louisbxne · 6 months
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BOO! A MADEA HALLOWEEN (2016) Dir. Tyler Perry
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paisholotus · 1 year
They didn't even try to hide the lace
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End of the hair looking like skinny slim Jim's
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Re-posting Casey's video from 1 year ago when Casey did an outstanding job exposing Thirsty Tyler Perry, Noprah & The Meghans via her channel Casey's Royal News.
Please Share on other platforms.
Of course YouTube de-monitized Casey's channel. Please click the link to 👍 the video & subscribe to her channel. Thank you.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 8 months
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#Repost @befuuckinforeal
madeaaaa 🤣🤣🤣
follow us for more @befuuckinforeal
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anamiableavocado · 1 year
In a parallel universe, Touya attempts to teach Endeavor how to make the holy meat for Shoto's graduation barbecue
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degusart · 1 year
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level 5 design update! still my fave girl <3
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longhornbambam · 1 year
When is Tyler Perry going to speak up against Drag Ban? #MadeaMadeYouRich
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resetomega27 · 1 year
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kidzboppizza · 14 days
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I’ve recently starting to ask my friends to give me a random fictional character and I draw bad ship art of them. Here are two examples so far. I will update with more as I make them
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loup-venant · 8 months
"Comment veux-tu que je reste calme ?" Melhurmur accompagne sa plainte d'une voix geignarde et de coups dans l'eau. "Il fait noir. Je suis trempée jusqu'aux os. J'ai mal partout. Le grimoire est au fond de la Brume. J'ai aucune idée d'où nous sommes. Et, on continue à s'enfoncer dans ce marais nauséabond qui me glace le sang!" Elle doit être au bout de ses limites.
Une branche craque à une dizaine de mètres et capte mon attention. "Chhhhhhhhh!" "Madeaaa," gémit Melhurmur, non convaincue par ma vigilance. "Ce lieu est désert. Je n'ai pas entendu ne serait-ce qu'un seul oiseau chanter depuis qu'on y est entré". "Exactement, c'est ce qui m'inquiète," En temps normal, les oiseaux alarment le reste du bois quand on pénètre dans leur domaine. Et ici, pas un cris, ni d'autre bruit, si ce n'est l'eau qui clapote. "J'aimerais bien les voir ceux qui nous suivent, avec de l'eau jusqu'au dessus du nombril." soutient Melhurmur d'un ton agacé. J'estime que si je ne vois rien, nos éventuels poursuivant n'en voit pas plus. Je m'approche de Melhurmur et cherche à attraper sa main. Elle sursaute, "Hey ! Qu'est ce que tu fais ?!" J'essaie de la rassurer, "Donne moi ta ma main, allons-y." "Je ne suis plus une enfant !" crie-elle, indignée. J'en ai plus qu'assez de ses crises et je laisse s'échapper d'un coup toute ma frustration, "Tu préfères te débrouiller toute seule pour sortir d'ici ? Peut-être que tu serais mieux avec ces quatre guerriers aux sourires libidineux et la dague tranchante ?". Je m'arrête et respire, mais la tension reste, alors je poursuis, "Non ? Alors, donne moi ta main," sur un ton qui ne laisse aucune place au choix. Melhurmur ne répond pas tout de suite. Je ne la vois pas mais je sais qu'elle est là, car l'eau reste calme. Après un instant, je sens sa main contre moi. Elle reste silencieuse.
J'avance doucement, une main devant moi me sert de guide, et l'autre derrière tient celle de Melhurmur. Mes pieds cherchent leur stabilité et se posent l'un après l'autre. Melhurmur n'a rien dit depuis que j'ai haussé la voix. Je ne pensais pas que ce serait si efficace, et une partie de moi s'en veut de lui avoir crié dessus. "Tu sais, ce n'était pas contre toi." C'est vrai. "C'est la première fois qu'on me demande d'escorter une enfant." Melhurmur ne répond pas, mais une légère tension dans sa main trahis sa frustration. Elle n'apprécie sans doute pas être considérée comme une enfant.
J'avais vingt et un ans quand j'ai quitté Val Tereigne pour la première fois, et même si elle n'a que deux ans de moins, j'ai du mal à cerner autre chose que la naïveté qui rayonne de son comportement. Qu'est ce qu'elle croit, honnêtement ? Un vieil homme frappe à la porte de chez ses parents et la presse de le suivre sans lui expliquer quoi que ce soit. Et elle le fait sans se retourner. Une semaine plus tard, ils arrivent à Holiad. Quelqu'un essaie de les tuer tous les deux, et elle continue à le suivre. Ce même vieil homme lui explique qu'il a une affaire urgente à régler. Qu'il l'attendra à Val Tereigne à la fin du mois quand le premier quart d'Ismeer soulignera l'absence d'Or. Pour s'y rendre, il lui indique uniquement le chemin qui permet de descendre le long de la Brume jusqu'à sa rencontre avec le Raenor, et elle accepte à nouveau sans broncher. Si je n'avais pas entendu leur conversation à Holiad, elle y serait restée dans la Brume.
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alicecheninspace · 6 months
stop i have it my lowest point: watching madea movies
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saweetiebby · 9 months
Can I be honest? And say, I never thought Madea was entirely funny, like she was funny when it came to dealing with grown people, but the way she handles children makes me chaff. Like, honestly I think people who resort to beating their kids are fucking lazy and uneducated. Respect and Fear are two entirely different things. Fear has resentment and bitterness. Respect has love in it.
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thecherokeediaries · 1 year
Tropes That I ABSOLUTELY Hate
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Negative portrayals of Black women in TV shows have been a concerning issue throughout the history of television. While progress has been made in recent years, it's important to acknowledge that harmful stereotypes and negative portrayals still persist. Here are some common negative portrayals of Black women in TV shows:
1. The "Sassy Black Woman": This stereotype portrays Black women as loud, aggressive, and overly confrontational. They are often depicted as having an attitude and being quick to anger, which perpetuates the stereotype of the "angry Black woman."
2. The "Jezebel" or Hypersexualized Character: Black women are sometimes portrayed as overly sexualized, promiscuous, and hypersexual beings. This portrayal reduces Black women to their sexuality, reinforcing harmful stereotypes that have long been used to demean and dehumanize them.
3. The "Mammy" or Matronly Figure: This stereotype portrays Black women as nurturing, maternal figures whose sole purpose is to care for white families. They are often depicted as submissive, selfless, and happy to serve others, reinforcing the notion that Black women exist only to support and serve white people.
4. The "Strong Black Woman" with No Vulnerability: While strength is an admirable trait, this stereotype portrays Black women as invincible and lacking vulnerability. They are often shown as unbreakable, emotionally detached, and unaffected by the challenges they face. This stereotype ignores the full range of emotions and experiences that Black women go through.
Here are four examples in TV I am movies to support my claim
1. Mercedes Jones ‘The Sassy Black Woman’
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Mercedes Jones was a main character on glee for six seasons. She was talented, boisterous, and loving to her friends. But she wasn’t seen as anything more than that. As a plot line, they did attempt to let her break out and become her own person, but how it was written in the show, she was made to look like she was a bad person for wanting to have more shine than her other team members when she was rightfully, feeling wronged, because she was put to the back in favor of the main character, who wasn’t nearly as talented as her.
2. Pamela ‘Pam’ James ‘The Jezebel’
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Pamela ‘Pam’ James from the hit series, Martin. Pam was successful, young, and educated by one of her running gags on the show was the fact that she couldn’t keep them in, or that she had way too many men over to her house. She had a storyline where she was about to be Amanda‘s third wife, there were multiple storylines, where it seemed like she was too promiscuous, and almost to the point where it seemed like she was unlovable. Throughout the course she did have it on and off relationship with another character on the show named Tommy but it seemed like they weren’t meant to be or were they?
3. Madea ‘Mammy’
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Madea is a fictional character that is played by a MAN. Madea is an older woman who provides wise nurse, a shoulder to lean on, and wisdom to the younger members of her family. But she is used in most movies as a joke, someone who is violent, and someone who doesn’t offer anything other than humor in tense situations. Madea is depicted as the wise, ‘take no crap’, nurturer that everyone relies on to get them out of a sticky situation, or to get them to laugh. Madea is in no way shape or form supposed to be taken seriously and that’s the problem.
4. Yvette ‘The Strong Black Woman’
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Yvette is from the movie baby boy. Yvette is the protagonists, Jody, girlfriend and mother of his child. The storyline for the movie is that Jody is an overgrown man child who can’t own up to his own mistakes and take responsibility for his own actions, and often blamed them on the women in his life, such as his mother and his girlfriend. Yvette comes into play as the strong, black woman, because she stood beside, Jody, no matter what he put her through what is that had been infidelity, incompetent, or even physical abuse. The story ends, and Jody has a coming to God moment where he realizes he’s wrong, and Yvette sticks beside him gets married to him and they live on to have a happy family. But how is that fair to Yvette? Yvette had to endure a bunch of emotional, and sometimes even physical abuse to Jody, just for the end of the movie Jody to grow up and become a standup man. Your vet should’ve had to Indore his behavior in order for him to realize the error of his ways.
It is crucial to challenge these negative portrayals and advocate for more diverse and authentic representations of Black women in TV shows. Positive and multidimensional portrayals can help break down stereotypes and promote greater understanding and appreciation for the diverse experiences of Black women.
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nostalgicria · 11 months
“If you hear me say nothing else, hear this: There is a reason that the rear view mirror is smaller than the windshield”
- Madea (Tyler Perry)
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This brother doesn’t get enough respect from our People. So he dressed up as Madea; there was a time in the theater when all roles were played by men, even female characters. He has done so much for our Folk. Unlike Krazy Konfused Kanye of the Koon Platoon, he doesn’t hang out with people who want to wipe us off the face of the earth!
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devdas5z · 10 months
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KJ Smith at the Madea Homecoming Premiere
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