#mountain x aeon
v-ternus · 6 months
pebis 8=D
pebis you say? boy do i got a treat for you
// The new ghoul was certainly… something, and he’s sure clueless to what he does to a certain earth ghoul //
Corruption kink, praise, size kink (if you squint) and a nice handy in the common room for you to indulge in :)
Aeon loved his new pack, loved the way they took him and Aurora in so quickly. He especially loved the way they shared parts of themselves— Rain taught him how to swim, Cumulus and Cirrus spent a day watching the sky and clouds with him, showing him how you could tell storms were coming in. Probably the most nerve wracking of all, Dew showed him how to build up the campfires when they wanted to enjoy the cooler summer nights outdoors. Fires hurt, he had murmured when his hand got a little too close to the growing flames. He got to learn the word burn that day.
Besides the accidents with fires and forgetting that he can't breathe underwater, (thanks Rain), his favorite thing was what Mountain had to show him. 
He would’ve guessed that he’d show him the gardens around the abbey, or even take him for a walk through the forest that borders the land– something with his element, like the others had done. Instead, Mountain had led him into the common space one day and told him to get comfortable on the couch. He did as he was told, put himself down with his legs crossed under him and found a blanket to put down on his lap. Mountain was still in front of the TV when he heard a beep and quiet whirring. 
“It’s a console,” Mountain said, and Aeon could only give him a dumbfounded look. “This one’s a PS4, Swiss has an Xbox. You play videogames on them.” 
Aeon chirped, mumbled ok as Mountain started up Spiderman before handing him the controller. Mountain had shown him all the controls, taught him how to swing through New York and be the ‘friendly neighborhood Spiderman’.
Ever since that day, it's become their thing. Every Tuesday after they’ve finished their chores, they’ll play one of the handful of games that sit by the TV. Some days they pick a shooter, or maybe an RPG, sometimes even an old school player versus player. Whatever it is, Aeon always has fun, and Mountain always gets a kick out of watching his bug like eyes that stay trained on the colorful screen.
Today was no exception. Mountain already had Call of Duty started up as Aeon finished his work. 
“Zombies?” Aeon asked as he walked in and dumped himself onto the free space next to Mountain on the couch. Mountain didn't answer, didn't need to. He just picked the mode and handed Aeon his controller. Their afternoons were always easy like this, with little words spoken besides when they were deciding on a game. 
Besides the groaning undead and hellfire sounds of bullets and grenades, they were quiet, both lost in the world. 
Until they weren't. 
Between rounds, when no shots were echoing through the room, Aeon could hear it. 
Mountain’s little coughs, muffled groans and heavy breaths. 
“You ok Mount?” He asked before the next hoard of zombies came around, only giving a passing glance out of his peripheral. He should’ve known then, when Mountain took awhile to offer a noncommittal grunt. Yeah, —m good.
It only got worse from there. The earth ghoul seemed more and more restless with each round. He kept rearranging himself, tugging on his pants, stretching his legs. 
The new ghoul had had enough. He quit the game, quickly before Mountain could realize, set his controller on the table and turned to face him. 
“Come on,” he whined, drawing out the words like a child. “Tell me.”
Mountain sighed heavily as he set his controller down and rested his arms on his knees, hunching himself over the tent in his pants that’s been quickly growing ever since they started. 
He keeps his eyes trained to the floor, knowing that fully taking the little ghoul in would have him aching for friction. With a wave of his hand, he finally breaks the silence, “—m hard.”
He can feel Aeon’s questioning gaze on him, like it’s burning a hole through his body. The words are too slurred, mumbled dismissively. He knows Aeon didnt hear him, so much to his dismay, he repeats himself. 
“Im hard,” he says, clearly this time, finally finding the strength to look at Aeon— what a mistake. He takes in the sly tilt of his head, swallows up the look on his face. He can see the gears turning behind the soft lilac eyes that still feel like they’re staring daggers. 
“Hard.” Mountain mouths through gritted teeth, growing harder as the seconds go by. He’s sure he’d find a sticky mess right over his tip if he looked down. 
“An erection. Stiffy. A hard on, if you will.”
The words float in the air, heard, but not understood. Once Mountain realizes, shame washes over him. Mountain shouldn't be enjoying this the way he is. 
“What does it mean?” The innocence all but knocks the air out of his lungs, and so does the notion of explaining an erection. Where does he start? What words can describe it?
Oh yeah. It just happens because all I can think about is the way my fingers could touch if I grabbed you by the waist. My dick starts to ache when a sliver of your skin shows as you reach for something on the table. No biggie really. 
“It uhhhhh… happens when I'm attracted to someone.” Worst fucking choice of words ever. Literally anything else would’ve been better. But he’s thinking with his other head now, there’s no room for anything more coherent— what’s said is said. 
“Attracted?” Satan below this ghoul was going to kill him. He’s gotta be playing dumb, right?
“Yeah, attracted,” He tries to breathe, tries to put his urges to the side. “Means I like them.”
Aeon moves closer to Mountain, till his knees are pressed to his outer thigh. He sits back on his haunches and rests his hands palm side down on his legs. His excitement is palpable, Mountain can almost taste it. 
“Does that mean you like me?” His voice pitches up, animated and fun. Mountain can only nod. He should use his words, lie and tell him no, but he cant figure out why his tongue wont move. Regardless, the answer had Aeon sporting a wide grin, he’s got pride written across his features. Mountain likes me! His inner voice cheers. 
“Then I can help you, right?”
Oh the doe eyed innocence. Too kind for his own good. He shouldnt ruin him. Not like this. But he’s too sweet. Mountain has no choice, he cant help it. 
“Yeah, want me to show you how?” Aeon nods enthusiastically and Mountain finally relaxes and leans back onto the couch, spreading his legs just so. His problem is obvious now, pressed up tight against the seam of his boxers, pre leaking through and darkening the light wash of his jeans. Aching to have Aeon’s pretty hands wrapped around him. 
“I need help pulling it out bug,” he feigns incompetence as he stretches his arms over the arm and back of the couch. 
“Undo my pants for me,” he says gently. Aeon reaches over and gets to work, moving deft fingers over stiff denim. Its weird undoing pants from this angle, and Mountain is loving the struggle. 
“Pull my boxers down,” Obedient as the day he was summoned, Aeon follows. He hooks a finger under the waistband and slowly pulls down and out of the way, just enough for Mountain’s dick to spring out and curve against his stomach. The pre that smears onto his shirt is a problem for later. 
Mountain finally gives himself relief, wraps his hand around the base and holds gently. It's just enough to take the edge off. He looks at Aeon who’s fixed on the way his hand holds his cock. 
“Give me your hand little one,” he takes Aeon hand in his free hand and laces their fingers together, his hand almost covering Aeon’s entirely with the way its spread across the back. 
“Ready?” He asks, as if Aeon is the one that needs to be ready. Mountain thinks he might cum the second he brings their hands down. 
He was dangerously close to his prediction, the little warmth from his hand against his aching cock was better than he could have imagined. It had his stomach in knots faster than he’d like to admit. 
Stilling himself, he drags their hands along slowly, wanting to savor each touch, twisting over the ruddy tip that’s been leaking pre. 
“It’s sticky,” Aeon remarks the first time his fingers glide over Mountain’s slit. It’s cute really, the way he remarks so simply.  
“Yeah bug, it’s cause you’re making it feel really good.” A pit of guilt brews in Mountain’s gut, he shouldn't be doing this, not when the ghoul is so fresh, but it’s not his fault Aeon always eyes him up. It’s certainly not his fault the little ghoul has him chubbing up in his pants whenever he’s around. 
“I can do it on my own I think.” Aeon looks at Mountain with a slight smile, and Mountain answers by just taking his hands away. Wordless, easy, just like their regular Tuesday afternoons. 
He watches in awe as another slight hand wraps itself around him and strokes just as slow as before. Any other day he’d be upset with the teasing, but today? He’ll let the young ghoul do as he pleases, he is just learning after all.
Unknowing as he is, he’s doing well, very well. He knows how tight to squeeze, knows that Mountain loves to have mean fingers press into the spot right under the head, as if by magic. Maybe it is, he thinks, but Mountain sets that thought aside for later. 
He’s never fought this hard to not cum. He doesnt want it to be over, no matter how much he aches and throbs. The only things he lets free are the sweet sounds that are being drawn out of him. Aeon responds with hums, and before long, he’s purring, rumbling in his chest. 
“Do you like touching it, little one?” He studies the focused look on Aeon’s face. 
“I think so… I can feel it moving.” Moving, Mountain laughs, knowing his cock has been twitching in Aeon’s soft grip for what feels like hours. Each time he looks down, he feels himself throb with the way his hand barely covers half of his length. 
“It feels very good bug. You’re doing so well, being so helpful.” He chokes on the last syllable as Aeon thumbs at the slit, letting a string of pre stretch as he pulls away. There’s more now, slick dripping down onto his pants. He could practically hear everyone’s teasing if any of them came waltzing into the common room. 
Almost wetter than a water ghoul Mounty, all ‘cause the new ghoul has his hands on you.
Dirty Mountain, ruining our new summon like this. What would Papa think?”
Letting Aeon get you like this for all of us to see? Doesnt take much to undo you sprout. 
The thoughts get him too close to the edge, the fire growing in his gut burning too hot. He’s not going to last much longer at this rate. His eyes drift shut as he tries to pull himself back from plummeting to his finish. 
“Mount, why is it bigger?” 
Oh whatever peace he found is quickly washed away. Mountain peels his head off of the couch to look at Aeon, before letting his eyes drift down. 
“This…” Aeon’s voice trails off as he cups the base of Mountain’s cock where his knot is starting to form. “Bigger”
Fuck. It's not something he thought he’d ever have to say out loud. He’s not even at his fullest yet, and it's already filling Aeon’s hands. He tries to not think about how good it’ll feel when he squeezes it, but he can’t help but thrust up into the pressure that threatens to push him over the edge.
“Its my knot. Helps me stay inside, helps me stay close when I like someone.” The words arent perfect ,not by a longshot, they barely scratch the surface of what it is, but it seems good enough for Aeon who just hums as he keeps working his hands over Mountain's cock. 
“Would you like to knot me?” That’s it. 
“Someday little one,” he doesnt mean for it, but it comes out ragged, louder and harsher than before. He swears he sees worry, maybe even fear splash across Aeon’s face. He wears it so well. 
To hell with drawing this out, he thinks, he needs to finish. Desperately wanting to paint his spend on the fingers that hold him so tenderly, he finds the words to get Aeon just how he needs him.
“Help me with this first hmm?” Aeon nods as Mountain reaches for him and gets him to straddle his legs. He wraps his hands Aeon’s and fucks into their grip, twitching as Aeon squeezes on the down strokes. 
“Keep going just like that,”
“Watch it, watch how good you’re doing” He’s rambling and he doesnt care. He needs it now, worse than ever. He brings a hand up and cradles Aeon’s face, dragging his slick covered thumb across flush skin. He looks at him like he hung the stars. Mindlessly, he leans forward for a kiss, its soft and slow. He can tell Aeon doesnt know what to do, but it just makes it that much more enticing. 
“Put your hands around my knot little one, hold it nice and tight for me. Can you do that?” 
“I’ll try,” he mumbles against Mountain’s lips. His hands find their way around the growing base of Mountain’s dick and squeezes, just like he said. He watches as a hand keeps stroking, making wet noises as another pays special attention to the head, and before long, white ropes of Mountain’s cum coats their fingers and drips down his length
Mountain cums with a sharp breath. He’s sure he blacked out with the way his ears are ringing. As if by magic again, he can feel Aeon tightening and loosening his grip, milking him dry, making sure to get everything he has to give. 
“Good boy, Aeon” he says as he throws his head back, breathless and floaty, leaving the curve of his neck open to the ghoul in his lap. Curious, Aeon drags his tongue up the damp skin and groans at the taste of Mountain. If Mountain wasn't already sitting, the feeling would've had him dropping to the floor. 
“Can I taste it?” Aeon asks as he holds his messy fingers up between them, wet with pre and striped with cum. 
Mountain goes stupid and gives a quick grunt. Yes please, he practically screams the words in his head. He feels his dick pitifully try and fill out again as Aeon mouths at his fingers, sucking the cum off and taking in the heady taste of Mountain. 
Mountain watches as Aeon swallows him down.
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miasmaghoul · 10 months
since phantom apparently gets on his knees *a lot*, have you thought about him getting on his knees for mountain? how much smaller he'd look? how mount would be SO pleased with it??
It's not that Aeon is small, exactly.
He's...slight. Lanky like Rain, but narrow like Dew. Doesn't take up much space, visually speaking. Or physically. Not with the way he can bend and contort himself.
He can usually be found in the most awkward positions possible in the common room; scrunched up against the arm of a couch, or curled around himself like a pillbug in one of the armchairs. Not to isolate, it's just how he's comfy.
Mountain doesn't understand it. Has no idea how anyone could be comfortable wrapped up into a ball of their own limbs, not when something as simple as crossing his own legs can make him feel claustrophobic. He does find it endearing in Aeon though, a little quirk that he can bundle up and keep in a water-spotted mason jar in the back of his mind.
Aeon isn't exactly small, but he enjoys making himself look that way.
Between Mountain's legs, he looks the smallest.
It's been a while since Aeon knocked on his door, interrupting his thrilling evening activity of dozing off in front of the fireplace. Most of that time has been spent on his knees, though not in the way Mountain is used to.
The room is quiet, save for the crackle of dying logs and the dull rasp of horsehair on leather. Aeon's hardly spoken the whole time he's been working, now well on his way to getting Mountain's boots to a mirror shine. Mountain's fingers glide through Aeon's soft waves while he watches his shoulder work, blending the shock of brilliant white near his horn into a sea of black for something to do.
Aeon hasn't spoken a word since he cracked open his tin of polish. Hell, he'd barely explained himself in the first place, slotting himself between Mountain's knees and asking where his boots were. Mountain hadn't woken up quite enough yet to do more than gesture towards the closet.
He's awake now, though. Has been since Aeon shoved the awful things onto his feet and laced them tight. Mountain can't stand his uniform boots under normal circumstances; they cut him off from the song of the earth and their slight heels make his ass sore. They're relegated to the depths of the closet between tours, wearing them an inconvenience at best and a nuisance at worst.
And yet he'd let Aeon put them on him. Let the other ghoul brush them, scrub them, apply some sort of cream to them and start the cycle all over again. It's a process Mountain never bothered familiarizing himself with - Rain has always polished his boots for him - but seeing the meticulous way Aeon works is fascinating.
As is the not-small tent in his pants.
It's obvious with the way he's kneeling, legs tucked tight under him with the sole of Mountain's second boot on his thigh, just to the left of that flannel-covered bulge. The first has already been polished glossy, firelight reflected in its gleam. Aeon's posture is tight, strained, but his hands move with the same relaxed precision as they do on his guitar.
"You really like doing this, huh?"
Mountain rubs at the base of one horn and Aeon gasps through his nose. He nods slowly so as not to dislodge the hand on his scalp, but doesn't answer. It's a shame not to hear that shake Mountain knows will be in his voice, but it's graced his ears enough to be easily imagined.
Aeon looks up as he swipes his brush over the toe of the boot, leaves shine in its wake.
Mountain thinks his eyes shine brighter.
They're heavy lidded and blown nearly black, pupils ringed with shimmering violet. His long, dark lashes flutter over flushed cheeks, a light dusting of color painted over the bridge of his nose. Spit-slick lips sit parted, exposing just the tips of his fangs. He looks like he's been ravished despite the fact that Mountain hasn't so much as kissed him yet.
It's lovely.
"Pretty little thing," Mountain coos, dragging gentle knuckles along the hollow of Aeon's cheek. He sighs and leans into it, nuzzles the back of his hand like an affectionate cat. His tail supports that imagery, wrapped around Mountain's forearm and squeezing gently. "You almost done down there, moondrop?"
Aeon nods again, the pink tip of his tongue flicking out between his fangs as he refocuses. It's not that he's rushing the other ghoul to finish, but Mountain wants to hear his voice. Wants to know why, exactly, Aeon shuffled his way here in his pajamas with his leather care caddy and decided to give his boots the royal treatment.
Mountain scratches at his scalp, Aeon shivers, and a sweet little wet spot soaks into his flannels.
Mountain's own cock twitches against his thigh at the sight. He's remained mostly soft for the duration of this, despite the effect it's clearly having on the other ghoul, but the reveal of Aeon's lust-slacked face was enough to have him chubbing up. He rubs at the ridge of the head through his jeans, noting with a smirk the way Aeon's brushing hand stutters.
Mountain massages himself with a lazy hand, rests the other on Aeon's downturned face, caresses his cheek. Drags his thumb along a fang-swollen lip and makes a pleased sound at the way Aeon licks at the tip of it. Mountain stares at the other ghoul's clothed stiffy while he plays, watching it strain against the seam of his pants. He'd like to reach down and give it a good squeeze, but he resists. Wouldn't want to interrupt.
He sticks his thumb into Aeon's mouth instead, and the groan it earns him is well worth the silence he's endured.
The scratch of the brush stops soon enough. Aeon picks up a discarded chamois for one last bit of polish, a few swipes over the calf and along the zipper, finishing his self-imposed task with a pleased sigh. He doesn't move Mountain's foot, leaving it resting heavy on his thigh while he sets his supplies back in their places. Mountain watches him with a smile curling at the corners of his mouth - Aeon sucks at his thumb the whole time, drool slipping out around the invading digit to wet his hand.
"If I take this away," he murmurs, hooking his thumb behind Aeon's lower fangs, "will you tell me what's gotten into you?"
Mountain hooks a finger under his chin and drags Aeon's gaze upwards. He's flushed darker now, sweaty along his hairline, stunning eyes nearly closed. Mountain grips tighter, gives his head a shake, and he swears he can hear Aeon's brain rolling loose in his head.
He gurgles out an uh huh and Mountain chuckles, pulling his hand away. He wipes Aeon's drool off on the other ghoul's shirt and Aeon bites his lip, quivering hands sliding up to rest on Mountain's knees. They'd started shaking the moment he'd finished his work. Mountain watches his throat work as he swallows, still palming his head through rough denim.
At length, sounding drunk on something Mountain is intimately familiar with, Aeon speaks.
"Wanted to...for a while now," he murmurs, idly squeezing at Mountain's legs.
"Wanted to polish my boots?"
Aeon's eyes flick between the place Mountain works his cock and the shine of the leather. He chews his lips and nods again, narrow chest heaving more and more as the minutes pass.
"You don't take very good care of them," he chides, a surprisingly stern tilt to his voice. Mountain raises an eyebrow. "It's a shame," Aeon continues, tilting his head to further admire his work.
"Didn't realize you were such a stickler for uniform maintenance," Mountain teases, tapping Aeon's other leg with his toe. "I hardly wear the things anyway, I don't -"
"You should," Aeon interrupts, eager and a bit breathless. "They suit you." His slim hips move of their own accord, a quick, pointless little hump and Mountain could not possibly mistake for anything else.
"Is that so?"
Aeon nods, lithe fingers drifting from Mountain's knee to ghost over supple leather. He can see the pale reflection of the other ghoul's hand in it - he really did do an incredible job.
"They're hard to play in," Mountain complains, flexing his ankle. It pushes the sole of his boot into Aeon's thigh and the kneeling ghoul sucks air though his teeth. "Not flexible enough."
"Just gotta break 'em in," Aeon offers, and there's that shake Mountain wanted to hear. His smile morphs into something devious when Aeon shifts enough to spread his knees, looking up at him with frank desire. Couldn't be more obvious if he tried.
"And how would you suggest I do that, little star?"
Aeon sighs, grips his ankle, and guides Mountain's foot to rest against his crotch. He hisses, brow furrowing at the first hint of contact, and the ghoul leans forward to rest his cheek on Mountain's knee. He reaches an elegant hand up to fondle Mountain's visible tip, rubs it with two fingers, and with a groan Mountain presses the toe of his boot into Aeon's stiffness.
"Fuck, just like that," Aeon gasps, hips hitching forward immediately. "Don't hold back," he encourages, peering up at Mountain through those thick lashes, "treat me like your kick drum."
Aeon gives him a squeeze, and Mountain does.
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ethereal-maniac · 4 months
The Ghouls In Heat HC's
Non-Descript!Fem!Reader x Sodo, Swiss, Phantom, Aether, Rain, Mountain, Cirrus and Cumulus (seperate)
A/N: let me know if their's any triggers I missed 😅
❗️ CW ❗️: nsfw, breeding kink, light exhibitionist kink, dry humping, very horny Ghouls/Ghoulettes, knotting, talk of pregnancy, underwear sniffing, plugging, oral sex, masturbation, cock warming, primal kink, overprotective, posessive, marking, scenting, edging, perv behaviour?, overstimulation, brief mention of bondage.
Do not copy, translate or transfer (plagiarise) or take ‘inspiration’ from any of my fics.
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his body heat is insane when he's in his rut, cannot be under any blankets or they'll shrivel up with burns.
his needy-ness varies a lot more than the other ghouls during heat.
he tends to want to be holed up in his room with you, doesn't want you to move a muscle without telling him exactly what you're doing first.
he has such an intense urge to provide for you, he goes a bit insane and overprotective to the point where people aren't aloud to walk past his room in case Sodo attacks them.
mating press or doggy all day, he also won't object to some cowgirl/reverse cowgirl when he gets tired but still super horny.
he constantly has a knot or he's building up to one
wants to be smothered in your scent 24/7 so he takes all your clothes out of your closet and scatters them messily around the room
he will also encourage you to not wear any clothes, they'll only get in his way
just needs to touch you at all times, you have to peel him off of you and convince him for 5 minutes that you won't leave him forever when you go to use the bathroom.
sometimes he's crying/whining and scratching at the door if you take too long.
2 minutes feels like an eternity when he's away from you so be sure to give him some intensive cuddles and let him breed you all nice once you're done in the bathroom.
biting any accessible skin at all times.
horny motherfucker is even more horny if that's possible.
will rut against anything, your leg? the floor? his guitar? the wall? it's all covered in his cum.
loves to bend you over every object in sight, he doesn't care if it's in a public space as long as he gets to have you.
all he really wants is to hold you really close to him as he rolls his hips rhythmically against yours, catching you on his knot.
wants to feel like he's protecting you and his yet to be conceived kits.
loves to stare at his cocks outline pumping in and out of your stomach.
he fucking loves when you're loud, he will hunch over you just so he can hear your whines clearly.
like Sodo he wants to smell you all the time, he probably won't hole you up in his room but if you let him you best believe he will carry around a pair of your underwear that's coated in your arousal/cum.
he needs to be able to smell you at any time, what if it's an emergency? :(
sometimes his heat creeps up on him and hits before he's able to find you so he's just trying to get himself off as he writhes on the floor with your underwear pushed to his nose/mouth, waiting for you to find him.
you usually find him pretty quickly, he can't even stop tugging at his cock when he tries to explain to you through hooded eyes that he's began his heat and needs you if you're willing.
doesn't stop talking about how beautiful your kits will be.
especially when you're completely caught on his knot so he can't leave your pretty pussy until it goes down.
he will ask if you'd be comfortable with Sodo joining in on the fun ;)
poor baby is so confused when he wakes up from a nap to these overpowering hot flushes and doesn't understand why his cock's so painfully hard, pressed up against the mattress.
he try's to jerk off like usual but he doesn't understand why he just doesn't feel any satisfaction after cumming, if anything it makes him harder.
he goes completely off of his instincts, forgetting the conversation he had about heats with the other ghouls.
his brain is just like 'wanty/n, needy/n, wanty/n, needy/n' on a repeating loop so he's quick to wake you up.
he's only just able to utter out a few words of what's happening before he's pulling you flush against him and dry humping you erratically, moans of relief falling from his lips.
he'd be overjoyed if you let him get off on any part of your body.
he smothers you in kisses, trying to take you all in at once.
he's in heaven when he finally gets inside you, a long whine rumbling from deep in his chest, he almost cums on the spot at feeling you squeeze around him.
he loves mating press like most ghouls during heat, he also loves cowgirl and fucking you while spooning.
he cannot physically bring himself to ever leave you, wether he means leave your side or leaving your pussy, he'll whine like a bitch if you try.
he needs you to smell like him so expect a lot of scenting, he gets high off of smelling your arousal getting mixed with his.
he gets smoochy and smooshes against you like a cat.
so many 'i love you's' and general praising, he wants the first time he gets you pregnant to be special after all.
He has also gotten into the habit of kneading your breasts like a cat does with a blanket, anything to help your lactation even though you’re not even pregnant yet.
he's a lot more in control of his emotions unlike the others but he still feels its all just as intensely.
needs to just feel you in his arms a lot, likes seeing you caged safely between them when he fucks you.
he's quite sensual when fucking you but their's always that underlying desperation to it, his pace quickening slightly or his breaths getting impossibly more ragged.
his ideal day when he's in heat is being with you the whole day, no plans, continuously fucking and cuddling so he can look down at you at the end of the day asleep on his chest knowing your pussy is drowning in his cum.
it physically hurts his cock and his heart to picture his release spilling out of you, he hates the thought that the load currently spilling out of you could've been the one that got you pregnant
plugs are his saviour during this time.
he nuzzles closely to your stomach/thighs, minutes after his knot had popped inside of you, talking to your pussy as he plugs you gently while whispering little prayers to Him that this is the knot. this one will get you nice and round with his kits.
he naps a lot during heat, he's a big boy after all so he always asks if you'll let him fall asleep between your thighs.
a lot of the time this ends in his nose nudging/snuggling unconsciously against your clit all night or his tongue straight up lolling out of his mouth to try and taste your entrance through your underwear. (all of this happening when he's asleep)
just let him fuck a kit into you then get pussy drunk :(
oh my sweet water ghoul.
he likes to fuck in some form of water 90% of the time, wether that's the shallows of the abbeys lake, the bath or the shower.
he's already sensitive but being in the water just makes it double and he has so much stamina that he'll go for at least three rounds before he's shaking in your arms from overstimulation while still needing more.
he's always scenting you, it makes him feel so many emotions to bite into you while he's balls deep in you.
Also has a habit of licking you, specifically your neck and collar bone/shoulders
he feels closest to you when his knot's in you, he like to just cuddle while you cock warm his knot but he can easily be swayed to just fuck it into you until it pops.
he likes to make nests and will pamper you until you're ready to take him again.
Your little exhibitionist will try to palm himself or hump you in front anyone and everyone
don't be mad at him, his cock hurts so bad he just wants to cum :(
he adores finishing in you like all ghouls, but he also love to cum in your mouth and on your stomach 'right there my love, that's where our kit will grow'
will 1000% drag you out into the forrest during his rut.
he makes a proper nest and fights of any potential threats (those poor fireflies)
sleeps under the moonlight with his body safely curled around yours, his cock safely sheathed in you or between your thighs.
Needs to be close to you at all times or he’ll start growling and his nose/mouth will twitch and drool, showing off his fangs like a dog when it’s mad or territorial.
like Phantom, he also scents you a lot and rubs his whole body against yours.
He communicates in chitters and chirps a lot during his heat apart from the praises that are spoken in english or ghoulish.
you feel so good around him, sometimes he forgets what plane of existence he's on and confuses his languages.
he fucks you with PASSION, like a beast.
his only thoughts during his heat is 'need to make you feel good... i need to feel good... and i need you pregnant with my kit'
He’s affectionately primal when he fucks you.
Sort of animal like, lots of growls and grunts as he completely ruins you in the nest, won’t let you stray from his arms.
when his ruts over and you return to your ministry dorms covered in cum and dirt, you both take one or two more days off with each other to recover and check in.
he's very sweet and concerned after all his heats, he knows it can be intense on the receiving end ;)
She gets crazy dominant during her heats.
At first she lets you go about your day without question.
But you'd be a fool to think she'd not follow you around like an assassin, tracking your every move and pouncing on you when you least expect it.
She gets such a rush from seeing your shocked, flustered face beneath her.
Almost every heat consists of her roughly pegging you to the wall or floor so she can tease her knee between your thighs, licking long strips up your neck to then get up and leave you hot and bothered.
it's a cycle she'll repeat all day.
And then after said long day, she ties you to the bed and continues the process with more intensity.
She does make sure you cum though, once she feels temporarily satiated and you're sobbing with need.
Only then does she go down on you or rut into you with the biggest strap she owns, until you've passed out from overstimulation.
Oh and don't think she won't edge you in front of other ghouls or siblings of sin, even papas.
If they get too close she won't hesitate to show them how much you need her.
Her and only her.
She probably marks you more than any other Ghoul/Ghoulette, on your neck, cheek, breasts, stomach, thighs, legs, she wants it all.
She stays in her room during all of her ruts and refuses to leave, she won't make you stay with her, but she will be very grateful if you do.
Her heats aren't like the other ghouls in the sense of being insatiably horny and just needing to chase that release, for her, this time is about showing you how much she loves you and how much you mean to her by gentle yet lustful acts.
This time is about both of you, not just her need to get off.
She's extra sensitive during her heats so a firm thrust of your thigh against her core and your thumb brushing over her nipple is enough to make her squirm and crumble.
Or maybe you'll kiss her passionately, gently rub her clit in circles, then sit on her face and she's moaning into your core as she cums HARD.
She's especially vocal during this time, you have to know how good you're making her feel.
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workwithmeman · 4 months
Pairing - Mountain x Phantom, 1.4k words, mature/explicit
Tags: body worship, phantummy, phantom being a little shit, mountain being desperate, mountain finishing in like 9 seconds oops, first time writing smut sorry, not beta read
Mountain was going to lose his fucking mind.
He knew Phantom had always been pretty - from the moment he had tumbled out of the summoning circle, he was all pouty lips, angled face, and doe eyes. A little gangly and underfed, sure, but nothing that a little love and home cooked meals couldn’t fix. And he was sweet - Lord Below was he sweet. An adorable nativity paired with a penchant to please that drove Mountain insane with a need to fawn, dote on, and love the little ghoul. 
But now that they had gotten back from tour, things had only gotten worse for Mountain. Without the constant exercise of tour and the increase in lovingly prepared rich comfort foods of winter, Phantom had started to grow a little soft around the edges. What once was all prominent bones and sharp edges became gently curvy and cherubic, with softer thighs and arms and an ass that Mountain would love to bury his face in. 
But the kicker, the absolute killing blow to Mountain’s sanity, was Phantom’s fucking tummy. As he had softened, a little bit of that fat had migrated to his chest and stomach, creating the most adorable little pooch that Mountain wanted to kiss, lick, suck - anything that Phantom would allow him to. 
Sweet Satan, he was screwed. 
Mountain’s day started like normal, with him gently untangling himself from Phantom’s death grip on his body and shuffling to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. In the kitchen he found Dewdrop, holding a scalding cup of coffee and heating up the water for Mountain. He offered Mountain a sleepy smile.
“Hey big guy. Sleep alright?”
Mountain grunted in response, holding his cup out to Dew wordlessly.
“Understood,” Dew chuckled, pouring hot water in to Mountain’s teacup. “Phantom keep you up last night?”
“You could say that. Little bug is driving me crazy.” Mountain gently blew on his tea.
“Oh? What did he do now?” Dew leaned back against the counter, sipping his coffee. “More video games? Another documentary?”
“Satan, I wish. It’s just fucking him, Dew, I’m losing my mind. I just want to hold him and never let go.”
Dew laughed again. “Wow Mount, never thought I’d see the day someone made an honest woman out of you. It’s a good look.”
“Who’s making an honest woman out of Mountain?” Phantom’s sleepy voice called from down the hall. “I want to help.”
As Phantom appeared in the doorway, Mountain’s mouth went completely dry. In his bat boxer briefs and bat wing hoodie, Phantom looked good enough to eat. Mountain wanted to mark him, claim him, fuck him, break him, and then put him back together again. He wanted to grab him and steal him back to their room and spend hours eating the poor boy out until he cried. Fuck. Mountain needed to get his shit together. 
“Oh, um, hi bug. H-how did you sleep?” Mountain stammered. Phantom chuckled and walked over to him, tucking himself against Mountain’s chest and kicking up a gentle purr. 
“Like a rock. Your cuddles and your tea always make me go out like a light.” Phantom nuzzled against Mountain’s neck before pulling away to the cabinet where the tea was kept. 
As he stood on his tiptoes to reach his favorite box of tea, his hoodie rode up a little, revealing a sliver of dark purple belly, just sticking out a bit over his boxers. Mountain looked up from his sip of tea, only to spit it out all over Dew, coughing heavily.
“What the fuck, Mount, are you trying to infect me with your earth ghoul cooties? Fuck off with that shit,” Dew yelped. He looked down at himself, now covered with a healthy spray of earl grey. “Ah, shit. Now I have to change my fucking shirt.”
Dew walked out of the kitchen past a sheepish Mountain and a bewildered Phantom, yanking off his shirt as he went. 
“You alright there, Mounty? Everything OK?” Phantoms big purple eyes stared up at him, taking his breath away.
Mountain flushed up to his horns. “U-uh yeah, bug. Just choked a little bit. Sorry if I scared you.” Phantom rolled his eyes.
“Just glad you’re not dying, you big dummy. I love you too much to watch you choke to death on leaf water.”
Mountain smiled, tugging Phantom back into his chest. “I love you too, bug. I love you too.”
As their day progressed, Mountain slowly became more sure that Phantom was intentionally trying to drive him insane. The way he’d slowly bend over a laundry basket in front of Mountain and turn around and smile teasingly, the way he’d lift his sweater up over his head and make sure his t-shirt was stuck to it, the way he’d brush up against Mountain when they were working side by side. Mountain was ready to grab the little quint by the scruff of his neck and drag him back to their room to not be seen for at least a few days.
It all came to a head at movie night. The ghouls were all gathered in the common room watching some movie Dew and Aether liked, something with bombs and explosions and good special effects. Something Mountain could ignore for something sweeter. Namely, his lapful of quintessence ghoul.
Phantom was lounging against the earth ghoul’s torso, sitting between his legs. Every few minutes he’d shift ever so slightly, pressing back directly into Mountain’s dick. He stretched backwards, bringing his arms around Mountain’s shoulders and allowing his shirt to ride up as he nuzzled into Mountain’s neck.
Come on Mounty, hold me. I’m so cold. 
Mountain could hear Phantom’s voice echoing around his brain.
I know you’ve been staring. Come on, wrap those big arms around me. I can feel you, I can feel you’re hard. I know you want me, Mounty.
Mountain growled slightly into Phantom’s neck.
Don’t start something you can’t finish, little bug. I hope you know what you’re doing.
Phantom only chirped and ground harder back into the earth ghoul. He brought his mouth right up to Mountain’s ear.
“Please, Mounty. Take me back to our room, come on.”
Mountain growled, picking Phantom up and throwing him over his shoulder as Phantom squealed happily. As they walked out of the common room, a there were a few chuckles and groans from various members of the pack, but they mostly ignored the scene happening in front of them. 
Once they reached their shared room, Mountain tossed Phantom into the nest, yanking his shirt over his head. 
“You fucking tease. Whatever am I to do with you?” He crawled forwards, caging Phantom in on all sides. “Hope you don’t like this shirt too much, bug. You’re not getting it back.” 
In one swift motion, Mountain slashed the center of Phantom’s shirt open, revealing his delicate, plush purple skin. Mountain immediately latched onto Phantom’s neck, kissing, sucking and licking his way down the quint’s body until he reached his tummy. 
“Fucking harassing me all day, showing this cute little tummy off when you know I can’t handle it. Fucking drives me insane, bug, madness how gorgeous you are. Could stare for hours and never have enough.”
Phantom whined, squirming against the sheets. “Then why don’t yo-hah-do something more than just stare? Please Mounty, I need it. Touch me, please.”
“Oh princess, you’ve had more than enough touches for today. You always get what you want, hmm? It’s time for me to get something back.”
Mountain straddled Phantom’s calf, slowly starting to grind as he shoved his face back into his soft purple tummy.
“Fuck, bug, you’re perfect. Love how soft you are, how soft you’ve gotten. Love that you’re so strong now, so pretty. Such a pretty ghoul.” Mountain gasped, staring to hump Phantom’s leg more aggressively. He brought a hand down to Phantom’s straining cock, slowly beginning to jerk it. 
“You drive me crazy, baby, your cute little ass and your fucking thighs, love, wanna cover em with my marks. Wanna make sure everyone knows you’re mine. Wanna - ah! Wanna mate you, mark you, show everyone how much I fucking love you, need you, want you, ah-!”
Mountain finishes with a cry, spilling all over Phantom’s leg. Phantom follows shortly after, enamored with the scene of the earth ghoul falling apart. They lay together, panting, for a minute until Mountain crawls up Phantom’s body to kiss him. A comfortable silence falls over the pair.
“H-hey Mounty? Did you mean what you said? Do you want to be my mate?” Phantom asked nervously, tilting his chin up to look in to the earth ghouls eyes.
“With my whole heart, body, and soul, bug. If you want, whenever you want, wherever you want, I’m yours.”
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gottagho-st · 5 months
hiya darlings, next on the list of Phantom x The Pack being loving;
Mountain x Phantom
Phountain if you will 😌
i have lots of feelings about these guys thanks to my sweet @sexy-sea-basss who asked for these cuties to be next 🫶🫶🫶
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who do yall wanna see being cute and in love next? lemme know cause i cannot decide lol
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belle--ofthebrawl · 8 months
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Mountain/Aeon/Aether
Tags: Blowjobs, Anal Sex, Brief Voyeurism, Mind Magic
Summary: Mountain probably should have looked at his phone sooner.
Author's Note: This barely counts as today's Kinktober entry but there's still three hours left of Mountain Monday in my time zone, so. That's got to count for something. Not sure what though.
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ask-a-ghoul-kit · 3 months
I'm a ghoul kit.
252 years old (nearly grown up)
I have 3 elements: fire, water and quintessence
My mentors are Aether, Alpha, Omega, Rain and Dew. Sometimes Ifritt and Mist will join my lessons.
Me and @ask-phantom-ghoull are always up to mischiev 😈
I will answer all questions
You can ask me NSWF questions
Pls do not trauma dump at me
I was accidentaly summond
I'm currently "employed" in the ministry as an "breathing emotional support plushia"
I usually hang out with the band ghouls
// writer is in his early 20s
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chasesylvan · 5 months
Sleep Isn’t Your Only Friend
Rain had been getting ready for tour in his green room when one of the crew members shouted out that they had a 5 minute hold before the show started, Rain sat down on a chair in his room and had a little think about what had been happening on tour, they had been touring with this band, he thinks they’re called, Sleep Token, which consisted of a singer, a bassist, a guitarist, a drummer, and 3 female backup singers. This had been great for them as sadly, Mountain and Copia had to retire from this tour due to urgent and unavoidable family matters, so they had just decided to let the drummer and singer from their touring partners take over for them until they were ready to come back for the new tour.
Rain had walked out of his green room and saw the other bassist walk out of his as well, he must have heard him because he turned back and gave a smile through his black and white mask, Rain gave a forced smile, starting to not like this other bassist. The water ghoul will admit, he had troubles with jealousy and he knew it, he was walking down the hall that contained everyone’s green room, each marked with their name, until he got to who he assumed was the other bassist’s green room, the door marked with the engraving of ‘III’, ah, so that’s the bassist’s name, ‘III’, Rain thought to himself. He continued the walk down to the entrance that opened up into the stage, he peeked out behind the curtains slightly to see all the people that had shown up for the collaboration, Rain didn’t get nervous anymore, he stopped having the jitters around his 5th or 6th show, he can’t remember.
But what he did know, was the presence behind him, he could smell who it was and it stunk, he turned around to find the other bassist, III, staring at him through his black and white mask, “Hey, man, I’m III, it’s great to finally meet you.” He stuck his hand out for the water ghoul to shake it, who hesitated at first, but dryly shook his hand. “You nervous?” Rain asked, sensing the other’s nervousness and anxiety, “U-Uh a little bit, never performed in front of a crowd this huge before.” III responded in a nervous tone, the water ghoul slowly but discreetly rolled his eyes so the other man couldn’t notice.
“You’ll be fine, you have a mask on like the rest of us, you’ll be fine, besides, aren’t you guys also performing some of your songs?” Rain was a tad curious to know what songs they had chosen to perform, before the tour had been agreed with by Ghost and Sleep Token, they were required to learn and practice all of Sleep Token’s music before the tour had been agreed on. Even though Rain knew how to play them all, he wasn’t informed on what songs they had chosen to perform, they were allowed 4 songs, and the same to Ghost, they were allowed 4 songs. Ghost had chosen Rats, Kaisarion, Year Zero and Square Hammer to perform.
III thought about it for a second, putting his finger on his chin and on his hip and doing that foot thing where he puts more weight on one foot than the other. Rain couldn’t help the pooling of weird arousal in his abdomen, he kicked that to the back of his mind, no way in Hell would he fall in love with a bassist who he has barely met and quite frankly he doesn’t like. “I believe the songs we’re performing together are… The Summoning, Sugar, Ascensionism and The Offering.” Rain knew too well those songs, The Offering being his favourite song to play on bass. But he was not about to admit that to someone he barely knows.
The crew member from earlier shouted from somewhere down the hall, “It’s show time, people! And… ghouls.” “Alright, showtime, man, hey, good luck.” III said to the water ghoul, “Thanks.” He said dryly. They walked towards where the curtain was draped over the stage and got into their position, hearing Imperium play as they got ready for the Ritual to begin. III was over near Dew and Aurora’s place on the stage, but not too close to them. He gave the other bassist a friendly nod, but Rain just looked away from him, the other bassist didn’t take any offence from this, as he was merely getting under the water ghoul’s skin, which Rain wasn’t aware of yet. Imperium ended and Ghost started playing Kairsarion, with Vessel and II replacing Copia and Mountain, everything was going well, Dew and IV seeming to be messing around with each other, IV was the guitarist who he hadn’t gotten a chance to meet yet. Kaisarion had ended and it was time for Sleep Token’s first song of the Ritual; The Summoning. It had started and Rain was dancing around, getting the audiences’ attention when he could sense a presence and turned around to find the other bassist standing behind him, giving him a smile through his thin but thick mask, Rain gave a disgusted look, but thankfully due to his big and heavy mask, III didn’t take note of it, instead giving the water ghoul a soft pat on his crotch, which sent waves of heat travelling down Rain’s body to his toes. This guy is trying to kill me, help me Satan.
The Summoning ended and it was time for Ghost’s second song of the show, which was Rats, Rain was still trying to comprehend what happened on stage, he’d lecture the other bassist about it after the show ended, but he just stuck to Swiss’ side of the stage, being silly with the multi ghoul, and occasionally hopping around near the ghoulettes’ areas. At the end of Rats, he caught III’s gaze from the other side of the stage, and he swears to Hell he caught III winking at him. After the last 5 songs went well, III and Rain only exchanging glances and pats on the shoulder here and there, the show went good.
Sorrow in the Wind started playing, and because Sleep Token don’t usually stay around to hand out picks or drumsticks, this was new to them, them all watching the ghouls and ghoulettes walking around stage, messing around with each other, handing out picks and drumsticks to the audience. II decided to run up to Mountain’s drum kit to find a new packet of drumsticks sitting next to the drums, he picked a couple out and walked back down to the stage and threw some out to the crowd, who were yelling a bunch of “I LOVE YOU GUYS” and “THIS WAS THE BEST SHOW OF MY LIFE” and honestly, II could just cry right then and there, he walked over to one of the ghouls, Phantom, and gave him a hug, who immediately hugged him back and he could faintly hear Phantom whisper in his ear, “I’m proud of you, you did so well tonight,” And that’s when the waterworks started, II started sobbing and held his hands up to his face to hide the tears, “Aw baby, don’t cry,” Phantom grabbed the smaller man and held him in his arms, the drummer said through tears and sobs, “I’ve n-never played in front of a crowd this big and supporting before, i-it’s just a lot to t-take in,” II sniffled and basically threw himself into the taller ghoul’s arms, who happily held and swayed him side to side.
The show ended by them standing near the stairs, bowing to all the audience members then leaving to go back through the hallways to the green rooms, everyone had gone to their green rooms, and as III was walking to his, someone grabbed him by the arms, turned him around and pinned him against the wall near his green room, he looked to see that it was Rain, “What the fuck was that out there?! Huh? Patting my dick and patting my shoulder?” Rain wasn’t yelling, but it definitely wasn’t a quiet tone, III was just standing there, and brought his arms up and started holding Rain by the waist, this caused Rain to startle and shove his arms off, “The fuck are you doing?!” Rain was seriously not impressed by this behaviour, until III grabbed Rain by the neck and smashed his lips against his, Rain not pulling away. The water ghoul putting his hands on the other bassist’s chest, the kiss started turning dirty as they both fought for dominance. III pulled back from the kiss, smirked and said, “I knew you had a knack for me,” The water ghoul looked at the taller man and was speechless, III took this chance to sneakily smack him in the crotch, causing Rain to double over, “What was that for?” The ghoul responded in a croaky and in pain tone, grasping his dick
and groaning, III just laughed and walked off, leaving Rain horny, in pain and confused.
Rain slowly walked back to his green room, still in pain from the abuse to his crotch, he opened the door with his name engraved on and sat down on the couch in the room and his mind wandered back to the moment that just happened. Why the fuck would he do that? Rain thought to himself, still horny from the treatment he just received. He ignored his boner, not in the mood to finish himself off, and decided to get changed into nicer looking clothes as they all decided to have dinner in a big place that Vessel and II somehow managed to hire, but the ghouls weren’t complaining, III said he needed the bathroom so he left to go find one while the rest of them found a place to sit, the spare seat, coincidentally, being next to Rain. III had returned after about 15 minutes, taking the spare seat next to Rain, they had been eating until Rain felt a hand on his thigh, he looked next to him to find III eating his food like nothing was happening.
His hand started inching more and more up his thigh, till it stopped right near his crotch, Rain was shaking at this point, slightly not wanting this, but also allowing it to happen, that is until the hand cupped his dick, which he shook, causing a few curious eyes to dart over, “Are you alright, Rainy?” Phantom asked the slightly shaking water ghoul, “M fine, Mount, was just a fly and it scared me,” he grabbed the hand on his cock and shoved it off, but it was back mere seconds later, to which Rain at this point, was just allowing the hand to explore, III caressing his inner thigh. Rain unexpectedly got up from the table, causing III’s hand to dart back to his own lap, and he walked out of the building to sit down on the stairs for a minute, III following after him a few minutes later, everybody at the table trying to guess and understand what just happened.
III walked down the stairs and sat on them next to Rain, “Hey, I’m sorry for back there, I should’ve asked you and it was wrong to do without your consent.” III said to the water ghoul, Rain looked at him, sighed and put his head on his shoulder, “It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong, I���m the one who should be sorry from the start, I thought you were just trying to get into everyone’s pants and to be the “goody two shoes bassist”, I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge, I’m sorry, III.” III kissed Rain’s temple and put his arm around his shoulder, “No you’re fine, you’re allowed to have judgements, I was just trying to get comfortable with everyone and also get accustomed to the large crowd.”
“Because see, we barely get big audience, whereas you guys have massive crowds, so when Ves informed us that we were gonna be touring together, I was shitting myself,”
III scooted closer to the water ghoul and sat his head on the other bassist’s head, sighed and continued, “But I knew I had to be strong and look like the overly confident bassist with no worries, but that wasn’t gonna happen, so when we did the show, I started to get more comfortable around everyone, mostly you, because you seemed really cool.” III remembered what happened on stage that he’s gonna apologise for as well, “I want to also say how sorry I am for what I did to you on stage and after the show, it was totally wrong of me and I should have asked if you were ok with it before I went along and did it.” Rain peeked his head up from the taller man’s shoulders to press a chaste kiss on his lips. III cupped Rain’s cheeks to give him a proper soft kiss, and pulled back after, needing air, he knocked their foreheads together and they both let out breathy giggles.
“I wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with you tonight, if it means I get to see that beautiful blue body of yours.” III smirked at his own comment, which made the water ghoul blush like a blueberry.
“I wouldn’t mind that either.”
They had walked back to their hotel rooms after texting everybody that they felt unwell and would end their night early.
Fast forward to the end of “their special night.”
III was panting, “Rain, you were amazing, so soft, loving. I don’t think I have ever had more amazing sex than that with anyone, not even IV, shhh don’t tell him that.” III giggled a little, he was only kidding, not wanting to hurt his other boyfriends’ feelings, their relationship was open and so they were comfortable with each other hooking up with the members of Ghost.
“I enjoyed that as well, III.”
Their night ended by them laying back down, Rain in III’s arms, feeling safe and loved, and fell asleep peacefully to the rhythmic beat of the taller man’s heart in his ears. This was probably the best and most wonderful tour of his career with Ghost.
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fan-therapy · 10 months
mentally ill ghouls. i don't make the rules
these are all disorders i have so YES i am projecting. YES this is just to comfort me. REBLOG WITH YOUR MENTALLY ILL/DISABLED GHOUL HEADCANNONS I WANNA SEE!!!
Rain- GAD/Generalized Anxiety Disorder- i feel like he worries, but not in the social anxiety way. he's quiet but not in the social anxiety way. like he just thinks everything is gonna go wrong. poor bby probably suffers from panic attacks!!! also, i think he would be the type to start skin picking/nail biting/etc without noticing, and once he does notice, he can't stop thinking about it. now his brain wants to think about it!!!!!
Mountain- Sad/Social Anxiety Disorder- OPPOSITE OF RAIN. That's why he stays hidden behind his lil drum set. he doesn't need to be seen back there and that's what he wants!! he likes to few specific people and that's it. not naming names but his people are Rain, Copia, and all of the ghoulettes. they're just peaceful and help him feel better and think things out!
Phantom- ADHD/ Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- i am RIGHT and if you disagree no you don't. he experiences executive dysfunction a lot and it really upsets him! he just wants to do things normally! he also always does that thing where someone asks/says something and he goes "what" but when they start to repeat themselves, he realizes what they're saying. he has slow processing like that (like me frfr). he subconsciously fidgets because he got so used to doing it that he doesn't realize what he's doing. like Rain!!! the ghoulettes let him do their hair 'cause he always needs to keep his hands busy so he doesn't skin pick etc etc etc
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viniche · 5 months
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Ghoul sketches are back!!! Here we have Swiss x Rain chillin', Dew in cool pants, super soft Cumulus (favourite of mine) & winter Mountain x Phantom/Aeon
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deathbxnny · 13 hours
So we know that Boothill had a daughter but what is he had a S/O that also was killed but their consciousness was put into a robotic body(?) and they work for the IPC. Not having any memory of what the IPC did to their family and they meet Boothill again after a long time. Maybe they didn’t even recognize Boothill. Just angst.
ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ congratulations on 1000!!!
Oooh, I really love this request, Anon!! I've been craving something angsty and tragic, so I hope you'll like this and thank you for the request!!<33
Content: Reader is similar to the Androids from "Detroit: Become human", spoilers to Boothills past!!, past romantic relationship, heavy angst, hurt/no comfort, swearing, reader kind of is hinted to have a southern sounding accent, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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"You promised your next life to me." (Boothill x Gn!Reader)
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"That was close-" "-Too close! I told ya not to shut the gates too hard! The damned hens nearly got us killed when they woke up!" A young Boothill hissed to you, although there was no malice in his voice, only a playful tune of amusement. You grinned, biting into one of the apples you had stolen. "But we're alive right now, aren't we?"
The sun was slowly peeking out from beyond the mountains, painting the skies above you in soft blues, pinks, and oranges. You leaned against the tree you were both hiding in, trying your best not to fall out of it or make too much noise, lest the swearing and enraged farmer nearby heard you. It was just supposed to be a little early morning fun, in which you both hopped your neighbors fence to get some of his freshly harvested apples.
Some may call it stealing, but you often liked to call it "borrowing". Served the old man right anyway. He always sold them for too high of a price at the market!
"God damn you, brats! Once I get my hands on you, you'll never think of crossing my damned fields again!" The farmer yelled, loading his shot gun, before he seemed to trip over the pots you had accidentally run into on your way to the tree. Both of you snorted at the cursing intensifying, your hands pressing against your mouths to weakly muffle the laughs that threaten to bubble out of you.
A door creaked open in the distance, the disgruntled old wife hobbling out in annoyance. "RANDY! WHAT ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH ARE YOU DOIN'? IT'S NEARLY 5 AM!" She yelled, the farmer quick to scramble up and pull on his hat with a gulp. "Those damned kids are back!-" "-I don't care! Get your ass back in here, or so may the Aeons help me!" The man only reluctantly did as told, trudging back inside in sizzling rage, yet decided that for today, the little rats could escape him just one more time again. He'll get them next time.
You two waited for a while after the door slammed shut before you finally let out a relieved giggle. "That's what he gets! Old man Mr. Roger had it, comin'!" You slid down the tree, skillfully landing on your feet, before you ran towards the cornfield you came from. "Let's get back to the horses!" You called out behind you, making the young boy follow after you quickly, albeit slower due to being the one carrying most of your "borrowed" goods. You had always been the braver one. The one with the most energy and the most strength to do things. He looked up to you in moments like these, nearly admiring you when you jumped over the fence with no difficulty. He struggled alot more than you did before he too finally reached your horses on the otherside.
"That was really fun..." Boothill trailed off as he helped you load up your half of the apples onto your mare, that was attempting to take one for herself. You hummed in agreement, thanking him right after whilst he helped you onto your saddle. "It's always fun when you're with me." You commented with a shrug, not understanding the weight of your kind words that made his heart beat faster. You rode next to eachother in silence for a while, your eyes glued on the sunset before you, and yet the boy found you more interesting to look at. He bit his lip nervously when the sun hit your eyes just right, making them glow.
"I'm gonna hit the bed the second I'm home... but we'll meet later today again, okay? See ya!" It wasn't a request in Boothills' mind. No, it was simply a natural demand, a requirement to be there, to see you. He watched you ride on the opposite path back to your home, wondering when he too could be braver than you and spill the words that were on his mind for his best friend.
That was one of the only memories of Boothills childhood with you that he could remember anymore now. It was odd to think that you two were once nothing more than little troublemakers ridding through the early morning hours together. Only years later however, you'd see eachother every day through marriage.
Your home was a small cottage near the oceanside, miles of fields and meadows surrounding it, in the distance, unexplored forests and mountains. It was your idea to move there as it was still close to his family, and he couldn't have been more grateful. Especially with the small bundle of joy he one day found whilst he was out checking on the cattle during a strong thunderstorm. You were resting at home that night, your fingers moving quickly as they crocheted a blanket you had been working on for a while, ears strained to listen to the music over the static that played through the radio. The fireplace was warm, eyes beginning to drop shut from the exhaustion of a busy day on the farm, when suddenly the front door creaked open and in came your husband, soaked to the bone.
You sat up, watching carefully as he set down his dripping hat and pulled off his boots with one hand clumsily, the other tightly wrapped around something you couldn't see from the dimness of the room. "Come here, honey. Look what a sweet little thing I've found out there." He chuckled gently, holding out the wrapped bundle to you, whilst he pulled away some of the cloth to show the face of a small, sleeping infant. You gasped in surprise, eyes widening, as you were quick to take her out of the wet cloths and wrap her into your own warm arms. "Oh she really is so little!" You whispered in awe, and Boothill could see the love you had for what would soon become your adoptive daughter from the start.
She was your everything ever since that fateful night, you two lovingly calling her "Lavender" after the fields her father had found her in. She was a lively, easy child, so loving and sweet, that your heart couldn't help but be filled with her the moment you met her. Boothill found alot of purpose in raising her with you, often times taking her on horse rides around the land he owned, or taking her out to fish, whilst you taught her how to garden and crochet things herself.
You and Lavender were his sweethearts, his everything. All that Boothill lived for... until eventually, you weren't.
The day came in which the devil's from above, also calling themselves members of the "IPC" came down to slaughter you all senselessly. No one survived, no one but Boothill. Your daughter was dead instantly, her small daughter hidden under the heavy rubble, never having stood a chance against the bombs.
He could never forget the relief he felt when he found you, even if it was short-lived. You were fatally injured, breath labored and short, as you tried to hold on for just a moment longer. His arms wrapped around you, tears in eyes when he saw the fear for the first time in yours. No amount of bravery could save you now. "(Y/N)... you... please, you can't die." He chocked out, unable to comprehend the agony he was in. Yet you couldn't hear him over the ringing in your ears, your hand reaching up to grasp his shirt tightly with all the strength you had left. "I'll... I'll find you. I swear I will. In my next life. I promise... I..." Your arm dropped, the fear relaxing into nothing, as your breathing came to an end, the only thing left being the crackling of flames around you.
"Mr. Boothill? Are you... alright?" Dan Heng awkwardly nudged the now Cyborg man, his head tilting in confusion. Aventurine raised a brow, his arms crossing as his gaze met your rather unamused one in thought. "My... he only seemed to malfunction once you arrived, (Y/N)!" He grinned teasingly, making you roll your eyes and cross your arms. "Can we please continue? You claimed we didn't have any time to waste." The blonde raised his arms in faux surrender, knowing he shouldn't bother you any more than summoning you here has.
A high-profile IPC android like you surely had better things to do after all than to deal with a failing country, but here you were.
Boothill, meanwhile, blinked a couple of times, his head hurting and throbbing in agonizing pain. Just how was this possible? Just how were you alive?
Why did you not recognize him?
"... I... sorry, they look really familiar." He said, trying to compose himself when you gave him a sharp, uninterested look. Your eyes always held so much kindness for everyone. How could you forget even that? Pulling down his hat to cover his eyes, he sighed and shook his head. He supposed both of you had changed beyond recognition in one way or another.
"Anyways... let's get goin'... that nice, wing-headed Mister ain't gonna go down on his own..." He continued, trailing off for a moment, before he simply turned and left to fulfill his part of the plan. He heard you scoff lightly, obviously unamused by whatever seemed to have angered you so much before coming here.
His soul ached for you in ways he couldn't ever utter out loud again. And whilst you did keep your promise of seeing him again, this is not the life or the way he had preferred.
At least you weren't a liar, he supposed bitterly with a cold chuckle.
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Alrightyy... I finally found the time to write this, and I'm unsure how I like it... BUT it's done, and I hope it was okay for you, Anon!! Thank you again for the request!!<33
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v-ternus · 8 months
where the delicate stops
Day 13+14 of Kinktober- Size and Magic
[prompts courtesy of the lovely @kroas-adtam ]
thank you to @ghoultrifle for your absolutely nasty, filthy help on this. (i hope it lives up to the hype)
Explicit | Mountain and Aeon
Summary: Aeon didn't come for slow. He didn't come for sweet. But Mountain seems intent on giving him it anyway.
warning: dubcon (the magic use)
below for your consumption :)
“Fuck me already.” He barks, tilting his head to the side and marveling at the cold fabric against his heated skin. Mountain insisted on prepping him properly, so here he lays, sprawled on his back with Mountain between his legs, the scent of evergreen washing over him and a finger barely two knuckles deep in his achingly empty hole. 
“It’ll hurt bug,” Mountain says softly as he drags a rough hand along Aeon’s flank. He’s big, in every department, and he knows it. He’s been around the block enough times to know how to make the stretch feel good– and it has to start here. He’ll drag his warm tongue against intimate skin, nipping at thighs and sensitive muscles. He could spend hours working his fingers in, petting at soft walls that clench tight when he drags against a certain spot. Time never matters, not to him, not in these moments, as long as someone ends up tied tight around his knot. He’ll give them as long as they need.
His cock hangs heavy between his strong thighs at the thought.  
“Wait a little bit more Aeon,” He says as he presses a second finger in. There’s a reverence to his words, a sense of caring worship, and Aeon wants none of it. Should’ve gone to Dew, he thinks to himself, should’ve gotten the ghoul angry.
He rolls his hips, grinding himself further onto Mountain’s fingers. He feels the pad of a third finger press in next to the first two, and his brain all but shuts off. The slightest burn from the stretch has pre welling up on the tip of his neglected cock, dripping onto his happy trail, making a mess. If he needed Mountain to hurry up earlier, he needs him to move at light speed now. He wants more, needs more. He’s desperate. 
Mountain must sense his impatience growing into frustration. 
“—Dont want to break you.” The large ghoul says, and something in Aeon snaps. He isnt usually troubled by his size. Sure, he’s built on the smaller end of things, slimmer, a little shorter than most ghouls— he’s never cared. But tonight? Mountain’s words make wrath burn hot in his chest. He’s not fragile. Not delicate. 
A quick hand moves to wrap around Mountain’s wrist, around the hand that's been teasing him all night. He pulls the hand out and groans at the loss. Temporary, he reminds himself.  A confused look sprouts on Mountain’s face, but Aeon doesnt let it stay for long. 
A tingling static blooms in Mountain’s palm. It wraps around his nerves and crawls up through his arm, over his shoulder, until it wraps around his neck, tightening around the base of his skull. It all happens so quickly, leaving him no time to get out of Aeon’s grip before they’re flipped, with Mountain flat on his back and Aeon straddling his hips– with how angry Aeon is, Mountain feels as light as a feather. 
If there wasnt a tinge of fear coursing through Mountain, he might chuckle at what this looks like– him pinned under a ghoul who can just barely spread his thighs wide enough to set himself on his lap. 
Mountain isnt used to Aeon’s magic, the numbness, and the way it creeps across every fiber of his being. It isnt quite Aether, tender and warm, and it isn't like Omega, calculated, weaving in exactly where it's needed. Aeon’s magic is wild. Stronger. Unpredictable. His heart rate quickens.
“I told you to get on with it,” Aeon drops his hips, just enough to slot his cock next to Mountain’s, and Satan below he’s never been more sheepish about his size. He knows he’s well endowed– that’s been made fact by Rain choking on him after a few really good rituals. But compared to Mountain, his cock is still a good two inches shorter.
He can barely fit his hand around when he reaches to hold them together. He uses his free hand to glide over the ruddy head of his cock before smearing the slick onto Mountain. He fucks into his straining grip, feeling Mountain throb where they’re pressed together. 
“Should’ve listened big man.” he scolds, dragging his fingertips over the head of Mountain’s cock that’s so red it's almost purple. Mountain tries to groan, to make any noise, but it's just so hard. It’s like he’s forgotten how. 
Aeon watches the light purple streaks swirling through Mountain’s glassy eyes and knows his magic has settled in fully. He knows he’s got him right where he wants him– dulled in all the right ways and putty in his hands, ready to be molded into the perfect fuck toy. 
“Gonna show you how to fuck me right,” he says as he rocks up on his knees, lining Mountain’s cock up with his tight ring. He takes a deep breath and holds it as he sinks down. A deep groan leaves his lips, followed by a drawn out ‘fuckkkkkkkk’. He remembers then, of just how big Mountain feels. He hisses, spearing himself on the generous girth. He works himself down inch by stretching inch and doesn't quit till his ass settles on Mountain’s hips. He breathes through the sensations, lost in how he’s so full he thinks it’ll kill him. 
It’s what he’s been waiting for all night. 
“Gonna fuck myself on your pretty cock Mount,” he starts a lazy pace, enjoying the way his body rushes to fit around Mountain. “Can’t believe you needed my magic to make me feel like this.”
“I’ll look for one of the older ghouls next time, maybe Omega. Or even Alpha. Anyone who’ll fill me when I ask.” Mountain tries to speak but his tongue is heavy, useless in his mouth. The way Aeon has him, he cant do anything but sit back and watch as he’s taken apart. He keeps his eyes trained to where Aeon is stretched around him– he wants to reach out and touch, run his thumb against the stretched out rim. 
Aeon slams himself down and it feels like the world has knocked the breath out of him- he swears he can feel Mountain in his throat at this point. 
Aeon leans back, planting his hands on the tops of Mountain’s thick thighs, barely covering the muscle as he puts himself on display. The new angle bounces his cock against his stomach, and Mountain’s eyes move to watch. He works his sight over the expanse of the ghoul, he marvels at the lines of his body, the slight hint of muscle on his chest, the rise and fall of his ribs with his breath, the lithe torso, and oh–. 
Just under Aeon’s belly button, a foreign bump pokes through, rising and falling in sync with his bounces– him. 
Mountain manages to mewl, loving how he fills him so well, but powerless to touch, to feel. Mountain can't press a hand down and feel each stroke move through him. He could cry, and with the way he’s choking on his breath, he thinks he just might. 
Aeon, sensing distress, decides to dig his fingers in even more, sending more of his magic into Mountain. This time, it burns, carves him from the inside out, etches into his bones. It borders on too much. His skin starts to feel itchy, like he’s meant to grow out of it. Tears pool in the corners of his eyes. 
“Can you see yourself in there?” It's a teasing question, he knows Mountain can't answer, but his cock kicks, his own silent form of yes. Mountain’s distress only gets him harder. Aeon’s hand drifts to press down on the bulge, making himself whine, high and reedy.  
“Wish you’d just given it to me like this,” Aeon settles, knees aching from the insistent bouncing. He rolls his hips instead, somehow working himself further and further onto Mountain’s length each time, feeling that familiar bump at the base grow with each passing moment. 
Each slick glide around his cock has Mountain’s brain melting out of his ears. His eyes go frantic, blinking and shifting at random patterns. His mind screams for release, a repeating mantra of ‘Please, I need to cum. –m sorry, please” echoing in his head.
Aeon can hear him of course, he’s known everything in Mountain’s head since he first doped him up, but his pleading makes no difference. Aeon is only going to let him cum for his own pleasure. 
“Gonna get myself stuck on your knot Mount,” He reaches his other hand forward and wraps his sly fingers around his cock. He’s nice and slick, timing each roll of his hips with a stroke of his hand and it has him right on the edge. The muscles in Mountain’s stomach tighten, fire ripping through his body. Aeon grips around his own full knot and it's all he needs to slam himself onto Mountain’s. 
Milky white ropes shoot over Mountain’s skin, nestling into his happy trail, filling his navel. Aeon thumbs at the space right under the head, milking himself dry but still barely coating the ghoul beneath him.
Mountain thinks he blacked out. He must’ve. Cause now, Aeon lays prone on his chest, spreading the sticky mess of his spend between them and pressing his cock into the softness of his stomach. He’s still lazily grinding his hips, tugging on Mountain’s knot each time, clenching around his sensitive cock. He can't push him off, can't get him to stop, and it's too much. The tears that he’s managed to hold back finally fall. 
Aeon gives a pleased hum against his chest, placing a quick kiss to the flush skin before tilting his head up, sticking out his tongue to lap at the salty streaks as they work their way down Mountain’s face. 
“Thanks big guy.”
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miasmaghoul · 10 months
The Forest for the Trees
Rating: E
Pairing: Mountain/Aeon
Contains: bratty Aeon, possessive Mountain, some rough, nasty bathroom sex, a little quintessence fuckery, Swiss causing problems on purpose.
"He's not always like that, y'know."
Swiss had volunteered the words between puffs of his vape, passing it to Dew on his next exhale. They had been chilling in the common room after dinner, one that had been prepared by Mountain and Cumulus.
She had held his leash the whole time.
"Who? Like what?" Aeon had asked, feigning ignorance.
"Mount," Dew had provided. "You seen his hard side yet?"
"Mountain has a hard side?" He'd said it with genuine disbelief, it was simply too foreign an idea to fathom. Swiss had snorted, stroking Dew's shin.
"Oh yeah," he'd chuckled. "You get him worked up enough and he'll prove it."
This started as an anon prompt, but it really got away from me lmao. Mountain can be mean every now an then. As a treat.
Read the rest on AO3!
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ethereal-maniac · 3 months
omgg I js got the best idea idk if u did this already but the reader has curly hair and does it everyday so the ghouls haven’t seen their natural hair so when they’re straightener stops working they have to wear it natural(I’m rlly insecure ab my hair it gets so frizzy n wild😭😭 p.s ik it’s a lot bear w me pls AND UR THE BEST WRITER EVER BABE<333
GenderNeutral!Reader x Sodo, Swiss, Phantom, Aether, Rain, Mountain, Cumulus, Cirrus and Copia (seperate)
A/n: Omg stop you got me kickin my feet n shit, I would be delighted to fulfil your request. I wasn't sure if you meant head canons or a fic so I did head canons, I hope thats alright! (Also decided on Era 4 Ghouls) 😚🩷
❗️CW❗️: none, just fluff :)
Do not copy, translate or transfer (plaigarise) any of my fics.
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He immediately pictures running his fingers through your wild hair when your on your knees- but then notices you seem a little skittish.
Man is your body guard for the whole day, if anyone comments about how it's 'too frizzy' or 'too tangled' they are getting a furious Ghoul in their face with a set of sharp teeth ready to gnaw the flesh off their bones.
You're way to gorgeous to hear that sort of nonsense.
He has pretty crazy hair too sometimes so he understands your struggle and doesn't complain when you take some extra time each morning to do your hair.
But boy does he wish for your straightener to be broken forever.
He can't stop grinning at you and walking up to you all day just to smell your hair, pet your head, then walk away again.
Specifically in that order, don't ask, he's just a little obsessed.
He can’t help but try to groom your hair a little when you express how much you wish your hair straightener was working.
He takes your face in his hands and tilts it down so he can run the rough of his tongue over your hair, trying to tame the strands.
He quickly stops when you let out a yelp of surprise.
“What? You said you wanted your hair straight?” He asks with wide eyes.
“Not like that baby,” you laugh, pulling him into your arms.
“I think I prefer your hair like this, it suits you a lot,” he trills.
He purrs louder when you walk into the bedroom to find him still in bed, telling him that your hair straightener’s broken.
He smiles with droopy eyes and makes grabby hands for you, then proceeds to rub his face against your hair when you lie next to him.
“It’s so pretty my love,” he murmurs while trying to practically suffocate himself in your hair, his arms trapping you against him.
He seeks you out during the day more than usual just to twirl curls of your hair around his fingers.
He nods dumbly as you talk, not really taking in much that's being said.
He then proceeds to randomly interrupt you as you complain about some menace in the library saying softly, "I really like your hair today."
He is in love all over again.
He was shocked when you walked into the greenhouse with crazy hair, he can't stop looking at it with wide eyes while trying to touch it.
He wants to get on his knees and beg you to never straighten it again but he understands it's easier for you.
(Just don't leave him alone with your straightener, he will tear it to shreds, I repeat, he will tear it to shreds).
She really likes this look on you, messy and free.
She tries out a LOT of hairstyles on you, human and Ghoulish styles.
She will probably hide your hair straightener every couple of months when it's fixed again.
Don't be mad, she just wants to see your hair in all it's glory once in a while. :(
You know that hairstyle that couples do where they put their hair in a joint plait?
Yeah. That happens. And you have to find Copia to try and help untangling it.
She sits you down immediately.
You must know your hair looks very majestic.
She gets a brush out at random times during the day to gently sit you in front of her so she can brush your hair and play with it for a while before letting you continue on with your day, she kind of likes the 'frizzy' texture.
She, like Phantom, also attempts to groom your hair multiple times because it ‘tastes like you’.
Oh man he loves to see you embracing your natural hair, even though you didn’t really have a choice.
If he can’t spend the whole day in bed with you, he’ll ask for you to just be with him while he works around the abbey so he can card his fingers through your hair.
He finds it extra soothing when it’s your natural hair, un-straightened.
He doesn’t really know why but to him it just really feels like you.
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workwithmeman · 4 months
soft mornings with mountain and aeon - mountain always gets up first. aeon is def a late night boy and mountain is up with the sun. he wakes up with aeon snuggled up under his arm with his head on mountain's chest, purring softly. i def think that aeon makes all sorts of strange noises (he's just a little creature, can you blame him??) and mountain thinks they're adorable. mountain spends a few minutes just holding aeon, petting through his messy hair, scratching around his horns gently, admiring his peaceful face. aeon rarely looks so relaxed, so mountain savors these moments.
after a little bit, mountain gently untangles himself from aeon's grip, making sure aeon doesn't wake up. aeon always makes a few displeased grumbles in his sleep, but never wakes. mountain then gets up, goes to kitchen, and gets started with his day. he makes himself a cup of tea (he's an earl grey lover. 100%) and reads whatever book he's currently engrossed in while enjoying the sun streaming in from the den's kitchen skylight. he goes for a short walk to the greenhouse to stop the irrigation system, which had been gently running all night. he briefly checks his plants, identifying any problems and making a schedule for the earth ghouls for the day.
after 30 minutes or so, mountain then heads back to the den and pours aeon a cup of his favorite cinnamon and vanilla tea. he's been trying to wean aeon off of coffee, since the little bug is already hyper enough as it is, and caffeine makes his jitters worse. he softly pads over to their room, sets the tea back onto the nightstand, and settles back into bed, tucking aeon under his chest once again.
when aeon finally wakes, mountain will pepper his face with kisses and tell him how pretty he is. he'll give aeon his cup of tea, and aeon will smile, kiss him, and sip his tea while snuggling up to mountain's chest. they're so glad they have this time with each other.
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ramblingoak · 11 months
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~~ Read my works on Archive of Our Own ~~
6/13/24: I'll be using the tags "rite here rite now spoilers" and "ghovie spoilers" for any posts regarding the Ghost movie! Don't want to spoil anything. Besides the movie I'm working on Copia on ICE! and The Cardinal's Bride along with a handful of other smaller fics 💙
new fics:
The Repugnant, Chapter 2: Setting Sail (mary goore x f!reader, nsfw)
A Nap With Terzo (terzo x gn!reader, fluff)
Mushy May in Lucifer's Hollow ~ start here ~ or read on Ao3
Little Thief (secondo x f!reader, cowboy au, nsfw)
The Cardinal's Bride, Chapter 13: And You Can Hold Me (copia x f!reader, cowboy au, nsfw)
A Nap With The Captain (copia x gn!reader, fluff)
Napping in the Clouds (young copia, angst and fluff)
A Kiss Goodnight (copia x gn!reader, a sweet kiss, nsfw)
Peanuts and Cracker Jacks (secondo x f!reader, ghaseball, nsfw)
Suggestions (copia x swiss, a very thorough kiss, nsfw)
ongoing series:
Tales From Lucifer's Hollow (copia x aether, mountain x rain, swiss x phantom/aeon, fluff, eventual smut) An au series set in the small town of Lucifer's Hollow. A look at the lives of the humans and ghouls that live there. There are just snippets so far but I've linked them below or you can search the tag: tales from lucifer's hollow. Mr. November (copia x aether) snippets so far: here and here A Petal For Your Thoughts (mountain x rain) snippets so far: here, here, here, here, here Sweets and Treats (swiss x phantom/aeon) snippets so far: here and here
Naps With Copia - series masterpost (copia x gn!reader, fluff, fluff and fluff, sfw) A series of stand alone stories featuring soft, fluffy naps with Copia and gender neutral readers. The specific "Copia" will be listed by each story.
The Cardinal's Bride (copia x f!reader, cowboy au, angst, smut) latest chapter: 13 / series masterpost After being forced into a marriage with Mr. Saltarian by your father you are sent west to his estate in Nevada. Along the way you end up meeting one of the cowboys you have always fantasized about...
Copia on ICE! (copia x f!reader, winter olympics au, angst, fluff, smut) Chapters: 1 / series masterpost At what would probably be your final Winter Olympics you needed to focus on realizing your dream of winning gold. You definitely didn't need to start a whirlwind romance with world famous speed skater Copia Emeritus…
Clockwork Hearts (copia x f!reader, steampunk au, fluff, adventure, smut) A tale of adventure and alchemy in a steampunk world. You have to join forces with Captain Copia on his airship, The Impera, in order to save your city. Capitano Copia (copia x f!reader, tease for main story, smug copia) Clockwork Friends (f!reader, fluff) Building A Family (young copia, fluff) Napping in the Clouds (young copia, angst and fluff) A Nap With The Captain (copia x gn!reader, fluff)
The Repugnant (mary goore x f!reader, pirate au, horror, adventure, smut) Chapters: 1 / series masterpost After becoming too curious about seeing the pirate ship The Repugnant you end up captured and in the clutches of the feared pirate Captain Mary Goore...
my other fics:
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Pancake Breakfast (gn!reader, domestic fluff, sfw)
Happy Lasagna Day (f!reader, silly birthday smut)
Papas Taking Care of a Sick Reader (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Care Package (gn!reader, sick copia, fluff, sfw)
In His Name (gn!reader, filthy smut)
I Love You, I Like You (gn!reader, sweet and caring copia, sfw)
Invisible Touch (f!reader, phone sex)
Ring Ring (f!reader, phone sex then closet sex)
Don't Go (gn!reader, brief angry copia, angst, fluff)
Smudge (gn!reader, silly copia, fluff, sfw)
Feeling Blah (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Them Rats (gn!reader, rat dad copia, fluff, sfw)
Little Hands (violence, horror)
A Lil Somethin' Somethin' (f!reader, sex toys, smut, car sex)
Play Ball (f!reader, copia in his ghaseball uniform, smut)
Best Folk Album (copia's ghouls are just trying to help, fluff, sfw)
Copia Is Terrible At Telling Scary Stories - chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
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The Vampire's Bride (f!reader, vampire cowboy au, smut)
Ratte Art (gn!reader, coffee shop au, fluff, sfw)
Rainy Kisses (gn!reader, kisses in the rain)
Yay Satan Day (f!reader, smug copia, desk sex)
His Dark Song - chapters: 1 (f!reader, occult au, future smut)
Satan's Toy Box (gn!reader, fluff)
A Man After Midnight (f!reader, copia doing a strip tease, fluff, smut)
Falling (f!reader, fluff, smut)
The Late Assistant (f!reader, fluff, tiny bit of smut)
The Pants (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
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No, Cardinal (gn!reader, cock warming)
Shooting His Shot (terzo x omega, winter olympics au, fluff)
A Gift Of Bones (terzo x omega, zombie!terzo, death, resurrection)
The Morningstar (f!reader, cowboy au, smut)
The Perfect Afternoon - sequel to One Dance (f!reader, regency au, fluff)
One Dance (f!reader, regency au, fluff)
Please, Cardinal (f!reader, cardinal terzo, loss of virginity, smut)
Satan's Dick (gn!reader, insufferable terzo)
Yes, Cardinal (f!reader, cardinal terzo, desk sex)
My Husband is Now Bones (terzo x omega, zombie au, death, resurrection)
Promises (f!reader, smut)
140 Shades of Terzo - series masterpost (prompt fills from a list of 140 smut prompts featuring terzo)
The Sexy Adventures of Cardinal Terzo - series masterpost (cardinal terzo and his sexy adventures around the abbey)
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A Nap With Secondo (secondo x gn!reader, fluff)
His Little Ghuleh (secondo x aurora, rough bj, scratching, size kink)
Another Round (f!reader, messy ritual sex, overstimulation)
Breakfast in Bed (f!reader, vampire secondo, blood, smut)
Distraction (f!reader, aftermath of teasing papa)
A Single Kiss (gn!reader, fluff, sfw)
Shut Up (gn!reader, secondo is bad with emotions, fluff, sfw)
Sap (gn!reader, forced separation for ritual prep, fluff)
Sliding Home (f!reader, secondo in a ghaseball uniform, desk sex)
And I'm Yours (f!reader, jealous secondo, ritual sex)
Drenched (f!reader, overstimulation, little breeding kink)
Payback (f!reader, messy desk sex)
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What You See (gn!reader, old man body worship)
Nema (f!reader, ritual sex)
Dumbasses (cardinal primo deals with a young terzo and copia, sfw)
Time's Up (primo comes to terms with his time as papa, sfw)
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The Repugnant - chapters: 1 (f!reader, pirate au, horror, adventure, smut)
Napping With An Outlaw (gn!reader, cowboy au, injured mary, fluff, sfw)
Giddy Up (gn!reader, pony play)
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