#mrs india track
Post Remarriage Days & Ending
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(Navigate the Blog)
My take on Arshi’s post remarriage life
ArShi boxed as stereotypical nagging wife-tired husband post remarriage
The green and white diamond ring Khushi is seen wearing post remarriage? is this something Arnav gifted her? 
Early Days & Shyam’s Revelation
When arnav walks towards khushi to get phone but she thinks he’s coming to flirt etc. How did u find that scene?
What do you think about the episode where the raizada family went to watch movie?
Arnav's Birthday
Arnav’s birthday measurements
Why does Arnav not like to celebrate his birthday?
Thoughts on the whole Arnav's birthday track
Sheetal Track
The Sheetal Track
What is Arnav thinking when Khushi is attempting hypnosis?
What was the Sheetal track supposed to convey?
Did Khushi really feel insecure and inferior in Sheetal track? How could’ve ArShi dealt with it and in canon how would’ve Khushi been after the show?
In the letter Arnav wrote for Khushi, was he referring to all the Rabba ve moments the viewers got? Do you think there were moments for Arnav where he really felt that no one exists in the world except for him and Khushi?
Do you think Arnav suddenly bringing up the “we should start the family” during the sheetal track was influenced by his closeness with Arav. At that point, did Arnav want a kid with khushi or a kid like Arav?
Thoughts about the Karvachauth sequence - Arnav’s constant teases and Khushi’s constant bickering
Opinion about the Karvachauth episode
Do you think Arnav felt anything, even a tad bit for Sheetal after she appeared again?
Mrs. India Track
Why was Arnav irked being called ‘joru ka ghulam’ and what was he expecting when he came back to meet Khushi at home?
Arnav tearing up on Khushi’s success at Mrs India
Breaking down Arnav and Khushi post marriage - Mrs India, movie scene, etc
Why did people laugh at Khushi wearing the navy blue gown during Mrs. India?
My thoughts on IPK’s ending
What would have been perfect ending of the show?
Arnav was supposed to die
Why do you think Ipkknd actually shut down instead of just going about without Arnav on the show?
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xxxsweetdreamzxxx · 2 years
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Good Morning
Jotaro Kujo x Reader
warnings/tags: dom!Jotaro sub!reader, fanfic, smut, cursing, implied sex, slight degradation, voyeurism, fingering, groping, denied orgasm - I'm so sorry this is such filth ≥^≤
summary: breakfast must come to a halt when Jotaro sees you in nothing but one of his oversized shirts
word count: 1.4k
You opened your eyes, waking from a pleasant dream. Under the bedsheets to your left lay a peacefully sleeping Jotaro, his chest rising and falling as he softly snored. Past him you gazed out the window of your bedroom - seeing the town beneath you light up with the soft glow of dawn on the horizon. You were currently in the mountains of India, and Mr. Joestar had rented a small house for the six of you to stay the night in. 
Slipping out from under the covers, you shivered as the room's cool air hit your naked form. You padded over to the pile of fabric on the floor that was your combined clothes. The two of you had been too busy last night to bother putting them away - your cheeks heated up at the memory.
Being as silent as you could, you shifted through the pile, slipping on your panties and one of his large lavender shirts, which fit you like a short dress. Tiptoeing to the door, you opened it and exited the room. Turning back around to close the door, you glanced one last time at your boyfriend with a loving smile - he hadn't moved an inch.
As you made your way down the hall to the kitchen, stomach grumbling, you listened for any sounds signaling that your other companions were awake. But the house was dead silent - you were apparently the first one up. 
Humming a quiet tune, you made your way into the kitchen. Deciding to surprise the crusaders with breakfast, you looked through the cabinets and fridge for the necessary pots and ingredients. Trying to be as quiet as possible, you cracked some eggs and began frying some bacon on the stove, caught up in your own little world. You lost track of time, going through the motions of your task like you were entranced.
You jumped in surprise as you felt two heavy arms snake around your waist from behind. Immediately, you relaxed when you smelled a familiar smokiness wafting off the man behind you. You sank into his embrace, tilting your head up to peck his cheek as he rested his head on your shoulder.
"Morning, JoJo." You greeted, reaching up to ruffle his already messy dark hair.
He grunted in response, closing his eyes and hugging you tighter as he inhaled your scent. 
"You're so fucking hot." He complimented, his voice still deep and raspy from sleep. Whenever you wore his clothes, he could've sworn you got sexier each time. 
 His hands began to travel lower, fingers playing with the edge of your shirt. You felt your heartbeat speeding up, suddenly very aware of how close he was, his broad chest pressed to your back. Feeling very flustered, you began to lose your grip on the metal spatula in your right hand. You could feel the tension in the air.
"Jotaro…" You warned.
He let out a low chuckle, his chest vibrating against you. "Don't act like you didn't wear my shirt on purpose. You wanted the others to see you this way didn't you - for them to see who you belong to?"
You felt your knees buckle at his words.
"Oh? So that's how it is?" 
What would've been a frantic denial was silenced when he began to leave a flurry of hot kisses down your neck. He knew exactly where to place them, how to drive you mad. Soon, he had you nearly forgetting your surroundings and the fact you were very much not in private. He pulled your hips closer, your ass brushing up against the tent already forming in his sweatpants.
"Oh my God, Jotaro!" Your high pitched voice raised above a whisper, surprised and embarrassed by his boldness.
"What?" He asked, hot breath fanning over your neck, with a tone feigning innocence. "If you want them to know so badly, then why don't I just take you here where they could walk in at any moment?" 
You scoffed, turning bright red. "You can't be serious."
He spun you around in his arms so you were now facing him, staring up into his turquoise eyes. Smirking darkly at how flustered you were - you'd secretly fantasized about this very scenario many times - you could see he was dead serious. Your mouth opened in shock, feeling yourself clench around nothing at the thought of living it.
Jotaro leaned down, taking the opportunity to lock your lips with his in a heated kiss. Your mouth fell open further as you shut your eyes, letting him slip his tongue past your teeth to intertwine with yours. He pushed you up against the stove, burner knobs digging into your back. Reaching behind you, you fumbled with them, trying desperately to turn them off. Breakfast would have to wait.
You blindly threw the spatula on the counter right before his large hands gripped your ass, lifting you up into his arms. He turned around, setting you roughly atop the kitchen island that sat across from the stove. Spreading your thighs, you wrapped your legs around his hips, bringing him closer and feeling his erection against your clothed core. 
"JoJo…" You moaned softly into his mouth, rolling your hips in an attempt to pleasure yourself on his covered cock. 
He laughed another low, rumbling laugh. "You're such a little whore, shamelessly wanting to be stuffed with my cock at seven in the morning."
You mewled at his words, digging your nails into the muscles of his arms in response. Continuing to ravage your lips with open mouthed kisses, he began lifting your shirt, exposing your bare breasts. With one hand he squeezed one, running the pad of his thumb in circles over the nipple. His other hand traveled to your lacy black panties, which he pulled to the side with ease. 
You thrusted your hips forward harshly when you felt him press a finger to your clit, rubbing quick circles around your dripping entrance. Squirming at the overwhelming pleasure, you felt yourself beginning to shake slightly as the dangerous combination brought you to orgasm. He could tell you were close as you began to go limp in his touch. Just before your release washed over you, Jotaro pulled back his hands and rested them on your hips again.
Whining loudly in frustration, you wanted to scold him for denying you this. But he wasn't having it, instead relentlessly attacking your lips and barely even giving you a chance to breathe. 
It took you a moment to fathom what happened next, only realizing the sound you'd heard behind you had been footsteps when you heard their owner's shocked exclamation.
"Oh wow." 
The accent was unmistakable. You broke away from Jotaro's kisses, whipping your head around to see the wide eyes of your white-haired friend standing in the entrance of the hallway.
"Polnareff!" You spluttered, scrambling to escape Jotaro's grasp. But he held you firmly in place, only smirking at your desperation.
A second later, your situation got much worse as Mr. Joestar walked in behind the Frenchman. Your boyfriend's smirk immediately faded. It took Joseph a moment to process the scene in front of him, eyes eventually drifting to Jotaro's hands on your hips and your legs around his waist. 
Joseph's hand shot up to cover his mouth as he screamed. "OH MY GOD!"
At that, a third member of your group appeared, still rubbing his violet eyes sleepily. "What is going on in here…" Kakyoin started to ask before glancing up. "Oh." 
A little too late, Joseph attempted to block the red head's view with his mechanical hand. But the poor boy had already seen and understood everything.
Jotaro cooly slipped you off the counter, letting your shirt fall back down to conceal your underwear. Spinning you around once again, he continued to hold you tight from behind as if to say: 'you got your wish.' He stood protectively behind you, staring daggers at the other crusaders.
You cleared your throat quietly before smiling awkwardly at your companions. "Um… good morning everyone."  
Amused, Polnareff chuckled. "Yeah, seems like it."
Flushing pink, you quickly busied yourself with handing out what you'd managed to make for breakfast, eventually sitting down to eat with Jotaro over at a small dining table. You happened to glance up at Kakyoin as he moved to sit down at the island with a full plate of food. Hesitating a moment, he promptly backed away and moved to sit on a cushion in the living area, muttering:
"On second thought…"
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distantlaughter · 10 months
"Poker always works"
by Christian Von Hocke, originally written 24 July 2009 for Zeit Online (x)
Formula 1 pro Nico Rosberg talks in an interview about his life as a globetrotter, exotic food and his preferences for other sports.
Question: Mr. Rosberg, like right now in Budapest, you're on the road all year round with Formula 1 around the world. Don't you sometimes get homesick?
Nico Rosberg: I've had nine hotels in four weeks, which is exhausting. But homesick? No. I really enjoy traveling, it's very educational and very interesting. That's what I would also do in my free time: get to know new countries, discover new people, the way they live.
Question: So you've turned a hobby into a profession right alongside driving.
Rosberg: Yes, there are many places in the world that I would like to see and that excite me. I'm also planning a big trip during the winter break. I'm interested in India, for example, with its spirituality, or South America, Patagonia, a safari in South Africa. Even just hiking. That's not something I would normally do, but it's good for the body's regeneration. There's so much I can do, I'm just afraid that I'll take on too much and it will end up being too stressful.
Question: Michael Schumacher has regretted that he never saw anything of the Grand Prix venues apart from the airport and the track. Do you also explore the cities where you race?
Rosberg: Yes, especially at the overseas races. I have a bit more time there because we always arrive a bit earlier due to the time change. But even so, there's always the Saturday evening before or the Monday after the race. We have great races in interesting cities like Melbourne or Singapore or Shanghai.
Question: And what do you do there?
Rosberg: I go into town. I have a nice meal in a restaurant or go out for a drink or shopping in the evening, or I go to the beach and go surfing. Or I look at the special features of the city. I'm also very interested in photography and always have my big camera with me.
Question: But traveling can also be quite stressful. Can you sleep on the plane?
Rosberg: No, very badly. I have to lie horizontally and need rest so that I can concentrate on falling asleep, otherwise it doesn't work. For that reason alone, I have to fly business class. That's not a problem in Europe, where I always have my camper van to take me to the tracks.
Question: There are 17 Formula 1 races in 2009 alone. Have you ever woken up and not known which city you were in?
Rosberg: Not that, but I was once at the airport at check-in, and the woman asked me: Where are you flying to? And I didn't know. I'd been to four or five different countries that week, I was tired and unfocused, and I just couldn't think of it. She looked at me like I was stupid (laughs).
Question: Do you sometimes wish you had an office job from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., where you could throw your coat over the hook and stretch your legs in front of the TV when you're done working?
Rosberg: No. Whether it's a nine-to-five job or a Formula 1 racing driver isn't that important. I don't know if it would make anyone else happier if they led my life. My friends all have nine-to-five jobs, and they're no less happy than I am. It's always what you make of it that matters.
Question: But you also need a bit of home, don't you? Many people always have their music player with them to simulate a feeling of home wherever they go.
Rosberg: I'm not a music fan. I got an iPod as a gift, but I haven't really used it yet. For me, it's the cell phone. It connects me with friends and family. That's cool, I can also use it to go on the Internet. When I don't have it with me, I feel very naked. Like today, I don't even know what's going on anymore.
Question: Anyone who travels so much must have acquaintances all over the world.
Rosberg: That's true - wherever I go in the world, there are my best friends. I know them either through racing or from the past. I grew up in Monaco, and nobody stays there. Today, my old friends are everywhere, in Australia, China, America or South Africa. I can call them up and ask if we want to have a drink.
Question: Can you maintain hobbies while traveling?
Rosberg: I like to play football, but I rarely do that when I'm traveling. Poker is always on. I'm not very proud of it, actually it's nonsense to sit in front of a computer and play poker. But it's fun. Otherwise: eating. Does that count? I already see it as a hobby, I love to eat for my life, delicacies, creative, new things, especially country-related. I was in Marrakech with my girlfriend the other day, they have gigantic food there.
Question: In your travels, do you notice how places in the world change from year to year, and not just in terms of cuisine?
Rosberg: Yes. My parents have a country house in Aix-en-Provence. At first it was quite isolated, but now it's become a huge settlement with an industrial area.
Question: Let's be honest: What is your least favorite place in the world?
Rosberg: Kuala Lumpur. We're always just sitting around at the airport there (laughs).
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Things I would have "modified" if I were an IPKKND writer. (Not change it but modify it) part - 1
IPKKND is one of the finest tv shows written. It was beautifully directed, thoughtfully written and had the best cast. It was like all the stars were alligned in a perfect constellation for this show, but still it could do better. Here, are some things I would have modified in order to make more sense of the scenarios.
Made khushi an actual model to land in Arnav's arms.
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Now, people might be wondering that it's too far fetched and will change the story overall. No, It won't. But how?
My version: Khushi actually had a small modelling gig in sheesh mehal that day, the plan was simple, completing her gig during the day and attend payal's wedding by the night. Sheesh mehal was near Abhishek's house so she carried the file with herself. She was dressed in traditional attire, with hint of green, pink and RED, trying to find her way out of the hotel (Now, turned into a raizada asset) suddenly, she was pushed to the ramp by the designer because, she definitely looked like a model as she wore flashy lehenga (Sanaya is tall and slender). And what happens afterwards we all know. Arnav's suspicions will only get strong because, Khushi was actually a freelancing model.
This slight modification, would have helped the story further for Khushi getting forced to shoot as a replacement for Lisa and Mrs. India track.
Afterall, Arnav was not foolish enough to assign a modeling task to a random girl who knows nothing about shoots.
*khushi was a model with reservations Ethnic wear only.
2. Given Khushi an actual Job in Delhi
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i am sorry, but being a 15 day employee and a Bahu maker isn't an actual job.
My version : Khushi, because she is a freelancing model will find it difficult to get a modeling assignment in a new location like Delhi. She can't shoot for short clothes or lingerie so she tried to get a job. So, she applied for an opening in AR office. She met Arnav, it became a Chaos and she took the 15 days challenge and left when Arnav crossed all limits. After she quit she found some modelling gigs for sarees and suits. Anjali came one day and told Khushi to groom Lavanya. She would train her from 9-3 pm and would find her modeling gigs after. Delhi had more work prospects.
3. No, Arnav did not Give meaningless tasks to Khushi. Also, extend office track
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My version: Arnav actually gave Khushi the sort of work he would give to an Officeboy or a Clerk. He would challenge her with tasks that require English proficiency and quantitative aptitude with logical reasoning. Anything that can be done by an educated person. Maybe he would take her with him as a PA for a day (just to test her nerves) or overwork her.
This actually has a lot of scope because, Khushi didn't have a fixed position in the office. He could tell her to study some graphs, prepare a report merely by looking at some data, collecting some file from another AR office or becoming his PA for a day.
*note: I loved that dictation that Arnav gave to khushi. I was expecting something similar to that. Also, I don't mind that Rainy parking duty.
4. Endorsed AR designs more in the show.
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my version : The show never really highlighted this brand. They could have shown that Arnav wears clothes by AR designs or he got some exclusive item of AR designs as gift for Mami Ji. It would have been interesting if we could get to see another ramp show by AR designs or seen Arnav giving a party or organising an event by AR designs for business purposes. Arnav looking at designs, his understanding of fabrics, cultural attires and fashion sense could have been highlighted. Like @jalebi-weds-bluetooth said, Lavanya could have worn AR designs rather than Motilal dresswala. C'mon. It would have reduced the costing of setting up another location for Motilal honestly, just the office would have done.
5. Khushi could give some words of wisdom to Raizada household when they tried to Change Lavanya.
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My version: Khushi wouldn't immediately try to train Lavanya, rather assessing the situation she realised that neither ASR nor La had intensions of getting married. Khushi could have told Nani ji or Anjali that they should not force anything on Lavanya.
"Maaf kijiyega Nani ji, chhota muh Badi baat keh rhe hai, lekin hum ko lagta hai ki, jab lavanya ji or wo laad gav....maaf kijiye, ASR agar shadi hi nhi Karna Chahte, to Hum Lavanya ji ko bhi kyu aise badalne ko keh rhe hai?"
"Lavanya ji ki parvarish aisi nhi Hui hai ki unko Ghar ke chhote mote kaam krne ki zarurat pade, or aisi hi Lavanya kashyap se ASR pyar krte hai"
"Hum Lavanya ji ko badal bhi de agar, par kya ASR apne aap ko badlenge? Or nahi badal skte to lavanya ji ke saath Aisa kyu ho rha hai?"
After hearing such things Nani ji and anjali actually positively motivate lavanya to consider marriage and when Lavanya finally understands, Khushi comes into play. Not trying to teach Lavanya kashyap how to cook, but rather, how to have a Classy behaviour in a joint family and how to carry herself gracefully in traditional way. Something or two about religion and Cooking and stuff shall come later.
6. No, Khushi didn't hit her head in Arnav's car and no, Arnav definitely did not think about Driving from Delhi to Nainital.
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Delhi to Nainital is too long of a journey to drive. It makes no sense especially when Arnav is driving on his own.
Mr version: Arnav would drive to a nearby location, like Chandigarh or Ambala. How can we possibly take khushi with Arnav alone? We won't. Rather because, Khushi took out some air from from his car tire, he couldn't travel too far but, almost 4 hours far. Lavanya was bearing the consequences of her spa and didn't go with Arnav, Khushi heard Anjali talking to Arnav who said:
"Di I can't believe it, but I have a bloody flat tyre"
"Now, I am stuck at this and that location"
Khushi feeling guilty for her activities Will go with driver Mohan. Upon meeting Arnav, she would make some excuse for why she came. While heading back, the auto strike goes worse and a riot breaks out, immediate orders are passed by govt. And article 144 is imposed. Jamming the way. Mohan, Khushi and Arnav are stuck. Then rest of the story can be continued from Dhaba location.
But, how would khushi change her clothes into lehenga? She Don't have to do that. There are tons of other reasons for Khushi to be attacked by goons. To make Arnav stay at Dhaba, she can pretend to be his wife.
*note: Taking out petrol from the car is too difficult, one can do that in a bike not cars. Arnav, didn't carry a stepney. It would have been so funny if Khushi would have said "aap bina stepney k gaadi chalate hai?" "Hum araam se apka tyre badal dete"
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trashmenace · 1 month
Strange Powers of the Mind by Warren Smith
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Strange Powers of the Mind by Warren Smith 1968 Ace Star
Anecdotal feel to a lot of these entries, with names changed, mostly of predictions. A few good entries.
There's the Copenhagen Hypnosis Murders, in which a man made a fellow prisoner a hypnotized slave and supposedly forced him to kill - they both ended up in jail for the murders.
There's the story of Mrs. Sarah A. Hand who believed if she removed her head, both her head and body would continue living. She attempted to decapitate herself, and failing that, laid across a railroad track. She left a note to make sure her head didn't get squished because then it wouldn't work. Her experiment was a failure.
There are several predictions - all of the clairvoyants' previous prophecies have come true, of course, so let's take a look at the future predictions. Some have no date references, so they could still be true in the future, and some are so vague ("important political figures will be replaced") I couldn't point to any and say if and when they came true.
LBJ fails to be re-elected (got this one right, extra points that he didn't lose the election, he didn't run)
President Nassar of Egypt assassinated in 1968 (1970, heart attack)
Russia and China fight an all out nuclear war in 1970
Religious war in India between Buddhists and Muslims at the end of the 20th century
Eclipse in July and August, 1999 (got August right), in which a masculine female becomes ruler of Russia.
An American will lead England by the turn of the century (Boris Johnson was 19 years too late).
NYC and the Eastern Seaboard will be destroyed in the 1990s.
Lemuria will rise in 1968.
The Soviet Union will lose a war against 10 million Middle Eastern Muslims (closest was Afghanistan, in Asia with about 250k fighters)
America wins the Vietnam War in 1967
Armageddon by 2024, still time for this one
From Amazon
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burlveneer-music · 3 months
Don Leisure with Amanda Whiting - Beyond The Midnight Sun - beats + harp
To bring you up to speed, Cardiff DJ and beat-maker Don Leisure has been twice nominated for the Welsh Music Prize, with the afore-mentioned album 'Shaboo Strikes Back', and a previous project, 'Steel Zakusi'. As well as being 50% of Darkhouse Family with Earl Jeffers, he's released music under various monikers on labels such as Metalheadz, International Anthem, Fat City, Earnest Endeavours, Group BraCil and on Rough Trade with another regular collaborator, Gruff Rhys. Other collabs have included Charlotte Church, Om'Mas Keith, DJ Spinna and First Word label-mate Tyler Daley (Children of Zeus). His DJ portfolio includes sets for BBC 6 Music, NTS, Rinse FM, Solid Steel, Boxout FM (India), The Jazz Cafe, Fabric and Boiler Room, while previous support has come from Lauren Laverne, Tom Ravenscroft, Huw Stephens, Lefto, Rob Da Bank, Huey Morgan, Jon1st, Om Unit, Kid Fonque, Mr Thing and many more. His album 'Shaboo' was named "the best album of its kind since J Dilla's 'Donuts'" by Piccadilly Records. Joining him throughout this project, we have the pleasure of welcoming the phenomenal talents of highly-acclaimed harpist Amanda Whiting to the First Word label. A virtuoso in her field, this classically trained musician quickly established herself as an essential player in the UK jazz scene, carving her unique sound following the paths forged by Ashby and Coltrane. The talents of Deborah Jordan are also featured on a couple of the album's tracks. Deborah is a stalwart in the UK soul and jazz scene in her own right, working over the years with artists like 4Hero, Bugz In The Attic, Ty, Jneiro Jarel, K15, Robert Mitchell and Kaidi Tatham (someone who's collaborated with all the players on this release at some point). 'Beyond The Midnight Sun' is a 7-track affair comprised of delectable spiritual jazz fused with hip hop beats, psychedelic electronics and a touch of soul. 
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happy-tori-friends · 14 hours
Birthday Headcanon List
As promised I finished the birthdays today. Somehow a lot of them ended up in the same months. RIP to December, not a single representive.
Flippy/Fliqpy: October 2nd, the day Party Animal aired, and the only date that will have a reasoning related to a specific episode. Fliq just considers it his own birthday as well. He doesn't really care though - having the same birthday is just more convenient for him, because he already sees himself as the same age as Flippy. It's just easier to keep track of.
(Some consider it to be in late May because of Hide and Seek's air date / Party Animal was uploaded to YouTube in late May too + it being said he was a gemini somewhere, but... it's my fic series I do what I want. I also. chose this because I jokingly made a Fire Emblem Awakening avatar of him and picked this date because I didn't know at the time. I have the gay mod. He married Lon'qu before I stopped playing.)
Lifty and Shifty: May 24th. You two can be late May geminis, juuust like me. (I love projecting onto the faves :]) This one's based off Vibes rather than anything else, but it does mean Oblivion started after this date because they're already 19. Probably starts right after their birthday? I know I have to do some editing already but when I get a concrete timeline I may have to edit one line in the first work? I might just edit it to where Shifty doesn't mention how old they are in the first place anyways.
Splendid and Splendont: April 28th, national superhero day! ...Yeah. This is the route I'm going, for the sillies.
Pop: May 16th, national barbecue day. Predestined to love doing it.
Cub: September 9th, national teddy bear day.
Cuddles: April 4th, international carrot day.
Giggles: August 19th, national bow day.
Toothy: August 22nd, the second national tooth fairy day. This was the last one I did and the first date is already someone else's birthday.
Petunia: March 21st, national flower day.
Handy: March 11th, national tool day.
Disco Bear: July 2nd, national disco day. In New Zealand. Doesn't matter where though, as long as it's somewhere. First one I noticed not being America specifically.
Flaky: June 10th, anxiety awareness day.
Nutty: November 4th, national candy day. I considered Halloween but I think this fits a teensy weensy bit better.
Sniffles: February 28th, national science day in India. Surprised there isn't one in the USA.
Lumpy: January 25th. Moose day.
Lammy: October 26th. I wanted more variety, haha... This is the date of hug a sheep day in 2024.
Mr Pickels: November 14th. That's national pickle day. I figured he could be included because why not.
Russell: September 19th, talk like a pirate day.
Mime: April 17th, world circus day. (According to some sources, at least. Some say the third Saturday in April, some say the 17th.)
Mole: February 2nd. Groundhog Day. It's not the same, but they made Resetti do it in Animal Crossing. He'll never see his shadow, though.
Cro-Marmot: January 1st. For some reason, I think this is funny.
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tsusbengaluru · 2 months
Unveiling Excellence in Education: The Launch of The Shri Ram Universal School in North Bengaluru
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The most beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” We are delighted to announce the launch of ‘The Shri Ram Universal School’ in North Bengaluru. ‘Since June 2003, the Shri Ram group of schools has had 50+ K12 schools across India. The Shri Ram group of institutions was founded by Sir Shri Ram in the year 1926, and he was instrumental in setting up premium educational institutions such as ‘The Shri Ram College of Commerce’ and ‘Lady Shri Ram College for Women’. 
The Shri Ram schools established in 1988 are manifested in the vision and mission of Smt. Manju Bharat Ram. At The Shri Ram Universal School North Bengaluru, we believe in the philosophy that “Every child is unique & born with inherent abilities”. While we appreciate the innate abilities in children, we constantly inspire and motivate every child & optimise their potential while customising learning to each of them consciously. 
The Shri Ram group of schools follow a common curriculum & exclusive pedagogical practice that sets in the learning trends with higher-order thinking skills, logic, reason analysis, application, & synthesis. 
As a progressive school, we at ‘The Shri Ram Universal School’ North Bengaluru, the academicians and educators, believe in an ‘active learning trend’- and hence, teaching for engagement and impact in a setting becomes the way of life. We follow individualised instructional approaches while providing assistance and mentoring effective learning in children. 
How do we at The Shri Ram Universal School North Bengaluru establish a new equilibrium or a new format or norm for ‘effective learning’?
Our core area of focus is to identify the learning styles in each child and incorporate the learning objectives and outcomes closely with visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and tactile approaches strategically.
Our curriculum and teaching-learning pedagogical practices are ‘exclusive to all Shri Ram group of schools’ and, in turn, set in a ‘Unique approach and identity to all Shrites’. The Shri Ram Universal School imparts quality education in a sprawling world-class campus spread across 4.5 acres of land with an Olympic size Athletic track, skating rink, swimming pool, cricket pitch, football field and basketball courts, taekwondo area, tennis court, robotics lab, indoor stadium, splash pool, language labs, dance, theatre, and an audio-visual room. 
While promoting individuality and ‘Holistic development’, We prepare children to be strong and confident global citizens with Indian values. 
With a sturdy vision to touch more lives and empower each of them. We are certain to lead each of them to a “better and a brighter tomorrow”. The school is a beautiful place, and as we consciously focus on a cordial, conducive, and happy environment each new day. Happiness is key to success and good health, and together as educators and academicians, we are a “Happy School” aspiring to rise above the rest and mark our presence remarkably.
Mrs Shylaja Menon Principal, The Shri Ram Universal School, Bengaluru.
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dapper-zappa · 10 months
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Instagram | Ao3 | Tiktok
Smokey || Indonesian || 21 yo. || Main: @smokeywhalee
⚡As of now I’m on an imdefinite hiatus when it comes to writing but I’ll still reblog fics
⚡I write for Miles Morales (1610 only, sorry), Gwen Stacy, Miguel O'Hara, Pavitr Prabakhar, Hobie Brown, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, along with MCU!Peter, Raimiverse!Peter, and TASM!Peter. They'll either be headcanons or just lil fics bc my track record with writing series is TERRIBLE.
⚡At the moment, requests aren't open yet. I have the rights to deny a request, I work at my own pace, and my fics here are mostly canon divergent.
⚡I'll keep my writing SFW only, that includes the adults. Though maybe suggestive stuff can be there but I'll keep it to a minimum.
⚡I WILL NOT write NSFW (including those with characters who are minors), cheating (huge turn off. Except if I made the reader’s ex or smth like that cheat in fics) pedophilia, incest/selfcest/stepcest, abuse, anything bigoted/prejudiced.
⚡I won't care if you're an adult or minor following me, just don't be a jerk and weirdo unless you want me to block you.
⚡I'll only write for a female or gender neutral reader, and with that said I'll try as best as I can to keep the reader's appearance undescribed. Tho if I wanna diversify my readers... I can try writing Asian!Readers as I'm Asian, more specifically Indonesian (SEAsian!) because I came from there and SEAsian!Reader fics are so rare to find, and bc I belong to this group, then I can def write from my experience being part of this group. Besides, I'm sure there are many talented diverse writers to support here! 💖
⚡My inbox is always open if you wanna ramble or chat, but I will block you if you dare to send any hate here.
☀️- Fluff ⛈️- Angst 🌟- Crack fic
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His Conejita, Her Spider ☀️ (While you’re hanging out in your boyfriend’s place, a particular sketch in Miles’s room intrigues you and then you get to know the meaning behind it.)
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"How did a girl like you end up with a girl like me?" ☀️ (Gwen is thankful of Y/N for always being accepting and there by her side.)
A Gwen-Tastic Gift ☀️ (Gwen comes over into your place and gives you a little gift.)
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Spider Outta The Bag ☀️ (Miguel is fed up with LYLA pestering him about his crush on you… only for him to accidentally confess the feelings in front of you.)
The Spider's Den ☀️ (Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara have a little intimate talk with each other before bedtime.)
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Pavitr x Indonesian!Reader HCs (Headcanons of Pav with an Indonesian S/O!)
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Coming soon!
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"She's Everything. He's just Stark" 🌟 (Let’s see how would it be like if you and Tony saw the Barbie movie together, shall we?)
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Coming soon!
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Osborn Family Problems (Raimi!Peter) (Peter is in love with Harry’s sibling, or Norman’s child. Would Mr. Osborn approve of the relationship?)
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scotianostra · 1 year
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March 14th 1900 saw the birth of Scottish lawyer, Dame Margaret Kidd in Bo’ness. 
Today, there are around 130 practising female advocates in Scotland. Before 1923 there had been none; then along came Margaret Henderson Kidd.  
Margaret was brought up in Carriden, and that over the decade the Kidd family grew.; Margaret lived with her parents and now had five brothers and three sisters.
She educated at Linlithgow Academy, Kidd later studied law at the University of Edinburgh, graduating with an MA and LLB in 1922. Her early training was conducted with Mitchell and Baxter, writers to the signet, in Edinburgh. Although her first choice of career was the Foreign Office, the then Permanent Secretary, Mr Eyre Crowe, ‘was opposed to women’, so instead Kidd decided to follow her father and go into law. 
In 1923, Kidd was called to the Faculty of Advocates and became the first female with the right to plead in the Court of Session, the highest civil court in Scotland. The event attracted great interest from members of the faculty and the legal profession, as well as the media. The Scotsman newspaper, as was typical of press coverage of women in the news, took special interest in Margaret’s outfit, reporting that she wore a ‘coat frock of black crepe morocain, a soft white collar with a narrow white bow tie, and a straw hat trimmed with velvet.’ Later in the day she donned the wig and gown as she formally entered her new role.
Between 1923 and 1948 she remained the only lady advocate. Kidd was the first lady advocate to appear before the House of Lords and before a parliamentary select committee. Kidd also had the distinction of becoming the first woman KC in Britain, preceding Helena Normanton and Rose Helibron who were appointed KC in England and Wales in 1949.
While Kidd appears to have downplayed the significance of her role and career in interviews – “I don’t know what they made all the fuss about” - it is clear that others, including her alma mater, were aware of and followed her progress. In the University of Edinburgh’s records of graduations, Kidd’s entry includes several newspaper clippings tracking parts of her career and life.
In 1930 Margaret married Donald Somerled MacDonald in Carriden Parish Church. Donald was a Writer to the Signet and member of the firm Scott and Glover, Hill Street, Edinburgh. . The couple went on to have one daughter, Anne.
During the Second World War, Margaret played a prominent part in organising Christmas treats and functions for the wives and dependants of men serving with the 14th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, and particularly the 39th Battery, of which her brother Col. J. T. Kidd was then in command.
Margaret’s professional life also led her to sit on the committee of Representatives of Poor Persons in Scotland as a referee under the Widows and Orphans and Old Age Contributions Pensions Act, and to undertake the Assistantship in the class of Public Law at Edinburgh University.
Margaret Kidd spent much of her life in India Street, Edinburgh. Donald had died in 1957, leaving Margaret a widow for over 30 years until her death on 22 March 1989 in Cambridge. A funeral service was held at the Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh. A eulogy by Lord Hope of Craighead echoed what had been printed about her 41 years earlier by the Scotsman:
‘Her success was won by strength of character, courage and integrity and is a mark of her true qualities that, despite what might seem to be the revolutionary nature of her achievements, she always held the affection and respect of others.’ 
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thosearentcrimes · 7 months
So I got an assignment for my history class. Simple enough, just analyze and contextualize this letter on the American History From Revolution to Reconstruction and beyond site created by the Groningen University Department of Alfa-informatica, which describes itself as "A hypertext on the history of the United States from the colonial period until modern times". Ah, the 90s internet.
This is a very odd document. Where does this letter come from, especially given it's in English? Is there any evidence it's from 1494? What's up with that introduction, can it really be from 1694? I click the link. Hm, dead. I search the Osher Map Library to see if I can find it. Hm, nothing like this for Columbus, nothing for 1494. I check if I can find the letter somewhere else on the internet. Hm, the Internet Medieval Sourcebook has it, without the introduction. Probably 1494, eh? "This text is widely available on the Internet, but there is no statement of its printed origins. If you know, please send references to be included here." Hm indeed.
By the way, the Internet Medieval Sourcebook is a wonderful project created by Paul Halsall, hosted by Fordham University where he used to work. I say used to work, because he was drummed out of that job and the US by cops who set him up in a bit of blatant retaliation for his criticism of their homophobic raids of gay bars. But I digress.
So I keep looking for the letter, and eventually have the idea to look for the introduction instead. That finds me the Great Issues in American History, Vol. I by Hofstadter and Ver Steeg, which added the introduction and dates the letter to, uh, 1694. Well, that's where that date comes from, I guess.
The Great Issues reference Volume 16 of the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society from, wait, 1878? Looking at the Proceedings (Open Access on JSTOR, if only the whole corpus was!), indeed, a Mr George Denton (note: the Dentons seem to have been a prominent Boston family) had the letter translated into English and then the Society reprinted it in 1878. Also, Denton dates the letter to 1493.
They got the letter because the US State Department delivered them the Cartas de Indias publicalas por primera vez published by the Spanish Ministerio de Fomento in 1877. The Cartas date the letter to 1496/7.
So that gives us most of the history. There's just two questions left. First, did my professors know this, was I really supposed to track the letter all the way to the Proceedings to reach an actual source and plausible dating? And second, who do I blame for this? Well, largely it's Hofstadter and Ver Steeg. They wrote a stupid introduction and dated a letter written by Christopher Columbus to 1694. Clown move, where were your editors.
But also I blame W. B. Leemhuis, who is credited with that page by the Contributors section of the American History website. The dating, lack of sources, and bizarre formatting are all either his fault directly or his negligence. At least the Sourcebook is open about the dubious nature of the dating and the lack of printed source! Benni Leemhuis is now a city councilor in Groningen for GroenLinks. Good for you, Benni! You fucked up this letter thing though. Don't worry, that's just between you, me, the people grading my essay, and everyone here on tumblr.
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Dear JWB In Mrs India track why is everybody laughing at Khushi when she enters the hall in a beautiful navy blue gown Regards Anon
Dear Anon,
Because the show wanted to show that Khushi didn't fit in the world and has to strive harder, which made no sense cause she looked prettier and better dressed than every other model.
The Mrs India track itself didn't make sense.
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goals1024 · 2 years
Arnav appreciation Post
I just wanted to appreciate Arnav a bit cause, I have been criticizing him. I wanted to say he is a well rounded man.
Going through somuch in during teens, then creating a empire is not easy task, at the same time a basketball player. He has been good at everything.
He is a guy who I envy, hate, admire and dream of, because I so want to be like that guy,good studies, successful, take care of my family like he does.
He was a good boyfriend aswell to some extent, not the way I want my bf to be. For example he is honest to La, he is with her because he likes her, she is not just pretty trophy high society gf. He is so dedicated to everything that's important. Not a male chauvinistic pig, stays in his boundaries with others only exception to this was khushi. Later on we see him going above and beyond for khushi. For instances he becomes a server(waiter) for her, knowledge about rituals, he gifts khushi a project during Mrs India track, he knew he said a lot but Internally he beliefs she can do anything. A small example to this when Nk says khushi ji app tu kuch bhi kar sakti hain, he says kar sakti hai par karti nahi.
That's the reasons we girls r crazy about him, no matter how much practical we want to be, we want a guy who is true to us, cares about our opinions, is loyal, respects our family and looks at us with eyes filled with admiration and love.
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Tracks of iss pyar ko that I abhor.
Sorry, this is a rant post. My deepest apologies if you have to bear with this. The show is 12 years old, it's been done and dusted, it's not going to come back (whyyyy!). But, atleast we can keep talking about it.
Here's the list of tracks I seriously hate, hate haate!
order is from least hated to the most hated.
7. Nainital track.
It's not like I don't like the concept, it's just that I hate the execution! Getting hit on the head by the boot of a car and getting inside of it is lame. They could create some other excuse for this to happen.
What I hated:
Khushi hitting her head on boot.
Khushi's plan of action in order to have Lavanya and Arnav spend some time together.
Arnav's Idea to drive to Nainital himself! Gosh!
6. Shyam's reveal (part 1) and aftermath.
Again, it had a lot of scope. But, execution wasn't impeccable. I wish they would have utilised this opportunity better. And I hated the way things turned out later, like what happened with Anjali.
What I didn't like:
Khushi not making a single strong point throughout the argument.
Her claim that she had evidence but, had none.
Arnav being a statue throughout when he knew that Shyam was actually smitten by Khushi and admitted it shamelessly.
Manorama. (This woman is annoying here).
Khushi trying to act like a goddess thinking she has the right to console Anjali and she would listen.
Khushi really doesn't regret a thing about hiding the truth.
5. Financial Blackmail, Khushi being dumb, Mai tumhe wapis paa lunga.
I hate the fact that this track started immediately after Anjali tried to abort her pregnancy. It's really ridiculous that it was introduced so immediately. Arnav was being petty in this track, Khushi didn't have a plan.
What I hated:
The timing of this track.
Arnav digging his own grave while trying to appease khushi.
Khushi is not really understanding the depth of her own mistake.
Anjali's heartbreak and her reaction to the closeness between Arnav and Khushi.
Arnav blackmailing Khushi.
Khushi doesn't really know what is she doing at this point.
I hate the fact that Arnav scared Khushi so much when he didn't go to Agra.
Khushi not having a dime in her pocket even when she had dabba service. And her going to Arnav Singh Raizada for money. (talk about being spinless).
4. Shyam's reveal (part 2)
Khushi and her ridiculously childish method of revealing the truth as if she is some host of a reality T.V show. I hate everything about this, I don't like the execution of this track again. I won't talk about this.
3. Masala mama and Manorama bond!?
What the! Haye re Nandkishor! Hey Devi Maiyya! Ye sab kya ho rha hai!?? The standard of writing here is so low I can't even. I understand there's tons of pressure on writers but, guys? You could come up with something basic at least.
What I hated:
Manorama is in this track.
Masala mama is an unnecessary addition to the show.
I hate how ridiculously Khushi and Mami were trying to get evidence.
What's with Shyam? And his brazenness?
2. Suicide track .
I don't hate the concept. But, they could have given better reasons for this to happen. Khushi is a free spirit, she can't be broken so easily. She is resilient. Unless she has better reasons, she won't do this. And Arnav? He is indifferent to the fact that she tried to kill herself!?
what I hate:
Her reasons to die.
Arnav's indifference
She said if lavanya and Arnav had told her she would have killed herself.
What the hell is this about not having a dime again?
Mrs. INDIA track.
Khushi could cook, Khushi could dance, Khushi could design clothes, she made the best desserts. But, what profession did they choose for her? Modelling. Modelling?! What!?
They should have ended the show before executing such nonsense.
Honorable mentions :
Sheetal and Aarav: they were unnecessary. We didn't need a junior ASR, we didn't need to know a new ex girlfriend of Arnav.
2. Bubbly the Beelzebub: Someone spank the brat's butt. She dangerous, she psycho but most important she a monster.
3. The second half of kidnapping track : I don't like how Arnav and Khushi had that naughty moment in Hut. I don't like how he hit her on head.
4. Project change Lavanya: What? It's so problematic.
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poetlcs · 10 months
classic lit is the only genre of book I buy every time because I just like to annotate and keep note thus I decided to make a read vs to be read of my classics as right now I do have a lot piled up I've been meaning to get to ALSO! I just like talking about classic lit
so please let me know which I should prioritise
physical tbr classics
zami: a new spelling of my name by audre lorde
a room with a view by em forster
the professor by charlotte bronte
a passage to india by em forster
mrs dalloway by virginia woolf
the last tycoon by f.scott fitzgerald
jamaica inn by daphne du maurier
if beale street could talk by james baldwin
howards end by em forster
dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson
antony and cleopatra by william shakespheare
a clockwork orange by anthony burgess
read classics below cut for my tracking
pre 1500s:
the iliad by homer
oedipus the king
the merchant of venice, hamlet, much ado about nothing, king lear pericles, the tempest, othello, measure for measure by william shakespheare
a tale of two cities, hard times, great expectations by charles dickens
heart of darkness by joseph conrad
jane eyre by charlotte bronte
wuthering heights by emily bronte
the tenant of wildfell hall by anne bronte
sherlock holmes by arthur conan doyle
the mill on the floss by george eliot
cousin phyllis by elizabeth gaskell
the moonstone by wilkie collins
little women by louisa may alcott
dracula by bram stoker
maurice, where angels fear to tread by em forster
sense and sensibility, persuasion, emma, pride and prejudice, northanger abbey by jane austen
the turn of the screw by henry james
frankenstein by mary shelley
treasure island by robert louis stevenson
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
black beauty by anna sewell
peter pan by jm barrie
on the road by jack kerouac
dubliners, ulysses by james joyce
the great gatsby, tender is the night by f. scott fitzgerald
rebecca, the house on the strand by daphne du maurier
notes of a native son, giovanni's room by james baldwin
childhood by tove ditlevson
letters to a young poet by rainer maria rilke
voss by patrick white
my brilliant career by miles franklin
nightwood by djuna barnes
brideshead revisted by evelyn waugh
their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston
one hundred years of solitide by gabriel garcia maquez
wide sargasso sea, good morning midnight by jean rhys
passing by nella larson
the waste land, the lovesong of j.alred prufrock by t.s eliot
to the lighthouse, a room of ones own by virginina woolf
to kill a mockingbird by harper lee
sula by toni morrison
endgame by samuel beckett
things fall apart by chinua achebe
lord of the flies by willian golding
death of a salesman by arthur miller
a streetcar named desire by tenneesee williams
animal farm by george orwell
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ot-hoe-me · 2 years
OC: Margaret Sheppard
For IF: @devilscreekballad​
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Mrs. Niall Sheppard nee Margaret Tarkani, known as Maggie to friends and loved ones. 
Backstory: Widowed young when her husband was murdered, Maggie started her life of crime by seeking revenge. She met Charlie after he was recommended to her for his spiritual services in order to contact her deceased husband hoping that he perhaps knew who his killer was so she could avenge his death. However, by the time she was able to track the perpetrator down, he was already dead before she could do the deed herself. (Sorry this isn’t more specific, I’m just indecisive on the details lmao.) Anyway, Charlie went along with her on that endeavour because they got on straight away, and he wanted to be there to prevent her from doing something stupid (also on Niall’s request.) This somehow leads until where they are today and Maggie views Charlie as an older brother, and the only family she’s got left. (She’s also grown a soft spot for Finley in the short time she’s known him. But that’s a different topic altogether though.)
To backtrack a little though, her father once worked as a stablehand/groom for a minor nobleman in England, which is how he met her mother, as she was that nobleman’s daughter and they ran away to the US to get married since her family disapproved. Once he got hired to a wealthy man’s stable again he worked his way up to head groom and that’s how Maggie has her outrider background, since she learned everything she knows about riding and horses from her dad. 
Also, she named her horse Ciarán since that’s what she and Niall were going to name their son if they had one, but since they didn’t get the chance to have any kids her horse gets the name. (How she got such a rare horse colour though I have NO IDEA lmao.)   
Ethnicity: Half Caucasian (English) Half Indian (Actual India, the part that will eventually become Pakistan though.)
LI(s): The Man in Black Preacher, Isaac Delgado? (Maybe)
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(Stats as of the end of the public demo.)
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A similar example of an outfit Maggie might wear when she is trying to look like A Respectable American Citizen TM.
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