#mostly because she wants to read it and I'm trying really hard not to spoil
Books you have to read slowly and talk about to take them in >>>>>
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13eyond13 · 2 months
Hello, new Death Note fan here. First, thanks so much for this blog of yours. Because it came out 10+ years ago, I'm afraid will hard to find any active DN acc until I came to your blog. I understand more about Death Note's characters and story thanks to you...💐
I just start DN anime and manga last year (I know it's so late), because many people said in reviews that DN is not that good and mostly overrated. After finishing it, I think, how wrong that opinion was....
Do you mind if I ask some questions :
- Is Beyond Birthday became like that because of A's suicide?
- I read somewhere that Death Note (especially L and Light's relationship) is subtext mlm like Hannibal NBC & Merlin BBC, do you agree?
- One of my friend is DN fan since 2008, and every time she watched (more than 100x) L's death, she still cried. And coping it with read L/Light fics, are you like that too?
- "L and Light are both ace and aromantic", do you agree?
- Until the end, does L figure out it was Light = Kira the whole time?
- If Mello and Near work together from the start, can Light got captured more early?
- If Light were female, do you think L/Light ship will be more common?
- Until now, have you found any couple (canon or non canon) from any media (books, tv series, movies, anime/manga, etc) that the dynamics remind you of L/Light?
- "If Ryuk were an ikemen, than Light/Ryuk ship will be more popular than Light/L", do you agree?
- Do you prefer L as top or bottom or switch with Light? Why?
- In what moments that you start ship Light with L?
Sorry for my long ask (got too excited) feel free to answer whichever you want to. Thanks @13eyond13 ....
Hi! Aw, thanks for the kind words, and I'm so glad my blog is still helping new fans out that way somehow! 😊
Let me try to quickly answer your questions here (sorry if the answers aren't very in-depth, I don't have a computer with me currently and I'm just replying to you with my phone)
- Did Beyond Birthday become like that because of A's suicide?
This is not something that is commented on directly in the novel, so it's up to fan interpretation and headcanons for that! There is only one sentence about A, and we actually don't even know if A and B knew each other or interacted with each other in any way:
Tumblr media
Personally I DO think it's fun to imagine it's part of B's past that he and A did know each other and that it did affect him somehow, but I'm not sure if his character was actually written with that notion in mind.
- I read somewhere that Death Note (especially L and Light's relationship) is subtext mlm like Hannibal NBC & Merlin BBC, do you agree?
I think you can definitely easily read homoerotic subtext into their relationship, but I also believe most of it was not really intentionally put there by the manga creators Ohba and Obata. I think SOMETIMES there were deliberate suggestive jokes and whatnot in the manga that indicated there was some level of awareness that things between them could be seen as suggestive – like when Matsuda is questioning them only sharing their cell phone numbers with each other, and when Misa questions L's orientation whenever he handcuffs himself to Light. That doesn't mean that reading them or their relationship in a shippy way isn't valid or legitimate or interesting to do! Just that I dont think it was written with the writer knowingly going into things like "ohoho time to slyly queerbait the audience!" or something. I think Hannibal's creators were extremely deliberate with everything homoerotic that goes on between Will and Hannibal for example, but I think it happened a bit more unintentionally in Death Note originally.
- One of my friend is DN fan since 2008, and every time she watched (more than 100x)  L's death, she still cried. And coping it with read L/Light fics, are you like that too?
Haha oh wow 100x! I'm not like that personally because I had L's death spoiled for me by a comment I saw on the very first episode of the anime, so I knew it was coming! I was still really upset about it of course, he IS my fave. But actually Light's death in the anime gets a stronger emotional reaction from me than L's. I think I only ever cried during Death Note at that part where Light is thinking about his younger innocent self while he's wounded and running away, something about it gets me every time... And yes, I definitely wanted to read a lot of fics to resolve all my messy feelings about the two of them afterwards!
- "L and Light are both ace and aromantic", do you agree?
I can see why people might see them that way, though it's not my personal headcanon for them! It's one of those things people can decide for themselves rather than something I think there is an objectively "correct" answer about, really.
- Until the end, does L figure out it was Light  = Kira the whole time?
I'm not 100% sure if I'm understanding your question correctly. But I think L is always something like "PRETTY DARN SURE" Light is Kira, though he also knows he needs to have the concrete proof to back that certainty of his up. He DOES know it without a doubt once he actually has his heart attack and sees the look on Light's face in the manga, though! He thinks something like "I knew it! I wasn't wrong..." before his eyes close. Which in some way is maybe a small comfort, to know that he was able to solve this ultimate mystery for himself and know he was definitely correct about it before he died.
- If Mello and Near had worked together from the start, could Light have been captured more early?
A very good question! I unfortunately feel a bit too rusty on my successor arc plot stuff to know how to answer this one well, but I do think that Near and Mello made a very effective team whenever they collaborated, for sure.
- If Light were female, do you think L/Light ship will be more common?
I don't know if it would be more COMMON necessarily, but perhaps it would just have a slightly different sort of fanbase and legacy as a ship? I think a lot of people kinda like, and have always liked, how gay it is though? and I don't know if that really hurt the ship's popularity so much as maybe increased it even. But I'm definitely not an expert on this stuff or anything, hahaha
- Until now, have you found any couple (canon or non canon) from any media (books, tv series, movies, anime/manga, etc) that the dynamics remind you of L/Light?
Not exactly like it, no! It's quite unique to me in many ways. MAYBE the closest thing I can think of right now is NBC Hannibal, simply because of the unresolved tension and morbid dark humour and constant innuendo and cop/criminal investigative sort of stuff going on between them? But I think canon Hannigram was darker in some ways than I find canon Lawlight to be, and the parallels aren't exact by any means...
- "If Ryuk were an ikemen, than Light/Ryuk ship will be more popular than Light/L", do you agree?
Hahaha, I feel like it would be more popular as a ship than it currently is, but I'm not sure it would eclipse Lawlight! I feel it's hard to beat the antagonistic chemistry L and Light have simply due to how their roles are set up in the story as the detective and the criminal and whatnot.
- Do you prefer L as top or bottom or switch with Light? Why?
I prefer it when they take turns in fics and don't stick rigidly to one thing or the other! I think maybe because it seems realistic to me that they'd want to experiment that way with each other, and also because I just find it more interesting to read smut if they're doing stuff in a variety of ways.
- In what moments that you start ship Light with L?
I think I basically immediately felt a strong tension and chemistry between them. But I was introduced to things via the anime, and the rain scene definitely seemed extremely shippy to me and like "there's no way they weren't into each other" hahah. I think the rain scene was the main reason I went looking for shippy content about them afterwards. But I find that the manga is actually shippier to me than the anime sometimes, even though that rain scene isn't in it. Maybe because to me it feels a bit more like they're mentally and emotionally on the same page about things more often in the manga, and both seem pretty aware of the sly mind games they're playing with each other the whole time. And Light stays very fixated on and oddly reverent towards L after his death in the manga as well, which ultimately remains probably the shippiest thing about them in canon to me...
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monstersinthecosmos · 8 months
HI <3 Sheith VC anon here back with a very humble request. So I've read TVL and am currently reading QoTD, just finished the Devil's Minion chapter (oH mY gOD my HEART). I'm going through the books a bit slowly bc life stuff, but I have sooooo many thoughts and feelings and feel like I need to read lots of fic to work through it LOL. I would love it if you could rec me some (or tons of!) fics that wouldn't give me (m)any spoilers re: stuff that happens after this point in the series. I realize this might be a kind of hard/maybe impossible request because a lot of those spoilers would be referring to things that chronologically would have taken place prior to DM for instance, but I'm so starved I thought I might ask just in case! I'm not suuuper partial to any specific ships (Lestat/Louis is a bit boring IMO 😭 but I love them so I'll take it) and I don't have any NOTPs, so I'm down to read pretty much anything (esp if it's spicy and/or hurts my heart and/or features Armand lmao). Totally fine if this is too much trouble or if it turns out to be an impossible ask indeed; thank you in advance anyway! AND THANK YOU AGAIN for introducing me to these brain-rotting books lol I spend like half my waking hours thinking about Armand now.
SHGKJALDS I SPEND HALF MY WAKING HOURS THINKING ABOUT ARMAND TOO SINCE LIKE THE YEAR 2000 LMFAO im so glad you see!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GET IT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So babe tbh the reason I started writing Armand/Daniel fic at all is because there really ... isn't that much? And I was like GUESS I GOTTA FUCKIN COOK FOR MYSELF. So tbh I haven't actually read a ton of VC fic at all. The otp:true filter for them on AO3 (excluding TVverse fics) only has 237 fics hdkjgalds but you can start here LOL. I think for the most part you'll be able to tell in the tags if it's post-QOTD because people usually will tag like "post canon" or "Prince Lestat Era"; for QOTD fics check for a Devil's Minion/Devil's Minion Era tag. I don't always remember to tag my own fics but my only post-canon D/A fic is called "In the Trials of the Heart" and all my others are Devil's Minion era and shouldn't spoil anything ! Be aware that the TV fandom and book fandom sometimes overlap so there might be stray TV fics in the book tag; it won't spoil anything bc the TV canon is a completely different story, but it might not make sense if you jump in to read it. So without actual fic recs I'll share some authors that I really trust!! Have a look through their VC fics!!!!!!!
apoptoses (pervert extraordinaire 10/10, all the D/A fics are Devil's Minion era except for Blood Sanation so go nuts!) covenofthearticulate (this is Ash, she actually writes Loustat & Louis/Armand mostly but she's so smart and I trust her so much!!!!) Diabolus_Invictus HekateInHell (writes a lot of Lestat/Armand and also has a human AU called Our House that I'm obsessed with!) ImhereImQuire Nothing_But_Paisley rainandcoffee (if you're sick of all of our doom&gloom you can find fluff and lightness here!) whisperbird (just one VC fic but I think about it every day of my life I love it)
Whenever I remember I try to post VC fics that I do read, kinda like how Sheith fandom does Wednesday Fics, I try to tag #VCFicFriday so try there too!
Anyway if anyone wants to add to this post and share recs PLEASE DO I actually am not a great fic reader bc my attention span sucks and I'm picky about canon compliant porn LOL! But help our new friend out if you want to share any!!!!!!!!!!!!
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Hey hey hey so I saw a roommate au and istg I have so many ideas flooding in now-
ok so every one agrees zhongli would be a great roommates and super organised helpful the whole package but let’s say someone like razor not so much
( wait now I want to make an offering / head canon thingy on a character now-Imma probably do it)
What’s your take on this?
Sips out
Ohh I love roommate AUs they're so silly (/pos) I'd absolutely love to see your takes on which characters would be good and bad roommates!! I'm gonna toss my rambling under a read more since it got. long. Sorry :3
I actually imagine Razor wouldn't be too bad of a roommate, once he's been taught the proper etiquette and how to clean up after himself. He'll build cosy little blanket nests around the house and bring home food to share. If asked, he'll do his best not to track mud in, and to manage some of the more tedious chores. it'd be like living with a younger sibling i think
I think some of the best roommates would definitely be as follows:
Zhongli - organised and responsible, the chore schedule is always consistent and fair. He may invite people over every now and then but usually gives prior warning, plus they're mostly quiet.
Al Haitham - as long as you don't bother him, he tends to mind his own business and quietly stay out of your way, which is all you can really ask for in a roommate.
Jean - though busy, she's quiet. Keeps to herself and cleans up after herself, but she will not clean up after you. She's got a knack for tracking what belongs to who and sticks with it.
Diluc is also fairly diligent in cleaning up after himself and running a household (when he's home, that is), so he makes for a fairly good roommate, unless you have a habit of leaving things laying around, in which case they'll probably accidentally get thrown out in his 3am cleaning fits
The very best roommate though, without a doubt, would be Thoma. It's like having a live-in housekeeper. Chores are unironically one of his favourite hobbies/calming things for him to do. He always cooks enough serves for both of you, with some leftovers for whoever might want it the next day. He's so kind and caring too, always checking in on you. It's like living with an older brother who is also your best friend. Though he simply cannot handle insects of any kind -- he calls you in if there's any kind of creepy crawly about.
The worst, however, would likely be...
Kaveh. If you've ever had experience living with someone who has ADHD, you might know what I'm talking about. He has a certain semblance of 'blindness' when it comes to messes on the ground or things left in places they shouldn't be, which can get pretty rough when he's always the one leaving them there. He leaves art supplies, diagrams, cutouts, leftovers and magazines wherever they may lay and just walks off, never to pick it up again. Things always end up in strange, unexpected places, especially when he's multitasking. He also eats all your food.
Bennett. Not for lack of trying, he works really hard to be a good roommate, but things always seem to go wrong when he's around. Broken amenities, taps left on, windows left open, the whole works. He'll offer to do your chores on occasion but they'll often need to be redone because he missed a spot, forgot to put washing powder in, or even shrunk your clothes by accident.
Ayato. He's a spoiled rich boy with no idea how to clean up after himself or do his own chores. He can't even cook for himself. He's competent in so many other things, but the basics of being a good roommate seem to elude him entirely and he'll often try to find ways to pawn his chores off on you, even stooping as low as to bribe you. He can be a bit messy, too, and tends to leave things just laying around. Sometimes he'll get mad if you try to clean things up that he's still 'using' (even if he hasn't sat at the dining table for three days, he's super insistent that those papers need to stay spread out all over it, exactly the way they are.)
Childe is a complete and utter slob. To the point where it feels like it's intentional. He eats your food and doesn't even try to hide it, leaving the rubbish out in the open (like he's bragging) or haphazardly tucked between the couch cushions. He'll take things from your room without asking and invite people over without any forewarning (or even inviting you to the big family dinner he seems to be throwing). He'll do his share of the chores if he's prodded into it, but he'll bitch and moan about it the whole time.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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greenerteacups · 1 year
i read the last chapter and it was AMAZING! i love these characters so much. YULE BALL DID NOT COME TO PLAY. it did have me slightly owrried, and u can choose to not answer this, but should we be worried about daphne causing issues between hermione and draco?
Hey, thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!
So, the shortest answer is, I can't tell you that without spoiling the fun. The slightly less short answer is — actually, hang on, I'm going to give you the less short answer under a cut.
Okay, cool, spoiler liability waived. The less short answer is: yeah, probably! I mean, at the risk of being too cheeky, there have to be problems for there to be a story, right?
Long answer, though, because I think I get what you mean: there's this really old cliché where girls in fiction can only be friends if there's no possibility of them being romantic rivals — like, if one or both of them is taken, or if one is the sister of the other's love interest, or if they have different sexual orientations — and it goes hand-in-hand with the classic conflict of "girls are catty to each other because they like the same boy," which is a pretty tired trope, and doesn't terribly interest me. At least, I'm interested in taking it a level deeper than "women be crazy," because usually, when women are romantic rivals, the actual tension isn't even about the man at all, it's about the way women are perceived in perpetual competition for male validation and are encouraged to treat romance as The Defining Quest of female existence.
It's also not how I see Hermione, necessarily. Does she get jealous? Sure, man. Absolutely. She's a teenager. Does she get catty? Yeah, sometimes! Does she have a little bit of difficulty connecting with other women, especially women who are more feminine or less academically oriented than she is? Totally! Is that probably due to some internalized misogyny that she may even be aware of and yet still can't overcome? I think so!! And most of all, I think exploring those ideas is more interesting than yet another story where two girls hate each other for no reason except that they're competing for a boy's attention. Hermione is irritated by Daphne, but on some level, she understands that neither Daphne nor Draco is the reason she's feeling badly; or, rather, they are, but it's not something they're doing on purpose. One of the big things Hermione's taking away from the Yule Ball experience was the realization that if she doesn't ask for what she wants, she can't expect to get it, and that means she's going to have to put on her big girl boots and get better at expressing her desires. We see this in how her attitude towards Draco changes drastically from the start to the end of the chapter — mostly because (a) she had a good night and realized the date thing Wasn't That Deep, but also (b) she might've realized that he does care for her — he dances with her, he helps her to bed — and, crucially, so does Daphne! Who spends Chapter 43 trying to metaphorically windmill her arms and throw out every signal she can, like: Hey, we're not rivals! I know I kind of fucked this up, but I really want to be your friend here, I swear!
At the end of the day, Daphne is a new initiate to a cliquey friendgroup, and she's the first person to join the Gryffindor Four who has a significant amount in common with Draco. Moreover, Draco hasn't really brought anyone into the friendgroup before — he's always been a satellite to the main three, heavily leaning toward Hermione's end (it's kind of hard to imagine that he'd be friends with Harry or Ron if Hermione hadn't been first). So, naturally, she's the most sensitive to it when she feels that balance shifting, and he becomes a more central locus in the group, especially since Daphne shares things with Draco that none of the other Gryffindors do (and that Hermione, in particular, very much does not). Draco doesn't really care about that — I think it's fairly obvious that Draco's feelings for Daphne are totally platonic, even brotherly, if anything — but Hermione is attentive to it, and it plays into her insecurities. So, yeah, it does cause issues, but not the kinds of issues that make everyone act insufferable and OOC. (In my opinion, anyway. You'll have every right to judge for yourself, and I hope you end up agreeing with me.)
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spookymystery67 · 7 months
I Wish I Could Walk In Heels
AN: The moment everyone reading this story has been waiting for has finally arrived! Ada's here! About time huh? I skimmed over this chapter so if I missed any mistakes...my bad. Also, you're not gonna like Ada right away. I said slow burn. And I mean SLOW burn. Suffer. Enjoy the story :)
TW: Death, gore, mention of suicide, mention of sexual assault, language, overall angst, ect. Typical Resident Evil stuff and things. Sorry if anyone gets traumatized because I suck at TW's.
Chapter 7:
-September 29, 1998-
"So, what have you been doing while you were here?" You asked Ben as you sat next to him on the bed, leaned against the wall with your legs sprawled out in front of you.
You both had been in here for hours, and you were getting restless. The more time that passed, the more your anxiety and dread had built up.
He shrugged. "Mostly smoking and sleeping. Trying to ignore the snarls of the infected.” He paused. “And the sounds of something else."
"Something else?" You asked, interest piqued.
"Something bigger. Something stronger. It's called the Tyrant, I believe. I found that out prior to getting locked in here. I can hear it lurking around. I don't know exactly what it's after, but I have a feeling." He said nervously. 
That sounded awfully familiar. Like the creature that was after Jill. Is there another creature out there? Looking for someone?
"What, you?" You asked. He shook his head.
"Both of us. And any survivors. I think that whatever is out there was sent by Umbrella. To get rid of witnesses." Ben said.
You heard the eerie sound of metal shifting in the distance, but quickly shook it off as just the sounds of an old building.
"That's a good theory." You said as you stood from the bed to start pacing, glancing out the cell every now and then to see if anything was out there.
"I know. I'm pretty proud I came up with that one." Ben grinned weakly, cigarette in hand once more.
"How have you not run out of cigarettes?" You asked.
"I had a few packs in my bag." He said.
"You should quit. They're bad for you." You ran a hand through your matted hair, tugging at a few knots. You wished you had a hair tie.
"Like it will matter if we don't get out of here." Ben scoffed.
"Yeah." You sighed. You both sit in silence, the harsh reality of everything spoiling any positivity you could have possibly had in here.
"So, do you think Katherine is okay?" Ben hesitantly questioned, breaking the silence.
You paused, really thinking about the question and your next words "Honestly… No. No I don't."
He looked saddened by this. "Wow, ever the optimist." He weakly said.
"Look, I'm sorry. But with the shit he's done," you shook your head. "I don't see it ending well for her unless she really fights back." 
"You don't think she'll fight back?" 
"I think she will. But her survival might depend on whether luck is on her side." You grimly stated. The odds are eighty-twenty here. From what you've seen, luck has not been on anyone's side in Raccoon City. And as morbid as it was, you didn't want to get your hopes up.
"Wow, you've changed in the last few days." Ben said.
"Have I?" You turned to face him, leaning against the bars.
"Yeah. You're more of a hard ass. And somehow more pessimistic." You looked down, slightly hurt by his words. No matter how true. He didn't mean them in a mean way. But you didn't like that you've changed so quickly in the span of a few days.
Ben quickly realized what he had said might have been taken wrong. He quickly tried to reassure you.
"I don't blame you, Y/n. I really don't. With the shit you've seen… What have you seen?" He asked.
"Death. Lots of death, for starters." You started. 
"No shit. What else?" 
You hesitated. "I've seen what these viruses turn people into. And animals, for that matter. It just causes so much pain. It makes me wonder how many more people went through that pain before this all happened."
"You mean since Umbrella was founded?"
"Yes. How many people were taken off the streets to be experimented on? How many orphans? How many animals? How many were just simply discarded once they were deemed failures like they were trash?"
"People are cruel." Ben said. He said it so simply. Because that's how it's always been.  You've seen that cruelty first hand many times. And yet, somehow, you are always caught off guard by just how evil people can be. It saddens you. It angers you. It makes you feel hopeless.
"I know that. Humanity is cruel. And yet, it still baffles me just how far people will go. It pisses me off." You hissed.
"Well that's good. I'd be concerned if you weren't upset." Ben told you.
You sighed and sat back down. "Will giving Jill that drive even make a difference? Umbrella is a big corporation. People in the fucking government are in on it. There's probably a whole cover up on what's going on in the city right now."
"Mhm, what do you think it will be?" Ben asked, taking a drag.
"Something stupid. Like a bad flu or a skin disease being spread or something."
"Not far from the truth." 
"Still not the truth." You pointed out. He shrugged and nodded in agreement.
You and Ben heard the sound of footsteps and glanced at each other. Was it Irons?
"Hello?" Ben called out. 
"Hey." A man called back, walking into your line of sight. You and Ben quickly stood from the bed.
The man had short, flowing, blonde hair and was donning a police uniform. He looked pretty well put together for someone who had been in the station for a week. Making you think that he probably just got here recently. 
"I don't believe it, a real human. Hello human." Ben joked.
"And what am I? Not human?" You asked.
"Yeah, you're out of this world, Y/n." He said dryly, making you snort.
"You two been here long?" The blonde man asked you two.
"He has. I just got here." You shrugged.
"Long enough. Are we the last ones alive?" Ben asked. He was really asking to see if he knew if Katherine was still alive. But also Irons.
"No. No, there's a few of us." The man said. That didn't help.
"Oh. That's good news, I guess." Ben started.
"Unless, of course, Irons sent you." You added.
"Irons…? You mean Chief Irons? Is he still around?"
"Who cares. Hopefully he's somebody's dinner by now." Ben said bitterly. You threw him a glare. His attitude will not help get you two out.
"What do you mean by that?" The man questioned.
"He's the bastard that locked me in here. And Y/n. Her not that long ago, actually."
"I'm sure he had a good reason." The man defended. 
You looked at him in disbelief. Yeah, he must be new. Or stupid.
You laughed bitterly. "Sure. Yeah. You really need to get better idols, dude." You sighed, leaning against the bars.
"He did have a good reason." Ben takes a drag off his cigarette, before throwing it out. "I was about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass. I'd have done the same thing too, I guess. And she," he gestured to you."she was about to get me and my girlfriend out of here and away from him." 
You all heard metal creaking once more and looked down the hall to the direction it came from. Ben and you began to grow more nervous and you shared a glance. Your recent conversation was still fresh in your mind.
"Hey, I'll make you a deal. Unlock the cell, and I'll give you this." Ben held up a parking garage pass he had on him. "There's no other way out of that parking garage. Believe me!"
"Sorry. I can't do that. I have to talk to the Chief first." The man said. You groaned. Now is not the time to be following rules. 
The metal creaks once more. Louder.
"Irons is not a good man. He's a murderer. He will kill you if you find him." You warned the man. But, he didn't listen.
"Look, we're all prisoners in this station. So either we play nice, and help each other out-" Ben glanced down the hall when loud, heavy footsteps were heard. Your heart dropped. "Shit. It's coming."
"What? What's coming?" The man asked.
Ben began to back away towards the wall while you stayed right by the bars. Trying to see if you can get a glance of whatever was after you.
"Come on. Come on, don't be an asshole. Okay you need this! Just get us the fuck out of here!" Ben yelled desperately. You turned to him and took a step forward to attempt to comfort and calm him down.
A sudden hand exploded through the wall and grabbed Ben's head, wrapping its large, gloved, fingers tightly around his skull. 
"Ben!" You screamed as you stepped back, tripping and falling to a seated position on the floor in a childish way to appear smaller and disappear. You didn't have your gun. You didn't have anything to help him. You had nowhere to go.
The giant hand holding him by the head dragged him up and against the wall to the right, breaking more rows of bricks. Ben screamed in pain before his head was crushed in the tight grasp. 
"Oh my god." The man said. Ben was dropped to the ground, head crushed and deformed. Dead.
You sat there and did nothing to help. You did nothing to save your friend. You did nothing to help Katherine. You did nothing to help Ben. You failed him.
You failed them both.
You stared, wide eyed and waited, holding your breath. You were waiting for it to get you next. You stay curled up quietly, hands still covering your head from when the bricks fell. The figure slowly walked away. Leaving you alone in the cell with your dead friend.
You held a hand to your mouth and covered a sob. Tears threatened to fall as you stared at Ben. Just a few minutes ago you were having a conversation. And now he's dead. You panted heavily, on the verge of a panic attack.
How many more people have to die? How many before Umbrella is shut down for good? What do you have to do to just get all of this to stop?
You quickly shook your head and wiped away your tears. You'll have to grieve later. 
Your sadness quickly turned to anger. Now, you survive. You survive and go after the bastard who locked you both in here in the first place. Now, you save Katherine. 
You stood up and turned to the man. Now noticing another newcomer beside him.
You studied the woman. She wore a trench coat and her silky black hair had a short bob haircut parted to one side. You couldn't really tell from the dark and the large sunglasses on her face, but you think she might be part North Asian, judging by what features you could see. Even though you couldn't see much, you could tell she was beautiful.
"I- I don't even know what happened. It just…happened so quick." The man said to the woman, not noticing you had composed yourself. You stood there and watched them, trying to figure out what type of people you were dealing with.
The woman sighed as she leaned against the bars with a grimace as she looked at Ben's dead body. "I told you to get out of here. Wouldn't want to end up like Ben, would you?"
"You knew him?" 
"He was an informant. Had information of use to my investigation." She crossed her arms coldly.
"So what he said was true? What they both said."
"Of course what he said was fucking true!" You shouted, angrily, glaring at the man. How dare he accuse Ben of being a liar. Your rage blinded you for a moment, making you want to bash the man's head against the cell bars.
They turned to look at you and you took a deep breath and sighed, leaning your head against the cool bars in a futile attempt to relieve your growing headache.
"Can you hand me my bag?" You asked, reaching an arm out through the bars, gesturing to your bag lying on the floor and out of your reach.
"Why?" The man asked. You rolled your eyes. 
"Because I have something in there that might let you activate the cell panel without having to go searching for the missing pieces. Unless you want to leave me here to die too?" The man had the audacity to look guilty. The look was similar to that of a kicked puppy. You felt your guilt push aside your bubbling rage.
You sighed. "Sorry. That was uncalled for. You wouldn't have been able to let us out in time anyways. He was a lost cause." You deadpanned. It pained you to say those words out loud. But you pushed the feeling aside. Leon went to grab your bag, but was stopped by an arm of the woman beside him. She reached down and grabbed your bag, holding it up just out of reach. You turned to look at the woman with a raised eyebrow. "Who the hell are you?"
"FBI." She flashed you her badge with her free hand, but you barely had time to study it before she put it away. "You worked with Ben, didn't you?"
You looked at her with obvious distrust on your face. "Hmm, maybe. Why, wanna blackmail me for information by dangling my key to freedom in my face?" You asked rhetorically. You knew exactly how this was going to go.
"Not blackmail. Make a deal. I'll let you out if you tell me what I want to know. If you don't, then I won't. From what I've heard, you had gathered more information on Umbrella out of the two of you anyway." The woman said coldly.
"Literally the definition of blackmail, you lunatic. Also, who the hell told you that?" You asked. She just shrugged and you turned to look at the man. "What, you're just gonna let her keep me in here? For what?" 
"Well, she's FBI." The man stuttered. He seemed conflicted, but decided to let the FBI lady do her thing.
"Right. Yeah. I don't trust cops or the FBI at the moment. Scratch that. I don't trust anyone or anything to do with the fucking government." you said as you leaned away from the bars and looked to the crumbled wall, purposely avoiding gazing at Ben's dead body.
For all you knew, the FBI was in on all this too.
"Why, cause you're a criminal?" The man asked. You laughed bitterly, anger churning in your chest once more. You turned to face them once more, a fake smile on your face as you mock him with your head tilted to the side.
"Right, you think that because I'm locked in here, huh?" Your smile dropped and you stalk closer and lean against the bars once more, emphasizing your next words. "Well news flash buddy, your Chief of Police is the one that locked me in here. He's a monster. Probably worse than any of the things you've come across in and outside this station since you've come to this city."
"Why? He mutated?" He asked.
"No. Because he's human. And humans are cruel. And people have died in the name of that cruelty. Ben can attest to that."
"Umbrella did that, Y/n. They sent that creature and caused Ben's death and all of the other deaths in the city. Don't you want to stop them?" The woman said, switching tactics. You snorted and let an amused grin slip.
"Oh, I see what you did there. You wanna play that game? Alright, let's play. What's in it for you if I help you, huh?" You paused to think for a moment. Why did this all start to begin with? The G-virus. Those combat men were after it. Pretty much everyone was after it. Why wouldn't she be? 
"If I had to guess, it has something to do with a…certain virus? No? Your superiors need it for something?" You can't tell if she reacts thanks to the sunglasses. Maybe that's why she's wearing them at night.
"On the nose, actually. Good for you. My job is to retrieve the G-virus to help take down Umbrella's entire operation. And to do that, I need any information you have regarding them and the G-virus."
"Figures. And you'll just let me out if I promise to tell you?" 
"You have my word." 
Well, it's not like you have much of a choice here. Maybe you could use this to your advantage.
"Mmhm, alright. I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Under one condition though." You starred.
"You're in no place to make demands." The woman scowled slightly. 
"Oh? I thought we were gonna make a deal." You snarked. "You let me out first. And you're gonna let me go to the orphanage." 
"And why do you need to go to the orphanage?" 
"Because Irons took my friend there. And he's going to kill her if I don't get to him first."
"Your friend? Ben's girlfriend?" The man asked.
"You were listening. Yes, Katherine Warren. The mayor's daughter. The bastard left his daughter when things started getting bad with the outbreak. She was left with Irons. Who, by the way, if you're curious, has a history of killing women and turning them into taxidermy. So yeah, I need to get out of here and get to her before I tell you anything."
"How do I know you're telling the truth?" The woman asked.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Look in my bag for the files. Most of them are on Irons and his dealings. Some in particular are disturbing memoirs and personal files on his feelings on women and taxidermy. Some are just general knowledge we collected on Umbrella." The woman reached into your bag to grab the files. "Once I get Katherine, I will help you with whatever you want. Now, do we have a deal?" 
The woman looked through the first few files and sighed. You were telling the truth. And some information was helpful. She supposed she could let you out now.
"Fine. We have a deal. You get your friend. Then we go to NEST and you help me find the G-virus." She said, holding out your bag.
You sighed in relief and snatched your bag. "Awesome. Thanks a bunch." You dig through your bag and quickly find your pack of gum. You placed your bag on the ground and quickly took out three pieces to use on the electric lock.
"Gum?" You asked as you shoved one in your mouth and opened the other two. The woman shakes her head and the man takes a piece from your hand. You shove the other stick in your mouth and quickly begin folding the pieces of aluminum into squares.
"How is gum supposed to help?" The man asked.
"Gum won't. The wrappers will though. Aluminum conducts electricity. Which will, hopefully, get the electric lock to budge and get me the hell out of here." You said as you finished folding the wrappers.
"Clever." The woman said.
"Thank you. If it works. Here, one of you can place these in the three slots. Please." You added at the end, trying to be polite. Your nerves were on overdrive and you did not want to sit in this cell any longer with the dead body of your friend.
The man takes them from your hand and quickly sticks them in the slots. After some fidgeting, the lock finally dings, letting you out. You turned to Ben's body to grab his recording device and parking pass, giving him one last glance. 
"I'm sorry, Ben." You shook your head sadly and walked out of the cell.
"Alright. Go team. Good job." You deadpanned as you tossed the recording device to the woman and rushed to grab your discarded guns from the floor. "That may be useful to you. It was from an interview Ben had with Annette Birkins. What are your name's by the way?" You questioned as you put your handgun on your side and cocked your shotgun. It was fully loaded.
"I'm Leon Kennedy. You are?" The blonde police officer asked.
"Y/n L/n." You both turned to look expectantly at the woman.
"Name's Ada." She huffed simply. What? No last name?
"Cute name. Nice to meet you Ada and Leon." Just as you said that, every cell holding a zombie was let out and you sighed as sirens went off. "Fuck. Okay, time to go." 
You mostly tried to avoid zombies as you ran to the exit, Ada and Leon following closely. You shoot every now and then if one gets too close to you for comfort. As you barged through the door, you gasped and froze when you saw a big, human-like creature that wore a trench coat. It sort of reminded you of that thing that was after Jill.
"Ah, the Tyrant I presume?" You asked. 
"Keep it busy." Ada said to you and Leon as she ran to the other end of the parking garage. To do what? You didn't know. Hopefully something helpful.
The Tyrant began walking toward you and Leon at a slow but consistent pace. You shot it with your shotgun and it barely reacted. Yeah, a lot like the creature that was chasing Jill.
Leon joined in shooting, but that barely did any damage either. It came at you and you ducked and dodged as it tried swatting at and grabbing you. As you tried getting further away, it grabbed you by your backpack and lifted you off the ground.
This is the first time your damn bag has put you in danger. 
The Tyrant quickly wrapped around your neck with its giant hand and started to squeeze tightly. You saw white and your brain flashed back to when Ben was killed mere minutes ago. You gasped and choked and tried to fight it off. Leon tried shooting it. Even throwing a grenade. Nothing was working.
Until a fucking SWAT van came crashing into it at full speed. The creature dropped you as it slammed into the wall and was pinned down by the truck. All movement from the Tyrant paused and you crawled away, gasping and coughing for air. 
You composed yourself and stood up as Ada got out of the van.
"Ada?" Leon asked.
"This is getting old. Saving your asses. That's twice for both of you now."
"Didn't realize we were keeping score." Leon said sarcastically.
"Wait, how have you saved me twice?" You asked.
"I gave you your bag while you were in that cell."
"That you took from me."
"Details." Ada smirked slightly, her coldness giving way slightly.
The Tyrant started to push the van away and Ada huffed. "Nothing dies down here." She said, exasperation in her tone. Leon and you raised your guns as the van exploded. The movement stopped.
You and Leon turned and saw Ada holding a remote detonator. 
"Hmm, clever." You complimented.
"Thank you." She told you. She seemed almost smug about it 
"Leon?" A voice shouted from the other end of the parking garage.
"Claire?" Leon asked as a woman in a ponytail wearing a faded red leather jacket and blue jeans ran up to you.
"Leon! Please tell me you have a way out of here." Claire gasped as she came to a stop.
"Uh, yeah. What's wrong? What happened?" Leon asked, noticing the panic on Claire's face.
"Irons. He took this little girl I found, Sherry. Said that I have to get him this pendant then he'll let her go." Claire explained, holding up the pendant in her palms.
"Did he say where?" You asked her.
She looked at you in surprise, just now realizing the two other people in the room. She nodded. "Yeah, the orphanage."
"Great! I was just heading there. We can go together." You said as you held up the parking pass and began walking to the gate. The other three followed.
"Wait, we're coming with you." Leon said.
"Don't you and Ada have more important matters to attend to? Like getting to NEST." You paused in your step to face them properly.
"Yes, but we had a deal. I'm not letting you out of my sight until you fulfill your end of the bargain." Ada said.
"I'll just meet you there after I'm done." 
"How. The only available entrance from what I was told is through the sewers." Ada said.
"Then you were told wrong. There's one in the orphanage too." 
"Why would there be one in the orphanage?" Leon asked.
"Where do you think Umbrella gets their test subjects?" Leon looked saddened at the thought. Ada didn't look too surprised. She's probably seen some stuff in her time as FBI.
"Umbrella? NEST? What are you three talking about?" Claire asked, completely left out. You sighed at having to explain again and just stuck to a summarized version.
"Umbrella, the pharmaceutical company. They caused the outbreak. They're the reason that there are monsters running around. Irons is involved. And he also kidnapped Katherine and Sherry. The longer we all sit here talking about this, the more likely someone ends up dead. So if you all wanna come, fine! Let's go, people! I'm going with or without you!" You exclaimed as you marched to the gate and used the pass to open it.
The shutters opened about half way when you ducked under, the rest followed. You led the way out of the station.
"Anything useful on that tape?" Leon asked Ada as she finished listening.
"No. Ben didn't come through. Hopefully she will." Ada said, looking at you as you all walked out into the rain.
"What exactly are you looking for?" Claire asked.
"More info on the people responsible for this mess." Ada said simply. She turned to Leon, wanting to figure out what his goals are in all of this. "What about you, Leon? Trying to save the world?"
"I told Lieutenant Branagh I'd bring help." Leon said.
"Good luck with that." Ada scoffed.
"Marvin Branagh? Is he okay? Last I saw he was freaking out from an injury." You called out as you continued walking ahead.
"No. He was bit. He turned just before I left." Leon explained sadly. You paused and frowned. You sighed and kept moving.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." You see the road wasn't going to work and come upon a familiar shop. "The roads out. We could cut through the gun shop." You go to open it, and find it locked. "Anyone know how to pick locks?" 
"Here. Watch out." Ada said as she stepped forward. She kneeled in front of the door and started to pick the lock.
"Are you wearing heels?" You ask incredulously, noticing her shoes for the first time since meeting her.
"Yes." She deadpanned as she unlocked the door. She put her lock pick away and stood once more.
"Heels? In a zombie infested city? How the- really?" You asked. You could never. You kind of envied how easily she moved around in those shoes. Ada snorted.
"Yes, they're heels. It's not a big deal. Come on." Ada opened the door to the shop. "What a mess." 
The place was still ransacked. But you all looked around for anything useful left in the shop. You briefly wondered if Kendo had gone. He did promise Jill he would make other arrangements.
You heard a sudden commotion coming from the back of the store.
"Don't move." Kendo said, shotgun raised toward Claire and Leon
"We're not gonna hurt you." Leon started. They move slightly.
"I said DON'T MOVE!" Kendo yelled.
"Woah, Kendo! Hey! Calm down. They're friendly." You told the man, hands raised in the air when the gun is pointed at you.
"Y/n? What are you doing here? I thought you left in the subway with Jill." Kendo, questioned, gun still raised. You shook your head.
"I was just helping her. I had something else I had to do. We're just passing through. Can you lower your gun, please?" 
"No! I'm sorry, but I don't know you or trust you, Y/n. You're gonna turn around and go right back out the way you came in."
Leon recognizes a little girl standing behind Kendo where the back door is. She looked to be infected. Not quite turned, but almost. He nudged your arm to draw your attention to the girl. Your heart dropped at the sight.
"I think your daughter needs help, sir." Leon said.
Kendo cocked his gun. "Don't tell me how to deal with my daughter."
"Kendo." He turned to glance at you. "Is this why you didn't go with Jill?" You asked, sadly.
He nodded and looked to be fighting tears. "It happened not long before you arrived. Told you it was bad timing." He sounded bitter when he spoke.
"Drop it." Ada said as she appeared, holding up her gun.
Kendo moves to point his gun at her and Leon quickly aimed his gun at Kendo, making him repoint it back at him. Ada aimed her gun at the little girl and Kendo freaked out and stood in front of her, gun still aimed. Claire stood to the side, unsure what to do.
"No! Wait!" Kendo yelled.
"Ada! Leon! No!" You said, standing between them and Kendo.
"Step aside. We need to terminate her before she turns." Ada said coldly. Clearly detached from her emotions at this moment. You kind of wished you could do that as easily as she appeared to. Maybe everything would be easier without emotion.
"Terminate? That's my fucking daughter!" Kendo yelled.
"Stop! Everyone stop! There's been enough death. Let's just go." You said, still standing between the crossfire. You hoped they wouldn't shoot. But you don't know any of them well enough to know for sure what their actions would be.
"Ada. Just let them be." Leon said, putting his gun down.
Ada glanced at you and put her gun down slowly.
"Emma? Sweetheart, I told you to stay put." Kendo told his daughter.
"Daddy…?" Emma rasped. She was struggling to breath and stay counsious. It broke your heart even more just thinking about the pain she must be in.
"Yeah, Emmie. Daddy's here. I'm here okay?" Kendo put his gun down and ran up to hug his daughter. He acknowledged your group with sad eyes, attempting to fight his tears.
"Those fucking things outside. Look at what they did to us. You're a cop. You're supposed to know something-how did this happen? HUH?"
Leon looked at you and Ada. He knew you both know a lot more than him. He knew you could give the man answers. You debated on telling Kendo exactly how this happened. Though, you doubted it would give him any closure. His daughter is dying. Nothing you could say would make this better. It was already too late.
"We don't know exactly how, Kendo." A lie. But what use would the information be to him? "But know that we are going to stop it. We are going to make sure nothing else like this can ever happen again." You weren't sure if you could, but you will certainly try.
"She was our sweet little angel." Kendo cried.
"Mommy….?" Emma asked weakly. Kendo looked even more upset. You didn't have to guess what happened to his wife.
"Mommy's sleeping honey. Okay? And I'm gonna put you to bed too. Okay?...Emma." Kendo picks his gun up and then his daughter. He slowly walked back to the back door they had come from.
"Just go… Just give us some privacy." He slammed the door behind them. You closed your eyes and flinched from the sound. He didn't deserve this. No one did.
"You know it's one thing to keep the truth from me. But why him?" A gunshot went off from the back room. You sighed sadly and crossed your arms, trying to detach yourself from your current reality. "I wanna find out what's happening here. And stop whoever's behind it. Helping people like them…that's why I joined the force."
"My mission is to take down Umbrella's entire operation. We may not make it out." Ada reminded him.
"Whatever it takes to save this city…count me in." Leon said.
You shook your head and began walking out to the back alley. Claire immediately followed behind, eager to get to Sherry as she was worried what Irons would do to her.
"Yay. We can all play hero tonight. First, the orphanage." You said darkly. You need to get to Katherine and Sherry. You need to end Irons reign of terror.
One way or another, you will make him pay.
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sol-draws-sometimes · 5 months
Disc World Book Club Thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 33-62
Hey @anna-neko, and uh anyone who's still following this... haaaa remember this....
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Anyways, ha! Me when I lie!!!! Look, the end of the semester started kicking full gear and then holidays but I'M BACK(what I always say, but I swear I mean it this time!) Ugh, as I keep reiterating in this series, reading hard for me, not because of the act of reading in itself, but the motivation it requires for me to stay focused long enough on a book to actually finish it. In the past I was using the the audio book for quick 5-20 minutes stints, but I was mostly doing the combo of audio+book because I want to process everything. Anyway, I made the executive decision to treat this book like a podcast which means I am missing more little details BUT it has made getting through the book easier. That sounds like the book is a slug to get through, and that's not true, I'm really enjoying this book. It's just, getting my brain to actually start reading is a hassle and a half. I've gotten through an hour of book in a week though, so that's pretty exciting!
Anyway, onto scatter book thoughts as I was having them!
Yah you spoiled that to but I finally got that point! Also, I forgotten WHO it was but was SHUFTI
Actually we have a small problem where I just can't remember half of the casts names so ESPECIALLY their last names, but me as of 1/8/2024 has written their full names down so hopefull I'll remember now. Also I read Blouse's fanwiki cause I forgot who he was and spoiled myself a little but nothing too serious I don't think. Oopsies! Anyways, I have their names written down so no more confusion!
The way I was thinking "Polly's crossdressing!" like no, she's literally just being her normal gender!!!!! We love a girl crossdressing as a guy crossdressing as a girl.
In all seriousness, I really enjoyed that whole sequnce of her beating up guys crossdressing as a girl, and the Maldict joining her and the whole Jackrum taking the as prisoners and talking to them. Just a fun section of the book I really enjoyed. I love Polly and Maladict's friendship! It's so fun, and they got great chemistry
Also, interesting how the whole thing is that men go to war cause they're strong and stuff, but the first enemies Polly fights, she does as a girl. Idk just neat!
Also I've already mentioned this, but I'm obbssed with Polly as a character, she's so interesting because she's so judgy of the others. And she's the epitome of the "I can tell crowd."(looks at her being surprised that Tonker's a girl) Obviously, she's not doing it for transphobia reasons, but it's facinating to me how her stress of getting caught and stuff leads to her being overly critical of how the other girls are trying to pass. Like, Lofti got caught for saying "sugar" but Polly caught herself not cursing either, also I think she starts making the active effort to curse more after that. Just interesting how she adds on her act of being a guy with everyone else's mistakes.
American moment: Me learning bugger is vulgar?????
YOO THEY'RE REVALING THEMSELVES!!! I thought Maladict was included in that, but I guess not cause she was interrupted.
Also I think???? Jackrum is openinly showing he knows???(lets be real he knows they're girls). He refered to them as ladies but then used he/him for Polly, so I'm kinda confused on that front, but I'll just wait for a scene will clarify that for me
Also learning they’re reasons for joing are all pretty interesting!
Anyways this quote was cool (quote bellow)
It was for the other one, the little lesson that life sometimes rams home with a stick: you are not the only one watching the world, other people are also people, while you watch them they watch you, and they think about you while you think about them. The world isn't just about you.
OH DEATH MENTION!!!! This is a war book so he'll probably appear in this book. Obviously I don't want any of the characters to die, but I've heard GREAT things about Death, so I'm excited to meet him!(hopefully is a near-death moment and not a real death moment, but lets face it, someone's gonna have to die)
They're cutting to Vimes and stuff, and they're defineitly some "wink wink" "nudge nudge" moements that I'm missing, not to say that I'm not understanding anything, but I can just tell I'm in the know, you know. That being said, the sections with Vimes are pretty intresting and Angua seems pretty cool.
Also idk why but "bitch" caught me off gaurd??? Apparently they've been cursing and shit thorughout the book but bitch is the first curse word that actually means something to me. I'm sure they've said some other curse words that I recognize but I stopped reading the books for a couple a months. Also I have the mouth of a sailor, so it's not like a care, I guess I'm just confused that it surprised me. Also, Polly herself said she doesn't curse much so that probably means that the curse was light in the book since it's in her POV(also, curse words like "damn, bastard, etc. mean nothing to me")
Also I don't know how elaborate on this besides, "Wow, this is totally not a commentary on how British people view Christianity and the royal family!"
[insert pic]
Yah yah, jokes aside, I grew up agnostic and in the US, so not much to say beside monarchy bad(hot take am I right) Tho, tbh even the obvious connection is the royal family, man sometimes to does seems like certain groups worship politicians on a religious level. Also, there is smoothing to be said about a lot of manipulation tactics of authoritarian governments is the whole 'make them have problems' and then say, "I am the solutions to all your problems." And so with all the abominations being things that are so bad that it leads to the citizens not being able to eat well, it makes it easier to get the population to manipulate say that "X" is the bad guy.
Interesting seeing Polly have disphoria. I don't know if that's the terminology they would've used when the book came out, but Polly being like "damn, do I really that convincing as a boy" and feeling akward that everyone was 100% sure she was a guy. Like that is the goal, cause she's trying to be undercover, but also it's weird knowing people percive you the wrong gender, you know.
Also side note but I recently watched Blue Eyed Samurai, so spoilers for the first ep, but Mizu is also an undercover girl, and it's like damn, it like, in alot of these stories, these women are able to pass as guys cause they're natrual frame helps them alot in that regard. Like I have pretty boxy frame, so maybe when I was younger I could've passed as a guy if I tried, but me now, that would be way harder cause of my chest. And idk like, man it'd be cool if I could try to pass as another gender pretty easily you know?? I'd just have to work on my voice cause it's super high. Tho, I have been gendered as a guy cause of my hair + buttondown combo, so who knows, maybe I could. Anyway, back to the story
Not me reading a really dark scene of Polly and Maladict finding bruttally murdered bodies and laughing at the, "they would not grow older" line. SOLL GET IT TOGETHER!!! Anyway, despite what that sentence may imply, that whole scene was like, wow that's dark. Like the scene in Mulan right after girl worth fighting for.
Watching Polly gasp for air was like AAAAAAAH
Also Maladict having to contain herself cause of the blood, just an intresting scene!
I'm surprised Polly was saying " I thought we were the good guys" cause she seemed to have pretty good media literacy(for being a Boragravian) like, she was mention how the newspapers would proabbly not be trustworthy(cause she only knows her current governement), and she knew that the whole "Boragravia is winning" stance that everyone was saying is wrong. Also way back earlier in the book she talks about there always being a war, but I guess she wasn't being satrical??? (here's the quote)
There was always a war. Usually they were border disputes, the national equivalent of complaining that the neighbor was letting their hedge grow too long. Sometimes they were bigger. Borogravia was a peace-loving country in the midst of treacherous, devious, warlike enemies. They had to be treacherous, devious, and warlike, otherwise we wouldn't be fighting them, eh? There was always a war.
Guess Polly wasn't immune to propaganda (insert Garfield pic). I guess it makes sense tho, cause it's hard to process that your homecountry does horrible shit.
Also intresting how Jackrum dismissed it, like, I guess I thought he'd be more in the know that the government aint the best. Idk, he's pretty intresting, cause Idk his full stance on things. He telling Blouse that the news is coming from the enemy, but like, it's hard to deny that Boragravia's doing well. Guess that now that he's fully encharge we get to see him more than him just him being a nice relif from Strappi. Anyway, WOW Jackrum is a nuanced charcter???!!! Sarcasm aside, I think I need to read a bit more get my full thoughts on him.
Also something something, they're getting deprogrammed(for example, shufti and wazzer realizing they're losing) through experiencing war.
Anyway TONESHIFT Polly trying not to kill Blouse while shaving him is hilarious
K where I left off!!! Strappi(or so Polly thinks, and I'm inclined to believe her) has stolen a bunch of shit from the girls, so shit's about to go down. Poor Maladict doesn't have her cofee, and POLLY'S HAIR IS MISSING.AAAAAAH! Tbh, I thought her letter from Paul would be missing, so at least she still has that.
It's like 2:00 rn, so I'm pretty tired but I'm pretty hooked on the book rn, and maybe this semester I'll read more! Well, Feburary's gonna be busy cause I'll be auditioning to schools, but I'll try to make space to read. Also apperantly the hoopla has sections they've marked as chapters???? Tbh, it's proably whenever the audiobook plays the little military music. Anyways, I think another issue with the discworld books is that Terry Prachett doesn't do chapters, so I don't have that dopamine hit of "chapter completed!" But yah, maybe I'll try to keep track of the "chapters," to see if that motivates me more. Anyway, uh, I'll proabbly quee this for like 3:00 cause it's 8:00 in England and the book series is more popular over there. Okay, think that's it I'll talk next week.
Ps: idk how I indedent in the bullets, did it by accident on laptop and then copypasted it, I don’t know how I did that
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anon, dear, i hope you're doing good! i might be in the brain goo - still, bear with me on the being comprehensible part -, but a) you asked for headcanons and b) you're my favourite person to contemplate with, so you'll be my victim tonight-
so, i know you've said somewhere you're not a big fan of time pieces, BUT-
i've read a lot (like. A LOT.) of medieval-ish things the last couple days and spotify graced me with a shitton of ukrainian music today, and now all i can think about is this tradition they got in ukraine in july where they gather around a fire, take their loved ones by the hand, and if they stay locked while jumping over the fire they they'll have a long and happy relationship (bonus: you can do this with friends for health and good fortune, too). they have this other thing, too, where the unmarried women bind wildflowers to wreaths, then set them on a river or pond or whatever to see who'll get married soon (if your wreath flows without problems and moves a bit it's you), and their significant others try to guess which wreath is their girl's and they tryna fish it out-
and listen, listen, i KNOW it probably doesn't make much sense, and i have not thought this through 'till the end, but i need irish ian to somehow end up in ukraine and in the hands and care of mandy, who tries to teach him their ways and their language, because he's kind and sweet, too - and maybe she first hopes he's her wildcard out of her life until she gets to know he's gay? -, and somehow she gets mickey involved in her little social project and she tries very hard to make him be nice to ian, long story short, they all go to the festivities together, get a little drunk maybe and do their little traditions. while it's a rite for the women, i bet mandy'd force him to bind a wreath, still. and maybe she already knows there's something going on between him and her brother and she schemes some more to make mickey fish ian's out of the water, i don't know, my brain doesn't cooperate properly.
bonus lore- iirc they have this magic flower they set out to search at some point, too, as it's said to grant its finder some sort of power, so, just please, mickey and ian having an excuse to disappear in the woods for hours without anybody asking questions.
i only just now realised it's actually a full on au, but i'll send it over anyway, because it's juvenile and mostly lighthearted and i needed to bother someone with it. much love! thanksokaybye.
Hello my darling! My brain is also gooey possibly because it's late though. Perfect time to be your victim of choice!
Disclaimer- I don't really have anything about historical stories, it's just the homophobia of it all, you know? Like I enjoy some angst as much as the next person, but knowing they can't get married and will have to live partially in secret if not in the closet just... spoils it for me. I'm a comfort first, angst second kinda girl, but I also don't want it to be completely unrealistic. (also I need Mickey to be a southside shit talker) So I tend to skip those fics. now that that's out of the way, I'm ready for yours!
FIRST OF ALL I am a sucker for Mickey speaking Ukrainian. I really wish we got that in canon. AND IAN TRYING TO LEARN THAT FOR HIM 💔💔💔💔
they gather around a fire, take their loved ones by the hand, and if they stay locked while jumping over the fire they they'll have a long and happy relationship -> oh my god are you kidding me this sounds so fucking magical!
Okay what if Ian is like injured or something and Mandy finds him, and hides him until he can get better and Mickey is suspicious and follows her one day?
and maybe she already knows there's something going on between him and her brother and she schemes some more to make mickey fish ian's out of the water -> mmm how about yes yes and yes!!!
This is so fucking sweet. I want Ian in a flower crown Mandy made him! and maybe it's too small to his giant head and his looks funny and Mickey teases him and eventually that flower crown mysteriously finds it's way to Mickey's head. because that's what flower crowns do.
Them just walking in the forest and talking for hours. Maybe they find a job for Ian that gets them to hang out and Mickey teaches him Ukrainian?
NOSHO please send any and all AU / thoughts / headcanons always and forever!
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loryn-art · 2 years
A Plague Tale : Fan fictions and other Projects main post :
AO3 page here !
Things have escalated quickly in my head about this fandom and I don’t know how long this is going on. I order to not get lost in my own chaotic ideas and plots, and to share them with you if you are interest in it, here is a my main list of all the upcoming projects I may or may not post with a short description.
I will try to keep this list updated as much as I can, (my brain being a lazy potato.)
DISCLAIMER : major spoils about the game in it, you’ve been warned.
Fanfictions :
A Plague Tale - Redemption : The Main story I’m actually working on. I said in a previous post I had a hard time choosing between two main stories, but I finally opted for the one with the more saddest/hurt/confort/angst potential (what a surprise). -> Lucas shot Hugo, seven years later Amicia and him have to work together again to protect a new Macula bearer. Ridiculous amount of OCs I can’t seriously halp - AmiciaxLucas - might never be finished because the more I think about it the more consistent and long the plot gets - Sophia is here of course and adulting like a boss. Rated M I guess for violence/explicit scenes. Lucas:endingverse. Read here !
A Flame Tale : Three parts fanfiction. I swore I wouldn’t write a sequel to this story because writing explicit scenes between teens sounds weird but I can’t get enough of those two idiots. Set in the Amicia:endingverse. Also it’s not just here for some silly romanced moments but also to share my idea of how and why Lucas left the house in the last part. COMPLETE
No name yet : Some short texts and one shots about an AU where the Plague was delayed for some years (I don’t know the reason yet, but I wanted the characters to be older, around +3 years- ) Amicia is 18 Lucas is 15 Hugo is 7. Guess who wants to write cheesy scenes between two characters secretly flirting when they’re not allowed to ? -> when a young noble girl, daughter of Lord De Rune falls in love with the town Alchemist’s apprentice, rumors spread like a plague.
No name yet : Modern story following the Ascendance main fict. Amicia is 17 year old high school teenager, Daughter of the town mayor and one of the most eminent scientist of the country. Her little brother she barely sees suffers from a mysterious illness, while more and more strange events are happening in the city, people disappear, laboratories are devastated, and her life will soon be tied with other characters, weirdly familiar... I don't know if I will ever write it but I'm really inspired for some comics/fanfarts. Not an AU, just kind reincarnation/ressemblance stuff.... not sure yet.
Comics/Fanarts :
- Some illustrations about the fan fictions above.
- A short comic setting in my main story, kind of a companion piece for it. Lucas is studying in an academy a few months after Amicia rejected him.(Lucas:ending) -> The other apprentices could bully him as much as they wanted, nothing was more painful than her furious eyes meeting his in his sleep or between the lines of his books, where he drew them during class lessons.
- Actually in a Modern-AU obsession, might draw some stuff about it too.
One Shot ficts : “The tales that don’t fit anywhere else”
2 - The lioness, the wolf and the raven, leaving the tower : Short scene right after Amicia and Lucas met Vaudin, on their way back. Is it possible for Vaudin to be even more detestable ?
3 - Setting while Amicia and Hugo are on their way to La Cuna, Beatrice/Lucas, because nothing can escape a mother eyes, mostly when she an alchemist.
1 - The vixen, the wolf and the burning city : What has been told in the narrow alleys of the city that night, stays in the narrow alleys of the city. - Lucas/Melie (Happens when Lucas and Melie are separated from the group at the end of Innocence)
4 - The boy and the arrow : When you have to pull an arrow out of your crush, while her little brother's been kidnapped by a crazy count, hunted by his soldiers right after your ship stranded, what a beautiful day. Happens right after the count attacked Sophia's ship. A dramatic reunion on the shore.
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valleynix · 2 years
Hey hot stuff 🧍 I think you know why I'm here- may I place one order of Bela HCs? Pls I'm good for it 💳
listen, you should know by now i'll answer anything you ask <33
coming right up: HCs of our favorite angsty oldest child
i imagine it's pretty easy to tell when Bela is upset about something
much as she might not want to admit it, she's a lot like Daniela in a lot of ways. if she's upset, she becomes very reclusive and will just throw herself into her work to distract her
ever wonder if she doesn't like someone? if she won't speak to them outside of required interactions, it's safe to assume she doesn't
her love language is quality time
she's a very busy person, and she likes just being able to do her own thing (work or not) while also hanging out with someone
she may act like she doesn't like her younger siblings or thinks they're complete imbeciles, but if anyone else says something bad about them? they better run for the hills
you may not believe it, but she cares a lot about what other people think of her
it's hard being the heir to Lady Dimitrescu. she has pretty big shoes to fill, and she gets really upset anytime someone is disappointed in her
she is a perfectionist, and she will beat herself up if she does something wrong
much like Cassandra, she likes when certain people snap back at her or tease her back. none of the maids ever do it, so it's really refreshing
she is fiercely stubborn, and even if she's clearly in the wrong, she won't admit it until after the argument (something she learned from her mother, probably)
when it comes to self-control, she's a mix between Cassandra and Daniela. for certain things, she can handle herself and the new instincts the Cadou gave her by stepping away from the situation or distracting herself
she does have a tendency to go a little feral after drinking fresh blood, so it's probably best to stay away if it's her feeding time
unless you're into that. i don't judge >:)
Bela does feel horrible for everything her sisters have gone through to get to where they are, though she doesn't regret what she did
her favorite places to mark her partner are their neck and thighs
it's not uncommon for her and Cassandra to get into fights over petty things (mostly caused by the latter), to which they'll both just agree to disagree after a week of not speaking and move on with their lives
she enjoys people-watching
she fidgets with her gloves or sleeves as a nervous habit
she's a morning person, usually awake around the same time the sun rises
...does she get a lot of sleep? no, but she will ensure her partner gets at least eight hours
aka, try to disturb them and you will lose a few fingers
reading books is a way for her to lose herself in a world where she's not... her
that isn't to say she dislikes her life or would exchange it for anything; sometimes, she just wishes she could have lived a better life like the one in her books
she's not really sure why, but she was drawn to music, something her mother definitely encouraged and something she received many head pats for
in most aspects of her life, Bela is in complete control. she is authoritative and stern, but sometimes, she just needs some comfort and needs to be told someone is proud of her
(she doesn't like to admit it, though, so assume she needs to be comforted when she tugs on your clothing and sticks close to you when it's unnecessary to do so)
the maids prefer her to run into, simply because she won't look twice at them unless they've done something to offend her
which, yknow. if you have done something to offend her, expect your lifespan to be shortened to about five more days
she may be calm and quiet, but she is literally just as bad (or sometimes worse) as her sisters. she's just not as vocal about it
she will spoil those she cares about. Duke has a new necklace in stock? what a lovely gift for Mother. maybe he's got a few books the castle doesn't have? well, Dani would probably like that. she finds out a man in the village didn't pay his tithe this month? Cassie mentioned she needed some more subjects...
she is a bit of a hypocrite at times
she can't help it; she has her mother's pride and stubbornness, and she just can't understand what she's saying or doing wrong in the moment
translated to: i just don't want to see that i'm doing anything wrong when i'm angry or upset
just like her sisters, Bela has gone into the village to see if she could find anything on her past
well, that wasn't actually the reason she went the first time, but it was for the second
the first time she went, she was just looking for Duke. it took her a few minutes to realize someone was trying to talk to her by calling her a name she didn't recognize
she's never disliked being taller than most people since waking up, but when she saw the look on that woman's face - the fear in her eyes...
it didn't leave a pleasant feeling in her stomach
she tried to ask Alcina why that was, but her mother claimed not to know
she kept sneaking out to see those people in the village, trying to find answers and why they felt so... familiar?
when they told her they were her family...
she returned to the castle that night, blood drenching her hands and clothing. her limbs shook as she sobbed and found her mother in her study, and she was comforted throughout the night without a single word
whoever those people were, they were not her family
she still thinks of it sometimes, still wonders if they were telling the truth
but then she'll see her sisters and mother in the morning, and those thoughts are purged from her mind
she already had a family
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tezerenotameiki · 2 years
Hi, uh. I saw your post about the denpa-style C-ta horror game and. 1. your mind?? yes please, and 2. do you have any denpa classics recommendations because I've only played a few and love the aesthetic..
Tumblr media
ok. im working off the assumption ur like me and primarily play english vns but have relative familiarity with the, uh, quirks of the genre. just in case: denpa games are pretty difficult to recommend in general because of how intense, graphic, gorey, etc. they tend to be. i cant really get into content warnings with each one bc they would be literal paragraphs LOL but i'm going to try and provide a range of options (both classics + things that i personally believe fit the aesthetic). if you need more details on any game, just hmu!!
subahibi: i'll start off with easily the most horrifying game i've ever played (extremely affectionate). it's difficult to even talk about the plot of this game, other than that it's a fascinating spiral down a literal/metaphorical rabbit hole as you unravel the psyches of the most fucked up cast in the world. a read so brutal i have to take breaks from it to recover from it. i adore it so.
sayonara o oshiete: if you want a classic, this is one of the Defining games in the genre. it definitely shows its age, but holy shit is the atmosphere incredible. it's also... another really graphic game. there's an english patch that isn't particularly good, apparently, and got hated on so much it was deleted... but it's not hard to find (lol) and i've definitely read worse translations
shizuku: so this was a fun surprise! in researching this list i discovered someone who machine translated the OG visual novel and denpa game, shizuku, and uploaded it to youtube. it's janky, but a cool find, so i'lll be watching it later. shizuku's just got a neat aesthetic in general and it's good if you want to know about the classics - there's a lot written up about it.
totono: unfortunately, by its inclusion on its list, i'm spoiling that its not a normal dating sim… but it's a nitroplus game, that's a given! a protagonist convinced that he'll never amount to anything begins to connect with the two love interests in the game. from there… the game truly bends the narrative and uses its medium in stunning ways. it's as thought-provoking as it is horrifying. a must-read imo
higurashi: i'm assuming if you're at all familiar with vns you've played or at least heard of higurashi. if not. go play it. shakes your shoulders.
soundless -a modern salem in remote area-: this was actually my introduction to denpa games, so i have a huge soft spot for it! it's insane how much they tailored it to my tastes. a young girl caught in a religious cult is viciously tormented by the other members for her visions — until another member arrives saying that she can see the same things too.
chaos;child: more sci-fi than most denpa games usually are, but with all the focus on delusion, gore, the spiral of mental illness, etc etc i just have to put it on this list. watch this cocky newspaper club president try to investigate senselessly brutal murders across the city and become embroiled in a case beyond human understanding! fun!
^^ (as a sidenote, its prequel, chaos;head NOAH, is supposed to have a improved translation patch by committee of zero coming out soon! just based on the aesthetic, i think c;h is a little bit of a better fit, but i haven't played it yet)
milk inside / outside a bag of milk: two separate games, but mostly listing for the second one, which has a stunning art style that completely replicates that feeling of being disconnected from reality. short but stays with you.
hopefully there are a few on this list that seem of interest to you! i can always dive into my itch.io for more niche games i may have forgotten about lol
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lorenlily · 1 year
hi, feb anon here
you should 100% watch derry girls, it is so hilarious omg! as an irish/english person who is growing up in england, it is literally the funniest show i've watched recently! all three seasons are *chefs kiss* brilliant.
gilmore girls is also great! i do love rory and logan together, i just love logan in general. the more i watch the show, the more i come to think of him as rory's best love interest! you should defintly try it out! i won't say anymore on that so as not to spoil anything.
i am very frustrated rn because once upon a time has been taken off neflix and i don't have disney+ so i can't have the killian and emma content that i crave, but it's ok i'll find a way to watch their episodes :)!
my top three from rep are call it what you want, dress and getaway car
from evermore they are long story short, coney island feat the national and champagne problems (with special mention to evermore feat bon iver because i love it so much)
and from midnights it's paris, would've could've should've and labyrinth,
that was hard omg
i haven't read daisy jones and the six but i will have to check it out now that you've reccommended it, along with that fantasy series. i just bought shadow and bone, as i've seen a lot of love for the books and tv show so i'm gonna try and read that. have you read it? if so, what are your thoughts?
i am really excited for maisie peters second album, body better, to be released as i am obsessed with the lead single and love her music! i haven't listened to paramours album yet but i've been meaning to, same with gracie abram's discography. i'm gonna try to listen to all of gracies stuff before her next album release.
as for marvel, i used to like it a lot, but i think that was more because everyone else did and i wanted to feel included. now tho, the films just seem kinda lifeless. like there are so many filmos and tv shows being mass produced by them that none of it feels unique or authentic, and all the dialogue is just sarcastic and quick witted and kinda mean. idk, i'm just not really that into it anymore. i liked tom hollands spiderman films though, and i've been meaning to watch andrew garfields spiderman for a while.
and as you can see from this ridiculously long message i am a rambler too.
i don't really know what else to say about me, there's not a lot to tell. i like alice oseman and plants and taylor swift and most of my life centres around music and musicians and different media i enjoy.
umm, yeah, i wish i had more to say about me but there's just not really a lot.
what about you tho, any new medias or things coming out that you're excited for? anything interesting about yourself? any fun facts? i'm curious.
i hope you are having a lovely day and everything goes well and you have a nice time doing whatever you plan to do <3
hiiiiiiiii <3
yeah see marvel movies are mostly alright and very surface level but honestly they messed a lot of things up with endgame that it's made me lose the love i had for some movies. i've always loved the ant man movie and fantastic four is literally the only other project i'm excited for. I hate how they cancelled great shows so only disney+ shows remain and now everytime I watch something i just think about the potential they had lmao i could rant on it all day long....
toms movies are okay but nwh is the only goood one for me and i love the amazing spiderman movies the most!!
oh maisie i liked the music she made for the trying soundtrack (idk what the show is i haven't watched it) and i love songs her eps especially the list and daydreams and adore you and details. her album i only really loved and listen to outdoor pool and volcano but body better!!!! omg I love it so much and I'm excited for her new album I really love this sound
difficult has become my favourite gracie song so i'm excited for the new album and i really love how she's got great bops and really depressing songs (which aren't boring for me to listen to)
ouat is so good even when it's bad lol and it's annoying it got taken off netflix! derry girls i've been meaning to watch and it sounds so good!! lol gilmore girls got spoiled for me which idm i don't think i would've watched it but honestly my dash is mostly rogan shippers and i'd say they're correct too
djats i liked the style of the book and its inspired by fleetwood mac and the civil wars (both artists i've never listened to lol) and the band is supposed to be 70s rock which i have no idea what that sounds like so I'm excited for the music but from all the promo they clearly have changed some scenes from the book which kinda made me less excited but i'm still gonna watch it i just think the discourse about "ships" when it's released is going to be inssuferable lol i think mostly i'm excited to expand on a few of the side characters storylines more
i think like majority people i prefer the six of crows duology to the shadow and bone trilogy (its not bad just the other one is sooo good) and honestly the shows okay but the things i've heard about season 2 like joining both book 2+3 for the plot of the second season i'm just so confused about the direction but it's not long till it's released now (literally everything is releasing in march lol)
now onto taylor! your top 3s are so superior omg!!!! the coney island and labyrinth appreciation! you're literally after my heart!!! what rerecordings are you most excited for? do you have any unreleased tracks you would really like on some of the vaults!! the two lover tracks omg those snippets are soooo goood i really really want them released!!!!!
well now i've thought about it there's actually a lot of things i'm excited for this year!! creed 3 is coming out next month i love those movies! and john wick 4! across the spiderverse looks absolutely incredible! apparently there's a new insidious movie coming out this year (it's my comfort horror series lol) hafsah faizals new book a tempest of tea which is pitched as king arthur meets peaky blinders with vampires!!!!!!! it's alll the things i love! and it's the one book i'm most excited for!! speaking of peaky blinders the movie is filming this year and any behind the scenes crumbs i'm so ready for!! the pjo tv show its looking like its not going to coming out until next year but I'm anticipating at least a trailer since filming has ended and we're getting a new pjo book with percy, annabeth and grover again as well as the solangelo book called the sun and the star! also the little mermaid movie she's absolutely going to kill it!! and is it wishful thinking to say speak now tv (which my dream release date of this year would be september 1st! it's a friday 🙏) and so many other things but this message is getting very long lol
honestly same! i'm literally made up of the media's i consume lol my life is pretty boring and all i've done this year so far is get job rejections and get ill lmao but the biggest source of comfort in my life is my nephew's who i look after almost every weekend :)
and i guess another little thing about me is my dream would be to write a book i have so many ideas in my head but o can't seem to get them on paper, even just practising writing a scene i find hard to do. i think at most i just want to learn how to write. i don't even think it'd go anywhere like i don't think anything will be ready to publish or whatever but just for myself i think it'd help free up my mind if i got my ideas out of my head and fully thought out and wrote a book. what about you? what's your dream job or passion? is there anything new you're trying out or want to? anything you'd want to go back and revisit?
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blubushie · 1 year
I haven’t been camping in a while
and everytime all I could do was walk and play on the rope tied to a tree
And bc google isn’t realistic about camping
what do adults do while camping, my knowledge is that there’s alcohol and cards against humanities and 4 wheel driving
this isn’t an important question, I want to make posters of the mercs camping and Tom fuckery
What do adults do while camping alone?
Usually when I'm in the bush I'll finish every other night with a beer, so yes there IS alcohol, but no I'm not getting drunk. I don't play cards by myself. When I'm camping most of my time is spent sleeping or cooking. When I have free time I fish or read or whittle or write. Rarely I'll draw and sketch my environment or the wildlife (usually the wildlife, I suck at landscapes). Sometimes I'll skip rocks or practice throwing my knives. I'm good at the rocks, I could be better at the knives. I'll practice knots. I'll swim. I'll do bird calls and see what answers. Sometimes if I'm really bored and it's too dark to do much else I'll take a small dose of shrooms and get high. The stars are never more beautiful than when your brain is playing connect-the-dots mid-trip.
With other people it's all of the above (minus the shrooms unless it's Jack) with some other additions too. When I'm by myself I hum. When I'm with people I sing. Jack will bring out his guitar and play old bush ballads and I'll provide the vocals. Around other people I get tipsy (not drunk, just a mite loose). Sometimes we'll play horseshoes. Other times we'll go bushwalking.
We'll tell ghost stories. I'll talk about my adventures and the things I've seen. He'll talk to me about the stars and Aborigine mythology.
Mostly we talk. That's the best benefit of camping. When you're sitting at a campfire for long enough with your mates, you start feeling raw. So we talk. Things going on in our lives, we talk work, hunting, fishing, pretty girls and handsome blokes, the people we've met and places we've seen while apart. We talk about good food and politics and the weather and people we don't like and people we do. Lots of blokey lockerroom talk.
If I'm in Kakadu we share bush tucker. He'll find the good yams because he's better at it. I'll find the ripe plums and dundil fruits. If I find dundil fruits we usually spend some time chucking the nuts eat each other's mouths and trying to catch them. I always have to be doing something with my hands, so usually he tries distracting me with questions because it's hard to multitask between talking, catching nuts out of the air, and picking apart a piece of wood.
Also we're best mates, so we insult each other constantly. It usually devolves into racial remarks. One we come back to a lot is me saying god burnt him when she made him and him replying "Least I'm edible, you're undercooked." We make comments about each other's faults: ability to acquire mates, cooking skill (he's a better cook than me especially with native seasoning, I barely season my food), age (I'm the wayward little brother because I'm three years younger than him), horses, livestock, good vs bad beer, good vs bad roots, what we like about the fairer sex (besides the obvious) and what we DON'T like. He whinges about family and so do I.
So mostly it's just talk and eating. We never argue and if we do disagree on something we'll change topic so we don't spoil the mood.
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jtargaryen18 · 1 year
Request? Honestly,since AHIAR is completed and so is Misled,may I request a chapter 4 of Gentle Frost? I'm dying to know how their date would go. I was so excited when I found out there was a chapter 3 and it really tugged at my heartstrings after I read it 🙈😭💔 I actually teared up (as usual) when dark!Steve is willing to take pretending reader loves him than nothing at all unaware that reader is already reciprocating in her heart,just non-verbally. I'm a follower and I've always checked your page everyday now for updates of it. I'm still not getting over your Steve Rogers fics 😭🥺 And I'm not even a Steve girl,I was so obsessed with Bucky and your dark Steve fics swayed me 😂 Jk,I love them both but I really mostly read Bucky fics before but after reading your Steve fics? Now I kept searching for Steve fics too. I'm so damn soft for dark!steve who redeems himself and even grovels (that one scene in chapter 20 of AHIAR that I don't want to describe in case it would spoil it to new readers. Idk if it counts as grovel enough but he lets her get back at him in a way and make her see she doesn't have to be scared of him anymore like before) after everything he puts the reader through 🥺 He really regrets it. It's a pattern I noticed in your dark Steve fics (even in Ransom Naughty Holiday). And it's perfect for dark fic to be able to have a proper happy ending. And yes,I love the happy endings as well. 🖤❤ In other dark fics series I've read which I won't name any,Steve or Bucky barely redeems or didn't redeem themselves at all and the endings aren't happy,it's more like reader has completely given up or still wishes she could escape if guven the chance and still scared and uncomfortable with Steve/Bucky (the main love interest in dark fics I've mostly read) and complied by coercion so they don't hurt her. It felt more lustful and but not so much love are expressed between reader and Steve/Bucky. But I get it,they are DARK fics. Your angsty dark fics is a fresh change. Where Steve actually fell in love and fell hard for reader after some time of keeping her captive. That,that right there,that's what I've been looking for this whole. An angsty dark fic (bonus if it has an happy ending,an actual one where they're both happy and willing to admit they're in love with each other just as much despite the circumstances of their first "meetings" 😂)🖤 I've only found a few dark Steve or Bucky fic series from other authors with so much emotions and angst. I wish more dark fics would get angsty like yours 😭🥺💔🖤❤
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this. This wonderful note just made me so happy. 💕🙏💕It means a lot that you noticed exactly what I was trying to do.
I like dark fics of all kinds but when I personally go to write one, I need the characters to have learned something or change even a little based on what happened during the story. Emotions are the heart of that. You can do so many bad things to any given character but it doesn't matter if I can't make you care about them. If you care about a character/reader, you'll stay with them until they've met their goal or you know they're okay.
Sometimes I really question all the angst and sentiment I pile on to stories because that's what I personally like. I'm always so grateful when someone else sees what I did and that's what they were looking for. Printing this one out for my vision board. Thank you so SO much! HUGS 💕💕💕
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mercuryislove · 2 years
Happy Friday Lynn! I am here with my little grocery list of questions :)
12 for Sonam
14 for Anwei
19 for Azetahn
20 for Josef
29 for Yixing
happy friday but also saturday and sunday since once again I'm slow as hell to respond (I don't have a good excuse ._. i just wanted to sleep all day today)
12. How does your oc handle talking to somebody they can't stand? What if it's a situation where they're forced to work with this person?
Sonam has an excellent “customer service” voice/personality and can trick people into thinking she's on friendly terms with them when she secretly hates their guts. Like making excellent conversation and smiling to their faces but clenching her fist behind her back the whole time. She learned to put on a pleasant face because, well, she has to work with a lot of stupid people and knows that being a dick won't get you hired again. BUT she does like to give people the benefit of the doubt because she too was once an idiot that had no clue how to show up on time, negotiate a contract, read a fucking map, etc etc etc. Being with Yixing for so long rubbed off on her though because as the years go by, her patience gets worse and worse to the point that she gives up the fake kindness and will tell someone to their face that she doesn't have time for their stupidity. She has a hard time making friends as she gets older lol
14. If your oc spent one day free from any consequences or recognition for their actions, how would they act?
Um, Anwei would just want to be left alone for a day. Like interact with Nobody. She is always busy and people always ask her for shit and she just wants to like. sleep late and eat a fucking cheeseburger or something without anyone interrupting her. She's kind of boring. Having shit to do 24/7 makes a girl want to lay in the sun far away from everyone else on earth. Maybe go see a show. Some live music or something? But that would require interacting with people and she does enough of that every day, so maybe not. Let her be alone in the middle of nowhere and she'll be happy enough.
19. How would an enemy describe this oc?
They wouldn't have the chance to describe him because unfortunately they would be dead. But if they actually had the time to describe Azetahn, they would call him a brat and a daddy's boy. A cry baby. A tattle tale. “Daddy, daddy, these people looked at me the wrong way. I need you to punish them.” He has that vibe. He always gets what he wants and it has spoiled him beyond belief. But that doesn't mean he's a weak little shrimp. He's a notorious sadist (and coincidentally one of like three people that thinks adrenaline makes blood taste better), so people try to stay on his good side since it means either dealing with the Sovereign or dealing with the Sovereign's fucked up little son who was never taught not to play with his food.
20. What's a superpower or magical ability this oc would hate having?
Immortality lol. Josef is a simple man and the thought of never dying is really unpleasant to him. Partially because he thinks it would be boring to live forever (he isn't even that old and feels like he's seen Enough of the world), but mostly because he can't imagine how lonely the neverending passage of time must feel.
29. What's your least favorite thing about this oc?
You know that one guy at a party that is unbelievably depressed and wants everyone to know it through the self-deprecating jokes they make? Yixing is that guy. It's like “haha we get it you're miserable but can you socialize like a normal person without trying to bring up your daddy issues to the rest of us who are trying to have a good time????”
Honorable mention to him hating conflict so much that he just fucking uhhhh LEAVES when things get too tough. Packs a bag and moves across the continent to avoid having a difficult conversation. This will come back to bite him on the ass more than once.
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dragodina · 2 years
Da bin ich wieder 🙃 Wenn du noch Lust hast:
3, 51, 56, 67 („Queerschläger“)
Boah, hab ich gerade eine halbe Ewigkeit gebraucht, um diese Frage wieder zu finden, ich sollte dann nachher ins Bett gehen 😅
Aber klaro, hab mega Lust drauf und immer wieder gerne 🥰❤️ Here we go again 🙂🙃✌🏼
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
For the majority of my life I have kept them to myself. Just wrote them down to get rid of them and clear my head. And eventually I had stopped writing for quite sometime.
But since seeing german crime show "Tatort" episode "Schattenleben" in July this year with currently my most favourite tv character Julia Grosz sparked something in me and I started writing again. And even uploaded it on AO3, scary as hell 🙈. So far, that journey continues and its a lot of fun 🥰❤️. For WIP's and ideas that I have mostly planned out but not yet shared, I find it really hard to not spill or spoil anything 😅😂🤭. I'm just so excited to upload new stuff and maybe see/hear what readers might feel or think about it.
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
No, not really. In general, I like all things related to Julia Grosz and Tine Geissler. Then it can all vary from fluff to humor to crime to angst fics. In my writings, I try to find a nice mix of it all. So far I found my hang with some angsty/suspensy and emotional writing, that I like and enjoy to read very much 😊😅.
56. Are there any fics that you would change or rewrite if given the chance?
As I tend to polish stories or chapters up anyway after publishing it, yes, all of them at one point 😅🙈. But after that, no, then I stick with the versions published.
That said, I'm a bit torn about the thought or lets say I think about writing maybe a version of "Last Chance" that stays closer to Julia Grosz original family backstory ... I haven't come to a decision yet though ... and how I would do that in the end ... but I have found myself thinking about that once in a while.
Would be interesting (from a readers point of view) to know if someone would be interested in that or if LC should just stay the way it is 😊 I'm not sure how, especially chapter 4, was taken by the readers, given the fact that I strayed so much from Julias original backstory. At the beginning I didn't really gave it much thought and didn't know much of her history than was known by what was shown of Julia through the episodes.
So I just thought for the story and since I wanted to also share another story that concentrates completely on the episodes and mostly canon facts, I just came up with her backstory on my own.
After I wrote and uploaded chapter 4 though I found an interview with FW where she said Julia grew up only with her father. So ever since then I'm wondering if LC would be different had I known that fact before, had I changed anything or something differently, had I stayed closer to that and would that change anything about LC. Or maybe I'm just really overthinking that way too much 😅😊.
67. If a fic was titled "Queerschläger", what would this story be about/how would you write it?
Phew, erm, nice of you to put further hints and ideas in my head. As if I hadn't yet enough of them. Without any particular ideas it's a bit hard to tell.
The way I know myself though, it would absolutely be a Tinia story, I would probably make it a bit of a fluff and humour one. About them meeting, spending time together, finding their way to each other. And bring in Falke just to mix it up a bit. And let him team up with Tine "against" Julia just to annoy her a bit more 😅 (I might have to come back to you about this questions when I had time to give it more thought 😅).
Oooor, in another universe, when Falke somehow somewhen has to retire, I would team up Julia with another young female superintendant with skills in profiling and forensics, who is also queer and who really likes to tease her with Tine (because in her heart she is a really big fan of Tinia herself 😅😂). The title would definitely be appropriate then ✌🏼.
(Well, whatever version, that screams for a story with exactly that title, doesn't it 😅🙈?)
Like always, that was really much fun 🙃🙂❤️ If you're not tired of this and your interested in some of the still unanswered questions feel free to ask some more 😊
I'm going to pick some new ones too soon 🙂
For now, have a wobderful sunday sind read you soon 🥰❤️
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