allows write-offs when appreciated assets such as shares of stock are donated to a charity, but the tax break doesn't apply when the assets are given to political groups.
However, donations to 501(c)(4) organizations—which are allowed to engage in some political activity as long as it's not their primary purpose—are exempt from capital gains taxes, a loophole that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) are looking to shutter with their End Tax Breaks for Dark Money Act.
Whitehouse, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee who has focused extensively on the corrupting effects of dark money, said the need for the bill was made clear by what ProPublica and The Lever described as "the largest known donation to a political advocacy group in U.S. history."
The investigative outlets reported in 2022 that billionaire manufacturing magnate Barre Seid donated his 100% ownership stake in Tripp Lite, a maker of electrical equipment, to Marble Freedom Trust, a group controlled by Federalist Society co-chairman Leonard Leo.
The donation, completed in 2021, was worth $1.6 billion. According to ProPublica and The Lever, the structure of the gift allowed Seid to avoid up to $400 million in taxes.
"It's a clear sign of a broken tax code when a single donor can transfer assets worth $1.6 billion to a dark money political group without paying a penny in taxes," Whitehouse said in a statement Tuesday. "Billionaires attempting to influence politics from the shadows should not be rewarded with taxpayer subsidies."
"We cannot allow millionaires and billionaires to run roughshod over our democracy and then reward them for it with a tax break."
If passed, the End Tax Breaks for Dark Money Act would ensure that donations of appreciated assets to 501(c)(4) organizations are subjected to the same rules as gifts to political action committees (PACs) and parties.
"Thanks to the far-right Supreme Court, billionaires already have outsized influence to decide our nation's politics; through a loophole in the tax code, they can even secure massive public subsidies for lobbying and campaigning when they secretly donate their wealth to certain nonprofits instead of traditional political organizations," said Chu. "We can decrease the impact the wealthy have on our politics by applying capital gains taxes to donations of appreciated property to nonprofits that engage in lobbying and political activity—the same way they are already treated when made to traditional political organizations like PACs."
The new bill comes amid an election season that is already flooded with outside spending.
The watchdog OpenSecrets reported last month that super PACs and other groups "have already poured nearly $318 million into spending on presidential and congressional races as of January 14—more than six times as much as had been spent at this point in 2020."
Thanks to the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United ruling, super PACs can raise and spend unlimited sums on federal elections—often without being fully transparent about their donors.
Morris Pearl, chairman of the Patriotic Millionaires, said Tuesday that "there is no justifiable reason why wealthy people like me should be allowed to dominate our political system by donating an entire $1.6 billion company to a dark money political group."
"But perhaps more egregious is the $400 million tax break that comes from doing so," said Pearl. "It's a perfect example of how this provision in the tax code is used by the ultrawealthy to manipulate the levers of government while simultaneously dodging their obligation to pay taxes. We cannot allow millionaires and billionaires to run roughshod over our democracy and then reward them for it with a tax break."
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zeb-z · 1 year
see ok I don’t think it’s bad who stole the furniture because he didn’t go to f5 and zoom in on himself a billion times
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jere-heere · 16 days
Hey have a new twitch channel, playing pokemon and shizz soo
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n3xii · 1 year
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Hello! This post explores where you may be currently on your financial situation, and the good news coming towards you. Keep in my that this is for entertainment purposes only, don't force something to resonate if it doesnt
masterlist Piles:
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♡Pile one
Where you are currently: the high priestess
I feel like this card is describing your intenral relationship with financial matters, its telling me that your situation is very Influenced by your trust in the work you're doing to preserve and reach your goals, you trust that your hard work is paying off even if you don't see results. You trust that abundance is generating behind the scenes even if you aren't consciously aware of it
Good news coming: 4 of pentacles reversed
This may not be the good news you want to hear but I see you not attaching yourself to material wealth or material things in general, I see you releasing unhealthy atchments to money and obtaining wealth espeically in ways that are obsessive or unhealthy. I basically see you detaching from what you're trying to manifest, and trusting the process more than ever.
¤☆pile two
Where are you currently: the star
You may be recovering from a loss or setback and regaining your sense of faith that things are getting better again. This also comes off as a situation where more balance is being integrated financially, and now there's room for practicality and innovation. I see you being able to pour into different aspects of your life, and whatever you lacked or lost is being restored by the universe aligning things up to help you
Good news coming towards you: the devil
Whatever restrictions and limitations where holding you back will be dispating, you will take back control over the narrative that was dominating you when it came to money. Any people or restrictions that controlled your freedom when it came to money won't influence you as much anymore.
☆°Pile three
Where are you currently: 3 of cups
I feel like this pile has been generous with their money when it comes to social outings, going out, (drinking for some of you) there's an emphasis on having fun and letting loose celebrating and living life. Three of cups does talk about abundance and having enough for everyone, so some people in this pile have been living lavishly either on their own pocket or from someone else's money, either way i see yall enjoying your time
Good news coming towards you: knight of wands
Short burst of energy and motivation will propell you into action, new opportunities and avenues to making money. You will charge after potiental and make things happen, nothing will hold you back. the good news coming towards you is that you will be very active when it comes to your finances, very confident and assured in your ability to take action.
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Rafael Eduardo Cruz isn’t just a clown. Cruz is a major intermediary between the oligarchs and their political foundations and the Reputation party. A large amount of oligarch dark money is funneled into the Ted Cruz Victory Campaign and then disseminated to Republican oligarch puppets like Boebert, Greene, Jordan, and other “No Freedom Caucus” members. Cruz is also a major player in disseminating Republican propaganda. Further he’s a point man between the Republicans and the “Dominionist” movement. Rafael senior, Ted’s father, is the most prominent “Dominionist” leader.
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guckies · 10 months
Fit is about to speed up the slowburn process just to provide for his boy and no other reason…
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Your Month of September: Finances, Love, & More
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Pick a number/picture that you feel called to. This will be your reading. This is a general collective reading so all details may not resonate for each individual. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
If you'd like a more detailed and accurate personal reading my services are below:
Note : Pics of cards are from the general overview portion. The interpretation for finances and love is included - Tumblr just has a 10 page limit so I can't include all pics of all the cards.
Pile One:
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Finances: There's a decision regarding a passionate and exciting idea you have regarding your finances/career that's being perceived as risky. Even naive to pursue. You have the strength and courage to pursue what you feel called to regardless of others' opinions and the anxieties you have.
Have balance regarding this decision. There's an emphasis on having balance in general in this reading. Don't rush in and be thoughtless. Don't lose your passion and hold yourself back unnecessarily either. Rein in your emotions to channel them positively and use them to your advantage.
Stand tall and firm in your decision. You have the right to be confident as master of your own reality.
Love life: While you shouldn't solely rely on others, you shouldn't isolate yourself and turn them away. You're able to obtain the fulfillment and abundance you're looking for in your love/social life. You have to live in the present.
Don't spend your time in stagnation just waiting for one person. Surround yourself with friends/other connections - there are people who will support you. Your ex will come back - you just have to let them go and take control of your life in the present. There will be a strong, stable, compatible, joyful, and loving union worthy of being a lifelong partnership.
Bring a healthy and harmonious connection with yourself and you'll create the same with others. When you acknowledge that we all have differing levels of awareness & that we're all doing the best we can with what we have, trust your intuition, and call upon your inner strength - discerning the decisions you have to make will be second nature. Your intuition and clairsenses are particularly active.
Look at others with compassion - we were all children once and still carry that child inside us. Some of us are unaware of what we need to heal because that child didn't have the tools to do so and suppressed it.
Pile Two:
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Finances: You're bringing in significantly more financial abundance this month and you'll be moving on to a better time. With clarity and self empowerment, you'll know how to walk away from those toxic situations that don't serve you. In your love life, there's a mention there will be an offer from someone that will further your reach in the material world.
Love life: Despite this guarded and pessimistic part of you suggesting otherwise, the relationship you have in mind is indeed a gift that will further your reach in the material world. Perhaps one of the reasons you'll be receiving more financial abundance this month is because you'll be sharing your finances with this person.
They'll be responsible, kind, and supportive. Your relationship will be nurturing, loving, warm, and sensual. You may work on creative projects together. It's likely they'll be intelligent and have dark skin/hair.
These changes are coming faster than you realize - you just have to heal, open yourself up to these changes, and know you deserve it. Surrender to the unknown and trust the universe.
Hand over your loneliness, worries, hurt, fear, burdens, and doubt to the universe. Remember the necessity of contrast (light and dark) in order to grow.
Be yourself, follow your passions and what lights you up with joy, and don't dim your light for others. Your soul has planned this moment and time. You've been gathering gifts and skills throughout lifetimes and you're a part of the universe - you're more than capable of handling this.
A significant cycle is ending and beginning.
Pile Three:
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Do something different - change your POV. Do the unexpected - a creative solution is right in front of you. Open your mind.
Finances: This month, your finances could go either way. It's up to you to change. The only reason you're feeling stuck is because of your mental turmoil - your anxieties and negative thoughts. Rise above your illusions.
When you light the fire of your passions under you and nurture yourself, you'll find that your ideas/projects will be fertile and bring in abundance. Don't let the repetitive mundane wear you down. Go after what you want with determination and liveliness.
Love life: In order to free yourself, you have to love yourself. Live your life, don't let the negative experiences you've had make you guarded and closed off to love. You deserve self love and love from others.
You're waiting for a soulmate to come in. Take this time to rest. Let go of your worries. There will be a love offer - accept it as if you've never been hurt before and this will start a loving & prosperous new beginning. Trust in the universe and you'll be moving on to better times.
You have the answer inside of you. It's deep within your heart and when you feel it, you just know it to be true. Allow yourself to trust that your goals are coming to fruition because they are. It's just up to you to walk through the door that calls to you and to not let any discouragement stop you from doing otherwise.
Pile 4:
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Finances: You have a decision to make regarding your finances. The confusion you have is only coming from your lack of belief in yourself and your worries. You have the means and tools to get what you want out of life. Allow the part of you that knows this be the more dominant. Allow your confidence, strength, courage, and self-empowerment shine.
Love life: You and your ex, who you have true love with, are going to reconcile this month. You've been lied to/they hid something from you but you're both growing and moving on to better times. Allow your emotions to flow, don't hold back.
This relationship is making a powerful and big transformation. Everything about it will be healing and brought to harmony and balance. It will be nurturing, warm, and sensual.
Say yes to change and new beginnings in general. You seem to be more reserved so the cards are encouraging you to be more adventurous and to get yourself out there. If you want something, go for it.
You may not get it right away and that's ok. Don't let that discourage you too much. Everything has a place and time. Trust in that and your inner knowing. You'll be brought abundance in the creative projects/ideas you pursue. There's an emphasis on moving on to better times, there will be a major ending and beginning for you - a part of it is your lifestyle and not letting your anxieties hold you back.
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tomfrogisblue · 6 months
I love that whenever I open a Pac stream, statistically he's currently suffering in a cave
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etherealyuri · 2 years
Pick a pile ✨🌙💕
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Note: I’m doing cheap paid readings 5-10$ or 10-20$ depending on the reading! So if you would like to go more in detail about your life or if you’re curious about something else romance/ general, whatever it is dm me! I got you. Here’s a list of readings I do/prices.
Now let’s get started! :)
Pick a pile 1, 2, 3 or 4.
This is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t!
How to pick a pile:
Choose a house that you feel the most attracted to, or the house that you’d most likely live in. Whichever house is to you’re calling and then read you’re pile number!
PILE l☘︎︎
For those who chose pile 1, i feel as though you’re not happy with your family, or you might have a broken up family. Your parents might be fighting or going through a divorce, or just conflict in your family, which makes you sad or unhappy. On the other hand I’m also seeing you or someone in your family might be dealing with pregnancy. Someone is becoming a mother. It might be a huge change or even an obstacle to overcome, it might’ve caused a lot of conflict but things will come together, i see a big win is coming. In this time you will be working hard and keeping focus. It might be an ongoing fight and it might be really hard for you but this a lesson you will learn and you will keep moving forward, be strong good things are coming your way.
PILE ll☘︎︎
For those who chose pile 2, there is so much conflict. There’s a secret being kept from you, or someone has been lying to you. Someone was very abusive and terrible to you. They felt guilty so they are either gonna tell you and come clean or they already have. If they have confessed they will try to become a better person for themselves and for you. I do see that you might have a lot of love interests who want to confess their love for you. For your situation, it will be easily resolved maturely and it will be a peaceful resolution. I do feel that either you or your partner might walk away from the relationship though. In this time you and this person will chose to focus on yourself or work. Just trying to do you.
PILE lll☘︎︎
For those who chose pile 3, you feel trapped within a relationship and you just wanna let go. You’ve been thinking of leaving the relationship because you’re unhappy with this person. They are very immature and very emotional and it’s stressful and overwhelming for you to deal with, you would like to be out of it. You will probably come clean and talk about you’re feelings with this person if you haven’t already. You are someone who has a lot of eyes gushing over you, many love interests and you have options. Other people that want a relationship with you. You will come out of the relationship and you will move on from this situation.
PILE lV☘︎︎
For those who chose pile 4, someone might’ve abandoned you or you might’ve separated from a relationship. It was really terrible news and this irresponsible with you’re heart. This caused you to have trust issues or maybe you had trust issues before, but this definitely made things worse. There is a lot of conflict in the situation you’re in definitely dealing with someone who’s stubborn. You feel lost with everything. Don’t worry though because i see that better things are coming for you.
Thank you for reading this post if you’d like a personal reading to know more dm me. Would love to see you soon. Looking forward to talking with you.
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yermes · 7 months
PAC: 🧸
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I’ve been so poor and so broke the past few years, and now that I have an income Idk how to act or what to spend money on because in my head I am still in such an act of fight or flight. Like I kinda want to buy a cute back to school fit, I kinda want to new crochet needles, I kinda want new bedding and I just am so indecisive abt it. IF YOU STRUGGLE WITH THE IMPOSTER SYNDROME OF HAVING MONEY AND HAVE FINANCIAL ANXIETY PLEASE THIS IS FOR YOU.
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. I know you all were NOT FEELING PARADIGMS AND AEONICS BUT I SWEAR I WILL DELIVER!! Liking and sharing does a lot and feel free to follow me else where as well 🫶
Socials: TipJar | Follow me!
Pick a meme
1 2 3
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The cards
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Truce 🧸
Four of Swords, Jupiter in the 3. of Libra, Chesed through Air
YOU ARE THE REASON YOU CAME INTO WEALTH DO NOT DOUBT IT. You saw the issue of what made you so poor and you solved it. Use this comfort to reflect on why you are so anxious. If you stay anxious you just deprive yourself from your victory.
The Fool 🃏
Pisces going to Aries, Uranus and Mercury, Air, Kether going to Chokmah
You never had any kind of wealth like this before and now you don’t know how to act and theres a lot of stress because there’s many different paths you can go down. Theres endless possibilities but some of them can have negative repercussions do not dive in blindly.
Valour 🪄
Mars in the 3. of Leo, Netzach through fire, seven of wands
You are being set up or your setting yourself up to face a challenge that will only make you stronger. (Saving for big investments like a house, higher education, moving in hopes of a better life.) This will fundamentally change you because it will be so hard but so worth it. You’re in a fighting state but it will be rewarded. The risk will be nothing comparable to the reward.
GOD is good I got an interview at my campus c:
I just want to say I literally embody all these so again please do not feel called out if anything these all are self roasts.
But let me tell you this anxiety has saved my ass I got a $200 book for $50 bc my ass can get a book foe CHEAP
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lovepeaceandtarot · 3 months
Pick a card - What is the orientation for financial life? - Result
(Escolha uma carta - Qual é a orientação para a vida financeira?- Resultado.)
DM me for paid readings.
(Me mande mensagem para leituras pagas)
If that found you, it was for a reason. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t resonate.
(Se isso encontrou você, é por uma razão. Pegue o que ressoar e deixe o que não ressoa.)
Card 1 - The guidance is that you need to start buying what is not necessary and focus more only on what is necessary. But you also ask to work on yourself to free yourself from the old habits and standards in relation to money and do it with the certainty that the money will come back to you.
(Carta 1 - A orientação é que você precisa começar a parar de comprar o que não é necessário e focar mais apenas no necessario. Mas também pede pra trabalhar em você mesma para se libertar dos velhos hábitos e padrões em relação ao dinheiro e faça com a certeza de que o dinheiro voltará para você.)
Card 2 - Allow yourself to experience new money-making tactics or experience making new projects to make money.)
(Carta 2: Permita-se experienciar novas táticas de ganhar dinheiro ou experienciar a fazer novos projetos para ganhar dinheiro.)
Card 3: If you are focusing on new projects or new tactics to get money, know that this is working. If you are focusing on manifesting money, know that it is working. Abundance is coming in your life.
(Carta 3: Se você está focando em novos projetos ou taticas novas para conseguir dinheiro, saiba que isto está dando certo. Se você estiver focando em manifestar dinheiro, saiba que está dando certo. A abundância está chegando em sua vida.)
#tarot #tarotportugal #tarotreading #career #careerreading #generalreading #foryou #foryoupage #explore #explorar #consultas #tarô #tarotcards #tarotcomunity #consultasdetarot #freereadings #freetarot #freetarotreading #generalreading #dailytarotreading #dailytarot #pickapiletarot
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