#mozalieri edit
tlxyuo · 2 years
i have been hyperfixated on them for awhile now so here we go ! silly little edit of the guys ever🫶🏻
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delannoie · 5 months
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New piece for my Producer x Сomposer 80's "Amadeus" AU
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haljathefangirlcat · 2 years
International Fanworks Day: Feedback Fest Recs: Cheating Edition
Or, after reccing some wonderful crossovers on AO3, here’s my crossovers and fusions! Or at least, the ones in English barring the new one I’m going to post on IFD proper on the 15th.
Finnish It! (or, When Typos Get Stuck In Your Head) (Doctor Who/RPF): Eleventh Doctor, Rory Williams, Amy Pond, Tove Jansson. G, background Rory/Amy and Eleven/River. Tiny misfired comment fill for the Eleventh Era Kinkmeme. Pure, simple crack.
Collaboration (The Librarians/Torchwood): Eve Baird, Jenkins, Ezekiel Jones, Cassandra Cillian, Jacob Stone, Jack Harkness, Toshiko Sato, Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper. G, implied Janto, Jack/Jenkins, and Cassandra/Tosh. Humorous ficlet about the two teams working together.
Ships in the night (Voltron: Legendary Defender/Attila’s Treasure): Keith, Hagan. T, onesided Keith/Shiro and Hagan/Waldhari, background Shurtis and Waldhari/Hildegund. Post-series angst, awkward yet hopeful hurt/comfort, two characters who feel more similar to each other to me than they probably should and my attempt to make them bond over similar experiences that (admittedly) sounds more like a very weird Horrible Histories episode.
The (Willingly Sacrificed) Eye of the Heart (Of The Gallows' God) (Rhinegold & Attila’s Treasure/Boris): Ragin, Otter, Hagan, various others mentioned. T, mentions of Waldhari/Hildegund, onesided Attila/Hildegund, and onesided Fadhmir/Brunichild. Fusion AU with the characters from Stephan Grundy’s  Völsunga Saga retellings filling in for the cast of sharp, bitter, satirical Italian tv series Boris. Does it make sense? In my heart, it does.
Out Loud (Ace Attorney/Twilight): Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright. G, pre-slash Narumitsu. A Fusion AU for the Phoenix Wright Kinkmeme that’s crack on a stick with just a hint of angst.
In Patterns So Unlike The Measured Dance Of Stars (Ace Attorney/Swordspoint): Phoenix Wright, with Mia Fey, Alec Campion, and Richard St Vier all more or less in the background. G, implied Narumitsu, background Richard/Alec, (hinted) onesided Phoenix/Alec. Fusion AU and crossover. Pre-canon for the games, post-canon for the book. A slice-of-life Phoenix Wright Kinkmeme fill to a prompt asking for crossover pairings, but it ended up being the Vague Hints Festival more than actually shippy.
sur nos stèles je veux graver (que nos rires ont berné la mort et le temps) (Ace Attorney/Mozart L’Opéra Rock): Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Costance Weber, Antonio Salieri, the Judge, and a few cameos from other MOR characters. G, Narumitsu, Mozalieri. A Phoenix Wright Kinkmeme autofill that’s not quite a Fusion AU or a crossover, not quite crack or Crack Treated Seriously, not quite me clinging to my sanity or throwing it to the wind in exchange for musical and historical in-jokes. Post-canon for the musical, with a dash of historically inaccurate accusations.
Oldest Companions (Nibelungenlied/Waltharius): Volker von Alzey, Hagen von Tronje, mentioned others. G, pre-slash Volker/Hagen. Mashing together two different poems from the same tradition, each telling a slightly different story about the same characters, for a Chocolate Box Exchange treat. Ambiguously platonic celebrity crushes, first meetings, and implied angst.
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sox-rok68 · 2 years
Hi, yeah, can i get a fuckin' uhhhhhh Will Graham "Le Bien Qui Fait Mal" edit, and a Mozalieri "The Masochism Tango" edit, yeah, thanks💰💸
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hhuta · 4 years
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them not letting go of each other
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winterwyrd · 5 years
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When I saw you all alone against the sky
It’s like I’d known you all along
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fanfeline · 6 years
I’m not sure what moodboards you’ve done before but I would love to see a Mozalieri one!
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can’t believe I’ve never done this before thank you so much!
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Salieri‘s Instagram Musical Social Media pt. 8 Send requests if you want to see more.
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hakuryen · 7 years
Good Intentions
Pairing: Mozalieri
Rating: G
Words: 1247
Tags: Supernatural AU, Hunter Salieri, Crossroad Demon Mozart
Summary:  What would you do if you lost your closest friend, your love, the only family you had left? What would you be willing to give, just to have them back? How far would you go? Salieri had tried to never consider the possibility, but when the inevitable happened, he didn't think twice about what he had to do.
Read on AO3
Note: Thanks to the lovely @mozalieri for beta reading this <3
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stim-robot · 2 years
Trans vampire Mozalieri from Mozart L'opéra Rock icons? Transmasc flag additions are optional tho
The program I was using for icon edits swapped from free to subscription, and I forgot to take out of my bio that I can't do them anymore. Sorry! (Genuine)
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delannoie · 2 years
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Musical Producer x Сomposer 80's "Amadeus" AU
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haljathefangirlcat · 3 years
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J'ai l'impression de glisser vers le fond
shitty mozalieri moodboard
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emptymasks · 3 years
For the fandom ask game: Mozart l’opera rock?
who I’m most like: oh boy maybe the sad bi depressed goth antonio salieri
who I admire most: wolfgang, no matter how many times he gets rejection shoved in his face he doesn’t give up on his art and keeps making it
who I hate: (EDIT because somehow i missed this question out) fuck daddy issues man, leopold stop forcing your dreams onto your kid
who is my baby: salieri. man needs a hug.
who I’d like to date: whoops salieri again. florent mothe is a gorgeous man, especially when he grew his hair longer in 2011
who I’d hook up with: is it bad if i say solal as leopold mozart can kinda get it
what I ship in the fandom: mozalieri aka salieri/mozart, it’s boderline canon to me in that well mozart kisses both men and women on stage, salieri gets it on with both men and women in his bdsm fever dream and vivre á en crever is a love duet change my mind. “we’ll meet again” salieri has visions of being dominated the first time he hears mozart plays music for him. in the 2011 when mozart bends over purposely showing his arse before conducting and turns around to grin at the audience salieri starts glancing away, playing with his hair. “it’s so good that it hurts, when you love it’s perfectly normal” want to talk about florent’s acting at the end of le bien qui fait mal in the 2011 version because he’s so flustered and out of breath and straightens his waistcoat, goes to nervously fiddle with his cravat but it’s not there anymore. rivals to lovers is a good trope.
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mxcorruption · 3 years
I do love my shitty trans mozalieri edit, but should I sacrifice them for this?
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winterwyrd · 6 years
When you move, I move
A gift for @ultravioletness and @mozalieri who are the most wonderful pals in the world  and deserve every happiness, and also entirely to blame for this mess.
Inspired by this wonderful art by @nuizlaziart
"Do you dance, Monsieur Salieri?"
Antonio stiffened, abruptly stilling his foot which had, quite of its own accord, been shifting from side to side to the rhythm of the aria Mozart was demonstrating with all the capricious charm of a six year old showing off his first finger painting.
He turned an icy gaze on the man in question, who didn't have the mocking smirk he had assumed would be accompanying that question, undoubtedly meant as a snide jab at his inelegance and obvious lack of the confidence or ability needed to partake in the sport in question. Not that this intent could be read in the face of the young composer, who was smiling with seemingly genuine interest and eagerness. Salieri felt the, by now normal, confusion which seemed to stir in his chest whenever he interacted with the frustrating boy. How could someone who seemingly plastered his emotions across his countenance for the world to see be so impossible to understand?
"I do not, as is perfectly obvious."
It must be a trick of the ballroom lighting that the light shining from Mozart's face seemed to dim, and his eyes shutter slightly, at Salieri's curt response.
"I find that sort of frivolity best suited to those with more... extreme temperaments, shall we say."
He avoided Mozart's eyes as he said this, his treacherous brain remarking that the erratic genius standing in front of him was undoubtedly an excellent dancer, even going as far as to supply images of Mozart's body spinning around a dance floor, in perfect harmony with the music flowing around him, as always.
The man in question smiled hesitantly at the blush creeping up Salieri"s cheek, and laid a fleeting hand on his arm.
"Well, Monsieur, I don't believe you in the slightest. I know you'd be an excellent dancer."
Salieri was, predictably, having an utterly terrible time. He had warned de Ponte as much, with increasing volume and increasingly colourful language when it became obvious the man was not listening to his protestations and would not allow him weasel out of the annual ball so easily.
And so, here he was, lurking in the corner of the ballroom dressed all in black, with an even blacker scowl on his face as he watched the colourful multitudes whirl past and let the babble of vapid and inane wittering wash over him. As his eyes searched out the nearest waiter who could be prevailed upon for another glass of whatever terrible alcohol it was that he had spent the evening singlemindedly devouring, he heard a  familiar voice rise above the din. Ah, speaking of vapid and inane.
He could barely suppress a wince as the lanky, dishevelled whirlwind - somehow, the most talented composer Antonio had come across - knocked into him, skidding to an abrupt halt. The man was practically vibrating out of his skin, so obviously at ease here amongst the tumultuous colours and cacophony of sounds and the steady thrum of music which permeated everything. Salieri couldn't take his eyes of the young man's vibrant pink jacket with black lace spilling out from the cuffs and neckline, and beautiful silver snowflakes embroidered down it. It billowed around him as he moved and should have looked utterly absurd, but all Salieri could think was how alive Mozart looked, how his dark eyes were extenuated by the gaudy colour, drawing attention to the constant light and laughter which shone out of them.
Abruptly, Salieri felt a flush of embarrassment run through him as he remembered his own drab outfit and he shrunk backwards, willing himself to merge once again with the shadows and allow Mozart to continue on, unimpeded, to carry his breathless brightness to those more deserving of it.
But the composer had been surprising him since the day their eyes first met across that concert hall, and now Mozart moved towards him, with a deliberation unusual for the young man. He glanced up, with what Salrieri would call hesitancy on anyone else - but this was Mozart, so such an idea was absurd. And indeed, a second later his irrepressible nature was back and he flung his arms out in frankly the most over-dramatic bow Salieri had ever witnessed. Several individuals on the outskirts of floor made their consternation known as they narrowly avoided a smack from his flailing hands.
"May I have this dance, sir?"
Salieri could only gape at the unexpected turn his evening had taken, attempting to ignore the curl of anger and something else, harder to identify, which sparked inside him.
"I thought I had made it clear that I don't find jokes at the expense of my dancing ability to be at all amusing."
Those frustratingly expressive eyes blinked at him in surprise.
"I'm not joking, Antonio."
The jolt that went through him when Mozart used his given name just wasn't fair, and he struggled to keep his face expressionless as he tried to fathom the intentions of the boy still bent at the waist in front of him.
"I... cannot dance, it is not something I have ever been interested in learning."
"Ah. So, you don't want to dance with me?"
And god, of all the times for Mozart's face to be veiled, his eyes averted and something in his tone sounding an off note that was impossibly hard to read.
If Mozart hadn't added the second half of the question, Salieri would have answered instantly. He had no desire at all to dance with faceless strangers in a mass of overheated bodies, to take part in the sideways looks and giggles and gossip that came part and parcel with that. But, to dance with Mozart? To feel the young man's elegant fingers curled into his sleeve, feel the pressure at his back as he was swept around, as he was made part of the constant, glorious rhythm which this otherworldly boy seemed to live his life by. To look down into his eyes, mere inches from his own.
Salieri was jerked back to reality by a feather light touch in his wrist, Mozart pressing his fingers there as delicately as if he was a newborn kitten who might startle at any minute.
"May I?"
Mozart smiled softly as he asked again, with what Salieri distantly recognised as hope flashing in his eyes. He cleared his throat.
"You may."
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than Salieri found himself on the dance floor, Mozart's arm steady around his waist, fingertips resting on his hips. At first all he felt was growing panic as his feet stumbled over the steps, but then Mozart leaned in, holding him more firmly and leading with more pressure.
"Don't look at your feet, Antonio, look at me."
Unwillingly, Salrieri dragged his eyes up, losing his breath for a second at how close the man in front of him was.
"There you go." Mozart's smile was open and delighted and seemed to send frissons of heat through the places their bodies touched as he slowly, reverently, spun Salieri out around, catching him and drawing him closer again.
"See Antonio." Wolfgang's voice was a mere whisper over his cheek as he expertly changed their direction again.
"I knew you'd be an incredible dancer."
((This is the first writing I have ever finished and shared and it was written on the nightbus so I’m sorry for any errors)
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delannoie · 2 years
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