#jily headcanons
enbysiriusblack · 4 months
the jily tag is so filled with anti jily and jegulus posts at the moment so here's some jily headcanons:
lily loving transfiguration but hating that james is so much better so when they start becoming friends, she makes him tutor her in transfiguration
james giving her his quidditch shirt to wear but lily already has marlene's. so she just wears them both instead, for luck.
statistic nerds. they make graphs together and everything (mostly about various sports)
as head boy and head girl, they tend to use the good cop/bad cop approach but take it in turns cause they both wanna be bad cop
lily isn't very popular but is well liked (too stubborn and friends with very unpopular and 'weird' students to be popular), james is popular but isn't well liked (mostly due to immaturity in first few years of school as well as not seeming to care about anyone other than the other marauders + lily)
hospital wing bonding. lily wanting to study medicine so she helps out pomfrey and james being in the wing a lot for remus or quidditch injuries or just to get a lollipop from pomfrey.
marlene and james being next door neighbours and whilst lily is staying at marlene's, she talks to james over the garden fence and gets invited to dinner by james' parents
lily not being super close to her own parents so after meeting james, euphemia and fleamont start writing letters to her and sending her snacks (whilst she's not yet friendly with james), and james' isn't aware of this till he sees lily in the common room with her own basket of his mum's muffins
ursula k le guin fanboy!james. lily sees him reading one of her books and instantly starts crushing on him. then she sees him dogear the book and immediately gives him her bookmark to stop that from ever happening again
whilst they're friends, they start going on morning walks around the grounds together and name the goats, in the neighbouring field, and giving them personalities and soap opera type stories
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peteunderoos · 1 year
thinking about how james potter never had to live in a world without his two best friends sirius and remus nor his wife and love of his life lily because he was the last one to be born and the first one to die 💔
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loserboyfriendrjl · 25 days
modern au age gap jily headcanons <3
james is a football (soccer) player and junior league coach, and lily is a med school physician. having an accident, he ends up in the care of lily and her attending, who lets lily do a lot of the work on the case considering she’s in her residency programme
james fell in love with her eyes first of all; emerald green, she’s got him under her spell from the moment he took in her eyes (the fact that she was incredibly intelligent and curious didn’t help his case)
he starts telling her about his incident and how it happened and when he mentions his junior football league, they find out that james is coaching lily’s nephew (he probably shouldn’t have, but he laughed with her about how horribly competitive dudley is)
he asks for her number and he also happens to find her instagram (it takes every ounce of self control not to like every single post and highlight she’s ever posted)
when they first started dating, james takes her to his favourite italian restaurant, and he goes to pick lily up from her block of flats. she’s wearing a sleek, black dress, her hair is done in a slickback and she’s wearing gold jewellery. james falls in love all over again
they talk about her residency program and about how she can’t wait to be out of it and be an actual physician and about his junior football league and about their childhoods
they barely make it into lily’s apartment and make love on her couch
when they first stated dating, they travelled a lot together; tunisia, egypt, spain, anywhere they wanted to go, they did
james absolutely spoils her. he buys her anything she so much glances at longingly, they go on dates at expensive restaurants and every anniversary is a celebration for them
lily finds it so amusing that he’s born in the eighties while she’s so much nearer the new millennium (she always sends him millennial tiktoks and finds it the peak of humour)
after a few months of dating, james told lily about his son. if they were going to be serious, she needed to know; he was the most important thing to him, and if she couldn’t accept the fact that he was a father, it would have all been pointless, but he’d rather have that than dishonesty
needless to say, lily and him got along beautifully, and that was the moment when james was absolutely sure that lily was the woman for him
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somniphobicfox · 3 months
"honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?" But it's Lily slowly falling in love with James
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jfleamont · 11 months
I'm here to tell that I love your blog! Do you have any more Jily headcannons?
Oh wow thank you so much 🥺
What kind of headcanons would you like to hear? I don't have any specific ones, but my versions of James and Lily all have some characteristics in common I guess. I don't know if you're looking for silly ones or serious ones, so I'll share whatever comes to mind:
Lily's not a morning person; she likes her tea black (preferably Earl Grey) with milk and two sugars; her favourite sweets are Sugar Quills; she smokes sometimes, but it's not a habit; she has bangs (this is very important to me); her voice is sort of deep, or at least non conventionally 'feminine'; she's not vegan, but doesn't eat much meat; her bedroom walls at home are blue; she has seasonal allergies and sneezes a lot; she's very punctual but doesn't mind when others are late; she tried learning ancient greek and latin at some point because she wanted to invent spells but got discouraged pretty quickly and never picked them up again; she's impulsive; once she gets the giggles, it's over; she doesn't think she's a great flirt, but she is; some days she's in a bad mood and there's very little you can do to make her feel better; her love language is touch and words of affirmation; she's obsessed with James' nose; when she looks at him and feels particularly in love she gets quiet and just observes him.
James is a morning person; he doesn't like milk in his tea, but occasionally drinks it with sugar; he likes muggle clothing a lot; he falls asleep reading sometimes; he's not a fan of sweet foods unless it's chocolate or toffee; he's a bit of a hoarder and collects all sorts of things; he once ate an entire jar of mayo and he's hated it ever since; he hides most of his emotions behind humour, but he gets angry and snappy sometimes; he's smart and empathetic, but doesn't know how to show the latter well; he loves when people make him laugh, even though it's not easy to truly break him; he gets very chatty when he's drunk and he exposes himself as a nerd because he overshares about his hyperfixations; his love language is touch and acts of service (also gifts but they don't count because he buys his friends and gf things all the time); his nails are ruined because he fidgets with them a lot (when he's not playing with a snitch or something else); he likes to play with Lily's hair a lot; he drums his fingers on her thighs all the time and the only thing that stops him is Lily intertwining their fingers.
That's pretty much it for now, hope you liked it!
Thanks again for this lovely ask ❤️
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annabtg · 1 year
Greetings! I really like your writing. It is always well thought out and descriptively written. Do you have a specific head-canon for Lily and James that you think shines through in all of your fanfiction stories or does your idea of their character change?
Thank you anon, you're so sweet! I'm glad you enjoy my stories!
I have a few basic things that are usually part of my headcanons:
James being a little shit xD Especially in his younger years, I like to write him teasing Lily, pranking around etc.
Being smart, confident in his abilities, even arrogant, but nevertheless hopeless with regard to Lily - awkward, unsure, self-doubting, especially in his later years when he's already been rejected (at least) once by Lily and grown up enough to know he'd been an idiot. That all changes back when he realizes she likes him. xD I don't write them much after they get together but I feel that, once he knows Lily likes him, his faith in her love is unwavering.
Another thing he's not particularly confident about is being named Head Boy. Lily definitely has more faith in him about it than he does in himself.
My headcanon is also that he has been in love with Lily basically since forever (or at the very least, since he was old enough to be able to notice girls) and is a complete virgin who probably hasn't even kissed another girl. I can get behind different interpretations, and frankly I'd like to have the versatility to write him with someone else for the ~drama~ of it all, lol, but even if I write it at some point, my headcanon is that he's never been interested in anyone else (and never will be). In my head, I call him a Lilysexual. xD
I headcanon his relationship with Sirius being also full of banter and teasing. I see them like a real life brothers dynamic, with James being the younger brother - annoying, perhaps attention-seeking, but ultimately respects, admires and adores Sirius - whereas Sirius is the older brother, who is more serious, matures more quickly, pretends to be annoyed more often than he actually is, and loves James in a literally self-sacrificing way.
As for Lily - I see her as smart, snarky, mischievous in her own way. She's not a Hermione - I'd say she's closer to Ginny. She's diligent, yes - but not that much of a stickler for the rules. She's easier to anger and very likely to tease or snap back.
She's not athletic, but she likes swimming and dancing. Perhaps I'm drawing from myself on this one. xD
I like to write her as more flirty than James. My absolute headcanon is that she fell for James much earlier than she's willing to admit and never did anything with anyone else - but I can see her having flirted or even dated someone I've written her in a fully adult relationship with Sirius too so that should tell you something. And I very often (but not exclusively, now that I think about it) write her as the one to make the first move. She's smoother and can be very aware of her feminine wiles (which she uses on James exclusively). But the degree of her flirtiness varies from story to story.
She's stubborn and doesn't change her mind about people easily. Which tells a lot about her relationship with James - and Snape, too. I love showing her slowly figuring things out.
It's also my headcanon that nah, she didn't - it's more exasperation than actual hate. I think that's the age where you can say to someone "I hate you" and it means nothing the next day when the situation has cleared up. So I imagine James and Lily not being 100% on each other's throats, but more like antagonistic - he likes to tease, she likes to snap back - with the occasional epic fight in-between but some good moments too. Like, it was never the end of the world when they had to share a desk or do an assignment together. (Never mind that it makes for fun fics! ;) )
Overall I'd say that I have a decent grasp on their characters (decent enough that my beta, who's not a Jily fan, after having beta'ed several of my stories, has figured them out enough to call me out on things that feel OOC for them!) and the characteristics that fluctuate are the ones that define the dynamic between them - whether they're more reserved or confident about their feelings and experiences, which is a matter of circumstance too.
Thanks again for the ask! And sorry if you got more than you expected - I just love talking about them!!
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Not to be "they don't understand her like we do" but Lily's cheekiness has been was ignored for too long! She's witty and she has a sense of humor, thank you very much! That is also what makes her match with James, IMO.
There're a lot of ways to interpret these two from the little we have on them in canon, but, yeah, I agree with all of your points!
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Love that! It’s always so great when you find other people who have the same ideas about our favourite characters - the marauders fandom and Jily fandom is full of lovely people 🥰🥰🥰🥰 (we could swap headcanons for hours!)
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propussyslayer · 3 months
Flight attendant: Please make sure all your small items are secured.
Sirius: Do you feel safe, buddy?
Regulus: I will murder you
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Harry, thoughtfully: Do you ever notice how Sirius and Professor Lupin always sit next to each other at dinner?
Harry, even more thoughtfully: And...they always share a couch when we sit in the sitting room. And it's a small couch.
Harry, getting suspicious, now: And, you know, I saw Professor Lupin leaving Sirius's bedroom the other night!
Harry, nodding to himself: They must be really close friends.
Hermione: *bangs head on table*
Lily, to James, looking down from above: Oh, he is your son.
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that-bitch-kat3 · 6 months
how i fully believe this conversation went down:
lily: james and i are dating
sirius: well honestly james good for you
james: thank-
peter: we had no idea you knew how to successfully brew amortentia
james: i did NOT drug her!!
marlene: do you honestly expect us to think that lily “i would rather kiss the giant squid” evans is willingly going out with you?
lily: people change!
remus: that’s true
lily: thank you remus
remus: sometimes they lower their standards
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enbysiriusblack · 6 months
jily's friendship era <3
thinking about them as newly friends and finding out things they had in common that they never realised. james and lily making quidditch strategies together. both being morning people so they start a routine of having breakfast together every morning. dancing together at parties. doing each other's makeup. them starting to revise together and lily finding out james does actually do revision and he makes the best flashcards. james giving her food his parents send to him every week and she adores euphemia's chai muffins that seem to be sent much more often once lily told james how much she liked them. lily and james visiting each other in the holidays and lily taking him camping and fishing for the first time and james taking her to a professional quidditch match for the first time. lily finding out james loves sci-fi books (especially ursula k. le guin) and introducing him to doctor who and star trek. them hanging out in each other's dorms, lily reading whilst james draws.
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peteunderoos · 1 year
Oh, I wanna key his car, I wanna make him lunch (But then I, I want to get him back; I want to)
I wanna break his heart, stitch it right back up (But then I, I want to get him back; get him back)
I wanna kiss his face with an uppercut (But then I, I want to get him back; I want to)
I wanna meet his mom and tell her her son sucks, yeah (But then I, I want to get him back; get him back)
- lily evans about james potter (beginning of 6th year still in denial about her feelings and being angry that he got so fit over the summer despite her vow to not like him after 5th year)
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loserboyfriendrjl · 24 days
more age gap jily headcanons for the soul
lily goes to every single one of james’ matches (and later, harry’s). on the days he’s coaching, she brings the kids brownies and talks to them
(needless to say, petunia’s mouth fell open when she saw her younger sister coming to the trainings and kissing the coach. she couldn’t not notice the ring on her finger, either. well, that, and the fact that she was talking to dudley when they had been in no contact ever since petunia moved put)
lily’s the coolest mum at the pta meetings, and james is the coolest dad
they love showing each other off, whenever they have the opportunity. work dinners, family gatherings, friends’ hang outs
james needs everyone to know that lily is his. a hand wrapped around her waist, the ring on her finger, the hickey on her neck she has to cover up with concealer and foundation
lily loves james’ greying hair (having a child young, and even moreso a child like his, does that to you). he started greying at the temples and he’s got salt and pepper hair and lily adores it
travel together a lot; they book expensive hotels and have champagne and dinner sent up to their room
lily’s friends poke fun at her endlessly (“football wife?” “oh, shut up”)
lily didn’t initially intend to be a stepparent, to a teenager, out of all things, but she and harry got along beautifully (which brought into conversation the idea of her and james having their own child, together)
euphemia and fleamont adore her. fleamont, a retired surgeon himself, particularly took a liking to her, and she shared cooking recipes with euphemia; she was included within the family as soon as they met each other
the hottest couple ever
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hedgehog-troops · 3 months
i want james potter who just when he starts dating regulus/lily, is so surprised when the actually want to hang out with him, have dates with him which dont just lead to having sex.
the first time the decide to have a sleepover, things begin to escalate, and after james declines, he makes out to leave, hes told that its fine if they dont have sex, not everything has to end with sex.
and james is just like 🧍‍♂️ when hes told that his worth is not defined by his body. hes so confused because his previous partners always complimented his toned body as they traced their fingers all over them, but when now hes praised for his mind, eyes, heart and soul, he finds that once empty feeling replaced by an ooey gooey one, and he realised oh. this is what love is supposed to feel like.
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 1 month
Lily Evans who had wanted to be a scientist as a child only to be thrust into a world where science was irrelevant.
Lily who wanted to be a Auror when she left Hogwarts only to be thrown into a war for her survival.
Lily who wanted to fight and be a soldier only to be sidelined cause she’s pregnant.
Lily who wanted to be a mother only to be killed and have her child orphaned.
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jfleamont · 1 year
what kind of careers do you imagine James and lily having if the war was over and the weren't in the order and they also live lol rip
I can't imagine either of them wanting to rest on the potter fortune, they'd be waaaaay too bored
would love to know your thoughts!
You're absolutely right! We're talking about two people in their early twenties, full of hope and with big dreams, and even with a young kid to look after they'd still have lots of energy.
I think for Lily the answer is quite easy: she becomes a potioneer... But what kind of potioneer? Is she more into research (working on the development and improvement of the Wolfsbane potion) or does she prefer to help people more directly, perhaps working at St. Mungo's? In my opinion, after the war Lily starts working in the hospital because when she was in the Order it never felt like she was winning any of those fights, every mission was the same: she would barely escape death and she would see no real progress. So working at St. Mungo's after the war is her way of feeling useful, and seeing her patients get better before her very eyes is an immense satisfaction. I also think she longs to be around people: during the war, I doubt she went out and socialised much, what with her being a Muggleborn, and I think people in the Order were also advised to keep a low profile... And this is before they went into hiding! I think doing research would be more alienating in that sense. Furthermore, going from a state of 'constant vigilance' to finally being able to rest is quite difficult for her. All of the people in the Order who survived have some sort of PTSD: there's a sense of urgency, as if danger is always near and it keeps them on edge. I think the constant stream of patients that arrive at the hospital feeds into her restlessness. Working in research would make her feel like she's wasting time, and I think she feels like she's running out of it; she has a hard time adjusting to this new life. I think in the long haul this is dangerous, but I see her eventually realising that research is her future.
As for James, I believe he's a lot like Lily if not more restless after the war: I think this whole experience was quite a shock and he feels a lot of uncertainty and guilt. Unlike many of his peers, he had a choice, he could have turned a blind eye and lived an easy life. The fact that he didn't ignore the attacks and actually fought in the war didn't matter: he felt guilty for the privilege that choice provided him. I think James has no idea what to do after the war: he's a great Chaser, but that lifestyle isn't appealing to him anymore. So at first he stays home with Harry while Lily works at the hospital... But we're talking about James, he's easily bored. So I think that at one point he decides to volunteer (he doesn't need money, he doesn't want it) for different organisations, both Muggle and Magic: he likes helping people, he likes leading them and learning from them and there's this whole world he wasn't privy to and it's wonderful! He's been told how hard it is to be Muggleborn, but seeing how rich and complex and different this universe is (and how similar it is to the Wizarding World, too) is an eye-opening experience. So this is what he does for a while: he sees how corrupt the Muggle government is and he becomes interested in politics - this is right when Margaret Thatcher becomes prime minister - and he tries to help in any way he can (he participates in fundraising events, protests, strikes) and he does the same for Wizarding politics. He protests against the treatment of werewolves and other creatures in the magic community, he writes articles that get published in the Daily Prophet - he calls out Rita Skeeter in some of them, she fires back, he sues her, it's a whole thing - and he's channelling his energy in all these different endeavours but he's still hungry for something else. And yes, this is how he's always been, never satisfied, always looking for the next dopamine hit, but now he feels a bit lost, so Lily suggests he does something more mundane and grounded. The idea comes to him when he's looking at his son - now a toddler - and realises that he doesn't want Harry to grow up like he did. Don't get him wrong, James had a wonderful childhood, but he was a kid with no friends his age, elderly parents and an endless amount of energy. So James realises that kids in the Wizarding World generally grow up very sheltered since they're homeschooled until they're ten and he wants to do something about it. He thinks about what he liked to do as a kid and all he can think about is Quidditch, but now he knows all about all these different muggle sports and wouldn't it be incredible to introduce kids to them? In a couple of weeks he has it all figured out: he's now the founding member of this club, where he gets kids involved in sports, muggle culture (books, movies and music) and even trips to aquariums, museums, cinemas and plays! At first it's just Harry, a couple of Weasley kids and Neville, but with the help of his friends he gets other kids to join, and he soon realises he needs some help managing all these little monsters, so he hires Remus - he's reluctant at first, but he knows that James is too ambitious for his own good and he cannot possibly organise all these activities on his own, bless his heart, so Remus needs to intervene - and McGonagall helps him find other employees. His parents' manor is empty and he can't think of a better way to honour their memory than to use their house as a kindergarten of sorts, so after a bit of cleaning and refurbishing, the house is ready. He loves this: it gives him purpose and hope, and it's like being Quidditch Captain and Head Boy only way harder, but also way more fun. And who knows, he might do this for the rest of his life or he might not, but it doesn't matter, because he has a whole life ahead of him and he can reinvent himself as many times as he wants.
So that's all, I guess lol I thought my answer was gonna be short - she's a potioneer and he's a quidditch player - but as always I got carried away :) do you agree? Feel free to tell me your headcanons!
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