#morale soh
cozmiccore · 1 year
I made a new character based off of @shepherds-of-haven characters!
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So the idea is to make a character based off of randomized Shepherds of Haven's character's Personality traits, Skills and abilities, Moral Alignment, even hobbies and fashion styles. The color palette could be optional if you want to. So it's like remixing 6 characters into one? At first I thought of including all of IFs characters but I realized that's too ambitious 😂 SoH just have enough characters to do this and I'm huge fan of the game too 💜 This was made just for fun and for me to study coding. Credits to Nick for the template!
Also character portrait was made on Storior.com! because I can't draw which would be fun skill to have for this 😭 Artists can use this as drawing prompts. But for now support independent artists and IF authors/devs! Much love 💜
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luuv-zomby · 5 days
Why Do We Support Willogenics But Not Radqueers?
Pt. Why Do We Support Willogenics But Not Radqueers?
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Howdy, two mods here! Ginny and Catherine from Soldier of Heaven and mod Shuriken from Spring and a Storm. We're gonna take some time to explain our points of view on this topic. Both of us mods have separate ideas on why we support willogenic systems but not radqueer systems.
Let's start with my POV (Ginny and Catherine II; SoH). Why do we not support radqueers? Easy answer: In our opinion, they are completely stupid. Wanting a disability or a disorder is terrible. Most people with these things do not want to be that way. We are dxed with BPD, and we would happily trade it for no disorder. I'm going to try and look from your point of view for a second. I assume that as an anti-endo you believe plurality can only be achieved by DID. We believe that anyone can experience this symptom and not be disordered. Willogenic systems do not necessarily want to be disordered. They just would like "people in their head" as one could say.
I will also just take a second to remind you that we do not think DID is just a "people in your head" disorder. This is just me simplifying things. DID is a very serious condition that includes a ton of symptoms. It's a traumagenic dissociation disorder. What does this mean? It's a condition formed by trauma that contains dissociative symptoms. How do I know this? I've been learning about this for a solid year trying to understand myself. We've suspected DID for almost a year and have been learning about it since our ex-psys came out as one to us.
My last part to add is that this blog can be used to help flesh out fragmented parts. Which I know of some traumagenic systems who do.
Shuriken here. I most likely have a ton of experience with this topic considering that we, as a system, used to be radqueers due to severe mental health issues and delusions. We are also traumagenic, but Willogenic is not the same as Radqueer systems.
They may have the same 'principle' of making your headmates, but there's a pretty stark difference. One doesn't support people who think they can be TransDepression or TransCultist. The other is just a system who happens to be Willogenic without being a Radqueer. The idea of Radqueer Systems is more than it being that; it's the principle of their morality. Do not think Radqueer is just about systems. Sorry if this came off as rude; but I'm just saying it as it is!
Added on later by mod Spoil the Party:
plurality has existed in nonmedical contexts for years and years, it's not a new "trend" as many claim. very very few nonmedical systems claim medical disorders without symptoms, and those who do are generally looked down upon. nontraumagenic systems have coined terms, thought processes, communication techniques, etc that are still valuable to the plural community to this day. while i understand as a traumagenic system that your initial reaction to someone having parts/headmates/facets/etc without the trauma that caused you to have it may feel frustrating and unfair, pause for a second. think about it. youre not in their brain. you simply cannot tell them or prove to them that their experiences are unreal or fake. who are we to go around regulating real peoples lived experiences?
comparing the wide range of plural experiences to people trying to claim disorders without symptoms (something that i just clarified is not accepted in the plural community) is a bad faith comparison. plurals do not (or at least should not, and are looked down upon if they do) claim experiences their body does not have, including race, disability, and trauma status. trans-ids actively go against this. thats the disgusting part. thats the upsetting part. that someone is claiming something debilitating and/or that comes with real world challenges without truly having those experiences. but that should not be conflated with the plural community, which, once again, does not accept those who claim these things
radqueer is an easy one - dont be fucking weird and ship children, siblings, animals, etc. that literally has nothing to do with plurality. thats fully just a bad faith take there
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slytherhys · 2 years
Strung-Out Heart VII
A/N - I just wanna give a major s/o to @rowanaelinn because I've been going through some heavy writer's block when it comes to SOH and without them I wouldn't be able to write these chapters. Thank you my love ♥
TW - mature themes, strong language!
I - II - III - IV - V - VI
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Rowan stood shell-shocked, a half-naked Aelin standing behind him with wide eyes as she stared at the man leaning against the bedroom door. He tried not to think too much about the fact there was another man sleeping in her room – and he knew it was where she was staying because it was Aedion’s only spare room, him having slept there many times in the past. The man straightened, his expression entirely too gleeful for Rowan’s comfort.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Rowan growled, turning around to find a pale Aelin whose wide eyes stayed on the clown behind him. “Who the fuck is this?”
“What,” The bastard teased. “You don’t recognize me?” He asked, and Rowan barely noticed Aelin’s frown before turning back to the man because yes, in fact, he did recognize him. Rowan went still, his eyes narrowing on the smirking asshole.
I didn’t exactly tell her I was coming and I’m not sure she won’t have me sleeping on the street.
Lorcan had tattooed him just yesterday, a dragon on his ribcage that, from the pictures Lorcan had shown him, looked pretty awesome. But right now, the only thing Rowan could focus on was the primal need to punch the bastard right where that dragon lied.
“The tattoo.” He muttered, making Aelin choke in her own spit.
“The what?” She spluttered but Rowan simply stared at the moron, frowning as memories from the previous day assaulted his still-hazed brain.
I can’t wait to surprise her.
You’re doing this for a girl?
Among other reasons, yeah.
Rowan bent down to grab Aelin’s shirt, handing it to her before he asked with deadly calm. “Do you know him?”
Aelin seemed to pale further as she stared between both men and Rowan tried not to think too much about what that look meant. He remained stoic as ever, ignoring the fact his heart was suddenly acting strangely inside his chest. A rather familiar sensation, if he was being honest.
“Yeah, he’s my friend.” She said, voice wavering as she put her shirt back on again. Rowan felt his shoulders drop an inch at her finally being covered.
“Friend?” Rowan’s voice sounded at the same time as the dickhead’s, his jaw clenching in annoyance at the indignation in her friend’s voice.
Well, we’ve been living together for the past 3 years so I guess you could say that.
“Aelin?” He urged, not liking the fact that she was not rushing to explain what the fuck was happening. He would think she’d be a bit more concerned considering they were about to go to that room. To do things. Alone.
She seemed to snap out of it, focusing only on her asshat friend – and yet Rowan felt himself relax for the anger burning in her pretty turquoise eyes talked of everything but love or lust.
“What are you doing here?” Her voice was as cold as the Terrasen winters, making the asshole’s smirk drop slightly. Rowan tried not to revel in it but by the unimpressed look the loser sent his way he wasn’t entirely successful. “Why the fuck-“ She asked, grabbing a pillow before tossing it towards him. “-didn’t you call first.” She groaned, taking a step forward but Rowan reached out to her shoulders, stopping her before she punched the birdbrain in the face. He wondered why, exactly, he was stopping her, but he pinned it on good morals and let it slide.
The man looked indignant, as if her accusations were nothing short of offensive. And maybe there were, he wasn’t entirely sure what their relationship was, but by their dramatic interaction Rowan couldn’t help but think that maybe Aelin had found the male version of herself. “I didn’t know you were going to be otherwise occupied.” He huffed. “And if I remember correctly, it wasn’t in your plans to do so.” He said, and Rowan felt Aelin go still under his touch.
“Plans?” He asked, mainly because of her reaction to the word. Aelin jerked away from his touch, reaching out to slap the idiot in the arm.
“Dorian, I swear to the gods, if you’re not out of the apartment in 5 seconds I will choke you.” She gritted through her teeth. The dickhead smirked.
“In front of him? I never took you for an exhibitionist.” He teased, shrieking when Aelin slapped his arm again.
“Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on?” Rowan growled, growing tired of their childish antics. Sure, he felt a bit relaxed by the fact they acted more like grown children than old lovers, but he refused to believe anything out of his own forced, foolish hope. Both Aelin and Dorian snapped their eyes towards him, Aelin taking a deep frustrated breath before she spoke.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know he-”
“Yeah,” he interrupted, sounding more coldly than intended. “I gathered that much.” Aelin dropped her head in shame and Rowan was pretty sure he heard Dorian mutter the word charming under his breath, but he ignored both of them, waiting for further explanations.
“We shared a house in Rifthold.” Dorian explained, doing nothing to hide the proud gleam in his eyes. Rowan counted until 10 so he wouldn’t break his neck. “And occasionally a room.” He said and before Rowan could show the little shit exactly what he thought of his humour, Aelin elbowed him in the stomach.
“That’s not true, at all.” She snarled before turning to look at Dorian.
“I’m gonna go.” He muttered, his eyes avoiding both people standing in front of him, but a hand stopped him before he could even take a step further.
He looked down to meet pleading turquoise eyes, so bright they almost burned. The soft hand around his wrist was warm, a shiver going through him at the reminder of what those hands were about to do just minutes ago. “Stay.” She whispered. “Please.” Rowan frowned, his head nodding before he was even aware he was doing it – but that had always been the danger of loving Aelin. She would beg and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to make sure she was pleased – as if his body craved her happiness more than it his own.
 “You’re going to go to Aedion’s room and then we’re going to have a nice little chat, Havilliard.” She said to Dorian, leaving no space up for debate. The idiot glanced at Rowan briefly before nodding, as if trying to access the threat. Rowan could possibly knock him down if it came down to that, but something about the way he was willing to protect Aelin made him ease slightly. Havilliard turned around without a word and went to Aedion’s room just as Aelin took his own hand and lead him to her room, closing the door behind her as she nervously looked around.
“Can you sit?” She asked, looking embarrassed as she took in the state of her room. He wasn’t surprised to see the room was an absolute mess, the sight of clothes splattered all around the furniture and of her unmade bed so Aelin he nearly smiled. She quickly rushed to her bed, pulling the sheets up and blushing as she reached for a rather familiar blanket.  He didn’t know how to feel about the fact that she had kept it after all these years, so he refrained from asking her for more explanations.
Rowan didn’t comment on it as he made his way towards the loveseat instead, waiting for her to speak. He didn’t know what to expect. An apology? An explanation? He wanted none of it. His brain churned with questions he wasn’t sure he wanted answered – anything concerning Aelin’s life in the past three years felt like uncharted territory, the fear of finding out exactly how her life had been more powerful than any curiosity that could possibly rise.
“We never dated.” She blurted out, cheeks darkening further. Rowan raised an eyebrow, certainly not expecting her to start with that. “He’s been my roommate since…since I moved there. Him and Yrene.” She blanched, as if suddenly remembering that small detail.
“Yrene?”He asked quietly. Rowan knew their friend had moved to Rifthold for her medical internship, but she never even considered that’s who Aelin was staying with. They had been all been friends for years, but they hadn’t spoken since she had moved. He looked at Aelin, stopping himself from wondering who else had known exactly where she had stayed the past three years. He knew the lack of knowledge on his part was self-inflicted, but still… He hadn’t even stopped to think about other people wanting to know where she was. Both Elide and Fenrys had been close to Aelin. Even Lorcan. Had they known? Or had they refrained from asking, too afraid they would hurt him? Rowan didn’t know which one was worse.
“I didn’t know he was visiting.” She interrupted, unaware of the fact that she was pacing, her left hand opening and closing repeatedly, something she did whenever she was distressed. “He wasn’t supposed to.” She stopped, frowning. “Not until…”
“Until?” He prompted, raising a brow. “The plans?”
“That’s not what…” She groaned, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I’m going to kill him.”
“It’s okay, Aelin.” He wasn’t so sure, but what else was he supposed to say?
Aelin’s head snapped up, her brows pinched together. “It’s okay?”
���I think Havilliard did us a favour.” He shrugged, feigned ease he didn’t feel. The entire thing was a fucking mess, and if he had to hurt her pride to get them out of that situation then he would.
Aelin frowned further. “He did?”
Rowan chuckled, unsure why exactly his heart was racing. “He stopped us just in time.”
“Can you stop being so fucking cryptic, for once?” She snapped, seemingly regretting her temper the second her words came out. Rowan hid his smile, not wanting to show her exactly how pleased he was at finally getting a glimpse of the Aelin he knew. “Sorry” She muttered, once again shrinking into herself.
Rowan sighed, frustration rising inside his chest. “What were you exactly expecting, Aelin? It’s not like this is going anywhere. Sleeping together is a terrible idea.”
Aelin frowned, her cheeks red. “Why?”
“I’m not you.” He said, as gently as possible. “If I fuck you I’m not going to get over it. I’m not going to forget it. It’s only a matter of time until you leave and I rather spare myself the drama this time around.”
Aelin flinched, the hurt in her eyes gone before he could even process it. “I’m not going anywhere, Rowan.” She said, her voice nearly a whisper.
“And?” He chuckled, bitterness flowing through him. He was aware he was losing control of the situation, but it was like he couldn’t control his body anymore. Not around her. “You keep saying that as if you think you deserve some fucking award.”
“I keep saying it because I’m not fucking going anywhere!”
Rowan pushed to his feet, feeling stupid sitting on the goddamn loveseat as she stared him down. “You shouldn’t get a fucking prize for it, Aelin. That’s not how relationships work.”
Aelin chuckled bitterly. “Oh, so this is a relationship now?”
“No, but it was one.” He snapped, a deadly combination of long-buried feelings wrapping tight around his body. “And you were sure to throw it away, so tell me exactly why I should believe a fucking word out of your mouth.”
The entire apartment seemed to stand silent, still in time as his words rang around them. He couldn’t bring himself to care if her friend had heard him. All he wanted was a strong drink and something to get his mind off her. Remorse overcame him, leaving him feeling even more messed up. He didn’t want to be remorseful; he didn’t want to feel like shit for the pain she was trying to hide.
He tried again, more gently this time, even if the entire thing felt like a big fuck up. “I think we should…” He sighed, suddenly weary of his own request. “Let’s just try and be cordial.”
Aelin chuckled; the sound as beautiful as it was sad. “What you did to me back there felt everything but cordial.”
“Because there’s nothing cordial about the way I feel about you.” Rowan rubbed his eyes, exhausting pressing against his skin. He should leave – as the night passed them by, things kept going to shit and nothing good was going to come out of them being around each other. He wasn’t even sure he was able to be cordial with her. Was there a universe where he could be around Aelin without wanting to press her against him? Without wanting to kiss her? Drop to a knee– 
Yeah, he should leave.
Rowan walked closer to her, his hand grabbing the back of her head as he looked into her eyes. There was so much he wanted to say and yet nothing seemed right anymore.
“I’m sorry, Rowan.” She spoke first. Her eyes were suspiciously glassy, and Rowan pressed a kiss to her forehead before he did something he’d later regret. Like take her to bed and hold her all night long, distract them both from the world collapsing around them.
“I’m sorry too, fireheart.” He said, the nickname as heartfelt as it had been the first time he had used it. Aelin gasped softly, and he quickly stepped back before he complicated things even further.
She quickly recovered, shaking her head as if trying to clear it. “That’s not… That’s not what I meant.” She said, her eyes finding him again. “I’m sorry for leaving.”
Rowan stood still, surprise rendering him speechless. There were many possible outcomes for this day, but this wasn’t one he had considered. He certainly wasn’t expecting to have this conversation this early on – and if he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t expecting to have this conversation at all. Aelin had never been one for confrontation; she had always preferred to do things her own way in her own time and despite her having changed, this wasn’t something he thought possible.   
Rowan stood awkwardly, cursing himself for being a fool. He could’ve been sleeping in Lorcan’s spare room right now, without a care in the world. “You want to have this conversation now?” Because he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Dorian was only one room away and he wouldn’t exactly put it past the shithead to be eavesdropping right now.
Aelin chuckled softly, the sound completely humourless. “I don’t think there will ever be a good time to have it, so why not?” She sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes on the wooden floors under her feet. Rowan said nothing, simply waited for her to speak her mind and, not for the first time that night, he felt his stomach turn.
What had driven him to run after Aelin once he saw her leave Lorcan and Elide’s place? And why the fuck had he ended up in her apartment with her legs wrapped around his waist? Everything felt completely out of control but being this close to the truth of their past, as if haunting him for an absence he didn’t choose, felt like the cherry on top of the most fucked-up cake.
“You remember the night we fought?” She asked quietly.
“Yes.” Even if he had tried to forget it multiple times, in multiple ways.
“And you remember why–”
Rowan sighed. “I do, Aelin.” He chuckled bitterly. “The why is still somewhere in my apartment.”
Aelin raised her head, her eyes wide as she stared at him. “You still have it?”
Rowan raised an eyebrow, unwilling to let her think this was her victory to claim. “It was my mother’s. Why wouldn’t I keep it?”
“Oh.” She frowned, her entire body deflating. Good – she was feeling like shit. So why didn’t he feel better about it? “That’s not–“ A heavy sigh. “That’s not important right now.” Wasn’t it? Rowan wondered if Aelin thought about that ring nearly as much as he did. “I regret it every day.”
“What part, Aelin.” He demanded, too tired to settle for her half-truths.
“Every part.” Came the immediate answer. But could he believe her? A part of him wanted to, desperately. Another part saw her words for pesky intrigues that demanded entirely too much of him.
“I’m not sure I believe you.” He admitted.
“That’s fair.” She frowned, a disappointed crease marking her between her brows. “I’m willing to make you believe but I need to know if you’re willing to forgive me, Rowan. I will wear myself out proving to you that there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t regretted leaving you, where I haven’t regretted not–” She took a shake breath, stopping herself before she revealed whatever she didn’t want unveiled.
“Not what?”
Aelin smiled sadly, tears filling her eyes. “But I can’t do it if there’s not a sliver of a chance you’ll forgive me.”
Rowan let out a breath, his heart racing with the possibilities. Could he forgive her? The thought of letting himself vulnerable around Aelin had him wanting to jump out the nearest window, but was he really willing to let her go? Again? A part of him was sure she had only left because she wasn’t happy, and didn’t he want to redeem himself too? Another part – a bigger one at that – hated the idea of allowing Aelin to have any sort of power over him again. Because that’s what would happen – she would have him in the palm of her hand and she would be able to do with him as she pleased.
“I don’t think I could ever forget what happened.”
“Then at least give me a chance to earn your forgiveness.” She pleaded. “I can’t erase what I did the same way you can’t forget what happened, but I can be better, Rowan – you make me better.”
“What changed this time around?”
She chuckled, sniffling even if no tears marked her face. “Too much.”
Rowan eyed her with curiosity but decided not to comment on it. Some things were better left unknown. “I need time to think about this.”
“Can we meet for coffee in a week?” She asked, her voice doing nothing to hide her anxiety. “Or maybe two weeks? I’m not sure–”
“Aelin.” He interrupted, unwilling to stop the smile that took over his face. “In a week is fine.” She nodded, the familiar scent of her conditioner filling his senses. How had she gotten so close?
She looked up, her eyes looking vulnerable and afraid, the blue bright as they flickered between his eyes and his lips. “Gods, I want to kiss you.” He muttered. He hadn’t intended to say those words out loud, but as his hands cupped her chin, he wasn’t sure his body was his to command anymore – not when it responded to her with such ease.
Aelin gasped, parting her lips. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She whispered as he got closer, never once moving to pull away.
“It’s definitely a terrible idea.” He murmured, pressing his lips against her cheek instead - a middle ground between what they wanted and what they needed. He did want to kiss her - Hellas curse him, he really did. But there were things to be discussed before he could allow himself such pleasure. She told him things had changed, but could he honestly claim the same? 
Rowan stepped away, ignoring how every cell in his body begged him to go back into her arms. Aelin smiled, her eyes not meeting his. He was reluctant to believe her words and accept her back into his life. But somehow, she was already weaselling her way back into him, as if returning to a seat that had always been kept safe just for her to take.
And no matter how many times he said goodbye and swore to himself he would do his best to stay away from her, the words felt hollow, meaningless. He was weak when it came to her, and nothing short of distance would keep him away from Aelin. Maybe she knew that – maybe she had always known that. 
“Goodbye, fireheart.” He let himself say, revelling in the way her eyes widened. Gods, he had to use that nickname more often, even if it went against his own self-preservation. 
Aelin smirked. “Goodbye, buzzard.” She said, and it sounded everything but final. And for the first time in three years, Rowan was okay with that.
TAG LIST: @superspiritfestival @llyncooljones @leiawritesstories @morganofthewildfire @bookcide
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scarceghost · 2 years
Day 4 vampire goth (count specula)
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Ok yeah this is a train wreck of a schedule but it’s ok! The drawings had been done yesterday so I’ll have plenty of time to get plagues post out. (Thank god his design is simple)
Anyways, here’s count specula (specter knight) you’ve all seen him before. He kickstarted this whole Au!! Ok so here’s the lore.
Donovan and luan go into the tower as usual, get to the amulet room and Donovan fights shield knight. Whilst in the amulet room Donovan is slowly falling under the amulets spell during the fight. Donovan then betrays luan out of greed and attempts to take the amulet, but we all know where this goes. Yeah the floor collapses Donovan and Luan die and shield is possessed. but instead of Donovan turning into a normal ghost he, in the enchantresses own words “will turn into a creature of greed and suck blood for eternity” yeah you get the whole deal. The enchantress offers to give him life in exchange, specter must recruit 8 knights. However specter denies this offer and instead asks for the amulet itself as he is in love with it. (When I say this I mean he is obsessed with its magic. He is in no way in love with the enchantress himself)
they eventually agree that specter would build her army and the enchantress would give him the amulet in return. So yeah specter does that, however specter hesitated when making the decision to save Reize and keep his promise to Luan or to take the amulet and let Reize be the 8th knight. But he eventually did give up the amulet and since then he has been looking for a way to get the amulet/amulets magic.
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the enchantress had given the rest of the order a task, to do an evil thing that would cause harm. If one of them failed then they would have died. Specters evil thing was kidnapping Terrorpin and hiding him in the tower of fate. (Bk eventually finds Terrorpin. No turtles were harmed!) Specter lied to Bk’s face many times about not seeing Terrorpin. (Not cool dudes) he felt guilty until the whole propeller outing thing, then he felt he was justified and that he “saved Terrorpin” (which is weird why would you think that?)
Specter, also lives in a big mansion in the lich yard.
Skip forward to SoH where Bk first confronts him. BK recognizes him as Donovan and they hang around a bit. Eventually Bk visits specter and finds he’s not there. He goes up to the attic and finds a coffin. Worried he opens it and finds out specter is a vampire. The only people who do know are Bk and propeller. Specter asks Bk not to tell anyone else as he only drinks the blood of animals. (Which is sometimes true this isn’t exactly a lie) Bk believes him and promises not to tell.
now fast forward to when Bk is at the tower of fate’s gate. Specter confronts Bk about outing propeller. He does not let him explain himself as specter fights him. Mid fight Bk flees and specter chases after him. Eventually there was a dead end and specter was ready to slice Bk in half when he was suddenly stabbed.
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moral of the story don’t mess with emos
Anyways, Bk had carried his body to his coffin. (The one he slept in) and placed him inside. He covered his face with a piece of blue cloth. And closed it. He had told the hedge family (Reize included) that he had found Donovan’s body. He told them this so Donovan would be remembered as Donovan and not Count Specula. (Because he had done some pretty bad things.)
Anyways that’s it, plagues soon! Treasures tomorrow!!!
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edwin776 · 1 year
The Korean "Comfort Women": Movement for Redress - Chunghee Sarah Soh
Asian Survey , Dec., 1996, Vol. 36, No. 12 (Dec., 1996), pp. 1226-1240
The article "The Korean Comfort Women: Movement for Redress" by Chunghee Sarah Son summarizes the whole crisis historically. By providing the fact that the Korean women were drafted, based on an actual victim's experiences, the author denies the claim by the Japanese government that the young ladies from Korea "volunteered" themselves.
Sarah also notes that "Japan has adopted the tactic of waiting until the death of the aged litigants and that Koreans cannot win in a bilateral deal with superpower Japan." Therefore, some communities in South Korea strongly want international support, especially from the United Nations and the US in order to stop Japan's irresponsibility.
In addition, the article provided me new information that previously, it was professional Japanese prostitutes that were acting as the "comfort women". However, in order to prevent sexually infectious diseases, Japan decided to use foreigners. Here, my intuitive thoughts led me to the moral issue regarding both the Koreans and the Japanese. Is it right to use foreigners as slaves just to protect a country’s citizens?
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tentandodesabafar · 1 year
O filme do miles Morales foi super necessário.
Eu chorei em todos os trechos, eu amei todas as cenas, a playlist entregou tudo, eu soh posso ser grata por uma obra dessas existir.
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
sv bttrt h k hk uh h I hj ku u ihkyj
Pl h min no wwyh no ,fnny b ftr exp,no,ww,k,ww,sth,ww,dk,compulse,j k ji ok no hk j, hk j,ok,ww,boy,um,gnrl,no, hOk, wk,ww, hk j kjko ki j,n ok
Grt lec. Okj
Ww k uh no , hk jk j
Y pose uh , hk jo ki
Ok no yh ww dk hkuj ok u hk k hkuj uh ww, prsn, my gd, ok pronciples n mind. Ok dk. Uh ww h mu nih yh ww ask, hm ki, ok no j
Shws lf, idk if th mom b hm, kh k hk jwwhk hi dmb hi k am i lk tht, hkuj
Wwapprch to society ww hko j nk j
Nk I hskum
J juj k
Wwn k h mu
No, h, l,j,,
Ok eh dk,ww, hmkhmuh, k,,o,
Ww, hmkhmuh,
Sax sound lk farts,uh,
Maybe. B most wont, so dont plan or ploy js do sh. Acting can hurt though during n after n long after, so hm, if in decit or denial im sorry
Y r u a ying dmbs
Profz not bk drm,uh,ww
Mus servfice soh ow,j,
Moralized words, yh feeling hm
it part, n sth uh, slow, um,hm,dk,uh,hw,uh,ww
2uh wuh,uh,hm,dk,uh,ww
Music,hm,uh,ok, hm,
Shaming pride, turn away from
Cmdn w dif mediums, ww, road,dk,h,j
Lois hmhaj,k,k,,jdkj,k,uh,wt,uh,inheritance,weird ig,hm,j,n,k,j,
0 notes
grooviestsadpapaya · 2 years
Aaghh sorry this one is really messy, I’m really off my game after my surgery (I don’t want anyone to think something is wrong btw, I’m completely fine lol) bc my arm is really shaky and I draw with my shoulder. But I think everyone should listen to the song I have on the sheet cuz its rly gooooddd… also queenie is dead?
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I am trying to redesign my Zoras to look more like a cross between TP and BotW Zoras bc the TP ones are my fave but I also like the BotW ones. Also trying to make them have some less human-like qualities? Talking mainly about the hands, just because I wanted to separate them from Hylians a bit. I really never go super interested in Zora designs probably BECAUSE they look so human… so I made their hands a bit funkier. They have two thumbs, but the bottom smaller one on their wrist is the only one that is actually opposable. The longer thumb is used more for fishing and cutting things. Idk, just kinda brain puking lol. Also I have a headcanon that Royal Zoras (along with Royal Twili and Royal Gorons) are indeterminate growers? Like they don’t stop getting taller until they die? I think it explains why Dorephan and Sidon are so tall in BotW.
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scottspack · 4 years
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shepherds-of-haven · 4 years
Hello! Ok, so I have a bit strange question ^^ First of all I'm big fan of your game, and I started to draw tarot deck for SoH. I've found out that the main characters are already assigned to the correct cards. So I was wondering if you maybe also had planned card for other characters like Zori or Gladius? I don't really know much about them, so I thought maybe you would want to choose a card for them ^^ Have a nice day!
Hi there, that’s so exciting to hear!!! 👀💖 As you know, there are the major arcana for the main characters here! To fill out the deck, here are the rest of the cards!
Blade: The Chariot - control, willpower, action, success, determination / (reversed) self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
Tallys: The High Priestess - intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine, the subconscious mind / (reversed) secrets, disconnection, withdrawal, and silence
Trouble: Strength - strength, courage, compassion, persuasion, influence / (reversed) inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
Shery: The Empress - femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance / (reversed) creative block, dependence on others
Chase: The Moon - illusion, fear, subconscious, intuition, imagination, animal nature / (reversed) release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion
Riel: Judgement - judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution / (reversed) ignoring the call, self-doubt, inner critic
Halek: The Hanged Man - pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives / (reversed) delays, resistance, stalling, indecision
Red: The Magician - manifestation, power, resourcefulness, inspired action / (reversed) manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents
Ayla: The World - completion, integration, accomplishment, travel / (reversed) seeking personal closure, shortcuts, delays
Briony: The Star - hope, bright prospects, purpose, renewal, inspiration, trust, faith, contentment, especially with the present / (reversed) abandonment, loss, self-trust, disconnection
Lavinet: The Sun - positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality / (reversed) inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic
Mimir: The Hierophant - spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, traditions, institutions / (reversed) personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo
Croelle: The Devil - shadow self, attachment, addiction, sexuality, restriction / (reversed) releasing limiting thoughts, exploring dark thoughts, detachment
Caine: The Fool - beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit / (reversed) holding back, recklessness, risk-taking
Prihine: The Tower - sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening / (reversed) personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster
The MC: Wheel of Fortune - good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point / (reversed) bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles
Zori: Death - endings, change, transformation, transition, suddenness, letting go / (reversed) resistance to change, personal transformation, inner purging, reluctance to let go
Chandry: Lovers - love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices, consequences, healing, honesty, communication, raw emotion, energy / (reversed) self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values, strained relationships, out-of-sync communication, not being on the same page as those around you
Naolin: Temperance - balance, moderation, patience, purpose, stabilization, long-term vision / (reversed) imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment, tension, not being in alignment with long-term vision or higher purpose
Gladius: Justice - justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law, being accountable for decisions, being judged for actions / (reversed)  unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty, over-rigidity, living with your conscience, doing something you know wasn’t morally right
Enik (The Autarch’s First Son): The Emperor - authority, establishment, structure, power, rules / (reversed) domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility
Ornos (The Autarch’s Second Son): The Hermit - soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance, self-knowledge, truth / (reversed) isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, cutting off others
I hope that helps! Feel free to follow up with any other questions! 😊
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sofarraway · 3 years
So... Who do you think is Jeonghwa's BTS bias?
Tbh I actually have no idea. I don't know why but Namjoon's face comes to my mind first. And then Jungkook. And then Seokjin. And then Jimin. Lmao I really don't know.
But from what I see (and what I experience as an army), we armys would eventually end up loving the most those whose personality is similar to us. And I don't think I know much about Officer Soh's personality and preferences, but I think Jimin would be her bias!
She is kind, and warm-hearted, and an idealist. Polite and soft-spoken. Works harder than she lets other know. She loves helping others and has high morality value. She's passionate in what she's doing, even when everybody else belittles her.
Of course I can be wrong! Since I never know her or Jimin personally! Hehe. I hope my answer would satisfy you :D
Who do you think her bias would be? :D
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beatrice-4 · 4 years
Some thoughts now that I’ve defeated Eramis:
Overall, kind of a lackluster expansion in my opinion. I’ve never been that excited about or invested in wielding the Darkness, and it just ... didn’t feel that special. However many worried Ghost voice lines they put in, I didn’t really get the “dangers of temptation” vibe. Shadowkeep did a MUCH better job of making the Darkness seem powerful and dangerous, especially with the sequence where you entered the pyramid. Season of Arrivals had me pretty worked up over the Darkness too. Compared to those, BL didn’t really do much for me. Likewise it didn’t make me worried about my character’s moral/mental wellbeing the way Forsaken did -- the whole “Darkness is temptation” thing just seemed to bounce right off her. I mean, as far as I recall there was zero indication that our character was actually struggling, fighting temptation, resisting the urge to go down Eramis’s (or, hell, Uldren’s) path. This despite the most voice lines the player character has had since D1. Everyone kept telling me “Darkness is temptation,” “Darkness will lead you astray,” etc. but it was as if that didn’t even apply to my character.
(I mean, I can conceive of that being intentional -- a sort of “you weren’t perceptibly tempted by Darkness at first so you’d let your guard down,” and later we end up even more corrupted for it, but ... It would have been nice to introduce some of that tension into the actual storyline?)
My other story issue is that we could stand to go a lot deeper into the whole concept of allying with the Fallen, and the Fallen’s choice between Eramis and Variks/Misraaks as leaders and philosophies ... But I think people have been saying “hey can the Fallen get more development” since D1, and Variks telling us he has allies trying to escape Riis-Reborn and heading to Misraaks/Mithrax is pretty much all we’re going to get (at least for a loooong-ass time, based on how long Bungie likes to take to return to storylines).
Putting the story aside, though, my other complaint is that it feels like there isn’t nearly as much new stuff to do in BL as in Forsaken and Shadowkeep -- and that’s an even bigger problem than it could have been because they removed most of the old stuff to do. I’m not saying every expansion needs to be a huge content dump, but ... There are quests from Forsaken and Shadowkeep that I’m still working through 1-2 years later. I can still go to the Moon or the Dreaming City and feel like there’s plenty of content to sink my teeth into, reasons to explore and quests to work on. Europa and the Cosmodrome have been out for three days and I already feel like I’ve seen almost everything there. I know there are some collectibles to find on Europa, not sure about the Cosmodrome, and I haven’t done all the Lost Sectors, but ... they definitely don’t seem as interesting to explore as the Moon or Dreaming City.
So that’s the negatives. For some positives:
Bungie’s been doing a good job on new exotics recently -- No Time to Explain is really fun to use, and while I haven’t tried out Duality yet (and I’m not much of a shotgun person), Witherhoard and Traveler’s Chosen are also really nice.
I am so eagerly anticipating Season of the Hunt. I’ll be honest, the only reason I’ve kept playing Destiny for the last year is because I’ve been waiting for Uldren to come back, so you know I’m absolutely psyched. Also pretty damn awesome that they laid down enough clues for me to actually follow along and figure out what was happening with him months ago.
Also that anticipation for SoH might kind of be why I’m panning BL? Maybe BL is better if you actually find the Exo Stranger a compelling character and aren’t sitting here like “OK I have to get through all of this before I can tackle more Reef Content.”
Overall I’m not like ... mad about BL being lackluster? I don’t regret buying it at all; I’m glad it came out, and I enjoyed playing it. I feel like it did a good job of moving the overall plot of Destiny forward. But it did feel more like a plot bridge -- a prelude to later content -- than an actual “expansion” of the plot and world, the way Forsaken and even Shadowkeep did.
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scarceghost · 2 years
Day 8 he is NOT the green noon robots BELIEVE ME PLEASE
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Yeah, kinda hate how the main image turned out eugh and I liked his design too… also sorry for being gone a lot. But hey, at least I figured out how to make the oil look cool so thats a plus!!
But here’s the lore, so tinker was growing increasingly worried that an accident would occur and render him unable to do what he loved most, making cool inventions and machines. So he had designed Prosthetic limbs and fake body parts so if an accident were to happen he would still be able to operate and create machinery.
so he asked his good buddy plague knight (pre death) if he could surgically attach them to his body when the time came, and plague agreed.
and well the time indeed came, one of his machines malfunctioned and exploded. He was rushed to the explodaterium and the surgery had quickly started.
Once tinker awoke he was able to move his limbs and his body seemed completely fine! He thanked plague knight and went on his way back to the clockwork tower. Of course, when he finally got back he found himself unable to do certain actions. He could not make sharp turns and “purposely tripped” way more often. His moral compass seemed to be off as well, for some reason he wished others harm and wanted to express that in a more physical way. At some point most of his actions were influenced by the malfunctioning equipment sowed into his skin and nerves.
later on after black knight had defeated tinker, and his comically large tank tinker charged at black knight who sidestepped out of the way. This made tinker crash into a box and black knight quickly sealed him inside of it. Later after the events of SoH tinker is then repaired by the hengineer.
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now lets talk abilities, tinker can open his mask/face and it will reveal several saws that can grind up material. Please do not stick your hand in as that’s how he eats and he is not fond of cannibalism and might have a mental break down.
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he can also skate around with the wheels on his shoes. He is also pretty new at skating so he can be off balance and trip. But at least he’s faster..
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The tubes on his legs are also used to pump out smoke and gas.
He cannot make sharp turns like previously mentioned so he cannot dodge attacks and can be grabbed pretty easily
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Not an ability but I wanted to put this in here because I thought it wasn’t very visible but underneath tinkers apron are cute little coattails (I think that’s what their called) I just like drawing tinker with them because I think its cute.
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Also not an ability but his fingers are very long and sharp. Tinker really likes wearing gloves and prefers to wear them all the time. However, since his fingers are so long and pointy the gloves rip all the time. :(
But yeah that’s about it, propeller is next!!!
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briannas1x1 · 4 years
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i. the renegade
name: Lukyan Sokolov
pronounce: loo-KE-awn soh-KOH-lohf
nickname: Luke
birthday: 24 October 1986
species: Werewolf
occupation: freelance mercenary / spy
location: Lethe, Washington, USA
hometown: [REDACTED], Russia
sexuality: bisexual 
gender identity: cisgender male
ii. the appearance
Faceclaim: Scott Eastwood
Height: 5′11
Weight: 165lbs
Hair color: Dark blonde
Eye color: Blue
Dominant hand: Left
Scars: One on his lip he received in the battle to kill his mother. Too many to name on his stomach and back from various fights, though the most significant one is the three marks down his back when a werewolf attacked him many years ago. A lot on his hands from when he first practiced with a knife (silver, for style and practice)
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: None
iii. the family
Mother: Anastasiya Sokolova
Father: None
Siblings: None
Other Family: Anatoliy Sokolov (uncle, deceased), Yekaterina Lazareva (stepaunt), Yuri Sokolov (cousin), Nikolai Sokolov (cousin)
Partner: Emira Birsen
Pets: None
iv. the personality
ENNEATYPE: Type 4, the Individualist
QUALITIES: Observant, Adaptable, Unyielding, Neutral, Tactless
FLAWS: Selfish, Opportunist, Irreverent, Envious, Paranoid
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Russian, Spanish, Mandarin
v. the about
No part of the family business bothered him. Blood, violence, betraying everyone you know and love - that’s all in a days work for the Sokolov family, or so it had felt growing up under the thumb of a mother like Anastasiya Sokolova. His existence was only to fill the space should his cousin, Nikolai, fail in his duties, but no one had ever expected the title of heir to fall on his shoulders. Not until Nikolai killed Uncle Anatoliy, freeing himself and his brother, Yuri, from the family curse. His mother wasted no time taking Anatoliy’s place, but Luke chafed under the sudden responsibility that his cousin’s departure wrought - and the jealousy lurking under the surface for the cousins who had escaped.  The pack thrived under her firm hold, and she ruled with an iron-fist, but Luke was a one foot in and one foot out type of man, never quite trusting that someone would be there to catch him should he fall. He didn’t waver in his duty, fulfilling whatever tasks his mother and pack asked of him, uncaring of the blood staining his hands and apathetic to the passage of time.
Escaping the leash their family held over him seemed impossible. It was Nikolai who once more brought the winds of change into Luke’s life: his cousin settled into a remote, supernatural only town. As his mother tried gaining a foot hold, Luke volunteered himself as a spy, one who would trick his cousins into a false sense of security and bring them to his mothers feet. Lying was his specialty, and he infiltrated Lethe with little issue, but his entrance interview was met with a truth he hadn’t shared with his pack: he was breaking free of them, and if a battle came to their town, he would fight on their side in exchange for sanctuary. A sanctuary that was granted, though it took several binding contracts before he could roam the town free. He hadn’t expect his cousins to present the most resistance, neither believing his role without information to back it, but a common enemy makes them uneasy allies. It was months of work and spying before he and his cousins succeeded in dismantling the pack and killing his mother. No longer chained to a pack and life he didn’t choose, Luke is trying to extract himself from the bloody business of mercenary and spy work, but with so many loved ones tied into this path, it’ll be a while yet before he’s truly free. The taste of it, however, has never been so close, if only he could figure out what to do with it.
vi. misc
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storiesfromthegrave · 5 years
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Name: Timothan Ray
Nickname: Tim
Age: 32 Birthday: 14th of March
Universe: open
Sexuality: asexual; experiences no sexual attraction, however he can fall in love and feel romantical attraction. He has even been in a sexual relationship before, but only because he loved the person a whole lot.
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: He/him, They/them
Race: Human
Class: Artist, story-teller, jack-of-all-trades
+ kind, warm, open-hearted, gives a lot of compliments, likes to give peptalks, loyal, would die for his friends, morals, good cook, vivid imagination, self-aware, empathic,
_ social anxiety issues, cares less about his own health than about others, extreme introvert, shy, rigid, apologetic, timid, unreliable
Short Bio: Tim has always suffered from intense anxiety, as a little child he was afraid to hang out with other children, and often locked himself in his room to listen to his dad’s old records. He still is intensely awkward and self-aware, meaning he will apologize or excuse himself whenever he feels like he’s said something wrong. 
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff
Alignment: Neutral good
Tier (how badly I want to write with them. 1 = a lot, 3 = okay): 1
FC: Dan Smith
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Name: Adabe or Adabay, known by the name Ada. 
Age: -
Universe: open, supernatural, crime
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: she/her, they/them
Race: Demon/Goddess Demon
Class: Goddess, Demon of intense powers, warrior, business woman + adventurous, decisive, quick-witted, attentive, charming, loyal, logical, sensible, outgoing_ cruel, uncaring, sly, easily angered, holds a grudge, unsympathetic, negative thinking, deceitful, hatefull, selfish
Hogwarts: Slytherin
Alignment: Neutral evil
Small Bio: Adabe was created when humanity first started to settle, she was the Goddess of Loyalty and Leadership in the old world, but with her civilization extinct, she now longer was held in the same regard, thus due to her skills and powers, new civilizations saw her as a demon not a Goddess. And she had no interest in proving them wrong.  She is ruthless and unnerving, possibly a bad person if the situation asks for it. Tier: 1
FC: Elody Yung
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Name: Maximilian Theodoru
Nickname: Max
Age: 32
Universe: open, supernatural, dc/marvel
Sexuality: utp
Gender: cismale
Pronouns: He/him
Race: utp
Class: con-man, wizard (think Constantine but less cunning and more impulsive and brash)
+ cunning, decisive, quick-witted, kind, charming, friendly,
_ impulsive, brash, hotheaded, blunt, boastful, melodramtical, rude
Hogwarts: Slytherin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Tier: 1
Max knows little about how his own Magic works, just that it does. Usually. Sometimes his spells work out very differently than what he hoped for, but mostly with a positive result. He mostly cares about his own well-being, though if the situation calls for saving others, he wouldn’t pause long to do so. 
He’s eager to grow his magical knowledge, but is also to lazy to put a whole lot of effort in that goal.
FC: Donald Glover
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Name: Damian Badu
Nickname: none
Age: 32
Universe: open, school, supernatural, harry potter
Sexuality: Homosexual
Gender: cismale
Pronouns: He/him
Race: Human
Class: student, intellectual, wizard
+ intelligent, studious, warm-hearted, observant, mindful, brave, efficient
_  forgetful, insecure, judgemental, tense
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Alignment: Lawful good
Random facts: Knows Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and English
Tier: 2
He always tried to please his parents when he was younger, do what they expected from him. He studied to become a professor at his university, came back with immense results and a sleeping problem. After getting his degree he took a year away from studying to work on himself, taking odd jobs and meditating with different people. It was during that year that he was introduced to the Arcain Magics. And while he never became really good at it, he kept in touch with the people he had met. He started teaching at a highly esteemed university, and often tried to coax his students to take journeys of their own, talk with the common folk, learn from them, for they would never learn everything from the classroom.
Lawfull Good
FC: Dev Patel
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Name: Pinti
Age: 32
Universe: period pieces, fantasy, supernatural, Avatar the Last Airbender
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: cisfemale
Pronouns: She/her
Race: Human
Class: Medicine woman, healer
+ warm-hearted, kind, cunning, brave
_  grim, harsh, impatient,
Hogwarts: Griffindor
Alignment: Neutral good Tier: 3
She is a great healer, kind, compassionate, and warm. However, Pinti had qualities and skills only her own people know of. She can sense things about people that they would condone as being Magic. Like if someone is pregnant or ill. She always tries to be the better person, for her own freedom and that of others.
Neutral good.
FC: Q’orianka Kilcher
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Name: Florant (God’s name) Kim Ha-Jun (human name)
Nickname: none
Age: 32
Universe: period pieces, fantasy, supernatural, mythical
Sexuality: -
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: He/him, They/them
Race: Human/Demon God
Class: Warrior, agent of Chaos.  + chaotic, charming, decisive_ chaotic, cruel, close-minded, boastful, deceitful, dishonest, narrow-minded, sadistic, selfish
Hogwarts: Griffindor
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Random Fact: Once started a rivalry with Ares because his followers started to call him the God of War.  Tier: 3
He is Chaotic Evil, has little regard for human life or consequences of his actions. His intense charming nature makes it so people take a liking to him without truly knowing what he would be capable of.
He can breathe fire, like the Dragons of old, he can break spells, his touch can be as hot or cold as he wants it to be. He has mastered all weapons, and knows many languages. But he has many fatal flaws as well. While he cares little for humanity, animal life is sacred to him. He is often enticed by the beautiful relationship between parents and children, having never been either himself, as he was created by the first civilization to be their god. He can’t connect with new gods nor Demons, thinking them young, brash, and illogical. Either they love humanity or they try to kill it, never do they understand that beyond being worshipped or feared by humanity they have no other relationship with them.
Chaotic Evil
i don’t mind playing a human version of Florant either.
FC: Lee Byung Hun
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Name: Kisha Martinez
Nickname: K
Age: 32
Universe: open, school, supernatural, star wars
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: They/them
Race: human
Class: Student
+ intelligent, progressive, open-minded, observant, ambitious
_  fanatical, picky, neurotic
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Alignment: Lawful good
Tier: 2
Kisha is young, they are however ambitious to become great one day. They’re intelligent and practical, building and discovering are their main hobbies.
Lawful good
FC: Kiersey Clemens
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Name: Soh Chin-Hwa
Nickname: Chin
Age: 32
Universe: open, period pieces, fantasy, supernatural, crime
Sexuality: UTP
Gender: Cismale
Pronouns: He/him
Race: human, cyborg
Class: Officer, soldier, some form of law-enforcement
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff
Alignment: lawful good
Traits: righteous, cunning, sharp-witted, easily angered, principles
Tier: 2
FC: Yo-Han Byun
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Name: Zachariah Zonters
Nickname: Zach
Age: 32
Sexuality: Asexual
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: He/him, (sometimes they/them)
Race: Magical
Class: Magician, warrior
+ intelligent, loyal
_ indecisive, anxious, slight depressed, withdrawn, absent-minded, aimless, gloomy, grim, paranoid, moody, unstable, tense
Hogwarts: Slytherin
Alignment: True nuetral
Tier: 1
He is always blessed with glorious purpose, only never wants any part in it. Often he is given something important to do, or is given skills beyond that of others, but Zach is usually in a state of depression and lack luster behavior, thus doesn’t even tries to fight against that destiny. Yet that doesn’t mean he’ll do terrible.
He’s kindhearted, but absentminded.
FC: Manish Dayal
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Name: Cyrus Abel
Age: 32
Universe: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: cismale
Pronouns: He/him
Race: Human (or Magiclal, but he doesn’t know for sure)
Class: Fugitive
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Tier: Claimed
FC: Peter Gadiot
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Age: 56
Universe: open
Sexuality: Hetreosexual
Gender: cismale
Pronouns: He/him
Race: Human 
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff
Alignment: True Neutral
Tier: 2
FC: Tom Hanks
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the-angel-of-filth · 5 years
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🏳️‍🌈Featuring Two Lads of the 80s/90s:🏳️‍🌈 Saul Walker (Gay Flag) and Anthony “Anton” Voland (Bisexual Flag)!
They’re the main protagonists of two separate but interconnecting stories: The Beast of Rabbitwood (TBOR Verse) for Saul and A Moral Panic (AMP Verse) for Anton! Their stories also happen to be i the same cinematic universe as SOH and GD! TBOR follows an eccentric, wandering self proclaimed cryptozoologist, Saul, who drives into the sleepy town of Rabbitwood after hearing reports of a strange, massive “Beast” living in the area. Obsessed with trying to document the entity as a way to be taken seriously in cryptozoology circles, he tries to locate the monster himself...
AMP follows a story some years before TBOR, about a reclusive and anxious young man, Anton, who along with personal problems, feels that he’s being tormented by an unseen, malevolent force. One night, he’s suddenly attacked by a shadowy figure while trying to sleep. Hope seems to be all lost when he soon senses the presence of an entirely different entity altogether..
✨Also just in case: Free to use if you’d like, just credit me and a reblog/like would be appreciated! Thanks!✨
Bonus: Alternate Flag for Saul!
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