#monitized YouTube channel
bhgy123 · 1 year
YouTube Monetization Blog Guide
YouTube Monetization Blog Guideضیاء شبیر zia shabirHow I work on YouTube and make money?How to Work on YouTube and Make MoneyYouTube has become one of the most popular platforms for content creators to showcase their talents and make a living. With billions of active users, YouTube provides an opportunity for anyone to reach a global audience and monetize their content. In this blog, we’ll walk…
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Tube Mastery and Monetization #techteacherdebashree #shorts
Tube Mastery And Monetization is a detailed training program that teaches individuals how to make money with YouTube.
The course was developed by a young guy called Matt Par who earns six figures from numerous YouTube channels.
To know more click here
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Re-posting Casey's video from 1 year ago when Casey did an outstanding job exposing Thirsty Tyler Perry, Noprah & The Meghans via her channel Casey's Royal News.
Please Share on other platforms.
Of course YouTube de-monitized Casey's channel. Please click the link to 👍 the video & subscribe to her channel. Thank you.
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just-antithings · 8 months
to add
there’s a screenshot floating around where refrainbow said the n word in while making a reference to a then popular abridged series of the anime “Free!” (50% off by octopimp)
now refrainbow was 14 at the time he said the n word, and as it was mentioned, he has long apologized for it. But the creator of the abridged series he was quoting never got any callouts even though he turned one of the characters (Nagisa) into a stereotypical thug, constantly made jokes about prison, used AAVE, turned this character into an anti black stereotype AND monitized the videos
which are still on the youtuber’s channel
And he is not black
he was an adult at that time too.
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lemoneychicken · 1 year
i hate youtube i hate youtube
if youre deemed too family friendly your channel is unable to be monitized but if you say too many Naughty Words like sex or shit youre not safe for advertisers and youll still have ads run on your videos but you wont get a cent. meanwhile ads will have borderline porn in them and youtube doesnt bat an eye
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mrgrandnetwork · 3 days
Tube Mastery and Monetization Review- Does Matt Pars YouTube Automation Course Give Results?
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Ladies and gentlemen, are you looking to make money off YouTube automation and you heard of Tube Mastery and Monitization? Well as an expert in the YouTube niche whose made more than $200 online on YouTube I'll be reviewing Tube Mastery and Monitization by Matt Par and show you if it's really worth your attention. Let's roll!
Watch Full Video On Tube Mastery and Monetization Here
Are you ready to dive into the intriguing world of Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 by the YouTube sensation, Matt Par? Ever wondered if you could rake in a cool $10,000 to $100,000 a month with your very own YouTube channel? Or perhaps you’ve pondered if Matt Par’s course is your golden ticket to YouTube stardom, or just another “get rich quick” scheme?
Well, hold on to your hats, because we’re about to embark on a rollercoaster of information that’s going to leave you both enlightened and amused!
The Skinny on Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0
So, you’ve heard about this course, and you’re wondering if it’s worth your hard-earned cash. Fear not, my friends, for we’re about to spill the beans! In this epic review, we’re going to peel back the layers of Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0, explore the course modules, peek at student success stories, and, most importantly, figure out if it’s the right fit for you. And trust me, we’ve got answers to all your burning questions!
The Burning Questions
Let’s kick things off with the questions you’ve been itching to ask:
1. How Much Will It Set You Back? Almost forgot, the cost! Well, we’ve got the scoop on that. 2. Will Matt Parr Be Your YouTube Yoda? You’re gonna need guidance, right? 3. Are Students Really Striking Gold? Are these 6 and 7-figure channels the real deal?
Hold on tight, because here comes the bombshell: Matt Parr’s course is the real deal! Yes, you heard that right. It’s as legit as a kangaroo in Australia. We know this because we’ve walked the walk and started our very own successful YouTube channels using his advice. The proof is in the pudding, my friends!
Meet the YouTube Maestro: Matt Par
Now, let’s talk about the brains behind the operation. Matt Par is no small fry in the YouTube world. He dipped his toes in the YouTube waters when he was just a spry 14-year-old. Today, he’s the proud owner of not one, not two, but a whopping 12 YouTube channels, raking in over $100,000 a month! Impressive, right?
But here’s the kicker — these channels cover a wide array of niches, from the mysterious “faceless” channels to his personal brand channel, “Make Money Matt.” This guy’s a jack of all trades! He’s an author, an entrepreneur with other online businesses, a public speaker, and a YouTube wizard. If you’re searching for a seasoned expert to teach you the ropes of a profitable YouTube channel, Matt Par is your man!
Unveiling Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0
Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for — Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0. This isn’t just any YouTube course; it’s Matt Par’s masterstroke on how to hit the big leagues in the YouTube world. Forget the endless waiting for your videos to go viral — with Matt’s expert guidance, you can be raking in a full-time income on YouTube in just a matter of months!
Here’s what this course brings to the table:
Niche Discovery: Picking the right niche is like choosing your weapon for battle, and Matt Par is your sensei here. He’ll show you how to pick profitable niches and even uncover less competitive ones to fast-track your channel’s growth.
Content Blueprint: There’s an art to creating YouTube videos that the algorithm can’t resist. Matt’s got the secret sauce, and he’s sharing it all!
Channel Expansion: To supercharge your channel’s growth, you need a fanbase that’s head over heels for your content. Matt spills the beans on how to get more likes, subscribers, and keep viewers glued to their screens.
Revenue Generation: Let’s face it; we’re in it for the money! Matt lays out a roadmap to milk your channel for all it’s worth — ads, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and more!
Scaling and Systematization: Matt is the master of business systems. He’s even automated video creation for his 12 YouTube channels! With this course, you’ll learn how to automate your entire video production process from start to finish.
Click Here To Learn More About Tube Mastery and Monitization
The Magic of Tube Mastery
Now, you might be thinking, “What sets Tube Mastery and Monetization apart from the rest?” It’s simple — Matt Par’s expertise! If you’re dead serious about turning your YouTube channel into a money-making machine, buying Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 is a no-brainer!
Reviews That Speak Volumes
Hold onto your seats because the reviews for Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 are nothing short of spectacular! People are blasting off their channels, grabbing 5,000 to 10,000 subscribers in mere weeks! Some have even pocketed a cool $23,000 per month shortly after launching their first YouTube channel. Serious results, folks!
Matt Par gets it — starting from scratch can be daunting. He started his first YouTube channel when he was just 14, and he had to learn the ropes the hard way. But now, you don’t have to! You can leapfrog the learning curve and get it right from day one with Matt Par’s guidance.
The Course Breakdown
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what’s inside this goldmine of a course. Matt doesn’t leave any stone unturned, breaking the course into 10 meaty video modules:
Module #1: Welcome To Tube Mastery and Monetization!
Welcome to The Course!
Join The Private Mastermind Community
How to Use This Course
How to Access Your Bonuses
Module #2: Overview of This Method
Overview of The Blueprint
Case Studies
Step-by-Step Checklist
Timeframes for Expectations
Module #3: Choosing a Niche
Ways of Going About YouTube
The Best High CPM Niches
Doing Market Research
BONUS: List of 100+ Profitable Niches
BONUS: List of 239+ Example Channels
Module #4: Setting Your Channel up for Success
The 33 Rules and how to use it
The Best YouTube Tool Ever Made
Planning Your Content Strategy
My Secret SEO Keyword Process
Module #5: Generating Videos
Anatomy of a Viral Video
How to Systematize Your Videos, Scripts, Voice Overs, and Editing for Free
Where to Find FREE Content
Fair Use + BONUS Checklists
Module #6: Uploading and Optimizing Video
Optimising Videos Properly
Making a Content Calendar
Scheduling and Publishing Videos
How The YouTube Algorithm Works
Module #7: Growth Module
Understanding YouTube Analytics and The Algorithm
How to Truly Go Viral on YouTube: Breaking the BIGGEST myths and misconceptions and laying down some truth.
The Best Time of Day to Upload
Module #8: Monetization Module
How to Make More Money Than Most YouTubers
The Many Ways of Monetizing Your Channel
My Favorite Way of Making Money Utilizing YouTube
Module #9: Scaling and Outsourcing
Hiring One Person to Do All The Content Creation
Making a Video Creation Assembly Line
BONUS: Fill In The Blank Scripts for Finding and Hiring Employees + Watch Me Hire
Module #10: Bonus Module
How to Access All Your Bonuses
Personal Brand Secrets
Doing All This From a Phone
Business and Taxes
Bonus Checklists and Cheatsheets
This is the real deal, folks — a treasure trove of knowledge for the taking!
Click Here To Learn More About Tube Mastery and Monetization
Pros and Cons of Tube Mastery
Let’s do a quick rundown of the pros and cons, just to keep things fair:
The Pros:
Proven YouTube Strategies: Matt Par spills the beans on the exact strategies that have lined his pockets with over $100,000 a month from 12 profitable YouTube channels!
Faceless Videos Option: This course unveils the secrets of “Faceless YouTube Channels,” where you don’t need to show your mug!
Top-Notch Instruction: Matt Par is a teacher extraordinaire. He breaks things down so even YouTube rookies can master his methods!
A Cornucopia of Bonus Courses: Matt Par is feeling generous and throws in over $8,000 worth of bonus YouTube courses to give you a leg up — all yours for no extra charge!
Thriving Facebook Group: Picture this — you, networking with other Tube Mastery students in a private Facebook group. Priceless, right?
Glowing Reviews: Matt Par boasts dozens of 5-star reviews on his sales page, proving that his methods are like a golden ticket for budding YouTubers!
The Cons:
Slightly Pricier: Matt Par’s YouTube course is currently on sale for $997, which might seem like a pretty penny. But, trust us, the results are worth every cent.
VidIQ Subscription Required: Matt Par walks you through using the VidIQ research tool, which costs an extra $7.50 per month.
Bold Claims: Matt Par isn’t shy about making bold claims, like anyone can start a successful 6 or 7-figure YouTube channel. But, with a slew of testimonials to back him up, we say those claims are justified!
So, Is Tube Mastery and Monetization Legit?
Drumroll, please! The verdict is in — Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 is as legit as they come! Our research has shown it to be the most helpful YouTube course for building and scaling a YouTube channel from the ground up.
Why, you ask? Well, let’s break it down:
Course Creator Reputation: Matt Par is a titan in the YouTube realm. He’s got 12 profitable channels spanning various niches and hauls in over $100,000 a month from YouTube alone. He even scored a coveted “gold plaque” from YouTube for hitting the 1 million subscriber mark!
Course Content Quality: Matt’s video modules are a goldmine of knowledge. He takes you by the hand and walks you through the entire process of launching and growing your YouTube channel. Literally, everything you need to know is there in meticulous detail.
Student Testimonials and Success Stories: Matt Par boasts more glowing reviews and testimonials than most YouTube courses out there. Scores of folks have used his methods to turbocharge their channels in record time.
Support and Community: Tube Mastery and Monetization stands out from the rest thanks to its exceptional support and community. Matt Par personally answers students’ questions daily in the private forum. Plus, you’ll gain access to his private Facebook group, a hub for sharing strategies and networking with other successful YouTube channel owners.
Now, here’s the kicker — when you sign up for the course, you’ll also get access to a treasure trove of bonuses and features worth a whopping $8,000! That’s right, you heard me.
The Bottom Line
To put it simply, if you’re dead serious about making bank online and starting a successful YouTube channel, Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 gets our highest recommendation! Don’t dawdle — dive into the world of Tube Mastery and Monetization today and watch your YouTube dreams take flight!
Where to Get Your Hands on Tube Mastery
Ready to take the plunge? You can snag Matt Par’s Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 course directly from his website.
But hold your horses! If you’re still on the fence, we’ve got a gem for you — Matt’s free webinar. It’s a treasure trove of YouTube knowledge, and it won’t cost you a dime!
Frequently Asked Questions About Tube Mastery and Monitization
Got burning questions about Tube Mastery? We’ve got you covered:
1. Is Starting a YouTube Channel Still a Good Idea? You betcha! With over 2.5 billion users worldwide, YouTube is a rocket ship just waiting for you to hop on.
2. How Quickly Does Matt Par’s System Work? Many of his students hit a full-time income within 3 months. But, on average, expect to see significant results in 6–12 months.
3. How Much Money Do YouTubers Make? Most full-time YouTubers are pulling in anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 per month. Some, like Matt Par and Mr. Beast, are raking in even more!
4. Where Can I Learn More About Matt Par’s Course? To delve deeper into Matt Par’s course, check out his free YouTube/Tube Mastery webinar [link]. Or head over to his website [link] for all the juicy details.
5. What Makes This Course Different from Others? Matt Par is the real deal with over 8 years of YouTube experience and 12 profitable channels. His course is a one-stop-shop, covering everything from niche selection to monetization, all in painstaking detail.
So, there you have it — Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0, the real deal in the world of YouTube courses. Don’t miss out on your chance to become the next YouTube sensation. Click below to watch Matt Par’s free webinar or dive right in and join the course today!
Click Here To Get Access To Tube Mastery and Monitization at a discount of $399
Disclaimer: Prices and bonuses are accurate as of the time of writing and may be subject to change. Be sure to check Matt Par’s official website for the most up-to-date information.
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ishaslife · 5 days
Hey there!! So, lemme preface, we don't know each other at all. I was looking thru tags to try and find help dodging copyright for ambience/character playlist videos on YT, and I wanted to ask how you managed to re-upload your Astarion video!
I haven't made my own video yet, I'm just trying to be prepared and figure out how to upload popular music in an ambience-to-sleep-to-kind of video without getting absolutely smacked with consequences, even if I'm not earning revenue :\
Heya, to answer your question, I try to find music that is copyright free, but my Astarion playlist is copyrighted as not all music in it is copyright free and my channel is not monetized, I'm afraid monitizeing it will force me to take down the video entirely along with a few others which I don't want.
I changed some songs around in the playlist as there was music in the old version that wasn't allowed to be put on YouTube by a third-party (being me) hence blocking my video worldwide and while I don't have a copyright strike or anything of the sort, the new video still uses copywritten music and I cannot monetize it even if I wanted to. Keep in mind that there are certain tracks that are blocked in some countries by default, for example, I was using the song Awaken by Dario Marianelli in the old version of the playlist and it was blocked in Russia thus, partially blocking my video.
I don't know how much this helps tbh as one really can't predict how YouTube is going to handle copyright on your video, I'm sure there is a guide somewhere on the internet but I haven't seen any to link them here.
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sistamagza · 6 months
YouTube Monitization Tips and Tricks
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/youtube-monitization-tips-and-tricks/
YouTube Monitization Tips and Tricks
Making money through YouTube involves several strategies, and it’s important to note that success often requires time, effort, and dedication. Making money on YouTube is a rewarding endeavor that involves leveraging the platform’s vast audience to generate income through various channels. As one of the world’s largest video-sharing platforms, YouTube provides opportunities for creators to monetize their content and turn their passion into a source of revenue.
Here are some common ways people are monetizing their content on YouTube:
Ad Revenue: YouTube’s Partner Program allows eligible creators to earn money through ads shown on their videos. To qualify, you need to meet certain criteria, including having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.
Affiliate Marketing: Promoting products or services and earning a commission on sales generated through your unique affiliate links is a popular way to make money on YouTube. Make sure to disclose your affiliate relationships to maintain transparency with your audience.
Sponsorships: Brands may pay you to promote their products or services in your videos. The key is to partner with sponsors whose products align with your content and audience.
Merchandise Sales: If you have a loyal fan base, consider selling merchandise such as branded clothing, accessories, or other products related to your content.
Channel Memberships: YouTube allows creators with over 30,000 subscribers to offer channel memberships. Subscribers can pay a monthly fee to access perks like exclusive content, badges, and emojis.
Crowdfunding: Platforms like Patreon or Ko-fi allow creators to receive direct financial support from their audience. You can promote these crowdfunding platforms on your YouTube channel and offer exclusive content to your supporters.
Courses and Products: If you have expertise in a specific niche, consider creating and selling online courses or digital products. YouTube can serve as a platform to promote and drive traffic to these offerings.
Fan Funding: YouTube’s Super Chat and Super Stickers features allow your viewers to make direct monetary contributions during live streams or premieres.
Consulting and Speaking Engagements: As your influence grows, you may receive invitations for consulting or speaking opportunities, which can contribute to your overall income.
Remember, success on YouTube often requires consistent, high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. Engage with your viewers, stay updated on platform policies, and adapt your strategies based on the evolving landscape of online content creation. Always comply with YouTube’s terms of service and community guidelines to ensure a sustainable and successful channel.
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itsrattysworld · 4 months
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers MAPS 31 Years In UK Animals Treated More Favourably Than 100 Year Old Arnold E. Tomlinson Whose Jaw Was Broken In East Street Walworth Road Made 1st YouTube Incident A New Met For London Social Media Harvesting IP/CR/I/CPPDP Build Brands 18 Facebook Pages LinkedIn Stole 3 Accounts Oxeyes Guy Lawfull 1st Website I Built From Scratch There Are Richard Harty MIC June O'Sullivan Drag Queen Storytellers Traumatise Children Neil King Hilda Miller Rashid Iqbal Conor Bathgate Jump Ship In EYFS Some Judges Freer Simler Shanks Dight Parfitt Jones Doyle Kernaghan Bell Sterlini Zimmell Rand In Previous Miscarriages Of Justice Failure To Act Professionally Therefore No Unlawful Injunction During Crisis Of Bereavement Losses Makes Those Colluding Behind My Back Party To Deborah Gilchrist Set Up Surveillance Cameras To Bully Harass Intimidate Me Inside Communal Area Where Samantha Gibbs Bring Man With Key Copied From Mine To Assault Me Police Came To Join In Racist Terrorism 12/1/2023 She Is On Long-Term Sick Leave Whilst I am Enduring 10 Years Of PTSD I Wrote To LEYF Eve Mothering Sunday Depressed Dying Slowly Of Torture PC Chana Led Thugs To My Home Celebrate Mama Lou Birthday Mistake Made YouTube Email Acknowlede Me As A Content Creator They Monitize Whilst Discriminating Against Me I Adhere To Laws Legislations Codes Of Conducts Practices Every PCs Who Entered My Home After Holly Sweeney Led Her Thugs To Out My Life Under Cover LEYF Margaret Horn Lecture Listed Don't Worry About A Thing I Will Write The Haters Name On Paper Wear Them In My Shoes Seeking People Face Challenges For Series Windrush Oral History Resources Chronicles Of Strong Jamaican Woman Endorse Sir Mark Rowley A New Met For London Copyright Investments Create Generational Wealth For 6 Grand Children UK Is Most Racist Society Traumatise 100 Year Old To Cover Hate Crimes Judge A Society How Children Elderly Treated Expert Authority Subjects Cradle To Grave Subcribe To Social Media To Break Cycles... I Write Open Letters To Anyone Who Is Someone As Face Of ITV Windrush 70 Composer Brixton Market Who Will Gag My BOOK Poetry About Discrimination You Can't Teach Old Dog New Tricks I Was Not Sectioned Register DEAF Kevin Murray Misdiagnosed DEAF DUMB Language Delay There Is A Person Of Unsound Mind Above Me Who Spys On Me To Trigger Me To Put Me In Hospital Or Jail For Landlord Cowards Who Cap Fit Wear It Throw My Corn 24/1/2024
Refer to WITHOUT PREJUDICE refer High five Creating Mervelee Myers’ Family Legacies Channel ,you have enough fans to fill a jumbo jet! Your YouTube channel is up to 500 subscribers – that’s awesome! We can’t wait to see where you’ll take your channel next. Tag @YouTube and use #500subs on social to let everyone in on the good news!           SHARE ON TWITTER           Thanks,The YouTube team  …
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cleckgenius · 7 months
Figure Out How To Monitize And Upgrade Your Youtube Channel.
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Growing a YouTube channe­l for profit asks for great content, interaction with vie­wers, and wise business ste­ps. Here’s how you can make mone­y and build your YouTube channel:
Start Earning: If you want to make­ money with ads, you need to kick-start mone­tization on your channel. You've got to hit YouTube's be­nchmarks like getting at least 1,000 subscribe­rs and achieving 4,000 total watch hours in the last year.
To gain ad mone­y, kick-start monetization on your channel. You nee­d to hit YouTube's targets like a total of 1,000 subscribe­rs and 4,000 total watch hours in the previous year.
Affiliate Marke­ting: Boost your content with affiliate marketing. Add associate­ links in your video summaries. Direct vie­wers to use these­ links.
Boost your content with affiliate marketing. Add associate­ links in your video summaries. Direct vie­wers to use these­ links.
Sponsorships: As your channel popularity rises, brands might offer sponsorships. Optionally, you could proactive­ly find suitable business partnerships.
Me­rchandise Shelf:
If you have your own brande­d items for sale, use the­ merchandise shelf for dire­ct selling on your YouTube channel.
YouTube Pre­mium Money:Earn part of the money colle­cted from YouTube Premium use­rs who watch your videos, if you've got an eligible­ channel.
If you're eligible­, you can make some money whe­n YouTube Premium users watch your vide­os.
Level Up:
Steady Flow on Conte­nt: Keep posting good stuff. Regular uploads ke­ep your audience faithful and incre­asing.
Keep posting good content at re­gular intervals. It's key in kee­ping and growing your audience.
Know Your Followers: YouTube­ Analytics can help you understand what your audience­ likes. Make videos that suit the­ir preference­s.
Use YouTube Analytics to figure out what your audie­nce wants. Then make conte­nt that fits into those prefere­nces.
Make it SEO Friendly: Work on your vide­o names, descriptions, and tags so search e­ngines can read them be­tter. It’ll bring more viewe­rs to your content organically.
Connect with Your Crowd: Inte­raction is key. Answer the comme­nts, request opinions, build a friendly atmosphe­re. Engaged watchers ofte­n subscribe and share more.
Answe­r comments, seek opinions, build a community fe­eling. Active watchers te­nd to subscribe and spread your content more­.
Team-ups: Pair up with other YouTubers in your are­a. It can introduce your channel to fresh vie­wers and is good for cross-advertising.
Pair up with similar YouTubers. This can draw ne­w watchers and is a good cross-advertising opportunity.
Social Media Spre­ad: Put your videos on other online platforms to ge­t a wider reach. Use site­s like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to boost your conte­nt.
Mix up Your Content: To re­ach more people, try various conte­nt like how-to guides, video blogs, asse­ssments, or teamups.
Try differe­nt content forms to attract more viewe­rs. How-to guides, video blogs, assessme­nts, or team-ups are good options.
Upgrade Your Ge­ar: If your channel grows, think about getting advanced ge­ar for better image and sound quality. It will make­ your content look more professional.
Whe­n your channel gains popularity, think about upgrading your gear for enhance­d image and sound quality. This move can boost your content's profe­ssional look.
Stay in the Loop and Adjust: Unde­rstand current trends, modifications in the algorithm, and upcoming fe­atures on YouTube. Adjust your content and approach appropriate­ly.
Stay current with trending subjects, alte­rations in algorithms, and the latest additions on YouTube. Modify your mate­rials and plan as necessary.
Kee­p in mind, building a following on YouTube requires patie­nce and commitment. Remain de­dicated to creating meaningful conte­nt, interacting with your viewers, and adjusting to the­ platform's evolving environment.
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youtubevideos4you · 9 months
Earn Money Online, Using Mobile YouTube Video Upload SEO YouTube Channel...
Passive Income Idea 💡 Post Video 📹 on YouTube and get Paid on Adds after Monitization! For, More Information watch This Video !
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sublimepeacheagle · 11 months
Tube Mastery and Monitization by Matt par
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Here's a unique article about Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par:
Unlocking YouTube Success: Inside Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par
Introduction: In the ever-expanding digital landscape, YouTube has emerged as a powerful platform for content creators to share their passions, build communities, and even generate income. However, mastering the art of YouTube can be a daunting task without proper guidance. That's where Tube Mastery and Monetization, an online course created by Matt Par, comes into play. Let's delve into the world of Tube Mastery and Monetization and discover how it can help aspiring YouTubers unlock their true potential.
Finding Your Niche: One of the first challenges any aspiring YouTuber faces is finding the right niche. In Tube Mastery and Monetization, Matt Par emphasizes the importance of niche selection and provides valuable insights on identifying a target audience. By understanding market demand, competition analysis, and personal interests, students are equipped with the knowledge to choose a niche that aligns with their passions while also having the potential for growth.
Creating Compelling Content: Content is king on YouTube, and Tube Mastery and Monetization leaves no stone unturned when it comes to content creation. Matt Par shares his expertise on crafting engaging videos that captivate viewers and keep them coming back for more. From video scripting and storytelling techniques to enhancing production quality, the course offers valuable strategies to help YouTubers stand out in a crowded online space.
Optimizing for Success: Simply creating great content is not enough. To maximize your YouTube channel's reach and visibility, understanding optimization techniques is crucial. Tube Mastery and Monetization covers the fundamentals of YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and teaches students how to optimize their video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails for improved discoverability. By implementing these strategies, creators can increase their chances of appearing in search results and gaining more exposure.
Channel Growth Strategies: Building a loyal subscriber base and growing your YouTube channel is a marathon, not a sprint. Matt Par shares his own tried-and-tested channel growth strategies in Tube Mastery and Monetization. From leveraging social media platforms to collaborating with other creators and utilizing YouTube analytics effectively, students gain valuable insights on fostering organic growth and expanding their audience.
Monetization Methods: While passion and creativity drive many YouTubers, turning their channel into a sustainable income source is a common goal. Tube Mastery and Monetization explores various monetization methods, including ad revenue, brand partnerships, affiliate marketing, and product creation. By diversifying their revenue streams, creators can transform their YouTube channel into a profitable business.
Conclusion: Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par provides aspiring YouTubers with a comprehensive roadmap to success on the platform. From niche selection to content creation, optimization, channel growth, and monetization, the course covers all the essential aspects of building a thriving YouTube channel. However, it's important to note that success ultimately depends on the dedication, perseverance, and quality of the content produced. With Matt Par's guidance and a passion for creating engaging videos, Tube Mastery and Monetization can serve as a valuable resource on the path to YouTube success.
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nrgeriklaine · 11 months
YouTube Automation, Get a Cash Cow Done For You Channel With Our New Ful... Schedule a call with us today : https://tedtalksautomation.com/contact-us/ We have had a lot of people asking about YouTube Automation and how it all works, check out an interview with our YouTube Automation fulfillment partner.  They fully automate the process of starting a cash cow youtube channel for you, from helping you choose a niche, producing consistent, current, video content and driving traffic to the channel to get you paid.  They combine promotional and sponsorships into your channel as your audience grows to help bring in more ad revenue.  They have options to buy a pre-monitized channel to be able to start getting a ROI immediately vs waiting 3-4 months to get your channel monetized.  Learn more about how it all works on our page here : https://tedtalksautomation.com/youtube-automation/ https://tedtalksautomation.com/youtube-automation/ 👉 SUBSCRIBE & STAY UPDATED: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTvBi83ndbW09KkJtYjVjHw?sub_confirmation=1 TED Associates : Passive Income Solutions Our team strives to educate people on passive income opportunities. We also show you how to obtain business credit lines to fund these opportunities to keep as much of your own money in your pocket. Our goal is to build you cash flowing assets that you can sell if you choose or hold onto for monthly passive income. We have opportunities for large or small budgets. We have experience with Amazon, Trucking, Turo, Facebook, Walmart, Ebay, AirBNB, YouTube, NFTs and so much more. Contact us to talk about how we can help set you up for success. Check out our other automation opportunities here : https://www.tedtalksautomation.com We have an amazing business funding partner that can help you get 0% credit cards, credit lines and business loans to fund these or any other business ventures! Even with no business history we have options for you.   Click here to learn more : https://tedtalksautomation.com/business-funding/ We have a credit repair / maintenance partner, they keep an eye on your credit, removing all negative items along with inquiries, unlimited dispute letters, 24/7 monotoring, 120 day money back guarantee, $1 million Identity Theft Insurance, check out more info here :   https://tedtalksautomation.com/credit-automation/ Here is an opportunity to earn referral commissions for anyone you know that could use business financing, our partner offers many financing options for people, if you refer clients you can get paid a commission! You can sign up for free here : https://join.fundwiseagents.com/affiliate-apply1683578562341 "Check out our Wealth Strategy Automation page for info on how to use Sound Money strategies for Wealth Accumulation, Protection and Diversification, along with so many other benefits as well, learn more here : " https://tedtalksautomation.com/wealth-strategy-automation/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/ted-talks-automation/ https://www.facebook.com/TedTalksAuto/ https://twitter.com/TedTalksAuto https://www.facebook.com/erik.laine https://www.facebook.com/hocking777 #passiveincome, #amazonfba, #amazonautomation, #residualincome, #businessopportunity, #doneforyou, #retirement, #roi, #sidehussle, #cashflow, #401k, #automation #equity, #financing, #angelinvestment, #venturecapital, #crowdfunding *no affiliation with Ted Conferences or TEDx
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soulfulscriptor · 1 year
1 month update
It has roughly been a month since I decided to do online side gig and turn them into a functional, profitable business. So the plan has always been to go into business for myself, but I needed Accounting and Finance degrees plus certifications and work experience/networking.
Well you can see that hasn't happened yet. Granted I've been in the, I need to be financially free mindset for about 7 years now. And I had vision blinders on to the point I was blind to all the options out there in the world. I could have been a multimilionair if A. I continued making AMV's and stuff that I was making for fun in highschool and freshman year of college.
So that was right around when YouTube went live. I was in highschool 2004-2009, so you can imagine if I kept on being creative over the last 2 decades, what sort of money that would have brought in. Granted I didn't know until probably 2015, that one could make money off YouTube. Those video's are still live, and some have thousands of views for low quality stuff where I just got pictures off the internet and made a video, sometime putting hours of work into them, until I liked them.
And if I didn't get bored easily of gaming, my gaming channel could have been monitized 7 years ago. Granted no personal computer, so only being able to record on a PS4 at the time, and no way to edit stuff, made me just stop playing all together. Though there will always be potential for the channel to start having videos posted to it again.
But honestly, I thought the markets for everything had been tapped out. I personally don't think I can solve problems, or at least see a problem that needs a new or better solution to what's out there. To myself I'm not creative, as I have a hard time articulating what I'm trying to do, and sometimes it could take months or years for me to finally say or ask what I'm trying to do.
YouTube has away of giving me what I need before I know I need it. And it's been doing that since 2019/2020, though I wish it could have prevented my financial crisis I had that year.
So enough back story.
So 1 month into giving it my to create a better life for my kids. I've had $0 profit. My etsy shops need to be gone through for a 3rd time, and SEO optimized again. I'm struggling with titling things and descriptions and tags. And so far no amount of YouTube video's are helpful besides telling me, you need to figure this sh*t out.
My YouTube channels are Ok. My Ambience Channel is being neglected a bit, but at the same time, like Etsy, I'm struggling with SEO creative optimization to make people want to click the videos, and I don't have the ability to get the software to make the video's longer than 30 minutes at the moment.
And for me, as I've been utilizing Frequencies, Ambient noises, and such for almost 4 years now (YouTube suggested to me, when I was struggling with being able to sleep), it's something I not only want to do for myself and kids, but I want to give to others. But that channel ain't going too great right now.
My Fact channel, the one you see some blogs about, is going decent. I'm hoping I can monetize it before the school year starts up in August. I have some series ideas for the channels though so I'm hoping that will help. I'm doing decently keeping all my stuff SEO optimized for this one, as it's facts and information and education in general, it's alot easier to create things that the algorythm can get out to the public.
I'm fully aware if I had better software to make high quality content I probably would have been monitized already. But if I want to add clips that aren't from places like pixabay, I first have to record the clips from my phone, put it in my google drops box, and than download to the laptop I use for my day job. And sometimes that can take hours to get to the drop box.
But I'm not letting that stop me, and I plan to remake old conent in the future when I have better equipment, and can get an extra hand to find clips that the public would like, because what I like and what everyone finds high qulaity isn't the same.
I also generate AI art for Adobe stock, no sales there, but my subscription to the AI just renewed today, so I need to get some more art up there, and make sure these ones are more creative in the titling, descriptions and tags. I let Adobe fill it all in for me for my 1st 40 images, and I"ll be honest they weren't great.
I had just got done watching a side hustle video with this as an idea, and I just rushed through it. Lesson learned, and now I plan to take my time and find what works for me.
Then I have a good friend (whom I call Krispy) we met in a game I've been for 3y now, and that's his in game name. And he thought affiliate marketing would a good idea.
So call me crazy I'm trying it, well doing it. Had to get a business account for pintrest, which I never use pintrest. I've been very anti social media, as even though I want to be out there, I don't want to be out there. At least not out there with pictures or videos of myself.
I'm always on the fence about it with my own kids. Social Anxiety for the win, am I right?
And I've made $0 off that as of today as well. So, money made $0, expenses probably close to betwenn $500 and $1k. But I'm sticking it through. A couple of things I've gotten have 1 year subscription plan, so I don't have to worry too much about losing video software, and other things are free.
I'm working on turning my losses around, by bloggin, sharing links to my stuff and just optimizing what's already out there.
If you've made it to the end, thanks for reading. I hope you can read more of blogs and check out some of my YouTube Channels or Etsy Shops. I appreciate everyone who reads about my adventure.
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eclipselunartv · 1 year
Twitch or Youtube?
Since 13th June 2017, I've been streaming on Twitch. I started out as part of Team Projectile, eventually becoming part of the Goblins and Gremlins on 30th June 2021.
However my goal from the start was to grow on Twitch and build a community out of it. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet. Streaming is fun, but often strugling to get past 3 average viewers is not fun.
Sure, I have my hiatuses and being hacked on Discord didn't help, but discoverability on Twitch is the absolute worst! But that leaves the question: Are there other places I should go to to stream my content?
That question is hard to answer, since there aren't a lot of choices out there. One after the other, competitors fall even when Twitch is looking worse by the day. The only viable competitor left, really, is YouTube.
YouTube is the home for Best Bits Monthly and I am so glad that YouTube exists, but it is known for being very (perhaps extremely) strict on monitization and poor moderation on the stream side of things. At least as far as I know.
Then again, the discoverability on YouTube has been complimented before and, well, I am getting curious to see if the grass is greener over there. At the same time though, I feel like leaving Twitch behind would hurt me as well considering every Goblins and Gremlins member streams on Twitch.
Should I try out YouTube to stream in and see how it goes or should I employ different ways to draw more people to my Twitch channel? Let me know!
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Do want to learn the BEST way to Monitize your Youtube Channel? Go here.
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