#mor yaps
taxideermied · 29 days
I think we would be better off if therian spaces emphasized research and ecological understanding/advocacy, actually. That's my hot take, I guess.
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arson-09 · 2 days
i wish mor was a likable character. instead sjm made her into a girl on girl hater with the personality of flatbread and half toasted diversity. sad
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thehusbandoden · 3 months
Ice Cream Thief -Husband!Bakugo Katsuki x Pregnant!Wife!Reader
A/n: I don't simp for Bakugo, so pls let me know if his scratched your itch.
General info:
Genre: fluff/crack/comfort \\ wc: 312 \\ fem reader \\ posted: 03/15/24
Summary: you are having a terrible time. Your baby kept you awake all night kicking, you stubbed your foot on the stupid nightstand, and Bakugo has been working almost twenty-four-seven. The one thing you’ve been craving all month is ice cream... but you come out to find it eaten. With the carton still. In. The. Freezer.
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“Bakugo Katsuki!” You call from the kitchen, seething with rage.  
“What do ya want, woman?” He calls back from the living room.  
“Don’t you ���woman’ me! Get in here before I make you!”  
“Oh give me a break.” He grumbles, walking into the kitchen to see what you were yapping about. His eyes flicker to the empty carton of ice cream... and he realizes he’s in trouble.  
“What. Happened. To. My. Ice. Cream.” You growl, a hand on your swollen belly. The one thing you’ve been craving all month is ice cream. Your baby kept you awake all night kicking, you stubbed your foot on the stupid nightstand, and Bakugo has been working almost twenty-four-seven. This was the last thing you needed, the straw that broke your self restraint.  
“I’ll just buy you mo-”  
“Katsuki! Why did you have to leave the carton in the freezer?! My heart just tore itself apart! I needed that!”  
“It’s like nine in the mor-”  
“I need *something* to calm me down Katsuki! Why did you have to eat it?! Not only that but you left the carton in the freezer! And now I-” tears of frustration bubble in your eyes, your hormones are going haywire, and Bakugo can see that.  
Warm muscular arms wrap around your soft form. Bakugo brings you to his chest, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you slowly begin to calm down.  
You take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of your beloved. “Ice cream thief.” You scoff, looking up at your tsundere husband. He smirks down at you, pecking your nose.  
“I’ll buy you more, okay? Stop whinin’.” You huff, but don’t respond as you bury your face in his warm chest.  
You sigh in relief, knowing that out of everything and anything- yes, even your beloved ice cream- you craved your beloved husband’s tender touch above all else.  
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stargirlie25 · 4 months
Just saw this.....
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Before i say anything let me say i truly want everybody to pay attention to this post and the information inside especially if you agree with the post above.
How little do you know about Elain Archeron?
Let me tell you she has done these things but this person stretched out everything making Elain seem as a person she is not. You seriously think Elain would like anybody who talks about her like this? You think she would be flattered? These are all the people who claim they are Elain stans and change her character left and right.
What's true about what this person said is that she drinks whisky,stabbed the king of hybern,gives airplane gifts,found the suriel, and said ´´I hope they all burn in hell´´. Everything else is false and so disrespectful to her character.
Firstly Elain is seen to be a kind soul who owns up to her mistakes and is thankful for anybody ´s kindness and will remember it forever. That being said, Rhysand was seen once flying Elain to and from The house of wind so she can see her sister. She loves her sister and wants to see her and Rhys is taking her. Do you think she would like that her ´´stans´´ are saying he is her ´´little flying lackey´´ No. She would find you an unpleasant person who lacks respect.
´´Made a 500 year old obsession without even trying´´ You are right. Elain did nothing to have that. It is just because her sisters got with Azriels brothers and the dear shadowsinger formed an idea that Elain is rightfully supposed to be his because you know what, her sisters are with his brothers and that is enough logic. If its an obsession of any sorts, it is an unhealthy one.
Just some reasons:
He feels unworthy to taint her with his presence and hides a part of him (shadows) and hates another (hands) in regards to Elain.
For two years straight all he did was Pump himself and he said himself that he certainly had not gone far with his planning other than his fantasies.
He loved Mor for centuries and after the almost kiss with Elain, he refuses to disclose his feelings for mor. Even in ACOSF it represents he still feels for her.
He says its best to Kill greyson (Elain´s ex lover) even though Elain forbid feyre and others from doing anything to him.
He gets angry at the thought of Elain doing at least something and underestimates her -which is the only canon proof of what he could be thinking so don´t even try. Elain even calls out Nesta who had the same reaction and same reasoning. We have both Nesta and Feyre calling out how they do not like territorial traits from a man.
He gives credit to Nesta for beheading the king ´´Herself´´ which is a direct parallel to Lucien crediting Elain for her bravery. Before you guys yap about how its factually correct on what he said, do you realise how easy it could have been for sarah to say something like
Azriel said,´´Her sister stabbed the king of hybern,´´ A look towards truthteller and back at bryce and she could have sworn pride swarmed his eyes ´´Nesta beheaded the king of hybern herself´´
Dont bully me i have no idea how to write books but SJM could have put something even more tone down and it would still be an nice Elnotreal moment. Instead she made a direct parallel with what Lucien once said in ACOWAR.
∴ His ´´obsession´´ is super unhealthy.
Anyways whats next?
´´Had the shadowsinger running around´´ I mean go ahead make Elain seem like fricking b**tch. She is so sweet and kind and for some reason you want to take that away to make her seem strong? You have to put down multiple characters to uplift Elain? YOU have to. Not Elain. I can see from people who agree with the statement above (the picture) are simply blind to what Elain offers. There is a strength in her kindness,generosity, manner and feminism. When i see how kind Elain is, i see her strength. I see HER power. She respects all those around her and if i stan her why would i change that narrative?
That being said, Elain would continue to thank everybody who shows her kindness and if you think not than do not even bother saying you are pro Elain.
Same thing with saying she forbid everyone from eating. Elnotreals are seriously taking the forbidden love idea too far. All jokes aside she literally canonically said that they should not wait for her and go ahead and eat. Even if she did say that, no offense to my girl but they would all laugh their a$$ off and continue to eat.
Although Elain distances herself from Lucien, based on her character she would be offended if someone said she does not gaf.
Even this creator would. Imagine i made a anti Elain post saying something along the lines of
´´I hate Elain because she practically does not gaf about the mating bond with lucien and she sucks because of it´´
In this circumstance, you guys would pounce right away and start listing off the reason on why it isn´t the fact she does not gaf its because of _______ etc.
Although you are using it to make her seems as though she is a Girlboss for it? I´m not blaming her because i literally 100% believe it is not the fact she does not care, it's deeper.
´´uglified herself´´ There you go again, disrespecting Elains family, friends. First of all, no one needed Elain to be there, they needed Nesta. They did not choose Elain. They chose Nesta because of her dancing so she could seduce Eris. It was Elains choice to come although no one needed her. Mor always prefers to wear red and she did wear it the court of nightmares. Elain chose to wear black to match as the High Ladys sister in order to match. She herself looks prefers lilaks,blues,pinks but probably told herself she needed to be someone else to fit in. Something Cass and Rhysand has noted. Why are you calling her ugly when her current state is ´´Life being sucked from her´´
You just love disrespecting my girl acting like its a praise. tsk, tsk
Why am i making this post? What if its just a joke?
Its not just that. Many people use this information to uplift Elain while they casually ignore her own choices and personality. So what if this is a joke? On the bottom it says
´´You sure she is not developed enough?´´
Meaning what she wrote is development for Elain. No its not. Its erasing her character and morphing a new one in her place. I could go on and on of other reasons as to why Elain is developed and it is none of those reasons. Most of her development would happen in her own book and from her own pov instead of other characters just like Nesta.
Anyways my hole point is that you dont have to make Elain seem like she runs the ic, or she dominates everybody, or is a mastermind.
Let me get this straight
Feyre is a highlady: STRONG
Nesta is a warrior: STRONG
Elain is a gardener: STRONG
In my opinion it could be stronger. Maybe because im just like her haha but in a world of warrior women or tongue lasher women, she remain her perfect self, Elain Archeron and she would let no man or no ´´stan´´ change that.
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bunnyshideawayy · 3 months
and since i’m yapping i wanna quickly rant about how stupid and selfish the Feysand death pact is.
yes, i know losing a mate would be devastating for the other. yes, i know Feyre and Rhys watched each other die and were put through hell together. that still doesn’t change my mind. what they did was selfish, for more reasons than just it leaving Nyx orphaned and heartbroken. (btw do we know the timeline for aging as a fae? like do they grow up like humans do until they reach like 20 something and just stop aging for a while? lmk)
Feyre and Rhys are high lady and high lord of the night court, they have the court and its people to consider. what would happen to if they should die together? who would rule the NC if Nyx was to young to become high lord? who would protect Nyx and Velaris? News flash, it wouldn’t be the IC. the only one who stands a chance politically would be Mor, who is Keir’s daughter and Rhys’s cousin, but Cas and Az would be left with no official court positions. Rhys is barely keeping the Illryians in line, should he die they will revolt and Cas and Az will not be able to handle that idc how powerful they are. Amren wouldn’t be able to do much politically i don’t think she is even known outside the NC. Cas and Az have little to no respect from the other courts, they’d maybe have the help of the Summer and Day courts- that’s it. Keir would probably try to become HL of the NC if Nyx is still to young and he would have the entire support of the CON. if that happened Nyx, Mor, any of the IC would never be safe. Nesta and Elain, too. Just rhys dying would drastically change the political landscape, losing both he and feyre would be catastrophic. 
Now onto Nyx.
I know feyre and rhys didn’t expect to actually get pregnant so soon but they made the pact then decided to try for kids, that is also selfish and irresponsible. idc if they thought it would take 200 years to get pregnant, idc if they didn’t expect the wigs, they still made the pact and knew the consequence of having a kid would mean one of them would have to stay behind to take care of them even if they were grieving! “well mates are different!” do you really think feyre and rhys are the first and only mated pair in pyrithian history? i’m sure there has been someone who lost their mate and still pushed through for their kid(s). it was a desperate thing to do and love makes you desperate. i get it and i don’t expect these deeply traumatized characters to be perfect but i DO expect us as readers to see stupid, and say stupid. it’s obvious even they regret their pact after the pregnancy. so we can all drop this act, what they did was selfish and that’s okay! they made a blind and short sided decision that will have incredible, negative consequences should it ever happen. not just for them and their family, but for their entire court and the entire island of pyrthian, maybe even world, maybe even universe given its now canonly connected to the CC universe. thank the mother they both have way to much plot armor so we don’t have to worry about losing either of them. but the possibility is terrifying!
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jjhhuibhhhj · 4 months
Unpopular opinion…
It seems as if everyone is annoyed at Bryce for not immediately sharing every detail of her world with the IC. Bryce did not read 5 ACOTAR books or know these people as we do. Her experience with Fae (rightfully) show that they are horrible. These people overthrew her enemy which must mean they are dangerous.
Although they do not physically torture her it is EXTREMELY CLEAR not just by their actions but actual DIALOGUE that they do not trust Bryce
Also, the IC just finished a war and for the first time in most of their lives are experiencing peace. We know from ACOTAR that Rhysand and friends will do all that is necessary to keep their world save even if that includes killing Bryce which could upon a portal for the big bad “Daglan/ Asteri”
Bryce realising she needs to escape and being reckless is understandable she left her mate and family behind and she doesn’t have time to win the IC’s trust. They clearly view her as a prisoner not a guest and have disarmed her. Bryce does not have one reason to trust them or even expect to them to be trustworthy.
I feel the people who feel let down by this crossover are let down by the fact that the CRESCENT CITY book centers around the CRESCENT CITY characters and isn’t more batboy smut.
There are definitely plot points that could have been dealt with better such as the information from Silene, everything about Ithan. The biggest issue I have with Bryce is her seemingly having this golden hamster wheel in her mind which happens to make perfect conveniently timed plans. Bryce does feel like a moderniser attempt at Aelin’s character. That being said constantly drawing comparisons between the FMC takes away from them so it isn’t something I feel I should do.
Ithan is so annoying to me especially his inability to stay on track or have any logical thought process. I don’t understand his undying loyalty to the wolves who abandoned and betrayed him. Sigrid tried to KILL HIM as well but he still yapped on about her and had no respect for his friend Cormac by not even protesting against the idea of resurrecting Sophie just to use her power to make himself feel better. He should have focused on the friends that are loyal to him which he even called his pack.
Also ENOUGH with the sunball references. Only so much benefits can be drawn from sunball which directly correlates with any real world benefit.
Tharion just feels like one big yap fest (lack of a better explanation to convey the boredom he perpetuates in me). Aidas and Appolion also could have spoken up about EVERYTHING about two books ago or at least in all their little encounters with Hunt.
Jesiba Roga and Fury 🤝 Mor and Amren
(Overhyped and underperforming)
I have religiously read every Sarah J Maas and all things considered I really enjoyed this book it might even be my favorite in the CC universe.
I enjoyed it more than Tower of Dawn, ACOSF and ACOFAS but I will not read the next book if it is about Ithan or Tharion.
I suspect Azriel is linked to Hel but Sarah definitely still has alot of loose threads surrounding him which is starting to feel redundant and an elaborate attempt at making him seem mysterious.
Things I would like so see in the Maasverse: the parasite being removed from the water and the Midgardians tapping into their raw power, better understanding of Bryce and Hunt joint ability. I also think Sarah could become one of the best fantasy writers of all time if she focused more on how the multiverse works (time differences, abilities (technicalities of it all). I would like to know what happened to Erilea because all the evidence points to it being a conquered world which will honestly just be depressing but we see that Prythian and midgard follow the same time sequence so perhaps Erilea is joined in on that time scape and Aelin falling through still happens relatively “recent”.
And I agree on how annoying the term “alphahole” is but lets focus on the real enemy “his luxurious length”. That just reminds me of ms Perky in 10 things I hate about you and Reginalds quivering member.
Let’s move away from the smut which was excellently balanced out in TOG in my opinion. I do think that Sarah amortised her credibility as a fantasy writer between TOG and ACOTAR by focusing more on the smut scenes and not the plot point. I am ready to be hated but I DON’T care about what Lorcan did or Cassian and the stupid headboard. I DO care about how the time differs between the universes, the different gods in all the worlds and how they link, each string on the harp and the different heritages.
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leoniestarlee · 4 months
Illyrian Assassin (13)
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Pairing: Azriel x OC
Word Count: 1.5k
Warning: past trauma, slow burn
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
“Amren’s right,” Rhys drawled, leaning against the threshold of the townhouse sitting room. “You are like dogs, waiting for me to come home. Maybe I should buy treats.”
“You want me to start barking too?” I sarcastically asked.
“You already yap like a dog,” Rhys shot back, and I glared at him.
“And you follow me around like a dog.”
Azriel lingered by the window, comfortably ensconced in shadows, with amusement on his face as he watched me and Rhys. A light flurry of snow dusting the lawn and street behind him. And Amren ... Nowhere to be seen.
Cassian gave him a vulgar gesture from where he lounged on the couch before the hearth, an arm slung over the back behind Mor and me. Though everything about his powerful, muscled body suggested someone at ease, there was a tightness in his jaw, a coiled-up energy that told Rhys and Feyre that we’d been waiting here for a while. 
Feyre strode for the armchair across from the couch and she stretched her limbs toward the fire.
"How'd it go?" Mor said, straightening beside Cassian. 
"The Bone Carver," Rhys said, "is a busybody gossip who likes to pry into other people's business far too much." 
"But?" Cassian demanded, bracing his arms on his knees, wings tucked in tight. 
"But," Rhys said, "he can also be helpful, when he chooses. And it seems we need to start doing what we do best." 
Rhys told us of the Cauldron, and the reason behind the temple pillaging’s, to no shortage of swearing and questions. Azriel emerged from his wreathing shadows to ask the most questions; his face and voice remained unreadable. Me and Cassian, surprisingly, kept quiet—as if the general understood that the shadowsinger would know what information was necessary, and was busy assessing it for his own forces.
When Rhys was done, his spymaster said, "I'll contact my sources in the Summer Court about where the half of the Book of Breathings is hidden. I can fly into the human world myself to figure out where they're keeping their part of the Book before we ask them for it." 
"No need," Rhys said. "And I don't trust this information, even with your sources, with anyone outside of this room. Save for Amren." 
"They can be trusted," Azriel said with quiet steel, his scarred hands clenching at his leather-clad sides. 
"We're not taking risks where this is concerned," Rhys merely said. He held Azriel's stare, the silent words Rhys added, It is no judgment or reflection on you, Az. Not at all. 
But Azriel yielded no tinge of emotion as he nodded, his hands unfurling. 
"So what do you have planned?" I cut in—perhaps for Azriel’s sake.
Rhys picked an invisible piece of dirt off his fighting leathers. When he lifted his head, those violet eyes were glacial. "The King of Hybern sacked one of our temples to get a missing piece of the Cauldron. As far as I'm concerned, it's an act of war—an indication that His Majesty has no interest in wooing me." 
"He likely remembers our allegiance to the humans in the War, anyway," Cassian said. "He wouldn't jeopardize revealing his plans while trying to sway you, and I bet some of Amarantha's cronies reported to him about Under the Mountain. About how it all ended, I mean." Cassian's throat bobbed. 
Rhys said, "Indeed. But this means Hybern's forces have already successfully infiltrated our lands—without detection. I plan to return the favor." 
Cassian, Mor, and I just grinned with feral delight. "How?" I asked. 
Rhys crossed his arms. "It will require careful planning. But if the Cauldron is in Hybern, then to Hybern we must go. Either to take it back ... or use the Book to nullify it."
"Hybern likely has as many wards and shields around it as we have here," Azriel countered. "We'd need to find a way to get through them undetected first." 
A slight nod. "Which is why we start now. While we hunt for the Book. So when we get both halves, we can move swiftly—before word can spread that we even possess it." 
Cassian nodded, but asked, "How are you going to retrieve the Book, then?" 
Rhys said, "Since these objects are spelled to the individual High Lords, and can only be found by them—through their power ... Then, in addition to her uses regarding the handling of the Book of Breathings itself, it seems we possibly have our own detector." 
Now we all looked at Feyre. 
Feyre cringed. "Perhaps was what the Bone Carver said in regard to me being able to track things. You don't know ... " Her words faded as Rhys smirked.
"You have a kernel of all our power—like having seven thumbprints. If we've hidden something, if we've made or protected it with our power, no matter where it has been concealed, you will be able to track it through that very magic." 
"You can't know that for sure," Feyre tried again.
"No—but there is a way to test it." Rhys was still smiling.
"Here we go," Cassian grumbled. 
"Don't even think about it." I gave Azriel a warning glare, knowing he would volunteer. The spymaster just gave me an incredulous look in return. 
"With your abilities, Feyre, you might be able to find the half of the Book at the Summer Court—and break the wards around it. But I'm not going to take the carver's word for it, or bring you there without testing you first. To make sure that when it counts, when we need to get that book, you—we do not fail. So we're going on another little trip. To see if you can find a valuable object of mine that I've been missing for a considerably long time," Rhysand said.
"Shit," Mor said, plunging her hands into the thick folds of her sweater. 
"Where?" Feyre managed to say.
It was Azriel who answered. "To the Weaver."
Rhys held up a hand as I opened my mouth to object. "The test," he said, "will be to see if Feyre can identify the object of mine in the Weaver's trove. When we get to the Summer Court, Tarquin might have spelled his half of the Book to look different, feel different." 
"By the Cauldron, Rhys," Mor snapped, setting both feet on the carpet. "Are you out of your—" 
"Who is the Weaver?" Feyre pushed. 
"An ancient, wicked creature," Azriel said. "Who should remain unbothered," he added in Rhys's direction. "Find another way to test her abilities." 
"The Bone Carver, the Weaver ... Can't you ever just call someone by a given name?" Feyre mumbled.
Cassian chuckled, and Mor settled back in the sofa cushions.
Rhys said to Feyre, "What about adding one more name to that list?"
"You're going to scare her off with all this information," I said as I rested my head on Cassian's shoulder.
"Emissary," Rhysand said, ignoring me. "Emissary to the Night Court—for the human realm."
Azriel said, "There hasn't been one for five hundred years, Rhys."
"There also hasn't been a human-turned-immortal since then, either." Rhys met Feyre's gaze. "The human world must be as prepared as we are—especially if the King of Hybern plans to shatter the wall and unleash his forces upon them. We need the other half of the Book from those mortal queens—and if we can't use magic to influence them, then they're going to have to bring it to us." 
More silence. On the street beyond the bay of windows, wisps of snow brushed past, dusting the cobblestones.
Rhys jerked his chin at Feyre. "You are an immortal faerie—with a human heart. Even as such, you might very well set foot on the continent and be ... hunted for it. So we set up a base in neutral territory. In a place where humans trust us—trust you, Feyre. And where other humans might risk going to meet with you. To hear the voice of Prythian after five centuries." 
"My family's estate," Feyre said. 
"Mother's tits, Rhys," Cassian cut in, wings flaring wide enough to nearly knock over the ceramic vase on the side table next to him and knocking me onto the hard floor as my bones groaned. "You think we can just take over her family's house, demand that of them?" 
Azriel helped me up as I punched Cassian in the arm. "Dickhead."
"The land," Mor said, reaching over to return the vase to its place as I stood near the window by Azriel, "will run red with blood, Cassian, regardless of what we do with her family. It is now a matter of where that blood will flow—and how much will spill. How much human blood we can save." 
Feyre said, "The Spring Court borders the wall—"
"The wall stretches across the sea. We'll fly in offshore," Rhys said without so much as a blink. "I won't risk discovery from any court, though word might spread quickly enough once we're there. I know it won't be easy, Feyre, but if there's any way you could convince those queens—" 
"I'll do it,” she said. "They might not be happy about it, but I'll make Elain and Nesta do it." 
"Then it's settled," Rhys said. None of us looked particularly happy. "Once Feyre darling returns from the Weaver, we'll bring Hybern to its knees."
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natasha-reads · 4 months
Okay so I'm about 85% done with ACOMAF and I'm sorry to say my opinion of the book has deteriorated.
First, with regards to how Feysand went down - I loved the beginning. When Feyre threw a shoe at Rhys's head, I actually squealed. But as the book went on, I got less and less invested in their relationship and at this point I'm not too fussed about where it goes from here.
For one, it feels like they went straight from the banter/flirting phase to the "I love you" phase without anything in between.
Second, it seems like SJM loves reminding us at every opportunity that they're mates. Like, we get it. Enough with that. Even the whole "he waited for her for years, saw her die, saw her with another man" doesn't hit hard at all when you're seeing how Feyre keeps talking about how he's her mate every second paragraph.
I might be able to excuse this by saying that they're in their honeymoon phase, but the fact remains that it's annoying to read about. And the stuff about Rhys starts from way before. She's constantly talking about how good Rhys is, how he let's her make her own choices, blah blah. That's great and all - but don't constantly yap about it. And when I say constant, I mean it's fucking constant.
Rhys is a morally grey character - no doubt. He's done some terrible things. But I feel like Feyre and by extension SJM treat him like he has done no wrong. The only person who believes he's done wrong is Rhys himself.
Possibly another reason why Feysand doesn't feel all that powerful is because we haven't seen them do anything for each other that the other members of the Inner Circle wouldn't already do. What's special about their bond?
I also found it stupid how the Inner Circle instantly accepted Feyre as one of their own. Everything in Velaris seems too perfect - which makes it unrealistic, which in turn makes it boring. You could argue that we're talking about immortal faeries and I shouldn't look too hard for realism, but the personalities and character dynamics HAVE to be somewhat realistic. It would have been so much more interesting if Feyre had to win the Inner Circle over.
As for Rhys... well, I'm not super interested in him anymore. I think he's still pretty cool as a character, but I've lost a lot of the love I had for him.
I do plan to continue reading the series, if only to see Cassian and Azriel and Mor get some time in the spotlight. I'll also say I'm sick and tired of Feyre's POV. She has a tendency to over-describe, to over-annotate, if that makes sense. I'm hoping ACOWAR doesn't continue this trend.
One last point - in ACOTAR, the first person POV didn't feel so cumbersome. But in ACOMAF, I'm honestly desperate to leave Feyre's head. I'm sick of her.
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falseflair · 7 months
RvB Pets yap session
Alright so i've got a few of these down right. so this whole pet assigning thing started with me imagining sarge with a puppy, and naming that puppy warthog. ITS SO FUCKING UCTE urggg "get in the warthog" fucking dog trots over at the sound of his name "no! warthog stay! down boy." and then theres just a whole bit where hes tryna get warthog to back off or sum idk its silly. What breed of dog would this be though? See I was thinking toy poodle because while i feel like he wouldnt choose it, its cute as fuck so who gives a shit right? Bernese Mountain Dog. Think about it, I did. For a good like 10 minutes while leaving my friend on read because i was thinking so fucking hard. So we either have a toy poodle or bernese mountain dog and I cant get over it, the two are the most best guesses ive got. He walks into the shelter, donut or some1 bringing him there for wtv and he sees this tiny ass toy poodle chewing on a blue dog toy and boom, its his tactical toy poodle he has in his manly tactical purse. While bernese is like so insanely silly its great, the dog knocking sarge over in excitement and sarge trying to order him to attack grif but giving up with a nuetral grunt and saying. "maybe tmrw" or smth ITS SO FUCKING ISLLLY but also maybe beagle just trhowing that out theres would be so sfucking silly too OKAY and then after that we move on to donut right? i got this one almost immediately, parrot. no questions needed, parrot. I cant exactly see donut with parrot.
We get to grif right, Lizard. HEar me out, grif with a bearded dragon. not sure why not sure how but holy shit i fucking love it man.
Doc. See this ones a bit hrmmm not sure because it has to satisfy both doc and omalley and i for somereason think; golden retreiver. doc would have tried to suggest smaller dogs, hes likely looking for a dog ok to be like near people and maybe even like be atherapy dog and omalleys like fuck that these dogs r for pussies and then doc gets to golden retreiver and hes like, i mean sure and boom silly.
Simmons, bunny or guinea pig. feels right.
Tucker, like the legend this mother fucker is. has a snake, simmons kkeeps his distance as things have likely happened multiple times on purpose or not. chicks dig snakes. (im chicks(im a whole male))
caboose already had a pet. RIP.
Church honestly not sure with this dude, could also see him having a lizard or cat. confusing fella. OH MY GOD WAIT hedgehod im sorry it has to be done church with a hedgehog i need it.
Washington, cmon guys you see this shit coming. cat. obviously.
Now if lopez to able to have a pet, right? id like to think maybe a small dog, and he wouldnt out right look for it but he'd find it right, it would have 3 legs and probably be struggling a bit to get around and lopez would take him in and make like a little wheelchair thingy for the little dog and then they become best friends.
tex? not sure honestly, maybe she'd think having a pet is dumb? and i think carolina would just like not be into it really.
drgrey. lizard but not like bearded dragon but like maybe leopard gecko? or maybbe switch dr grey and grif? not sure im confused now but alright reptile awesome possum
Locus. Dove. Locus with a dove, hear me out. It was injured and he helped it out and now its his friend.
felix the bitch would have a snake not because they r evil or anything but felix thinks it makes him look badass, and it does.
give me more characters i want to do mor eof this NEOW
KAI TY TO WHOEVER SAID THIS honestly not sure for her hrmmm,, i feel like she'd have a parrot or a turt for some reason not exactly sure why but i do
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tadpolesonalgae · 3 days
so…I get Mor’s reaction, it makes a lot of sense why she reacted the way she did. But, I firmly believe that trauma and suffering is something you NEVER compare, simply because everyone’s way of handling their trauma is different and the amount of time it takes that person to get over said trauma is also different.
so Mor saying ‘it is nothing compared to what we endured’ is unfair, because she’s never been through what the reader has been subjected to (illness and whatever happened in the Cauldron because it’s pretty clear being in the cauldron wasn’t a fun trip for anyone🥱)
but she also has the right to be mad because out of all IC members, she was the one that reached out to the reader, yes. And well reader going to Eris wasn’t a personal attack to her obviously it was naive of her to not think of the consequences. (I mean I’m sure she was well aware that nobody really liked Eris because they never hid it lol🤭)
I can’t wrap my head around how fae characters are written like they some 22-25 year old human (with their tantrums and constant thirst for power) and still they end up hating humans and have a god complex just cause they have powers?? (This is just an observation of the way SMJ writes her Faes in the acotar universe specifically)
Anywaysssss back to CBMTHY, I do quite like this chapter. With how calm(?) It was, for the reader’s part at least (except what happened with Bas 🫠)
but ehehehhe👹 I’m so excited for how the dinner is going to go on with Mor in the room, the reader def is going to be a little uncomfortable I thinkkk🤭
(I say it like it’s a fun thing but I just quite like the drama and angst)
also you said maybe the reader will snap and say something out of character for once in one of the asks? I don’t quite remember when but I hope she does in the next chapter😃
like imagine her just snapping back at Mor after she says something particularly mean (in undertones of whatever she said because I don’t think Mor would say anything too mean in front of the whole fam coward ) and then just leaving the room very dramatically 😟 (I love drama too much I apologise😔)
ah..I can’t wait till azriel finds out that reader found that paper between the page of the book given by Eris and that Azriel missed it (Yk with being the spymaster and him not realising that Eris was able to sneak in a magical paper to talk with reader for like so long?? What happened to security measures fr)
Have I mentioned I need reader to remember that Eris said something about the book having another secret that she had not found yet and then doing like a deep dive into the book trying to find it??
(also im so curious if you’re going to write about starfall because of how readers magic is kinda similar to the stars during that time? Yk green??)
Ugh I write too much 😞
this is just me dumping all my thoughts because I haven’t been reading for a while , (I got out of my reading slump 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️) aaaas
I just wanna say CBMTHY has my whole heart because it’s just that good 😭😭 and I want to thank you for your amazing work of writing it and your other work too (which all deserve separate appreciation🥰 (high lords who’re and desk pet) WHY DO WRITE SO GOOD 😭😭 HELP I KEEP ON FALLING IN A LOOP OF YOUR WORK LIEK
CBMTHY has my heart
currently, on the wrong side of history has my brain (rotting)
and now I’m giving high lords whore my tears because of the slow burn and the whole plot of reader being so close to Eris yet so out of reach (close as in she is in his court in the castle and far because she serves beron😭😭 ykwim??)
and well desk pet Rhys and have my 🐱, soul, mouth whatever he wants tbh 🫣🫣
yet again I feel like I have yapped too much and now I ought to go back to my studies 🧑🏻‍🍳
send this with lots of love and appreciation 🙌
take care of yourself! ^^ 🧍‍♀️
Yes! Azriel in particular went to great length to warn reader not to go near Eris so that should have been enough I think for reader to at least clock that she shouldn’t become friendly with him? But it was only one conversation, and then it was a book, and then it was just writing a bit in the evening, and then it was some discussions, and then it was just temporarily departing from the Night Court to visit for a bit and it was all to help the IC anyway so reader could figure out her magic without being a burden to everyone!! <- something like reader’s thought process I guess 🫢
I agree never compare trauma, however I think context is important? Mor’s obviously been through hell growing up, and we can see even five hundred years after the main events she still struggles with seeing Kier or Eris? I’d also like to possibly mention emotional connection as a factor? Say you see someone on the street having a bad day, maybe they look a bit tired, or are crying or something—that’s obviously sad, and you’d probably feel bad for them, but it’s different to if someone close to you was like that?
Also a difference between hearing/knowing about something and understanding it? I think you can know someone’s having a bad time but perhaps until you see maybe eyebags, or greasy hair, or maybe they start to smell noticeably it won’t fully register how bad it can be for some people? I think it’s fairly common knowledge that having depression can make it very difficult to do things like take showers, brush teeth, make proper meals and clean up, but actually confronting that in a person you care about can be quite a jarring experience?
I guess in a weird way, Mor knows reader tried to kill herself, but Mor didn’t see it, she hasn’t heard reader talk about it, hasn’t seen her cry like Az or reader’s sister’s did, so I don’t think that when she made the comment about comparing trauma she’d yet comprehended it?
‘(This is just an observation of the way SMJ writes her Faes in the acotar universe specifically)’
Yeah I mean it is a bit of a grey area in my opinion since you want them to be understandable and for their characters to be digestible, but then it can often come off as unrealistic I guess? Also yeah, miss Maas writing her fae-born characters to have barely touched their trauma so it’s more dramatic in the story is something to definitely keep in mind 😭
‘but ehehehhe👹 I’m so excited for how the dinner is going to go on with Mor in the room, the reader def is going to be a little uncomfortable I thinkkk🤭’
Oh my gosh why do you think it’s going to go badly??? It could be lovely! Her sisters are there to look after her, and Cassian’s basically on her side too since Nesta is, Az is out of the way so in essence it’s only maybe Rhys, Amren and Mor to worry about! And I doubt Rhys would say anything that would upset Feyre, and Amren seems to be kind of disinterested in the whole matter, so I’m sure everything will be perfectly fine! No need for worry or concern!!
‘also you said maybe the reader will snap and say something out of character for once in one of the asks? I don’t quite remember when but I hope she does in the next chapter😃’
I don’t know if we’re thinking of the same thing, but someone certainly suggested that when Mor made the comment about reader not being first choice, she should have responded with asking Mor if she really thought Feyre would ever choose her over Feyre’s own sisters 😭
‘Have I mentioned I need reader to remember that Eris said something about the book having another secret that she had not found yet and then doing like a deep dive into the book trying to find it??’
Haha, yeah, the book 😭
I occasionally forget that he gave her that book before they even really knew each other too
‘(also im so curious if you’re going to write about starfall because of how readers magic is kinda similar to the stars during that time? Yk green??)’
Uh, so I can’t disclose loads of details for obvious reasons, but I can say if I map out the storyline against time I’m pretty sure we’ll pass Starfall? I think for some of the stuff that will happen like four - six months is a reasonable time frame, so yes? I’m saying at the moment they’re coming into winter so November-ish? And if Starfall is supposed to be in March they’ll probably cross paths?
This is still theoretical though!! I don’t know if I’ll need that long to write the story so maybe the rest of cbmthy will be completed before they even reach February? I don’t know 😭 it’s hard keeping track of time in a fanfic 😭
‘I just wanna say CBMTHY has my whole heart because it’s just that good 😭😭’
Babes thank you for reading it and being so invested in it 😭😭😭 cbmthy fully wouldn’t have happened if people hadn’t expressed interest in it in the beginning so thank you so much for sticking with it 😭😭🫂🫂
‘currently, on the wrong side of history has my brain (rotting)’
Sorry about that 🫢 I’ve actually had some small ideas since writing this and replying to your last ask, so we’ll see if anything takes root…? 📖🔮
‘and well desk pet Rhys and have my 🐱, soul, mouth whatever he wants tbh 🫣🫣’
Babes you’re so unhinged 😭 (I love, support, and thoroughly respect it 😳😌)
‘yet again I feel like I have yapped too much and now I ought to go back to my studies 🧑🏻‍🍳’
Girl no, yap to your hearts content! All yapping and chatting is welcome over here! I love getting to know your thoughts they always make me so happy! 😭🫂🧡💛
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taxideermied · 1 month
At this point, if you asked me if my therianthropy was psychological, delusional, or spiritual, I wouldn't know what to tell you. I don't know where it starts or where it ends anymore. My body is nonhuman. Whatever level I exist on metaphysically is nonhuman. I am an animal.
I'm like this because I'm like this, because someone somewhere fucked up when I was being made, or maybe they didn't and I was always meant to be this way. Maybe no one had a say in it at all. Maybe it was my own doing.
I used to worry more about the specifics. I wanted neat boxes to fit myself into to show to others so they could better understand me. Now, I'm too tired. I meet others where they are, but I can't find the words for myself. I am a deer. I am a beast. I have hooves and claws and skin and fur and wings and horns. I am a thing that howls at the moon when her light reflects off the backs of my eyes.
The edges of myself are blurry. Sometimes I still long for the words for myself, but now I am more content to just be. I sleep under the stars and breathe easy being something strange and indefinite.
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stargirlie25 · 4 months
ForBiDdeN LoVE
Yall i truly do love forbidden love.
Like its seriously one of the best tropes.
The thing is with elriel, i cant love a trope that doesn't exist yk
Also when i say forbidden love i dont mean some stupid middle school forbidden love. ''Rhysand said i can't go near her.....but i might!'' Like stfu respectfully.
If its forbidden love i rather not have two people from the same court with the same friends inviting each other in with open arms and no conflict.
Like whats Rhysand going to do if Elain and Azriel are in love? Nothing!! Bro said she'd be supported if the bond was rejected!
Also even if Rhysand was angry do you think the ic members would gaf? No they would support it because mor would be happy Azriels moved on, Nesta and feyre would be happy for Elain, Cassian would be happy for Az, and amren would not care.
There is way more obstacles in the Elucien route yall.
First off Elain finally breaking free from her chains. (dont get offended its an example) Like cmon yall feyre and nesta would yap about how its soooo unsafe for Elain to be travelling to this place or that place as if its not her dream? Cass and Rhys would be stressed because their mates are stressed. Mor does not even trust Lucien and amren probably thinks he resembles his family. Even if that would not happen Elucien without a plot and other characters or tropes would still be the most heart wrenching,healing,growth relationship ever!!!
The only thing elriel has to be interesting without plots and tropes is mutual attraction. Like yall cant pinpoint one connection they have either then arousal. ''A look of understanding'' I know you guys underestimate Elain a lot but cmon shes not frickin stupid. She can sense the elephant in the room yall and so can Azriel. So can likeee EVERYBODY.
Like yall are seriously going to tell me Elriel is interesting because they will be a spy couple?
ElAIn Is FOreSHadowed
Yeah but has never been in the role as a spy. Even if she was a spy (could be) there is multiple different kinds of spys. The hewn city troubles ms girl and so will everywhere Azriel works.
Honestly lemme try to imagine elriel.....
*They just kissed*
*They blush*
*They bang*
*They like it*
Now what? Thats what both of them wanted?
If i want forbidden love there has to be a good valid reason.
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edzasks · 2 years
your page is literally a haven for toxic fans and tabloid gossip and you're complaining about drama on Twitter? you created it. what do you think speculating about his health and drug use is? your lack of self awareness is embarrassing.
This ask really pissed me rightfully off, so I’m just going to give you a brutal fucking response because of how disgustingly disrespectful you are, and the lies you’re spreading about me. So here we go. I never talk like this, but you can rightfully fuck off.
For starters babe, please shut the fuck up — respectfully.
My page is not a haven for “toxic fans” get the stick out of your ass — I barely come on here anymore, and I don’t feed into this apparent “toxicity.” Just because I post anons and stay neutral doesn’t mean “rumors are pushed.” Neither are those my opinions either. Just because I post them, doesn’t mean I agree or participate in them.
I didn’t create Jack shit either, you just want to bitch 😂😂🤣 and make up fucking bullshit. Cause you all can’t stand that fans have other opinions or want to discuss or chat about their fav which is Zac — that’s how it works every fucking time, there’s always one anon 🙄 who wants to bitch because (on every Tumblr ask blog, if they aren’t jerking off fav celeb 24/7. There are Taylor blogs out there 50x bigger than my blog about Zac and they get the same shit from cupcake anons like this who cry and bitch because they’re that obsessed in their fantasy about the celeb they made in their head. That’s why blogs like mine drive you insane.
If you ever actually spent time on my blog too — then you’d know the anons I get are mainly positive, or neutral. (Back when I was up Zac’s ass, and always stated my opinion firmly, I was still damned, so whatever I do whether ‘perfect’ or not I’m damned always .🤷‍♀️) They are completely mild compared to most ask boxes about bigger celebs. Majority of the time I’m also being neutral (therefore, not really a response) or denying, x, y and z.)
Lastly let me educate you on PR. That’s not how rumors are created you absolute fucking dumbass. Tabloids have never picked up a “rumour” here, ever. You need a fucking whirlwind of people to do that — and guess where those start on? Deuxmoi. One or two anons speculating whatever the fuck they like, doesn’t start shit, but platforms like Deuxmoi have started rumors daily about Zac that been false every fucking time. Why don’t you focus your energy there?
“Speculating about health and drug use” 🤪🤪🤪 yeah, okay anon. If you didn’t have reading comprehension and talking out of your asshole, you would know I never once said Zac was doing drugs, dumb fuck. People speculate all the fucking time and make headline news (there is nothing you can do about it because that’s unfortunately his past)— you also have his ex-girlfriend yapping to radio hosts and booking interviews crying about his issues with drugs and how he struggles. IF YOU used common sense and stop talking out of your ass, you’d be able to put 2 + 2 together (very simple math babe) and realize it’s shit like that reignites the gossip bird.
Additionally addiction is fucking black and white you dumbass — as someone who have family friends who work in rehabbing people, and have lost family & friends to addiction, you aren’t just “sober” and “addiction is over” … Life isn’t rainbows and daises and a walk in the park after. Sobriety is discipline and struggle — what can I tell you? Even Men’s Health magazine already got people speculating on Deuxmoi already, or mentioning his past cause they think he got plastic surgery.
Also next time — get the fuck off anon and speak to me directly and have some balls if you’re gonna shade me on Twitter.
I’m tired of fucking logging in every fucking time and hearing one pissed off stan with their panties in a knot acting like a knight in shining armour. By the way by crossposting to another platform and crying and throwing your hissy fit — you’re the one who WILL start rumors and giving more publicity to my blog, so thanks for the clout babes.
Keep on hating and being obsessed — love my fans 💋
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milli0nd0llarm4n · 2 years
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Pekala, bu voidin temelleri olmalıydı ama bazı şeyleri karmaşıklaştırmayı sevdiğiniz için, temellerin yerine sırları oldu. Demek istediğim, size söyleyeceğim şeyler süslü şeyler değil, sadece bazı basit kurallar ve eğer takip ederseniz, bu dünyada sizi boşluğa girmekten alıkoyabilecek hiçbir lanet güç yoktur. Sadece dediğimi yap ve BOOM -
Yönteme başlamadan önce birkaç şeyi temizlemek istiyorum. Bunlar, normal sebepler veya insanların karşılaştıkları ve onları işememe başarısızlığına götüren problemlerdir.
Hepiniz gerçekten 7/24 bunu düşünüyorsunuz, sonunda şüphe duymaya başladığınız bir noktaya geliyorsunuz.
Boşluk, SİZİN içinde olan dışsal bir şey değil, "SİZ" dir.
Boşluk, sizin TANRI olduğunuz saf bilinçtir, bu yüzden olumladığınız, görselleştirdiğiniz veya inandığınız her şey gerçek olur.
Başka bir yanlış anlama da, benlik kavramınız üzerinde çalışmanız veya "boşluğun kolay olduğunu" varsaymanız gerektiğidir, hayır tatlım gerçek değil, tüm bunları yapmak zorunda değilsiniz, neden zaten bir gerçek olan bir şeyi varsayıyorsunuz gibi.
1. Gökyüzü mavidir, yeşil, mor veya kahverengi değildir çünkü bu bizim varsaymak zorunda olmadığımız bir gerçektir.
2. Güneş doğudan doğar çünkü bu bir gerçektir.
3. Bir gerçek olduğu gibi, Satürn veya Jüpiter'de değil, dünyada yaşıyoruz.
4. Biz insanız hayvan veya bitki değiliz Bunu varsaymak zorunda mıyız?
O zaman neden boşluk olduğunu varsayıyorsun, zaten Kolay olduğu bir gerçek. Bunu varsaymak zorunda değilsin bebeğim.
Sorunları konuştuğumuza göre şimdi çözümlere geçelim. Boşluğa girmek için tek bir şeye ihtiyacınız var ve o da "Huzur" evet, hepsi bu ve onu aşağıdaki yollarla elde edebilirsiniz:
Adım-1: Uzanıp vücudunuzu gevşetin, bir vücut masajı için burada olduğunuzu ve size rahatlamanızı söylediklerini hayal edin.
Adım-2: Şimdi zorunlu olmasa da bir meditasyon dinlemenizi tavsiye ederim ama zihninizi sakinleştirmek yapabileceğiniz en iyi şey bu, rehberli bir meditasyon, frekans veya sakinleştirici bir müzik olabilir. Şahsen ben bu meditasyonu dinlemeyi seviyorum. onu dinlediğinizde aklınızı sakinleştirin, herhangi bir düşünce gelirse bırakın ve zor bulursanız, sadece nefesinize odaklanın.
Adım-3: Tamamen sakinleşene kadar bu meditasyonu yapın, zihninizde hiçbir düşünce olmadığında 'Ben boşluğum'u onaylamaya başlayın ve tekrar tekrar tekrarlayın, yalnızca olumlamaya odaklandığınızdan emin olun. 2-3 dakika içinde süzülme hissine kapılacaksınız ama yine buna odaklanmayın (semptomları almazsanız yine de sorun değil, yine de boşluğa gireceksiniz).
Adım-4: BOOM boşluktasın yah bu kadar kolay tatlım!
Gerçekten nasıl çalışıyor?
kolay oldu biliyorum. Şimdi işe yarıyor çünkü meditasyonu dinlediniz ve zihninizi sakinleştirdi ve zihniniz sakinleştiğinde boşluğa girmek için ihtiyacınız olan tek şey bu ve zihniniz anında sizi ele geçirdi ve boşluğa götürdü. Oysa normal günlerde aklınızdan milyonlarca düşünce geçiyor ya da belki arka planda farkında değilsiniz ve bu nedenle asla oraya gitmiyorsunuz.
Bu yüzden asla iyi bir benlik kavramına, ısrarcılığa, sonunda yaşamaya ya da boşluğa girmeyi varsaymaya ihtiyacınız olmadığını söylüyorum. Boşluk sizin "TANRI DEVLETİNİZ" olduğundan ve 'Tanrı halinize' girmeyi düşünüyor musunuz? o yüzden şimdi dediğimi yap ve bir sonraki yapacağın şey hayalindeki hayat olacak!!
Kısa not: Başarı hikayelerinizi benimle paylaşın, okumayı çok isterim :)
Şimdi arzularını onayla ve işte o lanet olası hayatını yaşa.
Adım 5: Bildiğiniz gibi, tüm arzularınızı tezahür ettirdiniz ya kontrol edin ya da uyuyun
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caleohateclub · 24 days
yo im that one who yapped about the tgwdlm x pjo au this is my epic alt so like can i yap mor.....
yes plee 🙏💙
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(i would have replied quicker but i had to draw him
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morkedisblog · 11 months
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Allah akıl/fikir/namus versin rahmetli Hayganuş teyzemin deyimiyle " kendine parmak atan insana"denecek söz yok önce inanamadım bir insan bu kadar alçalıp kendini rezil edemez dedim abooooovvvv gerçek habermiş zaten kafes dövüşü saçmalığı vardı da delidir ne dese yeridir demiştim demek bu uyuşturucuyu fazla kaçırıyor kendisine-ailesine ve insanlara saygısı kalmıyor Allah hiç kimseyi bu durumlara düşürmesin🙏Ulan hayvanoğluhayvan 52 yaşında adamsın sizde yaş farkı konuşulmaz ama bizim geleneğimizde her yaşın bir ağırlığı vardır Mark 35 yaşında eskiden Anadoluda 16-17 yaşlarında evlenirlerdi erkekler,oğlun olacak yaşta hadi o da eğleniyor Meta reklamı yapıyor ama sen 10 çocuk sahibisin hele biri doğuştan diğeri oğluştan 2 kızın var 3 kızkardeşin var bizde kız babası ve bacı abisi olan erkek akıllanır davranışlarına sözlerine dikkât eder param var çevremin beyni uyuşturucudan uyuşmuş ne desem gülüyorlar diyorsun ama insanlık öğren ayıp/ahlâk/haya denen kavramlar var sen ahırda mı büyüdün hiç mi aile terbiyesi görmedin ben de deliyim baba üvey kızını doğurttu anne ayrı alem kızkardeş bunun spermleriyle hamile kaldı bir de sperm bankasından aldığını söylüyor insan olsanız bu sözleri yazdıktan sonra annenin kızlarının bacılarının yüzlerine bakamazsın yazıklar olsun çekilin Tumblrlar tükürüğüm size sıçramasın tuuuuuuhhhhhh yuuuuuuuhhhh yetmez bir daha tuuuuuuuuuhhhhh haa yarışmaya gerek yok ben jüri başkanıyım yattığın doğurttuğun fahişeler de jüri üyeleri olsunlar bu ayrıcalığı kendime tanıdım çünkü o orospular seninle paran için yattılar ben herşeyden habersiz küçük-masum-temiz dünyamda yaşarken beni şereflendirdin evet penisin büyük ama estetik değil fazla hantal yamuk mor eşşekoğlueşşek estetik yaptır gözümüz şenlensin ulan sen elime geçeceksin ki o deve yükü para ödediğin korumaların elimden alamazlar o övündüğün penisi ellerimle koparıp sokak köpeklerine veririm pezevenk halâ uslanmadı ki arada gine beni selâmlar bu domuz ama artık alıştım insan yerine koyup cevap vermiyorum geçen gün de bir simülasyon penis yapmış beğenmedim çalış da gel bokoğlubok😤😠😈Rahmetli Erzurumlu ninem anlatırdı zamanın birinde bir zengin ağanın salak oğlu varmış salak oğlana köyün en güzel kızını satmışlar düğün yapılmış yatak odasına girmişler deli bu gibi penisiyle gururlanıyor çıkmış tavana eski köy evlerinin tavanları yüksek olurdu tahta merdivenle çıkılırdı sarkıtmış takımını kız da bağırmış şaşkınlıktan😲😨içeriye evin büyüğü nine girmiş" ne oldu kızım "demiş kız da salak oğlana "şişir şişir de nenen de görsün"demiş salak da gururlanıp şişirince nine utançtan yüreğine inip ölmüş bu soysuzunki de o hesap şimdi o modellemenin daha kalın ve uzununu yap kıçına yapıştır namussuz şerefsiz ayrıca bu aralar Avrupalıları bıraktın Hindistanlı ve İranlı hatta Afgan similasyonlar yapıyorsun Siyahi ve Sarı ırkı da dene sığır!
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