hasbr0mniverse · 1 year
The Rodimus Corner - Doublecross can't be depended on nor can he even depend on himself, since he has two minds and they never agree on anything! A deal made with one mind won't necessarily bind the other to act accordingly. He’s ferocious, savage, and hisses when he talks.
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0oxxo · 22 days
Some quick doodles for the monster hunter AU by @keferon
I can't stop thinking about them
Go check it out !!!
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textsfromcybertron · 1 month
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(561): ok first of all what the fuck
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askvectorprime · 3 months
Dear Vector Prime, have you ever had a Headmaster partner?
Dear Aegis Agent,
I have indeed. Allow me to continue my tale of the ultimate Titan Masters, and I promise your curiosity will be satisfied.
While Arcee was tracking down the Titan Master hidden on Caminus, a separate mission was being carried out on the colony world of Biosfera—known to the locals as Eukaris. Grotusque, Twinferno and Repugnus journeyed there to find another Titan Master, this one believed to grant incredible fireblast. The Monsterbots were not Optimus Prime’s first choice for the mission, as he worried their bellicose disposition would create conflict with the native population—but with the so-called jungle planet having no roads to speak of, only Autobots with bestial alt-modes would be able to handle the terrain.
As Biosfera had been largely insulated from the Autobot-Decepticon conflict, the Monsterbots expected its inhabitants to be pushovers, who would do little to impede or expedite their search one way or the other. Instead, they arrived to find the planet on the brink of all-out war between the four major tribes. Something was terribly wrong: the kinds of weapons being amassed were beyond even those used by Cybertronians in their raw destructive potential. Still, the Monsterbots decided the brewing tensions were none of their business, and decided to focus on searching for the Titan Master.
It was at that point that I was forced to intervene. I materialized in their midst, which proved to be something of a miscalculation: they were taken by surprise, and turned on me immediately. Naturally, I am no lightweight, but I must admit the three of them had me on the ropes. I forced a time-out, separating us from physical spacetime, to allow us to communicate without violence. Once they were prepared to listen, I told them what I had seen.
In the future, Biosfera is an irradiated wasteland. Algorithmic engines crawl over the ash, feeding carbonized trees into immense furnaces, liquid metal pouring from foundries to coat the planet, constructing some kind of superstructure… to uncertain ends. The few survivors of the global devastation have shed the last vestiges of their organic biology, becoming purely robotic lifeforms in order to weather the potent radiation.
The Monsterbots refused to believe me without proof, and so I removed my head, Safeguard. Repugnus briefly swapped Dastard for Safeguard, and saw in his memory banks what we had witnessed of that apocalyptic future. Begrudgingly, the Monsterbots agreed to help us, and we separated, each to visit one of the four tribes.
High in the mountain eyries of the Cloud Walkers, Grotusque and Fengul discovered that they had forged a partnership with the Decepticon Fangry, who had given them a powerful attack jet. At the same time, Twinferno and Daburu found the Scale Walkers to be strategizing with Krok, who had armed them with an unstoppable armored tank. So too were the Wave Walkers consulting with the crab-like Squeezeplay, and as I discovered, the Fur Walkers had welcomed amongst them the ferocious Horri-Bull. It was obvious to us that the Decepticons had completely infiltrated the planet’s tribes, and were deliberately stirring conflict between them. Unfortunately, stirring conflict was the Monsterbots’ specialty, and they each started fights with the Decepticons on sight, leading to them quickly being ousted from the other tribes. Safeguard and I had the most luck, managing to convince the chieftain of the Fur Walkers that they were better off without the “guidance” of Cybertronians—though unfortunately, this included ourselves.
We regrouped, and the Monsterbots decided to resume their search for the mythical Titan Master hidden on the planet. I hoped that in the course of our hunt, we would stumble across a centralized base of operations for the Decepticons, which might produce the evidence we needed to sway the tribes. As it turned out, we were being followed: one of Twinferno’s heads spotted a bird flying overhead, and recognised it not as one of the Cloud Walkers, but as the Decepticon Wingspan. Twinferno almost flew up to take out the snooping Decepticon, but I was able to convince him to hold. We waited until nightfall, and when Wingspan left to make his report, we quietly followed.
He led us to a foreboding tower of steel, a weapons factory hidden in a barren valley. Inside, ensconced within the topmost chamber, we found the true mastermind behind the hostilities: the lost Titan Master, Scorponok. Once, he had commanded one of the Titans of myth, but he had been usurped by the alien Lord Zarak. Driven to madness by this defeat, he had begun traveling the galaxy in search of new evolutionary pathways. On this remote and primeval colony, he found them: and now, his machinations had brought him to the precipice of his return to power. In the fallout, once the biomechanical natives evolved into a purely mechanical existence to survive the nuclear winter that followed, he would use a planetwide relay to reach out and upload his consciousness simultaneously into thousands of bodies—becoming a gestalt lifeform on a scale that would surpass even the Titans.
Well, we certainly weren’t going to stand around and wait for that to happen! The Monsterbots made short work of Wingspan and Horri-Bull, but Scorponok was far from finished: he recalled the jet and the tank from the tribes, and they joined together to form the almighty Overlord. One Titan Master formed his head, while another plugged into his chest, right alongside Scorponok himself—giving the combined giant three times the power.
As it happened, deploying Overlord turned out to be a miscalculation: unbeknownst to us all, skillful trackers from the four tribes had followed us to Scorponok’s lair, and when they saw that the Cloud Walkers’ and Scale Walkers’ new weapons were in fact one and the same, they finally had proof that they’d been deceived. They raced back to their homes, to urge their leaders to begin peace talks. Unable to take down Overlord, we beat a hasty retreat, and he split into his individual components once more to menace the tribes.
Unfortunately, the nuclear submarine Scorponok had built for the Wave Walkers remained in play—and once he gave the command, it launched its payload, sending a dozen missiles up into the atmosphere. Converting to starship mode, I flew after them, and began an arduous process to disarm the bombs. First, I froze the missiles in time, halting their trajectories but maintaining their velocity relative to the planet’s rotation in space. Then, with a boost of power from Safeguard, I isolated each individual warhead, accelerating time to allow billions of years to pass in what was, from our perspective, mere cycles. During that time, the fissile material experienced many half-lives’ worth of radioactive decay… until finally, the payloads were rendered inert. Although I had saved the planet from nuclear fallout, the missiles still had enough raw explosive power to cause untold destruction—and I was powerless to stop them. The radiation from the warheads needed to go somewhere—and although spread over a short period, it was still a strong enough burst of gamma rays to cause a chain reaction, unleashing an electromagnetic pulse which knocked me offline and sent me plummeting into the ocean.
The rest, I heard after-the-fact, once the Wave Walkers dredged me up and brought me to shore. The Fur Walkers and Scale Walkers united, ambushing Overlord’s tank half, while the Monsterbots waylaid the jet—just long enough for the Cloud Walkers to intercept and destroy the missiles in midair, before they reached their targets.
As for Scorponok, he was able to slip away in the confusion. The Monsterbots were frustrated to have failed their mission, but after seeing the sheer destructive potential of his fireblast, they knew it was for the best that Cybertron would have to do without his power. They resolved that when Scorponok next appeared, they would be ready and waiting to settle the score.
Back on Cybertron, the situation had gone from bad to worse: Powerhouse’s seismic forces disturbed Trypticon from his hibernation, and he awoke very hungry indeed. After consuming several Titan Masters, including Powerhouse, and gaining their abilities, Trypticon lay waste to the Autobot defenses, felling Fortress Maximus. Just in time, Iron Apex arrived from Caminus, merging with Magnus Prime to form Omega Prime, who was able to drive the beast back to the Praetorus Wharf.
During the battle, I had been impressed by the bravery of Metalhawk, and so before returning to the Realm of the Primes, I entrusted with him the power of my spark—much as my father, Primus, had done long ago to create the Titan Masters in the first place.
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swordwing2117 · 1 year
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Autobot Monsterbots: Repugnus, Grotusque, Twinferno
Transformers Titans Return 
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sugarcubedd · 2 years
To balance out my favorite transformer being Bumblebee, the platonic ideal of a transforming car robot who will always have new toys and be in the shows, I have been cursed to have all my other favs be obscure weirdos
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blueikeproductions · 2 years
Transformers Cyberverse Life on Earth Profile
Taking more after Rattrap than other Repugnuses in the multiverse, Life on Earth Repugnus is lazy, rude, crass and dabbles in pyrotechnics for celebrations on Cybertron. Indeed he doesn’t seem like much, but he is nothing but loyal to his friends and will have their backs no matter what. Back on Cybertron, before the war, he and his buddies Grotusk and Twinferno indulged in hedonistic habits, enjoying the best of what Cybertron has to offer, they were often found drunk to the gills at various bars around Iacon and neighboring cities. When the Nominus Edict was passed during The Shattering, Repugnus was the most outspoken critic of it because it shut down most of his favorite bars. While he aligned more with Autobot principles, he lingered among the Decepticons longer when Optimus broke away, only joining Optimus when his favorite remaining bar was destroyed in a Decepticon carpet bombing of Autobot territories. He, Grotusk and Twinferno fought valiantly in the hopes they’d get to return to their life of indulgence.
When resources from partners in the Autobot Commonwealth were necessary to continue the War, Repugnus jumped at the chance to lead a campaign through the commonwealth. Prowl saw through it immediately, recognizing Repugnus using it as an excuse to bar hop, but Optimus accepted knowing Repugnus would come through. And Prime was right of course, as Repugnus fought hard to drive off invading Decepticons and delivered the Energon necessary for the Autobots through support of the commonwealth. Prowl was also right in Repugnus used off time to drink himself silly however…
Towards the middle of the Earth campaign, Repugnus’ team found themselves on Planet Furnacia, the molten and volcanic home to the jittery Firebugs. To better cooperate with the hot headed aliens, Repugnus, Twinferno and Grotusk Trans-Scanned Firebugs Beast Modes, abandoning their previous space car, space jet and space truck Vehicle Modes. They fit right in with the Firebugs now that their Beast instincts took hold and became fast friends, helping harvest necessary Energon for the war effort through the GeoNeedle, a device connected to the planet’s core that regulates heat to the Firebugs’ liking and powers the entire planet.
The Decepticons caught on to Repugnus’ efforts and had Bugly’s group, the Pesticons infiltrate Furnacia earlier and when the time was right, sabotaged the GeoNeedle on Shockwave’s behalf, taking all the Energon and rendering Furnacia into an arctic planet. Twinferno helped evacuate flying Firebugs to warmer planets like Planet Phoenix and Planet Florida, but were at a loss what to do with the remaining denizens. Catching wind of Meteorfire’s Alien Hunt about Earth’s rising temperatures, Repugnus went to scope out the planet to help the firebugs out, while Grotusk stayed behind to look after survivors. While Repugnus’ arrival to Earth was a rough start, stress and the lack of a good drink in a while, caused his Beast Mode to take over and set fire to a forest Grahm, Thompson, Maddie, Bee, WildWheel, Scrounge and Teletraan X were camping in. Maddie was able to turn his aggression against some Decepticons who came to investigate, calming him down enough to get things squared away at Furnacia thanks to WildWheel’s Black Block Consortia contacts. Twinferno and Grotusk stayed with the Firebugs to get them acclimated to their new homes, some Firebug colonies settled on Mercury and Venus, while Repugnus stayed on Earth, wanting to help stick it to Shockwave to avenge Furnacia. He grew a taste for Earth soda, and is usually seen drinking it, with Autobots joking he’s fueled more by Pepsi than Energon.
Repugnus took a shine to Maddie, recognizing the little punky fire starter’s penchant for hell raising, and is typically found by her side in his tiny Beast Mode. Grahm and Windblade are very concerned about the little hellion being a bad influence on the girl, but the conflict on Furnacia does seem to have turned Repugnus around somewhat despite his crass behavior.
Repugnus was a common fixture of the Bee Team, always having a sardonic outlook on predicaments and belching high temperature flames in the faces of Decepticons who got in his face.
Besides his alcoholism, Repugnus suffered from Mode Attachment. Ever since scanning his Firebug form, he rarely Transforms out of it, apparently once having to have been coaxed to Transform to help Wheeljack get something off a high shelf because he’s taller than Wheeljack in Robot Mode.
When the Autobots returned to Cybertron to finish the war against Megatron, Repugnus is always first in line in a fight, blowing away threats with his fire breath and powerful claws on the ground or in the sky riding with Maddie in Windblade.
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siphersaysstuff · 8 months
January's Patreon-backed @tfwiki toy pictures update is all dragonoids, because... well, it's kinda obvious, isn't it.
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Let's start with Cybertron's SCOURGE, brutal dictator of the Jungle Planet!
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One of the weirder releases in a "normal" Transformers line, the Beast Machines "Beast Rider" MECHATRON is a minimally-transforming battle chariot with pullback motor and gear-driven action. It was released first in Megatron's red and blue, then later in this fetching purple and yellow.
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One can argue Deathsaurus is more a kaiju than anything, but the Combiner Wars iteration (dubbed DEZARAS) is certainly dragonoid enough for me for this. A retool of Sky Lynx, he now forms the torso of Liokaiser, replacing Leozack & Jallguar, thus his colors being more theirs.
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The Prime: Beast Hunters toyline was heavy with dragonoid Predacons. And the Kre-O version of the line had its share. This brick-built version of SKYSTALKER came with the "Battle Net Bumblebee" set. Unnamed on the packaging, promo material called him "Stormrazor", Skystalker's pre-release name.
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Some Hasbro employee circa 2014 *really* liked Doublecross. The Tiny Titans figurine, now called TWINFERNO (awesome), was the first of several toys of, or based on, the twin-headed dragon Monsterbot over the next few short years. Dig that RID'15 style art on the card!
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Speaking of RID'15, WINDRA comes from Takara's version of the line, Adventure. A redeco of Dragonus, this Torpedo Mini-Con was part of the only wave of single-pack Mini-Cons in the line. He also gained a 5mm post on the tail so he can attach to non-Torpedo-launching toys.
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The Last Knight put a lot of knight/dragon theming into all Transformers, including the preschool-aimed Rescue Bots line. The "Knight Watch" Bumblebee toy came with the twin dragon Mini-Cons FREEZER BURN and WINGBLADE, who turn into battle axes with a single step.
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You didn't think you were NOT going to get some BotBots images, did you? The Fresh Squeezes squad has two dragons most bots avoid: ADAY because she's a snappy super-tart apple, and SMERG THE SAD just because he's spinach. Poor guy.
If you like these themed updates and want to make me do more every month, you can support me at Patreon, at
patreon (dot) com / gregswikipics
Every little bit helps, and at the higher pledge level you can pick a theme!
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junknbunk · 7 months
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Up next is Mindwipe (kimiko Glenn). She is a member of the Monsterbots alongside Skullsmasher, blot and Weirdwolf with whom she gets into mischief. She got her bat mode from a prop made for a monster movie. She often tries to communicate with fallen transformers but only picks up TV signals and radio waves. She has the ability to detach her head and using the wings on it's sides to have it fly around like a cartoon bat. She may be a strange bot but her sonic scream attack is not to be messed with.
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solarzilla · 6 months
Decepticon Canine Headmaster and Autobot Monsterbot Feline, Fangry vs Grotusque!
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started the best about two days ago after a random thought act Fanrgry and decided that him & Grotesque are sorta opposites, having draconian bodies but different animal themes, which sorta helps that Worlds Collide Angry is a retool of Grotusque. Fangry's blaster could've been done better, along with some added motion lines.
The trouble with Grotusque was that he didn't have much refs due to his lack of appearances & slouched toy, and with Fangry having various looks due to his monster mode being kinda squished & interpreted in different ways in various media
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mekagojira3k · 1 year
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Night Out with the Monsterbots
It’s grating on Grotusque
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transformers-mosaic · 2 years
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Transformers: Mosaic #131 - "The Greater Good"
Originally posted on April 14th, 2008
Story - Robert Lock Art - Mike Ackerman Letters - Carlos Oliveros
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: According to his Budiansky bio, Doublecross’ two heads “never agree on anything”. This strip puts a new spin on that! Mainframe generalises about Doublecross’ “whole subline”, referring to the Monsterbots. Clean inks and colors below.
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i like the Monsterbots
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2ndaryprotocol · 2 years
The slick slasher sequel ‘The Collection’ sliced its way into theaters this day 10 years ago. 💀🔫🔥
“𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍. 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘𝚝. 𝙱𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚑𝚎’𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚍.”
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askvectorprime · 2 years
Dear Vector Prime, does Cybertron have an equivalent to the Savage Land or Skull Island or other such places where prehistoric beasts still flourish?
Dear Prehistoric Pal,
In many universes, Cybertron’s underlevels are infested by Demons, evolutionary holdovers from Cybertron’s deep past; in others, the Cybertronian sub-levels are populated by Monsterbots, who might capture and consume those unwary travellers who lose themselves in the metallic jungles they call home.
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swordwing2117 · 1 year
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 Titans Return monsterbot  Twinferno
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