gritsandbrits · 5 months
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Rewriting Secret of NIMH 2: My Style
Issa mess but here's my rewrite of The Sceret of NIMH 2. First let's change the title to something more adventurous because Timmy to the Rescue sounds lame. How does "Salvation of Thorn Valley" sound?
Second let's remove that dumb prophecy, it makes no sense and tbh Timmy didn't do anything to warrant the Chosen One. Instead his rivalry with Martin is given more focus.
The tone is still serious like the first movie but with more hints of romance. Dr. Valentine is the main villains overseeing all operations and a very intense final battle amidst a burning building. And lack of Jeremy until the finale also shows the darker tone compared to the canon sequel.
The new story is a blend of the movie's plot and the novel sequel Racso and The Rats of NIMH.
Just like canon the movie takes place 7-8 years after the original. Mrs. Brisby is a storyteller who doesn't care for pomp over her adventures. Her sons Martin and Timmy pursue different interests. Martin wants to be a warrior and spars a lot, while Timmy spends his time out exploring the woods collecting plants and rocks. Because of these differences the brothers tend to butt heads.
After a particularly rough argument ruins a ceremony meant for their mama, the frustrated woman sends her sons away for a few weeks in Thorn Valley so they can learn peace from Justin.
Thorn Valley is now a city populated by the mice of nimh and other intelligent animals. Timmy and Martin meets three other teens: Racso, a streetwise rat; Jenny a feisty female mouse, and their shy friend Maggie (an OC). These three work like a well oiled machine, unlike Martin and Timmy.
Timmy manages to adjust to Thorn Valley quite well but Martin's attitude makes him unpopular with the class, and even more unpopular with Racso.
Martin arrogantly assumes Maggie for her supposed boringness. During a fencing class Martin and Maggie are set to spar, Maggie shows great talent with a sword and beats martin. She goes over to him to help him up, but he ejects her, ashamed over losing to a girl. Maggie leaves disappointed prompting Justin to intervene and tell Martin he has to learn to work with others.
With Timmy while he adjusts to the city, he is problem to be something of a know it all, much to Jenny's annoyance. However she softens up after hearing about Timmy's past. She opens up about her own past as an orphan, her parents being the rats who died in NIMH.
The Thorn Valley council receives word that NIMH plans to build a dam. Justin and Brutus goes to stop them, Martin tries to go but is told to stay home. Justin tells them it be best to stay because martin's temper is a liability. That night Martin sneaks out of his dorm but is stopped by Timmy. Martin explains that he wants to prove his stuff but timmy said they need to follow orders. The two start bickering but then they see a weird shadow and run to see who it is. The shadow turns out to be Jenny, who also planned to sneak out. She wants to find her parents who she believes is still trapped in NIMH. Racso agrees to go with her since he knows the human city well. Timmy resigns and agrees to go on the condition that they need a medic. Maggie is the last to go because she fears for her friends' safety (and to spite Martin).
In the forest the five encounter threats like birds of prey and a rabid fox. At one point, martin and Maggie saves each other, resulting in mutual respect. Timmy also learns to trust Racso and Jenny and rely on his own strengths by identifying plants that could be useful for their journey. Jeremy takes them to see Cecil the Caterpillar. Cecil was an apprentice of Nicodemus who taken over after his death, he's comedic but is also wise. He tells the group that they need to find their worth outside petty squabbling and their father Jonathan would hate for his boys to be estranged. Feeling guilty, Timmy and Martin realize that they need to work together. Before the group leave, Cecil requests to talk to Racso privately. We don't know what he says to Racso but it is enough to leave the boy visibly shaken.
The quintet find a truck belonging to NIMH and hitch a ride on it. In the city Racso takes the group to the Underground where they meets up with his old friends the Savage Rats. The rats aren't as friendly towards the other four mice. However the rats are called off by none other than Racso's mother.
Racso's mom explains she and Jenner had a fling which resulted in Racso, but was separated after the first escape from NIMH. Racso corroborates her story and admits kept it a secret so his friends wouldn't judge him. Jenny replies she and Maggie will never judge him for his father's sins. Jenny glared at timmy and Martin daring them to disagree. Racso's mom easy she has no plans to leave the city but wants her son to pursue his own life. She adds she did meet some lovely male rats who Timmy realize she was referring to Justin and Brutus.
Things fall apart when Martin and Maggie are kidnapped by two cats, who take them to NIMH. Timmy, Jenny and Racso go and find Dr. Valentine has been conducting illegal experiments. They hatch a plan to free their friends, then they are discovered by Justin and Brutus. They're angry at the children's disobedience but Timmy tells them they got martin and maggie and they they know how to stop Valentine.
At NIMH Martin and Maggie find Jenny's parents who tell them Valentine is using the mice to create biological weapons. Valentine also oversees on creating a dam that could flood Thorn Valley. Martin uses his dagger to unlock the cage, and he and Maggie go about freeing tbe othet animals. As everyone make a run fir it, Valentine's cats Floyd and Muriel chase them. In an act of selflessness martin distracts the duo long enough to Maggie to escape. Martin is then brought back to be experimented on.
Timmy and Jenny meet the escaped animals and Maggie, who got the schematics.
The evil martin and timmy duel, while timmy holds his own for a bit the sheer strength from martin proves too much and he is knocked down. but just as evil martin is prepared to strike he notices the lack of fear in timmy's eyes. This causes an internal struggle as he starts to remember his brother, seeing this timmy loudly encourages martin to fight back against The brainwashing. Martin thrashed about and knocked himself out. When he comes to Timmy is tending to his wounds. Horrified at what he tried to to Martin somberly apologizes but Timmy says he doesn't hold it against him. No matter what happens they will always be brothers. The two make up and leave but Martin suggests staying to try to stop Valentine. With Justin and Brutus they managed to lure muriel and floyd to their deaths.
Racso publicly admits he is jenner's son and he doesn't care what they (the townsfolk) think of him because he has real friends who accept him no matter what. He begs them to save the judgement late and help him save the city. Together everyone starts to sabotage the machinery guerilla style using the schematics Maggie brought.
At NIMH the four mice try to flee suddenly Dr. Valentine arrives with a butcher's knife ready to kill them. Justin attempts to use the amulet but is knocked back, causing it to slip. The brisby boys scatter trying to avoid the blade but timmy sees that there is a live wire and as Valentine approaches, Martin bites the mad scientist causing him to stumble onto the wire, electrocuting him and shutting the motherboard down. They stare at Valentine's body for a bit then realize the fire is close and they escape. As fire engines circle around the building timmy and martin are outside and climb onboard Jeremy (who was flirting with female pigeons when he heard about tbe incident) and gets his bird friends to carry the mice back home.
Back in the valley, the kids are reprimanded for disobeying. Mrs. Brisby defends them and says they more than made up for it by saving the valley and the experiments. Racso & Martin bury the hatchet. Jenny reunites with her parents. Timmy and Martin are changed by the experienced Martin having taken a life deciding to use his strength to protect people, and Timmy decides to be a master healer. Maggie is gifted with her very own sword and she and Martin admit their feelings. A few weeks later everyone gathers in the valley to welcome the two statues of Jonathan and Mrs. Brisby.
Mrs. Brisby doesn't play much of a role here, but to be fair the same can be said about the books. But she does get full recognized as a hero, she's just more humble about it. I also decided not to use the amulet too much or else it may come off as a deus ex machina. i want to emphasize the characters' strengths and how they work together.
Maggie is an oc meant to be martin's love interest, i thought it make for a cute Parallel to timmy x jenny. Racso comes from Racso and the Rats of NIMH.
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jknerd · 9 months
NIMH AU: Racso the Beloved Son of Jenner
I finally drew Racso, son of Jenner, in my human version^^
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Racso was originally a character from "Racso and the Rats of NIMH" the 1986 sequel to the popular book, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, written by Jane Leslie Conly the daughter of Robert C. O'Brien who wrote original novel "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH". Meaning, Racso is not my OC.
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ask-timothy-brisby · 2 years
(OOC: NOT my art; just thought this was cute enough to post. Full credit goes to Vixenfurr on Deviantart)
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lazerrlustt · 2 years
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Oscar delancey
you know what...if this is @lithuanianking: racso yecnaled
if not im so sorry
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papapupi · 6 months
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tylersocaskblog · 1 year
Oc askblog
There are main OC’s you can ask and secondary, however ill only list a few with descriptions then leave the rest just with names and you can still leave asks for them just there personalities will be more unknown.
Tammy: he is very random, often having mood swings and uncontrollable emotions. He is sensitive to noise and is diagnosed with adhd and autism. He is playful and silly most of the time and weird as well. He has an anger problem and breaks things too but he always apologizes.
Calvin: hes arrogant and often thinks of himself, he wishes to be better but he doesnt know where to start. He often argues with friends but never with his mother though. He likes to act tuff but often cries when alone, he needs others. He is aswell an extravert, socializing when given the chance.
Laurence: he was homeless when younger but now stays with Calvin, he doesnt consider them family and barely even friends, hes cold but shy, easily getting embarrassed by the littlest of things, hes kind to strangers but harsher to friends especially during DnD. He thinks first even if being a little too harsh for his own good. Hes introverted and doesnt like to talk, he instead writes of a whiteboard.
Oscar: he feels replaced but he acts kind to nearly all, besides Tammy and Calvin, he gets along well with Laurence and they often talk amongst themselves of random things such as world domination. Hes strong and hardly ever cries, he brags of his wealth to poorer classmates and often steals when given the chance.
Ryder: He is Oscars bestest friend, he’s loud and dirty(physically)… but is of course dirty minded too. He trashes on smaller kids but stays clear on taller and bigger ones. He likes to decorate the school with graffiti(and other places too) and it pains the janitors to have to clean it.
Zander: formally being a man who was in shapes of mostly triangles adjusting to being ‘human’ has been tough for him, he may have had a human form beforehand but it was always untouched. When at home he returns to his more triangular side to rest. He is serious but so incredibly kindhearted its hard not to like the rich man.
Alistair: Alistair is Zander’s bestest friend and hes been assisting Zander with his human form. Alistair is also Zander’s gaurdian angel and it took the two a bit to adjust as Zander has never met a ‘dead’ person before. Alistair is sweet and a big fan of romance, he wonders if he’ll ever find the one he’ll love most but he already has, poor guy doesn’t even know it.
FunSun(and friends)
Billy the silly
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"Echinoid" sculpture de Racso Jugarap en fer galvanis, feuille d'or et résine (2023) et "Displaced" de Kevin Grey en feuille de bronze (2022) à l'exposition "Loewe Foundation Craft Prize" au Palais de Tokyo, juin 2024.
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vivianseda · 10 months
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cchiroque · 1 year
Carta abierta a la rectora de San Marcos
Sra. rectora:
El día de ayer, Ud. invitó a nuestro salón general de La Casona, lugar de debates del antiguo Convictorio de San Carlos, a los congresistas Esdras Medina y José Luna a un foro sobre la calidad universitaria. El primero es un conspicuo enemigo de la ciencia, pues afirmó que hay causalidad entre la legislación y los terremotos, y el segundo es un reyezuelo de universidades bambú, un investigado por organización criminal y lavado de activos.
Ambos fueron sus aliados políticos en la Contrarreforma Universitaria y se distinguen por defender intereses populistas y mercantilistas. Estos señores representan el dogmatismo religioso y el simulacro universitario. Y Ud. ha tenido la brillante idea de invitarlos para que compartan su deshonor en La Casona, donde San Marcos pensó e imaginó el Perú, desde fines del siglo XVIII hasta mediados del siglo XX.
Quizá Ud. no lo sabe, pero en ese mismo salón estuvieron personajes como Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza, Sánchez Carrión, Vicente Morales Duárez, Francisco Javier Mariátegui, Bartolomé Herrera, Sebastián Lorente, Manuel Pardo y Lavalle, Raimondi, Racso, M. V. Villarán, Miguelina Acosta, F. Villarreal, J. L. Barandiarán, Basadre, Porras, Arguedas, Vargas Llosa, Ella Dumbar, Salazar Bondy, A. Escobar, V. Li Carrillo... Por eso, le pedimos respeto a nuestra historia académica e intelectual, no manche con los talentos de sus aliados un espacio con tanto capital simbólico y tan querido por todos los sanmarquinos.
En la foto de abajo, se lucen a su lado, autosuficientes y victoriosos, la obscenidad del dinero y el desconocimiento. Nada más alejado de San Marcos. La infamia será transitoria, recuperaremos nuestra historia.
Marcel Velázquez Castro
Profesor principal de San Marcos
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kadkadduwa · 1 year
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jknerd · 9 months
NIMH AU: Jenner
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Full Name: Jenner Winford
Species:  Human -> IM-Human (through experiment in NIMH)
Age: 40~41
Gender: Male
Other names: Commander Winford
Occupations: Military commander (formerly), Minister of Military arms in Bund of NIMH
Residence: 1st Bund of NIMH
Family: Racso Winford (long lost son; presumed dead), unnamed wife (deceased)
Relationships: Nicodemus (his leader; formerly), Jonathan Brisby (acquaintance-> enemy), Justin (rival->enemy), Sullivan (his henchmen; formerly), Mr. Ages (acquaintance->enemy), Ministers of the Bund (acquaintances)
Likes: His position, revenge on NIMH/human war criminals, power, lust, old bund of NIMH, Elizabeth Brisby (his object of obsession) Dislikes: NIMH, his family killed by NIMH, Nicodemus’ “suffocatingly” pacifistic ideals, any of IM-Humans following Nicodemus, the moving plan
Jenner Winford was a military commander during war and in the Bund, he was a minister of Military Arms. At one point, he used to have a wife who died of childbirth and had a son named Racso who was raised with love and care by him. However at the hardship of war, Jenner and his son was captured and sent to the NIMH along with other soldiers where he become an IM-Human through experiment as the Bund was founded in a land where he promised his son to build their new house at. However, as Jonathan helped him and others escaped, Jenner returned to his career as commander and with his newfound strength and intelligence in warfare, the enemy troops retreated. But, Jenner received a news that his son—who was 11 at that time—was killed by tortures in concentration camp of NIMH, hence the villainy of Jenner began with lament and anger.
With new rank as minister of Military Arms in Bund, a newfound hatred of humans, growing rage and vengeance against NIMH, he Jenner was obsessed with murdering whoever related with the NIMHs, even torturing NIMH scientists’ families to death and was consumed with lust for power to become a Prime Minister of the Bund. Once a year he would visit the very spot where he wanted to build a house with his son to remind himself in determination to keep the Bund protected from humans. At one point, he overheard Nicodemus discussing with Mr. Ages, Justin and Jonathan about moving the bund. Jenner was against the idea and had occasional heated argument with Jonathan. The last time they have spoken to one another, Jonathan told him his murderous rage on humans was not what late Racso would have wanted and told him to let go of the past. 
Year after the death of Jonathan Brisby, Jenner returned victorious with the war against enemy nations and had gathered quite amount of followers within the Bund as a group who prefer to stay instead of moving it to the Thorn Valley. When encountering Jonathan’s widow, Jenner was briefly taken back of the unheard news of Jonathan having a wife and children. However, he smelt the opportunity and expressed hospitality to Elizabeth Brisby. He was aware Nicodemus would actively partake in moving the Brisby house with his magic, so he’d use that opportunity to finally get rid of Nicodemus, taking over the position as Prime Minister of the Bund and expand its territory to make the entire nation his. Through these days, he actually developed obsession towards Elizabeth Brisby, but unable to approach her as she was with Justin most of the time.
When at the day of moving, Jenner had his men immobilize the Brisby mansion by destroyed Jonathan’s magical trinkets and the enchanted strings of Jeremy, successfully severed the pact between Elizabeth and the crow spirit as the house’s weight crushed Nicodemus to death. When Elizabeth returned with a news of NIMH approaching next day, Jenner swiftly took control of situations by announcing that he would declare war on NIMH and the humans that follows the inhumane organizations. Holding her children and majority of IM-Humans as hostages through his men, Jenner abducted Elizabeth away persuading her to stay in the old Bund with him, even attempt to gaslight her into believe this could be what Jonathan wanted; his family stay in the Bund he founded. Seeing the true colors of him, Elizabeth refused firmly. When Jenner was about to rape her, he was stopped by Justin in time as Sullivan brought him to them. Enraged at the betrayal, Jenner severely wounded Sullivan as he and Justin engaged into sword fight. Recognizing the sword once belonged to Jonathan and its blade matched with same cutting traces from the immobilized house, Justin angrily called him out as murderer of two occasions; Jonathan’s and Nicodemus’. Jenner bitterly admitted that he indeed killed Jonathan and Nicodemus, claiming the two were trying to destroy the community he tried so hard to protect as he finished he had learned to “take WHATEVER he can, WHEN he can”. However, Justin disarmed and wounded him before going back to Elizabeth. When Jenner was about to finish him, wounded Sullivan threw his dagger and managed to stab Jenner on the back through his heart, causing the corrupt IM-Human to fall to his death at the similar spot he died; only the difference, is that while Jonathan was found dead in the arms of Virgin Mary’s statue, Jenner was found dead below the same statue.
Posthumously, Jenner was labeled as community traitor. But, Nicodemus concluded that he is a fallen man consumed with wrath on himself and the broken heart of being away from his long lost son that made him vulnerable in temptations for power and revenge. At the end, however days after the Brisby family’s departure, it was revealed Jenner’s son Racso was not dead, but actually has been alive and become an IM-Human.
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fantabulisticity · 3 years
So uh, that post about wolves and cattle was informative and all... But please don't reblog anon asks which mention "wolves" in the ask. The guy sending those is a right-wing Trump supporter called r4cs0. Mentioning wolves in crazy contexts (such as suggesting that you can't have cattle in America because of them) is an inside joke from his blog, because he and his followers supported a new law in Idaho allowing hunters to shoot wolves from helicopters. Those anons are trolling.
Huh, good to know. I scanned through and blocked that blog, and I won't reblog those anons in the future, if I remember. I reblogged it because it's a common worry here, that wolves will prey on cattle. It's a tense subject.
Yeah, the new wolf law is wild. These kinds of laws had so many disastrous consequences decades ago, and they're going to again. I'm not looking forward to it. Deer are fucking menaces when there are no wolves to keep their population under control.
It's so sad to me that the reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone years ago has SHOWN that people and wolves and deer can all coexist in the same environment (as a species, not as individuals for the deer, lol). And that ecosystems here thrive when wolves and their prey have balanced populations. But our congressmen don't care about the world their grandkids are going to inherit, clearly. I hate it here. Idaho has so many important, beautiful wildernesses that we need to conserve. And so many people are going to suffer from all the bullshit our legislators are pushing through. It's so sad.
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racsoplumbing · 4 years
How to Get Rid of Drain Clog/Blockage or Slow Drain?
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The most disturbing and frustrating situation for all homeowners is a slow-moving drain in the house. Some of you might have tried different drain chemicals already and still facing the drain problem. Since drains travel underground and through homes, they can encounter a problem at numerous points. Many people associate drainage issues with something close to the opening of their drain. However, problems can start deep inside a drain’s pipe, far from its opening. The most common clog drain causing the problem is chemical action in the pipes, pipe contraction, pipe paunches, tree root infiltration, water heater, etc.
The drain cleaning chemical will only treat a clog that is closed to the drain which is why the chemical doesn’t work most of the time. Descaling pipe will get rid of any tree roots, all the buildup calcium as well as other hard blockages. It is a wise idea to hire a professional plumber to get the job done well. Diagnosing drain problems can be tricky because we often cannot see inside the drain as there are small areas that are dark and very difficult to access if you don’t have the right tools. At Racso Plumbing and Heating, they work with innovative technology to help their technicians make fast and efficient decisions about your drains. Drain/Sewer camera inspection service is ideal for quickly seeing what’s happening inside the drain to make an accurate diagnosis right away.
Installing water softener after pipe descaling and water heater flushed out is also a great solution for the slow-moving drain. It helps to keep the pipe cleaner and dissolve the solids that are in the water supply.
Also, if the problems get bad you can always remember Racso Plumbing and Heating, LLC they provide all kinds of plumbing services in New Jersey. Call at 201–218–8439!!
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racs0-blog1 · 7 years
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