#mr major general war crimes
zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Major General John Kirk Singlaub (July 10, 1921 – January 29, 2022) was a major general in the United States Army, founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and a highly decorated officer in the former Office of Strategic Services (OSS). [...]
Singlaub headed CIA operations in postwar Manchuria during the Chinese Communist revolution, led troops in the Korean War, managed the secret war along the Ho Chi Minh trail in the Kingdom of Laos and Vietnam, worked with the Contras in Nicaragua, and Afghan resistance during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. [...]
In 1977, while Singlaub was chief of staff of U.S. forces in South Korea, he publicly criticized President Jimmy Carter's proposal to withdraw U.S. troops from the Korean peninsula. On May 21, 1977, Carter relieved him of duty for overstepping his bounds and failing to respect the President's authority as Commander-in-Chief.[7][8][9] [...]
After retiring [sic] from the army, Singlaub, with John Rees and Democratic Congressman from Georgia, Larry McDonald founded the Western Goals Foundation. [...] it was intended to "blunt subversion, terrorism, and communism" by filling the gap "created by the disbanding of the House Un-American Activities Committee".[12] [...] Singlaub was founder in 1981 of the United States Council for World Freedom, the U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). The chapter became involved with the Iran–Contra affair,[13] with Associated Press reporting that, "Singlaub's private group became the public cover for the White House operation".[14] The WACL was described by former member Geoffrey Stewart-Smith as allegedly a "largely a collection of Nazis, Fascists, anti-Semites, sellers of forgeries, vicious racialists, and corrupt self-seekers." Singlaub is credited with purging the organization of these types and making it respectable.[15]
U.S. Army General William Westmoreland described Singlaub as a "true military professional" and "a man of honest, patriotic conviction and courage."[citation needed][sic][...]
He personally knew William Casey, Director of Central Intelligence during the Reagan Administration, as well as Oliver North, and was involved in the Iran–Contra affair. Singlaub was President Reagan's administrative chief liaison in the Contra supply effort to oppose Moscow's and Fidel Castro's advances in El Salvador and Nicaragua during the Cold War and their support for armed Marxist revolutionary guerrilla movements. Through his chairmanship of the world Anti-Communist League (WACL) and its U.S. chapter, the U.S. Council for World Freedom (USCWF), he enlisted Members of the US Congress from both political parties, Washington, D.C. policymakers, retired U.S. military officials, paramilitary groups, foreign governments, and American think tanks and conservatives in the Contra cause. He often met on Capitol Hill with members of the U.S. Congress, including Congressman Charlie Wilson (D-TX) about U.S. support and funding for the Contras and anti-communist resistance forces in Afghanistan opposed to the Red Army invasion of Kabul in 1979 [...]
He was a member of the advisory council of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.[16] [...] In January 2020 Singlaub used the "America's Future" of Phyllis Schlafly to plead with Attorney General William Barr to "free Mike Flynn, drop the charges".[18] He turned 100 in July 2021, and died on January 29, 2022.[19][20]
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perpetual-stories · 2 years
Six Ways To End Your Story
Hi, everyone! Someone kindly asked for advice on how to end a story so here it is for everyone!
Six Types of Story Endings
While every story has to end its own way, there are six general types of ending. Which one you go for will depend, of course, on the story you’re telling, and maybe also on the tropes or conventions of the genre you’re working within (if you’re working within a genre at all).
The six types of story endings include:
Resolved ending
Unresolved ending
Expanded ending
Unexpected ending
Ambiguous ending
Tied ending
What Is a Resolved Ending?
A resolved ending leaves the reader with no lingering questions or loose ends A resolved ending is part of most classic fairy tales (“And they all lived happily ever after…”), but also of countless classic novels.
Consider the ending of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, a classic of literary fiction and the inspiration for countless romance novels. At the end of the book, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy marry, and we’re led to believe that their marriage will be long and happy. Not only that, but the rest of Mr. Bennet’s marriageable daughters have settled down in matches appropriate to their characters. In other words, there are no lingering questions or tensions.
Remember, a resolved ending isn’t necessarily a happy ending. Think of any of Shakespeare’s tragedies, in which the protagonist and most of the other major characters usually wind up stabbed, poisoned, or executed.
What matters most in a resolved ending is that all of the threads of the novel have been clearly and satisfying resolved.
What Is an Unresolved Ending?
Sometimes, the end is not really the end. That’s the case with an unresolved ending. This is the kind of ending that leaves the reader with more questions than answers. Ending on a cliffhanger has the potential to be a frustrating experience, but that frustration can also be satisfying if the story calls for it.
Unresolved endings are popular choices for books in a series, because it leads the reader to the next book.
What Is an Expanded Ending?
An expanded ending often takes the form of an epilogue. As the name implies, it expands the world of the story beyond the events of the narrative itself. That usually involves a jump forward in time, and occasionally a change in perspective as well. (Dostoevsky’s classic Crime and Punishment ends on just such a note, as does Tolstoy’s War and Peace.) Like an unexpected ending, an expanded ending may reframe the way the reader has been thinking about the story.
One advantage of an epilogue is that it allows the writer to answer questions that might not be possible to answer in the space of the main narrative (for instance, how things turned out a decade or more after the main events of the story).
What Is an Unexpected Ending?
An unexpected ending is one the reader likely didn’t see coming. The twist ending can be earth-shattering, or clever and subtle. The trick to pulling off a great surprise is that it should seem inevitable in hindsight. Very few readers are likely to be on board for an ending that seems to truly come from nowhere, but if the ending makes sense they’re more likely to appreciate the subtle machinations and plot twists it took to get there.
A good ending avoids deus ex machina, a Latin expression meaning “god from a machine.” In the context of fiction, a deus ex machina is a heavy-handed device that abruptly and definitively resolves all the story’s problems in a way that doesn’t feel natural to the story.
For instance, a previously unknown rich uncle appearing from nowhere to give the poor striving protagonist a vast fortune may certainly be a surprise, but it’s not likely to satisfy your readers. Remember, a good twist is one that the writer has left clues for all along.
What Is an Ambiguous Ending?
An ambiguous ending is one that’s open to interpretation. While an unresolved ending doesn’t give the reader enough information to say what’s going to happen next, and an ambiguous ending might allow two different readers to come to two completely different conclusions. Of all the endings, the ambiguous one demands the most involvement from the reader, since they are actively invited to think about the significance of events for themselves.
Take a quick look at the ending to Charles Dickens’ classic Great Expectations. In the last lines of the novel, the main character Pip takes the hand of the widow Estrella and says he sees “no shadow of another parting from her.” But is Pip’s vision reliable? Do they stay together or is another parting in the future? The novel leaves the reader with both tantalizing possibilities.
What Is a Tied Ending?
A tied ending is on that brings the story full circle—it ends where it begins. This type of ending follows the classic Hero’s Journey, which is common to many myths and folktales from around the world, but it’s also a popular choice for many works of literary fiction trying to capture the cyclical nature of time. James Joyce’s famously beguiling Finnegan’s Wake even ends on a sentence fragment that literally completes the very first sentence of the novel.
As a writer, you’ll need to make sure that the journey to this point felt worthwhile. Ending up right where you started can feel pointless if the journey there and back wasn’t meaningful.
There you have it folks, and kind ask, I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with their story endings!
Follow, reblog and comment if you find these helpful!
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abybweisse · 1 year
The copy of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I'm reading has an introduction and a timeline that discusses multiple interpretations that were made of the text, most of them psychological and/or sexual in nature. The text is placed into the context of political, socio-economic, psychiatric, and literary studies about the era.
A stage production of the novella was quickly produced and played in the US, but when it travelled to the UK, the actor who played Jekyll and Hyde had to suspend performances after four murders attributed to Jack the Ripper... because his portrayal of Hyde was so convincing that people suspected him of the crimes.
There's also information about a law that raised the age of consent for girls from 13 to 16... and how a rider on the bill outlawed certain acts between men... a few years later leading to the arrest and prosecution of Oscar Wilde.
A mention of "Bloody Sunday" in Trafalgar Square, along with other events of the class wars at the time.
How RLS and some of his colleagues and acquaintances were invalids who spent the greater part of their lives in health resorts in southern England as well as abroad, farther south. RLS himself eventually ended up in tropical Samoa, largely for health reasons. Didn't save him, though. I'm already older than he lived to be....
I haven't even started reading the novella itself, but my mind is reeling from all the information put forth in the introduction. I've barely scratched the surface of it here.
Now I want to put Black Butler into the same context, though it obviously wasn't written then, it's sure set then... and there, in England.
I feel like I need to read a bunch of works from the time, more than I already have. Thankfully, some of the other books I bought when I bought this are in the general category. Some of the authors in this latest major book haul are represented by Snake's snakes: Emily, Brontë, Oscar, Wilde, and possibly others.
I still haven't taken pics of the books I got, but I will. Probably tomorrow.
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thenixkat · 25 days
superheroes well known for being easily lead or inspired by a singular person
its not like they're famous for popping up largely independently and doing their own thing for years before even running into another superhero even if there's multiple running around the same city
so the writer has made Superman's second coming the second coming of Christ and thus the kickstarter to the end of the world b/c… that says great things about superheroes in yer superhero book
again very heavy Christian themes that i dont care for and don't mean anything good for this lackluster story
are we gonna pretend that there arent superheroes like Praxis running around in teh main DC universe at the time who was just as openly racist as this ultra patriotic 'superhero' here?
like, just, Superman and the like dont give a shit mostly about the dark edgy superheroes in teh mainstream DC universe except for stories not unlike this where the main thing is criticizing the fuckers.
oh no the bystanders! It not like I've read a story featuring SUperman being perfectly fine with demolishing peoples' homes on account of he can just rebuild shit later
i think this writer might be unaware of all the fuckers who died or got maimed or injured in normal superhero fights back in the day just cause the artists and writers never showed the collateral because superman was neccessary for all these heroes who started independently of him to get off their asses and protect more than just one small area
b/c we all know that SUperman is the bestest best boy in the universe and every hero needs him as inspiration to be heroic Fascinating how Red Robin is shown as one of the good heroes of yester year when he's rightfully contemporary of Lightning, Black Lightning's daughter shown as one of these reckless youthful metas with no morals
it's not escaped me that all of our great heroes of yesteryear are white. And a good chunk of our amoral young metas are notwhite, and also the majority of heroes that were aquired from other companies. Strange that~ Totally a coincidence and not something to look into
I just kinda hate this story. I dont think its good. It's giving 'the good old days'/Make DC Great Again vibes. The only reason I picked it up is to get more info on Ted in this universe b/c the wording on his beetle armor has me unclear if its actually armor made by Khaji Da or just powered by it
and of course fuckers pulling a Batman and acting like fuckers need to be sanctioned by them to be allowed to be superheroes b/c that's how superheroes work
Batman's mansion is run down. His identity got exposed a while ago. The Batcave is half flooded
actions to disparage the amoral youthful heroes for: Blowing up the torture prisons where supervillains get turned into slaves with bombs implanted in their heads and normal criminals get lobotomized
sure they should not have also killed the prisoners. But destroying the prisons? go for it
also love how stories of this type always play the superheroes as the problem. Due to wro
ng methods and shit when superheroes are largely just a symptom of the issues plaguing society as much as the crime they fight
less crime would mean less superheroing of all regards, less poverty and war and shit would mean less crime but also just saying that more metahumans is just going to lead to shit going to shit is just such a bad message for a superhero comic given how much of folks becoming metas is a stress response and/or saying that superheroes shouldn't breed b/c their superhuman offspring will fuck shit up
yeah Batman generally seems inclined to turn shit into a police state in his brand of superheroing like that's good
helpful or desirable and Bruce calling Clark out for his tendency to turn totalitarian when shit goes sour
like both of you are terrible in yer own ways
i feel like Green Arrow and Blue Beetle should not get along as well as they keep being shown too in shit like this just cause they're teh same type of superhero. Especially Mr. Problems with authority Blue Beetle
why are yall relying on Batman's plans yall are just as smart if not smarter and way better with people
I hate this story so much. Both Superman AND Batman were the bestest of the best the pinnacle of superheroing. Makes me want fucking vomit
also I love how often Wonder Woman is just fucking chopped liver in the stories like this that ride Batman and Superman's dicks they're getting paid for it Dr. Mid-Nite can fly??
like for some reason Diana isn't allowed to be the pinnacle of paragon or truth or justice and has to try convincing Superman to lead them all into a better future and how she just dips into bloodlust when things go poorly like…
Also none of the younger new heroes are allowed to be viewpoint characters yet b/c this is a propaganda piece an we cant humanize the fuckers we wish to disparage
we get supervillains, the old guard supervillains of course, as viewpoints b4 we get any of the youth that's being disparaged
It's also 90% white in this old guard important villain's meeting.
so a good chunk of these amoral young metas are villains
a group of mostly white elderly villains actively making shit worse, to provoke a war between regular people and super people b/c sure people will somehow benefit
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Deploying on U.S. Soil: How Trump Would Use Soldiers Against Riots, Crime and Migrants
NYTimes Aug 17, 2024:
The former president’s vision of using the military to enforce the law domestically would carry profound implications for civil liberties.
During the turbulent summer of 2020, President Donald J. Trump raged at his military and legal advisers, calling them “losers” for objecting to his idea of using federal troops to suppress outbreaks of violence during the nationwide protests over the police murder of George Floyd.
It wasn’t the only time Mr. Trump was talked out of using the military for domestic law enforcement — a practice that would carry profound implications for civil liberties and for the traditional constraints on federal power. He repeatedly raised the idea of using troops to secure border states, and even proposed shooting both violent protesters and undocumented migrants in the legs, former aides have said.
In his first term in office, Mr. Trump never realized his expansive vision of using troops to enforce the law on U.S. soil. But as he has sought a return to power, he has made clear that he intends to use the military for a range of domestic law enforcement purposes, including patrolling the border, suppressing protests that he deems to have turned into riots and even fighting crime in big cities run by Democrats.
“In places where there is a true breakdown of the rule of law, such as the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago, the next president should use every power at his disposal to restore order — and, if necessary, that includes sending in the National Guard or the troops,” Mr. Trump said at a conservative conference in Dallas in August 2022, shortly before announcing that he was running to be that next president.
During his time out of power, allies of Mr. Trump have worked on policy papers to provide legal justifications for the former president’s intent to use the military to enforce the law domestically. In public, they have talked about this in the context of border states and undocumented immigrants. But an internal email from a group closely aligned with Mr. Trump, obtained by The Times, shows that, privately, the group was also exploring using troops to “stop riots” by protesters.
While governors have latitude to use their states’ National Guards to respond to civil disorder or major disasters, a post-Civil War law called the Posse Comitatus Act generally makes it a crime to use regular federal troops for domestic policing purposes.
However, an 1807 law called the Insurrection Act creates an exception to that ban. It grants presidents the emergency power to use federal troops on domestic soil to restore law and order when they believe a situation warrants it. Those federal troops could either be regular active-duty military or state National Guard soldiers the federal government has assumed control over.
The Insurrection Act was last invoked in 1992, when President George H.W. Bush sent troops to help suppress riots in Los Angeles following the acquittal of white police officers who had been videotaped beating a Black motorist, Rodney King. In that case, however, the governor of California, Pete Wilson, and the mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley, had asked for federal assistance to restore order.
But parts of the Insurrection Act also allow presidents to send in troops without requiring the consent of a governor. Presidents last invoked the act to deploy troops without the consent of state authorities in the late 1950s and early 1960s during the civil rights movement, when some governors in the South resisted court-ordered school desegregation.
Mr. Trump has boasted that, if he returns to the White House, he will dispatch forces without any request for intervention by local authorities. At a campaign rally in Iowa last year, for example, he vowed to unilaterally use federal forces to “get crime out of our cities,” specifically naming New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco as “crime dens” he pointedly noted were run by Democrats.
“You look at what is happening to our country — we cannot let it happen any longer,” Mr. Trump said. “And one of the other things I’ll do — because you are not supposed to be involved in that, you just have to be asked by the governor or the mayor to come in — the next time, I am not waiting.”
Anthony Romero, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said that, as part of his group’s contingency planning for how to resist what it sees as potential risks from any second Trump administration, it is drafting lawsuits to challenge invocations of the Insurrection Act against protesters. He said the group sees it as likely that Mr. Trump would be drawn to the authoritarian “theatrics” of sending troops into Democratic cities.
“It’s very likely that you will have the Trump administration trying to shut down mass protests — which I think are inevitable if they were to win — and to specifically pick fights in jurisdictions with blue-state governors and blue-state mayors,” he said. “There’s talk that he would try to rely on the Insurrection Act as a way to shut down lawful protests that get a little messy. But isolated instances of violence or lawlessness are not enough to use federal troops.”
In a statement, a Trump spokeswoman, Karoline Leavitt, said, “As President Trump has always said, you can’t have a country without law and order and without borders. In the event where an American community is being ravaged by violence, President Trump will use all federal law enforcement assets and work with local governments to protect law-abiding Americans.” She added that he was committed to “using every available resource to seal the border and stop the invasion of millions of illegal aliens into our country.”
Mr. Trump has long been attracted to the strongman move of using military force to impose and maintain domestic political control. In a 1990 interview with Playboy, he spoke admiringly about the Chinese Communist Party for displaying the “power of strength” a year earlier when it used troops and tanks to crush the pro-democracy protests in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.
Many years later, at a 2016 Republican primary debate, he claimed that his comments in that old interview did not mean he actually endorsed the crackdown. But then, as he continued talking, he described the Tiananmen Square demonstration as a riot: “I said that was a strong, powerful government. They kept down the riot. It was a horrible thing.”
Seeking a Show of Strength
In 2020, the videotaped killing of Mr. Floyd, a Black man, by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Derek Chauvin, sparked racial justice protests. Peaceful demonstrations sometimes descended into rioting — especially when anarchists hijacked some of the protests as an opportunity to set fires, smash store windows and take other destructive actions. This was especially visible in Portland, Ore., where the Department of Homeland Security flooded the streets with hundreds of federal officers, many not wearing any identifying insignia.
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During a stormy protest in Washington, D.C., centered in Lafayette Square outside the White House, protesters knocked over barricades. The Secret Service whisked Mr. Trump away to take shelter in a bunker underneath the White House. Attorney General William P. Barr later wrote in his memoir that Mr. Trump was enraged — in part by the violence but “especially the news reports that he was taken to the bunker.” He wanted to make a show of strength as the world watched.
Because D.C. is a federal enclave, not a state, it has no governor, and its National Guard always reports to the Pentagon. The secretary of defense, Mark Esper, sent National Guard forces to support the Park Police and other civilian agencies protecting federal buildings — and, to particular controversy, National Guard helicopters swooped frighteningly low over crowds of people.
But civilians remained in control of the response in the nation’s capital. Mr. Trump wanted to instead put the military directly in charge of suppressing violent protesters — and to use regular, active-duty troops to do it. Members of his legal team drew up an order invoking the Insurrection Act in case it became necessary, according to a person with direct knowledge of what took place. But senior aides opposed such a move, and he never signed it.
Mr. Barr later wrote that he and the acting Homeland Security secretary had thought using regular troops was unnecessary, and that Mr. Esper and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, had “recoiled at the idea, expressing the view that regular military forces should not be used except as a last resort, and that, absent a real insurrection, the military should not be in charge but should provide support to civilian agencies.”
As Mr. Trump nevertheless publicly threatened to put the regular military in the streets across the country, General Milley issued a memo on June 2, 2020, to top military leaders saying that every member of the military swears an oath to uphold the Constitution and its values, including the freedoms of speech and peaceful assembly.
The next day, on June 3, Mr. Esper contradicted Mr. Trump from the Pentagon podium, saying: “The option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act.” Mr. Trump was outraged, seeing this as an act of defiance. He fired Mr. Esper that November.
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In a comment for this article before President Biden dropped out of the 2024 campaign, Mr. Esper pointed to his earlier remarks, adding, “I think the same standard applies going forward, whether it is a second term for Biden, Trump or for any other future president.”
Back in 2020, the protests or riots eventually ebbed, without any use of regular troops or Mr. Trump’s federalizing a state’s National Guard. But on the 2024 campaign trail, Mr. Trump has rewritten that history, falsely bragging that he personally sent troops into the streets of Minneapolis, who quelled violence there.
In reality, it was Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota — now the presumptive Democratic nominee for vice president — who ordered his state’s National Guard to briefly deploy in Minneapolis. Mr. Trump did not direct and was not responsible for the operation.
In a 2021 interview, Mr. Walz recalled consulting with General Milley and Mr. Esper about his decision to use the state’s National Guard at a time when they were resisting Mr. Trump’s desire to send in federal troops — a step that Mr. Walz said would have made the situation worse by exacerbating the anger of people protesting a police murder.
“It was critically important that civilian leadership was seen as leading this, and that the face forward needed to look like your state, it needed to be the National Guard, it needed to be those local folk,” he told the authors Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns.
However, Mr. Walz has faced criticism from some quarters for moving slowly to deploy the guard when some protests in Minneapolis became riots.
Troops at the Border
Mr. Trump has broken with his former subordinates who raised objections to his desire to use federal troops that summer. Those who have stuck with Mr. Trump are working to ensure that a second administration would not contain politically appointed officials or lawyers who would be inclined to see it as their duty to constrain his impulses and desires — one of several reasons a second Trump presidency is likely to shatter even more norms and precedents than the first.
Indeed, even by the standards of various norm-busting plans Mr. Trump and his advisers have developed, the idea of using American troops against Americans on domestic soil stands apart. It has engendered quiet discomfort even among some of his allies on other issues.
Most of the open discussion of it by people other than Mr. Trump has focused on the prospect of using troops in border states — not against American rioters or criminals, but to arrest suspected undocumented migrants and better secure the border against illegal crossings.
In recent years, administrations of both parties — including Mr. Biden’s — have sometimes used the military at the border when surges of migrants have threatened to overwhelm the civilian agents. But the troops have helped by taking over back-office administration and support functions, freeing up more ICE and Border Patrol agents to go into the field.
The idea Mr. Trump and his advisers are playing with is to go beyond that by using regular troops to patrol the border and arrest people.
In an interview with The New York Times last fall, Stephen Miller, Mr. Trump’s top immigration adviser, said Mr. Trump’s plans for an unprecedented crackdown on immigration included invoking the Insurrection Act to use troops as immigration agents.
And, in its 900-page policy book, Project 2025 — a consortium of conservative think-tanks that is working together to develop policy proposals and personnel lists to offer Mr. Trump should he win the election — has a brief line saying regular troops “could” be used at the Southwest border for arrest operations in the context of tackling drug cartels.
But the book has no further analysis or discussion of the idea, and Project 2025 is not substantively engaging with the idea of invoking the Insurrection Act in any context, according to multiple people with knowledge of the effort who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
‘Insurrection — Stop Riots ** — Day 1, Easy’
Regular troops are generally trained to operate in combat situations, not as domestic law enforcement, which heightens the risk of serious and, at times, even fatal mistakes — as happened when a Marine on an antidrug surveillance team assisting the Border Patrol shot and killed an American teenager near the border in 1997.
For that reason, the idea of using regular troops to enforce the law on domestic soil — especially away from the border — crosses a line that gives even some in the conservative think-tank world pause. Policy development work on using the Insurrection Act has joined a small number of other policy ideas circulating in Mr. Trump’s orbit, like disengaging with NATO, that are too radioactive to gain a consensus among the conservatives involved in Project 2025.
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Instead, legal and policy development work on ideas that are too radical even for Project 2025 are being handled elsewhere, including at a Trump-aligned think tank called the Center for Renewing America that is run by Russell Vought, who was Mr. Trump’s White House budget chief.
An early 2023 email from a member of the center’s staff listed 10 agenda topics for papers that the center planned to write on legal and policy frameworks. An introduction to the email said the goal was to “help us build the case and achieve consensus leading into 2025.” The email went on to circulate more broadly, and The Times reviewed a copy.
The email placed each topic into one of three categories. One set involved Congress. A second involved “broader legal” issues — including “Christian nationalism” and “nullification,” the pre-Civil War idea that states should be able to negate federal laws they don’t like. The third category was “day one” ideas, meaning those whose legal frameworks were already well established, and which could be put into effect by a president unilaterally.
No. 4 on the list: “Insurrection — stop riots ** — Day 1, easy.”
The Center for Renewing America has since published papers about several other agenda items on its list, including arguing that a 1974 law banning presidents from impounding funds — or refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for things the White House dislikes — is unconstitutional (No. 1 on the list) and advocating for the elimination of the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department investigative independence from the White House (No. 5).
The center has not published any paper on invoking the Insurrection Act to use troops to suppress violent protests. But earlier this year, it published a paper on a closely related topic: invoking that law to use troops in Southwest border states to enforce immigration law. The paper was co-written by Ken Cuccinelli, the acting deputy Homeland Security secretary in the Trump administration.
While the paper focuses on border security, most of its legal analysis applies to any situation in which a president deems the use of troops necessary to suppress lawlessness. It laid out extensive arguments for why the Insurrection Act provides “enormous” leeway for the president to use regular troops directly to make arrests and enforce the law.
It also cited a sweeping Justice Department memorandum written after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, by John Yoo, a Bush administration lawyer with an idiosyncratically broad view of presidential power. Mr. Yoo had argued that the Posse Comitatus Act could not stop a presidential decision to use the armed forces domestically to combat terrorist activities.
In a statement responding to The Times’s reporting, Rachel Cauley, a spokeswoman for the Center for Renewing America, said, “Thank you for confirming that we have made it a priority to articulate that the president has the legal authority to use the military to secure the border.”
While the center’s statement — like its paper — framed the prospect of using troops on domestic soil in the context of securing the border, not suppressing anti-Trump protests, Mr. Vought was more expansive in a hidden-camera video released last week by a British journalism nonprofit, the Centre for Climate Reporting, which spoke with him while deceptively posing as relatives of a wealthy conservative donor.
“George Floyd obviously was not about race — it was about destabilizing the Trump administration,” he said. “We put out, for instance, a 50-page paper designed for lawyers to know that the president has, you know, the ability both along the border and elsewhere to maintain law and order with the military and that’s something that, you know, that’s going to be important for him to remember and his lawyers to affirm. But we’ve given them the case for that.”
Blurry Lines
Mr. Trump and his campaign have tried to distance themselves from Project 2025 and other outside conservative groups, saying that only policy proposals endorsed by the campaign count. Ms. Leavitt said, “As President Trump and our campaign has repeatedly stated, outside groups do NOT speak for him. The ONLY official second-term policies are those that come directly from President Trump himself.”
Still, as a matter of substance, the lines between Project 2025’s work, the materials being developed separately by the Center for Renewing America and the Trump campaign can be blurry.
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For example, Mr. Vought has also been in charge of one of the most important components of Project 2025: drafting executive orders and other unilateral actions Mr. Trump could take over the first six months in office. Mr. Vought also remains personally close to Mr. Trump. And the Republican National Committee, which Mr. Trump controls through allies, including his senior campaign adviser, Chris LaCivita, and his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, put Mr. Vought in charge of the committee that developed the party’s platform.
That platform calls for “moving thousands of troops currently stationed overseas to our own southern border” to secure it against migrants.
At the Center for Renewing America, Mr. Vought has also hired Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department official in the Trump administration who was indicted in Georgia for working with Mr. Trump to help overturn the 2020 election.
Mr. Clark wrote the center’s paper laying out a legal framework for why the president can take direct control of Justice Department investigations and prosecutions, and was also appointed to co-lead Project 2025’s Justice Department policy efforts.
The federal indictment of Mr. Trump, which deems Mr. Clark an unindicted co-conspirator, recounts how a White House lawyer told Mr. Clark that there had not been outcome-changing election fraud — and warned that if Mr. Trump nonetheless remained in office, there would be riots in every major city in the United States.
“Well,” Mr. Clark responded, according to the indictment, “that’s why there’s an Insurrection Act.”
Charlie Savage writes about national security and legal policy. More about Charlie Savage
Jonathan Swan is a political reporter covering the 2024 presidential election and Donald Trump’s campaign. More about Jonathan Swan
Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman
A version of this article appears in print on Aug. 18, 2024 of the New York edition with the headline: Trump’s Vision For the Border: Send In Troops. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
See more on: Donald Trump, American Civil Liberties Union
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slitherred · 1 year
Humor me for a moment here...
It’s been 9 years and I still believe they should’ve kept Obito alive.
If they can pardon both Orochimaru for his human experimentation, Kabuto for his war crimes, and Sasuke for being a dumbass, they can think of an excuse to make Obito a functioning individual of society and have him face the fact he was the cause of most world-altering events in the span of the entire series. I think killing him is a coward’s way out, and he didn’t deserve the peaceful ending he got.
And Instead of Boruto, we could’ve gotten a series focused on Kakashi in his Hokage era. The man is as popular as Naruto and Sasuke, and I’m tired of anime shows that base sequels on the “new generation.” It’s been done too many times. I believe Kakashi is beloved enough by the fans that this idea would be profitable like the original.
Plus, Kakashi has had enough trauma to make a script three seasons long. You can cover stories about losing people, dealing with grief, depression, PTSD, clan politics (what’s it like to be the only person left in a clan that isn’t the Uchiha or what were the consequences of owning a sharingan as a non-Uchiha), being a former child soldier, being a burnt out child prodigy, etc. instead of being relegated as a Hokage that blew up the moon once.
Listen. Imagine a series where Kakashi finally spoke with a Yamanaka therapist since his emotional crutch wasn’t the ideal hero that he thought. Imagine a series where the big bad villain acknowledges the pain he left in the world and actively tries to do his best every day in a place where everyone wants him dead. And imagine Mr. Worldwide, creator of 1000 Years of Death, Kakashi Hatake, trolls the world with Obito “Tobi” Uchiha.
Imagine the shenanigans! We can finally see what these two can do as a pair after it was hyped up in the Kakashi Gaiden arc but fell flat in the 4th Shinobi arc. If these two can frustrate people in their immediate vicinity as individuals, picture them working together and in a position of power. It would be glorious!
Click Keep Reading for extra filling:
Address Neji’s death by having Gai be nice to everyone, except for Obito. Obito understands his anger and, due to guilt, stupidly comes up with an “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” approach by being his sparring partner i.e. his punching bag.
Kakashi is Stressed™ managing his two best friends. This will also test Gai’s capacity for forgiveness (and finally have a storyline about him that isn’t about youth, challenges, and taijutsu). Meanwhile, we can also have a role reversal where Kakashi is the one helping Gai out of unhealthy coping mechanisms and grief.
To calm down people who see Obito as a threat, they seal most of his chakra so that he can perform basic techniques, enough to complete unpaid B to S rank missions as part of his “community service.” His Sharingan, both of them, will be inaccessible so he can no longer perform hacks. In secret, only Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura, AKA the heroes who ended the war, are trusted enough to be able to unseal it (they can have matching tattoos for this, other characters think it’s just an OG Team 7 thing but it’s a key lol). So if a major threat like, say, the Otsusuki comes, and Naruto and Sasuke needs an extra boost to turn the tides in their favor, there will be an epic scene of Team 7 (minus Sasuke) unsealing Obito’s chakra, and his eyes slowly bleed into red and spins into Mangekyou. He charges into the battlefield with Susanoo in Mokuton armor.
(Bonus scenes of Kakashi partially unsealing his chakra so that Obito can use Kamui to buy the Hokage precious “reading material” from other nations. Obito loudly complains about his chosen book topic.
Sakura asks Obito to bring her medical plants from different parts of the world.
Naruto pleads with Obito to take Sasuke and him to the Kamui dimension since they are no longer allowed to spar in training fields due to excessive property damage.)
Naruto gets frequent Hokage training with Kakashi. Obito is there to keep him from falling asleep by constantly challenging the policies and ideals set by former Hokages.
Naruto watches Kakashi and Obito debate and then later argue topics until they end up burning the original handbook to rewrite their own.
(Naruto is surprisingly good at editing and quickly finding loopholes in writing. Later, they visit the memorial stone to pray for Jiraiya.)
Part of Obito’s new job description is to be the Hokage’s 24/7 bodyguard (if he’s not out doing missions). It’s partly because the Anbu commander who usually handles the ninja president’s security is tired of Kakashi’s antics, and partly because the people are more comfortable if one of the war heroes is beside the Major Threat™ all the time. Obito has to constantly juggle between keeping them away from both his and Kakashi’s enemies and making sure the Hokage isn’t late to any meetings. Somehow, the latter is harder than the former.
Obito wonders how an ex-terrorist became a glorified secretary.
Obito and Yamato acknowledge their history in the 4th shinobi war. Surprisingly, Yamato forgives but doesn’t forget.
They compare notes on their solution and regularly train in the Forest of Death. The forest became five times larger and deadlier. The chuunin exams became harder.
Kakashi tries to diplomatically pass anti-violence, and pro-mental health laws, and raise funds for the orphanage and veterans. Meanwhile, Obito uses his talent in gaslighting and gatekeeping to out-manipulate the elders into losing debates.
It would be satisfying to see Danzo’s best friends disappointed and angry while Kakashi does his eye smile thingy. Behind him is Obito sticking his tongue out because he secretly never grew up.
(I can’t believe the elders are still alive in Boruto, like wtf.)
Remember the time Obama hired an Anger translator? That, but it’s them.
Sukea and an “unknown” anbu that suspiciously looks like Tobi messes with the kids wanting to know what’s behind Kakashi’s mask. Sukea creates the intrigue to unite the kids into a single goal and trick them into practicing teamwork. Not-Tobi does the subtle sabotage.
If the children ask Obito his backstory, he replies with, “That’s classified.”
If they ask Kakashi, he keeps telling them different ridiculous stories until Obito becomes some kind of myth to the kids.
“The Hokage said he was an orphaned circus performer and he got adopted by a vigilante to save us all from a demonic tree!”
“Woah! The Hokage said he protected us from a moon alien by challenging her to a dance-off!”
Tobi and Sukea annoying their way into infiltration missions.
Their backstory: Sukea is a photographer and Tobi is an aspiring actor. They got lost on the road to life and whoops accidentally stumbled upon this secret base. Can we have directions to the nearest artist convention, please? And that dead body was already there before we got here, what do you mean?
Adults are afraid of Obito. Teenagers think he’s lame for being a nerd that knows too much history. Grandmas still like him. Kakashi still makes fun of him for being a crybaby. Naruto makes fun of them both for being old. Sakura makes fun of Kakashi, Obito, and Naruto for being weirdos. Ino makes fun of Sakura for being teammates with the weirdos.
They visit Rin’s grave yearly. Kakashi keeps thanking her for slapping Obito back to life.
The Hokage gets invited by the academy to discuss the origins of Konoha. Obito keeps correcting him like, no, that’s propaganda bullshit, this is what happened.
He made twenty-eight kids and their instructor cry.
(He had also discussed in length how Madara Uchiha can't pee when strangers are near him. That he's still bitter about not being a better stone skipper than Hashirama "God of Shinobi" Senju. That he had an annoying habit to ramble and then laugh like a loon. And he has a face on his boob. Kids, when a centenarian ancestor offers you to help fix the world, say no.)
It has been apparent to all paper desk ninjas that to expedite their documents to be stamped and signed by the Hokage, it needs to go through their bodyguard so the bodyguard can bully the Hokage into prioritizing their paperwork.
In retaliation, Kakashi uses his knowledge of Obito’s history with handling Akatsuki and Kiri’s financials*, then points out major flaws in Konoha’s fund allocation, making Obito frustrated enough to audit everything for him. Despite being a mastermind manipulator, he falls for it all the time.
Tsunade visits the office and could not believe the lack of paper towers. Kakashi takes all the credit. Tsunade is impressed. “Damn, kid, I should have made you Hokage years ago!”
*Flashback: Back in his time as a villain, Obito had to audit Akatsuki’s expenses because Kakuzu is known to allocate part of their funds to his account. As for Kiri, Obito was puppeteering the Mizukage and to be convincing, it means doing the Mizukage's job. Realizing the role was a drag, Obito’s dream of becoming Hokage was buried in piles of paperwork and died six feet under.
Obito is still helpless when it comes to old people in need.
But at least now he can force Kakashi to help.
After discussing in length about Sasuke’s trauma from the Uchiha massacre, and Obito’s trauma as the black sheep of the family, they start working on rebuilding the clan’s name.
They’ve also found a rule in Konoha that once a clan has more than one person, a clan head should be identified.
No one wants to be the new clan head. It’s too much mind-numbing work even if the population of the clan is just two so they started arguing. Obito argues Sasuke is the son of the former clan head, and Sasuke argues that Obito is older than him, and has experience with “handling foreign affairs” (if you can even call it that).
This doesn’t get resolved until Sasuke marries a poor soul who gets voted by them to become the new clan head. Sasuke ends up in multiple divorces.
Kakashi starts using his father’s tanto again. He stops being the Copy Nin and starts being the new White Fang of Konoha.
On the anniversary of Sakumo's death, Obito uses his monologuing skills to aggressively defend Sakumo's last mission. Backed up by Team 7 with Yamato and Sai, they are fighting for Sakumo's grave to be transferred to the resting place of the heroes as he deserved.
Kakashi covers Obito's mouth once he starts insulting the council and elders. "Will of fire, my ass! You preach about teamwork and nakama, but easily sacrifice one of your own for the sake of a mission. You're all hypoc-!"
Naruto pitches in. "Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum, dattebayo!"
Needless to say, they are finally realizing that, oh god, there are two Narutos now and they will never know peace until this gets resolved.
The series ends once Naruto becomes the Hokage. Handing over the hat went off without a hitch…
Except for Kakashi being two hours late. Kakashi and Obito were busy retelling Naruto’s life to Kushina’s grave.
What do you think?
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Rojst/The Mire/Rojst ‘97/The Mire ‘97/Rojst. Millenium/The Mire. Millenium (dir. Jan Holoubek)
A crime series consisting of a three-part journey into the times of deep communism in Poland, suffocating cigarette smoke in every possible room, gloomy buildings and people with minor or major secrets.
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This story is so complex with its characters and storytelling that I don’t really know where I should start… Well, alright let’s start with these two in the picture above. Witold Wanycz (played by Andrzej Seweryn) and Piotr Zarzycki (played by Dawid Ogrodnik). The chemistry between these two actors is remarkable! They fits their characters so well and from the very beginning you just believe both of them to be an old journalist troubled by his past in this small town, and young, spirited one, who wants to reveal the truth, and despite being quite an annoying character cares about justice. The show has many excellent supporting characters as hotel manager Kocioł or Nadia. If some fans of World on Fire ever read it, they will be nicely surprised by presence of Zofia Wichłacz, who plays Piotr’s wife. But anyway! The plot takes place in 80s, in gloomy small town where a prostitute and a communist activist are murdered. I don’t want to spoil anything but you can already say by the times it happens it’s not easy to solve… Wanycz wants to run away from the town and Zarzycki wants to solve the case with him. And it’s all starts spinning! Everyone in the town lies of course.
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Second series takes place also in the same town, but in 1997 and introduces new characters, which you can see in the pic. My absolutely favourite sergeant Mika (Łukasz Simlat), and sergeant Anna Jass (Magdalena Różczka). Year '97 was the period of the greatest flood in over a century in Poland and the plot covers the aftermath of it. It takes place after Poland became fully independent but the hallmarks of communism are evident at every turn. In district Gronty somebody finds the body of a young boy, and water washes away the bones of people killed there during the war. In general it’s a mess. Police try to work on the case but again, nothing in this town is easy and everybody lies. Of course there are old friends occurring there as well from the previous series. We have some flashbacks into the past back to 1940s, and we get to know Wanycz’s story.
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I really think that the latest part of the series is my favourite. Again, all previous characters appear, but the creators take the audience back into the super communist 1960s, apart from 1999, and we have some more light shed on Mr Kocioł (played by Filip Pławiak as younger version of him)
- for comparison here’s older Kocioł and younger one, can you seeee the visionnnn? -
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Anyway, there is more and more of dark stuff happening, this essay is shitty and I don’t want to spoil anything, just please give it a chance! It is now streamed on Netflix. Some stuff may be a bit hard to understand for non-polish folks in terms of cultural aspect or some sayings but I assure you all, it’s a really captivating crime/drama series ✨ and Jan Holoubek is a geniussss! I just love that it reflects on people’s lives in hards times and what human’s nature is able to do and that… well… karma is real.
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jakethesequel · 5 months
Things on my mind today because school research:
(Tldr: The Japanese government is dominated by a single party founded and maintained by a semi-secret society of fascists, former war criminals, ultranationalists, yakuza, cultists, and billionaires; brought together by CIA anti-communism efforts.)
Japan has had one political party in power almost continuously since 1955, only stepping down for a total 4 non-consective years: the broadly conservative Liberal Democratic Party
The LDP was formed by a merger between the Liberal Party and the Democratic Party. Instrumental in this was politician Nobusuke Kishi, a Democratic Party official formerly high up in the Liberal Party. He would represent the LDP as Japan's Prime Minister from 1957-1960
Previously, Mr. Kishi had been a minister in the government of Imperial Japan, considered a protégé of General Tōjō. Post-war he was imprisoned by the Allied Forces under charges of "class A" war crimes for being a major planner of the Japanese war effort. Other fascists held in the same cell were ultranationalist yakuza boss Yoshio Kodama, anti-communist millionaire and billionaire-to-be Ryōichi Sasakawa, and former Yomiuri Shinbun (Japan's preeminent conservative newspaper) owner Matsurarō Shōriki. The bonds they formed in Sugamo prison would become a lifelong secret society influencing Japanese politics.
All four were released from prison without ever facing trial for their war crimes charges. Why? The CIA was very concerned about communist influence in East Asia, and figured letting a handful of fascists go free would give them a very useful tool to suppress socialist movements in Japan.
Mr. Shōriki went on to found Japan's first commercial television broadcaster, Nippon TV. A few years later he became the first chairman of Prime Minister Kishi's new Japanese Atomic Energy Commission. Declassified documents have revealed that he did both those things because the CIA suggested that Japan should have a pro-US TV channel across the nation, and wanted to bring Japan into the sphere of influence of US nuclear technology
Mr. Kodama again became a leader in Japanese organized crime, bringing together a coalition of ultranationalist paramilitaries and yakuza families all committed to a shared right-wing ideology. With his thugs he broke strikes, beat protestors, threatened journalists, managed bribes, and laundered a ton of money, all in service of the LDP and the CIA. At least, until 1976, where he was publicly outed as the main facilitator for Lockheed Martin bribing its way into major Japanese government contracts to the tune of millions of dollars.
Mr. Sasakawa got mega rich off of rebuilding Japan's wartorn infrastructure and establishing a gambling industry. He called himself "the world's richest fascist." He funneled his profits into international political interest groups, like the World Anti-Communist League he founded with his buddies Syngman Rhee of South Korea and Chiang Kai-Shek of Taiwan.
Mr. Sasakawa's activist groups attracted the attention of Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church. The UC's eccentric adaptation of Christianity has a very political theology, and before anything else it's devoutly anti-communist. Mr. Sasakawa became a major financial supporter of the Church, and helped establish its presence in Japan. He connected Mr. Moon with Mr. Kishi, bringing him into the extended Sugamo circle.
Even after his reign as PM, Mr. Kishi remained a central figure in LDP decision-making. He and Mr. Sasakawa developed close ties between the cult and the LDP, and made sure they were regularly maintained. The LDP used Moonies as unpaid campaign assistants, and in exchange Japan became the primary source of the UC's financial support. The UC helped the LDP spread, and the LDP helped the UC spread, growing both.
When Mr. Sasakawa died, his son-in-law Shintarō Abe became the main ambassador of the UC-LDP alliance, which was stronger than ever. When Shintarō Abe died, his son Shinzō Abe (Mr. Kishi's grandson) took over managing UC-LDP affairs. The younger Mr. Abe became the LDP's Prime Minister of Japan from 2007-2008, had a second term from 2012-2020, and faced the consequences of his actions in 2022
Ps: If I've said anything incorrect or unsupported here do let me know, I'm working on an essay.
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heavenboy09 · 6 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Iconic & Handsome Guatemalan 🇬🇹 American Actor In Cinema Today 🎥
Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada was born on March 9, 1979, in Guatemala City to a Guatemalan mother, María Eugenia Estrada Nicolle, and a Cuban father, Óscar Gonzalo Hernández-Cano, a pulmonologist. He has an older sister, climate scientist Nicole, and a younger brother, journalist Mike.
He is an American actor. Recognized for his versatility, he has been credited with breaking stereotypes about Latino characters in Hollywood. He was named the best actor of his generation by Vanity Fair in 2017 and one of the 25 greatest actors of the 21st century by The New York Times in 2020. His accolades include a Golden Globe Award and a nomination for a Primetime Emmy Award. In 2016, he featured on Time's list of the 100 most influential people in the world.
Born in Guatemala, Isaac moved with his family to the US while an infant. As a teenager, he joined a punk band, acted in plays and made his film debut in a minor role. A graduate of the Juilliard School, Isaac was a character actor in films for much of the 2000s. His first major role was that of Joseph in the biblical drama The Nativity Story (2006), and he won an AACTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for portraying political leader José Ramos-Horta in the Australian film Balibo (2009). After gaining recognition for playing supporting parts in Robin Hood (2010) and Drive (2011), Isaac had his breakthrough with the eponymous role of a singer in the musical drama Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), which earned him a Golden Globe nomination.
Isaac's career progressed with leading roles in the crime drama A Most Violent Year (2014), the thriller Ex Machina (2015) and the superhero film X-Men: Apocalypse (2016). He became a global star with the role of Poe Dameron in the Star Wars sequel trilogy (2015–2019). Isaac starred in the historical drama Operation Finale (2018)—which marked his first venture into production—the science fiction films Annihilation (2018) and Dune (2021), the crime drama The Card Counter (2021) and the animated superhero film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023).
On television, Isaac was the lead in three miniseries: Show Me a Hero (2015), in which his portrayal of Nick Wasicsko won him a Golden Globe Award, Scenes from a Marriage (2021), and the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Moon Knight (2022). His stage work includes title roles in Romeo and Juliet (2007), Hamlet (2017) and The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window (2023).
Please Wish This Iconic & Most Handsome Guatemalan 🇬🇹 American Actor Of Hollywood's Biggest Cinema 🎥 Today
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#OscarIssac #PoeDameron #StarWars #Dune #MoonKnight
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Did former President Donald J. Trump consume detailed information about foreign countries while in office? How extensively did he seek information about whether voting machines had been tampered with? Did he indicate he knew he was leaving when his term ended?
Those are among the questions that Justice Department investigators have been directing at witnesses as the special counsel, Jack Smith, takes control of the federal investigations into Mr. Trump’s efforts to reverse his 2020 election loss and his handling of classified documents found in his possession after he left office.
Through witness interviews, subpoenas and other steps, Mr. Smith has been moving aggressively since being named to take over the inquiries nearly three months ago, seeking to make good on his goal of resolving as quickly as possible whether Mr. Trump, still a leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, should face charges.
Last week, he issued a subpoena to former Vice President Mike Pence, a potentially vital witness to Mr. Trump’s actions and state of mind in the days before the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob.
His prosecutors have brought a member of Mr. Trump’s legal team, M. Evan Corcoran, before a federal grand jury investigating why Mr. Trump did not return classified information kept at his Mar-a-Lago residence and private club in Florida. Justice Department officials have interviewed at least one other Trump lawyer in connection with the documents case.
Since returning to Washington from The Hague, where he had been a war crimes prosecutor, Mr. Smith has set up shop across town from the Justice Department’s headquarters, and has built out a team. His operation’s structure seems to closely resemble the organization he oversaw when he ran the Justice Department’s public integrity unit from 2010 to 2015.
Three of his first hires — J.P. Cooney, Raymond Hulser and David Harbach — were trusted colleagues during Mr. Smith’s earlier stints in the department. Thomas P. Windom, a former federal prosecutor in Maryland who had been tapped in late 2021 by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland’s aides to oversee major elements of the Jan. 6 inquiry, remains part of the leadership team, according to several people familiar with the situation.
In addition to the documents and Jan. 6 investigations, Mr. Smith appears to be pursuing an offshoot of the Jan. 6 case, examining Save America, a pro-Trump political action committee, through which Mr. Trump raised millions of dollars with his false claims of election fraud. That investigation includes looking into how and why the committee’s vendors were paid.
Interviews with current and former officials, lawyers and other people who have insight into Mr. Smith’s actions and thinking provide an early portrait of how he is managing investigations that are as sprawling as they are politically explosive, with much at stake for Mr. Trump and the Justice Department.
Current and former officials say Mr. Smith appears to see the various strands of his investigations as being of a single piece, with interconnected elements, players and themes — even if they produce divergent outcomes.
Mr. Smith has kept a low profile, making no public appearances and sticking to a long pattern of empowering subordinates rather than interposing himself directly in investigations. It is a chain-of-command style honed during stints as a war crimes prosecutor in The Hague, a federal prosecutor in Tennessee and, most of all, during his tenure running the Justice Department’s public integrity unit, which investigates elected officials.
A spokesman for Mr. Smith had no comment.
But various developments that have surfaced publicly in recent days show his team taking steps on multiple fronts, illustrating how he is wrestling with multiple and sometimes conflicting imperatives of conducting an exhaustive investigation on a strictly circumscribed timetable.
The intensified pace of activity speaks to his goal of finishing up before the 2024 campaign gets going in earnest, probably by summer. At the same time, the sheer scale and complexity and the topics he is focused on — and the potential for the legal process to drag on, for example in a likely battle over whether any testimony by Mr. Pence would be subject to executive privilege — suggest that coming to firm conclusions within a matter of months could be a stretch.
“The impulse to thoroughly investigate Trump’s possibly illegal actions and the impulse to complete the investigation as soon as possible, because of presidential election season, are at war with one another,” said Jack Goldsmith, a former assistant attorney general and current Harvard Law professor. “One impulse will likely have to yield to the other.”
In looking into Mr. Trump’s efforts to hold onto power after his election loss and how they led to the Jan. 6 riot, Mr. Smith is overseeing a number of investigative strands. The subpoena to Mr. Pence indicates that he is seeking testimony that would go straight to the question of Mr. Trump’s role in trying to prevent certification of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory in the election and the steps Mr. Trump took in drawing a crowd of supporters to Washington and inciting them.
His team is sifting through mountains of testimony provided by the House Jan. 6 committee, including focusing on the so-called fake electors scheme in which some of Mr. Trump’s advisers and some campaign officials assembled alternate slates of Trump electors from contested states that he had lost.
More recently his team has been asking witnesses about research the Trump campaign commissioned by an outside vendor shortly after the election that was intended to come up with evidence of election fraud. The existence of that research was reported earlier by The Washington Post.
The apparently related investigation into the activities of Mr. Trump’s main fund-raising arm, the Save America PAC in Florida, was emerging even before Mr. Smith arrived in Washington around Christmas from The Hague.
A vast array of Trump vendors have been subpoenaed. Investigators have been posing questions related to how money was paid to other vendors, indicating that they are interested in whether some entities were used to mask who was being paid or if the payments were for genuine services rendered.
In the investigation into Mr. Trump’s handling of classified information, and whether he obstructed justice when the government sought the return of material he had taken from the White House, investigators are casting a wide net. They appear to be seeking to recreate not only what took place once Mr. Trump had departed the White House with hundreds of sensitive documents, but also how he approached classified material and presidential records long before that, according to multiple people briefed on the matter.
Mr. Smith’s team is seeking interviews with a number of people who worked in the Trump White House and who had familiarity with either how he consumed classified information, or how he dealt with paper that he routinely carted with him in cardboard boxes, during much of the span of his presidency.
Such interviews could help Mr. Smith establish patterns of behavior by Mr. Trump over time, such as how he handled secret information he was provided about foreign countries and how he treated presidential documents generally.
Mr. Trump was known to rip up pieces of paper, and to bring documents up to the White House residence. Notes taken by aides in 2018 show that Mr. Trump’s advisers appeared to be contending with tracking documents he had brought with him to his club in Bedminster, N.J., where he stayed over weekends during the warmer months of the year.
In some cases, Mr. Trump tore up documents and threw them in toilets in the White House. Aides would periodically retrieve what was not flushed down and let it dry, then tape it back together and pass the documents on to the staff secretary, whose office managed presidential paper flow, according to two people familiar with what took place.
In the documents investigation, Mr. Smith has the challenge of interviewing several unreliable narrators who may have an interest in protecting Mr. Trump.
Several of Mr. Trump’s advisers have been interviewed by the Justice Department. Some have gone before the grand jury, including Mr. Corcoran, who has represented Mr. Trump in the case related to his handling of classified material for many months and had a central role in dealing with the government’s efforts to retrieve the documents, according to two people briefed on his appearance.
Another aide to Mr. Trump, Christina Bobb, served as the custodian of the records the Justice Department was interested in. She signed an attestation in June claiming that a “diligent search” had been conducted of Mar-a-Lago in response to a grand jury subpoena. She asserted that the remaining documents turned over in June were all that remained.
Ms. Bobb has appeared twice before the Justice Department and has told people that Mr. Corcoran drafted the statement she signed; The Wall Street Journal reported that one visit was before the grand jury. She has also said she was connected with Mr. Corcoran by Boris Epshteyn, another Trump lawyer and adviser who brought Mr. Corcoran into Mr. Trump’s circle and, empowered by Mr. Trump, for months played a lead role coordinating lawyers in some of the investigations.
The Justice Department contacted another of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, Alina Habba, late last year about an appearance. Ms. Habba does not represent Mr. Trump in the documents case, but she spoke about it on television. She also signed an affidavit in another case saying she had searched Mr. Trump’s office and residence in May, meaning investigators may be interested in whether she saw government documents there.
The Justice Department is also seeking to question a former Trump lawyer, Alex Cannon, who people briefed on the matter said repeatedly urged Mr. Trump to turn over the boxes of material that the National Archives was seeking.
Mr. Trump’s disclosure of newly located documents has been ongoing. Lawyers for the former president notified prosecutors recently about a potential witness they might want to speak with: a relatively junior former staff member to Mr. Trump who had uploaded classified material onto a laptop and discovered it only after the fact, according to a different person familiar with the incident.
The discovery occurred when the staff member was placing a large trove of Mr. Trump’s daily White House schedules on the computer and realized that a small amount of classified material had been included in the schedules, the person said.
In an interview with CNN on Sunday, one of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, Tim Parlatore, said the Justice Department had issued a subpoena for a manila folder marked “Classified Evening Summary” after Mr. Trump’s aides provided the department with reports on materials they had found after their own searches. He said it was not actually a classified marking, contained nothing and was being used by Mr. Trump to dim a blue light on his bedside phone at Mar-a-Lago that “keeps him up at night.”
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Chuck Rosenberg, a former federal prosecutor and former F.B.I. official, said of the cascade of Trump aides and lawyers becoming drawn into investigations. “It’s just a whirling dust cloud, and everyone who gets near it gets covered in grime.”
While Mr. Smith did not ask Mr. Garland’s permission to subpoena Mr. Pence, one of the most extraordinary developments of his short time as special counsel, he almost certainly consulted him about it: Under the regulations, special counsels are expected to report major developments to the attorney general.
But many legal observers see the current situation — with two likely 2024 presidential rivals, Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden, facing separate special counsel investigations — as evidence that the special counsel mechanism is being used far beyond its intended, limited purpose.
“The special counsel regulations were an effort to give the attorney general some independence in a conflict-of-interest situation,” Mr. Goldsmith added, “but it was never intended to carry the burdens that are being imposed on it now. It is a problem, these political investigations, that our constitutional system is not equipped to handle.”
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"MENTAL, MORAL SIDE OF SPORT ARE IMPORTANT," Hamilton Spectator. August 29, 1933. Page 5. ---- Mere Muscle Development is Not All --- Judge Jackson Addresses Lions Club ---- Stresses Value of Modern Athletics ---- "If my interest in athletics, extending over a period of some 40 odd years, was confined entirely to the muscular development, I doubt that I would have ever become interested," declared Judge J. A. Jackson, past president of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada, as one of the pertinent and timely ob- servations of his address to the Lions club of this city during the weekly meeting at the Royal Connaught hotel yesterday at noon.
Judge Jackson, presiding judge of Lethbridge, Alta., and district, was one of many notables at the meeting, the Lions being very fortunate in obtaining the learned judiciary as guest speaker, and his discourse on amateurism and sports in general proved most impressive.
Introduced by W. A. Fry, of Dunnville, vice-president of the A.A.U. of C., and reputed holder of more titles in amateur official cir- cles than any other Canadian, Judge, Jackson was by Sam R. Manson. W. H. Crocker, president of the A.A.U. of C., W. A. Hewitt, Toronto, secre- tary of the O.H.A., and P. J. Mulqueen, chairman of the Canadian Olympic committee, were unable to be present.
"Hamilton," observed the speaker, in his opening remarks, "is one of the places that keeps Canada on the map. I have the greatest respect for Hamilton as an athletic center and for my confrere here (Mr. Fry), who will shortly be president of the A.A.U., I predict great things, particularly for the next Canadian Olympic team he will head."
Other Qualities Then the speaker declared that interest only in the muscular development of the athlete was not sufficient. It is to the mental and moral end of things that one must look. Giving various reasons for interest in athletics, which are becoming more and more important, The judge stated that the secret of mankind's mental well-being came from the days of the ancient Romans, who believed in giving the populace bread and games to keep them content.
Judge Jackson observed that the crime wave which reached its height four or five years ago could be traced to early war days when the youth of from thirteen to eighteen years was neglected during the stress of difficult times. With no older companions to show them the way, he said, the youngsters drifted into bad company. As the older boy leads, he declared, the younger boy will follow, and he then charged those just graduated from the teen age to show way that their younger companions might place their feet in the proper steps. The older boy of tomorrow, he said, and in ending the big trouble. to fill a boy's day, he said healthy and beneficial sport must be brought into play.
Play Is Vital "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," he stated, quite pertinently, "but no work and no play makes Jack a criminal. We must direct our pleasure-minded lives along the proper channels that the youngsters will follow and obtain benefit. The best way to handle idle hours is in clean and wholesome sport. If there is no work let's give them bread and games and we'll find that the general improvement that has been reached during the past fifteen years will continue, and that amateur sports of all kinds will hold a major part in the lives and well-being of the community."
The speaker, a cousin of the president, Dr. E. C. Jackson, who occupied the chair, voiced his pleasure in being able to propound a subject near and dear to him, and he referred jocularly to his introducers, Messrs. Fry and Manson. The attendance prize, donated by Howard Williams, was won by Sam Manson.
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
I am hesitant to write this because I do not want to leave the reader with the idea that I support the use of nuclear weapons. I do not. But the people of the United States, thanks to inept and corrupt political leadership, live under the fantasy that we are still in the strategic world that existed in the 1990s, when it was understood that a first-strike nuclear attack by the United States or Russia against the other would result in an unstoppable response that would leave both countries devastated and confront the world with a possible nuclear winter. In other words, Mutual Assured Destruction.
But then George W. Bush happened. In June of 2001, George W. Bush unilaterally abrogated the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. If your are younger than 40 years old, you probably have no memory of the ABM Treaty. Here’s a quick refresher:
Signed in 1972 by Washington and Moscow to slow the nuclear arms race, the ABM Treaty barred both superpowers from deploying national defenses against long-range ballistic missiles and from building the foundation for such a defense. The treaty was based on the premise that if either superpower constructed a strategic defense, the other would build up its offensive nuclear forces to offset the defense. The superpowers would therefore quickly be put on a path toward a never-ending offensive-defensive arms race as each tried to balance its counterpart’s action.
I remember Bush’s first year in office clearly. My writing at the time was focused on the Bush Administration’s utter neglect of counter terrorism en lieu of focusing on developing a missile defense system. That was the priority of the Bush National Security team in 2001 until 9-11 happened. The Bush Team ignored the CIA warnings that Bin Laden was planning to hit the United States and only convened its first inter-agency meeting on terrorism on September 10:
Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President’s Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including “patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking” of U.S. aircraft.[1]
In the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks, the Bush Administration pivoted to a perverse counter terrorism policy highlighted by invading Afghanistan and going to war with Iraq. The new CT policy shifted the U.S. Government’s defense policy from building and deploying the ballistic missile defense system that was Bush and Cheney’s dream in the first 8 months of their Administraion, to combating terrorism and nation building. Billions of dollars that could have been spent on a new ABM system were gobbled up with feckless military efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq and other back waters in the the Third world.
What did Russia do? Initially, the folks in Moscow complained:
Senior Kremlin spokesman, Sergei Yastrzhhembsky said Moscow will voice regret about the U.S. withdrawal from the ABM treaty, but would otherwise remain calm. Mr. Yastrzhembsky said Russia’s own nuclear arsenal is sufficient to protect the country in the future. The chief of the Russian General Staff, General Anatoly Kvashnin says U.S. withdrawal from ABM will have an impact on strategic stability. General Kvasnin says it will open the way for some countries to embark on an international arms race. But, he says it will not threaten Russia’s security. Some Russian politicians are less restrained. Duma Deputy Vladimir Lukin of the liberal Yabloka Party describes the U.S. move as a major mistake. Mr. Lukin says ‘it’s worse than a crime, it’s a mistake.” He accuses the U.S. of using Russian assistance in the anti-terror coalition and then ignoring Russian concerns on other issues, such as the ABM treaty.
And then Russia did what Russians do–they created a robust, echeloned ABM defense. My friend, Andrei Martyanov, offers a general description Russia’s response in his terrific book, Losing Military Supremacy:
“Furthermore, if in the naval field the United States still maintains some strong positions, not least through the sheer size of her navy, the current situation and trends are even worse in the other military-technological fields. The F-35 or Littoral Combat Ship disaster are just few indications of the overall slide in American conventional capabilities, such as American air defense for the US proper which is simply non-existent—a rather telling fact for the nation which thought it didn’t need to have one. This shouldn’t be mistaken with anti-ballistic missile defense which does exist in the US—which is absolutely useless against sea- and air-launched land attack cruise missiles which have the capability to attack crucial American military infrastructure—a capability Russia demonstrated to dramatic effect in Syria. Unlike Russia which boasts arguably the best, deeply echeloned, national air defense, which today deploys the best anti-air and anti-missile complexes in the word, American shores are virtually defenseless. Deployment of batteries of the Patriot PAC-3 system, whose reputation is not very high to start with, or of the AEGIS ships along the American shoreline, does not provide a guarantee against conventional or even nuclear retaliation against the US proper in case of a major conflict. With the project 885 Severodvinsk-class nuclear-powered submarines coming on-line, together with the modernized project 949A class, all armed with the latest TLAMs, it is very difficult to foresee any measure which can realistically secure the US proper from a massive cruise missile attack.”
So, here is the critical question–Can the US block a nuclear missile?
A new study sponsored by the American Physical Society concludes that U.S. systems for intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles cannot be relied on to counter even a limited nuclear strike and are unlikely to achieve reliability within the next 15 years.
If you are a Russian military planner, you realize that M.A.D is no longer a reality. In the event that Russia believed it faced a genuine existential threat from the West from a nuclear strike, even a tactical hit, the Russian military could present President Putin with a viable plan that would destroy the U.S. nuclear response with limited (albeit horrific) damage to Russia. I am not suggesting that Russia would walk away unscathed. But Russia, with a field tested, integrated anti-ballistic missile defense system, would have a better than even chance of surviving a nuclear exchange with the United States.
I will repeat–this is a last resort action and I am steadfastly opposed to it. But I think it should be part of the public discussion. Too many ignorant pundits and politicians in the West disparage Russia’s military capabilities as second rate at best. Jeffrey Lewis, writing in Foreign Policy four years ago, understood the reality of the moment:
“The real genesis of Russia’s new generation of bizarre nuclear weapons lies not in the most recent Nuclear Posture Review, but in the George W. Bush administration’s decision in 2001 to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and the bipartisan failure by both the Bush and Obama administrations to engage meaningfully with the Russians over their concerns about American missile defenses. Putin said as much in his remarks. “During all these years since the unilateral U.S. withdrawal from the ABM Treaty,” Putin explained, “we have been working intensively on advanced equipment and arms, which allowed us to make a breakthrough in developing new models of strategic weapons.” Those technological breakthroughs are now here. Sadly, we’re never got the diplomatic ones we needed.”
The war in Ukraine has given Russia a stage to showcase some of its advanced weaponry, such as the hypersonic Kinzhal. This missile has hit targets in Ukraine before the air raid warnings went off. Andrei Martyanov explains:
“many true professionals were gasping for the air when the Dagger (Kinzhal) was unveiled. This is a complete game changer geopolitically, strategically, operationally, tactically and psychologically. It was known for some time that the Russian Navy was already deploying a revolutionary M=8-capable 3M22 Zircon anti-shipping missile. As impressive and virtually uninterceptable by any air defenses the Zircon is, the Kinzhal is simply shocking in its capabilities. This, most likely based on the famed Iskander airframe, M=10+ capable, highly maneuverable, aero-ballistic missile with a range of 2000 kilometers, carried by MiG-31BMs, just rewrote the book on naval warfare. It made large surface fleets and combatants obsolete. No, you are not misreading it. No air-defense or anti-missile system in the world today (maybe with the exception of the upcoming S-500 specifically designed for the interception of hyper-sonic targets) is capable of doing anything about it, and, most likely, it will take decades to find the antidote. More specifically, no modern or prospective airdefense system deployed today by any NATO fleet can intercept even a single missile with such characteristics. A salvo of 5-6 such missiles guarantees the destruction of any[…]”
M.A.D. is dead. Let us pray that we survive.
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fuzzydreamin · 2 years
Things We Could Assume About Nick Valentine
Based on things he says in-game
He has temperature sensors.
He doesn't breathe.
Radiation doesn’t affect him.
He can’t smell.
He doesn't (need to) eat, but he can drink and taste. (He samples moonshine in-game and wonders if the taste is because his sensors are messed up or if it’s really just that bad. He doesn't say anything about his smoking in-game but we can probably assume it has some affect on him aside from just the taste.)
He can understand Takahashi. (Secondary robotic language? It's not the Japanese because Tak only says the one thing. This may be unique to him as other robots and synths cannot understand Tak.)
He is tolerant and even supportive of religion. (Finds churches to be sacred, respects the Children, etc)
He thinks cars were ‘coffins on wheels’ but that they looked stylish. (this makes that GOTY poster of him with the Chryslus Cherry Bomb amusing - he would probably be terrified to be in one of those things while it’s going)
Wellingham (the Mr Handy bartender in the upper stands) wants to be his detective partner - Nick keeps turning him down.
He states a general dislike for all of the major settlements in the Commonwealth when entering them, including Diamond City. (comes off very jaded, he can’t help seeing the problems in each -crime, greed, fear, etc)
Due to his gen2 look some people treat Nick more like a robot than a synth. (The way Nick puts this is that it can sometimes be a boon as it disconnects him from the Institute.)
He thinks changing a synths identity is more humane than killing them. (interesting moral question - is the person dead because their mind is gone, or alive because their body is still working? Would he prefer his mind altered over physical destruction?)
As a ‘synthetic man’ Nick claims to have 'all the parts, minus a few red blood cells', so, if we wanted, we could assume he may have a dick of some sort. (This is part of his earliest dialogue with you though, so I doubt he would admit to not having such a thing to a complete stranger. It would however make sense that the Insititute would use their prototype to test their ability to make realistic anatomy, even if it's not 1 to 1, and we know Nick has parts and abilities Gen2 synths don’t)
He puts the rights of robots equal to those of humans and other beings.
Things Nick Likes
Books, libraries, and knowledge in general
Henry David Thoreau (his works / views - calls his house important)
Ships and the Ocean
Walking (Especially picturesque)
The Minutemen
The idea of trailer owners being able to pick up and move at a whim
Chemistry and scientific set-ups (gets uneasy if they are too high tech)
Things Nick Dislikes
The Silver Shroud TV show.
Journalists / News reporters. (pre-war - he likes Piper and her paper)
Elder Maxson.
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excavator0077 · 2 days
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“ the great pager attack !!!! “ how funny is that … ha-ha , those israelis man i’m telling you , imagination in full bloom with their armed forces ….. so far 11 dead and upwardly 3,000 injured and almost all are hezbolla operatives
that’s a lot of first string players riding the fucking bench … what do you wanna bet it’s a precursor to some big operation … bravo , those fucking terrorist said it was a crime what israel has done … so , mr. hezbolla penetrating a sovereign countries borders .. killing and kidnapping and general mayhem that hezbolla started this fucking conflict with gives them not the right and the justification to go after those skumbags anyway they can ?… america should take notice of how israel is doing these things and NO , i feel no shame in my dislike for those terrorist … i don’t .and all these colleges that are protesting israel’s use of military action against the aggressor and the one who made all this possible is laughable …. did they think israel would sit on their hands and do nothing .. get that outta here … hezbolla is getting ALL they deserve …. “ it’s genocide “ boo-hoo …. poor palestinians … boo-hoo . i wouldn’t call it genocide i would call it self inflicted genocide , peace t. d. ok , let me tell you … how many times has the palestinian people been kicked off lands …they were in egypt and started so much shit with the people there that in a time span of three or four months deported four hundred thousand of them into jordan and in a matter of time there erupted a civil war where the eventual consequences were kicking out the palestinians and from jordan to lebanon and in four short years threw the country into financial
and social ruin plunging it into a full blown civil war and planting a since of chaos throughout the streets that is still felt to this very day ….. now i know i am being very general and kinna giving a quick idea of why the other arab countries are saying absolutely “ no “ we can’t let’em in …. but you can’t blame them and i thought they all would take their share …. boy was i way off … i mean they are arab brothers are they not ? could it be that most arab people don’t prescribe to the terrorist ideologies , could it be that the majority of arab people think pretty mulch as we do about those fuckers ………could it be that that kind of shit won’t pass the test of time and will burn out soon no matter how you look at it , god is not god of what they stand for man … chaos and fear … no god .. “ the creator “ is god of calm … peace forget it man , i don’t see these fuckers or at least their leaders ever smoothing out and that will be how they burn out peace t. d.
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faeriesofarcadia · 28 days
My extentsive notes for a shared Omniverse concept deadcorps(e) note still writing and comments are welcome
Ncis dead corpse: the age of calamity
(As a supplementry note after the invasion of the seven cities, NCIS reverted back to being O.N.I office of naval intelligence, but publicly still are NCIS. Privately and internally are oni)
Jackson A (log by bishop E) this old okie came to nis back when the org was in the process of moving from Washington to Roosevelt Island and the treskilion. He asked us to investigate the death of grand ol Opry member David "stringbean "akeman. Which we did and solved. What we didn't know was that the Olympian god of music Orpheus had quietly empowered Alan. Later brought in Texan George strait, and would investigate music based crimes in Tennessee. And wherever the muse sent him .he would however piece the Olympian connection later on. Also on this task force are jimmy buffet and dolly parton on occasion (Notes by Mr nobody. Investigator bishop who later transferred over to riotact has no connection as far as we know to x-men maurader black King Lucas bishop) [see logs on x.s.e. mauraders and bishop. L]
Cooper .a (known pseudonym of vernier. V is) also joining Alan's music n.i.s unit part time when a series of horror themed murders happened in Detroit, Arizona and LA. In the late 70. And late 80s. And no Alice wasn't involved his worst vice was . . Golf,
Leverage solutions (later leverage and leverage international) originally formed by ex white hat investigator Nathaniel Ford. Who got tricked into stealing priceless corp secrets. When he figured it out he went on a revenge spree. Hiring former black hat thieves and con men and women (what Ford never knew was that again the Olympians & the Arcadians of otherworld re -empowered them) Members including nate were /are orcish hitter elliot Spencer (formerly Lindsey Mcdonald). Eishu Technopath alec Hardison who understands technology better then most.half goblin shifter/Sophia Devereaux. Possible the best conartist of her generation. And Parker, a pooka who awakened the group to their otherworld heritages or at least she thinks this incorrectly (deadcorpse is not certain if its a first or last name or a pseudonym) thief . Pickpocket and all around rogue.
The Big Bad Wolf aka Mr big bad wolf [real name wolf. B] (yes that's his full real name) [log by Mr nobody] This GRIFTER speed freak of a thieving WOLF came to us in the aftermath of the war of the 7 cities. (When his crew poped up after the age of calamity And the frozen south offering his crew's services for operation : shattered doors . His crew was retrained by leverage international and its spinoff leverage jr but it seems that grifting is a universal concept. Anyways Mr wolf's crew includes Mr snake (presumably a rattlesnake) miss spider (black widow and hacker)Mr shark (who has this habit of cross dressing a lot) Mr piranha (class hitter)
Negan (unclear if its a first name or last name) [log by Mr nobody] "By his own admission. A litteral human animal. In his original universe. Pre and post apocalypse. Originaly a gym teacher somewhere in the DC district. Formed the saviors organization post apocalypse. Then it all went wrong. Power levels roughly akin to diehard (notes see diehard MacLaine J) welds a weapon he calls "lucele " negan along with former enemies turned frenemies former Kentucky state police officers colonial Rick grimes and shane walsh with the majority of survivors from his original universe crashed on our earth also the ruins of the commonwealth via the seige perilous during the age of calamity in the aftermath negan skedaddled and left , while grimes and his mob stayed as adjuncts to deadcorpse, of course the combined grimes-walsh kids Carl grimes. (Who later moved into tactical for cencom firebase norfolk) Judith-walsh-grimes, and rj grimes (who got confused for clementine's adoptive son aj) all thought the name was fucking hilarious considering the hell on their fucking former earth, everyone was isolated after the invasion of the 7 cities. To purge all traces of the zombie pathogen they had, this was done via the unholy merger of the wetware of the sr3 of project normady major kusanagis displaced mob and the majik of justice society of America DARK's j constitine.. later negan with Judith in tow much later. Rejoined dead corpse in tactical . While he joined the Hyperion explorer corps"
Madrigal M (log by Mr nobody) 'From what has been told to ncis Columbia, the Madrigal family have been paranormals for somewhere up to 500 years ago when their ancestors were granted refuge in a magical generating house called an Encanto. And mirabel. Just might be the most powerful of the current generation of the family, with her ability to "talk" to the house, and it can "open" doors for only her to every and anyplace imaginable, it's took some doing to convince the family (and agent denozo nearly beaten to death) to let our new agent Madrigal to join us. She was deathly important turning the tide during the war of the 7 cities. Saving the south during the frozen south, that first pivotal meeting between deadcorpse and clan de lioncourt and adopted clan brother ex mdpd forensic scientist (and stealth) serial Hunter Dexter morgan de lioncourt
Cube (just cube) [Log by chief shuoto]
"Cube isn't the oddest thing to pop up after the age of calamity, but they're the most note worthy, Cube is originally a slime Cube from the forgotten realms that opened after the age of calamity via the seige perilous. wearing a 1700s fencing hat, and fencing foil in a scabbard, they popped up in Suffolk litterly sliming its way to Nas firebase Norfolk. Offering its services to us as a house guard. Mostly as an anti denoza perversity deterent. Oddly enough the returned ex hades eternal legion agent David loves Cube. And weirdly enough has weekly dnd sessions at Mt thunder with agent Mcgee and major kusanagi, batou and most of the rest of her dimensionality displaced mob.cube like all slime based entities can change its shape, it's at times took a more humanoid form with small armor and a Lance. Unfortunately nis founder Mike franks did get "slimed" while screaming for Gibbs to get him out of cube
Franks m (co founder of n.i.s)
"Log by Mr nobody"
"Franks past is a complete unknown. But what is known. Is this got the younger version of lj Gibbs to join nis [formerly o.n.i] (later retconed) (afterwards Gibbs got temporally pressganged into the prototype version of deadcorpse) and stayed on until pre sept 11 2001, when nis underwent its next reincarnation as ncis. saved by gibbs cell of ncis and deadcorpse during and after the events of operation:Frankenstein and the hunt for the p2p killer, franks still serves as an officer for o.n.i, deadcorpse, an advisor to MONARCH and leison to torchwood
Gibbs L.j (co founder of ncis nova, Baltimore and Nas norfolk) [Log by Mr nobody ] "There's not much to say about Gibbs, the man tough enough to go up against a litteral GOD of the underworld in lord hades, to get our friends and family unhooked from hades legion, to reform them as both deadcorps(e) [the e was Abbys idea] and ReD sentinel. Through later on Leon started drEaD vanguard . Of course what Gibbs nor no one else knew that both the Olympian and Egyptian pantheons empowered them. This fact wouldn't be known until after millenniums assault on the seven cities part of the so called "thousand year plan" that got derailed by a massive task force. Spearheaded by the hellsing group and its undead corps + the reborn battleship girls known as kantai collection and azure lane, biostered by the remnents of a breakaway splinter faction of the former abyssnall fleet now known as the WO-yorktown fleet also red sentinel also merc groups the wild geese aka the dogs of war. Also crossfire x boistered with the aid of Paladin Alexander formerly of organization xIi (note while working on a covert joint ncis operation deep undercover as a fbi agent used the alias of "Simon kent" around the spring of 2002 slightly before the events of operation Yankee rose, after nis got reorganized into ncis. But before agents bishop & da-vid joined ncis cencom district)
(Secondary note the assignment under the Kent pseudonym ended when Gibbs was shot and presumed dead, death prevented by the kinetic shielding tech from comander Shepards parallel future). Also when the members of the lost hades legion were returned to the land of the living. Gibbs got a happy surprise with the return of all his formerly dead wives (there's a lot of em) mostly in a happy polyque. Mostly still has to deal with former dead wife 2 Diane. And formerly dead niece Emily and well t.c Farnell Gibbs best friend and enemy from time to time
(Presumed missing and dead from the original "sacred" timeline in Alaska sometime in mid 2022, before the siege perilous saved him from actions from the in universe version of roxxon oil and the horror beyond time of the serpent crown. It's not clear if the crown exists in our universe or not"
Major motoko kusanagi section 9 security services (Log by Mr nobody and deadcorpse director Abbigal shuoto )
"Originaly from a distopian cyberpunk future in 2059 X, the major and section 9 poped up at the nick of time boistering security during the age of calamity taking the fight at least cyber wise to the vampire corps of millennium, afterwards with them hopelessly stuck in our here and now. Deciding to isolate themselves in case of their tech infecting our world the response team isolated themselves in vas Shenandoah Valley near the Potomac highlands at Mt thunder. With the exception of Togusa who chose to resign section 9 and joined ncis as a secondary cyber agent focusing on cyber crimes in this to him new earth" (note at some future point to prevent the major's more evasive wetware from escaping mt thunder. Motoko's personality matrix was placed into a younger clone o.l who has no memory of being major kusanagi)
(Notes the g man did invade mt thunder. Or attempted to. With all the anti technology that section 9 has from various sources. Mostly the Normandy foundation the entity was repulsed by the major via a shotgun blast to g man's face)
(Note 2 the parallel displaced alternate version of Jay Brisco currently works as a trainer for section 9)
Voorhees J (extreme alter) (Notes by ncis/deadcorpse/section 9 probie agent tim mcgee) " now this Jason Voorhees is not I repeat. Not the one from the movies. He's very real and friendly. Unfortunately cannot talk. Is being taught sign language by abby. He's a hell of an asset in the field, he's also currently on loan to the fbi's b.a u unit (notes see criminal minds) tough not invulnerable. Uses a borrowed cyberdeck from section 9 to communicate. Codenamed "the silent man" by the fbi's b a.u unit aka criminal minds"
Jason basically is a living mountain practically unkillable a master of non firepower weapons .
Lori meyers (log by Mr nobody)
"Meyers was originally from a ruined alternate earth originaly circa 1979x (see project : time slide and operation : time quake) where a take on her beloved older brother turned into a serial killer, she somehow fell into the seige perilous and fell into our world at camp crystal lake ny, and met our future agent the silent man Jason Voorhees. Taught him sign language, and the two became unseperetable. Lori later joined the b.a.u as Jason's handler. And married. And met our version of her beloved brother. Who wears a much different mask. The current welder of an ancient artifact the Medusa mask (see jsa, roger Haden, psycho pirate) also a deadcorpse operative curently on loan to the fbi b.a.u unit (see criminal minds). Also Lori became a psychiatrist with the bau associated with deadcorpse and ncis
Lt bonano (Boston mass city pd, mass state police) (Log by leverage consultings black King Nathaniel ford)
"The lt's been an ali of ours since our relocation from LA to Boston. He's helped us when our con's got too big to handle,
Spencer E (leverage solutions co founder, leverage international co founder) (commander of various indipendent milarms)
"Log by Mr nobody"
"Spencer is an engima, but we know some of his past, formerly of Wolfram and heart, aka the wolf ,ram and heart, beyond crooked demonic hell based law firm, in his original identity of linsey McDonald. Betrayed wrh with the aid of the Hyperion group After the events of after the fall, with the aid of the 118th and riotact the situation was reversed afterwards linsey magicaly made himself not exist via the seige perilous, reborn as partial supernatural"hitter":Elliot Spencer, who has no memory of being McDonald. Co formed various versions of leverage . In this new life. Spencer ran with various merc groups and milarms prior to leverage. As a Side note Spencer has two known "berserk buttons" push them and he may go berserk. 1 as revealed in casefile "the mma job" he bottles up his internal rage. And if uncorked he goes berserk. Revealing at least that he does have a heritage in otherworld, possibly hybrid orc or troll heratage #2 he ADORES children litteraly. Hurt one in his presence and the abusers will likely pay a horrific price. Also adviser and guardian to the kids of leverage jr. After Parker's pooka madness. Elliot got some more additional "firepower" via his magi past as Lindsay
Josie (leverage jr)
(Log by very special ncis agent Anthony denozo jr)
[Grouses loudly about his never used last name]
"Anyways Josie no known last name like leverage international's black queen Parker, Josie ran interference and almost got leverage killed during "the boost job" they however got to her first and offered her a job in leverage jr as their well parker. Driver and thief in training
Trevor (leverage jr) "Log by fury"
"During leverage's op against Vero agro black King Nathaniel ford and Hardison ran afoul of a kid too smart for his own good. Trevor who basically gets a crash course in hacking and black King ism from hardison and Ford. Later joined leverage jr as its black prince"
Molly O'Connell "Log by ncis agent ziva pronounced da-vi-d and not david"
["Finally someone other than denozo who didn't mangle my name"]
"Moly was involved a lot in leverage solutions op "the carney job" unfortunately the op got blown when she got kidnapped and elliot spencer went berserk. Officially calling the op blown. Having to rescue her. This caused elliot to be hurt and badly. After the fact the original mark. Became all future iterations of leverage he'd become their benefactor from there on out, however afterwards moly decided she wouldn't be a victim anymore decided she wanted to be something akin to a tech hitter. (Gained later a set of tech bracers from the Normandy foundation and the girls of team rwby) Subsequently joined leverage jr as its hitter in training" (also noted her great grandfather was 2 fisted archeologist Rick O'Connell who quietly gave more funding to leverage solutions. After the destruction of its original la hq., and yes due to Rick and his family's encounters with an ancient immortal. Possiblly vandal savage?They're still alive and they're aeging has slowed down to nothing.so physicaly the O'Connells are stil in their 30's and have been since roughly 1932 (see o.s.s case files the mummy 1929)
Neilson A (us government agent with the secret service via the warehouse system)
"Log by Mr nobody "
"Whew you talk about deep underground agents. There's no one more underground then artie,comander of the presumed last of the warehouse systems .warehouse 13 in the Dakotas. Has a truly revolting alter in Victor dubinich. This alter of artie is litterlly his polar opposite in every single way. Murdered by leverage black King Nathaniel ford. And no leverage has not encountered artie nor the agents of warehouse 13 . . Yet" (notes after several attempts over the years pre and post the age of calamity to invade the warehouse. Security was boistered with tech from section 9 and the Normandy foundation)
Kruger f (warning not the version you'd know)
(Log by fury)
"This Fredrick j Kruger is NOT I repeat not the monster freddy Kruger. May look like him, for the most part, but he's less of a monster. Has the same power set. But he's less evil, can enter a person's dreams . Deadcorpse has officially codefaxed him as dreammaster, was taught by the jsa's Wesley Dodds the world War 2 sandman (see notes jsa, sandman, dream of the endless) curently attached to both ncis norcom as a non military dr ,and the fbi's b.a.u criminal minds unit. And yes his face has been fixed via a hybrid of advanced tech from section 9 and majik from his criminal minds agent meyers " (note resembles actor Robert england) has abandoned the Kruger name . And with permission from the Dodds estate and the jsa has assumed wes's name as a pseudonym)
Meyers m
(Our realitys version)
(Log by fury)
"Our realitys Michael meyers is a bit different then the one Lori meyers came from via the seige perilous, in that world was insane and a truly monstrous serial killer, in our world Michael wears a much different mask. In his off time works as a builder, when with us. And by us I mean deadcorpse, ncis norcom, and the unit he's with on loan to the fbi's b.a.u unit aka criminal minds. A specialist in bladed weapons. Michael is inseparable from the younger alter of his sister. Who died young in our world. As "the shape" Michael is like Jason a master of stealth and bladed weapons. Like criminal minds clanmate Chuckie '
Codename :JIGSAW
(Note not the nightmare terror you know)
(Notes by the illusive man)
"Member of the new incarnation of the b.a.u aka criminal minds "
"In this universe the ENTITY known as JIGSAW isn't a serial killer. To a point . He's the b.a.u psych evaluator . But unhinged it can get intell out of anyone. Next to comander Shepard that is. Specialty are sadistic traps and torture
Utena T
(Log by fury)
"Utena tenjou good God. Originaly from a parallel earth around 1995x. Came to ours with her mob. The student council of the mercifully defunct ohtori gakuen. Because basically their world was mostly destroyed. But due to the age of calamity the ruins of their shattered earth are now floating in shadow around earth orbit. The upside down castle is currently synced orbiting Washington. Utena has been gifted with a power called "the voice of the revolution " usually acquired from pulling her fencing Saber out of girlfriend himilya ohtori. Currently on loan to a task force code named. . . Lensmen. And the hyperion explorer corps "
(Log by fury and Mr nobody)
"If y'all thought tenjou's mob pissed me off. Meet team RWBY, originally from a parallel earth
called remnant where all the myths are real. They crash landed here just off the coast of VA beach
during the age of calamity on what they called the ironpunk steamship carrier ich ozpin the team
immediately offered it's services for defense. Of the team there's ruby rose (no I'm not kidding ford that's her real name) Short, Raven haired. But do
not underestimate her. Her scythe is a fucking killer on a par with testament Par that with
the ice speed powers of girlfriend Weiss schnee (white cross in German) and she's almost
unstoppable add her teleportation cape and she's almost a one girl x-force, and then there's weiss
cold blond and firery always argues with ruby to the point of the marx brothers,and that damned frost sword of hers add her frost powers and augmented in the winter. And you'd swore she belongs on the unseelie winter court. Making matters worse is ruby's sister (no stop laughing Spencer) yang ziou long -rose is a beast litteraly with force gauntlets that pack a goddamned punch akin to a rocket launcher. That makes her a threat litteraly and the fact she looks like she's from Texas and speaks a bizzare variant of an mainland Chinese dialect with a Texan twang. That's almost as deep as Spencer's. (In the background we hear Parker laughing her ass off) also her girlfriend Blake belladonna (absolutely no relation as far as we can tell to Remy "gambit" lebeuxs ex wife) Blake is well a catgirl. (Dear gods strike that from the official record because she'll kill us all if anyone calls her that)
Anyways her main weapon are well spectral "claws" akin to an ability maurader capt pride had prior to her second death. Also sometimes member codenamed "jinn" she's basically a genie
Albert "gravedigger" wu-han (log by cc Nash) Albert came to stay with chimney (aka hephestus) during a brief period before and after the megaquake and a year before his daughter was er littered. Later joined the Portland branch of riotact
Howie "chimney " han (log by red sentinel chief cc nash)
"Chim, there really isn't much to say to be honest. He's been the rock of the unit since the massacre, and rebirth when I took over the 118th. And this is before red sentinel. Chims been involved in some insane things. Less so then buck through (see red sentinel buckly e) and after the megaquake twice . Chim's also the liaison to the ultra busy la branch of riotact. Dragging us into that insanity. Especially after what happened to Athena which I should have seen coming twice no less (see wakanda) . And no we were not involved too much in the invasion of the seven city's during the age of calamity. We were requested by deadcorpse along with the sentinels in its aftermath and rescue and recovery efforts also due to athena's awakening as a litteral goddess. She's empowered chim as the new incarnation of the Greek God hephestus , also while on the hunt for the double of Madeline in Boston briefly joined the Boston medical corps. Also joined leverage international as its "sterling" an utterly uncoruptable agent, basically as a medical adjunct. Also After a would be sadist serial killer targeted the families of ReD Vanguard they teamed up with the west coast branch of riotact. After chimney took him down with his own tazer. Director Goodman offered chimney a slot in riotact which he accepted for their nearby enclave in pacific city (roughly where coast city is in the dcu). So chim's now riotact's laeason officer and the rest of the Vanguard also became officers in riotact under a new aegis . . . "ReD sentinel"
Athena -Carter Grant (log by zeus and lady bastet) appears to be huuuman but is of us . Twice her true Visage has been glimpsed once by members of rED vanguard another by a werewolf/zombie hybrid. What grant and the rest of the vanguard nor the sentinels to a lesser extent don't seem to recognize she is the goddess of war and victory. One of the forces empowering the vanguard and by extension the sentinels , when her true Visage is seen. She welds the aegis shield and the holy sword durandural when her true form is seen. Which so far has been only the 118th , red vanguard due to a reaction to .. . Cookies?
Nash CC (log by former section 9 and current ncis norcom officer Togusa)
"Chief Nash has suffered some absolutely horrific tragedy. Original family dead in the upper Midwest of this earth. Pre the age of calamity, moved to la became capt to the 118th corps. And then things got knocked on its head hard. Two megaquakes and a tsunami. Led the capt to believe something was manipulating events. And he was correct on his assumption it was the ancient ww2 organization millennium (no not frank blacks organization of the same name) .(See notes on x-files, the lone gunmen, millennium) Once the Olympians empowered or re empowered his future wife Athena-Carter-grant, they took the fight to millennium in va during the age of calamity.
Prince regent Lelouch vi Britannia aka
Lelouch Lamperouge (notes by various members of deadcorpse)
"Originaly the 17th in line to the crown of the alternate earth empire of Britannia. Some if not a good portion of the empire popped up during the age of calamity. First a small less then 1200 mile island clone of britania popped up about 500 miles off the coast of VA and 2 their original school Ashford gakuen has dimensionaly "obliterated " regent university which was about 15 miles south of va Beach. But the mini region around New Ashford has changed to match its original form and shape from the prince regent's original earth. But during the age of calamity. The prince regent's secret was exposed as . . Zero. This caused. . Problems mostly with his classmates. With sherly, and later empire operative lancelot aka Suzuku. This required some finesse on lulu's part to not cause another calamity. Mostly , in the aftermath of the age of calamity both the Camelot research group, and the clean energy en-vogue group are relocated to the region, Camelot to the Ashford grounds, en vogue to a private and top secret facility in the region , also our millennium agent black is deadcorps liaison for the academy, Camelot research. En vogue, torchwood and MONARCH.
Castle r
(Log by fury)
"Godalmighty , Richard castle started out as a successfull writer, as a contemporary to Alan wake (see notes on wake a, and CONTROL) with his storm front series, unti he killed his golden goose, so to speak. Somehow this attracted the attention of the nypd after a slew of ficttive killings in the real world. And being sorta kinda pressganged into being pared with det beckett his eternaly grumpy future wife.eventually married beckett. Later problems developed due to multiple alters and confusion due to said alters. Starting with an entity called "the first" which both the hyperion group and the sovereigns both thought castle was eternal goofball that he is. Another alter popped up in the form of capt Mal Reynolds the captain of the serenity class ship firefly aka hotoru from a far flung alterverse that we're codefaxing as . . . "Earth that was"and as far as we know the last alter was a cop from LA j Nolan almost a contemporary of the 118th aka red sentinel . Currently living in Nikola Teslas city of tomorrow in wireclife nj. As mentioned in the logs for closer to the sun)
Mister nobody (log by fury) "who am I? I'm no one important in any sense of the word Mister toretto. I'm nobody ' from the first time ods chief operator Mr nobody issued that proclamation to future operatives Dominic toretto and fms agent Hobbs they both knew he would be trouble, shares a physical resemblance to (see files on "snake " plisken, and truck driver jack burton") deadcorpse lists his threat potential for ongoing ops to rival operatives, negan and eversong .a to take extreme caution
Buckley Madison
(Dead sister to Buckley e)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Madison the dead sister to the 118ths disaster magnet Evan "buck" Buckley died just after the age of calamity the stress of childbirth added to multiple disasters caused her to crack. Making her easy prey for millennium. Mercifully killed by hellsing's allucard, but a exact double of her plunged through the seige perilous and married chim. Through she looks exactly like the Maddison we lost. She's completely different a fighter through and through tough as nails, she's maddiline han Buckley or just overwatch for the 118
Evan "buck" Buckley
(Log by capt Nash)
"If folks thought chim had a catastrophic set of bad luck. Buck is infinity WORSE, born to be nothing but body parts to be harvested. Rescued by members of the unseelie court they took buck to Arcadia for 24 hours by there reckoning which was ten years in ours.popped up in la fully grown but without knowing what happened in the missing day/years. Through in Arcadia he was the queens knight . On earth has some minor abilities mostly spellcraft and chaos majik. Those skills helped during the age of calamity. And a sideways connection to the hellsing group's ceras Victoria. Who via a lot of spellcraft was re born as a day walker and resigned the main branch of the hellsing foundation, but along with buck formed the la branch of the foundation this did annoy her master Alucard slightly to work ad an adjunct to the lapd and as a guardian force to the 118 after the sniper attack . She and chief Nash delt with the deranged former swat officer. In full manifested unseelie form . Buck can create a copy of his ceremonial winter court black mass Armour with ebon blade codenamed by deadcorpse as "black mass"
"The daughter of 118th and riotact's chimney han, she grew up with a double of her [in our worlds) dead mom and her uncle gravedigger, and her uncles and aunts in the 118th.much later during the age of calamity got forcibly grown up to the age of Mae "mayday" grant (see logs mayday grant) thanks to the generational Buckley "curse" gained "luck" based talent and a code name of "wrecker" caused by exposure to the ghosts of "murder house" aka the house of secrets
Moutou Y
(Log by fury, Mr nobody and leverage black King Nathaniel ford)
" this one just makes my fucking head hurt, moaned fury, basically in the past yougi moutou was given a supposedly "unsolvable puzzle" by his grandfather, unfortunately he solved it. The millennium eye, a distant cousin relic to the lament configuration (see notes on hellraiser the lament configuration)which unleased the previously unknown ancient Egyptian gods of puzzles and . . . Vengeance. This ancient soul possessed yugi. And subsequently went on a Vengeance fuled rampage through Japan. Luckly or unluckily this happened around the time of the age of calamity. Yugi teleported to the fight in va hooking up with leverage first then the wild geese. Before trapping millenniums insane vampire leader Montana max within a cursed stack of ancient cards . The cards were then split so there was no chance of max reforming. Later the curse of the millennium eye was partially muted by riotact, hellsing and red vanguard aka the 118th
(Note in the aftermath of locking Montana max within the infinite dungeon of the eye and cards. The eye inflicted a toll and cost on yugi transforming him into a female doppelganger of his former sparing partner Tae, who knows none of this because yugi wisely stayed put at ncis cost at the cavalier, with space for them at both the rayshifted persona tower and at new Ashford gakuen)
Payne M (formerly detective nypd)
(Log by fury)
"If y'all thought the shit Alan wake went through was awful. What max went through was worse. Max was a decorated detective UNTIL his entire family was massacred by insane drug peddlers, this made max snap trying to find the cause. All roads lead to the aesir corporation. Eventually max was captured by aesir agents overdosed on their drugs. But survived and gained minor localized time stopage gifts. In a way like Alan's teleportation and speed gifts. Eventually the aesir corporation was destroyed by max. Which lead him into being pressganged into the agency of CONTROL.to this day max is still an agent and was on site at bright falls solving its . . . Infestation and getting Alan free of the grip of the cthuthian Infestation on site.
(Loud grousing is heard from both fury and Mr nobody)
"What is with leverage and this orphan adopting. They're worser then that billionaire Wayne in Gotham "
[Log by fury and Mr nobody]
"In leverage international's new home of Nola Hardison and Parker on a date night run a foul of a heist in progress in a so called free zone, and parkers new mania of licking Dino bones (see casefile "the jurassic park job" and "the in-gen job") also during the events of "the one knight job" and a complicated date night turned con /rescue of Mason being adopted by Nana hardison. In the not to distant future Mason joins leverage jr
Criminal minds (fbi bau associated with deadcorpse)
With the original unit all but shut down. And ex boss rossi. Obsessed with a case in va, deadcorps started a joint taskforce, abbigals reasoning was this "why not use "serial killers" to catch worser serial killers" the gag being the new agents are all alters of fictional serial killers from the known multiverse post the age of calamity event. Known agents are
"The quiet man" Jason Voorhees [alter]
Fredrick j Kruger [alter] [using pseudonym of Wes Dodds with permission from the justice society of America and the estate and trust of dodds]
Michael meyers [alter]
Lori meyers [alter]
Brandon "gunglave/gunGRAVE/BEYOND the GRAVE" HEAT
Also JIGSAW (alter)
And ash "Ashley " woods [through never ever ever call ash , Ashley, especially when armed with their chainsaw)
Chucky (demonicaly possessed doll. Formerly extreme alter)
G.h.o.s.t.f.a.c.e (alter) expert and anylist on a par with bishop e. In all things serial killer wise. Ghostface is actually multiple people operating under a shared hivemind gestalt
Also on a probation status the artificial life form also cybernetics expert and cyber ops meggan. Texan legend and tracker Leatherface and Dexter Morgan de lioncourt as our in house pathologist
Annie Hagan-drake (aka clayfaces daughter)
(Supplementry logfile by Dr kassie hines)
"Annie was found an amnesiac around park row aka crime alley in Gotham, rescued by the 3'rd known Robin tim drake (currently known as drake) she came to deadcorpse willingly to find out what and whom she was. Later DNA tests confirmed she was "part" of the hivemind that comprised clayface I, she chose to stay with the org, at first with drake and Bruce Wayne's help the Gotham field office for deadcorpse which is attached to the gcpd's major case squad aka Gotham central, yes bullock and Montoya are also attached deadcorps officers (lord help us all) Annie for her part chose a new pseudonym she's currently torn between "avalanche " or "mudslide"
Michone grimes (formerly of her husband's post apocalypse Alexandria free zone survivors)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Pre apocalypse in her alternate earth , for research we're designating as earth-twd, was a decorated lawyer based outta Harlem nyc, then the apocalypse hits hard, and micone lost her twin daughters (one absolutely dead, one lost to the future commonwealth) becomes a wandering ronin who finds her future husband's mob in kentucky at the former Greene compound. Overran by (what we call zombies, they called walkers) hooks up with then as a designate Ronin to an exodus leaving Kentucky back to Georgia to a presumably empty state prison (that wasn't) eventually drawn into war with a mently cracked person called the governor (and this is where opinions differ between michone and Rick. That something awful happened to both because of this monster in human flesh) later after woodsbery and the prison sanctuary were trashed. Grimes group in the middle of winter, left Georgia to a rumoured sanctuary in va. Notices around Richmond told them to avoid the city at all costs. So they went onward towards nova and Alexandria free zone and at some point much later the entirety of most of these groups were pulled through the seige perilous to our earth
J McLain (aka DIEHARD)
(Log by fury)
"Where to begin with this MOTHERFUCKER!!! , McLain is a walking calamity worser then negan, agent eversong the both of em, and marian and noi COMBINED, here's the motherfucking issue. There was another McLain in 1955x confused for him, the reason we call him a walking calamity, is the tower calamity in la around 1989. This motherfucker litterlly blew up half of nagatoni plaza WIth assistance from future Chicago beat cop Carl winslow (see notes on winslow c and Stephan) and a year later it happened again this time in nova at dulles Airport he was hindered in this by future nypd officer Sipowicz ( see notes nypd blue Sipowicz a and cain h and alter kelly j)) and I had my run in with him in nyc half a decade later deep undercover as "zeus", basically we don't summon diehard unless its a world ending event . Like the age of calamity And the war of the seven cities also diehard's aging has been slowed down so he's in his fifty's physically. But power wise in his 20's. Via the infinity formula
S.e.e.s (aka PERSONA. Aka MONARCH)
(Notes by Mr nobody
"Originally from an earth time--dates 2009x-2011x- 2016x of multiple task forces all based in Japan mostly set up via their own power system called PERSONA, we have sees empowered by this tarot card based system called wildcard, and the associated group p.h.a.n.t.o.m. and the investigation group all three are counterforces against the inhuman forces of the mythos that haunted their world , all three groups fell through the seige perilous and this caused utter chaos as their powers and personas changed in our world. During the age of calamity. The three previously independent groups merged into one called MONARCH. the investigation branch now simply called seas the groups now based in va beach at a rayshifted tower from their world also all three groups via shield now all go to school at new Ashford adding to the headaches to prince regent Lelouch . All three groups now report to the project : leverage desk ran by Anthony denozo senior at MONARCH towers. Which was in fact rayshifted a second time into the woods behind the cavalier hotel and conference centre
GUNGRAVE (formerly heat. B)
[Log by fury]
" where to begin with this MOTHERFUCKER!!!, if diehard, and negan are calamitys grave IS worse much much worse, originaly came from a previously unknown earth. Sometimes known as gunGLAVE Brandon heat was transformed into this almost indestructible zombie/Frankenstein hitman. Armed with a steel coffin that he uses as a rocket launcher which houses these monsterious hand guns that only he can use called CERBIERUS (note no known connection to lord hades nor the watchdog er heck puppy of the underworld) sucked in via the seige perilous into our world during the age of calamity, hooked up almost immediately with the hellsing group. Alucard stated in an after action report that grave was more chaotic then him. afterwards stayed on with hellsing and as an assigned agent to the b.a.u's criminal minds group
Lehane f (formerly and curently of the second interation of the sovereigns, formerly and freelancer for the hyperion group)
(Log by Mr nobody)
Faith is of the Para ops group the sovereigns which specializes in killing the undead in all its forms , formerly the third slayer called under the watch of r Giles after summers e.b. during the age of calamity got mysticaly turned into a 7 ft tall impossibly buff black rabbit girl. Of the Vieira sub species. Of course now the daemons and vamps in Sunnydale are running scared (with the exception of her other boss of the hyperion group Liam Alexander angelelus) the two groups with the aid of hellsing la, riotact and rEd DrAgON took the fight to the heart of darkness itself the hellmouth. In the aftermath the portal to its dimension was permanently slammed shut. But Sunnydale was a total loss, the sovereigns relocated if briefly to the hyperion hotel resort in la. And later a new base in the highlands of merrin County north of San Francisco
King j battalion I (not to be confused or no connection as far as we know to battalion II Jackson king formerly of stormwatch later the monarchy and later still stormwatch : p.h.d) (Log by ncis chief shuoto and deadcorpse day watch chief Shepard , both Jennifer and comander Shepard of Nas normady)
"This honestly is baffling to be honest. Jackson King formerly of London in 1850 briefly the doctor (not to be confused with the doctor of the authority) (see logs on doctor WHO, tardis, torchwood, UNIT, the authority) got a fraction of the Dr's abilities. Got shaingheied from that time by the seele winter court of avalon and the seige perilous , was not involved in the war of seven cities. But after integration is now a staffer onboard the Nas normady 3.
Amelia "amy" pond (formerly companion to the doctor) " queen titania found ponds original fate distasteful. To a fae, so her fate was "altered" instead of dying in 1930s new York the seige perilous dropped her into u.n.i.t centcom Atlantic fleet in portsmith, the current interation of the dr knows none of this
river song [aka melody "mels" pond]
(Log by conjob constintine of the justice society of America and DARK)
"Loves? This girl is the daughter basically of the ruddy dr and Amy pond. Is basically 1/3 baseline human (if barely) and more then 75 % FUCKING time lord. As far as I can tell pond was pregnant when she first boarded the tardis. And these jumps through time. Changed the both of them
(Notes popped up under a pseudonym briefly interacted with o.n.i during the years 2012-2015 ad)
Clara Oswald -oswald (no connection to Oswald cobblepot aka the penguin)
(Log by fury)
"This girl is more powerfull then the Dr's previous 4 companions combined. Hell power wise she's a fucking time lord. Scale wise up to the 12th incarnation . Rode with the 11th and 12th versions and uncovered a previously "lost" dr called "the war doctor" uncorked via all of their incarnations (0-12) "hiding " gallafrey from the known universe. Until Clara and the 12th dr "moved" it and cloaked it into our universe at the end of the age of calamity . Currently is a part time deadcorpse operative. Teaches at new Ashford academy, and rides with the 13th incarnation of the doctor
Daliak (designation tin man) [log by fury]
"By even our standards in shield, u.n.i.t (United nations invasion tactics) this thing is an impossibility? But I've learned with the doctor, nothing is fucking impossible when he's involved. This bundle of hate. Isn't that. At least from the doctor's perspective. Pre age of calamity he changed one lone Daliak from a bundle of hate. Into the first hybrid time lord/Daliak. This one "rusty" fell through the seige perilous changing them even more. Hooked up at first with leverage and then forming the iron legion an anti dalak task force filled with alternate seige perilous acquired dalaks from alternate universes ali to the future 16th doctor
Magica quartet
(Log by fury)
"More GODDAMNED sparkly magical girls. But unlike those lunatics from remnant. These are darker. In their original earth kaname madoka found these little girls and formed their worlds only defense against the darkness. Unfortunately the source of their power was as evil as it comes. A talking rat creature called an incubator. This THING had warped the wishes of some pretty notorious folks like jaune du arc aka Joan of arc) now after madoka and her eternally 13 year old girlfriend had utterly obliterated the entity from the entirety of the omniverse, (note if it existed here pre age of calamity its unknown to deadcorpse, after madoka was briefly "deleted " from her earths history. The quartet escaped from their earth via the seige perilous . Hooked up with our sister agency in our Japan called WISE in kanamei city"
Capt jack Harkness (comander of the second post fall taskforce attached to u.n.i.t of TORCHWOOD)
(LOG by Mr nobody)
"in the time of the 9th doctor but during ww1. Capt Harkness was "killed" in the trenches, but survived, as far as unit was concerned he was a unique immortal . Not an unaging one . Eventually rode with the 9th doctor, until his TORCHWOOD unit was shanghied via the seige perilous to our earth. It didn't drop them in cardif at their base in THE RIFT (see notes on THE BLEED) but that connection between the bleed, the rift and the seige perilous changed the capt and his immortality. Now he can still "die" but won't age. Torchwood is currently based for now at MONARCH towers
marian Kelly (tentatively ) [aka battalion iv)
(Notes by fury)
"This BAD BITCH is a one woman BATTALION] no I'm not kidding, after getting kidnapped over and over again, she rebuilt herself from the ground up pledging a vow to the sidhe court that she'd never be a victim again. Again fell into the seige perilous, but dropped in the middle of the age of calamity, hooked up immediately with team rwby forged a sisterly connection with their powerhouse brawler ruby's sister yang. And got duplicate bracers. Later hooked up with the 118th aka red vanguard [and rEd dRaGoN] as a guardian force (notes is the fourth known BATTALION iv)
Lancelot (aka fielding d)
(Log by fury and Mr nobody)
"Where to begin with this fucking immortal. Lancelot as far as we can tell has existed for centuries since Camelot fell Eventually joined the librarians organization (a side group to leverage) at some point their founder basically quit (an epoxy to newheart.b) who quit in the 60s 70s and 80s, in the 80s lancelot had to litterlly piece together his broken psyche after what shield called "operation: our town" in his alter as scummy ny city d.a fielding d. Subsequently as fielding used another alter as tribbey L working in the white house in the 90s during the Bartlett j administration (see notes on the illusive man, Josiah Bartlett, and Bartletts ancestor of the same name) was a frendemy to seaborn s and almsley haynes (alter to csi m officer Duquesne c k) much much later . Lancelot abandoned both identitys and returned to the librarians organization . More recently lancelot has returned to the Dan fielding identity helping the daughter of Judge Harry stone (a member of the magicians and the librarians which saved his life in the 80s) prior to this however he also returned to the tribbey identity to utterly wreck a certain loudmouth presidents life (there will be no log of this because saying it's name has been ruled a zero saction)
Also another lost alter of former head librarian Newhart. B. Ex head coroner of ncis predecessor org o.n.i Magnuson magnus.
[Emergency file on Joshua lyman]
(Log by former president Bartlett and Leo McCarthy)
Basically Josh cracked on Xmas eve. A few weeks after I was shot. He's seemingly better but we've asked deadcorpse to send a second opinion on this . This will include comander Shepard and jeff "joker" moreau of project normady, JIGSAW of the bau. And major motoko kusanagi of section 9. Plus another joker variant Dr Jackson Napier. Josh was healed but kinda driven "insane" by JIGSAW. Re healed via wetware via the Normandy foundation and section 9". We later learned via bau and fbi records Josh worked in la at roughly the same time as . Cj Craig during what the bau files called project ricochet also Dr Napier is now a secondary shrink attached to our b.a.u aka criminal minds v 3.0
RE-CLASS (formerly arc royale British ww2 era battleship)
"Log by fury"
"Trying to even grasp or get a handle on these blasted reincarnated ww2 era battleship girls makes my fucking head hurt"
"Anyways this is what we know. Which our info is from jp cencom. And the limited database of the allied WO-orktown fleet girls. Sometime in ww 2 arc royale was sunk. During the same time frame the fleet of the abyss reserected her as the utterly insane RE-CLASS, by the time of the age of calamity a good chunk of the abyss fleet split from its hive mind to form the WO FLEET, WITH re-class as not its core battleship but a striker class, and her "insanity" was broken. Through she does talk that way, she does remember being arc royale. During the age of calamity the wo fleet hooked up with their new sister ships in the task force called kantai collection taking the fight to millennium along with the other world persona users. And yet another mage called Chikage from another world we're coding as "sister princess" and another refugee not from the same earth. But called "Emilia Elle yelen" aka blue sapphire from a world we're dubbing for now "Cinderella girls" welds a blue sword powered by chimerical flame that litterlly "burns" evil or evil intentions .
(Log by Philip j coulson agents of shield)
"What we and shield know about the g-man is very limited even with all of our contacts, seemingly immortal. And unkillable, lord knows dr freeman and dr Alyx Vance have tried to kill the son of a bitch (see black Mesa, dr freeman, Alex vance) (see logs for vandal Savage, Rafferty ,the immortal man, reserection man, thrillkillers. Body doubles, the shade,) has seemingly muddled in and with history for his unknown employers, rumoured to have worked in some capacity with both versions of millennium. The fleet of the abyss, the injustice society of the world, the monster society of the world,shield has labeled him an alpha 1 threat. Meaning "all hands" warnings are issued when he appears "
Briscoe j
"At pain of death via the seige perilous was brought into our earth. Stays with our worlds version of his family in Delaware the pughes"
Midmark d
"Was a student during the events of the leverage con "the plays the thing job" discovered to actually have the same skill that Sophie has but in reverse. A great singer. Eventually joins leverage jr as its singer and con player. But in a limited capacity role"
Wrath and horizon
(Log by fury)
"These two came from not an alternate earth. But a world we're dubbing as "titanfall" according to their after action reports . Both are soldiers formerly of the titans program and later apex. With their armours they can "control" with limited consequences time and space. Both are being re trained by shield. Wrath will be staying with the Normandy foundation as the refit for the sr3 normady continues at Tesco Newport News. Horizon possibly might be assigned to project shattered doors
Alexander "xander" Harris (co founder of the second interation of the sovereigns, tactical adviser to the slayers)
[Log by fury]
"Where to begin . A lifelong resident of Sunnydale CA, when Elizabeth "buffy" summers came there . The truth behind the town was laid bare, possibly the most evil city on earth, next to pandemonium located in Kansas , later was the core behind the original scooby gang (later renamed the second incarnation of the sovereigns) after years of fighting to destroy the city and the hellmouth. After faith was mutated into a Vieira. Alexander was told that he's a desendent of the ancient strategist lu xion. And this changed everything litterlly becoming literally a copy of his ancestor but as a girl. Oddly enough she embraced this as a top tier magic user. Who has access to the book of spells called "dynasty" which is shields code name for Xander. The sovereigns were not involved in the age of calamity. They had the destruction of Sunnydale and the hellmouth to worry about.
Dawn summers (formerly the key of eternty) (member of the sovereigns [retroactively] later various post age of calamity groups and orgs)
[Log by Mr nobody)
(Unclear if summers has a connection to the rock of eternity)
"The sister [yet daughter] to Elizabeth "buffy" summers has had a complicated existence in roughly 2001 x "born" extradimentional but yet ancient beyond measure. Told at one point she would die in glory. This got debunked fast by the second incarnation of the sovereigns between the wild Magik of the trinity of Xander, willow Rosenberg and faith and the shear stubbornness of summers and the other trinity of Angelus, William the bloody (known as spike) and Elizabeth herself who has a rather bloody ancestor herself in Elizabeth bathory. And the wild seeieres in drusilla the mad. Took the fight to the insane goddess glory. This attracted the then unwanted attention of riotact and the 118th aka ReD DrAgON and hellsing la and the black knight of the unseelie court. After a complicated mini war glory was shredded into oblivion took by the unseelie court via the wilde hunt back to Arcadia to suffer for eternity until the end of time itself. Thus the prophecy went to shit. Briefly the sovereigns hooked up with riotact and the 118th as the age of calamity hit everyone hard to stop another vampire invasion in the guise of millennium
Philip j coulson (agent of shield and later founderof the level 9 task force agents of shield)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Coulsons been in some level of the federal gov for ages. Given the eternty formula same as fury years ago. Served with distinction in the Josiah Bartlett administration, left that position after Bartlett left office. Then immediately afterwards dealt with a crisis at stark industries in la (see files Obadiah stane, the iron monger) stayed in la for a few years dealing with Tony stark's foibles [which there were many] (see files on stark expo nyc, whiplash,Justin hammer, hammer industries) stayed with shield in the run up of the formation of the modern avengers.was "killed" by loki. Of course that didn't take. Sometime later with his own aegis formed his own task force the agents of shield. This lasted until Thanos attack on the world and the 5 "missing years" until the "clarion call" which brought everyone back including the long since missing all star squadron, the freedom fighters, the invaders, and the ravagers along with the space and time faring mauraders. And the formerly dead now goddess of stories loki.
Mystery Inc [this log will only intale the originals]
(Log by various mostly l.j Gibbs, Nathaniel ford, and others)
"Mystery Inc, sighs where to begin with these eternal kids, formed sometime in the early to mid 60s. Survived several massacres (the Smithsonian has the historical record including Altamont speedway. Freedom riders, Mississippi burning and the near assassination and riot at dr kings speech in Washington) (notes it was the alternate "apocalypse " team through those events with tech donated and aquired from the HALO corporations WILD c a t.s division)Co formed by norvile "shaggy" Rodgers, adoptive sister Velma Rodgers, and scooby doo Rodgers, Fred jones (this gets re revealed years later that he was kidnapped by the jones family) [note 1 revisied years later as being the adoptive son of master detective benoit blanq (see notes knives out)] funding provided via secretly money provided by Diana "Daphne " Blake via our predesor orgs oss and o.n.i (which at the time the rest of mystery Inc has no knowledge of) as a paranormal investigation unit. (Oni flagged them enternally as "the sovereigns " the group wouldn't know This until oni got its aegis removed and became n.i.s) this gets turned on its head fast sometime in 1969 via an encounter with the immortal servantes de Leon and soul caliber. Basically slowing down their ageing (this explains why scooby doo is somehow still alive today. Two odd casefiles have even confused deadcorpse. With mystery Inc post the events of 13 ghosts [no not THAT 13 ghosts] being traped briefly in the apocalyptic alterverse shield coded as "the last of us" and later the ruined 19th century utopia of Columbia [see files booker DeWitt, Elizabeth Lutece) later after nis became ncis . The truth came out behind o.n.is codefaxing them as the sovereigns got revealed to them after the Smithsonian acquired soul calber. And this brought back servantes de Leon back from the dead again in the aftermath. Mystery Inc and our ncis nova cell well trashed the castle. Mostly scooby doo did via the apolo lander and the spirit of 66 to kill de Leon. Obviously this did not work. Later the alternative apocalypse team gets physically merged with the first souverigns
Red goblin II (formerly goblin childe)
Osborn normie (possibly Norman the second)
(Log by agents of shields Phil coulson)
"Normie is the grandson of Norman Osborn the infamous green goblin . Currently gold goblin. A few years back possessed by a sliver of the carnage symbiote and doses of Norman's goblin drugs, after a truly horrific battle . Peter Parker managed to beat Norman. But the cost was high with the temporary death of alli anti-venom (aka flash Thompson) [currently back from the dead and a member of the time lost savage avengers. And Peter re gaining for a short period the original venom symbiote which caused him to revert into his feral brain eating incarnation .five years after this normie re acquired a second sliver of the carnage symbiote given to him by the current venom dillan brock (see venom III ). But it's basically a baby without no knowledge about the symbiote codex. When using the symbiote he doesn't have the traditional weaknesses fire and sonics. But is obsessed with candy
The grey men (paranormal task force attached to "the agency ") consists of d.grey man and "Sierra six .6"
Parker (deadcorpse is not certain if this is a first or last name)
(Log by fury & nate ford)
"Parker is a consumate con woman and rogue, through nate didn't know this much. Between 1999 and 2007 she had inserted herself into the inner circle of the white house in the Bartlett administration under the pseudonym of "donna-tella moss" however we of shield didn't know that till after the fact. And as far as we know not even president Bartlett knew this. Through the only person to know was moss's long suffering boss Joshua k lyman. Post 07 joined leverage. ( ford later claimed he'd been hunting the future members of leverage since at least 2001) Which of course Josh kept tabs on her quietly. Years later Josh finally met the leverage team in their new hq in Nola. And offered the impossible a legit job doing their jobs but with official recognition
Munch j (log by Joshua k lyman)
"Detective munch was major case in Baltimore homicide aka : homicide life on the st. Through this was years before ncis and deadcorpse operative denozo was in Baltimore homicide. Eventually transferred to nyc and its svu unit where he stayed the rest of his carrer.. was not involved in the chaos of the age of calamity
Cerbierus [species REALLLY BIG DOG!]
(LOG by fury and deadcorps(e) director suoto)
"Dear gods where do I start with this titanic DOG that even mcgee and denozo would be running away from, originaly basically the guardian of hell itself. Cerbierus has mellowed with age. But both his BARK and bite can be deadly, lord hades after the disaster with his legion, let us relocate Cerbierus topside to a point. And when the events of the invasion hit . We managed to relocate former ncis director vance's taskforce hells sentinel to Norfolk boistering the firepower of the WO fleet. Hooking up with RE class, his flames and her shark bits made a deadly duo incinerating .any unfortunate enemy vamp who came close, after the invasion Cerbierus was just too tired to return to mt Charleston so he'd stay at the future firebase norfolk. Co watched and fed by various folks including Carl grimes, abby . Carl's family minus Rick and shane. Curently resides in a giant doghouse at firebase n.a.s"
grace and Frankie "Log by fury"
"We recently found out about these fucking lunatics via a quantum tunneling rip into their universe at chyanne mtn via the Stargate, no parahumans on that earth thankfully, but alters of President Bartlett and ex ny state city d a Jackson Mccoy are married, unfortunately their insane shrewish exs did cause a significant amount of chaos, sg-1 wisely decided that no contract was warranted and a log entry was filed with shield and deadcorpse as a part of the new map of the omniverse and the hyperion explorer corps"
Ann Gibbs
(Notes from the hyperion explorer corps officer Ben "kilo ren" solo)
"Miss Gibbs in the original timeline died of cancer, but via the nightmare Cafe and the seige perilous is alive but unaware of aspects of her previous incarnation. Note does not know about her husband Jackson, nor former lover l.j . And former ncis officer l.j gibbs"
The office
"Not much is known about this supposedly secret anti paranormal investigation unit. But it is simular to former enemies of the krakoan x-men orchuis"
Kelly Gibbs
"In the original sacred timeline. Very dead, post the nightmare Cafe and retrevial of the former members of hades legion. Aka the third interation of hells sentinel, Kelly and Mrs Gibbs are very much alive, and Gibbs himself let's just say he's a happier man then he's been in decades. Also has borrowed one of cerbierus puppies as a hellhound watchdog with lord hades permission . Curently living in Georgetown at the former ncis .now o.n.i motherhouse"
"Montana" max (Supreme comander of the lost/last battalion aka millennium)
(Log by fury)
"Christ! This sawed off midget. Might be the most dangerous person in all of creation, the vampiric comander of millennium. He constantly preached a love of eternal war. But stoped in his tracks by the coalition assembled by deadcorpse admid the utter destruction he let loose on the seven cities region."
Dexter [species black Labrador]
"Gibbs helped solve the case that killed dex's former owner, ex army bomb sniffing dog. Curently retired, "
The consortium
[Known members dr Donald mallard of oni)
[Notes by fury]
"The off books group of archivist was put together by Dr mallard and Dr kassie hines post the age of calamity, to do a corrective archive of events pre and post the apocalypse that would have been. All info Is forwarded via slipstream to the wanderer fleet, and the hyperion explorer corps "
Tureto j [formerly of office of special services. A revised version of the o.s.s)
"Log by Mr nobody and officer hobbs"
"Sighs, the turetos. Where do I even begin with this family of speed freaks. That make those other found family of wolves and coyotes seem normal, anyways after the whole mess with project a.r.e.s. and the even bigger reveal that Jacob had been controlled for decades via project promethius. Once freed he along with dom's crew utterly destroyed that rogue version of the oss. I however reorganized it as a new counterforce group. With Hobbs as the public face of the new oss. And the turetos as strike force atlas. And Jacob as its liason to ncis /oni. And former mi6 deep cover agent dekart shaw serving the same deep cover role as current oni agent tores"
Dr Donald 'ducky" mallard (formerly of un strike force u.n.c.l.e, later head medical examiner and psy ops ncis, later head archivist of the consortium)
"In the original sacred timeline. Dr Mallard secumed to the ravages of time itself. However in ours Dr Mallard is still on this side of the Veill". Also was given the infinity formula"
Shadow council
(Log by fury)
"An extremely off the books council of beyond crooked judges lead by ex marine and the 4077th mash unit dr bj honeycutt, attempting to deal its own warped and twisted take on "justice" taken down rather brutally not specifically by ncis but rather by a clandestine unit of riotact coheaded by also ex marine m.a.s.h 4077th Dr's Benjamin "hawkeye" pierce and Margaret "hotlips" hoolahan " (notes the current iteration of the team "took over" via eminent domain ex judge and officer Honeycutt 's rather elaborate mansion as a second motherhouse. Or as agent Torres stated . . . "A Bowling alley? Why? It just looks odd" )
Goblin Slayer (log by fury)
"When the age of calamity hit our reality hard. A clarion call was issued. And this BEAST in ancient Armour answered the summons via the seige perilous. Along with his /its crew. In the aftermath. Jack the senior psychiatrist on staff with the former ncis knew they were traumatized by something from their former reality, immediately got that crew into therapy. (Jack's pr8vate logs reveal the truth behind the slayer and his/its helper)
Later slayer was transferred to our b.a.u unit criminal minds, and "she" was transferred to monarch "
Phineas Gibbs (adoptive nefew to l.j gibbs)
(Log by hells sentinel chief vance. Dr mallard of the consortium. And director shuoto of deadcorpse and director mcgee of ncis aka oni)
(Pre and post the age of calamity Phineas was in our offices a lot . Until millenniums attack on the seven cities and we had to place him briefly in one of our extra dimensional motherhouses connected to the Arcadian court. In the present day post the age of calamity. Almost got kidnapped again. But with lucys help fit them off ater and we mean later . Joined our junior program. As a very chatty version of his adoptive uncle . . . Gibbs. Works in the dog handler program. And yes with his help agent Mcgee finally got over his dog phobia. However agent denozo never did. And refuses to set one foot in that section"
(Log by oni and the consortium's historian dr ducky mallard)
"Checkmates history is completely complicated. Forned from the aftermath and disbandment of the original oss. Had several splinter organizations. Including task force X, the suicide squad, ARGENT, and the losers,somehow even pre nis Jethro got recruited into Argent. And later into checkmate as its black King, which he kept from everyone else. And I mean everyone "
Lucy (species mixed pitbull. , we think) adopted by gibbs after a horrific dog abuse case, retrained by gibbs before and after the age of calamity, afterwards kinda co shared by gibbs and adoptive nephew Phineas
Tegan Mcguire
(Future member of deadcorpse cyber
(Log by Dr Cassie hynes)
"This savant litteraly helped firebase norfolk with multiple bombing atempts"
Agent Winchester of the national park services (stop laughing denoza its a legitimate service)
(Log by Dr Cassie Hynes)
"Despite denozas immature attitude, which I will be fixing soon enough,via abbys coffin training and k9 caging, anyways agent Winchester is a hunk and a half very very hairy a real man's man (note dr Hynes was drooling at this point in recording, replaced by agent mcgee)
As Cassie said before she started drooling. Agent Winchester is very fit strong and smart. A natural nudist. . . .(again another incompassitated agent, at this point we might as well try agent Torres) as stated by out two horny agents. He's competent ill give him that. He's almost like kraken the hunter, (with that line shocked the future director mcgee out from his own horny stupur) did tores just make a actual Spiderman reference?, anyways Winchester usually roams between the national parks in southwestern va, eastern west va, eastern Kentucky and Tennessee and North Carolina so He's mobile between these areas. No he definitely has an aversion towards citys (shield external note. "Winchester "could be potentially an Olympian, possibly pan. These notes remain a shield level 9 Cypher until noted)
"The doctor (no not THAT doctor)
[Log by Mr nobody]
"Originaly a level 9 a.i from the 25th century (see notes federation and uss voyager) gained a human form named the professor del harding, is an ali to the current ncis hierarchy strike teams, "presumed dead" but later revealed his a.i nature to the teams but not revealing the history he believes is coming . . . Yet. Meaning in the doctors original future history from its perspective. The eugenics wars. The bell riots. And world war 3, are just around the corner "
"Agent Samuel Hanna ncis San Diego counter ops formerly. Currently based at pearl harbour for NCIS Hawaii)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Samuel has ran counter ops outta an ancient heavily retrofitted purely church for the last 20 years + . Dr hines has said if he ever came back to her labs she'd blow his head off with a specialy engineered er Remington shotgun"
Uss discovery
(Logs by allied fleet ships uss monitor and iss Merrimack)
Col Herman Schultz (German army pre unification)
(Log by fury)
"What's known about Hermann pre ww2 is been scrubbed from history. Same from his comander klink. But this much is known defended his boss. And the team of renegade war dept officers known as the wolves. And when the seige perilous transported them all from redacted to the modern day . It was a relief. . Immediately resigned their pre unification commissions and officialy joined the wolves who now are an independent taskforce attached to MOMARCH, also another shock came mostly about Schultz having ancient connections to blessed Arcadia and its eternal queen, as a boon to what he and the komandant did to protect everyone in the past she allowed a exact duplicate of
The Kamp to be built in the realm of the shining host, and his new status as the gatekeeper.
Cedar cove Washington (former)
Notes by Benjamin solo of the hyperion explorer corps
"This former island near seatle Washington was idelic for a time until millennium came . The entirety of the island was anilated. 1/3 of the population killed, the other half kidnapped by millennium for . . . Food stocks for the nest of vampires in the last battalion. Curently the island is quarantined and partitioned off via kinetic shielding via the Normandy foundation "
Ereshikigal (formerly sumerian goddess of the underworld, former member of un task force chaldea, currently hyperion explorer corps)
(Log by hyperion explorer corps member Benjamin solo)
"Explaining eresh is complicated. And thank gods neither fury nor Mr nobody tried to. Anyhows, eresh is or was the sumerian goddess of death and keeper of the underworld. Blonde short. But do not underestimate her. If with her girlfriend Ishtar simply put R U N, even with my skill set they're a force to be reckoned with"
Curly Joe Howard (formerly of the vaudeville era comedy troop the three stooges)
[Log by fury]
"The first sovereigns ran afoul of the stooges sometime in ad 1970 x somehow younger then they should be. In fact they would encounter a lot of folks who were younger then they should be. Dr mallard of the consortium has a running theory that due to the psuedo immortality of the first sovereigns exposure to soul caliber. This rubbed off on everyone they encountered in 1970 x"
(Also due to an incursion also in 1970x the first sovereigns encountered the earth 2 variants of batman and Robin plus the joker (Jackson napier) and penguin (os coblepot the 3rd) (less then seven years before his earth 2 version died. And Richard Grayson retired , and seven years afterwards the red skies hit all planes of existence
(Notes earth 2 joker was killed during the villans invasion of earths S, 5 and X)
Alec swan (formerly of the dimensional apature the ultraverse, formerly of ALADDIN , currently freelancerr)
Log by fury
"Swan would give anyone a migrane based on his history. But here's what's known. Originaly from the earth based apature the ultraverse. During the event called break-thru. Swan and his bride vanished via the gate on the moon helped by his earths renegade groups the squad,the strangers, the survivors of the XIles and the eliminators ferry swan off their reality, swan next appeared on DC earth prime. 2 years before the crisis. Escaped via a kitbash of technologies and the seige perilous into our reality. Was not involved in the age of calamity. According to him quote "Squire? Honesty I despise ultras too much bleedin trouble" so shield leaves him alone period. In a way he's the anti die hard. Through we call on him every so often for debriefing "
Legends of tomorrow (an informal ad hoc organization with forever shifting members. Currently led by the grumpy manaic formerly known as heatwave aka mick rory.mick and other refugees from a DC earth prime pocket universe called the arrow verse. Survived the collapse of their mini universe. Originally their flagship the waverider berthed at Nas firebase norfolk currently birthed at the same Newport news shipyards as commander shepherd 's forever being repeated battleship [under extreme protest from oni head l.j gibbs] and yes as you might guess Gibbs and mick do not get along period. Some current members include death teller their version of a teenaged arron presley the current berrer of the deathtoken. Mick during the hunt for "the 6" became a wild majik version of firestorm (this helped during the war of the 7 cities) burning the invading vampires of millennium along with Cerbierus and RE-Class of the WO-ORKTOWN allied shipgirl fleet"
Sparda d (genderflipped variant)
[Founder of devil may cry investigations based in Portland Oregon]
The assembly
Lil cicada (Amy darrow) a refuge from the now gone apature the arrowverse. She's the niece of the original cicada. Who died defending her from a future verse version of her. Powers her uncles anti power dagger that responds to her psychic orders, currently being trained by the legends of tomorrow
Team Gurren Lagann "if there's a force in the multiverse that was. That you did not FUCK with . It's these manaics. They make the legends of tomorrow, die hard. Negan all seem like nothing. Survived the death of their original multiverse centuries ago. Powers with the multiversal destroyer super guardian tenga Toppa Gurren laggan. It can litterlly break the rules of creation itself . Powerful enough to kill "gawd" and can throw planets and solar systems around. "
Norman Osborn (founder of Oz Corp (former), Osborn sciences (current), and Osborn labs (current) , and alchemax former) (originaly from a parallel dimensional apature we've codefaxed as earth prime, originaly the beyond deranged and beyond evil green goblin. Norman post the age of calamity has suroringly . . Mellowed a lot . When shifted from earth prime. Roma and the seige perilous did him a favor as far as his weathered psyche. Eliminating the insanity of the goblin serum giving him all the benefits but none of the insanity. So now he's impervious to psychics or other sources (see carnage) Currently doding grandfather to normie Osborn the II (formerly goblin childe currently red goblin)
James "jim" sterling (formerly of iys security, later of interpol. Shield, alphaflight and curently of leverage international
"Point blank sterling by his own admission is a right bastard, this fact confirmed by the members of leverage whom at times has been an ali and enemy to leverage. Instrumental into dealing with the anti shield org orchuis .post nates long future retirement and disappearance. And just after Parker awakened leverage's otherworld heritages sterling would occasionally partner with Sophie with cases that neither leverage nor interpol could ever know about."
Uncle Sam [the spirit of freedom]
(Has used so many aliases the research between our organizations is still ongoing)
"This much is known "born" possibly the day the declaration of independence was signed July 4'th 1776, but the entity is possibly one of our universes true immortals. Older then our countries existence. The quote most attributed to it is this "if there is true injustice, find me,
Iceninekills (band organasion)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Alice Cooper as a part of Alan Jacksons n.i.s and Oni music org. Assumed that the horror core band known as i.n.k did the horror based killings in Detroit and la . But they assured them there's no way possible. They were just kids and in some cases not born yet.and were based on the east coast And yes ink did agree to help solve the cases. Under another cover Id. As a rat pack inspired band . . . The sentinels"
Doc emmit brown (errent time traveler)
(Log by hells sentinel director l Vance)
"Doctor emmit brown in the 80'shad quite by mistake created the means to time travel. (Other methods are known to the sentinels such as the doctor and the TARDIS) after several jaunts through time. Which collectively mangled history, brown was poofed out of the time stream before 2020. With no knowledge of being him. He came to NCIS saying he was a sailor on the Arizona before it sunk at pearl harbour. During this an older Marty mc fly showed up saying in his words "doc doesn't know what he's talking about . All the time travel and the power source both aged them up tremendously " but we have means to deage them via project Normandy. Section 9 and the doctor)
Hamilton a
Log by hells sentinel director l Vance
"This is NOT I repeat not our realitys Alexander Hamilton. He's originaly from an Unknown universe. Reserected via the siege perilous and an erant lightning bolt reserected and screaming his dead wife's name while hugging and sobbing at her grave at Trinity church we rescued him one of the fathers of the Republic. The same magi bolt reserected his entire mob including his repented murderer Arron Burr. Eventually forming the independent org "children of the revolution"
Antonia (Tony) species jack Russell terrier, female)
"Found by agent Todd after an explosive case.(see operation Shenandoah) the dog litterally HATES denozo. Kate and Abby co share the pup. Which after certain offhanded comments by denozo. Kate would re train her to bite him every single time he makes a snide comment about them being lesbians. And Abby would do her "caging and coffin" routine to denozo" especially after Abby found a certain cofin/sacofigus she found in Toronto at curious goods (see notes louis vondridi)
Code 666 (will be revised)
Talia david -denozo
(Or little demon)
(Supplement log by future "boss" McGee)
"Carson was one of the earliest kids sorta adopted by us. And by "us" I mean NCIS way before deadcorps. Oni and the madness to follow"
(A very distinct headslap is heard)
"That slap you heard was Tony getting slapped by boss again about gripping about Carson and that game again"
(More groucing can be heard from not so senior field agent denozo)
"Yes I'm delebratly misspelling Tony's name it'll piss him whenever these entrys get de classified"
"Anyhows. Carson was a part of an eagle scout troop I lead. And via abs running digital fingerprints at the time afis popped out saying he was kidnapped years earlier. It gets complicated and better later. Years later both pre and post age of calamity Carson was one of the first members of the explorer corps that we had to shove into our Georgetown motherhouse for their own safety. Post that and our own move from nova to firebase Norfolk. Carson joined the ceribius corps. Basically taking care and dog walking a certain giant dog. Which denozo won't go near . I however do take ceribi for walks occasionally"
Jethro the dog
(Log by Abby)
"We found Jethro via the case file "dog tags" in which McGee did not in ndeer himself to me . Technically he was in the dog house for a while. (After the "bad McGee " issue and caging and a night in my cofin. He had a whole new opinion "Jethro on the other hand got the best treatment from me. McGee on the other hand didn't for a while. And after the case was solved. I did adopt Jethro. Eventually after the move to firebase Norfolk. Basically Jethro and Cerberus became well kennel mates"
Antonio Morgan (ami) McGee
(Yes mcgees first born was named for Tony and the security guard who helped with the birth of his twins)
"20 + years post the age of calamity Morgan joined their dad's office"
Deadcorpse bases
Update NCIS
From roughly 2002x-2004x based in San Francisco at the presidio. 2005x - 2012 x Baltimore naval yard (aka Camden yards aka the forge and foundry, after the bombing aka terror incognito, in 2013x moved to Roosevelt Island and the triskelion. Stayed at the shield facility until the age of calamity hit roughly in 2024x moved to the secure firebase Norfolk
Jackknife (joker variant)
Napier Jackson
"Log by current oni/NCIS director McGee"
"This sane but deranged variant of the joker. Is not I repeat not the same version that's haunted Gotham since the 1930's and even before that. Jackknife was a member of the second version of red hood II's para ops group the outlaws. They were helpful during the invasion of the seven cities during the age of calamity. Afterwards the outlaws became an official oni sponsored spec ops group"
A e g I s (anti mythos testbed attached to project: RELOAD a unit of monarch)
On their original earth circa 2009x, aegis was originally a testbed anti mythos weapon designed for the persona program. Currently known as project RELOAD "
"Lone star "
"The age of calamity hit . Chief strand's team hard. Between the frozen south. And then the time traveling past version of marjone. Who referred to chief strand as Uncle Owen. This causes major issues when the past version of herself is sent back to the past . But due to all the meddling caused by millennium (Montana Max's invasion force and not frank black's organization) so the alternate past version of marjone basically got stuck in the here and now. Which causes some problems for chief strand on what he calls "the buck scale" lil marjone basically gets renamed "nezumi " (little mouse) to differentulate between herself and marjohn"
"The watcher fleet"
"Formerly a secret unit of NCIS 's former parent org o.n.i
. In the decades since oni reorganizeed three times. The watcher fleet went into being a rogue org. Tied twice into operation : Frankenstein. And later the insane haper dearing's mad quest. To utterly destroy oni's then former org. NCIS. After the destruction of the Navy yard. Shield allowed them to rebuild at the treskilion on Roosevelt Island . As a partial clearing Intel house between NCIS.shield and affiliated orgs."
"Dr Jackson Napier the II'nd"
"Yes another joker variant but different then jackknife. He's a para psychologist affiliated with our b.a.u unit. Main gift "super sanity" can reason. With anyone or anything "
Morgana (species cat. We think?)
Affiliated with the phantom thieves and MONARCH
"LOG by Abby"
"Morgana answered the call with the rest of MONARCH during the age of calamity. Afterwards. Atemptes to return her to her supposed base line human form all failed in all aspects from all of our various affliated agencies attached to deadcorpse.which lead us to believe Morgana is actually just a cat. Which she loudly denies very loudly. Has attacked Tony for saying both psp and here Kitty Kitty, she utterly hates Tony . But loves McGee. So anytime denozo senior shows up for monthly monarch debriefs she stays with Tim in her own customized catbed. And she doesn't complain one bit about her feline nature". As a note has given tim his own persona weapon"
Doc lumis
"In his original universe psychiatrist who attempted to stop Michael Meyers in his rampage. However in our universe. Frankly lumis has cracked keeps on hunting our agents at criminal minds. No matter what our agency's do to keep him away from us it doesn't stop. We've even asked the holmes's to take a look at lumis. And their prognosis wasn't good they believed that exposure to the now stable siege perilous changed him funtumentally. Luckily our b.a.u agents did capture him carefully. And transported him to island Arkham . Where he should stay until we can find a way for the siege perilous to transport him back to the original Halloween verse"
The discovery desk at NCIS
"In the aftermath of the age of calamity. NCIS and it's sister agencies and affiliated groups gained all sorts of esoteric technologies. But one stayed at NCIS a micronized version of the s.p.i.n tech from the uss discovery (see files uss discovery federation version) the spore drive now acts as a access point (one way viewing only) into the past with the ability to view unsolved cases. Spearheaded by Abby. Various members of the task forces can use it to view the past"
"negan : the cat"
"Species feline formerly human currently tux"
"Owned by (technically owns itself) in reality the Grimes family"
"Occupation, as human gym coach ,pre apocalypse founder of the saviors . Post apocalypse. Currently cat"
"In alternate cannon the formerly human monster negan was changed into a tuxedo cat at some point during all our war. Still hates Rick Grimes with every fiber of his being .but adores the Grimes /Walsh kids and will defend them to his dying days. Somehow is able to weld and use Lucille his bat even in cat form. Also has a cats claws and fangs. In cat form is an absolute predator. Later found out that he could return to human form once a week for an hour"
"General (union) Willam t Sherman"
"(Yes that bloody manaic god help us all"
(Log by fury)
"The same time twisting nonsense that brought back an alternate Alexander Hamilton. Also brought back William "BURN THEM ALL" SHERMAN " somehow back from the dead. And the first thing that maniac wanted to do was burn both VA Beach and Norfolk to ashes.luckly it took another maniac to talk him down. The prime universes version of Gibbs. Who somehow managed to talk down the general's pyromaniac tendencies after simply being told the war was over, and he stood down thankfully"
The dark god abraxis
(Why lord why)
"The entity abraxis originally came from a dead end universe. We're dubbing "earth -1977-x"
In it's former human identity as Jack Delroy, a failed late night talk show host. It wanted power and it got it via abraxis. Powers unknown we assume most of our universes devils abilities but abraxis refuses to talk . Currently "squatting" in the basement of the personas group tower in VA Beach . Doing of all things watching TV. Seeing where earth 1977 x diverged from our own. As jack abraxis has some in progress theories but nothing concrete yet. Currently relaying theories to our TESTAMENT desk and dept"
Kylo Ren "solo"
"Came to our earth via the siege perilous from his original reality code faxed as "empire" did not come to us originally. He crashed through the gate of all souls at "the point" a former facility of "the farm" currently the home to battleship girls uss Merrimack and iss monitor. They're the ones who rescued solo from drowning
Stormwatch phd (log by Mr nobody)
"With all these new paranormals running around someone has to keep an eye on them . Pun intended with the "cough" aquisesion of assets from the dead mostly wildstorm universe. The books from planetary. Battlestations stormwatch-1. The carrier and the eye of the storm. Both hidden within the apature known as the bleed
Rekoj Napier
(A potential future decendent of the world war 2 era joker)
"deadcorps log"
"Talia - denozo - David"
"Called "lil devil" by her various aunts and uncles in NCIS/ oni (and yes after the age of calamity she sorta became the unofficial mascot of the reborn oni {office of naval intelligence}
"Anyways tallia's the daughter of former NCIS officer and future NCIS europa boss Anthony denozo jr. And ex NCIS officer ziva David. "
"At some point her former baseline human form mutated into a full bore devilkin. With some major differences. She has four horns. (In which her uncle ducky did examine her and found out there's litterly nothing wrong with her. Despite the cries of "demon" from the late Eli David, Talia is not demonic in fact her faith is what guides her. She's able to enter houses of worship. Through she prefers abandoned churches for obvious reasons
"Tallahassee" (real name unknown)
"Log by fury"
"This beyond stubborn MOTHERFUCKER!, came with his found family of other survivors from yet another zombie nfested parallel earth they referred to as simply "zombieland" no earth designation, all known research from Tallahassee, Columbus, witchataw,and San Antonio, is being forwarded to the Hyperion explorer corps . And like the Grimes family they are being purged of any traces of their zombie pathogens. And yes Tallahassee did ask about twinkles. Which we gladly provided. Tallahassee is currently teaching our agents the rules of zombieland and survival in their alternate apocalypse. Columbus on the other hand wanted nothing but to get back to college. Which we gladly did."
Talguese (mobile armour)
"This ancient armour relic possibly from an unknown alternate earth we've dubbed "new mobile report" is an absolute beast. Even our best USAF pilots can't master it. Due to it's twin vernier thrusters"
"Dexter Morgan de lioncourt "
(Log by director shuoto and fury)
"By his own admission Dr Morgan is well odd. Originally from an unknown parallel future. He originally wasn't even Dexter he was just a number . . . Twelve. With the original Dexter Morgan's help he obliterated that future. Came back to the past. Left was adopted by the Morgan's of Miami Florida. (See miami vice, bad boys lestat de lioncourt and CSI Miami)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 6.12 (after 1940)
1940 – World War II: Thirteen thousand British and French troops surrender to Major General Erwin Rommel at Saint-Valery-en-Caux. 1942 – Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. 1943 – The Holocaust: Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). Around 1,180 Jews are led to the city's old Jewish graveyard and shot. 1944 – World War II: Operation Overlord: American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division secure the town of Carentan, Normandy, France. 1950 – An Air France Douglas DC-4 crashes near Bahrain International Airport, killing 46 people. 1954 – Pope Pius XII canonises Dominic Savio, who was 14 years old at the time of his death, as a saint, making him at the time the youngest unmartyred saint in the Roman Catholic Church. In 2017, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, aged ten and nine at the time of their deaths, are declared as saints. 1963 – NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers is murdered in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi by Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith during the civil rights movement. 1963 – The film Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, is released in US theaters. It was the most expensive film made at the time. 1964 – Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa. 1967 – The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional. 1975 – India, Judge Jagmohanlal Sinha of the city of Allahabad ruled that India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had used corrupt practices to win her seat in the Indian Parliament, and that she should be banned from holding any public office. Mrs. Gandhi sent word that she refused to resign. 1979 – Bryan Allen wins the second Kremer prize for a man-powered flight across the English Channel in the Gossamer Albatross. 1981 – The first of the Indiana Jones film franchise, Raiders of the Lost Ark, is released in theaters. 1982 – A nuclear disarmament rally and concert is held in New York City. 1987 – The Central African Republic's former emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa is sentenced to death for crimes he had committed during his 13-year rule. 1987 – Cold War: At the Brandenburg Gate, U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. 1988 – Austral Líneas Aéreas Flight 046, a McDonnell Douglas MD-81, crashes short of the runway at Libertador General José de San Martín Airport, killing all 22 people on board. 1990 – Russia Day: The parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty. 1991 – In modern Russia's first democratic election, Boris Yeltsin is elected as the President of Russia. 1991 – Kokkadichcholai massacre: The Sri Lankan Army massacres 152 minority Tamil civilians in the village of Kokkadichcholai near the Eastern Province town of Batticaloa. 1993 – An election takes place in Nigeria and is won by Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola. Its results are later annulled by the military government of Ibrahim Babangida. 1999 – Kosovo War: Operation Joint Guardian begins when a NATO-led United Nations peacekeeping force (KFor) enters the province of Kosovo in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 2009 – A disputed presidential election in Iran leads to wide-ranging local and international protests. 2014 – Between 1,095 and 1,700 Shia Iraqi people are killed in an attack by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on Camp Speicher in Tikrit, Iraq. It is the second deadliest act of terrorism in history, only behind 9/11. 2016 – Forty-nine civilians are killed and 58 others injured in an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, United States; the gunman, Omar Mateen, is killed in a gunfight with police. 2018 – United States President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea held the first meeting between leaders of their two countries in Singapore. 2019 – Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is inaugurated as the second president of Kazakhstan.
0 notes