#mp2 games
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6th May 2024 - I’ll never forget Omori, it is now one of my favourite games of all time,, ; ;
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razables · 8 months
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i’ll post real Metroid art some day i promise
(meme/reference under the cut)
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theskoomacat · 6 months
I wrote "i'm not obsessed with anything atm" in that ask game and then lost myself completely in Remedy content not even a day later. clown behavior
Anyway Max Manpaynes 1 and 2 were ok, ppl say 3 was also okay but it's too far from other Remedy stuff so i'm not dissecting it. So here's the easter eggs from MP1 and 2 for people who haven't played them (reverse easter eggs rather because the stuff they were referencing did not not exist yet. what's first, an easter egg or an easter chicken?)
(at this point i realized that i've lost all my screencaps to a power outage. aye killing meself.)
The biggest most obvious thing were the TV shows. I guess the one thing you can trust Remedy to do is to put a fictional TV show in their game. Address Unknown was a wild ride. In MP1 the show is an obvious reference to Twin Peaks, it features the main character, a mental hospital patient, witnessing his double conversing with a backwards-speaking pink flamingo in a place with red drapes.
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In MP2 this story evolves: we learn that the main character is tormented by his evil serial killer double, John Mirra, who frames mc for his murders. (hmmm sounds familiar)
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(The fact that Sam does "acting" for all the series is the icing on the cake. draw Scratch like this challenge)
He is forced to look for Mirra, following the trail of his murder scenes into an alternate Noir York City, because Mirra has kidnapped his gf. He gets put into that mental institution from MP1's episode and is forced to kill his doctor self-defense and flee. He laments that through killing he has become John Mirra himself - maybe he has been Mirra the entire time. The series ends with him receiving a phone call from himself. (Naturally, the entire series is heavily focused on the concept of mirrors, including citing a poem by the poet Pool on the same topic).
Watching all this made it all click for me because I have seen but have not processed a snippet of an interview with Sam Lake where he said that he enjoyed Twin Peaks season 3: The Return (hello??) that also featured an evil double plot and the mc returning from another dimension after many years. The only thing that is different is that afai remember, evil Cooper was not Cooper himself - unlike how it happens in Address Unknown and Alan Wake 2. So it's extremely fun to see that after 20 years Sam has managed to turn these doodles on the margins into an entire AAA game, love it for him.
Another pretty fun meta moment when Max get heavily drugged:
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(There is another note that tells him that he is a computer game character, to his dismay, but I like it less.) I know it was just a typical 4th wall-breaking joke back then but in the context of AW this becomes way cooler.
Other minor stuff that made me go leo_dicaprio_pointing.png:
665 and 667, the neighbors of the beast, are used as codes in both games.
one of the characters seemingly gets shot in the head in the first game, and in MP2 this conversation happens: "I saw you take a bullet to the head." "Maybe it's still there. Keeps me focused." - kind of taking a note of this for AW3.
MP1 constantly references the American Dream, the first part is called that as well - in contrast with the American Nightmare.
The whole thing with "Odin" - no real connection with AW but just fun to see Remedy putting heavy scandinavian mythology symbolism in the game unprompted.
man i can't remember more without the screencaps, this is so tragic. Nightingale was mentioned but iirc with no hidden meaning. here you go.
Anyway, I hope I have at least managed to enlighten the people who haven't heard of Address Unknown because in the context of AW2 this stuff is bonkers
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dany36 · 1 year
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snagged dkc2 and super mario 64 ds at the last minute. had a couple of dollars left so got zelda 2 because why not, even though I have it as part of the gcn collector’s edition.
RIP Wii U eShop!!!
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ive been obsessed streaming the good witch, right now i adore BSC.
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barrymccaulkinem · 2 years
It is so hard to adjust to a metroid prime game
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fatalforesight · 10 months
I see so much of Donald Sutherland’s last moments of Snow in the clips we’ve seen of Tom Blyth’s Snow. Sutherland’s Snow spends the first three movies playing a game that keeps him shielding his hand and therefore his real giddiness, anger, or fear from the people around him (and the audience for that matter). But he shines in the final scenes of MP2, because he knows he no longer has nothing to lose. Tom Blyth gets to play the Snow that learns to be that hardened dictator playing the game, and especially in what will be his earliest interactions with Lucy, I see a more naive version of that same final Snow. It’s really impressive, even from trailers alone
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torvus-bong · 1 year
ughhhfhfjf against my Personal Feelings on digital downloads I bought prime remastered 😭 snow storm started last night and my roommate was like "do it. buy it and play it during the storm" so I did and now I have the day off bc of the storm and can play it all day lmao 🤙
absolutely fucking breathtaking game. seriously wth. now do MP2 and MP3 (WITH JOYPAD CONTROLS BLEASE SOME OF US HAVE CARPAL TUNNEL HOLY FUCK ✊😔)
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pawelcyril · 1 year
6, 9 and 13 from the Video Game Music Asks please!
Thank you!
6: tune with memories attached: Route 228 Night from Pokémon DPPt. I put a ton of time into Pearl, often playing it late at night in high school. I heard this tune a lot in the post game.
9. Tune I can listen to on repeat: my unorthodox choice is Western Land from Mario Party 2. I play MP2 with my brother and cousin all the time, and we often play this board. It’s so darn catchy and I never get sick of it.
13. Favorite sad piece: Morphogenetic Sorrow from 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors. What an incredible finale. Sobbing, trying to solve a children’s puzzle, processing all of the mind blowing revelations as everything comes together. Wow. I wish I could experience it for the first time again. The soundtrack definitely added to the experience of making this my favorite game.
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killerawesome · 1 year
mario party 7 is probably one of the games of all time. because im currently playing in a mario party league (yeah mom its a thing), here's some mario party 7 fun facts! fun fact number 1, the tier list. - not necessarily a fun fact but something that's always fun to bring up is the character orbs. these orbs are specific to each group of characters, i.e. peach/daisy both have the flower orb. typically, the best character orbs are the ones that give movement. this leaves 4 characters, Dry Bones, Boo, Toad, and Toadette. Dry Bones/Boo have the Magic Orb, which doubles your roll for two turns as well as bypassing any traps that are on the board. the downside is you're just as likely to roll low than to roll high. Toad/Toadette have the Triple Mushroom (not to be confused with the Golden Mushroom/Triple Dice) which give them three consecutive double dice rolls. upside is that luck wise, you're more likely to get a decent roll (8-12 range). downside is that traps will still affect you. all in all, both of these characters are a good pick since movement is almost always prioritized on boards.
fun fact number 2, the duels - mario party 7 duels suck! (laugh track here) okay here's kinda how the rewards system works. the amount at stake for any given player is dependent on how far the winner is from the lose is in duels. if playerA is in 1st and playerB is in 4th, 4th will have more to gain from winning. usually this adds stars to the pool of potential things to take. On the flipside, 1st will have less to gain, usually only giving up coins (or nothing because MP7 is wacky). the closer the gap between the players is, the more likely stars will be on the table for both players. TL;DR, always punch up in duels, and never punch down.
fun fact number 3, the part where i go over some minigames - fun run is a pretty alright minigame, but the part i see most people trip up on is the Part That Pushes You Off The Cliff. there's a strategy that changes the game up a lot with that however. by hugging the far right corner just enough to not fall off, you can completely bypass the Part That Pushes You Off The Cliff. - tile and error is a 2v2 minigame that focuses on you and your partner covering up an entire side of squares to your color. while there isn't a meta defining strategy, there is something you should hella note. wait for your opponents to be near the edge. if you see this at any point, kick them off the cliff like you just saw a bunch of "this is sparta" memes because you wanted to see it for some reason. this gives your team a huge advantage, and it has your opponents team scrambling to try and recover ground. also, your ground pound can cover two spaces at a time. - final one, another 2v2, hop-o-matic 4000. this game will always give you 4 buttons to work with, with the final button pressed being the one in that set that hasn't been chosen. i.e. ABXY, if ABX has already been chosen, then Y will for sure be the next button.
this has been a bunch of MP7 fun facts, tune in next time where i'll go over some MP2 fun facts
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3rd May 2024 - Omori… Is very heavy on the heart. But I love it. And I really can’t wait to complete it over the summer! (I’m 10 hours in!)
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cinna-bunnie · 1 year
damn dolphin and texture packs are doing what Nintendo's taken years to do, for free 😤
jk lol but I was considering buying the hd remake for Metroid prime since i think I'm done with Elden Ring (bc once u beat Malenia and clear the Haligtree it feels like What's The Point) and decided to install dolphin again.
I didn't know u can play the 8BitDo controllers through USB 0: super helpful bc my gaming PC doesn't have Bluetooth and i didn't feel like buying an adapter or anything lol.
and I've never used a texture pack before tonight and omg Metroid prime 2 feels so fresh?? this makes me want to look into a bunch of GC games :3 but I'm just enjoying MP2 tonight before having to work tomorrow
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flowergirlmiwa · 1 year
randomly telling you how I feel about various Nintendo 64 games
Super Mario 64: this game is everything. one of the most iconic, most important, and best games ever made and one of my personal favorites
Ocarina of Time: mmmmm oough what a loverly game uwuu my favorite Zelda game
Majora's Mask: definitely one of the best, most interesting and most daring games in its series
Mario Party 3: it's 2 but worse but makes you think it's 2 but better. I like a lot about the game, the item bonanza makes it unique from 2 for sure, the reverse mushroom is incredibly useful for clever shortcuts, and the mini games are good. Sadly every single board in the game is bad. MP2 is the better game if only because you won't have to use MP3 maps
Pokemon Snap: better than any Pokemon game after Gen 2
Every AKI wrestling game: I wont get too into it here but if you know you know (about their greatness)
Mega Man 64: I got this as a kid expecting Mega Man 8. anyway mega man legends is one of my favorite games now and I think they made this port for me specifically
kirby 64: slow/10
Super Smash Bros: this was my favorite game of all time between MVC2 being my favorite game and Sonic Adventure 2 being my favorite game. Now all I wish is this game had trophies, either way it's better than smash 4
Diddy Kong Racing: why is getting good locked behind happening to know to release gas before hitting a boost? Like I know you have to use an instruction manual to know what the fuck is happening in Kid Icarus but cmon
Hey You Pikachu: SLOW/10, even after you get free movement it's half walking and waiting simulator and half struggling with the mic designed to understand a 8 year olds voice
Pokemon Puzzle League: holy shit is that PUZZLE LEAGUE?? can we get some 1s in chat for puzzle league? Legend
F-Zero X: YOU LOST YOUR MACHINE. and my dad threw out my game box for this one. And That's Terrible.
Paper Mario: the best baby's first RPG ever made and my next favorite game after Sonic Adventure 2
Bamjo-Mamooie: until Jak and Daxter proved to be the true successor to SM64 this was probably the best game to directly follow and expand on SM64's collectathon aspects. I mean I'm taking SM64 every single day of the week but
Goldeneye: #1 N64 game I wish I had as a kid
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heralds-mario-blog · 2 years
Do you have any favorite Mario Party mini games?
Yes, of course!!!!!!!! There are many very very very very very good minigames… every game has a lot of good ones! And some bad ones. But there are the best of the best of the best!! Let me share. In no particular order.
1. Hexagon Heat from Mario Party 2, aka Mushroom Mix-Up from Mario Party 1, also featured in Mario Party: The Top 100 and Mario Party Superstars. This game is the best of all time!! 4 players stand on a group of differently-colored hexagons, with a toad who stands on his own platform occasionally raising colored flags. You’ve gotta get to the right colored platform in time before the rest of em sink!! The game speeds up over time to make it tougher, and also, you can stomp and jump on other players (I actually don’t like that part) to slow em down. In Mushroom Mix-Up you are on mushroom platforms sinking into the water but in Hexagon Heat you’re on metal platforms over lava. This is the only difference, but I think it’s interesting how this and a number of other Mario Party 1 minigames got retooled for Mario Party 2! The games play the same but all have a slightly changed visual aesthetic. I believe Hexagon Heat is the version featured in Top 100 but Mushroom Mix-Up is the version featured in Superstars. Weird, huh!
2. Booksquirm from Party 4! Also featured in The Top 100 and I’m pretty sure in Superstars. Four players stand on a book’s pages, with the pages from above slowly descending on top of them! Your goal is to quickly determine where the holes in the falling page are and run to those spots to slip through! Just like the hit game show “Hole in the Wall.” But with a book. It’s fun!! The page falling speeds up as time goes on and there’s a high score to keep track of it. If you ever wanna see something magical, look up a TAS of this game heheh… they manage to get to 100 pages, I think!
3. Toad in the Box from Mario Party 2!! I dunno why I like this one so much, but it’s cute. Each player stands beneath a spinning block with several faces, 3 enemies and a toad. When you hit a toad, your platform goes up one notch, and I think you need 4 notches to win. However! If you miss the toad, and hit an enemy, it gets ya, and you’re briefly stunned. The block spinning speeds up with each notch!! So u gotta time carefully, but by the last notch it’s spinning too fast to do anything but jump and hope! It’s a little luck-based in that way, but I don’t mind.
4. Shy Guy Says!! Another minigame featured in Mario Party 1 and 2, as well as the Top 100 and Superstars!! Depending on the version, either the 4 players are out in barrels attached by ropes to a pirate ship (I like this version heheh) or they’re held up by balloons! A shy guy pirate on the ship or a shy guy archer on a cloud will give one of two commands- “A” or “B”- indicating which flag to raise! You have to raise the right flag or he’ll cut ya off or shoot ya down. Careful though!!!!! He can be tricky, raise a flag briefly to fake you out or what not. Last person standing wins!
5. Look Away, from Mario Party 2, and also on Top 100 and Superstars!! It’s a 1 vs 3 game where the top player looks in any one of the 4 cardinal directions or head-on, and then the 3 players have a split second to look in a different direction! If they look in the same direction, they’re out. The 1 player wins if they get all 3 players out before 5 rounds are up, while the 3 win if they survive. I like the funky music they play. Also, the losing players on the 3 team can still play along and pick a direction to look and if they look the same way again they become smaller dhdjdnd.
6. Bobsled Run from Mario Party 1, 2, Top 100 and Superstars. A 2 vs 2 race in a bobsled along an ice track, where you have to push the sled to the starting line and then cooperate to lean the sled to hit boosts and avoid falling off!! Simple but fun.
7. Speed Hockey! I’m gonna. Stop saying all the games they’re from now dbdjdbd but it originated in MP2. A 2 vs 2 game that’s basically just like pong! It’s hockey but you can only move up and down along a track on a little platform.
8. Day at the Races from Mario Party 2!! Interestingly it never appeared again I don’t think. Each player gets to pick one from among 4 racers: a boo, a bob-omb, a thwomp, and a womp. Each racer has a different movement method or special ability, but none outclass the others entirely. You pick in order from last to first, then watch the race play out, betting on your chosen racer! It’s totally random, but it’s cute and fun to watch! There’s a similar game in Mario Party 5 called Random Ride that’s also a battle game but features each player picking a ship to fly with different names, but the ships in that game actually do have rates of how often they win, so it’s more weighted and I don’t like that as much. Plus there’s more than 4, it just picks 4 from the pool. Having the same 4 each time is a little better.
9. Quick Draw Corks, from Mario Party 2! A simple duel minigame where you wait for the shy guy to tell you what button to press to fire your cork gun!! Whoever shoots fastest wins. Heheh. Similar minigames appear in other Mario Party games as well, like Shy Guy Showdown in Mario Party 5.
10. M.P.I.Q. from Mario Party 3! Again, I think this one never reappears. It’s just a simple quiz minigame asking about Mario Party… which means I’m really good at it heheheh. The way it works is that the question appears on screen slowly, and you can buzz in anytime you think you know what it’s asking, but if you’re wrong you have to sit out the next round. It can be cheesed if other players wanna be rude but it’s fun!
11. Tick Tock Hop from Mario Party 3! Simple duel minigame where two players stand on the hour hand of a clock trying to jump over the minute hand. The hand will randomly change direction and speed, and the hand you’re standing on will eventually start to move too!! It keeps a record as you go, so it can get real intense between two skilled players. Burn style from Mario Party 6 is similar, but it’s a 2 vs 2 instead of a duel.
12. Pushy Penguins from Mario Party 5! A hoard of silly penguins, big and small, charge the players, and you gotta weave and squeeze through em to avoid getting pushed off! Last player standing on the iceberg wins.
13. Leaf Leap from Mario Party 5! All 4 players are trying to climb a beanstalk as high as they can. Leaves will appear above you one at a time and you’ve gotta jump to each one! You can jump to the left or right or straight up from whichever side you’re on. If you miss a jump you’ll end up falling to the last leaf that was in that column, so if you mess up at a bad time you can fall really far. If you’re quick, you can climb all the way up into space!! This game keeps records too, so I always try and break em. What I also like is that records are marked by an orange leaf! It’s my color!! And it looks nice.
14. What Goes Up from Mario Party 6!! It’s like Leaf Leap but you’re actually on a high cloud trying to make your way down to the ground as fast as possible, and you have to avoid landing on Paratroopas who act as platforms. You’re also not picking and jumping, just trying to navigate your fall. So it’s not actually like Leaf Leap at all, but it is in my brain.
15. Same is Lame from Mario Party 6! You have to pick a button to press each round from among “A,” “B,” “X,” “Y,” and I think “Z.” Or maybe not Z. Anyway, if you pick the same as anyone else, neither player gets to advance. If only you picked your choice, you go up a layer! Whoever wins I think 3 rounds first wins. It’s fun! I like little mind guessing games like that. It’s kinda like Look Away!
16. Control Schtick from Mario Party 6! The screen will tell you which direction to point your two signs via tilting each control stick on the GameCube controller, and you’ve gotta match that within a short timeframe! I don’t think it’s ever been featured again cuz the 3DS doesn’t have dual analog sticks and I don’t remember Superstars featuring it. Oh well.
17. Track & Yield from Mario Party 7! The players run against a conveyer belt trying to jump over those uh… track sign thingies? The ones you gotta jump over in track. Um. I dunno. Anyways!! Regular ones just push you back but electric ones shock you and usually for long enough that the belt can carry you away. Last player standing wins!
18. Deck Hands from Mario Party 7! A battle game where players pick a random numbered card from a deck in 3 rounds and whoever has the highest total at the end wins. The player with the lowest score picks first each round too.
19. The Final Countdown from MP7! Players stand on a grid of numbers which gradually count down. Whenever a square hits 0 it’ll open to a pitfall. Players try to run around and not end up on any square when it hits 0. But you can also punch and kick and push people into other squares to try and get them to fall!! It’s devious!
20. Jump, Man from MP7. It’s a single-player DK minigame where you race Donkey Kong along a short DK-inspired obstacle course to try and get to the end first! If you beat him, you get the reward he’s playing you for based on what you rolled on the board.
21. Sick and Twisted from Mario Party 8! Players all race along a course of spinning platforms while avoiding bullet bills and try to make it to the end of the course! Anyone who finishes can win, I think.
22. Cardiators from MP8!! This is a really cool one. A duel game where two players in an arena are given a set bar of health and pick random cards from a table. Each one has a different Mario enemy on it, and will take varying amounts of health from the enemy, including some that do no damage. Whoever’s HP hits 0 first wins!! It’s like yugioh kinda!!!
23. Trash Landing from Mario Party DS. It can be a duel or 4-player minigame. Each player picks a rope and rides along it. You have to land on whatever object the rope takes you to, but the objects all have varying sizes and thus room for error, randomly decided. So it’s not entirely luck based, but luck plays a part! It’s fun and nifty.
24. Dust Buddies from Mario Party DS!! Players are running from a vacuum cleaner and have to jump over and dodge out of the way of various household objects acting as obstacles. If you get to the end you win!
25. Soap Surfers from DS is a fun game where you try and knock your opponents out of the sink while riding on bars of soap!!
26. Camera Shy from DS! Each player has a camera and is lost in a hedge maze. You have to find and photograph all 3 of your opponents without getting pictured yourself! The map won’t show you where anyone is unless they’re being taken in a photo.
27. Stretch Run from Island Tour! It’s like curling, but with carts! Or is it shuffleboard? Or something else entirely, maybe, I dunno. I’m not an athlete. Anyway! Each player tries to gauge the distance to launch their cart to get to the edge of a dock without falling off! The closer you are to the edge, the more points you get. But obviously you don’t get any points if you fall off. There are three rounds, so you try to adjust for each round!
28. Pachinko Wizard from Island Tour. It’s another luck-based game but I love the name and aesthetic and tension. You pick one of four pachinko… what’s the term… like, landing areas? And then a Lakitu tosses a Spiny down the board. Whatever section it lands in, that player is eliminated. After 1 player loses it goes to 3, then 2, until one player has outlasted the others and won!
29. Blown Hover from Island Tour. It’s a quick game where you race on a hoverboard trying to jump over or duck under panels that will fold out in your way, but they only do it as you get close so you have to react fast! Some panels can be jumped or ducked over, some can be avoided by changing lanes and some can be avoided by doing nothing- some can even be avoided in multiple ways, but the deadliest are the ones you can only avoid one way. If you get hit, you aren’t out, but you lose speed and have to build it back up, which can be fatal! Whoever gets to the end first wins!!!
30. Slip Not from Island Tour. It’s a race where all 4 players are sliding on a thin ice bridge. As you go along, the bridge gets thinner and thinner and harder to stay on, made worse by the need to use tilt controls heheh. Almost nobody makes it to the end of the course, but what matters is being the last person to slip off the track as it gets thinner! It’s a fun one and I had a blast as a smaller tiger trying to reach the fabled end of the track… never did manage it though, sadly.
Whew!!!! That’s all the faves from the ones I’ve played, so excluding 9, 10, Star Rush, Super Mario Party, and Mario Party Advance. If you’re wondering why this ask took me so long to get around to, it’s cuz I don’t front much and this was a loooot to write for such a lazy catboy heheheheh.
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mdshariful · 3 months
Today we review a ready-to-emulate box that looks very attractive for its price and what it offers called the Hyper Base R1. you may also like Data Frog SF2000 Best Cheap Retro Console. Hyper Base R1 Retro console It seems like a good option to us, since it has Amlogic S905X3 SoC with Tanix TX3 Box and 4 GB of RAM. In addition to using this box as an emulator, we can run most applications, play 4K UHD content at 60 fps without problems and play 2D and 3D games. As a system we have Android 9 as a normal box in the internal memory and EmuELEC 4.4 with more than 70 emulators installed and thousands of games on microSD. We only need to insert the micro SD to load the games with EmuELEC, to start the box in emulation mode and access the games, if we do not insert it the box will start with Android 9. A simple and fairly economical solution for those who do not want to complicate the installation and downloading of retro games that also includes a pair of joysticks with vibration to play. As always, we recommend backing up your microSD card as soon as it arrives. JMachen Hyper Base R1 Retro Gaming Console - 51,667 Retro Gameshttps://t.co/0OsMUdST4k pic.twitter.com/0YcVSUxwhL — TV Box Stop (@tvboxstop1) June 30, 2022 Specification of Hyper Base R1 Feature Specification Processor AMlogic S905X3 (Quad Core, up to 1.9 GHz) GPU Mali-G31 MP2 VPU Amlogic Video Engine 10 (HDR10, HDR10, HLG support) RAM 4 GB LPDDR3 Storage 32 GB eMMC (expandable via micro SD card reader) Wireless Connectivity Dual Band Wifi, Bluetooth 4.2 Connectors 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB 3.0, 1 x 10/100 Ethernet 1 x SPDIF audio, 1 x HDMI 2.1 Included Accessories IR remote control, 2 x controllers, HDMI cable Charger, 256GB microSD card with games Operating Systems Android 9 (internal memory), EmuELEC 4.4 (microSD) Price (on AliExpress) Starting at $26 with shipping included Availability Available on AliExpress The Hyper Base R1 case is powered by a 12nm AMlogic S905X3 SoC. This chip integrates a Quad Core with an ARM Cortex-A55 processor up to 1.9 GHz and a Mali-G31 MP2 GPU. VPU is an Amlogic Video Engine 10 with HDR10, HDR10 and HLG support. We also have 4 GB of LPDDR3 RAM and 32 GB of eMMc internal storage that we can expand using the micro USB card reader or one of the USB ports. Connectivity and Other Feature This box has dual-band WiFi and Bluetooth 4.2 wireless connectivity. The connectors included in the plastic case are a USB 2.0 port, a USB 3.0 port, a 10/100 Ethernet connector, an SPDIF audio port, and an HDMI 2.1 video output. In addition to the microSD card with games, a basic IR remote control, two controllers, HDMI cable and charger are included. Price and availability Hyper Base R1 Box with 2 controllers and 256GB card can be purchased on AliExpress for only $26 including shipping. A great option for the price.
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gogetyoursreviews · 5 months
Tanix W2-A - 4K Android TV Box Review & Game Test
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Bluetooth :
DC In :
USB Host :
Card Reader :
Lan :
Wifi :
AV Port:
Power Indicator :
Amlogic S905W2 Quad Core, ARM® Cortex™-A35
ARM Mali-G31 MP2
eMMC 16G/32G/64G
BT 5.0
DC 5V/2A
2 High speed USB 2.0, support U DISK and USB HDD
TF Card reader
RJ45 Ethernet port
Built-in Wifi, 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac ; 2.4G/5G
AV(3 in 1) port
Power On: Blue
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