#moseley too cool
awillowdryad · 2 years
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"There is still time to surrender."
"Well feel free."
I adore Peter in the duel scene (well I adore him anyway) but he just oozes confidence and coolness. I'm still getting the hang of painting faces but I'm pretty proud of how this came out, especially the chain mail - sheesh.
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chemblrish · 17 days
Subatomic particles from a chemist's point of view - part II: the proton
[part I: the electron]
In my subjective opinion, the runner-up in this informal ranking of subatomic particles that are important in chemistry. Protons may not form chemical bonds like electrons do, but they still play an important role in many chemical reactions, especially in organic chemistry. But their most meaningful task that places them right below the electron on my list is this: they quite literally define the elements.
Atomic number
Let’s put our Mendeleev hats on and have a look at the periodic table. Here, I’ll upload it for you so you don’t have to google it:
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It doesn’t take a genius to realize the elements are compiled in an orderly fashion rather than a random one. What is the property that generates this order? You could say mass – that the elements are arranged by their increasing mass – but that’s not quite true.  Sure, most of the time it is true, but there’s a handful of oddballs that refuse to fit this scheme. Argon and potassium, for example: argon has a mass of 39,948 u (units) while potassium has a slightly lower mass of 39,098 u. The difference isn’t big, but nevertheless if we want to arrange our elements by mass, we have to place potassium underneath neon and argon underneath sodium.
Obviously, we can’t do that. The cool thing about the periodic table is that there are several trends encoded in it, one of them being that the elements of any given group are usually fairly similar to each other. Group 18, where argon normally resides, is reserved for noble gases that are extremely chill and not eager to react (they might’ve taught you in school that noble gases never ever react with anything ever; THAT’S A LIE! But it is true that their chemistry is scant and their reactions rare). Potassium could never fit in with them. Fucker explodes in water the same way sodium does – which is yet another proof it belongs in the same group! Also, COOL EXPLOSION HERE!
This isn’t the only such strange pair in the periodic table: cobalt and nickel are like that too, and so are tellurium and iodine. It isn’t much – but it’s enough that we have to look for some other physical property to define the order of the elements. For some time, chemists and physicists had to accept this discrepancy (not that they were happy about it; I imagine they’d wake up at night drenched in sweat, screaming, “GODFORSAKEN ARGON!”). The atomic number, this sort of ordinal number that put every element in its place, was actually random, as in, not based on any known physical property. Yeah, potassium has an atomic number of 19, but why?
Henry Moseley conducted a series of experiments in which he zapped various elements with X-rays (I’m so jealous), then analyzed the resulting emission spectra. It turned out that the atomic number is proportional to the square root of the emitted radiation, which in turn depends on the proton count in the nucleus. This is what defines any given element: the number of protons it has. This is THE definition, the one you learn very early in your chemistry journey. The number of neutrons may vary among the atoms of the same element (because isotopes) and atoms can gain or lose electrons by becoming ions, but that doesn’t turn them into different elements. Only the number of protons is always constant for one and the same chemical element.
Organic chemists love protons too
And for more than one reason at that – because hoo boy, does a proton stir some shit in ochem!
My ochem lab instructor pointed to the mechanism I’d written on my lab report once and asked, “What does the acid do in this reaction?”. Very plainly I said, “It’s a source of protons which act as a catalyst,” to which he gave me his standard shit-eating grin and said, “They all are.”
And he wasn’t wrong! If you analyze a bunch of organic reaction mechanisms then you’ll see they very often begin with a proton (so H+) attaching itself to the substrate (or a lone electron pair on the substrate to be precise, because Coulomb force, right?) and thus initiating a chain reaction of sorts that leads, frequently through many infuriating steps, to the product. Take a look at the synthesis of aspirin, for example:
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[via wikipedia]
You don’t need to understand everything that happens here. What matters is this first step I circled: a proton attaches itself to one of the substrates and starts the whole reaction.
The second reason I have in mind for why organic chemists love protons is NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance. NMR is a method of instrumental analysis and it’s cool as all fucks actually (as long as you don’t have to analyze the spectra because what the heck are those spikes), but this post is about protons, not NMR, so here’s the gist: you put your organic sample in the NMR spectrometer. The spectrometer drenches your sample in a magnetic field (which is probably why small dogs with metallic collars aren’t advised in an NMR lab). The spins of the protons in your sample (yes, protons have spin too!) go wooo! and align themselves in a specific manner. The computer connected to the spectrometer spits out a spectrum that tells you what your sample looks like.
Properties of the proton
Charge: positive one elementary electric charge, the exact opposite of an electron (how convenient!): +1.602×10^(−19) C
Mass: 1.673 × 10^(-27) kg – which is roughly 1837 times the mass of an electron. I want you to say, "Whoa, that's a lot!" right now because shit, it really is! And that's a great thing, because it gives us cool stuff like the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
Radius: 0.841 fm (femtometers), but make no mistake: just like electrons, protons abide by the wave-particle duality, because they hate us all. I just remembered when my quantum chem professor told us during a lecture that even buckminsterfullerenes exhibit wave-particle duality. These are molecules made up of 60 carbon atoms. Sixty carbon atoms!! I almost cried, but I was sitting in the front, so I had to compose myself.
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trashmuis · 5 months
I had SUCH a good time this weekend!!!!
This was my first ever horror convention, and I left SO happy!!!
Bill Moseley was sooo chill and so nice! I can't believe I actually got to meet him and pose with him and get a selfie and an 2 autographs! I got a signed Chop Top headshot personalized for me, plus I got a Cornbugs CD (Celebrity Psychos) signed, and a selfie with him holding it <3 !!
it was pretty cool because he couldn't get the plastic off of the CD case so he pulled out a pocket knife with a dramatic flourish and sliced it open, but he accidentally cut into the case but I was like "no that's fine thank u omg" so I have a slightly knife-cut version of the CD case i guess, with his name on the CD itself and honestly I'm happy about it. for the photo, he asked me my name and shook my hand and was really kind, and he asked what i wanted for the quote and i just. i panicked. i froze. i forgot every line of dialog in the movie. i said "um there are too many, uh, i don't know um-" and then he proceeded to rattle off like every quote at me in the voice with the intonation and- that was. that was great. i settled with the classic "lick my plate, you dog dick" line bc it's iconic and also feels like he is insulting me with his quote on the picture which is just too goddamn funny to pass up.
Bill Johnson was a sweetheart and it just was obvious. like i can tell even from his demeanor that he was so patient and kind. i got a headshot of Leatherface signed (which goddamn he has beautiful handwriting and it was amazing to watch him make sure it looked as good as possible) and I also got a selfie with him too :D !!
I bought a crap ton of stuff and WON the silent auction being held in the main autograph room, so even if I never meet Edwin Neal (I hope one day....) I DO have an autograph from him that I got from that! It's a picture of the hitchhiker cutting himself and it's signed by him, and it's verified and that's so dope
I wore my costume all day on Saturday, and got some professional pics with both Bills, all in costume. So. That was cool! I got some photos with other people, and my costume is probably floating around there somewhere on Facebook, according to one guy. But. That's ok. I'm basically unrecognizable in that outfit lmao
Bill Moseley complimented my Chop Top costume tho at the photoshoot, and then again when he was leaving! That was great
That night, I went to see the TCM2 showing with live commentary and it basically was just watching the movie with Bill Moseley and Tom Morga. Bill just drank a Dr. Pepper (I know because he declared that before the movie started) and ate popcorn and kind of laughed at parts, and gave a few facts I wasn't aware of, and Tom mostly bounced off of Bill. some of these details are in the tags of my other posts but i do mean it when I say, it is incredible to be in an actual full-sized theater watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and hearing Bill Moseley chuckle at the movie every now and then
and then in the morning today, I went around for the last time, bought a few more Leatherface items, and sadly had to go home
but I ABSOLUTELY want to go to a horror convention again, and if I get the opportunity to meet Bill Moseley again I probably will and I'll gift him something next time bc I just. I want to. I wasn't expecting Bill Johnson to be there tbh (it was much more last minute on the website?) but if I see him again too, I'll do the same :)
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rinwellisathing · 5 months
Yall don't know half the AUs I keep to myself just for personal use because they're so stupid, insane, and abject wish fulfillment geared towards no one but me...
70's/80's aesthetic backwoods horror AU: Sentry and his Bhaal siblings live in a vaguely Pumpkinhead inspired setting but with a vaguely Firefly family/Texas Chainsaw vibe....in fairness this is 90% because Jackal's entire vibe is inspired by unhinged Bill Moseley performances in general, particularly Otis and Choptop.
Regency AU: Gortash is working as a blacksmith/stable master for Raphael's estate which is near the Bhaalist estate where Sentry is engaged against his will to Sarevok for bloodline purposes....also Halsin is a traveling veterinarian between the various estates.
Fallout AU: originally was just the fact that Sentry is also my Fallout OC but then one of my partners was like "But what if Raphael was a Mr. House type and Gortash escaped him and now he had an army of securitrons? And I was like "cool,cool"
Bioshock AU: Durgetash but they're Rapture boss character types. It's House of Hope but under water!
My other partners have Cyberpunk and Resident Evil AUs they're trying to include me in but my dumb ass always has a tough time figuring out my guys in Sci fi settings.
And like if those actually sound interesting maybe I'll pump out some drabbles or share some RP excerpts some day, or at least answer questions, but just know that that's what I consider too wish fulfillment-y for me to publish.
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triangleguy · 9 months
theres a local con i wanna go to again this year (its the one i went to as ash a while ago) and i wanna do a new costume bc i wanna do the contest again but i am so torn between these. help.
pros & cons for each:
amanda young:
easy outfit (im gonna do red shirt & cargo pants i think)
it would be fun to make the cloak
i can make it fun & add fishnet gloves and a studded belt and other things i wear a lot
easy makeup
very recognizable
i can go crazy with the fake blood
its gonna be partially based on one of her dbd outfits so i can have some of my dbd stuff with me and meet other dbd fans ^_^ like how i was ash last year and got a cool picture with a dwight cosplayer
least strange looking outfit if we have to go somewhere else to get food again
i could bring a little billy with me....
i have to try to make a reverse bear trap which, while fun, would be very difficult
i would get she/her'd even more than usual
gabriel may:
easy outfit that i already have basically all of
it would be a very fun stage performance cause i can walk backwards n shit
i already have a wig i could use for him
id like to make his weapon and i could get it 3d printed but also i wanna make everything myself BUT idk how i would make it
the mask for the back would once again be fun to make but idk how the fuck id do it
there might be like 2 people who know him
chop-top sawyer:
outfit that is both somewhat simple (base shirt & pants should be pretty easy to find) but allows for a lot of fun crafting and customization if i want
pretty much all his accessories i can make myself which would be super fun
another one that would be fun to do on stage for the contest. hes a freak
he has a bad in the movie that i can replicate so i have something to carry my shit
i already have a southern accent (albeit not a texan one)
somewhat recognizable??? horror fans tend to know him
id have to settle for him with the wig. sorry bill moseley but im not shaving my head bald for that
im kinda short and have way too much of a babyface to pull that off
can you imagine what my parents would say when im like "ok time to go" and i look like that
also yes i have considered herbert west too. hes fun and i already have a cosplay of him BUT that one is very hair dependent & i wanna do something that i can make props/costume pieces for
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Did someone say free Disney villain gushing ticket? :D
- What do you think is under Maleficient's cowl? Like, do you think she has hair under there like the live action movie? Do you think she's bald? Do you think it's not a cowl at all and just a part of her head/horns? (I personally like the idea that it is a part of her head because... It just sounds like Mal to not have so many human features, including hair.)
(On that note; tooootally pure thought. Imagine Mal having a snake/reptilian-like tongue. This is purely for science, I swear.)
- I keep forgetting how much I love Alameda Slim! And just Home on the Range in general. But Slim is especially a fun villain! He kinda gives me 'Cowboy Ratigan' vibes with how extra he is and his musical prowess XD how do you think either of them would feel about this comparison?
- I think if you use specific things to burn, fire will change color. I'm not quite sure if I'm correct, but can you imagine Hades turning into different shades depending on what's around him? Also, also, if I'm correct, blue fire is actually hotter than red fire, which means when Hades is actually a higher temperature when completely calm! And somehow cools down when he's raging XD
- Silver and Scroop... Just... The alien husband's XD they're always on my mind. Nothing even specific, just them- wait WAIT! Imagine being in a throuple with them! You get to have your warm, affectionate, absolute lovely captain, and also your mean, dangerous (they're both equally dangerous, but Scroop is more aggressive about it), not so PDA but will still fight for you lover. The best of both worlds <3
- OK, you knew it was coming... Another Toon Patrol imagine XD imagine that you get to know them because they kept kidnapping you (not like a dark scenario, if that makes sense? Literally just them wanting to hang out, but they- especially Smartass probably- have no clue how to approach you normally, and they're all their own flavors of extra since they're villain toons, so they just 'pick you up' when they just want to play monopoly with you or something). And at this point, you just get used to it... But also tired of it. You're just like "Smarty, I get it, you guys are socially awkward, but I've used your shower and have eaten your food; I think we're past the burlap sack part of our relationship." Idk, this wouldn't leave my head and it made me chuckle so here XD
- Imagine all the side kicks start a support group in the Disney Villain House. Iago has anointed himself as the head of the group, next to Sir Hiss. Pain and Panic and Lefou are the ones who need the most help. Fidget is finally making some friends. Kaa and the hyenas are here for the food. And occasionally the weasels make an appearance since they are supposed to be Doom's henchmen. That's all I can think of at the moment XD
- OK we need Wheezy fluff/comedy, so here; imagine trying to help him with his clothes? Like, my guy here is wearing that ratty vest and that nicotine stained dress shirt everyday. He pulls it off, but for his own sake (and ours because *ahem* those Bill Moseley gifs), we gotta figure something out. It may not nearly be Goob level since he at least has some self-respect, but still. Maybe you two go clothing shopping, or you try to figure whatever concoction of detergent, bleach, and pure willpower and elbow grease will make his shirts white again. Or at least get the smell out. Your thoughts?
Ok this was more of a imagining then a gushing, but I hope you like these XD
OKAY OKAY OKAY you should know that when this came through I was making my bed- and Lotso got thrown in my effort to finish it so I could read this XD sorry lotso
Maleficent: I do think that's part of her head!! :D I agree, hair makes her a bit too human. If it was a cowl- I think she'd shave her head. She doesn't want to be seen as a beautiful fair Tinkerbell-type. Men cannot be trusted to not try and hunt her down in the woods for a glimpse, and thats just more trouble then its worth. Besides, being fair is kind of Hilda's thing XD And Gastons.
Imagine seeing her bald head for the first time; horns brown and rough, under the slick black cowl and telling her she's amazing, gently guiding her down into a kiss <3 She's very proud you're the way you are, and she found you.
She's not shy about thrusting her slimy, forked tongue carefully into your mouth and forcing you to moan for it.
(Um?? Yes to her having a reptilian tongue!! Oh my goodness! It's very in character XDD Haha)
Alameda Slim and Professor Ratigan: Ahhh, I can see that!! XDD Very eccentric, and sensitive XD I don't think either of them would be pleased at the comparison though! 😂😂😂 They're both just silent, giving eachother sideways glances, thinking... 'the rat?' / 'the fat guy?' .
'Cowboy Ratigan', though XDDD Thats so funny XDDD
Hades: Oh I have heard that too!!! I wish they would have used that in the movie, that would have just been so cool! Hades' bodily lore just gets more and more interesting XD
And- right??? I'm sure that's just a design decision (Blue is a calm colour, red passionate) but I do think they coulda made the opposite look pretty cool (Imagine he turns electric blue when furious) but the blue suits him ^^ Red woulda been a tip off XDD Haha. And besides, blue fits with his smooth talking, used car salesman vibe.
Silver and Scroop: ALIEN THROUPLE Y E S XD You get a gentleman who stands up for your honour from behind you, a hand on your shoulder, only subtly threatening people lives when they insult you or make you uncomfortable, and then immediately works to cheer you up again- and also your mean, asshole boyfriend who will get in between you and any threat and just boldly threaten their lives... descriptively (Who you have to calm down afterwards XD). Best of both worlds, haha.
Imagine some asshole at a bar getting mad when you don't react nice to his flirting, and before you even know it Scroop is hissing obscenities in that gravelly voice that make your cheeks hot at the guy. You're shocked, though you don't know why you are (Scroop is always like this), and you let Silver guide you carefully back from the two, guiding you to another seat. "We'll sit 'ere til he's done, lass. I'd step in, but... I think I'd like to keep this old hardware attached ta me." He winks. "Mr Scroop's got this under control. Lets getcha another drink, eh?"
Toon Patrol: Ahhhhh, yes perfect! XD Haha. Omg. Guys, you can- you can call them up and just invite them somewhere- *sigh*
I can totally see this XDDD
Imagine the bag gets ripped off of you and you're just deadpanned, looking at Wheezy who pulled it off of you. "... you must realise, that this has become ridiculous."
"I do... boss doesn't. And, 'sides... its amusing."
"Grrrrrrr- "
Sidekicks: I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH. I JUST LOVE IT XDDD Imagine Sir Hiss and Iago arguing over leadership and everyone else, even Smartass, is just like 'isn't this supposed to be for support??... we getta enough of this at home. XD like 'I have ssssssss-eniority, over you! Besides, more experience- ' 'well, I'm more popular than you bub so shut up and gimmie the gabble.'
Wheezy: I- I cant- I'm weak at the thought XDDD You get to choose his clothes?? Ahhhhhhh, that's absolutely a dream XD He'd be so relaxed, letting you hand him damn near anything and trying it on, staying still while you make adjustments, not making it uncomfortable at all, just looking hot, etc. Reminds me of this one scene in Gilmore Girls XD
Incorrect Quote:
Smartass, walking in on Y/N tightening Wheezy's belt: ... what in fucks name are the two of you doin'??
Y/N: Oh!- *Startled to see Smartass, hands flying away from their boyfriend* Its not what it looks like!
Wheezy: ... *Chill. Taking a drag from his cigerette*
Smartass: It looks like you're dressing 'im...
Y/N: Oh- well then. uh. It's exactly what it looks like! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Smartass: well now i don't believe you-
Alternative excerpt though, with and Wheezy Y/N being an old married couple XD :
Wheezy: Stop tightening my belt, I don't wanna look like a kid goin to prom.
Y/N: You have a slim waist. You need the support!
Wheezy: *Rolling his eyes and groaning around his cig* Look if my pants fall down- just call it a bonus okay? Just let me go, woman.
Y/N: Wheezy, sweetheart, your flaccid penis is not the turn on you think it is.
Wheezy: God I could use a smoke right now.
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Article content Four weeks into the NFL season and the Detroit Lions are already back playing in prime time for the second time. Detroit played in the first game of the NFL season and opened with a road win against the Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs. Article content Now, the Lions get another Thursday matchup on the road against the Green Bay Packers. Game time is 8:15 p.m. “It’s fun,” Lions’ quarterback Jared Goff said. “It’s cool to be the only (game) on TV and to know that you’re able to showcase your talents, your team and who you guys are for the whole league.” Article content Along with Detroit’s annual U.S. Thanksgiving Day, which will also be against Green Bay, the Lions also have two other prime time games this season with a Monday night football game against the Las Vegans Raiders on Oct. 30th and a Saturday night game against the Dallas Cowboys on Dec. 30th. The club’s final game of the regular season, against the Minnesota Vikings, could also move into prime time depending on the standings. That’s what happened a year ago when the Lions played the Packers on the final night of the season. Green Bay needed a win to get into the playoffs and Detroit, which was eliminated after Seattle had won earlier in the day, got to play the spoiler with the win, which ended up being the last game quarterback Aaron Rodgers played for the Packers. “Now, it’s a new season,” Lions’ head coach Dan Campbell said. “We know we can win out there, we’ve done it before, but you’ve got to earn it. It’s not going to be given.” While these two teams are tied for the top spot in the NFC North Division, each has a long list of players battling injuries. Cornerback Jaire Alexander, tackle David Bakhtiari, linebacker Rashan Gary, running back Aaron Jones and receiver Christian Watson were among 10 players listed on Green Bay’s injury list. Article content The Lions had nine players listed on the injury list and it could come down to a game-time decision to see who can play, but Campbell is hopeful that tackle Taylor Decker and running back David Montgomery, who both missed Sunday’s win over Atlanta, can return. “It’d be huge,” Goff said of the potential for the two to return. “I know they’re feeling good and hopefully get them going. Two of our best players and it’d be nice to have them.” Decker and Montgomery are listed as questionable for Thursday’s game along with guard Jonah Jackson, safety Kerby Joseph and cornerback Emmanuel Moseley, who has yet to see action this season.  Despite the injuries, the Lions rebounded from an overtime loss to Seattle to dominate Atlanta on Sunday and Campbell said it’s maintaining the job at hand and not focusing on the pieces that might be missing. “Certainly, you want these more because they’re for the division and these count,” Campbell said. “They have a significant impact on being a division winner. So, I think in that regard, it certainly means a lot, but I that what we all just have to keep in mind is that really, the way we played (Sunday) collectively, is how we have to go in and play this game. “It’s going to take every one of us and man, everybody has got to do their part and it’s never one person. It’s about everybody, coaches, players and all three phases for us to win. You’ve got to fight for everything you get in this league. It’s too hard to win when you don’t, so (if) we do that, then I like our chances out there.” [email protected] twitter.com/winstarparker PREVIEW BOX Who: Detroit Lions (2-1-0) at Green Bay Packers (2-1-0) When: Thursday, 8:15 p.m. Where: Lambeau Field TV/Radio: FOX 2 (Cable 7), TSN 3 and 5 and WXYT 97.1-FM Line: Lions by 1.5. Share this article in your social network
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rapturousrot · 5 years
Just got back from a showing of Rob Zombie’s 3 From Hell! I’ve waited years for my beloved Otis’ return only for him to be upstaged by the equally foul Midnight Wolfman, played by Richard Brake!
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upstartgeek · 2 years
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aquaticrunner · 3 years
Sundays With Sammy
William Moseley x Reader | Request: William Moseley and the reader are together since they both played in Narnia and are doing an interview together. Word count: 1,089 A/N: I don’t typically write for real people, so I hope this is alright. Enjoy!
I smoothed down my shirt and adjusted my microphone, watching the interviewer announce us. “And today on Sundays with Sammy, we have William Moseley and Y/N L/N!” I heard the audience clapping and I stepped out with William, hand in hand. We waved at the small crowd of people and took a seat on the small, white couch as the clapping died down. “Wow, thanks so much for being here with us today, guys!” “Thanks for having us, Sammy!” I said. “Anytime. Now let’s just jump right in. Word has it you two are working on a new project. Can we get a sneak peak?”
William chuckled and leaned forward to answer. “Well, we have a new film in the works. Y/N and I recently traveled to Scotland.” William stopped and I picked up. “We did! It was beautiful. The film actually takes place there.”
Sammy nodded. “And can you tell us a little bit about the film?”
I smiled. “Sure! It’s an action movie which was a little out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to try something different.” William spoke next. “Yeah, it’s really interesting. The director was great, she was so passionate about the film. She’s worked with several other actors, Natalie Portman, Matt Dillon, and the like. It was an action movie, but it was also a bit different so it felt really good to work on something so unique. I think it’s gonna be a great movie.”
Sammy smiled. “That’s great! But, this is not the first film you guys have worked on together, correct?”
I smiled, knowing exactly where this was going. “No, it isn’t.” I said.
“You two worked on the Narnia films together. Actually, that’s where you met, right?”
William nodded, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. “Yes, we were much younger then.”
Sammy laughed. “It’s crazy that today these films are still so widely talked about, even 15 years later. How does it feel knowing that you were a part of that?”
William answered the question first. “Well, it was my first time on a film set. I remember working on homework in between takes. Acting is something I’ve always loved, even then. I’m truly glad I had the opportunity to work on those movies. I grew up with the Narnia stories. I used to have all the books and I would listen to them before bed.” I smiled and held his hand a little tighter as I spoke. “I was the same way. The Narnia stories were part of my childhood. I remember my Mom reading those stories to me when I was young. So, to be a part of making those movies, being a part of that world was such an incredible and rewarding experience.”
William listened attentively as I spoke and responded to my words easily. “It was a really cool world to be in. Birds that talked. Giants. Snakes in a cave. It was different from other stories I’d heard. There was an energy in it that I liked. Plus, we made some amazing friends that I’m still close with to this day.”
“Some closer than others?” Sammy asked.
I blushed and William placed our intertwined hands into his lap. “Well, it’s no secret that Y/N and I are together.” 
I watched as Sammy leaned back in his seat. “Of course. You two make a beautiful couple, by the way.”
William laughed and I smiled, nudging my shoulder against his.
“But, can you tell us how you two first got together? I mean, you practically grew up together. When did the sparks first ignite?” Sammy asked us.
I looked at William and he looked at me, nodding for me to speak. “Well, when we were filming that first movie I actually had a bit of a crush on him. I was so nervous around him I could hardly speak unless we were filming.”
William started to laugh and I looked at him. “It was so bad. I actually thought Y/N hated me because they rarely spoke to me.” “I was shy!” I interjected.
The audience laughed and I laughed with them as William continued to tell our story. “The second movie was better. We actually became pretty good friends, but we sort of lost touch after filming ended.” He explained. I nodded and jumped in. “I was trying to focus on school between films and it was a fairly busy time.”
William spoke again. “But, when I filmed my cameo for the third movie we ran into each other. I asked Y/N out for coffee and the rest is history.” I smiled mischievously. “Well…” William groaned playfully. “No, please don’t.”
Sammy leaned forward. “What is it?”
“When we first started hanging out again, he never officially asked me to be his partner. So, I wasn’t sure if I was or not. Then, a few months in, he brought me flowers for our anniversary. I was so confused. I asked him exactly when he’d asked me to be his partner and watched as he realized that he never asked.” I said, laughing as I retold the story. William leaned toward me and finished the story. “So, now we have two anniversaries. One for the first time I asked them for coffee and one for when we became official.”
“Awww, that’s so sweet! Well, we’re about out of time so how about one last question.” Sammy said.
William and I both nodded and waited for Sammy’s question. “Would you two ever consider doing another Narnia movie if they did a revival?” I thought for a moment before saying my answer and I could see William doing the same. I answered first, my eyes staying on William instead of Sammy. “Absolutely. I owe a lot to those films and everyone that worked on them. They gave me my first acting job, a fantastic childhood, and helped me find my true love.” William smiled and I could see the love and adoration in his eyes. “How could I say no to another Narnia movie?”
Sammy smiled and stood. “Alright, you heard it here folks. Thanks so much for coming. Give it up one last time for William Moseley and Y/N L/N!” The audience applauded once more and we waved as we exited the stage. As soon as we were backstage, I removed my microphone and pulled William in for a kiss. “I love you.” He smiled at me and I still felt butterflies in my stomach. “I love you too.”
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arsonistsam · 2 years
Good Samaritan/ Pre Season 11 Eileen fic for 20k notes on @eileenguy’s 30k Eileen! Read on ao3 or under the cut. :)
There’s a woman pulled over on the side of the deserted road. Long, dark hair disappears behind her shoulders as she hunches over the hood of her car.
Eileen pulls up behind her and the woman turns around, bright eyes and brighter smile turning Eileen’s way.
It’s sunset, the slowly darkening sky parts into pink and purple and orange as the fields of wheat behind the two women sway in the breeze.
“Are you lost?” Eileen doesn’t sign as she speaks, the woman jumps at her words, seemingly shocked out of whatever stupor she’s in.
She waves, “Car broke down.”
Eileen thrusts one hand in her pocket and walks towards the woman, “I know a thing or two about cars.” Her other hand waves in the air like so-so.
The dark haired woman nods, “I could use some help, if you’re offering.”
Eileen laughs and the lines around the lady’s eyes crease, deepening her smile.
“I’m offering.”
Her back tire’s flat. Eileen tells her so and the woman looks like she’s found revelation. She didn’t even bother to check around her car?
“I don’t know what to do, I’m afraid AAA doesn’t come out here.”
Eileen flashes her a grin and puffs her chest out, proud to help. “Lucky for you, I’ve got a spare in my trunk.”
It fits like a dream, Eileen’s tightening the lug nuts on the new tire when she feels a tap on her shoulder, she turns around, shielding her eyes from the setting sun. There’s a water bottle in her face, uncapped. She looks up into dark eyes. The woman shrugs, “You weren’t answering when I called your name.”
Eileen points to her ears, “I can’t hear.”
The woman blushes, “Oh.”
“What’s your name?” Eileen grabs the bottle, thankful to have a break. The heat wave is no joke. She gulps it down, just barely missing spilling water all over her t-shirt.
“Sarah,” Sarah watches Eileen wrestle the cap back on the water bottle with a strange interest, “What’s yours.”
Eileen finally gets the cap on, “Eileen.”
The woman, Sarah, sticks out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Eileen.”
Eileen shakes it, she has smooth hands. No rough calluses and dry skin. Her hand is cool despite the late summer heat that rages on, even in the evening. “You too.”
Sarah finally brings her hand back down to rest by her side, Eileen takes another sip from her water.
“What brings you here?”
Eileen looks around. The road is empty, they’re seemingly the only two people here.
“Oh,” Sarah’s interest in piqued, “What type?”
<em>Demonic omens. Whole herds of cattle slaughtered and mutilated a nearby farm. Bad harvests and missing townspeople in this little sleepy neighborhood.</em>
“Real estate.”
Sarah nods her head. “Lots of empty houses down this way.”
The only house in view is a huge three-story farmhouse with a weathered light blue exterior. A single crow opens and closes its beak on the roof.
Sarah sighs, “That damned crow won’t stop crying. It’s bringing all sorts of bad luck.”
Eileen’s water is almost drained but she’s still thirsty, “You’re superstitious?”
“Not very, just something someone told me once.”
Eileen nods her head, she’s collected enough of her own superstitions over the years, from Lillian, from all the random psychics and mediums she visited over the years. Her heart still hurts at the thought of Lillian although it’s been half a decade since her death. Half a decade of hunting on her own. One woman she visited, a Missouri Moseley, warned her there were big things coming. Bad things.
The house’s shadow creeps further as the sun lowers in the sky. Eileen’s head and throat throb like a bitch, she drains the plastic water bottle.
Eileen brings her eyes back to Sarah’s, “Do you live nearby?”
Sarah shakes her head, “I’m also just stopping by for business.”
“Anything interesting?” Her vision is staring to blur at the edges, she shakes her head to sharpen it but she’s knocked off balance and onto the car.
“You probably don’t think so. It doesn’t matter, you’ll see anyway.”
Eileen sags against the car, eyes completely closing before she feels an arm slip under the legs and a hand on her back.
She’s foisted into the air and breath brushes over forehead.
Water drips onto the top of her head.
Right against where her scalp is tender.
The coldness of the pipe she’s tied to she shocks her eyes open. She’s in a dark room with no windows, sitting on a concrete floor with her arms behind her and her back to freezing metal.
Her eyes adjust the small sling of light pouring in through a crack in the door up a small set of stairs. A shadow moves behind it.
Eileen snaps her eyes shut.
She tests the rope she’s in, it’s a fairly good knot but the water dripping from around the pipe smoothes some of the friction when she tries to wiggle out of the hold.
The door opens before she gets a chance, light pouring in through her eye lids. She opens them reluctantly to find Sarah pulling a string and turning on the lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.
“Good, you’re awake.”
“Why did you bring me here?” Eileen’s head lolls on the pipe as she tried to stay focused on Sarah’s- or the whatever’s wearing Sarah’s- lips.
The monster steps closer, bending down to brush its palm against Eileen’s cheek. The skin is rougher now and wet with the smell of blood. “Poor thing, it will all be over soon, I promise.”
Eileen wrenches her head out of its grip, “What are you?”
Its eyes flash black, “I’m a demon.”
Eileen’s never encountered a demon before. She was just going to scout the town out, she what she could find before shooting an email to Rufus, a hunting buddy who says he knows people that know people that kill demons. She hadn’t planned to get involved.
The demon grins, “Don’t be sad. I just need you for tiny little spell. Your suffering will end soon.”
Eileen’s not suffering, she’s pissed. This demon thinks it’s doing her a favor. Just like banshees she spends her life hunting. She spits a huge wad of saliva onto the demon’s nose. Probably a bad idea, though, because she’s met with a hard slap to her face that knocks her sight out of wack for a moment. She watches blurry shoes walk towards the back of basement, and it is a basement not some fancy dungeon, and return with a tissue in hand.
Blood trickles down Eileen’s cheekbone where a ring split her skin. She snorts snot back up through her nose.
Her vision clears, “What did you do to me?”
The demon stoops back down to where Eileen is bound. “Put a little something in your drink. I didn’t even have to convince you to help me out, did I? You hunters are so easy, I smelled it on you the second you crossed town lines.”
Eileen’s eyes water, she smiles with teeth, “I’m a regular good samaritan.”
“Shame it didn’t do any good this time.” The demon laughs, “At least not to you. There’s a whole world of benefit for my kind.”
Eileen looks over to the makeshift set-up behind the demon. Dull-red cooking bowl on a barstool and table full of various jars next to it. She looks back up into the demon’s black eyes, lips twisted into a- well- a devilish smirk.
“What’cha cooking up back there?”
“That old thing?” A manicured hand points to the bowl, “Just your classic spell. Opens up a crack in ground for a shot of us to come pouring through. The only ingredient left is the blood of someone pure.”
Eileen’s stupefied, “Well, you’re wrong, lady. I’m not pure. You’ve got the wrong blood-bag.”
“What is it you said? You’re a regular good samaritan, how many people do you think passed me before you stopped to help Sarah out?”
Eileen shakes her head.
The demon continues on, “Ten. And all people who have known little miss Sarah for decades. They wouldn’t stop by to even see what was wrong!”
Eileen wants to close her eyes and shut the whole world away but the demon grasps her chin and makes her look, “You’re all I got, buttercup.”
“You’re sick!”
“I’m a demon, it’s in the contract.” Eileen is let go. She says back onto the pipe, breathing heavily.
The demon turns around to her table, picking out different jars and placing their contents into the mixing-bowl.
Eileen sets on working her hands out of the rope. The cold makes her hands stiff but the rope is becoming brittle. She pulls until threads start to snap.
Eileen freezes when the demon comes back. The sharp edge of a kitchen knife travels down the slope her cheek, the one without the cut. A warm wet tongue licks the small trail of blood on the other side. Gross.
The demon brings its face back into view so Eileen can read its lips, “Are you ready to change the world?”
Eileen nods like she’s resigned, subtly working her hands behind the pipe.
“Good girl.” The demon uncorks a vial with the knife set down at its thigh. Eileen eyes the blade but stays still.
The cup is set down and the knife picked up. It makes its way to Eileen’s outer thigh, right under the hem on her cut-offs. Quickly, a line is sliced through her skin and blood starts to dribble out onto the floor. The demon brings the lip of the bill to rest against Eileen’s skin, collecting the last ingredient for its spell.
The cold makes the process slow going but when the small vial is filled up a third of the way the demon caps it and brings it towards the table, reading from a book to the side.
Eileen’s out of it with pain and blood loss and whatever’s running through her system but she manages to completely free her hands. She gets to her hands and knees finding the knife carelessly left to her side.
The demon doesn’t even look her way.
Eileen roses to her feet, knife in hand. She charges towards the demon knocking them both to ground and spilling the bowl’s contents on the floor.
Her head threatens to drop as she holds her position over the demon.
“Sarah’s still in here, y’know? You send me back to Hell and I’ll kill her.” The tip of the knife brushes the demon’s stomach through the dress. It smiles.
Despite never expecting to encounter a demon, Lillian hammered the latin into Eileen’s head. Making her recite it daily as a teen.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica…”
The demon screams, it’s mouth opening in wide terror. “Stop!”
“…Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!”
Eileen finishes the exorcism right as the demon thrusts itself into the tip of the knife, impaling the vessel. Sarah. Blood spreads out behind the body onto the concrete floor as black smoke settles down into the ground.
The demon is gone, all that’s left is Sarah, shuddering on the ground with blood still spreading behind her. Eileen hands are wet around the knife embedded in Sarah’s stomach.
Sarah flops, it would be funny if not for the way she looks down at Eileen’s hands on her torso. She looks back up, brown eyes staring into brown eyes.
“Thank you.” Her eyes fill with tears before he head rolls to the side, leaving her at an awkward angle. Eileen tries to gather Sarah up to her chest but her breath has gone completely still and she’s heavy.
Eileen stays hovered over her body and sobs, she sobs until no more tears fall from her face and she’s dry heaving onto the ground. She tears off a piece of Sarah’s dress and uses it as a makeshift tourniquet to stop her leg from bleeding. She pulls the knife wedged in Sarah’s corpse out with a force she’s surprised she still has.
Eileen carries Sarah’s body up the stairs through the back door of the big blue house she saw what must have been hours ago. The sun has set and is now beginning to rise.
There is no time for a proper burial before someone discovers their cars on the side of the road. Eileen digs a shallow grave and salts Sarah’s body before she lights it on fire. She hopes Sarah won’t return as a ghost, tied to some object. Eileen hopes she won’t have to hunt her.
The walk back to the side of the road is short but Eileen is so woozy with pain and grief it takes thirty minutes before the door is shut behind her.
She left the basement a mess, spread of blood and spell ingredients still spilled all over the floor. There must be traces of her dna is everything. She’s not too worried, she’s not in the system- always just barely been able to get away.
Eileen pounds her head against the wheel of her car. There’s a few missed texts on her phone, one from Rufus. Just checking in. She should get out and move Sarah’s car but she’s so tired. She fires up the engine and gets the hell out of Dodge.
If anyone ever finds out what really happened here, she’s in for some deep shit.
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
omggg!! i've been on a reading drought lately hehehe. spare us some reading recommendations? :>
I will tell you some of my favourite books. These vary, some are not recent or almost all of them are not recent but they are the ones I have on my phone and I read them whenever I am super bored or when I don't like the more recent books as much.
#Nerd, #Hater and #Player by Cambria Herbert: College Romance. He's a football player, she's a nerd. It's a little bit of everything but I love it. This is a series but the first 3 books, the ones I mentioned, are my favourites.
Abruption by Riley Mackenzie: Single parent, one of the kids has special needs. He is a doctor and falls in love with an amazing nurse. It brought a couple of tears to my eyes. It's amazing.
Ruthless People series by J.J McAvoy: Mafia romance. They're toxic, ruthless but god, addictive. This series is one of my favourites. It's 4 books but I swear it's worth it. The author later released another series about the children of the main characters in this series but I personally didn't like it. This one is much better.
A this man series by Jodi Ellen Malpas: It's a bit like 50 Shades but less... sadistic. Although I liked 50 Shades, please don't judge me.
The Presidential Promises Duet by Rebecca Gallo: He is a candidate for the presidency of the United States. He needs a wife or a fiancée so he hires one. I think it's a cool story.
Holding You Series by Jewel E. Ann: He is an arrogant but kind-hearted millionaire. She is an open-minded woman with a few secrets and a lot of heartaches.
Something So Series by Natasha Madison: Hockey players. Alpha. Possessives. Women are feisty and do not allow themselves to be dominated. It's a chaotic series, with a lot of testosterone but almost impossible not to love them.
This is Series by Natasha Madison: the next generation of the previous series. A bit more relaxed but I think just as good.
Only One Series by Natasha Madison: More hockey players ahahaah but just as good.
The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window by Kirsty Moseley: One of the first books I read in English. I cried a little with it. It's quite sweet. School love. tw: abuse.
Heart on a Chain by Cindy C. Bennett: I cried almost from beginning to end with this book. Tw: abuse.
Tru Blue by Melissa Foster: I love this book. The main character is a man with problems of his own who decides to take care of his younger siblings, who are babies when their mother dies of an overdose. The main character is too cute. It's honestly a cute book. A few tears came to my eyes while reading it.
I have many more books I can recommend but I think these are enough for now. Remember these are the books that I like.
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moviemunchies · 3 years
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I’m sort of doing this thing where I’m reading books and keeping a log of it, and if there’s a movie adaptation I try to watch it before moving on to the next book in the series. So I’ve been meaning to get to Prince Caspian for a while now after reading the book.
This one’s weird because a large chunk of the Chronicles of Narnia fandom doesn’t like this movie very much. And I pretty much loved it since I saw it in theaters? It’s not as faithful to the book as the previous film, but that doesn’t make it bad. I’m still struck by the design of the film, which stands out from most fantasy films of the time (and many today), and it’s got a lot of action! That’s enough to make me dig a fantasy movie.
_Prince Caspian_ is the second installment of Walden Media’s Chronicles of Narnia film series and the sequel to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It’s also the last film in the series that was made by Disney, as they quit because they were disappointed by this one’s reception. Walden Media managed to get another studio to fund and distribute the third movie.
After a year in England, the Pevensies come back to Narnia to find that over a thousand years have passed. The country’s been conquered by the Telmarines who have driven the Narnia creatures into hiding, thinking they’d been wiped out. The Telmarine prince, Caspian X, is sympathetic to Narnians but didn’t know they still existed--that is, until he has to run from the palace and lead them in rebellion against his uncle who wants him dead to take the throne. The Pevensies are there to help of course, but Peter butts heads with Caspian (and his siblings) on how to best fight this war. And Aslan’s nowhere to be seen, except by Lucy, who can’t convince the others to follow that lead.
This movie does actually have a lot of content from the book, just rearranged or recontextualized. The Plot is completely reworked and I don’t mind that because a huge chunk of Caspian’s story in the book is being told to the Pevensies by Trumpkin--that would be a very frustrating way to tell his story in the movie. Some things, like the animals holding faith for Aslan when others don’t, is implied by the way scenes are done rather than outright told to the audience.
There are some things that are in both the book and movie, but the movie doesn’t quite explain what that’s about. The sparring match between Edmund and Trumpkin doesn’t really make much sense in the movie.
There’s also the attack on the castle. This sequence is invented entirely for the movie, and while it’s frustrating in a similar way that Finn and Rose’s subplot in The Last Jedi is, the book does mention the Narnians losing some battles and so actually showing that to the audience is fine. Also I like seeing the way they apply griffins and mice in the raid. That’s cool thinking and I wish to see more fantasy films think about how fantasy creatures might be used on military operations.
Also I really like the design of this movie? The Narnian side mostly keeps the same designs for their weapons and armor, but it’s a lot more worn down, and that makes sense because they’ve been hiding in the woods for a few hundred years. They don’t have new weapons. The Telmarines, on the other hand, look fantastic. For their culture, WETA Workshop was inspired by Spanish and Italian culture, so instead of longswords they use side swords and falchions, and their armor brings to mind a combination of Spanish conquistadors, Italian condottieri, and Japanese samurai. They look more Renaissance than medieval and I love it.
The cast is also matched up to that, with Spanish and Italian actors playing the roles of Telmarines. Ben Barnes is an exception, as he’s English, but he’s putting on his best Inigo Montoya impression as Caspian.
You know what? Let’s talk about this cast. Ben Barnes, back when he wasn’t just playing villains. I remember classmates in high school saying that he’s too old, but if he is that’s because the actor playing Peter is also too old. Caspian is supposed to be the same age as Peter, so I didn’t mind it here. I think he overdoes the whole “YOU KILLED MY FATHER” thing but I don’t think that’s Ben Barnes’s fault as much as he’s working with the Plot point that’s been sandwiched into the story.
William Moseley does very well in playing Peter as he’s written for this movie, the problem is that Peter in this movie is written to be an absolute prat. His whole arc in this movie is about learning that he doesn’t have to be in charge and to let Aslan take the wheel. This would make sense if his life experience was only what we saw in the last movie’s adventure, but we know that he apparently grew up in Narnia and became a successful and wise warrior king. So him being so full of himself here doesn’t make sense. I got over it, as I see what they were going for, deconstructing how a kid might feel after his time in Narnia, but it is very annoying and it makes Peter very unlikable.
Unlike Edmund, played by Skandar Keyes, who is absolutely THE SHIZ in this movie. Having learned his lesson from the last movie, Edmund is a cheeky wonder child who takes no crap from anyone. He doesn’t have that much of an arc in this movie, but he is great to watch, so I forgive it. He’s the guy who keeps his head screwed on straight when Peter and Caspian need someone to keep them grounded.
Anna Popplewell’s Susan is good? They still go with her being the “reasonable” one, albeit a little less uptight than in the first movie. They have this thing in the movie in which she and Caspian are definitely into each other and I don’t think that’s too out there--in the books Susan had at least half a dozen suitors when she was queen--it does mean that a lot of her character arc is dedicated to that, and we know that it goes nowhere. This one clearly implies that she’s having trouble holding faith in things she doesn’t see in front of her, and that’s a fascinating direction that doesn’t go quite as far in this movie as it could.
And Lucy. Georgie Henley as Lucy is still delightful. They removed and rearranged a lot of the material from the book in her character arc which is a shame, because I really like a lot of that stuff. As the one who still has the faith and wants to see the magic in Narnia when even the Narnians are giving up hope, she has to come across as sympathetic and believable. That doesn’t always work, especially when she does things like walk up to a bear that’s about to attack her, not realizing that it’s not talking (there ARE non-talking animals in Narnia, dear!). But for the most part she works in this movie.
You know Peter Dinklage is in this movie as Trumpkin? I find it odd that he made it big on a fantasy show that was billed as deconstructing usual fantasy tropes while heavily featuring sex and violence when he also starred in the film adaptation of a famously Christian book series and one of the giants of the fantasy genre. He does okay. I mean I like that Trumpkin is this grumpy guy who is cynical and tired of everyone and just wants to go home, but I don’t know if Peter Dinklage is acting or just… cynical and tired of everyone and wants to go home. It’s entertaining sometimes, but not brilliant.
And Warwick Davis is in this movie? He was in the BBC series as well, but instead of as Reepicheep this time he’s playing Nikabrik, the dwarf that is even more cynical than Trumpkin and hates all humans. It feels weird for me seeing him as a villain, though I know he’s done it before. I always had trouble with Nikabrik as a character because I always felt like him going full-on evil was… well, everyone seemed strangely unperturbed by that in the book, even if we had an idea of how we got there. In the movie I felt as if Warwick Davis does well in that you get him, and you get where he’s coming from, but not enough to agree. And other characters react to his turn in a way that’s appropriate.
Ken Stott voices Trufflehunter and he does not have enough to do in this movie. Trufflehunter is not that Plot-relevant in the book, but I always had the impression that he was an important character and one of the most prominent Narnians in the story. He’s okay here, but I really thought that he should be doing more in the story. Maybe the filmmakers didn’t think it would fit the darker tone they were going for, if there was a badger running around in many of the scenes? I don’t know, I wanted more.
We do, however, get quite a bit of Eddie Izzard as Reepicheep, which is fantastic because Reepicheep is fantastic. This mouse is amazing. There were some people very surprised that a mouse is going around killing people, but it’s a fantasy film, he’s a knight, and also it wasn’t as if the first movie didn’t have violence? I’m frustrated that the movies don’t go with the “talking animals are bigger than normal animals” EXCEPT with Reepicheep, because it’s pretty darn weird that all the other animals are ordinary-sized and the talking mice are the size of cats. But Reepicheep is very entertaining, very cool, and he’s great.
Sergio Castellitto plays a surprisingly sharp Miraz? Yeah, Plot-wise he’s generically evil, but I think that Castellitto makes him A) entertaining to watch, and B) convey that he knows that he’s the least popular guy in the room with the other Telmarine lords. The book version of Miraz has no idea that they’re plotting against him. Miraz in this movie does, and although he’s definitely not bright enough to realize exactly what they’re doing, by the end of the movie he knows that they’re happy to watch him die.
Pierfrancesco Pavino’s Glozelle, for instance, is barely a person in the book? He shows up to stab Miraz in the back. Here, not only is he not the person who does that, but the movie makes him very uncomfortable with the direction Miraz’s path to power is taking, despite remaining loyal until almost the very end. He’s a complex, conflicted character and I like him. 
And also noticeable is Damian Alcazar as Sopespian, a guy who doesn’t like Miraz, but is no more likable because of it. Because he’s obviously not doing it for any sense of the greater good, he’s doing it because he wants that power for himself. I don’t think anyone mistakes his motives or thinks of him as a secret good guy at any point in the movie, which I think speaks to the actor’s performance.
Liam Neeson is Aslan. He does great, though he really doesn’t have that many lines. Which is part of the point, that he’s not there for most of the movie, so it works, I think.
Also Tilda Swinton’s in this movie. There is some justification for it, but I think it was because she loved being in the first movie, and they loved having her in it, so they just brought her back.
I like fantasy movies with lots of action and sword fights and cool design choices. So no, Prince Caspian isn’t that faithful of an adaptation of the source material (though it’s more faithful than people give it credit for), and I do get frustrated with character arcs--mostly Peter’s. But I still really love this movie, and I have tons of fun every time I watch it.
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ao3feed-destiel · 3 years
hello there, the angel from my nightmare
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/3maz2HH
by supernatural_slowburn
Dean Winchester has been a demon for eight years. One day, he gets a visit from an angel.
“Hello, Dean.”
Dean turns around from his beer. A dark-haired man stares at him, hazel eyes containing the wisdom of a million years.
“Feathers,” he greets, turning back to his drink and taking a swig. Then he sighs in disgust. This isn’t working, he doesn’t feel anything more than a buzz.
The angel takes the empty seat next to Dean and watches him expectantly.
Dean sighs. “What?” He demands, pushing his beer towards the eons-old angel.
He just stares at the half-empty bottle, then focuses back on Dean. Dean shifts under the scrutiny.
“What’s your name?” He asks with a sigh, taking the bottle back in his hand. It’s cool to the touch, perspiration collecting on the sides of the fragile glass. If he squeezes his hand too hard, the bottle will probably shatter.
The angel hesitates, then says, “You can call me Castiel.”
Words: 10197, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Uriel (Supernatural), Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Missouri Moseley, Zachariah (Supernatural)
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: MCD is for a side-character’s death but in canon they’re important, Dean is a demon, this is season 4, Self-Harm, but not in a suicidal way just in a hurting yourself due to necessity way, it’s still there though, feel like you should be warned, dean keeps secrets from sam, this doesn’t end well, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dean is a killer, i kinda missed cold-blooded dean, so here take this, but seriously, there is murder, and the disposal of a body, and dean doesn’t love sam at all anymore, but that gets fixed, ruby makes a brief appearance, Canon Divergence, Dean swears a lot, Uriel is kind of an ass, dean is cured of being a demon, alludes to sex, they’re in a safe house for three weeks, i gave cas a backstory, because they literally told us next to nothing about his past, it’s not cringe, johnny cash and bon jovi are referenced, there is one (1) bad therapy joke, missouri moseley can hear angel radio, and read minds, i referenced the despair speech and it made me hate myself, missouri is a heller, and so am i, i’ve had this idea in my head for the past three days before actually writing it down, so here i guess, restating the happy ending part because y’all need to have faith, i swear everything ends up okay, ignore all plotholes, Depression, Self-Worth Issues, i’m adding tags as they go so they might be incoherent, but they’re all important, this got way longer than I thought it would, a lot of these characters will be ooc, i needed to get this idea out of my head and i decided it was of decent enough quality to post, oh by the way the rating is for violence and swearing, No Smut, there will never be smut, and also for a more important character's death, but as (almost) always in spn, Death is Not Permanent, no beta we die like gay angels, language warning, that's too many tags, I'm Done Tagging
Link: https://ift.tt/3maz2HH
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
How do you visualise the human versions of the toon patrol? Also their body types? I’m having a hard time picturing them when I read your fics
Ooooh, cool ask! This is how I picture the weasels as humans- your vision may be totally different! Hopefully these help though ^^
Greasy: My man here is CURVY! He's around 5'9, regular height, plus he has a triangle body type- so, a bit of a pot belly (As is in his official canon art ^^ ). His hair's obviously black and slick with grease, and almost down to his shoulders. I also like to imagine him with quite sharp canines for his wolfish grins XD
Psycho: Psycho has frecklesss ^^ All over his nose and under his crazy eyes. He's also like 5'5 in height, very pale, and he is a natural carrot-head (His hair is a literally shock of crazy orange hair. Not curly, just... gravity defying somehow... 😅). He's a rectangular body type, so he's quite slight with no curves. Very skinny like a string bean, looks delicate, but he's surprisingly strong??
Smartass: I agree with everyone else here who says Smartass is the littlest XD So- like Psycho, Smartass is small though he's got more of an inverted triangle shaped body with very broad shoulders. He's 5'4, and if he weren't the boss then no one would let him forget it XD His hair's brown the softest of all the Toon Patrol unless he's slicked it back which he does when he goes out of the house (Though, not to the extent that Greasy does. Smartass knows when to stop with the product).
Stupid: He is our oval shaped man! He's very large in every sense of the word, which means he can break you with his huge hands. He's like 6'3, his shoulders are broad and rounded like boulders, his tummy is round and you do not wanna get kicked by those big feet of his. His hair is the same as Smartass' ^^
Wheezy: For this one I wanna give credit to @marinerainbow because they brought it to my attention! ^^ They told me how Bill Moseley would work great as a Wheezy face-character- and I have to fully agree!! He's very tall, and lanky (6'1). He's got that laid back, casual 'Nothing fluffs me' sort of vibe that can also be kind of disconcerting to be around (At least when he's acting 😅 Maybe he's intimidating in real life too?- I dunno). I fluctuate between picturing him with dusty blue hair and with pale sort of fluffy white hair (Another marainerainbow idea!) for Wheezy ^^
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afro-elf · 4 years
Ask from when-did-this-become-difficult:
okay i COULD say so many things about racism in fandom I remember the Sally Donovan days of Sherlock but I feel like a lot of ppl have already gone into that so let me just take this opportunity to say that a large swathe of Peaky Blinders fandom is complete trash. I'm not even gonna go into the misogyny altho it's blatant and pretty violent and disgusting. anyways pb itself has a fuckawful track record with race aka Isaiah Jesus & Jeremiah Jesus functioning only as the black friend and racism against them only existing as a plot device to make Michael and Tommy seem more cool/edgy/progressive. I could write an essay on the disrespect of hiring white actors to play romani characters who are delivering pained monologues about how they've suffered due to antiziganism. I could really fucking get into the treatment of Chinese characters especially before s5 I could also get into how s5 managed to fuck up SO BADLY in their fucking weird borderline thirsty treatment of Oswald Moseley who was a real life REAL LIFE british fascist whose followers IN REAL LIFE did beat up Jewish ppl and try to grow a fascist party inside the UK parliament among other disgusting things...but somehow the fandom manages to get even worse than the canon?
I am talking about how I have seen with my own two eyes smut written about oswald moseley fucking, i am talking about how I've seen white brits saying peaky blinders is so important because nobody ever talks about how the british (THE ! ! ! BRITSIH!) are underrepresented in media. a fun post about what types of music different characters listen to totally derailed by someone just choosing Bob Marley for Jeremiah Jesus just cause the guy's from Jamaica and has dreadlocks but uh he's lived in Birmingham for a long time and he's a street preacher there's so many other things to draw on but noooooooo. the unselfconscious furthering of the black best friend trope by constantly having Isaiah Jesus used as a plot device to get reader character (or OC) together with Michael with zero interest as Isaiah as a character. and oh lord the number of times ppl use "g*psy" without engaging their brains whatsoever!!! zero attempts at research re: Romani ppl with loads of stereotypes and to cap it all off! one of the cutest most fun girls I know who I met thru PB fandom and who is my friend to this day, who is half Sikh, used to get these anon comments like "your stories are historically inaccurate, you can't write about Indian girls getting together with black boys (Isaiah Jesus) because Indian people are too racist to ever let their daughters date outside their race" im just!!! Kendra!!!!!! there were MULTIPLE of those messages and she would get them at random times!!!!!!!!! and meanwhile my friend was literally the product of an Indian woman marrying outside her race, LITERALLY! never make a peaky blinders centric tumblr that way leads to hell
DON’T I KNOW IT! DON’T I KNOW IT! in all the years i’ve watched it, i’ve reFUSEd to engage with the fandom of pb because somehow i knew the clown smoke was leading to a clown fire and you’ve just confirmed my suspicions!!! that’s so infuriating ahhhhhh!!!
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