#accurate as fck
akai-anna · 1 year
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greensaplinggrace · 8 months
absolutely fascinated by people saying the darkling committed genocide. is this the result of them not reading the books or is this the result of stringent moral policing in fandom spaces defining how people interpret media online? or perhaps is this the result of said moral policing creating a feedback loop of misinformation for those that don't remember the books too well?
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booksbhenchod · 1 year
I don't even stan Mikasa but "she only cares about Eren" will never be a point for why she's poorly written. She does care about her friends, literally the "mom" friend and is the first to help gabi and falco. It's just that a majority of her scenes are with Eren(mc privilege).
But even so she's allowed to be selfish, she only cares about saving one boy? fine 👌🏼. She's allowed that. She would've never chosen the corps if he didn't, she wanted a quiet life with him and she's allowed to wish for that.
People love male characters doing the "idc about anyone else but (my love interest) ", why do different standards apply to her?
There is a lot to say about isayama failing to do justice to his female characters, some start off strong and get sidelined as the story moves past, then get shoved into a romantic plot? (Annie, Mikasa), few are well written,however briefly it may be(gabi,historia, og ymir )
I am asking you to look at this from a completely unbiased view, regardless of who your favourite character/ship is especially because this is such a common criticism for her.
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starscelly · 2 years
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“what happened?”
fla@dal 1.8.23
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capitaneus · 2 years
don't tell anyone but you're my favourite harbinger
oh . . . ? the knight reaches down like a slow moving statue and pulls off his hat, holding it up high and just out of reach. he tilts his head as he expectantly awaits his reaction, as if to say ' how about now ? '
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florianlaurila · 1 year
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These two made Wednesday so irritating to watch, but at least one of them had a important purpose to the story
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imwritesometimes · 2 years
my desire for this to be as historically accurate as possible vs my desire to write the scene I've envisioned fight!!
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noona96n · 2 years
My man Namor fell in love with Shuri in seconds.
I mean he showed her his entire kingdom,offered her an alliance AND GAVE HER HIS MOTHER'S BRACELET!!!!
What more do we need!!!
Waiting for all those Namor/Shuri fanfics and edits
i also think he was ogling Shuri when he was at the River border!!! like he looked™ at her before he went back into the water i wasn't hallucinating it i swear
also also man had a dinner date set up in that goddamn room to welcome her!!! ALSO HE ASKED HER TO CHANGE INTO HIS TRADITIONAL GRABS AND PUT ON HIS BEST FIT!!!
bruh man saw Shuri and it was love at first sight
pretty sure his peeps know too bcs why the fck else would they take her to Talokan just from 'im Shuri, princess of wakanda, and i need to speak w/ Namor' like bro sus (transcript not accurate)
anw, im also waiting for fics but, while im waiting, im also writing a thing from Shuri's POV that is immediately post canon huhu like literally right after that post credit scene
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ying-doodles · 2 months
// webtoon spoilers (ep 151)
this is the most novel accurate the webtoon has been in ages but they did also make lloyd give tyrannus therapy(?) while he was still covered in puke so that was kinda weird-
but guys look!! pretty boi tyrannus!! we win!! :D
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crisis averted, lloyd gets to live woo-
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what is happening here tho. like what the fck is this situation. why are we making him cry??
(also why are they just standing in his barf. ew.)
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I love javier sitting in the background being like what the absolute fck cause that's how I felt reading this lmao.
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anyways, back to the actual plot now: tear of summer side quest has now been established.
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materials three and four are secured now!
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andddd there's the big plot twist-
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you know what that means!! seoul arc incoming oh boy,, (I fear)
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nagisachanlol · 15 days
Story idea
Okay but what about a story that is set during time periods where kingdoms etc were a thing (but not historically accurate cuz fck that) and 2 kingdoms wanted to join together so they crown princes of the two kingdoms were forced to marry each other who are also each other's rivals. One kingdom has elves while the other has a different mythical species who change gender(genitals) if they're mate is of the same gender.
I.e two women together so the more dominant one will develop male genitalias
And vise versa.
So knowing this fact, the mythical creature (ish) one is married off to the elven empire's crown prince (reminder that they both hate each other) and for appearances sake they have to pretend to like each other and "support" each other. When the mythical one goes through changes to have female anatomy (it's a brutal process) , the elf is with him in their chambers cuz they need to pretend to be supportive of each other and is a bit shocked at how brutal the process is.
Following this incident, since it's the time period is very old, obviously men don't know much about period, discharge, cramps etc and now that mythical creature guy has female anatomy, he has to navigate these things and the elf guy also witnesses and helps his spouse and they both learn about how women have to go through such hell etc.
The story is just about the elf guy helping his spouse out with the new changes the best he can while panicking internally whenever his spouse suffers from cramps etc and the story ends with him establishing better education of female anatomy and making periods and other stuff no longer a hush hush topic lol.
This story is in scrap mode so it's shitty af
I'd also like to note since I worded stuff badly that the mythical creature person is still a man (ig) just now with a uterus instead of cock and balls because it's more character development wise if both are men and now one is suffering from female problems while the other is witnessing it all happen and has to help his partner out.
Edit +TW: what if there was also a scene where the mythical creature guy (I srsly need a name for his species, I forgot the biological term for this shit but ik clown fishes also change gender like this) almost got raped at some point and the elf guy saves him and that's when both of them have the actual moment of clarity of how women are treated in their world(?). I'm probably contradicting myself in many places but I just wanted to write it all down before I forgot.
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thegamingcatmom · 20 days
A continuing thought to add to the previous ask of burgers and Soft!Kate that is essentially:
The adventures of Kate and MC: the quest for a burger
And that thought is Tanya would learn of this outing cause she sees Kate throwing up human food and is generally? Not having a time, but it was worth it. Why? Cause:
MC and Kate in a car (cause drive thru? Idk)
MC nomming on some fries from the bag
Kate seeing this(whilst driving): feed me a fry
MC does so cause clearly hands on the wheel.
Idk they eventually park to eat
MC seeing Kate not eating:didn't you say earlier that you were starving?
Kate:....yes (and proceeds to eat her burger, too)
MC? unaware, just happy to finally have her burger.
(Feel like kate would pull a: "you want to try a bite of mine?" As she asks for a bite of MC's as trade, idk)
So yeah, MC feeding her and sharing Food
Tanya would be so upset
The sisters demanding MC feed them all seductively (the things they put up with just to hopefully get some one day is as sad as it is admirable 😭) while MC is just there like "uh, yeah sure" because she doesn´t even realize it´s meant to be all sexy and seductive because well, she´d be starving too if she didn´t eat all day. Like, honestly-
What´s up with that?
She´s never actually seen them eat smt, aside from the times they, for some strange reason, demand to be fed by her. And, even then, they only ever eat smol pieces, making the funniest faces while they do so, only to disappear shortly after - to where? Fck does she know. She´s not sure she even wants to know.
Sometimes, ignorance is bliss...
Still, she does find it strange that, after what feels like an eternity (still not enough, tbh), they come back, looking rather...worse for wear, it has to be said. She didn´t think it was possible for them to become even paler, but here we are.
What´s up with that?
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However, I gotta say I think that's more Kate's thing. Putting herself in situations where MC has no other choice but to "tend" to her because she's got her hands full with other things. (Unfortunately, not the things she wishes her hands were filled with...life´s cruel).
Like, it doesn't have to be food, although I love the idea of Kate demanding to be fed a fry all sexily (in her mind). Kate continuously choosing to suffer in hopes it's gonna get her some form of PDA (in her mind) is just too accurate, lmao.
As in: Woman is a coven leader.
Do I need to say more?
Tanya doesn't beat around the bush - she doesn't need to. She's a leader. She has rights. When she's got her eyes on smt (more like someone), she won't hesitate to pursue it. She might not always outright state her intentions, but that's mainly because she doesn't believe there's a need for it. Hasn't she made herself clear enough? Hasn't she clearly shown her interest? (Not her fault if you're too charmingly dense to get it.)
Why would she need to resort to such...absurd methods to court you? She's a lead-
*witnesses MC feeding Kate a fry all seductively*
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Also Tanya:
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That's a perfectly normal way to eat, wdym-
Kate putting herself through torture just to get some tender loving is so precious though.
...Slightly manic and certainly self-destructive, but precious nonetheless. 😭
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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lunathebee · 2 years
Hello 👋🏽 can I request a jealous moon boys HC some hurt/comfort please?
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A/n: ty for sending in a rq, I feel like I'm experiencing deja vu....have I done anything similar to this??? But anw sorry I don't know how to add the hurt/comfort thingy in
Warning: None, beside me never doing a rq accurately enough
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🍓 Steven Grant 🍓
I'm having mixed feelings about him
If it's just a small conversation between you and a man, he would happily go up and join you guys (even if it's a bit awkward)
If there's some flirting going on, he will become sassy, answering back all the questions for you
"Are you free this Sunday Y/n?"
"We have plans this Sunday right love? *Look at you*, yea sorry mate"
"...maybe Monday-"
"Not a chance"
*both men stare at eachother*
Steven looks at him like "are you really going to say all the days?" 💀💀
He doesn't want you to waste more time chatting with this guy
He will grab your hand and pull you away, but not even before saying sorry to the dude (he's so nice)
"Are you jealous Steven?"
"Am I not allowed to? *Pout*"
🥺🥺 please why would you even have eyes for other man
🍓 Marc Spector 🍓
The one that goes *cough loudly* "hey baby, i miss you *kiss* who are you talking to?"
Also, the one that goes for a handshake and grips the dude's hand too hard.
His existence is enough to tell that guy to fck off
If not, he will stand,cross his arm, listen to whatever this guy has to offer
He knows you better than that, and this doofus dude definitely won't steal you away from him
He has the "I don't have time for this" attitude
(but let's be honest, if the dude is somewhat handsome, he will feel a bit insecure and grumpy :(( )
"Are you jealous Marc?"
"Do you still love me? "Stop being ridiculous"
🍓 Jake Lockley 🍓
*BAM* the guy is ded 💀💀💀
LMAO oKAY sorry
Ehem, the real question is why
Jake looks like the most intimidating man on EARTH
So why would anyone even think about flirting with YOU?
Are they blind??? Crazy?? Wanna get beat up???
If Jake sees someone flirting with you, he will keep his cool and watch for another minute
Just lurking, watching
And when he thinks the guy is crossing the line, he will go up and snatch you away
Don't worry he will never be mad or yell at you, Jake will glare at the guy
Telling him with his eyes like "do not talk to my lover AGAIN"
Can you guys tell I have a things for overprotective men-
"Are you jealous Jake?"
"Just wait till we get home"
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goosita · 4 months
His thighs are just so rideable- and in those jeans too 👀
Historically accurate Billy fck anyone?
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silver-wield · 7 months
lol. Apparently there is a change in the ending scene. Just like HW's. But the punch line is.
In OG, HW was about how hard you bang with tifa.
In Rebirth, it's about how hard you can reject aerith 🥳. It's just that in LA, she looks more desperate while HA, you literally unintentionally kept her hopes up. And cloud's like ehhh wtf aerith?
Sounds cruel? Well she needed a wake up call. This chick went for a guy she knows is in love with her so called "best friend". Go ahead confess, but wtf are you mopping? Are you actually sad he didn't return your shallow feelings? That you couldn't still what your friend has? And you say to cherish? FCK OFF AND BACK OFF AERITH. You don't deserve to say that after fully betraying your friend. I would have laughed more if she said "make tifa happy for me" but even if she didn't say that, I just know 💯 tifa's feelings never entered her psyche. BITCH DON'T GIVE A FCK ABOUT IF HER FRIEND'S HEART GET BROKEN JUST SO SHE COULD "MOVE ON" YET SHE'S NOT EVEN SURE WHAT SHE FEELS.
She's a sad character alright, made to be pitied. I'm sure those are those who will turn a close eye to her bs because it's tragic. Even in the end, she never apologized to cloud as a human being. Just said excuse me because she's going to take advantage of him for the last time and say vague shit.
The world is dying and your priority is your doomed love life. Till zack fixes your shit. Anybody complaining here that she's too man centric? Well she always was. Her character description is accurate af. Nobody curse at SE, when you missed out on the note.
Yeah it's true there's a "low/high" affection line that's affected by whether you played for Tifa or her GS date just like the HW, but it is literally just the difference of one line with no other differences. The visual aspect of the scene doesn't change no matter what's said.
Cloud calls her "nakama" in one version (comrade/friend) and doesn't in the other. Aerith remains sad no matter what he says, so both versions are negative. She apologises, hugs him, says he shouldn't blame himself, then says goodbye.
Some people are claiming this will make players pity her, but sorry not sorry, even as she's about to die she still tries to fuck with Cloud's head and slimes herself over the guy she knows for a fact Tifa likes while claiming to be her best friend.
Friends don't do that.
All she did was cause emotional and mental trauma to them both because she's a selfish two faced back stabbing bitch. She even had the cheek to say she's not even sure if she "like likes" him whereas Tifa at 13 knew for a fact she loved and wanted to be with Cloud for the rest of her life and never changed how she felt.
Aerith is a shallow jealous bitch who's looking for someone to be all about her after seeing just how faithful to each other Cloud and Tifa are. She uses Tifa to learn about Cloud so she can take him from her instead of being a real friend and actually supporting her the way Zack did Cloud. I'm not even sure how she qualifies as a good guy when she's such a hag.
Sephiroth should've shown up sooner.
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sharky857 · 1 year
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Last day I found and tested a couple mods for a front-facing Elliott (because since installing the one for the seasonal outfits he's the only left with a full "paint me like an ancient Egyptian" kind of portrait).
First mod has every outfit for all occasions, festivals and beach time included (and also something for yall enjoying the "yandere mod" :°D). Downside is: it's yet another mod with a babyface'd Elliott.
Second mod is an 100% accurate Elliott's visage. Downside is: the modder never got around to tweak all the outfits, so only some portraits are available. There's also an absolute lack of dedicated sprites, so they don't even match the portrait. The mod page also comes with a "xnb" file meant to replace the one into Steam's game files, which severely fck up the in-game sprite for Elliott.
So in the end I have no other choice but go back to have some writer being the only constantly facing left in the portraits. 😔
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i finally connected the dots. if jikook are really fucking 7 days a week then i understand why we never see them for daaaaays when they're together because neither of them can walk properly and their probably both so tired because they got fucked thoroughly lmao i would never been seen either if i was getting fucked properly especially 7 days in a row....also we all know their kinky and into BDSM so i'm like how are they fucking 7 days a week? aren't they TIRED aren't they SORE? but then i started thinking they both have a crazy amount of stamina so i'm not surprised lmao but then i'm also thinking how is jimin taking the jungkonda 7 days in a row???? that thing is HUNG AND LONG AND THICK like if their really doing it 7 days a week i feel bad for jimin because there's no way that man ain't sore like i know jimin is a size king and loves how strong jk is but honestly i see why we NEVER see them when their together cause their fucking ALL the time literally....i'm not surprised but the fact that jk confirmed it is CRAZY sorry for the rant and being nasty but i was just thinking about this and i had to share lmao
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Realistically speaking I dont think they do it seven days a week.
This has been sang before many times. Rappers and singers going on about how they fck all day long and sh!t like that. But its just for the music or because it rhymes or whatever.
And technically JK didn't write the song 🙈
Realistically speaking, especially with their packed n heavy schedules i don't think this is accurate. But of course I wouldn't know 🤭🤭 for all we know u could be right 🤷🏽‍♀️
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