#mr salvatore youre safe
everybodyloveshippos · 5 months
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peakyswritings · 11 months
Heart, Body and Soul || Tommy Shelby x OC
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Summary: As they get closer, Tommy and Nina start to realise that their time together is limited. However, an unexpected event makes the tables turn.
Warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, slow-burn, small age-gap (Tommy’s 30, Nina is in her early 20s), time-typical misogyny, mentions of war, mentions of mutilation, this chapter contains triggering themes, such as sexual assault and violence. Read at your own risk.
A/N: I hope this is worth the wait! Useful information: in the first part of this chapter Nina is 17. She’s depicted as naive, maybe a bit too much for a seventeen-year-old, but bear in mind that she grew up in an extremely conservative environment. Also, I wrote all the dialogues in English because it would’ve been too much of a mess to switch between the languages, so keep in mind that whilst the dialogues between Nina and Agnese could be in both languages since they’re bilingual, the ones between Nina and Stefano are technically in Italian. Last, some things from the previous chapters are really important for this one. I do not claim any ownership to the dialogues excerpts taken from the show. English is not my first language.
After this way too long note, I hope you enjoy this chapter☀️
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1915, five years earlier
“They say Italy might join the war soon.”
It was the first time Nina voiced her concerns. She always had the feeling that if she expressed what was troubling her out loud, it would inevitably, irrevocably become true. But she had been bottling up that fear of hers for weeks now, and it had been growing and growing, consuming her from the inside. The weight of the basket she was carrying was nothing compared to the weight of uncertainty, of not knowing what to expect.
“They say that at your school?” Agnese asked absentmindedly, looking in the windows of the small bakery they always used to stop by when they were children, because they knew the owner would give them freshly baked biscuits for free.
“They say that everywhere,” Nina murmured, kicking a stone with her foot.
Agnese had heard about that possibility, and it scared her as well, but she didn’t fully understand the extent of the seriousness of the situation. No one ever bothered to explain it to her, and every time she asked questions about it, her family would just brush it off. She shouldn’t trouble herself with such nonsense, they said. And although she could ask Nina, she never found the courage to do it, far too ashamed of her own ignorance. Her cousin knew lots of things, talked about serious matters, had opinions that contrasted with everything they had ever been taught, and most of the times Agnese had troubles following the things she said. But she said them with such conviction, such mastery that she couldn’t help but agree with her. And she suspected that the reason why no one ever listened to Nina was because they had troubles following her as well. There was something unsettling in her cleverness.
“I’m worried about my brothers,” Nina admitted. “They’re old enough to be enlisted.”
Agnese shifted her attention back on her cousin, sending her a sympathetic look. “Maybe we won’t enter the war. And even if we do, maybe they won’t have to go. Your father can find a way to-”
“They’re not cowards,” Nina interrupted her with resolution, shaking her head. “The Spinietta brothers are cowards. Pietro and Salvatore are not like them.”
“What do the Spiniettas have to do with it?”
“I heard my father say that if we join the war, Mr. Spinietta already knows who to talk to to make sure his kids are not enlisted. He’ll shake a few hands, make a few threats, and they will be safe and warm in their houses. He might even send them to America, they have relatives there.”
Truth was, Nina wished they’d be sent to America. She wanted them to be as far away as possible from her, from the village. They walked around as if they owned every street, every shop, every person; as if everything was owed to them, because they had money and power. But everybody knew where that money came from. And even though she was aware that her family wasn’t any different, that their own money was mostly blood money, she still believed that her brothers were better than them.
“They’re cowards. Cowards and bastards, that’s what they are,” she gritted her teeth.
“You can’t say things like that,” Agnese hissed with wide eyes, frantically looking around to make sure no one was there to hear her. “Lower your voice.”
“I’m just telling the truth. They’re bastards. Sick bastards. You’ve seen how they’ve dragged that poor girl in their car, last week.”
Nina watched as her cousin pressed her lips together, avoiding her gaze. The episode had left both of them with a bitter taste in their mouths, and a feeling of powerlessness that haunted them still. They didn’t know why they had done what they had done, what they would do to her, but somehow they knew it wouldn’t be anything good. Because despite the kind smiles they were wearing and the false gentleness with which they had guided her into the car, it was clear that they were forcing her. The two cousins heard some girls say that she wasn’t the first, and probably wouldn’t be the last, and that the reason why they targeted her was because she had no father nor brothers.
Everyday since that day, Nina cursed herself for not intervening. Would things have gone differently, if she had said something? Would she have been in trouble as well? What kind of trouble was that girl even in? She didn’t have the answers.
Now she carried a pocket knife with her. If they even tried to get close to her, or to another girl in her presence, she wouldn’t be afraid to use it.
“You still can’t say things like that.”
“It’s not like they can do anything,” Nina shrugged.
There was a delicate balance between the families, assured by mutual fear and by the possibility of a bloodbath that wouldn’t suit anyone. But even that wasn’t enough to guarantee peace, one wrong step was all it would take to disrupt that balance. It was like a bomb waiting to explode.
“I need to buy some thread for my mum,” Agnese changed the subject, stopping in front of a shop. “Wait for me here.”
As her cousin disappeared into the shop, Nina placed the heavy basket on the ground to clench and unclench her sore hand. She slightly rubbed the red marks which were appearing on her palm, wincing at the pulsating sensation. The rev of an engine came to her ears, and before her mind could register what was happening, a car stopped in front of her. Stefano Spinietta stuck his head out of the window and sent her a smile, showing a perfect set of white teeth. “You want a ride home?”
Nina frowned, trying to suppress the feeling of disgust that came over her at the mere sight of his face. “No.” She said firmly, the lump in her throat preventing her from saying anything else. She had always hated how nervous she was when he spoke to her, when he looked at her. He always looked at her as if he wanted something from her. What it was, she could not tell, but it made her feel incredibly uneasy. His handsome features and immaculate manners didn’t fool her.
“Don’t worry, I don’t bite,” he taunted her, getting out of the car. “Let me help you with that.” Stefano reached his hand towards the basket, but before he could take it, Nina pushed it away with her foot. A glimmer of amusement flashed through his eyes, lighting up his face.
Her hand went to her pocket, and she clutched the small knife tightly, the weapon giving her a new found sense of security. She looked right into his eyes, and spoke enunciating each word carefully. “I said no.”
“I just wanna take you home,” Stefano insisted, his stupid smile still plastered on his face. “C’mon, get in the car.” He took ahold of her arm, slightly squeezing it as if he wanted to reassure her.
A wave of uncontrollable rage coursed through Nina, and in a matter of seconds she had him pushed against his car, her blade grazing his throat. Surprise spread across his features as he looked down at her.
“Touch me again,” she said through gritted teeth, “and I’ll cut your throat.”
Silence fell between them as they glared at each other in an unspoken competition, both of them waiting for the other to cave in. Nina forced herself to keep her burning gaze on him, while every muscle in her body urged her to run away. Instead, she didn’t move, head high, hand steady. She wouldn’t bend. She couldn’t bend. Stefano slowly held his hands up in surrender, the shadow of a grin playing at the corners of his mouth. Under her confused look, he slightly leaned forward, causing the blade to pierce his skin, and a trickle of blood seeped from the small wound, red, thick. It ran all the way down to Nina’s hand, and its slimy texture almost made her flinch. Stefano, on the other hand, had regained his composure, as if he was the one in control of the situation, as if he didn’t have a knife pointed at his throat.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed out, staring at her with an indecipherable look in his eyes.
Nina hesitated for a moment, then, with a swift movement, she took a step back and placed the knife back in her pocket, suddenly aware that she had held her breath the whole time. Stefano sent her one last glance, before turning around and going back in his car without saying another word.
As he drove away, she glanced down at the crimson stain on her hand with wide eyes, her heart thumping in her chest. When Agnese walked out of the shop, unaware of what had just happened, she closed her shaking fingers in a fist, and hid her hand into her pocket.
“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” her cousin chuckled, looping her arm though hers. “Let’s go home.”
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Present day
“I swear to God, I swear to God…she gave me sixpence. She sends me to the shop for margarine, eggs and bread. When I came back…”
“With a top hat and a coconut,” Nina shook her head, a laugh escaping her lips.
“And that was all the money we had for the whole fucking week,” Tommy stopped to light his cigarette, then he raised his eyebrows, a smirk growing on his face. “And me mum beat me with a fucking frying pan.”
“Why the hell did you buy a top hat and a coconut?”
“‘Cause I thought she deserved it. I thought we all did. And I could never understand,” he hit his hand on the table, a hint of some old anger creeping into his voice, “why people like us only had bread and fucking lard. And I wanted to be different. That’s what I wanted.” Silence fell between them as he took a drag from his cigarette, his gaze getting lost in old memories.
Their late-night chats had become a habit now. The night after the first one, for some reason, Nina went downstairs to make herself a cup of tea, and, for the same unknown reason, Tommy went into the kitchen with a dry throat. Just like every night since then. They stayed up late, sharing thoughts, doubts and memories, whispering them into the night and letting it take them away. Over the past week, Nina had come to realise that there was way more than Tommy let on behind his stoic facade, and she found herself wishing to know more. As for Tommy, he liked hearing her talk. She had something to say, and she wasn’t afraid to say it. It was refreshing, and a nice change from the hordes of people who repeated somebody else’s words like parrots, without fully understanding their meaning.
“And you are different, aren’t you?”
The depth of Nina’s eyes became too much to bear. For the first time, Tommy suddenly felt exposed. It was as if she was reading right into him, as if she had him completely figured out, as if every thought, every fear, every unspoken word was no longer a secret. It scared him.
He cleared his throat, stomping out his cigarette. “I heard your brothers also fought in the war.”
“Yes,” she nodded. “They were at Caporetto.”
Pietro and Salvatore still bore the marks of that defeat, both physical and mental. Pietro, the older one, had almost lost an arm in combat, and even though two years had passed, sometimes it still hurt. But in exchange for the arm, the war took something else away from him. There seemed to be nothing left of his once caring nature, and his innate attention for details had turned into a urge to have everything under control. As for Salvatore, the war had enhanced the restlessness that had always distinguished him. He was angry, easily triggered, spiteful. And now he had a deep scar which crossed the left side of his face, making his expression appear even more grim. However, in Nina’s eyes, Pietro was still the boy who fought for her to keep on going to school, just like Salvatore was still the playful kid who took advantage of their size difference to sweep her off her feet and spin her around. But they were not those kids anymore. A line was drawn between Nina and her brothers, and that line became a breach, and that breach had continued to open up until an abyss yawned beneath their feet.
Nina took a sip from her cup of tea, sensing that it might be time to change the subject. The war was clearly a sore point for both of them, although for different reasons. “Agnese told me you like horses,” she sat up straight in her chair, her gaze lighting up with curiosity.
“Yes, I do like horses.”
“When I was a child I wanted to learn how to ride. I even asked my father to buy me a horse for my birthday,” she reminisced, a small laugh escaping her lips. “My mum threatened to leave for good if he ever dared to come home with a horse.”
“So you didn’t get the horse.”
“I didn’t get the horse.”
“You know, I’ve got horses, I could teach you how to ride one,” he proposed, the words escaping his mouth before he could think about what he was saying. Then he realised, and he paused for a moment. He wouldn’t get to teach her. A faint, bitter smile appeared on his lips. “I mean, when you come to Birmingham to visit your cousin.”
Nina couldn’t explain the strange effect his words had on her, the sharp stab of sadness that hit her right in her chest. She brushed off that feeling, telling herself it was just the thought of not seeing Agnese - her only friend and the only ally she had in that family - to cause it.
But Tommy recognised the stinging sensation that was rising up inside him, a sensation he had already felt before. A sensation he couldn’t admit, not even to himself.
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“How are things with Tommy?” Nina casually asked her cousin, struggling to hang a bedsheet on the clothesline to dry in the shared backyard.
A sly smile flickered on Agnese’s face as she glanced at the black-haired girl, keeping on folding the dry clothes. “You call him Tommy now?”
Her question made Nina’s movements come to a stop. She shut her eyes for a moment, cursing herself for letting the man’s name slip out of her mouth. She hadn’t told anyone about how she and Tommy were on better terms, about the frequent conversations that had brought them to that point. She had been extra careful not to show the slightest hint of friendliness towards him in public, for she knew people would talk. She couldn’t risk Agnese getting the wrong idea. “Only when he isn’t around,” she murmured, starting to hang the laundry again.
That wasn’t too far away from the truth, though. Although Tommy did call her by her first name, she didn’t remember ever doing the same with him. She didn’t call him Mr Shelby anymore, either. She just didn’t address him. For some reason, calling him by his name seemed too personal. It felt like crossing a line that was not supposed to be crossed.
“I almost thought you were starting to approve of him,” Agnese joked, letting out a small giggle.
Nina forced a laugh, shaking her head, and a sense of guilt rose inside her. She told herself it was just an innocent, white lie; those secret conversations didn’t mean anything. It wasn’t even a lie, just an omission of truth. A justified omission of truth.
Then why did she feel so bad?
Agnese fiddled with the necklace Tommy had given her, pondering her words. “He doesn’t seem to be…taken with me,” she revealed, a glimpse of worry shining in her green irises. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s a gentleman, and he’s been nothing but polite to me, but… I don’t think he likes me.”
“Agnese, are you joking?” Nina hung the last shirt, before turning towards her cousin. It pained her to see her like that. She was the most beautiful person she knew, inside and out, and she didn’t deserve anything less than being happy. “I’m sure he does. How couldn’t he?”
“What if he doesn’t love me?”
“Love will come with time,” Nina walked up to her to take her hands in hers with a reassuring smile. “Everything will turn out for the best. You have to believe that.”
She felt relieved as Agnese nodded, worry starting to fade from her expression. Truth be told, even Nina didn’t fully believe her own words. She couldn’t be sure that Tommy would grow to love her cousin, nor that they would have a happy marriage; she couldn’t be sure that the war that would follow with Sabini would end well for them. But she said what Agnese needed to hear, because she didn’t have the heart to to make her fears seem even more real.
“Thank you, Nina.” Agnese whispered, wrapping her arms around her. When Nina awkwardly returned the embrace, patting her on the back, her cousin couldn’t hold back a chuckle. It was no secret that Nina wasn’t big on physical affection, but for a few selected people - that she didn’t have the courage to push away - she brought herself to tolerate it. At least she tried.
“I need to help my mum with lunch,” the brown-haired girl said, breaking the hug to grab the basket full of dry clothes. “She’ll have my head if I don’t.”
“You’d better go, then.”
As Agnese walked back to her house, Nina finished hanging the laundry, humming a little song to herself. She tried to keep her mind busy with futile thoughts, like what Winston might be doing in that moment, what she would eat for lunch, which book she would start to read after finishing the one she was currently reading. She thought about anything and everything in order to keep her mind off Tommy, Agnese and their departure, off her father and what he had told her that day in his study, off the uncertainty about how her life would turn out. It was a nice day, and she didn’t want to plague herself with such worries. However, in the back of her mind, all of that was still present, poisoning even the nicest of thoughts.
When she turned around, the figure of a man leaning against the wall of the house made her flinch. Stefano Spinietta was standing there in silence, observing her, and she had to fight the urge to ask him how long he had been staring at her. “What are you doing here?” She frowned, collecting herself.
“Business meeting. Your father gave me permission to spend some time with you, while he talks with mine,” he explained, pushing himself away from the wall.
A scowl formed on Nina’s face, and a new wave of irritation ran through her, this time directed at her father. All that speech about him wanting her to make the decision for herself was, indeed, just speech. Words he had said to keep her nice and quiet as he indirectly pushed her down the path he had charted for her. “What makes you think I want to spend time with you?”
Stefano’s lips curled in his ever-present grin, as if he found great amusement in her reactions. But that was exactly the point, to some extent. It had become a game to him, some sort of dark, twisted game. The more she rejected him, the more stubborn he became. Something that had started years ago as a mere interest, had slowly taken a different turn. He wanted her, he had been wanting her since she had drawn a knife at his throat. She was carved under his skin just like the scar her blade had left on his neck. There was something about her. Maybe it was her defiance, her refusal to bend, to mould herself into what she should be. He could make her. He could smother the flames of her fierceness and turn her into a quiet pretty thing. “Why do you always have to be so hostile?” He asked her, squinting his eyes.
His question made Nina’s annoyance grow even more. As if he had no clue of how much he had pestered her all those years. Now he had the courage to act all innocent, to play the part of the nice, polite guy who was just courting a girl he liked. He might’ve fooled everyone with that act, but he had never fooled her. “You asked my father his blessing to marry me.” She snapped, taking some steps in his direction. “Did you really think he’d say yes?”
“He never said no.”
“I did.”
Silence fell between them as they stared at each other, once again refusing to be the first to cave in. But this time it didn’t take Nina any effort to keep her eyes on him. She wasn’t a naive seventeen-year-old anymore. Now she knew what it was that he wanted from her. And his gaze didn’t intimidate her anymore.
“Listen to me, Stefano, and listen to me carefully, because I’m not going to repeat myself,” she said in a low voice, coming even closer to him. “You disgust me. You and all your kind,” she spelled out, making sure to emphasise each word. “And I’d much rather jump in front of a train than marrying you.”
Stefano didn’t say anything, at first. He just clenched his jaw, and his hands balled into fists by his side. Then he broke into a half-smile, one that didn’t reach his eyes, trying not to let his wounded ego show. “I’ve been nice to you, and yet you keep on insulting me.”
This time it was him who got closer, towering over Nina. His eyes darkened, and he looked at her with such contempt that for a moment she had the impression he might hit her. With a quick, sudden movement, he grasped her jaw, and before she had the time to react, he turned to push her against the wall. She looked up at him, trying not to show an ounce of fear as her heart increased its speed.
“My patience has limits. And you shouldn’t forget who you’re talking to,” Stefano gritted out through clenched teeth, digging his fingers in her cheeks. His whole body shook with anger, and the mask of politeness he always hid behind began to fall apart. “You’re playing with fire.”
The same uncontrollable rage that years ago gave Nina the courage to point a knife at him now gave her the strength to stomp on his foot, making him hiss and take a step back. Taking advantage of his distraction, she darted forward, but as soon as he tried to escape, Stefano forcefully slammed her against the wall again, holding her in place by the throat. A sharp sting of pain flashed through her spine at the impact with the cold surface, and a whimper escaped her lips as the air was knocked out of her lungs. Fury flared in Stefano’s dark eyes, but then something changed in his expression. His pupils dilated, and he seemed to lose any kind of control over his actions as his hand left her throat to slowly wander down her body.
An overwhelming sense of panic started to rise inside Nina. She wriggled, trying to free herself from his grasp. “Stop,” she raised her voice, but Stefano promptly covered her mouth with the other hand, pressing his body against hers. She squeezed her eyelids shut when his hand became more insistent, squeezing her small breast in a painful hold, then travelling down to her hipbone to keep her still with bruising force. His hot breath burned on her skin as he leaned over her, bringing his face closer to hers. Nina tried to turn her head in response, but the hand he still had on her mouth wouldn’t allow it. She emitted a muffled sound, bringing her hands to his chest to push him away, but he was too strong, and twice her size. All her desperate efforts to put some space between them were useless. He was a rabid animal, a wild beast devoid of any rational thinking as he ground against her, trying to slide his filthy hand under her skirt. Nina’s face scrunched in disgust, and her whole body stiffened under this touch. A whirlwind of thoughts swirled around in her head, endless, confusing, as if she couldn’t exactly register what was happening.
Then he stopped. Much to Nina’s surprise, Stefano suddenly seemed to come to himself, and he took his hand off her mouth. But there wasn’t a hint of guilt, or regret, in his eyes. On the contrary, he looked almost satisfied. And then she realised. He had been in command of his actions the whole time. “What, you don’t talk anymore?” He asked provocatively.
Nina’s wide eyes rested on Stefano in shock. The lump in her throat kept on growing and growing, making it impossible for her to utter a single sentence. She swallowed, trying to regain some kind of control over her emotions, to force herself to speak, and when she did, she faked a confident tone. However, the trembling in her voice betrayed her fear. “Once my family hears about this, you’ll-”
“I didn’t do anything you didn’t want, love,” he interrupted her, furrowing his brows, his face assuming a perplexed expression.
“What…” she batted her eyelashes in confusion, her voice barely above a whisper. “No, I didn’t...” the words died in her throat as the awareness of his implications started to set in.
Stefano leaned in, bringing his hand to her cheek to caress it with fake tenderness, and a terrible smile made its way on his face. “Who do you think they’ll believe?”
Nina shook her head, a feeling of helplessness she had never felt before taking over her. She just wanted him to leave. She wanted him to take his hands off of her. She wanted to kick him, to scream at him, to dig her nails in his face deeply enough to make him bleed, and yet all she could do was look at him in silence.
But then someone must’ve heard her prayers, because Stefano was abruptly pulled away from her. It was as if some kind of supernatural gust of wind had ripped him away from her body, freeing her from the heavy weight that had her pressed against the stone surface. Except that it wasn’t some supernatural force. The person who had grabbed Stefano by the collar of his shirt was very much human.
“The fuck are you doing?” Tommy growled, his knuckles turning white from the tight grip he had on the man. Stefano, not understanding a word he had said, just raised his hands, as if to show that he meant no harm.
Tommy had recognised the guy. He was the one they had met two weeks ago in the city, the one who had given him a bad feeling as soon as they had met. He couldn’t explain the pure rage he felt when he caught him holding Nina against a wall. Her scared, helpless expression was all it took for him to see red and launch at the Italian man. The thought of what could’ve happened if the meeting with the Ferrantes and the Spiniettas had finished just a bit too late made his skin crawl. Still holding him by the collar, Tommy raised his fist, driven by the sudden urge to break his nose, but before he could land the blow, Nina’s voice stopped him.
“Don’t!” She exclaimed, causing him to look in her direction. “He’s Spinietta’s son,” she frantically explained, getting a bit closer, but still keeping herself at safe distance.
Tommy shifted his eyes on the Italian man again, his fist still in the air, and pondered for a few seconds. Although Stefano couldn’t understand Nina’s words, he probably had a vague idea of what she had said, because the corners of his lips tugged upwards as he stared at Tommy steadily. Nina held her breath, her heart skipping a beat at the Italian’s implicit provocation. Tommy was really close to doing something that might put him in a dangerous situation, and it seemed like Stefano was doing everything in his power to encourage him. It was part of his fun, of his sick little game.
Feeling his hands itch even more, Tommy charged again, nostrils flaring, almost letting his impulse win. Fuck Spinietta, he thought to himself. But he was not in Small Heath. Begrudgingly, he lowered his hand and let the guy go with a violent push, making him stumble backwards. “Fuck off,” he snarled, pointing towards the path that led to the main garden to get his message across.
Nina sighed in relief, and she wasn’t sure whether it was because Tommy had made the right choice, or because that situation was over. Stefano took the time to straighten his shirt with unsettling composure. Without saying another word and keeping on watching them, he walked past them, his wicked eyes shining with amusement.
The adrenaline started to wear off, leaving Nina in a growing state of dizziness. The panic, the disgust, the anger. All of that became a single, indistinct mass aiming to engulf her and suffocate her. Her ears started to ring, and she had to fight the instinct to cover them and scream at the top of her lungs.
“Are you alright?” Tommy’s voice came to her ears, snapping her out of her trance.
“Yes.” She nodded, blinking a few times. Now aware of her surroundings, she felt as if she was re-entering her body after rising out of it, and the reality of what had happened was crashing on her. Bile raised in her throat, and she knew that if she had had something in her stomach, she would’ve thrown up. “Yes I’m alright.”
“Nina, you’re shaking,” Tommy noted with a hint of worry in his voice, his own heart still racing in his chest.
“No, no I’m fine,” she insisted, turning her face to hide the tears welling up in her eyes. She tightly crossed her arms over her chest, hoping that her hands would stop trembling. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine.” He shook his head, tentatively reaching out to hear. He was approaching her slowly, almost with apprehension, with his palm open, like one would do with a scared stray cat. “Come here.”
Nina hesitated for a while, torn between what she needed and what she was supposed to do, instinct and reason endlessly fighting. For once, she chose to act without thinking. Cautiously, she pulled Tommy into a hug, resting her head against his chest. Hit by an implacable wave of tenderness, he gently wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on the top of her head. It didn’t make sense, but having her safe in his arms brought him a sense of calmness and security, and his tense body began to relax.
The warmth of his body, his scent, the reassuring sound of his heartbeat, the unfamiliar softness he was showing her; the combination between all of that gave life to a feeling Nina had never felt before, and she couldn’t put a name to it. Between all of that, she was relieved by the awareness that, at least for that moment, she didn’t need to be strong. Tears began to spill out, and her facade fell for the first time.
When a suffocated sob escaped her lips, shaking her slender shoulders, Tommy’s heart painfully clenched in his chest. His hand found the back of her head, and he started to soothingly run his fingers through her soft dark hair. He wanted to say something, but he knew that there was nothing he could say that would make it better. So he held her tighter, as if he could shield her from harm with the sole strength of his arms.
“Breathe, love,” he whispered when he noticed that, in an attempt to hold back her sobs, she had tensed up a bit too much. “Breathe.”
Nina took a deep breath, focusing on Tommy’s deep voice and the delicate motion of his fingers through her hair.
“There you go,” he murmured encouragingly, feeling her calm down against him. She sniffled, snuggling even closer, and, once again, Tommy was overwhelmed by the need to protect her.
They couldn’t care less if someone saw them. In that moment, their embrace was the only thing that mattered.
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Laying on her side with her knees drawn up, Nina stared at the shadows created by the small lamp on her bedside table. She could still feel the heaviness of Stefano’s hands on her, the burning of his hot breath on her skin, the suffocating smell of his cologne. She only wanted to get rid of those hands, that breath, that smell. She would gladly rip off her whole skin if it meant to forget.
She hated herself for allowing him to make her feel small, weak, for he had made it quite clear that was what he wanted. Because even though for a moment he had indulged in the temptation, he wouldn’t actually dare go through with it, not in her house. His purpose was to show her that he could overpower her at any time.
But then came feeling of being wrapped in Tommy’s arms, of being pressed against his strong frame, the feeling she had been desperately trying to give a name to. Until it occurred to her. Safe. She had felt safe.
A soft knock on the door of her bedroom pulled her out of the vortex of thoughts. She sat up on the bed, crossing her legs beneath her. “Come in,” she said, but her voice was so feeble that she doubted the person on the other side had heard her. Still, the door opened, and in the dim, warm light, Tommy’s figure appeared on the doorstep.
He had never been in her room, but somehow it was exactly like he had imagined it. Ivory-coloured walls covered in a pattern of small flowers, dark wooden furniture, lace curtains. Handwritten sheets of paper scattered all over the desk, along with pens and pencils. It was bit messy and full of books, and it smelled like her. A mixture of lavender and honey.
When that night Tommy had come out of his room, the first thing he noticed was the unsettling silence. No rattle of pots coming from downstairs. But a half-light shone through Nina’s bedroom door, and he found himself desperately needing to know how she was. She had been avoiding everyone the whole day.
“I just wanted to check up on you,” his deep voice came out in a low sound, and it held some kind of uncertainty. He wasn’t sure that going to her had been a good idea. Maybe she didn’t want to see him, maybe knocking on her door was too much.
His doubts faded when the ghost of a smile formed on her face, and she motioned for him to come in. He carefully closed the door behind him, then went to sit on the edge of the bed, keeping his distance. A vice-like grip held his stomach when he noticed her puffy eyes and red cheeks. How many times had she cried?
“You’re paler than usual,” Nina teased him to ease the tension, but her voice didn’t hold the bantering tone he had grown used to hear. “You should get some sleep.”
Tommy half-smiled, shifting his gaze on the floor for a moment. But instead of spitting out a retort - contrary to Nina’s expectations - he just nodded. “You’re right,” he conceded.
A sigh escaped Nina’s lips, and she nervously fiddled with her own fingers. He was walking on eggshells, and she didn’t like it, not even a bit. “Please, stop treating me like that.”
“Like what?” He furrowed, looking at her again.
“Like I might break at any moment.”
Tommy said nothing. He could see why she didn’t want to be treated any differently, but she did look like she would break. Not once had she shown a single shred of vulnerability until that day, and it was disarming. Truth was, he didn’t know how to act.
“I’ll forget it ever happened,” she spoke again, this time with resolution, but she didn’t sound fully convinced of what she was saying. “And you should do the same. No one can know about it.”
“You should tell-”
“No,” she firmly interrupted him, Stefano’s veiled threat still echoing in her ears. “I can’t,” she continued, her voice becoming softer.
Tommy suddenly remembered what she told him a week earlier at the beach, and everything became clear. It was all it took to make his blood boil again. The room went quiet, but the silence was soon broken by a faint rustle of sheets, as Nina left her spot to sit closer to him. Honey and lavender filled his nostrils, and he had to restrain himself from inhaling deeply, eager to feel more. More than the light brushing of their arms, separated by the thin fabric of his undershirt. They were barely touching, and yet his skin burned. As hard as he tried to suffocate that feeling, to extinguish that fire, the flames kept on flaring, higher than before. He couldn’t fight it. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and that feather-like contact was enough to send sparks of electricity through his body. “Promise me,” she whispered, “you won’t tell anyone.”
Tommy turned to look at her, and the proximity allowed him to spot a small scratch on her cheek. Without thinking, he delicately ran his finger on it, and he was almost surprised by the feeling of her soft skin under his rough hand. Slowly, even hesitantly, his hand went to cup the side of her face, and he gently rubbed his thumb along her cheek. “I promise.”
Tommy’s hoarse voice, along with the warmth of his hand, sent shivers down Nina’s spine, and her pulse started to race. She couldn’t explain how the closeness of his strong body was making her feel, nor the effect his masculine scent had on her. Aftershave, cigarettes, and a hint of musk. And she couldn’t help but wonder: if she pressed further into him, if she let herself be held by him again, would it lift the weight off her chest? Would it take away the pain, the revulsion, the shame? Would his touch be enough to replace Stefano’s hands?
When he felt Nina unconsciously get closer, Tommy closed his eyes, drowning in her scent, and he could swear there was fire running through his veins. It was as if some unknown force was pulling him towards her, drawing him nearer, and when her soft lips brushed against his, his mind went blank. Every cell in his body was begging him to give in.
No. It wasn’t right.
Nina was vulnerable, too vulnerable, and probably unable to make any conscious decisions. He couldn’t take advantage of her like that. It took all his strength to move away and bring her in to press a kiss on her forehead instead. He lingered there for a few seconds, savouring the moment. When he let his hand fall from her face, the warmth left him, and it seemed to him that his fingers had sharply gotten cold.
Feeling her confused eyes following him, Tommy got up and walked to the door, ignoring the invisible string that was pulling him in the opposite direction. He couldn’t stay in that room any longer. If he did, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to restrain himself.
“Goodnight, Nina.”
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Tag list: @iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys @lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989 @call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe
Heart, Body and Soul tag list: list: @zablife @queenofshinigamis @raincoffeeandfandoms @call-sign-shark @kmc1989 @babayaga67 @kmhappybunny240 @diorrfairy @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @gaslysainz @brummiereader
Tommy Shelby tag list: @50svibes
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
I already read everything you have published and I love it.
Following up on your previous post, how long will it be until Leon feels ready to propose to his girlfriend, and if she says yes, would they like a big wedding or something more private? Also, how would things be before the wedding?
One last thing, what is your native language?
We will consider this a continuation of part 3, which I am still translating.
It's all good. I receive all requests and will definitely answer them, but since English is not my native language, I do it quite slowly.
The text mentions a song by Lana Del Rey (sorry, I just love her music).
I take pictures and gifs from Pinterest.
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It's been a good three years of relationship. It was funny how an ordinary interest turned into something more serious, which Leon cannot refuse, preferring to keep safe and with him like some kind of diamond.
And that diamond was you. The diamond who was sitting at the same table with him, with both legs thrown on the next vacant chair, while your hands were flipping through a new book about the Incas or the Maya? Leon didn't listen too closely, preferring to just admire you in the morning sun, forgetting about his cold coffee.
It was natural that two people who know each other well enough and have strong feelings for each other decided to legitimize their relationship, but a number of problems arose: 1) His work does not seem to forbid, but also does not understand the presence of a family. There are some D.S.O programs to protect the data of their agents' families, but Leon has never been interested in them. 2) Your age difference. Leon was almost forty and you're still too young. Yes, college will soon be left behind, but you are unlikely to want to start a family so early, despite the fact that it was somewhere in your plans. Just not now. 3) Despite the fact that he deeply loved you and knew that the feeling was mutual, Leon had no idea if you saw him as your husband.
Besides, the last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt. More precisely, he didn't want it at all! But he loved you so much that he partly began to understand Glenn Arias in his madness because of the death of his wife.
It has nothing to do with the case, but Leon really wanted you to put a ring on your ring finger and become Mrs. Kennedy. However, he has not yet fully decided on it himself.
How can he carefully find out from you what you think about this? Leon gave you a worried look, but you didn't even notice it, too absorbed in reading. He had already turned his back to you to pour the coffee into the sink, and immediately froze as soon as he suddenly heard you quietly humming some strange song to yourself. Cacciatore? Some Salvatore? Limousines? Leon didn't comment on it in any way, just made sure that you didn't talk to him. "I just wanted to sing the chorus of my favorite song."
A sudden impulse, but then a message came to your phone and you reached for it to read it, and then showed Leon a couple of photos of your young friends from their honeymoon.
Leon regarded this as a great opportunity to carefully find out your attitude to marriage without giving himself away.
"Don't you think they got married too soon?" - You shrugged indifferently as you typed an answer to your friend.
"It's none of my business."
While you were carefully looking at the photos of friends in love from France, Leon stood still not knowing how to choose the right words. He rinsed the mug in the water, putting it in place and decided to start carefully "attacking" again.
"If you were choosing a place for your honeymoon, where would you go?" - It was risky, although you just looked away somewhere to the side, tilting your head to the side like a child, thinking about the question. - "Paris too?"
You were hiding like you ate something very sour.
"Paris is banal. I would have thought of something more interesting."
"For example?"
"Don't know… maybe Spain?"
Leon coughed. Not the most pleasant memories. For some reason, he imagined you wandering around Salazar's castle in search of various trinkets and trying to ask Ganado about their history, while he drags you everywhere by the hand, trying to shoot infected Las Plagas with a shotgun and pistol.
And then he will find you drinking tea with this same Salazar, talking sweetly about some abstract topic. The pictorial art of the fifteenth century, for example? At least this thought and the image that appeared before his eyes lifted his mood with its absurdity.
He rewarded you with a half-smile and dismissed the idea of marriage indefinitely. Until college graduation.
Until next week, actually.
Leon was just going into the store to restock some groceries when he accidentally bumped into a fellow agent. The conversation would not have gone beyond greeting if a little boy of five or six years old had not hit Leon's legs. He didn't even apologize and just ran on through the store until his father called out to him.
"You should apologize! Go up to Leon and apologize for pushing him!"
The child looked excitedly into his eyes, but still obeyed, slowly approaching an unfamiliar man.
"In fact, it's not necessary…"
"They need to learn to be polite. Do you have any children Leon?"
It was a strange question. Of course, before the outbreak of the G-virus in Raccoon City, Leon had some kind of plan for the rest of his life after graduating from the police academy. And in this plan there were two Kennedy babies, a house with a pool and a golden retriever, and of course a charming wife. Only Leon personally hammered the last nail into the coffin of his dreams.
Leaving your wife alone with a child in this dark world where every day there is a chance that another psycho terrorist may take it into his head to arrange another zombie apocalypse? That's not what he wanted.
But he still annoyed Hannigan with his questions. As if assessing the risk, Leon stared at Ingrid while she wiped her glasses.
"Is there a specific reason why you are interested in this topic?"
"Then stop wasting my time!"
Fair. Despite the information he obtained, Leon continued to walk like a gloomy ghost around his own house occasionally looking at you strangely. You caught those looks every time you asked him what was the matter, but he waved it off.
And then he asked you about that wedding. Then you had already separated and you were a bridesmaid without a couple. However, you had a good time without it, cherishing the hope that you, too, will someday have a beautiful wedding with a honeymoon.
Leon nodded, taking a sip of Jack Daniels from his glass. A beautiful wedding… with a bouquet of flowers, gifts, guests, a sweet cake and a magnificent white dress. A wedding in the best traditions…
That's what he couldn't give you. An important day in your life (if you agreed to marry him) is likely to become a normal weekday with the receipt of a marriage certificate. You deserve what you dream about, and he probably deprives you of it feeling boundless guilt.
Leon doesn't want to let you go. He hates the idea that you will leave again, leaving him in this empty apartment. however, he does not want you to suffer through his fault. Leon has long admitted to himself that he wants to come home to his family - to you and at least one Kennedy baby. But fuck, he's almost never around because of these missions! And you didn't think about motherhood as such at all. He's almost forty, not you!
But he decided to try again the attempt of careful questioning when you laid him on the bed so that he lay on his stomach to get a light massage before going to bed.
"So Paris is a bad idea?" - Leon thought when you frowned, sitting on his lower back and gently kneading his back. - "What about the Eiffel Tower? The Petit Trianon at Versailles? Those famous French delicatessen cafes? I thought you said you'd like to visit the Moulin Rouge sometime."
"Well, maybe someday. Paris is beautiful just not right for my honeymoon."
You said you wanted something original. So you ended the conversation and continued the massage in silence. And at night felt through a dream how Leon's palm touches your cheek, and then goes down to your neck, collarbones, all the way to your stomach, until he hugs you tightly, pressing you to him. Yes, it woke you up, but maybe he had a nightmare again? Leon wasn't sleeping, and you knew it, so you turned around and put your head on his chest, falling asleep again.
I don't care if you guessed about his thoughts or not, but after much thought, Leon still decided to try his luck.
Life is too short not to try to at least become a little happier.
He bought a cute diamond ring, trying to find something not boring and at the same time not pretentious. However, after tiring the consultant, he finally gave him an entertaining idea: if you don't like what Leon chose, you can come here again and buy any other ring that you like more.
You brought him such relief and comfort after meeting with all these viruses and parasites that Leon saw no problem in buying another ring in case you didn't like it at all. Of course, you can't tell him about it, but he knows his girlfriend's emotions too well.
Leon also ordered dinner at home, considering that due to your workload in college, you didn't sleep much, completely devoting yourself to the last academic year. Besides, he didn't invite you to the restaurant because he still wasn't sure of your answer. Positive or negative? If you do not want this, at least the home environment will not create severe discomfort.
And here you are sitting in your home clothes, calmly eating your favorite food, watching some action movie with your boyfriend, not knowing about the blue velvet box in his jeans pocket.
You can see that Leon is very nervous, scolding himself for the fact that it would be better to rehearse the speech in advance, but you are so absorbed in the film that you do not pay any attention to him at all until exactly the moment when he takes the plate from your hands and puts it on the table.
It took a few seconds for the tired brain to figure out where the dinner had gone.
Your palms immediately find themselves in his warm hands and it looks so cute when women's palms seem so small against his background.
You can admire this endlessly or until the moment when Leon silently, with obvious anxiety in his eyes, in horror, hands you a velvet box, waiting for a reaction.
For God's sake, say something, but don't be silent!
"Is that what I'm thinking or am I wrong?" - You open the lid looking at a charming ring matched to your finger size. And despite the fatigue of the gyrus, they understand that this is an unusual gift.
This is a marriage proposal!
"If you're not ready… fuck… I remember you told me that one day you would want to start a family, and I'm actually the worst option as a husband who is often not at home, although I try, sweetheart…"
"Do you want to start a family with me?" - In his opinion, you looked at him like he was crazy. But in fact, you were trembling slightly and were ready to lose consciousness if he answered in the affirmative now.
"I understand that it's probably too early for you. Understand, I'm not saying that if you agree now, then we will immediately go to the bedroom to make a mini Kennedy. You still have to go to college… damn it, how difficult it is… It's just a suggestion. I want you to be with me as my wife, I want at least one child from you, if you don't mind. You know, Hannigan told me a little bit about these programs to protect the families of agents… they're not bad."
Leon stumbled over every word, sweating profusely, once again afraid to turn to you. Suddenly you are frozen in horror at what is happening, despite the fact that he is actually calmly trying on an engagement ring, carefully examining the carat. You can't say you didn't like it. But because of your admiration for the new decoration, you practically did not listen to what poor Leon was talking about.
"You know, I'll understand if you've never considered me as a husband."
"It just always seemed to me that you needed a mistress and not a wife. You never said you wanted kids. "
You intertwined your fingers with him to calm him down a little. How grateful he was now for the support provided.
"This is problematic. Because of my job. I love you, but I wouldn't force you to do anything. I'm still a little scared of what I'm saying. Some agents have kids, hell, the B.S.A.A guys quietly start families because they get paid well, but when they die… what's the use of a hero father if he's dead? The choice is yours. If you ever carry my child, then I will do everything so that he lives in a safe world, at least on an island of tranquility without bioweapons and other shit. I may often not be around, but I'm willing to try. I no longer want to lose my happy future with the woman I love because of the bastards who think they are the rulers of the world."
Confusing and at the same time understandable. Leon has conveyed to you his thought, his dream, leaving you the right to choose. He was so afraid to look at you that he was surprised when, instead of fright or horror, he saw the serenity of a real angel holding his hand.
"What do you think?" - He asked, and you giggled merrily.
"I think you should wear a bulletproof vest." - Frank laughter rang through the apartment. And you moved to Leon's lap with the grace of a cat, touching the sensitive skin of his neck with your lips while he held you under his hips. - "I don't want to become a widow, but you'll have to run away from my father's bullets when he starts shooting at you with his hunting rifle."
Leon smiled cheerfully, putting his arm around your waist and forcing you to look at him.
There has not been a single boyfriend of yours who has passed a strict paternal check regarding the future spouse for the only daughter. It was a fucking test that no one could pass because you were still considered a little girl.
"We will resolve this issue. Your father is hardly more terrible than a Tyrant." - of course, you had no idea who it was. - "Can I take your answer as an agreement to become Mrs. Kennedy?"
"Perhaps." - You hung on his neck, admiring the two blue pools, and touched his lips with your feather-light kiss. - "But that means we won't have a big wedding, right? Like it's dangerous, I'm a big government agent about whose personal life no one should know, even the president himself. - You merrily parodied the timbre of his voice, realizing how ridiculous it turned out, but you both liked it."
He was so vulnerable stroking your thighs. The realization that he can't give you what you want…Leon felt a stone of guilt fall on his shoulders, crushing him painfully. All he needs is for you to be happy and then he will be too.
"Well, it's not scary at all!" - You still continued to wrap your arms around his tense body. - "But you didn't just ask me about the honeymoon, did you?"
"This is what I can give you. I am not sure that it will last a whole month, but we will take everything from it."
All the light from the lungs seemed to have disappeared. Your joyful face can bring a dead man back to life! And Leon really came to life feeling like shit a little less.
"However, if you have deprived me of a bachelorette party with sexy strippers and a wedding cake - although no, we will order it anyway - I reserve the right to choose the place of our vacation on my own!"
"Anywhere angel. Even to a remote village in Spain"
Your eyes sparkled cunningly foreshadowing an exciting journey. Leon needs to listen more carefully from now on about your new hobbies.
Claire laughed out loud as she turned over the card, on which Leon's handwriting had written one:
"When I agreed to a honeymoon in Peru, I did not think that I would spend hours looking at the Maya and the Inca skulls! Marital duty is not a soft bed in an expensive hotel, but a trip in the style of Lara Croft and Indiana Jones!
P.S while I'm writing this, I have to keep an eye on my wife so she doesn't break her neck climbing the fucking pyramid."
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
R becoming very overwhelmed when they find out their family is secretly a long line of vampire/supernatural hunters around the same time they start openly dating Hope
Hope Mikaelson x GN!reader
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Growing up your parents always told you to stay away from the kids who went to Salvatore prep, you had no idea why but you listened to them up until when you met Hope.
You had bumped into each other at the coffee shop in town and instantly fell for her but as soon as you found out she was a Salvatore student you thought it was better to keep it quiet until things got more serious. 
After a few months together you thought it was time to finally tell your parents about your relationship and invited her over to your house for dinner. 
Your parents were fully ready to spend the dinner telling embarrassing stories of your childhood as parents do but they recognized Hope the moment she stepped into your home. 
Hope had a weird feeling that she had somehow met your parents before but brushed it off as she had just seen them around town. 
Dinner was quiet, oddly quiet.
"Dinner is really good mom," you say, trying to break the silence. 
"Yeah Mrs. Y/L/N, everything is great," Hope smiles. 
"Thank you Hope," your mom nods.
"So Hope, do you go to Mystic Falls high?" Your dad asks, already knowing the answer but not wanting it to be too obvious. 
"No, I actually go to Salvatore prep," Hope replies. 
"What is it like there?" He questions. 
"It's very… eccentric," she chuckles, "a lot of interesting people." 
"Do your parents live in the area?" Your mom adds. 
"Actually my parents died when I was a kid," Hope responds.
"Sorry to hear that," your mom says with faux sympathy. 
Dinner continues on with the awkward small talk and you are so grateful when Hope says that's it late and she should be getting back to school.
You walk Hope to her car and kiss her goodbye, returning inside to your parents who are washing dishes in the kitchen. 
"So what did you think of Hope?" You ask them nervously.
"How could you date someone from that school… and Hope Mikaelson of all people," your mom says, putting down the dish she was washing. 
"What do you guys have against Salvatore Prep? And do you know Hope or something?" You ask confused. 
Your parents look at each other and without needing to say a word nod in agreement.
"Y/N, it's time you know the truth about our family," your father states.
They sit you down in the living room, serious looks on their faces. 
"Okay you’re really starting to worry me," you say, no possible idea what they could want to tell you. 
"This town has a lot of secrets and Salvatore prep is the home to a lot of them," your mom states. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"We weren't going to bring you into this until you were 18 but Y/N…Monsters are real, all the stories and legends you heard as a kid it's all real," your dad tells you, "those kids aren't like you, every single of them is supernatural and a lot of them have hurt people." 
"Very funny," you laugh. 
"This isn't a joke honey, the last few decades Mystic Falls has been a hot spot for supernatural creatures thanks to the Salvatore Brothers and the Mikaelson family," your mom explains, "that's why we moved here when you were five." 
"So you're trying to tell me that Hope is what? A vampire? A werewolf" You say in disbelief.
"She's both actually as well as a witch, she's called a tribred and probably the most dangerous of them all." 
"And how exactly would you guys even know about any of this?" You question, "and if you do know about this why would you move us here in the first place?" 
"Because our family has been hunting monsters for centuries and protecting the innocent from them," your father explains, "when we heard about the Salvatore school opening up for kids like them we came here to keep Mystic Falls safe." 
"This is insane, Hope isn't a monster," you say getting up from the couch, "she would never hurt anyone." 
"Y/N wait," your father attempts but your mother puts her hand on his arm.
"Let them go, it's a lot to take in, they just need some time," she tells him. 
You don't talk to Hope for days, too busy pulling all nighters researching the supernatural world and trying to figure out how true what your parents told you really was. 
Eventually Hope gets concerned at the radio silence and goes to Mystic Falls high looking for you. 
"Y/N hey," she says approaching you at your car after school.
"Hope what are you doing here?" You say nervously. 
"I haven't heard from you since I went to your house for dinner? Did I do something wrong?" She asks, "did your parents not like me?"
"I'm sorry I can't talk right now," you say attempting to get in your car. 
"Whatever's going on you can tell me," Hope says, stepping closer to you and going to touch your arm but you pull away. 
You look around, making sure no one was close enough to hear you, "... are you a tribred?" 
"How do you know what that is?" She says in shock. 
"You are, aren't you, god my parents were telling the truth."
"Your parents? How do your parents know about me?"
"Because apparently their fucking monster hunters and expect me to be one too," you say through gritted teeth. 
Hope is trying to process this news but now there's way too many other students around. 
"Can we please go somewhere and talk," she asks and you agree. 
You drive in silence to a secluded spot outside the woods, normally when you and Hope came here to be alone it was for a very different reason. 
Hope tells you everything, the story of her parents, how all her friends that you had met weren't totally human and even about the few encounters she had over the years with hunters that you both assume were actually your parents. 
"So you're telling me there's a magical pit in Georgia that is a portal to a hell dimension that's basically a jail cell to an evil golem named Malivore that wants to murder you so he can take over the world," you say trying to wrap your mind around it all.  
"To sum it up, yes," she nods. 
"What the actual fuck," you shout slamming your hands on the steering wheel. 
"I'm so sorry, I never should have started seeing you, the last thing I wanted is you to be involved in this," Hope apologizes. 
"Hope this isn't your fault, I would have gotten involved eventually. My parents said they weren't planning on telling me until I turned 18 it's just all so overwhelming," you sigh, "I dont believe that you and your friends are bad people and I really don't want to hunt anyone, especially not you I fucking love you." 
"You love me?" She says low and you realize what you just said. 
"Yeah… I do." 
"I love you too," she smiles. 
You lean in to kiss her and she puts her hand on your cheek, gently rubbing her thumb across your skin. 
"What are we going to do?" You ask, your hand on her waist pulling her as close as you could over the center console. 
"I don't know but we have each other and that's all that matters." 
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The Mysterious Salvatore Brother (The Vampire Diaries Fanfic) Part 2: Damon x Plus Size Fem!Reader
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When Y/n got home, she quickly ran up the stairs to her bedroom, tossing her backpack on the floor and getting changed into something nicer. Slipping on her favorite heeled boots, she took one last glance at herself in the mirror. The dark purple dress with mid length sleeves and a sun and moon belt highlighted her fuller figure. Satisfied with how she looked, she headed back downstairs, flip-phone in hand. She made her way towards the door, only to stop dead in her tracks as she heard her mother's stern voice.
"Where are you going looking so fancy?" Her mom asked, standing arms crossed in the entryway to the living room.
Y/n's heart pounded, as she turned, doing her best to smile convincingly. "I'm just going to do some research for a paper Mr. Saltzman assigned." Technically that wasn't a lie.
"What type of research requires you to wear such a revealing dress?" Her mom said suspiciously. "Is there a boy or girl you like involved in this?"
"Look mom, we're meeting at a public place. Mystic Grill, alright? The bartender is Caroline's boyfriend. I'll be completely safe." Y/n explained, exasperated. "Any more questions or would you rather me be late?"
Y/n's mom opened her mouth threatening to ask more, but closed it after seeing the expression on her daughter's face. "Fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so harsh on you. You're more levelheaded than I was when I was your age. Just be careful hun, ok?"
"Thanks mom." Y/n said, waving and leaving in a hurry. She lived only a short walk away from Mystic Grill, so she didn't need anyone to drive her.
The sun had set over Mystic Falls, Virginia. Streetlamps and car lights sparkled in the crisp night air. Y/n turned the corner and crossed the street, heading for the glowing red sign of Mystic Grill. Opening the door, she entered, slipping through the crowd of men and women as muffled music played in the background.
The table where Damon Salvatore sat was warmly lit. He set down his glass of scotch and greeted Y/n with his usual charm. "Hello there, lovely."
Y/n rolled her eyes, faking irritation as Damon looked her up and down with great interest. "Its just a dress I got from one of my older cousins a while back, you don't have to stare like that."
Damon laughed lightly, his suave exterior softening for a split-second. "I'm glad you made it safely. Did you bring something to take notes with?" He inquired.
"Yeah!" Y/n replied, fishing a small notebook and pen out of her purse. "So what's the amazing information you have on Mystic Falls that the internet seems to overlook?"
Damon reached down beside his chair and pulled some newspaper article clippings out of a folder in a leather satchel. "Tell me what you think after you read some of these..."
Y/n scanned the different articles, taking note of the similarities between each one. "Wow... some of these articles are really old." She said, noticing the dates. "How'd you get your hands on these--"
"--Unimportant." Damon interjected quickly.
Y/n glanced up at him, but decided not to interrogate further. "It is really... weird." she commented. "All of these stories talk about people being brutally injured by some unidentifiable animal... Like, what in Mystic Falls could be that big and get away without being tracked down or documented."
Damon looked over his shoulder, then leaned in. "It is strange. Maybe we should consider the possibility of it not being an animal at all?"
"Whats your point? You're saying a human did this?" Y/n said skeptically. "A human that bites people... so...?"
An older man bumped into their table, knocking some of the papers off. "'Scuse me," the man said gruffly, turning around and noticing Y/n.
Damon's expression changed from irritation to disgust as he noticed the man staring at Y/n's cleavage. Y/n mumbled something too quiet to hear, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
"See something you like?" Damon said, challengingly. He got up from his chair and stepped between the creepy man and Y/n.
The man attempted to shove Damon, but underestimated how fast Salvatores reflexes would be. Damon grabbed the creep's arm and twisted it behind his back at an excruciating angle, dragging the man towards the back door of Mystic Grill. Y/n waited at the table a few more seconds before curiosity consumed her and she grabbed her purse, heading for the back door and exiting it to make sure Damon was ok. She'd never had men fight over her before, and while she had faith in Damon's strength against the pervert, she still wanted to be there to call the ambulance if her new friend got injured at all. What she saw in the alleyway behind Mystic Grill was not what she had expected to see.
The creep was battered and bruised, slumped against the brick wall by the back door, and Damon, covered in the man's blood, was licking the crimson liquid off of his fingers with a kind of inhuman dark enthusiasm. He then pulled the man up by the collar of his shirt, his eyes turning red and the veins in his face turning dark. Damon began biting and drinking the man's blood from his neck.
Y/n stood, frozen, unsure of what to do in her state of shock. Her mind started to put together the information from the newspaper articles she had seen. Damon was the one harming all those people in Mystic Falls through the years. He was dangerous, beyond anything else Y/n knew. Damon Salvatore was a vampire. Yet Y/n couldn't look away. She didn't feel bad for the man as he lay on the ground, bleeding out. She walked towards Damon, almost in a trance.
Damon stopped feasting the second he noticed her approaching. "You shouldn't be here." Damon said, wiping the blood from his mouth on his sleeve.
Y/n kept approaching until she was only a few inches away from Damon, who was still panting from the thrill of his sanguine feast. She ran her fingers over his chest, leaning in and standing on the tips of her toes so she could plant a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Damon."
Damon looked confused and simultaneously pleased. "You're really pushing your luck, beautiful. Aren't you even slightly worried I'll do what I did to him, this time to you?" He said, brushing her hair behind her ear.
"You saved me." Y/n whispered, blushing.
"Not sure if you caught on, but I'm a--" Damon started.
"--Shhhh." Y/n interrupted gently. "I know. If you wanted to hurt me you would've done it already. Now, are you alright? This is all his blood, correct?"
Damon nodded, still confused, but not enough to stop from saying something smug. "I didn't think a shy girl like you would be so cool with this. You're either a masochist or have a death wish. Either way," he smirked, leaning in and kissing her passionately on the lips.
Y/n blushed deep red, knowing this was her first kiss, and possibly her last if Damon changed his mind about keeping her around. She felt extremely brave, and more than a little overwhelmed by how amazing it felt.
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dmc-tings · 2 years
I thought of this at work and it made me sad.
Fight me but I really like the idea of the lords falling for a long lost Baker. So how’s it gonna play out if the Lords and their s/o find out a part of Jack and Margarette’s consciousness is still apart of the mold and because of that they’re able to watch their child through it and are maybe even able to manipulate it to communicate with their baby.
Long Lost Baker Kid (Jack and Marguerite But their in the Mutamycete)
This is part of the Long Lost Baker kid saga. It's a running theme on this blog now, and I'm addicted to it.
I wrote this one as a weird aftermath type deal. Made more sense. Just bare with me
Alcina Dimitrescu
You both had been looking around Miranda's study.
Permission given to you and your giant lady, by Chris
Alcina came across a journal
Notes about the Mutamycete and connections about it
You both sat and skimmed the journal
Pointing out every so often things that stuck out to you guys
But towards the end, there was an eye-catching note
"Evidence of the Bakers consciousness are evident. Even to the point where they themselves have reanimated. But the bodies weren't able to last with out the base of the Mutamycete."
You snapped the book closed, shivering
Alcina took you into her arms, not daring to speak
"I never!"
You both jumped!
"That... thats... Mama's voice..."
Alcina looked flabbergasted,
"What? Your birth mother? Is that why-"
"Now Darlin... You aughta be glad that they found someone to take care of em."
You started to frantically look around
Throwing things out of your way now
You finally followed their playful argument
They were in a jar...
That was covered in the mold....
"Momma? Daddy? Are... Are yall...?"
"Well, who else? Humm?" Marguerite said, you could hear the smile in her voice
You smiled brightly at Alcina and looked back at the jar, sadness forgotten
Donna and Angie Beneviento
It had been a few months since the explosion....
Angie and Donna had accompanied you to the site of the explosion
Currently, you were having a problem with pulling a massive beam out of your way.
Mr. Redfield had long gone, thinking that everything was dead, but Donna had kept you locked up safe in the Estate
Neither Donna or Angie were there out of any kind of want of their own, you pestered them into going.
Something, was calling you....
You couldn't put your finger on it, but this was important
Whatever or whomever it was that called to you
It was familiar, that's the only thing that you could tell them
"Let me, Dear."
It was Donna breaking you out of your stupor
With ease she moved the beam out of your way
(Despite the game not showing Donna's strength beyond the pollen, she's pretty damn strong. Fite me)
After jumping into a dark, yet shallow hole, you found... it?
Was this it?
A jar....
"ALL THAT FOR A DAMN JAR?!" Angie spoke
You gently lifted the jar up, mold... or some kinda fungus writhed within it
"Now, now. Let's not get off on tha wrong foot here."
You blinked, once. Twice. Thrice.
This... Was this your dad's voice?
Your Momma's voice chimed in
There was water, but it wasn't raining
"Dear? You know them?"
You nodded, this water wouldn't move
"I found them, my parents."
You cried having thought you lost your parents forever
Salvatore Moreau
He had a hard time getting you out there...
It was part of what his brothers home was.. the bit that was left from the explosion
You insisted on going because of the possible research that would have been left there by Miranda
Moreau was against it, but he conceded at your request
Because you were his everything right now
And he'd do anything to make sure you were happy
You both were currently trying to find anything to reverse his current physical pain
You wanted him pain free, and couldn't care less about how he looked
But Moreau wanted to look like his human self for you
Right now you both were split up, him on one side of the wreckage and you on the other
On your knees shuffling through papers you found a journal
Surprisingly, the notebook was intact
You idly flipped though it, not really thinking you'd find anything
There was a bit of mold on the back pages, and once it hit your hand, you reached in disgust
"Gross! I guess they didn't blast everything!"
You threw the notebook, trying to wipe your hands on the ground and your pants
Salvatore quickly made his way to your side
"My love? Are you ok? Wha-"
He saw the look on your face and laughed
"Not funn-"
"Well that was damn rude! Both ya!"
You paused, a chill going up your spine
"Did you hear that?"
Salvatore gave you a confused look and then gazed around the area
"I... I didn't hear anything..."
"Now you just ain't payin attention chér."
You looked around and moved closer to Moreau, taking his hand in yours
"Well well well. I told you she was with em!"
You squinted your eyes, then gave Salvatore a look, as if to see if he was doing anything
He looked back at you innocent and confused
Realizing he really wasn't doing anything you looked at the book
"It must have something to do with the mold then.."
Salvatore blinked at you
"Ah. You must have a bond with it... Y-your parents are in it still..."
You frowned, this was going to need more tests
But you picked up the notebook, making sure to safely put it in your bag
Karl Heisenberg
He grumbled, kicking some rubble out of his way
"This is ridiculous. I loathe this."
He had been whining this entire time...
You rolled your eyes at him,
"Som' bitch is annoyin' ain't he?"
The voice that sounded like your Dad, spoke out casually.
You nodded,
"Thats right, disembodied voice."
"Ah I bet the poor man is just tired..."
That was your Mom,
You shrugged, disembodied voice #2 may have had a point as well
It was odd.
You'd had your own monologs in your head, sure
But none of them ever sounded like anyone you actually knew
Until the explosion
And now you had two extra voices giving you advise or snarky remarks aimed at your disgruntled boyfriend
You would often speak out loud to them, and Karl learned to ignore it
You got done rummaging through the pile in front of you and stood up and pointed at some steel laying in a big pile
"Karl can-"
He waved his hand and haphazardly yeeted the pike away from you
He gave a "humph"
"Rude bastard..." your dad's voice rumbled
"He's not so bad." You spoke defensive, "He's just got some rough edges. Ya know, despite not wanting to come here, he came."
"Thats true. Jack cut the man some slack. He's with our daughter, and that's a victory in its own right."
You paused
"Your daughter?"
Karl looked at you, confused, cigar lit in his mouth
You looked at him and then back at your hands
Karl jumped and you started to rage
"You aren't just fucking voices?! Your my parents?! What kinda Twilight Zone shit is this!?"
Karl was really confused, he'd never seen you like this... And now your talking to yourself...
"Kitten. Are you-"
You turned to him
"Those note you found a couple of weeks back, Karl... The ones you old me about the-
"Oh shit. Seriously? So your folks where in there..."
Karl had previously come to the explosion, in search of any of Miranda's notes
He'd found some, that he had to piece together
It was done and the pair of you eventually learned that if parts of the Mutamycete had survived, anyone connected to it would be connected to everything that died nearby the mold
You finally calmed down
And sat down
Huffing, "Why didn't yall say anything before?"
"Well we didn't want you to do anything irrational. You're like ya daddy, you know."
Jack huffed at Marguerite
"Not my fault! She insisted bein around me all the time..."
You rolled your eyes at Karl
He laughed at you and heaved you over his shoulder
"You talk to your folks, I'll make sure we get home, ok?"
You patted him on the ass and relaxed
This was going to be a long walk...
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
30 - Returning Home
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Part 31
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @queenieala @samsgirl93
"Nik, stop worrying. Marcel said he will make sure no one comes after us." I tried reassuring him for like the 20th time this morning.
Running his fingers through his hair I watched his worried gaze fall to twins peacefully sleeping in their crib beside the couch. Today is the day we are supposed to be introducing them to my mother and sister. "I have over a thousand enemies, Maddie. We can't assume one of them might not come for the twins." I knew his paranoia could get the best of him sometimes and clearly this is one of those times.
Brushing my hands on my jeans I rise to my feet from the couch grabbing his hands in mine. "Please stop worrying alright. Besides you have to remember that my sister will rush her butt here if we don't let her see her nieces. She's already done the math and it's been almost a month since their birth."
"Mystic Falls hasn't exactly been safe since we left, if you remember." He pointed out tilting his head to the side, raising a brow.
Throwing my head back I sighed in annoyance tugging him towards the car then he puts all the babies travel stuff inside. "That being said. Let's not face the Wrath of Caroline Forbes." The drive there wasn't bad since the twins slept for the most part. Parking in the driveway I carry Hope in my arms with him carrying Nikola and the bag.
"I've been tracking you since this morning." My sister opened the front door throwing her hands over her mouth, almost giggling like she was a six year old again. And it warms my heart to see her happy. "Oh my gosh. These two are so adorable. I could just squeeze them!"
Footsteps approached from behind her where mom reached for the bag in Klaus's arm allowing us inside the house. "Come inside you two. Sweetheart let them inside." She chuckled as I stood in front of her, seeing her almost in tears at the infant in my arms.
"So this is Hope Andrea and..." I trailed off, turning my head in the direction of Nik as he walked up slowly towards us.
His eyes locked onto the tiny baby in his arms. I already found him hot but seeing him holding a baby - correcting our baby makes him even more attractive in my eyes. "This is Nikola Elizabeth. Her middle name after you, Liz."
"That's wonderful to hear." Our mother spoke, placing a hand over her head wiping away some happy tears. Slowly I placed Hope in her arms allowing her to hold one of her grandchildren for the first time ever.
My twin finally embraced me in a warm hug. I wrapped my arms around her giggling through a grin. We spun the other around in a happy reunion until the front door opened suddenly. "Blondie, you need to come to the hospital right now. That cancer patient that you gave your blood to is in trouble - woah what the hell are you doing here Klaus?" Damon cursed, stopping in his tracks with confusion written on his face.
"Pleasure to see you again, mate." Nik replied with a smile still holding little Nikola who started stirring awake from her long nap. "I will let you know that I have intentions of torturing you and the lot of this town. Given that Maddie, my love wouldn't exactly find that good for our children."
Damon nodded, eyeing my direction, arms crossed over his chest. "So you finally rang him in huh, little Forbes. Good job...Now older Forbes can we get a move to the hospital. You can play an excited Aunt later."
"Damon, what are you talking about? Why would my sister give her blood to a cancer patient? I mean yes it's a good thing to do but what's the problem?" Shaking my head in confusion I looked between my twin then to the raven haired vampire in front of me.
He stepped up where I had to tilt my head up since he's slightly taller than I am. "She hasn't told you, has she?" He asked and I could hear the concern in his voice.
"You know something, Salvatore. Spit it out before I compel you to tell me in the next few seconds!" Nik stepped up threateningly once laying down little Nikola on the couch in her blanket. My mother sat down holding our other child just watching what might occur before her.
Whipping my head around, I locked eyes with my twin. I knew she was hiding something when she wouldn't look me in the eye. Not even once until I reached forward grabbing her wrists gently. "Care, we promised that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other. So please tell me what is Damon talking about?"
"Mads, I'm sorry...I just...I didn't want you to worry. After getting pregnant and nearly getting killed-" I cut off her rambling throwing my hands up in the air moving my hair over my shoulders.
"Caroline Elizabeth Forbes just tell me already!" I blurted out revealing my fangs to her needing to know already.
Mom rose to her feet tucking hair behind her ear. She moved around the couch intertwining my hands with hers. I could hear her heart skip a few times making me more worried than I already was. "I'm dying, Maddie...your sister gave me her blood hoping it will keep me alive."
"Except vampire blood has never successfully worked out..." Damon trailed off shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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mllelaurel · 1 year
More Servant of the Shard
I’m about 40% of the way through, and on chapter 10. 
Cut for... honestly more rambling than spoilers. But maybe also spoilers, IDK. 
A little sad that the book hasn’t actually contained all that much Jarlaxle and Entreri interacting with one another so far, aside from the sparring scene in the beginning. One might even argue this book hasn’t contained much Jarlaxle period - his POV’s a bit sparse comparatively, and he’s thoroughly compromised by the titular shard so (probably I say, because I have not read other books,) doesn’t quite come off as his normal self. 
Now that I think about it, I wonder if part of the sparring scene’s point was to establish a baseline for both Jarlaxle’s character and his interaction with Entreri. He does, in fact, feel very Jarlaxle in that. So we read that scene, and it heightens how weird he’s acting later, and we miss Our Dude. 
On Entreri’s end, I rag on him a lot affectionately, and I especially rag on his quest for his own sketchy artifact to match Jarlaxle’s, but honestly? The book does a good job of selling me on why he wants and even needs Charon’s Claw. He’s surrounded by asshole mage and psionic drow who hate him. He feels deeply unsafe and is desperate for a safeguard. 
I find it really interesting, the way fear seems to be the primary driving emotion behind SO MANY things Entreri does. Like. He’d hate that with the fire of a thousand suns and sooner die than admit it, but it’s true. Even his thing with Drizzt can IMHO be fundamentally broken down thusly:
“If I’m the baddest bitch in the room, no one can ever hurt me again” is not a GREAT trauma coping mechanism, but it’s a great one to jump on if you’ve got a lot of pride in your fear soup. And it works for a long time, because he makes himself almost good enough. 
Meet Drizzt. Hello, Entreri. You are NOT the baddest bitch in the room. 
Oops, that coping mechanism was brittle and cracks right down the middle once contradicted. And somewhere deep in his psyche, under what he tells himself is cold rage, ya boy begins to panic. Because Drizzt’s very existence proves he’s NOT safe. He IS hurtable. And it literally does not matter to Entreri whether or not Drizzt himself is a threat. The cortisol in his brain just registers that Drizzt broke his safeguards (which was not Drizzt’s intent and also he’s not psychic) and proceeds to skip all other steps. 
Which results in him trying to kill a teenager repeatedly. GJ. 
Related to all of this, I kind of love that Drizzt has 100% run out of patience with Entreri, per his POV segment. He’s not a saint. He’s a nice enough guy to hope Entreri gets better hobbies and grows as a person, but if Jarlaxle stabs him? At least he won’t have to deal with Asshole Who Keeps Trying to Kill Him again. 
Drizzt’s POV seems on the whole pretty insightful as far as Jarlaxle is concerned. But then, there’s the honking Zak-shaped blindspot. “I don’t get how Jarlaxle can be close to my dad, but also THIS ASSHOLE.” To be fair, I don’t know if this is before or after Salvatore realized Zak and Entreri were huge character parallels and Jarlaxle had a mighty TYPE. But even if this was written after the realization, of course Drizzt would have a giant Zak-shaped blind spot. He loved his dad and lost him in a traumatic fashion (twice, even, I think.) Of course he wouldn’t put him in the same class as Mr. Murder Hobo over there. 
But to go back to Entreri for a second, there’s another interesting note to make. Underneath all the fear and pride, there is some tiny, squiggly something, reaching for some kind of squiggly light. Even beyond his fondness for Dwahvel, there’s his surprise and anger at Soulez for abandoning his daughter. His going out of his way to spare Marek. For all of his buried self-loathing, Entreri keeps having empathy for people who remind him of himself. Adhania as a child betrayed by a parent. Marek as another rogue pawn of the Bregan D’aerthe. It’s crumbs of empathy, sure. But those crumbs are there, even if he will spend paragraphs justifying how it’s totally not that, nope, nothing of the sort. 
I swear, my entire read of these books won’t be Let’s Play Psychoanalyze Artemis Fucking Entreri. 
Really. I mean it. 
What else have I forgotten to note?
The writing of women in these books so far? Not amazing; not as bad as I’d been led to believe, a gross scene early on aside. Dwahvel continues to be great. I don’t know what to think of Shalotta so far. She does have interiority, particularly when seen through Entreri’s eyes. He notes the fear and uncertainty under her cool facade. But as Dwahvel all but lampshaded, it’s hard to get a read on what she actually wants (aside from ‘not to die or be powerless,’ which can be inferred) and thus care. Also I feel like there are better ways to portray a female character who is power-driven and scheming than “sleeping with Jarlaxle and not accomplishing much.” 
Kimmuriel’s budding frienemyship? with an illithid is kind of cute if you squint, and will end so, so, SO badly. Also I love that here we have Jarlaxle and Entreri scrambling for sketchy bad idea artifacts, and Kimmuriel is like, nah, not good enough. Meet my sketchy bad idea dude. He’s the only one who understands me, for we are both psychic.  
Okay, I think that’s it for the moment.
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foreverburningstar · 1 year
YOU'RE CATS ARE SO FUCKING CUTE WTF!!! i'm not an animal person but those pictures might've changed my mind tbh. also I meant to ask earlier, but what are your fave lana and taylor songs? I want to know if we share the same faves or what aspect of their music you like the most <33
IKRRR THEY WERE THE CUTEST, omgg glad you asked <33,
Sorry it took so long for me to answer 😭 i got carried away and ended up listing all of my favorites instead of just a few 💀
ok so for taylor, i love all her music but these are my faves meaning i know all the lyrics to these and i love them so much 
from Taylor Swift debut album, Picture To Burn, Tim McGraw, and Our Song
from Fearless (Taylor’s Version), You Belong With Me, The Way I Loved You, Mr. Perfectly Fine, Love Story, and Fifteen
from Speak Now (Taylor’s Version), Speak Now, Mean, I Can See You, Castles Crumbling, The Story Of Us, Long Live, Back To December, Enchanted, Last Kiss, and Mine
from Red (Taylor’s Version), I Knew You Were Trouble, 22, All Too Well, All Too Well (10 minute version), We Are Never Getting Back Together, Everything Has Changed , Nothing New, The Lucky One, Babe, I Bet You Think About Me, and Safe & Sound
from the 1989 album, Style, Blank Space, Wildest Dreams (Taylor’s Version, Bad Blood, Out Of The Woods, This Love, and Shake It Off
from the reputation album, Getaway Car, …Ready For It?, End Game, I Did Something Bad, Delicate, Look What You Made Me Do, Gorgeous, Dancing With Our Hands Tied, Dress, Don’t Blame Me and This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things 
from the Lover album, ME!, Cruel Summer, The Man, I Think He Knows, Afterglow , Paper Rings, Death By A Thousand Cuts, Daylight, and The Archer, and You Need To Calm Down
from folklore, the 1, cardigan, august, illicit affairs , this is me trying , mirrorball, and exile
from evermore, willow, right where you left me, ivy, champagne problems, and no body no crime 
from Midnights, Karma, Lavender Haze, Maroon, Question…?, Sweet Nothing, Mastermind, The Great War, Bigger Than The Whole Sky, Paris, High Infidelity, Glitch, and Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve [basically the whole album]
other songs, I Don’t Wanna Live Forever, The Joker And The Queen, and Carolina 
okk now for lana, again all of her music is amazing but these ones are my faves that i sing my heart out to
from Born To Die, Born To Die, Blue Jeans , Off To The Races , Video Games, Diet Mountain Dew, Million Dollar Man, Summertime Sadness, and Without You
from Paradise, Ride, Cola , Body Electric , and Blue Velvet
from Ultraviolence, Shades Of Cool , Brooklyn Baby, West Coast, Pretty When You Cry, Money Power Glory, The Other Woman, and Black Beauty 
from Honeymoon, Freak, Art Deco, Salvatore  and Swan Song
from Lust For Life, Love, Lust For Life, In My Feelings, Tomorrow Never Came and Get Free
from Norman Fucking Rockwell, Fuck it i love you, Doin’ Time, Cinnamon Girl, How to disappear, and Happiness is a butterfly 
from Chemtrails Over The Country Club, White Dress, Let Me Love You Like A Woman, Wild At Heart, and Not All Who Wander Are Lost
from Blue Banisters, Arcadia, Violets for Roses, Dealer, Wildflower Wildfire, and Sweet Carolina 
from Did you know there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd?, The Grants, A&W, Sweet, Candy Necklaces, Kintsugi, Fingertips, Paris,Texas, Let The Light In, Fishtail, and Peppers
other songs, Young And Beautiful, Secret Life, Once Upon A Dream, Wait For Life, Riverside, Stargirl Interlude , Watercolor eyes, Say Yes To Heaven, Lost at Sea and Hollywood Bowl
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justjessame · 3 months
Light Through the Darkness: Chapter 44
Damon was silent as Stefan went with him to see Bonnie. He hated to admit it, but having his baby brother along might actually be helpful since the Bennet witch didn’t exactly like him. He couldn’t actually blame her for not trusting him, her grandmother died because of him, tangentially. Not that she liked Stefan much more. Maybe they should have brought Elena along to smooth the way, but since she was in bed with the devil, so to speak, he doubted that pathway forward would help either.
How would he explain it to Bonnie, and then how the hell could she even begin to fix it? He had no clue how the overwhelming urge to keep her safe even happened. And why the hell wasn’t he hit the hardest by it?
When they finally pulled up outside the Bennet house, Stefan turned to him and waited for an explanation. Sighing, he gave him the upshot of what he felt certain of, but unsure of how to fix. “Do you remember how focused on Abigail you were when you transitioned?” Stefan’s eyes slitted at the memory and a tilt of his head told Damon to go on. “How about the way you could break Katherine’s compulsion when it came to Abigail? Do you remember finding her after Katherine’s first attempt, even after she told you to stay with her?” It had hurt him at the time, Katherine’s insistence that Stefan stay with her, but he’d blinked past it and left her, alone with him and for that he’d pushed away his annoyance and congratulated his good luck. A small nod meant that Stefan recalled what Damon mentioned, if vaguely. “Ric is having the same urge to protect Abi, Stefan, the same urge to risk my ire that you had even if I can’t compel his ass. That tells me there’s something more going on than just Abi’s sparkling personality and beauty. Something magical, maybe?” He gestured at the Bennet house, where he hoped the witch was in residence. “Hopefully Bonnie will be willing to listen, and help.”
While Damon and Stefan worked up the courage and a way to explain why they were coming to Bonnie for help, Abigail was still napping in her hotel room. What overtook her as she rested wasn’t a normal dream, because of course it wouldn’t be.
She was back in the room that she’d woken up in, the curtains swaying gently in a breeze that came from nowhere, since she knew the windows were closed. Sitting on the bed, waiting, for what she wasn’t sure.
“You look much better,” a deep voice offered from the doorway. Turning she was met with a face that was only slightly familiar. “You don’t remember me? It was a long time ago that we first met, in the garden-” And the memory of this strange man came back to her in sharp relief.
She’d been in the garden after her parents had died. Only a week or so after her terrible loss, she’d sought peace away from Lily’s concern and Damon’s need to make sure she was alright. Abigail had been seated on the same bench that one day in the near future Katherine would kill her when a stranger approached. Dressed as well as anyone of her status, he was tall, dark and unbearably handsome. He asked to sit, and she assumed he was one of Mr. Salvatore’s associates so she agreed, moving slightly to give him room past her dress skirt. He’d sat with her and spoke about loss, family, and grief. As though he knew her, and it brought her such peace. Before he’d left, he kissed her knuckles and told her he hoped they’d meet again.
“You never told me your name,” she realized, smiling up at him, seeing that he was garbed as she was, in the current style of the time she woke up in.
“That I didn’t.” He gestured to the space on the bed beside her and she nodded her assent. Once seated, he studied her face. “You’ve grown up,” his hand rose as though of its own accord, but he stopped himself before he could touch her face. “I apologize.”
Abigail reached out and touched the still hovering hand, and closed the gap between the fingertips and her skin, letting him know that he was free to touch her face. “I don’t mind.” She closed her eyes as he traced the subtle changes, the sharpness that replaced the softness of youth, the way her lips had become more plush with age. Her eyes opened when his hand left her skin.
“Soon.” The man, dark hair and eyes promised, and then he was gone like a whisper.
Bonnie was looking at Damon like he’d lost his mind, which he was starting to feel like he had. She wouldn’t invite them inside, which made sense, but agreed to speak to them on the porch. As Damon told her about Abigail Morgan, and his suspicions, he watched a flicker cross her face before her expression returned to irritated indifference.
“And what precisely do you want from me?” Her question was sharp and probing. A witch still coming into her power.
Stefan answered for him. “We don’t know, Bonnie, but I can tell you this. What I felt when I transitioned about Abi was stronger than any type of obsession I have ever felt. The urge to be with her, near her, was almost as strong as the call of human blood. And that’s incredibly disturbing considering-”
“Your past?” She offered. Sighing she leaned against the doorframe. “And you say that Ric is showing the same protectiveness?” Damon nodded. “I think you’re fine as long as no one turns Ric into a vampire.” She started to go back inside, but Damon’s voice stopped her.
“You flinched.” Bonnie swallowed and waited. “When I told you about Abigail, you flinched, why?”
“I remembered that story about the real life sleeping beauty,” she was trying to be flippant, but Damon and from the way Stefan stiffened so did his brother, knew it was forced. “Not everyday that a local legend is confirmed, right?” “Bullshit,” Damon replied. “Don’t forget that I can HEAR your pulse quickening, Bonnie Bennet. What made you flinch, honestly?”
Bonnie’s back went ramrod straight and she looked Damon dead in the eye from the safety of her house. “And don’t you forget, Damon Salvatore, that I’m Emily’s descendent and I can and will make you hurt.”
“Bonnie,” Stefan’s voice came out pleading, and Damon was thankful for his brother’s ability to whine. “Please.”
Bonnie’s eyes never left Damon’s as she answered. “After Caroline brought up the legend of Morgan House, I talked to Grams, she told me to stay away from the house, that whatever or WHOMEVER was inside was meant to stay in safety until the time was right. When she died,” her eyes pinched at the memory, but she went on. “I started looking through the family histories that she kept. Emily was burned, but her book was kept safe. She mentioned Abigail, and how she wasn’t sure WHAT she was, only that her power was great and that the protection of her was paramount.” She sighed. “I don’t know what that means, or how to figure it out, and that’s the truth. Honestly.” And with that, she closed the door and left the brothers standing in stunned silence.
“What the literal-” Damon shook his head and looked at Stefan. “What are we supposed to do with that?”
Stefan’s head shake mirrored his older brother. “No clue, but let’s talk about it at the house.” More questions than answers, the Salvatore brothers returned to their home, wondering how the hell they would figure out the mystery that was Abigail Morgan.
Abigail’s dreams didn’t stop with the return of her mysterious visitor, instead they morphed to her childhood home, before her parents died. She was in her room, touching the things she’d long forgot about. Her bedspread, had it really been pale blue? The line of dolls on her windowsill looked forlorn, but that wasn’t a surprise, books had always been her preference. The shelves of books, not as high or as filled as their library, but holding her favorites. Her fingertips traced their spins, wishing that she could tote them all back to the reality she left behind.
“There you are,” she swallowed as the voice she hadn’t heard, not even in the shadow people garden that she fought through to come back, pierced her heart. “I was wondering when you’d find me.”
Abi turned and drunk in the vision her mother presented. A taller, but not by much, version of herself. Posture perfect, hair arranged carefully, and her dress immaculate. “Mother,” her voice was so quiet she wondered if this mirage could hear her.
“Abigail,” her mother walked forward and took her hand. “You look just like me,” she sounded satisfied by that knowledge. “Tinier, perhaps, but your face-” unlike the gentleman who came before, her mother showed no hesitance at touching her face. Like him, she traced the changes that came after she’d died. “You’re beautiful.”
Abigail’s smile was small, since the compliment seemed more for her mother than herself. “I never got to say goodbye.” Seemed more appropriate an answer.
A rueful smile graced her mother’s face, far from ruining the beauty it simply gave her a new angle of attractiveness. “Yes, about that. Your father, his family were a dangerous lot.” Family? “A knife hung over us our entire life, Abigail, threatening to slice us apart. It was simply a matter of when.” She sighed, her hand squeezing Abi’s. “I wish we’d had more time to prepare you.”
“For your deaths?” Abi sounded incredulous. As though warning would have helped. “Is there such a thing?”
Her mother’s smile tightened, still not comfortable with being questioned about her actions. “Perhaps, perhaps not.” She took a more disconcerting look at Abi’s attire. “What is this that you’re wearing? I can see your knees.”
“Yes, well, this is what’s deemed appropriate in 2010, Mother.” Abigail refused to bend to a dead woman’s ire. “I was scandalized myself when Damon brought me the first dress.” Her mother’s eyes lit up at the mention of Damon’s name. “Not that he matters much, since-”
“Of course he matters,” her mother’s interruption startled her. “Damon Salvatore was the entire point of naming Lily and Giuseppe your guardians, Abigail.” She pulled her hand from Abi’s and started pacing. “Haven’t you read the book? Did you read the letter?” Abigail started to speak, but once again her mother kept speaking. “It’s all there, everything, who you are, what you are, and most importantly why he’s important.” When her mother’s eyes met hers again they were blazing and Abigail felt shocked by the seriousness she saw. “You must learn, and then you must study, and you have to know him. Fully, Abigail.” And then she was gone, like the man before, but this time the abruptness woke Abigail.
Gasping awake, she looked around at a rapidly darkening hotel room. What the hell? She felt like she’d run miles without water, so once she had a drink, she sat down and tried to focus on what her mother had said. The book and letter were more important than she’d taken stock of, clearly, but Damon? Why the hell was he so important?
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Meeting Mother
Stefan Salvatore x Male Reader
A/N: The reader talks with Damon and Stefan’s mother.
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“So, Y/N, Damon tells me you’re a witch as well as a vampire,” Lillian Salvatore says.
Kai revealed that there wasn’t just one prison world, but two. One created in 1994 to imprison Kai. The other, created in 1903 to hold Stefan and Damon’s mother, who became a vampire as well as a Ripper. The Gemini Coven sent her to this place so that she couldn’t hurt anyone else. Now, they needed her to help get Stefan back since Caroline forced him to turn off his humanity like she had.
Y/N paused in between bites of as Damon called it as a kid, ‘Eggie in Baskie,’ as he looked at the woman who had given birth to his epic love. Y/N swallowed the piece in his mouth before speaking. “Yes, that's right. I was a witch before I became a vampire.”
“Turned by Damon, correct?”
“Yes, I had his blood in my system when I died.”
“And you had a Sire Bond with him as well?” Lillian asked him.
“Well, it was more like a brotherly kind of love. After I lost Stefan the first time, Damon kept me from falling apart and helped me get him back. And that's what created the Sire Bond between us.” Y/N explained.
“How very… interesting. A witch–vampire.”
“Is that not a good thing?”
“Oh, no, please, I don't mean to offend you. I just have never encountered a hybrid before. Please forgive my rudeness,” Lillian said with graceful elegance.
“It's alright, I'm not offended at all.” Y/N assured her.
Damon rolled his eyes. “Okay, enough of the theatrics. Just tell the kid what you really want to know… Mother,” Damon said with a touch of resentment in his voice. He was still angry at her for what she did to them. For faking her death. For leaving them in the cruel hands of Giuseppe Salvatore.
Lillian looked from Y/N to Damon and smiled gently. “Yes, I suppose you're right. No sense in beating around the bush.” Her gaze shifted back to Y/N as she looked him up and down. She was sizing him up, and making an evaluation of Y/N. “How do you feel about him? About my Stefan?”
“Oh.” Y/N should have seen this coming. Damon basically outed them last night when he introduced his mother to Y/N. Damon had called Y/N Stefan's boyfriend, which really wasn't how he thought his first impression would have gone.
The young hybrid licked his lips as he looked at Damon and Stefan’s mother. “I guess love isn't a strong enough word to describe how I feel about Stefan.” Y/N smiled at his fond memories of him and Stefan. “At the beginning, after my parents died, there was something about being with Stefan that just felt safe. It's like I knew that he would never stop loving me. That he would never leave me.”
“That's very sweet of you, Y/N, but I just have to know one thing,” Lillian said. She looked at Y/N as she said, “Can you be happy with Stefan as you both are? Vampires for eternity? Your lives will never be normal. You'll never have kids.”
“My life is anything but normal, Mrs. Salvatore, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. And who knows, maybe someday I will have all of that with Stefan, but right now, it’s about getting him back and I will. No matter what it takes.”
The way Y/N spoke with such certainty took Lillian by surprise. This young man really did love her son. Probably more than she herself did, or had did before she let them go. She smiled kindly as she rose from her chair. “Well, then. Let’s not dawdle any longer. Let’s go get my son back, shall we?”
Y/N smiled as he rose as well. Great. I’ll go get my coat and we can head—”
“Whoa. Who said you’re coming, witch Gilbert?” Damon asked.
Y/N and Elena both turned to the oldest Salvatore brother. “Damon, don’t be mean. Let Y/N go with you.”
“Sorry, Elena, no kids allowed on this road trip.”
Y/N rolled his eyes. “I'm coming with you, Damon, and that's final. Unless you're going to try and stop me, which I wouldn't if I were you.” Y/N walked out of the room as Elena and Lillian smirked at Damon.
“I think he shall make a fine husband for your brother. Don't you think, Damon?” Lillian asked her son.
“Yeah, a real gentleman,” Damon sarcastically said.
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cancerian-woman · 2 years
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klonnie au: For years Bonnie Bennett believed she conquered Expression.That Silas was unable to hurt her and more importantly her daughter Hazel. After a recurring nightmare of having zero control of her magic she decides to put an end to it. Not wanting to harm her child she leaves her daughter in Caroline’s care at the Salvatore School. Unbeknownst to little Hazel she and Hope have more in common than they thought.
“Do you really have to leave me here? You promised you’d never leave me behind. I can help you.” Hazel said, cleansing her face of falling tears with her sleeves. She knew this day was coming for two weeks now but accepting the day, now that was different.
Bonnie crouched lower to meet with the child pressing a kiss on her forehead. “It’s not safe for you and you know that. We talked about this. You’ll have many kids your age to play with. Aunt Caroline and her daughters are here. My mom is going to pick you up every Friday and you’ll spend weekends with her. I’ll call and video chat you all the time.”
“You promise you’ll come back?” Hazel asked, turning away to open her suitcase revealing her brown teddy bear on top. “You should keep Mrs. Cuddles incase you get scared.”
“I promise. I was going to wait until your birthday but I think you can have it now.” Bonnie said, digging in her pocket pulling out Ayana’s talisman placing it on Hazel. “I’ll keep Mrs. Cuddles safe and you keep this necklace safe. Deal?”
“Deal.” Hazel said, turning to zip her suitcase back up. Standing up to hold her mother’s hand again.
Alaric cleared his throat making his presence known. “Sorry to ruin the moment but we can step in my office. Care’s busy giving some students a tour.”
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davidlikesguys02 · 3 years
The Group Project
Y/N= your name 
Y/L/N= your last name 
requested by @gyomei1427: Damon x Male reader where Elena, Stefan and the reader get paired up on a group project and decide to work on it at Stefan’s house then Damon sees the Male reader and instantly starts flirting with him and making sexual innuendos.  
Word count: 1,093
GIF not mine 
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You walked into Mr. Tanners class just as he was calling your name “Y/N Y/L/N”  “Here” you said as you walked into his classroom “late yet again” he looked at you annoyed. You went to your seat next to Elena. “Why is it that you are always late Y/N?” you looked over at Elena “well…” *flashback*
“Are you sure this is going to work” your sibling asked “yes, this spell should cloak us, it should keep us safe from the originals” you took their hands and began the spell, the candles around your room started to get brighter and then it all went dark for a couple of seconds and the candles lit again “done” you said “that was cool but scary”. You started to get up and look for your stuff to head to school “hey what time is it?” “it's 7:50” “shit” you grabbed your stuff and ran out the door “see you later” you waved goodbye as you ran towards school. *end of flashback* 
“..I woke up late yet again” you smiled as you looked over at Mr. Tanner
 “Today you will work in groups of 3, i would be the one choosing the groups” he started going down the list “Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, and Y/N Y/L/N”. At least you're with someone you know. The class went on as usual with the same boring lesson. It was the end of class and you walked over to Elena and Stefan “So when are we going to start the project?” “we can start later today, I can drive you to Stefan's house” “ok” you said as you said goodbye and walked away. 
The school day was finally over, you saw Elena in the distance and walked over to her. “Ready to start the project” Elena asked “yea where's Stefan” “he will actually meet us there” “ok”. You guys made your way to Elena's car. The drive to Stefan's house was pretty far, but you guys made it. You thought his house was super big. 
Elena made her way to the door and knocked. This man, who is not Stefan, answered the door, “Who might you be?” he asked as he looked over at you ignoring Elena who was standing right in-front of him. “I'm Y/N, me and Elena are here to work on a project with Stefan” “come in”. He moved to the side as you and Elena walked in, “your house is very beautiful” you said. “Yea, it really is something, you know i could show you around the last stop would be my room” you turned to look at him as your face started to turn a shade of red. 
“As much as that is intriguing I would rather get this project done,” you said as you turned around following Elena. “C’mon I could really rock your world” he said as he tried to grab your hand “maybe another time” you said as you walked into a room and sat. A few minutes later you, Stefan and Elena started on the group project. “Hey where's your restroom” you asked Stefan “its up the stairs to the right” “thanks I'll be right back”. 
You made your way up the stairs and walked into a room, and made your way into the restroom. As you made your way out the restroom you met with the handsome stranger from earlier “sorry I had no idea that this was your room. I just used the restroom” “it's fine” “hey I never really got your name” you said as he started to take off his shirt. “Its Damon, I'm Stefan’s older brother” 
“I didn't know he had an older brother” “can you blame him” he then started to take off his belt “you staying for the show or” your phone started to ring. 
“Sorry, I should take this” you quickly walked out of the room flustered. You answered the phone “hey where are you?” it was your sibling “I'm working on a project, sorry i didn't call” “it's fine get home safe” “ok bye". You then hung up and went back downstairs. You guys worked on the project for another hour. “Well i think we should call it a night” “yea” both Stefan and Elena said. 
You grabbed your stuff and walked outside waiting for Elena. After a few minutes the door opened and Elena walked out. You got into her car and she drove you home. Unknown to you and her Damon was following you guys. You finally made it home and thanked Elena for driving you. You walked inside noticing that your sibling was in the kitchen cooking. You made your way up the stairs towards your room. You threw yourself onto your bed and drifted to sleep. Little did you know there was a certain raven haired vampire ready to give you a wonderful dream.
*in dream* 
You woke up in the Damon's bed, you sat up and looked around. You saw Damon walk out of the bathroom covered in bubbles. “Good morning Y/N” “good morning Damon” you said as your face started to turn red “wanna join me in the bathtub?” he asked smirking “sure” you walked over to him and he grabbed your hand. Damon walked into the bathtub and sat and watched you strip. You walked into the bath and just sat there. 
“You know when I first met you, you were so forward and I liked it and I kind of liked you” you said as he smirked and kissed your neck “I love a man who knows what he wants” he said as he looked at you “so what do you want Damon?” “I want you, when I first saw you walk through the door I said wow ‘he is hot and cute and I must have him’” he grabbed your neck and pulled your lips against his. He kissed you so passionately, he moved down your neck to your shoulder and started to bite. 
You then felt him bite your neck, it was painful at first but then the pain went away and it started to feel good. A moan escaped your mouth “I like to hear those noises”*end of dream* you woke up to someone calling your name “Y/N dinners ready” “coming” you got up and walked into the mirror and looked at your shoulder it felt like it was in pain. You walked downstairs and sat on the table with your sibling. “You would not believe the day I had” you told her.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Nothing is a Secret
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Warnings: Nope. None
Author’s note: Thank you to @day-trippin-dreamer for suggesting Damon after I saw a prompt that I absolutely wanted to write. The prompt is in bold. This was a bit rushed and not much thought went into this or else this would have probably ended up super long. So, here's something short for a change.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things.
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You weren’t sure if you should be pissed or even impressed with Damon. All you could say was you weren’t surprised when you found out he had gone behind your back and made a deal to keep you safe. One that would require you to be forced to leave the city for a few days. You only found out because you overheard Elena and Bonnie talking about it.
As you walked into the Salvatore house, you took a deep breath, hoping to calm your nerves before confronting him. “Damon?” You called out as you looked around the living room, not seeing him.
“In the kitchen!” He called out so you could hear him.
You took another deep breath before you began making your way over. As you entered the kitchen, you couldn’t help yourself. You plastered a fake smile on your lips as you walked over to him.
“Sweetheart!” You began causing him to turn towards you with a raised brow. “Love of my life.” The words left your lips as you came to a stop in front of him. “My beloved soulmate.” You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
You could easily see the confusion written on his face. At first he had believed you may have been buttering him up to ask for something. But you were never one to do so beforehand. You usually came right out with it.
And then realization hit. He could see in your eyes that this wasn’t just sweet loving words to get what you wanted. He could see the spark of anger within them, even though you had been smiling at him.
“... Fuck, you found out didn’t you.” He asked, wondering which one of the idiots had told you about his plan.
“You bet I did, you dumbass.” You said before raising one hand and smacking the back of his head before taking a few steps back. “Fix it, Salvatore. Preferably before the spell is performed. You know damn well I’d rather be here fighting by your side than sit somewhere worrying. We both know worrying can lead to dangerous things.”
All Damon did was nod as he watched you begin to leave the kitchen. When you said worrying can lead to Dangerous things, Damon knew you meant it. You didn’t do well with worrying and if he didn’t want to really get on your bad side, he was going to have to undo what he’d just done.
Always and Forever Tags:
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samdeancass · 4 years
Fathers Blessing
Requested by: Anonymous
Pairing: Hope x female!reader
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Hope, Y/N, Klaus
Description: Hope is bringing her girlfriend, Y/N, to meet her father. When they show up, Klaus thinks that they're just friends.
“I’m really not sure about this, Hope. I've heard stories about your father. He scares me a little, actually.”
You and Hope were stood outside of the Mikaelson mansion in New Orleans, staring up at the large doors that held the famous Klaus Mikaelson. Hanging around with the Salvatore’s and Elena, you had heard stories about how monstrous Klaus could be and how far he would take things to get his way, so you thought you had plenty of reason to be skeptical.
Hope turned around to you and held your hands in hers, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. “Y/N, it’s going to be fine. He’s actually OK when you get to know him. He just takes a while to warm up to people but I know he’ll love you because I love you.” You took a deep breath and turned around to face the doors once more. Hope leaned over and turned the doorknob before leading you into the building, her fingers tightly in twined with yours.
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Works of art and antique furniture filled the sitting room of the mansion which left you reeling with wonder and excitement. “Where on earth did your family get all of these?” You were stood in front of a painting and admired the contrast of colours and paintwork that the artist had done. “That would be my doing.”
A loud voice boomed from above you which caused you to jump slightly. Sweat began to pool from your palms as footsteps began getting closer to you. You stepped beside Hope and linked your arm with hers, this was something that made you feel safe.
You looked forward and nearly cowered at the figure that approached you. Their piercing blue eyes narrowing as they got closer to you. “Hello, darling.” Hope leaned in to the hug that was being offered but immediately moved back to her previous place, sensing the anxiety pooling from you.
“Hello, dad.” She flashed a smile at her father before placing a hand on the small of your back and pushing you forward a little, still making sure you were linked with her. “This is Y/N.” Klaus turned his attention towards you and gave a little smile. ‘Hello, sweetheart. I’m glad you liked the painting, I painted them myself.”
You hesitantly shook Klaus’ extended hand and shook it, smiling a little at his comment. “Well, You’re very talented, Mr. Mikaelson.” Klaus leaned back with laughter. “Nobody has ever called me Mr. Mikaelson. I like your friend, Hope.”
You and Hope glanced at each other and smiled. “Er, Dad. Y/Ns not just my friend, she’s my girlfriend.” At that moment, yours and Hopes hands intertwined with each other. Klaus had a shocked look on his face, clearly a little flabbergasted at the news he had just received. He has never dealt with anything like this, so he had no idea how to approach it.
He ran his hand over his face with controlled agitation. Lots of thoughts began to whizz around in his head. Sure he’d known people who were in same sex relationships, but he’s never been in a situation where a close person to him has confessed their feelings for the same sex.
Klaus turned away from the two of you and began to let his thoughts consume him, but as soon as he turned back to you and Hope, his thoughts immediately vanished. Seeing the wide smile on his daughters face whilst looking at you is the only thing he needed to see to make his decision.
“I’m very happy for you, darling. Y/N seems to be a lovely, respectable girl. The perfect person for my daughter.” Hearing these words of praise, you smiled wide and had received a little boost of confidence. Hope walked towards her dad and engulfed him in a hug, thanking him for accepting your relationship.
She walked back over to you and intertwined your fingers, kissing the top of your hand. “Now, why don’t I leave you lovebirds to settle in? I’ve got some business with Marcel to sort out.” Within a blink of an eye, he was gone.
You could feel the anxiety leaving you as your body became less and less tense. Hope wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. You sighed into the kiss and ran your hand through her long, ginger locks. “I told you he’d love you, didn’t I? Nothing to worry about.” “I’ve still got the rest of the family to win over.” Hope smiled at you, brushing her thumb across your cheek. “Don’t worry about them. They’ll follow my dad’s lead, they always do.”
You brought Hope in for another kiss and began to sway in the middle of the living room, completely contempt with being with Hope. She was the best thing that ever happened to you and you were never going to let her go.
Tags: @akshi8278 @stellastyless
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
7 - Alaric Wants to Kill Me
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Part 8
Her Life Means Everything
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes shifting up in the bed seeing Klaus laying peacefully asleep beside me. Laying my head down on his chest he wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my forehead whispering in my ear. "I have been waiting forever for your little butt to wake up so I can kiss you."
"Oh I'm sorry humans have to sleep, Klaus." I teased sitting up so I could kiss him but he suddenly flipped me on my back using his vampire speed where I grunted. "That's cheating using vampire powers."
He leans down deepening the kiss that we had started. "I never said I played fair, Maddie Forbes." Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back enjoying the feeling until the bedroom door gets broken into by Rebekah who seemed on edge for some reason.
"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me." She blurted out stomping around the room.
Klaus flopped on his back laying close to me rolling his eyes. "Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." He leans over trying to kiss me again. "Now leave little sister."
"Would you stop focusing on your soulmate and care about our lives for a second!" She stomped her heels on the floor rolling her eyes. "He's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He is strong, Nik. Too strong."
Klaus sits up in the bed focusing on her. "Where is he now?"
"He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need to leave now." Shs replied turning on her heels about to leave the room seeing me shivering at the thought of him killing me.
She walked over taking my hand in hers squeezing it then vampiibg out of the room. "Don't worry Maddie. We'll protect each other, like we always have. Always and forever, Nik."
Klaus kept trying to break into Elena's house until Stefan stepped out onto the porch before he could set the house on fire. "Elena is not here. Alaric has her and Caroline. He's gonna kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him."
"He has my sister. He has Caroline!" Stomping up onto the porch in between the two boys I felt my heart beating faster in fear. Throwing my hands out away from my sides I start freaking out in a panic. "What are we standing around for. Let's go rescue her - uh them!"
Klaus squeezed my shoulder tilting his head to the side. "Now I know you're not asking me to walk into a certain death." We glanced into each other's eyes as he spoke. "Because I'd hate to make you have to explain to Caroline why her little sister died alongside me."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Damon asked carrying a piece of broken fence over his shoulder. "Little Forbes, isn't a vampire. Why would she need to be protected anyhow?"
Whipping my head around to the raven haired vampire I start twirling my ring on my finger. "Damon, I am the soulmate of the Original boys. So if Klaus dies I'll feel his pain. But that's not important. What's important is saving my sister before Alaric kills her. Let's go!"
Entering the high school the Salvatore brothers followed us through the hallways trying to be quiet since Alaric could hear our movements. Pressing my back into the lockers I catch the flying of blonde hair so Klaus vamped behind my sister covering her mouth with his hand so she wouldn't scream. "Shhh. It's okay. It's okay. It's me. It's okay. You're safe. We'll save Elena. You go straight home, you stay inside. Do you understand?" He turns her around so that she faces him. "Do you understand me?"
"Thank you." She whispered back seeing me standing there in the corner. "Maddie, it's not safe here for you."
Walking up to her I grab her hands in mine weakly smiling to my sister. "I had to come save her. You're my sister after all."
"Caroline take Maddie with you right now. Alaric is coming and I can't risk him killing her." Klaus declared before I spun on my feet ready for a fight.
"I'm not going anywhere, Klaus. I can handle myself-" He cuts me off cupping my face in his hands resting his forehead against mine gently.
"You're my mate and I can't let him kill you. You'll be safer with your sister, please." He whispered until I nodded intertwining my hand with my sister's where she vamped us back into our house. Heading into my room I sat down on the bed I run my fingers through my hair sighing with my head between my knees.
My sister enters the room a few hours later where I felt a sharp pain in my heart where I clutched my chest. She rushed forward bending on her knees concern on her face instantly. "Mads, Mads, hey what's going on?" I gasped feeling the pain going away where I grasped her hands in mine.
"Care, take me to Klaus now. Take me to him please!" I begged her where she started to argue but takes my hand in hers vamping me to a storage unit hearing foosteps inside the building.
"Alaric's here Maddie. We should go home." She tried but I pull her hand from mine reaching down into my boot pulling out a white oak stake. "How did you get that?"
Twirling it in my hands I sighed gripping it tightly since I haven't killed anyone ever in my life. "Klaus and I are mates. Actually I'm linked to Elijah and Kol too. We'll talk about this later. Go home if you want I'm going in there." Opening the door I slowly closed it sneaking through the halls looking around just in case Alaric finds me and try to kill me. Someone vamped down the hallway I raised the stake but Rebekah grabs my wrist so I can't kill her.
"Maddie, why are you here. It's dangerous. Did my brother give this to you?" She takes the stake from my hands until somebody vamped us against the wall covering our mouths so we couldn't scream. Moving my eyes up I saw Damon before he led us over to where Klaus's body was trying to get him to the car but Alaric vamped forward in front of us.
Rebekah rushed forward but he grabbed her by her hair slamming her head into the truck hood. So he threw her onto the ground. Grabbing the stake from my inside my boots again I ran up trying to stake him. Alaric snagged my wrist twisting my arm behind my back shoving me into the ground harshly with his vampire strength. Sliding across the floor I winced feeling blood coming from my left elbow. Damon tried to stop him but he throws him too. "No!" Rebekah and I both cried in unison getting to our feet as fast we could seeing Alaric pull out his stake and opened the coffin.
Damon scrambled to his feet too before he stabbed Klaus with the dagger making him gasp and Klaus's body started burning. "No! Don't!"
Suddenly I collapsed onto my knees feeling my heart is on fire with the stake still sticking inside his chest. Damon puts Rebekah behind him trying to protect her but she started sobbing uncontrollably in his arms trying to go to her brother. Holding myself up on my hands and knees I gasped them tears staining my face reliving through this much pain. "Klaus...no...no!"
Damon struggled to hold Rebekah seeing Alaric pull out the stake facing all three of us. "Rebekah, run. Take Maddie now, Run!" She grabbed my arm helping me to my feet vamling us away and into the middle of the woods finding Elijah.
"Elijah...he's gone...Klaus's gone!" I shutter stumbling into his waiting arms still sobbing where I stained his suit shirt with tears. He wrapped his arms around my frame feeling my body collapse into his embrace. He stumbled a little being able to feel the suffering you felt much stronger than he did about Finn. So he had to assume it was because of your connection to Klaus more.
Breaking our hug he embraced Rebekah who was sobbing still too. "He's gone, Elijah. There was nothing I could do to stop it." He has tears in his eyes too where I dropped on my knees crying against a tree trunk.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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