#motherly voice
mothervega · 6 months
SSSOOOOOOOO i threw some auditions for the regretevadubs account on twitter since they had some open, ive never done voice acting before but i really wanna get into it as a hobby……… SO i tried out Scag and DrRetro. what do u guys think. are they okay…….. i just read out some of their voice lines eueheueheue
0:15 or 0:16 for DrRetro’s lines
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clown-eating-pig · 8 months
I really love gertrude robinson bc how often do you get an older woman character who just really sucks? She sacrifices ppl that trust her. She is so focused on keeping the world from ending that she completely doesn’t notice one of her assistants routinely torturing the others. She dismembered a guy. She does her job badly on purpose. She’s cunning and sneaky. She dares her murderous, immortality seeking boss to kill her. She gets murdered by her murderous, immortality seeking boss. She’s not particularly friendly. She somehow had access to plastic explosives. She’s a manipulator and a liar. She’s bound to the avatar of destruction. She helped a guy get rid of a pig by telling him to put it in conk crete. She is like the opposite of a sweet little grandma and that’s beautiful.
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
Wade can, in fact,
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handle allat
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shizunitis · 2 months
insecure binghe is canon and we should take advantage of that more send tweet
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sidetable-drawer · 10 months
Most fandoms misinterpreting characters completely drives me crazy and gets really annoying, but the one that legitimately makes me laugh is how there's quite a few members of the Invader Zim fandom who view Tallest Purple as "the nicer Tallest" or "the motherly one".
This is the same guy who had an Irken thrown out of the airlock for not remembering what Zim did during Operation Impending Doom I (not only that but the wrong guy was thrown out and Pur didn't care), had a smeet locked up for "knowing too much", and ordered the Comms Officer to blow up an ice cream truck for no reason. If anything, Purple might be even more violent than Red since he has absolutely no restraint whatsoever.
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jiangwanyeehaw · 9 months
I just wanna say that while we see very little of An Le in this week's episode he does look like the perfect partner for Qi Rong. Like ... that smile at the end of the episode? That sure was ... unique.
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hxroic-wxlls-rxborn · 3 months
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//Kohlri icons that I’m too lazy to edit? Perhaps.//
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The problem with Elementary was, while it was fun to see a Holmes adaptation that takes his addiction seriously, it forever stuck that version of Watson in a caretaker role. Joan really wasn't given enough characterization and never seemed to be able to catch up. I stand by my opinion that they should have made her a vet with a limp. At least some significant trauma would be a reason why she needs Holmes too, outside of his Incredible Intellect. Why she's an outsider too. It would have provided something warm and understanding to their dynamic outside of arguing and disappointment.
My second big gripe with it, is how the cast generally treated Holmes? Like, as the designated Freak and Boundary Violater, it seemed like the series thought that was justification to have every other character just show such extreme contempt towards him at the drop of a hat? Even yelling at him and talking to him in such a harsh manner I would consider it extremely inappropriate in a work environment. Even if Holmes was in the wrong, I would often feel like the reaction to whatever he did was also in the wrong, if not more so lol. Like, for instance there's a plotline in season 2 where Holmes asks Watson not to fuck his brother. Clarifying that his brother is a bad person, and he just doesn't really want her too because it's his brother. This is treated as insanely unreasonable on his part for absolutely no reason lmao. Why? I just really felt like This Holmes and Watson just don't like each other. Or rather that Watson just genuinely doesn't like Holmes and feels he is a burden on her life.
And a bit of minor one, but the wierd Insistence that Holmes is straight, straight straight straight, to the point of rubbing the audiences faces in it. Like, I'm not against necessarily changing characters' genders to make Sherlock Holmes a less male-centric story or whatever, but as a character who is widely interpreted as gay or ace, it was just very weird and unnecessary? Also the Holmes and Fem!Moriarty romance obsession thing got old sooooo fast.
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3-lavender · 2 years
Pep talk for myself
You have done hard things before Lavender. You can do it again. Don’t let those feelings and that voice scare you from not trying your best. You can do it. Jump in and don’t be scared. It’s okay if you fumble or trip or throw a bad ball. It’s okay. That’s why you just need to try your best, you’ll learn and get better. It’s just like everything else you’ve ever done and been super anxious about. It’s always worked out better when you ignored that voice and just let yourself be without worrying. This will work out like that too. Just be yourself. Your likable, you’re funny, you’re a good person, and most importantly, you work hard and don’t give up. You can do it. You can. You can do it, and you’re not going to let yourself hide in a corner feeling sick to your stomach. You’re going to feel sick to your stomach while trying your best. Because trying your best is the only way to get past those feelings. You’re going to smile and learn peoples names and yell for the ball when you’re open and you’re going to work hard. You’re going to be okay however this works out. I love you <3
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cammy-mcspammy · 1 year
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
when i feel that i turning from baby to sleepy baby i must go to sleep. it has come the time. i will go to sleep. bye.
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loving-delusions · 2 years
looks like someone was very much correct on what model they're gonna be using for Earth lmao
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caeloren · 2 years
just exercised supreme self control by putting my library books in the drop box instead of going in and checking out more
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motherednature · 2 years
if you don’t think this is mother nature with her unfinished creations, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what nature is capable of.
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00sgoth · 2 months
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↷ ☆ ✉️ [ @dead-blondie: ] a sleep deprived tatum has arrived to attempt to hitch a joint, and she has decided not to let up until she gets one. ( be nice, she's not herself when she hasn't got her beauty sleep )
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❛❛ no fucking way. ❜❜ her barging in and her request hadn't exactly been the most polite... but when did he really start giving a shit about manners? street pharmacists don't exactly get that privilege even if he did care —— and she didn't even wanna pay him ! ( granted, he doesn't exactly sell individual joints ) but she didn't want a baggie... so where was the harm in reaching into his personal stash and handing one over? there wasn't. they were both just being difficult.
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the filter of an unlit cigarette clung to the moisture and chapped skin of his lips, hanging on for dear life as he continued. ❛❛ not when you're acting like a total fuckin' brat. ❜❜ it wasn't the first word that came to his mind... but it was the one that was ultimately chosen. a hand moved to cup the end of the stick —— while the other began flicking at his lighter. flick flick flick ! it was finally lit on the third try. ❛❛ ever hear of the word please? especially when i'm not even getting anything out of it? ❜❜
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hxroic-wxlls-rxborn · 3 months
//Not Sinday, but://
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Some August Tiddie and Thighs for ya’ll.
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And bonus Broly’s mom tiddie. Blessed.
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