#most expensive restaurant in spain
pulsar-1919 · 1 year
It's actually a crime how expensive alcohol everything is in Ireland
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Leaving III
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader
Summary: You've made a mistake
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Poland was meant to be perfect and, for the most part, it was.
You got to learn a new language, get a girlfriend and train with some of the best in your sport.
But, you had always been like your sister.
You were Alexia's mirror in some of the worst ways.
She had a temper when she was younger. She was stubborn and frustrated and hated losing. You'd seen her yell at teammates when she was younger about missed tap-ins and shitty crosses.
Tennis is not a team sport but you can feel the same frustration bubble up within you as you're once again outclassed by your training partner.
She's ranked first in the world, of course she's better than you but you're still a wonderkid (Spain's prodigy, you can hear echoing in the back of your mind) and usually, you can hold your own better than this.
You're not running fast enough. You're not swinging hard enough. You're missing easy volleys and your serve is abysmal.
You want to go home.
You want to go back to Spain, back to Mollet de Vallès where you're leagues ahead of the competition.
You sniffle a little, curling up on your bed with your phone stuck to your ear.
There isn't a time difference from Spain to Poland so you know she won't be sleeping. You also know she won't ignore your call.
Alexia loves you too much for that.
"Are you okay?"
You don't call regularly. You're not much of a texter either. That was okay when you were still at home, where Alexia could drop in unannounced whenever and find you either on the courts or curled up in your bed with a movie playing.
You both have gotten used to the long stretches of time you spend away from each other.
But Alexia asks the exact same thing every time you're on a call.
It's only this time though that you feel a sob force its way up your throat.
"No," You choke out," No. I want to come home."
From across the world, curled up in her own bed, in her own home, next to her own girlfriend, Alexia's heart breaks.
She wants you home too.
When you were little, Alexia could pick you up out of your bed and just put you in hers. She could do it whenever she felt like it, for any reason she wanted.
If she wanted little sister cuddles or if she missed you or for something as simple as freaking out Alba in the morning when she was sent to get you up.
As you got older and Alexia moved away for football, she no longer dragged you out of bed but rather just slid into yours. You used to pretend that you hated it.
You would groan and complain and say she was stealing your blankets but you never kicked her out, even when she did annoying things like poke you in the cheek or dig her fingers into your side.
"I want you to come home too," Alexia says back to you and you sag in relief onto your bed.
"This was a mistake," You continue," Ale, I've made a huge mistake. I...I'm not cut out for this. I can't do this."
Alexia wants you at home. She wants you at home in your room in Eli's house where she knows your routine and your patterns and could probably track you down in half an hour.
In Spain, Alexia knows everything about you.
She knows your favourite restaurants and which tennis courts you prefer on sunny versus rainy days. She knows your friends and their families and that old couple just down the way whose dog you sometimes walk when you want a break from homework.
Alexia likes you in Spain, where she can drop everything to give you a hug and look after you and pull the sides of her jacket around you even as you try to wiggle out of whatever hug she's trapped you in.
But you've not made a mistake going to Poland, no matter what you think.
Nothing you've done in Poland is something you should regret.
You're getting the challenge you need to be a better player.
Sports are expensive and it has always been hard on Eli to keep up with everything you need even though Alexia has always been willing to pay for it all.
You were the best in Mollet del Vallès because the talent pool was so low.
It's good for you to learn from others, from other international stars that are legendary in your sport.
Alexia can admit that there's probably a few things you regret in life. But this shouldn't be one of them.
"You can," She says to you," Because you're a Putellas and we're not quitters."
"I am," You reply," I don't mind being a quitter."
Alexia sighs. You've always been stubborn.
"You're not a quitter," She insists," Because you love tennis and you're talented at it. You've got to stumble a little bit to get better."
"I don't want to stumble," You say," Ale, I don't. I'm not cut out for this."
"You are," Alexia says," I promise you are. You are going to be the greatest tennis player in the world someday, I know it. You're going to win the Ballon D'or of tennis one day."
That shocks a laugh out of you. "Alexia," You say," There's no Ballon D'or for tennis."
"Well if there were, you'd win it," She says decisively," But you've got to keep trying, alright? Keep going. Hold out for this month, okay? Get through this month and if you still hate it and if you still think it was one big mistake then I'll talk to Mama and we'll bring you home. But you have to try, alright? You have to really put in effort. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Alexia."
Like usual, there's radio silence from you for a good few weeks but Alexia expected that.
She's on camp near the end of the month and doesn't really think about the deadline she's set for you. It's not like there was any actual risk that you were going to quit tennis.
You needed it like Alexia needed football.
"Uh oh," Jenni laughs under her breath as the team walk back into the hotel lobby," Here comes trouble."
You're sitting at reception, scrolling on your phone with a bag at your feet and Alexia's heart sink.
There's no way you've quit tennis.
You love it.
"Well, well, well." Jenni's unaware of the crisis Alexia's currently facing, ruffling your hair before you even know she's there. "Look at you. Still tiny."
"I was never tiny!" You say, cheeks puffed out in outrage," You're just freakishly tall!"
Jenni laughs, reaching to ruffle your hair again. You duck out of the way and scamper behind Alexia, offering her up as Jenni's next victim.
Alexia frowns though. "Why are you here?"
Worry courses through her veins.
There's no way you could have quit tennis. There's no way that you've managed to do that without telling her first.
"Mama is on that cruise with Tia and Tio. Alba is out of the country." You huff. "Mama says that I must be with a responsible adult during my break. She sent me to you. Are you not happy to see me, Ale?"
"I'm happy to see you, Menor!" Jenni calls out.
"Stop calling me that!"
Finally, Alexia's brain catches up with your words. "During your break?"
You nod. "Uh-huh. I've got two weeks off for rest and recuperation and then we're on warm-ups for the next tournament."
"Warm-ups in Poland?" Alexia checks and your brow furrows in confusion.
"Of course in Poland. Where else would I be?"
Alexia takes your hand. "Nowhere."
She drags you up into her room. As one of the captains, she's entitled to having it all to herself. She doesn't even stop to think how she's going to explain this to the staff, just happy to have you all to herself again like she did when she was younger.
You fit into her bed like you did when you were younger too, namely by dragging almost all of her pillows to your side and hogging the blankets.
It's easy to curl around each other now, even though you've grown up and can't fit in Alexia's arms anymore.
It's easy to talk too, as you explain all the new things you've been learning and how excited you are for your next tournament.
It's even easier to fall asleep together, your head pillowed on Alexia's chest (even though you made such a point over stealing all of her actual pillows) and Alexia's hand frozen in the act of getting the knots out of your hair.
It's even worth Jenni and Irene's teasing in the morning when they both burst in to find you both still in the same position.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 24 days
modern au age gap jily headcanons <3
james is a football (soccer) player and junior league coach, and lily is a med school physician. having an accident, he ends up in the care of lily and her attending, who lets lily do a lot of the work on the case considering she’s in her residency programme
james fell in love with her eyes first of all; emerald green, she’s got him under her spell from the moment he took in her eyes (the fact that she was incredibly intelligent and curious didn’t help his case)
he starts telling her about his incident and how it happened and when he mentions his junior football league, they find out that james is coaching lily’s nephew (he probably shouldn’t have, but he laughed with her about how horribly competitive dudley is)
he asks for her number and he also happens to find her instagram (it takes every ounce of self control not to like every single post and highlight she’s ever posted)
when they first started dating, james takes her to his favourite italian restaurant, and he goes to pick lily up from her block of flats. she’s wearing a sleek, black dress, her hair is done in a slickback and she’s wearing gold jewellery. james falls in love all over again
they talk about her residency program and about how she can’t wait to be out of it and be an actual physician and about his junior football league and about their childhoods
they barely make it into lily’s apartment and make love on her couch
when they first stated dating, they travelled a lot together; tunisia, egypt, spain, anywhere they wanted to go, they did
james absolutely spoils her. he buys her anything she so much glances at longingly, they go on dates at expensive restaurants and every anniversary is a celebration for them
lily finds it so amusing that he’s born in the eighties while she’s so much nearer the new millennium (she always sends him millennial tiktoks and finds it the peak of humour)
after a few months of dating, james told lily about his son. if they were going to be serious, she needed to know; he was the most important thing to him, and if she couldn’t accept the fact that he was a father, it would have all been pointless, but he’d rather have that than dishonesty
needless to say, lily and him got along beautifully, and that was the moment when james was absolutely sure that lily was the woman for him
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eopederson · 1 month
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El precio del turismo de masas - La tienda los 8 caños, Ronda, 2016.
Ronda, the legendary cradle of Spanish style bullfighting, has been a tourist attraction for a very long time. Among others writing in English, Richard Ford in his rather ill-tempered Handbook for Travellers in Spain (1832) describes how to make a visit. Prosper Méremée based his work from which the opera Carmen was derived on a stay at about the same time.
I first visited the town almost a half century ago when it had only a smattering of tourist centric activity. Now it is on the mass tourism circuit. Cruise ships docking in Málaga or even Cádiz offer excursions for their passengers, and it is on most tour operators' Andalusian itineraries. Many of Ronda's old town buildings are now used to vend tourist services and treasures. Restaurants on the cliff for which the town is famous offer menus in English and usually also in German and French. On my 2016 visit I mistakenly stopped for lunch at one where there was no written menu in Castellano as few Spanish speakers went there. The cuisine on offer is usually generic with no authentic cocina andaluza but rather those dishes associated with Spain by tourists (tapas, typical of central Spain or paella, a Valencian dish for example - reminiscent of ordering Boston baked beans in New Orleans or shrimp and grits in Seattle).
If one is a bullfighting aficionado or just wants to see a corrida for the experience, Ronda's historic bull ring remains the place to do so. Tourists are mostly fascinated with the building and its history not with the bloody spectacle itself. Tour busses usually do not stay long enough for day trippers to be herded in to see a corrida, and thus most of those in the audience are not t-shirt tourists. If you should go, remember to get a sombra seat, a little more expensive, as the afternoon sun can be quite hot, and its glare can be a problem.
Waiting for the corrida to begin, look for a snack shop offering bocadillos y bebidas rather than sandwiches and drinks.
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umichenginabroad · 6 months
Stockholm Week 10: Grind Before Barcelona
Hi! I can’t believe that it’s already the end of March. Isn’t that crazy? It still feels like late February to me. 
I’m bringing this up because my trip to Barcelona is coming up real fast. I am leaving on the 27th when the Explorative Travel Week begins! We get a week off as a travel break; certain elective courses travel as a class during that week, but I am not in any of those electives so I get a week off from school. Hurray! 
The number 1 country I wanted to travel to was Spain, and I am finally going there next week. That also means that this week has been rough, catching up with all the homework and finishing up projects before the break. 
3/18 Mon: (the best news) Class Canceled! 
On Monday, the only class I had switched to online at the last minute due to traffic issues. 
I took the opportunity to call my boyfriend and my mom while I worked on my assignments the entire day. I slept earlier than usual, around 11 pm, to treat myself :) 
3/19 Tue: Spicy Uno
We have been watching this Netflix series called The Chestnut Man in the Scandinavian Crime Fiction class, and I have been on my nerves since the start of the show. The plot and the music interact too well to the point that I have to cover my ears and close my eyes every now and then. I hate horror movies but I would say this is an extremely well-played thriller/detective show. I recommend it to anyone who likes mystery/crime genre! 
When I’m at home, I always have to try very hard to refrain from watching the rest of the episodes on my own. It has been a difficult battle but I made it to the 5th episode (out of 7) without binge-watching it alone. 
I didn’t know (and wouldn’t have known) that crime fiction was so popular in the Scandinavian region before I took this class. I can see why it’s so famous; all the books and films are quite good! I always look forward to starting a new book or series in class. This course has been my absolute favorite class in Stockholm :) 
During lunchtime, I surprisingly met a new friend who’s going to Barcelona on the same day!!! She and her friend booked their flight yesterday, so I never heard about them when I was asking everyone if they’d like to join our Barcelona trip. The most surprising part was that her friend turned out to be my friend who always sat next to me in two classes! We exchanged numbers to talk more about the trip. 
Afterward, I went to Arkivet, a second-hand store on the higher end. There are high-quality clothes that are in good condition—all the way from H&M and Zara to COS, BOSS, and Coach. Although it is a bit more expensive than other stores like Myrona or Stockholm Stadsmission, the pool is much better in my opinion. I bought a Tommy Hilfiger trench coat for $70! 
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There are so many buttons on this coat
Happy with my purchase, I came back home and made Alfredo pasta for dinner. I have been CRAVING creamy pasta and it momentarily satisfied my yearning. I need to go to an Italian restaurant and get a good alfredo spaghetti soon. 
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I threw some chicken and sausage in there too :) 
That night, my friends and I all gathered around my room to play Spicy Uno. My friend taught us the extra rules and it was a lot more fun than I expected. Towards the end, we even incorporated Never Have I Ever into the game (ง˙∇˙)ว
After they all left, I couldn’t sleep right away because of the sugar rush from all the goodies we ate (ice cream, jellies, chips, chocolate bars, and wafers). 
I blame this sugar rush for the catastrophe that happened a few minutes later. 
I was peacefully putting on a new set of fake nails until the nail glue fell down on my joggers. I can definitely say that it was an exothermic reaction because where the glue spilled was hot. Thankfully, I was able to separate my pants from my thighs by lifting it up a little bit, but my pants did not survive the accident. 
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Picture that captures the moment of the tragic incident 
If anyone knows how to remove nail glue on clothes please let me know ( •́ ̯•。̀ )
3/20 Wed: Skansen Open-Air Museum! 
Today’s field trip for our Swedish class was Skansen, the world’s first open-air museum! 
The escalator was endless and the area of the museum was unparalleled to any other museums I visited. We had a full experience with the tour guide—we even got to go into houses from the 1700s and see reindeer! 
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Us inside the houses
More cool photos: 
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Some cool facts: 
Going to church was obligatory: people were officially tested on their bible knowledge and the answers were recorded! 
Each house was numbered (well over two thousand pieces for each house), deconstructed, relocated, and reconstructed in the museum! 
After free fika with the entire class, my friend and I hung out around T-Centralen. We went to cafes, second-hand stores (again), and the system. We headed back to the hog together. 
For the rest of the night, I worked on the insurmountable group project for my online ChemE class until 4 am… ;) 
3/21 Thu: Reeeaaaading
I woke up early to do the pre-lecture homework for the classes. Despite dozing off for a few minutes here and there, I finished the assignment! 
For Friday’s class, I started and finished reading half of The Wolf and the Watchman by Niklas Natt och Dag. I’m starting to spot the similarities in the settings of the crime fiction novels! 
3/22-3/23 Fri-Sat: Zoom Meetings
I devoted two whole days to working on the group project. I had a series of Zoom sessions with the Professor and then with teammates. 
Cooking and doing laundry was my time off from work! 
When I was done with the project around 11 pm Saturday, I started scavenging for English-guided tours for Barcelona. The tickets were rapidly selling out! 
I managed to get an English tour of Sagrada Familia and Park Guell. They were expensive, but when would I ever have the chance to visit Spain? With that mindset, I joyfully paid for the events. 
3/24 Sun: Planning Barcelona..
My body weighed 200 tons today and wouldn’t have gotten out of bed until 2 pm if it wasn’t for the Barcelona planning meeting I scheduled with my friends. 
We met at Downtown Camper Cafe in T-Centralen and stayed there for three hours, making reservations and finalizing schedules. We are ready to fly to Barcelona! 
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The bathroom was fancy
Again, when I got home, I cooked and did more homework.
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With the energy I gained from dinner, I was able to work on the group project until I got burnt out at 9 pm. I called my mom for a little (meaning 1.5 hours) and did some more work before going to sleep. 
I am SO excited to share my experience in Barcelona next week! 
Stay tuned for new, rejuvenating adventures coming soon!!! 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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saviolum-sanguineus · 9 months
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A woman meets another for lunch; the latter's hair is the same color as the coat of the first. Something crystallises between them.
(1930s/pre-war AU)
Taran never sorted out his own mail, but whoever had been working at it was good enough at it to read the invisible currents of the city. They slid the envelope between a postcard from a friend somewhere in Spain and the riveting gossip hiding between the lines of this month’s issue from his Club.
—Something for you.
The vaguely bemused interest in his voice—I was still his little secret, traced out in the shape of winks and coy allusions to whatever domesticated animal he was feeling most metaphorically allured by that day, and not at all in the position of being written to by anyone with casual access to the expense clothing this missive—faded at the more immediately tantalizing letterhead from his Club. He handed the letter over without looking up, his other hand moving to slit open the Club envelope with the silver opener at his side.
It was addressed to Miss Esme Odile. Starting at ‘O’, the slant of the letters became slightly more capital, as if to highlight the awkwardness of it against the easy richness of twenty-dollar paper. I could have taken it as the slight it was meant to be, but this city made certain things cheap, like closing my eyes to the generosity of Taran’s mouth, and other things free, like rearranging your name until it fit like a second skin under bright lights.
Taran took a sip of his martini and I opened the letter.
The mother of Taran’s son took me out to lunch at Veselka. It had occurred to me on the walk over that she could derive no small amount of pleasure from watching me flounder at ordering—Taran’s habits and dictation were painfully obvious to the both of us, even in his absence—but two platters of varenyky were already on the table when I arrived, neat piles of golden-brown onions nestled beside dollops of sour cream along the cerulean pattern edging the plates.
Her son was noticeably absent, and for a moment I wasn’t sure if it was relief or dread that panged through me at the realization. Dahlia and I shared a vital commonality: our individual relationships to a very specific man were very well-defined, but to each other? I thought suddenly of Andrey, as if a tenuous alliance might bolster my spirits, but just as suddenly I remembered our first meeting. The uptick in morale was therefore short-lived.
—So good to see you again! Esther, isn’t it? Charming name, it suits you.
—You wrote it correctly. Lovely handwriting. Just like the primers.
Dahlia smiled thinly. In the restaurant’s clear light, the coldness of it turned her hazel eyes into something like the Hudson. It made sense why she’d be wearing a fur coat in October then: the thing lay over the back of a third chair at the table in a quiet, glorious rustle of tawny fox fur and soft ostentation.
She watched me sit, still smiling, and offered: Cassius is off with his father today—and isn’t it nice that we could chat?
Of course, she waited until I had taken a sip of water (brunch’s mimosas were too generous a mercy for Dahlia, apparently) to speak, so I kept her waiting with another, crossing my legs beneath the table and relishing the tiny flicker of annoyance in her eyes.
—Lovely of Taran to take him out to a show. It must be a treat for Cassius to spend time with him, I said with a smile.
Those came cheap in the city too.
—Mm. I heard he keeps you entertained the same way.
The barbed irritation in Dahlia’s voice went well with my forkful of varenyky; almost too rich. She watched me eat in silence for another breath, the corners of her mouth taut. Just as I began to swallow, Dahlia took a minuscule, impossibly dainty bite of her own, swallowed like a smug cat, and dabbed feathers of sour cream off her lower lip.
—You must feel like you’ve accustomed yourself to the city very well.
I looked at her and felt my fingers start to curl hard into the swell of my palms, leftover defenses that didn’t care about French tips or keeping up appearances. Dahlia smiled at me, hazel eyes sparkling. My patience shriveled, all dry husk and jagged edge against the soft rustle of her fur coat.
—Well, once you start receiving mail at a place, it really does become home, I said. I find the city suits me well.
—Is that what he told you? Very sweet.
Neither of us were smiling anymore, but somehow I preferred it that way. This felt realer than all the performances Taran and his circle demanded of me: more tangible and genuinely enticing. As much as I embraced the ease of leaning into the image of a willowy enigma ricocheting as desired between ingenue and seductress, there was meat here to sink my teeth into, an itch that could stand to be scratched instead of aching.
Dahlia took another bite, then laced her bare fingers together in front of her. She paused, ostensibly to give me the chance to pluck low-hanging fruit off the bough she’d offered.
My smirk pulled unexpectedly dry. The weight of it grated my tongue against teeth like cogs in a machine finally realizing how far the rust had crept. All the bright crystalline light surrounding us suddenly smelt of a circus. For the first time in my life, the thought of dancing under a spotlight was not an exciting one.
—You ought to know better than me that he doesn’t say anything for other people’s sake. What do you think I’m here for, Dahlia?
Her lips twitched and for a very serious second I thought she might slap me. Part of me wished she would. That would be familiar. That would be known.
—You don’t belong here, Esme.
And there it was, the elephant slain and skinned on the table between us and our naked hands.
Dahlia took a deep breath and pressed one slim palm flat against her temple. It was the sort of pose Mary took in the windows of St. Patrick’s, immaculate sufferance on display for the world to see.
—It’s not just you, Dahlia said in a voice that suggested she was angling for the patience of a saint. There are plenty of girls like you—you know, they come here from some plains town in Iowa or Georgia or wherever, and they think the dream is coming true. You wanted to be a star, didn’t you? Make it big, land the albatross.
She studied my face for a while. Whatever Dahlia found, it introduced a soft, squirming streak of dismay to her expression.
—I’m trying to save you some heartbreak. Yours, whatever family you’ve got hoping to hear from you back home, whoever you care about enough to lie to yourself about. Certainly not his, don’t mistake me. This isn’t the life for you.
—And what makes us so different?
I had played into her hands without realizing it, but Dahlia didn’t take the easy, immediate kill. She lifted her hand from her head and set it over mine.
—I think you know.
I could not move her. I could not move myself. For all the things seething under my skin, the only thing I could do was unclench my jaw and release my bite to bark.
—I wish he’d mentioned you. I’d have known to ask for advice. That coat brings out your eyes so well.
Dahlia matched my desperate spite, which made my own less desperate. An accidental kindness on her part, no doubt, but one all the same.
—Nothing stopping you in the future! He always did like my eyes, loved the lashes especially. And Portia has such beautiful hair. She keeps it long, you know, like the milkmaid girls in those God-awful European pictures. But it suits her.
Dahlia’s eyes flicked over me: up, down, and back up again. We smiled at the same time and in the same way, and she released my hand.
—Seems like he’s trying out a new flavor. On a diet, maybe.
She laughed: high, clear, glassy. I tasted it in the back of my own throat, the same phantom ache. The waiter came over from the wings of the circus tent and refilled our glasses without a word.
Another one of the city’s whimsies: watering the animals became a thankless task.
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juphanie · 1 year
Tis the end of the 2nd round of our trip. Figured I would highlight the top 10 stops we made.
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Stonehenge - we weren't going to visit London and not make this stop. Glad we did cause this pic is EPIC! Look, there is even a dove flying over my head. Just epic...
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Large Hadron Collider - Geneva Switzerland is one of the two most expensive places in all of Europe. (Zurich is the other). We went out and had Fondue for dinner and I told the Airbnb host "man, we just went to a really expensive restaurant, but it was good." Turned out to be the cheapest meal we could find during that stop. Our francs were going fast. Like atoms flying near the speed of light.. see what I did there?
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Rialto Bridge - Venice Italy has our affection. Next trip we take to France will no doubt include another visit to the City of Love. I miss you, Spritzes!
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The Colosseum - Rome overwhelmed us with all it had to offer. We were seeing sites and taking pics trying to collect them all, but the Pokemon were too many. Literally, we would see one thing and be like wow, and then turn around and there was something else. We had to go home the first day and regroup with a plan for what we wanted to see, cause it was out of control. So next we went and saw....
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Pompeii - Probably the single most amazing ancient site we saw on this trip (and we saw a lot). Being allowed to explore with no limitations, and experiencing walking through the streets and standing in the rooms the way the citizens of Pompeii once did was enough to keep me looking over my shoulder and asking "did you hear something?"
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Roman Aquaducts - totally underrated. These are GIANT structures spanning I don't know how far, bringing water to cities that could not exist without them. It was like seeing dinosaur bones left standing in their tracks in the middle of a field. Too cool.
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Baths of Caracalla - it took 9000 workers 5 years to build. When it was completed, 6000 Romans at a time could come bathe in this giant complex. Another underrated site defined as such because I'd never heard of them and this Tumblr is all about me, let's face it.
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GGANTIJA - while visiting Malta, we saw the Tarxien Temples, Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Hagar Qim, Mjandra Temple, and the beast you see above. A solid tour of ancient temples so epic, people make money writing books and TV shows about how aliens must have been involved. The feeling I got, having visited these, is I have to pick one view or the other: either it's AMAZING what early man accomplished or aliens are kind of disappointing in their lack of terrestrial abilities.
I choose to be amazed. We had a guide on the morning of the Spring Equinox who said: "it's kind of insulting to our ancestors that we see what they were able to achieve and say "you couldn't have done this on your own, you had help." Instead, we can stand in awe of what can be achieved when mankind works together toward a common goal."
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The Phoenician Cart Ruts - Probably aliens.
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Arc de Triomf - Does this belong in the top 10? Maybe not, but I can't just leave Barcelona Spain off the list completely. We intend to come back and visit. If we skip dinners in Geneva, we should be able to afford to stay here for a month or so. That will be nice.
I think we had hit our max on wanting to experience all the sites and sounds of the European Pokemon collecting by our last day in Barcelona, cause instead of rushing from Site A to Site B, we just bought a few Estrella Damms (popular beer in Spain) from a corner market and brought them into a Taco Bell and had a picnic, lol. That's a true story.
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cawe-sama · 2 years
5. Opinions on how accurately your country is depicted?
7. Food-related headcanon? (im hungry)
39. Most addictive personality?
For 5... Maybe some of my compatriots get mad but Spain is The Spaniard™. He's perfect, so Spanish, I know like 45 people like him and half of them are in my family. In the first place, his name is Antonio like come on! That's VERY Spanish. And his carefree attitude, always happy and silly... Just yes.
And the oil. Obviously.
10/10 very well Spanish.
For 7, the character I hc to eat the most is Belgium, for some reason. I think she likes basically everything, and the first thing she interests herself in when visiting a new country is the food. She also is well served with money so she can afford whatever the hell she wants, resulting in pretty expensive restaurant dates and stuff. She has probably forced the whole eu to go to fancy places sometimes ignoring how some of them are not that wealthy xd
36, of course, Poland's, if I got the question right. His personality just takes over you after a certain point and you cannot stop. Been there, done that, yk. I just cannot get enough of him, being sassy and a diva but also shy boi aaaaaa good boi yes.
Thank you so much for the ask!! ^^
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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In a revolution in Portugal the monarchy was overthrown and a republic was declared on October 5, 1910. 
 Portugal Republic Day 
Portugal’s Republic Day is celebrated on October 5 every year and is also known as ‘Implantation of the Republic’ in Portugal. This important day marks the overthrow of the monarchy, the House of Braganca, in 1910. The monarchy had been in power since the 11th century and was replaced by a republican form of government in a bloodless revolution. It also brought about civil and religious liberties. It is a public holiday with schools, state offices, and some restaurants being closed. Like other public holidays in Portugal, Republic Day is not moved to a weekday if it falls on a weekend.
History of Portugal Republic Day
Portugal’s Republic Day commemorates the deposition of the centuries-old Portuguese monarchy and the establishment of the First Portuguese Republic. It was the result of a coup led by the “Portuguese Republican Party.”
By 1910, the Portuguese Kingdom was in the middle of a crisis with people increasingly resenting the royal family due to the 1890 British Ultimatum which demanded the retreat of the Portuguese military forces from the territory between the colonies of Angola and Mozambique, the royal family’s expenses, the assassination of the King and his heir, transforming religious and social views, instability of political parties, Joao Franco’s dictatorship,  and the regime’s inability to adapt to modern times. This national anger helped proponents of the Republican Party to take advantage of the situation. The party skillfully presented itself as the only one capable of returning the country to its original glorious status and advancing its progress.
The military was reluctant to fight the nearly two thousand soldiers and sailors that rebelled between October 3 and 4, and so the Republic was proclaimed the next day from the Lisbon City Hall. A provisional government led by Teófilo Braga led the country till the Constitution was approved, marking the beginning of the First Republic. National symbols like the national anthem and the flag were changed, along with some changes in civil and religious liberties.
The deposed King Manuel II departed from Ericeira and lived out the rest of his days in exile. At the time, Portugal was worried about being recognized by other countries as most European states were monarchies. But soon enough, through skillful diplomacy by the Foreign Affairs Minister, the country was officially recognized by the United Kingdom, France, China, Spain, Italy, Russia, and others.
Portugal Republic Day timeline
1143 Treaty of Zamora
Afonso Henriques — also known as Afonso I —is proclaimed the First King of Portugal.
1500 The Discovery of Brazil
Pedro Álvares Cabral sets sail seeking to reach India but a storm changes his course and he lands in South America.
1908 Regicide
King Charles and his son and heir Prince Luís Filipe of Bragança are assassinated in Lisbon.
1910 The Republic Party Takes Over
The monarchy is abolished and a republican government is formed.
Portugal Republic Day FAQs
What languages are spoken in Portugal?
Portuguese is the common language of the country and is the most widely spoken. English is the second most spoken language as Portugal regularly attracts international visitors from the United States, U.K. as well as the rest of Europe.
Is Portugal expensive to visit?
Portugal is among the least expensive holiday destinations in Western Europe and will set you back around 68 to 115 euros per person for each day. It’s a great holiday place if you’re looking to make a trip on a budget as it’s much cheaper than many European options.
What food is Portugal known for?
Seafood and pork are popular foods in Portugal. Some of the must-have dishes are bacalhau or salted cod, custard tart, Iberian black pork, duck rice, grilled sardines, steak sandwich, and seafood stew just to list a few. Did you know tempura was actually invented by the Portuguese? Another reason to love this place!
How to Observe Portugal Republic Day
Visit Portugal
Immerse yourself in the culture
Throw a party
Visit Portugal to celebrate its Republic Day and honor the people who struggled to bring about a revolution. Enjoy the celebrations at the Lisbon City Hall, wave the flag, go sightseeing and join in on the fun.
Bring Portugal to you if you can’t visit the country by immersing yourself in its vibrant culture. Read some Portuguese literature, watch some movies and cook some delicious traditional Portuguese food.
Show your national pride by throwing a party to celebrate Republic Day. Light up the sky with some fireworks and remark on the years of effort and struggle that have made the nation it is today.
5 Facts About Portugal That Will Blow Your Mind
It’s amongst the oldest nations in Europe
It’s one of the most peaceful countries
England is its oldest friend
One of the worst disasters
First place to ban life imprisonment
It’s been constantly inhabited since prehistoric times by the Celts, Carthaginians, and Romans just to name a few.
It has a low crime rate, high standard of living, and a high average life expectancy too.
Portugal signed the “Treaty of Windsor” with England in 1386 — which is probably the longest-running alliance between modern nations.
An extremely violent earthquake of a magnitude of 8.5 to nine befell Lisbon in 1755, causing a widespread fire and a huge tsunami that nearly wiped out the city.
It abolished life imprisonment in 1884 and no one has been executed for a crime since 1846.
Why Portugal Republic Day is Important
It marks the overthrowing of the monarchy
National pride
It was a bloodless revolution
The people of Portugal were growing increasingly resentful of the monarchy for various reasons. The revolution finally put an end to it and paved the way for a different form of government.
It’s a great day to show off your pride in being Portuguese. Take this day to immerse yourself in your culture and learn more about the many events that have made Portugal the great nation it is today.
It’s commendable to note that unlike many other coups and revolutions in the region, the event involved no bloodshed. This serves as an important lesson even in today’s day and age that not all revolutions need casualties.
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Le Supreme - Lyon France - 9/7/2024
Le Supreme
The French do food better.  Don’t argue with me, get on a plane, eat in France, and then stop pretending like I’m not right. I’m a fortunate eater.  What does that mean? It means I prioritize food and so I’ve gotten to eat at top restaurants around the world, and I’ve eaten meat, vegetable, and sweet dishes that I’ll remember more than the date of any anniversary (which I have a tendency to forget).   So, what makes the French so good? I think the obvious answer could be butter. But having been here for three days I haven’t gotten any butter, not even at the breakfast buffet at the hotel.  They have soy milk and peanut butter (not together) but no butter. But that’s not what makes their food so good.  I’m going to eat more this week to prove my theory, but this first thought is about last night’s dinner at Lyon’s Le Supréme, and supreme it was.  
But before we get to that, let’s go back a few years.  I was in Northern Spain with some friends, and we were there for the midlife crisis reason of running from the bulls.  I know it’s with the bulls, but if you’ve ever done it, you know you aren’t running with them.  Knowing that northern Spain is known as one of the culinary capitals of the world there was no way we could not hit at least one top Michelin spot.  Now if you’re not a Michelin believer don’t worry, stick with me here, and if you are, stick with me cause I’m probably going to make you mad.  Either way, come for the ride.  We made reservations at Mugaritz, considered one of the top 10 restaurants in the entire world, with 2 Michelin stars (they’ve got one to spare apparently).  We arrived at the beautiful farm-like setting and were instantly impressed.  We then walked into the restaurant where tables were set so far apart from each other it felt like each table was a private restaurant. Before we ordered we were offered a kitchen tour and took a photo with one of the chefs.  The kitchen was immaculate and silent, setting the stage for perfection.  But that’s where perfection ended.  This isn’t about Mugartiz, this writing is about French Food, but the next three hours were the worst dining experience I’ve ever had, and I just ate food on British Airways.  This experience brought everything about fine dining into question: What’s more important presentation or flavor?  Real and natural ingredients or molecular gastronomy?  And more than anything it made me realize that the Michelin guide has become more about places not to eat vs ones to visit if your goal is great food over prestige and politics.  Michelin fans mad yet?  Michelin has lost its credibility with actual food lovers.  Mugaritz was the most expensive and disappointing meal of my life, to this day.  We went and got pizza afterwards.  Also, there was just a story about a diner who refused to pay at Mugaritz because the food was so bad, so I’m not alone.  So why tell that story, other than hoping it keeps you from wasting your money there?  Because it highlights the difference between the perception of greatness and the reality of greatness in dining.  
Last night, at a local’s recommendation, I went to a small restaurant in the heart of Lyon, next to a subway station entrance.  It’s so unassuming I walked past the entrance.  The setting feels like any nice neighborhood restaurant, nothing to write home about but a place you could happily spend a few hours with friends and feel wonderfully welcomed.  Le Supreme is owned by a husband and wife team, and what you wouldn’t expect from the lack of pomp and circumstance is that he trained at Danielle in NY for 8 years. 
So here is a French chef who has trained with one of the best chefs in the world, so should I be getting ready for foams, gelee and presentation over flavor?  No.  this is why no one does it better than the French. At the core of every dish is letting the fresh ingredients shine through, letting them do the work that they are supposed to do, not covering them up with unnecessary fuss for the sake of Instagram, although these were beautiful dishes.  The menu is either a 4 or 5 course meal, with two choices for each course, except for their signature Blond Liver cake.  The menu changes based on ingredient availability and chef desires.  I went with four courses, reasonably priced, with the wine pairing (I’m in France, did I have a choice?).  The first dish was a “perfect egg” with butternut squash, a slight balsamic reduction, chanterelles, and bits of black truffle.   I might actually stop writing this so go back to the restaurant to get more now.  The next course was their signature blond liver cake with a chorizo and popcorn topping and while most liver cakes are bitter, this Lyon specialty had a subtle and refreshing sweetness to it, wait I might actually go back to the restaurant to get this one now.  That was followed by the single best duck breast I’ve ever had.  Served perfectly cooked in a subtly sweet reduction with beets, beet chips, radish slices, and some citrus it seemed like I could cut this duck with my fork. This was French cuisine at its best.  So, what makes it so good? Why am I saying no one does it better than the French?  In all the meals I’ve had, the best are the ones that do amazing things with great ingredients and realize that no chef can do anything better than what nature has already done.  Showcase what they offer and get out of the way.  Each of these dishes aren’t ones I could recreate in my own kitchen, they use skill sets far beyond my training (or lack thereof) but what Le Supreme did again and again was let you taste everything in each dish, everything was there for a reason and was allowed its moment to shine.  Nothing was there for show, nothing overpowered anything else, they were all great friends at the same party, and excited to hear what each of them had to share.  French cooking does this better than anyone, so enjoy cuisine from around the world, it has a lot to offer, but just remember, the French have set the bar for fine dining, they love their ingredients, and they probably added more butter than you. 
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Relationship survey
How long have you been together?
6 1/2 years, married for 5
Do you have any children together?
Only the fur baby. We tried IVF five times, but it failed each time. We're now exploring adoption
What about pets?
Yep, our furry Queen Bertha, a Maine Coon mix from China
Did you go to the same school?
We're from different countries, so no
Are you from the same home town?
No - different home countries
Who is the smartest?
We're both pretty smart, it all depends on the area of expertise one seeks out
Who is the most sensitive?
We're both pretty sensitive, but probably me
Where is the first place you went to to eat as a couple?
La Vita E Bella, an Italian restaurant in Guangzhou that sadly had to close during the pandemic
Do you wear matching clothes?
We got vastly different clothing styles, so no
Where is the furthest you have travelled as a couple?
Thailand, if you count the country we currently live in as a home base
Who has the best group of friends?
We have a couple of mutual friends, other than that I of course prefer mine
Who has the craziest ex?
Izzy. Her ex Liz sounds like a religious lunatic
Who has the worst temper?
Who does the cooking?
She does.
Who is more social?
Her. I prefer to stay home, goblin-style
Who is the neat freak?
Me. Izzy doesn't really notice mess
Who is the most affectionate?
We both are, but she definitely needs physical touch a lot more than me
Who is the most stubborn?
Her, I often leave arguments if I feel it's not worth it
Who hogs the bed?
Her! I sleep regularly at the edge of the bed xD
Who wakes up earlier?
Me on work days, otherwise it's pretty even
Where was your first date?
At the previously mentioned Italian restaurant and a bar during the night
Who said I Love You first?
She did, on the very same night we met
Do you give/get flowers often?
Occasionally. They're bloody expensive!
How well do you know them?
They are watching TV. What are they watching?
Football (either Chelsea or Rangers), Peep Show, Black Adder, Father Ted, Match of the Day, some football documentary, Curb Your Enthusiasm
You're out to eat, what kind of dressing do they get on their salad?
Assuming she orders salad at all - she doesn't eat it all that often - probably just some yoghurt sauce
What's one food they don't like?
You go out to the bar. He/She orders...
A pint of beer
Where did he/she go to university?
What size shoe do they wear?
42 EU
If this person were to collect anything, it would be...?
What is their favourite kind of sandwich?
Chip Buttie
This person could eat..... every day
Favourite cereal?
She doesn't really eat cereal, but Rice Krispies or Frosties are a goer
This person wouldn't be caught dead wearing...
Favourite sports team?
Chelsea FC
Who will he/she vote for?
Greens (UK)
What is their sign?
What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn't?
Hate my body
How many states has this person lived in?
She's lived in 5 countries (UK, China, Indonesia, Thailand and Spain)
What is his/her heritage?
She's British and Irish and a small part Canadian and Australian
You bake them a cake for their birthday. What kind?
My signature apple crumble
Does he/she have any piercings?
Only her earlobes. She wanted to get a belly button piercing, but she's so skinny that it wouldn't stay/it'd just pop out
This person could spend hours...?
Procrastinating xD
What do they eat a lot of?
Burritos, crackers, beans on toast, Vindaloo curry
What's their favourite sport?
Football (soccer)
What kind of music do they listen to?
Punk, Reggae, Emo, Ska
Are they older or younger than you?
2 years older, much to her dismay
How often do you talk to them?
Every day
Do you see them every day?
Yeah, we live together
What do they usually smell like?
Lady Diamond (her favourite perfume), beer if she drank
Have you ever been to the movies together?
Many, many times
What is something you both enjoy doing together?
Reading, playing video games, watching movies, travelling, hiking
What is one word to describe them?
Do you know their parents?
Only her dad. Her mum left the family on Izzy's fifth birthday
Which of you is tallest?
She's a foot taller than me
Who is more likely to confront someone?
Her, 100 %. I like to avoid conflict
Do either of you have a dog?
No, we have a cat and she ain't fond of other animals
Do either of you snoke cigarettes?
No, we both have chain-smoking dads who put us off smoking for life
Who tells more jokes?
Her, but I'm pretty funny too. There are a lot of laughs in this house :)
Do either of you have any siblings?
I got two sisters (even though one essentially disowned me), she's got technically 7 siblings (two full-blood sisters, 3 half sisters, 2 half brothers)
Who has longer hair?
She does. Mine is short, and I like it that way
What is a random favourite they have?
Her favourite animals are tigers
Name a band or singer you know they like
Alkaline Trio
Does he/she have a Facebook?
Who is more likely to be able to put something together?
She's more handy than me. I got dyspraxia
Have you been to any concerts together?
Yes, we saw Billy Talent together in December 2022 and we'll see Sum 41 this November
Who wears more jewellery?
She does
Whose birthday is coming up next?
Hers, in February
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bonvoyagetimeshar · 30 days
Marriott's Playa Andaluza||Bon Voyage Timeshare
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Marriott's Playa Andaluza: A Mediterranean Paradise
Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is another unit of Marriott Hotel chain of the resort located on the coastline of Spain, in the town of Estepona within the famous Costa del Sol region. The selected location is picturesque and allows the guests to have a calm and relaxed stay while being in the proximity to the areas of interest.
 A Haven of Luxury and Comfort:
The look and feel of the establishment mentioned above can be described as a perfect fusion of contemporary chic and traditional Andalusia. Luxurious rooms and suites or even villas, most of which offer magnificent sea views, are well furnished to offer visitors modern amenities that befit a contemporary palace. 
This can be done resting on private balconies or terraces, taking sunbathes in the Spanish atmosphere, or listening to the lapping of the waves. The picket of the guest reviews shows how the resort pays a lot of attention to detail and thus guarantees a luxurious and comfortable accommodation.
Unwind and Rejuvenate
Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is equipped with an efficient on-site spa in which professional masseuses and beauticians offer a spectacular selection of restoring procedures, including the most popular kinds of massaging and facial treatments. 
For those who want to maintain an active lifestyle, the resort has a fully-fitted gym complete with up-to-date cardio and strength equipment. For additional fun lovers of the outdoors can take time to relax in any of the resort’s many swimming pools or engage in a match or friendly squash or tennis on the well-maintained courts.
Culinary Delights
One cannot talk of a holiday or vacation without mentioning great food, and at Marriott’s Playa Andaluza they do not disappoint. Speaking of food, the Summerville Resort and Spa’s restaurant has a wide-ranging menu that contains international as well as traditional Spanish cuisine. 
Diners can be dining from the yards with a view of the blue ocean or have a date with their loved ones under the moon lit night sky. The focus is made on the fact that the resort uses fresh and local products only – and this defines the exquisite taste of all the dishes.
Beachfront Bliss
Located right on the beach in the sunny Costa del Sol area, Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is the perfect place to vacation in Spain. Sun beds are available for guests to bask in the sun, they can swim in the turquoise blue waters or they can participate in water activities including paddle boarding, kayaking or snorkeling. 
There is a fully organized children uniquely designed club to ensure that parents can have their vacation of their dreams without having to worry about their children as well.
Exploring the Surrounding Area
For those who would like to get acquainted with the Costa del Sol and its sights, Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is in the most convenient location. The beautiful town of Estepona, which is only a short drive away, offers walking through the narrow streets of the old town, shopping at the charming stores, and pampering yourself with tasty Andalucian meals. 
Couples will be happy to know that there are nearby world class golfing facilities in this area thus it will be a golfer’s delight. If a bustling nightlife and expensive shopping are the requirements, then Marbella which is a few hour drive away offers nothing short of glitz.
Specific Details:
Location: Ctra. De Cadiz KM 168, Estepona, province of Malaga, Spain
Accommodations: Luxury accommodation including large accommodations with balconies or terraces, facilities, and equipment for different activities, and sea view.
Amenities: Facilities like spa, fitness center, tennis, multi leveled swimming pool, play area for kids, restaurant cum café & bar arranging different cuisines, and water sports.
Nearby Attractions: Estepona Old Town, Puerto Banús, many gorgeous golf courses and marvelous water sports.
Distance: It is located fifteen kilometers to the east of Estepona and thirty kilometers west of Marbella.
Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is the Marriott’s beachfront resort where one can have a truly outstanding vacation in Costa del Sol, Spain. At the same time, it has a great location in Estepona to guarantee a quiet time as well as various entertainments. 
The focus of the resort on hospitality, health and quality of food, turns the trip into an unforgettable experience for those who seek for a comfort and tight adrenalin rush. 
Given the fact that some people prefer to relax by the pool, take a walk around the country, or luxuriate in luxurious services, Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is aimed at providing various facilities which will create an unforgettable impression about the trip for its visitors. To rent Marriott vacation club points, and to stay at this resort at best price, visit Bon Voyage. 
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b2bbusiness · 2 months
The Vibrant Landscape of the Western Europe Foodservice Market
The foodservice market in Western Europe is a dynamic and evolving sector that reflects the region's rich culinary heritage and contemporary dining trends. From traditional bistros and family-owned trattorias to modern gourmet restaurants and fast-casual eateries, the market is diverse and vibrant. This article explores the key trends, challenges, and opportunities in the Western Europe foodservice market, providing a comprehensive overview for businesses and consumers alike.
Market Overview
Western Europe boasts some of the world's most renowned culinary destinations, with countries like France, Italy, Spain, and Germany leading the way. The region's foodservice market is characterized by a high level of competition, innovation, and a strong emphasis on quality and sustainability. In 2023, the market was valued at approximately USD 515 billion, with projections indicating steady growth driven by changing consumer preferences and increasing tourism.
Key Trends Shaping the Market
Health and Wellness Focus Consumers in Western Europe are increasingly prioritizing health and wellness. There is a growing demand for organic, locally-sourced, and plant-based options. Restaurants and foodservice providers are responding by incorporating more nutritious and sustainable choices into their menus.
Digital Transformation The integration of technology in the foodservice industry is accelerating. Online ordering, delivery services, and contactless payments have become essential, especially in the post-pandemic era. Foodservice businesses are investing in digital solutions to enhance customer experiences and streamline operations.
Sustainability and Ethical Dining Sustainability is a significant concern for consumers and businesses alike. There is a rising emphasis on reducing food waste, utilizing eco-friendly packaging, and sourcing ingredients responsibly. Restaurants are adopting sustainable practices to attract eco-conscious customers and reduce their environmental impact.
Culinary Tourism Western Europe continues to be a top destination for culinary tourism. Food enthusiasts from around the world flock to the region to experience its diverse and rich culinary traditions. This trend is driving growth in the foodservice market, with an increasing number of establishments offering authentic and immersive dining experiences.
Fusion and Innovation Culinary innovation and fusion cuisine are gaining popularity. Chefs are experimenting with flavors, techniques, and ingredients from different cultures, creating unique and exciting dining experiences. This trend is particularly evident in metropolitan areas where diverse populations influence the local food scene.
Challenges Facing the Market
Economic Uncertainty The foodservice market in Western Europe faces challenges related to economic fluctuations and inflation. Rising costs of ingredients and labor can impact profitability, forcing businesses to find a balance between maintaining quality and managing expenses.
Labor Shortages The industry is grappling with labor shortages, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recruiting and retaining skilled staff is a significant challenge for many establishments, leading to increased reliance on automation and technology.
Regulatory Compliance Navigating the complex regulatory landscape in Western Europe can be challenging for foodservice businesses. Compliance with health and safety standards, labor laws, and environmental regulations requires ongoing attention and resources.
Opportunities for Growth
Expansion into Emerging Markets Foodservice businesses can explore opportunities in emerging markets within Western Europe, such as smaller cities and rural areas. These regions offer untapped potential for growth and can benefit from investments in infrastructure and culinary innovation.
Leveraging Technology Embracing technology can enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Implementing advanced analytics, AI-driven customer insights, and robust online platforms can help businesses stay competitive and responsive to market trends.
Focus on Experience Creating memorable dining experiences is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. Establishments that offer unique, immersive, and personalized experiences can differentiate themselves in a crowded market.
Collaboration and Partnerships Collaboration with local producers, suppliers, and culinary schools can strengthen the foodservice ecosystem. Partnerships can foster innovation, improve supply chain resilience, and support community-based initiatives.
Buy the Full Report for More Insights on the Western Europe Foodservice Market Forecast, Download A Free Sample Report
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taxi-bambino · 3 months
Family Taxi Services in Marbella: Ensuring Safe and Comfortable Journeys
Marbella, a picturesque city on Spain’s Costa del Sol, is a top destination for tourists seeking sun, sea, and a touch of luxury. Among the many services catering to visitors, family taxi services stand out as an essential means of transportation. These services ensure that families travelling with children can enjoy safe, comfortable, and hassle-free journeys. Let's explore what makes family taxi services in Marbella a preferred choice for families and address some common questions about these services.
Safety First
The primary concern for any family travelling with children is safety. Family taxi services in Marbella prioritise this by employing experienced drivers who are well-versed in navigating the local roads and traffic conditions. These drivers undergo rigorous background checks and regular training to maintain high safety standards. Additionally, vehicles used by family taxi services are well-maintained and equipped with modern safety features such as child locks and GPS tracking systems. Child safety seats, which are crucial for young passengers, are also available upon request, ensuring that even the smallest family members travel securely.
Comfort and Convenience
Comfort is another critical factor when choosing a transportation service, especially for families. Family taxis in Marbella offer spacious vehicles that can accommodate multiple passengers along with their luggage. This is particularly beneficial for larger families or those travelling with bulky items such as strollers and beach gear. The interiors of these taxis are designed to provide a pleasant and relaxing environment, with features such as air conditioning, comfortable seating, and entertainment options to keep children occupied during the journey.
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Personalized Services
Family taxi services in Marbella go beyond just transportation; they offer personalised services to enhance the travel experience. Drivers often act as local guides, providing useful information about the best family-friendly attractions, restaurants, and activities in Marbella. This local insight can be invaluable for families looking to make the most of their trip. Additionally, these services can be pre-booked, allowing families to plan their itinerary in advance and avoid the stress of finding reliable transportation on the spot.
Reliability and Punctuality
When travelling with children, time management becomes crucial. Family taxi services in Marbella are known for their reliability and punctuality. Whether you need an early morning airport transfer or a late-night ride back to your accommodation, these services ensure timely pick-ups and drop-offs. This reliability helps families stick to their schedules and minimises the chances of delays that can lead to tired and cranky children.
How can I book a family taxi service in Marbella? Booking a family taxi service in Marbella is straightforward. Most services offer online booking through their websites or mobile apps. You can also book via phone by calling the service provider directly. When booking, you can specify any special requirements, such as the need for child safety seats or additional luggage space.
Are family taxi services in Marbella more expensive than regular taxis? While family taxi services might be slightly more expensive than regular taxis, the difference is usually justified by the added safety, comfort, and convenience they offer. The exact cost depends on factors such as the distance travelled, the type of vehicle requested, and any additional services provided. It's always a good idea to check for a price estimate beforehand.
What types of vehicles are available for family taxi services? Family taxi services in Marbella offer a variety of vehicles to suit different needs. Common options include sedans, minivans, and SUVs. These vehicles are chosen for their spaciousness and ability to comfortably accommodate families and their belongings. Some services also offer luxury vehicles for those looking for an extra touch of comfort and style.
Can I request a specific type of child safety seat for my trip? Yes, most family taxi services in Marbella allow you to request specific types of child safety seats. This can include infant seats, convertible seats, and booster seats, depending on the age and size of your child. It's important to mention your requirement at the time of booking to ensure the appropriate seat is available and properly installed for your journey.
Family taxi services in Marbella play a crucial role in ensuring that families can explore this beautiful city with ease and peace of mind. By prioritising safety, comfort, and convenience, these services offer a reliable transportation solution that caters to the unique needs of families. Whether you’re visiting Marbella for a short vacation or an extended stay, opting for a family taxi service can make your travels more enjoyable and stress-free.
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mygainyear2024 · 3 months
Day 74 In the "jungle"
I'm up at 7am. Hassan said he'd leave some fresh milk out for me. I wrap a scarf around my shoulders and head down in my pjs and thongs to find UHT (I thought this was a strong possibility). I make myself a coffee and sit on the little walk way between our bedroom and the bathroom, open the curtains to the open area, and really enjoy the little birds flying around in the trees right outside the verandah. They come quite close and make some very cute sounds.
After a big carb and sugar load that was breakfast (four different kinds of "bread", the pancake one was the best) with jam and honey and one sim card (as Hassan could not get mine working), we had the Riad phone, an actual map, offline maps and the sim and we opened the front door and head out into the "jungle" and immediately went the wrong way! He did say turn left, but that was after we turned right LOL!
We're heading for Jardine Marjorelle and the Yves Saint Laurent Museum. We hugged the walls of the medina, on narrow streets, passing motorbikes, cyclists, donkeys and carts and trailers with sheep (more on this later). Rose hung on pretty tight as we crossed roads outside the medina where no-one stops for pedestrians. I did quickly notice that most tourists weren't covering their shoulders and knees, which was the advice I'd read.
We make it on time for our pre-booked 11 am time slot. The gardens are an instagrammers paradise, so many women had dressed accordingly and were creating long queues. Rose didn't want her picture taken, as she had dressed down (even though I had mentioned people dress up) and said she didn't realise what we were doing today! The museum was interesting but not as crowded, and the short video about the influence of the man himself was educational. Some of the gowns on display, particularly from the 60s and 70s were glorious, sadly no pictures allowed. The gifts in the gift shop were alluring, but pricey.
Next stop a cooking class. By this time we were hungry and out of water and I only had Euros. We bypassed many possible options on our way back to the meeting point, including walking into and sitting down at one exorbitantly priced restaurant, Les Jardins du Lotus. I said to Rose I'm sure the cooking school will help us grab a street food snack (that won't make us ill) and water with Euros. However, there was a bit of chaos at the meeting point. A "helpful" man asked us if we were going to cooking school and then proceeded to lead us further away from the meeting point. I hotspotted with Rose and messaged the owner and we headed back. There was a crowd of 15 of us and I did mention our food and water needs to the organiser but I don't think she quite understood. We got some water at the class and then proceeded to share the pistachios I'd kept in my bag from Spain as we listened to the introduction!
On the menu, after collecting the veg, chicken and bread from the nearby streets, there was caramelised carrots, tomato salad, charred aubergine dip (my favourite), potato salad, followed by chicken tagine, vegetable tagine and a very basic pastilla dessert. Despite the chicken just being killed prior to us collecting it (Rose confirmed she saw live chickens out the back), it wasn't as tender as I'd expected (perhaps because of time, as the tagine was pressure cooked for 20 minutes and then put back in the tagine itself for 20 minutes). Interesting fact, I did learn that the spice mix, ras el hanout, will be different, as each family chooses the spice to include and the quantity. I also think I should have checked the price of saffron in Spain, as it's quite expensive (I can't recall the price quoted at the class but I will check at the various places we're going).
We head to Hotel Ali, the recommended currency conversion option, and the queue was quite long. I wanted to steer Rose into the main square to see the snake charmers and the monkeys. They were easily spotted on the outside of Djemaa El Fna. We passed a fresh fruit juice stand and were offered a sample. The woman at Sixt car rental in Santander had told me she got fresh orange juice everyday for €1. The mixed juice sample was tasty. Rose and I ordered our own versions and for €2 each it was so good and the owner meticulously peeled and cut the fruit while we waited.
We made a dinner reservation at the Riad owner's recommended L'Mida near our Riad for 9pm. My first taste of savoury pastilla, described as vegetarian but included scrambled egg. It was tasty with a beetroot, feta and caramelised walnut salad that we shared. This restaurant didn't serve alcohol. It was quite pricey! About $47 and we only had water with it!
We had a can of tonic from Spain, grabbed some ice from Hassan, and opened our second 1 litre bottle of Barcelonian gin.
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40sandfabulousaf · 3 months
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大家好! Previously, there was a period of several weeks when I didn't use exercise photos to start a post because I felt so sorry for Palestinians in Gaza. I'll do this from time to time to highlight their tremendous suffering in the midst of this genocidal war. Tinned tuna is 1 of the items in food parcels they receive from humanitarian aid agencies, so, in the photo above, I opened a can of mackerel in tomato sauce for my weekly simple breakfast out of compassion for them. For some reason, I associate food parcels with war rations; perhaps in a way, they are. The humanitarian situation is dire in Gaza; so dire, some are starving to death, so dire, the UN is adding Israel to a blacklist of countries which harm children in conflict.
Over 36,000 Palestinians have been killed and over 83,000 wounded. Stripped of their basic human rights, survivors face a living nightmare, forced to flee from refugee shelter to refugee shelter, lacking bare essentials like food, clean water, electricity, proper sanitation, shelter and medical care, as well as fearing for their safety 24/7. 9 out of 10 children in Gaza experience severe food poverty; 65% of them are fed diets with 1 or 2 food groups a day, hardly enough to ensure healthy growth and development. The above articles contain very disturbing images of emaciated children, some of whom died from malnutrition.
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The floating pier built by the US military, which was damaged within 11 days of operation, has been repaired and reconnected to a beach in Gaza. The intention is to increase deliveries of humanitarian aid, although how this will be distributed remains in question. Navigating the war-torn strip remains a challenge to various aid agencies and humanitarian workers' safety remains a concern. During my catch up with Grace and Douglas, we had a laugh because all of us came up with the same question. This pier reportedly cost USD 230 million (adjusted downwards from USD 320 million), and the subsequent damage is estimated to be at least USD 22 million. Why spend taxpayers' money and go through all this trouble when they can stop arming Israel and stop this genocidal war? Such an expensive way to (what appears to us) feign concern when you're killing Palestinians indirectly anyway.
My old friend of 19 years, Antho, is a foodie. Over the years, he's introduced me to different restaurants and hawker stalls serving some of the most delicious food. Thus, if I introduce a dining establishment to him, it has to be high quality. Song Yue, the restaurant popular here for its jia chang bian cai (home style cooking) from Taiwan island, met his expectations. He was very impressed by the seafood and tofu in pumpkin sauce and went wild over the braised pork ribs with radish. The latter comes with an exquisite gravy which Cantonese term 'che fun', i.e. you can't stop eating, especially after mixing the gravy with rice. There will be several more visits to this restaurant over the coming weeks. Friends have been asking to be brought there.
It wasn't all doom and gloom for Gaza over the past 7 days. The UN Security Council approved an immediate ceasefire resolution. Notably, Hamas has welcomed this (I would view the UN Security Council as more trustworthy than the US and Israel too) and stated their willingness to cooperate with mediators to implement the principles of the plan, as well as 'engage in indirect negotiations over implementing the principles' consistent with Palestinians' and their group's demands. GOOD! This genocidal war has to end already. Perhaps there's more hope for Palestinians now. Stay strong Gaza. 下次见!
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