baka-monarch · 2 years
tell me about the gay stuff for the florist au
my internet is being funky sorry if these take a minute to get in
Tis okie
The giant mers (George and Punz) all get crushes on Dream after he talks to them, then when the pirates take him into the island (Dream is tied up and has to lead them forward as Sam holds onto the end of the rope) and everyone is asleep for the night making camp in the woods (Dream is tied to a tree) Dream gets to talk to the giant creatures on the island (Sapnap and Karl) the giants also end up getting crushes on him and only don't free him immediately because he says he doesn't want anybody to get killed- but the giants plan to keep a close eye on the pirates and their little florist once everyone wakes up
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bantaro-bird · 1 month
Some Monster Doll AU stuff~
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Featuring Grown Sapnap
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aninklingof · 8 months
Just a Dream
Hello, I wrote a fic 😊
This is an AU where Dream’s bed is possessed by a tickle monster. There will (hopefully) be at least 2 more parts after (Part 2 here). Also there’s fanart of the scene at the end 😁
Thanks @skylolasaysstuffsblog for proofreading the first part ❤️
Lee! Dream supremacy!!! 💚
Warnings: swearing, slightly intense tickles ✨platonic!✨
Dream blinked his eyes open slowly. He didn’t know what time it was, but his body told him it was too early to be awake. He willed himself to roll over to go back to sleep but he did nothing more than wiggle a little, seemingly stuck to the bed on his back spreadeagled.
Realizing that he couldn’t move was the kick he needed to gain full clarity. Dream pulled at his wrists but they didn’t move. He lifted his head to look down at his ankles, but his eyes found something much worse.
A tall shadowy blob with purple catlike eyes towered over him from the foot of his bed. Tentacles squirmed over the walls and ceiling— Dream couldn’t tell if they were shadows or not.
“Good morning sleepyhead,” the creature purred.
“Who— wh-what are you..?” Dream stuttered.
“I am the new tenant under your bed. I was just creeping out for a midnight snack, and it seems I’ve found one.”
Dream didn’t like the sound of that.
“Wha-what do you mean t-teNAT—!!” The blonde man squealed and squirmed upon feeling a curious flick from one of the figure’s tentacles against his side.
“Sensitive one aren’t we~?” The creature cooed. “I’m gonna have fun with you~”
More tendrils slithered closer to Dream’s body, stretched out and vulnerable as if he were served up on a silver platter to this monstrosity that seemed to only want to tickle him.
“Wahait wait wait hahang on a sehehECOND—!” Dream shrieked upon feeling dozens of tentacles begin tickling him all at once. He had no idea what was going on or how any of this was possible for that matter, all he could focus on were the velvety wiggling arms that tickled so terribly.
“Does someone have a ticklish tummy~?” The tickle monster teased deviously, a few arms pausing their attack to lift Dream’s tank top and expose his warm skin.
“Ohohohoh gohohohohod plehehehease!! Whahahahat dohohoho yohohohou wahahahahant?!” The blonde man begged between wheezes and squeaks of hysterical laughter. He felt the tip of a tentacle tease the edge of his bellybutton. “FUHUHUHUCK NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!!!”
“Nawww, blondie’s got a tickly tum button does he~?” The shadow taunted excitedly. “Your laughter is much sweeter here, I think I’ll explore that further.”
The dreaded tentacle dipped into Dream’s navel and wriggled around wildly, throwing the poor man into silent shuddering cackles. The torture on his poor belly button was accompanied by several more tendrils teasing his belly and sides, as well as a few wiggling under his shorts to tickle his thighs and into his armpits.
Dream felt like he was losing his mind. It tickled so bad that he simply went limp and laughed. He squeezed his eyes shut and squeals and shrieks wracked his nerves— he was going to die.
And then as soon as it started it stopped. The tickle monster may have said something before it slinked back under the blonde’s bed but Dream couldn’t care. His body still buzzed with the worst residual tickles and all he could do was lay there and let them pass. Somehow in that time he managed to slip back to sleep, exhausted from the intense tickle torture he’d received.
The next time Dream opened his eyes sunlight streamed through the blinds and he shielded himself from the prying light. He rolled over to pick up his phone to check the time, jumping at the small spark of tickly energy that ran down his whole left side as it brushed against the bed.
He squeaked softly and his hand dropped to rub away the effect, his own fingers brushing his bare skin only serving to worsen the feeling.
The memories of the sudden tickle attack in the middle of the night came rushing back to Dream all at once then and he shivered. Was all that real? His shirt was pushed way up and he was super sensitive, but the shirt could be explained away by midnight squirming. As for the sensitivity he had no clue.
After Dream changed into less smelly clothes (seemed he’d sweated a lot that night, odd) he trudged down to the kitchen to find George and Sapnap already awake.
“Good morning sleepyhead,” George greeted. The words sent a chill through Dream’s spine.
“Morning,” he mumbled shyly, his cheeks glowing a faint red as he busied himself with making a bowl of cereal.
“You feeling okay Dream?” Sapnap asked as he set his phone down.
“Hm? Yeah I’m fine,” the blonde answered, wincing at the nervous voice crack that squeaked out of him.
Sapnap stood and walked over to him, placing the back of his hand on Dream’s forehead and cheeks. “You look flushed, are you feeling hot?”
“Sap, I’m fine. Thank you though.” Dream leaned into the younger’s hand gratefully. “Just had a rough night.”
“I heard you giggling in your room late last night,” George spoke up for the first time since greeting Dream, now sitting on the counter sipping a cup of orange juice.
Dream went rigid and chuckled nervously. “D-did you?”
“Yeah. Got up for a midnight snack and heard you giggling your head off,” the brunette explained with a forced neutral face. “What were you giggling at, hm?”
If Dream hadn’t been so caught off guard by George’s sudden input he would’ve probably realized that George could tell something was off with his best friend. However, the blonde’s brain was buzzing chaotically and he couldn’t get his thoughts straight.
“Dream?” Sapnap spoke, his voice still laced with concern.
“You didn’t answer me. What were you giggling at?” George pressed, crossing his arms over his chest impatiently.
“I—“ Dream sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. “I had a really weird vivid dream last night… I think it was a dream at least.”
George and Sapnap shared a look before leading the blonde man to the living room couch and squishing him between them, comforting Dream as he explained his dream embarrassedly.
“That’s pretty wild,” Sapnap said at the end of Dream’s story, his cheeks tinted a slight pink.
“But it was just a dream, yeah? So it’s alright, it’s not real.” George added before squeezing Dream tighter and scratching comfortingly at his curls.
The blonde furrowed his brows in thought, still relaxing a bit from the older’s hand in his hair. “But it felt so… real. It was so bad.”
“Dream, you don’t have a tickle monster under your bed.” George stated firmly, warm brown eyes staring into bright green. “It was just a dream.”
The blonde blinked and looked away. He then nodded and leaned back into George. “Right… just a dream.”
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fully-alive2424 · 11 months
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My mom loves to drink energy drinks so today I wanted some coke so I went downstairs to the fridge when I opened it beside the coke there was a can of monster a white can and I immediately thought of Karl Jacobs
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mushiewrites · 1 year
let’s not forget sap squeezing on george’s sides too 🫠
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
I like the idea of Dream nomming George and sapnap, and the both of them just being squished because of how he is laying/sitting/stretching. If you are willing to draw it I would love to see it.
-Gremlin Anon
Hehehe..... here you go :]
Tw: safe/soft vore
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fivemetersofawesome · 2 years
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"Get your iCoffin out, they're gonna fight!"
No matter the au I always have to make these two either worst enemies or best friends lol
This is part of my monster high au if you couldn't tell, Techno is a gorgon and Quackity is a relative of The Thing. Check me out if you wanna see more
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dingbatnix · 2 years
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@kayla-crazy-stuffs I got bored so I drew your blorbos
Here ya go!
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pomellon · 1 year
I might have had a very self-indulgent Funzwastaken au idea, that basically a modern fantasy stardew valley/dragon trainers type of setting. Might have to put it into my “potential aus” list, will slap my thoughts for it in the tags for now
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Update on monsters don't deserve hugs coming soon!
In the mean time here's a snippet
“You are choosing that thing over me!?”
Silence stretched over the room for a moment as both of the fiancés looked at their third with a matching confused expression. 
“Thing? What thing?”
“Q we- we came for Dream.”
At that, the ravenette barked out a laugh and Karl regretted ever speaking up when he saw the crazed look in Quackity’s eyes. Perhaps mentioning Dream was not the right call … but what else was he supposed to do?! He couldn’t not explain! Whatever Q was talking about was obviously wrong, there was no thing they would choose over him, never in a million things would Karl choose a thing over his friends or fiancés. The duck hybrid, however, seemed to view it differently. Or maybe Karl was the one who didn’t understand as Q’s next words suggested.
“That fucking mutt!”
A cold realization washed over Karl. Quackity didn’t mean an object. When he said thing he meant Dream. It was not even surprising given the brands seared  into Dream’s skin, but it was shocking to hear it so openly. No tentatively shared story from Dream or George could prepare him for the adamant venom with which Quackity said those words or the look in his eyes. 
“Dream is not a thing.”
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baka-monarch · 2 years
i don't know what to ask rn so just ramble to me about the giants
Each have some kind of power granted to them from the god that made them to protect the flower
George can manipulate water
Punz can freeze water and control ice
Sapnap can manipulate fire and lava
Karl can manipulate the flora and fauna around the island (all minus the magic flower)
Karl very much so enjoys growing little plants to watch Dream nerd out about, Sapnap likes keeping Dream warm at night, if the pirates forget to give Dream water Karl will tell George so he can make it rain over Dream, when they pass close to the volcano on the island and it gets hot Sapnap makes the lava lower in the volcano and Punz makes it snow over them
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bantaro-bird · 2 months
Clearing out old posts in my project folder. I have a stack of lore doodles for my dream monster doll AU.
Picking up right where the first post left off, after Sapnap rescues Dream, he tries to tell Skeppy and BBH about him, but they don't believe him. It's just Sapnap's doll that he carries everywhere.
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Not knowing where the monster went, thinking it could maybe even be invisible, BBH and Skeppy are really worried about Sapnap's safety. Until the thing turns up again and they can get rid of it properly, BBH brings Sapnap to sleep in his room.
Dream can disguise as a doll, but he's still a living creature that needs to eat, so when Sapnap bring him to bed, he has to sneak out without waking up BBH.
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He wakes up Sapnap, who is not too keen on staying in bed.
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Dream knows Sapnap isn't supposed to be up this late and, despite his struggling, takes him back to bed.
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But Sapnap makes a lot of noise during this, which wakes up BBH and alerts him to the fact that Sapnap is missing from his bed. Skeppy was awoken by the noises too and they both go to investigate the source of it. They find Dream carrying Sapnap and immediately start trying to figure out how to rescue Sapnap. Skeppy hits him as hard as he can with a wooden baseball bat, but the bat just breaks and Dream in unphased. Before they can think of anything else, Dream just approached BBH and gently offers Sapnap to him.
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He then returns to his toy form.
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So Skeppy and BBH are finally putting together that the toy and the monster really are the same, and maybe the monster is Sapnap's friend after all. But it's still clearly a REALLY dangerous creature and they don't know if they can trust it.
For now, BBH declares a truce between them and Dream on the condition that Dream sleep alone in Sapnap's room tonight so they can all get some sleep and talk about this situation properly in the morning.
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Dream agrees to these conditions.
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In the morning, Sapnap comes running excitedly to wake Dream, who is extremely groggy and still pretty hungry.
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Dream turns into his toy form so Sapnap has to carry him to the kitchen.
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At breakfast, while Dream and Sapnap are really excited they don't have to keep their secret anymore, Skeppy and BBH still really don't know how to feel about all this.
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The only drawing I have concerning the family meeting is this one about Dream's lack of table manners.
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And then I have one last drawing where Dream learns about Sapnap's fire powers for the first time. It was from a later segment where BBH gives Sapnap some trash and tells him to take care of it. Dream follows Sapnap into this mysterious metal shed where the walls and floor are covered in soot. Dream is extremely uneasy. He thinks Sapnap is going to be irresponsibly playing with fire so he keeps trying to stop him. In the process Sapnap accidentally gets a papercut, and then deals with it by summoning a flame to cauterize the wound. Dream is eventually properly informed that Sapnap is a fireborn and that BBH and Skeppy regularly give him burnables to take to the shed to practice controlling his powers.
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aninklingof · 8 months
Not a Big Deal
Welcome to part 2 of the tickle monster au! 😁 Part 1 here <3
Lee! Sapnap yay ❤️
Warnings: swearing ✨platonic✨
Fanart of the fic at the end!
It wasn’t just a dream. It couldn’t possibly be, because half a week later Dream continued to be tormented by the monster under his bed every night. At 12 AM on the dot Dream would be woken up by velvety tendrils teasing his poor hypersensitive body, the shadowy being to whom they belonged taunting him while staring down at him with its bright purple glare.
Dream would be forced to endure the tickly torture until the being decided it was full. Sometimes it would only tickle the blonde for an hour, sometimes three. However it never seemed to stay past 4 AM.
Dream was starting to visibly deteriorate from having his sleep interrupted nightly. Sapnap and George began to notice how quiet the taller was, how he seemed more sluggish, and of course the massive purple bags under his eyes.
When the blonde did talk to his two roommates the conversation would always inevitably devolve into Dream swearing up and down that the monster was real and George arguing back that it was simply not possible. The change in dynamic was making Sapnap anxious.
Sapnap wanted to believe it was all merely a recurring night terror, Dream was still only getting worse. Whenever Sapnap or George would even brush past the bigger man he would flinch away with a heartbreaking whimper, like his nerves were shot from whatever he experienced every night.
It was Wednesday after nearly a week that Dream snapped, shouting loudly at George while they had been bickering:
“If you don’t believe me then why don’t you see for yourself?! Spent a night in my bed, you’ll believe me then!!” Dream then stormed off to his room fuming, leaving his half-eaten bowl of cereal forgotten on the table.
George scoffed and muttered something about how Dream was being dramatic and began scrolling on his phone but Sapnap stared down the hall after the older, turning over the words in his head.
The brunette spent all day thinking over what Dream had said until he finally made up his mind. Approaching the blonde’s bedroom door, he knocked softly on the wood.
“Come in.”
He turned the door handle and opened the door to see Dream staring at his monitor blankly, seemingly editing a video. “Hey Dream.”
“Hi Sap.” He croaked.
Sapnap sat on the edge of Dream’s bed, quickly crossing his legs on the mattress when the thought of the possible monster living under it itched at the back of his brain. After hesitating a moment, he finally spoke.
“I thought about what you’d said this morning,” he started, staring at his hands while he fidgeted nervously.
“Yeah? What about it?” Dream prompted, spinning around to face Sapnap.
“We can… we can swap beds tonight. I’m— I’m worried about you, and if you’re this serious about this… monster… then I’ll spend the night in your room.”
Dream looked like he was about to cry. He quickly leaped out of his chair and hugged Sapnap around the neck, startling the younger man. He blinked and gingerly wrapped his arms around the blonde.
“It’s okay Dream, it’s alright.. it’s not that big of a deal.”
At least that’s what Sapnap hoped.
Sapnap opened his eyes to the dimly lit ceiling of Dream’s room. He blinked blearily and turned his head to read the clock on the bedside table: 12:00 AM.
“Well what do we have here?” A deep voice purred, startling Sapnap into full awareness.
The brunette lifted his head off the pillow to look down the foot of the bed, only to see a looming shadowy blob towering above him.
“Wh-What the f-fuck???” Sapnap stuttered.
“You’re not Dream. Perhaps one of his housemates?” The creature pondered, it’s big catlike eyes never blinking as they glared hungrily at the man in the bed.
“N-No, this— this isn’t real,” Sapnap’s voice shook as he began to realize that Dream wasn’t lying— and also that he was stuck to the bed.
“Oh it’s very real,” the being purred. “In fact, allow me to show how real I am.”
Many long shadowy tentacles unfurled from the creature and crept towards Sapnap’s vulnerable body. Sapnap simply struggled and watched in terror, cursing himself for choosing to sleep shirtless.
At the first stroke against the brunette’s body, he knew he was going to die. The velvety texture of the tentacles against his bare skin sent shockwaves of tickles through his whole body, and it was intense.
“Wahahahahait!!! Wahahahait plehehehease!!!” He cackled, squirming left and right as dozens of tendrils explored his upper body. “Wehehehe cahahahan tahahahalk ahahahabout thihihihis!!”
“I’m afraid there’s nothing to talk about. Laugh for me, tickle toy~”
Unbearable tickling invaded Sapnap’s underarms and threw the poor man into hysterics. “WHAHAHAHA WAHAHAIT NOHOHOHO!!! GEHEHEHET OHOHOHOUTTA THEHEHEHERE!! FUHUHUHUCK!!”
Tears pricked the corners of Sapnap’s eyes, it was so much. Tentacles tickled his armpits, ribs and eventually his thighs ruthlessly. His chest ached with how hard he was laughing— how hadn’t he woken up Dream and George yet?
“You’re quite ticklish, and I thought Dream was sensitive!” The creature teased, his low rumbling voice worsening the electric tingles that flooded his system.
The next morning Dream awoke feeling relieved. He hadn’t been tormented in the middle of the night, and it was refreshing to get a full uninterrupted night of sleep.
He left Sapnap’s room and headed to the kitchen, but as he walked past his door it opened and out walked a disheveled and exhausted-looking Sapnap.
The brunette looked up at Dream with bloodshot eyes, taking a long time to seemingly process the man in front of him, before finally he spoke.
“We need a fucking exorcist or some shit.”
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theymightbegeorge · 2 years
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Jimmy Beast how could you do this to them you evil evil man 😡😡😡
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I genuinely do love the prison arc and find it fascinating and I wish it was easier to find content and analysis about it that didn't veer to any of the Very Not Fun extremes
#my observation is that only people who enjoy both c!tommy and c!dream are capable of writing prison arc c!q#if they only like c!dream then q gets turned into a heartless hollow monster who exists only to wring out angst#if they only like c!tommy then the torture is either barely acknowledged or gets turned into a haha funny girlboss move#both of you are boring. where are the LAYERS.#and c!sam. guy has such a compelling fall from a well-intentioned and tender-hearted dude to somebody who will kill and torture so easily#i think it's very possible to acknowledge that both of them parallel c!dream by design without. like. drawing direct equations?#parallel lines don't intersect after all.#and acknowledging that c!dream is the victim of something incredibly unjust doesn't mean absolving his past injustices#it's just... the more time goes by the more weary i am of the ''who's worse than who'' competitive brand of analysis#i'm so much more interested in how these characters got to where they are. how they justify themselves. and how they will go forward.#and how everybody around them reacts! vibrations in the web and all of that. how does it affect people and what message do they take?#still holding out hope for c!sapnap to hear about the torture from c!q#let's see how much weight those making-amends letters really hold#and for c!sam to have a talk with c!tubbo. maybe muster up an apology. process what he did so he can move forward.#and for us to see literally anything about how c!dream is coping with whatever the fuck all of that was#my guy. my dude. WHY would you do that. there is nothing in the world that is worth it#he's hurt too many others and been hurt too badly himself. he needs the ends to be worth it but nothing ever will be.#they're all three slightly different flavors of horrible and they're all just so fucking tragic#anyway i think i've ranted long enough in these notes#i just needed to get this out somewhere#dsmp
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toiletwipes · 2 years
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Summary: Murder is not okay, we can agree on that. But refusing to communicate after coming back from the dead is morally worse. Can confirm.
Word Count: ~2.3k words
Character: Sapnap
Warnings/Notes: Thought I'd go with first person and also a male reader! Ayo frottage and also a ghoul lover so morals are very loose here. I do not condone murder only poor communication in relationships. Also this might be an unhealthy relationship. Also hella emotions
Kinktober Masterlist
tag list: @oyakuya @ruminationnn @despicablenotions @grrrlsagainsthumanity @wolfie-doggo @boiled-onionrings @struggling-with-time @midnighthasstruck @modx-reborn
“Hey, don’t look at me, you got yourself into this mess.” Still struggling to get out of the binds, I let out a frustrated groan, my limbs aching. My muscles relax and I’m still tied to the headboard, still glaring at this man. “Look, you wanted to help, I said no. That should’ve been the end of it, if you had respected my decision, right? We can agree on that, right?” His voice, though it’d been my favorite thing at some point, is grating my ears.
He was being stupid and I wasn’t going to let that happen, isn’t that what friends do? Stop stupid decisions?
“You were going to turn yourself in, and if they found out what exactly you are, you’d be stuck in some lab, tested on for the rest of your life, I did you a favor!” I say, tugging on the rope and grit my teeth in pain. How could he be so good with ropes?
“And you think Ben’s parents are thrilled that their son’s murderer hasn’t been found yet?” I turn my head away but he makes a sound. “No, see, that’s what I don’t get.” His hands, adorned with rings and scars from over the years, reach for chin, gripping it in his fingers and turning me to look him in the eyes. “You teach me what’s right and what’s wrong, then you tell me that turning myself in for murder is wrong?”
I kept staring into his eyes, I didn’t have an answer for him. None that would solve our problems and get this rope off.
“I let you go, you see Ben’s parents crying over a picture of their son and what are you going to do? Walk right past them knowing they would’ve had an answer but you’re the one that’s blocking it?”
“If it meant you get to live another day free-”
“Babe, you forget.” He laughs, letting go of my chin, pushing my face away. “I’m dead, I have been for years, and you still can’t let that go!”
“How the fuck am I meant to get over it if you’re still fucking walking around and doing dumb shit?!” I shout, kicking my legs out at him but he just grips the bottoms of my ankles, pulling them straight.
“You get over me by leaving this fucking piece of shit town and moving on with your life. Not stay here and cover my ass for murder.” He does not have a point. He does not get to be right. I don’t say anything right away though, and he just scoffs, letting go of my ankles and sliding off the bed.
“You made me promise to never leave you or did you already forget that?” He steps with a hand on the door knob.
I struggle with the ropes but I manage to pull myself into an upright position, grunting as I spoke, “you made me promise while you choked on your own blood, that I wouldn’t leave you, Sap, you made me promise. How could you forget that?” I say through clenched teeth, tilting my head back. If I cried now, I would never live it down. Maybe. If he ever let me out.
He turns around, shaking his head, mumbling shit till he looks at me. “I would never do that to you!” He says, eyes wide and full on glaring at me.
“Yeah unless you were dying.” Taking in a deep breath, I look him in the eyes. And you were, and you did, and you made me pinky promise that no matter what, I wouldn’t leave you alone. And when you stopped breathing—” I choke on my own tears, I don’t really think about this memory often, it hurts too much, especially with how our relationship is now. “— they had to drag me away from your body, and everyone, EVERYONE told me that it was too soon, that they were sorry, that you shouldn’t have died. That I shouldn’t have blamed myself. I organized your fucking funeral, you asshole! And you had the nerve to crawl out of your grave and tell me that I need to get over it. Fuck you.” Breathing in shallow breaths, I look away, closing my eyes. That felt good to get off my chest.
“You never told me any of this.” A laugh bubbles out of my chest, is he serious?
“How could I? You refused to see me, you told me to stay away.” I let my head hang back.
“That’s not fair, you should’ve told me.” He says and oh, did that make my head boil.
“Yeah? You know what’s also not fair?” I couldn’t wait for this one, couldn’t wait till I dropped one of the cruelest things on him like he did to me. Had to go to therapy for this one and he forgot the whole thing. “Asking me to marry you when you were dying.”
“You’re lying.”
“Oh yeah? I am? Check my dresser, top left drawer in a velvet box. Should be the prettiest ring in there. With our initials engraved.” I say, closing my eyes and keeping them close when I hear him stride across the room with loud steps, flinging the drawer open.
The softest box in the roughest hands.
“No.” He whispers, and when I look at him, I can see his hand covering his mouth, could see his eyes water, even from my spot.
“Told me you were waiting for the perfect moment, and well, you were dying.” I try to laugh but the tears catch up to me too.
He leans over the bed with the ring, gripping my arms. “You should’ve told me, if not about the promise then the fucking ring, I wouldn’t have-” his voice cuts off and while I’m trying to see past the tears, a few of his drop on my exposed skin.
“What? You wouldn’t have pushed me away? Told me that you didn’t love me anymore?” Yeah, I couldn't go to therapy for that one so it’s been boiling inside for a while. “It’s not like you still do, so what does it matter?” I shrug as best as I could, but he can see it as easily as I feel it. It hurts so fucking much. But it feels so good to throw it back in his face.
“‘Cause I lied,” he croaks, head dropping as he squeezes my arm, and he drops the ring on my stomach, reaching over me to untie me. “I lied because I thought it was easier for you to move on and stay away from me. I was so close to killing you too I-” and when the ropes were off my wrists, he threw them to the side and he pulled me into his arms.
And as much as I am full of anger and rage, it feels good to be this close to him without him pushing me away. It felt good that he pulled me into him. My wrists hurt like a bitch, but I still throw my arms around his neck, squeezing my eyes shut as I breathe him in. He still smelt like he used to.
“I missed you so much-” I cry into his shoulder, soaking the fabric, and digging one of my hands into his hair, tugging on the locks.
“I missed you too,” he gasps and steadies himself on the bed with a hand, holding me with one arm as he nearly falls on top of me. “I’ve- fuck, I’ve missed you too.” And because we’re both pretty much crying, his arm gives out, and he completely lays on top of me. I threw my legs around his torso, holding him as close as I could. “How can I make it up to you?” He asks, somehow separating the two of us, my legs wrapped around his middle but he still sat back on his knees.
"You wanna make it up to me?" I ask, he nods and I pull on his collar, bringing his face close to mine. "You make it up to me by staying away from that fucking police station.” And getting my bearings together, I knew that I either leave this room alone in tears, maybe blood, or maybe I don’t leave at all, maybe I get to stay in his arms this time.
“Let me beg,” he asks, when I push on his shoulders, feeling too much emotion for this to be the right thing. “Let me beg on my knees.” He moves back on his knees, nudging himself between my legs, pinning me down with that intense stare of his. "Please, let me beg for your forgiveness."
"My forgiveness?" I murmur, it would take years of begging and despite myself, I wanted to hear it. I wanted to hear him beg and weep at my feet. Watch the fat drops streak down his face, soak his skin and tint it red. I want him to see him grow hungry for my touch, my voice.
I wanted him to do what I did for years up to this moment.
"You want to beg, then by all means..." I tell him, leaning against the cold bars, trying to hold my own and maybe last a few moments. Make the most of this.
He nods, leaning on the back of his thighs and kisses up my leg. I moved my leg, though, in doing so, I opened myself wider for him. His eyes flicker downward, I know what he was looking at. Of course, I'm affected. Been hardly touched by anyone during this rough patch of my life. This rough patch that began and will end with him.
He mumbles sweet words, until I tell him to speak louder and of course, his mouth always proved to be useful. Trailed soft kisses on the supple skin of my thigh, traced shapes into my thighs, I turn my head, closing my eyes. Course that's when he wants to scrape the inside of my thighs with his teeth, my eyes flying open without pause. I catch his stare an instant, locking the two of us in a silent standoff.
"What do you say, babe?" He asks, speaking the words into my kneecap with a kiss, leaning back and giving me space.
I hum, stretching my arms, moving to kneel in front of him as well when I lean over him, stroking the stubble on his chin as I move my hands from his throat to his jaw, cradling him and tipping his head back. "You can do better than that." And one of my hands slide down, scratching softly with my fingertip till it rested at the base of his neck. I could feel him swallow.
It's thrilling to experience as his eyes fluttered close and his mouth dropped open, but I was getting impatient. If he was to beg for my forgiveness, the performance is lacking everything I need. Most importantly, the actual begging.
"Please, I've been a jerk but- fuck," he hisses under his breath as I drag my hand down, down till it reached the waistband of his pants.
I moved my hand away, speaking as his eyes flew open, "you're supposed to be begging, aren't you? Why'd you stop?" I pout, stroking the side of his face and the next few moments are music to my ears. The way he trips over his words, the way he gives me a look through his lashes, how his hips buck up against the faint touch of my hand. And every time I stopped, one of his hands came up to grasp at my shoulder, eyes closing.
After a while, I couldn't tell you how long we continue this, I see it. I see the wetness under his eyes, watch them drip faintly. I couldn't help myself when I reached out to lick it off his skin. His sharp inhale is in my ear and he begs through a strangled moan, "please, I'll be good for you, just let me- I wanna touch you so-" and he stutters when my hand fully wraps around him, stroking as slow as I wanted. And the moment he moans instead of begging? I stop, pull my hand out, snap the waistband.
I'd even leave him there if I had any strength in me, just to see him cry. But that's the fucking thing. I would never leave.
“One last try, hm?” I say into his ear, relishing the way he heaves breath after breath, letting him calm himself before he begins speaking, voice shaking as words leave him. Filthy words that send volts straight to my dick.
And at some point, I take pity. I let him touch me, let him kiss me, let him take me into his mouth and make me see stars.
Holding himself above me, kissing me hard and pressing his chest against mine, his hips rut against mine, groaning into mine when our two dicks glide against each other. I smiled into his mouth and quietly said his name, sighing as I wrapped my hands around both of our cocks, setting a fast pace that had him whining into my mouth. "Too fast, I'm-" Sap's whines cuts the air but I hope he does, hope he cums too fast and his head spins. Hope it feels good.
And yeah, it's a lot for me too, just his voice alone makes me want to push him on the bed and take what I need from him. Having him this close, this needy after an emotionally draining couple of years… I deserve an orgasm. I paint his stomach white with my cum, breathing heavy with a smile as he bites down my skin and coats both of us. He doesn't stop there. After he ruts in my palm the last few times, he moves down the bed, licking every drop spilled on my stomach. Threading my fingers through his hair, my mouth is dry with a need to praise him. But no words come out.
And when he peers up at me, I don't know what to do with myself.
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