#mr. bingley
checkoutmybookshelf · 9 months
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This was too good not to share, and I am now putting out into the world the desire for an animated, animal friends version of Pride and Prejudice that does EXACTLY THIS. It would be AMAZING.
For anyone interested in the original: https://www.tumblr.com/pagerunner/191002786668/pride-prejudice-2005-dir-joe-wright
I found the screengrab on pinterest originally, so give the OG poster a like too!
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kwistowee · 5 months
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Happy Netherfield Ball Day PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (1995)
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gramnel · 3 months
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cj-the-human-disaster · 5 months
I just realized something and this might be a little niche: Larry and Marian are Jane and Bingley coded. Change my mind
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bloodsuckingviolet · 2 years
Mr. Darcy: yeah, i'm single
Mr. Darcy: single handedly destroying my family's expectations
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lorcandidlucienwill · 1 month
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nolivingdudeami · 8 months
one of my favourite thingd about pride and prejudice is the fact that darcy and bingley are friends to begin with. did they play together as little boys and grow up together, or meet and become friends as adults? i wanna know the story/circumstances of their friendship so badly!
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florealegiardini · 1 year
Glorious feline fae Mr Bingley ~ Mr.bingley.mainecoon
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
Darcy and Bingley's relationship is the best representation of "extroverted golden retriever friend and their introverted black cat friend who got unwillingly adopted" energy in the history of media
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checkoutmybookshelf · 6 months
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Said Darcy, while other men were fighting Napoleon across the continent...
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bookishbrigitta · 17 days
Help settle a debate I'm having with myself...
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chronicsheepdrawing · 4 months
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It was my mom's birthday yesterday and to surprise her I dedicated the day to reading her favorite novel, Pride and Prejudice, and writing down my thoughts as I read for her to look at once I finished; I don't think it's personally my thing but I'm glad I did so anyway and I now have a better understanding of something she loves.
Anyway Mr. Darcy seems like he'd be a Border Collie and I can't explain why.
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capnsupernova · 17 days
I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so here is a running list of all the reasons I will always love the Kiera Knightly and Matthew McFadyen version of Pride and Prejudice over any other remake ever:
The music. Every time I hear that opening song I feel like the opposite of crawling out of my skin. Like crawling back into my skin after letting my skin sit in the sun for a little while. And the song that Lizzie and Darcy dance to is so moody and angsty and perfect for their relationship and conversation at the time. And the song that plays when her and Charlotte aren't speaking is such a mix of light and life continuing to go on even when you feel such intense loneliness. Ugh. Just the music.
The scenery and the cinematic shots. They turned that movie into an art piece. The scene where here and Charlotte aren't speaking, with the music, and her just sitting on that swing, spinning as the seasons change and people just go on with their lives as if she hasn't lost one of the most important people in her life until she finally hears from Charlotte again. Everything about Pemberley and the journey leading up to it and the way you can see her falling in love with Darcy as she walks through his house and how that alone is enough to get a better understanding of him and his softer, homely side. The scene at the end in the field with the soft light of the rising sun and the fog in the field. The scene after she turns down Mr. Colins, with the pond and the geese and her mother screaming at her. Every scene was given it's absolute optimal shot of emotional and aesthetic quality.
Her parents. The people who play Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are just peak in my mind. I wanted Mr. Bennet to be my dad. His affable distance, his voice, the way he smiled. The way he obviously loved his daughters but also obviously didn't understand them at all. MRS. BENNET I don't care what anyone says. She was peak Mrs. Bennet. I cannot accept anyone else. Her kind of airy, high-strung voice and way of speaking. How her hair and clothes were always in slight disarray. The scene where she learns that Lydia has been married and her family isn't in ruins, how she goes from prone and distraught to immediately like "Married?" with an absolutely light and wistful and hopeful face/voice. A full 360 of her previous mental state.
And then just the individual scenes:
Like a few of the ones already mentioned, the scene after her and Charlotte's fight. How it emphasizes so strongly the relationship between them and how that is so clearly more heartbreaking to her than anything that could possibly happen between her and Mr Darcy. Without a single word spoken or a single action taken besides the spinning and the passage of time it conveys how lost and alone she feels in those moments. The pigs being chased in the background adds a touch of humor but also is a great shot of her despair. This is something Lizzie Bennet would laugh about, something she'd find silly and wonderful and she can't do that now because her friend isn't there with her.
And the scene where she gets the letter from her family about Lydia running away and she comes out after reading it with the intention to tell them what's going on, but she's so distraught and stressed that all she can do it make that sound so she just goes right back into her room and then shows up again a few seconds later much more composed and just says "Lydia's run away" and the look on Darcy's face like "babygirl, I'm gonna fix this. You don't need to know about it, but I am going to fucking fix this because you are sad and that hurts me" just with his face.
(Also Mr Darcy in general, the way Matthew McFadyen's face can go from gloomy and bored and apathetic to so so so soft. Like. kill me, please. If anyone’s face ever did that when they looked at me, I would cut out my whole entire heart and just give it to them, bleeding and beating and all.)
(Full disclosure, this movie was probably my actual first bisexual awakening. Kiera Knightly and Matthew McFadyen can do whatever they want to me.)
The scene where Jane is leaving to go on her trip after Bingley has left her with no word, and she's sitting on the back of the coach and she's smiling but it's such a frozen, practiced smile that never reaches her eyes so you can still see her heartbreak.
At the end, when her and Darcy meet in that field, and he's confessing his love to her and all she says is "Your hands are cold" which isn't I love you, exactly, but then she brings them to her lips and there is so much care and gentleness that it might as well be I love you.
The scene where Mr. Bingley comes back to propose and their all just chilling, lounging in the sitting room until they get the call and they flurry around the room to get "presentable" and then the door opens and they're all just sitting perfectly poised and pretty as if they weren't just flurrying around the room.
There are some things I would have liked more of. Like the scene where she comes to visit Jane while she's sick and Caroline says that bullshit about how she looks "positively medieval" and Darcy is supposed get all snappy and say "well, actually, I think the walk made her look more lively." LIke more of him defending her when she's not even around to hear it, becasue that foreshadows so much of his behavior towards the end, including him specifically asking Lydia never to tell anyone that he was the one that helped her get married.
But just about everything else.
I don't care that it wasn't as true to the books.
Because in some ways, with the changes they made, it was more true to the books and the characters and the intent of the book. I am of the camp that movies shouldn't be exactly like the book. It should be its own experience. Translating books directly and perfectly into a movie/tv show is just boring to me. Make it something unique. Make it an extension of the story, not a carbon copy of it. Like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. There is not a single remake of that book that is exactly like the book itself or is exactly like each other, on purpose. Changes should be made, but only if those changes are actually meaningful and better express what is happening between the characters. And the changes made for this movie are so perfect and lovely.
There is so much that is captured without the need for words.
Everything about this movie will always immediately put my heart and soul into a good place. This movie single-handedly makes me believe in love. And not just any love, but a love of understanding, a love that takes work and communication, love between women and the importance of female relationships over all else. The way the scenery and music speak just as much as the characters do.
I just think about that movie sometimes and it makes my heart feel so many inarticulable things.
Anyways. yeah. That's all. Thanks for coming to my 4AM rant about P&P.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Caroline Bingley is VERY unlikely to be a tradesman's daughter, in my opinion.
They were of a respectable family in the north of England; a circumstance more deeply impressed on their memories than that their brother’s fortune and their own had been acquired by trade. Mr. Bingley inherited property to the amount of nearly a hundred thousand pounds from his father, who had intended to purchase an estate, but did not live to do it. 
Charles is 22/23. His father already had the money to purchase when he died. Mr. Bingley Sr. probably wasn't very old, Charles acts like someone excited to finally get out of guardianship, not someone whose dad just passed away, so Mr. Bingley Sr. probably made it to forty? That is not a whole lot of time to acquire £140,000 pounds in trade! Which means either Grandfather Bingley made the money or even that the money was partially acquired through marriage.
Add to that, the Bingley children are well educated. This is something that their father already had the money to do.
Also, they don't have connections in trade, because otherwise they wouldn't make fun of Elizabeth's trade connections. And yes, hypocrisy exists, but Caroline would not be stupid enough to make fun of Mr. Gardiner in Cheapside if he lived next door to Uncle Bingley. They are far enough removed from trade that they no longer associate with anyone in trade.
And "respectable family" might mean gentry! In S&S, the Middletons are referred to as, "a very respectable family" Catherine Morland's father is, "a very respectable man", in MP a steward is called, "a very respectable man." and the Miss Bertrams say they will participate in the play because, "There could be no harm in what had been done in so many respectable families" That word clearly does not denote if someone is gentry or not, more about reputation. Which means we do not know what the Bingleys are and who or how they got this money.
But Mr. Bingley Sr. making that much money and being able to purchase before he died seems very unlikely to me! And I doubt you can easily forget that your own father was in trade.
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emma-incarnate · 2 years
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*cue the internal screaming for at least 3 weeks probably more*
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