#mosquito netting pants
ian-galagher · 11 months
Ian and Mickey on their way to photograph some lions > https://www.tumblr.com/bagelman/723825841117757440
ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I had to see this so now does EVERYONE else 😂
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They would ROCK that look tbh 😂😎 AND be protected against mosquitos! Fashionably safe, what more do you want 😂
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aliceisathome · 1 year
I've just finished Our Skyy 2 last 2 eps. I've seen a lot of people giving these ATOTS and BB crossovers an absolute hammering but i bloody loved them. Yes, it was lazy writing to have them lost in the forest TWICE but it was so they could set up each character to spend time with both of the other couple separately.
And what couples! The younger but more stable Pat and Pran (not that they're perfect but they seem to have more emotional maturity) and the new, older couple, one of whom feels like he's not good enough (and is set in his ways). They resonate with each other, recognising both their own and their partners' traits within the other couple's dynamic
And now I'm just going to ramble incoherently. I bloody loved it. LOVED IT. Loved all the parallels and call outs, the humour, and the growth of all of them. The asking for a score was just *chef's kiss* - especially after that ACTUAL kiss. And Chief in his new clothes, sunglasses and a sports car with the hood down? I would have fainted. Turns out that Yod is an even bigger shipper than we are. Did anyone else get a IRL EarthMix vibe when Tian was taking photos of himself and the dessert and Chief was taking pix of him? Just me? OK. I guessed Chief's conditions were that they play the parts but the fact that they switched the expected casting was genius. The PatPran kiss that kept not happening finally happening when they were Chief and Tian was fab.
And I was fine with the last half of this ep being heavy on the Chief and Tian because their relationship was the most unformed being only just properly established at the end of their series (unlike Pat and Pran who we know went on to be happy bunnies). The bedroom chase happening with our ATOTS boys was a funny final nod at the end of BB as well.
Random thoughts: Earth looks STUNNING in a suit. Wai and Korn kissing! Pat with his hair tied up! LAYS! Finger sucking! Pa interrupting the actual PatPran kiss AGAIN! White - bleurgh. Approving parents - yay! Rooftop tears and kisses! Proposal!
Was it perfect? No. But Aof did a fabulous job and I am positively giddy.
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This ask is covered in naelgeria fowleri and eastern equine encephalitis carrying mosquitoes. Enjoy!
Jokes on you, I am wearing EPA approved bug spray, long sleeves, and long pants. Also, mosquito net.
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making this so you have to call me backhand index pointing down medium-dark skin tone anon
the hero outfit in engage is fuckass ugly who thought this was cool with a cape headdress neck mosquito net abomination and the leather thong over pants
if you want to see an eyesore put timerra in hero
- 👇🏽
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Colours in Our Skyy 2 A Tale of Thousand Stars (with a little Bad Buddy) ep 4
It had never been certain but I had hoped all along that we would see Pat and Pran in ep 4...and how wonderful that we did...and hence this post exists!
I had thought this would be a quick, short post since the Bad Buddy elements weren't that long/the ep focused mainly on Phupha, Tian and the ATOTS side of the crossover. But, HA!, this is me after all and I've ended up with 23 screenshots 🤦🏽‍♀️ So let's dive in so this doesn't get longer than it needs to.
First, all the red and blue details so common around Pat and Pran: It's hard to see in the left pic but the red of the triangle cushion mat and the blue of Pat's clothes offer the first pairing. Then it's the pens, post-it notes, mosquito net, watering can, mailbox, and sign that offer some more (I'm including pink as red here). I love the "Pat and Pran's love sprout" sign, which feels like an upgrade of the "Pavilion of Peace" sign which Pat brought with him to the bus stop build in BBS ep 3. Yellow - love and happiness - also features, as it has done a lot in these four eps, as well as the olive greens (obstacles to their happiness), which might hint to the 'conditions' Phupha leaves for Pran in his permission for him to put on the play.
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And then Pat and Pran leave Pha Pun Dao...but their colours stay with Phupha, Tian, Yod, and Kampung. Even the pouch the children made has these colours, along with yellow. Note that Yod is wearing blue when he drives Pat and Pran away, but then later he wears red when he leaves with Tian - however, an extra walks by in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in blue to add another pairing.
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I loved @grapejuicegay's addition to my ep 3 post in which she talked about how both Tian and Phupha lying under the red and blue blanket could show the influence that Pat and Pran were having on them. And even once Pat and Pran leave we can see that their influence remains with Phupha and Tian: In the childrens' clothes, the registration plate and the sign in the car park, and even on their 'date' in the city in the sign of the photo booth. Of course it goes beyond just the colours, as Pat and Pran's influence has played a role in enabling Tian and Phupha to have these moments together.
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I'll interrupt the colours for a moment to talk about Tian's elephant pj pants. At first, I loved that it reminded me of Pat's shirt in BBS ep 11, and of the shot of Ink and Pa's feet in BBS ep 9 that I love so much... But then I rewatched the scene before and was reminded of Phupha's line, "I want to know if you forgot how to set up a mosquito net". It's probably not meant to be read as deep as Pat's shirt but I love the connection between Phupha's words and the elephant pants - an elephant never forgets! - and I wonder if it might have been intentional.
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Back to the colours, and I'm not surprised Pa and Ink are in red and blue again - but this time the opposite of how they were in ep 1. I do like the styling of putting Pa in similar shirts each time, with the colour trim on a white shirt with a logo print. I haven't talked about any browns above - the earthy colours - since they are used a lot in ATOTS and for different reasons to BBS...but the browns on Pa could relate to my BBS interpretation of the colour - yielding or sacrifice - because we see Pat and Pran yield and kiss each other after being encouraged by Pa (and Korn and Wai) at the end of the play. There's also more red and blue in the bouquets of flowers, and the lighting/curtain behind the group.
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And so we come to the end of our time with Pat and Pran and I'll just highlight the obvious/more of what I've already said. Pran is in Pat's blue with his own red in the blanket to the side, with yellow - their love and happiness - in his lap. (Read into all that as you want). Pat is in yellow with teal shorts - mint green/teal being symbolic of their union as a couple (incidentally, I love that in BBS it seemed that Pat wore Pran's mint green shorts a few times...but as their relationship has gotten stronger the mint green has gotten deeper to this teal colour we've seen Pat wear a few times in these OS2 eps). Even the crisps packet Pat picks out is yellow with red. All of this, to me, is as delicious as Pat finds Pran's finger.
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And lastly, I'll leave you with Tian and Phupha, since this was supposed to be their ep, and a more neutral palette...because I absolutely ADORED the complementary colours of these outfits, absolutely showing they are a perfect match for each other. Also, it's interesting the way their 'city clothes' are all quite monochrome whereas in Pha Pun Dao their life is full of all different colours.
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[ep 1] [ep 2] [ep 3] [ep 4] (<- I was right to be hopeful!)
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cruulsummer · 4 months
I was tagged by @astrearl
The rules are simple - find a sentence, or excerpt, that includes the words you're given and paste it in, and include a link to the finished story if you want. But honestly, these are guidelines at best - do what you want.
I'm tagging: @katesofheaven , @the-lighthouse-lit literally just do it girl even if I didn’t tag you it’s bc I can’t find you ( KAT SCYTHE IF YOU ARE OUT THERE BABY YOU ARE NOMINATED)
My words to find: Corrupt - Slight - Panic - Glass - Confined - Breathing - Hot - Want - Courage
Your words are: Red - Sleep - Writhe - Shallow - Bet - Safe - Look - Anger - Help
I only have about 13k words published atm so this was tricky… I made the best of it lol!
I just finished up a new chapter of this and figured I’d give it a whirl.
Corrupt (surprisingly don’t have this one. SYNONYM- Villainous):
Galtry’s gaze was mad and villainous. Cold fingers dug sharply into Garfield’s sides.
“How did you do that.” Not an innocent query: a depraved demand.
Startled, Garfield fumbled to speak. His silence only drove Galtry further over the edge.
“How?” He shook the boy with unwarranted force. His jaw clenched in determined anger
Slight (lol nada. SYNONYM- Small):
From behind his back, Garfield revealed his treasures. One small hand grasped an old baseball and the other was sheathed in an oversized raggedy mitt.
“Daddy!” Marie’s scream reverberated. Panic frayed in the atmosphere.
Nick got there before the couple, falling to his knees by his mentor. Just as soon as he landed, Garfield fell too. Trying to steady the old man with his shaking hand, he cried out for someone to call an ambulance. Time collapsed and Mark felt helpless to the chaos. Above Marie’s sobs and a wailing siren, the Sun hid his face behind thick black clouds.
Dad ran over to the display case and punched through the glass. As it shattered, he reached in to grip the green vial housed there. Then he tripped back to the table, ripping Gar’s pant leg at the seam.
Mom’s shriek curdled in the air. “Mark, what are you doing?!”
Frantic, she drove forward to snatch the tube, but Dad wasn’t letting that happen. In an instant, he shoved his wife harshly to the ground.
“I’m sorry, Marie, it’s our only hope.”
Confined: (nope. I don’t even have a synonym for this but here’s a paragraph about feeling confined [hey you said I make the rules!])
The past month had gone by with aching slowness. Between injections, blood samples, and his mandatory rest, the fidgety boy hadn’t gotten to play much at all. Recently, his days were spent staring at ceiling tiles, counting holes in his mosquito net, and wondering if things would ever be normal again.
He saw the seizure. Saw the way Gar’s eyes rocked far back into his skeleton.
And then, that angel of death, a creeping of sage over his boy’s porcelain skin.
He’d had to turn away, unable to watch the finale. When his son would go stiff and his eyes would dislodge from their sockets.
The noise of hashing convulsions ceased. He felt the ball in his throat rise. And then–
“Holy shit! It worked!”
Mark whipped around to see Galtry staring down at the table in awe. When his gaze fell as well, he was astonished.
Gar was breathing.
The young man watching the scene was scarlet. Every detail of this visitor stood out. Soft golden ringlets that bobbed with the tinker of her laughter. Long lashes that fluttered cruelly in time with her blinking. The scrunch of her nose highlighting that dusting freckles across her expression. Rosy cheeks and azure eyes indicating the only sign that she belonged to his mentor.
Oh no. It couldn’t be.
Hot blood rushed to the nape of his neck.
The white of her teeth bit down into those cherry lips.
Lips he had kissed two months ago in a drunken stupor.
“But if I got married and got a wife then maybe she could play with me!”
The innocence of his claim swelled then stabbed her heart. Little ideas of what love should be: so pure. So sad. Here in the jungle, her son had the greatest backyard on the planet. Space to run and trees to climb. Everything a boy could want. Except for one thing.
What good is a playground with no children around to play?
Mark rushed into the scene. Between shaky breaths, he dropped to his knees by his son’s bedside.
Mark choked on relief as gentle words spilled.
“Buddy! It’s okay. You’re okay, Bud.”
The family cozied close together for kisses and hugs and recounts of young courage.
And for a moment, everything was okay again.
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theharrowing · 2 years
All Tangled Up
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After a night of drinking and having fun, Jimin gets himself tangled in Jungkook's mosquito net and Jungkook has to take care of him.
🍃 Jimin x Jungkook 
🍃 word count: 8k
🍃 established relationship, canon compliant, idol au, smut, fluff, slash, nsfw, 18+
🍃 warnings: top Jungkook, bottom Jimin. events take place during In The Soop 1. Jimin & Jungkook are a bit drunk. teasing, begging, oral sex, ass eating, anal fingering, anal sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, cuddling, cock warming, shameless smut. 
🍃 written for the Serenity: In The Soop Fest!
🍃 beta read by @neoneunnajimin​
🍃 posted june 2022 | read on ao3 ​
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It was there, in the yard, in the middle of the night, tangled up in a mosquito net, where an intoxicated Park Jimin, age 24, had his very own *Freeze Frame, Record Scratch* "Yeah, that's me; you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation" moment.
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Earlier in the evening, dinner had just wrapped up in the main house, and everyone had their fill of soju and beer. The mood was still light and fun after the whole chicken frying fiasco that took the guys around two hours to sort out, and Jungkook was energetic as ever. Jimin couldn't help but swoon. He wanted that energy all to himself, but he knew it wouldn't be polite to leave the rest of the group so early, so instead, he got Jungkook out of the house and suggested the two of them play a rousing game of ping pong.
More beers were opened, and as the ping pong game quickly devolved into incoherent shouting and failed attempts to score any points, members started to turn in for the night, and Jimin did his best to keep Jungkook riled up.
Keeping Jungkook riled up is pretty simple, as long as you have a competitive spirit, which Jimin has in spades, so Jimin started a fun little game of tag by kissing Jungkook on the cheek, muttering, "Tag, you're it," and taking off running through the yard.
It didn't take Jungkook long to catch up to Jimin, and he caught him by picking him up and spinning him around. Jimin dug his heels in the ground and tried to scold Jungkook, but Jungkook planted a soft kiss on Jimin's lips and then ran in the opposite direction.
Jimin gave chase for a while, panting and whining about how Jungkook was too fast and enduring Jungkook's teasing remarks about how Jimin started the game in the first place. Jimin picked up a soft ball and held it in his hands, attempting to aim it at Jungkook, and Jungkook wiggled from side to side, ready to dodge it.
"Yah!" Seokjin shouted from his tent. "I'm trying to sleep!"
As Jungkook shouted, "Sorry, hyung!" Jimin took aim and chucked the ball, yelling, "You're it!"
Jimin ran back towards the house, unsure if he wanted to try his luck by going inside, but Jungkook was on him too fast and shoved him down into the grass. Jimin toppled over and lay on the ground, rethinking his life choices as Jungkook ran off to the lakehouse. Then, Jimin finally hobbled up, grabbed the ball, and carried it with him, half intent on throwing it at Jungkook as payment for shoving him.
The door was locked, so Jimin knocked, muttering for Jungkook to let him in. He was suddenly exhausted from all the running around and alcohol consumption, and when Jungkook unlocked the door and waited for Jimin to push it open, Jimin barely reacted to Jungkook in his boxing gloves, gently punching him.
"I want to lay down," Jimin grumbled and pushed his way into Jungkook's room.
Jungkook muttered something Jimin missed because, in a fit of laughter, Jimin threw himself onto Jungkook's bed, landing on the mosquito net.
"No, don't!" Jungkook shouted, but Jimin was all giggles. Giggling because he laid on the net. Giggling because he had more to drink tonight than he'd had in what felt like forever. Giggling, giggling, giggling.
Jimin rolled around, and Jungkook continued to shout, and then, in a somewhat drunken haze, Jimin decided he wasn't done running and got up, off Jungkook's bed and took off for the door. Jimin hardly registered that the mosquito net was caught around his ankle until he was exiting the room and it got caught in the doorway. Jungkook's shouting should have tipped Jimin off, but Jimin was too giddy to care.
And that's when Jimin stumbled off the dock and onto the grass, losing his footing and falling onto the lawn, exasperated but giddy.
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Footsteps run across the wooden dock, then crunch softly in the grass, and Jungkook is catching up, crouching down by Jimin's ankle and muttering, "What—are you okay?"
Jimin is exhausted, huffing out air that would be laughter if he had the energy to laugh—if his ribs didn't hurt so much from all the giggling before. A camera director peeks out from the house and asks if they need assistance, and Jimin waves him off.
"I think I twisted my ankle, and probably my knee," Jimin half-whines to Jungkook. "Because you shoved me to the ground! You'll have to carry me back."
Jungkook squints and tries to get a good look at the situation, then shakes his head with a chuckle. "Oh, Jimin-ssi."
Jimin slaps Jungkook on the chest with the back of his hand and mutters, "Don't call me that, you punk." Then Jimin looks around to see that the video staff have all packed up for the night, grabs a handful of Jungkook's sweater and tugs him down onto the grass.
"Take care of me, Ggukie," Jimin says in a deep, playful, somewhat slurry voice. He wants to get a rise out of Jungkook, and he does—Jungkook looks at Jimin with wide, curious eyes, then he glances around to make sure they're alone.
"How did you even manage this, Jiminah?" Jungkook groans, giving Jimin some of the attention he desires, but not without teasing him a little.
Jimin fists Jungkook's shirt tighter and pulls him down, causing Jungkook to nearly crash into him—thankfully, Jungkook's quick reflexes cause him to catch himself on a palm in the grass next to Jimin's head. Jimin giggles and—more gently—pulls Jungkook into a kiss, and Jungkook hesitates but leans into it. Jimin knows he's not hesitating because he doesn't want anyone to see them share an intimate moment; he's just hesitant. Jeon Jungkook, the world-famous idol, is always hesitant; he has no choice but to be.
"Carry me, Ggukie," Jimin whines against Jungkook's lips.
Jungkook chuckles and mutters, "Let's get you untangled first," as he sits up and shifts his weight over to reach the net. He scoffs and tilts his head, and Jimin knows he's silently being judged, but he doesn't mind. Jungkook gently lifts Jimin's leg and holds it steady in his left hand while he unwraps the net with his right.
"Gotta be more careful, Jiminah," Jungkook teases. "Can't be such a troublemaker all the time."
Jimin swats Jungkook on the arm and whines, pulling his lips into a pout, but Jungkook stays focused on his work. Once Jimin's leg is free, Jungkook gently sets his foot back down and gets into a squat position, and slides one hand under Jimin's thighs and the other around his back. Although it's an innocuous thing that Jungkook would do for any of his hyungs, being held in Jungkook's arms has a swarm of excitement taking flight in Jimin's tummy, and he nuzzles his face into Jungkook's neck.
Jimin wraps his arms around Jungkook's shoulders and quickly kisses Jungkook's cheek with a giggle, leaving behind a trace of sparks on his lips from Jungkook's skin. Jungkook groans dramatically as he stands, pretending Jimin is heavy, making Jimin pout. And then he carries Jimin back to the lakehouse, stepping quietly on the wooden dock.
With his toe, Jungkook softly kicks the door open, careful not to let it make too much noise, then turns to the side to get Jimin's feet through the doorway without letting him hit the frame. It's no secret that Jungkook is always careful when it comes to Jimin, and he's extra careful now. Jungkook finds a towel sitting on a cabinet and tosses it at the camera that's set up in the corner of his room, smiling to himself when it drapes over the lens.
Once at the bed, Jungkook gives Jimin a devious grin and swings him out, pretending like he's going to throw him, and—despite knowing Jungkook wouldn't actually toss him—Jimin squeals and holds onto Jungkook tighter, burying his face into Jungkook's neck. As soon as Jimin's soft, plush lips brush against Jungkook's skin, Jungkook tenses, and a knowing bolt of electricity soars through Jimin's body. Jungkook halts the swinging movement, and Jimin slowly moves his head back to grin at Jungkook, whose gaze is fixed on him.
"How would you like me to take care of you, yeobo?" Jungkook asks.
The term of endearment mixed with Jungkook's voice suddenly taking on a sultry tone with a hint of satoori, makes Jimin's breath hitch, and his eyes widen before he smirks. Then, Jimin pouts with eyes still wide and bats his eyelashes.
"You'll have to distract me from the pain."
Jimin angles his lips up for a kiss, and Jungkook leans down with a shy smile, but before he can kiss Jimin's lips, Jimin sneaks a kiss to the end of Jungkook's nose with a sweet giggle.
"Such a tease, Jiminah," Jungkook whines as he kneels down onto his bed, placing Jimin on the mattress, but still holding onto him.
"Do something about it, Ggukie."
Jungkook sits and watches Jimin, and Jimin gazes lovingly at the stars in Jungkook's eyes. Sometimes Jungkook does this—just gets completely lost inside his head—and Jimin likes to give him a chance to be lost for a bit, to get caught up and not be overwhelmed. Once Jimin becomes restless, he leans up and gently rubs his nose on Jungkook's nose, breaking him from his spell, and Jungkook leans in for another kiss that Jimin blocks by tilting his chin down.
"Jiminah," Jungkook whines, and Jimin licks across Jungkook's lips with a giggle before retracting his mouth once more.
"You drive me crazy, Jungkook," Jimin says sweetly.
Jungkook pouts. "You're the one teasing me, though."
"You teased me all day!" Jimin retorts, and Jungkook tilts his head.
"Eung? I didn't do anything."
"You did!" Jimin insists, giving Jungkook his most expressive and insistent face, complete with wider eyes than before. "You painted, and then you made that sauce from scratch!"
"From a youtube video!"
"You cooked and helped everyone and then got adorably drunk and danced like an idiot, and you expected me to just sit here and watch it all!"
Jungkook frowns in thought. "I teased you by being helpful and...you didn't even watch me paint!"
"No, because I would have spontaneously combusted! And then yours and Namjoon's paintings would have been ruined." Jimin pouts.
Jimin watches as the cogs turn in Jungkook's head, and he sneaks a quick kiss again to pull Jungkook out of his thoughts. Jungkook wraps his arms around Jimin's back and holds him still, then gently pecks Jimin's lips with a smirk.
"Sorry for teasing you all day," Jungkook says in a slightly mocking tone. "I can't help being golden."
Jimin sucks on Jungkook's lower lip but tilts his head away when Jungkook tries for another kiss, and Jungkook groans. Jimin continues his teasing, licking at Jungkook's mouth and pulling away, and Jungkook responds by straddling Jimin and gently grabbing his head, pressing him into the pillow.
"Are you going to let me take care of you or not?" Jungkook groans, laying the satoori on thick, and a little spark of arousal courses through Jimin.
Jimin tosses his arms up in an act of submission and sighs dramatically as he throws his head to the side. He intends on giving Jungkook a sly smile to invite him to initiate something more heated, but Jungkook is a step ahead and rubs his nose on Jimin's neck before placing slow, firm kisses against his skin. Jimin can't help the whimper that leaves his lips as arousal shimmers through his limbs.
Jungkook is fluent in every way to drive Jimin wild, landing every breathy ministration of his lips precisely, playing Jimin from memory the way he plays his guitar. Of course, Jungkook has had years to study and learn Jimin, but it always fills Jimin with a sense of pride when Jungkook remembers exactly when he likes.
"Please," Jimin whines. He's eager to finally have Jungkook alone, and Jungkook's gentle affection makes him even needier.
"Patience, yeobo," Jungkook mutters against Jimin's skin.
Jimin groans, whimpers, and gently thrashes, and Jungkook continues his slow pace, kissing and licking along the column of Jimin's neck until he feels too sensitive, too electric to take it anymore, and begins to moan, hands still on the pillow above his head. Once Jungkook seems satisfied that Jimin is properly riled up, he sits up, still straddling Jimin, and pulls his shirt off.
The sight of Jungkook shirtless will never not make Jimin's head spin, and Jimin stares at Jungkook, at his muscles, at his tattoos, at the light sheen of sweat and the splotches of blush blooming on his chest and neck that indicate he's turned on.
Jimin sits up enough to pull his own shirt off and fall back against the pillow with a giggle. And Jungkook hovers, staring at Jimin, which makes Jimin squirm and feel antsy, despite having been stared at by Jungkook for years—despite longing to be stared at Jungkook every moment that he's not. Jimin reaches his hand out for Jungkook, grabs him by the ribs, and pulls him down, and Jungkook allows himself to be pulled, letting Jimin slot their lips together. Their kiss is slow, and though it's not heated, there's an urgency building in Jimin. Jimin licks over Jungkook's bottom lip and nips at it, making Jungkook whine.
"I want you," Jimin whines as he deepens the kiss, licking into Jungkook's mouth.
Jungkook sucks on Jimin's lip and rubs his nose against Jimin's nose. "Tell me what you want."
Jungkook sighs and gives Jimin his trying-to-be-stern wide-eyed stare. "Jiminah, tell me what you want."
Alcohol still courses through Jimin, and he lets out a pathetic whine and begins to flail petulantly. Jungkook knows what Jimin wants, has given Jimin what he wants many times, but where Jungkook likes to be given direction, Jimin likes to be pampered, and it causes a clash of wits from time to time until one of them finally caves and gives into the will of the other. It's typically Jimin who caves.
"Touch me," Jimin whines. "Please, before I cry."
“You’re pretty when you cry.”
Jimin swats at Jungkook, who chuckles and shifts his weight back, pulling Jimin's uninjured leg out from under him, then moves to the side to give the other leg some room, and Jimin drops his uninjured leg open, bent at the knee; he wants Jungkook to think about his legs being spread. Jungkook reaches for Jimin's waistbands and dances his fingertips over Jimin's skin, causing him to giggle before grabbing the garments and pulling them down. Jimin lifts his hips and wiggles them, assisting in the removal of his pants while making Jungkook smile.
And although the cute display does make Jungkook giggle, the sight of Jimin lying naked pulls Jungkook's mouth down, falling slack and serious. Jimin drops his leg down, spread and bent once more as his pants are pulled away, with extra care given to his injured leg—although, at this moment, it feels fine. Maybe a bit sore, at best.
Jungkook wastes no time leaning forward, littering Jimin's hips and tummy with kisses, licking around his belly button and nibbling the soft skin below it. Jimin's breath hitches and comes out ragged at the feeling of Jungkook's lips on him—finally on him, giving him what he needs. Arousal sparks throughout Jimin, tiny flames licking around every nerve ending that Jungkook's skilled, perfect lips come into contact with. Although Jungkook's skin grazes over Jimin's cock, chest and neck rubbing gently over him as he moves lower and lower, Jungkook still teases around it with his mouth, kissing Jimin's hips, down to his thighs, anywhere but where he wants Jungkook's mouth.
"Please," Jimin whines.
"Patience," Jungkook groans as he nibbles on the inside of Jimin's thigh, making Jimin whine and tremble.
Jimin balls his fists and pulls them above his head, resisting the urge to touch and grope and insist. Jungkook's hands splay open on Jimin's thighs, gently pushing him into the mattress, and Jimin could swear he feels warmth radiating from Jungkook's fingertips, blazing hot, threatening to turn Jimin to ash. Jungkook nudges Jimin's cock with the tip of his nose, breathes warm air over the tip, and Jimin gasps, exhales a ragged breath, and allows his eyelids to flutter closed.
Warmth and wetness—just a touch under the head where the skin is softest, a swirl of muscle, then a lap down along the vein and back up. Jimin holds in a moan, unsure of how thick and trustworthy the walls of the lakehouse are, biting into his bottom lip. More warmth and wetness tease the tip of Jimin's cock, and Jimin's hips shake. He opens his eyes and looks down to find Jungkook staring up at him, tongue hanging out and lips curled into a smirk. Jungkook keeps his eyes on Jimin as he sucks the tip into his mouth, and Jimin does his best to keep his eyes open and on the sight before him.
Jungkook looks absolutely sinful, but his mouth feels like heaven, enveloping Jimin's tip, tongue swirling and licking. Jungkook sucks gently, and Jimin's head falls back against the pillow once more, and he struggles to crane his neck to watch Jungkook, putting one hand under his head for stability. Jimin reaches out and gently runs his fingers through Jungkook's hair, then gathers it, keeping it out of Jungkook's face and giving him more of a view.
Jimin is on the brink of collapse. Jungkook's mouth gives so little, so gently sucking and licking. Jimin wants to whine, but he doesn't want to encourage Jungkook to continue his teasing, so he pulls his lips between his teeth to shush himself. The tip of Jungkook's tongue pokes at Jimin's slit, and he whimpers, dragging a hand in front of his mouth to stifle the sound. Jungkook groans and sucks Jimin into his throat with ease, taking almost his entire length, and Jimin pulls the pillow out from under his head and holds it over his face.
"You can't breathe like that Jiminah," Jungkook teases before swallowing Jimin once more.
"Don't n-need to breathe—aaahhh."
Oxygen, who needs that? Jungkook sucks Jimin down with his cheeks pulled in tight and swirls his tongue along the shaft of Jimin's cock when he comes back up—a signature move of his—and Jimin is never prepared. Fabric from the pillow moistens as Jimin inhales it between his lips, and he's becoming exponentially more sweaty than what's comfortable, but it's a quiet night, and Seokjin-hyung is in a tent on the lawn, and Jimin doesn't want him to think there's a banshee haunting the grounds, so asphyxiating on damp cotton is really the only other choice he has.
The pillow is pulled away from Jimin's face, and although Jimin tries with his might to hold onto it, Jungkook is stronger and tears it away, leaving the sweat on Jimin's skin to cool instantly. A shiver runs through Jimin from the cold, and it's a violent force that shakes his core as Jungkook continues to suck the soul from his body. Jimin does his best to keep his voice a whimper as he moans and praises. He's not saying full sentences, just mutters of "So good," and "Ggukie," and profanities, but they get the message across adequately with the aim to encourage Jungkook to continue.
It doesn't take long for Jimin to feel the arousal pool to the brink of overflowing. Jungkook's skilled mouth follows every cue—licks and sucks in the perfect rhythm to stir and stir until Jimin is a hurricane. The high feels incredible, out of this world, and Jimin equal parts wants to chase it to the end and wishes he could bathe in it. But it's impossible to bask in an undertow, and Jimin is swept under before he can take a final breath.
Jimin groans consonants that fail to become words as his body erupts, trembling all over. He takes a handful of Jungkook's hair, and Jungkook stops his movements, gives the reigns over to Jimin as he fucks into Jungkook's throat. Jungkook looks up, staring into Jimin's eyes with those dewy galaxies of his, and Jimin comes hard, head falling back against the pillow as he ruts his hips against Jungkook's perfect, pretty mouth.
When Jimin's hips still, pressed hard against Jungkook's lips, Jungkook sucks the last of Jimin's release, moaning and humming as if praising Jimin for a job well done. Jimin drops his hand to the bed and whines, low and deep, and Jungkook releases his spent cock and crawls up Jimin's body caging his head between Jungkook's elbows.
Jungkook's tongue tastes heady and sweet, and Jimin moans into his mouth. He lays pliant with lips slack as Jungkook takes and takes, licking into his mouth, pulling moans from his throat to swallow whole. Jimin reaches up and wraps his arms around Jungkook's neck, twists his wrists around as if to keep Jungkook close, and twirls a finger through Jungkook's dark brown hair.
"How was that for a distraction?" Jungkook asks with a smirk. Up close, Jungkook's eyes still hold the same sweet innocence they always have, and paired with his lips tugged into a playful sneer, he is truly the most dangerous man on earth.
"It's a good start."
Jungkook sucks on Jimin's bottom lip, pulling one more whine from Jimin's throat. "A good start, hmm?"
Jimin wants to grapple Jungkook down onto his back and straddle him. Wants to hold his arms over his head and tease Jungkook until he whines. But even without an injured leg, Jungkook has the upper hand. So, Jimin does what he does best in situations like these: He pouts.
With wide, pleading eyes, jutting his plush bottom lip out, Jimin says, "On your back, please, Ggukah."
Jungkook complies, rolling off Jimin and onto his back, falling into the space between the mattress and the wall, and a giggle erupts from him that's music to Jimin's ears, even if he thinks it may have been a little too loud. Jimin scoots toward the edge of the mattress, giving Jungkook room to wiggle in toward the middle, then he straddles Jungkook, favoring his good leg, although—aside from a little soreness in his knee and ankle—it still doesn't feel too bad. He probably won't feel it until the morning.
"I want your hands on the edge of the mattress, above your head," Jimin instructs. "If you move your arms, you'll be punished."
Jungkook raises an eyebrow as he reaches both hands over his head and grips onto the edge of the mattress. Jimin loves the way Jungkook obeys, love, love, loves the look of lust in Jungkook's eyes as he patiently waits for him. Jimin slides his hands up Jungkook's arms and leans forward, hovering over Jungkook, pressing his weight down into Jungkook's forearms because he knows Jungkook doesn't mind—likes it, even.
"You're so good to me," Jimin purrs. He rubs the tip of his nose over Jungkook's nose and Jungkook gasps, attempts to jut his lips out for a kiss, but Jimin hovers just out of reach—tilts his jaw under just enough.
Jimin rolls his hips down, rubs his ass over Jungkook's hard, clothed cock, and Jungkook whines a high, raspy sound. Jimin loves riling Jungkook up, loves teasing him until he breaks Jimin's rule and wraps his arms around Jimin, holding and tugging him where he wants to because he's strong and he can.
The punishment Jimin promises is an empty one—a threat that holds no weight. There's never a punishment once they're both so worked up they can't keep their hands and mouths away from each other. But it's the pretense that revs them up and gets everything started, and Jimin enjoys building it just as much as he enjoys watching it crumble.
"Please," Jungkook whines, rolling his hips up against Jimin, who angles his hips up and out of the way at the last second, making Jungkook whine some more.
"Patience," Jimin teases, in the same tone Jungkook said it in earlier, grinning as Jungkook pouts.
Jimin rolls his hips down, gently grazing his slowly growing erection over Jungkook's very firm bulge. "Poor baby, your cock is so hard," he teases, and Jungkook pouts harder, squeezing the edge of the mattress in his hands. Jimin scoots back and nudges himself, on his knees, between Jungkook's legs, which he's spread widely for Jimin. Jimin is bent forward and places his hands over Jungkook's bare tummy, then rubs them down, over the thin basketball shorts covering his hips, his perfectly muscular thighs, to his knees until Jimin is sitting upright.
Jungkook stares up at Jimin, eyebrows delicately knitted into a needy frown. Jimin lifts a hand and gently grazes his fingertips over Jungkook's cock, down the soft material, and back up, and Jungkook breathes loudly through slack lips, watching Jimin's face as his eyelids flutter. Jimin presses a little harder, down the dip under the head of Jungkook's cock, over the thick vein that runs down the shaft, then lightens the touch to graze over the slope of his balls. Jungkook's breath is louder and shakier, and his eyes widen with lust.
Jimin continues his teasing of light, gentle touches, watching Jungkook do his best to stay composed. As Jungkook begins to get fidgety, like he wants to move his hands and do something about the tension in his shorts, Jimin places both hands above Jungkook's knees and slides them up his shorts, squeezes Jungkook's thighs, thumbs so close to his crotch, then runs his hands back down. Up, squeeze, then back down.
And although Jungkook is visibly cracking—clearly wants to explode—Jimin continues his slow, gentle movements, watching for more signs that he's going to break.
Jimin places his hands over Jungkook's hips and leans forward, grazing his lips over Jungkook's cock. Heat radiates through Jungkook's shorts, and there's a faint musk of sweat lingering in the fabric that makes Jimin dizzy. He wants to touch and taste Jungkook just as badly as Jungkook clearly wants him, and it's so difficult to keep his composure and tease.
"Please," Jungkook whispers.
"Please what, baby?"
Jungkook groans, his legs tense, and Jimin grins; Jungkook is already getting restless.
"Touch me."
Jimin nudges his nose, lips, and chin over Jungkook's length and opens his mouth to gently graze his teeth over the tip. Jungkook's hips tremble, and he groans louder, more impatiently.
"Touch me without my shorts in the way."
Jimin sits up slowly, knits his eyebrows, and looks at Jungkook as if he's speaking a language Jimin has never heard before. "I don't understand."
Jungkook clenches his jaw, appears to bite back a smirk, and he huffs out an exasperated breath. "Please," he says softly, with a demanding tone.
"Baby is so impatient. So naughty."
"I'm not," Jungkook responds.
Jimin hums. "But you are. I'm touching you and you're being very ungrateful."
"Jiminah, please."
Jimin tuts his tongue and cocks his head. He stares Jungkook down, challenging him. Jungkook squeezes the life out of the edge of the mattress, knuckles turned white, and Jimin knows it's only a matter of time now.
"You're being such a brat," Jimin says in a tone that suggests he's appalled by Jungkook's behavior, staring down at Jungkook.
"I'm being a brat? I made you come already. You're the one teasing me to the point of insanity."
Jimin hums. "Is that so?"
Jungkook widens his eyes, jaw set and tense.
With a smirk, Jimin says, "Then go insane."
And that's all Jungkook needs. He sits up, grabs Jimin by the waist, and pulls him onto his lap with a force that makes Jimin dizzy. Jimin winces and says, "Ah, my leg!" and Jungkook halts, eyes wide with worry, but Jimin giggles and shakes his head—he is, in fact, the one who is just being a brat.
This spurs Jungkook on further, who holds Jimin tight and grinds his hips up, pressing his hard cock into Jimin's ass and balls. Jimin whines and trembles; the feeling is so good Jimin wants more. Jungkook gently bites onto Jimin's shoulder, and a bolt of arousal shoots through Jimin as he whimpers.
"You were naughty, and now I have to punish you," Jimin whines.
"You couldn't punish me if you tried," Jungkook groans. "Idle threats to work me up until I hold you down and fuck you till you're cross-eyed."
Jimin grins and hisses as Jungkook's teeth bite into the same spot as before. "Is it working?"
Jungkook shakes his head. "Not this time. You're gonna suck my cock while I open you real slow."
"Turn around, Jiminah."
Jungkook releases his hold on Jimin, and Jimin hesitates before scooting back and turning around, facing Jungkook's feet. Jungkook must lay back because he takes Jimin by the thighs—snaking his arms around to hold Jimin firmly with the palms of his hands—and yanks Jimin up until warm breath ghosts over Jimin's ass and Jimin's face hovers over Jungkook's crotch.
Jimin takes hold of Jungkook's shorts and briefs and tugs them down over his cock. Jungkook lifts his ass, and Jimin manages to push the garments down past his knees, then Jungkook finishes wiggling out of them, kicking them to the end of the bed.
"Can you reach my bag?" Jungkook asks. "I need the lube."
"Now you tell me," Jimin half-whines, and he leans over the mattress and reaches out to the suitcase that sits open on the wooden platform beside the bed. He can't reach it, so he wiggles out of Jungkook's hold and crawls a few inches to the suitcase and finds the bottle of lube in the nearest pocket. As Jimin begins to crawl back into place, Jungkook grabs him by the thighs once more and pulls him back onto him. Jimin scrambles and drops the lube, but Jungkook seems to be able to reach it easily, and they get back into position.
Jungkook wastes no time pulling Jimin's ass against his mouth and spreading him with his palms, and Jimin whines and falls forward from the feeling of Jungkook's tongue against his skin. He scrambles to grab onto Jungkook's cock and strokes it before shoving it into his mouth and swallowing as much as he can, desperate to give Jungkook the pleasure he deserves without any more teasing. Jungkook squeezes Jimin's ass and dives his tongue into his rim, and Jimin's muffled whimpers fall wet around Jungkook's cock.
The first finger to probe Jimin's ass is slicked only with spit, and the stretch makes Jimin hiss. It feels so good, with a slight burn, and Jimin chokes down on Jungkook's cock, slurping and drooling as compensation for the pleasure he feels. Jungkook's hips rut gently from time to time, always followed by a whine or a hiss, and Jimin hollows his cheeks tightly to suck even harder.
"Trying to make me come already?" Jungkook groans.
Jimin hears the lube bottle snap open, and he hums in response as he swirls his tongue down Jungkook's shaft. The anticipation of lube-slicked fingers has his head spinning, and he does his best to show Jungkook just how eager he is. Two fingers enter Jimin, and his mouth falls open, dropping Jungkook's cock while he whines. Jungkook stills his hand and slaps Jimin on the ass.
"Suck," Jungkook instructs, and Jimin scrambles to grab onto Jungkook's cock, sucking the tip into his mouth as Jungkook slowly pries him open.
Pleasure shakes through Jimin, and his legs tremble as Jungkook eases his fingers past the knuckle, slowly pushing in and pulling out. And although Jungkook is measured and careful, he wastes no time, adding more lube and a third finger once Jimin is stretched enough on the first two and is adjusted to the feeling. They've done this enough that Jungkook knows the signs that tells him when Jimin is overwhelmed and when he’s ready for more, but he asks Jimin if he can take more anyway, waiting for the telltale frantic attempt of a nod before continuing.
As the third finger enters Jimin, he nearly blacks out. It's always too much at first, and he fights the urge to let his mouth fall forward and drop Jungkook's cock. Jimin's legs shake hard, and Jungkook holds one thigh in a tight grip to keep Jimin in place.
"Make me come, Jiminah," Jungkook groans, and Jimin snaps back into action, moaning and humming around Jungkook's cock as he sucks and licks and attempts to relax into the feeling of Jungkook's fingers.
Jimin gives Jungkook's balls a gentle squeeze as he picks up a steady rhythm. Jungkook's moans and whines—albeit hushed—are music to Jimin's ears, pushing Jimin to focus more on the pleasure he's giving than on the pleasure he is receiving. This works to Jimin's favor because three fingers feel so overwhelming as they push past the knuckles, and Jimin wants nothing more than to move on to having the cock between his lips in his ass instead.
Jungkook's fingers slow, and their rhythm becomes sloppy, and Jimin takes that, plus Jungkook's hips shaking and rutting, as a sign. He hollows his cheeks harder, slurping the drool that's slid down Jungkook's shaft, and Jungkook rubs his non-occupied hand up and down Jimin's ass and thigh.
"That's it, yeobo," Jungkook groans. "I'm so close."
Jungkook squeezes Jimin's ass and rasps his best attempt at soundless moans as his release hits Jimin's tongue and throat. Jimin swallows as best as he can, milking Jungkook of every drop that he can give. Jimin loves to make Jungkook come, but he's spurred on more by the excitement of what's to come for him.
It only takes a moment for Jungkook to recover from post-orgasm bliss before he's fucking his fingers into Jimin's ass, stretching him open again. Jimin falls forward, face into the sheet that's bunched between Jungkook's legs, and Jungkook finds Jimin's prostate and rubs it until Jimin is practically screaming into the mattress and begging to be fucked.
When Jungkook's hands slow, Jimin turns his head to the side and gasps for air. He can hear Jungkook chuckle from behind him, clearly amused by how easy it is to make Jimin come completely undone for him. Jimin might feel embarrassed if this wasn't something they often do. And anyway, he enjoys the slight tinge of shame that comes from knowing how quickly he becomes pliable putty in Jungkook's hands.
"Fuck me," Jimin whimpers. He's not certain he's adjusted enough to move on from three fingers to Jungkook's thick, perfect cock, but he wants to be held down and overwhelmed by Jungkook so badly, he doesn't care.
"Almost, yeobo," Jungkook responds, scissoring his fingers open to provide more of a stretch.
Jimin is filled with the overwhelming urge to be petulant and whine, but he knows Jungkook has his best interests in mind—and probably still isn't hard again yet—so he pouts silently and grabs ahold of the sheet tightly, leaning his weight forward between Jungkook's legs.
"You look so good, Jiminah," Jungkook mutters, littering kisses against Jimin's buttcheek. "I can't wait to feel you."
"Please," Jimin whines. "Please, Ggukie."
Jungkook removes his fingers, and Jimin falls completely forward, attempting to anticipate what position Jungkook might want him in. His limbs are already jelly, and he sits up with the immediate desire to lay right back down. From behind him, Jungkook pats his thighs as if calling for a puppy, and Jimin turns to find Jungkook sitting up against the wall with his pillows behind his back.
"Get over here, yeobo," Jungkook instructs.
Jimin is, once again, stunned to see Jungkook naked. Each time, Jimin could swear there is new muscle definition and more ink to admire, and even though Jimin had this same moment earlier, he can't help but have it again. Jungkook chuckles, shaking Jimin from his reverie, and when Jimin's eyes fall to Jungkook stroking his lube-slicked cock, Jimin fumbles to finish turning around and climbs onto Jungkook's lap.
"You're so sexy," Jimin whines, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook smiles and nudges Jimin's nose with his, and Jimin pulls Jungkook into a deep, needy kiss, licking Jungkook's lips to urge his tongue out to play.
Jungkook's hands snake around and grab Jimin's thighs, pulling Jimin into position above his cock as he licks into Jimin's mouth. Arousal drips through Jimin, saccharine and thick, and he rolls his hips down just enough to tease Jungkook's cock and make him moan.
"Ready for me?" Jimin asks with a smirk.
Jungkook nods, asking, "Are you ready for me?"
Jimin presses their foreheads together and lines himself up to Jungkook's cock. He lowers his hips slowly, and when Jungkook's tip breaches his rim, both men whimper and hiss. Jimin's head falls back as he lowers and raises his hips, slowly accommodating to Jungkook's size, and Jungkook places a hand over Jimin's mouth to muffle his moans while sliding the other hand to Jimin's ass, spreading his cheeks and providing leverage.
Once Jimin is fully seated on Jungkook's cock, his head falls to Jungkook's shoulder and he catches his breath. The stretch is incredible, and although it's familiar, it always takes him a moment for Jimin to adjust and breathe through it. Jungkook rubs his palms up and down Jimin's back, and when Jimin mutters that he's ready, Jungkook takes hold of Jimin's ribs, holding him in position as he ruts his hips up.
Jimin bites his lip to stifle his sounds as Jungkook's hips thrust upward, filling him so deliciously. Jungkook's cock feels like it was made specifically to please Jimin, and Jimin keeps his body still, eager to let Jungkook use him as he wants for a while. Then, when Jimin thinks he can handle moving on his own, he begins to move his hips up and down, deepening Jungkook's thrusts.
Panting and whispered moans fill the room, with the occasional grunt and squeak slipping out, along with the lewd sound of skin slamming into skin and the wooden platform creaking softly below them. Jimin's cock bounces against his tummy, leaking precome and adding to the cacophony of sounds. Arousal builds quickly, and Jimin fights the urge to come so soon, but it's difficult to feel anything but pure bliss in Jungkook's strong hands.
"Come again for me, Jiminah," Jungkook groans, and Jimin can't help but chuckle because somehow, Jungkook always knows exactly what he needs.
Jungkook runs his hands up Jimin's chest, over his pecs and to his shoulders, then slides them down his arms, pulling them behind his back and holding them there. Jimin arches his back to accommodate being restrained, and when Jungkook ruts his hips up at a more punishing pace, Jimin's head falls back, and he resists the urge to scream.
"Come untouched for me," Jungkook grunts between thrusts.
Jimin relaxes as best as he can, allowing Jungkook to use him like a doll and let the pleasure roll through him. Jimin knows as soon as he comes, he'll turn into a whimpering, overstimulated mess for Jungkook to hold down and force another orgasm out of, and he's equal parts excited and terrified.
"Fuck," Jimin whimpers, feeling his cock throb and leak as it slams against his abs.
Jungkook pulls Jimin down against his chest, still holding his arms back, and Jimin's cock rubs between their bodies, giving him just enough stimulation to make him completely fall apart. Jungkook must realize what he's done because he yanks Jimin back just enough to stop stimulating his cock, but it was enough to get Jimin just to the edge of another orgasm, and it doesn't take long at all for Jimin to pant and quietly moan as he sprays his release between them, practically spraying come onto their chests and abs as Jungkook continues fucking him unrelentingly.
Jimin turns further into jelly, limbs shaking and vibrating with pleasure, and he leans back, bouncing as Jungkook fucks into him. Jungkook eases Jimin down onto the mattress, letting Jimin have his arms back, which Jimin slowly pulls over his head to grip the comforter below him. His vision is hazy, and he's beginning to feel overwhelmed, and he relaxes against the mattress as Jungkook—whose hips still buck into him—gets onto his knees and spreads Jimin's legs wide, holding his hips at an upward angle.
Sweat and come cover Jimin's torso, turning his skin cool and sticky, and he could not be bothered to care. Jungkook fucks Jimin so good he feels floaty and euphoric, breathing through the mind-numbing overstimulation that has him on the brink of total mental collapse. He's not sure if he wants to laugh or cry; he just doesn't want Jungkook to ever stop.
"You feel so good, Jiminah," Jungkook moans.
Jimin reaches up, letting his fingertips rub Jungkook's chest, and Jungkook cracks a soft smile at the touch before knitting his brows, leaning forward and fucking Jimin harder. Jimin's cock slaps against his stomach, and he cannot, for the life of him, fathom being hard again, already; he can't imagine having another orgasm when he's not sure he's recovered from the last one.
Jungkook slams his hips forward, then pulls his cock out, and Jimin whimpers from the sudden feeling of being empty. Jungkook gets out from under Jimin's thighs, laying Jimin onto the bed, then taps his hip and says, "On your knees."
Jimin whines, hating the feeling of having to move his limbs. The audacity of Jungkook thinking he's even capable of such a thing is astounding, but he does his best, bumbling around and falling forward when his arms can't hold him. A pillow is tossed beside Jimin, and he tugs it to himself, wrapping his arms around it and using it to help him get onto his knees.
Jungkook spreads Jimin wide, and Jimin is surprised to feel Jungkook's warm, wet tongue enter him. He groans from the pleasure and squeezes the pillow tight as Jungkook fucks his tongue in and out of Jimin's stretched hole. Jimin can feel drool slide down over his perineum, and he pictures how it would look with roles reversed and Jungkook spread out pretty and wide for him to taste.
Warmth and affection fill Jimin's chest as Jungkook stops tonguing him and lines their bodies up. Perhaps it's a silly time for Jimin to feel the outpouring of love he feels for Jungkook, but he's astounded by how perfectly they fit each over—by how Jungkook knows how to push Jimin closer and closer to the edge without letting him fall.
Jungkook's cock stretches Jimin once more, and he wastes no time picking up a pace that has Jimin's head spinning and his hands gripping onto the pillow below him like a lifeline. Jimin is already drooling, and he's not sure he has the capacity to form words, and he's perfectly content. Sweat drips from Jungkook down onto Jimin's back, trickling around the curves of his body and leaving a cool streak in its wake, sending little shivers through Jimin, and he wonders if he could drown in Jungkook if possible. He thinks, in a way, he already is.
A hand snakes around Jimin's hip and grips onto his cock, and Jimin squeals, feeling a surge of pleasure course through him. Jungkook strokes his cock and urges him to come for him one more time, and although Jimin shakes his head and pleads, saying he can't do it, Jungkook continues—Jimin has a safeword he can use, but he never does. Being whiny and begging for mercy is all part of the game, and Jimin wants to feel Jungkook force him to come one last time before they collapse into a pile of trembling, sweaty limbs.
"Awe, is my yeobo overstimulated?" Jungkook teases, and Jimin nods his head and whimpers. "One more, Jiminie; you're being so good for me."
Jungkook fucks Jimin hard enough for Jimin's legs to give out beneath him, and Jungkook continues to rut into him, adjusting to the new angle and holding onto the tip of Jimin's cock to make up for not being able to easily stroke him. Like this, Jungkook can lift and slam his hips and fuck Jimin deeper and harder, and Jimin finally reaches his limit as his orgasm pulls him violently under, and he buries his face into the pillow to moan, doing his best not to scream.
Jimin trembles and shakes as his orgasm rocks through him, and he squeezes Jungkook's cock even more than he had been already, desperate for Jungkook to come. Jungkook releases Jimin's cock and presses both palms into Jimin's ass, holding him down against the mattress and fucking into him hard, and Jimin feels himself slipping further away, floating as Jungkook chases his high and empties his release into Jimin's ass.
Jungkook falls forward, pulling Jimin closely and wrapping his legs around Jimin's legs for comfort. Jimin pants and wiggles back against Jungkook's chest in search of warmth despite their bodies being covered in sweat. It's awkward where they are, curled in the center of an already small mattress, but Jungkook pulls a blanket over them, and they get as comfortable as they can, dozing in and out of consciousness as Jimin cock warms Jungkook until Jungkook finally begins to move them into a position that allows them to stretch their limbs.
Jimin has no idea how much time passes before they're adjusting, straightening out with their heads at the foot of the bed and moving so Jimin is lying on Jungkook's chest. He thinks he may have fallen asleep, but he can't remember any dreams, only the weightless feeling of being held while his body fully adjusts to the blissful, sticky aftermath of their session. Occasionally, Jimin feels Jungkook’s lips ghost over his skin leaving bright, tingling wet spots in their path.
When Jimin wakes again, it's to Jungkook gently putting Jimin's clothes back on, and Jimin lifts his limbs to assist, wondering quietly what he's doing. Jungkook is already dressed in the same shirt and shorts as the night before, and when Jimin sits up to help put his shirt on, Jungkook kisses his forehead softly.
"Should get you back into your own bed before the crew wakes up," Jungkook mutters. And although Jimin doesn't want to leave Jungkook's side, he understands.
Jungkook lifts Jimin with an exaggerated grunt, as always, and Jimin giggles into Jungkook's neck, holding him close. Although the sun is beginning to rise, it's still not too light, and the birds have barely started to chirp and sing. The walk from the lakehouse to the upper house is shorter than Jimin would like, and he pouts for Jungkook to stay as he's tucked into bed, gripping and tugging at Jungkook's shirt for more and more kisses before finally letting him go.
It takes Jimin a while to wake up, and he hears all about Seokjin-hyung shooting off a firework while everyone at the main house and Jungkook woke confused, hours earlier. According to Jungkook, Seokjin-hyung may have muttered something about keeping him up late, and Jungkook may have pretended he didn't hear anything.
Jimin blushes and giggles when trying to explain to the crew and the guys what happened to his ankle, and he pretends not to see their knowing gazes. Of course, they know—they've known about Jimin and Jungkook for years—and Jimin thinks it's sweet how they don't pry, even though it seems like they would like to, sometimes. Jimin thinks he's lucky to have the love and support that he has, and although he'll undoubtedly be picked on for being so careless and clumsy whenever someone sees him limping around, he's happy. As long as Jungkook is there, there's nowhere in the world Jimin would rather be. Though he thinks he will miss the calm serenity of the forest once they get back home.
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❤ tag list: @dasexydevitt13 & @giriiboyy​​
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All Tangled Up is copyright 2022 theharrowing, all rights reserved. Don’t be a silent reader, I love to hear from you! 
81 notes · View notes
sommerregenjuniluft · 4 months
What’s on your list to write ?
funny that you ask nonny cause i actually Made a fucking list not too long ago instead of letting things float around in my head and starting random docs with like three to six sentences
this is my list atm but i am constantly brainrotting/having new ideas which i have a love-hate relationship with because i’m so excited for all of them but it leads me to only finish things after Months if at all fjskfkdk
ant pile b-side where they bleach evan’s hair
ant pile b-side where evan discovers his daddy kink but not in the way you think he does!
ant pile (lol)
jeggy titfuck with dom!regulus
the haikyuu au
rosekillily vampire thing
wolfstar old hairy men meetcute in the
lesbian wolfstar horror with uni dropout freight train driver remus and alien/demon/vampire something sirius
lesbian wolfstar meetcute with granola remus making her own milk alternative and some big shot ceo sirius
my layla fic aka ethel cain - crush wolfstar fic
pandalily milf4milf (but i might just incorporate this into a microfic who knows)
apropos microfic: lily x effie mother in law fucking for the february femslash >:)
i have yet to finish something for prongsfoot bingo so….that T-T
jily+sirius to throuple fic
petey fic (no voldi Au where pete gets to fuck all the hot minor side characters)
rosekiller horror (sacrificing fic)
guard dog mafia au fic (rosekiller/bartylus? not sure yet)
evan(s) titfuck (i still have this left over from kinktober💀)
jeggy Two Night Stand au
my karfy fic (remus in the club in mosquito net pants)
my teddy fic (bartylus exhibitionism)
maze runner au
muse x artist fic (lotsa angst, probably satosugu lets be honest because who else could top that level)
a/b/o wolfstar
sun baked dirt (cowboy fic)
mira, mi amor (jegulily with accidental nanny!regulus and lots of siblings for harry)
generally i’m a sucker for just dicing out a pairing (throuple whatever) and see where it goes yknow
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wanderingherald · 1 year
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Wandering Into The Winds!
Making way out of the desert, change in landscape begins to quickly take shape. A change that presents itself through magnificent uplift. Predominately granite, this place once home to many miles of glaciers has shaped this valley nicely for being billions of years old. It’s truly such a spectacular place that nobody really knows about,
(the rangers try to keep it that way).
It was refreshing to be welcomed around copious amounts of water after being faced with such scarcity. It’s a shame early summer months is a recipe for mosquito hell here. Many points throughout this section I didn’t even bother to stop in fear of being swarmed and eaten alive. No amount of Natrapel could combat something like that. I spent some time alone on alternate routes that split off the CDT, some well worth the deveation. With blow downs that make up the first half of The Cirque, I wonder if I’ve made a judgment error and contemplate finding another way back to red line. As I break through the sudden halt in overgrowth, I’m greeted by these magnificent formations. Unlike Colorado, these mountains felt in a way much bigger and more vast. With my trash bag pants and my bug net synched, these quickly become the most essential items of that 100 mile stretch. Much of thru hiking is understanding the reality of not having luxury over entering these ranges during the most ideal of times. You’re at the mercy of short seasonal windows that make it possible to succeed in a long distance hike. I planned this section with intent on taking my time along with some on trail zeros but I simply couldn’t submit myself to such torture from the blood suckers. I feel as though in a way I misrepresent the weighted value of how this range truly felt. I was grateful to have captured something, notably this White Crowned Sparrow perched in curiosity, I dare no further in identifying, I just hope I got it’s good side. The Bridget-Teton National Forest quickly became my favorited section of trail, and for good reason. In the future I will come back with the ability to enhance my experience, spending as much time as I possibly can in a truly extraordinary section.
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popchoc · 1 year
Could you do celebration prompt 45 for Gigi & Dani, please?
Gigi Ghorbani & Dani Nuñez, The L Word: Generation Q
45: How Many Have You Killed?
Gigi opens the door of their somewhat rickety beach hut to meet Dani on the small porch.
"Alright, all done," she grins, "You can come in."
Dani doesn't move though. Instead she narrows her eyes to peek over Gigi's shoulder, into the dim-lit room.
"How many have you killed?"
"One hundred and sixty eight," Gigi answers without blinking, drawing Dani's attention back to her. It takes her everything not to laugh at her girlfriend's expression, that is both shocked and full out disgusted.
"Really?!" Dani gasps.
Gigi snorts, no longer able to keep a straight face, and shakes her head. "No, not really," she admits, "I didn't count. You know, as I was too busy with assassinating everything in there with wings, or with six or more legs..." Taking a step closer, she rests her hand on Dani's arm and gives her a deep, meaningful look. "... for you."
As she takes in a long breath, collecting courage for her next step, Dani just nods.
"Come on, let's get in," Gigi suggests, taking Dani's hand. "The sooner we can close that door behind us, the better." She's wise enough not to point out the huge cracks between the floor boards - to start with - and thus the fact that there is simply no way to keep anything out.
The second they're inside, they both take a sprint towards the bed, where they dive underneath the mosquito net as quickly as they can.
"Well, this sure wasn't in the brochure," Dani pants, unamused. Yet this time, when her dry remark makes Gigi chuckle again, she can't help but join her. Hiccupping with laughter, she flops herself onto the mattress. "Go to Thailand, they said. You'll love it, they said."
Gigi lays down next to her, her head resting on her elbow, ignoring the few curls, still damp from their swim in the ocean, that fall across her face.
"You have to admit today was beautiful though. This beach is the most gorgeous one I've ever seen. And that sunset was just... stunning!"
Smiling up at her, Dani raises her hand and mindlessly rakes her fingers through Gigi's hair.
"You're stunning," she hums. "And I shouldn't whine. This is actually kind of perf-"
Right then the creaking fan above their heads sighs deep and suspiciously, then stops working altogether, making her groan in frustration.
"Okay, I'm taking that back. Can we just agree to pick a four-star hotel for our next vacation?"
Glancing at her luggage in the corner, and thinking of the little velvet box within it, Gigi suppresses another smile, before swiftly focusing on Dani again. 
"Sure," she nods, while crossing her fingers that her eyes won't give her away. "Who knows, we might even end up at a five-star one."
3k Celebration Prompts (closed)
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spiremire · 1 year
We're currently in the height of our mosquito season in Interior Alaska; every time I go outside I get bit. Being easy prey for mosquitoes is a problem I've always had, so while my labmates are getting swarmed, I'm happily sweltering in my permethrin soaked pants, rain jacket, and head net. It's 100% A Look, and might be a bit overkill, but i no longer spend evenings in a benadryl coma. I've already convinced 1/5 others about the head net.
Also the bug bite thing (which is a syringe that draws bug venom back out of a bite) is fantastic, easy to use, and entirely worth the $10.
I cannot wait for the start of the snow season, because that's the only thing that drives the mosquitoes away :(
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safepropestcontrol · 9 days
How to Protect Your Family from Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Mosquito-borne diseases pose a significant threat to families, especially during the warmer months. Diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika virus, dengue fever, and malaria are transmitted by mosquitoes and can have serious health implications. Protecting your family from these diseases involves a combination of preventive measures and lifestyle adjustments. This guide will provide you with effective strategies to keep your loved ones safe from mosquito-borne illnesses.
Eliminate Standing Water
Mosquitoes need standing water to breed. By removing or treating sources of stagnant water around your home, you can significantly reduce the mosquito population. Start by inspecting your yard for any areas where water may collect, such as gutters, bird baths, and flower pots. Clear out any debris that might block drainage, ensuring that water flows freely and doesn’t accumulate. Regularly empty and clean containers that hold water to prevent mosquitoes from using them as breeding grounds.
Maintain Your Lawn and Garden
A well-maintained yard can significantly reduce mosquito habitats. Keep your grass mowed and bushes trimmed to eliminate places where mosquitoes can hide. Overgrown vegetation provides shade and moisture, ideal conditions for mosquitoes. Remove yard debris, such as leaves and branches, which can hold water and become breeding sites. Additionally, consider planting mosquito-repelling plants like citronella, lavender, and marigolds. These plants not only add beauty to your garden but also help deter mosquitoes.
Use Mosquito Repellents
Using mosquito repellents is crucial for personal protection, especially during peak mosquito activity times like dawn and dusk. Apply EPA-approved repellents on exposed skin and clothing. DEET and picaridin are highly effective options. For those looking for natural alternatives, oil of lemon eucalyptus and citronella can provide some protection. Make sure to reapply repellents as directed, especially after swimming or sweating, to maintain their effectiveness.
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Install Physical Barriers
Physical barriers such as screens and nets can provide an extra layer of protection against mosquitoes. Ensure that all windows and doors have intact screens without any holes. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, consider using a mosquito net over seating areas. These nets can be particularly useful for protecting infants and young children while they sleep. Additionally, wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks can minimize exposed skin and reduce the likelihood of mosquito bites.
Use Mosquito Traps and Fans
Mosquito traps can be an effective way to reduce the mosquito population in your yard. These traps attract mosquitoes using various methods, such as carbon dioxide, UV light, or heat, and then capture or kill them. While not a standalone solution, traps can significantly decrease the number of mosquitoes over time. Fans can also be beneficial, especially in outdoor seating areas. Mosquitoes are weak fliers, and the breeze from a fan can keep them at bay.
Encourage Natural Predators
Attracting natural predators to your yard can help control the mosquito population. Birds, bats, and dragonflies are natural mosquito predators that can significantly reduce their numbers. Install bird feeders and birdbaths to attract mosquito-eating birds like swallows and purple martins. Bat houses can provide shelter for bats, which can eat thousands of mosquitoes each night. Creating a water garden or pond can attract dragonflies, which prey on mosquitoes at both the larval and adult stages.
Educate Your Family
Educating your family about mosquito prevention is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Teach children the importance of using mosquito repellent and wearing protective clothing. Explain the dangers of mosquito-borne diseases and the need to avoid areas with high mosquito activity. Encourage everyone to participate in eliminating standing water and maintaining the yard. By involving the whole family, you can create a comprehensive and effective mosquito prevention strategy.
Keep Indoor Spaces Safe
Mosquitoes can easily enter your home if you’re not careful. Use air conditioning or fans to keep indoor spaces cool and discourage mosquitoes from entering. Consider using mosquito nets over beds, especially for young children. Mosquito coils and electronic repellents can provide additional protection indoors. Regularly check and repair any cracks or gaps in windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside.
Stay Informed About Mosquito Activity
Stay informed about mosquito activity and disease outbreaks in your area. Local health departments often provide updates on mosquito populations and the presence of mosquito-borne diseases. If you plan to travel, check for any health advisories related to mosquito-borne diseases at your destination. Being aware of current mosquito activity can help you take appropriate precautions and protect your family.
Protecting your family from mosquito-borne diseases requires a multifaceted approach. By eliminating standing water, maintaining your yard, using mosquito repellents, installing physical barriers, and encouraging natural predators, you can significantly reduce the risk of mosquito bites and the diseases they carry. Educate your family, keep indoor spaces safe, and stay informed about local mosquito activity. Implementing these strategies will help ensure a safer and more enjoyable summer for you and your loved ones.
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the-prolefeed · 17 days
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Did a 2 mile hike-in camping trip. My full ruck weight was around 40 lbs and the mcx was 10 lbs. Tent, inflatable mattress and pillow, sleeping bag, lightweight tarp, 3 shirts, 2 pants, 4 pairs of underwear and socks, mini camp stove, gas, pan, bowl, cup, cutlery, bag cover, poncho, raincoat, kindling, 2 pieces of firewood, 3 full days of food, camelback and Nalgene totaling 1 gallon of water, 1 30rd pmag, glock 48, bush knife, first aid, iodine tablets, snacks, and a charging brick.
We stopped to get a bundle of firewood about 20 minutes away from our site and the homeowner helped us load the wood into my car. He asked if we had mosquito nets and warned that black flies would be thick in that area, we waved it off.
We only had bug spray, and immediately as we excited my car we got swarmed with mosquitos. The spray barely did anything, but we got our rucks and started the hike since we only had 2 hours of daylight left. We had to reach camp soon.
The first third of the trail was pure mud and standing water, and the mosquitos followed us everywhere. The lead guy set a very fast pace, so myself and the other guy had a lot of trouble keeping up. I was very thankful for the camelback keeping me hydrated, I was sweating like a pig.
We reached the campsite after an hour and worked immediately on a fire to get respite from the mosquitos. It lit quickly and we did everything we could in the smoke, but our tents would have to be 20 feet away on the only semi-flat ground. We threw the tents up and jumped inside just as rain began to fall.
Thankfully not many mosquitos got in to my tent, the few that did were mostly killed. My tent was the worst placed, so I ended up sleeping in a ditch. By the morning, I had to piss incredibly bad, but without the fire couldn't do it without getting swarmed again. I had a very short, interrupted piss and the others started waking up.
We hurried to get everything packed back away, several things were wet and would need drying, including rainflies, clothes, and one of the tents. We put on rainwear and ponchos over the bags, rifles slung, and I set a much slower pace.
I started with most of my face covered by my rain jacket, just eyes exposed, but the heat became intense and the rain had stopped early. I was dripping sweat and made it a third of the way back before going down to just a shirt.
In the last 20 minute stretch, we were crossing muddy ground and I slipped off a board that had been laid across the grind. I fell on my hands and knees, completely covered in mud, and got up extremely pissed. The rest of the hike went very quick and quiet in the last stretch to get it over with.
I had gotten completely eaten with my face, hands, arms, legs, and torso completely covered in bites. After Bite provided a little relief, but it's still incredibly itchy. No ticks, thankfully.
We had reserved another rural site, but decided to do a simple rustic site we could park right next to. The drive to the new site would be significantly more stressful than we thought, however. Google Maps sent us down wholly sand single-lane off road UTV trails and the only way out was continuing through. We had no phone signal and hadn't told anyone that we were heading to the new site, so being stuck in a sand dune in my Chevy Malibu was a serious concern.
After an hour, we finally saw other drivers on an adjacent road and found the campsite. A boy road up on a bike to let us know something was dragging under my car, the skid plate had gotten fucked up. We ripped off the plastic plate and looked for a site, luckily getting one of the last ones.
During that search we noticed a Mustang and an Audi sedan were parked in other campsites, meaning there was a safer route out. Still no phone signal, but we camped safely and I got very, very drunk.
I had to piss 4 times during the night and the repeated boot removal rubbed my ankles raw. The next morning I had to hobble everywhere I walked, plus my knees hurt from kneeling on the hard ground to inflate my mattress.
I stressed all night while looking at map routes, trying to find some safe route back to a main road. It was hard to know if a road would just be a UTV trail or something I could safely traverse, but we managed to navigate for an hour back to civilization, afterwhich I let my friend drive us back.
I was able to do anything my friends could while keeping my pack 20 lbs lighter and smaller, and generally there isn't much to change besides including mosquito nets, another dry bag for clothes, and replacing my sleeping bag which got damaged. That gives me an opportunity to get a new one that packs much smaller.
Hiking with rifles was cool and we will be doing more, thankfully we didn't have any uncomfortable encounters with other hikers. DNR officers we asked about firearms and target shooting were all friendly and informative. I'm a little disappointed we didn't end up going shooting, as I kitted out my SADF pattern 83 battle jacket perfectly for that hike, but understandably we had to adjust.
Bring fucking mosquito nets.
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stethcare · 27 days
How to defeat Dengue and Malaria in tropical region
Introduction: Tropical regions are known for their lush landscapes and vibrant cultures, but they also present unique health challenges. Among these challenges are the prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases like Dengue and Malaria. In this article, we’ll explore essential strategies to defeat Dengue and Malaria in tropical regions, safeguarding your health and well-being.
Understanding Dengue and Malaria
Dengue: The Breakbone Fever
Symptoms: High fever, severe joint and muscle pain, rash, and bleeding tendencies.
Transmission: Aedes mosquitoes, primarily Aedes aegypti.
Malaria: The Silent Killer
Symptoms: High fever, chills, sweats, fatigue, and anemia.
Transmission: Anopheles mosquitoes, which carry the Plasmodium parasite.
Preventing Mosquito Bites
Protective Clothing: Wear long sleeves, pants, and socks to reduce exposed skin.
Mosquito Repellents: Use DEET-based or natural repellents to deter mosquitoes.
Bed Nets: Sleep under insecticide-treated bed nets to prevent nighttime bites.
Eliminating Breeding Sites
Stagnant Water: Remove or treat standing water sources where mosquitoes breed.
Regular Cleaning: Maintain clean gutters, drains, and flower pots.
Community Efforts: Engage in local initiatives to control mosquito breeding.
Vaccination Against Dengue
DENGVAXIA: An approved Dengue vaccine offering protection against multiple Dengue virus serotypes.
Vaccination Programs: Check if your region has Dengue vaccination programs for residents.
Malaria Chemoprophylaxis
Prescription Medication: Consult a healthcare provider for antimalarial medication suitable for your travel destination.
Dosage Adherence: Follow the prescribed dosage schedule diligently to ensure effectiveness.
Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Symptom Recognition: Be vigilant about symptoms and seek medical attention promptly if you suspect Dengue or Malaria.
Diagnostic Tests: Diagnostic tests such as blood smears and rapid antigen tests aid in confirming the diseases.
Community Education
Awareness Programs: Engage in or support community awareness initiatives to educate residents about prevention and early detection.
Schools and Institutions: Collaborate with schools and institutions to teach students about mosquito-borne diseases.
Climate Resilience and Mosquito Control
Environmental Management: Implement climate-resilient mosquito control measures to adapt to changing weather patterns.
Research and Innovation: Support research on new techniques for mosquito control, such as genetically modified mosquitoes.
Traveler’s Tips
Travel Health Clinics: Visit a travel health clinic before visiting tropical regions to receive personalized advice and vaccinations.
Pack Essentials: Carry mosquito nets, repellents, and antimalarial medications when traveling to endemic areas.
Q1: Can I get Dengue or Malaria even if I take preventive measures?
A: While preventive measures significantly reduce the risk, there is no absolute guarantee. Continue practicing prevention to minimize the chances of infection.
Q2: Are there vaccines for Malaria?
 A: Currently, there is no approved vaccine for Malaria. Preventive measures such as antimalarial medications are essential when traveling to endemic areas.
Q3: What is chemoprophylaxis?
A: Chemoprophylaxis refers to the use of medication to prevent disease. In the context of Malaria, it involves taking antimalarial drugs before, during, and after travel to high-risk areas.
Q4: Can I travel to tropical regions if I have a chronic illness?
A: Consult your healthcare provider before traveling to ensure it is safe for your specific health condition. They can provide guidance and recommendations.
Q5: How can I contribute to community education efforts?
A: You can volunteer with local health organizations, schools, or community centers to raise awareness about Dengue, Malaria, and preventive measures. Sharing information through social media can also help spread awareness
Conclusion: A Unified Effort
In conclusion, defeat Dengue and Malaria in tropical regions requires a unified effort. By understanding the diseases, preventing mosquito bites, embracing vaccination and chemoprophylaxis, and promoting early diagnosis and treatment, we can collectively combat these health threats. Additionally, community education, climate resilience, and responsible travel practices play pivotal roles in safeguarding public health.
Remember, knowledge is your best defense. Stay informed, take precautions, and support local initiatives to create healthier and safer tropical regions for all.
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cassowary-rapture · 27 days
I think we might have bed bugs and I can't bring myself to be that upset about it because 1) I'm still sick and don't want to deal with it yet, 2) if it is bed bugs, they've been around for months, so another day or two won't make a difference, and 3) I legit love ectoparasites
Bed bugs are impressively tough and have been around for thousands of years and have that cute little rhyme about them. I like that they slip out at night to feed on humans like mini vampires
Mosquitoes just drink blood to get the nutrients that they need to produce eggs, so whatever, and it's kind of fun being in a swamp in the summer in long sleeves and pants and a hat with a mosquito net and being able to let them swarm you
Head lice are fucking adorable. They evolved to spend their entire lives on our heads, from their claws to their stumpy little legs. It's very flattering
Ticks are...friendly? Adorably clingy? and tick-borne illnesses are interesting
Demodex mites are so gross. I love that something so horrifying lives on everyone's faces. Like whenever you look at someone really attractive, you're also looking at THEM
Fleas. Flea circuses. The hopping
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smartcarediagnostics · 2 months
Guide to Malaria: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention
Malaria, a disease that has plagued humanity for centuries, continues to be a significant global health concern. With its ability to cause severe illness and even death, understanding malaria is crucial for effective prevention and treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into everything you need to know about malaria, including its causes, symptoms, treatment options, preventive measures, and the role of SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd in combating this disease.
Understanding Malaria
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. There are several species of Plasmodium parasites, with Plasmodium falciparum being the most deadly. Once inside the body, these parasites multiply in the liver before infecting red blood cells, leading to symptoms such as fever, chills, sweats, headache, nausea, and body aches.
Symptoms of Malaria
The symptoms of malaria can vary depending on the type of parasite and the severity of the infection. In uncomplicated cases, symptoms may include fever, headache, and fatigue, which can be mistaken for the flu. However, in severe cases, malaria can lead to complications such as organ failure, seizures, coma, and even death, particularly in young children and pregnant women.
Diagnosis of Malaria
Diagnosing malaria requires a thorough medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Blood tests, such as rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and microscopy, are used to detect the presence of malaria parasites in the blood. Early diagnosis is essential for prompt treatment and preventing the spread of the disease to others.
Treatment Options
The treatment of malaria depends on factors such as the species of parasite, the severity of the infection, and the patient's age and medical history. Antimalarial medications are commonly used to kill the parasites and alleviate symptoms. Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are the recommended first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria, while other medications such as chloroquine and quinine may be used in certain cases.
Preventive Measures
Preventing malaria primarily involves reducing exposure to mosquito bites. This can be achieved through various preventive measures, including:
Mosquito Control: Eliminating mosquito breeding sites, using insecticide-treated bed nets, and spraying insecticides indoors can help reduce mosquito populations and prevent bites.
Chemoprophylaxis: Taking antimalarial medications before, during, and after travel to malaria-endemic areas can help prevent infection.
Protective Clothing: Wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks, and closed shoes can help reduce skin exposure to mosquito bites.
Insect Repellents: Applying insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to exposed skin can repel mosquitoes and prevent bites.
The Role of SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd
SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd is a leading provider of diagnostic services, including malaria testing and treatment. With their state-of-the-art laboratories and experienced medical professionals, SmartCare Labs ensures accurate and timely diagnosis of malaria infections. Their commitment to quality and patient care makes them a trusted partner in the fight against malaria.
Convenient Online Experience
SmartCare Diagnostics offers a user-friendly website where individuals can easily schedule appointments, access test results, and compare prices from different diagnostic companies like Metropolis, Agilus, Suburban, and more. This convenience allows patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare needs and access quality diagnostic services with ease.
Home Testing Service
In addition to their laboratory services, SmartCare Diagnostics also offers a convenient home testing service for malaria. This option is ideal for individuals who may have difficulty visiting a laboratory in person or prefer the comfort and privacy of their own home. With home testing, patients can receive accurate and reliable malaria diagnosis without the need for a clinic visit.
In conclusion, malaria remains a significant global health threat, but with proper understanding, prevention, and treatment, it is a disease that can be effectively managed and controlled. By recognizing the symptoms, seeking timely diagnosis and treatment, and taking preventive measures to reduce mosquito bites, individuals can protect themselves and their communities from malaria. With SmartCare Diagnostics Pvt Ltd's commitment to quality, convenience, and patient care, accessing reliable malaria testing and treatment has never been easier. Together, we can work towards a malaria-free future for all.
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