silly-billy-skilly · 4 months
3 of my besties for life !! I love them so dearly
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cwgames · 2 months
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Monsterpedia: Velocidrome
Alpha monsters that lead the smaller Velociprey. Note their large size, impressive frill, and sharper claws.
Genus: Bird Wyvern
Kenship Skill: Velocirush
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cringywhitedragon · 2 months
MHS:SC Concept: Cloudwalker Rathalos (Ratha)
A continuation for a short little idea mentioned in a prior post for Monster Hunter Stories: Stormcaller, this post is about the version of “Ratha” who would appear in this concept.
Cloudwalker Rathalos is a name given to a special form (subspecies?) of Rathalos found only within the mountainous subregion of the area where this concept takes place (Not where the starting location is as I have the village in mind be located within a thick rainforest or maybe a swampy region, somewhere that wouldn’t be super cold or hot but enough to contrast where the first two games are set in).
These Rathalos have specially adapted for life in these high up peaks as they are much faster and even capable of flying at much higher altitudes compared to their more common variants who prefer the lowlands with their much larger wingspans..
Cloudwalker Rathalos somewhat resemble in color that of a cross between a Silver and Azure Rathalos, lacking their species usual distinctive red coloration for a much more bluish grey that helps them to blend in with both the sky and the rocky terrain of their home. Their wings also have a somewhat distinctive pattern compared to that of a regular Rathalos.
Their naming comes mainly due to their ability to fly at such high altitudes that people have sometimes described them as “walking on clouds.”
Cloudwalker also rarely come near civilization, meaning that outside of Ratha, Cloudwalker Rathalos will not be an enemy encounter or an obtainable Monstie.
This variant of Rathalos has heavy ties to that of the legend of the Raincaller, a fabled Rider of legends who on the back of one of these Monsters as a Monstie helped to chase away the cursed rains that plagued these lands long ago. A legend that years later was said to repeat itself as the Raincaller never managed to fully “banish” the very thing that brought on these strange rainstorms to begin with.
This prophecy was said to have been foretold by a sage from the Rider Village that lives in the mountains that once the Cloudwalker retreat deeper into the mountains that the rains would make a return to flood the lands leading to the start of the story and how the the Protagonist gets their hands on Cloudwalker Ratha.
Ratha’s egg was found sometime after the Protagonist left their home village after being recruited to join a joint coalition of both Hunters and Riders setting out to investigate the Rainstorms after one happened around their village, leading to them having to face a Monster driven mad by the storm as well as members of their village growing mysteriously ill, including that of the chief.
The Rider, along with Navirou and a new Hunter-in-Training Companion who was paired with them as part of a collaboration effort soon get separated from the rest of the convoy on their way to the major Hunter settlement in that region, forcing them to go on foot solo through the mountains.
During the trek, they stumble upon an abandoned nest that seemingly had been destroyed. Most of the eggs are either missing or broken save for one single one.
Navirou mentions that he’s getting a strong odor from the egg, a sign that it’s still alive and whatever the Monster is that is inside of it must be quite powerful as the Protagonist picks it up, deciding to take it with them as it was very likely the monster inside would only die out here alone as the parents had long abandoned it.
Their Rookie Hunter companion is quite terrified at the idea of just taking the egg as our feline and Rider duo assure that it’s for the best and that this Monster would grow up to be quite a powerful Monstie.
Cue some traveling, our group gets ambushed by a wild Monster and rescued by a villager from the local Rider’s Village who agrees to bring them to safety so they can rest for the journey ahead.
So the three travel to the mountain Rider Village. Where during their stay the Protagonist ends up presenting the rescued egg to the Chief. After a brief glance, the Protagonist is almost instantly told to take the egg to the Sage that lives at the highest point of the village (This village was built on a cliff side and the Sage’s home is situated at the very top in a cave.)
Taking the egg to the Sage, the chief’s suspicions are confirmed with the egg being that of a Cloudwalker Rathalos which hadn’t been seen within the region in months. Afterwards, the Sage goes on to explain the prophecy of the Raincaller and how all of these recent events appear to be matching that of the legend.
Because of all the erratic behaving Monsters and unpredictable rainfall, the Protagonist is advised to remain in the village until the egg finally hatches just to be safe.
Cue some story missions for the villagers and finally the egg does hatch, revealing a little baby Cloudwalker. Navirou suggests calling him Ratha after two other people he had traveled with in the past who also had Rathalos that ended up doing pawsome things.
And well, the crew and now Cloudwalker Ratha continue their journey to catch up with the rest of their squadron and to find a way to stop the rainfalls.
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alrakia-serpent · 1 year
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More Art and Ideas for my Monster Hunter x Gods of War AU.  AU infodump Nr.2:
-Since Modi and Magni are Brothers they would pick the same or a similar Monstie. That’s why he is now the proud owner of a Stygian Zinogre. 
-His S. Zinogre is called Frœken (Norse for brave) -Modi isn’t really all that good at Monster Hunting on his own, so he is usually hunting with his brother. But together they are incredible, and can get easily any job done. 
-Magni recommended Modi to switch his Mace and Schild for “Despot Thunderclap” a Guitar Axe, to make it easier for Modi to hunt Monsters. At first he wasn’t sure, having been used to hiding behind his Schield, but after he forged it, he immediately fell in love with it. 
-through his new Weapon, Modi discovered a new Hobby as a guitarist. Playing his Axe in the Drinking Halls every now and then.
-His Cat Companion is “Number Two”. Modi’s insecurities often get to him, so he often lashes out at people. Number Two’s Calm and Relaxed personality helps Modi control his anger and Emotions. Number Two therefore often serves as his therapist.
-Whenever He is actually fighting, Number two assists him with his ice powers.
-Modi’s and Magni’s Zinogre usually sleep together.
- Unlike Drengr (Magni’s Zinogre) Frœken hates Gulltoppr. Anybody who hurts Modi is disliked by Frœken. And since Gulltoppr is Heimdalls creature, he is very high on his Dislikes list.
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dreaderdead · 1 year
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kobbers · 8 months
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"Despite what you might think, Girri's gills can't deal with water! I'm using these wipes to clean them without getting them saturated. The rest of him is okay to soap up, though he probably won't like it. Just in case, we've got his fangs in this cozy muzzle to keep me, Kupa, and Bully safe."
inspired by this Bluesky post:
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softlywool · 3 months
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Commission for Capcom to promote Monster Hunter Stories.
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immortal-dreamer · 6 months
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Throwback to when I made these
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woetoy · 7 months
Also I'm sending Cal a Monster Energy Mango Loco for all the things I'm putting him through lol
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
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an AU that's been on my mind lately
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sushisusii · 7 months
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silly-billy-skilly · 4 months
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Had a cool thought
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0bir · 6 months
roblox art again
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cringywhitedragon · 2 months
MHS:SC Companion Rookie-Hunter (Scout)
“Galloping Gwargas! I’ve only heard stories of people hatching Monster Eggs without a Kinship Stone but never in my nine lives would I have ever expected to see it happen in person!”
Throughout the Protagonist’s journey for Monster Hunter Stories: Stormcaller, they will be joined by a new companion who is a Hunter in Training as a sort of “test” by the Guild to see how well the two can work together.
This companion (Who is customizable and can be either male or female, their default name is Scout) is a Hunter-to-be who has yet to become an official Hunter namely due to the fact that they still aren’t very good at well… Hunting despite their eagerness to prove themselves.
They aren’t very good about swinging a weapon around and are scared of getting hurt during a fight due to some personal family history with hunting (More on that later).
Despite everything, they are more than eager to meet and train alongside a real Rider whom up to this point they had only heard of in stories.
The main gimmick with Scout is that the Protagonist will be able to shape what kind of a Hunter that they will become in terms of the Weapon and Armor they will use by the choices chosen at pivotal moments in the story. Want Scout to become a Hunting Horn user with Armor geared at electrical resistances or perhaps a Gunlance main with fire resistances, the choice is all up to you.
On top of that is probably the most important choice which can be made kinda early on…
And that would be the fact that Scout doesn’t actually become a Hunter…
…But a Rider instead.
During a point of the Protagonist’s journey, Scout will request to try their hand at exploring a Monster Den alone, curious to see what kinds of Eggs might be inside as it is a Hunter’s job to understand how Monsters live.
Scout will then disappear into an Everdeen which the Protagonist and Navirou have to follow them into.
After dealing with an angry Monster protecting the path to the nest, the duo will find Scout rummaging through the nest much to the protests of Navirou on how dangerous this is. After some digging, Scout will pull out an egg which the Protagonist will then be able to comment on…
The choice you make at that point will determine what their Monstie will be towards the end of the story/postgame when they become a partner (Either an Ice, Thunder, Water, or Dragon)
Once this dialogue choice is chosen, Scout decides to take the egg with them, hoping that the Player can hatch it into a new Monstie to aid them in their journey when the egg begins to hatch on its own.
In a panic, Scout drops the egg but it is too late as the now newly hatched Monster sets its sights on the first person it sees and proceeds to…
Nuzzle them?
A confused Scouut is bewildered as Navirou goes onto explain something he had heard long ago thanks to Lilia about how sometimes a person can bond with a Monster without the need of a Kinship stone.
Unable to leave the little one here alone, Scout decides to take the baby Monster with them who later becomes their own Monstie to aid the Player during the final fight before Scout gets their own Kinship Stone during the ending credits, becoming a full-fledged partner in the Post game.
Below is some spoilers for Scout’s backstory so do proceed with caution
Later on it is revealed that your Hunter companion was actually the the forbidden love child between both a Hunter (Mother) and a Rider (Father) who met at a time when both sides were still unaware of each other’s existence after their father broke his Village’s (Same Village as the Protagonist’s) Rider’s Code to save said Hunter’s life from a dangerous Monster.
After that incident, the two would end up falling in love. Meeting up in secret until rumor spread to the Rider Village of their affair, ending in a confrontation with the Wyverian Chief and the Rider on how dangerous this was.
In anger the Rider snapped, angry at both his village, the Hunters, and most of all the Rider’s Code for not allowing him to be with the one he loved as he left the village, never to be heard from again.
This Rider would go on to be known as the Lone Rider, an NPC and minor antagonist who the Protagonist encounters early on as he views their collaboration with the Hunters on a mission to stop the rainstorms as a threat but later does become an ally once they warm up to the Protagonist and reveal the truth to Scout.
His child would be raised by his lover amongst the ways of life of Hunters, unaware of what became of their father save for a vague lie about how he died in a nasty hunting accident as she felt too guilty to tell the truth.
Their mother was described as being a lot like them when they were younger (being eager but not good at fighting).
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iiryoku · 5 months
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soggyskinflaps · 3 months
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Alright! Monster Hunter Stories remaster release day!! Time to Ride On onto adventure once again!
Kuysichi doesn't really understand the premise yet, but it's having a good time anyway
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