sun-3-160 · 9 months
Adam hitting Lawrence with the Gene Kelly the first time they kiss send post
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technicolor--dreams · 2 years
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“Gene Kelly In 'Christmas Holiday' Gene Kelly is pronounced guilty of murder in a scene from the film 'Christmas Holiday', 1944. (Photo by Universal/Getty Images)”
a deleted scene? alternative ending perhaps? thoughts @mostlydaydreaming ?
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mostlydaydreaming · 1 year
So, under that great French doc about Gene on YouTube (that's now in English-hurray) I commented about Gene being a wonderful man and was immediately contradicted by some moron named MissGelly who wanted me to know that he was a bully, hated by all his co-stars. Well, needless to say, I pinned her ears back and wondered if you wanted to add a few salient points, too. I forgot a few things: I didn't tell her Michael Crawford says he owes his fabulous career to Gene Kelly or mention what Patricia Wilson had to say about working with the Hollywood legend in "Take Me Along." Also forgot about his dance assistants, Coyne and Haney, being totally loyal to GK. Indeed, one of them was head over heels in love with him. I don't know why some people insist on spreading this nonsense; I suspect it's because he's very sexy and his choreography is sensual. Sexy is not in vogue these days and always suspect. Some seem intent on making him the face of Classic Hollywood's Me Too. As you know, nothing could be further from the truth. In a world of Bob Fosses, be a Gene Kelly. Cheers!
Ah, the whole purpose of my Mostlydaydreaming Tumblr & YouTube channel. When I discovered Gene Kelly (thru YouTube videos!) I loved him🥰 When I started trying to learn more, there’s a top layer of nothing but Debbie Reynolds quotes and a Cyd Charisse quote taken out of context.
When I dug deeper I found a wonderfully complex man with a huge heart. Faults and weaknesses? Of course, everyone has them. He had a white hot drive to succeed, to prove himself and leave his mark on the world. But he was also an honorable, loyal and loving family man. Yeah he could be hard to work with, but I knew he was more than that. I wanted to defend him.
That’s why I’ve posted interviews from other people who had a completely different view of him: Leslie Caron, Mitzi Gaynor, Cindy Williams, Michael Crawford, Rita Hayworth, Paula Abdul, Betty Garrett, Vera Ellen, etc. etc. etc.
I’ve tried to deal with haters before.
I remember posting a long answer, with links to interviews, articles, videos, trying to show them a different point of view. But all I got was a short smart ass answer that infuriated me, leading to me block them and take down my GK rant. I’m not getting baited again. You did ok. Offer things for them to check out, like YT interviews, and move on. You can lead a horse to water…🤷🏻‍♀️
All most people do is google him and read the first few pages of the same Debbie Reynolds stories and the same negative (usually incomplete) anecdotes:
Debbie’s horrible “french kiss” from Gene. First, this was likely a misunderstanding. It was on camera, it’s not like he trapped her in a dressing room. No other co-star ever claimed that Gene was sexually inappropriate in any way. This kiss was in the final scene. The rest of the kisses in the movie were chaste and he likely wanted a big kiss for the finale, like he had in a few of his other movies. He knew she had practiced screen kissing with another actor, like Judy Garland had done with him for his first movie. He probably didn’t think she would freak out like she did.
Debbie’s bleeding feet & Fred Astaire teaching her how to dance. First bleeding feet is nothing new to dancers. Ginger Rodgers danced with Fred Astaire with bleeding feet but you didn’t hear her bitch about it. Second, Fred Astaire didn’t teach her how to dance (I see this reported a lot). He let her watch him rehearse, which he normally didn’t do. He did it so she could see how much work dancing was, even for him. She watched him get frustrated and even throw his cane. All so she would know, if this is what she wanted to do, this was how much work it was going to take.
Cyd Charisse’s comment about how her husband knew who she danced with because if she danced with Gene she’d be black & blue. No she wasn’t implying Gene beat her! Gene was more physical than Fred with lifts and such, that’s all. They always forget her other comment when people tried to get her preference between the two: They were like apples & oranges, they were both delicious😘
The competitive dinner parties. I’m sorry, it was Gene’s house and he could put on any kind of party he wanted. He liked informality (He and Betsy knew when strangers came because they were the only ones who knocked) He liked sports and competitions. If you don’t like that stuff, don’t go!!! The people who complained most weren’t even real friends of Gene & Betsy at all, but people who tried to use them and their parties to get close to other influential people.
He only wanted young women. Again, most people only look at the surface on this one. Yes, his 1st wife Betsy was 17 when he married her and even younger than that when they started dating. But his girlfriend before her was in her early 20s. (Per articles I’ve found, they were either engaged or very near).
When Betsy left him, she was in her 30s (he in his 40s) and by all accounts, he didn’t want a divorce. If he wanted a younger one, it was the perfect time. But 2nd wife Jeannie was also in her 30s while he was in his 40s. No robbing the cradle there. After Jeannie died, in the late 70s and early 80s he dated women like older actress Jean Simmons and Tony Bennett’s separated ex, Sandra. Not excessively young. As for his 3rd wife, she did have what all his wives had, intelligence. They both loved words and literature. We may question her motives but Gene didn’t pick dumb bimbos. But to say he only wanted much younger women wasn’t true.
And he didn’t just seek young women to take advantage of them. Betsy loved telling the story of how when they dated and she tried to push for more than hugs and kisses, he reminded her that she was still too young for all that.
My GK rant is done🥵 I admire you’re enthusiasm but I don’t feed trolls anymore.
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yatanis · 1 year
Isn’t he adorable, @mostlydaydreaming ? ;-)
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i--needed--that · 2 years
This sweet scene makes me feel "confusion" (please pronounce in French)...in all the best possible ways, of course. 🤭 Honestly, I find Gene's whole vibe, here...to be completely irresistible. Anyone else? 😉 In addition to all this sexy goodness...this lesser known film actually has several important distinctions. First of all, it was one of the very last movies that Gene ever made for MGM...premiering the same year that his longterm contract with them ended. Also...in addition to starring, he served as both producer and director, here. Incidentally, and in an incredibly sweet turn of events...his film production company was actually named for his daughter (and only child, at the time). This was "A Kerry Production," guys! 🤧 Oh...one more thing...as you may know, Gene was a huge Francophile...and this film (which was set in France - and was, in fact, filmed on location there), definitely showcases his love for this beautiful country and it's people. This one really does feel personal, and very heartfelt. It's just lovely. 😘 Barbara Laage & Gene Kelly, in "The Happy Road" (1957). 🤍
Thank you, as always, to the wonderful @mostlydaydreaming, for this footage. 😘 It's one of my absolute favs. 🤍 All rights belong to the owner of this video. 🤍
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polikszena · 2 years
15 Questions and 15 Mutuals
Tagged by: @bribumblebee (Thank you!! ^_^)
1) Are you named after anyone?
No, I’m not. My mum says they decided on my name in a way that they were reading out the options and chose the one that made me start kicking. So, basically, I chose my own name.
2) When is the last time you cried?
I think it was last week during some film. I can’t remember what it was.
3) Do you have kids?
I don’t.
4) Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Quite a lot.
5) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their clothes. And those are the last thing I forget about them. There are some people whose name I couldn’t tell, but I can recall what they were wearing the last time we met.
6) What’s your eye colour?
7) Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending. I’m not a fan of scary movies.
8) Any special talents?
Finding research topics, maybe? I could always find some good stuff to look into in an academic way.
9) Where were you born?
In Debrecen, the second biggest city in Hungary
10) Do you have any hobbies?
Yes, I love going to the theatre, doing theatre, watching films, taking walks, crafting.
11) Do you have any pets?
In my parents’ house there are a few stray cats if that counts.
12) What sports are/have you played?
When I was in primary school (well, thechnically middle school) I used to swim and played basketball (for only a few months tho), but nowadays I only dance. Not sure if that counts.
13) How tall are you?
14) What’s your favourite subject in school?
15) Dream job?
Right now it’s to be a writer for a sitcom.
Tagging (no pressure, as always): @orlissa, @mattzwright, @mostlydaydreaming, @allkinds-oftrash, @strideofpride, @here-there-everyfuckenwhere, @smooth-crimminal, @rad-topgunn and anyone else who wants to do it!
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crushondonald · 2 years
Hello! daily reminder that you’re amazing! send this to 5 people who always makes you smile 💕
aww thank you so much, your little message saved my day 😊 ... the sweet words are on their way now, right back to you! 🦋💕
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a big hug ... I hope you're well! 🥰
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starlightinkwell · 4 years
So this film, one of the most enduring on my list of all-time favorites, is from 1990.
This current decade, from 2011-2020, has been so filled with death and loss, I have had little time to go to movies, so I will go back to this film about dealing with grief and loss to fill in for current decade films.
I do, however, want to say that I think the animated film, Frozen, deserved its success. It stands as an important film in the Disney archives that is so full of victimized females waiting to be rescued by some prince. I am cheered by the fairly recent appearance of stronger female leads and minority actors coming to finally take their deserved place among the greats, but I am more interested in  what this next decade will bring as a grieving-but-awakened public demands representation of all peoples--if we manage to survive to 2029. Given the current sweep that Death seems to be making (with the eager cooperation of evil, incompetent national non-leadership) of our little blue orb, it remains to be seen what will be left to work with.
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mostlydaydreaming a réagi à votre billet “Upon opening tumblr the first post on my dash was one of my autumn...”
Out of curiosity, when you’re in a melancholy type mood, do melancholy songs, pictures, or movies, make you feel better or worse?
Hmm... This is an interesting question, I’ve never thought of it that way before - better or worse. For me at least, letting myself be melancholic is a form of self-indulgence. You know, when you just let yourself feel the little silly irrational things you shouldn’t or don’t have to be feeling, just because in a way, it soothes you. So, I guessed I’ve ever thought of it as a mood to get out of, unhealthy as it can be. It’s just a state of mind that neither feels positive or negative, it just is, and oftentimes I let it be. That being said, when I’m in a melancholic mood, I only go for the music and books and films that are so. Instead of trying to make myself snap out of it, I indulge that irrationality by conditioning my environment to match what I’m feeling inside, and it feels lovely, and oddly relaxing, most of the time. 
Of course, we’re talking about melancholy, not actual sadness. One hurts, the other doesn’t, not for me anyway. Still, I try not to let myself drown in this kind of mood too often, like the many things that can be constructive when consumed in moderation, under our control, but would turn destructive the moment we’re controlled by them. But then that’s just me. You know what I mean?
Thank you for asking, and sorry for the long reply that I’m pretty sure was not what you signed up for :’) How about yourself?
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I can tell writing gives you a great deal of comfort. When did you first realize it and what do you think you get from it?
I’ve been writing in some sort of fashion for pretty much all my life, but it was in April 2007, when I was twelve, that I started taking it kind of seriously, and a piece of what was essentially Jewels fanfiction. And it was always a sort of comfort to me, and I loved getting to play with different characters, but it wasn’t until October 2008 that I began writing consistently.
On 9 October 2008 I got suspended from school for the grand length of half a day after slapping a girl across the face, and that night while trying to deal with the fact of it I sat down and wrote the beginning of a ridiculous little western story, and it helped me to feel better. That ridiculous little western spiralled into more than 60 stories of varying lengths and genres written over the next 4 years. (I should count them up sometime, but I feel like it’s definitely more than 60). From December 2012 to March 2014 I wrote very little of anything, only some bad poetry and a couple of stories. Mostly I was focused on my end of school exams and my first year of uni, then in a fit of frustration at James Joyce I wrote my first Sherlock ficlet, and the rest is history. More than 400,000 words of fic later, I’m still here and I have a bunch of original stuff written too!
I think it was that time in 2008 that writing came to be a comfort to me. Before then it was something that I did in odd moments, but nothing too serious. Then after the suspension it became a way of dealing with things, and it was also good fun! I used to collaborate sometimes with a then-friend. As I got older and began having my black moods it also helped me to cope with them, as well as exploring my sexuality (even when I thought I was straight) and just generally exploring emotions. It got me through the summer of 2011 when we lost several cattle with TB, my grandmother died, and my friendships were all breaking down. And it got me through university and the very painful break-ups of more friendships, as well as various family problems. Writing helps me feel better, and make sense of things, even when what I’m writing has very little relation to anything that’s actually going on.
And in terms of my various bits of history research, it helps me explore different events and people and things that happened to real people through characters.
Writing eases my frustration, and eases my heartache, and helps me to feel less alone. One of my very good friends once told me that I write as if I’ve had a hundred heartbreaks, and I have but they’ve all been fictitious or historical! And that was more than 4 years ago, so I’ve had many more since! Plus writing gives me the closeness and intimacy that I don’t get in real life, and it helps me to explore myself and how I see the world.
I look back, and try to imagine who I would be if I didn’t write, and I’d be a total stranger. It’s something that’s fundamental to me, and I don’t know who I’d be without it. And it brings me a great deal of comfort.
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tonyhopkins · 7 years
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mostlydaydreaming · 5 years
I just came across your post ... and was quite shocked! Don't know what to say even if I feel the urge to say something. It's not easy to find the proper words but I'm sure you finally learn to cope with the situation and get a lot of support on your way!
Write it on your heart and mind that the upcoming year is an awesome one for you ahead. Switch the bad channels into good channels and move forward. Just remember: Last year’s words, belong to the past year. Now it’s time to move on with the new words, new language! ❤❤❤
I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year ✨ ... let Gene's spirit move you 💋!
You will make it!!!! Sending you lots of love, sweetheart 😘!!!!!
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I just saw your submission, I love it!!!💖💞💖
I’ve never seen this picture before. Thank you so much for your kind words. You’re such a wonderful person, it’s always been a pleasure fangirling together over our two boys :)
I just got out of the hospital a few days ago, and have been recuperating at home. This diagnosis will take some life adjustments but I hope to rebound and go back to work soon💪
Sending you back lots of love🥰🥰🥰, and wishing you nothing but happiness in this New Year!!! You deserve it👏❤️👏
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yatanis · 1 year
10 Songs / 10 Names
Tagged by @romeorevoarchive. Thanks for thinking of me! Not sure I'll be able to find 10 songs though. But it'll be interesting to try. ;-)
1. Bluesy Larue - Billy Burke
2. Susanna - Adriano Celentano
3. Layla - Eric Clapton
4. Delilah - Tom Jones
5. Diana - Paul Anka
6. Marie-Jeanne - Michel Sardou
7. Michelle - The Beatles
8. Clementine - "Outlander" cast (love those 2 voices together)
9. Jolene - Dolly Parton (well, tbh I've heard it 1st time in "Glee" sung by coach but I'm not sure I will find it. UPD: FOUND IT!)
10. Cécilia - Joe Dassin (yes, I know to whom it belongs originally, but I've heard it from Joe 1st and loved for many years before realizing it's Simon and Garfunkel's hit)
Tagging: @mzperx0506universe @last2leaveu @paper-moon-beams @veleste @mostlydaydreaming @sistahic and anyone else who’s around/wants to do this. (No pressure if you’re tagged.)
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i--needed--that · 2 years
Watching this clip feels like being wrapped in a warm blanket, doesn't it? So sweet! 🤧 These two retain this sweetness, throughout their entire performances, here. And lucky for us, our brilliant friend @mostlydaydreaming, has posted this gem on Youtube (see below). 😘 Janet Leigh & Gene Kelly, in "It's A Big Country" (1951). 🤍
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polikszena · 7 months
Let you spotify predict your 2024!
Rules: shuffle your On Repeat playlist, and the first twelve songs represent your 2024.
I know it's March already, but I just remembered that I haven't done this yet (and also other stuff I got tagged in).
I was tagged by the amazing @orlissa
January: She Got Me by Luca Hanni
February: Why Did It Have to Be? Me from the Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again soundtrack
March: Abre que Voy by Miguel Enriquez
April: I Ain't Worried by OneRepublic
May: Here I Go Again from the Rock of Ages soundtrack
June: Because of You by Gustaph
July: A Contracorriente by Alvaro Soler & David Bisbal
August: Everything South by Piqued Jacks
September: Maniac by Macklemore (feat. Windser)
October: La Costa del Silencio by Mago de Oz
November: Spirit in the Sky by Keiino
December: Pazza Musica by Marco Mengoni & Elodie
Tagging: @allkinds-oftrash, @here-there-everyfuckenwhere, @mostlydaydreaming and anyone else who wants to do it!
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crushondonald · 3 years
@rememberedkisses and @mostlydaydreaming
Oh no! I practised so hard and then ... this! Anyway, it's eventually the thought that counts ... 😊
I wish you both Happy Holidays filled with love, joy and laughter but also a peaceful time to rest! Thank you for your support this year, I'm looking forward to accompanying you in 2022 ... lots of love, have yourself a merry little Christmas!!! 💖
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