#bbc merlin fanfiction
quotidian-oblivion · 20 hours
Leon & Merlin fic!
Merlin flung his arms up. “See? This is the acknowledgement I wanted. How much effort does it take to just say that?” He rolled his eyes. Leon pursed his lips. “Well, how long will you be willing to offer your services?” he asked. “You seriously can’t be considering it,” Percival said incredulously. “Why not?” Merlin argued. “I’m happy to be Leon’s temporary servant. Although,” he turned to him, “just pretend it’s a permanent thing to Arthur.” OR Merlin becomes Leon's servant to spite Arthur.
Forgot to inform tumblr XD so here ye go!
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mentality-project · 3 months
BBC Merlin x Reader - My Startled Stoat
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Pairing: Merlin x Reader
Summary: So, I came across this meme thing on Insta comparing pics of Merlin against stoats and the resemblance was uncanny. And then there was a comment about imagine if there was an episode where Merlin turned himself into a stoat by accident and Gwen and Gaius had to hurry to turn him back. And I said challenge accepted...
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Merlin would’ve sighed if he could. This wasn’t exactly the result that he had intended. What was he going to do? He certainly couldn’t stay like this...
His ears perked up at the sound of a familiar voice.
“Merlin!” You called out as you walked through the part of the woods that the court physician had sent him to, “Gaius said that he sent you to gather herbs and that you were to return hours ago. Where are you?”
You stumbled as you trod over something, causing you to look down. A basket full of herbs and Merlin’s boots...along with all of Merlin’s clothes. Well, at least you were in the right place. But where on earth was Merlin?
“Merlin?” you called out again, looking around for him.
The sound of rustling cloth drew your attention back down and you got the shock of your life when a stoat popped out of neckline of Merlin’s shirt. The animal scuttled forward and came to a stop in front of you. You blinked down at it, eyebrow raised at the unusually tame behaviour. There was also something about the colouring that struck you. The creamy underbelly and dark brunette fur, coupled along with the eyes. The stoat possessed the most brilliant blue eyes that you had ever seen. You knew those eyes. They were just like -
Wait. No...
Slowly, you lowered yourself down onto one knee, peering closer at the stoat’s face.
“Merlin?” your voice had taken on an incredulous tone.
The stoat bounded forward, placed its paws on your knee and nodded. Your eyebrows nearly shot right off your forehead as you slapped a hand over your mouth.
“Oh my god...”
“GAIUS!” you called out as you came charging through the door, basket of herbs in one hand and Merlin’s clothes in the other, “Gaius, help!”
The physician hurried over towards you, worry etched into his face, “What’s wrong? Where’s Merlin?”
You set the clothes and boots down on the bench before placing the basket on the table and reaching inside to thrust the stoat-Merlin in front of you.
Gaius raised his eyebrows, looking back and forth between you and Merlin a couple of times before meeting your eyes. It was only when you nodded firmly, lips pressed together in a straight line that Gaius realised that you weren’t joking.
“Oh, my...quite the predicament.” Gaius remarked with a weary sigh.
You set Merlin down on the table with care before turning back to Gaius.
“What are we going to do?”
Gaius sighed again as he folded is arms across his chest.
“Find some way to undo what has been done, I suppose.” Gaius shot the stoat a disapproving look, “At the very least, I hope that this will be a memorable lesson as to why magic should be practiced with caution.”
Stoat-Merlin had the good grace to bow his head and look ashamed. Gaius pursed his lips before turning his attention back to you.
“I have a few patients to tend to before I can go to the library to see if there’s a book that can help us find a way to turn Merlin back. In the meantime, I suggest looking in the grimoire I passed down to Merlin. No doubt that whatever mischief he’s gotten himself into now came from there.”
You nodded and watched Gaius leave, turning to Merlin once the door was shut.
“Well? Where do you keep this grimoire?”
Merlin bounded to the other end of the table, rearing up on his hind legs to look pointedly at his bedroom door before looking back at you.
“I see...” you pressed your lips together before swallowing, “Let’s go.”
You picked Merlin up off the table before making your way up the stairs. Merlin squirmed out of your arms, paws scrabbling across the floorboards as you hesitated in the doorway. You had never been in Merlin’s room before, let alone the room of any man, for that matter. Just the idea of being in Merlin’s room felt strangely intimate. But what other choice did you have? You exhaled as you crossed the threshold.
“Where do you keep it, Merlin?”
Stoat-Merlin circled around a certain spot, making a scratching sound as he pawed at the floor.
“Hmm...” you hummed as you knelt down, tapping on the wood.
The hollow echo had you raising your eyebrows.
You pressed at the boards, eventually working out how to prise up the lid to the hidden compartment. You set it aside before reaching down to take out what could only be the grimoire wrapped in a linen cloth.
“You really are full of secrets, Merlin.” you murmured as the book was revealed before your eyes.
You moved to sit on the edge of Merlin’s bed, book resting in your lap as you flicked through the pages. Stoat-Merlin moved across the bedsheets in a jittery manner, almost circling you. It must be so frustrating for poor Merlin…he probably knew exactly what page and spell you needed to be looking at, but had no way of being able to communicate that to you. After a few moments you paused in your turning of the pages, sighing in frustration.
“I’m afraid I’m not of much use...I don’t know what I’m meant to be looking for, let alone where to start.”
Stoat-Merlin blinked up at you with his wide blue eyes before nudging your hand with his head. You smiled at the gesture, it was almost as if he were trying to encourage you. You and Merlin continued to stare at each other for a few minutes before you spared a glance at the book only to look back at him.
“Did you want to give it a try? See if you could do a little…you know.”
You wiggled your fingers back and forth between your eyes and the grimoire in a poor imitation of Merlin using his magic. Stoat-Merlin blinked and you weren’t sure whether or not he was thinking about how much of an idiot you were. Stoat-Merlin soon turned his gaze to the book lying open in your lap and continued to surprise you when his eyes suddenly went from blue to gold. You jumped as the pages started to move, almost as if an unseen hand was flicking through them furiously. When the pages finally settled, your sent Merlin a sidelong glance of approval.
“Good job, Merlin.” you smiled as you scratched the top of his head, just behind his ears.
Your smile widened as you watched the stoat close his eyes, seeming to be thoroughly loving the attention. The moment was short-lived when his blue eyes snapped open and he tried to shake his head away. You laughed as you withdrew your hand, more than certain that Merlin was doing the stoat equivalent of pouting.
“Sorry...now, let’s see where it all went wrong...” you murmured as you inspected the spells in front of you, “Oh, look! These pages are stuck together. Guess that’s probably why...oh.”
You trailed off as you leaned closer to inspect the mix up, “Oh, dear...interesting little pickle you’ve gotten yourself into, Merlin.”
You sighed at the forlorn look those blue eyes were giving you.
“Come along, then. Let’s see what we can do about it.” you stood with the grimoire and made your way down to Gaius’ work station, Merlin’s stoat body bounding along behind you.
You were crushing up the ingredients needed for the reversal potion with a mortar and pestle when the unmistakable sound of a disgruntled prince roaring Merlin’s name sounded down the hall. You froze as you locked eyes with Merlin, panic radiating off the both of you. Of all the times for Arthur to come looking for his manservant...
Abandoning the task at hand, you scooped up Stoat-Merlin and circled the spot where you stood, desperate for somewhere to hide him. In your panic, you decided to hide him in the first place that came to mind. But not before apologising for what you were about to do. You held up Stoat-Merlin to your face, looking him in the eye.
“I’m so sorry.”
And with that sincere apology, you proceeded to shove Stoat-Merlin down the neckline of your bodice. You froze as Prince Arthur threw the door open, clasping your hands together behind your back. Thankfully, Stoat-Merlin had stilled beneath your clothes. You were however, very aware of the heavy thump of his heart as it beat in his tiny furry body against your breastbone.
“Your Highness.” you greeted the prince with a slight bow.
You did a subtle shuffle as you straightened, praying that your upright body was enough to hide the grimoire lying open on the table behind you.
“Have you seen Merlin?”
“No, sire,” you lied blatantly, “I’m looking for him myself.”
“Where is he?”
“Out running errands with Gaius, I suppose. Shall I tell him that you’re looking for him when he returns?”
“Yes, and when you see him, tell to report to me immediately.”
“Of course, sire.”
You bow in farewell as the prince leaves, sighing in relief when the door shuts behind him. You gasp at the feeling of Stoat-Merlin squirming against you, reaching a hand into your clothes to pull him out.
“I’m so sorry!”
Stoat-Merlin has his head in his paws, unable to look you in the eye. You on the other hand, look at him with desperation; your cheeks aflame with embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry, Merlin! But we couldn’t risk Arthur seeing you in this state and...and I panicked…” you wrung your hands together, cheeks flushing scarlet, “at least I didn’t tell him you were at the tavern…”
Merlin’s paws dropped to his sides and he scuttled over to stand beside the motar and pestle, eager to get this over with. You pressed your hands over your face as you took a breath, willing the heat to dissipate from your face before striding over. You followed the last of the instructions; scooping out a spoonful of the paste into a bowl. You carefully measured out the correct amount of water before stirring it all together, the paste soon turning into a bittersweet smelling soup.
“Bottoms up, Merlin.” you grimaced as you slid the bowl over in his direction, hoping for his sake that the potion would taste better than it smelled.
Stoat-Merlin lapped up as much as he could before bounding over to you. You scooped him up, holding him close as you leaned over the book. You had thought it best that you be the one to read the spell out loud, seeing as stoats couldn’t talk. Hopefully if Merlin read the incantation as you said it, that would be enough to undo the mess of a spell he had made.
You didn’t notice the glow in his eyes as you read the spell, but what you couldn’t ignore was the loud, smoky explosion that happened immediately after. A yelp left your mouth as the force of it knocked you to the ground. Oh, god...the spell had gone wrong, horribly wrong. You felt heavy and pinned down, and you wouldn’t know the extent of your predicament until this confounded smoke cleared up... "Oh."
It was the only sound you could make as you found yourself face to face with a very human, very naked Merlin. You kept your eyes locked onto his and refused to let them wander as your hands found his shoulders. "The spell worked...?" "Yes." Merlin's voice sounded deeper than you were used to, it made your heart skip a beat. You didn't say another word as you pressed your hands over your face to give Merlin privacy. You felt his body leave yours and heard the sound of his clothes rustling as he got dressed. It was only when Merlin pried your hands away that you dared to open your eyes. "Are you hurt?" Merlin asked as he pulled you to your feet. "N-no." An awkward silence hung in the room as you and Merlin struggled to hold each other's gaze, both desperate to break the silence but not knowing what to say. You thanked your stars when Gaius walked in, grateful for the interruption. For the rest of the day, despite your best efforts, your thoughts continued to be plagued with thoughts of blue eyes and crushed velvet.
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tansyuduri · 9 days
From the latest chapter of "Our Stars Still Shine Together."
Arthur pulled Merlin into his arms, cradled him against his chest so he could see his face “Merlin! Merlin, can you hear me?” There was no response. Merlin’s expression was one of unendurable pain. His eyes were still squeezed shut, black lashes brushing his pale cheeks.
“Clotpole!” Arthur tried insulting him hoping for a response. Any response. “Dollop head! I’m using your words Merlin!”
Merlin gave no sign of hearing him. He was lost in the pain and anguish that showed so clearly on his face.
Arthur kissed him as he had done in the crystal cave. This got the slightest response from Merlin… stirring very slightly but nothing else.
Arthur lifted him up, nodding to the others briefly before heading straight to their rooms with Merlin in his arms.
He sat on his bed, used an elbow to draw back red curtains, and looked down at his warlock. He didn’t know what to do. Besides that, he had to ask himself what could bring Merlin that much pain. I can be here for him , he decided. 
Arthur carefully removed Merlin’s shoes and dirty clothing, getting him into something soft and clean before laying him on the bed and changing from his own clothing. He wet a washcloth and lay next to Merlin on one side, carefully cleaning the blood from his lover’s face with a gentle hand. He moved closer to him as he did so. “Merlin.. I’m here.” 
When Merlin's face was clean Arthur wrapped an arm around him pulling him even closer to himself helplessly as they lay there on the bed. “I don’t know what you are going through Merlin… I don’t know what's happening… but I want you to come back…” 
Arthur cleared his throat and added hollowly. “I order you to come back…” 
When that got no response he continued. “Until you do, I'm going to lie here with you. You might want to come back soon or we’ll both miss breakfast.. You know how I am without breakfast.” Arthur cleared his throat again.
After a several minutes he finally admitted, “I’ve never seen you like this…I don’t know what to do…”
Arthur didn’t want to think about the amount of pain that could make someone like this. He didn’t want to think about Merlin in that much pain… 
“Merlin! Please… I don’t know what to do.” 
They lay there, Arthur internally panicking and Merlin lost in some world of pain inside his head, Arthur watched his face, his profile lit by the new electric lights, and smoothed messy black hair from Merlin's face. “Come back to me… Don’t you dare stay like this.”
Finally his hand slipped into Merlin’s, giving it a gentle squeeze.
And Merlin's hand squeezed his. 
Merlin’s hand gave his another squeeze. A squeeze that said I’m trying , and so much else.
Find the fic here!
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southfarthing · 1 year
a world we will dream of
word count: 2167 
tags: merlin & arthur, merlin & daegal, arthur & daegal, canon divergence, s5e8: the hollow queen, angst, major character injury, self-reflection, pov arthur pendragon, protective daegal, open ending
summary: When Arthur sets out to find a missing Merlin, he comes across someone who thinks Arthur is a danger to Merlin.
prompt by @lightasthesun – sorry this took like a whole year and... a rather different direction haha <3
crossposted to ao3
The forest air is oppressively still as Arthur urges his horse on.
It has been a week. The Sarrum has come and gone, and still, Merlin hasn’t returned.
The Valley of the Fallen Kings, Gaius had finally said, his voice shaky, his concern clear. That was where Merlin was supposed to have found the herbs he was looking for.
The Valley? Arthur had said in horror. Alone? Why would he not take a knight with him?
Gaius had paled. Opened his mouth once, twice, but no sound had come out, and Arthur had turned to the door.
Arthur, too, is alone now. The difference is that he has horses, armour, a sword – and he knows how to use it.
He tries to focus on his annoyance, more than anything else. Merlin went without a word, without a care for his duties or even his own safety, and now Arthur has to go out of his way to see what’s taking him so long. To haul him back to Camelot and put Gaius out of his misery.
But the more Arthur tries to use his exasperation as a cover, the more his worry bleeds through.
He thinks of the tremor in Gaius’s voice and how he’s never seen Gaius so fearful for Merlin in all these years of Merlin following Arthur into every danger. He thinks of Merlin, small and alone in this cursed part of the forest, unable to fend off man nor beast; lost and afraid, or injured and hungry, or in the hands of bandits. And Arthur’s hands clench the reins a little tighter.
The Valley is silent. Arthur unmounts and leads his horse and the second he brought for Merlin under an outcrop where they will both be hidden from unfriendly eyes. Then he unsheathes his sword and begins to walk.
He passes through the valley, scales the cliffs, ventures into the surrounding woods, all with mounting dread. Nothing moves at all. He doesn’t even see birds or rodents, as though something about this place has sent them scampering to safety long ago, and Arthur is searching for life in a graveyard.
The Valley isn’t that big: if Merlin is here, Arthur should have found him by now.
Ahead is a clearing, and Arthur soundlessly steps towards it, wondering how the sun can shine so brightly at a time like this. It burns his eyes; he closes them. It burns his skin. He lets it.
Gaius had been so reluctant to tell Arthur where Merlin might be, despite his obvious fears – why? What was he hiding from Arthur?
Arthur tries to think back to the last time he had seen Merlin. What had they spoken of? Had Arthur said or done something to make Merlin upset? He doesn’t remember any of it, and that almost makes it worse. Merlin’s disappearance makes no sense.
It carries no meaning. It is silent, unassuming – so unlike Merlin himself. He was simply there one day and not the next. And Arthur stands here in the most perilous part of Camelot, alone, unsure what to do or where to go.
And this time, Merlin isn’t here to murmur advice in Arthur’s ear.
Arthur rubs his hand over his stinging face and finally opens his eyes again. It takes a moment for them to adjust to the light once more, but when they do, his heart sinks. Nothing has changed. The clearing is the same.
He presses his lips together and looks down at Excalibur. It glints in the fierce light, and the runes seem to melt into the metal. He wouldn’t have it if it weren’t for Merlin, always pushing him on, always making him reach for the courage he needs.
And that is when he hears it – a rustle in the trees ahead, when there was no wind.
Arthur grips the sword hilt and advances. This time, he spares no thought for anticipation. It has brought him no reward.
And this time, he is met with the sight of Merlin, bruised and bloodied, on the forest floor.
The sound that leaves Arthur’s mouth is foreign to his own ears. He rushes forward and falls to his knees, Excalibur somewhere at his side.
Merlin’s eyes are open, but they stare blankly ahead.
He touches Merlin’s face. It isn’t cold, but his relief is short-lived. It is too hot, sweaty, sickly, and Arthur takes in the transparency of Merlin’s skin. The imminence of his death.
‘Merlin,’ he says sharply, but his voice cracks on the first syllable. He doesn’t clear his throat but says Merlin’s name again and again, each time growing louder and more desperate. Merlin’s eyes don’t move.
Arthur presses the back of his hand against his mouth to stifle whatever unkingly sound may tear out of it next. Merlin is alive – but for how long? He can’t even see –
Taking in a ragged breath, Arthur searches Merlin’s limp body for a wound, but there is nothing to be found. No blood other than the cuts on his face and hands.
Arthur shakes his head. So why won’t Merlin recognise him? Why is he burning up like he’s moments from death? Why won’t he –
‘Who are you?’
Arthur snaps his head up; a boy, not yet fully grown, stands close by, his eyes wide.
‘Who are you?’ the boy says again, and then his expression hardens. ‘Stay back.’
Arthur instinctively grabs his sword and gets to his feet. It is only then that he sees there are no weapons in the boy’s hands. Only leaves – herbs, he thinks.
‘Are those to heal him?’ Arthur asks quickly.
The boy doesn’t reply. His gaze has caught on Excalibur.
‘If those are to heal him, you have nothing to fear from me.’
There is no time for this. Merlin is – is dying, and this boy is just stood here, not moving, not talking. Arthur opens his mouth to repeat himself.
‘They are,’ the boy finally says.
His appearance is haggard, like he, too, has been on the road. He looks something like a druid, but Arthur doesn’t ask: he only nods and sheaths Excalibur again, his heart racing.
The boy hesitates before approaching Merlin, whose eyes are still glassy, staring up at nothing. He begins to grind the leaves into smaller pieces with the jagged edge of a rock, glancing up at Arthur every so often. It’s all infuriatingly slow.
‘What’s wrong with him?’ Arthur demands. ‘Did you see what happened?’ If there’s no physical wound, then it must be something else. Poison, or – or sorcery.
The boy is silent as he struggles with the rock.
Arthur clenches his jaw. ‘Here,’ he says, pulling out a small knife and tossing it at the ground by the boy’s hand.
The boy jerks away before the understanding sets in, and he gingerly picks it up. Whatever he was doing before, he does more quickly now, without glancing at Arthur. He shifts, and Arthur sees that he has been preparing a tincture of some sort.
‘I’ll need your help to hold him down,’ the boy says as he moves to kneel by Merlin’s head. He drips the liquid into Merlin’s open mouth. ‘Now.’
‘Now – please!’
It’s the agitation in the boy’s now raised voice that pushes Arthur to action, and not a moment too soon. He’s only just placed his hand on Merlin’s shoulder when Merlin’s body begins to shudder violently. Arthur presses down harder; uses his other hand, too.
It’s a horrid sight. The feeling of it, against his own palms, is worse. Merlin twitches and gasps, the pain clear in his face.
Arthur has never felt more helpless in his life. He can’t stand it – he wants it to be over, for Merlin to still and breathe properly and say something stupid and stop making those agonising sounds – and then it finally, finally stops.
Merlin stops moving, and his eyes close.
Arthur immediately reaches to feel his pulse: it’s still there. He’s breathing, too. He’s alive.
‘What was that?’ Arthur hears himself say. ‘What just happened?’
‘I don’t know,’ the boy admits, ‘but it keeps happening. He knew it would.’
Arthur frowns, trying to make sense of it all. ‘He’s been awake, then? He’s spoken to you?’
Arthur nods, his eyes still on the rise and fall of Merlin’s chest. How long has this boy been trying to save Merlin? Why? And – why is Merlin here in the first place?
He doesn’t understand any of it, and this boy is being so difficult about it all, despite its urgency.
‘What’s your name?’ is what Arthur settles on.
In a quiet voice, the boy says, ‘Daegal.’
Arthur bites back his impatience. ‘Did you find him like this? Or did you see what happened?’
Daegal says nothing again.
‘Was it sorcery? I asked you–’
‘Are you a knight?’ Daegal interrupts.
Arthur glares at him, but Daegal’s eyes are wide and expectant.
‘You were shouting his name. You know him. You’re a knight of Camelot?’
‘I’m the king,’ Arthur snaps.
It’s not his proudest moment, and he regrets it when Daegal shrinks away from him in shock.
‘You’re – you’re Arthur.’
‘Yes.’ Arthur purses his lips.
The way Daegal is staring at him now, with his shoulders drawn in and his mouth agape, is uncomfortable.
‘Merlin’s my – friend,’ Arthur says as calmly as he can, hoping it will ease the boy’s mind. It’s the truth, after all. ‘I need to get him to safety. Do you know what happened to him?’
‘I think you should leave, sire.’
Arthur doesn’t think he’s heard right. ‘What?’
‘Let Merlin recover, please,’ Daegal says. He trembles, looking as though he is surprised by his own courage, but he doesn’t back down. ‘Just let him be.’
Who does this boy think he is?
‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’
Arthur moves to dig his hands under Merlin’s arms and pull him up, but Daegal stops him with an outstretched hand.
‘Please,’ Daegal says, begs, his expression wounded, his body bent forward over Merlin’s, as though shielding him from – from Arthur.
Arthur stops. He doesn’t know what to say. What to think.
‘He’s so good, please. He’s – good. Let him get better here, in peace. Away from Camelot.’
So Daegal knows Merlin, then. They’ve spoken, and Daegal has decided that something in Merlin’s words has shown Arthur – Camelot – to be dangerous.
Or Merlin said it himself.
Arthur looks at Daegal’s clothes again. Even if he is a druid, it doesn’t matter. Druids live peacefully in Camelot lands, now, as long as they don’t commit sorcery. There’s no reason to be afraid of Camelot.
‘He’s coming with me,’ Arthur says firmly, one hand on Merlin’s shoulder, and the other on Excalibur’s hilt.
Daegal pales.
‘Camelot has a healer. He will recover there.’
Arthur’s words don’t have the effect they were supposed to have; Daegal recedes, but it isn’t because of anything Arthur said. He pulls back in defeat – there is no other word for the way he looks away, his eyes teary, as though he has failed. Failed Merlin.
Arthur wants to say something more, to convince Daegal that he’s wrong, that Merlin will be better under Gaius’s care than out here, but he doesn’t.
He tells himself it’s because Daegal won’t believe him, whatever he says. But the truth is that he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know if the journey back will make Merlin worse, or if Daegal could actually heal Merlin – maybe he could have used magic, if Arthur hadn’t been there – but he doesn’t have it in him to not do something. Staying here and pinning his hopes on a boy who just met Merlin – he can’t.
Gaius will know what to do. Gaius will make Merlin better. And Merlin will wake up, and he won’t hate Arthur for bringing him back. He won’t cower or wish he were away from Camelot, no matter what Daegal says. He won’t.
Arthur grits his teeth as he pulls Merlin up and slings him over his shoulder. Merlin is terribly light.
Daegal looks at him one more time, his mouth pressed tightly into a thin line, his care for Merlin evident. It makes something in Arthur burn and bite at the same time: the thought that he is what is harming Merlin. That Merlin needs to be protected from him.
But he turns, and he walks purposefully back to where he left the horses, leaving Daegal alone at the edge of the clearing.
The horses are still there. Arthur carefully sets Merlin down onto one and straps him on. Merlin’s limp body slumps forward against the horse’s neck, and Arthur hates the sight of it.
‘You will get better,’ Arthur says. If he could order it, he would.
Merlin won’t die. No matter what some lost boy in the woods thinks, Arthur is Merlin’s friend.
Arthur has known Merlin for longer – knows Merlin like he is an extension of Arthur himself – and Arthur will save him.  
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where-dreamers-go · 2 years
“Space And Somewhere” Merlin x Reader
(A/N: Requested with prompt: “May I hold your hand? (Would that be alright?)” Hello there! I’m so glad you liked the last Merlin insert reader. :) Onward to Camelot!
Warnings: This might be minor angst because of how the Reader is feeling, but they’re mostly questioning it all.
Word Count: 1,519 words)
What was it? The feeling of something creeping, hunting behind you with no eyes. A worry with no clear starting point. It stalked you through the halls. Soundless and untiring.
Leaving the last batch of bread rolls where the lead cook wanted them, you headed out of the kitchen.
You huffed out air. No change. Followed by a feeling.
The hall was not crowded, but it felt like you’d be swarmed if you stepped away from the wall. You refused, to look anyone in the eye.
Space. Perhaps that was what you needed.
It’s not as if anything bad has happened, you thought as people walked by. Everything is moving too much for me. And—Everything’s fine. It’s fine. I’m—
A hand touched your shoulder and you jolted.
“Ah. Sorry.” Merlin apologized and pulled his hand back. “I was calling for you…, but… Are you alright?”
“I…,” you closed your mouth and shook your head. “I don’t know.”
Merlin pursed his lips together and narrowed his eyes for a moment. “That won’t do.”
“Follow me.”
Merlin’s pace quickened before you could utter a proper response.
“Come on,” he sent a smile your way.
What in the world? You thought as you followed after him. Right when I think I’ve figured him out…
Keeping up with Merlin wasn’t difficult as he never strayed far. Always checking you were there, Merlin lead you out of the castle, and down the steps.
“Merlin,” you called. “Where are you taking me?”
He slowed down to keep pace with you and answered, “Some where to think.”
“As opposed to anywhere?”
“A quieter place.”
You came to a stop. “…We both have work.”
“And,” he turned to face you with a soft voice, “you shouldn’t work if you can’t stop to figure out what’s bothering you.”
“That’s not how it works.”
“But it should.”
Standing there, with Merlin, it was a wonder how he didn’t get in more trouble.
Or he could change the world, you thought. Goodness. Why must he be so…so…
Merlin rose his eyebrows. A signal that he knew he was right.
“I don’t know if it’s stubbornness or wisdom with you.” You sighed. .”Lead the way.”
Bowing his head playfully, he said, “It’s more of a mixture of both.”
“And needing to take care of a friend who obviously needs a break.”
“You’re being too kind to me.”
Tilting his head in mock thought, he replied, “I’ll have to remember to be charming later.”
You stifled a laugh.
Walking once more, the pair of you traveled the path that led outside of the stone walls. Nature sung and a light breeze was able to greet you without the kingdom’s various scents. Training grounds and castle kitchen included.
It’s been almost a week since I have been out here, you thought as the two of traversed into the woods. This is different.
The walk, the escaping from work, and quiet was for you. Merlin was making sure of that in his own way. Helping others was his specialty, you could tell. Even if you didn’t see Merlin as often as you’d prefer, you knew without a doubt he would help anyone whether he knew them or not.
You breathed in the fresh air. Greenery of the woods was a welcome change. A visual change. Inside you still felt…
Like I’m not alone. Is there something I forgot? That should have been finished? You wondered. No. I feel like…I don’t want eyes on me, but…it’s—I feel as if I start doing anything that someone will watch or spy and not like it. But… Not entirely. You groaned.
Ahead of you, Merlin stopped to look at you, concerned.
“I think,” you started slowly. “Today…I feel as if people will be disgusted at whatever I do, but also…I…I don’t want to be around anyone.” You shook your head. “But no one has done anything or said anything. It feels like it’s already happened and I’m just expecting more. How does any of that make sense?”
“If you’ve been under a lot of stress,” Merlin answered. “You have been working more this week, haven’t you?”
You nodded.
“Then it makes sense.” He walked up to you and whispered, “I’m surprised anyone still works on in the castle kitchen. It makes the armory look spacious.” Cerulean eyes caught your gaze, a glint of light trying to transfer an ounce of happiness to you. An effort you greatly appreciated no matter the effectiveness.
“We could trade jobs for an hour,” you suggested. An attempt to uplift your mood, not that you were angry or sad. Your day felt off balance.
But it feels more steady here. Probably because of Merlin. You thought as you watched him laugh at your suggestion.
“I would be banned from the kitchen in under an hour.”
“But you’re a good cook,” you insisted.
“It won’t be because of my cooking.”
You frowned before it all made sense. It was obvious.
Merlin is never afraid to speak his mind. No matter who is around.
“I wish I had some of your bravery…or something similar.”
“You’re one of the bravest people I know.” He said without delay.
You shook your head, skeptical.
“And one of the most patient, which is incredible. You did walk all the way out here with me and no full explanation of where we were headed.”
“It’s good I trust you.”
A wide smile brightened the young man’s features.
Shoulders relaxing, you were once again aware of the woods the pair of you stood in. No judging eyes nor side comments. Not much to be wary of for you. No foraging nor collecting ingredients to bring to Gaius either; Merlin always had a task.
“Should we head back?”
Merlin’s eyes refocused, clearly confused. “What? We spent more time walking here than….here.”
“But I don’t want you getting in trouble for being away.”
“No one will notice.” Merlin started walking further into the woods. No fear of what was unseen, he had eyes on you rather than where he was headed. A brave and optimistic man indeed.
It’s not as if we wouldn’t notice immediate danger, you thought. Being yelled at by the cook is more frightening. But all she could do is shoo someone out and yell. Nothing more. Right? I’ve seen more scary things than her.
“Watch your step,” Merlin advised as you decided to continue on.
That should be the only thing I worry ab—
“Whoa.” Your shoe fell into an uneven patch of grass. “I’m fine.” You said quickly as one hand was pressed against a tree and Merlin held onto the other.
Leaning over, Merlin checked your expression. He said nothing. No sassy comment. No raised eyebrows.
Lowering your hand from the tree’s bark, you tapped the ground with your shoe.
It’s not even wet. Just my luck I guess.
Once looking up again, you caught sight of concern in kind cerulean eyes.
Definitely good luck.
“I’m sorry,” he released your hand.
It was your turn to express confusion. If only for a second.
“You don’t have to be.” You rubbed your hands together.
After a moment, his eyebrows rose.
Oh. Wait. Think of something. Explain. Nice. He’s nice. Friend. Friend?
Without a quick response from you, he smiled.
Who needs an explanation anyway? You thought as you smiled back.
“So what other quiet places in the woods do you know?”
“A few, considering it’s just us.”
You breathed out a light laugh. “Just us and me trying to convince myself that no one actually pays attention to anything I do while working—as long as I’m working.”
Smile widening, Merlin replied, “I told you, you needed somewhere to think.”
“You did.”
The both of you walked onwards. Merlin’s gaze ahead and yours watching out for unseen terrain. A peaceful time as well as a welcome distraction. Moments when your mind could almost quiet thoughts, heavy or otherwise.
“May I hold your hand?”
It took quick effort on your part to stop yourself from immediately questioning him, to repeat himself. You definitely heard him correctly.
“Would that be alright?” He added softly.
Words still paused, you were nodding your head before you finally said, “yes.”
Why wouldn’t you say yes? He was your friend. You trusted each other and were comfortable enough to randomly walk into the woods together. Not that the woods could change relationships or anything.
“I could use the extra support.” You reached out your hand.
Merlin’s hand fit together with yours easily. Tender, warm, and work-hardened was the hand that pulled you further away from the day’s worries. No hesitations. No fears. A hand to hold.
Peeking at him from the corner of your eye, it was difficult not to notice a huge smile on Merlin’s face.
“Thank you. I really needed this.”
“Of course,” he gave your hand a squeeze. “Maybe we could do this more.”
“Skipping chores or spending more time together?”
“There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of both. Besides,” he smirked, “who’s going to stop us?”
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
BBC Merlin Tags: @wesleeporstudy @pilindielofgondor @nervousfandom @13flamingroses @arthurianlegends21 @rainbows-r-nice05 
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
Also: Some aren’t able to be tagged anymore. Let me know if your blog name has changed.
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katherynefromphilly · 10 months
Fic Rec: Share Your Soul With Me
By: 1creativeusernameplease
Rating: Teen and up
Ship: Merthur
My Take:
I highly recommend this 25k story, full of achingly beautiful writing, told from Arthur’s point of view, immediately after he returns from Avalon.
It’s appropriately angsty considering its focus is an ancient king returning to find his kingdom gone, his friends and family gone, and his life irrevocably altered. But in the suffering — Merlin’s life also in focus here — there is beautiful connection, and resolution, and love.
I know some people don’t read first person BUT I BEG OF YOU to give this a try even if you’re one of those people. I’m very impressed how well Arthur is written here. I never would have dared try writing him in first person myself. But this writer has captured our beloved king expertly and with great care.
The Fic Summary from AO3:
When Arthur returns Merlin is there, waiting, as he has been for centuries. But Arthur can't stand being a burden to his friend he knows has suffered the tests of time. He doesn't want to be overwhelmed by the changes to his home, doesn't want to be confused by new technology, but Merlin thinks he knows how to help. He'll just share all of his knowledge of the world with a spell. Neither of them were planning on Merlin sharing his memories as well.
LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36938149/chapters/92157256
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this-is-mycrisis · 1 year
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thenerdyindividual · 1 year
Chapters: 3/6 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Mithian (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Christmas, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, Alternate Universe - Small Town, Small Towns, Fluff, Crack, Post-Break Up, POV Arthur, Mechanics, Druid Merlin (Merlin) Summary:
Arthur and Mithian are happily dating and have been living together for a couple of years. They've discussed spending their lives together, and Arthur has bought the ring. He has a whole plan for the engagement.
Then a disagreement with Mithian leads to chaos as she leaves to spend Christmas in Wales with her father. By the time Arthur arrives, he discovers that Mithian has fallen back in love with her childhood sweetheart. The worst part is that Arthur can't even return to London. His care broke down on the way there, there's no room at the inn, and he has no choice but to spend a week in Wales, crashing on a guest bed in the flat above the mechanic's shop.
At least the mechanic is cute.
(Updates Mondays)
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thecowardwrites · 1 year
The Coward’s Merlin Masterlist
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It’s about time that I actually work on this
| Main Masterlist | Archive of Our Own | 
BBC Merlin x Reader Fics: 
Fifty Shades of Gwaine [ Gwaine x Reader] - Warnings on each chapter
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight? [Morgana x Fem!Reader] - fluff
Other Merlin Fics: 
I want to write some Merthur eventually 
Merlin Taglist (for when I post anything Merlin related)
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the summary:
When the sun crests the horizon, its effulgence peeking through Merlin’s window, cascading down onto his face, he can’t summon up the energy to rise along with it.
Or, in which Merlin has depression and doesn't know it.
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elanor-wright · 8 months
Hello! :)
This was supposed to be a blog mainly for my BBC Merlin fandom stories. However, the first attempt turned out to be a complete failure. Perhaps this one will be better.
I really wanted to avoid this topic in the fandom space; I didn’t want anyone to judge my work through the prism of what I am about to write, but a certain event yesterday made me realise that, unfortunately, this is impossible. But let me start from the beginning.
I'm a fan of the BBC series Merlin. I've been writing fanfiction in my native language for many years, but in my country, the fandom has almost died out. Therefore, last year, I thought it would be nice to reach a broader audience and started translating my stories into English. And here the trouble started. As you have probably noticed, there is no graphic content here. Im blind, I can't create it myself, and virtually all social platforms where fans gather are full of graphics. I have no chance of promoting my stories because I can't take care of the graphic layer myself. I am also in Reddit communities and on several Discord servers, but the accessibility of both with a screen reader is a disaster. This makes participating in the life of the fandom very difficult, and it even stops being enjoyable. However, I decided to try again on Tumblr. Maybe you are reading this post, even though there is no graphic content? Maybe you will be interested in what I write? Here is one of my latest stories, to start with. Please let me know what you think.
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tansyuduri · 14 days
Arthur has returned. He and Merlin have gotten together, and together they saved the world with almost no one the wiser. They think their job is done, but as magic is revealed to be re-emerging, and not all of it in the right hands, they must build a new Camelot in this modern world to deal with the emerging threats. Meanwhile, the trauma Merlin brushed aside for centuries, even after Arthur’s return, will not be ignored anymore.
Expect fluff, angst, humor, banter, and lots of Merthur!
This Chapter: Merlin and Arthur Return to Camalot, Find something left there for them by Gwen, and discover some potential new knights and Sorcerers. You all get an extra chapter this week because Merlin is trending.
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acosycorner · 2 years
Sooo are we still into that whole Orpheus and Eurydice inspired Merlin fic, where Merlin gets a chance to go beyond the Veil and bring Lancelot back, because I may or may not have fallen head first into this concept and begun a wip
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where-dreamers-go · 2 years
“Soft Smiles” Sir Mordred x Reader
(A/N: Requested. First go at a Sir Mordred insert reader. It’s kind of short. Got to turn off the parts of my brain that say, “ATTACK!” You know, for fanfiction reasons. But if I did that with Kylo, I can do it here. Plus Mordred was actually nice… Don’t tell Merlin, please. Warnings: None. Fluff? Word Count: 416 words)
Busy mornings were nothing new. The halls of Camelot’s castle were alive with activity. A community interlocked and weaving together.
Carrying a basket of freshly cut flowers, you strolled through a familiar hall. Your task was to replace the wilted flowers throughout the castle.
“Good morning.” A voice spoke close beside you.
“Oh. It’s you,” you sighed. “Hello, Sir Mordred.”
Mordred greeted you with a bright smile and blue eyes alight. “Would you like me to carry those for you?” He peered down at the flowers.
“No, I have it.” You assured him. “Thank you for asking.”
“I am happy to help. My services are not limited to swords and shields.”
“I know.” A smirk curved your lips for a moment.
Knowledge of the young man you should not have played in your mind. Magic. Wonderfully helpful, but a secret to be kept at all costs.
From the corner of your eye, you saw the worry flash across his features.
“If the secret of your flower arranging got out….I don’t know what I’d do.” You sent him a playful pout.
Sir Mordred’s worry washed away. A smile on his face again as he said, “Perhaps you could tell jokes at celebrations and festivities.”
“Oh, they wouldn’t be able to catch my humor.”
“Why not?”
“Because it would go over their heads.”
A healthy, hearty laugh erupted from the knight. Laugh lines pulling his face into a joyous beaming sight.
If you had to paint something to represent joy, freedom, and light, it would be of Sir Mordred’s smiling face. A smile of pure joy, eyes of unfiltered light, and a face of unrestricted freedom.
Plucking a single flower out of the weighty basket, you carefully placed it a top of Mordred’s head. The petals sat softly on his dark hair, a stark contrast of color.
Boots came to a stop and you did the same.
Eyes as big as saucers peered above. Though he could not see the flower, he could feel it all the same.
You sighed, “I adore you.”
Again, his blue eyes were wide. A soft wonder in them as he remained silent.
“It’s true,” you said.
Gazes met, so soft and vulnerable, it was difficult to know the appropriate words to share. Were more words even necessary?
“Can you help me set the first vase?” You asked, lifting up the basket.
“I can.” Mordred nodded and gestured for you to lead the way.
“Thank you.”
“No,” he said quietly. “Thank you.”
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
BBC Merlin Tags: @wesleeporstudy @pilindielofgondor @nervousfandom @13flamingroses @arthurianlegends21 @rainbows-r-nice05 
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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Mergwaine fanfics on AO3, please
I need more of them but it's hard fund good ones
I admit I have no idea where this came from but I am absolutely willing to go digging!
I’ll create a collection called MergwaineRecsTLH so it’s easier on both of us :)
Oh and I don’t guarantee quality cuz I dunno your preferences, but you could DM me which ones you wouldn’t read and ill remove them from the collection if you want
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RAVEN'S WING, ArMor fairytale, AO3
When his evil cousin casts a spell on Avalon Prince Mordred, his older sister Morgana is ready to do anything to lift the curse, even if it means going to Camelot, the home of her enemies. What she didn't expect at all was that she would fall in love with Prince Arthur of Camelot. But only Destiny knew that by doing so Morgana had endangered not only herself and her brother, but also the balance of power in the Kingdom which so many wanted to overthrow.
T, Fairytale AU, Canon divergent, Arthurian elements
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