#more lor- actually no. this is just a meme
demigod-of-the-agni · 10 months
knowing lloyd im just imagining him gesturing to his stump like "holy fucking smokes dude! my cut is insane! shoutout to my barber" as kai has like his face in his hands after yet another failed test drive of the prosthetic arm (it may have blown up a little)
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lloyd can only give kai a 5/10 because he doesn't have his other hand
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relamune · 1 year
Kael'thas for the ask meme thingy please i need
favorite thing about them Okay I'll try not to write a novel here but there's so little I don't adore about Kael'thas & it's hard to choose just one thing for this lmao. Like you can tell he cared/cares about his people a LOT, he just made some very poor decisions. I love that despite everything he tries to put the blood elves first, he definitely shouldered way more responsibility than he really needed to even for their leader imo, he had other people he could have relied on to share that burden! but he didnt!
Even before the scourge or the outlands, kael had SUCH an interesting personality? Like hes sometimes this bratty childish prince that can be stubborn as hell if he doesnt get his way but he's also easily one of the most powerful mages at the time, even getting on the council of six seemingly relatively easily because of it. So he may be a bit spoiled but he definitely clearly knows how to reign himself in & be serious when he needs to be & that makes him such a fun character with depth beyond just leaning into one trait or another.
Blizzard really shafted themselves when they tossed him away, I would have LOVED to see him progress through the expansions beyond being forgotten about until Shadowlands. least favorite thing about them how blizz threw him away :) I will never recover from the knowledge that they used him PURELY to fill a raid boss slot. He had SO MUCH POTENTIAL. I guess on the other hand we probably wouldn't have nearly as much content with the triumvirate as we do but I'm still not happy about nerfing Kael like that. favorite line "This is your brain, say hello brain. (brain says 'Hello!') And this is your brain on fel magic: (fel magic burns)(brain cries in pain) Any questions?"
(Honestly any of the HoTS quotes are gold this one just made me laugh the hardest) brOTP Hot take perhaps? Sylvanas pre-scourge. I like to imagine he kept trying to play matchmaker with her & lorthemar at that time & both of them hated the concept (but unfortunately kael is a stubborn bitch) but otherwise their friendship was equal parts business and jovial (as much as Sylv could be anyways) OTP honestly a BIG tie between Kael x Rommath & Kaellidan nOTP Controversial take in the Kael fandom probably but Jaina. I like them as friends or friendly rivals but don't really understand why there would be romance between them. random headcanon okay idk if this is gonna make sense & this is more of like a character study headcanon rather than a legit "this is how I think he goes about life" sort of thing but i have a big hc the triumvirate are just...sections of Kael. His laidback/care free traits being Hal, His leadership & determination & drive to protect the blood elves being Lorthemar, & his passion for magic & everything scholarly being Rommath. Idk maybe I'm looking to far into it but the fact Lor has reminded Rom of Kael on more than one occasion & vice versa really has me thinking on this.
If you want like a legit headcanon tho I definitely think Rommath got his humor and love of puns from Kael back from when they were younger. Kael said one (1) pun once, Rom laughed his ass off (& still refuses to admit it), & has come to appreciate the crafty wordplay of puns ever since.
Also another for you as an excuse to put it somewhere :: his title "the sun king" was actually from Illidan, back during one of their first meetings. Illidan meant it more in a derogatory way towards kael but kael thought it was brilliant & adopted it unpopular opinion i,,, actually dont like his VA in TBC. Nothing against the guy personally, imo it just doesnt fit Kael? I liked the one they used in Heroes of the Storm & SL (which i...THINK is the same person? idk im bad with remembering names but they sound similar so im sticking with that assumption) song i associate with them I have way too many actually that are just ship songs but I do associate this one specifically with Kael
Glass Animals - The Other Side of Paradise favorite picture of them his hearthstone battleground illustration does very gay things to me
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also silvermoon trio for the ask meme thingy 👁️
Who is the better driver?
Lor'themar is the best driver, Halduron can drive, but is reckless, and Rommath is one of those angry dads that cuss the whole time they're in the car.
Who has better music taste?
Halduron probably has the best music taste, because he basically listens to anything. Rommath listens to Bach, exclusively, and Lor listens to Metallica and Queen, exclusively.
Who wakes up earlier?
Rommath, this mf barely sleeps
Favorite personality trait of the other?
Rommath - Halduron
-his optimism
Rommath - Lor'themar
-how hardworking he is
Halduron - Rommath
-how he's able to keep a clean head even in the worst of situations
Halduron - Lor'themar
-how adventurous he is in many aspects, life with him is never boring
Lor'themar - Rommath
-how he always finishes his job even if it was something he hated
Lor'themar - Halduron
-adores his compassion
Favorite physical trait of the other?
Rommath - Halduron
- His lips, so soft and kissable, biteable when he says something stupid
Rommath - Lor'themar
- His eyes and the smile lines around them
Halduron - Rommath
- His shoulders and upper arms, slim, but still muscular, his skin soft and not scarred unlike Lor'themar's
Halduron - Lor'themar
- Every single one of his scars, he would kiss them them all the time if he could.
Lor'themar - Rommath
- His back. He treasures being one of the only people the grand magister trusts not to -literally and figuratively- backstab him.
Lor'themar - Halduron
- His hands, caloused and hardened by archery not unlike his own.
Do they prefer daytime dates or nighttime dates?
Daytime for two of them. Rommath would just rather not go on any dates because any time not spent working is time lost and wasted for him. But of course he lets them take him out every once in a while.
What are their favorite cuddling positions?
Halduron and Lor'themar on Rommath sides, their arms around him as if he would run away. (He would, he absolutely would, just to do some more paperwork)
Who is always cold and who is the human furnace?
I would say none of them get very cold most of the time, but Rommath, just like Kael, is naturally fairly -hot-.
What's something they've argued about?
Basically everything. Work, friends, free time. But most of their arguments end up with them laughing together at how silly the original reason actually was.
Who is the first to apologize after an argument?
Lor'themar apologizes first, with Halduron sometimes apologizing first as well. But Rommath barely ever apologizes if he believes his actions were justified.
What were their first impressions like?
Oh Rommath hated their guts. Two loud idiots.
Halduron and Lor immediatelly clicked the second they first met as kiddos. And both of them basically reacted to Rommath with distaste at first, seeing his cold and rude demeanor.
Do they have nicknames for each other? If yes, what are they?
Rommath affectionatelly calls the two of them idiot sandwiches.
Halduron calls them his "work husband" (Lor) and "work wife" (Rom), Rommath hates it, arguing that first, he isn't a wife and second, they are literally dating out of work.
Lor calls them his lover boys, beloveds, treasures and just overall a variety of pet names
Do they prefer hugs or kisses after a difficult day?
Rommath prefers kisses, their softness varying day to day.
Halduron prefers kisses as well, often showering both of his boyfriends in them.
Lor'themar prefers hugs and cuddles, hiding in his men's embraces after a long and demanding day.
What was their favorite date they've done together?
Regrettably, Quel'danas, at Kael's last resting place. Their group feeling whole again after all thst happened.
How do they feel about kids? Would/do they have them?
Rommath would always say he would never want kids, because they're annoying and distracting, but he wouldn't say no if he were to have them. And he would do everything in his power for the kid to have everything it needed.
Halduron wants kids for one reason or another, but he knows he isn't ready and most likely won't be ready for a long time.
Lor'themar would love to have kids one day and even feels like it might be the right time. But his job is too demanding to even consider the posibility.
What secret does only the other person know about?
They and recently Thalyssra are the only ones to know about Lor's worries and insecurities connecting to his aged appearance.
They're the only ones to know about Halduron's anxieties and all the pain he is hiding behind a smile.
And on a funnier note, they're the only one's to know Rommath has multiple cats at home he sneaks into his office and treats like his kids.
Who is more outspoken and who is more reserved?
Although Rom seems to be the quiet one at first but he is actually the most outspoken and eloquent out of the three of them.
How do they feel about marriage? Would they get married/are they? Who would/did propose?
Rommath used to hate the idea of being tied down by an "empty promise" but he is slowly warming up to the idea.
Halduron wants to be a pretty princess on his wedding day and is just really into the whole idea of having a wedding.
Lor'themar is literally married to Thalyssra so-
Do they know about each others' past relationships? How do they feel about it?
They know about everything with Kael and how much he meant to all of them, especially Rom. In a way, he is one of the things they can bond over.
How would they describe the other to someone?
Lor'themar: My most beloved men- *pulls out a photo album*
Halduron: OH THE GUYS I WORK WITH? Yeah they're neat I guess... *giggle*
Rommath: The ranger general of Silvermoon and the lord regent? What a couple of dumbasses-
What thing do they find most annoying that the other does?
Halduron being constantly upbeat and chaotic.
Lor'themar being loud as hell when he speaks, the man has no idea how to whisper
Rommath not taking breaks and constantly nagging the two of them
What hobby do they enjoy doing together?
They would bake together if they had the time
What hobby does one have that the other hates?
Rommath hates hunting, doesnt get it
Hal and Lor hate Rommath doing crosswords or reading when not working. They believe he should rest his brain instead doing all that.
Who gets the other out of trouble? Who gets them both into trouble?
Hal gets them into trouble, Rom gets them out of it (usually, sometimes the turns table)
Who is the dishes person and who is the laundry person?
Rommath would do the laundry and the two others would wash the dishes (unaware Rommath re-washes all of it later because he would die if it wasnt perfect)
Who cooks the most?
I know its hard to believe, but Halduron
What's their favorite meal that the other makes?
Rommath's favourite food Hal makes is ceviche and Lor's fave are Hal's bloodberry tarts
Who is better with money?
Rommath, hands down
Who would last longer in a zombie apocalypse?
If there was still magic, likely Rommath, if not, Lor'themar
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suns64 · 1 year
Alright, let's do this.
This, is Magolor if he was in Kirby Right Back at Ya/Hoshi no Kaabii (will be referred to as KRBaY from here)
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Wanna get to know a bit more about this guy?
Read more!
So, this guy has been in my head for a while now. (even before Magoverse)
In fact, here is a (basically identical) sketch from more than two months ago.
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But yeah, he's actually a thing now, woohoo!
Now to actually get started.
Basic Info
This Magolor does NOT know Kirby. (I know, that's a pretty big one right out the gate)
That is obviously because uh, Magolor doesn't show up in KRBaY. Duh.
He's still Magolor though, so he wouldn't hesitate to pull some tricks if he wanted.
He pilots the Lor Starcutter (WOW, who knew)
Big Info
Going to reiterate this, Magolor has not been to Pop Star.
This Magolor is indeed an Ancient. No lies or tricks here. Straight from Halcandra, baby.
He is on the engineering side of the Ancients, and helped building Lor Starcutter. (Therefore, he isn't that proficient in magic)
Speaking of the Lor, Magolor didn't steal it! He just... maybe took it without proper permission.
Why? Well, this Magolor is one of the last Ancients left. He when things were dire, he decided to ditch Halcandra via the Lor Starcutter.
On the topic of the Lor Starcutter, the ship's AI is more literal and doesn't have any major personality.
Anyways, Magolor isn't after ultimate power, aka the Master Crown. He just wants to survive, which he is doing quite well mind you.
He has heard and seen of a few Star Warriors. Perhaps even rumors of one that could be considered the strongest in the galaxy?
In the KRBaY mindset, I figured that he would definitely lean way harder into the feline design. So, he typically has his hood down, revealing his cat ears.
Oh, and the cat eyes and whiskers. Maybe he even has paws under those gloves? He won't take them off, so, we'll never know
Typically, there are rarely any KRBaY characters that don't have feet, so the boi no longer hovers.
He wears a white coat, similar to Hyness from Kirby Star Allies, except this one's got gears. The coat is typical Ancient apparel.
Last but not least, the gears on his fur. Those are 100% natural. Depending on the fur design, an Ancient gets sorted between the two categories.
Wait, what do you mean this is just Magolor's anthropomorphic fursona???
So, that is my Magolor!
Feel free to draw him, meme him, do whatever with him! (Feel free to take creative liberties)
In fact, he's going to show up in a Kirby Game x KRBaY fic I'm writing. Oops wait, spoilers-
If you wanna know more about him, just ask!
Anyways, peace out - SUNS
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paladinwife · 2 years
I don't go looking for fics too often because of my small (and negative) experiences looking for Roland ones, but honestly? I can understand not liking how people write Binah.
I actually feel a lot of people don't get most of the Project Moon characters. They usually take one aspect of their personality and twist it to fit whatever they want. I get making memes and jokes--heck, a ton of my silly quotes while playing are just that--but I like the Librarians because of their complexity.
They're shown to be complex, multifaceted characters with flaws. And seeing them overcome those flaws is really what makes the games so good in my opinion!
And Binah ... yes, she's intimidating. But in a way that's hard for me to describe. And even then, she's shown to be caring and wants to interact with the other Librarians within LoR (if you watch the side stories she's a part of). I feel she was harsher on the Manager because of what he did to her, and I can't blame her. And when she was Garion she was simply doing her job.
In LoR, though, Binah is much more laid back. She's shown to be patient and intelligent, thinking and observing before taking action. She also is kind, though not in the way most people are familiar with--the best example I can think of being how she talks to Roland after her Realization and comforts him in her own way. And by the end of the Floor of Philosophy's story, they've grown to be on better terms--Roland doesn't outright dislike Binah, and Binah finds Roland to be good company.
Plus, she likes inviting everyone for tea--even Chesed (their little tea vs. coffee squabble is amusing as heck). She's trying to get to know people more than she could in the past, and it's sweet.
All this is to say there is so much more to Binah than "scary woman"--I agree with you.
This got ... long. And honestly I don't get this in depth with my opinions on the characters with most people because I fear being annoying--
But I had to reach out because I agree with you 100%. It gets so tiring seeing my faves made OOC or having a single aspect of their personality over exaggerated, and it's nice to have someone else who understands how rough it can be.
~ librarian-lover 📖
@librarian-lover oh no no need to apologize - you’re absolutely right!
I feel like the LoboCorp/LOR fandom does just have a really bad tendency to do this in general. While I think usually Gebura is handled better than Binah, if just because she’s easier to read, there’s still a pretty strong tendency to overplay her anger.
But it’s definitely worse for Binah, who intentionally seems to make herself as difficult to read as possible. I think a lot of people, especially people who first encountered her in LoboCorp, get very caught up on the way she presents herself and never really dig any deeper. Certainly a problem, given that to understand her at all, you really do have to get past that front of hers.
And don’t even get me started on how people who only care about shipping her with Gebura or Angela treat her. Blech.
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lylethewaterguy · 2 years
I feel like I’m going crazy here. Why are we all acting like people died in the last episode of YJ?
The team that are unconscious went down right after Saturn Girl yelled out “listen!” (I think). Everyone knows that if a psychic yells something out then it cuts to disaster that’s them cutting away from said psychic yelling out the plan. That’s what always happens. The plan in this instance being “play dead”. And the only confirmation that we have that they’re dead is from Superboy who isn’t the most reliable witness considering he thought Superman was dead whilst staring at his very alive body right in front of him.
As for Rocket: no body, no death. That’s literally comics 101. They wouldn’t kill her off screen in an anticlimactic throwaway moment. That’s just bad story telling. Again, no body, no death.
When it comes to Nightwing, the full statement is actually “no body, no death… also if there is a body but said body belongs to a member of the Batfamily, still no death”. Everyone knows that members of the batfamily aren’t confirmed dead until Bruce carries them in his arms bridal style whilst going on an internal monologue about losing a loved one. But in all seriousness, the only “confirmation” that Nightwing is dead is Lor-Zod listening to his heartbeat. Because no member of the Batfamily has ever made their heartbeats indetectible to kryptonians to fake their deaths…
The writers couldn’t have made it more obvious that no one died.
This all feels like Wally again. And how people are STILL making those putting-on-clown-makeup-pretending-Wally’s-alive memes when the only clownery is you pretending like he wasn’t CONFIRMED alive months ago. He was in the phantom zone, guys??? That was him. I don’t know why we’re pretending like there’s any chance in hell it was a hallucination when phantom zone hallucinations don’t look like that.
I swear to god being in this fandom feels like I’m losing my mind. Am I the crazy one? Am I misremembering things? Am I watching a different show? Why are you all acting so weird???
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xelles-archive · 4 years
1, 2, 19 from that music ask for whomever you're feelin' at the moment?
me when i received your ask: hhhh,,, kfnfjkifkk ily???? i'm getting so much attention for some reason tonight, thank you sinag. ;;;-;;; me will be using my husbando jose. qwq
[slight suggestive and murder tw]
1. what's you and your f/o's ~theme song~?
either swimming by kero kero bonito or juvenescene by verzache. kero's song has more relation to us because it actually involves the sea (and jose's a sailor, lads!) and has a bit of meaning that may describe our relationship (hardships n everything). the other one just reminds me of jose? i don't know, it's just— the first time i heard it, i was immediately like, *struggles to find jose's playlist because it's buried with the others*. oh, and like, the lyrics. yes. 👌
2. a song that describes your f/o.
WOULD IT BE APPROPRIATE IF I MENTION A KIND OF LEWD SONG?? because, like- like jose by playful ryan really describes him. he's a horndog mf and i have to deal with his ~~moods~~. other than that, wishful drinking by tessa violet is also a good song. basically it's "him: an alcoholic ; also him: i will not hesitate to slash your neck with my sword 😩"
19. a song that relates to your selfship's plot, but not necessarily the ship.
LSNFOFODOE I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT. 😋👏 i've already talked about this to my friend one night, but why not talk about it again. it definitely has to be love story by tay//lor swi//ft (slowed ver). idk if y'all read my answer with ivy's ask of the marriage meme — but i've explained a little bit of my story with jose in there. basically, jose's father was not happy with how his son has been slacking off his work and tried to separate him from me. it's actually the opposite from the song's perspective, but it just fits somehow?? jdbfidie yeah. i get soft when i think about it.
꒰ musical ask game ꒱
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“Rise of Skywalker” Questions
How did Palpatine survive the events of Return of the Jedi?
Where has be been for the last 30 years?
How did he build an entire fleet of Death Star Destroyers?
Where did he get the technology to build a thousand super lasers?
If he’s been pulling the strings this whole time, why did he bother making Star Killer Base after the first two Death Stars failed the exact same way?  A fleet of super laser star destroyers is objectively better and more useful.
Why did he build all the Death Star Destroyers on a planet they can’t leave by themselves?
Why can’t they navigate away from the planet without a radio tower?
When they turn off the radio tower, the head ship of the fleet is able to navigate for them anyway, so why can’t they all just do that and navigate for themselves?
What happened to the one Death Star Destroyer that blew up that random planet?  Did it return to get stuck with the rest of fleet on the planet, or is it still out on the galaxy?
Why did none of the fleet escape the planet during the battle?  Surely one or two or ten could have managed to navigate away (Poe says they couldn’t tell which was was up due to the magnetic field of the Sith planet, but, like, up is up, the sky is up, it’s really easy to fly up and away from a planet, just point your engines towards it and turn them on; ALSO a billion rebel ships made it all the way to said planet, so why couldn’t a single Sith ship leave it?)
When did Palpatine have a son?  With who?
Why was his son a “nobody” instead of the heir apparent to the Empire?
Was his son part of the Rebellion?  The Resistance?  Neither?  Rey was born in 15 BBY and her parents disappeared like 10-ish years later, but her dad is clearly older than 25, so he must have been born between Episodes 3 and 4.
Was he force sensitive too?  Why did Palpatine have his son killed and keep searching for his granddaughter instead?  Wouldn’t his son still be a valuable asset?  Rey’s mom told the random Sith assassin that Rey is definitely not on Jakku, so why didn’t Palpatine look on Jakku?
Who was Lor San Tekka in the Force Awakens?  Did he know who Rey was and guard over her like Obi Wan did to Luke?  Kylo has apparently known him for a long time (”look how old you’ve become”), so did he know Luke and Leia during the original trilogy?  Did he know Palpatine’s son?
In the books and video games, it is revealed that Palpatine sabotaged the Emprie after his death (search “the Contingency” and “Operation: Cinder” on Wookieepedia)  Why?  Why did he do this?  Why did he cripple his empire if he survived and continued pulling strings behind the scenes?  Is it because Disney is making this up as they go along and forgot to reconcile their new idea with their old idea from a few years ago?
Luke says that Leia knew Rey was a Palpatine the whole time, so did Luke know about her dad?  Did he ever try to recruit the son of the Emperor to the light side of the force, or did he just reject his dad because he was a million year old evil scrotum?
Palpatine says he impersonated Vader to try and lure Ben Solo to the dark side.  If Palpatine pretended to be Darth Vader, why didn’t the real ghost of Anakin come to his grandson and intervene?  Why did Anakin let Ben think he was evil?  Anakin appeared before Luke at the end of ‘Return of the Jedi,’ he appeared to Rey in this film as a disembodied voice, why didn’t he appear to his own grandson?
Palpatine created Snoke; was Snoke the product of his “Darth-Plagueis-midichlorian-create-life-using-the-force” technique he hinted about in that meme everyone has stopped caring about Episode 3?  If Anakin is Space Jesus (virgin-born chosen one), does that make Snoke the Space Anti-Christ?  If so, why did Snoke die like a bitch?
Darth Maul got cut in half but came back in the cartoon with robot legs and this was carried over into canon when Disney took over, so he showed up in another cartoon and then Solo; could Snoke have come back with robot legs?
Rey impales Kylo but then force-heals him; why didn’t Obi Wan force-heal Qui Gon Jinn after Darth Maul impaled him?  Disney just keeps making things up with no regard for continuity because they know the average consumer doesn’t care and that the opinions of butt hurt fanboys like me don’t matter because we keep shelling out money to see the franchise no matter how much we nitpick and complain...
Poe’s parents were part of the rebellion and Leia is a surrogate mom to him; at what point did he become a drug dealer spice smuggler for the criminal underground?  Did he leave the resistance to become a scoundrel then come back, or was he raised a scoundrel and then joined the good side because he was compelled to do so?  If the latter, doesn’t that just give him the exact same story arc as Han Solo in both Solo and A New Hope?
Where did the berries go after Kylo Ren spilled them in his room?  They show the audience that Rey’s and Kylo’s surroundings are linked when they have their dates visions, but the berries are gone in the next shot.  Also, did he leave Darth Vader’s helmet down in the village after Rey accidentally teleported it to him, or did he bring it back with him?  He was able to snatch the necklace AND the lightsaber from Rey through these visions, so the berries and the helmet were real and not just force projections.  (this one is a joke, I don’t really care)
Is Finn secretly force sensitive too?  I’d be totally down for that; I’ve wanted that ever since 2015 when we saw the first teaser of him holding a lightsaber!  He sensed Rey was hurt AND knew exactly what ship to attack because he “had a feeling.”  Is this going to go anywhere, or was it just a plot device so he could find the one ship he needed out of the entire fleet?
Where was Lando for the last 10-15 years (however long it was since Kylo’s fall and Luke’s exile)?  Where was Wedge Antilles who appeared in exactly one shot and then never again?  Where was Nien Nunb and why hasn’t his name ever been said on screen?  Speaking of names, I think Poe was the first person to ever actually say Snap Wexley’s name on screen, but even then only his nickname and not until he was shot out of the air and exploded.
Why did Zorri Bliss change her mind to much?  First she wants to kill Poe and sell out his friends, then she wants to run away with him and gives him her MacGuffin so he can slip onto the enemy ship, then she saves his ass during the final battle, then when he gives her the bedroom eyes she shakes her head to turn him down.  Why is she here?
How did Maz Kanata get Luke’s lightsaber?  How does Rey have the lightsaber after it was destroyed in The Last Jedi?  Canon nerd tech manuals say that kyber crystals are super important and that broken ones don’t work right (Kylo’s blade is all fizzly because his crystal is cracked), so how did Rey repair it?  Where did Rey get the crystal for her yellow saber?  I heard someone say that it’s actually white and it’s supposed to be a combination of the classic blue, green and red saber colors, but she didn’t have Luke’s green saber, she had two blue sabers and Kylo threw his red one away.
And most importantly
Where is Baby Yoda?  Surely he has to be Little Kid Yoda by now; it’s been like 20 years since the events of The Mandalorian.
I don’t even enjoy this franchise anymore.  I know my opinion doesn’t matter, so I’m just gonna stop giving it.  I’m done with Star Wars media.  I’m not gonna watch it anymore; no anthology films, no more saga episodes (because we all KNOW x, xi and xii are in the works no matter what Disney says), no streaming service shows, no cartoons, no books, no video games (I never played the video games anyway), no theme park rides, no more moichendising
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galacticnova3 · 2 years
Besides eating people does Lon have any hobbies? Do they do anything with Iru besides crushing his thot dreams? Or are they just thinking about murder all the time
Surprisingly, yes! They like to collect things of value or that look to be of value. Stuff like coins, anything crystalline(they don’t know how to tell what is and isn’t worth much), swords or armor if they’re in good condition/don’t get too mangled in the process of very legally and peacefully getting them from willing previous owners(lie), and basically anything shiny that has weight to it. Everything they find and decide they want to own is kept in a hidden spot they refuse to even reveal to Iru– it’s like a den of sorts that started as a small pocket in a cliff side that they gradually expanded. It was initially their hideout of sorts to chill in while they weren’t actively hunting or wanted to nap, but nowadays they’ve realized a boat in a cave is much more suspicious than one in the open. Unlike Iru and the fucked up collection he used to have, they don’t have everything organized or maintained, it’s kinda just in a pile.
If someone were to steal enough for it to be noticed Lon would hunt them down and be significantly more violent than usual.
As for stuff they do with Iru… Mostly the two just talk about whatever, oftentimes their pasts since that’s the easiest story material. Iru is also teaching them how to read better since that’s a useful skill even if you murder for a living… And also so he can show them memes on the devices he steals to use because he is still terminally online despite no longer having his mind plugged directly into the internet 24/7. They could recognize a decent number of words before meeting him, but in a lot of cases wouldn’t be able to pronounce things they read or spell things they said/heard. Alongside that they’re learning more about the real Lor from him to be better at playing the part; thankfully he doesn’t remember what they had visually incorrect compared to the real Lor because his visual memory took a hit when he became an organic. Meat computer has less space than literal computer and this probably means Lon occasionally has to keep him from freaking out because he’s still not used to forgetting things naturally.
So, in short, they think about murder a lot of the time but have begun making room in their very busy schedule(which mostly consists of eating people and then sleeping about it) to also include things besides those activities. Sometimes some guy just shows up and its life changing(positive) and also life changing(derogatory) and you can’t really do much about it because he’s basically twice your size and could kill you if he wanted but instead he just sticks around and you have to deal with it, and then it gradually stops being toleration for self-preservation because maybe there is more to life than survival even if it’s in the form of a guy who is oftentimes annoying but simultaneously not so bad. And sometimes you discover the person you’ve been hitting on is actually an evil doppelgänger who uses the appearance to trick and eat people but they’re the one person to not openly want you dead so you ignore the murder in favor of not being alone and end up liking things more that way.
Happy ending but, like, in the situation where most people don’t want it.
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Episode 13 Replies
@sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lorelei: *shrieks*  *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* Lorelei: *clamps hands over...”
oh Fuck
@jackssims replied to the same:
Oh Shit
@cafesimming replied to the same:
On a scale of Clover to Kaspar, how fucked up are you about the fire
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Kira: “Lilith, what are you doing?! I told you all to evacuate!”  ...”
oh sweetheart me too
Fires can make even the bravest Sims cowards... except Ginerva and Lilith, I suppose - which is weird, as I think the fire extinguisher was autonomous and Lilith isn’t even brave
By the way, did I tell you that there was originally a fire in Episode 10 as well? When I was doing the ‘cupcakes’ method of things, my original plan was to have one team do waffles behind the scenes to correspond with their cupcakes while the other was doing theirs, to map waffles to cupcakes to see who passed muster. However, when Lorelei was trying to get her side to cook the waffles, a fire happened in Ginerva’s oven, and she put it out with an Ice Blast right away. While this didn’t directly lead to the fire in Episode 13 - I wrote the fortunes to correspond with what I’ve played, not the other way around - it did give me the idea to have them and Lilith work together in putting that one out, and thus to build on the ship fuel whether Ginerva stayed or went. 
cafesimming reblogged your photoset “Lavandar: *lying on the ground, trying to get her breath back*  Lorelei: *breathes* *taps hands together* “Nn. Nnn....”
Victim: Lavandar Ink  Cause of death: sheer force of will
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “Mmm-mmm! What a treat for the senses this thing is. Hey...”
and the pineapples become relevant
were they ever not relevant though
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “The thing is - the thing is, there hasn’t really been a lot...”
lav sweetheart darling... i love you
She wants so badly to get Lorelei’s approval. So Badly
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “So, how’s that little change of pace working out for you so...”
Ginvera: Resident MMBC Analyst
Someone has to be the Fatin, and who better than the one who took Fatin
*Ginerva. My b, the gays cannot type
Don’t feel too bad - I’ve had to stop myself calling her Ginevra sometimes
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “Oh, now what? I swear, if it’s more of those telemarketers,...”
I mean, those chances are high when you're talking over your bacheloret
Lyra proved prescient
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “I, um… I still can’t believe that- the - the fire happened?”...”
i just laughed out loud at lor's "w-what?" so good job dub ((not sarcasm))
I Love Lorelei so much, but she doesn’t know how to meme. Lyra is probably more up with the memes than her
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “No, given the situation I’m being such an idiot. I asked...”
cafesimming reblogged your photoset and added:
she is so pure sometimes
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “…Kira. Can you come up, please?” Ginerva: *sucks in a cold...”
aw no ginerva is my fave after lav on lorelei's side
They really are a testament to how much thought Clover puts into things, huh? Then again, all of you put so much thought and effort into everything you make and do
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lorelei: *gulps*  Ginerva: “…Don’t, Lorelei. I’ll save you the trouble...”
I Had A Feeling
OOOOOOH ooooooooh that tonight’s gonna be a good ni*bricked*
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “…I’m not polyamorous, Ginerva. I never have been, and I - I...”
ginerva and lilith is the purest contestant ship since shady tbh
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “Thing is, I really… really, really,” *clenches fist* “really...”
cafesimming replied to the same:
this is mega gay and im so here for it
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “I don’t know. That’s what’s scary about this, I don’t know....”
@tosimornottosim replied to the same:
G a y
All shippers to the deck! All shippers report to the deck immediately!! 
sevenleafsimblr replied to your post “Episode 13: String Quartet Credits”
ok i was Terrified that this episode was gonna suddenly switch moods and go from bittersweet normal elimination to ginerva being the one on lorelei's side to die 
Next time: Ginerva ends up dying by complete accident in a way that the MMBC did nothing to instigate. Lorelei weeps. [redacted] is bewildered
BUT that aside thank you for having her!!! you totally did do them justice
I’m so glad! I didn’t want to make her one-note, but at the same time I do know how important Delano was to them, and I’m glad you think I was able to keep that balance
cafesimming replied to the same:
lorelei Actually complimented lav on her braveness im gonna cry i lov them so much
It’s like Lorelei knows intuitively what a fucked-up life Lavandar has led, and is doing all she can to soothe things and build her self-esteem back up bit by bit, just as a real companion would do
sevenleafsimblr reblogged your photoset and added:
#also delano jr im 😭😭
jackssims replied to the same:
Delano Jr has me fucked up
yeah, he really needs to shave his pink moustache once he gets in your game /teasinglyfacetious
Now to finish off Episode 14, as I have five posts to go on that score. It’ll be the last work I complete on this laptop, jsyk; I have a new one coming in later today. Fingers crossed, it should be enough to hold the Saving Grace save with much more aplomb - and maybe even...
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red-applesith · 7 years
I love your meta works! I have a question regarding the interrogation scene in TFA. Why do you think Rey was so calm? Her first question is 'where am I?' and she sounds relatively collected given the circumstances. I imagened myself in her position. Strapped down to a chair, facing a massive guy in a mask. I would expect to be raped and be in utter panic. She only tears up much later. Do you think she's just not as easily scared, or is Ben not as intimidating to her as a 'monster' should be?
Thank you for your kind words!
Daaamn, that’s a REALLY good question! I think there’s much to say about that.
First of all, when watching the movie (or any movie for that matter), it’s essential to make the distinction between what the character knows and what the audience knows.
It’s especially crucial with Star Wars because the audience knows or expects a great deal more than the characters themselves about the world they inhabit. 
And that’s why fans tend to make connections between characters or events that are not connected in-universe.
Recent example: Rey’s parentage.
Rey must be Luke’s daughter!
Jyn Erso is Rey’s mum.
Qi'ra is Han’s love interest, and Rey’s mum, meaning Rey and Kylo are half-siblings!
It doesn’t matter if the timelines don’t align. Fans WANT to find connections and connect the dots.
In movies, especially in The Force Awakens, some things are meant to only make sense to the character at this point of the story (every single line spoken by Kylo Ren for instance) which leave us, the fans, speculating to no end.
However, to speculate, we need specific tools, which brings me to my second point.
What are the tools in our possession as an audience to understand Star Wars?
1. Star Wars legacy and tie-in materialOn top of their knowledge of the Star Wars stories that came before, Star Wars fans have access to supplemental content such as books, games, TV series and an extensive database to feed their theories about a character’s motivations or background. Doesn’t matter if some of that is not canon anymore. Some basic concepts exist.
That’s why Reylo fans correctly predicted the Force bond. We labeled Rey and Kylo the new Bastilla and Revan because the parallels existed and from there, the Force bond made perfect sense.
2. Codes and conventionsIn every form of art, ‘there’s a way to do things,’ codes and conventions that give us some clues about a character’s true feelings or where a story is heading. That’s why some movies are predictable while others have a shocking, unexpected ending. That’s also why ‘genres’ (romantic comedies, horror movies, thrillers, etc…) exist.
In movies, codes are what brings meaning to what’s going on on-screen, while conventions are more about how things are done.
And the truth is, there are many codes and conventions the audience understand instinctively, even if they never studied Media Studies 101.
Why is that? Because those codes emerged over the years, and as the audience saw them on-screen over and over again, they became part of our culture. For instance, imagine a character in a bathroom opening a medicine cabinet. How many of us expect to see the reflection of a menacing figure in the mirror as soon as the character closes the cabinet? (answer: a lot)
Another good illustration of that phenomenon is that meme:
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But I’ll go back to that later; first I want to discuss one last point before getting into the breakdown of the interrogation scene.
3. The viewer’s experience/baggage  
There’s one last tool we use as an audience: Our personal experience/feelings/bias.
That one is the most contentious because for obvious reasons, no two human beings have the same life experience, ambitions, or fears, and art is one of the most subjective human concepts. We all react differently to images and situations (Wonder what fuels nerd wars or ship wars? Look no further.)
Dynamic of the interrogation scene
Okay, let’s get into this for real.
Do I think Rey is afraid of being raped?No
Why?Because I don’t think that rape is a concept she’s ‘aware’ or afraid of.
Okay, some might think this is a bold statement, but let me explain my reasoning.
First of all, in Force Awakens, Rey’s Survival Guide and Before the awakening, we see a glimpse of Rey’s life on Jakku, and we know she’s been pretty much alone all of her life. Despite that, she’s not afraid; Not afraid to rescue BB-8 from Teedo, not afraid to refuse to sell BB-8 to Plutt, not afraid to fight Plutt’s thugs.
>> Rey isn’t afraid to say no to male figures. 
If Jakku were a place where women are sexually exploited or mistreated, Rey would react very differently to these situations, wouldn’t she? She would hide and keep her head down at all time. That’s clearly not the case here.
Now, picture Jakku and Niima Outpost, especially in the movie. It’s hot and dusty, like Tatooine. Plutt is an asshole, like Watto. But do we see slaves in skimpy outfits or any sleazy bar? The answer is no. 
World building 101: Jakku and Rey’s early life is sexless. 
It doesn’t mean Rey is ignorant about sex; it just says she has no reason to associate danger or punishment to sexual violence, she just has no frame of reference for that.
And I believe that’s a very deliberate choice from the writers. In both TFA and TLJ, Rey and women, in general, are not sexualized. Even Bazine, who is the ‘femme fatale spy’ of The Force Awakens is clothed from tip to toe. And when we see boobs in TLJ, we see the Thala sirens and the weird lady in the casino with the floating dog.
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(Btw, it’s super interesting because TFA and TLJ draw a lot of parallels with the previous movies obviously, but the exciting thing to study is what is missing.
For instance, even if we don’t know who Maz is, it takes no more than a scene in TFA to understand what she’s not: Maz’s castle is not Jabba’s palace. There are no cruel games, no slave dancing for the male gaze, etc…)
Is the audience afraid on behalf of Rey?Yes
Why?We didn’t grow up on Jakku. For us, sexual violence is real and female suffering and sexual exploitation a staple of our entertainment and culture.
Narrative codes taught us that female characters restrained to metal chairs do not belong to romantic comedies; they belong to horror movies and stories about serial killers. Our brain is conditioned to recognize such patterns, and it’s entirely reasonable to be afraid for Rey at that moment.  
Is Kylo talking about sex?I don’t think so. But I think Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams knew that the audience was going to understand it that way.
Code and conventions:
 ‘That this is not the face of a villain threatening sexually our hero:’
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Let’s compare with Javier Bardem’s character, Raul Silva, in Casino Royale 
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Code and conventions:
‘Yeah…That’s more like it.’
Codes and conventions are amazing, I love them
Why?In Force Awakens especially, Kylo is the writers’ puppet. His lines are the most meta of them all: What Kylo says and what he means are two very different things.
Is Ben intimidating to Rey?To an extent, yes, but not as much as Kylo/Ben is intimidating to us, the audience, and maybe not for the reasons we think of. Also probably not as much as he’d like to be, to be honest.
Seeing how Rey reacts when she’s with Ben/Kylo is essential to understand her character AND the nature of their relationship.
Now, to analyze her reactions, we need to separate what we know of Kylo Ren at that point and what Rey knows.
We witnessed him killing Lor San Tekka and giving the order to kill the members of the Church of the Force, but Rey didn’t; she doesn’t know who he is, except that he followed her in the Forest and he uses the Force.
Last thing she remembers:
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Code and conventions:
That’s not how you carry a prisoner Kylo. What school of villainy did you go to?
Also, as established earlier, Rey isn’t easily frightened.
When Rey wakes up, Kylo is squatting a few meters away, watching her. As far as she’s concerned, she’s not in immediate danger. (Let’s be honest; if she’d opened her eyes and found him sniffing her hair or trying to cop a feel, her reaction might have been different tbh.)
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Code and conventions:
Kylo, Y U not doing what you did with Poe??
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Next, she initiates the conversation, asking with defiance where she is. 
How she speaks to Kylo isn’t that different to how she speaks to Teedo and Plutt. Perhaps she’s assessing the situation at that moment. How is he going to react? 
Kylo’s response and reaction gives her two clues:
He calls her a guest, not a prisoner.
He answers her question (He doesn’t shout, doesn’t stay silent,  doesn’t ask her to shut up).
From the get-go, Rey is already -relatively- in control.
Code and conventions:
Usually the kidnapper is in control. You’re really bad at your job, Kylo.
Rey, you’re doing great, continue like that.
Next, she mentions the mask. What does Kylo do? He removes it.
Code and conventions: 
Okay… What’s going on there?
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Once again, even if she’s retrained, Rey is the one in control.
Once the mask is off, you can sense a shift in her body language. She’s not scared; she’s embarrassed and confused.
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Code and conventions:
That is not how you react when you’re scared.
Then, Kylo tries to get into her head and things get tough. That’s when she starts crying. 
Suddenly she’s lost the control. The things she’s never talked to anyone? Kylo is finding out and she’s embarrassed about it. Embarrassed because she’s a very private person, embarrassed because she has secrets, embarrassed because her defiance is a mask, and probably embarrassed because Kylo is cute and she doesn’t know how to process what’s going on.
Some people want to argue that the whole scene is a metaphor for rape, but it’s actually closer to someone finding a teenager’s diary and reading it out loud.
Rey is very private and obviously having her inner thoughts exposed brings back lots of bad memories. 
Arguably, that’s when Kylo discovers her parents:
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But as I said earlier, Rey isn’t easily frightened and she fights back.
Code and conventions:
Rey is no damsel in distress or victim! She will have none of your bullshit.
Rey orders Kylo to get out of her head and what happens? He immediately moves away from her. 
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That’s where they start fighting mentally and she gets into his head instead
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And she wins!
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^ That’s the face she sees before Kylo goes running to Snoke. 
Code and conventions:
That guy isn’t a threat.
>> During the whole scene, Rey might be restrained, but she’s the one in control.
So overall, Rey knows that she has nothing to be afraid of when Ben is around because she’s had the upper hand since the beginning. Now that she’s been into his head, she also knows that he’s more afraid than she is.
Also, she still has no idea what he did before they met, nor does she know what he’s about to do. 
Sure, it’s open to personal interpretation but let’s look at Finn and Rey when Han and Ben are talking. 
Finn is scared because he knows Kylo Ren. Rey is curious because she doesn’t think Ben has the guts to kill Han. 
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TL;DR: Rey isn’t scared because Kylo isn’t scary to her.
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Weekenders Adventures of Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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And now, a technological breakthrough in Pooh's Adventures history - a classic unnecessarily reworked with your favourite cartoon characters, unnecessarily reworked with your favourite cartoon characters! The infamous Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, a.k.a. Why Paramount Should’ve Kept Those Rights in the First Place, was the closest a corporation-based animation studio could get to channelling Pooh’s Adventures as it so commonly stands - deliberate exposition that dumbs the original mains down, absolutely no reason for the guests to be there other than comic relief, a villain confrontation scene where there shouldn’t have been, dialogue tampered with to bring up these newcomers, you name it.
So of course Poohphiles would enjoy it enough to slap even less time-consistent cartoon characters onto that and make them twice as useless by having them direct every pratfall the cat and mouse stumble into as usual. This might just be fan fiction, but this is still what storytelling shouldn’t be. And so, without further adieu, let’s bite into Weekenders Adventures of Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I can’t believe I just pasted that either.
Part 1
0:15 His most diabolical scheme yet.
0:28 Implying this is artful enough to be transferred onto celluloid.
0:43 Tiff is about to request that the volume be increased, but all Dedede ironically shushes her. All he wants is Kirby's suffering.
1:18 Originality truly is dead.
3:00 As terrible as the original, uh, Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka is, at least Spike Brandt chose characters who knew when to shut up.
3:49 Oh my god.
4:30 OH MY GOD.
7:13 Why are they paired up with these two again?
7:28 How not to script a crossover vs. how absolutely not to script a crossover.
7:42 Charlie didn't even ask...
7:57 ...neither does he care.
8:17 If you're not as starving as they were, YOU SHOULDN'T BE IN THIS MOVIE.
8:24 What's in your wallet?
8:34 Charlie's ignoring you.
9:08 How about offering some, you greedy fucks?
9:14 How about using some of your contract "more"?
9:17 It can't be that hard, right? ............Right?!
Part 2
0:59 Are every single one of them that foolish not to bring just the slightest nickel on their journey?
1:05 You can say that over and over again.
1:27 Says the girl who will just give over to temptation anyway, including booping what should not be booped.
3:01 You've got a better cartoon to attend to.
5:04 Clearly someone hasn't heard of a term called "surprise".
5:47 Bravo. Just coming out clean rather than saving yourselves jail time.
6:10 You know, at least Brerdaniel would probably treat Tom and Jerry as goofy pet sidekicks rather than have a bunch of usually-independent chatterboxes follow suit.
6:19 That's what the mouse was mentally suggesting, faithful student.
7:07 Alright! What delicious spells has Star conjured up ready for blas- Oh. Never mind.
7:31 As for the rest of you, welp, you're screwed.
8:12 Worse than tobacco?
8:57 And whoever else is surrounding the desks but doesn't matter in the slightest.
9:58 Something with more artistic merit than this.
11:46 Some kid that has lifted dicks up for generations somehow.
12:11 How..................am I barely riffing on two well-known cartoon characters' extensive presence in a movie they're not supposed to be a part of?
12:42 And how are they not noticing that creepy old man on TV? A gaping flaw in the dumbest of Pooh's Adventures implemented into a corporate, Korean-co-produced film from WB. Welcome to 2017 in cinema.
13:27 *grumbles* I know, right?
14:04 And just like Pooh's Adventures, an extra guest just had to be thrown in.
Part 3
0:18 Lor, you're in 7th grade. That, and you're mentally stable. Think about what you're saying.
0:20 Diverting gender norms, are we, Nobita?
0:31 Physically, you're not helping.
1:03 Unless Star could use her noodle arms to pick it straight out. 
2:09 Those poor Koreans.
3:03 Star's not not feeling it lately.
3:32 You don't ask that the very moment you bump into one.
4:12 It's the 90's all over again, and some millennials just happen to be in the scene as Slugworth turns Veruca's song into a goddamn reprise.
9:40 They're the only two guests dancing. Remind me what the point of this crossover is again?
11:47 And you only just noticed?
11:49 Even Twilight Sparkle herself wouldn't figure it out so accurately. She may be a god, but she's no psychic.
12:28 Or, you know, just hop onto the sidewalks.
13:00 And one of you could've just tucked it firmly into your pocket, you lazy fucks.
14:59 A simple "excuse me" would suffice?
Part 4
0:02 And the rest? They all sneak in somehow without being detected. 
1:25 See how boring and clueless these people now are?
1:49 I can understand Tom and Jerry squeezing through a pipe, but everyone else?!
2:44 In a shopping mall, no less.
3:30 But in clown garb!
4:23 tfw when a mouse can silently explain the situation better than you can.
5:00 Speak for yourself, all you're doing is standing there.
5:20 I'll say.
5:52 Hiding yourselves, on the other hand...
6:31 ...beyond "kinky".
7:23 Christ, at least Tom and Jerry are doing nothing to interrupt not-Gene-Wilder’s soothing melody.
8:00 How did nobody in the guest team accidentally push one of theirs into the river trying to rescue him?
9:07 Who now?
9:39 Why is Star so aggressive in this crossover? Her religion is unicorns and rainbows, you’d think she’d giggle and dance around non-stop being in the same team as Princess Twilight Sparkle.
11:35 This is wasted fetish potential.
11:51 Oh, finally you give a shit.
12:24 Wha?!?!?!?!?!?!?
13:31 ALL of you?
Part 5
0:02 She looks like she's seen this before. Hmm.
0:46 For once, censorship actually makes the source material less awkward.
1:01 Oh, please, this ain't close to worthy of a montage. You could have seen a live chicken being chopped up.
3:09 She came straight out of nowhere. EXPOSITION. LEARN IT.
5:03 Truly wasted fetish potential.
7:22 Every other guest concurs.
8:18 *slow clap*
8:31 He already had a dog by his side, no need to make every line of dialogue politically correct.
9:18 INCREASED fetish potential.
10:16 And like many Pooh's Adventures creators, the writers do not understand independent thinking.
11:06 Um, Marco............... Oh, fuck it.
11:57 UNBEARABLY wasted fetish potential.
12:30 What, you want to kill him?!
16:48 Good.
Part 6
0:33 And it really should've been you all.
3:36 Which is more than I can say about everyone following him.
4:39 See what at least happens when you have every character in the frame? SEE HOW BORING THAT MAKES YOUR CROSSOVER IF YOU SPLICE IT WITH IMOVIE?!?!?!?!?!
5:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUEd6gPjIsY
6:55 Sunset Shimmer fires Megan. Meme videos at their finest.
7:42 But how does even Wonka automatically recognise their names?
9:20 Well, certainly not Megan, whoever she was. Why was she in this again?
9:46 Star's response is priceless.
11:08 Of course we have crack shipping in this thing. Sunset is technically a horse.
11:53 Story of a Poohphile's YouTube career. Wonka knows what he's smirking about.
15:25 You're telling us.
15:30 Who has already spun fast enough in his 2016 deathbead.
And finally here's some outtakes, because someone thought bloopers could work in Pooh's Adventures. Prepare to cringe like you've never cringed before.
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Tom and Jerry’s baffling superiority:
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At least it wasn’t made by Yakko:
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Overall: 7.2/5
-0.44/10. This is the epitome of pointless, and a chilling reminder of the potential devolution of storytelling now that it’s possible to build stories out of emojis and Slenderman. This being simple-minded, inoffensive fan fiction by a couple of guys with needs hosted by Google Drive and linked to in one out of 27,000 wiki pages, of course it’d be insignificant to the community compared to what you can pay money for right now, but as far as innovation goes, and I say this as a film critic in progress, it’s misguided, aimless and devoid of any substance of any form. I’m just saying, with plenty of much-deserved scholarship, maybe you could be writing far more intricate prose than "Tom, Imagine when a chocolate mouse appears." I know Time Warner didn’t get some when they commissioned Gene Grillo to write Tom and Jerry into Roald Dahl. If someone else is planning to put a few (or a thousand) more cameos into Tom and Jerry’s gonzo Wonka trek for fun and not for profit, you bet I’ll be ready-ish.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
5 Relationships In The DCEU Fans Were Behind (& 5 They Rejected)
Even though the DC Extended Universe started out more than six years ago in 2013, we haven’t seen many couples come out of it. The films were much more focused on being dark in presentation, but now that some diversity in storytelling is showing up perhaps we’ll be seeing more quality romance. 
RELATED: 7 Times Star-Lord And Gamora Were The Best Couple (& 3 Times They Should’ve Broken Up)
For the time being, though, let’s take a look at how the couples that have shown up in the series have fared. In this list, we’ve considered the chemistry between the characters, the impact their relationship had on each other as well as others, and how the audience reacted to their coupling.
10 Accepted: Lois and Clark
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In recent times, Lois’ characterization in animated features had people put off due to her being shown as someone who was so into her career that she treated Clark Kent like dirt, and only liked Superman because he kept saving her life all the time. 
However, the DCEU version has stood out by having Lois be first and foremost in love with Clark, not Superman. This has led to fans praising the chemistry between Amy Adams and Henry Cavill as the two coming across as lovebirds in a crazy superhero universe.
RELATED: MCU: 7 Times Pepper & Tony Were The Best Couple (& 3 Times They Should’ve Broken Up)
9 Rejected: Rick Flag And Enchantress
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What was there to like about this couple? Actually, why were these two a couple in the first place? There was no need for these characters to get together other than giving Rick Flag a reason to exist in Suicide Squad. And yes, we’re calling her Enchantress here because June had nothing to offer the viewers to make them care about her.
Basically, the coupling of Rick Flag and Moon was an informed part of the story, not a justified one. Both characters went completely wasted in the film, and it would’ve been better if they hadn’t been affiliated.
8 Accepted: Steve And Diana
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Ah yes, by far the best couple to come out of the DC Extended Universe. Wonder Woman could be considered part-period film, part-war movie, and part-love story between Steve and Diana. If there was a personification of star crossed lovers in the DCEU, then you’re looking at them right now.
The two had the classic meet-cute you see in romantic comedies, but evolved into a deeper tale of forbidden love meets unbearable sacrifice. They had such a pure love for one another that the eventual sacrifice of Steve left no eye dry upon first viewing. Fortunately, we’ll be seeing more of them in Wonder Woman 1984.
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7 Rejected: Jor-El And Lara Lor-Van
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There wasn’t anything outright bad about these two, but fans have been vocal in their displeasure at not having seen much of anything concerning Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van. All we knew of them was that they were married and sent off their son to Earth before they died. 
Rather than the romance part, it was the fact that these two didn’t come across as a viable counterpart to Jonathan and Martha Kent as Clark’s parental figures. Jor-El just looked like a simulated guide, while Lara wasn’t seen again. Another appearance of them together would save this couple in the fans’ eyes if we ever get Man of Steel 2.
6 Accepted: Orm And Mera
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Well, why wouldn’t you want to reject this couple when the film itself wanted you to see them as an awful pairing? Still, they can be considered as being together because Mera was betrothed to Orm at one point. 
Aquaman could have done a better job at making a possible marriage between the two as believable, though, because no-one saw them going through even a forced wedding during the film. Had that taken place in the movie, then the whole angle would have fallen flat as there was hardly any contact between the two characters.
RELATED: Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3: 5 Ways Thor Could Make It Better (& 5 Ways He Could Hold It Back)
5 Rejected: Thomas And Martha
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Almost the same as it went in the case of Superman’s parents, Bruce’s didn’t have anything to make us feel bad for them. While every iteration of Batman has shown Bruce to be closer to Thomas Wayne, he does absolutely love his mother as well.
However, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice killed them off just when they showed up on screen, which makes you think that literally any other characters could have been there and it wouldn’t have made any difference. Ideally, there should have been flashbacks to times before Bruce was even born for the audience to understand that Thomas and Martha were a perfect couple out to do good in the world.
RELATED: Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3: 10 Questions About The MCU's Universe It Needs To Answer
4 Accepted: Arthur And Mera
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A character like Aquaman wouldn’t have fallen in love with a girl who had a delicate personality, so Mera was the right choice as his love interest. She was pretty much Arthur in personality as well, being fierce and loyal to the bone.
Mera also brought in with her some much-needed level-headedness, something that Arthur severely lacked. The ending of Aquaman proved the two as a battle couple, one that would shine very bright in a possible Justice League Part Two now that we’re all behind them as a romantic but fearsome duo.
RELATED: 10 Hilarious Thanos Memes Only Titans Would Love
3 Rejected: Tom And Atlanna
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The problem with this coupling was that quite a bit of the fanbase found it all too convenient. Aquaman put a lot of effort in trying to make their love come across as pure, but there’s no denying everything was clearly written in for Arthur to be born but then be raised without his mother.
Everyone and their dog (or fish?) knew that Tom and Atlanna would inevitably be reunited by the film’s end, so there was no running away from the feeling that the love story here was orchestrated using a predictable formula.
2 Accepted: Bruce And Diana
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Crazy thing is that these two never even became a couple in the DCEU, but there isn’t anyone who would be against this becoming canonical. As was the case in the DC Animated Universe, Bruce and Diana had a clear case of chemistry.
Their interactions in Dawn of Justice were oozing with romantic tension, and Justice League carefully elaborated on this by showing their mutual respect and trust for one another. It only needed a movie or two before they were ready to make things truly romantic, so it’s a real shame it won’t be coming true now that Ben Affleck has left the scene as Batman.
RELATED: 10 Marvel Logic Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words 
1 Rejected: Harley and the Joker
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Before Suicide Squad’s release, you could easily find fangirls swooning over this relationship because they thought Harley and Joker were “#relationshipgoals”, but the film’s lackluster portrayal of the two turned viewers off of them. 
Joker only came across as a loony loverboy, while Harley was way more interesting when she wasn’t playing his lackey. This feeling was so strong within the fanbase, that the studio put away with Joker entirely and brought Harley as her own character in the upcoming Birds of Prey. Now seemingly free of the Joker, we’re excited to see what Harley can achieve on her own without being shown to be pining for an idyllic love story.
NEXT: 10 Best Jackie Chan Films, Ranked
source https://screenrant.com/dceu-relationships-fans-behind/
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INTERVIEW MEME (Long Post Warning)            
★ pick one of your muses. ★ fill in the questions as if you are being interviewed for an article and you  were your muse. ★ tag some friends to do this meme! tagged by: @the-amazing-amazon tagging: @americanalien, @vcspertiilio, @perfectforayear, @dawnofspeed, @licn, @error1nmycode, @ironmaidenfan, @dxntlikebullies, @prodxgaliron, @telekinctics
1. What is your name? “Superboy, ma’am,” he quickly responded, hand reaching up to bow his cap in greeting but since he was in costume, the boy was forced to comb his hair to act ‘normal’, “pleasure to meet ya.”
2. What is your real name? “Ah... umm...” alien blue eyes darted to the side, glancing around in hopes to figure out what to say. Chewing on his bottom lip, the young hero shrugged before making his excuse, “well... that’s a secret. I ain’t allowed to say it. Sorry!!”
3. Do you know why you’re called that? “Well...” he started, eyebrows scrunching up in thought, how was he named Superboy again? “Dad decided to call me Superboy when I first dawned the costume and it kinda stuck enough that when he introduced me to uncle Br-Batman” Oh Krypton, uncle Bruce would kill him for that slip up, “and aunt Diana, that became my hero name.”
4. Are you single or taken? “... I’M A KID!!” why would they even ask that?? Jon had panicked and shouted a response, hands clutching his chest and staring widely at the interviewer, “I’m single of course!!”
5. What are your powers and abilities? “Uhh..” fingers slowly lifted up as the super son tried to say all of his powers, “I have super strength, super speed, super hearing, heat vision, freeze breathe, x-ray vision, telescopic vision, super well- I can smell really good and from a far distance, I don’t have flight mastered yet but I can hover... uh uh.” Clutching his head, his eyes squeezed shut trying to remember, what else did he have, “Oh I have that super breathe thing where I can shout really loud like Aunt D-Canary and break glass!! So I have 10 I think. Abilities well, I’m great at Kryptonian technology and science, especially aerospace stuff, I can calculate really really fast since my mind processes faster.. is that more of a power than an ability? I dunno.. oh! and I can operate heavy machines, like trucks, tractor, etc. I’m gonna learn how to fly an airplane though. Robin says he might teach me if we could ‘borrow’ uncle Batman’s batplane... don’t tell him though.”
6. What color are your eyes? “They’re blue, I got ‘em from my dad, I think. I mean mom has a human-like blue while I have the same blue as dad, supergirl, and powergirl.”
7. Have you ever died your hair? “Nahh..” he answered, running a hand through his hair and grabbing a few strands to look at it, “I like my hair color. When ya have eyes like mine, ya see each hair’s different color and they look amazing. Dyed hair though, ya’d see the chemical and all.”
8. Do you have any family members? “Yepp!!!” he grinned wide, leaning forward to the interviewer, excited to talk about his family, “I got my dad Kal-El who’s Superman, I got mom who hasta remain a secret, I got my two aunts Kara Zor-El and Kara Zor-L, there’s a difference with one not having the E in El, they’re Supergirl and Powergirl, I got my sister Cir-El, she doesn’t have a hero name yet, and I’ve got my brothers, Kon-El and Lor-Zod, they’re Superlad and Nightwing. Pretty cool, right?!? Not to mention my aunts and uncles in the Justice League and the Batfamily!!”
9. Do you have any pets? “Yepp!! I have two but I can’t name the other one. The first one, ya might know. His name’s Krypto the Superdog.” Placing a cupped hand against the side of his mouth to hide it from the audience, he mock-whispered, “he’s definitely better than Ace the Bathound.”
10. Tell me about something you don’t like. “I DON’T like bullies,” his lips formed a frown to reassure his statement, remembering the bullies in his school and the bigger bullies around the world. “Just cause someone’s smaller, weaker, disabled, a minority, doesn’t mean ya’re allowed to bully him or her or xe!! We should all love everyone and take care of each other!”
11. Do you have any hobbies or activities you do in your spare time? “Yeah! When I’m not trainin’, doin’ missions, learnin’, or doin’ homework, I’m usually watching tv shows, playing video games, or just using the internet. I also take care of a lot of animals in our place and cook or bake. Sometimes I create flying saucers and other things for fun too.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone before? “I have,” he quietly confessed, looking to the side to avoid the interviewer’s eyes, his hands rubbing up and down his arms for his own comfort, “when I was learnin’ how to use my heat vision, Dad forced me to use it and I accidentally hit him causing him to bleed.” His dad was suppose to be invulnerable against most things but his heat vision was more powerful than his dad’s and so he was able to harm him. “Also I punched Robin a few times before we teamed up cause he was being mean and kidnapped me.”
13. Have you ever… Killed anyone? “Nope. and I don’t wanna. I may be new in this hero business but.. well.. I think every human being is precious and I’d never want to kill one.” Not to mention that the first time he’d seen and smelt blood, he had panicked and ran away, what more trying to kill someone who could be loved by someone and missed by people.
14. What kind of animal are you? “PUPPY!! Definitely!” there was confidence in his voice as he once again smiled, glad that they were out of the topic of harming people. “My sis tells me that I’m like a puppy, so do my aunts. It fits cause dad’s described as a dog.”
15. Name your worst habits. “When mom and dad leave me alone at home, I kinda sorta... eat all the icecream at home. I mean, they’re just there.. expiring.. it’s my duty as an ice-cream lovin’ boy to make sure they don’t go to waste, y’know?”
16. Do you look up to anyone? “Of course!! Dad definitely. He’s the ideal superhero, kind, strong, smart, values equality and justice. I wanna be like him someday and when I become Superman, I’ll make sure to be like him.” Not to mention his siblings, the whole justice league, and every hero he fawns over but that should be kept quiet for now.
17. Gay, straight, or bisexual? “Wait.. wha...” he was speechless, why would they ask this, he was here as a hero and not just any hero, a kid hero. In fact, he didn’t even know that there was such a thing called labels until he was put into school. His whole life, his mom and dad taught him that love is love, no matter which gender the person you loved is. Why would it be needed. “I dunno, nor do I wanna label myself once I grow old. Love’s love and I’ll be open to whatever my heart wants.”
18. Do you go to school? “Yeah, I do. I’m in grade 5 actually. I can’t say which School though but..” he chuckled at his own thoughts, “it’s on Earth, don’t worry. I’d graduate in Earth standards.”
19. Do you ever want to marry and have kids someday? “Hm....” elbows placed on top of his legs, hands cupping to hold his head up high, he’d never thought of such a question before, nor was he asked. Jon’s only started having crushes and was more focused on figuring out how to keep his cool and charm the person. “I guess?!? I mean I’ve always wanted a big family so if I can have kids and someone with me like mom is with dad, that would be awesome.”
20. Do you have any fans? A small embarrassed chuckle left the super’s lips, cheeks turning red, and a hand messing his hair, “yeah,” he spoke in a soft and quiet tone, glancing away from the interviewer and looking at a wall, “I actually just found out recently that I do. I was looking through the internet and found them talkin’ bout me. Conspiracy theories, experiences, etc. They’re pretty nice!! and really sweet.”
21. What are you most afraid of? “Dying.” It was a quick reply, one that weighed heavily in his heart. After that scare with Ruppletat, one where their whole house was being burned down by white flames and him slowly being erased, he had thought that he was going to die and had been to scared to cry. The stress of being in the 5th dimension kept him calm for the most part and angry at the imp but once they got home, Jon had cried his heart out in fear. Unable to stop himself from gulping, he nodded to confirm his answer before quietly whispering, “... being forgotten.”
22. What do you usually wear? “Well I usually pick comfy jeans, white socks, and rubber shoes but... for shirts I go long-sleeves, often white, and some jackets.”
23. Do you love someone? “Of course!! who wouldn’t?” he couldn’t live without loving someone, from his parents, to his siblings, to his many aunts and uncles, even the bat family and classmates. “
24. What class are you? “Ya mean like in richness? Um.. I’d like to think we’re middle class, not rich but not struggling,” they had a farm, had all the eggs, meat, milk, etc. they could have and so they could live by even with dad working as a hero and mom just gaining her Daily Planet work. The truth was, they could easily be rich, dad could make diamonds out of coal easily and Jon plans on learning the same trick soon, but they didn’t do that and it counted.
25. How many friends do you have? “I got a few close ones around my age,” since most of his classmates were just acquaintance or bullies who didn’t like him standing up for those ‘weak’, “and several that I’m friendly with, especially teen heroes.”
26. What are your thoughts on pie? “Dad makes a really good one! I think he got that recipe from Gramma. I like apple pie the most!”
27. Favorite drink? “ROOTBEER!” Jon immediately answered only to cough, welp, there goes his coolness, all due to his excitement of rootbeer. Playing it off, his lips pressed together and formed a smile, nodding at himself, “rootbeer’s the best drink ever! I drink it all day really.”
29. What is your favorite place? “Definitely the Fortress of Solitude!” the crystal-like palace was amazing, even so with his super vision and his ability to pick up colors that normal humans couldn’t see. “I mean, Uncle Batman’s moon cave is great and all but nothing beats the Fortress.”
30. Are you interested in someone? “Interested? Like I wanna learn more about them? or is it the romantic sense? If it’s just interest, well, I find every being interesting, they all have a different life story and its great to hear them. If it’s romance, wait a few more years, or once I’m 20.”
31. What’s your bra size?
32. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? “Lake. It’s safer than the ocean and I haven’t learned howta properly swim yet. Uncle A-Aqua’s gonna teach me once he has a free schedule though!” He was far too excited at talking about Aquaman teaching him how to swim, who could say that the King of the Sea helped them learn how to swim?
33. What’s your ‘type’? “Type? Ya mean what I’d like on a person?” yet another question he never thought about before, his mind started drifting to his crush and quickly talked about what made him like her, “she... or he, I dunno,.. has to be someone I can trust and are friends with, they hafta know how to make me happy, they hafta be happy spendin’ time with me, they hafta be really really pretty, oh and they hafta know how to bake or cook!”
34. Any fetishes?
35. Top or bottom? Dominant or submissive?
36. Camping, or indoors? “Indoors, I like havin’ a good bathroom, internet, and a comfy bed but if I need to camp, I would enjoy the moment too.”
37. Are you waiting for this interview to be over? His grin was a tiny bit forced to hide his embarrassment once more, he could lie but this interview made him nervous and weirded him out... a lot. Why would they ask him about romance? Unless he had preteen fans.. blue eyes widened at that thought before trying to answer, “I.. well.. ya know hero work is never done and I kinda need to do my math homework if I wanna patrol Metropolis later so... yeah kinda. Sorry!”
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bisummers · 8 years
Lorelai and Rory Gilmore for the ask meme?
Yay more GG! TY!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: so many lbr . lor is selfless, hardworking, confident, silly, doesn’t take crap from anymore and is a friend to her dauther i love lorelai okworst quality: her fear of commitment really fucks her over a lot, honestly she makes a lot of mistakesship them with: LUKE OTPbrotp them with: Sookie, Michel, Ms Patty & Babette needs to stay away from: CHRISmisc. thoughts: LISTEN i fucking love her whole storyline with emily becuase she was so right and emily was flat out evil but also she was so wrong and emily was just a flawed human you feel me? i live for their complicated relationship their aren’t enough words to describe my feelings
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she was such a fierce kid man so hardworking and focused and sure of herself she didn’t let guys fuck with her and the way she handled paris’ inane feud with her  and turned it into a friendship was so important worst quality: …and then she became whiny and spoiled and a cheater who treated a perfectly nice guy terribly and is just all around annoyingship them with: Parisbrotp them with: Lane, Jess, Richardneeds to stay away from: fucking what’s his name… angry tall man-baby omg what is his name?? you know who i meanmisc. thoughts: the assassination of rory’s character is such a sad moment in tv history
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