#morgause is in the arena
livvyofthelake · 2 years
tristan is here. nooooo not tristan…..
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The results of the second round of the Merlin Mini Arena are in and the winner is GWEN! Morgause was a strong opponent but Gwen managed to take her down in the end. Here are some of our favorite responses we received for this matchup:
Gwen’s heart is too big… if Morgause stabbed it, another one would simply grow in its place. As much as I love gwen, morgause not only is a high priestess of the old religion, but an extremely skilled sword fighter that managed to beat arthur. But! Gwen is alive at the end of the show and morgause isn't so point for her ♡ gwen can and should crush morgause like a bug. i love her yes morgause is mOrE pOwErFuL but hear me out. gwen is too nice to kill
Thank you as always for your participation! The third round of the Merlin Mini Arena will be announced tomorrow night. We will read some more responses from this round on our next episode but let us know if you prefer if we post them all under the cut. Also, a reminder that our next episode is all about Gaius and the father figures of Camelot so make sure to send your thoughts and opinions to us here on Tumblr or to our email [email protected]
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yourdeepestfathoms · 6 years
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I don’t know how to do the pictures but discuss
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heller-obama · 4 years
There’s Nothing Wrong With Me (This is How I’m Supposed to Be)
Wowww, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted a fic directly onto tumblr. I actually posted this on ao3 like 3 months ago but I guess I just forgot to post it here lol. Well here y’all go, here’s that one merthur fic I wrote like 3.5 months ago! Ao3 link
“Right, you filthy vermin.” The slave trader (Jarl, perhaps?) said, looking down at them in more ways than one. “Which one of you is ready to face my champion in the arena?” No one answered him immediately - and not that he gave them much time to.
“No volunteers?” the man asked again, as if that would prompt someone to step up. “Well, I shall have to choose one of you myself, then.” Arthur felt the man’s eyes drag across the small mass of men. “How about…” His stomach began to sink when his gaze landed in his direction. “You?” His finger stopped right next to Arthur, and his stomach plummeted. Like the rest of the prisoners, he looked for the man who was unfortunate enough to be picked - although he already knew who it was.
Merlin blinked at Jarl, as if he couldn’t believe he was chosen out of all the strong, warrior-type men he was surrounded by. “Me?”
Jarl put his hands on his hips. “Death or glory, boy? You should be honoured.”
“But, I—” He started before Arthur cut him off.
“I volunteer,” he yelled up at their captor, subconsciously placing himself in front of Merlin and in between his servant and the dangerous slave trader that was trying to put him into harm’s way - something that definitely did not escape the man’s notice.
“You volunteer?” he chuckled. “I’m sorry, it’s a little late for that.”
“Well, you wanted a volunteer, so here I am. Unless your idea of entertainment is your champion crushing nothing but weaklings like this?” He heard Merlin protest weakly behind him, and he stomped on his foot as discreetly as possible to shut him up. He hoped his face was his regular mask of arrogance and not the complete and utter panic he felt inside. He couldn’t let Merlin fight this “champion,” he just couldn’t—
Jarl squinted down at him. “You think you can offer a better contest?”
“I guarantee it.”
“Arthur, no,” Merlin said quietly behind him, as if Arthur was a dog - or that he'd actually listen.
The slave trade laughed again. “Very well. Your friend will not fight my champion today.” Arthur felt himself release the breath he didn’t know he'd been holding. “Instead, he will fight you.”
Rough hands unceremoniously threw Arthur and Merlin into the “arena,” which was really just a round area bordered by other men hungry to see the two prisoners fight. Arthur almost couldn’t hear himself think, the crowd was roaring and cheering so loud.
“Gentlemen,” Jarl said, rising from his throne and immediately quieting the roars from the men around them. “The rules are simple. One man lives, one man dies.” Loud, raucous cheering rose up from the crowd once more; ending as soon as it started. “If you cannot or will not off your opponent, I shall kill you both.” More cheers rang out across the room as Jarl tossed two (quite shoddily made, if Arthur did say so himself) swords in front of himself and Merlin.
Arthur looked at Merlin and saw the same fear and apprehension shown in his face as he felt himself, which was comforting, in some strange way. He then looked down at the swords and snatched one up for himself, delaying swinging at Merlin until he was sure that his servant could parry it.
Merlin did parry his strike, although it was rather slow and weak for his tastes, and he wasted as much time as he could before launching another strike, backhand this time, and then another one overhead as slow as he could without raising suspicion. His next strike caught Merlin’s blade so that he could pull Merlin towards himself.
“Take it easy, will you?” Merlin ground out as he was pulled against Arthur, trying to pull his blade out from under Arthur’s.
Arthur shot him a look that he hoped said, keep fighting, you arse. “It’s got to look real, hasn’t it?”
Merlin shot him a glare in return that he knew meant he understood, so he finally leveraged his sword so that Merlin was shoved away from him and into the vicious crowd. They shoved him back with an equal amount of aggressiveness, and Arthur attacked him with several strikes he knew Melin couldn’t keep blocking; his parries were already becoming progressively weaker.
Arthur let Merlin strike him this time, and when he did, he responded in another blow that pulled Merlin towards him.
“I refuse to kill you,” Arthur grumbled as Merlin’s elbow nearly caught him in the face.
“If you don’t, he’ll kill the both of us, clotpole,” Merlin shot back.
“Well, do you have any better ideas?” Merlin fixed him with another snarky glare and attempted to move away from him so that he could launch another strike, but somehow, the bumbling idiot managed to trip over the flagstones, lose his sword, and trip Arthur in the progress.
Arthur thanked the gods that the way it happened looked as if Merlin lost his balance and that Arthur used the chance to try to pin him on the ground.
He landed on top of Merlin, both of them grasping at each other’s faces half-heartedly, trying to get the upper hand. The crowd went wild, rushing forwards to get as close to the two fighters as possible.
“What next?” asked Merlin.
“There was no ‘next,’” He scoffed, but before Merlin could respond, Jarl pushed through to the edge of the bloodthirsty crowd.
“Finish him!” Bellowed Jarl.
Merlin shot him a panicked look and a lightbulb seemingly went off in his head as it was replaced with a resigned expression. “Please don’t hate me,” He muttered, and before Arthur could say anything like I could never hate you or something monumentally stupid, like I couldn’t hate you, I love you, Merlin muttered something else, powerful, foreign words that automatically sent a spike of fear into his heart. “Forbærne æltæwelice!” Sure enough, his eyes glowed gold for a few seconds, and suddenly, the flames on the torches doubled and tripled in size, lighting the ropes hanging from the ceiling on fire.
The men in the crowd scattered, causing chaos to erupt in the room and giving them what would be the perfect chance to escape, had Arthur been able to do anything but stare at his manservant in complete and utter shock.
“Get up, you daft twat!” Merlin nearly yelled, rolling out from under Arthur and dragging him to his feet.
He let himself be dragged along and through the crowds, his mind still processing what had happened in the arena. Merlin has magic? Was just one of the many thoughts that were pressing against his head, desperate to escape. The only thought that was more pressing than that was Merlin lied to me, has been lying to me, for the whole time I’ve known him. And then: But did I ever really know him?
He must’ve been more lost in thought than he realized because soon he was running into the forest, Melin dragging him along, with Gwaine at his side, holding the swords they both dropped after their “fight.” They kept on going until Merlin was wheezing so hard he could barely go on, and Gwaine forced them to take a break.
Without waiting for any of their party to catch their breath (including himself), his anger overwhelmed him and he stalked over to Merlin and got into his face, nearly shoving him up against a tree. “What the bloody hell was that, Merlin?” He was so close to Merlin that he could see every single little microexpression on his face; from the total fear that flashed in his eyes like the gold that appeared when he did magic to the way his throat moved as he gulped heavily.
“Arthur, I—” Merlin started, his voice quiet and shaky, but Gwaine interrupted him.
“Arthur, I think you need to calm down. Whatever Merlin did, I’m sure it’s all a big misunderstanding.” Gwaine said behind him, his voice low and calming, as if he was trying to soothe a frightened horse.
Arthur whirled around to face him. “‘A big misunderstanding’? The fact that Merlin is a sorcerer is a little bit different from your bar brawls, Gwaine. Don’t try to involve yourself with things that don’t concern you.”
To his merit, Gwaine looked taken aback as well. “Merlin? A sorcerer?”
Before he could explode any further on the other man, Merlin interrupted them both. “I was born with it!” Yelled Merlin, the desperation and hurt coloring his words so much that Arthur pivoted back around and took a step back.
He said quietly, “What?”
“I never chose to practice magic,” Merlin tried again, his voice its usual level now. “I’ve been levitating things since I could walk. Before I even said my first words, I’d already nearly set my mother’s rocking chair on fire.”
“That’s not possible,” he muttered. All sorcerers chose to practice magic, and if not for evil purposes, they soon were corrupted by it anyways. If there was one thing his father taught him, that would be it. “Have you just been conning me all this time?” Making me fall madly in love with you? He refrained from adding. “What was your plan? To gain my trust until I became king and then manipulate me towards your own goals?”
“Are you kidding me?” His friend - no, the sorcerer - scoffed. “I’ve only ever used my magic to save your royal arse.”
“Bollocks. I would’ve known, I would’ve realized.”
Merlin let out a bitter laugh, one that was so different from the one that Arthur was used to hearing that he nearly couldn’t believe that Merlin could make that noise. “I’ve been saving your arse with magic since before I was your manservant.” He started counting names off on his hand. “Lady Helen, Sir Valiant, Sofia and Aulric, Nimueh - several times, mind you, Cornelius Sigan, Morgause - every single time she shows her face, the Great damned Dragon, just off the top of my head.”
Arthur’s jaw hung open. Not that it dropped open dramatically, like in the bard’s stories, but he opened it to ask a question or just to say anything, but nothing came out and it just opened wider and wider. He tried to say something several times, to no avail, before he finally managed to get a few words out. “You bloody idiot.”
“Excuse me?” Squawked Merlin indignantly.
“You blatantly used magic in Camelot, of all places, so close to the king, who executes anyone rumoured of consorting with a sorcerer?”
Merlin scratched the back of his head, an almost sheepish look crossing his face. “I—Yeah.”
“Why on Earth would you do that?” He took a step forward again, bringing him nearly nose-to-nose with Merlin.
“To protect you! Yeah, at first, it was because it was my destiny; I could never fathom how anyone could ever stand you, but then it was because I couldn’t bear you getting hurt when I could’ve protected you!” By the end of his tirade, he was nearly shouting and his breath was coming quicker - well, quicker than it was before, with the deep breaths they were still taking from their speedy exit from the decrepit castle.
Arthur chose to ignore the first half of Merlin’s rant, and he got a rather warm feeling in his chest from the second half. “Did you ever stop to think that I feel the same way? That if I had to stand and watch you get burnt on the pyre because my father executes everyone suspected of using sorcery that I would never forgive myself for not doing everything I could to protect you and that you got caught using sorcery because of me?”
Arthur watched as a myriad of emotions played out on Merlin’s face; first shock, then disbelief, and finally a look that was filled with such intense fondness that he almost didn’t know what to do with himself.
Merlin’s voice was so quiet that he had to lean in a fraction more to hear him, enough so that their noses were touching, now, less than a hairbreadth of space between them. “You would?”
He let out a little huff of breath. “Yes. I thought I made that pretty damn clear—”
Apparently, Merlin had no intentions of letting him finish that sentence, as he moved his face forward a little bit more until their lips were touching and slotted together and suddenly Arthur was kissing back and he pushed his servant - no, Merlin wasn’t his servant right now, he was his best friend and (hopefully soon) his lover - against the tree. He’d be damned if he said this wasn’t the best kiss he’d ever had and nothing else mattered except the two of them - that is, until Gwaine let out a shrill wolf-whistle behind him.
He broke the kiss and let out a small, disbelieving laugh. “Dear God, we forgot about Gwaine.”
Merlin let out a small laugh as well, and Gwaine’s wolf-whistle made way for cheering and laughing from the third man. “Oh, bugger off, Gwaine!” Merlin complained, somehow sounding both defeated and lighthearted at the same time. Gwaine - predictably - wasn’t deterred, and his laughter just grew louder.
“Just…go collect some firewood or something!” Arthur ordered him, not bothering to turn his face away from Merlin’s.
“Whatever you say, Princess,” Gwaine drawled, and though Arthur couldn’t see him, he was positive that the man added a mocking bow to punctuate his statement before stalking off into the woods. Once he was sure that Gwaine was definitely out of earshot, he leaned his forehead into Merlin’s and started laughing, with Merlin soon joining him.
“Where did we manage to find him again?” He muttered.
“He saved your sorry arse, as I remember it,” Merlin retorted playfully.
“My arse did not need saving!”
“Oh, it most definitely—”
“Shut up.”
“Gladly.” Arthur almost didn’t let him finish that one word by resuming their kiss, relishing in the fact that he’d finally figured out a reliable way to shut his best friend up.
Well there y’all go! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!!
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by Cello_trash
In order to go to his dream school, Merlin has to work as a staff member at the university's Ice Arena with Gwen, (a sweet, but badass nursing student) Mordred, (an pretentious, angsty e-boy) and George (an uptight hospitality major). Sounds easy right? Well... enter Arthur, the stuck up (and annoyingly attractive) captain of the ice hockey team, and things get a bit more interesting.
AKA what if the characters from Merlin went to Samwell University (I plan to do a 2nd part to this series that's the characters from Check, Please! if they lived in Camelot
Words: 4347, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Merlin x Check, Please! Crossover Universe
Fandoms: Merlin (TV), Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana/Morgause (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, no magic, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Check please au, kind of, Merlin and gang go to samwell and some of them play hockey, Dumb Hockey Boys, Angst with a Happy Ending, Crack, FTM Merlin, Trans Male Character, Happy Ending, Lack of Communication, but they work on it, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotionally Repressed Arthur, Humor, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Uther Pendragon's A+ Parenting (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Hockey, Soft Hockey Boys
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In a land of Massachusetts, and a time of college...
by Cello_trash
In order to go to his dream school, Merlin has to work as a staff member at the university's Ice Arena with Gwen, (a sweet, but badass nursing student) Mordred, (an pretentious, angsty e-boy) and George (an uptight hospitality major). Sounds easy right? Well... enter Arthur, the stuck up (and annoyingly attractive) captain of the ice hockey team, and things get a bit more interesting.
AKA what if the characters from Merlin went to Samwell University (I plan to do a 2nd part to this series that's the characters from Check, Please! if they lived in Camelot
Words: 4347, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Merlin x Check, Please! Crossover Universe
Fandoms: Merlin (TV), Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana/Morgause (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, no magic, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Check please au, kind of, Merlin and gang go to samwell and some of them play hockey, Dumb Hockey Boys, Angst with a Happy Ending, Crack, FTM Merlin, Trans Male Character, Happy Ending, Lack of Communication, but they work on it, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotionally Repressed Arthur, Humor, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Uther Pendragon's A+ Parenting (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Hockey, Soft Hockey Boys
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/24262294
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holisticfansstuff · 5 years
The Sins of the Father
Starting to low key ship brotp Morgana x Morgause. Morgana desperately needs a friend and she's so alone...
Aww protective Merlin
I can't believe Uther's being the voice of reason for once lmao
Morgause murdered five guards. Shouldn't she be in prison? What, murder is okay, but witchcraft isn't? Adshfjdkf I can't
Morgana looks so lovely but then she always does
"Whatever happens, you are not to blame." Oh, Merlin
Poor Morgana. I don't think watching Arthur nearly die in the arena every five minutes helps with her mental health. She's so high strung as it is. Like a horse.
Arthur face down on the table is hilarious
Arthur, stop being so sexist
Morgana x Morgause (☆▽☆)
Oh dammit she has evil designs on Morgana. Because of course she does. I mean, I knew that already, but
Seriously just how bad is the palace security? A stranger shows up, murders five guards, threatens the life of the crown prince and then gets to wander around the castle at will? I mean, seriously wtf lmao
Aww Arthur is trying to be gracious. He's not succeeding, but he's trying. 100 points to Gryffindor
For once Uther has the right instincts, huh
Sulky Arthur is the best Arthur lol
"You're enjoying this, Merlin." Well, ofc he's enjoying it, who wouldn't. I mean, it's Arthur
Omg the rope went up his leg
Lmao Arthur is doubtful about Merlin being able to hold him
Turns out he was right to be worried
"THERE IS NO MORE ROPE" ashsjsjdkfljkl
Gaius is a smart cookie
Merlin asking the real questions
Protective Arthur aww
Arthur and Merlin bonding over absent parents
Merlin validating Arthur's feelings is everything
What a lovely place Camelot is though
Arthur, she beat you, get over it
"Now what?" "Maybe we should ask the horse" sfgdjfjsk
Arthur, you can't be serious. He's such a Gryffindor omg
"What if my father's attitude to magic is wrong?" "You really think that?" Oh, Merlin
Arthur and Merlin whispering loudly about Morgause while standing directly behind her lmaoooo
Poor Arthur
I love that the Pendragons talk freely about private affairs in front of knights and servants. It's a wonder anything stays secret in that palace
Ser Leon beating a hasty retreat is a Mood™
Uther you dick, quit gaslighting him
Oh no
I feel really bad for Arthur but Uther getting his just desserts is so satisfying
Merlin to the rescue. Wheeeeee
Oh Merlin. How it must have cut him to say those things
Good job avoiding the question Uther
Only two of those three things are true, Uther
Gaius' epic eyebrow of disapproval
Aww Gaius is so proud of him (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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dornishsphinx · 6 years
@verecunda tagged me in this a while back, and it completely slipped my mind until I saw it half-done in my notes, oops—sorry it took so long! Also, this got wordier than intended, probably because that always happens when I’m avoiding doing actual work. Oh well.
If any of you feel like ranting about your fave female characters, here’s an excuse to do so--though no pressure, of course. Tagging @zonesthesia, @bioticplaneswalker, @joyseeker6, @moonhairedgirl, @yousef-the-uber-driver, @northernpansy, @tresjoly, @xxchimericalxx, @arthoure, @mrmissmrsrandom, @gascon-en-exil, @amorremanet and anyone else reading this who feels like it!
Rules:  Rules: Write your ten favourite female characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten different people.
1. Fire Emblem—Sonya
This ended up being a close tie between Sonya and Jill, but I gave this one to Sonya since I’ve actually finished her game. Sonya is amazing. A non-lord character with a connection to the villains always brings them up a notch in my estimation and it’s a damn shame she never got more than one boss conversation with her father—and none with her sisters! Her ending was initially aggravating, but I like to go with the common theory that since Duma is no longer around, talk of her becoming a witch was just hearsay. Her support with Genny is brilliant. She manages to be confident and alluring without turning into a caricature, unlike certain other unfortunate characters throughout the—mostly recent—games. And since she’s from a less popular game, she’s hardly as likely to get completely flanderised in spinoffs. Why on Earth would you ever pick Deen?
Honourable mentions: Celica (FE2/15), Lyn (FE7), Jill Fizzart (FE9/10). This isn’t counting games I’ve not actively played, though there are certain FE4 and FE10 characters who might have ended up in the mentions if I had, given what I know about them.
2. Persona—Yukino Mayuzumi
I actually wasn’t expecting to put Yukino here when I was first trying to figure out who my favourite female character from Persona was. I knew it would likely be a P2 character, since that is my favourite game in the series thus far, but then I realised how much I’ve been missing Yukino in particular while playing Eternal Punishment. The Empress arcana really does fit her: she’s a combination of tough-as-nails and motherly, and a cool older figure for the team to look up to. I especially love how she transfers the chance Saeko gave her to reform during her yankī days to Anna, years later. And that’s not even going into the revelations from her Shadow: she’s torn between two career paths, not feeling good enough to achieve either. And she gives up her Persona for Jun! That takes some serious selflessness.
Honourable mentions: Maki Sonomura (P1/2), Maya Amano (P2), Naoto Shirogane (P4), Labrys (Arena)
3. Ace Attorney—Ema Skye
This came closer than any other entry on the list, both Mia and Franziska initially taking this spot before I eventually settled on Ema. She was an interesting enough character as a kid, her peppiness and the science-obsession gimmick quickly giving way to a more complex characterisation, especially once her full involvement in SL-9 was revealed. However, the science-gimmick paid off wonderfully in AJ:AA when we see how she’s transformed into a jaded, bitter detective, her dreams of becoming a scientist crushed because she didn’t pass the exams she needed to get a career in forensics. When SOJ rolled around and she’d actually managed to get into the field, it felt earned, way more than if we’d met her SOJ self in AJ:AA.
Honourable mentions: Franziska von Karma, Mia Fey
4. Zero Escape—Lotus
Of all the characters who didn’t make it into the sequels which followed on from the original game, Lotus—along with Santa, who I’ll admit has more story-based reasons to return—is the one I miss most. She loves her daughters, fiercely enough to relentlessly investigate their kidnapping by herself for years when the police were of no use, and on top of all that, she’s a genius programmer. The moment I actively started loving Lotus was when she, clearly scared but putting on a brave face, volunteered to go in the electric chair in the torture chamber. It made you realise she genuinely is utilitarian, rather than just being out for her own survival; she’s clearly self-interested, but not completely selfish. I’m just gonna quote Uchikoshi himself: “She may seem selfish and cold, but she’s actually the most rational and sensible out of all of them. She has the intellectual ability to make very logical decisions.” She’s just the best.
Honourable mentions: Akane Kurashiki, Diana
5. Avatar—Azula
I know there are people who follow me still watching Avatar, so I’ll try and keep this as spoiler-free as I can in case they end up skimming some of this accidentally. (Though I’d definitely not recommend anyone who wants to remain completely unspoiled reads this entry on the list.)
But anyway—“Do the tides command this ship?”
The Fire Nation royal family just provides all the best characters in the series. Zuko is definitely my male fave, while his sister takes the female spot. Source of both the vast majority of best lines in the show, as well as the most Machiavellian of villainy, Azula is just awesome to watch in action, whether it be in the political, martial or personal sphere. The odd dynamic she has with Zuko is my favourite in the series, managing to be outright antagonistic, while at some moments offering the glimmer of a genuine, if warped almost beyond recognition, sibling bond. There are even more poignant moments where we’re reminded of her actual age and how her family circumstances have shaped her into what she is. She’s a complex villain, one of the best this, or any other series, has to offer.
Honourable mentions: Kuvira, Katara, Toph Beifong
6. A Song of Ice and Fire—Sarella Sand
Okay, if we’re doing a female character list, I kinda have to give the original Dornish Sphinx herself a spot on the list. Not much page space has been devoted to her as of the current date, considering our only consistent POV character in Oldtown just arrived. I’m looking forward to what she and Archmaester Marwyn get up to once GRRM finishes TWOW. The least war-hungry of the Sand Snakes, she’s not even been introduced on page as herself yet. Instead, we know her as “Alleras”, a pleasant young Dornishman of sharp intellect studying at the Citadel. 
Honourable mentions: Asha Greyjoy, Sansa Stark, Arianne Martell
7. DCU—Selina Kyle
Is there any Bat-work, canon or fanon, that isn’t instantly made a dozen times better by Selina swooping in? (Okay, there are a couple of duds, but usually she’s a delightful presence.) One of DC’s best anti-hero/anti-villains. 
Honourable mentions: Renée Montoya, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown
8. Danganronpa—Kyōko Kirigiri
The original Ultimate Detective herself. Cool, poised and collected, she certainly makes for a more convincing detective character than certain other later characters from the series, though Shuichi does try his best. 
Honourable mentions: Kaede Akamatsu, Junko Enoshima, Chiaki Nanami
9. Doctor Who—Martha Jones
I’m scraping the barrel a little for fandoms, considering I don’t even watch the show anymore, but Martha is my favourite of all companions. I never wanted her to get with the Doctor, of course, but I appreciated how her unrequited feelings for him didn’t swallow up her entire character. She’s courageous, smart and leaves the TARDIS on her own accord, which is refreshing.
10. Arthuriana—Morgan le Fay
This is a tricky one, since Arthuriana is more a literary tradition than a fandom per se. The characters which belong to it don’t technically ever stick to one characterisation, personality or role—everyone has their own interpretation, or even several different ones. That said—yes, my favourite is Morgan, how original of me, I know. Viviane runs her competition, but since she’s all over the place—quite literally, becoming or amalgamating several different characters at once—Morgan wins. There’s a reason she’s overused in modern adaptions, though, and it’s because she’s amazing. I mean, she even got a geographical phenomenon named after her and in some traditions, she lives in a goddamn volcano. She’s at her best as Queen of Rheged, though, casually trying to murder her husband, or Guinevere, or teaching a lesson to whichever knight of the week volunteers for her obvious trap. Just never mention that modern book she’s most known for around me unless you want me to angry-cry. Also, she’s not Morgause. Let Morgause be her own character, modern media, please.
Honourable mentions: Viviane, Lynette, Ragnell
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
In a land of Massachusetts, and a time of college...
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LHcGtQ
by Cello_trash
In order to go to his dream school, Merlin has to work as a staff member at the university's Ice Arena with Gwen, (a sweet, but badass nursing student) Mordred, (an pretentious, angsty e-boy) and George (an uptight hospitality major). Sounds easy right? Well... enter Arthur, the stuck up (and annoyingly attractive) captain of the ice hockey team, and things get a bit more interesting.
AKA what if the characters from Merlin went to Samwell University (I plan to do a 2nd part to this series that's the characters from Check, Please! if they lived in Camelot
Words: 4347, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Merlin x Check, Please! Crossover Universe
Fandoms: Merlin (TV), Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana/Morgause (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, no magic, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Check please au, kind of, Merlin and gang go to samwell and some of them play hockey, Dumb Hockey Boys, Angst with a Happy Ending, Crack, FTM Merlin, Trans Male Character, Happy Ending, Lack of Communication, but they work on it, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotionally Repressed Arthur, Humor, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Uther Pendragon's A+ Parenting (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Hockey, Soft Hockey Boys
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myupostsheadcanons · 7 years
Ciri is going on adventures through space and time with Galahad, Sir Bors, Percival and Percival’s sister, Dindrane. 
If the books ever pick back up, I would like to see a continuation from this standpoint. I mean, CDPR had a decent enough idea to continue Geralt’s story, but at the end of the saga it was meant to become Ciri’s story. And Ciri was still being hunted by the Aen Elle and found herself in a version of King Arthur’s Court.
Yes the Aen Elle going after Ciri was addressed in the games, but they had to skip years ahead and glossed over most of what Ciri was doing in-between.
I mean, what happened to Galahad afterwards? The actual legend had him vanishing (ascending to heaven) after acquiring the Grail (Zireael=Ze-Rail=The Grail). Ciri probably took him with her. Did he die? Is he hidden up somewhere? It’s been 5 years in between Lady of the Lake and The Wild Hunt.
There is also Merlin and Nimue. Merlin gets trapped in a cave for decades by Nimue in the legends. So somehow he gets taken from his own world and meets Nimue in Ciri’s (future) world.  (Is Merlin an Aen Elle?)
The Isle of Avalon itself being in another plane of existence. Is there elves/fae in this world that can travel between their world and another already in their land? An other group of Elves that got trapped there when the Convergence of Spheres happened? Was there an attempt to recreate the “Lara Gene” among them?  This would explain why so many of the main characters in the legend had super natural powers (not just the ability to perform miracles and magic).
Could Arthur have been thought to be their chosen one, but that turned out to be Galahad instead?
Note: Percival was the original person in the Arthurian Myths to have found The Grail, only to later be replaced by Galahad (in many cases they both disappear, leaving Sir Bors the only one left to return and tell the tale).  The Arthur Legends suffer often from the displacement of older mythos with a newer re-telling, Galahad was among one of the newer additions to the canon compared to other characters. Galahad’s father, Lancelot, also displaced many of Sir. Gaiwain’s accomplishments with his own introduction. Both characters of Lancelot and Galahad would be considered over-powered OCs in today’s standards, that somewhere along the lines somebody’s fanfiction ended up being lumped in with the canon. However, with the amorphous nature of mythos, this is not the case, mythos canon runs on how many people accept it as true for it to be true to canon. So with the spread of the Arthur Mythos to France and Gaul, we got Lancelot, and a few decades later we have Galahad.
This is shown happening in The Witcher itself, legends being forgotten, made up, or discredited. Geralt and Yen’s story being treated in a similar fashion as Arthur, Gwen, and Lancelot’s. Cirillia is literally the Grail, Zireael (Ze-Rail) and she is running around with Galahad.
Tossing around some ideas:
(if you thought my “Loooong rant about the Aen Elle”  was long, this is practically fan fiction and reworking most of the Arthur Mythos, and is a few word pages long... skip to the bottom if you don’t care so much for most of that)
Arthur’s mother Igraine is descended from Aen Elle that got trapped in this world when the Convergence of Spheres happened. Morgause, Morgan Le Fae  Arthur have elven blood in them.
Her ancestors were from party of elves that came to this land prior to the convergence to check out the prospects of conquering it. The convergence trapped them here. They visited the middle east, Egypt, India, China, and other hot-beds of civilization. The majority of them were eventually exposed, captured, and enslaved in Eastern Rome. Their women became concubines to noble lords, the men fighters in the arenas, and their children became prized slaves as well.  Their enslavement status lead their children’s offspring to mingle their blood into Jewish and pre-Christian societies.
Merlin is an Aen Elle, a Sage like Avallac’h, and the only one of the original party still alive. In the Pendragon court he disguises himself as a human, the beard and hat hide his ears and facial features. Only a handful of people know he is an elf instead of human.
After spending decades on the run in Europe and the Middle East, Merlin began to re-create the Lara Dorren experiment. Merlin kept track of the lineage of his companions among the humans, following them North to Roman occupied Britain. There he found Vivian, the “Lady of the Lake” and current guardian of the elven-made sword Excalibur on Avalon. She took him in once he revealed who he was and what powers he possessed. However, she was too old to have anymore children, but already had three daughters: Igraine, and twins Elayne and Evaine. Igraine (23) was already married with two daughters, Morgause (6) and Morgan (4), and the twins (15) were only recently sent to France/Gaul in arranged marriages to Brother Kings Bors and Ban.
Using Vivian’s resources, Uthar Pendragon was found to be another distant elven decedent and Merlin desired an heir between him and Igraine. He made an alliance with Uthar, promising him Igraine’s hand and the kingdom once Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, was killed and she (26) impregnated.
With the Pendragon court now under his influence, Merlin then began the long process of building secret alliances over seas with Gaul and Former Roman Nobles to collect Elayne and Evaine (18) from Ban and Bors.
(Note: There are far too many Elaine’s in the canon legend.... Like way too many. If they couldn’t figure out a name, it was more than likely going to be Elaine/Elayne. )
Elayne’s (25) first husband and Lancelot’s (5) father, King Ban, died in battle against Merlin’s men. King Bors surrendered his wife (Evaine) and sons (Sir Bors (3) and Lionel(1)) to them once King Ban was killed.
Evaine was forbidden to stay with her sons in exile, refused to marry again, and was sent back to Avalon. Elayne was remarried to King Nentres and died giving birth to Elayne the Younger (10 years later).
Lancelot (6) was placed under Vivian’s care and taught how use the sword in the elven fashion. Arthur (13) was already in hiding in Sir Ector and Kay’s house, and being watched over by Merlin personally.
Bors and Lionel were kept by Claudas in an arrangement similar to that of Arthur and Sir Ector. However, after 10 years of captivity, the two boys rebelled against Claudas’s cruel ways and killed Claudas’s son Dorin (15) in the process of escape. The Lord broke off his agreement to shelter the boys (13 and 11). Merlin gave them to Vivian, reuniting them with their mother and cousins. Bors became a stern and serious person for the rest of his life, having to protect his younger brother for the entirety of their childhood and feeling guilt of having to kill another child (though deranged) to survive.
Morgause (16) was married to the King Lot of Orkney in order to remove her from the seat of Cornwall. Morgan (14) too was placed in an arranged marriage, to King Urien of Gorre. The two girls began to plot against Merlin and his plans. Morgan, at the time, had been apprenticing with Merlin since she was 6, having showed more potential to magic than her sister Morgause. She stole Merlin’s notes about the linage of the Aen Elle and the two girls began their own plans.
King Pelles and King Pellinoir, brother kings, had the most direct-line to the elder blood. They protect the magic chalice known as the Holy Grail, a relic brought over by the Elves much like Excalibur was. It had the powers of divination and can cure curses, poisons, and potions. Pelles was already incapable of siring more children, having taken a wound from an enchanted weapon in the groin. But, he still had a daughter, Elaine. She was placed under a transmutation spell by Morgan, to be locked in a freeze so cold that it boiled the air around it.
Pellinoir was too crafty to be caught unaware by the Sorceress’s plans and proved even more difficult to assassinate, he ended up being chased by a demon-beast until the end of his days. He wound up running into a young Arthur (10), then in hiding, on several occasions and was one of the first knights to swear his sword to the young king when Uthar died a few years later (15). When a faction of lords rebelled against Arthur’s ascension, King Lot was among them, and Pellinoir took the opportunity to pay back the tricky sorceresses for the demon and slayed Lot in combat.
When Pellinoir broke the sword of Uthar Pendragon in combat with Arthur (18), Arthur was taken to Avalon by Merlin to meet Vivian, Igraine, and Evaine. Meeting them and his cousins for the first time. The three women tested Arthur to see if he was worthy of the sword, and spent the next several months going through various trials. Once proven, he was given the sword of his ancestors.
Merlin had a counter plan to Morgause and Morgan’s meddling: Leodegrance was a was a general during the Roman occupation and remained in Wales after Rome left, a landed-knight turned noble. He was almost two hundred years old but didn’t appear older than 50. He was part of a “lost line” that was discovered by Merlin doing an extensive search, tracking down humans with long life-spans to find the children of his companions.  Leodegrance had a daughter named Guinevere.
When the wedding between Arthur (25) and Guinevere (16) was announced, a parley was agreed upon to allow Arthur’s extended family to visit. This was when Arthur’s younger cousins: Lancelot (18), Bors (16), and Lionel(14), came to stay at Court to become knights. This was also when he first encountered his sisters, Morgause (34) and Morgan (32) as an adult and got to meet Morgause’s sons with Lot, Gawain (17), Agravain (15), Gaheris (12), and Gereth (9), and Morgan’s step-son Ywain(13), a bastard of her husband’s taken in to be raised as Morgan is unable to have children as a sorceress.
Morgan placed a disguise on Morgause, which allowed her to “crash”  Arthur’s bachelor celebration. She seduced Arthur and became pregnant with a son, Mordred. Morgan then turned her attention to Guinevere in the meantime, weaving a spell that will make the future queen incapable of having children (the same method used to make sorceresses irreversibly infertile).
After this point the legend fairly much follows what everyone knows it to be:
Lancelot falls in love with the queen, then he leaves on a quest to perform a miracle (unlock magic powers, as he knew his family was capable of sorcery from growing up on Avalon), and rescues Elaine from Morgan’s spell. She is later disguised as Guinevere (probably by Merlin in this version) and becomes pregnant with Galahad. He (28) gets confronted by Guinevere a year later, when Elaine shows up with the infant Galahad, and he has a mental breakdown and runs off, not to be seen for the next 3 years.
Pellinoir has half a dozen kids while he was on the run and hunting down the beast trying to kill him. He eventually finds time to get married and has more children with his wife, Percival among them.
All of Morgause's sons become knights at Arthur's Court, to varying degrees of loyalty. Gawain (21) and Gaheris (16) turn around and kill Pellinoir out of revenge for their Father’s death. And Morgause (55) gets killed by Gaheris (33) when he found her having sex with Lamorak (one of Pellinor’s sons... he manages to escape before getting axed).
(NOTE: Dude, read up on Pellinoir sometime. I mean, he’s endearing and charming in Once and Future King, but he’s kind of a Memetic Badass in the Mythos Canon. He broke the sword in the stone when fighting Arthur, and Merlin had to intervene. Spent most of his life fighting a chimera-like dragon. And, it took two of the most skilled knights to kill him. Gawain is the Worf of the Mythos, he’s bad-ass on his own, if not overshadowed by people like Lancelot, the “best knight of all time.” If anybody wanted to prove themselves “the best” among the Round Table Knights they had to go through Gawain first before Lancelot puts a boot up their ass. And Gawain couldn’t do it on his own).
Percival was raised in the countryside by his mother in order to escape the blood feud that claimed his father and caused his older brothers so much grief. Percival, when he was 15, came across a band of knights and became enthralled with them. He set his mind to become a Knight himself and told his mother this. She was unable to win the argument and told him of his father and to seek out King Arthur and his brothers, Lamarak, Agrovane, and Dornar. Arthur welcomed the youth with open arms. However, his brothers proved too boisterous and grating to Percival (16) and he eventually found himself under the wing of the stoic Sir Bors (38) and his son Elyan (17).
Sir Bors later introduced Percival to Lady Elayne (The Younger, 32), and the boy developed a crush for the unearthly beauty in spite of her being 14 years his senior, already married, and has a son, Galeschin (10). She thought it was charming, but did not reciprocate his affections. The two met when Bors and Elyan went to collect the young Galahad (14) from his mother Elaine upon Lancelot’s request. Elayne was brought along as it was thought prudent to have a woman of the family present when meeting with Elaine. Bors wasn’t about to ask his aging mother Evaine to come along, and besides Elayne was Galahad’s aunt, a much closer relation to the boy. 
The two women did not get along. Elayne believed the other to have wronged her brother and caused him far too much grief. Elaine considered the other a self-important diva, having not a day of hardship because of her beauty, and likened her to Guinevere as a spoiled brat.
(Galeschin (12) is later taken under Ywain’s (39) wing and is his squire when they fail to rescue Sir Gawain (43) from Sir Carados and the three of them had to be rescued by Lancelot(44). This was shortly before Ciri’s arrival.)
The four canon characters all would have Elder Blood. Sir Bors abilities  are more latent and “repressed” than his younger cousins, he is a man of the sword and of faith, and because he had been over-shadowed most of his life by the rest of his family he stayed in the background as support. He took it upon himself to take Percival and Galahad under his wing, as Pellinor died when Percival was a toddler and Lancelot was so “off hands” when it came to raising Galahad.
Ciri would show up around this time in the Mythos. Galahad is 16 and Percival is 20.  Sir Bors is the oldest of their group at 42, and Percival’s sister, Dindrane, is somewhere in her mid-20s. (Arthur would be 51 at this at this time, Lancelot 44, and Guinevere 42. Mordred would be 26. This is at the peek of Camelot’s power).  
Ciri having a child with Galahad or Percival would fulfill the requirements for creating the “chosen one” that could open the gates between worlds. Dindrane ends up dead sometime during their journey and her body was sent back home. Bors breaks off from their band right before Ciri leaves for good with Galahad and Percival. Bors likely didn’t believe it was his place or time to continue the quest, being in his 40′s already. It was something that the young must accomplish on their own.
Things that could happen in a new book to break game canon: 1) Ciri does have a child within that 5 years between the end of LotL and TW3. 2) Merlin is an Aen Elle and teams up with Avallac’h (or he’s a bad guy and sides with Eredin) 3) Politics of the Aen Elle not meshing up with the games. (Eredin isn’t their King after Auberon dies, Avallach isn’t an ally to Ciri... In-game only characters not existing). 4) Geralt and Yennifer not returning to their world nor being taken by the Wild Hunt. They are effectively gone, even though their deaths had been retconed. 5) That plague that killed 1/3 of the population in the Witcherworld that happened right after LotL not being ignored. 6) The frost is still a thing, a thing that is going to happen. It isn’t some magical force that could be stopped, it is nature, and it is still creeping along. 7) Show what happened to the Aen Sidhe after leaving  the Witcherworld. 8) Move ahead in the timeline, when Ciri’s child has already grown up fulfilling their legacy. 9) Do a “Days of the Future Past” scenario and have Ciri’s child go back into the past to be trained by Geralt and Yen.... and King Arthur (having been sent away after his own death) 10)  Nothing gets accomplished and everything is for not. The Witcherworld and everybody in it dies and no shits were given about trying to save them because they are all horrid-horrid people that didn’t deserve to be saved.
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ao3-rickylmerthurj2 · 7 years
In For the Kill by <a rel="author" href="/users/Polomonkey/pseuds/Polomonkey">Polomonkey</a>
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CLcvMb
by Polomonkey
It's the championship fight at Camelot Arena, and Merlin's confident of a win against Arthur. Unless, of course, his heat comes early...
Words: 2931, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgause (Merlin), Aglain (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fighting Kink, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
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Welcome back to the second round of the Merlin Mini Arena! This weekly event is an attempt to revive the once-popular Merlin Arena that was well-liked in the Merlin Wiki community. In the Merlin Mini Arena, characters from BBC Merlin will face off against each other in a dramatic battle. Every week, we will choose a matchup from your suggestions and you will get to decide who wins!
This week's arena matchup is between Morgause and Gwen! You can vote for your pick here
The winner of the battle will be announced every Friday and new matchups will go up every Saturday! Please send in your suggestions for future arena matches. We're looking forward to seeing who wins!
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In For the Kill
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CLcvMb
by Polomonkey
It's the championship fight at Camelot Arena, and Merlin's confident of a win against Arthur. Unless, of course, his heat comes early...
Words: 2931, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgause (Merlin), Aglain (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fighting Kink, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CLcvMb
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In a land of Massachusetts, and a time of college...
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LHcGtQ
by Cello_trash
In order to go to his dream school, Merlin has to work as a staff member at the university's Ice Arena with Gwen, (a sweet, but badass nursing student) Mordred, (an pretentious, angsty e-boy) and George (an uptight hospitality major). Sounds easy right? Well... enter Arthur, the stuck up (and annoyingly attractive) captain of the ice hockey team, and things get a bit more interesting.
AKA what if the characters from Merlin went to Samwell University (I plan to do a 2nd part to this series that's the characters from Check, Please! if they lived in Camelot
Words: 4347, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Merlin x Check, Please! Crossover Universe
Fandoms: Merlin (TV), Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin), Morgana/Morgause (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, no magic, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Check please au, kind of, Merlin and gang go to samwell and some of them play hockey, Dumb Hockey Boys, Angst with a Happy Ending, Crack, FTM Merlin, Trans Male Character, Happy Ending, Lack of Communication, but they work on it, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotionally Repressed Arthur, Humor, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Uther Pendragon's A+ Parenting (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Hockey, Soft Hockey Boys
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LHcGtQ
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