#mouth stitched shut
brutal-nemesis · 11 months
Goretober VI: Other Ways to Silence Your Castys
Festive and fun things to do to your guy for @coyotehusk goretober wow
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Ingredients: mouth and eye stitched shut, mouth whump/gore (no teeth stuff), eye gore, fun with a needle
“You know, I’m starting to think you don’t like hearing my talk.”
Kuro cocked her head as she lowered the strip of cloth she had been about to tie over his mouth. “Why ever would you think that?”
Castys raised an eyebrow. “I dunno, the various gags and shit?”
“I suppose it’s more I think you’re cute when you can’t talk than I don’t want to hear you, if that makes sense. I think you’re funny to listen to.” Kuro ruffled his hair despite Castys’s attempt to lean away. Well, at least she thought he was funny. Then again, she also thought he was “cute”, so maybe he shouldn’t put too much stock in her opinions.
“You could just listen to me all the time then. I can go on for hours, you know. I’ve lived for a while so I know lots of things about various things. And besides, even if you think I, uh, look cute when I can’t talk, that stuff always covers my mouth, so you can’t even see my whole face. It seems kind of counter-intuitive.” He leaned back in the chair he was tied to. “So it makes way more sense to just not gag me ever. You get the full Castys experience.” Castys finally looked up at Kuro and realized he did not like the glint in her eye.
“There is one way, you know.” She grabbed his chin. “One way to keep you quiet and still be able to see your whole face.”
“Ask me to shut up?”
“We both know that won’t work,” she laughed, walking away to retrieve something from her stupid tool bench. That seemed to be…a needle. And thread.
“It’ll work, watch, I’ll shut up right now, all by myself, three, two, on-” Kuro’s tentacle pressed against his lips.
“See, even when you’re trying to be quiet you still keep going. So let me do this, would you?” Castys shook his head because yeah he’d rather not. He knew it wouldn’t matter in the end, that this was going to happen regardless, but a guy could dream. 
The tentacles really were unfair. One of them stayed pressed against his lips, another gripping his hair tightly, and the other two resting on his hands since his wrists were tied to the armrests, which left both of her hands free to poke the needle through his skin and pull the thread through. He tried to keep his breathing steady, it hurt way more than it should, both the sharp needle punching completely through his lip and the scratchy thread moving through the holes behind it. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much when she was done?
Once Kuro finished and tied off the thread, Castys decided that it did hurt a little less now that nothing was moving, but his lips still stung, and it felt like every shift in his face pulled at the threads and caused everything to hurt even more. He wouldn’t really have cause to make faces if Kuro wasn’t holding his chin and examining his face. “You’re right, this is better. You’re all quiet and I can still see every little bit of you.” She ran a thumb over his lips, causing him to wince, which then caused them to hurt even worse and also made Kuro laugh. 
She teased the needle and thread in between her fingers, considering something. “I think I have another idea. Will you hold still for this one?” Castys just raised an eyebrow, but she seemed to get the message since her tentacle curled in his hair to keep his head in place. Seconds later her grip tightened in response to his struggles, which were very incredibly justified because she was bringing the needle up to his fucking eye. “Calm down, Castys, I’m not going to poke your eye.” Oh, cool, that solved everything, he’ll just sit back then and let her punch that thing through his eyelids, totally fine. He especially loved the horrific sensation of the thread scraping across his fucking eyeball! Not to mention that the hot blood dripping from his eye really felt like tears and he hated the thought of Kuro actually making him cry, since he wasn’t counting tearing up from all the vomiting or the whole intestines in the mouth thing. 
Soon enough his right eye was all stitched up, too, and it felt awful. His eye desperately wanted to get away from the itchy, painful thread that was touching it, but it just couldn’t, and both of his eyelids burned fiercely. Kuro seemed amused by whatever face he was making in his efforts to try and hold the least painful expression possible, and she tilted his chin up, her thumb pressing against his mouth once more.
“Would you rather I didn’t stitch your other eye shut?” Castys nodded despite his suspicions of this being some kind of trick, and given the way Kuro’s eyes thinned in what he was coming to interpret as a smile, it probably was. The needle approached his other eye, but there was no thread on it, and her fingers were holding his eyelids open, meaning…
He squirmed and struggled for no good reason at all, just making his rope burn worse, trying and failing to keep his mouth from straining against the thread holding it closed as the point of the needle dove into his open eye, awful, piercing pain and cold discomfort, and his mouth kept screaming, kept pulling, as the needle moved and swirled inside his eye, as she looked down at him in such wonder, and his lips kept straining, further and further until they tore, bright, fresh agony exploding on his face, which made him want to scream even more, which pulled at the thread even harder, which ripped his lips to shreds even more, which-
Castys leaned forward, panting, his lips completely torn apart, blood and tears dripping from his face, one eye still stitched shut, the other hardly able to see with a needle poked into it, his throat so raw from screaming he couldn’t speak. 
Looks like there was another way to shut him up without gagging him after all.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg @pumpkin-spice-whump @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen @whumpedydump​
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ronanziriano · 9 months
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Dime Detective Magazine, January 1938, published by Popular Publications
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
Mouth stitched shut? 👀
Interesting trope NGL!
Gagging the Whumpee is so old school and boring. To keep them almost* permanently quiet, stitch their mouth shut! They can't even scream or make muffled noises unless they want to feel pain! So they can't move their lips period without the searing pain! And when they're rescued, the Caretaker has to find out how to remove them without hurting Whumpee. The stitches are small, I'd imagine, so I bet that even while getting them off, it would still hurt them no matter how careful Caretaker is. 😈
*Almost because I read a fic where a character used some scissors to cut the stitches while rescuing the Whumpee, but the fic was pretty damn good regardless!
8/10 for that trope! Maybe one day I'll use it in one of my fics!
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whumppmuhw · 10 months
Gorgeous in any other scenario
contains: lady whump, mouth stitched shut, nonhuman whumper
Whumpee took a step back and looked into the mirror. Her shoulder-length, naturally colored chocolate brown hair - once the colorfully dyed pixie cut that she preferred - framed her doll-like face. She wasn't wearing makeup, she didn't need it, except for the cherry red lip gloss covering up the few visible stitches in her mouth.
Her dress, perfectly tailored to her measurements, gave emphasis to her chest, waist, and hips, creating a lovely silhouette. The dress didn't quite reach the floor, preventing Whumpee from tripping over it and revealing her shiny black flats. The dress was also black, but was lightly adorned with small gold sparkles. She had multiple gold earrings to match.
Whumpee hugged her arms around herself, wishing that the dress had long sleeves instead of being sleeveless. She wasn't bothered by temperature, it was the various scars on her arms and hands she was conscious of. Normally she wouldn't be, she usually wore a tanktop anyhow, but the thought of having many eyes fixed on her in this state wasn't a pleasant thought.
In any other scenario, I would be gorgeous, she thought, and it was true. Instead, she was to be paraded around as an accessory, a symbol of Whumper's status as a respectable, powerful demon and lady. Something about that made her feel more like a pretty doll than a person.
Whumpee didn't react when Whumper entered and told her it was time to go. Nobody wanted to see an accessory trembling and crying, and Whumpee hoped her obedience and ability to keep a blank face would save her from embarrassment and punishment.
Right now, it was all she was good for.
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jedi-lothwolf · 11 months
AI-less Whumptober Day 10: Mouth Stitched Shut (Alt Prompt 21)
Fandom: The Dragon Prince
Summary: Finnergrin gets tired of Callum trying to use magic to kill him, so he takes it into his own hands.
  "Fulminis!" Callum shouted. He aimed the attack at Finnergrin. A strong hand grabbed his wrist and the lightning shot up towards the sky. Then the world went dark.
    When Callum woke up he looked around. He was back under the deck of the Sea Legs. "Great" he mumbled.
    Finnergrin removed his feet from his desk and started to walk over to him. "That was quite the show you put on." He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a small box with a gold trim. "As much as I would like to see that again, I think this will be for the better."
    Callum fought against his chains as Finnergrin opened the box. Whatever was in it was clearly not a good thing. He was surprised when he pulled out a needle.
    "What's that for?" Callum almost wanted to laugh but he knew he'd regret it if he did.
    "This is a needle. In this box I have stitches. If you can't talk, you're no threat." Yep, not funny.
    Callum tried to fight back. He pulled against his chains until his wrists burned. A crew member was instructed to come down to hold the mage in place.
    Finnergrin kneeled on Callum's legs. He loomed over him. He took the needle and the crew member snapped his head into place. "please don't do this! I'll give you the spell!" Callum shook.
    "The time for that has passed my boy. You reap what you sow." The boy tried to raise his legs. He tried to pull his body forward. When he ran out of options he tried to use magic.
    Before he got the chance to open his mouth, Finnergrin had already grabbed his bottom lip and was about to make the first stitch.
    The silver needle met with Callum's pail skin. It glided through his flesh. His eyes water both out of fear and pain.
    He never stopped fighting. As the needle went through his skin, he kept trying to escape. Tears fell from his eyes but they never softened. Hate and anger and a hit of fear was the only story they told. He tried to open his mouth but Finnergrin moved his other hand to hold his jaw.
    The stitches glided though his skin. They silenced him. Callum didn't like being silenced. It hurt sure but that would be temporary. This, this could be permanent. He had no intent of letting it be.
    When Finnergrin finished the last stitch he chuckled. "I admire your determination. He grabbed a rag from his desk and dipped it in some water.
    The mage noticed the taste of blood for the time. The only thing he could do was swallow it. Callum started to wonder what was next. He couldn't eat, he couldn't drink. At least not yet. He wouldn't let this be what took him down. He still needed to take down Aaravos, bring Rayla's parents back, and see Ezren grow up.
     Finnergrin put the rage on Callum's face and held it there for a moment. He took it away and looked at the crewmate. "Take him to see his friends."
    The crewmate unchained him from the poll and took him above deck. Callum stood angerly. His shoulders never dropped. His eyes were still filled with anger. Being angry felt easier than being scared.
    "Callum!" Ezren screamed.
    "What did you do to him?!" Rayla yelled, trying to go to him.
    "Are you okay?" Soren asked, trying to remain calm.
    Callum nodded. When he tried to say he was fine, he felt the stitches tug. "What's happen'?" Velads asked. 
    "Callum's mouth has been sawn shut" Soren told him.
    "Well, that's a problem."
    "No, it thought it was fine!" Rayla scowled.
    Callum tried to stop them. Ezren saw and calmed them down. Mostly.
    "It's going to be okay." Soren looked at the others. "He's going to be okay."
    No one knew what to do. Finnergrin came back from below deck and smiled. "Like my hand work?"
    "Why you little-" Rayla started before looking over at Ezren and chuckling nervously.
    Callum tried to walk over to his family. He couldn't reach them. It was starting to get dark. If they didn't find a way out Aaravos would be released and everything they love would be thrown into chaos. But what could they do? They had to think fast. Time never seemed to be on their side.
Part 2: _____
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blackmetalstar · 5 months
u ever talk with someone and then immediately feel like u chose the wrong dialogue option and it makes u want to shrivel up into nothing
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figure-frenzy · 10 months
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
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Round 2: Twenty-fourth story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: A Traitor's Punishment
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Robert "Robbie" Scott, Original Female Character
Relationship(s): /
Rating: M
Words: 975
Prompt: Mouth Stitched Shut
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Torture, Blood & Injury, Kidnapping, Major Character Injury
A/N: Prequel to "To Hope"
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ A Traitor's Punishment ~
Robert "Robbie" Scott no longer knew how long he had been held captive in this room. He couldn't remember how long he had been persecuted and punished for something he hadn't done.
They accused him of stealing information about Section 31 and planning to sell it. They said that he was a traitor and that he had to pay for it.
Robbie laughed humorlessly, tears in his eyes, while he just shook his head.
He hadn't done anything. He hadn't stolen any information. But he couldn't deny that he would have loved to.
These people should be punished. The members of the Section who committed crimes on a daily basis in order to achieve the Federation's goals. People who had no scruples and did not stop at blackmail and torture. Someone should expose them publicly and put an end to it all.
They had forced Robbie to work for the organization when they had discovered his potential as a technician by threatening to harm his son Chris. He had had no choice but to comply.
The door opened for what felt like the hundredth time and Robbie sighed in exhaustion when he saw who entered the room.
The pretty, slender woman was in charge of one of the groups in Section 31, and Robbie had been put under her command. She was a truly horrible, unscrupulous person. And she really enjoyed torturing people.
"Good morning, Robert? How are we feeling today?" Her voice dripped with scorn and she smiled wickedly at Robbie as she stepped in front of the chair he was tied to.
He said nothing. If he answered anything, he would surely get a punch in the gut. On the other hand... even if he remained silent, Alexandra would certainly hurt him. But why should he waste the rest of his strength talking? It wouldn't get him out of this situation either way.
"I thought I'd like to try something new with you today. This constant beating, waterboarding and all that other stuff is getting really boring." Alexandra put the suitcase she was carrying on a nearby table and opened it.
Robbie couldn't see what she was taking out of it at first, but the glint in her eyes told him that it was certainly something very painful.
"Look at this, Robert. Isn't it beautiful?" Slowly, Alexandra turned around and showed Robbie something he had only ever seen in books.
A needle.
"It's crazy to think that it used to take people hours to repair clothes with something like this. I'm really glad that it's quicker and easier today." Alexandra took something else out of the suitcase. A long piece of thread. "But I've discovered that this old sewing kit can also be good for something completely different."
Robbie watched as the woman carefully threaded the thread through the needle and then tied a knot at one end. He felt sick to his stomach as he imagined what she could do with it.
"As we've established, you haven't revealed the stolen information to anyone yet, so... let's make sure you never will."
Alexandra grinned maliciously as she grabbed Robbie's hair with one hand and pulled his head back briskly. He tried to move his head as best he could, but the hours of torture over the previous days had weakened him beyond belief. He had no strength to fight back.
When the needle pierced his lower lip for the first time, the Scotsman let out an agonized whimper. Tears flowed from his eyes and he gave Alexandra a pleading look. But she paid no attention to him.
With a satisfied smile, she kept her eyes fixed on the needle, making sure that every stitch was in place.
Robbie felt hot blood flowing from his lips, both into his mouth and onto his chin. Alexandra made every effort to ensure that each stitch hurt and she worked very slowly.
"Perfect! I should have been a surgeon in the dark ages," she finally announced proudly.
Robbie sobbed quietly to himself. He would have liked to scream and curse, but that was no longer possible.
He lowered his chin exhaustedly towards his chest as his tormentor let go of his head and he tried to breathe through his nose. After all the crying, however, it wasn't easy.
Alexandra seemed to notice. The smile on her lips widened even more and she turned her head to the side thoughtfully.
"Then again..."
Robbie's eyes widened in shock when Alexandra suddenly held his nose. His heart and pulse raced from the sudden lack of oxygen. He couldn't breathe through his nose or mouth.
Panicked, he made unintelligible noises and somehow tried to move his head to free his nose, but he wasn't strong enough.
So he squinted his eyes desperately and did what he knew Alexandra had imagined he would do.
He tore his mouth open. Hellish pain shot through his whole body as his lips tore open and he screamed as loud as he could when air finally flowed through his lungs again. He coughed and sobbed and cried pitifully.
But Alexandra just laughed.
"Wonderful! A really great method of torture. What do you think of a second round, Robert?" She waved the needle around and the Scotsman just shook his head helplessly.
Not again. He didn't want to have to endure this pain again. He didn't want to –
Alexandra's communicator beeped and she pulled it out to see who had sent her a message. With a broad grin, she put the device back in her pocket.
"Unfortunately, we don't have time for another round. We have a visitor coming soon. It looks like you might still have a chance of surviving, Robert."
With these words, Alexandra strolled out of the room and left Robbie to his thoughts and pain. But she would be back very soon.
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sunshiline-writes · 1 year
Drabble: Good Dolls Don't Dream
More fucked up Drabble time from Sunny!!! uhh yeah this one's rough stay safe and heed warnings. CW: DEAD DOVE DON'T EAT, GORE, noncon body modifications (so so many), wire's through hands, stress positions, mentions of kidnapping, broken legs, whumpee is thought of and called a "doll" and "thing", stitching a person's mouth closed, some mouth gore I THINK I GOT EVERYTHING but if I didn't just let me know!
Eyelids fluttering, breaths came in short gasps as whumpee slept. Whumper always enjoyed watching Whumpee sleep. They were always so beautiful. But today they were immaculate, strung up against the wall like this. Hands above their head held up by the wire through their hands. The sight was beautiful, the wire wrapping from the hole in their palms between each finger, creating an intricate pattern as it weaved in and out of their hand. 
Whumper had worked very hard to get the designs just right. The carvings in their skin, the wig stitched on, through their scalp. That was the worst part getting them to stay still enough to let them move the needle through the scalp. Then they had to start over because Whumpee had moved so much that the wig had gone on crooked. 
They always knew how to make things so difficult. Whumpee made a noise as their eyes fluttered open. Their eyes looked at them blearily. Whumper carded a hand through the fake hair on their head pulling the stitches lightly. They were a bit angry and red at the edge of their scalp, Whumper would fix that later. 
“Are you ready to be let down now darling?” 
Whumpee let out a choked whine before answering. “Please.. I’m so tired.” 
Whumper unhooked the chain that held the wires through Whumpee’s hand and let whumpee fall into them. Gently picking them up bridal style and carrying them to the bed. A mattress in the corner of the basement, and lays them down. They whimper as their legs are straightened and the blanket is put to their shoulders. Whumpee’s legs still look wrong after the last time Whumper broke them. They hated to do that, it ruined the perfectness of their little doll. But it had to be done after they had tried to escape a third time. They had let the legs heal the wrong way. Making sure there was never an attempt like that again. Dolls didn’t need to run or walk anyway. Dolls just needed to sit there and look pretty. Boy, was whumpee pretty. They had big brown eyes that shone when they cried, beautiful skin, their hair was the only thing that had been awful when they acquired the little thing. It used to be dyed a bright green color, now they had the beautiful black wig that was connected to their scalp. They were nearly perfect now. So close. 
“Can you tell me what you did wrong? Why you were punished?” Whumpee whimpered as Whumper gave a little tug on the wig, again pulling at the stitches on their scalp. “I-I.. said.. I wanted.. to go home..” they answered between sniffles and sharp breaths. 
“Mmhmm, and why was that wrong?” “Because… Because I am home..” “Good. Good. You know you’re nearly perfect,” Whumper, rubbed light circles on Whumpee’s back, sighing. “Just one last punishment. It’s not forever. You just need to learn not to say those types of things to me.” Whumpee stared up at them with wide eyes, tears filling them again. God they were so pretty when they were scared. 
“It.. It was just a stupid.. a stupid dream..” Whumpee tried to bargain with them. Whumper smiled softly, a finger placed on Whumpee’s lips. “Good Dolls don’t dream love.” 
Whumpee whimpered again, whumper stood up and left for a moment before returning with a shoe box. It was filled with different colors of thread and needles. They pulled out a needle and a purple thread. “I think purple would really make your eyes pop, don’t you agree?” They didn’t expect an answer as they set up the thread through the needle. “If you move I might rip more of your skin that what’s necessary, so try and stay as still as possible okay?” Whumpee pushed themselves away from Whumper as they straddled the younger person. Laughing a little, whumper shook their head. “You still need some work. That’s okay. I am very patient.” “No no no, please wait. I’ll be good. I’ll take the muzzle, I’ll wear the ball gag like you wanted earlier. Please,” a whimper as whumper brought the needle closer to their bottom lip. “PLEASE!!” They screamed out next. Whumper huffed and slapped Whumpee hard, “shut up and keep your mouth closed or I’ll make this worse. I’ll let you go a week with these in instead of just the rest of the day, understand? Nod if you understand.” Whumpee nodded slowly, sobbing softly as their lips pouted. Whumper laughed, tapping their cheek lovingly, “Just do what I say and you’ll be just fine love.” Then they pushed the needle through the bottom right corner of Whumpee’s mouth, and as the little doll cried out, Whumper grabbed their tongue with a gloved hand. Then they brought the needle through the tip of their tongue. Whumpee screamed and then quickly clamped their mouth shut as the needle was put through their upper lip. Whumper smiled as they saw blood drip down their lips and chin, gently wiping it away. “Good. Yes the purple looks very good on you. I should put you in purple more often.” Then they pressed the needle into their bottom lip again, repeating the process save for the tongue. They watched hungrily as Whumpee clenched their fists and sobbed quietly. By the time they had tied off the last of the stitch, Whumpee’s eyes had a glazed over look. “God you’re beautiful,” whumper whispered, pressing a kiss to Whumpee’s stitched lips, licking the droplets of blood that had collected on their lips. “The perfect little doll.”
Whumpee sobbed harder
Drabble taglist: @painsandconfusion ask if you'd like to be added or removed!!
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brutal-nemesis · 11 months
hehe look at the sad man (from this)
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skhardwarevers1 · 3 months
teehee me when I am marketable plushie
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whumppmuhw · 11 months
Whumptober Day 21: Mouth stitched shut*
*alternate prompt (i love this trope so fucking much)
tw: stitches (where they shouldn't be), intimate whumper, pleading, (emotional) manipulation, blood
"Whumpee, dear, I need you to hold still for this next part."
"What for?" Whumpee was sitting on the couch next to Whumper, suspiciously eyeing her and the small case she had in her hands. She had made him do more tasks than usual this past week, cleaning and organizing and cooking until he felt too fatigued to stand up. He assumed she was preparing for something, possibly guests, but what did this have to do with any of it?
Whumpee opened the case and pulled out a needle and a spool of pale pink thread.
"We have guests coming over tonight," and Whumpee thought to himself I knew it, while she threaded the eye of the needle. "I want things to be perfect. I want you to be perfect. This is to make sure you won't have any problems tonight."
She smiled. "It's even the same color as your lips, see?" She held the thread up to Whumpee's lips for a second. "It'll blend in nicely, perfectly hidden without ruining your pretty face."
Whumpee knew what she meant. His eyes went wide and he started to stammer. "But-but wait. I've been good for you, I've been really good- I don't have to talk if you don't want me to, I won't-"
Whumper put a hand on his cheek, cutting him off, speaking softly. "Darling, you've been so good. I know you'll do whatever I ask you to." She ran a finger along the bottom of his lip, letting her words sink in.
He nodded his head. "Of course, but you don't need to-"
"But I do, Whumpee." She removed her hand and picked up a glass of water. "People are unpredictable. It's not your fault; I need to know you'll be silent, so things will go smoothly. If you do well, then maybe I'll take them out at the end of the night, after everyone's left. Now drink, so you won't be too thirsty later."
Her words were comforting, she made it seem like everything was going to be alright. She had a funny way of doing that, calming Whumpee down in the most uncomfortable circumstances, usually ones she put him into.
He took the glass from her and drank, aware of the knot growing in his stomach at the thought of what came after. He finished, and set the glass down, and she watched him intently, ready to start.
"Face me, Whumpee," and he turned, pulling his legs up into a crossed position on the couch, gripping the top of the couch and the cushion underneath him, calm giving way to anxiety.
"This'll only take a minute, please try not to scream." She held his face with one hand, spool held between that palm and thumb, and with the other hand, brought the needle up to his bottom lip.
He kept his head still. Under that, he was gripping the couch hard and trying his best not to squirm.
The needle pierced his lip, and he let out a small whimper.
"Breathe, Whumpee, through your nose, just like that." He didn't think he'd be able to stand it without Whumper's calming reassurance.
Whumper made beautiful, neat work of the stitches, keeping to the inside of his gorgeous lips so the thread had less chance of being seen. Whumpee whimpered, but he was showing restraint at trying not to yell out, which she admired. Throughout she gently shushed him and whispered things like "You're doing great," or "Not so bad, is it?"
She finished on the outside of his lips, tying a small knot at the end to keep it all in place. She put the needle and thread down, which caused Whumpee to visibly relax, and grabbed a cloth to start wiping away the blood.
His blood is my favorite color, she thought. Even prettier than the light pink of his lips, or his deep brown eyes.
Once that was done, she sat back, satisfied with her work. Whumpee looked like he wanted to cry, and she couldn't have that.
"Oh Whumpee, it's alright," she said, putting her hand on his arm. "You did well, and the hardest part's over. Now, we need to finish getting ready, and I have the perfect outfit for you."
She grinned. He tried to grin back, but failed and grabbed his mouth as the stitches brought on more pain. She thought that was cute, and laughed.
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galaxywhump · 1 year
Just wanted to send you some love! Hope you’re doing well. Thank you for everything you’ve contributed to the community! Your ideas and presence and most of all your writing!!! ❤️
❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much, anon!
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0turnthelightsout0 · 1 year
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Day 12
" *humming* "
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sop on my blog rn be like
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partyinverton · 1 year
Hey is that a The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy reference
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I thought this reference fits nicely with these guys
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