#more like lil bastards
mrmackquack · 2 years
Ants. Detail from the Liber de natura bestiarum, England, after 1236. Collection: British Library, Harley 3244, fol. 50r.
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[OLD ART ALERT] A COLLECTION OF SCENES FROM THE GILLIONS CATSCRATCH ARC THAT BROUGHT ME GREAT JOY. i love fishy chips especially when its just gillion being delirious and violent and hostile
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#jrwi riptide spoilers#JUST NOTICED A MILLION MISTAKES FUUUUUUUUCK BUT WWHATEVERRRRR IF I STARE AT THIS ANYMORE IM GONNA HHUURRRLLL#SO I REALLY LIKE FISH AND CHIPS RIGHT. IVE BEEN IN LOVE W THE SHIP EVER SINCE THAT NAT 20 KISS#BUT I THINK I SHIP IT WRONG. OR LIKE. I AM CORRECT BUT EVERYONE SHIPS THEM DIFFERENTLY#THE FISH N CHIPS I SEE EVERYWHERE ELSE IS SO FLOWERY AND SWEET AND ROMANTIC. AND THATS NICE! THAT STUFFS NEAT#but gillion and chip would NEVERRRR enter anything similar to a romantic relationship. chips too damaged and gillions too uninterested#I LIKE MY FISH N CHIPS ONE SIDED AS FUCK#bc 2 gillion chip is his best friend in the whole wide world but hes also kinduvagross little man that took him a MINUTE to really warm up2#but to CHIP gillion is this powerful and gorgeous and heroic paragon of destiny and his best friend in the whole world who will#bring about the eschaton. 'i didnt believe in destiny until i met you' until i met a champion radiating with a light thatll alter the world#OHH REMEMBER THE FIRST ICE ARENA?he was so mad.still probably shaking from the ordeal.NEVER had he felt true divine radiance CLEAVE through#his SOUL like that.do you remember that moment in the forest w the bugs. an alien from the ocean; lacerating the land w lightning#when the realization flickered in chip for a moment.that the thing standing before him was more powerful than he could ever fathom#remember when grizz mentioned that the nat20 kiss was the 'best kiss chip ever experienced'. that has nothing to do w this. where was i.#LOST MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT. BUT HEY. I THINK at the beginning chip absolutely knew that gill was smth grand n powerful n scary#when gillion revealed what exactly the prophecy was;chip got defensive and mad.sure he was sleep deprived but OOH. HES SCARED!#he believes gillion too! he believes that his destiny is to eradicate either the sea or land and that scares him!#but then he gets past it bc ultimately he trusts his bestfriend gillion so so much. he fuckin loves this dude.#he would throw himself intothe path of fire for this dude. he would boat across the ocean for this dude.he would build arenas for this dude#even if this dude will end half the world.even if this dude wields the power and the obligation to eradicate him at any second.#even if this dude is going to throw himself into harms way for his own comrades.even if this dude is just going to sacrifice himself.#one way or another one shall die for the other.these self-sacrificial bastards click so well with eachother!!#chip believes his body is best used to pave roads and gill believes his body is destined to pave prosperity.WHATEVER!!#i really love their dynamic!! they care for eachother so much!in MY heart tho. the icing on the cake here is the fantasy that chip is#just a bit more In Love w gillion than he realizes. like this powerful fish guy is HOT and PRETTY and KIND and FUNNY and LOYAL and STRONG#but gillion would never rly feel that same sort of attraction towards chip. its just not rly his thing. aroace as fuck man.#thats how it is in MY little heart atleast. and i sit here and play w my touys in my brain n i explore my silly lil one sided fish y chips.
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more idiot scribbles <3
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creaturefeaster · 4 months
Got an ask the other day about cards for background mimes to introduce them a little better, and considering they've been on topic... I'll compile the drawings of the ones I do have below the cut.
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Oxaclock, if you've been following me for a while, you probably already know him. Observant, good memory, on the quiet side, stoic and easy going. Most feel that he has a slightly unsettling aura.
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Funfettilla, wacky and silly. They can be a bit weary of mimes they haven't met before, but they're friendly and very outgoing otherwise. Gets a bit cuhrayzay (crazy) and clutzy when she's excited, and accidentally destructive in puppet.
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Cleotide, nice but blunt and to the point. He is loud and tries to use positive language often to aid his often unmoving expression. He's a bit fast paced and often leaves others in the dust when he's focused.
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Chamberlain, uppity and antagonistic and has a hard time being nice, even to those she considers friends. She comes first, and she will do anything to preserve herself before anybody else.
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Itzel, free spirit and a poetic compassionate. Xe is often in good favor of the persuasions of luck, but remains very humble. Xe likes studying and preserving the life xe finds around xir.
There's others like N&O, Scuppy, Tourniquet, Beezel, etc... which I don't have proper cards of right now, but I'll try working on some more in the near future :3.
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seawing-vibes · 1 year
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Wahoo Tide Time oh yeah Tide updated ref . Look at my beast <3
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bonepriests · 2 months
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Doing another round of these little weirdos.
Specifics: a fullbody doodle with stylized proportions and a simplified design.
What I'll do: I can either improvize an anthropomorphized design or work off of an existing gijinka/character/whatever.
I'm also happy to do just a normal quadrupedal dragon if you specifically request it.
Happy to do bulk. Max 3 per.
PM me on FR to work out details.
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my-name-is-apollo · 6 months
How would you describe Hermes? Most fictional adaptations that I've read have made him bland or a class clown obsessed with jokes. I'm trying to write something balanced but I'm unsure how to do it. Do you have any advice?
Personally, I think he fits chaotic neutral alignment more than any other god. I've based my interpretation not just on his myths but also on the domains he rules. For me he's an individualist who does things on a whim. Not that doesn't care for anyone else at all - I do think he genuinely and consistently cares for some of his divine family members. He's thick as thieves with Zeus, Apollo, Pan and Dionysus if you ask me. But towards the others, he is mostly just...idk if apathetic is the right word... but whatever he does - help or harm - depends on whether he thinks it's fun or not. He would also definitely and very easily convince others that he's helping them when in reality, he's not. As long as he is entertained, he would show no remorse for doing what he did regardless of how it would affect the others. This could be fun or terrifying, depending on the situation.
Like you said, the fun side of it is what's usually shown in most of media adaptations I've come across. He is usually written off as a comedic relief who does harmless pranks for laughs. So it would be a good change to see the other, terrifying side of this attitude of his. For all the complaints I have with Rick Riordan's characterization of gods, I've grown to like Hermes' portrayal in his series. He is fun, he is helpful. But he's also negligent and that actually has a significant effect on the others in the series. There's also one instance where Apollo recalls the tale of Hemithea and Molpadia, and he adds that if it was Hermes in his place, he would have just laughed and not done anything to save the girls. So if you want to write something more balanced, you could let his apathetic side peek in between his charming, cheerful nature. You can show that the consequences of his actions are not always fun and lighthearted, but can also be cruel, capable of truly hurting someone. Good luck!
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tomfrogisblue · 7 months
I have finally finished O Segredo Na Floresta.
I have cried more than I thought possible.
And I fear I shall never be the same.
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goldpilot22 · 3 months
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lil threnody portrait :) I gave her sharp teeth
flashbang version under the cut
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sableeira · 1 year
okay but ada dazai is so pretty princess vibe and prison dazai is so cat vibe. pre-dark era dazai is also cat vibe but not in the silly way but in the haunted way. dark era and beast dazai are both bastard vibe but in a tragic way and in the most affectionate way possible. the peak of dazai’s pretty princess vibe was during dead apple.
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poisoned-pearls · 8 months
okay I now can elaborate on the thoughts I was talking abt in the tags of my last post-
Jamil has always hated being touched, and physical contact in general. He was raised around kalim, he's had enough hugs for a lifetime, thank you.
well, that is until he started dating Azul.
Azul is very clingy. Physically, at least. He is an octopus, after all. He finds comfort in just, having any kind of contact with someone. It keeps him grounded and focused. So once he has permission, he can and will hang off of Jamil every chance he gets. Jamil doesn't like holding hands (because his training has instilled the need to constantly have them free just in case) so Azul hangs off of his elbow. If they're in class, Azul either has his hand on top of his arm or his hand. 
and Jamil realizes... he doesn't mind it. In fact, he enjoys it. Way more than he thinks he should in fact. It relaxes him so much that it almost unnerves him (the first time he found himself dozing off while Azul laid in his lap doing god knows what he quite literally shoved him off in shock.)
belatedly, he figures out that he is in fact, VERY touch starved, he is just very particular about how someone touches him.
it's silence. He likes silence. Azul rarely ever talks when he's laying with him, usually doing other work or something for the Monstro lounge. When kalim would run up and hug him, he knew it just meant he was about to be bombarded with questions and ideas and statements and work. He never gets to relax with Kalim. It always came with noise, with chaos. While being around Azul was like lying on the beach, with nothing but the soft crashes of the waves to bother him.
(Of course, this wasn't every time. Azul was still a schemer and quite annoying, but he quickly learned that if Jamil wasn't in the mood to entertain his ramblings or schemes, he'd simply shove him off of his lap. It always made Azul quite disgruntled, but he'd take the hint and shut up.)
This also lead into another thing: Their forms of nonverbal communication. Azul and Jamil could easily have a whole conversation from opposite sides of a room when they got along. Jamil knew all of Azul’s little ticks (like whenever he fucking clicks, something he learned was an octopus thing (which begged the question of how the fuck he made that noise in his human form-) or when he randomly slaps Jamil or the twins, who then immediately told him it was a sign of affection and he should be immensely flattered over (apparently it was something he only ever did lightly with friends, which he has concerningly little of. But Jamil doesn’t know if he has much room to talk on that front.) and Azul knew Jamil’s. Azul almost knew his too well, in fact, but every time Jamil tried to ask him about it he was simply met with some comment about how ‘he simply couldn’t keep his eyes off of him.’
Jamil still didn’t like people touching him.
Azul was an exception though. And he was quite happy about that.
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orbiyoo · 8 months
my half finished clown :] happy halloween
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have i mentioned how great cats are. there's a lil guy in my house and when i lay my head on her side she starts purring so hard <3 and ten seconds later she will try to open my wrist with her teeth <3 truly the best <3
#shes just a silly goofy little guy.....#miss war crimes.... mister menace... bastard... her royal highness <3#she holds all of these titles And More#no ones doing it like her!!!#she eats spiders & makes funny noises that instantly Boosts my criminally low happy chemicals#sorry i looked at her for too long and was once more overcome by a strange emotion i believe some call love#affection? delight?? all three....#and i Had to publicly post about her#i am very proud of my tiny fluffy friend & her general Existence. i must flaunt her#oh how horrible! a couple of tendons in my neck just rubbed together in a very terrible way#what the Fuck. i wish i could reach in there and pluck on em a lil. make sure theyre in the right places#felt that in my Ear....#absolutely unprompted#oh speaking of weird things cause yall know i love to ramble and overshare#i think! i Hypothesize! that there's a slight.... Disconnect between my eyes#my depth perception is fine and i can See#but theres somethin fucky w my vision and focus#nothing is blurry! but it looks like it should be! i dont know how to explain it!#its like my quality of vision has dwindled but not in a way i can describe or really point out#but it Is slightly harder to read and like... See things?#its almost as if i have a few tiny blind spots.#i first noticed this happening after my terrible no good double-decker-migraine weekend#it very slowly got slightly better but then i had Another migraine the other day (ugh and a left brain one at that)#and im back to square one! my visions all fucky again! my peripherals suck!#in other news my house is. so warm. its 2 am. my shirt is toasty enough to keep tortillas warm#i hope everyone is having a good week#and if youre not! theres always the next one! and little delights sprinkled throughout! get yourself a tasty treat you deserve it!
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moonchild-in-blue · 9 months
I need our best friend Mr. Adam Ross to come through with those flower crown pictures because I cannot function right now.
(also if they decide to give ii one as well I'll legitimately pass away)
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grimmjowjaegerjaquez · 3 months
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when youre trying to live alone out in your field lab but then these two yahoos follow you out there and now they wont leave????
#my art#su is a very tired scientist butterfly woman#in my mind she was the one that initially designed the Infinite Prison Cubes that apparently all the espada have on them lololol#she was initially working with szayel bc they were both sciencey/researchy types. before he became espada lmfao.#buuuuuut unfortunately szayel is a bastardous man and. i havent decided if he steals her research and claims it as his own#or just frames her for something and smears her name#regardless she was demoted and was more or less forced to be a guard for one of the outer guardhouse things (think aisslinger and demoura)#it might just be that once he was promoted to espada she was. more or less considered part of his fraccion and she was uh#more than a little bit horrified/terrified of him. and was like ''please let me go anywhere else i cannot work with this man anymore''#vinetta WAS a gardener but after her greenhouse was destroyed she had a bit of a mental break and fled las noches#vinetta is a venus fly trap woman who also has some rafflesia shit going on because i think its cool.#she has a one-sided crush/fascination with rudbornn and yes. it is just bc theyre both plants.#theres no deeper reason for it.#also think its funny for him to see her and immediately be like ''oh no not you again'' and her just being like ''RUDY IS THAT YOU~~~~~<3''#marisol is nirgge parduoc's younger sister#shes a crocodile. and as huge and strong and epic as she is#she simply does NOT want to fight. she'd much rather just chill. and thats why she was kind of kicked out of baraggan's lil gang#her weapon normally looks like a pair of brass knuckles.#vinetta's zanpakuto is her umbrella jhfgjh#su's is just a very boring looking dagger. i was thinking it'd be funny for her weapon to look really cutesy or something so she would#DREAD taking it out hskjdfhdkj
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
What's that on sparrows spine in the yeek comic?
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figured that more complex body would need some proper breathing system and like first came those noses and then i was fuckin around with drawin nakey Sparru from behind n got inspired to do This so now they have Two ✌ breath intakes. cuz i fuckin Love these gills they are so fuckin weird n cool n nasty that they gon Stay
i'm still workin on 'em and then rebreather masks in general, but alas, this be it... the nose closes completely when they are submerged and the gills take over. on land they usually have a "mask" for the gills as well, which can be taken off in places with closely monitered air contents like for example most of house rooms (bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens/dining rooms) and, in Sparrows' case, an Iterator's puppet chamber
Euros takes care to keep the air in his the best he can for her respiratory system- if that wasn't possible we wouldn't be seein her face that often, that's for sure! she can freely relax and take off all that breathing equipment from all over her body in his chamber. number one safety spot
oh! idea.. since they have two breath intakes n can close their nose completely to breathe only thru the gills, this could actually possibly allow them to take off their face masks while outside for a bit. so they can still Eat n shit while not in a monitored air space, just gotta watch not to inhale thru the mouth too much for too long. Nice
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