#mrs jonathan brisby
prinxessbob · 2 years
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jknerd · 4 months
NIMH AU: Just Say Yes!
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For my "Mrs. Brisby and the Bund of NIMH" AU, I used The Secret of NIMH's BLUTHLESS Sequel villain song "Just Say Yes" and made a lot of changes to connect with Jenner's character. I was listening to the song, and then "In the Dark of the Night" from the animated film Anastasia. Some bits based on Hellfire from Disney's "Hunchback of Notre Dame", and "Be Prepared" from "The Lion King".
Think of this song taking place Jenner seduces Elizabeth Brisby to be his. Imagine PAUL SHENAR'S rich and sonorous voice sing this XD
Let me know what you think, on the comments! Is there favorite parts of lyrics? What part stands out for Jenner's character? Any improvements needed? What scenario you have thought for this musical note?
Life was far too short,
From the very start.
Since the tortures from those imps,
I began to grow
Little did they know
I had my own plans from them
They thought I was tamed,
Fools, fallen in my little game!
Until this all became mine,
They all do as I say!
No one stands in my way,
In my way, all here will be happy
OR I have them slaughtered
I can do as I please,
I can change everything with ease
(For so fair,
Fit for power~)
I control the wind and weather!
We can rule all together
If you come with me,
You will be happy,
WE will be happy
When you come with me
Be my wife
Change my life
With all we can see
Just say yes, Elizabeth!
Truth be told,
I too grieved,
Her and me
Me and her
Her death broken us up
O, please don’t shed a tear
We have another chance, my dear
Time flies and memory falters,
We look to the sky say our prayers,
Elizabeth my dear, don’t leave me
(For so fair,
Fit for power~)
Take what you can when you can!
Join me in my grand plan
Bestow them an agony,
Farewell, Jonathan Brisby!
(For so fair,
Fit for power~)
With all became mine,
Everything will be fine
Crossing the oceans of time,
Achieved ambitions are no crime!
I’ll reduce your pain to bits,
As long as you just say yes!
You will be happy,
WE will be happy
If you just say YES
(For so fair~ for so fair~ Fitting for power~)
O, poor widow (For so fair~)
Your eyes a soul’s broken window,
Just a tragic mess (yet so fair~)
I welcome you to the greatest next life 
To the brand new, hopeful life (Fitting for power~)
Let us be happy,
For eternity!
Perfect immortal bliss
Beyond measure 
Purest pleasure!
If you just say yes~!
(For so fair,
Fit for power~)
It’s our chance to rule (For so fair, fitting for power~)
Don’t let it slip away,
Don’t be so scared,
I promise it won’t hurt,
You will not regret 
(For so fair, for so fair, for so far~ Fit for power~!)
If you just say yes~
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dross-the-fish · 7 months
I know you don't care for the kukri but what do you think about Jonathan.
Depending on how he's depicted I can like him a lot. At the end of the day I like him to be just some guy who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. I feel like interpretations that emphasize him as being super badass miss the point.
Johnathan is terrified, he's barely hanging on, and he's facing extreme horrors. I like Jonathan Harker because despite being so terrified his hair turns white from the stress he finds the courage to push forward. Same with Mina. these are the two most ordinary, common, people you could find so when the situation arises where they have to survive it makes their courage almost heartbreaking, because these are people that shouldn't HAVE to be this brave. They weren't born with the need for that kind of courage so they manufacture it. They cling to whatever lifelines they are thrown, be it their love for each other, their faith or even just the bleakest shreds of hope.
I'm going to digress a little and talk about a character from a movie I like, the Secret of Nimh. Particularly the protagonist is Mrs Brisby
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A tiny mouse who's trying to save her sick child. She gets in way over her head and finds herself face to face with unimaginable danger. What makes her exceptional is the way she pushes through her fear. Not because she's some kind of warrior but because she can't afford to lose. This is sort of what I think of when I consider Jonathan and Mina and what they're up against.
Courage born out of desperation and a need to survive will always be more interesting to me than a typical "cool badass" character. Jonathan and Mina Harker do what they have to do to make it out together and they're doing it scared and full of grief. That's what makes their victory so much sweeter in the end, because of how hard the road was for them to get there in the first place.
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gritsandbrits · 4 months
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Rewriting Secret of NIMH 2: My Style
Issa mess but here's my rewrite of The Sceret of NIMH 2. First let's change the title to something more adventurous because Timmy to the Rescue sounds lame. How does "Salvation of Thorn Valley" sound?
Second let's remove that dumb prophecy, it makes no sense and tbh Timmy didn't do anything to warrant the Chosen One. Instead his rivalry with Martin is given more focus.
The tone is still serious like the first movie but with more hints of romance. Dr. Valentine is the main villains overseeing all operations and a very intense final battle amidst a burning building. And lack of Jeremy until the finale also shows the darker tone compared to the canon sequel.
The new story is a blend of the movie's plot and the novel sequel Racso and The Rats of NIMH.
Just like canon the movie takes place 7-8 years after the original. Mrs. Brisby is a storyteller who doesn't care for pomp over her adventures. Her sons Martin and Timmy pursue different interests. Martin wants to be a warrior and spars a lot, while Timmy spends his time out exploring the woods collecting plants and rocks. Because of these differences the brothers tend to butt heads.
After a particularly rough argument ruins a ceremony meant for their mama, the frustrated woman sends her sons away for a few weeks in Thorn Valley so they can learn peace from Justin.
Thorn Valley is now a city populated by the mice of nimh and other intelligent animals. Timmy and Martin meets three other teens: Racso, a streetwise rat; Jenny a feisty female mouse, and their shy friend Maggie (an OC). These three work like a well oiled machine, unlike Martin and Timmy.
Timmy manages to adjust to Thorn Valley quite well but Martin's attitude makes him unpopular with the class, and even more unpopular with Racso.
Martin arrogantly assumes Maggie for her supposed boringness. During a fencing class Martin and Maggie are set to spar, Maggie shows great talent with a sword and beats martin. She goes over to him to help him up, but he ejects her, ashamed over losing to a girl. Maggie leaves disappointed prompting Justin to intervene and tell Martin he has to learn to work with others.
With Timmy while he adjusts to the city, he is problem to be something of a know it all, much to Jenny's annoyance. However she softens up after hearing about Timmy's past. She opens up about her own past as an orphan, her parents being the rats who died in NIMH.
The Thorn Valley council receives word that NIMH plans to build a dam. Justin and Brutus goes to stop them, Martin tries to go but is told to stay home. Justin tells them it be best to stay because martin's temper is a liability. That night Martin sneaks out of his dorm but is stopped by Timmy. Martin explains that he wants to prove his stuff but timmy said they need to follow orders. The two start bickering but then they see a weird shadow and run to see who it is. The shadow turns out to be Jenny, who also planned to sneak out. She wants to find her parents who she believes is still trapped in NIMH. Racso agrees to go with her since he knows the human city well. Timmy resigns and agrees to go on the condition that they need a medic. Maggie is the last to go because she fears for her friends' safety (and to spite Martin).
In the forest the five encounter threats like birds of prey and a rabid fox. At one point, martin and Maggie saves each other, resulting in mutual respect. Timmy also learns to trust Racso and Jenny and rely on his own strengths by identifying plants that could be useful for their journey. Jeremy takes them to see Cecil the Caterpillar. Cecil was an apprentice of Nicodemus who taken over after his death, he's comedic but is also wise. He tells the group that they need to find their worth outside petty squabbling and their father Jonathan would hate for his boys to be estranged. Feeling guilty, Timmy and Martin realize that they need to work together. Before the group leave, Cecil requests to talk to Racso privately. We don't know what he says to Racso but it is enough to leave the boy visibly shaken.
The quintet find a truck belonging to NIMH and hitch a ride on it. In the city Racso takes the group to the Underground where they meets up with his old friends the Savage Rats. The rats aren't as friendly towards the other four mice. However the rats are called off by none other than Racso's mother.
Racso's mom explains she and Jenner had a fling which resulted in Racso, but was separated after the first escape from NIMH. Racso corroborates her story and admits kept it a secret so his friends wouldn't judge him. Jenny replies she and Maggie will never judge him for his father's sins. Jenny glared at timmy and Martin daring them to disagree. Racso's mom easy she has no plans to leave the city but wants her son to pursue his own life. She adds she did meet some lovely male rats who Timmy realize she was referring to Justin and Brutus.
Things fall apart when Martin and Maggie are kidnapped by two cats, who take them to NIMH. Timmy, Jenny and Racso go and find Dr. Valentine has been conducting illegal experiments. They hatch a plan to free their friends, then they are discovered by Justin and Brutus. They're angry at the children's disobedience but Timmy tells them they got martin and maggie and they they know how to stop Valentine.
At NIMH Martin and Maggie find Jenny's parents who tell them Valentine is using the mice to create biological weapons. Valentine also oversees on creating a dam that could flood Thorn Valley. Martin uses his dagger to unlock the cage, and he and Maggie go about freeing tbe othet animals. As everyone make a run fir it, Valentine's cats Floyd and Muriel chase them. In an act of selflessness martin distracts the duo long enough to Maggie to escape. Martin is then brought back to be experimented on.
Timmy and Jenny meet the escaped animals and Maggie, who got the schematics.
The evil martin and timmy duel, while timmy holds his own for a bit the sheer strength from martin proves too much and he is knocked down. but just as evil martin is prepared to strike he notices the lack of fear in timmy's eyes. This causes an internal struggle as he starts to remember his brother, seeing this timmy loudly encourages martin to fight back against The brainwashing. Martin thrashed about and knocked himself out. When he comes to Timmy is tending to his wounds. Horrified at what he tried to to Martin somberly apologizes but Timmy says he doesn't hold it against him. No matter what happens they will always be brothers. The two make up and leave but Martin suggests staying to try to stop Valentine. With Justin and Brutus they managed to lure muriel and floyd to their deaths.
Racso publicly admits he is jenner's son and he doesn't care what they (the townsfolk) think of him because he has real friends who accept him no matter what. He begs them to save the judgement late and help him save the city. Together everyone starts to sabotage the machinery guerilla style using the schematics Maggie brought.
At NIMH the four mice try to flee suddenly Dr. Valentine arrives with a butcher's knife ready to kill them. Justin attempts to use the amulet but is knocked back, causing it to slip. The brisby boys scatter trying to avoid the blade but timmy sees that there is a live wire and as Valentine approaches, Martin bites the mad scientist causing him to stumble onto the wire, electrocuting him and shutting the motherboard down. They stare at Valentine's body for a bit then realize the fire is close and they escape. As fire engines circle around the building timmy and martin are outside and climb onboard Jeremy (who was flirting with female pigeons when he heard about tbe incident) and gets his bird friends to carry the mice back home.
Back in the valley, the kids are reprimanded for disobeying. Mrs. Brisby defends them and says they more than made up for it by saving the valley and the experiments. Racso & Martin bury the hatchet. Jenny reunites with her parents. Timmy and Martin are changed by the experienced Martin having taken a life deciding to use his strength to protect people, and Timmy decides to be a master healer. Maggie is gifted with her very own sword and she and Martin admit their feelings. A few weeks later everyone gathers in the valley to welcome the two statues of Jonathan and Mrs. Brisby.
Mrs. Brisby doesn't play much of a role here, but to be fair the same can be said about the books. But she does get full recognized as a hero, she's just more humble about it. I also decided not to use the amulet too much or else it may come off as a deus ex machina. i want to emphasize the characters' strengths and how they work together.
Maggie is an oc meant to be martin's love interest, i thought it make for a cute Parallel to timmy x jenny. Racso comes from Racso and the Rats of NIMH.
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hello starkid tumblr !!! and welcome! to the
malewife used as loosely as possible. men who are either currently a malewife or have the potential to be a malewife
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text transcript of the bracket will be under the cut
for the next however-long-this-takes i will bring us all on a journey of discovery. the discovery of hatchetfields biggestmalewife. or whatever. the polls will be up as soon as possible !! in the meantime, feel free to send propaganda for YOUR favorite malewife to the askbox. happy voting !! ♡
make sure to check out my boyfriends hatchetfield bracket dedicated to all of the girlbosses in town ! @hatchetfieldgirlbossbrawl
Tom Houston (Black Friday, Jane's a Car, Forever and Always/Time Bastard) vs. Jonathan Brisby (Hatchetfield Ape Man)
Bill Woodward (TGWDLM, Watcher World, Forever and Always/Time Bastard) vs. Max Jägerman (NPMD)
Wilbur Cross (Black Friday, Witch in the Web) vs. Mr. Davidson (TGWDLM)
Richie Lipschitz (NPMD) vs. Gerald Monroe (Honey Queen)
Paul Matthews (TGWDLM, Black Friday, Forever and Always/Time Bastard, Honey Queen) vs. Dan Reynolds (TGWDLM, Black Friday, Time Bastard, Witch in the Web, Honey Queen, NPMD)
Kris Kringle (Black Friday(Santa Claus is gGoin' to Hogh School)) vs. Kale (Killer Track)
Howard Goodman (Black Friday) vs. John MacNamara (TGWDLM, Black Friday)
Mr. Cunningham (Honey Queen) vs. Ted Spankoffski (TGWDLM, Hatchetfield Ape Man, Forever and Always/Time Bastard, Abstinence Camp, Daddy, Killer Track)
Eddie Chiplucky (Yellow Jacket) vs. Xander Lee (Black Friday)
Gary Goldstein (Black Friday) vs. Ethan Green (Black Friday, Jane's a Car, Yellow Jacket)
Thrash (Killer Track) vs. Andy Kilgore (Time Bastard)
Boy Jerry (Abstinence Camp) vs. Barry Swift (TGWDLM, Black Friday, Watcher World, Forever and Always/Time Bastard, Daddy)
Peter Spankoffski (TGWDLM, Abstinence Camp, NPMD) vs. Henry Hidgens (TGWDLM, Hatchetfield Ape Man, Forever and Always/Time Bastard, Honey Queen)
Tony Green (Jane's a car) vs. Mark Chasity (NPMD)
Kyle Clauger (NPMD) vs. Zach Chambers (Honey Queen)
Frank Pricely (Black Friday, Daddy, Yellow Jacket) vs. Duke Keane (Witch in the Web, Killer Track)
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matchflares · 11 months
forgive me
i just rewatched the secret of nimh and it disturbed me even more than it did when i was a kid. i think what hit me so hard this time was the realization that its message is not only anti animal-cruelty, but i believe anti-incarceration. it's impossible to see the animals locked and trembling in their cages, stripped of their bodily autonomy and physical safety, without experiencing a sudden, sharp fear and distrust of our prison system and empathy for all those trapped against their will. incarceration is not just scary; it is cruel and unethical. and the strong morals of the rats - their commitment to building a life without stealing, even from the humans who oppress them - provides a sharp contrast to the amoral violence of NIMH (who not only captured and tortured the rats, but remain their pursuers, intent on their extermination, or genocide).
also why did jonathan not tell mrs. brisby that he wouldn't age? did he know he wasn't long for this world?
and what was the connection between the great owl and nicodemus? their character designs are so similar, and nicodemus called the owl a dear comrade. what was the owl's connection to the rats of nimh?
not to go off again but i think the fact that the great owl not only leaves mrs. brisby alive (even though she insists, "owls eat mice"), but even goes so far as to advise her, illustrates how even groups pitted against each other can come together to aid one another in liberation
i just started reading the book (by robert c. o'brien) to see if i can find the answers to any of these questions, but i can already tell it's not going to be enough! it is, for all its merits, a children's book, and my heart aches for a 500-page fantasy/science fiction novel with descriptions as full and glittering as don bluth's animation.
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courcgecus · 9 months
I would also love to include speculation and headcanons for Jonathan's history. Now, if you happened to have your own ideas / include parts of my thoughts, very welcome. I am willing to discuss when building world, especially if characters knew the same character, or someone happened to roleplay the said character. Note! These details are for world building for the Great Mouse Detective / Victorian / Other history adapted AU / Zootopia / Sing etc... since these AUs skip most of the canon storyline.
In these AUs especially, I see there being more of shady business going on. Mr Brisby might have been a man of his family, but also a thief, especially when situation required it - helping a group of rats to achieve freedom from their shared pasts. Playing around dangerous individuals. Yet, laws and regulations considered, the punishments would come even for noble ideas... or, a rival would get him first.
Marriage of Mr and mrs Brisby was looked at little strange. You have an urban mouse moving to country side, where mrs Brisby had lived her entire life in the small community. He apparently never had an education, talks strange and unknown things, and no one has any idea about his family line or his history. Suspicious, thought many. But mrs Brisby was always convinced he was good hearted - and right she was! As a husband and father, he was the best one could have. He built the house, educated the children, lived life at peace. They didn't have much but they had everything they needed - and during hard times, he always seemed to have a way to bring food on the table. Or something nice to treat the family once in a while. What ever trouble surfaced, he always seemed to have an idea or solution to solve it. Sometimes, he would leave for the night after work and dinner. To see a friend or do a task he had forgotten earlier, or do extra work.
And one day, he didn't come back.
And for many weeks, if not months, she had no idea what had happened to him. She refused to believe he had left them -
and when the time came it was discovered he had been killed for trespassing. Body wasn't found, but the witnesses had came forward for his disappearance. Not only, was she struck by grief, it forced the family tight. One secret after another revealed of his past life - streetlife, subjection to experiments, thievery and friendship with the rats. Discovering the stone from his stash, she kept it hidden, while in came people who claimed Jonathan owed them. One of them, the factory owner and politician, Jenner, contacting the fresh widow with multitude of accusations towards her husband. Without Jonathan's income, the increased costs forced the family out their home - and against her will, move to the cities where mrs Brisby could work.
The stone held many mysteries - from where such an artifact could have been found - was it one of items Jonathan had obtained dishonestly - or what was the story behind the marvelous gem? Why that gemstone, suddenly, meant so much to her she was willing to fight for it. When Jenner threatened to sue her for not revealing the location of the artifact, even that had not scared her to speak. She always denied knowing any of that. And as a settlement, it was brushed off for the lack of evidence. Yet, it hadn't meant he had given up for her.
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scftdevil · 7 months
early morning thoughts as i draft all the replies i got while on hiatus (which i am still on btw). jason isaacs is hot in a way that just isn't fair. (no, i will not be adding him as a—jk. yes. i am adding him as a muse. and certainly not to make @saudadexmses muses fall in love with him and also gimme more muses of theirs to write against). now that we don't talk is taylor's shortest song, and i think that's criminal. all to well isn't a song i like. it's always a skip. and the ten minute version was the perfect space to go to the bathroom when i was watching it in theatres. i would rather have now that we don't talk for 4.5 minutes instead. also, say don't go is too long. the secret of nihm is too short and i am horrifically sad that mrs brisby/mrs frisby and justin never flirt. i am aware she is a widow and that not a lot of character growth happens in the movie. also jeremy, justin, jenner, jonathan? so many 'j' names. i thought i had an 'a' name problem. thumbelina is a movie that isn't as good as i remember but still makes me cry and makes me support barry manilow more than i would otherwise. treasure planet is a perfect movie (if you pretend ben isn't a shitty 2000's forced comic relief character. i know ben is canon, but you filled out every other character except him and then cast martin short? fuck you disney. you panned the film in a way that made sure it would never survive and you forced clements and musker to ruin a perfectly perfect ending.) and also makes me cry about three times through the run time. i could write a vvvv long essay on why i believe it's so close to perfection, especially in the time it came out.
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delxenofic · 4 months
it's a good moment in the secret of nimh when mrs. brisby is captured by the fitzgibbons' kid and works her own way out of the cage but i like the book version just as much when justin returns to get her out. to me it's a way of him "returning the favor" to jonathan for basically the exact same dilemma justin and the rats faced and would have probably died because of if not for the mice
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thornvalley · 1 year
Are you the same Thorn Valley who had the website of the same name 20 years ago?? I am fishknifeseller, who drew some Mrs. and Jonathan Brisby fanart and had it on my school website 😄😁
Ah, yep, that's me! Website's still up, even if it looks different these days n.n
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blackgumball · 1 year
none of ur ships will ever have the power that jonathan 'algernon' brisby and mrs 'jesus christ of nazareth' brisby have
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jknerd · 7 months
NIMH AU: Drago Welker
(Humanized version of Dragon the Cat from "The Secret of NIMH"^^)
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Full Name: Drago Welker
Species: Human
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Other names: Mr. Welker
Occupations: Hunter, Town’s gatekeeper
Residence: Welker’s Household
Family: Unknown
Relationships: Fitzgibbons’ family (acquaintances), Jonathan Brisby (enemy; deceased), Auntie Shrew (enemy), Jeremy Crows (hunting target; former), IM-Humans (enemy), Mr. Ages (acquaintance), Elizabeth Brisby (acquaintance)
Likes: Hunting, drinking beers, women (especially Elizabeth Brisby) Dislikes: Jonathan Brisby, losing his targets, rejection, Auntie Shrew shooting at him
Drago Welker, commonly known as Drago or Mr. Welker, is a hunter and the gatekeeper of the town Elizabeth’s family and Farmer Fitzgibbons lived. Not much is known of his childhood, but he is known for disliking supernatural beings as he occasionally mistreats them. Although he has a job to keep the town safe, he has a reputation of being aggressive with refugees and townsfolk. It was revealed that when IM-Humans settled their Bund deep in Rosebush Forest, Drago occasionally terrorized some of them as Jonathan defended them, resulting in physical fight as Drago’s left side of face was severely scarred, causing the gatekeeper to harbor grudge against him. He was also one of the unmarried men who often preyed on Elizabeth to have her, but her marriage with Jonathan fueled his anger.
When Jonathan Brisby died, his harassment went worse from verbal insults to violent responses whenever he sees Brisby siblings, as they are part of Jonathan Brisby, and he would continue to attempt on courting Elizabeth, even though she was still mourning her husband. This caused Auntie Shrew to develop immense hatred towards him. However, when encountering Jeremy Crows who assist Elizabeth in visiting the Great Pope and using magic to move the entire house away from the town, Drago was upset of it. In fact, majority of IM-Humans suspected that Drago Welker may be the one who killed Jonathan Brisby as before the man’s death, he confronted Drago for harassing his wife Elizabeth. This suspicion was no exception to Elizabeth, but she couldn’t accuse him for it right away.
Realizing the moving plan would require a distraction on Drago in order to let them depart without conflict, Elizabeth remembered Drago often neglect his duty for alcohols or women. She offered to volunteer in honey-trapping him, much to disagreements of Justin and others but relented due to her insistence. Later, Drago was seen flustered and delighted when Elizabeth visited him. She offered him a drink and he accepted it, not knowing it was drugged from the beginning as she watched until he would fell asleep. Though, she discovered that Drago wasn’t the one who killed Jonathan as she overheard the NIMH would approach to the town to investigate any “unusual” people residing in. 
According to Jeremy and Auntie Shrew after Jenner’s death and during the reconstruction of Brisby’s Moving Manor, Drago was mentioned to be arrested by the authority for his habitual aggressive behaviors tax evasion, and withdrawing from military service volunteer years prior. 
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therealjackdsaf · 1 year
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Is about Mrs Brisby, even Jonathan is dead, she still loves him?
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Please the answer give here.
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wlfgrrl · 4 years
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[*actual pic of me upon spotting a ‘sparkly’]
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kettumelli · 6 years
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Mrs. Brisby & Mr. Brisby
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