#more of a reader not a writeršŸ’€
xr0tt3nxfl3shx Ā· 9 months
To be human (or worse, prey)
My strange roommate fic!!! (I've never writen fanfiction before lmk what you think [be nice about it though pls])
I have felt quite different lately, a feeling I was once familiar with has taken a new shape.
I live with a man, a human man, one I shouldā€™ve eaten a while ago at that. As I walk past my roommates bedroom I resist my hunger, ā€˜canā€™t eat him yetā€™ I thought. I go over my pre-established reasonings for keeping myself in this less than savory situation.
I need to integrate into this society somehow, my roommate is my only frame of reference for human normalcy really. As much as itā€™d be easier to just eat him now, I cannot understand these people on my own. Clearly there's much to learn if I ever want to move on from merely hunting forest creatures. That's not to mention the payoff, after a long week of pretending to feel things I can't, there is nothing better than fresh meat.
As always I have made it back from ā€œworkā€ right before dusk, and in the same way I am preparing food that I cannot eat. Though my roommate never assigned me this task, it's a necessary part of my contribution. Iā€™ve found humans like it when you make yourself useful, and he doesnā€™t have the time to do this for himself.
Maneuvering this vessel is more difficult than I thought itā€™d be. Humans make it look so easy, moving fluidly with every action while I find myself fumbling over every little articulation. They expect you to move even when itā€™s unnecessary. Apparently not taking part in their hand gestures and arbitrary body language is frowned upon.
Searing pans and mixing bowls rest at the bottom of the sink. I heard his car as it pulled into the driveway, and the lockā€™s click as he unlocked the door. He greets me at the entrance with a small wave and a polite smile, but only polite. How passive. He still treats me as though I am a stranger. I set his plate in front of his usual seat at the dining table.
He takes his seat and I take mine right across from him and stare as I always do, though I canā€™t help but get lost in my thoughts. Iā€™ve heard him on the phone, he aspires to get a job he knows is out of reach for him. He listens to music in his room when he gets ready, he says it motivates him. He cares when other people get hurt, even though it doesnā€™t affect him. All things that Iā€™m constantly reminded are normal amongst people, yet completely foreign to me. Iā€™d be lying if I said I wasnā€™tā€“
ā€œHey, are you alright?ā€
He spoke uneasily.
ā€œYouā€™ve been staring for.. a while now.ā€ Yes Iā€™ve heard of this, staring is considered rude isnā€™t it? He looks at me pensively, like he's trying to figure me out. Itā€™s the same look heā€™s been giving me since I cooked and served him his cat last week.
I donā€™t understand this reaction, why would he raise such a creature if not to be eaten, perhaps he was saving it for one of those special occasions. You know how they are, humans and their special occasions.
ā€œIā€™m going to watch this new movie, over on the couch,ā€ he says.
Why is he telling me this?
ā€œ... if youā€™d like to join me maybe.ā€
Oh. This is quite unexpected, maybe I misunderstood our standing. He shifts around, seemingly getting more and more uncomfortable the longer the silence stretches on.
ā€œIā€™ll uh- I will be in the living room.ā€
I didnā€™t think this far ahead honestly, I thought I wouldā€™ve eaten him by now. This offer is one I would expect of an acquaintance. Are he and I acquainted?
Heā€™s already gotten comfortable in the living room by the time I come in. ā€œOh! You actually came,ā€ He wasnā€™t really expecting me to take him up on his offer was he? He makes room for me to sit near him on the pillow adorned couch, more for decoration than comfort. ā€œI mean, Iā€™m glad. Come sit!ā€
I sit next to him, awkward movements every step of the way, this place is one I usually only experience in passing. There was never any reason to be in here other than to enter the kitchen. I believe Iā€™ve spent more of my time in his room than here. Admittedly I sometimes watch him at night, controlling my gluttony is no easy feat. At least I can take solace in knowing when this is all over snuffing him out will be no issue. Besides, It's his fault for leaving his door unlocked.
I sit with my hands clasped in my lap. I never know where to put those things.
With a few clicks of the remote heā€™s signed into some kind of account, playing some kind of film. I am technically looking at the screen but I pay no attention. I canā€™t while heā€™s here, just across the couch yet still much too close. I watch him from my peripheral vision, only about fifteen minutes in and he seems to be entranced. It's fascinating how invested he is in this.
Maybe I can settle down a little as well.
I donā€™t really know when but eventually I found myself invested in the movie on screen as well, and that came with a new-found serenity. Caught in a fictional world, I think for the first time I wasnā€™t hyper aware of my surroundings or the people in them. Just for a moment I didnā€™t feel the need to stalk or hunt and it wasnā€™t life or death. Only for a moment though.
My roommate clears his throat, the unexpected noise was jarring to me in the state I was in. I nearly forgot he was even there.
ā€œThe movieā€™s almost over already, huh?ā€ he said. Heā€™s closer than I remember him being, it would seem we got closer as we adjusted to more comfortable positions on the couch. I donā€™t like that.
ā€œThis is weird isnā€™t it?ā€ I have no gauge for whatā€™s ā€˜weirdā€™ and what's ā€˜normalā€™ here, but Iā€™ll go along with it.
ā€œMe asking you to hang out with me out of the blue like this I mean. I just had a long day and-ā€ He sighs, sounding quite dejected. Itā€™s not like I have anything else left to do here. it's
ā€œNone of my friends have picked up the phone either, I really appreciate you, you know, being here and all that.ā€ I watch the corners of his lips tug into a frown, muscles I havenā€™t quite learned to use yet, as he runs his fingers through his hair. I scoot just a bit closer, there's this look in his eyes. Something sad, vulnerable even. I try my best to soften my demeanor, to present as something that's not a threat. It does not come naturally.
He looks away, glancing back at the screen, unsure of himself Iā€™d presume. Maybe I can be of comfort. I place my hand on his where it rests on the couch, I try to remain non threatening. This contact feels deeply strange, I can feel every inch of his warm skin from the tip of my fingers to the end of my palm. He might agree given the look on his face. He looks me up and down with widened eyes, is this not how you comfort?
The serenity I felt is long gone but something different has taken hold of me. It's a familiar feeling, quickened heartbeat, amplified senses, adrenaline pumping through me, but how can I, in fight or flight, feel so still. ā€œOh.. wow. I didnā€™t-ā€ Hesitance laces his voice. ā€œI didnā€™t take you for a very touchy person.ā€
Iā€™m stuck being acutely aware of every little twitch of his hand and every little thing he does yet unable to do anything about it. Somethingā€™s changed.
My heart pumps in my chest, there's heat running up my face, a feeling rising in me with every second our skin remains touching. Something must be seriously wrong because as visceral as this feeling is I cannot for the life of me pull away. I canā€™t help but feel my very life is on the line as he reciprocates my touch and interlocks our fingers.
I feel so though I am suffocating as if something is gripping my heart and lungs, the air is heavy. The silence is deafening, every sensation overwhelming but with my muscles locked in place there's no end in sight. Why does he have to look at me like that, like there's always something heā€™s leaving unsaid.
And the hints of curiosity in his voice like he wants to know more, he thinks I donā€™t notice. And why does any of it have to bother me so much? Why does he have to make me care? Maybe Iā€™m becoming weak.
What started in a moment ends just as quickly as his hand slips out of mine. I am already growing cold without his touch. ā€œAgain, thank you for being here. Iā€™ll see you tomorrow.ā€ He doesnā€™t sound so sad anymore at least. My heart is no longer pounding against my chest so hard, though Iā€™m still left to my thoughts, and ultimately I am left feeling empty.
Iā€™d want him to come back and make me whole again if it wasnā€™t for the horrible feelings that came with. But it's no matter, it shouldnā€™t be long before he falls asleep and he never locks his bedroom door.
I'm by no means serious about the ship but i think its neat tbh, also nonhuman characters are so real to me so theres that
Hope you enjoyed X3
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lyrebirdswrites Ā· 5 months
The evil demon in my head says Iā€™m a terrible horrible no good very bad writer and I MUST NOT let it win. Even if this wip is not knocking anybodyā€™s socks off right now I have to trust it will become good eventually!!! Just keep swimming!! Just keep swimming!!
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starlooove Ā· 5 months
Ok so on those previous tags (and the post entirely tbh) thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been talking about when it pisses me off that yā€™all make shit up for everyone else that already applies to Duke. Like the closest to fanon tim youā€™ll ever get is his Gotham knights program which yā€™all donā€™t know about bc yā€™all donā€™t read but Duke has been with it since WAR (which tbh for the tim fans i think tim who grew enough to set that shit up meeting Duke whoā€™s had the mindset but not the means since he was younger would be super fun. But whatever this ainā€™t about him.) and including the foster system thing itā€™s always hcs about these terrible families Jasonā€™s been in or him being a flight risk or whatever when Duke is canonically right there and has arguably closer ties to the system itself rn. Like itā€™s so sick how yā€™all say u canā€™t include or give a shit about Duke bc heā€™s just not interesting to you and then TAKE everything that makes him interesting for ur white faves and I think the worst part is that so many of yā€™all donā€™t read enough to realize it which is just proof that you really WANT a character like Duke but heā€™s canonically too black for you. Like itā€™s giving making tim the ceo in ur mind based off a comic where he continuously is not fucking with the role and gives it back the SECOND he can. The REAL CEO is simply too black for you šŸ’€
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rewritingcanon Ā· 10 months
trying not to think about how the publishing market in australia is dead for fantasy novels and to get sales i should submit the manuscript to a british/american agent but if thats the case what the fuck is the point of me doing uni in aus and trying to network and if it gets good sales on the other side of the world how the fuck am i even gonna interact with it or help promote it when i live in AUSTRALIA
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kashmirichaiwithmehr Ā· 1 year
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chryzure-archive Ā· 2 years
jst saw some of the spin-off trilogy fans come to the realization that the fucking vampire scene holds no reason to it besides vampires. keep that awareness rolling, this entire trilogy is messy writing w only vibes in mind!!
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oyasumi-dove Ā· 10 months
Im on ur side with this. Not properly tagging your works is rlly annoying but why do you focus on female!reader and female writers sm? Ik u said it was for all writers but ur always talking about female writers.
I donā€™t like female writers. As aggressive as I may sound or be with the concept of fem!reader, I donā€™t hate them. I hate the writers only. While I am afab, I donā€™t align with being feminine. It makes me upset to see that the majority of writers who donā€™t tag their work are female writers, which in turn makes me favor the gender neutral and male writers. Iā€™ve blocked fem!reader, Iā€™ve blocked female reader, Iā€™ve filtered out every x fem reader. Yet every-time itā€™s a female writer who manages to avoid using the tags!!!
So while I dislike feminine stuff especially female reader in x reader posts, itā€™s mainly the misuse of tags that make me hate it.
In the end, itā€™s all just a personal issue for me and presumably many others. I do however apologize to all fem people who follow with my posts, you guys arenā€™t the problem. Itā€™s your writers, the ones who have the expectancy that every one of their readers is fem.
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blkgirlsreadfanfic2 Ā· 5 months
for fanfic writers and readers
as a black girl who loves a lot of different movies and shows, fanfic allows me to read stories that put me in the middle of my favorite things. however, fanfic often (unintentionally) excludes girls who look like me.
i am so sick and tired of reading a fanfiction and having to rewrite it in my brain because a character description immediately implies that the reader is white. if you don't know what i mean, here are some examples.
"your skin turned pink" or "you blushed": black girls and women with darker skin tones CANNOT blush. our skin does not just turn pink
"pulled your hair into a messy bun": my 4a hair cannot be pulled into a messy bun at random. i may be able to do a ponytail if i have braids in, and i might be able to tie it up if I have an old twist-out, but a "messy bun" is often not possible.
"he ran his hands through your hair": yeah...unless my hair is in a silk press (and an OLD silk press), that's not happening
there are a plethora of other examples that would make this post insanely long, so let me get to the point. there are very easy ways to make fanfic a bit more inclusive; all you have to do is tweak a few character descriptions. OR, put in your pairing or warnings that the reader is implied to be white.
and finally: please, please stop tagging your DARK fanfictions "xblack!reader." i am tired of searching for fluff under the black reader tag and finding non-con, dark themes, etc., ESPECIALLY when the fic ends up being for a white readeršŸ’€.
the goal of my page is to create a safe space for black girls who love reading fanfiction. i am only one person, so if you'd like to help, here are some ways to do that!
send me fics (preferably marvel and stranger things to start) that are with a black reader
comment some other things in fanfics that imply that the reader is white or that make the fic a little less accessible
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improbable-outset Ā· 5 months
š’šØš¦šž šØšŸ š¦š² šŸšššÆšž ššš­š¬šÆ ššš®šš¢šØš¬
Thereā€™s been an influx of Miguel writers losing their hyperfixation (understandably so šŸ„²) so I put together some of my favourite ai audios from tiktok. Even if it doesnā€™t spark some inspiration, Iā€™d still love to share them bc they make me happy :)
Some will be Miguel x listener (hence why I used the x reader tag) and some will include other atsv characters
Spider-class with Mr.Oā€™Hara [Part 2]
Miguel coming to our universe [canā€™t find part 2 šŸ’€] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Hobie offers Miguel šŸƒ [Part 2] [Part 3]
Spiderman 2099 meets Earth 42 Miles
Miguel comforts YOU
Miguel reading your thirst comments
Rio pulls up to the Spider Society (Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m linking most of this dudeā€™s videos, theyā€™re too entertaining lmaooo)
Rio swings Miguel with the Chancla
ā€œIā€™m lurking šŸ‘€ā€
Miguel coming home late
A comforting Miguel audio
New years with Miguel
Mi perrrrrra
Words of affirmation from Miguel (Spanish)
Miguel discourages you from participating in an upcoming massacre
Miguel, Hobie and The Spot share Mexican food
More Miguel, Hobie and The Spot stuff
Thatā€™s all I could find so far, good night <3
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reputationbarbie Ā· 1 year
Smoking šŸƒ with vinnie smut cause heā€™s so pookie bear (make it rough too please šŸ’€šŸ’€)
āFMBāž - vinnie hacker x reader
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ā”€ā‹†ā™” an: based on this ask. FMB means fā‹†ck me back. hopefully it's rough enough. this is my first smut post so i didn't want to make it too too rough, just fyi. unedited so ignore any mistakes. i hope yall enjoy. ā˜… Ė™įµ•Ė™ liv
ā”€ā‹†ā™” summary: you and vinnie have a complex relationship. it all comes to a head when you become bold enough to confront him post-blunt.
ā”€ā‹†ā™” warnings: overstimulation, softdom!vinnie, smut, fluff towards the end, tiny bit of angst, 18+ black!writer, language, alcohol, drugs, D!NC, physical descriptors (brief), choking, spitting, slight exhibitionism if you squint, claiming, rough smut, squirting, anal play, unprotected sex (i do not condone irl, wrap before you tap).
ā‹†word count: 3.9k ā‹† masterlist ā‹†
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The loud bass of music floats in the background as I tap through Snapchat stories on my phone. The couch next to me dips and when I turn, I see Vinnie has joined me.
He doesnā€™t speak to me before pulling out a blunt and sparking it. As is, me and Vinnieā€™s relationship was complicated. We started off as friends, then smoke buddies. But the more we smoked together, the more we felt for each other. Or at least, I fell for him.
We had kissed and made out, but weā€™ve never had sex. After a few dates, I was becoming restless. The frustration of his mixed signals got the best of me. Now in the darkness of the crowded room, Iā€™ve become bold enough to confront him.
I watch him as he inhales and exhales the smoke like a chimney. He seemingly notices my intense stare and stops. ā€œDid you need something?ā€ he asks with an attitude.
You can practically feel steam whistling out of your ears from how fuming your brain is right now. ā€œYeah actually. Give that to me,ā€ I snap, pointing at his blunt.
He shrugs, ashing the blunt on the coffee table. ā€œOkay,ā€ he concedes, passing me the joint.
Letting the smoke dance in my lungs, I choke it out slowly. Now that the weed is hitting, I decide now is the time. ā€œVinnie, are you still interested in me?ā€ I ask him abruptly.
He chuckles and takes the blunt from me. ā€œOh, baby. Of course I fucking am. Why would you even ask me that?ā€ he shoots back with an eyebrow raised.
Frowning, I pick at my cuticles out of nervousness. ā€œBecause we go on dates, we kiss, but weā€™ve never had sex. I just donā€™t know what you want any more,ā€ I confess, standing from the couch in a huff.Ā 
Of course, I want to take things further. But Iā€™m not sure if he wants me anymore when he barely touches me.
He stops me from moving any further, tugging my hand. I grudgingly turn around, looking down at him. ā€œBecause, doll. We havenā€™t had the sex talk yet,ā€ he discloses, rubbing his free hand up and down my thigh.
I roll my eyes and scoff, snatching the blunt out of his hands to take a hit. He places his hands on my hips, watching me intensely. ā€œWhat do you mean by ā€˜sex talkā€™? Iā€™m not 5,ā€ I ask after blowing out a toke.
He stands until heā€™s staggering high towers over me. ā€œI meanā€¦ā€ he pushes lightly, backing me into the wall so Iā€™m trapped between his body and the drywall. ā€œI want to know what you like, what you donā€™t like, and what youā€™ll beg for before I feel you cumming on my cock,ā€ he whispers in my ear, licking a stripe up my neck afterward.Ā 
My head tips back in a moan, which makes him as hard as a rock. ā€œFuck, baby. Do you see what you do to me? I want nothing more than to make you feel good, in the best way that I can, for the rest of my life.ā€ he presses his body into mine, slowly kissing up my neck.
One of the partiers comes up behind Vinnie and taps him on the shoulder. He ignores them, waving them off with the rest of the blunt. His hand moves to the inside of my thigh and he rubs me so close that I know he can feel the inside of my legs shake. ā€œShould I take care of you right here?ā€ he bites my neck, and I whimper, pulling his hair.
Vinnie pulls back from me, piercing a hole into my eyes. ā€œPlease?ā€ I beg, gnawing on my lip.
He uses the other hand and wraps it around my throat, effectively restricting my breathing. He tilts my head to the side. ā€œDo you think you deserve it?ā€ he whispers against my lips with his eyebrow raised.Ā 
Struggling, I lightly nod my head in his firm grip. ā€œYes, Vinnie,ā€ I squeak out, and he gives me one last squeeze on the throat before grabbing my wrist and yanking me through the crowd.
Bodies brush past me as Vinnie drags me up the steps to his room. ā€œWait, where are we going?ā€Ā I ask, confused. He just asked if I needed to be taken care of right there and then... I did say yes.
ā€œYou think Iā€™m gonna let everyone watch me fuck you?ā€ he scoffs.
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Once we got the sex talk out of the way, Vinnie makes quick work to get me undressed. I moan into the darkness of the room as Vinnie leaves love bites down my neck, only breaking the contact to lift my tank top over my head. He pauses his movements to take in the black lacy bralette I'm wearing. ā€œFuck, baby. You donā€™t know what you do to me,ā€ he groans, then smashes his lips back onto mine.Ā 
He slams me against his closed bedroom door before slowly dropping down onto his knees. Watching him sink to the ground has an involuntary giggle leaving my lips. ā€œVinnie, I didnā€™t think you were going to actually-ā€ he cuts me off, spinning me around so my ass is facing him.
Suddenly, an echoing smack verberates off the walls and my ass cheeks are on fire. Yelping, I sink my teeth into my bottom lips, trying to muffle the noise Iā€™m making.
He slowly inches his hands up my legs until my skirt is fully pushed up to my stomach. His fingers meet my panties, and he runs my fingers over them, seemingly savoring every last moment. ā€œDid you wear these for me, sunshine?ā€ He hooks one finger under one side, pulling it back and making the elastic snap around my hips.
I reach out to support myself on anything to keep my knees from buckling. ā€œNo,ā€ I joke, and he bends my knees a bit.
He rubs calming circles into the back of my thighs with his thumbs. ā€œDonā€™t need you collapsing on my baby,ā€ he informs me.
Taking both sides in his hands, he rips the fabric in half and shreds it off my body like paper. ā€œShame. I wouldā€™ve let you keep them.ā€Ā 
Gasping, I look down and watch them fall to the ground. He palms my ass, spreading my cheeks further apart. ā€œBend over just a little bit more, baby,ā€ he instruct, kissing my ass on both sides.Ā 
Slowly shifting in his grasp, I whine as I bend over. Iā€™m desperate for him, all over me. Filling every hole over and over again until Iā€™m screaming for help.
He hovers his mouth over my pussy. ā€œYouā€™re so fucking gorgeous,ā€ he praises me, running his pointer finger up and down my folds to collect my wetness.
ā€œLet me tell you something, sunshine,ā€ he grumbles, rubbing his fingers in circles on my puffy, swollen nub. ā€œThere's absolutely nothing I wouldnā€™t do for you. Do you understand?ā€ he looks up at me, awaiting my response.
Unable to focus, I just nod my head.
ā€œYou have to use your words, baby.ā€ he instantly retracts his fingers from my clit bringing them into his mouth. With a pop, he pulls them out, moaning at the taste of my arousal.
I groan, throwing my head back in frustration. ā€œYes, I know. Just please take care of me, Vinnie,ā€ I practically beg for the second time tonight.
He returns his fingers to my pussy, slowly rubbing around my entrance. ā€œIf you asked me to shoot myself, I would,ā€ he growls, slowly sinking his fingers into me. Curling them downwards on every thrust, his fingers search for that spongy spot. He pulls out and thrusts into me again, and my breath quickens. ā€œIf you asked me to slit my wrists, I would.ā€ Quickening his pace, my moans echo through the large bedroom. ā€œYou gotta stay quiet, baby. I wanna be the only one to hear those pretty moans.ā€Ā 
He uses his free hand, bringing it up to my clit, rubbing fast circles on my sensitive bud. His fingers are thrusting into me at such an intense rate that I feel the world collapsing beneath me. My pussy contracts around his fingers and he groans deeply, sending a shiver up my spine. ā€œFuck yourself on my fingers, sunshine,ā€ he commands, hitting my sweet spot.Ā 
I mewl, obeying his commands, and begin rocking back into him. My orgasm starts approaching rapidly, his fingers drive into me at an unrelenting pace. When my walls flutter, he instantly slows his pace. ā€œNot yet, baby. You canā€™t cum until youā€™re quiet.ā€Ā Ā 
Crying again, I bring my hand up to muffle the sound successfully. He applies more pressure on the quick circles heā€™s drawing on my clit. I arch my back again until Iā€™m moving with his fingers just as he requested. I moan loudly, the coil in my stomach about to snap.Ā 
He blows a quick shot of air onto my exposed clit, the chill making the coil snap. My vision turns white as I quietly moan out, "Fuck, Vinn.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s it, sunshine. Cum for me, let go,ā€ he murmurs underneath me, and I can feel the lust dripping off his tongue as my orgasm rocks through me. The pace of his fingers doesnā€™t slow as he works me through my orgasm, and I hear my nails scratch against the drywall. My legs quake and my back arches slightly, my mouth opening in a silent moan.Ā 
He slows his thrusting and pulls out of me, rising to his feet. He turns me around to face him, his eyes taking in the fucked out expression on my face. ā€œYou wanna know how good you taste, baby?ā€ Grabbing my chin, he rubs his thumb over my bottom lip.
I close my eyes, trying to catch my breath and lean back into the wall. ā€œYes,ā€ I whisper, and as soon as the words leave my lips, his fingers sink into my mouth. Deciding to tease him, I swirl my tongue around his digits, imagining my tongue on his cock. His fingers push back further into my throat until I gag a little, then he pulls them out. Fucking hope heā€™s impressed that I can take them that far without coughing.
Without another thought, I smash my lips against his, savoring the taste of my orgasm on his tongue. ā€œGod, you taste so fucking good. I could eat you forever,ā€ he growls, moving my body back onto the bed.
He crawls on top of me and his bulge is pressed into me once again. ā€œVinnie, please. I need you.ā€ I whimper into his mouth as my shaky fingers move to slowly unbutton his shirt.Ā 
But he grabs my wrists, stopping me. ā€œI got it, sunshine,ā€ he laughs, then makes quick work to remove his shirt.Ā 
I shamelessly watch as he slowly strips out of his pants and his boxers. Even though Iā€™ve seen him naked in front of me before, heā€™s never fully been hard. His dick is beautiful. His swollen head is already dripping with precum, making him look good enough to deep throat.Ā 
Vinnie slowly climbs back onto the bed and my eyes widen, realizing whatā€™s about to happen. My breathing quickens in anticipation as he comes down to kiss me hard and deep.Ā 
I moan into him, but my hands move to his chest to push him back as I look down, suddenly scared. ā€œItā€™s too big, I donā€™t think itā€™ll fit,ā€ I insist, crawling away from him.
He grabs my ankles, pulling me back down. ā€œWeā€™re gonna make it fit, baby,ā€ he retorts, his eyes dark.Ā 
The tip of his dick moves back and forth in between my folds, collecting wetness. I whimper, squeezing his shoulders.Ā 
ā€œHey, sunshine. Look at me.ā€ He grabs my chin until I make eye contact with him. ā€œWe can stop if you want to stop. I won't go any further,ā€ he reassures, resting his forehead on mine.
I immediately shake my head, inhaling a sharp breath. ā€œNo, I want thisā€“I want you. Just be careful, please.ā€ I pull him into me for a heated kiss and tug his hair, making him groan and deepen the kiss.Ā 
Finally, he pulls back and lines himself up near my entrance, spitting and letting the dribble collect on his base. ā€œThis is gonna hurt, so just relax for me, baby.ā€ My legs are pushed open a little wider.Ā 
I nod, trying to calm myself, and he laces his fingers in mine before he moves. The tip of his shaft pushes in, and I gasp at the stretch. ā€œShit, Vinnie,ā€ I cry out, squeezing his hands until my knuckles turn white. Tears prick at the corner of my eyes, the burn from his girth sends fire into my core.Ā 
Immediately, he stops moving, looking into my eyes. ā€œDo you want me to stop? Iā€™ll stop,ā€ he groans out.Ā 
I bite my lip, shaking my head no.Ā 
He kisses the corner of my eyes and whispers, ā€œOkay, just relax for me, sunshine. Iā€™ll try to make this quick.ā€ He continues to sink slowly into me, bottoming out, and I wince again. To allow me to adjust to his length, he pauses his movements. ā€œYouā€™re squeezing me so tight. Fuck, Iā€™m not gonna last long,ā€ he breathes, bending down to kiss my neck. And then, he slowly starts rocking into me and the burn is replaced with a familiar warmth.Ā 
ā€œOh, god. Vinnie,ā€ I moan, releasing his hands to claw at his back for support.Ā 
Heā€™s hitting the perfect spot already, and he just got inside me. He continues to slowly push in and out of me, allowing me to savor the feeling of him inside me. I moan, biting on his shoulder.Ā 
ā€œMore.ā€ My legs are already shaking. ā€œGive me more,ā€ I demand, kissing up to his ear.
Pulling back, he looks at me. ā€œAre you sure?ā€ His hand strokes my curls.
I pull him down into a kiss, allowing my tongue to explore his mouth once more. ā€œYes, please. Use me, fuck me,ā€ I beg, squirming underneath him.
Vinnie fists the sheets below my head and adjusts his position. I brace myself. ā€œThe safe word is ā€˜moonā€™, Sunshine. Use it if you need it.ā€ He kisses my neck once more and begins driving into me at a steady, even rate. The tip of his length kisses my g-spot with each stroke. ā€œFuccckkkk,ā€ he growls into my ear, and I feel myself squeezing him when the words hit my eardrums.Ā 
ā€œVinnie,ā€ I moan.Ā 
The only sound outside of our pants and moans is the sound of his skin slapping against mine as he fucks me. He wraps his tattooed hand around my throat, leaning in for a kiss. And as if I wasn't already in heaven, he brings his fingers down to rub quick circles on my clit.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m gonna cum, doll. But I need to feel you squeezing me before I do,ā€ he commands, and I cry as I arch into him.Ā 
He pounds into me steadily, rocking my body into the bed. Each stroke pushes me closer and closer over the edge until I feel myself contracting around him.Ā 
ā€œCum with me, sunshine,ā€ he whispers against my lips, and it sends me over the edge.Ā 
Arching my back and screaming, I claw at his back and bite his shoulder as my orgasm hits me like a train. Just when I thought he couldnā€™t get any deeper, he lifts my hips slightly.Ā 
ā€œWhere do you want me to cum, love?ā€ His dick kisses my cervix, and I know Iā€™ll be bruised tomorrow. But I canā€™t bring myself to give a shit right now.Ā 
He twitches inside me, and I lick a stripe up his neck. ā€œCum in me, Vinnie,ā€ I whimper, and he growls into my neck.Ā 
His seed spills inside me, his strokes becoming uneven. I moan at the feeling, and squeeze around him, milking out every drop of his cum as he paints my walls. It fills me up and Iā€™ve never felt better after sex.Ā 
He stills inside me, kissing me breathlessly, and takes a few moments to catch his breath. Before he pulls out, I wrap my arms around him, causing him to bury further inside me. ā€œStay,ā€ I plead, tears threatening to spill over in my eyes.
He softly strokes my hair, wrapping his arm around me and slowly flipping us over so Iā€™m on top. ā€œOkay, sunshine. I got you. Fuck, that was the fastest Iā€™ve ever cum before in my life,ā€Ā 
Like I requested, he doesnā€™t pull out. Just pulls me closer into his body until Iā€™m melting into the beautiful tattoos on his chest. His fingers begin tracing light patterns across my back.Ā 
I sniffle, looking up at him with a small smile on my face, and he looks at me. ā€œYou okay, sunshine?ā€ he asks, and I shift on his length a little bit.Ā 
Sitting up to put my hands on his chest, I feel his dick twitching and growing inside me. ā€œYeah. Let's go again,ā€ I giggle, bending down to kiss him. It surprises me how heā€™s already ready for round two, but I donā€™t complain.Ā 
He groans into my mouth, wrapping his decorated arms around my waist. Slowly, I lift myself until I feel his tip threatening to slip out. I slide back down onto him, filling myself completely and moaning at the change of position.Ā 
His hands tighten around my waist, helping me swirl my hips around. ā€œI want you to know youā€™re mine, sunshine,ā€ he groans, reaching up to play with my nipples as I moan at the feeling of him stretching me from this angle.Ā 
I pick up my pace, bouncing on his dick until heā€™s hitting my perfect spot over and over again. My legs shake, and I feel my third orgasm approaching rapidly. My hand moves to his neck, squeezing it hard. I feel so fucking powerful, making myself cum with his length.Ā 
Vinnie looks up at me with amazement in his eyes and slides his thumb in between us to apply pressure on my clit. I throw my head back and moan, still choking him. ā€œGod. You look so pretty when you moan.ā€Ā 
The pace of his thumb quickens, and I topple over the edge, crashing into my third orgasm with a loud cry. I release my hand on his neck, falling forward. Vinnie removes his hand from my clit to catch me and keep from coming down on his body. He allows me to rest on his chest as he starts to fuck up into me, elongating my orgasm.Ā 
ā€œVinnie,ā€ I choke out, and my voice bounces off his walls.Ā 
He picks up his pace, driving into me from below. ā€œThatā€™s it, doll. Scream my name. Let the world know who fucking owns you.ā€Ā 
He pounds my body into his, and I grip his shoulders when I feel a tingling sensation on my clit. Wetness suddenly shoots out from between my legs, running down my thighs and covering his stomach. My whole body quakes, but he doesnā€™t slow down.Ā 
ā€œFuck, sunshine. Look at the mess you made, cumming all over me.ā€Ā 
My brain is on a different planet as he slows down, allowing me to glance down at the soaked sheets. He slowly pulls me off him and I wince, falling backward onto the bed. Then, Vinnie moves me so Iā€™m laying on my side, out of the wet spot, before slowly pushing back into me, spooning me, and caressing my hair. ā€œNo one will ever fuck you ever again, for the rest of your life but me. Do you understand?ā€Ā 
Slamming into me at an unrelenting pace, he bites my neck. His hand wraps around my throat, applying a bit of pressure. Every thrust sends me closer to the edge, and the only thing I register is him kissing the back of my neck. Iā€™m so fucked, I canā€™t speak. I canā€™t think.Ā 
ā€œYes,ā€ I babble out, arching my back into him.Ā 
All I feel is pure bliss. The room is spinning, and I feel another orgasm rapidly approaching. He nibbles a love bite into my neck, hitting my G-spot over and over again. My thighs are lifted a little higher until I see white. ā€œCum for me again, Sunshine. You feel so good when you squeeze me,ā€ he mumbles into my neck.
I shake my head, and gripping his forearm that chokes me. ā€œI canā€™t,ā€ I cry, looking at the view from his roomā€” everything is spinning.Ā 
Vinnie increases his pace, slamming into me. ā€œYou can, and you will,ā€ he snarls in my ear.Ā 
I feel the tears spilling over in my eyes as he applies more pressure on my throat. The overstimulation of his dick drilling into me repeatedly sends me toppling over another edge, and I wail his name, feeling my soul leave my body. Everything feels fuzzy as his thrusts become sloppy before he lets out an animalistic grunt. I feel his dick twitch, then, shooting hot ropes into me. The heat of it makes me feel like Iā€™m going to pass out, and I moan at the sensation. He continues to slowly thrust into me, riding out both of our orgasms.Ā 
After weā€™re both spent, he buries himself deep inside me, stroking my hair and peppering kisses on my shoulder as I come down from my high. ā€œYou did so well for me, Sunshine. Fucking fantastic,ā€ he praises.
He slowly caresses my hips as my body shakes against his. I wince as he slowly pulls out and scoots down to the bottom of the bed. Spreading my legs wide open, he watches our cum leak out of me. My swollen pussy contracts around nothing, pushing his seed out, and I hear him groan.Ā 
He brings his fingers up to my entrance and I wince. ā€œShhh, Sunshine, Iā€™m just making sure we donā€™t waste a drop,ā€ he coos, stuffing his fingers into me and massaging my g-spot.Ā 
An inevitable moan leaves my lips I arch my back to get closer to him. ā€œYou want to cum again?ā€ He asks before leaning over to flick his tongue over her my. Crying out at the overstimulation, I shake my head.Ā 
ā€œToo bad, baby.ā€ he quickly thrusts into me with his fingers, moaning at the taste of our orgasms mixing. His tongue flicks over my swollen, puffy clit. I havenā€™t used our safe word, and I know heā€™s going to keep pushing me until I say it.
Vinnie removes his tongue from my clit and he uses his other hand to collect our orgasms on his finger. The pace of his fingers slows and he begins rubbing a circle around my tight hole. He slowly pushes his finger into my ass, fucking me with both hands.Ā 
Iā€™m unable to control my movements as I thrash underneath him. His finders drive in and out, reaching the most delicious spot.Ā 
ā€œGive me one last one, Sunshine. I promise Iā€™ll let you stop after,ā€ he orders, and I move my hands to his hair to tug on it.
He pushes his finger further into my ass, curling it a bit more, and I snap. Neglecting his noise warning, my screams and my moans erupt through the room. He moans as he works both of my holes through what I assume is my last orgasm.Ā 
As finally comes down, I whimper, ā€œMoon,ā€ and he stops and slowly pulls his fingers out, satisfied with my overstimulation.Ā 
He crawls up my body, grabbing my face so I'm forced to look at him. ā€œYou're everything to meā€“perfect and mine,ā€ he mumbles into my mouth and I wipe away the tears in my eyes.Ā 
My brain buzzes with post-sex high. ā€œOnly for you,ā€ I whisper into the night.
I did so well, and I am his.
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twobluejeans Ā· 1 year
charles leclerc x famous!reader
summary: in which the lavender haze has been lifted. or in which americaā€™s it couple splits.
part 11: 1997 y/nā€™s version promo series masterlist
faceclaim: madison beer
allyā€™s radio šŸ“»: PART 11! iā€™m sorry for starving yā€™all, hope this makes up šŸ’€šŸ’—.
july 22, 2023
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By Glamour
july 22, 2023 8:16AM
Just a few weeks ago, Charles Leclerc seemed to be shimmering with joy about his relationship with Lola Ransdell. ā€œHeā€™s happier than heā€™s been in a long time,ā€ one insider told Us Weekly. Friends of Leclerc and Ransdell were texting a New Yorker writer who profiled Ransdell to say, off the record, that ā€œthis time, itā€™s real.ā€Ā 
Close insidersĀ  were reporting that the Ferrari driver and Youtuber were even planning to share Leclercā€™s estate in Monaco, a house he once shared with singing scarlet ex, Y/n L/n.Ā  In a recent youtube video, Ransdell herself told her fanbase, ā€œIā€™ve just never been this happy in my life, in all aspects of my life, ever before.ā€Ā 
Just weeks later, Leclercā€™s and Ransdellā€™s relationship is over. So how did things go from sparks flying to their last kiss so quickly? Letā€™s hear from the sources.
Shortly after TMZ first reported the breakup, without a reason, a source had more for Entertainment Tonight. ā€œThey are both extremely busy and realized theyā€™re not really compatible with each other,ā€ they said.
That checks out ā€” Leclerc had been off the road when their relationship went public, but the summer season of formula one recently kicked off a marathon in Britain, early July, leaving little time for their rendezvous between Ransdellā€™s own schedule.Ā 
But immediately, Leclercā€™s split looked and sounded like a bit of image rehabilitation given the multiple controversies following Ransdell. Their relationship became controversial as soon as it began, as fans were quick to note that Randell shared uncanny similarities to ex, Y/n L/n.
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Left to right: Ransdell, L/n via instagram
As more insider comments poured in post-split, a narrative seemed to form that their relationship was just a low-key rebound all along.
ā€œIt was always casual,ā€ a source told People. ā€œIt was never serious,ā€ another told Us. And in an instantly memed quote, another insider told People, ā€œThey were never boyfriend-girlfriend or exclusive.ā€ If you read between the lines of the reporting during their relationship, though, this doesnā€™t seem too far off.Ā 
That source who told Us how much ā€œhappierā€ Leclerc was with Ransdell did go on to add, ā€œItā€™s hard to tell if theyā€™ll go the distance.ā€ And another seemed to tell People that Ransdell was just Leclercā€™s sidepiece while he was away from his main squeeze, the Hungary Grand PrixĀ  itself. ā€œHeā€™s very focused on his job but is enjoying hanging out with Ransdell when he is off,ā€ they said.
Sure, not all the insiders saw things that way. The source who initially confirmed their relationship to the The Sun said Leclerc and Ransdell were ā€œmadly in loveā€ at the time. (Maybe they even said as much themselves.) Another had told Us that the couple was ā€œmoving fast,ā€ adding, ā€œThey really enjoy each otherā€™s company and want to spend as much time together as possible.ā€ And even we saw the public kissing, cuddling, and late nights at Leclercā€™s apartment.
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Leclerc and Ransdell spotted at a beach in Malibu last week via@tmz
Nearly every source who confirmed Leclercā€™s breakup added that he was just having ā€œfunā€ with Ransdell. ā€œHe wasnā€™t ready for another serious relationship just yet,ā€ a source told Us, after his previous split from six-year girlfriend Y/n L/n.Ā 
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Leclerc and L/n spotted at the same beach in malibu, just a year before Leclerc revisited the spot with the Australian Influencer via@tmz
Crucially, that source added that his friends werenā€™t surprised by the split, echoing a detail from that initial ET report. ā€œCharlesā€™s friends want whatā€™s best for him and arenā€™t shocked that their relationship fizzled out,ā€ the ET source said. ā€œIn fact, some of them even encouraged him to break up with herā€”his family included.ā€
So, the classic case of friends and family supporting a relationship in the moment even though they can already see the end. Take it from a ā€œPage Sixā€ source: ā€œEveryone who really knows him has been saying all along that this was a fun, good-time thing that would last as long as it lasted and would be no big deal once it was done.ā€
Ā That insider went on to call the relationship ā€œa summertime thing,ā€ comparing it to his 2015 fling with Charlotte SinĆ©.
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Leclerc and Sine back in 2015, via @charlottesiine on instagram in now deleted posts.
To this unusually chatty and surprisingly profound insider, this wasnā€™t even a proper breakup. ā€œItā€™s a natural evolution of a fun little thing whose moment is over,ā€ they said.
Or, at least, whose moment is over for now. As one of Peopleā€™s sources added after the split, ā€œWho knows what could happen again.ā€
ā€¢ Lola Ransdell seen leaving Charles Leclercā€™s Home crying moments before news of breakup.
ā€¢ Charles Leclerc and Lola Ransdell have unfollowed each other on instagram
ā€¢ A look back at Charles Leclercā€™s Relationships..so far
TWITTER, july 22
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INSTAGRAM, july 22
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, aarontaylorjohnson, gigihadid, and 8,829,184 others
yourinstagram good in goodbye. single & music video out 7/28. meet me behind the mall.
View all 17,828 comments
y/nserastour GIRL WHAT THE FUCK
lovinghimwasred i understood that reference ā˜ļø
madisonbaileybabe my favs in one room omg
obxstarkey itā€™s just a music video šŸ˜€ itā€™s just a music video šŸ˜€ itā€™s just a music video šŸ˜€
obxscenes the devil (and kris jenner) work hard but y/n l/n works harder.
drewstarkey so much for summer love
y/nswizzle i just know this song is abt charles..
charlesleclercfan11 y/nswizzle she needs to leave him alone atp like itā€™s so obvious and embarrassing. sheā€™s just so obsessed and using his name to stay relevant.
yourinstagram charlesleclercfan11 if you listened closely, you'd know my music's about my life, not a single person. but hey, i guess 'obsession' sells records, right?
madelyncline lowkey offended u didnā€™t chose me as your love interest
yourinstagram madelyncline dw babe you can be it in the next one šŸ’˜
libray/n yourinstagram WHAT DO U MEAN NEXT ONE???
TWITTER, july 22
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INSTAGRAM, july 22
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liked by landonorris, bejeweledleclerc, and 789,174 others
tmz_tv #Y/nL/n appears to have confirmed the dating rumors about her and #AaronTaylorJohnson! See video of Y/n and Aaron driving the getaway car from diorā€™s backstage after party to a private dinner near the singer scarletā€™s manhattan apartment.
view all 137,929 comments
landonorris OH SHIT
szasbutterfly the 1997 y/nā€™s version promo is insane
kardashianclips I dont understand why it's a big thing ...like she's always dating somebody
kanye_ontop she wrote 10 songs that night
goatwest kanye_ontop 1. "London Love Story" 2. "Stage Lights and Tea" 3. "Theatrical Love Affair" 4. "Leading Man" 5. "Behind the Scenes" 6. "Silver Screen Across the Sea" 7. "Cinema Nights" 8. "West End Serenade" 9. "Take One" 10. "Scene Stealer"
salvatoredelrey this relationship is so 2010s coded
bellyxconrad the beginning of another beautiful song for us #your/fandoms/name
user31 maybe y/n should focus on her music and less on her love life. It's getting old šŸ˜’
TWITTER, july 22
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ally's radio šŸ“» : HI GUYS IM BACK! sorry for the two month hiatus šŸ’€ anywyas, SECRETS OUT ATJ IS THE NEW LOVERRR (bless up) (henry was so, so close) drew isnā€™t going to interfere w the story, just thought itā€™d be fun to throw him in there bc heā€™s hotšŸ˜. what do we think? also what do we think charlesā€™s reaction is gonna be? lmk bc iā€™m so curious how yā€™all think this is gonna play out. i have an idea, but iā€™m welcome to others ofc.
taglist:@incoherenciass@dakotali@405rry@topaz125@sassyheroneckgiant@hevburn@itsmytimetoodream@ivegotparticulartaste@crowdedimagines @asterianax @haydee5010@scenesofobx@christinabae@magical-spit@dessxoxsworld@myareadsbooks@honethatty12@hopefulinlove@diasnohibng@gentlemonsterjennie1@hummusxx@eugene-emt-roe@taestrwbrry @perjarma @cxcewg@chimchimjiminie16@glow-ish@allywthsr @millyswife@mrsmaybank13@black-swan-blog27 @stargaryenx@lilsiz@ohthemisssery@leclerclvr
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aluciahaz Ā· 6 months
may i just say that your character writing is AMAZING! i honestly donā€™t check up on your blog a lot but when i do iā€™m left SHAKING because your shit is soooo hot.
Anyways i humbly come requesting mommy kink with vox because you know iā€™m all about that. heā€™s so desperate for validation and scared of rejection i feel like heā€™d be weeping at a domme mommy type reader. Anyways, do what you want with this!
once again i love your work! sincerely, bimbo <3
oh my god it's one of my favorite writers on tumblršŸ¦… thank you so much for the compliment it means a lot šŸ˜­ also i loved writing this ive desperately needed more vox asks! hope you enjoy! (kinda went ham on metaphors šŸ’€ mb)
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greed never stops
ā€”vox x f!reader
ā€”includes: overstim, tons of crying, begging, light bondage
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vox was a walking, living(?) juxtaposition.
heā€™ll go barking orders to his subordinates, control most situations with smooth, quick thinking, and command his business with an iron fist.
but with you, the other side of his screen is on full display. his vulnerable, attention-desperate, failure-fearful self. youā€™ve seen it enough times to notice how it seeps into his daily life. how his control is really just a mechanism to take hold of his vulnerability, hiding it behind a mess of steel wires to make anyone who would try and reach it get tangled in its grasp.
but the moments he lets you untangle his facade, allowing you to see his true self, he feels free. even if most of the time it was during more intimate moments in the night. it was where he could truly indulge in his unfamiliar desires, crying and begging for the validation he was always seeking.
and you were the one he needed it from.
your praise was one of the highest in the hierarchy of compliments, making him feel like he was burning up, frying his brain in a way that made him feel like heā€™s short-circuited, but the feeling of fuzziness was intoxicating. he could never give up the taste of your compliments.
ā€œcome on, arenā€™t you a good boy? you can hold out for a little longer.ā€
those words were like rich liquor, and vox was an eager drinker. it swirled his thoughts into a never-ending spiral, and he could only cry in response as you touched his face with a gentleness that rivals an angelā€™s.
ā€œb-but, mommyā€”!ā€ he sobs as your fingers drive into him for what seems the thousandth time, his voice module starting to struggle as he tries to speak.
ā€œoh?ā€ you raise your eyebrow, feigning shock before narrowing your eyes, pressing him further down the sheets in disdain. is he still being ungrateful?
ā€œbut what, huh? donā€™t tell me you need more already! youā€™re such a greedy fucking slut,ā€ you spit out, watching his eyes shoot open from the whiplash of your cruel words. ā€œmaybe i should stopā€”,ā€
ā€œNO! nono, please! no! iā€™m sorryā€”!ā€ he keens as your fingers slowly start to slip out of him, the sound so indecent it makes him shiver.
he pushes his hips up into your hand, trying to follow them only for your other hand to shove his hips back down on the sheets, your fingers twisting nearly all the way out before ramming back in, curling in wickedly that seems to shut him up briefly as he catches a breath that ran away.
vox weeps, unable to do anything else as his claws rip into the mattress, his legs shake and tremble as though they werenā€™t practically crushing you before. he seems so fragile at this moment, yet you knew he could take much more.
he just didnā€™t deserve it.
he whines and screams at your touch, tears starting to fall down his pretty little face as the small amount of dignity he had seems to get lost, overrun by your torturous fingers and unyielding pleasure that shoots through his body like a current.
ā€œmommyā€”haā€”please jusā€”zzā€”t fuck me, oh, god!ā€ his head drops back down onto the pillows as your fingers wrap around his weeping cock, making his back arch as he sobs out noncoherent pleads. itā€™s beautifully pathetic.
his legs, weak and feeble, were strewn across the bed with previous markings trailing up his inner thigh, his neck even more decorated with a necklace of red, the glimmer of sweat that covers his whole body making those bites shine similar to crude rubies.
his hands, now tied with his own wires behind the bed (he charges there before he goes to sleep) were sullied with crimson from the tightness of the metal around his wrist, but not as bright crimson as his eyes, which flashed with bright red hearts intermittently. it was always a pleasant surprise, and a sign that he fucking loved this. no matter how much he complained at the start, his eyes spoke the truth.
which is why now, as you replace your fingers with his favorite strap, you know heā€™s absolutely overjoyed as those beating hearts seem to overtake his pupils once more, pulsating with a hypnotizing spiral.
ā€œfinallyā€”! ohā€”zzzā€”FUCK!ā€ his last word is practically inaudible with the airiness in his voice, his tone starting to distort, yet, your pace was slow. shallow, even. tears of frustration started to form at the ends of his eyes, his whines more pitiful as he tries to fuck himself back on your strap, only to be stopped by your sturdy grip on his hips.
ā€œwhat do you say, vox?ā€œ you asked, irritation slipping into your voice. how could he still be so ungrateful? but, he catches on fast, looking up at you with round, glossy eyes.
ā€œthank you! thankā€”thank you, mommy!ā€ he stumbles out before you switch up your pace instantly, brutally ramming into him just how he likes it. it makes him unable to fathom he could have been known to be anything but yours, surrendering his well-built persona to you. all of it, for your praise.
ā€œsuch a good boy.ā€
those words were priceless, but he always ends up trying to buy them with obedience. and even though heā€™s successfully checked out with such praise, they still have the same effect on him every time.
he shudders and wails with ruined pitch, his screen flickering in and out of error messages and his lovely expression as he gets his reward. there was just something so satisfying about earning your praise.
sure, he can buy pretty much anything, and yes, he can get people to kneel at his feet, but he canā€™t cry without shame, or indulge in his true desires of being completely wrecked with soft words and fast hips with anyone. no, it could only be you. and even if he practically has everything under his hands, he will always be greedy for your affection, begging, screaming for a chance to have it set his whole body ablaze with its foreign warm feeling.
it makes him lost. no matter how much intelligence vox has, he always finds himself unable to search his way out of the feeling of pure lust overtaking his senses when you fuck him with abandon, his need to keep face seemingly never being there in the first place as tears make him short-circuit, and pleads for you to never stop. he doesnā€™t want to leave this labyrinth of carnality. he wants to stay lost in it forever.
itā€™s why even after he cums with a high-pitch sob so loud you thought his volume module broke, he kept weeping incoherently as the lights flicker in the room, his legs practically numb. and finally, he looks up at you, sniffling and choking on his words heā€™ll pretend to regret the next morning.
ā€œm-more. please, mommyā€”! AH!ā€ his whole body jolts as you heed his wishes, leaving him to fall back into the pleasure that he craves. he babbles on and on with thank yous and nonsensical sentences, the night seeming to become never-ending even with daybreak inching closer and closer.
vox is unable to speak at the end, and god does everything fucking hurt. his arms ache and his legs are definitely going to be an issue when he has to walk. there are marks all over his skin that will never see the light of day, yet be around for plenty of nights.
but you both know heā€™ll come back for more. his greed is an unquenchable thirst, and your praise is the only fountain that seems to satiate it, even if only for a little while.
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(i totally didnt forget to tag)
tags: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @mvskedxrtist @drlucichen @luciferspetduck
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šŸ•Æļø Shadows & Symbolism: The Gothic Writer's Grimoire šŸ¦‡
Hello writers! I hope you're all doing well. Autumn is my favorite time of year, and I'm sure many of you love it too. With Halloween just around the corner, I thought it would be nice to start getting into the spirit a bit early. For those of you working on a gothic or fiction book, I wanted to share some themes and symbols to help bring that spooky, gothic, and dark vibe to your writing. šŸ¦‡
šŸ•øļøThemes and Symbols for Gothic & Horror StoriesšŸ•Æļø
šŸŒ™ The Moon šŸŒš
Symbol of mystery, the unknown, and the supernatural
Represents the cycle of life, death, and rebirth
Can signify madness, hysteria, and the primal forces of nature
šŸ•·ļø Spiders & Webs šŸ•øļø
Symbolize entrapment, deception, and the unseen
Represent the intricate, tangled nature of evil and darkness
Can foreshadow impending doom or the unraveling of secrets
šŸ’€ Skulls & Bones šŸ’€
Signify mortality, the fragility of life, and the inevitability of death
Evoke a sense of the macabre, the morbid, and the occult
Can represent the lingering presence of the dead or the afterlife
šŸ–¤ Darkness & Shadows šŸŒ‘
Symbolize the unknown, the subconscious, and the mysterious
Represent the hidden, sinister forces that lurk in the corners
Can signify a descent into madness or the loss of control
šŸ¦‡ Bats & Ravens šŸ¦‡
Portend ominous events, death, and misfortune
Symbolize the supernatural, the occult, and the Gothic
Can represent messengers from the underworld or harbingers of doom
šŸ•Æļø Candles & Flames šŸ•Æļø
Signify the fragility of life and the ever-present threat of extinguishment
Represent the struggle between light and dark, good and evil
Can symbolize the human soul, spirituality, and the afterlife
šŸ§  The Mind & Madness šŸ§ 
Explore the depths of the psyche and the fragility of sanity
Represent the battle between reason and the irrational
Signify the descent into obsession, delusion, and the unknown
šŸ° Crumbling Mansions & Castles šŸ°
Symbolize the decay of the old order and the erosion of power
Represent the weight of the past and the burden of history
Can signify the collapse of the elite and the rise of the macabre
Use these evocative themes and symbols to craft your next Gothic or horror masterpiece and chill your readers to the bone! šŸ’€ Let me know if want more post related to everything spooky!
Happy Writing! - Rin T. šŸšŸŽƒšŸ‚
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset Ā· 2 months
Hiii I saw ur recent post and idk if this is any help but what about an Ethan Landry x Carpenter! Reader smut? So basically reader is Sam and Taraā€™s little sister, sheā€™s like one year younger anyways it can be something where they all go to the same college and are in the same friend group. And the reader has always had a crush on Ethan since she got accepted in Blackmore with her sisters and her and Ethan are really close like best friends so she doesnā€™t wanna ruin the friendship, but at the frat party they all decided to play spin the bottle and reader gets ethan and yk they make out but then after the party Ethan starts avoiding reader cuz heā€™s always liked her to he js got in his feelings and thought it was awkward. But after like reader cries to Tara and Sam and stuff Tara knocks sense into Ethan and they makeup and confess and well yk what they do next lmao but this js popped in my head and ur my favorite Ethan writer so pleaseeee consider writing this tyyyšŸ©·
HiiiiišŸ’• This is the first thing I've fully written in a while, so I hope you like it!!
All I Want - Ethan Landry x Fem!Carpenter!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: See ask box lmao. I probably ruined the suspense but that's okayšŸ’€
Contains: Underage drinking, Oral - f receiving, p in v (My brain is done for the day so if I'm missing anything, let me know.)
W/C: 7.7k
A/N: I'm still a little rusty, but this was the first thing I've written in forever that wasn't absolute fucking clown shoes lmaoooo. Also, if you see any spelling/grammatical errors, no you didn't šŸ’€
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When you moved in with your sisters right before you started your freshman year at Blackmore, the last person everyone expected you to get the closest to was Ethan. He wasnā€™t the most social, but thatā€™s what drew you to him. He was really quiet the night you first met him, which only made you want to talk to him even more. You talked for hours, learning so much about each other as he came out of his shell, and youā€™ve been inseparable ever since.
Sam was just as protective over you as she was with Tara, and once she noticed you and Ethan were spending a lot of time together, she cornered him in the kitchen one night when he came out of your room to get a drink during one of your many study sessions.
ā€œWhatā€™s going on with you and my sister?ā€ Sam questioned, as Ethanā€™s cheeks turned bright red. He felt so awkward and uncomfortable as she stared him down. ā€œAre you going to answer me?ā€
ā€œSorry,ā€ he mumbled, as he leaned against the kitchen counter. ā€œNothingā€™s going on. Weā€™re just friends.ā€
ā€œThere better not be anything going on,ā€ Sam warned, ā€œAnd I know you stayed over in her room the other night. Iā€™m not okay with that.ā€
ā€œNothing happened,ā€ he said, as he glanced at the floor. ā€œIt wonā€™t happen again.ā€
ā€œI swear, Ethan, if you try anything with her,ā€ Sam got out, before Ethan got really frustrated with the situation.
ā€œI canā€™t be her friend without wanting to get in her pants?ā€ Ethan questioned, as Sam was taken aback at his tone change. ā€œYouā€™ve known me for a year now, and I know you worry about her just like Tara, but do you really think Iā€™d do that?ā€
ā€œIā€™m sorry,ā€ Sam said, as she relaxed a little, realizing she was in the wrong for questioning him like that. ā€œSheā€™s been hurt before, and I donā€™t want her to go through that again.ā€
ā€œI understand where youā€™re coming from, but I just want to be her friend. Guys and girls are allowed to be friends without there being something else going on,ā€ Ethan said, as she sighed and nodded. ā€œDo you care if I study in her room with her? Or would you rather have us in the living room so you can keep an eye on us?ā€
ā€œYou can study in her room,ā€ she said, as Ethan walked away from her with his drink in his hand.
Ethan wasnā€™t lying when he said that nothing had happened between the two of you, but he was lying when he said he just wanted to be your friend. The only person heā€™d mentioned his crush on you to was Chad, who immediately shut it down, knowing that Sam would have no problem killing Ethan and disposing of his body if he ever did try anything with you. Chad knew Ethan was a good guy, but with how skeptical Sam was over his relationship with Tara at first, even though theyā€™d been friends since childhood, she knew it would take a lot longer for her to even begin to warm up to the idea of you and Ethan being together. If that wasnā€™t enough of a reason to keep him from saying anything to you about the way he felt, the possibility of him making things awkward and fucking up the friendship if you didnā€™t feel the same definitely was.
When Ethan walked back in your room, he saw you laying on your stomach, stretched out across your bed as you looked at your phone.
ā€œI thought you got lost,ā€ you said, looking at him before you glanced back at your screen. ā€œWhat took you so long?ā€
ā€œI was busy getting grilled,ā€ he said, as he was about to sit down beside you, before he sat in your desk chair instead, just in case Sam walked in.
ā€œGetting grilled?ā€ you asked, as you adjusted yourself so you were sitting up. ā€œWhy?ā€
ā€œWellll,ā€ he said, shifting awkwardly in the chair. ā€œPretty sure your sister thinks Iā€™m close to you because Iā€™m trying to sleep with you.ā€
ā€œOh my god,ā€ you said, as you hopped off the side of your bed, ready to confront her.
ā€œWait,ā€ he said, as you hesitantly came to a stop and looked at him. ā€œI kind of got pissed and raised my voice a little. That was terrifying enough. I donā€™t need you snapping on her and I end up on her shit list because she scares me.ā€
You laughed at Ethanā€™s words and the nervous look on his face before you went back over to your bed and sat down.
ā€œWhy did she have to make things weird?ā€ you questioned, as you laid back and looked at the ceiling.
ā€œItā€™s okay. I told her Iā€™m only interested in being your friend,ā€ he said, his words like a punch to your stomach as you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Youā€™d always had a little crush on him, but now you felt stupid for feeling things he didnā€™t. ā€œOh, and I donā€™t think I should stay over ever again. She mentioned that, too.ā€
ā€œWe literally fell asleep with the lights on and our laptops in front of us,ā€ you sighed, ā€œThe only reason sheā€™s being weird is because she saw a box of condoms when I was unpacking after I got here.ā€
ā€œOh,ā€ Ethan mumbled, his leg bouncing as he sat in silence for a few seconds. ā€œShould I expect a boyfriend to come visit and want to kick my ass?ā€
You giggled at his words as you sat back up, ā€œNo, I just didnā€™t want to leave them at home and have my mom go through my stuff while Iā€™m gone. I didnā€™t want to have that awkward conversation with her, but I ended up having it with Sam.ā€
Ethan cracked a smile as you cringed the more you thought about it. ā€œWell, at least she knows youā€™re being safe.ā€
After that day, you decided to hang out with Ethan at his apartment instead. It was a lot less awkward than dealing with Sam wanting to play the role of a helicopter parent, and because Tara was always there, you got to hang out with her more than you did before.
ā€œWhat do you guys want to do tonight?ā€ Chad asked, as the four of you sat around the living room. ā€œThereā€™s a party at Kappa Sigma.ā€
ā€œOooh, my first college party,ā€ you said, getting a little excited as Tara stared you down. ā€œWhat?ā€
ā€œI donā€™t think you should go to a frat party,ā€ she said, before Ethan spoke up.
ā€œIā€™ll make sure sheā€™s safe.ā€
ā€œCollege guys can be really convincing,ā€ she said, ignoring Ethanā€™s comment. ā€œI just donā€™t want some asshole to take advantage of you.ā€
ā€œIā€™ll just stay with Ethan all night,ā€ you said, before you turned your head to look at him. ā€œIf thatā€™s okay.ā€
ā€œOf course,ā€ he said, as Tara sighed in frustration.
ā€œI donā€™t think you should go,ā€ she said, as you started to get really annoyed.
ā€œI remember you calling me to vent when Sam was doing this same shit to you, and now youā€™re doing it to me,ā€ you said, as you stood up from your spot on the couch. ā€œI just want to have fun.ā€
Tara knew you were right, because she vividly remembered how pissed she got when Sam was a little extra-overbearing and wouldnā€™t let her do anything.
ā€œFine,ā€ Tara said, taking a deep breath before she continued, ā€œBut you stay with Ethan all night, okay? And if you tell Sam, sheā€™ll lose her shit on both of us.ā€
ā€œOkay, wanna go home with me and get ready before Sam gets home from work, then?ā€ you asked, as Tara nodded and kissed Chad before she stood up.
ā€œWeā€™ll met you guys there in an hour.ā€
You and Tara hurried to get back to the apartment and get ready before Sam got home, because even though sheā€™d loosened the reigns on Tara, she hadnā€™t done the same for you. Once you were ready to go and you and Tara were about to leave, you heard the door unlock.
ā€œFuck,ā€ you sighed, a defeated look on your face as Tara grabbed your hand and opened the linen closet door, before she pushed you inside. ā€œWhat the fuck?ā€
ā€œShhh,ā€ she said, as she closed the door.
You heard Sam greet Tara when she walked in, before she asked her what her plans were for the night. When she mentioned the party, she said it wasnā€™t set in stone that she was going, just that her and Chad had been talking about it. You rolled your eyes when Sam said you better come back home if they did go, because she didnā€™t want you left alone with Ethan. It was taking everything in you to not pop out of the closet and ask her what her problem was, but you decided to stay silent and listen instead.
ā€œYou know Ethanā€™s not a bad guy, right?ā€ Tara questioned, ā€œHeā€™s not some creep.ā€
ā€œI know heā€™s not,ā€ Sam sighed, ā€œI think she likes him, but after she got her heart broken last year, I donā€™t want her to go through that again.ā€
ā€œIf she does, she hasnā€™t said anything to me, and she tells me everything,ā€ Tara said, as you heard the sound of Samā€™s keys getting sat on the kitchen counter.
ā€œThatā€™s true,ā€ Sam said, ā€œIā€™m going to go shower. If you do go to that party, be safe.ā€
ā€œI will,ā€ Tara said, as you heard footsteps getting closer to the closet.
You jumped when the door was flung open, a nervous expression on your face until you realized it was Tara.
ā€œLetā€™s get out of here,ā€ she said, as you giggled and made your way to the front door.
As you and Tara walked the few blocks to get to the frat house, weaving around the people that were on the sidewalk, she got a little curious as she thought about the conversation she had with Sam.
ā€œDo you like Ethan?ā€ she asked, once you stopped at a crosswalk.
ā€œOf course I like him. Heā€™s my best friend,ā€ you said, as the two of you rushed across the street.
ā€œYou know what I mean,ā€ she said, as you sighed.
ā€œNot like that,ā€ you lied, ā€œIā€™m not interested in having a relationship right now.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s too bad,ā€ she said, ā€œBecause someone told me that he likes you.ā€
ā€œReally?ā€ you asked, as Tara came to a stop once she noticed the excitement in your voice. ā€œI meanā€¦who told you that?ā€
ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter,ā€ she said, a smirk playing on her lips as your cheeks began to heat up. ā€œYou sure you arenā€™t interested in him?ā€
ā€œIā€™m not interested in anyone right now.ā€
When you walked into the party, you were a little nervous when you saw the sea of people. Tara asked if you wanted to get a drink, and on the way to the kitchen, you bumped into Mindy and Anika.
ā€œHey!ā€ Anika said, hugging you once she saw you, before she moved over to Tara. You noticed Mindy behind her, her eyebrow cocked as she stared at you.
ā€œSomething tells me Sam has no idea youā€™re here,ā€ she said, as she took a quick sip of her drink. ā€œI didnā€™t believe Ethan when he said you were coming.ā€
The mention of his name had the butterflies in your tummy going crazy. You thought about what Tara said, you were sure that Chad was the one that told her Ethan liked you, and he never lied. Mindy noticed you glancing around the party for him before she spoke up.
ā€œHeā€™s in the living room,ā€ she said, the knowing look on her face making you roll your eyes.
ā€œI need a drink. If heā€™s my babysitter tonight, I want to give him a reason to keep his eye on me,ā€ you said, before you heard Anika mumble, ā€œYeah, like he needs a reason.ā€
Once you got your drink, you and Tara found Chad and Ethan leaning against the wall, talking about a new movie they wanted to see. Ethan smiled when he saw you, giving Chad a look before he whisked your sister away, leaving you and Ethan alone.
ā€œHey,ā€ he said, as he snatched your drink out of your hand. ā€œSam would kill me if I let you drink.ā€
ā€œEthannnn,ā€ you whined, as you tried to take it from him, but he held it out of your reach. ā€œCan I please have my drink?ā€
ā€œOnly if you promise not to drink too much. Iā€™d be worried about you all night after you go home,ā€ he said, as he hesitantly lowered the cup so you could grab it.
ā€œI promise,ā€ you said, a soft smile playing on your lips as you took a sip of it. ā€œSoā€¦what do you want to do?ā€
ā€œWell, I canā€™t dance,ā€ he said, as he looked at all the people grinding on each other in the middle of the living room floor. ā€œYou might not have that much fun with me.ā€
ā€œI always have fun with you,ā€ you said, your tone flirty as Ethan smirked at you. ā€œWe could always go somewhere and talk.ā€
ā€œOkay,ā€ he said, as he pushed off the wall. He grabbed your hand as he weaved between the crowd and through the house. You eventually ended up in a random bedroom, the sounds of the music thumping very faint as you took a seat on the bed.
You were nervous as you sat with Ethan, because you were trying to find a way to bring up what you were told. You liked Ethan and you loved hanging out with him, and the more you thought about it, you thought about how perfect you could be together.
ā€œSo, someone mentioned something to me today,ā€ you said, as Ethan curiously looked at you.
ā€œOh? What was it?ā€ he asked, and just as you were about to respond, the bedroom door was flung open.
You and Ethan both had wide eyes as a few frat guys and a handful of girls walked into the room, their expressions matching yours.
ā€œIf you guys are going to fuck, you need to go to another room,ā€ one of the guys said, as you glanced over at Ethan and giggled once you saw the pink tint to his cheeks.
ā€œWe werenā€™t. We were just talking,ā€ you said, as you stood up.
ā€œWait, are you guys together?ā€ the same guy asked, as he looked you up and down.
ā€œNo,ā€ you said, as he smiled at you.
ā€œYou guys want to play a game with us?ā€
You looked over at Ethan, silently asking him if thatā€™s something heā€™d want to do before he shrugged.
ā€œSure,ā€ you said, as you took another sip of your drink.
ā€œOkay, come sit on the floor,ā€ he said, as Ethan stood up and walked over.
You were a little confused once you noticed everyone was sitting in a circle. You and Ethan sat beside each other, waiting to hear what the plan was.
ā€œIs this some kind of weird satanic ritual,ā€ you joked, before the guy chuckled and grabbed an empty vodka bottle off the dresser.
ā€œWeā€™re going to play Spin the Bottle,ā€ he said, as he sat down and put the bottle in the middle of the circle.
Ethan immediately got uncomfortable as he sat beside you, because he felt sick at the idea of watching someone else kiss you. You felt the same way when you noticed one of the girls looking at him, and even contemplated getting up and leaving the room.
ā€œIs that really what weā€™re playing?ā€ you asked, as a different guy spoke up.
ā€œYou donā€™t want to kiss a stranger?ā€ he asked, ā€œBecause I was hoping when it was my turn, itā€™d land on you.ā€
ā€œWeā€™re just having fun,ā€ the girl that was checking out Ethan said. ā€œThere are some rules, though. If a guy spins it and it lands on another guy, they get to spin again. If a girl lands on another girl, they can kiss if they want or spin again. But these losers like the girl-on-girl action a little too much.ā€
ā€œOh,ā€ you said, ā€œI donā€™t know if I want to play this.ā€
ā€œCome on,ā€ a different guy said, as you glanced over to Ethan. ā€œYouā€™re a freshman, right? Have a little fun.ā€
If you didnā€™t deal with enough peer pressure in high school, you realized it was just as bad in college. You took a huge gulp of your drink as the first person spun the bottle.
As the game progressed, you were a little surprised that no one had gotten you or Ethan. You were getting more and more buzzed as you sipped your drink, and once it was your turn to spin the bottle, Ethan got really nervous. He looked around the room at all the guys that were hoping itā€™d land on them, and he was a little irritated they were eyeing you like that.
As the glass bottle moved against the hardwood floor, you were relieved when it landed on Ethan. Relieved until you realized you actually had to kiss him. One of the guys groaned in the background as you looked at Ethan, his eyes huge as you leaned in.
ā€œYouā€™ve been drinking. You donā€™t have to kiss me if you donā€™t want to,ā€ he said, soft enough for only you to hear him.
ā€œI want to,ā€ you whispered, before your lips touched his.
You couldnā€™t put into words what it felt like to kiss Ethan, but after he kissed you back and your mouths were moving together, you didnā€™t want it to stop. You werenā€™t sure if the feeling of your head spinning was from the alcohol or kissing the guy youā€™ve been crushing on since you first got to New York.
Just as Ethanā€™s tongue brushed against your bottom lip to deepen the kiss, the bedroom door flung open. You pulled away to see your sister and Chadā€™s panicked faces, the fear on Taraā€™s face turning to annoyance as she walked over and grabbed your hand to pull you up. You glanced around to see everyone staring at you, the awkwardness of the moment setting in before she yanked you out of the room, with Ethan following closely behind you.
ā€œI asked you to keep an eye on her and you make out with her?ā€ Tara asked Ethan as she shut the door. ā€œWhat were you guys doing with those losers?ā€
ā€œWait, they were making out?ā€ Mindy questioned, making her presence known as she and Anika leaned against the wall. ā€œThatā€™s the most action heā€™s gotten since heā€™s been here.ā€
If kissing you didnā€™t already have Ethanā€™s mind racing, the tension between him and Tara and the embarrassment of Mindy basically calling him an inexperienced loser was a little too much for him. He walked away and went straight to the door, leaving you to stand there, very confused. You thought Ethan was just as into it as you were, but once he walked away without saying anything, you wondered if Tara was wrong when she said he liked you.
Later that night when you got home, the party you secretly went to wasnā€™t a secret anymore when Sam walked into the bathroom to see you leaning over the toilet as Tara rubbed your back. She was livid, because she couldnā€™t forget the creep that tried to take advantage of Tara at the first college party she went to.
The next day, Sam wanted to talk to you about it, but you had no interest in having that conversation. The only thing you could think about was kissing Ethan, and how every text youā€™d sent to him got no response. The hangover made you feel awful, but what made you feel worse was the realization that you fucked up your friendship with the guy youā€™ve been spending time with almost every single day.
After a few days of you only leaving your room to go to class, Sam and Tara both came in your room to talk to you. Their faces showed how concerned they were while yours was blank, because as sad as you were, youā€™d already cried more tears than you thought was possible.
ā€œWhatā€™s going on with you?ā€ Sam asked, as you just sat there. ā€œCan you talk to us? Weā€™re worried about you.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t want to talk,ā€ you said, your voice showing how tired you were as Tara sighed.
ā€œDid something happen at that party? Because Ethanā€™s acting the same way you are right now,ā€ she said, the mention of his name making your eyes water. ā€œWhat did he do?ā€
ā€œHe didnā€™t do anything wrong,ā€ you said, your words cracking as you spoke. ā€œI think you were wrong about him liking me.ā€
ā€œThis is what I was worried about,ā€ Sam said, as she took a seat on your bed. Her words pissed you off, because her cornering Ethan to question him and talking to Tara about it instead of just coming to you had been bothering you for days. ā€œIā€™ll kill him.ā€
ā€œNo, you wonā€™t,ā€ you snapped, ā€œMaybe if you werenā€™t so fucking overbearing, heā€™d still be talking to me.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re blaming this on me?ā€ Sam asked, the shocked expression on her face making you angrier.
ā€œOkay, letā€™s calm down,ā€ Tara said, trying to mediate the situation before it got worse. ā€œSo, you do like him?ā€
ā€œYes, I fucking like him,ā€ you said, the tears streaming down your cheeks as she pulled you into a hug. ā€œI donā€™t know what I did wrong.ā€
You talked to Sam and Tara for a while before you cried to the point of having a headache. Once you said you were going to take a nap, Tara left the apartment to go to Chad and Ethanā€™s.
ā€œHey, babe,ā€ Chad said, the smile on his face as he opened the door for her dropping when he realized she was mad. ā€œWhatā€™s up?ā€
ā€œWhereā€™s Ethan?ā€ she questioned, as Chad stepped to the side for her to walk in.
ā€œHeā€™s in his room.ā€
She stormed down the hallway and gave his door a few loud knocks before she walked in, glaring at Ethan once she saw him in front of his computer playing games.
ā€œWhat the fuck is wrong with you?ā€ she snapped, as Ethanā€™s face showed how nervous he was. ā€œMy sister just cried on my shoulder for an hour because of you!ā€
ā€œShe was crying?ā€ Ethan asked, the guilt weighing heavy on him as her nostrils flared. ā€œI didnā€™t mean to upset her.ā€
ā€œThen why did you?!ā€ Tara questioned, as Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his desk chair. ā€œI thought you liked her!ā€
ā€œI do!ā€ Ethan yelled back, before he took a deep breath and ran a hand through his curls. ā€œI just needed some space to think. You know how bad I feel about making out with her like that when sheā€™d been drinking? And Mindy saying thatā€™s the most action Iā€™ve gotten all year? I shouldā€™ve gotten her out of that stupid room that night.ā€
ā€œEthan,ā€ Tara sighed, as she took a seat on his bed. ā€œShe really likes you; she wouldnā€™t be as upset as sheā€™s been for the last few days if she didnā€™t.ā€
ā€œShe doesnā€™t think Iā€™m just some creepy loser virgin?ā€ he asked, as Tara shook her head. ā€œShould I call her?ā€
ā€œSheā€™s asleep right now, but I think you need to talk to her in person,ā€ she said, as Ethan stood up. ā€œIf you hurt her again, Ethan, Sam will be the least of your worries.ā€
Tara stayed at the apartment with Chad while Ethan walked to your apartment. He hated that you were so upset, and he was just hoping that him ghosting you for a few days wouldnā€™t be enough for you to not want to give him a chance to explain himself.
When he got there and knocked on the door, he was nervous about who was going to answer, but he had to make things right. Sam opened the door, but she didnā€™t have her usual cold expression painted on her face, a soft smile playing on her lips as she saw how frantic Ethan looked.
ā€œSheā€™s still sleeping,ā€ Sam said, as she stepped to the side. ā€œBut I need to talk to you about something before you talk to her.ā€
ā€œIf youā€™re going to yell at me, I promise Tara laid into me pretty hard just now,ā€ he said, as Sam smiled and took a seat at the kitchen table.
ā€œIā€™ve taught her well,ā€ she said, before she continued, ā€œIā€™m sorry that I was a bitch a few weeks ago. I just worry about her, you know?ā€ Ethan nodded in understanding, as Sam sighed. ā€œShe really cares about you, and I think youā€™d be great for her. Iā€™m still mad that you upset her, but if you want to be with her, Iā€™m okay with it. I wonā€™t give you shit, I promise.ā€
ā€œSeriously?ā€ Ethan asked, smiling to himself as he heard your bedroom door creak open.
He snapped his head in the direction of the hallway, and once he saw how sad you looked, he started to tear up himself.
ā€œI need to go to work,ā€ Sam said, as she stood up from the table. ā€œIā€™ll let you two talk.ā€
You stood at the hallway entrance as Ethan sat at the table, the two of you not looking away from each other. It wasnā€™t until Ethan wiped a stray tear off his cheek that you finally walked over to him.
ā€œHey,ā€ you said softly, as he stood up from his chair.
ā€œHey,ā€ he said, as he grabbed your hands and pulled you towards him, your head resting against his chest as he held you. ā€œI missed you so fucking much.ā€
ā€œI missed you, too,ā€ you mumbled against him, before you pulled away. ā€œIā€™m sorry if I made you uncomfortable the other night.ā€
ā€œYou didnā€™t,ā€ he said, as his hand cupped your cheek.
You smiled for the first time in days as he leaned down and placed his plus lips against yours. You felt that same head spinning feeling youā€™d felt before, but as the kiss was getting more heated, he pulled away.
ā€œCan we talk?ā€ he asked, as you nodded and laced your fingers with his, before you led him to your room.
ā€œIf I didnā€™t make you uncomfortable the other night, whyā€™d you stop talking to me?ā€ you asked, as you got comfortable on your bed and Ethan sat across from you.
ā€œI kissed you when Iā€™ve liked you for months and never thought anything would come from it, your sister yelled at me after she saw it, then Mindy had her little comment,ā€ he said, taking a deep breath as he looked at you. ā€œI feel bad that I was letting that kiss go that far when you were drinking, and I know youā€™d probably want a guy that has experience in the bedroom. Maybe Iā€™m just overthinking it.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t care about stuff like that, Ethan,ā€ you said, as you reached over and grabbed his hands that were rubbing against his thighs. ā€œAnd I kissed you because I wanted to. Me being buzzed just took the edge off so I wasnā€™t as nervous.ā€
ā€œHow long have you wanted to kiss me?ā€ he teased, making you laugh a little.
ā€œA while,ā€ you said, as he smirked at you. ā€œI didnā€™t know you liked me until right before that party.ā€
ā€œWait, howā€™d you find out?ā€ Ethan questioned, as you looked down at his fingers playing with yours.
ā€œTara said someone told her; I think it was Chad,ā€ you said, as Ethan rolled his eyes.
ā€œIā€™m annoyed that he told my secret, but Iā€™m happy he did,ā€ he said, as you leaned closer towards him.
ā€œMe, too.ā€
When Ethan closed the gap between the two of you and your lips moved with his, things felt different, but not in a bad way. You knew you both wanted to be with each other, and you could feel how happy he was to be kissing you.
As the kiss escalated to him on top of you, his tongue moving with yours as your hands tangled in his hair, his hips started to involuntarily squirm. He was about to pull away because he didnā€™t want to make you uncomfortable, but once your legs wrapped around him and your own hips began to move, he groaned into the kiss.
When he pulled away to catch his breath, you started to kiss his neck all over, searching for his sweet spot. He gasped the second you found it, his eyes fluttering shut as he enjoyed how good it felt.
ā€œIā€™m so fucking hard right now,ā€ he whispered, a whimper building in your throat once you felt it rub against your pussy over the leggings you were wearing. ā€œDoes that feel good?ā€ he asked, noticing the sounds you were making as he grinded himself against you.
ā€œYes,ā€ you moaned as you pulled away.
You both just looked at each other, waiting for someone to make the next move. You didnā€™t want Ethan to feel like it was something he had to do, while he was worried that he was pressuring you. He was about to lean down to kiss you again, but you stopped him before he could.
ā€œNo pressure, but if you want this to go further, Iā€™m okay with it,ā€ you said, as he smiled at you.
ā€œI want to,ā€ he said, before he kissed you again.
He wasnā€™t sure what he was doing, but once you gasped into the kiss as his hand rubbed your exposed side from your shirt lifting a little, he inched it further up until it landed on one of your breasts, and he felt like he could cum in his pants from the feeling once he realized you werenā€™t wearing a bra. You moaned into the kiss as he squeezed, his hips rutting against you to give you both a little friction.
ā€œOkay,ā€ you said once you pushed him away a little to catch your breath. ā€œIā€™m going to go crazy.ā€
ā€œWhy?ā€ he asked, smirking at you as you sighed.
ā€œWe need to lose some clothes,ā€ you mumbled, as you loosened the grip your legs had around his waist.
You reached over and grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it, your bottom lip going in between your teeth as you checked out his toned stomach. After his shirt was over his head, he reached over and did the same to you. The second your chest was exposed to him, he pushed you back on the bed and immediately took one of your nipples in his mouth.
You moaned at the feeling as he licked, sucked, and swirled his tongue against you, your pussy throbbing as his mouth moved. As he went to the other side, you felt his hand on your thigh, slowly inching up it.
ā€œYou can touch me,ā€ you said, your tone sounding like you were trying to convince him. He sighed against you before his hand was in between your legs, rubbing your pussy over the soft material of your leggings.
He pulled his hand away from you as he kissed down your body, the loss of contact making you want to whine, but you held it in. You giggled as you felt his curls tickling you, but once he made it to your leggings and hooked his fingers in them to pull them down, your breathing got a lot heavier.
ā€œYouā€™re sure this is okay?ā€ he asked, as he lifted his head and his eyes connected with yours.
ā€œMore than okay,ā€ you said, as he smiled and slid them down your legs.
When Ethan first met you, he never expected to experience anything like this with you. He mightā€™ve let his mind wander there every now and then, because there were a few instances where youā€™d accidentally made him hard, but this was already better than anything he couldā€™ve ever imagined.
His eyes stayed on your face as he rubbed you over your panties, a groan slipping past his lips once he felt how wet they were. Your eyes were pleading with him, and even though his nerves were kicking in again from the lack of experience, he knew he didnā€™t have to be nervous to do this with you.
He moved those off your hips and down your legs before he tossed them on the floor, but just as he was leaning down to get settled between your legs, he stopped to look at you.
ā€œIf something doesnā€™t feel good, tell me. Okay?ā€ he asked, as you quickly nodded your head. ā€œOr if you need me to do something different, let me know.ā€
ā€œI will,ā€ you said, as he smiled at you.
Once his head was in between your legs, he began to slowly lick your clit with the tip of his tongue. One of your hands went to his hair, tangling in the soft brown locks as you let out the softest moans. He knew the sound meant that he wasnā€™t doing a horrible job, so he really started to get into it. He noticed when he used more pressure, your moans got louder, and you were struggling to keep your hips still.
ā€œFuck, that feels so good,ā€ you said, your breathing getting heavier as the grip on his hair got a little tighter. ā€œYou want to use your fingers, too?ā€
ā€œHow many should I use?ā€ he asked after he pulled away to look at you.
ā€œStart with one,ā€ you said, as he nodded and looked down to see what he was doing.
You were so wet, his long middle finger sliding into you with ease. He slid it in and out of you as he looked back to your face to make sure it felt good.
ā€œOkayā€¦do this,ā€ you said, demonstrating how he needed to move his finger, ā€œThereā€™s this spot that feels really,ā€ you got out, but before you could finish getting your sentence out, he found it. ā€œFuck, right there. Keep hitting that.ā€
He did as you said before he leaned back down and gave your clit the attention it needed with his tongue, your moans getting whinier as your legs were tingling from the pleasure you were feeling. He took your clit in his mouth to roll over it with his tongue, and as you shakily praised him, telling him how good of a job he was doing, his cock was throbbing. You felt amazing around that single finger, the thoughts of how it would feel for him to be inside of you only making him even more hard.
ā€œUse-fuck,ā€ you got out, your thoughts getting cloudy as you tried to tell him what you needed. ā€œTwo fingers.ā€
He did as you asked, his ring finger sliding into your pussy. He kept hitting that spongy spot inside of you, and as his tongue moved against you, you felt that special feeling building deep in the pit of your stomach.
ā€œDonā€™t stop,ā€ you begged, your words making Ethan chuckle because there was no way in hell he was going to.
He softly sucked on your clit, and once he did, your whines got louder and closer together, your toes curling against the sheets as he worked you towards your orgasm.
ā€œFuck,ā€ you whimpered, as your hips lifted off the bed, your eyebrows furrowing as you felt the white-hot feeling spread across your body.
Your pussy kept tightening around Ethanā€™s fingers, and he didnā€™t know when he was supposed to stop, so he didnā€™t. It only made your orgasm more intense as you tugged on his hair, the feeling making him moan against you.
Once your walls stopped fluttering and your body relaxed, he hesitantly pulled away and slid his fingers out, already missing all the sounds he was pulling from you moments before.
ā€œWas that okay?ā€ he asked, as you hazily looked at him.
ā€œYouā€™ve never done that before?ā€ you asked, your disbelieving stare making him laugh as he shook his head.
ā€œI think youā€™re lying because thereā€™s no way you just gave me the best orgasm Iā€™ve ever had your first time doing that,ā€ you said, a huge smile appearing on his face at your words.
ā€œThe best?ā€ he asked, ā€œI thought I was going to be awful at it.ā€
ā€œYou definitely arenā€™t,ā€ you said, as you sat up to face him. ā€œWhat do you want to do next?ā€
ā€œYou said you have condoms, right?ā€ he asked, remembering the conversation he had with you a few weeks before.
ā€œYeah,ā€ you said, as you slid off the side of the bed. You stood there for a second to get your bearings, because your legs still felt like Jell-O.
You walked over to your dresser and looked through the second drawer, searching for the box that you hid with your socks. You heard Ethan rustling around behind you, the sound of the metal on his belt clanking against the floor letting you know that he was taking his jeans off.
Just as youā€™d found the box, you felt his arms wrap around you. You smiled as you leaned back against him, enjoying his warmth. Thatā€™s when you felt how hard he was, and even though you hadnā€™t actually seen what he was hiding in the confines of his boxers, you could already tell it certainly wasnā€™t small.
ā€œFuck,ā€ he whispered, as you ass brushed against him. ā€œI canā€™t wait to do this with you.ā€
ā€œThen letā€™s do it,ā€ you said, the excitement in your voice making him smile as he pulled away from you. ā€œYou wanna be on top?ā€
ā€œUhā€¦is that okay?ā€ he asked, as you nodded and laid back on your bed and got comfortable. He slid his boxers down his legs, your eyes growing wide as you looked at him. You could tell he was a little self-conscious when his cheeks turned pink and his hand moved to cover himself.
ā€œWhy are you doing that?ā€ you questioned, ā€œYou just saw my pussy up close.ā€
ā€œYou were staring at it,ā€ he said, his voice a little shy as you rolled your eyes.
ā€œYeah, because itā€™s about to be inside of me,ā€ you said, as you sat up and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards you. You grabbed a condom out of the box and handed it to him as he crawled up on the bed. ā€œJustā€¦be gentle.ā€
ā€œOkay,ā€ he said, as he opened it and slowly rolled it on.
The expression on his face said he was fully confident in what he was about to do, but his shaky hands said otherwise. You knew it probably wasnā€™t going to last long, and that was okay. You didnā€™t want him to feel bad for it, so you were trying to figure out the best way to bring it up.
ā€œHey,ā€ you said, as his nervous eyes met yours. ā€œI want you to enjoy this, okay? Donā€™t think you have to last forever. Donā€™t worry about making me cum again.ā€
ā€œButā€¦isnā€™t that bad if I donā€™t make you cum?ā€ he asked, his nerves fading a little as you smiled at him.
ā€œYou just did. I already told you thatā€™s the best orgasm Iā€™ve ever had,ā€ you said, as he lined up with your entrance. ā€œJust take it slow at first.ā€
ā€œOkay,ā€ he said, as he slowly pushed himself inside of you.
He was already dizzy at the feeling of your tight, wet pussy around his cock, and he felt relieved that he didnā€™t feel the pressure of making you cum again, because he was sure he wouldnā€™t be able to. He knew heā€™d be lucky if he didnā€™t bust within the first thirty seconds.
Some guys in bed were more vocal than others, and you were wondering what Ethan was going to be. Your question was soon answered when he started to move, and you heard him choking back the whimpers that were so close to pouring from his mouth.
ā€œDonā€™t be quiet,ā€ you said between your own sounds as he tried to find his rhythm, ā€œI wanna hear you.ā€
He smiled at your words before his mouth fell open, finally letting you know exactly how good he was feeling. You wrapped your legs around his waist so he could go deeper, and the new angle, plus him hearing all your sounds and seeing all the faces you were making, had his orgasm quickly sneaking up on him.
ā€œOh fuck,ā€ he whimpered, his breathing shaky as his hips began to falter. ā€œIā€™m gonna cum.ā€
You were watching him as that feeling washed over his body, his eyes fluttering as he whined your name. You thought it was the hottest thing ever to see him fall apart so quick, all because of how good your pussy felt for him.
ā€œI swear to god, Iā€™m gonna make this up to you,ā€ he said, as he slid out and laid on the bed beside you as he caught his breath.
ā€œMake it up to me?ā€ you asked, as you moved so your head was resting on his chest. His arm wrapped around you as he held you close. ā€œDonā€™t feel bad about not making me cum just now.ā€
ā€œI wanted to, though,ā€ he sighed, ā€œNext time I will.ā€
ā€œI think after you get used to sex, youā€™ll have no problem making me cum,ā€ you said, as your fingers traced pattern on his chest. ā€œEspecially if you bend me over. Like, all fours, on the bed.ā€
ā€œYou want me to bend you over?ā€ Ethan asked, as you sat up to look at him.
ā€œMhm,ā€ you hummed, your bottom lip between your teeth at the idea.
Ethan felt the blood rushing straight to his cock again from you mentioning him having you in a position like that, and when you glanced down to see him already half-hard again, you giggled to yourself.
ā€œYou forgot to take the condom off,ā€ you said, his eyes growing wide as the blush spread to his cheeks.
ā€œSorry,ā€ he said, as he slid off the side of your bed. ā€œI couldnā€™t think straight after that.ā€
He took the condom off and tossed in in the wastebasket in your room before he walked back over towards you and sat on the bed.
ā€œUh, itā€™s totally okay if you donā€™t want toā€¦but do you want to do it again?ā€ he asked, as he glanced down to see that he was fully hard again. You looked at where his attention was, before his eyes connected with yours.
ā€œRight now?ā€ you asked, your tone playful as he smiled.
ā€œIf you want to,ā€ he said, ā€œI wanna know what it feels like to do it in every position.ā€
ā€œHow many days do you have?ā€ you teased, as his eyes grew wide.
ā€œJesus Christ, how many are there?ā€ he asked, ā€œYou know what? Letā€™s just focus on the basic ones for now.ā€
You wasted no time to toss another condom to Ethan, because even though you said it was okay for you to not cum the first time, you were craving that release. Well, that, and you loved the feeling of him inside of you.
Your pussy was still soaked as you got into the position on the bed, as he stood on his knees behind you.
ā€œFuck,ā€ he mumbled, as he slowly pushed himself inside of you.
Ethan started off slow, wanting to pace himself so he wouldnā€™t cum as quickly as he did before. He had his hand on your hips as he got more into it, pulling them back to meet his thrusts. The position made it easy for him to hit that spot every single time, and you were letting out the softest moans.
When he sped up a little, you relaxed the upper half of your body onto the bed as your ass was stuck up in the air for him, a low groan leaving his mouth at the sight. Even though he was moving your hips, you started to throw them back, your actions giving him the motivation to go faster.
ā€œOh my god,ā€ you whimpered, your hands clinging to your comforter as you felt that feeling start to build. Your skin was tingling, and you felt tiny little jolts of electricity running through your legs as he brought you closer to the edge.
Ethan knew he was close, but he was trying so hard to fight it off. He was thinking of some of the most depressing things to distract himself from the sounds you were making, and he knew as soon as he looked down at your back, heā€™d lose it.
You were trying to tell him how good everything felt, but that got a lot harder once it became difficult for you to even think of what you wanted to say. You were so close, right on the edge when you felt one of his hands that was on your hips move in between your legs, his fingers rubbing quick circles on your swollen bundle of nerves.
ā€œCumming,ā€ you whimpered against your bed. Your pussy kept clenching and releasing Ethanā€™s cock, a low moan flying out of his mouth at the feeling.
ā€œFuck, baby. Me too.ā€
As you and Ethan laid in your bed talking about all the dates he wanted to take you on, places he wanted to take you to see, he had a realization.
ā€œYa know, I never asked you to be my girlfriend,ā€ he said, as his hands ran over your back.
ā€œYou donā€™t have to. Iā€™m already yours,ā€ you said, as you sat up to kiss him.
ā€œI never thought this would happen,ā€ he sighed, a smile on his face as he lazily closed his eyes.
ā€œWhat?ā€ you questioned, as he opened his eyes and sat up, too.
ā€œAll of this. I never thought weā€™d be anything more than friends. I never thought Sam would be okay with it. I never thought Iā€™d lose my virginity,ā€ he said, the last part making you laugh as you rolled your eyes.
ā€œMaybe you didnā€™t lose it before because you were supposed to do it with me,ā€ you teased, as he mimicked your eyeroll.
ā€œI also never expected it to happen twice in one night,ā€ he said, as he bit his bottom lip, his eyes getting darker the longer he stared at you.
ā€œDonā€™t look at me like that unless you want to go for round three,ā€ you said, before he pushed you back on the bed.
ā€œOkay, but youā€™re on top this time.ā€
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moonrisecoeur Ā· 10 months
Ur the best sub Leon writer sooooā€¦ idk if you seen these but ppl treat las plagas parasite as sex pollen šŸ˜­ and Iā€™m so here for it. Concept : re4 leon infected by the parasite OK but he starts out very agressive but ofc heā€™s a sub so he does whatever reader wants in order to ykā€¦ achieve the goal of the parasite (breeding šŸ˜” who said that? Not me) And pls make the reader mean, I love mean femdoms sm, they are chefs kiss. If you need more clarification post it Iā€™ll send another one idk but Iā€™m just seeing what YOU come up with. LOVE UR WRITING btw I love how itā€™s pretty in character tbh cuz I read ur bully Leon one and I was like ā€œyeah fr like heā€™s too caring to be a bully šŸ’€ā€
OMG WAIT MY DUMBASS FORGOT TO ADD: you said smth so mean to him that he came too early. He was so sorry for coming early and the mess he made in you But then he continued to keep going trying to pump more- OK SORRY
the BEST?? idk about that but i shall take ur compliment and deliver to you only my best work so thank u bestie i appreciate it sm !! ^-^
las plagas is crazy cuz like the black veins, the loss of control with your physical body, the pain it causesā€¦ thatā€™s literally so hot. leon was so fuckable all of re4 but especially in the scenes where his body is being controlled that man is SCRUMPTIOUS
also just so you know. the veins on his dick are black as well ā™”
no pronouns mentioned, afab parts mentioned, plaga leon has to be a top im sorry (technically in straight relationships men are always topping unless u count pegging BUT in this context i mean heā€™s a top more like ā€˜heā€™s a sub but heā€™ll fuck u stupidā€™ like thatā€™s the vibe)
you spot his blonde hair from across the hall, running over to him excitedly. thank god you found him.
ā€œleon!ā€ you call out, grabbing the attention of the man in question, as you catch up to him. finally finding him in this nightmarish place after getting separated was the best thing possible, ā€œholy crap, iā€™m so- iā€™m so glad youā€™re okayā€” woah, whatā€¦ what happened to you?ā€
he takes a cautious step back, still seemingly holding a little bit of control over his body, ā€œthey said it was a gift in myā€¦. my bloodā€¦ donā€™t know what the fuck that was about..ā€
you take a step forward, reaching out your hand to touch his face, fingers tracing the black lines that were once veins invisible to the naked eye. but he stops you, his hand roughly grabbing your wrist, ā€œdonā€™t.ā€
ā€œdonā€™tā€¦ what?ā€ you ask nervously, shoulders slumped.
ā€œyou need toā€¦ stay away from me,ā€ he groans from pain, and youā€™re too worried to listen to his words, ā€œstop, get away from me, youā€” i could hurt you! i donā€™t want to hurt youā€¦ā€
but you donā€™t listen to him, betraying his wishes by shaking off his grip and reaching your hand out again. he canā€™t try to stop you this time. he moans, actually moans, when your fingertips touch his face, caressing him softly.
ā€œreally? itā€™s that good?ā€ you ask with a small smirk on your face. leon thinks he could die.
ā€œf-fuckā€¦ā€ he mumbles, finally coming closer to you. his hands wrap around your waist as he leans in for a kiss that youā€™re not ready for, and you both stumble backwards while you try to ground yourself.
heā€™s getting rough, aggressive, and you need to push back a little or else heā€™ll consume you entirely. not that youā€™d mind.
ā€œleon, ease up,ā€ you whisper, pushing him back slightly, and when a growl escapes his throat, you know heā€™s clearly not in any state to listen, ā€œleon.ā€
he annoyedly makes eye contact with you, trying his best to listen to what youā€™re about to say. he is trying, and thatā€™s the worst part. this is him at his most gentle, most restrained.
ā€œyou need to listen to me, okay? can you do that?ā€ you ask softly, hand against his chest to keep him from diving too deep into you, and pressing a kiss to his lips. itā€™s softer. he moans into your mouth needily, but you donā€™t let him get rough. instead you sweetly get the taste of him. sure, itā€™s not a delicious taste, but heā€™s a delicious experience.
you enjoy the way heā€™s trying so intensely to control and contain himself, for your sake. he knows what you want from him is not his full fledged desires out in the open, completely unchecked.
when you pull away, he looks wrecked already, ā€œplease, you canā€™t do this to me, not if youā€™re just going to walk away and leave me desperate.ā€
part of you wants to reassure him. iā€™m not going to leave you. i would never abandon you when you need me most. but the other part just wants to ravage him, take all of him for yourself, leave nothing of him left but the perfection youā€™ve created. perfection in your eyes. maybe heā€™s not the only one infected with some kind of tainted desire.
instead, to accomplish both, you kiss him again, letting your own intensity and desire take over, potentially overpowering his. he whimpers, his shaky hands holding your hips for stability. heā€™s not being grossly possessive and rough like before. heā€™s softer now, pliable.
when you pull away, you whisper, ā€œwe need to get somewhere safe.ā€
ā€œwhaā€¦ what?ā€
ā€œi need to take my time with you, and weā€™re not safe out in the open like thisā€¦ā€ you say, leaning in to press a kiss to that sweet spot right below his ear. itā€™s so cute how truly weak leon is right now. sure, thatā€™s always been his weakness, but itā€™s elevated multiple times over by this parasite in his blood. you have half the mind to thank that weird cult.
when you find a safe room, youā€™re immediately back on him, pushing him against the wall, enjoying the way he whimpers as you kiss him, his need for you multiplying by the minute.
ā€œplease, please, i need you, i need you so fucking bad, please, i need to take you, need to make you mine, need toā€”ā€
ā€œshut up,ā€ you groan, fingers roughly grabbing his jaw, pushing his head back and away from you, ā€œyouā€™re going to be good, or you wonā€™t get what you want. i donā€™t care how badly you fucking need me, youā€™re going to be patient. youā€™re going to be nice and obedient or youā€™ll get nothing from me. and that little parasite inside of you is horrified at the idea that you wonā€™t get to fuck my pretty pussy, hm?ā€
he looks pathetic, moaning like a whore at just some words, but itā€™s the way you say them, the way you say them, that kills him. he eventually calms himself down enough to nod with his eyes shut tightly, ā€œiā€™ll do whatever you say. you know that.ā€
ā€œlay down on the floor,ā€ you command, almost growling back at him, and he opens his eyes in surprise.
ā€œyou heard me. on the ground, beneath me, right now, leon,ā€ your eyes narrow at him, enjoying the way he weakly sinks to his knees before sitting down completely and laying back.
ā€œlike this..?ā€ he asks, confused. he doesnā€™t know whatā€™s about to happen, and that excites him immensely.
you take off your belt with all your utility tools and your jeans along with it. then finally, your underwear. he looks up at you with wide, delicious eyes.
he asks so sweetly, even though he knows the answer, ā€œare youā€¦ are you gonna make me..?ā€
ā€œyeah, you are. iā€™m going to sit down on your pretty, pretty face and youā€™re going to enjoy every second of being beneath me, where you belong, servicing me, and making me cum.ā€
his heart skips a beat at the thought of belonging beneath you, ā€œyeah, fuck, okayā€”ā€
ā€œā€”and youā€™re not going to fucking talk until i cum, got it?ā€
he nods, and once you sit down upon your throne, he gets right to work. he laps up the fluids of your cunt like a dog, working tirelessly, sucking on your clit and tongue fucking you. this is his place. he deserves nothing more than to be here with you, caving to your every desire even if all of his thoughts include breeding you and getting you pregnant with his babies. heā€™d do anything you asked if he could just have that.
heā€™d be at your service, at your mercy, until you chose to give him what he wanted.
but he makes you cum so fucking hard that itā€™s impossible to not give him what he wants, especially when rough hands grab onto your thighs as youā€™re cumming and heā€™s still giving you the head of your life through your orgasm. he grabs you just to stabilize you, but also to be possessive.
he canā€™t help how bad heā€™s gotten about jealousy and possessiveness with this parasite. heā€™s never been the jealous boyfriend, knowing you could hold your own and youā€™re loyal and stuff, but something about the way he looks at you now is different. itā€™s deep and primal. he looks at you like he needs to have you, and no one else can.
itā€™s insanely hot, but itā€™s also inconceivable how uncontrollable those urges are. leon has good self control, and you notice it in how heā€™s acting. again, this is him at his most restrained. heā€™s trying to keep himself from pouncing on you, taking everything he wants from you because he knows you donā€™t want that.
somewhere deep inside of him, heā€™s still himself, still that awkward and dorky guy that just wants to love you and give you everything you want. you wouldnā€™t want that.
when you roll off of him, laying down next to him to give yourself a moment to recover, you press a kiss to his shoulder, a sign that itā€™s an act, your harshness isnā€™t real. he returns the gesture by kissing the top of your head. a sign that he acknowledges your motives.
ā€œplease,ā€ he whimpers suddenly, startling you out of your daze as his hand caresses your back softly, ā€œiā€™ll let you control everything, you can do whatever you want with me, but fucking please, iā€™m so desperate to put my cock inside of your pussy, baby. i canā€™t think straight, and iā€™m trying so damn hard to control myself but i wonā€™t be able to much longerā€¦ā€
ā€œyeah? you wanna put your cock inside of me? feel it throb inside the wetness and warmth of my cunt, fill me up withā€”ā€
he cuts you off with a loud moan, his hands grasping onto you and his eyes shutting tightly at the thought of such pleasure. he looks wrecked at the mere mention of cumming inside of you. you obviously have to capitalize on this fact.
ā€œoh? so itā€™s the filling me up part, isnā€™t it? the ā€˜giftā€™ you have makes you really want to cum inside me, hm?ā€ you say, smirking cruelly at him, watching his resolve crumble as he moans shamelessly, ā€œdo you wantā€¦ breed me, leon?ā€
he gasps, breathing heavily. heā€™s incredibly wound up, and now you know the real reason heā€™s insatiable and uncontrollable, ā€œf-fuck, iā€” itā€™s not that i want to, itā€™s that i need toā€¦ i need to fuck you and breed you so damn bad, iā€”ā€
you cover his mouth with the palm of your hand, enjoying the way he groan in pleasure when you straddle him. god, heā€™s not even inside of you, but he looks fucked out. he looks heā€™s about to burst already.
ā€œgod, youā€™re so fucking desperate,ā€ you mumble to him, leaning in closer to whisper to him despite having him muzzled with your hand. not that heā€™d ever hurt you, he would never even imagine it, ā€œyouā€™re going to fuck me stupid, okay? youā€™re going to fuck me until my legs go numb and i canā€™t feel anything but youā€¦ and only when i tell you you can, youā€™ll breed me, fuck your cum even deeper into me and not let any of it escape. understood?ā€
he breathes shakily, not responding. obviously you forgot you have your hand over his mouth. when you take it off, he nervously says, ā€œgot it. iā€™llā€¦ iā€™ll be good. iā€™ll make you feel so good.ā€
your voice is dark, cruel, full of malicious intent, ā€œyou fucking better, or i wonā€™t let you cum. youā€™ll get to fuck me, sure, but i wonā€™t ever give you the satisfying orgasm your body is desperately aching for. you wonā€™t get to fill me up, and all youā€™ll have left to fuck for your little orgasm is your hand.ā€
his heart aches. the idea of disappointing you makes him feel a physical pit of nervousness in his stomach, the same ones he felt when he was more like himself. he just wants to feel like himself again.
ā€œg-got it,ā€ he whimpers. you get off of him, and heā€™s got you pinned immediately, gently resting you against the ground he was previously laying on. the image of you beneath him has him breathless. he feels like heā€™s worshipping a god with every move he makes.
he slides his cock into you, groaning at how easy it is, how wet you are. he bottoms out almost immediately, enjoying the way your body wraps around him in almost every sense. he silently adores you. he loves that you want him, crave him just like he craves you. that underneath all of your dominance, youā€™re his lover too.
fuck, heā€™s starting to feel possessive again. he beings to thrust into you, his body moving faster than either of you can handle, but you keep your cool better than he does.
ā€œdonā€™t let yourself start to think youā€™re in control,ā€ you murmur, leaning up to press your lips to his shoulder, baring your teeth but not hard enough to draw blood. just enough to remind him of his place, ā€œyou belong to me. not the other way around, got it?ā€ you growl into his ear.
he canā€™t even respond, too enraptured by your body and the feeling of your control over him leaving him a shuddering mess.
and you canā€™t even deny it. heā€™s putting in the work, thumb playing your with your clit just like how he knows you like, and clearly heā€™s getting the results heā€™s looking for. his body comes closer to the edge sooner than heā€™d like, but he tries to stave it off, for your sake.
still leaning into him, you whisper in your darkest voice, ā€œmaybe i should leave you like this, so you can stay this desperateā€¦ for me. i would try and cure you, butā€¦ not sure if i really care anymore.ā€
he shudders, voice giving out on him as he tries to plead with you. he cums without warning, obviously his body did it without the consent and go-ahead of his conscious mind. he already looks embarrassed at cumming without your permission. you donā€™t really have the mind to care right now, but you remember it for.. later.
ā€œiā€™m gonna cum, fuck, leon, give it to me, give in to your cravings, your desires, your needs,ā€ you moan in his ear, desperate for him, only him, and heā€™s yours, heā€™s all yours, itā€™s all heā€™s ever been and all heā€™ll ever be. he keep fucking you even after cumming, keeping you filled up, pushing it deeper, ā€œmake me yours.ā€
and he has no choice but to comply.
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myscenic Ā· 5 months
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Part I | Part II coming soon :>
Pairing: incubus!jung sungchan x prince!male!reader
Genre: royalty au, smut
Warnings: unprotected sex (don't irl!!), swearing, big dick sungchan (yes, again, handjob (r. receiving), blowjob (sc. receiving), cum eating, slight gore, character deaths, (tough reader turns into a sub real quick ijbol), and more (i realized this was too long so I cut it into 2 parts), pls lmk if there's any mistakes :)
Word Count: 3.8k+
Synopsis: I just realized i forgot to write this lmao
š–¤ Note: this was inspired by smth, but i can't remember about what it was, sošŸ’€ still can't believe I got so many notes from my last fic, thank u guys sm!! im not really a good smut writer as im still learning, this rlly motivates me to write more but i think ima need to write more non smut fics to calm myself down-
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y/n, the prince of the y/l/n's, stood before his father, the king, in the grand hall of the castle. the air was heavy with tension as the king addressed the group of knights assembled before him. y/n's heart pounded with a mix of apprehension and determination.
"my loyal knights," the king began, his voice commanding and authoritative. "i have called you here today to address a grave matter that has plagued our kingdom. people have been vanishing without a trace, and we cannot turn a blind eye any longer."
y/n's father's eyes bore into each knight's soul, his gaze unwavering. "i hereby command each and every one of you to investigate this matter. find out what is happening, and put an end to this menace that plagues our land."
the knights nodded in unison, their resolve firm. y/n stepped forward, his voice filled with determination. "i will lead the charge, father. i swear to you that i will uncover the truth and bring justice to those who have suffered."
the king's gaze softened, pride gleaming in his eyes. "i have faith in you, my son."
with their orders given, y/n and his fellow knights set off towards the town where the disappearances had been occurring. the moon hung high in the sky as y/n's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and unease. he knew that his duty as a prince went beyond protecting the kingdom; it was about safeguarding its people from the unknown horrors that lurked in the shadows.
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as they ventured deeper into the small village, y/n's senses heightened. it was as if the very air crackled with an otherworldly energy. suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced the silence, sending shivers down y/n's spine. without hesitation, he motioned for his fellow knights to follow him, leading the charge towards the source of the disturbance.
the house loomed before them, its windows shrouded in darkness. y/n's grip tightened around his sword as he prepared for the worst. he exchanged glances with his comrades, their eyes reflecting a mix of determination and concern.
with a swift kick, y/n pushed open the creaking door, revealing a scene of eerie stillness. the room was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the worn-out furniture. but what caught y/n's attention were the lifeless bodies of his fellow knights, piled together in a haunting display.
a sense of dread washed over y/n as he scanned across the room. he knew that the incubus, sungchan, was responsible for this mess. the prince's eyes darted around the room, searching for any signs of the demon's presence.
but as y/n turned his gaze back to the lifeless bodies, a flicker of movement caught his eye. in the corner of the room, a figure emerged from the shadows, revealing the horns first, then the enigmatic and alluring form of sungchan himself.
"well, well, well, isn't this the prince of the y/l/nā€™s?" sungchan's voice dripped with a mix of amusement and malice as he sauntered towards y/n, his eyes filled with a predatory gleam. "ah~ your knights. don't worry about them, my dear prince. i've taken good care of them. i'm sure they're in a better place now~ā€
y/n's eyes narrowed, his grip on his sword tightening. "you monster! what have you done to them?"
sungchan chuckled, his voice a seductive melody. "oh, nothing too permanent, my prince~ just a little taste of pleasure and pain. they were quite...entertaining."
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y/n's rage consumed him, fueling his every action as he swiftly gripped his sword and lunged towards sungchan, determined to exact his revenge. but to his astonishment, sungchan effortlessly flickered his hand, causing the sword to be flung away across the room. y/n's eyes widened in disbelief, his heart pounding in his chest.
a wicked grin spread across sungchan's lips as he taunted y/n. "is this all you've got, my dear prince? such a disappointment~" his voice dripped with amusement and superiority, relishing in the power dynamic that had shifted in his favor.
y/n then tried to punch sungchan in the face. but before y/n could touch him, sungchan swiftly moved, his movements fluid and graceful. he reached out and gripped y/n's wrist with an iron grip, overpowering him effortlessly. with a sudden, forceful motion, sungchan flung y/n onto the bed, causing the prince to crash onto the soft mattress.
y/n's body sprawled across the bed, his mind reeling from the unexpected turn of events. he struggled to regain his composure, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. anger still burned within him, but it was now mingled with a sense of vulnerability and helplessness.
sungchan loomed over y/n, his presence dominating the space. his dark, seductive eyes bore into y/n's, relishing in the control he held. "oh, my prince, you truly are a sight to behold when you're filled with rage. but sadly, you can't do anything now."
y/n's muscles tensed as he attempted to free himself from sungchan's grip, but it was useless. he could feel the power emanating from sungchan, an otherworldly force that left him powerless to resist. the realization of his own vulnerability sent a shiver down his spine.
sungchan's voice was a low, sultry whisper as he leaned in closer, his breath caressing y/n's ear. "don't worry, my prince. i have no intention of causing you any harm... yet. consider this a taste of what's to come. your defiance only adds to the pleasure I derive from breaking you."
y/n's mind raced, his emotions a tumultuous whirlwind. he knew he had to find a way to escape sungchan's clutches, to protect himself and his knights. but the odds seemed insurmountable, and the path to victory obscured by sungchan's overwhelming power.
as y/n lay on the bed, his body still tingling from the impact, he braced himself for what lay ahead. the battle had taken an unexpected turn.
sungchan's eyes glinted with a mix of mischief and desire as he slowly crawled over y/n, his movements sinuous and deliberate. he leaned in close, his lips barely grazing the shell of y/n's ear as he whispered, his voice dripping with tantalizing promises.
"i was hoping for a show, my dear prince," sungchan purred while playing with y/nā€™s hair, a sultry smirk playing on his lips. "but i guess i'll have to take matters into my own hands."
y/n's heart raced, a mixture of fear and curiosity filling his mind. he couldn't help but ask, his voice laced with a hint of defiance, "w-what are you going to do?..."
sungchan's laughter filled the room. "oh, my sweet prince, you'll find out soon enough~ā€
with a swift motion, sungchan raised his hand, his fingertips glowing with an eerie, otherworldly energy. he whispered spells under his breath.
y/n's vision blurred, his consciousness fading away as he succumbed to the power of sungchan's magic. in the span of a few seconds, his body went limp, collapsing onto the bed as he slipped into unconsciousness.
"now, my prince, it's time for the real show to begin," sungchan murmured. he traced a finger along y/n's jawline, his touch sending shivers down the prince's spine even in his unconscious state.
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after a few seconds, y/n's eyes fluttered open, his consciousness returning to him in a haze. as his senses slowly awakened, he became acutely aware of the chill in the air against his exposed skin. his heart pounded in his chest as his gaze fell upon his torn clothes strewn across the floor, leaving him completely vulnerable and exposed.
a mixture of shock and horror washed over y/n as his eyes shifted to sungchan, who knelt between his legs with a sinister smirk playing on his lips. sungchan's fingers danced along y/n's inner thighs, teasingly tracing the contours of his skin. The sight of sungchan toying with his hardened cock sent a shiver of pleasure mixed with humiliation down y/n's spine.
"y-you monster!" y/n's voice trembled with a mix of anger and humiliation. "how dare y-you!"
sungchan's laughter filled the room, a chilling sound that reverberated in y/n's ears. "how dare me?~" he purred, "then why is your body reacting to me?~"
sungchan leaned in closer, his breath hot against y/n's ear as he whispered, his voice laced with both menace and seduction. "you look so hot under my touch~"
y/n's body trembled, a tint of pink appeared on his cheeks. he knew this was wrong and he was embarrassed. the prince wanted to defend himself but there was no chance.
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as y/n attempted to move his hands, panic washed over him. his heart raced, his breathing quickened, but his efforts were met with resistance. he glanced down, his eyes widening in horror as he realized his hands were magically pinned to the bed headboard, leaving him completely at sungchan's touch.
a mix of fear and rage coursed through y/n's veins as he struggled against the invisible restraints, his body straining against the unyielding magic that held him captive. "let me go, you fucking devil!" he spat, his voice laced with defiance and desperation.
sungchan's eyes glinted with muse, relishing in the power he held over y/n. he leaned in closer, his breath hot against y/n's face as he whispered, his voice dripping with wicked amusement. "oh, my prince, donā€™t you wanna have some fun?~"
a wicked smile played on sungchan's lips as he observed the war within y/n. "you see, my prince, your defiance only makes this game more playful..."
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sungchan's eyes gleamed with a mixture of admiration and sadistic pleasure as he praised y/n, his voice dripping with lust and power. "my, my, my, what a handsome prince you are," he crooned, his gaze fixated on y/n's exposed body. "and that beautiful cock of yours, it's simply irresistible."
a wicked giggle escaped sungchan's lips as he relished in the control he held over y/n's body. his fingers wrapped around y/n's throbbing length, his touch both teasing and torturous. "are you ready to have some fun, my dear prince?" he taunted, his voice laced with seduction.
y/n's anger burned within him, his defiance still present, but as sungchan's hand began to stroke his cock, an involuntary moan escaped his lips. the pleasure mingled with his anger, forming a chaotic mix of sensations that left him both frustrated and achingly aroused.
"y-you... ah~" y/n stammered, his voice filled with a mix of anger and reluctant pleasure. "you son of a... f-fuck!" his words were choked off by a moan as sungchan expertly played with the tip of his cock, rubbing circles that sent waves of overstimulation coursing through his body.
sungchan's laughter filled the room. "how cute~," he purred, his voice a seductive melody. "i definitely prefer this side of you more~"
sungchan's seductive words and skilled touch continued to push y/n closer to the edge of pleasure, but amidst the overwhelming sensations, a surge of anger and defiance coursed through him. his frustration reached its peak, and with a voice strained with desire and fury, he managed to utter, "i-im gonna... ah~ fucking kill... y-you, fuck!"
y/n's words were punctuated by a moan, his body trembling with a mixture of pleasure and rage. sungchan's relentless pace only heightened his need, pushing him further and further towards the edge.
sungchan's ears perked up at y/n's outburst, a wicked grin spreading across his face. he tightened his grip around y/n's throbbing cock, his fingers teasingly tracing along the sensitive tip that glistened with precum. a low chuckle escaped his lips as he leaned in closer, his voice dripping with amusement and a hint of sadistic pleasure.
"what was that, prince?" sungchan taunted. "did i hear a threat? how charming." his fingers continued to play with y/n's leaking tip, receiving a gasp from the prince. "but let me remind you, y/n, that here, in this moment, you are mine. and you canā€™t do anything about it."
y/n's breath hitched as sungchan's fingers circled and teased, his body betraying him in the most intimate of ways. each touch, each stroke of sungchan's fingers pushed y/n closer to the edge, the desire for release becoming unbearable.
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y/n's body shivered as his orgasm crashed over him, shooting white ropes all over on his body and sungchanā€™s hands. hee panted heavily, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath. sweat clung to his forehead and his body trembled with a mix of pleasure and exhaustion. but as y/n tried to catch his breath, sungchan's chuckle filled the room, shattering the brief moment of respite.
"oh, y/n~," sungchan taunted. "i'm not done with you yet." his fingers, still coated with y/n's sticky cum, descended towards the prince's stomach. with a twisted smirk, sungchan scooped up the milky fluid, bringing it to his lips.
y/n's eyes widened in disbelief as sungchan proceeded to eat his own cum, his gaze locked with the prince's. lust danced in sungchan's eyes as he savored the taste, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. "mm~ you taste so fucking amazing," he purred. "i can't wait to have more of you later."
before y/n could react or utter a word, sungchan descended upon him, capturing his lips in a passionate, possessive kiss. sungchan murmured between the kiss, "taste a bit of yourself." sharing y/n's own cum with him.
the taste of the princeā€™s own cum mingled with both of their mouths, their tongues swirling together. y/n's mind swirled with a mix of emotions, his senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.
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sungchan released y/n's hands from the headboard, granting him a momentary sense of relief. y/n flexed his fingers, feeling the tingling sensation return as blood rushed back into his limbs. his cock was still throbbing, but a glimmer of defiance remained in his eyes.
sungchan observed y/n's reaction with a satisfied smirk, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and lust. "looks like someone's eager for more, huh?" he taunted, his voice oozing with dominance. "donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll give you everything~"
y/n tried to defend himself but nothing came out of his mouth. did the heroic side of him got consumed by the devil?
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sungchan's cock was a sight to behold, long and thick, with prominent veins pulsating along its length. it stood proudly before y/n, an imposing presence that both excited and intimidated him.
y/n couldn't help but gaze at the impressive member before him, his eyes tracing every contour, every throbbing vein that ran along its shaft. the sight of it made his mouth water, his own desire growing with each passing second. he could feel his own arousal building, a mix of curiosity and a hunger to experience the pleasure that sungchan's cock promised.
sungchan's voice cut through the air, dripping with confidence and a hint of dominance. "you're in for a wild ride, my prince," he declared, his smirk widening as he gave his cock a few pumps, accentuating its size and hardness. y/n gulped at the sight, feeling nervous but also excited to try it at the same time.
"i know you're eager," sungchan continued, his voice laced with a commanding tone. "but take it slow first if you want. so that you can savor every inch of me." his words hung in the air, a seductive invitation that y/n couldn't resist.
y/n wanted to please sungchan, to feel the fullness of him inside him. with a mixture of anticipation and excitement, y/n leaned forward, his lips hovering just above the swollen head of sungchan's cock.
as y/n's lips brushed against the swollen head of sungchan's cock, a wave of realization crashed over him. what have i gotten myself into? he thought to himself, a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through his veins. the boundaries he had once held so firmly were now blurred, and he found himself venturing into uncharted territory.
the taste of sungchan's arousal filled y/n's mouth, a heady combination of salt and musk that sent a jolt of desire straight to his core. his tongue swirled around the velvety flesh, exploring each ridge and pulsating vein with a newfound hunger. it was an act of submission, a surrendering of control that both thrilled and terrified him.
as y/n continued to take sungchan deeper into his mouth, he couldn't help but blush at the way sungchan responded. the low, guttural moans that escaped his lips fueled y/n's own arousal, reminding him of the power he held over sungchan's pleasure.
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and as y/n's mouth continued to work tirelessly, he knew that once he crossed this line, there would be no turning back. but the allure of the unknown, the promise of pleasure that lay just beyond his grasp, was too enticing to resist.
sungchan's voice dripped with arrogance as he uttered his words, his dominance palpable. "i know you can take it all in, baby," he said, his tone laced with a smug confidence. and without any warning, he thrust his length y/n didn't take earlier into his mouth.
y/n's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and pleasure flooding his senses. the sudden intrusion made him gag, the sensation of sungchan's cock hitting the back of his throat sending shivers down his spine. his mouth stretched to accommodate the sheer size, saliva pooling around his lips as he struggled to find his breath.
drool trickled down the corners of y/n's mouth, a display of his submission and the overwhelming stimulation he was experiencing. he fought against his instinct to resist, allowing sungchan's cock to fill his mouth completely.
sungchan's grip tightened in y/n's hair, his fingers tangling in the strands as he maintained control. "that's it, take it all," he commanded, his voice a husky growl. The mixture of y/n's gagging and drooling seemed to fuel sungchan's arousal, his hips instinctively thrusting forward, seeking more of y/n's warm wetness.
y/n's eyes watered as he struggled to find a rhythm, his throat constricting around sungchan's cock as he fought to suppress his gag reflex.
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sungchan's voice filled the room once again, this time with a hint of admiration. "you've given me the best blowjob of my life, fuckkk~" he praised, his words causing a surge of pride and satisfaction to wash over y/n. the validation that he had pleased sungchan in such a profound way fueled his desire to continue, to push himself even further.
y/n's heart swelled at the praise, a mixture of pleasure and happiness flooding his senses. the thought that he had brought sungchan so much pleasure, that he had exceeded his expectations, filled him with an intoxicating sense of fulfillment.
but sungchan's words quickly shifted the focus back to the present. "i'm almost there, baby," he announced, his voice laced with a sense of urgency. it was a warning, a signal that the climax was close and y/n's purpose was to bring sungchan to that peak of ecstasy.
as sungchan's thrusts grew more erratic, his grip on y/n's hair tightened, a silent demand for y/n to keep going, to push him over the edge.
y/n's mouth continued to work tirelessly, his lips and tongue coaxing every last drop of pleasure from sungchan's cock. the taste of sungchan's essence filled his senses, pushing him closer to the edge of his own release.
with one final thrust, sungchan's body tensed, his grip on y/n's hair becoming almost painful. a guttural moan escaped his lips as he spilled his seed into y/n's eager mouth. the taste of sungchan's release sent shockwaves of pleasure through y/n's body, his own orgasm crashing over him like a tidal wave.
sungchan cupped y/n's flushed cheeks, his touch both possessive and tender. "swallow it all," he commanded, his voice dripping with a mix of dominance and affection. y/n obediently followed, swallowing every last drop of sungchan's essence.
sungchan's smirk widened as he watched y/n comply with his order. "say 'ah'," he teased, his tone laced with amusement. y/n opened his mouth, his cheeks still flushed from their intense encounter, and let out a soft, breathless "ah."
sungchan's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he praised y/n, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and arousal. "good boy," he whispered, his words sending a shiver of pleasure down y/n's spine.
y/n's blush deepened at sungchan's teasing words.
sungchan leaned in closer, his voice a low, seductive murmur. "you like being called a good boy, don't you?" he taunted, his words causing a surge of arousal to course through y/n's veins. the combination of sungchan's dominance and y/n's submissive nature created an intoxicating dynamic that left him craving for more.
y/n's gaze shifted away, his cheeks red. he hesitantly nodded in response to sungchan's teasing words, unable to deny the truth in them.
sungchan chuckled softly, his voice dripping with amusement. "aww, that's cute," he teased, his words laced with a hint of affection. the playful tone in his voice served to both tease and reassure y/n.
y/n bit his lip, unable to hide the bashful smile that tugged at the corners of his lips.
sungchan leaned in closer, his breath ghosting over y/n's ear as he whispered, "you're such a good boy, y/n. i love how eager you are to please me. this attitude is so much better than the heroic, bravery side of yours~" his words sent shivers down y/n's spine, his body responding to the praise and affirmation in the most primal of ways.
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sungchan then looked down and saw that y/n had came without being touched. a mischievous giggle escaped his lips, causing y/n's blush to deepen even further.
"aw, baby," sungchan teased, his voice filled with playful amusement. "did you just come untouched?" he asked.
y/n's face turned a deeper shade of crimson immediately.
"it's alright," sungchan said, his tone gentle and comforting. "i'm glad i made you feel good. your pleasure is important to me~"
sungchan leaned closer, his breath ghosting over y/n's ear. "i have so much more in store for you, baby," he whispered. "you're going to be begging for more." he said the last sentence seductively making y/n gasp.
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sungchan gently guided y/n to lay back on the bed, his touch both tender and commanding. he positioned himself on top of y/n, their bodies aligned in a sensual embrace. leaning in, sungchan captured y/n's lips in a passionate kiss, devouring y/n hungrily.
their lips molded together in a heated dance, tongues tangling in a fervent rhythm. sungchan's hands roamed over y/n's body, tracing the contours of his skin with a mix of possessiveness and adoration. as their kiss deepened, sungchan couldn't resist the temptation to leave his mark on y/n's exposed skin.
lowering his lips to y/n's neck, sungchan began to suck and nip at the sensitive flesh, leaving a trail of red marks in his wake.
moving downward, sungchan continued his actions, lavishing attention on y/n's collarbone. his tongue traced along the bone, leaving a wet trail in its wake.
y/n's breath hitched, a chorus of moans and gasps escaping his lips as sungchan marked him as his own.
sungchan's voice dripped with desire as he whispered against y/n's skin, his breath hot against the marks he had left. "you're so fucking beautiful," he murmured, his words laced with a mixture of reverence and lust. sungchan couldn't help but be captivated by y/n's allure, secretly enjoying each and every moment.
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