#mordern steve rogers
thesugarclubs-blog · 1 year
Heat of the Moment - AU Steve Rogers x OC
warnings: modern AU steve rogers, DBF, age gap romance,DOM Steve, rough smut, 18+
word count: 12.5k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1330362443-heat-of-moment-regan
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Sweat trickled down Regan's back as she climbed out of the cab and waved to the driver, quickly thanking them before they sped away from their destination. An unreasonable heat was smothering Brooklyn and Regan figured it was her luck that her first week at her father's apartment would be miserable. As if having to move back home at 25 after getting fired wasn't bad enough. 
There was nothing against anyone getting some help in their time of need, but Regan couldn't deny it kept her stomach in constant knots. Her dad was one of the good ones, married to his high school sweetheart until her mom passed and she'd always been what some might call a daddy's girl. Ever since Regan was born during her parent's senior year of high school, he was wrapped around her finger. It made sense that he'd be the one to swoop in and save the day. 
Hopefully, Regan thought, he wouldn't mind if I came home a few days earlier. 
She took a deep breath and climbed the few steps to the building's door, a worn duffel bag in hand. It was something from a thrift shop in London, the place Regan had called home for two years until the production company she worked for decided her services were no longer needed. Her fingers fiddled with the straps as she walked. It wasn't out of anxiety, but anticipation. 
Right before Regan took a leap and moved in pursuit of something more, she helped her dad move into this moderately upscale apartment complex. It had a rooftop pool, patio, and balconies on the windows, the perfect place for a guy like Regan's father. 
It also had his neighbor down the hall, Steve Rogers. 
She met him on the day her dad moved in. He was broad-shouldered, brooding, and tough as nails, an honourably discharged former captain in the US Army. The fact that he was built like a god and had that little accent in his voice didn't hurt either.
Steve was the same age as her dad and they found some common interests, but their bond came from both being veterans. Usually, she hated the stories from her dad's time overseas, but hearing Steve tell some of his own? She could listen to that gravelly voice all goddamn day. 
The trip on the elevator was a haze, Regan's mind retreating into the place that got her into trouble at school. She was so focused on whatever tale her mind was spinning, something warm and tinted in blue, that the elevator opening didn't even register on her radar. 
At first, neither did the man who stepped on it, until he finally said her name. 
"Hey, Regan," Steve said into the quiet space, a small twitch of his lips under his dark beard. 
His voice shot a wave of goosebumps on her skin and it made her shiver a little. He had this air of authority surrounding him. 
"Steve." Regan breathed, her fingers lifting nervously to pull the strand of hair out of her vision as her eyes travelled over the man in front of her.
"I thought your dad said you weren't going to be home for another couple of days," he crossed his arms over his chest and turned his bright blue eyes in her direction, meeting her gaze.
The fluorescent lights of the elevator made his eyes a deeper blue than they normally were and it seemed to darken each feature of his face. His beard was fuller than it had been the last time she'd seen him and Regan could see the shape of his dog tags under his white t-shirt. 
She cleared her throat and turned her attention back to the metal doors in front of her, hoping he hadn't caught her staring, "yeah that's what I thought but you know, once I finished my last day, there wasn't really much over there for me anymore so I just... left," her lips pulled into a thin line as she shrugged.
She shifted the bag in her hand, rolling the strap around nervously in her sweaty palm. She had forgotten how tall he was and now in their blistering proximity, she was forcibly reminded. 
“You’ll find a new job quickly,” Steve quipped, moving on so easily from her practically groping him with her eyes. “From all the ranting your dad does about you, you’re a talent most production companies are fighting to get their hands on.” 
She did all she could not to turn the color of a tomato as the embarrassment set in. Of course, they had been talking about her when she wasn’t around to play buffer. God only knows the things her father has told him about his sweet, precious little girl. 
Regan groaned audibly, unable to stop herself.
"I know it must be frustrating to move back home after being so independent and successful but I'm certain that your father will do everything in his power to get you back in the workforce. After all, you're his little princess." Regan detected a slight change in tone when he spoke that she decided to ignore. But the tinge of mockery in his tone got under her skin.
Regan snorted and shook her head as the elevator door dinged above them, "thanks Steve but as comforting as that is, I don't know what an army vet is going to do to get me back into film," she shifted her bag on her shoulder and walked out of the elevator onto the dusty green carpet of the 7th floor. 
"You know what I meant, Regan," Steve's voice dropped an octave as he followed behind her. 
She let out a soft sigh and nodded once, "yeah I know, I'm sorry, it's just, been a day and I was hoping to avoid the job talk at least until I had it figured out myself," she mumbled, pausing for a second outside of her dad’s apartment.
“You can’t avoid the tough stuff forever,” Steve said flatly, “life happens, and you have to deal with it.”
“I know that better than most,” Regan said bitterly as she turned at the door to her father’s apartment to find Steve standing with his hands on his hips.  “My mother. Remember?”
Steve nodded solemnly, piercing eyes boring into her as she stood defiantly.
“Anyway,” she looked away, breaking first, and fumbled with her keys. “Thanks for the advice.  I’ll be sure to consider it.”
“It should be open,” Steve offered behind her, “your dad was expecting me to drop in.” 
Regan nodded, curt and defeated as Steve’s hand landed on the wood just above her head. Palm flat and fingers splayed, she peered up to see flexed tendons and thick veins running beneath his tanned skin. Steve pushed, and sure enough, the door swung open with ease. 
“In the kitchen, Steve!” Regan heard her dad call as the sounds of cupboards and drawers opened and closed, and her dad’s off-tune humming echoed through to the hall. 
Having to move back home wasn’t ideal, but the warmth and familiarity of her dad’s apartment were welcoming nonetheless.
“Twinkle-toes!” her dad dropped the plastic containers into the sink and rushed around the island into the open hallway of his apartment. “You’re home!” 
Regan let the horrifying nickname slide as she dropped her bag to the floor and sunk into the giant bear hug her father wrapped her small frame into. He wasn’t a small man, rivalling Steve in height he was built thicker around the middle. His long blond beard had turned grey and brown. But the same soft and sad chocolate brown eyes stared down at her as he pulled back to inspect. 
“The London air has you looking all posh, have you been eating?” He asked, pinching her arm playfully. 
“On a hearty diet of a pack of cigarettes and croissants.” She rolled her eyes.
He laughed heartily and attempted to ruffle her hair, Regan dodging to the side at the last second with a scrunched nose and a snort. 
"A little early aren't you?" her father, Colin, asked, concern furrowing his brow. 
"Yeah," Regan breathed as she shifted her weight where she stood. "Just felt like coming home. I'd had enough pretentious movie assholes to last me a lifetime." 
A warm palm brushed the small of her back as Steve stepped by. Without a word, he grabbed the bag from beside her and carried it into the living room, setting the object on the sofa. Regan's eyes followed every flex of his broad back, tucked under a tight white t-shirt that made her brain turn to mush. 
A little spark of irritation ran through her at both the gesture and the feeling it gave her in front of her father of all people.
"Come sit. You must be exhausted." her father motioned to the sofa where Steve just put her bag. 
As she and her father sat down next to each other Steve opted to take the seat on the other side of the coffee table, settling on the armchair across from her. As she brought her father up to speed on her life, she felt Steve watching her attentively. Those incredible blue eyes she could get lost in bore right into her skin leaving a trail of flames in their wake. It was incredibly hard to have him so close but also so incredibly unattainable.
“Well, sweetheart, I hope you brought your appetite with you. Steve and I were just gonna fire up the grill and watch the game.” He voiced, tapping her knee as he stood from his place, “you up for some ribs and beers?” 
Regan smiled softly at her dad, “That sounds great I’m just gonna wash the 5  hours of plane and screaming babies off and I'll meet you up there.”
Her dad winced in sympathy and nodded, ruffling her hair before heading back into the kitchen.  Turning to Steve she smiled, which turned a little awkward and she began to flush, trying to decipher the look in his eyes.
“So I’m just gonna…you know…take a…see you later?” She babbled mentally kicking herself for sounding like a blithering idiot.
“Are you telling me or are you asking me, Princess?” He smirked.
Regan’s eyes widened in surprise, surely he couldn’t mean… She felt the flush creeping up her neck and spreading over her cheeks.  With all her usual sassy responses abandoning her she turned on her heel and almost ran into her bedroom, pushing the door as she went through, not even bothering to check if it was fully closed.
Heading into her shower room she turned on the water and took off her clothes, leaving them in a pile in the corner of the room.  She let out a sigh as she stepped under the spray, arching her back to let the water stream over her hair.
Steam was quickly filling up the bathroom with how hot the water was, but Regan really needed it. She stood still under the shower head, just letting the scalding hot water run down her body, warming up her skin and relaxing the tense muscle underneath it.
Truthfully, the plane ride over was greatly responsible for the tension, but she could admit, only to herself, that it wasn’t the whole reason. She could still feel the pressure and warmth of Steve’s palm over the small of her back, his fingers spread wide in an almost… possessive gesture.
She shook her head, trying to will the dangerous thoughts away. She’d always had a taste for older men, but Steve? He was her dad’s best friend, definitely off-limits. 
Her traitorous body shivered at the thought.
With more force than necessary, she squeezed a dollop of shampoo into the palm of her hand. The artificial scent of strawberries filled her lungs as she massaged her scalp, sighing in relief. She had kept buying it because Steve told her he liked strawberries once, well, she chose not to think about that and quickly washed it off.
She kept the same pace while washing her body, slowly massaging the soap into her skin and letting the tension go. Steve and her dad were probably impatiently waiting for her to get out so they could all eat, but the feeling of suds being washed off her skin was too good to make quick work of it, and she still wasn’t done getting rid of her inappropriate thoughts.
Only a creaking sound got her to speed up, just barely audible over the loud sound of insistent drops crashing over her shoulders. The pipes were letting her know her time was up.
Steam plumed as she stepped out onto the mat, letting the partially frosted glass door slide closed behind her.  A slight draft tickled her skin as she wrapped herself in a large fluffy towel; the bathroom door was open, letting the precious steam out.  Regan sighed as she towelled her hair, scrunching it lightly to soak up most of the water. It would probably get wet in the pool later.
Coming out of the bathroom, she smiled, seeing her forgotten bag on her bed next to a neatly laid-out outfit; her dad was always so thoughtful.  The pretty cornflour blue sundress was the same colour as her mother’s eyes, and the cute daisies patterned on the fabric were her favourite.  It was perfect for a sunny rooftop afternoon.
Slipping the dress over her blue and white checked bikini, the fabric felt wonderful against her clean skin.  Tying the dress behind her neck, she turned for the mirror.  She had been home only a few hours and already she looked and felt more relaxed.  Being home agreed with her, more than she would ever admit aloud.  She picked up a cute white cardigan and, taking one last look in the mirror, headed up to the roof of the building.
New York's summer heat was a shocker after years in London, the sun sweltering on her skin the moment she stepped out into the open air. 
“There she is!” Steve’s heart-stopping smile met her as she approached the two men. 
Leaning on the brickwork of the building with his arms folded over his broad chest, Steve’s heavy gaze fell upon her. His blue eyes tracked over her figure, subtle in their journey from her legs to the halter of her bikini top — where they lingered as his jaw ticked. 
Regan swallowed thickly and made a point of joining her father by the grill. 
In her peripherals, she caught Steve pushing himself away from the wall and sauntering over to the cooler before a dripping beer bottle was held out in front of her with no other acknowledgement.
Regan’s hand brushed against Steve's as she hesitantly took it. The frigid drops of water melted down over her hot skin. “Thanks,” she said, barely getting the word out. 
“Sure,” he winked. “That's your favourite right?” 
She turned the bottle in her hand and smiled, “how’d you know?” 
“Colin here tells all the stories in your absence, including the one about you sleeping in the bathtub after one particularly rowdy night,” Steve licked his bottom lip and tossed her dad a goofy smile. 
“Is nothing sacred?” Regan tossed her hair over her shoulder, turning away from them both to take in the views from the rooftop. God, she had missed Brooklyn and for more than one reason, she looked over her shoulder at the broad expanse of his muscles stretching beneath his shirt as he pointed to the grill and chatted with her dad.
Taking a long, much needed gulp from the icy bottle, she prayed that it would be enough to cool her off. A slightly unsteady hand caused a drop of foamy beer to spill down her chin and neck. 
"Fuck," she muttered under her breath as Colin's boisterous laugh echoed across the rooftop. 
A tingle on her skin made Regan look up as she wiped the liquid with her fingers. Steve watched her from across her father's head as he told some story, gesturing wildly with a pair of barbecue tongs. It looked as if he was assessing her like she was a danger he couldn't figure out how to approach. 
Emboldened by both distance and the heat, she raised an eyebrow and brought her thumb to her full lips. Gently sucking the beer from her fingertip, Steve's stare melted her from the inside. 
There was another twitch of his jaw before he turned away to help her dad once more. That was all she got and Regan couldn't deny that it stung but shook the feeling off.
She walked to the edge of the rooftop, pressing her stomach against the railing, her eyes travelling over the beautiful New York skyline. 
Suddenly she felt a hand on her back and it was clear from the way her body reacted to the touch who was standing behind her. His heat radiated over her as his hand lingered a second longer.
"You missed this, huh?" She heard him say and as she looked up, she found him looking at her. 
"Yeah. London is beautiful but nothing beats this view."
"I can think of something that beats this view," His voice rasped, laced with something wicked and before she could respond, he was gone.
Regan looked over her shoulder, watching Steve’s retreating form, all firm muscles beneath his tight shirt, jeans hugging his pert ass. 
She whipped back around, breathing in deeply, trying to calm her racing heart. Taking another sip of beer, she pushed off the railing and went to a lounge chair near her dad and Steve, just within earshot. 
Regan lay in the sun, warming quickly, getting sticky hot in her dress. She sat up, glancing over at the two men and getting caught in Steve’s gaze. Her dad was busy with the ribs but Steve’s blue eyes bore into her. 
With a sly smile, Regan slowly stood and peeled her dress up and off her body, revealing her bikini underneath.
She could feel his eyes on her as she hid a sly smile from his view. Regan sat back down in the lounge chair and took another long sip of her beer before dragging the cold bottle along her collarbone, trying to cool herself off. As she sat the bottle on a small table beside her, Regan could feel his eyes follow her every movement. 
Meanwhile, Steve gulped and reached for his own beer as he adjusted himself as discreetly as he could while he continued to listen to Collin ramble on about his story.
Even though she couldn’t hear his words the lilting tones of her Dad’s narrative amidst the distant noises of Brooklyn eventually lulled Regan into a comforting bubble of sleepiness.  The warmth of the late afternoon sun only exacerbated the tiredness she felt from her long journey and she let her lids slide almost closed, dozing lazily on the chair.
A whisper of breath against her neck made her shiver as a low voice sounded quietly in her ear.
“Careful you don’t burn that pretty skin of yours, Princess.”
Her breath caught in her throat and she swallowed thickly, trying to pass off the butterflies that erupted in her stomach at the closeness as she shifted and pushed her chest out slightly, "I don't think that's a concern for you to have, Rogers," she quipped back quietly and opened one of her eyes to meet his. 
Steve's tongue swiped across his bottom lip as his left eyebrow ticked upwards at her comment, making a blush rise up her neck, "well that's something we disagree about..." his eyes flickered back to Colin who was still facing away from them, watching the grill, "all that time in London, and now you think you can get away with everything," he smirked. 
The way he was looking at her made every nerve in her body tingle, the fear of her father turning around and seeing how close they were in the back of her mind, but the flirty almost demanding banter from Steve was enough for her to push it to the side. 
"I guess we'll have to see how much I can get away with," she returned the smirk, and waved her empty beer bottle at him, plastering on a sweet smile and blinking up at him, "since you're up anyway, would you mind?" she teased.
Steve smirked at her and leaned over, taking one more glance at her father who was completely oblivious to what was going on. Gingerly, he plucked the beer bottle from her fingers, his skin grazing against hers. She could see the veins in his forearm and it took all of her self-control not to trace them with her eyes. Sparks crackled along her skin and cascaded all the way down her spine. She bit her bottom lip and heat rushed to her cheeks, blossoming across her skin as Steve let out a soft chuckle.
“Must be the sun making you blush like that, hmm?”
Regan swallowed hard.
“Are you gonna get me my beer or stand there staring at me?”
She meant to sound more confident, but the way he was looking at her made it difficult to talk or even think. Her brain felt fuzzy, and it wasn’t from the beer. Steve flashed another smile, wider this time, his ocean blue eyes shining in the sunlight. 
“I can do both, can't I?” 
With that, he winked at her and headed for the cooler, her empty bottle dangling from his fingertips. Regan sat, sweat prickling her skin, with her mouth agape as she tried to process what was going on.
This couldn’t be happening. Was the too-sudden heat confusing her?
Steve had never been this bold before. There had been fleeting heated looks and barely there touches lingering a bit too long to be accidental, but he’d never quipped back to her flirty remarks.
The doubt that had plagued her since she met him was quickly fading into hopefulness. If she wasn’t imagining things, if Steve was actually flirting back… it had to mean he felt it too, the magnetic pull between them.
Her train of thought was interrupted by the feeling of something cold and wet grazing her wrist. She hissed, instinctively trying to pull her arm back, but Steve was quick to hold it still, sliding the edge of the cold beer bottle along her pulse point and right into her palm. Then, as if she was a child, he put his hand on hers and closed her fingers around it in a tight fist.
“Careful, there,” he murmured, his hot breath on her ear, “Why so jumpy, princess?”
“Maybe if you didn’t sneak up on me,” she replied, trying to keep her tone sharp. But the close proximity and firm hold on her hand stole her voice. 
Steve stood to his full height, looking over her, a handsome shadow haloed by the sun. 
“You’re a big city girl, Regan. Being aware of your surroundings is the number one rule, isn’t it?” He flashed her a lazy grin, the greys in his bread glistening in the light as he turned to survey the terrace before peering back down at her. “You never know what you might miss.” 
Regan’s whole body flushed hot and she was about to retaliate when Colin called a cheery ‘grubs up’, and Steve took two steps backward, a subtle wink and smirk on his face as he rubbed his hands together hungrily.
"Smells good, Dad," Regan said as she got up, following behind Steve to the patio table. "You always cook like this for Steve? Is there anything I need to know?" 
Colin snorted, setting the heavy plate of barbecued meat on the table as he sat down. Slipping her dress back over her tousled hair, Regan glanced over at Steve and this time, she was sure he actually smirked at her teasing. 
"Sorry honey, Steve isn't exactly my type." 
Regan chuckled, choosing the seat opposite her father.
"Just checking," she smiled. "I can't have you spoiling just anyone in my absence." 
As she reached to grip the wrought iron backing, Steve beat her to it, pulling the seat out wordlessly. Her eyes flitted up to his as she sat and fixed her dress, the flowing fabric falling just above her knees. There was a darkening in his eyes and Regan realized the position they were in again. If she leaned forward, her forehead would be at his stomach and her hands would- 
"How about you, twinkle toes?" Colin asked as he passed a set of plates to Regan. "Was there anyone you were cooking for in London? Must be a shame that you had to leave so soon."
Steve casually pulled out the chair beside her and every muscle in her body tensed when he took his seat.
“Really wasn’t there for that Dad, and no one really caught my eye there,” Regan muttered, trying to end the conversation before it started. Colin opened his mouth to speak again but Regan beat him to it. “Looks like you forgot the barbecue sauce, Dad. I’ll go grab it,” she said, relief coloring her tone as she pushed back from the table. 
Regan made her way across the roof and down to the apartment, taking a moment to breathe as she rested against the kitchen counter. 
“You okay there, Regan? Need any help?” came a deep voice behind her, sending a shiver down her spine.
Regan gulped, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand up. "N-no, I'm okay." She opened one of the cabinets but didn't find the sauce. Her dad must have moved things around again in her absence. He was always re-organizing things. Shutting the cabinet door, she opened another one, only to sigh. Where in the hell did he put the damn sauce this time?
Frustrated, she let out a huff before hearing a soft deep chuckle behind her. 
"You're dad re-organized the kitchen in his usual manic state in prep for your return," he said as she finally turned to him. A smirk was plastered on his lips and his hair was dangling around his face while he leaned over the kitchen island propped up on his elbows, "told him the last thing you cared about was where the syrup lived." 
Regan couldn't help but breathe out a laugh despite the tingling sensation crawling over her body as his eyes darkened at the sound she made. Steve stood up straight, the white in his shirt a deeper shade from the sweat forcing it to cling to the muscles in his chest. She watched his fingers drag along the edge of the island as he circled around it toward her. The fact that he couldn't hear her heart hammering against her rib cage was shocking to her considering all she could hear was the thundering of it in her ears with the closer he got. 
As he moved to stand in front of her his tongue flicked over his bottom lip, "you've gotta be more observant, twinkle toes." Steve rasped, her father's nickname rolling off his tongue like a sin. 
His hand reached up and for a moment she thought he was going to touch her with the way he took a step forward with the action, but he reached behind her pulling open a cabinet and showed her the bottle of barbecue sauce. Regan became acutely aware of the shrinking space between them as he towered over her and the swarm of butterflies in her chest began to swirl.
The smell of his deep ember and vanilla spiced cologne swirled in her nose and made her head feel dizzy. Regan couldn't stop her eyes from flickering towards his plump lips as he smirked at her and placed the sauce bottle on the counter beside them. He had to know what he was doing to her, despite trying to keep her composure, she was convinced her feelings were right there in the open. 
His fingers brushed the side of her neck and pushed her blonde waves back off her bare shoulder, "I like your hair long like this," he finally spoke through the silence, "does your father know about the little tattoo on your rib cage?" his hand continued softly down over her dress, lightly brushing where the small lavender tattoo sat.
“Yeah, but he- he doesn’t really care,” Regan’s voice shook despite her trying to sound unaffected, “Do you?”
It was a bold question, and she wished to take it back as soon as it came out. She watched Steve’s face, holding her breath, waiting for him to react. What would he say? Had she read this wrong? Or, worse than that, had she read this right?
Steve didn’t react for a long moment, and she feared that this was it, that he would push her away, maybe even tell her dad, humiliate her.
Then, he hummed, low in his throat. “You really don’t keep any secrets from him, do you?”
He looked up at her, head tilted down and long eyelashes fluttering over his defined cheekbones, but it was the look in his eyes that took her breath away.
In the dim light of the kitchen, she could barely see the blue of his irises anymore. His pupils were impossibly wide, giving his eyes a dark, hungry look that had her core clenching around nothing.
He wanted her. He wanted her.
A spark of courage lit up in her chest.
“I could,” she whispered, wetting her lips.
“Yeah?” He breathed. “You think so?”
It was almost a challenge as he stepped toward her, closing the gap between the two of them. Every footstep, every breath felt so heavy between them as the tension mounted. Regan felt like she might burst.
Her heart was thumping in her throat while Steve stared her down, his eyes warm yet piercing. He was playing a dangerous game. They both were. 
She grabbed the bottle and placed it between them as a barrier. Steve’s large hand wrapped around it and her fingers, his eyes locking with hers. Suddenly, she found it hard to take a full breath the second he started to lean forward. Heat bloomed in her belly and the soft fabric of her dress was suddenly the most constricting and irritating thing in the world. She felt his other hand wrap around her waist and pressed her tighter against the counter like he was testing her limits along with his own.
“Why don’t I take this up to your dad and you cool off in here?” He suggested, moving his hand to brush his knuckles against her bare arm. “You feel a little warm.”
“I’m fine,” she insisted, her voice crushed by the weight of the tension between them.
He grinned.
“Keep telling yourself that, princess.”
Steve dipped his head, beard grazing her cheek on his way to her ear and sending a tingle down her spine. The hand on her arm travelled further south and Regan’s breath hitched as she felt the hem of her dress lift from her skin. Steve thumbed at the fabric, rubbing it between his fingertips. 
“Pretty,” he purred, “a good choice, don’t you think?” 
As he drew back, Regan peered up at him confused as she took in his raised eyebrow and the sparkle in the blue of his irises — or what was left of them. His pupils were blown wide as he tilted his, studying her intensely.
And then he was gone, the warmth from his body and the intoxicating scent left lingering in the air as he walked away.
The pieces of the puzzle slid together slowly as she stared down at the dress she was wearing. She had just assumed her father had laid it out for her, stupid and naive she swore under her breath. She huffed, pushing off the counter and out into the hallway. Regan closed the apartment door behind her and jogged after him as quickly as her little legs would take her, sliding between him and the entrance to the roof before he could open it. 
She pressed her back against it, looking up at him. Arm tense and pressed into her side as he reached for the bar her back rested against. She watched a single bead of sweat roll down over his skin, trickling down his neck and disappearing beneath the collar of his shirt. 
 "Did you enjoy the show?" She asked, biting her tongue as he leaned close enough to brush against her nose. 
A soft tsk fell from his lips, "do you like being watched?" he asked, countering her question with his own. "Be honest," he whispered.
His voice carried the slight trace of an accent as he spoke, his eyes now so dark with wanton that she wondered how much self-control this man had. Hmmm, I could put that to the test, she thought.
"Wouldn’t you like to know," Her hand travelled to the belt of his pants, tugging slightly.
She watched him carefully as his eyes flared up and she could feel him struggle with his control.
"You're playing with fire, Regan."
“I like the heat,” Regan quipped, slipping her fingertips along the sliver of skin between his shirt and jeans. She could feel his abdomen tremble and she grinned, quickly withdrawing them and pressing backwards, pushing the door open and semi-gracefully twisting to the open rooftop. 
“Hey Dad, sorry that took so long, someone forgot to tell me they reorganized again,” Regan teased Colin as she made her way back to the table. 
“You comin’ Steve?” Colin called out and Regan glanced back, seeing Steve still standing at the door, hand deep in his pocket. 
She covered up a snort as he started, walking over slightly awkwardly before sitting at the table next to her again, a little closer than before. Regan glanced at Steve as he scooted his chair and adjusted how he sat before he began filling his plate with food. 
"So..." she began. "What have you two been up to while I was gone? Besides embarrassing me by sharing stories about me." She only half listened to her father's answer as she suddenly felt Steve's heavy hand on her knee beneath the table. 
She gave him the side eye. What the hell are you doing? Feeling him gently grip her knee while he openly acted as if nothing was happening only served to make the butterflies in her chest turn into bees.
His hand felt calloused and rough against her heated skin. She felt it slide further, pushing the hem of her dress with it just far enough to torture her with the question of how far he was willing to go with her father two feet away. 
"Regan? Honey, are you okay?" Her father's voice filtered through the flash flood of thoughts currently drowning her mind. 
"What? Oh--yea--yeah," She stammered. Steve's hand un-wavered from its position. Standing his ground and toeing the metaphorical line in the sand. She felt his forefinger begin to draw small tiny circles into the soft flesh of her inner thigh, setting fire to her scorched skin. 
"Where's your head at twinkle toes?" Colin asked, taking a bite of ribs. 
Regan shook her head, picking up her beer hoping to cool herself down, "Nowhere but here dad." She flashed him a somewhat convincing smile moving her hand under the table and curling her fingers around Steve's.
Her intention was to move his hand away, to silently scold him for being so bold in front of her father, but she couldn’t do it. 
Couldn’t deny herself the delicious feeling of his fingertips pressing into the flesh of her thigh, blood rushing back to her skin every time he shifted his grip higher. 
Her dad emptied his beer, reaching for the cooler to retrieve another and flashing them both a tipsy smile as he held one more out towards them in offering. 
“Last one,” he shrugged, gaze flitting between them. 
Only then did Steve’s hand leave Regan, long enough to flip the cap from the bottle and tilt it towards her. 
“You don’t mind sharing, do you, sweetheart?”
"I don't know where that mouth has been," she scoffed, pulling it from his grip. 
"Steve's a gentleman sweetie," Colin laughed at their playful banter, leaning back in his chair. "I'm sure he won't mind."
"You don't mind do you?" She tilted it toward her pouty lips. 
"You can pay me back some other time," Steve laughed loudly, but his eyes never left her lips and she could feel his knuckle drift back to the hem of her skirt, lifting it higher than before. "You'll be home all summer." He added. 
"It's gonna be so nice having my girl home!" Colin announced loudly, nearly spilling from his chair. 
"Dad," Regan lurched from her chair, worried about him. "I think the beer and the heat are getting to you!"
"Christ, you might be right," her dad laughed, shaking his head. "Game hasn't even started and I'm already out of it." 
"How many did you have before I got here?" 
Colin looked somewhat sheepish as he stood, swaying on his feet. There was a pink tint to his cheeks that she hadn't noticed before. Sending Steve a confused look, she watched Steve hold up four fingers just out of Colin's view and suppressed a laugh. 
"Okay, okay," Regan sighed, pushing up from the table. "C'mon, let's get you to bed."
"Alright, let's go. Steve, see ya." Colin waved his friend goodbye and they slowly made their way downstairs, her father hiccupping every second step.
She watched him get into his en suite bathroom after she picked up his pyjamas from the console across from the bed. 
"I'm fine, little one. I can take it from here. Don’t worry about me, your tipsy dad can handle a nap by himself. Go relax,” he said as he pulled the comforter over his body. He had no idea what that sentence made her feel and she prayed to high heavens that he didn't notice the way the blush crept into her cheeks. 
"Sleep well, pops. Thank you for taking me in." She whispered as her father closed his eyes. 
"Anything for you, twinkle-toes. I'm so glad I have you back here. I love you." And with that, he dozed off into sleep.
A small shiver ran through her body and the realization that she’d forgotten her cardigan on the roof washed over her. Regan fought with herself for a moment, telling herself that she could grab it in the morning, but the other side of her wanted to finish what she’d started with Steve.
Or at least what she thought had been started. 
Her body shook with anticipation at the delicious tension spreading through her body as she walked back out onto the rooftop and saw Steve sitting in one of the chairs, his legs spread apart, holding an ornate glass of dark liquid between his strong fingers. 
"Regan..." She heard him rasp as her feet transported her closer to him as if they have a mind of their own.
Regan stopped a few inches from his right knee, staring down at it, until Steve shifted. He sat forwards in his chair, jeans pulling tight against strong, thick thighs, and he balanced his glass against his left thigh, right one open and oh so enticing. 
“Wanna sit honey? Plenty of room,” Steve rumbled, lifting his glass and taking a sip of what had to be whiskey or maybe bourbon. Regan suddenly felt parched, dying for a taste. 
She glanced around, looking for her chair but it was pushed off to the side. She finally met Steve’s playful stare, the fingers of his right hand drawing her gaze away, back to his thighs. 
Before she could second guess herself, Regan took that last step forward and straddled Steve’s thigh, biting back a whimper at the feel of the strong muscles between her own soft thighs.
Steve leaned back on his chair, his jeans rubbing against Regan's underwear as he adjusted his legs. Goosebumps formed along her skin as warmth pooled between her legs while she settled herself on his thigh. 
He tilted his head upwards, meeting her gaze with a playful smirk. He trailed his index finger along her thigh, circling a freckle that lay just below the bunched up hem of her dress.
"Are you comfortable, Regan?" he purred.
"Umm..." She took a steadying breath, knowing that he could see she was flushed from her ears to her chest. Feeling Steve move his leg again made her gasp and reach to steady herself by holding onto one of his shoulders. Shit 
"What is it, princess? Something bothering you? Or is something feeling a little too good to ignore?"
Regan pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and turned her gaze towards the rooftop door. The slight fear of someone catching them, not just someone, but her dad, crept up into her mind. Even if he was drunk out of his mind and probably long passed out, he could stumble back up to the roof for something. It was too risky being so out in the open. 
As if he could tell where her mind went, Steve placed his fingertips gently on the side of her cheek and turned her gaze back to meet his, the blue of his eyes flickering in the low light from the city that surrounded them. 
"Eyes on me, beautiful," he whispered, moving his hand down to the side of her neck and tracing his thumb over her throat, "we're safe up here. It's just the two of us," he reassured, with his smirk returning, "now, answer my question, is something bothering you or are you done ignoring this?" 
He continued moving his leg underneath her, pulling small whines from her lips as she kept her eyes on him, trying to think of a way to answer him coherently.
“I don’t think I could ignore this if I tried.”
Steve’s breath rushed out of his chest at her confession. There was no time like the present to be honest, and there was no way in hell she was going to walk away from this as terrified as she was to get caught. Steve’s cheeks were dusted pink and he licked his lips. He leaned forward, dragging his lips along her jawline until they reached her ear. She shivered at the sensation of his beard brushing against her skin and bit back a whimper. 
“That makes two of us,” he rumbled. “Do you know how hard it’s been to stay away from you?”
Regan smiled and slid her hands beneath his t-shirt, fingernails just barely grazing his abs. Her hips instinctively rocked back and forth and she could feel herself getting wetter from the tension alone.
“Why don’t you show me?” She whispered.
He nibbled on her earlobe and she gasped.
“Careful what you wish for, sweetheart.”
Suddenly, he pulled back and his hand slipped around the back of her neck, pulling her toward him. The second their lips crashed, Regan groaned, butterflies swarming her stomach as Steve’s other hand gripped her hip and began to rock her back and forth along his thigh as his tongue slipped into her mouth.
He took his time, feeling her out, whisky and barbecue and something uniquely him flooding her senses.
Steve’s tongue was heavy against hers, teeth catching harshly on her bottom lip before he soothed the sensitive skin with small kisses, almost too tender compared to the way he guided her over him. Steve grunted, rough and from deep in his chest as she writhed against him. 
With each rock of her hips, Regan felt his cock hardening beneath the denim, eliciting a gasp from her lips as he shifted beneath her. As glorious as the feeling of his rough jeans was, she was desperate for fewer layers and more skin.
Steve slipped a hand into the front of her bathing suit bottoms, his hot skin slipping between her folds with ease. "So ready," he groaned against her, using his hand to rock her faster, "feral for me. How long has it been since you've been touched, baby girl?" He asked. 
When she tried to answer nothing but a heavily broken whine dripped from her lips, her mouth propped open by his as he worked against her faster. "Such pretty noises the desperate whore makes, don't stop." He demanded, "ride my thigh until you're moaning my name and then I'll flip you over and give you something to really scream about."
She nearly collapsed against him but he held her in place as he pushed his thigh up against her forcibly over and over, his fingers guiding her pussy back and forth until she was an embarrassing, withering mess.
His other hand wrapped in her hair and pulled her mouth back to his, tongue and teeth crashing together as her legs started to shake. Steve's heated lips moved down her jaw, leaving wet kisses that made Regan's noises grow higher in pitch and more breathless as her head fell back. 
"Fuck me," Regan whined, embarrassed by how quickly she folded, but she felt like she was going to combust. "Please, I- I need more."
She felt his lips turn up in a grin and the throbbing in her cunt grew stronger. 
"We'll get there, darlin'," Steve murmured against her damp skin. "First I'm gonna have you come like this. Then you'll get my mouth..." 
Regan gasped as his thumb started to circle her clit and it nearly got her there, but his touch was too light, too soft for how he was speaking to her. He was teasing her and based on the twitching in his jeans, he really fucking liked it. 
"And then," Steve growled, pressing up harder against her, the friction burning her thighs raw. "if you're a good girl, I'll fuck you like one."
"But what if I'm not a good girl?" Regan asked in a playful innocence she knew damn well would rile him up. 
"Oh, Regan," he chuckled mischievously as he applied the slightest bit more pressure to her clit, her mind reeling and begging for release. "Then I'll fuck you like a good little slut," he rasped so close to her ear, his words vibrated through her body. 
Little by little he increased the pressure and speed until he was just right, a scream left her throat.
"Fuck, the noises you make. Fucking beautiful."
Regan panted, body slumping into Steve’s firm chest, feeling it move under her as he chuckled. 
“Don’t tell me you’re worn out already?” he teased, knuckles brushing under her chin and lifting her head until her blurry gaze met his sharp one. “Can’t very well make good on my words if you’re already fading.”
Regan shook herself, blinking rapidly before sitting up straight, fisting Steve’s long hair in one hand, crushing their lips together again. 
“I can handle anything you’ve got for me Captain,” she murmured against his lips and he bit down sharply on her bottom one, a yelp escaping her as he pulled it away from her, sucking it into his mouth and letting it go with a pop. 
“On the patio table now, Regan,” he growled, hands going to her hips and lifting her up onto her feet.
Regan bit her lip, her heart hammering against her ribcage in anticipation. Steve's lips found her purchase on her neck leaving a trail of nips and kisses along the way as he walked her towards the table, his fingers digging into her hips. 
He pushed her against it, the feel of cold metal against her thin dress doing nothing to quench the heat surrounding her. Dragging his wet warm lips back up to her lips, he slipped his hands down to her thighs picking her up and sitting her on the table. 
"Eager there, Rogers?" Regan laughed against his lips. Her teasing was quickly cut by a gasp when she felt his long, rough fingers wrap around her neck. 
"That's Captain to you," he growled against her lips.
She giggled before gasping as he bit her bottom lip hard enough to cause a bit of pain. Regan pulled away from him with narrowed eyes. "What was that for?"
Steve gave her a hard stare before his face softened slightly. "Sorry," he murmured. He gently rested his hand on the back of her neck before placing a gentle kiss on her now painful bottom lip. "No more lip," he murmured. His demeanor changed again as he pulled her to the edge of the table and ran his hands up her dress to rest on her thighs. "Now... will you let your Captain have a taste? Because dessert sounds rather nice."
She nodded and Steve grinned.
“Good,” he whispered, pushing her thighs apart while dropping to his knees. The only thing she could see in the dying sunlight were those eyes digging into her fucking soul. Flames licked her belly, shooting through every muscle in her body as Steve took his fucking time sliding his calloused hands up and down her thighs. 
“Now, spread your legs for me. I want ‘em nice and wide, sugar. And you stay like that, is that clear?”
“Yes, Captain,” she purred.
A growl sprung from his throat and she could see that he was struggling to keep control, kissing his way up and down each thigh. Trying to make the most of every moment. Regan’s breath caught in her chest as he worked his way higher and higher to her dripping cunt. He lifted his head and slowly began to slide two fingers inside of her.
“You keep calling me that and the whole goddamn city’s gonna hear you begging me to fuck you.”
Regan’s retort was cut off by the sensation of Steve’s tongue slowly dragging along her clit as he pushed his fingers in deeper. Her head fell back and she bit down on her knuckles, letting out a muffled groan.
He worked at her relentlessly, the patio table beneath her practically rocking as she lifted her hips from the table to press herself against his face. She wanted to ride herself free of the second orgasm against his nose while his tongue flicked at her core and his fingers curled inside of her reaching all the tender sweet spots. 
"Wait for it," he growled, pushing her back down against the table. His hand slid from her hips and bit into the underside of her ass roughly, causing her to whimper from the pain. She hadn't expected to enjoy it so much but each rough touch sent a thousand tiny shockwaves rolling through her only making her crave more. 
He was daring her to misbehave, she wanted to feel the crack of his hand against her ass, feel the sting of his fingers around her nipples and the sharp bite of his teeth on her thighs. She wanted more than ever before. She wiggled down against him, his beard rubbing against her inner thighs as his tongue pressed against her already stuffed pussy. 
"I want more," she begged and without hesitation, he obliged but not without consequence. He rolled her hips to the side, so her leg was hooked over his shoulder pressed tightly against his cheek and rubbed the soft skin of her ass before laying into her. 
"I told you to wait," he warned.
With a whimper, Regan wriggled in his grasp, chasing the feeling of his lips against her body again. This time his hand gripped her ass even harder,  surely leaving purple marks on the creamy colored skin. In a blink, Steve rose up, gripping her chin tightly. Her lips parted as his calloused palm held her in place and Steve smirked at the dazed look in her eye. 
"Be. Good. Regan," he murmured before capturing her lips again, leaving a salty taste on her tongue. 
She nodded breathlessly, licking the dampness from her lips as he got back onto his knees, blue eyes blown dark in the lavender twilight. 
"So fucked out, already, my girl can't even talk," Steve murmured against her thigh before his lips wrapped around her clit and pulled harshly before releasing it as she cried out. "You might not make it through me fucking you."
"I can, please," Regan begged him. Her voice came out a strangled whimper.
"So eager,” he growled, “I'm gonna fuck you so hard I might have to replace the patio table," his hand darted out and wrapped around her chin so she was captivated by his eyes.
"I want you to be good and use your words, sugar."
Regan bit back a whine and wrapped her hand around Steve’s wrist, pulling his hand from her face, and guiding it back to her dripping cunt. 
“C’mon Captain,” she grinned, determined to take back some power despite her mouth falling open in a gasp as his fingers entered her again. “You want me to be good? Make me.”
Steve’s fingers immediately crooked against her spot, his thumb pressing down on her clit, rubbing back and forth until her thighs were shaking and her nails were digging into his skin. 
“Fuck!” Regan shouted, waves of orgasm crashing over her. Before she could even come down, Steve was moving, slipping his fingers from her and flipping her over onto her stomach. He trailed them over her ass, slapping it lightly, then harder when she moaned. 
“That’s my good little slut,” he whispered in her ear, bent over her back.
Steve's words flowed over her, making her shiver. If it were anyone else, she was sure she would whip around and slap them. But being Steve... something was different. Regen whimpered as she felt Steve pull apart her bikini bottoms, letting them fall to the concrete at their feet. "Steve... please." 
She looked over her shoulder, watching as he stared down at her before she noticed his arm moving. Her eyes drifted down only to widen at the size of Steve's weeping cock. Oh my god.
Regan couldn't stop the whimper as it left her throat, and she felt her cunt clench around nothing in anticipation. Every thought in her mind melted away, all the fear she'd felt about getting caught was gone. She just wanted him. She needed him. And by the cocky smirk that was painted on his lips, he knew it too. 
Steve stepped forward and positioned himself, his hard cock pressed into her folds, teasing her more with each slight movement. 
"That's it Regan, beg me," he rasped, gripping the skin of her hip with one hand and moving the other slowly up her spine to tangle in her blonde waves, pulling softly. 
She whined again, biting the inside of her cheek, "Please Steve... please," she pushed her hips back into him, pulling a growl from deep in his chest. 
He brought his hand back and slapped it once more on her ass, "try again, sweetheart," 
"Please fuck me, Steve, please," she breathed, relishing in the stinging pain of her ass as he rubbed the sore spot, "I need you inside of me, please fuck me"
He teased her entrance with the tips of his fingers. He didn’t push them inside of her, but she could feel him working her clit, teasing it ever so slowly as he leaned over.
“You can do better than that,” he urged. “You want me to fuck you like a little whore? Then you beg me like one.”
“Fuck you!” She cried out. “You’re such an asshole.”
This wasn’t what he wanted, but it was what he was going to get. She was so desperate, that every muscle in her body was shaking. Steve smacked her ass one more time and she bit down on the inside of her cheek, swallowing a grunt as her clit throbbed.
“Do you need to be shown how to behave?” He growled. Very slowly, he removed his fingers and dragged the tip of his cock through her folds. “Because I can do that for you, angel.” 
Regan’s eyes rolled back and she let out a sound that she didn’t even know she could make— broken and jagged. Steve placed his hand at the base of her throat and his lips curled into a wicked grin. Regan found her composure, drawing in a breath as he began to rub the tip of his cock against her swollen clit.
“Fuck me, Steve. I’ve been such a good girl for you, haven’t I?”
He chuckled, capturing her lips in a rough and messy kiss before pulling back.
“You’ve been anything but that.”
"I'll be a good little whore, I promise," she cried out, every inch of her aching for him. She could feel him running his rock hard length from her ass to her clit, over and over without remorse. Only a soft chuckle fell from his lips as she begged him for all of it. "Please Captain, fill me to the brim, I can't take it anymore. I'm begging you, I'll do anything."
"You say that like I doubted you," he whispered, the hand around her throat tightened gently against her skin and his hand ran down the sweat licked center of her back. He kicked her feet apart, spreading her wide and exposing her to him completely. She felt raw and on display as he rocked himself into her without warning. She wasn't prepared for his size, stinging pleasure rolling through her as he stretched every inch of her sore cunt, pushing her to her limits. The pain vibrated down through her toes as she pushed up onto them and fell into the hold around her throat. 
"I can't-" she pleaded, feeling the hand that rolled around her ass, he was playing at it. Waiting for her pleas but she could feel him wanting more as he dragged himself from her clenching, dripping cunt slower than her body could process the size. "Steve," she panted, unable to finish her sentence as his balls slapped against her throbbing clit and he filled her again. 
"You can't what?" He growled, his thumb brushing against her entrance. When she didn't answer him he slapped his hand across her ass, the sound ringing through the air alongside her strangled gasp. "Answer me."
Regan felt tears well up in her eyes, frustratingly turned on to the point that she couldn't even begin. His fingers tightened around her throat as another slap echoed across the rooftop, sending spots across her vision. 
"You aren't a very good listener, are you? That's okay, I'll teach you." 
"Please, please, please," she sputtered. "I can't take...fuck, Steve!" 
This was what she needed, maybe a part of the reason she came back. Someone to break her and put all those pieces back together. A tear fell down her face and Steve's thumb turned her cheek towards him, his wicked grin appearing in the corner of her vision over her shoulder. 
"Cry for me a little more and I might go easy on you."
Regan’s eyes rolled back into her skull as a shudder travelled through her body. She heard Steve curse and suddenly he was pressing against her entrance again. 
“You have no fucking idea how you look do you?” Steve started pushing in, slowly, Regan moaning loudly as she was stretched again. “No idea how you look with that fucking body moving, caught up in pleasure, thinking of nothing but me. I’ll fuck you, pretty girl, I’ll fuck you until you’re begging me to let you come until you’re crying harder than this little display.” 
Regan couldn’t catch her breath, between the tears and the way Steve had started fucking into her, punching the air out of her chest until she was nearly screaming. 
A big hand came up to cover her open mouth, covering half her face with its width. “Shh, Regan, the whole neighborhood didn’t hear you yet,” Steve whispered into her ear, biting down on the lobe before sucking on it, hips pounding her into the suddenly creaking table.
She whimpered into his hand, her whole body shaking under his.  She was desperate to feel more of him. Even inside of her he still wasn't close enough, there was too much fabric between them. Regan wanted to feel his taut chest against her back, feel the way his muscles flexed as he relentlessly drove into her. 
Steve dragged his hand back from her mouth slowly, and as if they shared the same need his fingers worked the knot at the back of her neck the thin strands of her dress falling onto the table. His movements didn't falter as he pulled down roughly on the fabric causing the table to shake along with her.
"The... the table," she moaned, trying to do her best to help Steve remove her dress from her body. The table creaked loudly beneath them. Loud enough for her to wonder if they were both going to topple to the ground. The thought was fleeting though as Steve increased his pace, driving himself into her body. "Steve..."
"Steve!" His name came out as a louder sob than she'd meant it to, but it caught his attention just in time. 
The table once more groaned loudly as the legs finally gave way, crashing the old metal table to the ground. Steve's arm linked around Regan's waist and caught her before either of them fell, stepping forward, his cock slipped out of her and he spun her into his chest. 
The world felt like it was spinning for a moment as her fingers curled into the metal dog tags that hung around his neck. He helped her stand and catch her balance as his now dark blue eyes flitted over her features, concern sparking over his face. 
"Are you okay?" he rasped, cupping her cheek in his hand and gripping her waist with the other. 
Regan nodded and breathed deeply, keeping her gaze locked on him, "I'm okay," she repeated, the coolness of the dog tags bringing a new feeling into her otherwise warm body. 
"Good," he growled, scooping his arms under her legs and making his way over to the chair she'd found him in earlier, "cause I'm not finished with you yet"
Her laughter echoed through the air and Steve sat down on it, letting Regan shift her body so that she could straddle him. She looked back at the mess that they’d left behind and giggled.
“How are you gonna explain that?”
“Communal rooftop, drunk teenagers,” he replied, cradling her face with both hands. The pad of his thumb slid along her bottom lip as he searched her eyes. His expression was tender and vulnerable, and it made her heart skip a few beats. This guy could turn on a dime. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
She nodded and Steve kissed her, so sweetly that she wanted to cry. Her arms snaked around the back of his neck, playing with his hair and running her fingers through it. She’d always thought about it, it looked so soft. Steve groaned as the kiss deepened and Regan decided to take the reins, easing herself back down onto his cock. Her eyes squeezed shut as he filled her to the brim. Regan felt tears sticking to her lashes as her cheeks flamed. 
The whimper that left Steve's lips was addicting, and she began to rock her hips, taking control. There was something about him that made her feel insanely confident. She pulled back, bouncing on top of him as his head fell back.
“Fuck, Regan.”
“Atta boy,” she whispered. “How long have you been thinking about fucking me?”
He laughed, his chest heaving as she fucked him and he tried to swallow his groans. Regan grabbed his dog tags and pulled on them, forcing him to meet her eye while she took him as deep as she could. His eyes widened as Regan leaned in and flicked his bottom lip with her tongue.
“I asked you a question, Captain. I expect an answer.”
His hands ran down her back, his fingers tickling the bare skin down to the swell of her ass. He cupped her more gently than she would have liked but he helped lift her up and down his shaft, pushing the speed at which they moved together. His breath trembled from his lips as he opened his mouth to speak as Regan pulled herself to the tip of his expanding erection. She revelled in the pressure it built, she found sick, needy pleasure in how it drove him nuts to be out of control. 
His hands tightened around her skin, pulling her ass into his palms as he fought his hungry urges. "I've wanted a taste of your weeping pussy the first time you bent over in those tiny jean shorts you wore around last summer." He nipped at her collarbone. "Tell me," he begged breathlessly, still gripping her tightly, "tell me you wanted it too."
She giggled, it dripped from her lips. She had visited her dad for a week and she could feel Steve's eyes watching her even then. She had dug those shorts from the back of her closet, barely squeezing her ass into them before parading around in the apartment. The tip of his dick rolled against her entrance, stretching her wider as he tried to pull her back over him. "I enjoyed watching you squirm," she whispered, "how often do you think about those shorts?" She asked, needing to know the answer. 
"As often as I think about your pert little tits in my mouth," he dragged his teeth against her, "more when I dreamed about how good your pussy would feel wrapped around me."
Regan gasped, high and loud as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, biting down and pulling until she cried out before letting go. Her breast stung, pain spreading through it but she relished in it, digging her hands into his hair and pulling. Steve's head fell back, their eyes meeting, and Regan pressed their foreheads together, lips meeting in an open-mouthed, gasping kiss. 
"Gonna make me come again, Captain?" she asked breathlessly, rising and falling quickly on his dick. Steve gripped her hips tight enough that her skin was darkening before their eyes but she didn't care, she wanted more. "C'mon Cap, I'm waiting."
Steve snarled and his hips jumped up, pumping into her hard, the chair groaning beneath them but somehow holding together as he fucked up into her. "Gonna make you come so hard you can't even say your name, Regan," he growled, and she hiccuped, tears forming in her eyes from the intense pleasure gathering at the base of her spine. 
"Please- Steve I-" 
"No, you don't say anything unless you need to stop," Steve grunted, nearly lifting out of the chair as he fucked her.
Regan's face fell forward and she took her bottom lip between her teeth, biting down almost to the point of drawing blood holding back her cries. 
She closed her fists on Steve's shirt pulling at the sweat ridden fabric. Her fingers ached to feel his hot skin. 
Steve dragged a finger up her chest, the soft graze making her hiss at the contact. He grabbed onto her chin forcing her to look back at him as he pounded into her. 
He pulled at her bottom lip with his thumb, "You're taking me so well, sweet girl." 
Regan cried out, her hands pulling even tighter on his thin t-shirt. Steve leaned forward hovering his lips over hers, "Rip it off, Regan," he breathed.
She grinned and licked her lips. Regan didn't have to be told twice. She pulled hard at his shirt, hearing the cotton tear between her fingers. Regan instantly let go of the fabric and ran both hands along his chest, enjoying the feeling of his muscles against her hands. "I've been wanting to do that since I saw you in the elevator," she admitted. 
Steve chuckled as he halted his movements for a moment and sat up to fully remove his shirt and toss it to the ground before capturing her lips in a searing kiss, devouring her mouth with his. He moaned into her mouth, when she began rocking back and forth against his pelvis once more. Regan was getting so close. Steve pulled back from the kiss and smiled at her. 
"Come on baby, ride me. Hard and fast."
As Regan began bouncing faster, clenching her dripping cunt around him, their sounds echoed out into the New York sky. All their cares about who might hear them disappeared. The only thing that mattered was them, at that moment, taking everything they could from each other. 
The fire deep in her belly grew with every thrust and she knew she wasn't going to last much longer with the soft praises that dripped from Steve's lips. 
“Doing so good for me, darlin’,” he moaned. "Taking every inch just like I knew you would."
All she could feel was heat in her belly, her toes curling and tingling each time their hips met. Their moans reached a crescendo and her fingernails raked down his chest as Steve’s hand came to rest at the base of her throat again. Regan’s lips parted and she grinned, reaching up to cover his hand with her own.
“More,” she whispered, pressing down on his fingers.
Steve grinned.
“You filthy little slut,” he growled as he pressed on the sides of her throat just enough to make her dizzy. 
Regan rode him harder and faster, butterflies exploding in her belly and the knot that had been getting tighter and tighter as he hit her g-spot finally snapped. She cried out, wildfire spreading all through her belly and down her legs. Her muscles quivered and Steve released her throat, letting her bury her head in his shoulder as wave after wave of her climax washed over her. He stroked her back and let her slow down for a moment. 
“Good girl."
The sound of his husky voice praising her made the wetness between her legs grow even as she drenched his cock and spiraled down from her high. She wanted him to call her all the sweet things all the time, especially if he was praising her for taking him so well. She wanted to feel every inch of him every second of every waking moment and she was quickly granted that wish as he began to pump again chasing the high he hadn't caught. 
She leaned into him, offering herself to him like a prize to be won and he took it without mercy. He slipped her off him, lifting her effortlessly from his cock and setting her on her feet. "Prove to me how good you can be," he whispered, reminding her of all the dirty, shameful things she had promised him. She sank to her knees before him as he slid forward and presented his hefty length to her. 
His cock had seemed impossibly large, crammed inside of her but as she popped her lips over the tip and sunk down on him she realized how wrong she had been. His hand wrapped into her hair, pulling her down against him until his tip pressed against the back of her throat and tears stung at her eyes. "That's my girl," he whispered, his free hand twisting her sore and sensitive nipple between his fingers. "My sweet little desperate whore, so willing to do as she's told."
She pumped her mouth around him, pushing her tongue against the base of his shaft until he was making sweet noises for her. The grip in her hair tightened and she loosened her throat, welcoming the tantalizing taste of her own pussy mixed with the sweat and need of him down. He pumped twice more, shooting his release down her throat without remorse as he rubbed his thumb across her face and cleared the tears from her eyes. 
She pulled away from his cock, licking up from the base to clean him completely and rose from her knees. Standing over him, covered in sweat and bruises, her ass stung from his playful abuse and her cunt clenched sore and sex abused as he drank her in with a sex drunk devilish look on his face. His pupils blown and the strands of his long hair messy and ready to be tugged on, she licked her lips chasing the taste of him as his cock fell against his stomach and he held out his arms to her. 
"Pretty girl, you look even better covered in my hand prints."
This time his hands were soft as he brushed her equally messy hair from her face, wiping the remnants of sweat from her upper lip. Regan felt like she was outside of her body. She couldn’t help but giggle, biting her lip when Steve laughed. 
“What are you laughin’ at, sweetheart?” He asked softly, the rasp still sending shivers down her spine. “You’re gonna hurt my feelings.” 
“We ruined this rooftop for everyone,” she shook her head and started laughing even harder. “You broke a fucking table, Steve!” 
Steve buried his damp head into her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist, Regan forced herself to reach up on her tiptoes to alleviate his hunched position. Chuckles shook her body as his breath cooled her overheated skin. 
After a few moments, they came down from the high they created in this not so-secluded location. Earlier on, Regan was worried that she would have regrets afterwards, but that was the furthest thing from her mind. 
She watched Steve button his jeans and outstretch his hand, the cornflower blue dress clutched in it. Smiling up through her lashes, she practically vibrated with the feeling of a new adventure in her future. Being with this man was certainly going to be a wild ride. 
As if reading her mind, Steve spoke up as his head popped through the neck of his tattered t-shirt. 
“So…are we gonna do this again?” 
The sweet questioning tone made Regan’s heart flutter, so much so that she crossed the few steps to him. Placing a soft kiss on his slightly chapped lips, she sighed into him and enjoyed the warmth. Heartbeats went by until he tilted her head back and she smiled at his raised eyebrow and stern expression. 
“Hell yeah, Cap.” 
Steve’s eyes grew heavy as his hand drifted up to fix the neckline of her dress and he bent down to whisper in her ear. His words made a shock of excitement run straight to between her legs, already wanting him again despite the bruises and aches. 
“Then I better see you in those shorts tomorrow.”
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Coffee Cottage
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Pairing: Steve x F Reader
Summary: Modern AU - Owning your own coffee shop in a small town was great. Until you finally needed to replace the furniture. Bucky told you about his best friend who could help you out. Steve who was grumpy when you first saw him turned out to be one of the nicest (and most beautiful) people you’ve met.
Warnings: Reader is in pain for a while (backpain) and takes some painkillers, thirsting for Steve needs its own warning!, a storm (I’ve heard there’s currently a blizzard out there so stay safe!)
Word Count: ~4.1k
A/N: months of me not posting, now 2 fics in 2 days.... Steve’s love language here is caring for someone and you can’t convince me otherwise and do you see how much I love lumberjacks??
The sight in front of you let you stop your movement. Your car hadn’t alerted the person in front of you of your arriva,l so you were blessed with the view of a beefy man in a flannel shirt chopping some wood. With every movement of his arms the red fabric span. The door of your car still in your hand you were sure that you were drooling. You decided to let your presence be known and closed the door with force.
“Are you Steve?” you yelled when the chopping stopped. He put the axe into the chopping block.
“Yeah,” he confirmed and wiped some sweat of his face. It gave you the time to study him while you were walking towards him. His dark blonde hair wasn’t long enough to stay behind his ear, even though he tried it. The lower half of his face was covered with a well-groomed beard that looked kind of soft and his blue eyes were taking you in as you approached.
“Bucky recommended you when he heard that I needed new furniture.” Steve’s eyebrow rose at your statement as this was the first time he heard anything about that.
“Did he?”
You nodded and noticed that you hadn’t told him your name and provided it then. “I've taken over the cafe in town, but the furniture has seen better days and I finally need to replace it.”
“I don’t know what Bucky has told you, but it’s only me here. You should hire a company that would be faster.” How could someone be so handsome and still so grumpy? Maybe he was just like Bucky, who had also come with a death glare into your shop and it took a good strong coffee and a piece of cheesecake for him to warm up and to grace you with a short-lived smile.
“I don’t want fast; I want something good. I want something long living and to be honest, I can’t pay for everything at once. I have a café in a small town. I don’t make a fortune, even though Bucky comes in regularly, but I still need to replace the furniture. So, replacing it piece by piece would be totally fine with me. That’s it if you’re up for it and we can agree on the design and price,” you smiled at him.
“Wait, does that mean the cheesecake he brings is from you?”
“Yeah, it’s my grandma’s recipe though. Would you consider it though? You can come to the café and take a look, we could discuss everything and you get a piece of pie and coffee for free,” you offered.
Steve agreed to come over to take a look and when you wanted to tell him where it was, he told you he knew and he would come over before noon the next day.
You were busy bringing Frank his daily coffee when he was spending another break in your café, when you heard the bell above your door announcing a new customer. A smile was on your face when you spotted Bucky and the blonde you had met the day before. You weren’t sure if Steve would really come, but you were happy that he at least decided to take a look.
“So, what can I bring you gentlemen?” They had taken a place at the window.
“Coffee please and what pie can you recommend today?” Bucky’s behavior was way nicer since the first day he had stumbled in.
“Do you want a coffee too? Or are you more of a tea guy? I have hot chocolate too?” you asked Steve and ignored Bucky’s second part of the question.
“Coffee is fine, thanks,” Steve’s voice sounded kind of raspy as if he didn’t use it very often and it sent a chill down your body.
“Okay, I’ll bring you some variety of pie too,” you winked at Bucky and left the two. You took a slice of chocolate pie, carrot cake and apple pie with muffins on a plate and carried it towards their seats with the coffee in the other hand.
“No cheesecake today, sorry guys,” you said while placing the things in the middle of the table.
“You didn’t have too,” Steve said but was interrupted by Bucky.
“Shut up and try it. You won’t repeat that after you had a taste,” Bucky was already stuffing his face with some of the chocolate cake.
“I have no doubt that it will be delicious, you still didn’t have too,” Steve sent a short smile your way.
“Oh shush,” you waved at him and watched him taking a bite of the apple pie. The look on his face when he tasted it filled you with pride.
“This is really good,” his voice came almost out like a moan.
“Thank you,” you beamed. “So, as you can see I don’t have a lot of tables or anything. But they are old, one chair actually broke yesterday. Luckily no one got hurt, but it’s time to replace it. And the surfaces of the tables don’t look good anymore so I covered them with tablecloths, but I’d rather have them without them.”
“Let me take a look at the chairs first so there won’t be another accident.” After eating and drinking their coffee Bucky said his goodbye while Steve turned over the chairs and tightened some screws. “The others look good, let’s see what you want and I’ll tell you if I can manage it and we’ll see about the price. Actually a few things look good so I can just go over them and don’t have to replace them.”
“Sounds good. You want another coffee or something else?”
“A coffee would be nice,” he said almost shyly and took a seat at the counter. In the end the both of you agreed on something and Steve said his goodbye with the promise of calling you and telling you when he would pick up the first things.
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Texting Steve became the norm. You had to coordinate what to do and how you want some stuff done right? The little pictures you got were just a bonus. You started talking about other stuff too and sometimes you were woken up with a picture of the sun over the forest.
Steve was actually someone who was awake before you sometimes. Owning a café meant to get up early so the early birds could get their caffeine at your place. And while you were never one to be constantly on the phone you noticed that you eyed it more and more and tried to listen to the small vibrations that would mean an incoming message.
You learnt pretty early that Steve wasn’t really living alone in his secluded cabin. He had a Bernese Mountain Dog that was keeping him company and pictures of Murphy came in frequently.
After you told him you didn’t mind a dog in your café, he brought his pet over the next time he wanted to take some measurements. You quickly greeted the massive dog and placed a bowl for him in a corner next to your counter where he could drink in silence. After the first time you even bought some dog snacks and soon there was a corner especially for Murphy in the café.
But you also visited Steve to see the progress of the furniture. You watched him sawing and plane down the wood with his big hands. You had thought baking was relaxing, but you soon learned that watching Steve work and having the snout of a big dog in your lap was a different kind of relaxing.
Bucky had this little twinkle in his eye when he visited the café now and you were just waiting for him to comment the friendship you and Steve had.
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Steve was confused when he stood in front of your closed door. Sure, it was Sunday morning but the two of you had made an appointment to get the top for your counter in the shop that day and Steve was also a little over ambitious and had three more chairs in his truck. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed your number. Murphy was sitting next to him staring at the closed door.
It took a while for you to pick up the phone. “Hi, Steve. I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize the time, I... I’ll open the door for you, give me a few minutes.” You were living right above the café so Steve thought you’d be there in two minutes max. But he waited a few more minutes and started stroking Murphy’s fur who started to get impatient. When you opened the door Steve was a little confused to see you in sweatpants and a very big hoodie. And fuzzy socks on your feet. It wasn’t an unpleasant look – actually the opposite of it, but Steve had never seen you that way.
“I’m so sorry. I just... my back is killing me and its been hurting for a few days, but today when I woke up I couldn’t really move. I couldn’t even put shoes on my feet,” you admitted and let out a quiet laugh. Murphy who was used to being greeted immediately by you let out a loud whoof and pushed his head against your belly. Your face showed the pain but you patted him never the less until Steve pulled him away by his collar. “I don’t think I can help carrying...”
But Steve didn’t even let you finish. “I’ll do it. Just sit down, I guess. Can you sit?” You nodded. Steve then pointed to a bench and then he told Murphy to go to his corner. He went back to his truck and got the toolbox, before he started disconnecting the table top of the counter.
“You’re going to the doctor tomorrow, right?” he asked while he was busy with the job.
“Yeah, I don’t think I can open tomorrow if there isn’t a miracle happening.” After a while Steve walked outside and you didn’t realize what he was about to do until you saw it. “Steve you can’t lift that alone! Oh, um never mind. Obviously you can,” the last part was more for yourself than him but it must have been still loud enough as he was chuckling. And you had to wipe the (hopefully) imaginary drool from your face as you saw Steve lifting that big piece of wood on his own.
Conversations ran dry as Steve was busy doing whatever he was doing and letting out noises that should have been illegal.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow and bring you to the doctor, okay?” he asked when he finished and whistled for his dog to get up.
“You don’t have to do that,” you tried to.
“I know, but I want to. Are you okay on your own today?” You nodded and walked with him towards the door.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay.” He raised an eyebrow at you. “I promise to text you if I need help, promise.”
“Text me anyway,” he said before he walked towards his truck and opened the door for Murphy.
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Steve picked you up the next day and told you he left Murphy at home so he wouldn’t hurt you accidentally. He opened the door of his truck for you and made sure to drive extra slow over the uneven street to not hurt you further.
The doctor gave you pain meds and ordered you to rest. You had to close the café, but there was no way that you could work. “I have to go though, but I’ll make sure to,” Steve started when he helped you up the stairs to your apartment.
“You don’t have to do anything, Steve. You already did a lot so thank you.”
In the end you had to usher Steve out after he made sure that you had enough water next you at the couch, a blanket, some food and the remote for the TV.
The faint yell of your name accompanied with some knocking woke you up. You tried to get up, but couldn’t and winced when the pain in your back started to make itself felt again.  The phone that you had pushed under your pillow vibrated and when you finally pulled it out you saw Bucky's name on the screen.
“Finally,” you heard his voice through the speaker. “We’ve been trying to reach you for a while now. I’m standing outside of your apartment.”
“I can’t move,” you breathed out.
“I’m coming in,” was all you heard before he ended the call. It didn’t take long for Bucky to stand next to you.
“How did you even get inside?” you asked bewildered, but the tall man in front of you only shrugged as if it was a normal thing to get inside apartments without a key.
“Mother Hen told me to check on you when he couldn’t reach you. I also have orders to take you with me if your back is worse, which it seems like it is. We’re going to pack some stuff and then I’ll bring you over to a nice cabin for a little vacation.” The smirk he gave you did nothing to make you forget about the breaking and entering, but it didn’t take long for him to pack some stuff. And then you remembered the cake that was still in the café and wouldn’t survive any longer so you told him to pack that and take it with him.
Bucky wasn’t as patient with you as Steve had been when you made your way down the stairs. You had to stop a few times and it wouldn’t surprise you if Bucky would just start carrying you downstairs. He didn’t say it out loud and you noticed that he tried to be patient.
“I’m sorry,” you said when there were still three steps in front of you to take.
“No, don’t be. I’m sorry, don’t rush.” Bucky led you to his car and put the bags in his trunk while you struggled to get in the car.
“Jeez, next I need a walking cane,” you mumbled when you were finally in the car and Bucky started it.
“Don’t worry, I bet Steve will make you one then,” Bucky chuckled and you slapped his arm lightly. The brunette made sure that you were safely inside the cabin with your bags and the cake he scored still in the car before he left you to go back to work. He told you that Steve should be back soon and that you should call if you needed anything.
You stood awkwardly in the room. It wasn’t as if you had never been in the open room which combined the kitchen with the living room, but still. The owner of the home wasn’t there. In the end you decided to sit down by the comfortable chair next to the huge window that was holding a big cozy blanket. You spotted a book on the table next to it and decided to give it a try and you were lost in a new world until you heard a car approaching. Murphy barked and only stopped after Steve opened the door and he ran up to you so you could pat him.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly when your eyes met with Steves.
“You had me worried there when you didn’t answer your phone. Buck told me he had brought you over,” he said while he pulled off his jacked and hung it on the rack next to the door. “Of course the jerk didn’t make sure you have something to drink. Do you want,” he started.
“Coffee, please,” you interrupted him and he nodded. Murphy had abandoned you after he had got petted and walked over to Steve in hope of getting something to eat. Not long after Steve placed a streaming mug next to you.
“Thank you,” you said and watched him walking away collecting something. He placed candles around the room which caused your eyebrows to rose. What was happening? Your heart was beating faster.
“Do you want to eat something? We should make something warm, while we still can,” Steve asked and you were more than confused. Candlelight dinner?
“While we still can?” you repeated dumbly.
“Yeah, because of the storm. We might lose the power, that’s why Bucky picked you up.” He stopped placing a candle in the kitchen and turned around. “He surely told you about it, right? I didn’t want you to be alone because there is a storm coming and I won’t be able to come over and help you.” He studied your reaction. “He didn’t tell you, uh? And you still came?”
You decided to take a sip from your coffee instead of answering. You struggled a bit with getting up, but you were stubborn to help preparing dinner and assured Steve that you couldn’t sit or lie anymore. While you were busy chopping some vegetables Steve excused himself for a moment and came back in some more comfortable clothes. While Steve looked good in jeans and flannel it was nothing on him in sweatpants that emphasized his ass. You had to force yourself to give the vegetables your attention again.
Dinner was a quiet event, although not an uncomfortable one. A few sentences here and there, but nothing more. The silence was disturbed by the rain hitting the roof and windows. “The storm might last two days,” Steve voice suddenly said. “You can get the bedroom of course. I’ll change the sheets right after dinner.”
“Steve I won’t kick you out of your bed. I’ll take the couch,” you tried to say but Steve’s head was already shaking in a no way.
“If you think I would let you sleep on the couch you’re wrong. And especially with your back.” You raised your hands in surrender and were rewarded with a dazzling smile from Steve. Did he become even more beautiful every day? Or was it just that he wasn’t as grumpy around you anymore. Or maybe the pain meds were fully kicking in now. Whatever it was, you still watched his ass when he walked out of the room to change the sheets of his bed.
“You wanna play some cards?” The deck was already in his hands when Steve asked you.
“I haven’t played cards in a while.”
“Yeah, it was a dumb idea. I only thought that if the power goes out,” Steve started to ramble.
“I didn’t say it was a dumb idea only that I haven’t played in a while. And I hope you’re not a sore loser because I will beat you,” you smirked and pushed the stool in front of you out with your foot to show him he should sit down there.
“I hope you’re not a sore loser,” he quipped back and started to pull the cards out of the box.
The power did go out that evening and you only stopped playing when the wind was so loud that you couldn’t hear the laughter of the other one. Murphy whined and pressed his nose against Steve’s leg.
The three of you actually spent the whole next day isolated in Steves cabin. And while it wasn’t a perfect situation it was still a nice day. And evening. And even a relaxing night because Steve’s bed might be the comfiest you had ever slept in. And so you weren’t surprised that your back felt way better and when you woke up the next day and the storm was over. You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed to go back to your old life.
“Seems like we’re able to go back to our normal life,” you said when you stepped into the living room and spotted Steve.
“Yeah. These next days will be my busiest, they always are after a storm,” Steve said and gave you a mug. He was still wearing these sweatpants – and you still hadn’t decided if they were a blessing or a curse. “Do you want to go back home, or... not that I’m throwing you out. You could always stay.”
“Thank you, Steve. But I feel way better and I think I’ll open the café today. And I don’t think I can let you sleep on the couch again. I bet you want your bed back, or else I need to tend to your sore back. Not that I wouldn’t,” you winked at him. Steve and you both got ready and Steve dropped you off at your café.
“Thank you so much,” you kissed his cheek before you got out of his car. “Don’t be too busy to text,” you added before you closed the door.
Steve was too busy to text you. He didn’t lie, these were the busiest days for him. But you also had a lot to do at the café. You needed to bake something fresh and it needed a good sweeping. You were glad that you and Steve got up so early.
It was only at the end of the day when you were laying in your bed that you texted Steve:
You need to tell me where you bought your mattress. Mine sucks after sleeping two nights in your bed!
It did take a while for a reply to arrive and you were almost asleep when your phone buzzed.
You’re welcome to use mine anytime. Sorry I didn’t text you. Day was so busy! I hope you’re feeling better. Might fall asleep soon, sleep well!
You were too tired to reply but smiled none the less. The next days were busy for Steve while yours became quieter once you had everything done in the café. Frank told you he missed you and your food while you were closed and it was nice to know that someone appreciated you.
Bucky also came around, but not the person you wished to see the most. Texts were rare, but they were there and they made you feel more comfortable. It was Saturday evening when you suddenly got up. You packed a few things and checked that your phone battery wasn’t low before you got into your car and drove the now familiar way towards Steve’s home.
You drove slowly once you arrived at the wooden area, afraid that some deer would jump in front of your hood. But you managed and you saw the light in Steve’s little workshop.
“Hey stranger,” you said once you stepped inside the small room and closed the door behind you to keep out the cold.
“What are you doing here? Did you drive here in the dark? It isn’t safe, you could have called, I would have picked you up,” he said but stopped once you reached him and put your arms around his waist until he finally put his arms around you too. The smell of wood filled your nose along with Steve’s detergent.
“I missed you,” you mumbled into his chest.
“I missed you, too. I wanted to come over tomorrow, but I wanted to finish this first. I wanted to be done with it before that, but the storm came.”
“What is it?” you asked and regretted it, when Steve let go of you.
“I made you a new sign for your shop,” he said and stepped aside so you could see what he had been working on. There was a huge wooden plate with coffee cottage on it and a wooden cup of coffee next to your shop name. It must have cost him some time for all the details.
“Oh Steve, it’s beautiful,” you said and let your hands fall over the curves on the wood.
“Careful, it’s not finish. I don’t want you to get a splinter,” he stopped your hand and took it into his one instead before he pressed a soft kiss against the back of your hand. “What are you doing here?” his voice was low and you almost didn’t understand him.
“If I remember correctly, you told me I was welcome to use your bed anytime. And I’m not used to a week without seeing you. If I’m overstepping just say so and I’ll go home.”
“You’re not overstepping. You’re right where I want you to be,” he pulled you against him and his beard brushed your cheek before he brushed his lips against your skin. “Let’s go inside. It’s warmer there and I’ve been told I have a really comfortable bed.” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Don’t get cheeky, I only came for the bed,” you didn’t sound convincing at all.
“Right,” Steve chuckled and pulled you along towards the cabin.
Masterlist | Part 2
divider by @fireflygraphics
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wolfnprey · 2 years
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Just Call Me Up (You Know I'll Always Be There) by UisceOneLove, art by @thedamageofherdays Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40224474
For @silver-fox-steve-bang Major Tags: Modern AU, Escort Steve Rogers, Asexual Bruce Banner, Loki Needs a Hug Pairings: Bruce Banner/Steve Rogers, Loki/Steve Rogers Rating: Teen
Steve's met outside of the apartment building by a sleek town car. It's not always the case; he rarely gives out his real address and depending on the client, he could meet them by subway or taxi or whatever they want that caters to the fantasy they're paying for. Steve doesn't judge any of his clients regardless. Everyone is missing something in their lives and he's simply giving them time to finally have it.
Companionship isn't always easy to come by. He never lets them feel ashamed about that.
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comiiical · 3 years
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Details of young Steve in case no one wrote with me when I did:
Belongs to a more mordern timeline, and not the preWWII setting, evne tho he could belong to the WWII setting just as much.
He is already a super soldier (And what my Steve entiles, that means the extra abilities).
The idea of a modern young Steve Rogers rather than a young Steve Rogers who survives the war and is outdated, yet that can also be written. Since I am not against it.
Canon wise, it belongs to a more Bucky and I are friends with benefits situation if MCU accounted.
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starkrogerrs · 6 years
(home is where the hearth is);
requested by: the lovely @and-the-wasp <3
prompt: fireplace + stony
"You're the biggest cliche to have ever graced this planet," Tony muses, side-eyeing Steve as he flips the page of the catalogue.
Steve scoffs, looking slightly offended.
"What? I've always dreamed of living in a ranch house with a backyard where I can rake the leaves, with a tiny play area for the kids-"
Tony chokes on his saliva. "Rake the leaves? Give me a break."
Steve frowns at Tony, extracting his hand away from him- the hand that was affectionately wrapped around his waist.
"Well, what kind of a house do you want?" Steve asks, looking slightly put out and Tony almost melts because of how much like a lost puppy he looks.
"A proper, mordern, furnished house. I even had FRIDAY design it," he answers promptly, yanking out his phone.
He brings up the hologram of the blue print up from his screen, eager eyes looking at it pointedly.
"There's a lawn too. And an indoor swimming pool," he adds, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Steve rolls his eyes but a hint of red dusts his cheeks.
"And it has soundproof tech so we can be as loud as we want-"
"Okay. I get it, it's a marvelous house. But it doesn't really feel like a house, Tony. Looks like the Stark Tower if you ask me."
"Are you, Steve Rogers, trying to insinuate that the Stark Tower isn't good?"
Steve shoots him a look. "That's not what I said. I just- we need a house.. a home, warm and kind with a big, beautiful fireplace-"
Tony quirks an eyebrow at him.
"Now you're just pushing it, Cap."
"..What have fireplaces ever done to you?"
"Too cheery for my taste."
Steve sighs. "Tony..."
"Honestly, what's so great about them?"
"They're warm, and they make your house seem cozier and it's so nice to just sit by a fire sometime and relax. Just imagine, you and I, cuddling beside the fireplace, basking in the warmth," Steve hums, eyes fluttering shut. For a moment he seems to lose himself into that fantasy and a smile creeps up Tony's lips on it's own accord.
"What?" Steve asks, noticing the grin that tugs at the corners of his mouth.
"You're too damn cute and it's making harder and harder for me to say no."
"Then say yes, genius."
Tony sighs but the smile doesn't leave his face.
"Fine. We'll have the ranch with a big fireplace, you large puppy. But-" he adds, glaring exaggeratedly at Steve, "-it's going to have a mordern touch all with an indoor swimming pool and soundproof walls."
Steve smiles against Tony's neck, arms once again finding his trim waist. Tony sighs contentedly, leaning back into his touch.
"Of course. The rest is up to you."
"You're an old romantic, Rogers."
"Only for you," Steve murmurs before peppering Tony with kisses.
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years
𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙢𝙖
Read it on AO3
by Blue_Einstenfield80
Mordern AU. Tony tiene que dejar a sus hijos tres días para su primer viaje de negocios después de tener a sus hijos. Harley, siendo hermano mayor, queda con el cargo de mama sustituta de sus hermanos, lidiando con las dificultades y con ayuda de Steve.
Words: 486, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Avengers Team
Relationships: Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Parent Tony Stark, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Omega Tony Stark, Alpha Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Protective Harley Keener, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Kid Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Omega Peter Parker, Big Brother Harley Keener, Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Read it on AO3
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years
𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙢𝙖
by Blue_Einstenfield80
Mordern AU. Tony tiene que dejar a sus hijos tres días para su primer viaje de negocios después de tener a sus hijos. Harley, siendo hermano mayor, queda con el cargo de mama sustituta de sus hermanos, lidiando con las dificultades y con ayuda de Steve.
Words: 486, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Avengers Team
Relationships: Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Parent Tony Stark, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Omega Tony Stark, Alpha Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Protective Harley Keener, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Kid Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Omega Peter Parker, Big Brother Harley Keener, Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40145703
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 3 years
Sundaes and Barbecues
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aejMCq
by fandoms_writings
After moving back to your home town, you run into the one person you weren’t prepared for.
Words: 9369, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes & Reader
Additional Tags: mordern bucky barnes, Marvel fanfiction, bucky barnes fanfiction, Mental Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Fluff and Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aejMCq
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
Take It Back
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2AWtuaD
by alandoflimbo
About five years ago, a one night stand with Y/N tore Bucky’s life apart. It was also the night before his wedding. Now he’s married to her sister and she needs a place to stay.
Words: 1568, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes & Reader
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Cheating, Cheating, Explicit Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Angst, Lovers To Enemies, Enemies to Lovers, Mordern AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2AWtuaD
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