#moon 22.7
moon 22.7
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canyoubelieveitsmc · 10 months
24 hour update for the hermit tarot
0. The Fool - 1st is Mumbo with 22.1% (46 votes). 2nd is Grian with 19.2% (40 votes).
The Magician - 1st is Scar with 43.6% (98 votes). 2nd is Etho with 17.3% (39 votes).
The High Priestess - 1st is ZombieCleo with 24.3% (46 votes). 2nd is False with 17.5% (33 votes).
The Empress - 1st is Stress with 44.5% (85 votes). 2nd is Gem with 35.6% (68 votes).
The Emperor - 1st is Ren with 32.2% (65 votes). 2nd is Doc with 24.8% (50 votes).
The Hierophant - 1st is Xisuma with 37.6% (83 votes). 2nd is TFC with 16.3% (36 votes).
The Lovers - 1st is Bdubs and Etho with 29.5% (275 votes). 2nd is Scar and Grian with 25.7% (240 votes).
The Chariot - 1st Tangotek with 42.9% (73 votes). 2nd is Doc with 20.6% (35 votes).
Strength - 1st is False with 31% (63 votes). 2nd is Geminitay with 24.1% (49 votes).
The Hermit - 1st is TFC with 75.2% (224 votes). 2nd is Etho with 8.7% (26 votes).
The Wheel of Fortune - 1st is Zedaph with 23.2% (46 votes). 2nd is Scar with 22.7% (45 votes). There will be an additional poll where Keralis will go against the top 3 winners.
Justice - 1st is Xisuma with 30.8% (82 votes). 2nd is ZombieCleo with 20.3% (54 votes). There will be an additional poll where Welsknight goes against the top 3 winners.
The Hanged Man - 1st is Mumbo with 26.2% (56 votes). 2nd is Grian with 20.1% (43 votes).
Death - 1st is ZombieCleo with 23.1% (66 votes). 2nd is Grian with 20.6% (59 votes).
Temperance - 1st is TFC with 29.5% (72 votes). 2nd is xBCrafted with 17.6% (43 votes).
The Devil - 1st is Evil X with 44.8% (90 votes). 2nd is Doc with 17.9% (36 votes). Evil X and Hels may be removed from my version of this project (I haven't decided yet).
The Tower - 1st is King Ren with 58.1% (122 votes). 2nd is Evil X with 20.5% (43 votes).
The Star - 1st is Bdubs with 29.1% (57 votes). 2nd is Geminitay with 20.4% (40 votes). There will be an additional poll where Impulse will go against the top 3 winners.
The Moon - 1st is Pearl with 63.5% (186 votes). 2nd is Mumbo with 16.7% (49 votes).
The Sun - 1st is Grian with 27.5% (81 votes). 2nd is Scar with 26.4% (78 votes).
Judgment - 1st is tied with Xisuma and Joe Hills with 20.1% (30 votes). 2nd place is Impulse with 15.4% (23 votes).
The World - 1st is Joe Hills with 30.8% (69 votes). 2nd is Zedaph with 17% (38 votes).
A quick reminder of the rules; I will not be repeating hermits (the only exceptions will be the lovers or if I decided to do a group card). That means, whatever they get the most votes for that's what they will most likely be. So be mindful of who you are voting for because I'm not going to have Xisuma on three different cards lol /lighthearted.
Also, I do have the final say. For most of the cards, I will go with what yall choose, but there might be a couple I change! :)
If you want to make art inspired by this, go right ahead! Just please tag me and either put '#hermitcraft major arcana' or '#hermit tarot'. Have fun!!
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You have been an absolute delight of spooky legends for our inaugural SpookFest event, every single entry has been incredible! From the spooky to the sweet to the downright terrifying, we’ve truly had a plethora of treats this last week, and we hope that you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have!! Thank you so much to everyone that has participated, we hope that we’ve reblogged every post you’ve been making, but if not drop us a message and we’ll make sure that we share all your spooktacular creations 🥰
Below is a curated master list of all the creations that we’ve been fortunate to recieve for SpookFest this year from Tumblr, AO3, and FF.net. Thank you so much for joining us, and who knows? Maybe we’ll back to haunt your dashboards again next year 👀👻🧡
Fear Of The Dark - @cheeyathebard
Fear Of The Dark - @bechloeislegit
Surrounded By Shadows - @falling-forever-in-a-hole
the true horror is doing this without you pt. 1 - @massivedrickhead
Pinke Pwomise? - @ridiculously-over-obsessed
Chloe’s Basement Terror - @rjr1989
Hold Me When The Sun Goes Down - @kris246
Fear Of The Dark - RedErin1996
Fear Of The Dark - Electronis Zappa
Fear Of The Dark - FearTheLilly
Welcome To My Nightmare - @bechloeislegit
Welcome To My Nightmare - @cheeyathebard
Realm Of The Collector - @falling-forever-in-a-hole
Her Survival Over Mine - @chiquelle
I’m Stuck In The Dark But You’re My Flashlight - @ridiculously-over-obsessed
Home Is Where The Lost Is - @kris246
Welcome To My Nightmare - @rjr1989
Welcome To My Nightmare! - RedErin1996
Welcome To My Nightmare - Electronis Zappa
Welcome To My Nightmare - FearThe Lilly
Creatures Of The Night - @cheeyathebard
Creatures Of The Night - @bechloeislegit
Notches On The Wall - @chiquelle
Creatures Of The Night - @rjr1989
Just A Nibble - @ridiculously-over-obsessed
day 3 🦇 :3  - @maddiedrawz
Call Of Death - @kris246
Creatures Of The Night - RedErin1996
Creatures Of The Night - Electronis Zappa
Creatures Of The Night - FearTheLilly
Master Of Puppets - @cheeyathebard
Sweet But Psycho - @chiquelle
Who’s Really Pulling The Strings - @ridiculously-over-obsessed
Master Of Puppets - @rjr1989
You Really Know How To Control Me - @kris246
Master Of Puppets - Electronis Zappa
Master Of Puppets - FearTheLilly
the true horror is doing this without you pt. 2 - @massivedrickhead
Bad Witch - @cheeyathebard
Bad Witch - @bechloeislegit
Occulta Apparentia - @kailoraurelius
Treat Me Sweet - @kris246
The Bad Witch - @rjr1989
Bad Witch - Electronis Zappa
Riddle Box - @bechloeislegit
Riddle Box - Electronis Zappa
Monster Blinking Twice - @chiquelle
Bark At The Moon - @bechloeislegit
Bark At The Moon - @cheeyathebard
Yesterday Never Happened - @chiquelle
Hey Friend - @annakendrick47author
the true horror is doing this without you pt. 3 - @massivedrickhead
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electricspacekoolaid · 8 months
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What are the top three candidates for life outside earth in our own solar system?
What are the Top Three candidates? How about five or ten? Look at our own Solar System, There are 5 top candidates that I'm sure no one would disagree with. They are:
Europa: One of Jupiter's Moons and one of my favorites. With a frozen surface, a possibility of an ocean of liquid water buried underneath, and volcanic activity. Which could provide life supporting heat, as well as important chemicals needed by living organisms. Life could possibly survive by hydrothermal vents, like it does on Earth, and in the film Europa Report. :)
Enceladus: The sixth largest moon of Saturn. This world has been called the most promising canidate for life due to its comfortable temperature and the likely presence of water and simple organic molecules. The surface is 99% water ice, with a possibility of water underneath. The spacecraft Cassini's observations in 2005 show the presence of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, all organic molecules presumed to be necessary to develop life.
Io: A moon of Jupiter, one of the few that support an atmosphere. Io's atmosphere contains many complex chemicals that are promising for life. The moon is also one of the most volcanically active worlds in the Solar System. With its surface covered in molten hotspots and constantly being bombarded with lethal radiation, it doesn't sound so pleasant, but I will still keep it on the list. 
Titan: Saturn's largest moon has an atmosphere rich in compounds that often mark the presence of living organisms. So, for example Titan's air is rich in methane, which is usually destroyed by sunlight. On Earth there is life that constantly replenishes methane, so it might be similarly responsible for the methane on Titan. The moon was even a place of destination for Ethan Hawke's character, Vincent Freeman, in Gattaca.
Mars: I don't need to tell you about Mars, our next door neighbor. Or maybe you're new here? Mars is the most Earth-like of all the Solar System planets. Its size and temperature (it's freezing) is comparatively similar to our own. There exists large amounts of water ice on Mar's poles and a reasonable possibility of water underneath the surface. Most evidence shows that Mars may have been habitable in the past. Geological features suggest water once flowed across the surface and volcanic activity, now long dead, thrived, recycling chemicals and minerals. 
That's our Solar System, our neighborhood. What about the thousands of extrasolar planets being discovered? I'll list a few. The rest you can find here. 
Top Extrasolar Candidate:
KOI-1686.01 - An exoplanet with an ESI (Earth Similarity Index) of 0.89, making it the most habitable object of interest to date. The planet orbits a star within the habitable "goldilocks zone" where liquid water could exist.
Gliese 667Cc - Said to be 85% similar to Earth. Gliese 667Cc orbits a star that belongs to a triple star system. The sunsets must look spectacular as envisioned by the artist rendering above. Gliese 667Cc is located in the constellation of Scorpius, 22.7 light years away. It isn't the only planet in this system. This triple star system hosts at least seven planets and at least three of those are rocky planets like Gliese 667Cc. 
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thegoldenheiress · 2 years
NOUN ;  (in myth or fiction) a person who changes for periods of time into a wolf, typically when there is a full moon.
Please note this talks about body horror and generalized triggers of werewolves in media. This take is inspired by other shows not just the vampire diaries but shows like supernatural and teen wolf. Also,  taking inspiration from the grey wolf as well. These headcanon points have been developed since 2018 as I’ve been writing this character since then.
It has said to take hours for a turn to be complete and then after that an hour of running wild and free before the wolf slips away and the body of a human is left behind.
A single nip from a werewolf can kill a vampire in 24 hours (more on werewolf bites later).
Higher libido during this time period. Granted,  werewolves are noted to have a high sex drive all of the time.  It is just apart of them that has been mentioned in the show when Tyler was telling Caroline about how he wants / is thinking about sex all of the time.
Any clothes on the person that is changing will be ripped and unwearable once the human is back into place. This means that werewolves best take their clothes off and fold them neatly to avoid not having anything to wear later.
Any fake nails pop off even if they are acrylics so sometimes it might be best just to spend $10 dollars on a manicure set than get the expensive $50 dollar ones at the salon.  This is painful but really dull compared to everything else.
There are 206 bones in a human ADULT’s body. This gets converted to 320 bones in werewolf form. Got this number by looking up how many bones are in a wolf’s body and we are using grey wolfs for this.
adults have a nose-to-tail length between 4.5 and 6ft (1.4 to 1.8m), a height at the shoulder from 26 to 32 inches (66 to 81cm), and a weight measuring between 50 and 110lbs (22.7 to 50kg).   This is again on grey wolves but using this as a baseline.
Werewolves have NO ability to control the animal inside of them so humans, wild animals, and more are targets for an attack during a full moon or any sort of transition (for enhanced werewolves). They rip their victims to shreds. The killing part was seen in the vampire diaries but not the ripped to shreds part.
Silver is UNCOMFORTABLE to werewolves. While in the show, it wasn’t this is something I’m taking with me.  Rashes pop up on skin,  they know exactly what is silver as their ability to sense things gets stronger to help them prevent being hurt. I think this was mentioned in media of Teen wolf. Used this in a roleplay with a friend and really liked the idea so keeping it for my lore here.
Werewolves can hear just as well as a regular wolf. According to google wolves can hear up to frequency of 25khz, with a maximum of up to 80 khz so that is what we are going with
They can smell up to a mile away from them in any direction. This was another googled fact.
The first change is often the worst and longest change that a werewolf endures. We know that the month leading up to the first turn, the werewolf is aggressive, can lift up lawn mowers and throw them across a yard, and more. This was seen over time in the vampire diaries universe.
Fangs and sharp claws. Fangs are sharp and designed for destruction.
A shot to the heart with a silver bullet, decapitation, and more are all options on how to bring a werewolf down to death. This was mentioned in media like supernatural.
Werewolves run hotter than humans in general but the day of the full moon it is noticeable difference in temperature. Think like a bad cold with a high fever so that it isn’t detectable for humans that there is something supernatural going on.
Werewolves eat a HIGH PROTEIN DIET in general.  But this is also very true after a turn. They carb and protein load after the most a turn.
After they turn back, they are tired and need to rest.  Often times to help with sore bodies creams are used to rub on aching muscles.
It was noted that werewolves are aggressive and prone to anger even before they trigger their curse. This is because werewolves were hunted so much that in order for them not to be lost completely,  it was needed to have more werewolves trigger their curse. This was mentioned and seen in the vampire diaries.
Bitten werewolves are not known to Hope or anything of that nature. She thinks they are just in books and tv shows. Is it possible there is a subspecies of werewolf? Yes. Just not known to her.
Werewolves originally come from SEVEN PACKS.  Of these packs,  they were originally witches that got cursed to be beasts for a single day out of a month. If they managed to tap into their magic,  it MIGHT take away the werewolf all together.
In some packs,  they are required to kill and turn. This was seen in Jed’s original pack. This most likely does happen a lot as it is seen as a right of passage but that would be the more traditional packs. The ones that have caught up to modern times might have less members that turn.
Since there are small children that do need to be tended to while parents are in shift, there is often a few hands on deck of elders that never turned that watch the little ones once a month. It is likely not seen as a position that anyone inspires to have.
The only pack that has enhanced werewolf features happens to be Hayley’s pack that turns into Hope’s pack when Hayley dies.
Werewolf leaders are based off first born but also hold the werewolf line of session of the first born male is often the leader. This does change based off the pack though as times are evolving. This is taken from royal line successions that changes as times change by this was the original way things went back in the day.
To challenge a werewolf alpha,  you can beat an alpha into submission.  Sometimes the old alpha is killed. This could cause the pack to rebel against the new leader if there was a murder but not always. An alpha can let another take their position by using a blood spell of cutting palms and mixing the blood and bowing down. Beating an alpha into submission can happen in human form or even werewolf form. If in werewolf form, the chances of the old alpha dying is most likely. The fighting to be alpha thing was seen in legacies when Rafael took over the school pack but the blood and bowing down that way was seen in the originals. Hope also killed a werewolf alpha to become alpha in legacies.
Weakness is frowned upon and often seen as an inability to rule in alphas. Do believe this was mentioned in the originals between jackson and aiden.
In Hope’s case, she was arranged to marry Henry Beniot ( @heartbare ) . This is not a tradition that Hope herself keeps going when she takes over her mother’s pack. This tradition is often mostly used for alphas to keep lines strong, to gain abilities, and more. 
Unification ritual in marriage is done for alphas. Both parties cut their palms, join hands, and a vein is wrapped around their conjoined hands by a shaman. Anyone that is at the wedding (and their descendants) gains the abilities of the alphas if they are a werewolf and have submitted to them. Unification mirror the heart making them soulmates. The heart mirroring was mentioned in the originals but not the soulmates part that I’m aware of.
When a werewolf dies,  they are laid to rest in the waters by burning the body.  If the werewolf was a traitor or a criminal deemed unworthy of the pack, they are laid to rest in the ground. This is seen as the worst thing to happen and is not a celebration given to them. This has been seen on the originals.
Hybrids (werewolf/vampire) are created either by Klaus Mikaelson or Hope Mikaelson. Klaus requires a doppleganger of Katherine/Amara/Elena’s line while Hope’s does not. They are very rare and are sired to their creator upon completing the transition. Being sired means they are extremely loyal to their master. This means that if the hybrid is told to do something it is done no matter if they want it or not. In order to become unsired, a hybrid must continue to turn over and over again without a break until the turn becomes painless. It is believed hybrids are grateful for not having to deal with the pain of a turning every full moon.
Hybrids (werewolf/witch, werewolf/banshee, etc) were extremely rare until modern times when species became more accepted.
Werewolves are healthy and rarely get sick. They heal from wounds faster than a human does. Broken bones on days from full moons heal within a day.
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Cardia Dungeons Clears Part 4
There are still a lot of fights in the Cardia Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game that I have yet to clear.
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After hearing the news that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022 (I talk more about that in another post), I wanted to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can.
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I know it doesn’t really matter, but still. For now, I don’t want to say goodbye to Final Fantasy Record Keeper yet. Heck, I wish this game didn’t have to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, so I started going through the Cardia Dungeons, checking each quest and looking to see which ones I’ve already cleared. Will try to do the ones I haven’t cleared yet. Also trying to see if I can sub-30 these fights.
Dragonking Dungeons
The Dragonking fights in the Cardia Dungeons are quest level 630. There’s a Dragonking quest for each of the Final Fantasy realms as well as Final Fantasy Record Keeper. The boss for each of these fights is Bahamut.
Door of Life, Final Fantasy IX Dragonking Dungeon
For this fight, my team was:
Mog from Final Fantasy VI (#ad)
Kuja from Final Fantasy IX
Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX
Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX
Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX
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Mog and Eiko were my healers and supports. Zidane, Kuja and Vivi were my DPS. Both Vivi and Kuja deal magical damage while Zidane deals physical damage.
Kuja’s element is dark, Zidane’s is wind while Vivi dabbles in fire, ice, and lightning.
The first time I tried this fight, I was only able to deal 81.9% damage to Bahamut. On my second try, was able to drop Bahamut down to 15.1% HP before he killed all my chars.
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When I finally managed to get a win, my clear time ended up being 37.45 seconds. Too bad I wasn’t able to sub-30 this fight.
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Will have to try this fight again later on. For now, I’ve decided to move on to a different quest since there’s still a lot of content that I have yet to do in FFRK.
Door of the Moon, Final Fantasy IV Dragonking Dungeon
For this fight, my team was:
Rydia from Final Fantasy IV
Mog from Final Fantasy VI
Porom from Final Fantasy IV
Tellah from Final Fantasy IV
Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV
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Mog and Porom served as my healers and supports. Rydia, Tellah, and Kain were my DPS. Rydia and Tellah deal magical damage while Kain deals physical damage.
Tellah’s element is earth while Kain’s is lightning. Rydia dabbles in a couple of different elements. Have a few of her Synchro Arcane Soul Breaks (as well as some of her other relics) but for this fight, opted to bring her holy Sync.
After a couple of tries, was able to beat Bahamut in 41.40 seconds.
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Door of the Dawn, Final Fantasy V Dragonking Dungeon
For this fight, my team was:
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V
Mog from Final Fantasy VI
Famed Mimic Gogo from Final Fantasy V
Bartz, Galuf, and Gogo served as my DPS. Lenna and Mog were my supports and healers.
Bartz and Galuf deal physical damage while Gogo deals magical damage. Galuf's element is earth, Gogo’s is water while Bartz dabbles in multiple elements.
I wouldn’t call my Final Fantasy V realm team super stacked or anything but I thought it was pretty good. Have multiple BDL relics for Bartz and Galuf. Bartz is a really good DPS. Galuf and Gogo deal pretty good damage too.
Have a lot of Lenna’s Soul Breaks, and she’s one of the healers I usually bring to fights. She’s good. And Mog’s an excellent support for Dragonking Dungeon quests.
I also thought that I was kinda getting the hang of these Bahamut fights, considering how many I’ve already done so far. It’s still difficult, of course.
But I thought I had a pretty good chance of being able to beat the FFV Bahamut fight which was why I chose to try out this realm next.
At first, things seemed to be going well enough then Bahamut killed all my chars. He was down to 22.7% HP when that happened.
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After looking up the moves list of this boss, I found out that phase 1 of this fight has Bahamut dispelling my chars. This meant my chars lost a lot of their buffs, including Haste. Haste speeds up my party, which is really important in FFRK.
I don’t think I was ever able to refresh Haste since I didn’t even know my chars had lost it in the first place. So this could explain how I ended up losing this fight. Now have to try again and make sure to re-Haste once Bahamut dispels the buffs of my chars.
A few days or so ago, I ended up getting the Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) of Faris Scherwiz (Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon) from Final Fantasy V. I talk more about that in another post.
Before that, the only BDL relic I had for Faris was her Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) so I never got to use her.
Now that I have 2 BDL relics for her, I thought she’d be able to help me with the FFV Dragonking Dungeon fight.
I only have 1 BDL relic for Gogo so I readily dropped him and replaced him with Faris then tried this fight again.
After 2 to 3 tries, the best I’d managed to do was to get Bahamut down to 32.1% HP.
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Ugh. This fight was really frustrating. There were times wherein my DPS couldn’t even break the damage cap even while under the effects of their BDL relics.
Faris didn’t seem all that helpful either. She hardly broke the damage cap even while under the effects of her AASB and/or Dual.
Honestly feeling kinda discouraged right now. Also not really feeling up to trying this fight again only to fail again.
Maybe I should just try a different fight for now then just go back to this one later on. Well, assuming I still have time anyway because the time for FFRK’s end is drawing closer and closer.
End of Final Fantasy Record Keeper Mobile Game
And that’s it. It’s all over now. At the time I’m writing this part of this post, it’s way past September 29, 2022 so FFRK has just ended its service. Ahh, I still wish that this didn’t have to happen now or anytime soon.
I tried but sadly, wasn’t able to finish all the content in Final Fantasy Record Keeper before the end.
Never got to try the Final Fantasy V Dragonking Dungeon quest again so never got to see if I could have managed to beat Bahamut after a few more tries.
IIRC, I managed to finish all of the quests in the Dreams Dungeons and the Torment Dungeons. AFAIK, I also managed to sub-30 all of these fights.
I’ve been able to do some of the quests in the Dreambreaker Dungeons and Dragonking Dungeons but unfortunately, I never got to finish all of the fights on these dungeons.
According to the last time I took note of what I still needed to do in the Cardia Dungeons, for the Dreambreaker Dungeons, I haven’t cleared the Dreambreaker quests of the following realms yet:
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Record Keeper
For some reason, Final Fantasy VII was listed too but I know I’ve already cleared the FF7 Dreambreaker Dungeon quest fight. I talk more about that in this post.
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The clear time listed on that post is 57.01, and I can’t recall or find any more posts where I wrote about being able to sub-30 this fight so that’s probably why I still listed that I still need to do the FF7 Dreambreaker Dungeon quest.
Ahh, I wish that I’d gotten the chance to try that fight again. By now, I have a lot more Soul Breaks for multiple Final Fantasy VII chars so I’m pretty sure that I would have been able to sub-30 this Dreambreaker quest already.
Heck, I’d already been able to sub-30 (my exact clear time was 26.95 seconds) the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon quest and that’s supposed to be harder than the Dreambreaker fights. I talk more about that in this post.
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Anyway, according to my notes, I’ve also already cleared the Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VIII, and Final Fantasy X Dreambreaker Dungeons quests but I haven’t been able to sub-30 any of them yet.
Was planning to try these fights again but, unfortunately, never got the chance to do so before the game ended.
As for the Dragonking Dungeons quests, according to the last time I took notes, I have yet to clear the fights in the following realms:
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XI
FInal Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Type-0
Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Not sure how accurate these notes are. I’ve already done the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dragonking Dungeon quest (I talk more about this in the post linked above), but my clear time for that fight was 32.80 seconds so that’s probably why I still listed this realm in my notes.
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I’ve also already cleared the Final Fantasy XV Dragonking Dungeon quest but my clear time for that fight was 39.00 seconds. I talk more about that in this post.
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By now I do have a few good relics for some of these realms so I think I would have been able to clear some of these fights if I’d gotten the chance to try any of them out. Too bad the game ended before I could try clearing these quests.
For instance, I just got some of Meia’s (from Mobius Final Fantasy) Soul Breaks, including her Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) and her Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB). I talk more about that in this post.
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Got to use Meia in battle a few times and she’s really good. Too bad I didn’t get to use her as much as I wanted to.
Also, I’d been meaning to try out Meia in the Final Fantasy I Dragonking Dungeon quest but unfortunately never got the chance to do so.
Aside from the Cardia Dungeons quests, there are also a lot of other fights that I haven’t been able to do or finish in Final Fantasy Record Keeper, but I talk more about that in another post.
Anyway, another thing that’s really upsetting is the way Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended. Its end feels so anticlimactic. Truly a letdown of epic proportions. The game could have tried to do more before everything ended.
But instead, even before the end, FFRK felt dead already. We stopped getting any new events long before the end.
We got a special banner and some tickets that we could use to pull on said banner. I talk more about that in another post, but we’d get like 1 ticket per day as part of some login bonus campaign or something.
That only lasted for like 30 days or so though. But why couldn’t they have made it last until the end? Why couldn’t they have given us more free pulls?
Why couldn’t they have adjusted the rates or something? Why couldn’t they have made it so that these daily free 10-draws would give us at least 1 6-star or 7-star Soul Break or something?
They didn’t even refresh the Realm and Elemental banners or given us more mythril and Realm/Elemental x11 tickets.
The game could have gone out with a bang but it feels like it all just ended in disappointment.
So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Cardia Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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mdimteyazali · 1 year
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Moon Walk Elegant & Comfy Bellies For Women's Shop For Moon Walk Elegant and Comfy Bellies For Women's 😀👌 *Color*: Multicoloured *Type*: Bellies *Material*: Synthetic *Sizes*: EURO36 (Foot Length 22.7 cm), EURO37 (Foot Length 23.5 cm), EURO38 (Foot Length 24.0 cm), EURO39 (Foot Length 24.6 cm), EURO40 (Foot Length 25.7 cm), EURO41 (Foot Length 26.3 cm) * *Returns*:  Within 7 days of delivery. No questions asked 🆕 Avail 100% cashback on all your orders in MyShopPrime Wallet 💸 Use 5% flat off on all prepaid orders Hi, check out this collection available at best price for you.💰💰 If you want to buy any product, message me https://myshopprime.com/collections/431985997 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiCo4EMIX_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years
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Moon over Musashi Plain, Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, April 1892, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
one sheet; seated wolf with its head bending over its back, with a very long, thin snout; wolf is seated at water's edge, with a reflection in LRC; full moon, ULQ Size: 13 1/8 × 8 15/16 in. (33.34 × 22.7 cm) (image, vertical ōban) 14 9/16 × 9 15/16 in. (36.99 × 25.24 cm) (sheet) Medium: Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Vrais semblants
Photographies de Sarah Moon
Delpire éditeur Paris, Deuxieme édition 1993, 92 pages, 22.7 x 28.5 cm, ISBN 2-85107-009-6
euro 150,00  copia con dedica e firma di Sarah Moon Milano 1996
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Je photographie le privilège – l’évanescence – l’improbable ou la beauté – j’y cherche l’émotion et la quête en est d’autant plus désespérante. Sarah Moon
Ce livre propose une sélection choisie des plus belles images de Sarah Moon.
Ces photographies sépia nous invitent à un voyage surréaliste à travers la vie intérieure de l’artiste, et les lieux qui sont les siens. On y retrouve ses célèbres portraits de mannequins, le cirque de Villecroze, le paon et les flamants roses, Dimanche à Grisy ou encore Pauline.
Comme elle l’écrit dans l’ouvrage, « souvent j’envie ceux qui savent photographier la vie. Moi, je la fuis – je pars de rien – je ne témoigne de rien – j’invente une histoire que je ne raconte pas, j’imagine une situation qui n’existe pas – je crée un lieu ou j’en efface un autre, je déplace la lumière – je déréalise et puis j’essaie… Je guette ce que je n’ai pas prévu, j’attends de reconnaître ce que j’ai oublié – je défais ce que je construis – j’espère le hasard et je souhaite plus que tout être touchée en même temps que je vise. »
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make--me--bones · 3 years
age: 26
gender: human
sex: afab
rainbow identity: queer
pronouns: they | them | theirs
country: australia
height: 177cm | 5'10"
lw: 71kg | 157lbs | 22.7 bmi | october 2021
hw: 105kg | 232lbs | 33.5 bmi | december 2016
ugw: 50kg | 110lbs | 16.0 bmi
diagnoses: atypical anorexia nervosa | borderline personality disorder
sun: scorpio
moon: capricorn
rising: taurus
dms: open, but flaky af
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moon 22.8
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Prev: moon 22.7 || Next: moon 22.9
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aic-asian · 3 years
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Pine tree and full moon, section of an untitled harimaze sheet, Utagawa Hiroshige, 1850, Art Institute of Chicago: Asian Art
Clarence Buckingham Collection Size: 22.7 x 15.7 cm Medium: Color woodblock print; section of harimaze sheet
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artist-church · 2 years
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River through Mountain Valley with Sky and Crescent Moon, Frederic Edwin Church, November 1866, Smithsonian: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Size: Sheet: 12.3 x 22.7 cm (4 13/16 x 8 15/16 in.) Medium: Graphite, brush and white gouache on cream wove paper
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bm-asian-art · 3 years
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Full Moon at Takanawa (Takanawa no Meigetsu), from Celebrated Places in the Eastern Capital (Toto Meisho), Utagawa Hiroshige, ca. 1831, Brooklyn Museum: Asian Art
Size: Sheet: 10 3/16 x 15 3/16 in. (25.8 x 38.6 cm) Image: 8 15/16 x 14 1/4 in. (22.7 x 35.7 cm) Medium: Color woodblock print on paper
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zamgoods · 3 years
22/7 Egyptian Pi π 3.16 Day July 22nd Golden Circle Ring on it Ring of Fire
Thursday July 22nd 7.22.2021 or 22.7 203rd day; 162 days remain Waxing Gibbus moon. 91%Illumination/ 9% Shadow. 12th day moon
Don't Be Afraid of a little Math.
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Beyonce said to" Put a Ring on it" and find out if your 22/7 relationship is true. The relationship ship between your inner circle and the distance between it is always true. It is 22 divided by 7.
Whether you want to size your finger for a ring, your head for hat size, neck for a shirt or tie, or box for your delicious pizza, you will find the constant of Pi (Pie, PY).
Over 4 thousand years ago, Ancient Egyptians architects in Africa, built great wonders of the world, still standing today. Mathematical principals written and still remain in Museums.
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The Ancient Egyptian manuscripts that kept the formulas and blue prints were written on papyrus scrolls. There is one that is named after a thief, Alexander Henry Rhind, a Scottish antiquarian, who purchased the papyrus in 1858 in Luxor, Egypt; it was apparently found during illegal excavations in or near the Ramesseum. It dates to around 1550 BC.
The British Museum, where the majority of papyrus is now kept, acquired it in 1865 along with the Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll, also owned by Henry Rhind; there are a few small fragments held by the Brooklyn Museum in New York City and an 18 cm central section is missing
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus is on
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Hi Ms. M! Hope you’re having a great Friday! When doing aspects natally does the order matter? Or is Mars opp Neptune the same as Neptune opp Mars ?
I did NOT have a good Friday, alas.
The climate crisis is giving Colorado abnormally warm overnight temperatures. Back when I first moved here, in 1984, you always needed at least a sheet or a lightweight blanket at night. Over Thursday/Friday night, though, the temperature never dipped below 73 F (22.7 C). It took me until after 3 am to even just doze off. And when Ms M Jr getting ready for her day roused me at 7:30, the temperature was 81 F / 27.2 C.
At 7:30 in the fucking MORNING in fucking COLORADO.
The result was a small migraine, from the lack of sleep. I am going to become much more vocal about the climate crisis.
Anyway. Your opposition question! When discussing natal aspects, we always seem to go in the order of Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars-(Lady Asteroids)-Jupiter-Saturn-(Chiron & the Centaurs)-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto & the TNOs order.
(I don't know why that is. We can see it's starting from the Sun and then moving further away from the Sun, but how that became "The Way" I don't know. Going in order of planetary speed makes more sense to me!)
When discussing transiting aspects, though, it's always in this format:
(transiting planet) - (aspect) - (natal placement)
It definitely makes a difference. Transiting Mars opposite natal Neptune is maybe a week of confusion; transiting Neptune opposite natal Mars can last two years. Blessings, XOXOXO
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