peppermintschnapps · 8 months
ok so im going to be VERY mentally ill about "mystery of the druids" for a couple of paragraphs now, specifically halligan & lowry and their rivalry/relationship dynamic.
no human being should ever think this much about a terrible PC game from 2001, but i did, and here it is...
THE RIVALRY! Why does Lowry show so much animosity towards Halligan?
Let us consider this: Halligan must demonstrate a level of competency at his job that keeps him employed. If we look at the events throughout the game, Halligan manages to solve the murder case without any funds, without access to the computer database, and without conventional tools or weapons. Remember - he manages to commandeer an elite fishing rod to retrieve salt deposits from a dock. Who problem solves like that? He displays an unconventional approach to problem solving that may seem insane, but proves to actually be extremely effective and inspired. I am going to argue that this cannot be the first case that Halligan has shown these unique traits - he may be a disaster of a human being in most considerations, but he's undeniably successful when it comes to unearthing the truth and getting results.
And THAT'S the true reason why Lowry despises him so much - that Halligan, with nothing going for him in life at all, is so remarkable at being a detective. Halligan's never had to actually work for it, but he's innately talented at solving cases. And what does Halligan do with these rare talents? He solves cases so that he can then waste his pay by gambling and sitting in his dingy office, throwing darts, smoking and eating pizza. It's like the ultimate spit in the face to Lowry, who is so very methodical and thorough in every manner - that Halligan has this innate and almost "magical" intuition to solving cases, and then treats the whole thing like one big joke (remember the joke warrant that got Halligan banned from the database.) It infuriates Lowry to no end, and he can then only channel this frustration into trying to disprove his own feelings of inadequacy. He presents himself as neat, stylish, wealthy, and successful to try and indirectly undermine Halligan and try to reclaim his wounded ego. Lowry surrounds himself with objects of status and his own success. Although Lowry isn't even consciously aware of it, Halligan makes him feel ineffective and insecure - and these repressed emotions manifest as an outer vitriol and spite. (I would argue that Lowry isn't even interested in Janet, he just wanted the date as a way to tell himself that he's "better" than Halligan.)
Let us then consider the following hypothetical: could Lowry potentially let go of this jealousy and rivalry? A hypothetical turning point in the narrative where Lowry is faced with an inner realization that his feelings of inadequacy are self-indulgent, and only hindering both parties. Lowry admits to himself that Halligan - even if undeserving - has a keen ability for uncovering potential leads and evidence. Lowry realizes he could bring focus and precision to Halligan's "reckless" efforts by offering his own organizational skills, knowledge of protocol, and resources (see: office stationery) to the table. In this way, Lowry and Halligan could both complete what the other party lacks! Perhaps, even entirely by accident, the two awkwardly stumble into the realization they actually work really well together in the field.
Halligan admits he may have been too dismissive of Lowry because he felt inadequate when confronted with Lowry's wealth, luck with ladies, status, and outward aura of control - and Lowry confesses his previously hidden feelings of jealousy. They both realize that they were kind of alike, in their silly inadequacies! Could they begin to move past their initial rivalry, and begin a tentative partnership and friendship? Maybe Lowry could offer a helping hand in getting Halligan's office tidied up, and Halligan could offer Lowry a valuable new insight into unconventional detective methods he had never considered before.
..............ok did you actually read this far? that's fucking incredible. anyway,
NOW THAT WE HAVE LAID ALL THE GROUNDWORK, WE CAN MAKE IT GAY!!! 🏳️‍🌈 after that, they fall in love and give each other kisses!!! 💋 mwa mwa xoxo ♥️ HA HA! it was all a PLOY so that I could be self-indulgent and make it a slash romance!!! 😎
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stillinthatweirdfaze · 10 months
I usually don’t make posts like this bc sharing hobbies and interests on the internet makes me very very anxious for whatever reason but I really really wanna share this issue of the Dragon magazine I found at the thrift store yesterday!!!!!!!!
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25th anniversary edition of the official D&D magazine !!!!! It is issue 284 and it came out in June 2001. Unfortunately it did not come with the advertised bonus CD rom when I bought it though :[
I’m gonna use this post to show off some of the stuff that’s in it that I really liked or found interestingggg :]
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First off we have a full spread add for baulders gate 2, which is kinda funny considering the third one didn’t come out that long ago. I want to eat this ye oldie early 2000ds generic fantasy font I bet it tastes like burnt shortbread.
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A little step by step on how the artist made the cover which I find like. Infinitely charming. Especially since this cover itself is so gorgeous. I hope Todd Lockwood is doing good today.
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A full page add for an online anime fantasy rpg called Nexus the kingdom of the winds. OUGGGGEEEEE this art style,,,,,,, it takes me back to places it takes me back to like that one vampire anime and clanad and YouTube anime top tens. Fuck graphic design we should start putting sparkles and radial gradients on everything again.
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an add for a series of sound effect cds for your games which I want so so bad I need to know what’s on these.
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Two little sections where it seems people can submit photos and stories about themselves or their game members to be published. The Dm of the month one is genuinely heartwarming and cute. The thought of Steve seeing that he won made me smile. Also “Nubile dwarf chicks” and “chaotic secretive” is a great example of how early 2000nds out of pocket this issue can be sometimes. You can fucking smell the energy off the second image.
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An extremely funny review of a previous dragon issue.
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an add for Gen con 2001 and a schedule of upcoming conventions. If anyone went to these I would genuinely love to hear about them I love convention history a whole lot especially from around this time
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A page in, apparently a series, about what ttrpg players value in a game written by Gary Gygax!!! If anyone has any previous or the final issues of this study please do share I really really wanna see them. Also the three genders: males, females, and newbies
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Two stat blocks for some half dragon characters
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A Draconic to English translation table that I wish I had as a preteen because I would have eaten it the fuck up. Also I cut it off but the last sentence on the bottom right is “please don’t disembowel the dwarf” which apparently is “martiver thric gixustratt tundar”
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Add for a brand of miniatures and in what stores to find them. I wonder how many of these places are still open
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An add for WOTZ game stores with the tagline “it’s where you play the game” and advertising “Hella Bandwith” and “scantily clad BABES.” I find it unreasonably funny that they are three pictures of the same exact woman, scantily clad babe, one (1), one singular babe.
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Spell and magical item themed crossword
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A full on campaign setting of the real city of London. I didn’t take pictures of all of it but it has a history section, locations, npcs, adventure hooks, and what even looks like a little blank dungeon layout of a mansion . I feel like putting real places as campaign settings has always been like, a thing, but I don’t see it too often. Its charming I like it.
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A stat block and gorgeous illustration for a lesser dragon companion. The gradient circle in the back is my favorite argggg I wanna draw like this sometimes
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A section on how to assemble your own monster models. Admittedly I know close to nothing about model making so this was an extremely fun read for me
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A bunch of PC portraits of half dragons that are so so cool. You see a lot of stuff about people getting really specific designs about different hybrids like oh a dwarf tyfling looks different than an elf tyfling n that sort of stuff in the modern day but you don’t really see it canonized at all. So it’s really interesting to see that concept in an officially published D&D thing, even if it’s just a magazine. I really like the dwarf one a lot.
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Possibly my favorite thing ever is this cartoon that reads like a fucking wizard tumblr shitpost. Like down to a fucking tea this is some shit the evil wizard blog would say and it makes me so so so happyyyyyyyyy. It’s the cadence that amazes me they got the tumblr wizard cadence exactly right. Im posting this shit on its own without shame bc I need people to see it. Pour me something whimsical and arcane bar wench.
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A absolutely chefs kiss add for a ????? Pc????? Pc game????? Pc accessory??? I honestly can’t tell anyway enjoy your free ps2 polygonal hotted woman ass
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And finally the thing that made me fuckin gasp out loud when I saw it, an add for the original year of our lord 2001 shitty D&D movie with special features and online sweepstakes to win a trip to Prague. Holy shit. God I love this game.
anyway that’s it, I plan to frame this thing and put it up somewhere. Ty for reading all my nerd shit. :,]
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The brothers!
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amanitacurses · 2 months
hi hi! sacred and spirit suggestion! ribbon bows! :D!!!
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Red String of Fate, but it's a ribbon
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dreamerawaken · 8 months
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Hello, MOTG AU fans, it's been so long!
Yeah, the story has been in unfinished limbo for a few years- I wanted to apologize for that. A lot of stuff happened in 2021 (I graduated and got my Animation degree, for starters!) and I put my focus elsewhere.
But I do plan on continuing the story! I care about it too much to just keep it frozen, though it's going to take me a little longer- I am now writing the story on my own, and I'm a bit of a slowpoke because I NEED it to be perfect. Bad habit.
SO, in the meantime, I thought I'd share this small retouch I made for our favorite dove man's design! And I might post more art! We'll see!
Thank you for your patience! I hope I get to see you in the next update~!
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undercooked-icicle · 3 months
Icarus was a moth
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ashthegreendragon · 2 years
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@dreamerawaken I've been wanting to draw this since the last MoTG update.
This is what happens next right? (jk I know this likely won't happen lol. Still been in my head since the latest chapter dropped.) Also, Jesfred seems to have picked up a bad word from E. Aster Bunnymun.
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guys. guys do you want to build a conspiracy board linking up the motifs in evillious in a web/diagram/thing? bc I think it'd be really cool and may/not have started a gdoc
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dobadoorknob · 1 year
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Alice!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Drew this a long while ago (sometime late july I think??? Mb early August???) N posted it on instagram a while ago also!!!!
I luv her so much i cannot augsh❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(alsonalso doodles r from a bit ago aswell!!!!)
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oars · 1 year
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hiinosakusaku · 4 months
SSR "Amanojaku, the Prison Guard of Hell" Ushio Kurama Card Story: The Student Staying Up Late and The Teacher Working At Night (Part 1)
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Ushio: 7 seconds left until midnight... 6...
Here you go... the latest news from Midnight Radio "WEB DIVE"...
..., ....
A... PatiBato collaboration cafeeee!?!?
(yikes, I ended up yelling, hopefully Mu-chan won'tー)
Muneuji: zzz...zzz...
Ushio: (ーoh, I didn't wake him. Thank god he's a deep sleeper...)
*sighー... so? When is it? Where is it being held? Is there any new merch? Why is that information always kept a secret for later? Actually, won't these small bursts of information be better for my heart...?
.... well, time to let it all out on my private account.
(Though, I wonder if any of my otaku buds would want to talk about it together...)
(Wait, but there's probably no one as excited for it as I am. They might misinterpret and things would just end up awkward)
Heh... got so riled up my throat ended up dry. Might as well go down for a drink.
Ushio: (...? The lights are still on. Is there someone there?)
Sakujiro: This goes here and that goes there and down here, hehehee...
Ushio: (Ka-Karigane-san....? He looks like he's making clothes again but his hands their leaving afterimages so fast he look like an Asura... That's terrifying, let me just slip away...)
Sakujiro: Hm... seems using this material would leave some skin exposed when being worn
Kurama-kun, what do you think?
Ushio: Wh-wha!? You found me out so fa-...., how you could notice I was there even without looking at me is gross...
Sakujiro: There may be no test tomorrow, but staying up all night when you don't need it is poison for your body.
Ushio: ...there was just something I need to do. Not like midnight counts as late nights anyways.
Sakujiro: Then it was my mistake. Forgive me for being a nuisance
Ushio: Well, there's no harm in knowing, I was just stopping by the kitchen before going back to my room.
Sakujiro: Is that so? Then I presume you were taking a nightly walk for a fresh change of pace? I was also about take some time for myself as well
Ushio: Huh...
(I can't see past him so I shouldn't bother... but, the outfit he's making now...)
Um, is the outfit you're making of.. that popular TCG character? From "Malice of the Guardians"... if I wasn't mistaken.
Sakujiro: Oh, are you aware of it?
Ushio: Rare and popular cards fetch quite a high price, collectors also have the card locked up...., ....so I haven't even seen it on spine.
Sakujiro: Indeed. The "Crying Red Demon" came from "MotG"... this is a cosplay outfit for that blood red demon.
Ushio: Huh... being able to know things I don't even know of it is something.
Sakujiro: Thank you very much. It's just that thin fabric is quite worrying to me.
I also need a way to cut down the budget needed for the weapon, thought I haven't found a way how.
Ushio: Eh... You're not only making the outfit but the weapon too? It's a metal bat so it should be metal... right...?
Sakujiro: Oh! So you understand? The feel of the material is its most important point this time. A cosplay without any sort of familiarity are but clothes that don't catch eyesー
Ushio: Not really.. I was just interested is all...
(Yikes, ended up talking too much about otaku stuff...! Gotta change the subject somehow..)
Why do you need to make this kind of outfit anyways? Will HAMA TOURS be needing something like this or...?
Sakujiro: Au contraire, this here outfit is solely a personal project of mine.
Ushio: !
(A cosplay of a TCG character, for a personal project...? No way...)
Uh... Karigane-sanー
Sakujiro: Speaking.
Ushio: Are you, by any chance... an otaku...?
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patibato · 2 days
[Ushio SSR] Hell's Tormenting Amanojaku - Night Owl Student and Night Worker Teacher
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Part 1
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Ushio: Seven seconds to midnight… six…
Here it is… the latest news from Web Dive's midnight update is…
… ……
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(Shit, I yelled on impulse, is Muuchan—)
Muneuji: Zzz… zzz…
Ushio: (—No, I didn't wake him. Thank god he's a deep sleeper…)
Sigh… so? When is it? Where? What new merch will there be? Why is that info always released later? No, maybe just a little bit at a time is better for my heart…?
… Well, all I can do now is spam my priv.
(Though, if I had any fellow otaku to talk about it with…)
(No, most people aren't as into it as I am. And it'd be a pain for our relationship to sour from different interpretations.)
Phew… my throat's all dry from excitement. I'll go grab a drink.
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Ushio: (…? The lights are still on. Is someone here?)
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Sakujiro: Do this here, a little bit there, thread through like this, nfufufufu…
Ushio: (K-Karigane-san…? It looks like he's making costumes again, but his hands are moving so fast that the afterimages make him look like an Ashura*… that's so uncanny, I'll just slide on by…)
Sakujiro: Hm… I fear this fabric may be rather chilly when worn.
What do you think, Kurama-kun?
Ushio: Nyah!? You noticed so quickly… also, the fact you knew it was me without even looking gives me the creeps…
Sakujiro: It may not be exam season, but staying up without reason is poison for your body.
Ushio: …I was doing something important to me. Also, midnight doesn't count as "late".
Sakujiro: Excuse me then. Do forgive my needless concern.
Ushio: Well, I don't expect you to get it, so I'll just drop by the kitchen and head back to my room.
Sakujiro: Is that so? How about taking a breather here for a late-night change of pace? I was just thinking of having a small break myself.
Ushio: Sigh…
(I can't tell what this guy's intentions are, so I'd rather keep my distance… but, the costume he's making right now is…)
Um, is this… a character from that super famous TCG? "Malice of the Guardians**"… I think it was.
Sakujiro: Oh my, are you familiar with it?
Ushio: The popular rare cards go for so much that collectors started keeping them in safes… …or something like that, I think I might've seen it on SpiNet.
Sakujiro: Indeed. This is a cosplay of the "Crying Red Demon" that appears in MotG… a red demon with striking tears of blood.
Ushio: Huh… the resemblance is so good that even someone who doesn't know it that well like me could recognise it.
Sakujiro: Thank you. However, I fear I may have chosen fabric that's too thin.
Though I suppose it can't be helped, as I split the budget to accomodate the weapon.
Ushio: Wha… you made this weapon yourself too? It's a metal club, but this… isn't real metal, is it…?
Sakujiro: Oh! You can tell? Replicating the texture was my biggest fixation this time. Those who aren't familiar with cosplay tend to look only at the costume, but you—
Ushio: No… it just happened to catch my eye…
(Shit, I'll out myself as an otaku if I say too much…! I've gotta change the subject…)
Anyway, why are you making a costume like this? Has the subject come up with Hama Tours or something…?
Sakujiro: Not at all. This is something I'm creating for personal use.
Ushio: !
(Making a cosplay of a TCG character for personal use…? No way…)
Um… Karigane-san—
Sakujiro: Yes?
Ushio: Are you… an otaku…?
*Ashura are demons with multiple faces and arms
**"Malice of the Guardians" is the card game Yukikaze likes
Part 2
Ushio: Are you… an otaku…?
Sakujiro: Yes. I am indeed.
Ushio: Wh…!
(He's coming out with it so openly…!?)
(No, wait, calm down. It's possible he's a casual who's just acting like an otaku for fashion*…)
Sakujiro: I am… yes, I suppose you could say I'm an otaku for fashion.
Ushio: Huh.
Sakujiro: As you know, Kurama-kun, I make the stage costumes for the Hospitality Lives, but I also sew more practical items… the Young Master's suits, for example.
Anime and game cosplays, such as what I'm making now, are primarily requests from acquaintances. I'm an all-accepting all-rounder clothing otaku.
Ushio: Aah… so it's like that. You don't stan any particular work, you just like the act of making and wearing costumes itself… is what you're saying?
Sakujiro: Precisely.
Ushio: (An otaku's an otaku, but he's a different type to me… his enthusiasm's the real deal, though. You can tell just by looking at what he's making.)
(I only really saw him as a bizarre teacher who acts strange sometimes, but it's been fun hearing about a different kind of interest… I feel a little closer to him, maybe.)
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Sakujiro: Do you not have much interest in this yourself, Kurama-kun?
Ushio: I mean, I wouldn't… say I don't…
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Sakujiro: Hoho! Wouldn't you, now!!
Yes, in light of your reactions thus far, it is clear that you have great potential sleeping within you!
Ushio: Huh? What do you…
Sakujiro: Would you like to try making one? Wearing one, perhaps? Ah, since it's you, I found some costumes that would suit you perfectly when I was organising my cabinet the other day, but if there are any designs in particular you desire, then by all means, tell me every little detail and—
Ushio: H-hold on. Why is this the direction the conversation's going?
Sakujiro: No need to hold back. It's just right for a young person to be shameless.
Ushio: No, this is just what you want to do! I didn't get it until now, but you're the one behind those weird clothes Fuefuki-san sometimes wears, aren't you? Could you not treat me the same way?
Sakujiro: Oh my, I see… Well then, it's getting late, so on some other day…
Ushio: No, what exactly did that "I see" mean!? Maybe sew your eardrums up before sewing more clothes?
Agh~~~ damnit… You weren't kidding when you said staying up late is bad for you. Thanks for proving it, I'm going to bed now!!
Sakujiro: …Hm. He's missing out, leaving without even giving it a go.
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Ushio: Haa, haa… what was with that strong pressure. Like I thought, there's something wrong with that guy… Though, the quality of his costumes is legit…
He was essentially asking what design I'd like, but I don't have any costumes I'd want to… ……
(…If I stayed, could I have gotten a costume of my oshi?)
He said he took requests from acquaintances… so then, a replication of my oshi—
—No, there isn't anyone to wear it in the first place. And I wouldn't be able to display it without revealing that I'm an otaku.
I don't think I've… missed out on anything at all…
*"ファッションオタク" (fashion otaku) refers to either "fake" otaku who only "act the part", or otaku who are into fashion
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legal-poppy · 21 days
tuesday 9.3.2024
first 2 weeks of class really killed me. now that labor day is over, i'm hoping i'll be able to stick to my study plan a little better. september is an exciting month for me because i will be traveling across the country to meet my future sister-in-law's family at her bridal shower & shopping for my bridesmaid dress, my mom's MOTG dress, & my grandma's dress for the wedding!! anyways, today i managed to finish my assigned readings for tax law, evidence law, & business law, tomorrow i can hopefully finish my health law readings & start revising my notes to make outlines!
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Coming soon.
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amanitacurses · 1 month
Hi! I'm very curious about all your AUs, especially which Links appear in each one. I'd love to request to see Links who haven't gotten any spotlight yet... Do you have a list for which Links show up in each AU so we can use it as a reference? I'm especially interested in Lost Woods but all of them sound intriguing! I love your little guys!
Oh boy this is gonna be long, so I'm actually going to put everything under a cut so people aren't scrolling forever:
AmaCurses: Wild, Sky, Twilight, Oracle, Wisdom, Ravio (Link), Minish, Mirror, Time, Wind, Spirit (& Terrako)
Lost Woods: Wild, Minish, Wisdom, Majora, Faer, Ravio (Link), Ravio ("V1"), Sacred, Wind, Spirit, Pict, Mirror, Time, Twilight, Sky, Oracle
Messenger of the Goddess: Sky, Pict, Minish, Faer, Time, Majora, Twilight, Red-Green-Blue-Vio-Shadow (Mirror), Sacred, Oracle, Ravio (Link), Ravio ("V1"), Wisdom, Wind, Spirit, Wild - and some others that are still being decided upon at current, so haven't really made it into the AU yet
Additional info: in AmaCurses, Oracle covers ALttP->Oracles, Minish covers Minish Cap->Four Swords, Mirror covers Four Swords Adventures, Time covers OoT & Majora's Mask; Lost Woods and Messenger of the Goddess, Minish and Pict are both (technically) from Minish cap as Pict is the "Hero of Men" said to predate Minish, Faer is Four Swords, Sacred is ALttP & Link's Awakening, and Oracle is the Oracles
Cheat Sheet for which Link belongs to which game: https://www.tumblr.com/amanitacurses/751917362526224385/by-unpopular-demand-my-list-of-links-sky
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thepixelblender · 2 years
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Various late night scribbles of the men picked off the street by the MoTG
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