#movie 5: countdown to heaven
akai-anna · 1 year
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detco-hell · 1 year
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[movie 5 - Countdown to Heaven]
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kostektyw · 1 year
Detco movies rated based on how much shit gets exploded / destroyed
The Time-Bombed Skyscraper - the whole premise is about blowing up stuff, but it's shame no trains got got, 7/10
The Fourteenth Target - it's just an underwater restaurant that is pretty out of the way from anything else and we have no prior attachment to. bonus for the helicopter crash, 5/10
The Last Wizard of the Century - an entire castle does get burned down, but it's no explosion, 6/10
Captured in Her Eyes - just some regular old murder, 0/10
Countdown to Heaven - truly a 9/11 movie. point detracted for leaving the second tower intact, 8/10
The Phantom of Baker Street - the entire thing takes place in VR, so it shouldn't even count, but no one even gets their brain blown up :( 0/10
Crossroad in the Ancient Capital - somehow nothing gets bombed or destroyed? Conan tries a little arson but is unsuccessful, -1/10
Magician of the Silver Sky - a plane gets somewhat mistreated, 2/10
Strategy Above the Depths - a whole damn ship sinks, it's all very dramatic, 9/10
The Private Eyes' Requiem - despite the constant threat of exploding people, barely anything gets exploded. half a point for Kid using a gun on some windows, 1.5/10
Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure - i guess they do find that ancient pirate ship and it immediately falls apart, 5/10
Full Score of Fear - plenty of shit gets blown up including a concert hall while no one inside realizes anything's wrong. you'd think they'd have some fire warning system in place, 10/10
The Raven Chaser - sadly no explosions, but the tower gets shot at hard, and the helicopter does not end up fine, tho no actual crash on screen, 5/10
The Lost Ship in the Sky - only a research facility we don't care about gets exploded in the opening, and that airship barely gets scratched up, 4/10
Quarter of Silence - we have a train exploding out of a tunnel, a dam blown to smithereens, and an avalanche, what more could you want, 10/10
The Eleventh Striker - who can say no to some exploding stadiums, great movie for people who hate football, 8/10
Private Eye in the Distant Sea - just a rando ship at the beginning, who cares, 1/10
Dimensional Sniper - some police cars and incredibly light bombing of the tower, eh, 3/10
Sunflowers of Inferno - a cool museum gets absolutely demolished, the burning fake sunflowers are a lovely image, plus we got some proper plane mistreatment, 10/10
The Darkest Nightmare - both an explosive car crash at the beginning and a ferris wheel gets extremely destroyed, 9/10
The Crimson Love Letter - lots of explosions, and in beautiful scenery too, 10/10
Zero the Enforcer - destroying shit with a satellite is pretty imaginative, but there was not as much destruction as i hoped, 7/10
The Fist of Blue Sapphire - they're surfing on some iconic Singaporean landmarks, meanwhile an oil ship freely wrecks shit, 11/10
The Scarlet Bullet - i fully admit i have no idea what Masumi and Conan were trying to do, both the train and station ended up looking pretty rough. 10/10
The Bride of Halloween - for a movie about bombs not all that much significant shit gets destroyed, but they do go out in style at least. bonus points for covering Shibuya in goo, 9/10
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bbu-fan-blog · 7 months
Big announcement: get ready for a new Kickstarter! Orchestral edition!
"Billie Bust Up is an interactive 3D platforming musical with music composed by the legendary Daniel Ingram, best known for his composition work on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  Taking inspiration from animated classics, characters sing and perform to the beat. Each song engages the player in a unique way, from catchy boss fights and villain songs, to chase sequences to rhythm heaven inspired segments. 
We are hoping to raise enough funds to record 20 minutes of live Big Band on 5 songs for the Billie Bust Up Game to replace the current MIDI instruments, and dramatically improve the impact of these final songs.
Stretch goals will allow us to fund a proper orchestra for all 14 songs in Billie Bust Up! Featuring one of the top film orchestras in the world in Nashville, Tennessee, USA at the famous Ocean Way Studios where Daniel Ingram, our songwriter, recorded all of the songs for My Little Pony: The Movie We have lots of fun and exclusive rewards planned such as prints, enamel pins and more! Sign up now to be notified when we go live."
Reminder that this goal is a want, and not a need: the game will come out regardless of the campain's success. It's just a way for the game's music to feel even more submersive.
So, if you're interested to support this new campain, click the link and sign with your mail address to be updated: when the countdown reaches 0, donations will start.
Be on the ready, then! 🩵
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nemrut · 24 days
Movies 5 & 6:
So I watched the Detective Conan movies "Countdown to Heaven" and "The Phantom of Baker Street".
I guess the elephant in the room is the whole twin towers situation in "Countdown to Heaven" and the fact that the movie apparently came out a few months before 9/11 in Japan which is unfortunate. It was a fun movie though. The case itself was once again meh, but it had some cool action. The climax involved jumping from one skyscraper to another in a sportscar while riding an explosion, so that was neat. This time they destroyed one of the twin towers though, albeit their japanese version.
"The Phantom of Baker Street" felt like a big waste of time, though. First it had the whole "trapped in a video game" thing going on, where it had the whole "if you can't beat the game, every player dies" thing going on, but at least there was no "if you die in the game, you die in reality" aspect and if you died in game, you were just out until the game ended one way, but it was just boring. I didn't realize that the Yu-Gi-Oh arc with the whole trapped in a video game by an AI based on a child inspiration came from this movie.
The whole social commentary bit about the children of the upper class needing to either be fixed or killed in order to improve Japan thing was certainly there but not really examined beyond the premise and it never really amounted to anything.
At least Movie 5 had some cool action and locations. I did like the gaming capsule designs and that when a kid "died", the capsule was withdrawn underground. Horrible practical design that no one ever would, because it traps the user underground, but very good aesthetic in a death game when at the end there are only 2 or 3 capsules left from the 50 or so that the game started with.
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romancemedia · 10 months
Case Closed Movie 5 - Countdown to Heaven's Epic Scene of All
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sylvarantii · 5 months
Being a fan of crossovers, this movie was pretty exciting for me to check out. Definitely didn't disappoint!
Lupin the III vs Detective Conan: The Movie is sort of one I wasn't sure how to feel about since I think I've only watched maybe one season of Lupin and it was definitely one of the more "modern" seasons.
That said, while I knew what to expect considering I do at least know the general direction the series takes, I feel it's fair to warn people who aren't familiar with the series to tread lightly.
To sum it up, it's, well, raunchy. There's sex jokes and lots of seeing women in provocative ways (especially Fujiko, my god that woman is the poster girl of extremely sexual women, even in this movie). Tons of cleavage. A bathing scene. It's very adult. Haha.
Which normally isn't a problem, but...I wasn't too fond of the fact Haibara got dragged into it. I just think when you're discussing certain things about the woman body and it's addressed toward a child (regardless of how old she is mentally) it feels a little wrong. Especially with an adult implyingly getting handsy with said child while making said comment.
So just...keep that in mind if you're like me and you're a little put off by it.
The humor of the series was a very good addition to this movie. I really do enjoy some of the gags of the Lupin series and it certainly delivered in this movie.
The characters were all really fun. I think my favorites were Jigan and Inspector Zenigatta.
I love Conan and Jigan's little playful banter of "being father and son". It was very precious.
By the way, there was a tv special before this one (Same name, just doesn't have "the movie" added on in the title). I would highly recommend watching it first as it provides a lot of context for the movie. Not to mention they do bring up some things from the tv special in the movie.
That said, you CAN watch the movie without the context. It's not like it's hard to follow otherwise.
I also want to say that Satou was an absolute delight in this movie. I love how she's willing to admit Lupin was her first childhood crush, but has no issues taking him down. She's hilarious and I just really enjoyed her in this movie. I kind of wish there could've been more of her.
It's rather funny to me as well that you can easily pick out which designer was doing which of the background and side characters. Like, I do think the Lupin series and Detective Conan mesh pretty well, but there are VERY MUCH artistic differences between the two that can be spotted at a glance.
Now before I add this to the rankings, I would like to note I'm not going to add a movie number to it since technically "Dimensional Sniper" is considered the 18th movie. But since this one came out after the last one, I figured I'd watch and write a little something up.
1.) The Raven Chaser (13th Movie)
2.) The Fourteenth Target (2nd Movie)
3.) The Lost Ship in the Sky (14th Movie)
4.) The Time Bombed Skyscraper (1st Movie)
5.) Magician of the Silver Sky (8th Movie)
6.) Captured in Her Eyes (4th Movie)
7.) Crossroad in the Ancient Capital (7th Movie)/Lupin the III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
8.) Quarter of Silence (15th Movie)
9.) The Phantom of Baker Street (6th Movie)
10.) Countdown to Heaven (5th Movie)
11.) Strategy Above the Depths (9th Movie)
12.) The Private Eyes' Requiem (10th Movie)
13.) Full Score of Fear (12th Movie)
14.) The Eleventh Striker (16th Movie)
15.) The Wizard of the Last Century (3rd Movie)
16.) Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure (11th Movie)
17.) Private Eye in the Distant Sea (17th Movie)
Perhaps it doesn't make a lot of sense, but for some reason, it just feels best to give it tie status with another movie. It could just be laziness on my part so as not to have to fix the numbers, but I kind of feel like this is the way to go.
Especially since it feels almost like an unofficial official part of the Detective Conan Movie saga.
I don't really expect anyone to know what I'm talking about, I already know how confusing I must sound.
Either way, ending notes, great movie! Highly recommend when you just want a fun watch to give you a few laughs
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freebiblestudies · 3 months
The Three Angels' Messages Lesson 01: The Final Countdown
When you read through the book of Revelation, it is very easy to get caught up in the imagery of beasts and plagues. However, Revelation is ultimately about Jesus. Did you know that  Jesus has a special message for His people in the last days before the second coming?
This message is proclaimed in Revelation chapter 14 by three angels.  In short, they are Jesus’ final push to save people from ultimate destruction.  Today we are going to study the first angel’s message.
Revelation 14:6-7 - Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth–to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people–saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.”
What is so special about this message? How is it related to the Gospel?
Let’s read together Genesis 3:15; Deuteronomy 18:15; John 1:29; John 3:16; and Revelation 14:6
The key phrase in Revelation 14:6 is “the everlasting Gospel.”
The Gospel message is the same now as it was when Adam and Eve first received it.  The people of the Old Testament were looking forward to a coming Savior who will save them from their sins.  The people of the New Testament and throughout the centuries until today look forward to a Savior who died for our sins.
Jesus is that Savior, taking upon the sins of all of humanity when He died for our sins on the cross at Calvary two thousand years ago.
While the Gospel message never changes, people in a particular age may receive a specific mission or message. For this study, let’s refer to that specific mission or message as present truth.
For example, in the time of Noah, the present truth was to get in the ark.  The world was about to be destroyed.  The only way Jesus could save people was if they had the faith to get in the ark.  For the people in the time of John the Baptist, the present truth was to accept his message that the coming Messiah was upon them.  Did they have the faith to accept Jesus was  the Messiah as pointed out by John?  Today, the present truth is to heed the three angels’ messages.
Let’s read together Revelation 14:7.
The first angel has a global message, which has four parts:
 Fear God
Give Him glory
The hour of His judgment has come
 Worship Him
What does it mean to fear God? Let’s turn to Exodus 20:20; Deuteronomy 10:12; Proverbs 9:10; Jeremiah 32:40; and 1 John 4:18.
Many people, including Christians, believe that to fear God is to grovel before Him.  They should be afraid of Him and try to appease Him in order to avoid His wrath. 
However, the fear of God actually has nothing to do with being afraid of Him.  To fear God, biblically speaking, is to give Him the reverence and respect He deserves.  When we fear God in this manner, we can also love Him.
For example, we love our parents, but we should also show the proper respect due to them.
Let’s read together Psalm 29:2 and Luke 19:37-40. 
What is glory?  One of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definitions of the word “glory” is “worshipful, praise, honor, and thanksgiving.”
Have you ever been to a sporting event, a concert, or even a movie with a large crowd who are really into the experience?  Everyone shouting for joy at a particular moment or overcome with a sense of awe from what they just experienced?  Even if you are someone who would never go to such events, have you ever experienced that sense of awe in the presence of God?
When we fear God, our lives will change.  We will begin to see how great and wonderful He truly is.  We will become in awe of Him.  If we are in awe of God, we cannot help but give Him glory.  We will gladly worship Him, praise Him, honor Him, and thank Him.
Let’s read together Daniel 2:33; 41-44; Malachi 3:5; Matthew 24:12-14; 1 Peter 4:17; 2 Peter 3:1-3; and Revelation 14:7.
Note that REvelation 14:7 says “the hour of judgment  has come, not will come.”  We know from Daniel chapter 2 and Matthew chapter 24 we are living in the end times.
There is an urgency to the first angel’s message.  To put it into perspective, if you are a student, finals week is here.  If you are into sports, the playoffs are here.  If you are in the medical field, the board inspector is here.
There is no time to procrastinate.  This is the final push to bring people to Jesus.
Let’s read together Genesis 24:48; Exodus 5:2; Nehemiah 9:3; Psalm 99:9; Matthew 14:33; and Revelation 7:11.
Why should we fear the Lord and give glory to Him?  Pharoah once asked Moses the same question once.  What kind of response will you get if you ask Christians, “why should you worship Jesus?”  They will usually say something like “we worship Jesus because He died for our sins at Calvary and redeemed us.”  It is a good answer, but not the entire answer.
Let’s read together Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 40:26; Isaiah 43:1; and Colossians 1:16.
Broadly speaking, humans are the only beings in the universe who do not acknowledge God as our Creator.  The angels in heaven acknowledge God as their Creator.  The unfallen beings in the rest of the universe acknowledge God as their Creator.  We limit God when we do not acknowledge Him as our Creator.
In summary, the first angel’s message is not a new message.  It is linked to the Gospel.  It reminds us we should not be afraid of God.  He is our Creator and He loves us.  God is much bigger than we think of Him.  Not only did He create us, He created the heavens and earth and everything within.  God holds all of creation together with His power.  He is calling us to come back to Him, to worship Him and give Him the respect He deserves.  If you come to know Him then you will surely be in awe of Him.  Your relationship with God will be more intimate and proud that any secular experience you could have.
Friend, if you love Jesus and are in awe of Him, will you share the first angel’s message with others?
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bluecube92 · 9 months
My Anime Movie List *UPDATED*
My Neighbor Totoro Castle in the Sky Ponyo Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Howl’s Moving Castle The Secret World of Arrietty Kiki’s Delivery Service The Cat Returns Porco Rosso Spirited Away Pom Poko Whisper of the Heart Princess Mononoke My Neighbors the Yamadas Tales from Earthsea Grave of the Fireflies From Up On Poppy Hill The Wind Rises When Marnie Was There Only Yesterday Ocean Waves Earwig and the Witch
Pokemon The First Movie Pokemon The Movie 2000 Pokemon 3 The Movie Pokemon 4Ever Pokemon Heroes Pokemon: Jirachi: Wishmaker Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai Pokemon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life Pokemon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions Pokemon the Movie: White-Victini and Zekrom Pokemon the Movie: Black-Victini and Reshiram Pokemon: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice Pokemon: Genesect and the Legend Awakened Pokemon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Pokemon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages Pokemon: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution Pokemon: Secrets of the Jungle
Case Closed:
The Time Bombed Skyscraper The Thirteenth Target The Last Wizard of the Century Captured In Her Eyes Countdown to Heaven Phantom of Baker Street The Crimson Love Letter Zero the Enforcer Episode "One": The Great Detective Turned Small
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Summer Wars Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Digimon The Movie Card Captor Sakura The Movie Card Captor Sakura The Movie 2: The Sealed Card Revolutionary Girl Utena The Movie Night on the Galactic Railroad Spring and Chaos Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro Paprika Memories Tokyo Godfathers Patema Inverted Steamboy Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror Perfect Blue Wolf Children A Letter to Momo Princess Arete Akira Millenium Actress The Boy and the Beast Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade Tekkonkinkreet Ghost in the Shell (1995) Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence 5 Centimeters Per Second The Garden of Words Appleseed (1988) Appleseed (2004) Appleseed Ex Machina Appleseed Alpha Miss Hokusai Your Name Cowboy Bebop The Movie In This Corner of the World The Sky Crawlers Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society Mary and the Witch's Flower The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Steins;Gate the Movie - Load Region of Deja Vu Robot Carnival Napping Princess Flavors of Youth Eden of the East: King of Eden Eden of the East: Paradise Lost Legend of the Millennium Dragon Martian Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness First Squad Children Who Chase Lost Voices Mirai Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle Godzilla: The Planet Eater Fireworks No Game No Life 0 Short Peace A Silent Voice Like The Clouds, Like the Wind Jungle Emperor Leo A Wind Named Amnesia The Fantastic Adventures of Unico Unico in the Island of Magic Fuse: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl Mai Mai Miracle Ni No Kuni The End of Evangelion Strait Jacket Evangelion 1.01 You Are (Not) Alone Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance Evangelion 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time Modest Heroes Okko's Inn A Whisker Away Tiger and Bunny The Rising Children of the Sea Little Norse Prince Redline Weathering With You Origin Spirits of the Past Genius Party Genius Party Beyond Promare The Life of Budori Gusuko Ride Your Wave The Night is Short, Walk On Girl Welcome to the Space Show Project A-Ko Project A-Ko 2: Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group Project A-Ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody Project A-Ko 4: Final Birthday Wonderland Blood: The Last Vampire Venus Wars Maquia - When the Promised Flower Blooms Re: Cyborg 009 Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop Penguin Highway Golgo 13: The Professional Golgo 13: Queen Bee Puella Magi Madoka Magica Rebellion Lupin III The First Escaflowne The Movie Stand By Me, Doraemon Stand By Me, Doraemon 2 Expelled From Paradise Child of Kamiari Month Bubble Dirty Pair Affair On Nolandia Dirty Pair Project Eden Dirty Pair Flight 005 Conspiracy Trigun Badlands Rumble Urusei Yatsura Beautiful Dreamer The Place Promised In Our Early Days Belle K-ON! The Movie A Tree of Palme Drifting Home The Princess and the Pilot Fruits Basket Prelude Hells Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic Black Jack the Movie Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish Lupin the 3rd: The Mystery of Mamo The Deer King Inu-Oh Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba The Movie Mugen Train Jungle Emperor: The Brave Can Change The Future To Every You I've Loved Before Re:Cycle of the Penguindrum: Your Train is Your Survival Tactic Re:Cycle of the Penguindrum: I Love You Pompo: The Cinephile Lupin the 3rd Episode 0 First Contact Slayers The Motion Picture Poupelle of Chimney Town To Me, The One Who Loved You Colorful Hal
Short Movies: Little Witch Academia Kakurenbo - Hide and Seek Voices of a Distance Star
Movies I want to watch: The House of the Lost on the Cape Goodbye, Don Glees! Giovanni's Island
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masterdetectivexx · 2 years
Do you watch detective conan movies, if yes what's your top 5 if you have one?
My top 5 Detective Conan movies are:
1. The Raven Chaser (13)
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2. The Dimensional Sniper (18)
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3. The Scarlet Bullet (24)
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4. Countdown to heaven (5)
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5. The Private Eyes' Requiem (10)
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akai-anna · 10 months
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katiajewelbox · 2 years
Halloween Countdown Day 5: 
Vintage Halloween songs and movie clips
Did you know there's a whole genre of spooky and subversive Halloween songs out there besides the Monster Mash and Thriller? If you like your scares and music vintage, this video of jazz songs with eerie subject matter set to early 20th century movies is perfect. Personally, I find some of these antique black and white movies creepier than today's CGI illusions. There's this uncanny valley feeling that "maybe that's his real face and not a mask" with the monsters and abnormal horrors on screen. The vintage cartoon are full of wickedly funny details so make sure to watch while listening. My personal favourite is "The Ghost of Anne Boleyn" featuring the beautiful British-Asian actress Merle Oberon - the lyrics are straight out of Horrible Histories!
Playlist credits:13 Vintage Halloween Jazz Songs from the 1910's, 20's & 30's – Visualized Playlist 
The House is Haunted Roy Fox 1934 Nosferatu (1922)
At the Devils Ball Maurice Burkhart  1913 Betty Boop in Red Hot Mamma (1934)
Skeleton In The Closet Nat Gonella & His Georgians 1937 Pennies from Heaven (1936)
Skeleton Rag The American Quartet 1912 Disney's Silly Symphony The Skeleton Dance (1929)
With her head tucked underneath her arm Cyril Smith 1934 The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933)
That Syncopated Boogie-Boo  The Premier Quartet  1913 Swing you Sinners (1930)
The Ghost of the St. Louis Blues  Bob Skyles & His Skyrockets  1930 The Ghost Breakers (1940)
Mysterious Mose The Radio All Star Novelty Orchestra 1930 Betty Boop Mysterious Mose (1930)
Shine on Harvest Moon  Kate Smith  1931 Werewolf of London (1935)
The Boogie Man Is Here  Tom Gerun  1929 St. James Infirmary Blues from Betty Boop Snow White (1933)
Spooky Spook  Victor Military Band  1917 Le Spectre Rouge (1907)
Spider Web Blues Victoria Spivey 1929 The Cobweb Hotel (1936)
The Spell Of The Blues Frederick Vettel 1929 The Old Dark House (1932)
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facetsofthecloset · 1 year
5 million Conan movies made but the only one I ever catch on tv the handful of times a year I have it on is Countdown to Heaven for some reason
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
Hope you’re doing well Goop and are having a wonderful day :)
Thank you!
I made some real progress today on my project to mix the remastered Blu-ray footage of the first six Conan movies with the FUNimation English dub tracks, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.
All that's left for me to HD is Movie 6, The Phantom of Baker Street!
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Unfortunately not! It's been a while since I really kept up with currently airing anime. Though, I see a lot of this one around, and it looks cute! My priority right now is to read this stack of books that one of my writing buddies lent me for Research purposes...
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But maybe someday I'll watch more anime 😅 Thanks for thinking of me!
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trixiegalaxy · 4 years
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romancemedia · 10 months
Case Closed Movie 5 - Countdown to Heaven Intro
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