#mostly tony and shrignold
Magic!Anon: Tony and Shrig have INFINITE PLUSHIES TO SLEEP ON.
Tony: Now hold one, wait just a second before you answer that- Infinite?!
The aftermath:
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hershelwidget · 1 year
I told you I had Outfits
ALRIGHT SO we’re gonna start with what I was the Most Normal about and then quickly devolve into the grand finale, which is. The funniest move of my career
Getting us started is our LOVELY models Steak, Lamp, and Shrignold in some very simple fits, first two mostly because I wanted to show their tails and the last one is for Seeing Something (outfit I saw in a dream that I barely remember. it was the tnbc luca dream for your information)
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Slay, kings! Alright, up next is Bread Girl in an outfit I was in a long time ago! Still remember it fondly, and now she will too :)
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How darling! A bonus scene for your entertainment:
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I can headcanon two of the Healthy Band members as trans if I want and none of you can stop me >:) Moving on, we have Sketchbook in two variants of TODAY’S outfit! Woo!
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Sketchbook with MY fashion sense lives rent free in my head every day every hour every second. This pink shorts(???) piece is the most unfortunately designed article of clothing I own and it KNOWS it’s only here because it’s pink and easy to breathe in. coughcough moving on
Alright this last thing. I. I need to put this under the cut. It’s not bad it’s just THAT FUNNY OF ME TO DO. It is... Spiderverse......... Related.......... s..spidersonas.
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Oh my God they got CRUSTY. I’m not explaining these one bit have fun
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boneinator · 5 months
Maybe drawing Sketch's, Tony's and Colin's first impressions of eachother if you're not busy? (request thingy)
Ok so. Actually thought about this and I have Stuff To Say so this is going to be moderately long ^^
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When Sketch and Tony met it was their first time seeing another teacher or someone who could be an equal. Both of them were very surprised, Sketch being very excited about it and Tony not so much admittedly, but he warmed up fast. Befriended each other expectedly, nobody else was there anyways
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Their first impression of Colin was Not Good, he was still very shaken up after the events of his episode. It was made worse by their bad experience with the last teacher, shrignold
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Sketch was the first one to show some compassion to Colin, cautiously optimistic about the situation hoping that he was just not in his best moment and excited to have someone else to talk to. Colin appreciated her but was still untrusting of the whole Place™
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Tony was very much not welcoming, his past trust issues and bad experiences with the other ... Things around were an unlucky combination on Colin, who very much disliked him for his attitude at first. The awkward phase lasted a little longer than with sketch but they warmed up too, they had a frenemis-like relationship for the longest time but now it's mostly teases and stuff ,, you get it
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Im running into the stage banging the floor demanding to know about the band au as you speak /hj
reveal yourself band au anon, I wish to know who you are cause you’ve allowed me to ramble
I haven’t figure it all out so this is kinda just spitballing ideas lol
Warning long ass post holy moly
So the band au is kinda written like Clone high, I treat it like one of those really serious romance dramas, except the band au is more just relationship focused instead of strictly romance, also there’s a lot of drama
I’ve come up with four main bands at the moment :3
The Grim Reapers - an underground goth band with Coffin as the bassist and Tissue box as the (main) vocalist, they’re most well known for their songs being about pretty grim subject matter, though they’re probably the least popular out the four main bands
Electric Current - A pop-punk family band with Electracey on the electric guitar, Elevator Speaker on the Bass guitar, Laptop on Drums, and Colin on vocals, they have a very futuristic theme and are by far the most popular band out of the four
Malcolm’s Angels - a band started by Shrignold the head of a love “organization” to help spread the gospel of Malcolm, their music is mostly folk type music, with Unicorn on the harp, Frog boy on the flute, Rabbit boy on the mandolin, and Shrignold on guitar and vocals, the other members of the “organization” are also there, to they just aren’t part of the band, but some of them are on the marketing team
Fly To The Stars - i also refer to them as “the rejects”, an obviously space themed rock band, with Gilbert on guitar, Solar system on the keyboard, Magnet on bass guitar, and Lamp as the lead guitarist
there’s also other characters that aren’t in bands but are still pretty important to the main story like
sketchbook - A young college student, currently studying art, she’s a big fan of Electric Current with her favorite member being Electracey, she’s also roomies with Tony
Tony “Anthony” Clock - An older college student studying history, roomies with Sketch and also a small solo music artist in his spare time (hehe)
saxophone - A music artists who’s songs are usually canoe related, has gained a small cult following due to this
Warren W. Eagle - Local homeless person, usually spotted around dumpsters, can play a pretty mean keyboard solo though
there’s more important characters but I these are the ones I’ve currently planned out (Saxophone isn’t really important though, I just found the concept I had for him funny)
and finally, some miscellaneous facts that I can’t fit anywhere else in this incoherent ramble
The two main locations are Clayhill and Mullhoven, though Mullhoven in this au has become a bigger city, well Clayhill has kept its gated community status
The main three do have a minor role in this au, with them being know as the “weird” residents in town, some situation always seems to be happening to them wether that be their house burning down or finding their pillowcases full of ham
Electracey and Sketchbook are both college age with them both being 17
Laptop on the other hand is a highschooler, being 15 years old
All the characters are humanoids, they basically have human proportion’s but still have some of their weird puppet feaures
Lesley is Electric Current’s manager, though it’s not her only job according to her, she won’t tell much about herself, she likes the game of mystery
Electracey’s name in this au is just Tracey, Laptop’s is Lapis, and Elevator Speakers is Alexa
Colin, Laptop, and Electracey are all siblings, Colin being oldest, Tracey being middle, and Laptop being youngest, well Elevator Speaker is their cousin
Tissue box is fine with her and Coffins band being pretty unknown, but Coffin wish’s they could be as popular as some of the others, and he will do anything to make that happen
Laptop is a big fan of Hatsune Miku and and makes references to her in some of Electric Currents songs when it’s her turn to write one
uh that’s it for now :3 *disappears in a cloud of misty smoke*
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eekepee · 1 year
Stuff the DHMIS teachers have in common
|| Lamp & Briefcase ||
They have similar teaching styles, only having a couple lines that aren’t just “you could be the one who..” or “you could have a dream about..” mainly providing examples and not actual information.
They both just leave the puppets to suffer, Lamp leaving yellow to drown in oil, and briefcase deserting the three in a factory
Neither of them end up screaming in any sort of way unlike some teachers.. (coffin, Tony, Colin, healthy gang, key man, ect..)
Both are seen to be more chill and laid back in some instance, lamp comforting yellow, briefcase never being rude or getting annoyed with the students.
Can teleport
|| Colin & Tony & Key ||
Easily annoyed and better teachers than most.
Resort to screaming to get someone to shut up, or stop doing something that is annoying them.
Do not care how their actions affect others (key lying, Colin bringing trio into digital world, Tony rapidly aging trio)
Actually teach about their subject, intentionally teaches.
Hurts students intentionally (key steps on yellow’s foot, Colin hits yellow, Tony aging students)
|| Coffin & Twins ||
Caused the trio to experience mental pain (Taking duck away, Making the trio think they need a family)
Creepier teachers, appearance-wise
|| Warren & Key ||
Like to be the center of attention, or have everything be about them.
Manipulative and controlling, wether consciously or not.
Lack a father figure
Hurt yellow guy specifically in some way (Warren driving all his brain friends away, key killing his puppy/ being generally rude)
|| Sketchbook & Briefcase ||
Seemingly share a hatred for yellow guy (sketchbook ruining his drawing, briefcase hitting him with a ruler)
Probably the nicest main teachers.
Can teleport
Don’t have noses, unlike other teachers (Tony, shrignold, spinach can)
Provide minimal information about their subject, if any at all.
The type of teacher that gets along with everyone, unless something specific is wrong with them (doesn’t have a job, not creative)
Never directly touch any of the students willingly, (briefcase was pretty close to duck on the boat, but didn’t touch him willingly)
|| Key & Shrignold ||
Referred to as everything except what they really are (rude metal child, metal stick, baby pigeon)
Leave two of the students out of most of their lesson, or ignore them.
Tried to trick one of the students to get what they want.
Small legs
|| Choo Choo & Coffin ||
Thought/confirmed to be older than most teachers
Unlike others, dislike duck instead of yellow (train coughing on his ticket, coffin telling him to shut up)
Mostly innocent teachers, just doing what they are told and die for it. (Choo Choo burned, coffin smashed)
Don’t have digitally added mouthes.
Try to keep the puppet(s) from getting in trouble, but they end up doing it anyways (Choo Choo trying to get them to go back, coffin trying to get duck to be dead)
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xxfabulashxx · 1 year
Headcanons on how well I think the teachers can cook:
Sketch - Can make very basic foods but also likes to add food colouring so yes they will be making you a bright blue mac n cheese (they also eat like Buddy the elf so that mac n cheese will be covered in chocolate and sprinkles)
Tony - The only thing he can do right is timing how long the food needs to cook, he has no idea what he's doing with ingredients or mixing (He and Sketch struggled for a while when it was just them)
Shrignold - Only knows how to make sweet things like cake and pie but not proper food, everything he makes is full of suger
Colin - Doesn't eat but has memorised random recipes due to boredom and had a mental breakdown when he saw Tony add an egg to spaghetti once
The food band - Actually know what they're doing but are very strict on what foods they will serve but at least nothing is burnt or covered in sprinkles
Larry - Crackhead recipes, is banned from the kitchen when Spinach Can caught him eating nyquil chicken, only allowed to eat things made by other people
Briefcase - Too busy with work to cook, survives off noodles mostly, if you want him to eat actual food you must bring it to him
Coffin - Has catered a few funerals so actually knows how to make a decent meal
The twins - They're only allowed to cook with easy bake ovens, probably injured themselves by sticking their fingers in it
Warren - He has never cooked in his life, diet consists of microwaved meals and fast food
Choo choo man - Only cooks 50s food recipes, no one will eat them because that shits nasty
Electracey - Also doesn't eat, forgets other people eat when she invites them over and just never gives them food but will apologise and feel bad after
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und3adazrxel · 2 years
I feel like I sort of left you all in the dust with that last one so because my hyperfixation is just insanely deep I will be sharing my headcanons!
(Please note that I am a multishipper and have mostly positive views on ships that are not any of the main three shipped with any of the teachers.)
Warren, as I said, has anxiety tics. He specifically has twitching tics as well as eye twitching tics.
All the main three are autistic. Duck's special interest is the military.
As seen in the love episode, yellow is easily upset. He just wants everyone to get along. (Me too. Me too.)
Yellow has a stuffed animal collection. All of them are named and have their own personalities
I absolutely love the headcanons people have of Time Child being Tony's teenage son. It's just so funny to me.
Also I love it when people are like yeah Red and Duck are like Yellows dads. That imagery is adorable to me
Sexuality and gender headcanons!
Red is amab and male, but uses he/they. He's a gay man
Duck is pan, although I know that is a very popular headcanon. He/him
Yellow is a demiromantic asexual and uses any pronouns
Paige is a transfem nonbinary; she/they. They're a lesbian
Tony uses he/him and is most likely straight. (Feel free to prove me wrong, that's just what my brain says)
Shrignold uses he/him and I am a firm believer in the gay and homophobic headcanons. He's pan but refused to believe he was attracted to men for the longest time.
Colin uses he/they/it pronouns and is probably omni
Lamp uses any pronouns and is 100% pan and you cannot change my mind. (I miss his slurred voice and goofy demeanor :( I know he explained some serious stuff in the new tv show but I want old lamp back)
Coffin uses he/they and he's aroace.
Warren uses he/they/she pronouns and is pansexual
ElecTracey is canonically nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, and they give me panromantic asexual vibes.
That's all I have for now. Also if you're wondering why I skipped some of them it's either because they were literal children, I had no headcanons for them, or they make me uncomfortable. Please keep in mind these are just my personal headcanons!
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notforfollowing · 2 years
One of my favorite tropes to put in stories is “video game come to life”. Or “piece of media in general come to life”. But what types of media would the DHMIS characters be from (besides the series itself)? Here’s some ideas:
The main trio: Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared if it were really for children and not a horror. Or I could keep everything as is; this would just have to be a world where they’d allow Roy’s version to air.
Sketchbook: A children’s art program, like Kid Pix.
Tony: An educational PC game that teaches math. Telling time falls under math, right?
EDIT: History. How could I forget about history.
Shrignold: An 80’s cartoon about love and friendship, like Care Bears. I’ll need to see if they had that sort of thing in the UK.
Colin: He’s the computer the protagonist uses to play the sentient game! That, or he’s in a tutorial on how to use Windows 95 or something.
Health Band: Series of commercials about healthy eating. I like to think they introduce a bizarre new nutrition facts label that was used for exactly three weeks before they switched to the current one.
Lamp: A PC game that contains various bedtime stories it reads aloud to the player.
Briefcase: He’s the mascot for a job search website! Brendan may also be there.
Coffin: A Halloween special
Lillie and Todney: I can see them in a camera commercial. Or a VHS tape called “Inspirational Family Songs”.
Warren: A PSA on respectful behavior. Except he’s only in the first version; they remade it after too many schools complained he was annoying. Now the first version is lost media!
Train: Thomas the Tank Engine parody. Or perhaps a mostly live action children’s show about a group of kids with a friend who can turn into any type of transport and take them on adventures.
Electracey: Chuck E. Cheese’s style restaurant.
Roy: An unaired pilot that consists solely of Roy staring at the camera for the whole 22 minutes. No one knows why the creator thought it would get picked up.
Lesley: She’s the host of a Twilight Zone-esque variety show. A new freaky story every week!
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Shrignold the Butterfly Headcanons
His original name is Bernold, but he changed it when he formed the Cult of Love
Is actually asexual and homoromantic, but completely in denial about both of those aspects of himself
While he keeps his wings when in his humanoid form, he actually can’t use them to fly without the risk of damaging them
Is secret terrified of Art (Duck) but will never admit it
He rarely actually eats, but he drinks probably more than any other Concept - mostly things like tea with milk and honey, or simply water with lemon and honey. Basically, Shrignold just really likes the taste of honey in his drinks
Doesn’t actually remember how he met the other members of the Love Cult, or know most of their real names. 
Does not know how to read or spell, hence his misspelling of “harmony” in his song
Actively ships many of the people (and Concepts) he knows, namely Paige and Tony. He is about as subtle as a meteor slamming into your face about it
Somewhat related to the above fact - he is one of the few Concepts to be killed by another multiple times
Is actually qualified to marry people, and has officiated several weddings throughout his existence. 
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creative-time · 2 years
Rank the dhmis cast!
Dhmis Ranking: Creative-Time Edition!
(This is gonna be a long one, thanks for the question anon!!!)
(Edit: I forgot the lamp in the first time 😅 sorry.)
Okay so I’m not sure exactly what kind of ranking system you want me to go by so I’m gonna just rank them all in separate categories and the combine them all at the end.
Traffic Light Trio:
Yellow Guy: Of course he’s number one. He’s been through enough he deserves some recognition for his pain and suffering.
Red Guy: He is literally just a guy, not good but not bad either. He’s just a guy.
Duck Guy: Bottom of this list, he yells at Yellow too much, but do feel really bad for him in dhmis 5 that was awful. I also feel like he has the least going for him right now, like he has a negative amount of brain cells while everyone else only has zero. Hopefully in the show he gets more character to him but we can only wait and see
Sketchbook: they are the first and therefore the best, although they do remind me of the art teacher that made me drop out of all my art classes in high school because she didn’t believe Purple was a real color. But they are great none the less
Colin: Literally they best design ever, song instrumental scratches my brain just right, has a great voice, and I think the digital world is a fun concept!
Spinach Can: Yet again, another great design! They got a funky lil voice and a funky lil attitude, I like how they say “RUDE” I also like dhmis 5’s instrumental as well!
Bread: He’s a boi
Refrigerator: … I don’t like the implications that you take out his organs everytime you want an ice cold soda.
Lamp: I literally forgot this guy when writing this the first time he’s THAT forgettable, I like his design but he literally has nothing going for him other than the fact that he sounds hammered.
All of up to here are pretty okay with me, I like all the characters but I mostly dislike the dhmis 5 teachers because of… well you know.
Characters I simp for:
Tony: Everyone’s favorite Tumblr Sexyman and he’s my favorite too!
Steak Guy: I don’t how to explain myself in a PG way, so I’m not going to. (No I will be taking any questions about this)
Bottom of the fucking barrel:
(characters that I just don’t like at all, like there are no positives I can think of)
Shrignold: I would kill him if I could. Along with everyone in the cult.
Money Guy: I will steal his Or-Gans and sell them on the black market.
Roy: No.
So the list goes like this: (from favorite to least favorite)
Yellow Guy
Red Guy
Steak Guy
Duck Guy
Spinach Can
—Good characters end here—
Money Man
I might wait to see if we will get an HD full version of “Key to The City” before I decide to rank all the characters from that.
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asktonyandshrignold · 2 years
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A new ask blog apeared!!
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beepsparks · 2 years
I had a dream where Yellow guy had run away from home, and Roy wanted someone to find him. Along with that, some person, who didn’t look like Lesley and never said her name, but REALLY reminded me of her (so im gonna assume shes Lesley anyway), wanted portraits of every dhmis character, mostly of characters considered dead, which was odd, some photos were just regular photos of characters who were still alive
I appear into this world, walking out of a house as a humanized Sketchbook (I will probably draw them later because they had a unique design) and Larry (the Lamp) watch and seem to want to do something with me. Light is illuminating some of the area and as I go with them, I notice my shadow is a little different. I had become Tony, or I was always Tony, or maybe some other reason, I wasn’t sure (and, it seems my personality and mannerisms were a mix of myself and Tony), either way, a lot of the humanized teachers had pretty unique designs from the usual humanized versions you’d see (like Sketchbook being an object head wearing a sliver monocle and presenting slightly more elegant masculine)
Anyway, they bring me to the house Lesley is in, and I walk in alone, she is currently setting up another portrait, and asks me to get a picture of Yellow Guy from Roy’s house. That task wouldn’t be easy, so when me, Sketch, and Larry went to Roy’s house, we had Larry quickly steal it and immediately ran off back to Lesley, who was proud of us and went to set it up, I simply stood there, looking around as she was busy.
I noticed a picture of Sketchbook and Tony walking through a red and orange flower garden during a sunset, causing an orange sky. They seemed to be talking, well, Sketchbook was talking while looking away, and Tony, held a knife behind his back. I look above the picture after seeing this and suddenly theres two pictures, of Sketchbook and either Shrignold or Colin (I forgot), implications of them being dead, I looked back to where Lesley stood and now there was also suddenly a picture of Tony, me, this startled me further, I turned around and suddenly an entire wall was covered in just pictures of Tony, with also implications of being dead, I remember saying “Theres a little too much of me here…”
I went to leave, but before I could, I was stopped by a voice in my head, Roy’s voice. Demanding me to give back the picture or find his son, if I didn’t, he’d hurt my “favorite”. I realized he knew I seemed to be part Tony, part myself, or maybe, I wasn’t Tony at all. Maybe he was missing entirely. After Roy said this, I suddenly felt a sharp pierce in my heart, and saw red for a moment, pushing me down for a second before I got back up. I ran off, and left.
I walked alone past Roy’s house, but I was stopped again, hearing his voice. More kindly this time, asking me just to find his son, and no harm would come me or anyone I loved’s way. I agreed to this, and walked off to start my adventure, seemingly alone, or maybe I was going to find other teachers to help first.
I then woke up
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goleb · 2 years
Is the DHMIS Gem AU mostly wholesome like Steven Universe, or does it have some grim things happening to the main characters?
I'd argue Steven Universe has a plethora of really dark moments and concepts that get overlooked or aren't dwelled on too hard due to having Steven as the center focus, so in that way, yes, it's exactly like Steven Universe 😂 But in all seriousness, while the overall plot isn't as concrete and developed YET (mostly from being a relatively recent creation, compared to something like, say, my KGTV Gem AU, which is also significantly darker and flavourably edgier in terms of themes, but we're not here to talk about that) I'd say it's a lot more domestic slice of life than anything else. It's actually pretty close to the Orphanage AU in that regard, haha. 
I don't wanna leave you with that short of an answer so, uh, here's some of my brainstorming attempt doodles. 
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Sketchbook is a glass prism because light refraction makes rainbows out of something that's clear, and drawing in a sketchbook makes something pretty out of empty pages. That's it, that's my logic. Theoretically Sketchbook could have been an iris agate as well, but I left that option for one of the fusions instead. Bit of an off-colour, but aren't they all… 
Tony is a blue star sapphire, because sapphires in the show are associated with time through their future vision (or past vision, in Padparadscha's case) so it's reasonable to assume a star sapphire would be as well. Also an excuse to keep his face markings, to be honest. Not quite satisfied with the gem colour-wise but who's gonna stop me from taking artistic liberties on that? 
Shrignold is a permafusion of a Rhodochrosite (associated with love, has variants that go from Sugary Pastel Pink to Raw Meat which I trust I don't have to explain in relation to Shrignold, haha) and an Aquamarine (considering the aquamarines already present in the show, butterfly theme and all), making a butterfly jasper (for obvious reasons). 
Colin and Laptop are quartzes, because quartz is commonly used in computers and stuff (and to keep time!), at least as far as I know. It's a deviation from the show because I was never fond of the whole "every gem of this type has the same role and looks and body type and corrupted form" for quartzes especially. I had to actively keep myself from making them heinrichites because it looks like a circuit board and, well, you know. Computers! And for some reason I automatically associate anything lime green with Colin even though there is nothing lime green about him. But who knows, maybe I'll go back on that decision, everything I say is still subject to change. Gilbert is also there, by the way. He's an Azurite-Malachite. 
Spinach Can is a moldavite, Lambchop is a red agate, Bread Boy is a bronzite, and I'm a bit on the undecided in terms of what Fridge ought to be. I sort of settled on scolecite. Didn't want to make it something as obvious as literal ice. Finally, Lamp Guy is a blue goldstone. It looks like a night sky, that's obvious enough 😂 
Both Yellow and Special One are half-gems, a childrenite and a pink petalite respectively. Roy isn't a gem in this one, but you know me, I do love my AU variations, even if they don't ultimately lead to anything proper. He is inherently a citrine though, if you're wondering. And that's my favourite gem C: 
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yellowpuppet · 2 years
⋆ ★   Favourite teachers:
1. Colin the Computer
in fannon most people say his favourite would be Paige/Sketchbook. I disagree because she stunts his creativity and discourages him. I honestly think after episode 6 of the webseries, the gang seem more comfortable with Colin in the tv series. I think Doi would be most comfortable around him. He likes asking Colin a lot of questions and they generally hang out whenever they see each other. 
2. Electracy 
Yeah he likes her. She’s not really much a threat. He does regret asking about electrifying his boring chair, however. And has infinite sympathy about the batteries thing.
Briefcase & Choochoo/Mr.Transport - Feeling is nuetral.
⋆ ★   A Teacher Doi Knew Before Both Shows:
I headcannon that lamp used to be Doi’s lamp in his room when he lived with Roy. Lamp was never “alive” until he had come with Doi into the Funny House. Though Doi’s first acknowledgement of the lamp’s sentience was in episode 6 of the Webseries. These days he tolerates lamp since lamp has sobered up a lot and no longer sings about drowning in oil or burning his friends. 
⋆ ★   Least favourite teacher 
(he’s got a few he’s most scared of tbh lets categorise these into “scared of” and general “dislike”)
Scared of:
1. Shrignold the Butterfly / love cultist. - He’s terrified of butterflies no thanks to you Shrignold. That really messed him up, honestly. He was very sensitive to seeing bugs hurt before this experience now he is grossed out and not a big fan of bugs at all, not that our lovely Doi really knows the difference between a butterfly or pigeon. (by name anyway)
2. Steak - yep Steak and by default Spinach Can just take him back to his messed up experiences in which his father and he both practiced cannibalism until Doi finally got out of there. The worst experience for him by far was getting out of that kind of lifestyle only to be forced into it years after when Steak had him eat one of the people he actually loves and cares for. 
3. The Twins / Lily & Todney  - Yeah he knows a family of cannibals when he see one. At least he knew that when he saw their ravenous behavior at the dinner table and was forced to order a family chicken tub. If this hadn’t happened he would have been fine with them, probably. He was a little upset to witness Roy do what Roy does, knowing he was powerless to stop it. 
After the experiences with his Dad/Roy growing up, Steak & The Twins; Doi will only accept food cooked by his friends. Duck mostly cooks. 
Grey area:
Tony/The Clock - He made him die :{ & is screaming hurts his ears
Warren The Worm Eagle. - Yeah he was afraid in that one bit of the episode but ultimately I feel Warren is one of the few  people that Doi doesn’t like. Scaring away his Brain Friends and harassing him was enough to push him.
Mean Steve the Key - He doesn’t like Steve because he’s bossy and mean and caused Duck to act the same, though Duck sometimes acts that way himself, that time he had someone to bolster him. 
Coffin - took his friend away. Enough said.
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justherefor000 · 2 years
DHMIS AU: Please Hug Me I'm Swapped
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So this all started when I showed a pic of clocks, specifically one with a heart shaped which made me sketch Tony who is heart shaped. Then we expanded a whole au with my friend here @raindrop-righteous I give huge thanks for the ideas!
This is Part 1 I haven't design others like Shrignold and Colin. Have these designs for the time being.
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I'm gonna start with Sketchbook who is now a Dream Diary that learns the dreams, nightmares or secrets of people. Their still our passive aggressive beloved just sleepier and likes oil...or ink. We name them as Diary or Dream Paige.
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The lamp, who I mostly know the fandom named Larry so I'm calling him that. He's a lightbulb which was pointed out by Raindrop of one often appearing when a idea/plan came up. Their energetic now so their much feral as original Larry XD.
In his lesson it would be about going too far with your ideas which makes things messy perpetuating the trio to do the wild stuff in the og series.
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Then there's Tony or Shrigony, who I swapped with Shrignold who is a cult leader. Turning him into a heart shaped clock with a top hat, but he floats now cause its much fun.
He shows himself as this pretty joyful gentlemen who wants you to join in his "Wonderland" to live in harmunee and praising the equivalent of Malcolm or their Queen, Filomena. But I have so much twisted ideas of Tony being a cultist, hes more messed up.
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Oh and Steve the Keyman, who were calling Steven. He's still a sly guy just nicer in ways like he legit wants you to be SAFE.
Bonus: @raindrop-righteous art of Shrigony!!!
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New Edit: Here's part 2
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yellowstitches · 2 years
Hello! How's everybody?
CW: Eyestrain, mild glitch effects, "psychedelic"-ish backgrounds. (Can't separate it this time bc it's plot, sorry!)
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(Disclaimer! Tony isn't missing an arm, I just forgot to draw it. Like an idiot. /srs)
(Tried to make this ep more atmospheric. Hope it worked!!)
All living + conscious teachers: OPEN
Lacey, Doi, Colin: CLOSED.
Tony: 2/10 - Worried, confused.
Sketch: 7/10 - Distracted, calm, happy.
Gilbert: 6/10 - Neutral, confused, getting worried.
Shrignold: 9/10 - Happy, a bit worried, mostly unaware.
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