#msm tickle
shadow-says-hello · 1 year
hey. do you have any hc's for some of the wublins?
Some wublins :0 I love this island but I’ve never completed it oof also ignore my terrible spelling I don’t know how to spell their names 💀
-dwumwoll (I can’t spell his name) is a huge Ler because he has so many arms. I feel like him and creepsicle have tickle fights but creepsucle can’t win bc her arms ain’t long enough
-bona petite just looks ticklish, especially the ribs…like I feel like if they guy inside the ribcage tickles the bones instead of hitting them then the monster will just stomp his feet and grind his teeth heheh
-poewk gives off some lee vibes, only bc I don’t really know how he can be capable of tickling other monsters but I feel like he likes being tickled, screemu is the Ler for him most of the time
-gheegur oml- definitely has a ticklish belly and ribs, when he’s tickled he bounces and makes a LOT of random saxophone sounds and he can’t help it sometimes he is embarrassed about it too
-thwok is a Ler and just looks like a really good one too, i feel like thwok likes to tickle other monsters to surprise them too
-thwok and zucker team up because they make a good duo for some reason, even help get revenge on screemu for tickling poewk
-whajje is extremely ticklish and tends to run away while a tickle fight is in progress, the poor guy sometimes can’t and instead is just tickled to pieces. His legs buckle and bend and he’s just left as a giggly mess (I love whajje)
-astropod can’t help his ticklishness either and he has no way of saving himself because of his tiny T. rex arms, he tends to make a lot of electric noises while getting tickled too which is his only way to scare off lers
-blipsqueak is a switch, those lights in her hands can also be used as tickle rays too. She chases the monsters around with them if they try to tickle her (but if you get her in the knees or feet then she will laugh hard)
-Brump is a good Ler and has great enthusiasm as he does it too, the tough man isn’t very ticklish but I think he likes having his chin tickled
-zynth buzzes too much and that is either a ticklish defense mechanism or a laugh, poor fly can’t handle things
-scargo is extremely ticklish but can fight back too, might even be a bit underestimated. Flute worm and him are actually a great team and sometimes will even tickle each other out of boredom
-fluteworm is hard to tickle but is a great Ler, the golden wing feather things? Best tickle tool tbh. But I think they got a ticklish tail or underside too
-Tympa is another energetic switch and if great at tickling. He just likes to endlessly poke the other wublins with his hands and it gets the best reactions out of them too
-Brump also cannot see where he is going while being tickled and tends to stomp a LOT while getting tickled, even falls into a sitting position and endures it, kinda enjoys it though tbh
-maulch is a victim due to not much defense, but sometimes he can go in for the kill and use those claws
-pixolotl is another victim and tends to squirm a lot and jump around, he just runs a lot and is very swift and agile at escaping. Whajje sometimes likes to tickle him and honestly pixolotl enjoys being tickled most of the time
Love these guys! (Pic not mine) lmk if I’m missing anyone
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verfuzz-22 · 1 year
Y'know, I wonder how the thumpies can actually get tickled.
This thought won't escape my mind now-
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milathefox1384 · 1 year
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Bowgart’s feet are big, and pretty ticklish at that
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notpandi · 2 years
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December countdown Day 31 - New years
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ladyinsertnamehere · 2 years
Msm headcanon: Hyehehe absolutely ADORES tickle fights. Wheezel indulges them in this
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Goddess-Touched Snippet - (15/?)
happy late MSM!! post-labor day edition
Word count: 601 Content warnings: This one starts rather soft, but dips into a bit of horror at the end (don't know the exact words, but there are implications of impending attack from unknown things in the darkness) POV: Ember In which Ember wakes from a nightmare and seeks comfort from Gab.
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When I wake with a cold sweat dripping down the back of my neck like the water of the ocean floor on the third night [of our travels], I go to Gab as soon as I’ve caught my bearings, and take up my post as secondary guard at his side.
“Another?” he asks softly as I tuck myself up to him, resting my head on his shoulder. When I nod, he hums lightly, concern underlying his voice as he brushes one of my ever-lengthening locs from my face and wraps his arm around my side. “Anything new?”
“No,” I croak. Clear my throat as gently as I can, and he reaches for his waterskin without me even needing to ask. “I mean, they’re all different, but...”
“Cryptic bullshit?” he guesses as I take a sip.
I nod again, finish wetting my mouth, and snuggle closer to his side. We sit in the quiet of the night, listening to the chatter of the nocturnal insects all around us and the scurry of animals through the distant patches of brush and frail trees. As I grow more alert with each passing moment under the light of the moons--Delta’s is full, though I can’t recall ever learning which belonged to which Goddess--he seems to get more drowsy, his breathing slowing and his ears drooping.
And eventually, he falls asleep with his head resting on mine, his breath steady and full, his body warm and comfortable next to mine.
I’d wake him if I felt any threat of falling back asleep myself. But my track record for failing to do so after the hissing omens of the Deepfolk has yet to run out, and under the open sky with a fire burning at the barest of coals behind me and all of the wonderful, new horizon ahead, I am enough to keep watch on my own.
Time passes. I woke just after midnight, by the height of Delta’s moon in the sky, and as the hours slowly creep toward our before-dawn start, I watch the unfamiliar stars march past the world, trying to come up with my own constellations.
It’s around two thirty in the morning when the first of the strange sounds in the distance tickles at my ears, fainter than the intermittent bird calls that have peppered the night thus far.
But this sound quiets everything but the bugs.
Unease settles in my stomach like a stone, hearing the world fall silent.
Instinctively, my ears perk, straining for some sign of something beyond the rattling of the insects. My muscles tense as the silence drags on, some basal, innate part of me knowing something’s wrong.
And then the sound bubbles up again, closer.
And I could swear it’s a peal of laughter.
All hesitation to disturb Gab’s peaceful sleep dissipates in an instant as the cackling in the distance trails off. I’ve shrugged myself away to string my bow and peer out into the darkness within a matter of heartbeats, letting him startle awake from my sudden motion, no communication beyond a sign for him to keep quiet, pay attention.
I wait, squinting into the shadows that stretch all the way until the very furthest reaches of the star-blanketed sky. Cock my ears in different directions, trying to listen for footfalls, breathing, anything quieter than the laughter itself.
Just as Gab draws breath to presumably whisper, another guffaw breaks through the air somewhere to the east.
Gab’s breath hitches. He’s on his feet too in hardly a second.
“Pass me my quiver,” I tell him quietly, eyes trained on the horizon. “And start waking the others.”
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5shadows-love5 · 1 year
I'm changing my blog.
I'm now making fnaf and MSM things I will do tickle requests of my OCs and other characters I can draw those characters are
sunddrop, moondrop, all OCs (I am not listing all of them again), and the werdos (my AU or not) don't forget to be nice and respectful no nsfw have a great day!!
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Let Me In
This got deleted right in the middle of me writing it and it made me sad lmao...
Prompt- Bucky comes back from a mission that didn’t go as planned and doesn’t come out of his room for God knows how long. Y/n hasn’t witnessed him like this before and is determined to help. 
warnings- angst, fluff, and language.
P.S- I use the term MSM as an abbreviation for the Memory Suppression Machine used on Bucky when he kinda “first” became the winter soldier. 
Saddle up lads, it’s about to get sad~
It was a normal Thursday evening for you and that meant going over to the Avengers Tower to spend time with Bucky Barnes, your very dark and brooding boyfriend who you hadn’t seen in a week due to a far away mission that dealt with HYDRA. It wasn’t anything special, just the normal team taking out the normal bad guys and getting the normal information. You didn’t think anything of it when you hadn’t heard from Bucky after they had gotten back from the trip. He was probably exhausted and didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone, which you didn’t mind at all.
“Hi Tony Bologna,” you smile at your joke and hug the tall man from behind as he pours himself a cup of coffee.
“Hey kid, nice to see you,” he smiles down at you, turning around and pulling you into a warm embrace, “how’ve you been,”
“Okay I guess, miss Bucky lots though,” you mumble and make a quick pout with your lips.
That comment made Tony stiffen a little and shift his eyes away from you, “about that y/n, I don’t think today is a good day for you two to hang out,” he says gently.
“What do you mean? We always have date nights in on Thursday,” you mutter, face falling into a full pout and posture slouching a little.
“Well...Last mission was a bit rough on him I don’t think it’d be a good idea for anyone to bother him,”
“Wait...Have you not let anyone see him? How do you know he’s okay? Has he even come out of his room” Your voice turned from sad to panicked at Tony’s words.
How could Tony just ignore the fact that Bucky was hurting in some way? What kind of friend does that?
“Sweetheart I’m sure he’s fi-“ “Friday can you please give me a status report on Bucky,” your eyes held fire in them as you stared at Tony, waiting for the AI’s reply.
“Mr. Barnes has not left his room since 12:47 AM on the day the Avenger Team arrived back from Mission AG3L. His refusal to leave has resulted in dehydration and the beginning of mild undernourishment. Mr. Barnes has also been suffering from a fever of one hundred and ten degrees,”
You let out a harsh slur of curses mixed with angry growls. There wasn’t a second thought before you turned sharply on your heels and began walking towards the hallway that lead to Bucky’s room.
“Y/n I said no,” Tony stated, grabbing your arm to stop your movements and walking in front of you to block your path.
“What the hell Tony?!” The anger that had boiled up in you came out in a frustration yell, “I don’t understand what could possibly be wrong enough to keep me from seeing him!”
“Y/n, I told you. The last mission didn’t go well, he needs time to fix himself,” Tony sighed, his grip on you unchanging.
“Tony I can help him I just need to-“ “it’s dangerous y/n. I can’t let you go in there with a good conscience knowing that there’s a chance you could be hurt,”
“Tony Stark I swear to god I will hit you,” you warn, fists clenching tightly.
“Y/n I-“ before he could finish his sentence, your clenched fist flew up and was a mere inch from Tony’s jaw, the only thing that stopped you was a nano-tech glove that had formed from his bracelet.
“I’m not letting you go in there, at least not without protection,” he mumbles quietly, somehow giving the glove the order to transfer itself onto your own hand.
  “W-What?” Your brows furrowed in confusion, hand dropping to your side.
“You need to promise me that you’ll be careful, you don’t know what’s going on and I’m not the one who should tell you,” he sighed.
A sudden realization then came into your brain, Tony was exhausted. You knew that, even with the harsh past him and Bucky shared, Tony was trying to help your broken boyfriend. There was no doubt in your mind that it was keeping him up at night and distracting him during the day.
“I’ll try Tony,” you say quietly, the nano’s on your hand tickling and moving about.
  “I’ll be right out here if you need he-“ “I won’t,”
Even though you had never seen or experienced Bucky in this bad of shape, you were there when he first came back to try and take over SHIELD. You understood his brain and what dark thoughts and memories milled around in there. So, by process of elimination and a few hints from what Tony had said earlier, by the time your footsteps had reached Bucky’s door, you had concluded that something had happened on the last mission that put him back into HYDRA mode in some form or another. 
His door wasn’t locked, making it easier to open it as quietly as possible. You entered the dark room, immediately noticing how messy it was. Various things littered the floor, a lamp was laying on its side in the corner, it’s bulb shattered, clothes and trash were everywhere and the mirror that was connected to the fancy dresser was shattered in multiple places like someone had hit it multiple times. 
Your breath caught in your throat as you took in the sight before you. Bucky was sitting on his bed, legs folded to his chest and arms tightly wrapped around them. The only thing he was wearing was a pair of grey joggers, which was quite understandable with how sweaty he looked. His hair was in tangles and looked greasier than Loki’s before you had shown him the wonders of Midgardian shampoo. 
“Bucky,” You made sure your voice was almost impossibly low as to not startle the dark figure on the bed. 
He didn’t move, didn’t give you a glance, it didn’t even look like he was breathing. You moved closer, making sure to go slowly, you would’ve crouched too but due to your height, it wasn’t really needed. As you got closer to Bucky, he finally made eye contact with you. There wasn’t the usual glint he had in his eyes after he came home from a mission, and that gave you a very deep sense of dread. 
“Hey B,” you mumble quietly, kneeling in front of the bed to get a better look at him. 
The only way to describe the response you got was a deep whine that seemed to vibrate lightly in his chest. He was hurting, you could hear it in just that small sound that escaped his chapped lips. 
“Is it nightmares again?” you ask, voice still as soft as you could possibly make it. 
Bucky’s tired eyes looked up at you, answering your question silently. 
“What about your scars? Do they hurt?” 
His metal arm made a few clinks, and his flesh one showed veins as they flexed harshly.
“Are the flashbacks happening too?” 
A few tears fell from his eyes as he closed them.
“oh, bubby. Please tell me what happened so I can help you,” It was hard for you to not reach up and put your hands on his face for comfort, but you knew it was best to keep your hands to yourself just in case. 
“They knew I was gonna be there, only focused on attacking me, strapped me down, they used the MSM, didn’t work right,” his voice was extremely rough, like he hadn’t had water in days (which he really hasn’t).
You sigh quietly, your heart shattering violently at his broken voice. Making sure to use careful movements as to not startle the deathly looking man on the bed, you gently crawl up onto the bed. 
“Bucky I don’t-how can I help you?” It has never been this bad before. Ever.
Tears streamed down his face, making small little sounds as they hit his metal arm. His eyes didn’t meet yours and silence encased the room for a good while. Your worry soon got the best of you though, and before being able to stop yourself, your left hand came up to gently touch Bucky’s cheek. But, before it could get there Bucky’s metal hand shot up and tightly gripped your wrist in his. You were sure that if the nanobot glove wasn’t there to protect you, Bucky would have broken your wrist in seconds.
“Bucky!” You yelp out in surprise, eyes wide.
Your breathing became quite labored, eyes flicking between Bucky and the tightly gripped had encasing your wrist. Bucky held a cold stare as he tightened his grip, his metal arm letting out a small whine as it shifted.
“James,” your voice came out stern but held a small shake as your anxiety went through the roof, “James. Let. Go,”
“это не мое имя” As the words left his lips, heavy with a Russian accent, your breath felt like it got knocked out of you.
“Yes it is, Bucky. That is your name and you know it is,” your voice began to quiver even more.
“нет, это не так” His eyes squinted, nostrils flaring.
“Yes. It is. Bucky-“ “прекрати это!” Bucky let go of your arm and threw his fist back, you knew what was coming and somehow, so did the nanobots.
So, as Bucky’s fist came flying back at you, the tiny robots encase your hand and fire a small blast of energy. You got up front the bed and tried putting space between you and Bucky, but it didn’t take long for the brainwashed soldier to recuperate and shove you up against the wall.
“Buck please...You know it’s me. You know you’re you,” The strain in your voice hurt like hell as you tried to keep yourself from sobbing.
Bucky had you trapped between his body and the wall, his heavy breaths fanning your face. In any other situation, you would be elated, but right now you were scared out of your wits. You couldn’t stop yourself from raising your hands, quite slowly, to cup Bucky’s face. Your thumbs gently ran over the apples of his cheeks, wiping away the heavy flow of tears.
“Bubby, please come back to me,” You couldn’t think of anything else to do, every time Bucky had nightmares, you would lay in bed with him and massage his temples, cooing sweet thoughts and cute nicknames in hopes it would ease his pain and anxiety.
As your fingers began to lightly press into the sides of your boyfriends hurting forehead, Bucky’s cold gaze left your frightened one and traveled down to see the way his body is pressed against yours. His eyes quickly shot back to you, holding a different emotion. Without saying a word, Bucky took your hands from his face and placed them at your sides. You didn’t resist, especially because he wasn’t being violent or harsh with his actions. His arms encased your frame and he gently picked you up from your feet, carrying you over to the disheveled bed. Keeping you tightly held, Bucky laid the both of you down, wrapping his legs tightly around yours like an over sized koala, and resting his chin on the top of your head.
Though this had never happened before, your first instincts were to stay put and begin mumbling small phrases in Russian. You knew he understood English, but didn’t know whether or not if it would upset him, so you thought best to just speak what he did. Your fingers trailed small patterns on his chest as his pressed into the small of your back. The cool metal tips of his fingers snuck up your shirt, sending a burst of shivers through your body as they slowly crept up your back. It made you gasp in surprise from the sudden feeling.
“M’sorry y/n, I love you more than my life, can’t believe I tried to hurt you,” his voice was broken to bits as he let out the sad apology.
“S’okay Buck, you can’t help it. Might have to take a trip to visit T’challa for a bit,” you mumble out and make contact with the sad eyes of your boyfriend who was finally coming back.
“You’re going with me this time?” The question held a small tone of shock in it which was understandable due to the circumstances of last time.
Tony and Steve refused to let you go with him. You never even got to say goodbye before he left which angered you to no ends. You even tried stealing the Quinjet a few times but with no success, and after the fourth time Tony decided it best to put you under “lockdown” like he did with Wanda and keep you trapped in the tower.
“I can’t go through not seeing you for so long again...Plus I miss Shuri,” you joke, smiling proudly as soon as you see the small perk of Bucky’s lips.
“Thank you for helping me babygirl, I love you so much,” Bucky mumbles into your hair, trying to focus on the soft feeling and lovely scent. 
“I’d do anything for you Bucky, I love you more than anything. Let’s go to sleep yeah? You’re exhausted and need rest, I’ll make us some dinner in a while, okay?” You smile brightly at his calmed demeanor, quite happy that you were the one to help his broken mind. 
“Okay baby... I love you,” he says once again, holding you tighter as he tried to keep his mind clear. 
“I know, Bucky... I promise I know,”
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katyjcvd16 · 4 years
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Katyjcvd16.flp.com Why we love our top products This month, we want to celebrate the things that people love most about Forever, including our top selling products - or ‘Forever favourites’ as we like to call them. Aloe vera has powerful benefits that help you to look better and feel better both inside and out – in fact, it’s been known and used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skincare properties: it was even Cleopatra’s favourite beauty product, used to keep her skin and hair looking radiant! From aiding in digestion to soothing and conditioning the skin, pure inner leaf aloe vera gel is at the heart of everything we do at Forever, and it’s no surprise that our Forever favourites feature the ingredient in abundance! We’ll kick off with our incredible flagship product: the amazing Forever Aloe Vera Gel! Certified by the International Aloe Science Council for its purity, this drinking gel is as close to the real thing as you can get, boasting 99.7% inner leaf aloe gel, lovingly extracted by hand so that you can experience the true power of nature. We’ve also added vitamin C which contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to a normal energy-yielding metabolism, so that you can kick your day off with a brilliant burst of sunshine and goodness, even if it’s gloomy outside! And we don’t stop there: we have three more fantastic aloe vera gels waiting to tickle your taste buds. Forever Aloe Berry Nectar provides a sweet yet tangy flavour with its burst of cranberry and sweet apple, while still containing vitamin C and a whopping 90.7% pure inner leaf aloe vera gel. Forever Aloe Peaches is the sweetest of them all, with natural peach puree to give it a real taste of summer! Popular with kids and those with a sweet tooth, Forever Aloe Peaches contains 84.3% pure inner leaf aloe vera gel and vitamin C. Finally, Forever Freedom is the aloe gel most popular with those who lead an active lifestyle. It comes with all the benefits of our plain gel, but with added glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM – and a refreshing orange flavour, too. Stock up with the brand-new Forever Freedom tripack. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCn0E4LBLfA/?igshid=qro1xv7ol4zl
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flexeasy-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on FlexEasy Liquid Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM
New Post has been published on http://flexeasy.net/index.php/2017/08/18/the-american-version-of-roman-feather-tickling/
The American Version of Roman "Feather-Tickling"
When I attended elementary school, we were taught that rich ancient Romans would tickle the back of their throat with a feather to induce vomiting after dinner. Although that ritual probably put a damper on any postprandial romance (without mouthwash was provided with the meal), it allowed them to engage in their greatest delight – eating more food. Whether or not that custom is mythical, it does bring to mind similar, modern practices of many Americans today.
I sometimes ask insulin-dependent diabetics a simple, yet revealing question. If they could give up all food except some basic green vegetables for one month, and by doing so, cure themselves of their diabetes, would they do it? Sadly, the answer is always a resounding "no." They explained to me that they are unwilling to deny themselves any food. Rather than monitor their diet, they prefer to inject themselves with additional insulin when required.
I was with a friend once late at night, and we stopped for a bite to eat after a movie. He suffered from heartburn and acid reflux, and wondered aloud whether it was too late to take a prescription pill for his condition. He pondered his choices for a moment, and then confidently popped the pill into his mouth. He then proceeded to order cheese fries, a bacon cheeseburger, and some onion rings – despite the lateness of the hour. Surprised by his decision, I asked him because he did not just avoid those foods, and order something lighter and easier to digest. He gazed at me incredulously, and then explained that was the purpose of the pills. I suggested that he should forego another tub of greasy, buttered popcorn on the next movie night. It might save him a pill.
Fried foods, trans-fats, sugary desserts, and salty snacks – why avoid them when a simple pill will counter their deleterious effects? People I know would prefer to take medication for their high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes. We can actually alleviate most of these health conditions – and even physical pain, insomnia, and arthritis – by altering dietary intake. However, few people will deny them the foods that they enjoy.
When it comes to weight loss, almost everyone tries over-the-counter diet pills before sacrificing that extra helping of greasy fries or a sweet, tempting dessert. When those pills fail, many turn to prescription medicine for weight loss. In addition, as I noted in my article, "The Truth About Weight Loss," many people prefer to end grueling exercise regimens that they dread and hate, rather than deny themselves the foods whispering their sweet names as they pass by the refrigerator. Incidentally, my refrigerator has an alluring, female, British accent. Still have not gotten her name though. The decision to exercise and ignore diet is usually a losing proposition, because it's difficult to lose weight on a treadmill with a milk shake in one hand, and a chicken wrap in the other.
For people who are extremely overweight, some prefer to undergo operations like gastric banding, liposuction, gastric bypass, or stomach stapling instead of altering their diet. Whatever the ailment, Americans prefer to pop pills, exercise their jiggling belly away, or undergo surgery, despite the fact that all operations pose some risk, and almost every drug has side effects.
Centuries ago, Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." So, we have long known the association between a healthy diet and good health. But it's been either forgotten or purposefully ignored in modern society.
Historians still debate whether Roman nobility actually used feathers to induce vomiting. After all, vomiting is hard an enjoyable experience. And, I imagine one's appetite would have a bit suppressed afterwards – especially if your seat is near the vomitorium.
Today, too many American's are willing to end near any level of suffering to lose their excess weight – except sacrificing the foods that they love. It may not be as unsettling as tickling the back of the throat with a feather, but the result is eerily similar.
Source by Jim Schicatano
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shadow-says-hello · 1 year
pssssssssssssssttt hey u
got any tickle hcs for dandidoo 👈(゚ヮ゚)
Awww yeah I love dandidoo! Such a sweet bird
-sensitive stomach and neck
-has a very nice and sweet laugh
-she kicks her feet out a lot when she gets tickled
-she might be a little more Ler than lee though 🤭
-also she enjoys having tickle fights with tweedle and she likes to peck at the werdos
-she uses her beak for small pokes but the dandelion fuzz on her head and tail are perfect for tickles
-sometimes she will nuzzle the fuzz on her head into another monster to make them laugh
-or if she teams up she will let her partner she’s teaming with pick a few tufts of fuzz off of her so they can have a tickle tool
-sometimes she gets picked up and tickled because she’s on the smaller side :P
-epic dandidoo is a absolute master at tickling, because she has huge hair and dandelion tufts, she is unstoppable 😂
-so is rare dandidoo because there’s two of them. All the dandidoos are really good lers because of how they are armed lol
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verfuzz-22 · 1 year
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goofy ahh weird cringe tickle art i drew for the first time
im prob gonna regret this in the future lol
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milathefox1384 · 1 year
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Spunge and Dandidoo tickle fight
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punktowntv-blog · 7 years
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Let's take a minute to appreciate this lady right here for our #FanFriday pick. @thelaurabyrd is a spectacular lass and here are just a couple reasons why. 1.) Laura has been a supporter of PunkTown on Patreon since we launched the page! 2.) She attends or shouts out every​ event. 3.) Had never missed a like on any post from the homestead. And that's just a few of the many reasons we love Laura, and we have been thrilled to watch her grow into an exceptional creator over the last half year, and we are tickled to see how high she soars! . . . . . . . . . . . . #PunkTownTv #PunkTown #PTTV #PTKillerDames #PTMSMS #MSMS #modelling #modellingshoot #photography #photograph #photoshoot #pinupgirl #pinup #alternativegirl #AltModel #photographer #MrSmith #mrsmithsmassshootings #photo #photos #picture #pictures #gameofthrones #dragonqueen #fanfavorite (at Los Angeles, California)
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shadow-says-hello · 1 year
Love your work, it's great!! Could we have some tickle headcanons for Rare Wubbox? (They're a big comfort character of mine tee hee)
Also imma just throw this headcanon I have for them right here just as a little treat for your time :]
-if he glitches enough while laughing, he'll start snorting
Thanks so much!!!!!
Oh yeah of course!!
Yes I believe that your headcanon is very true. He gets embarrassed by it but he also barely even cares because he’d be laughing too hard 😂
-Rare thinks he is the best Ler in the whole monster world. He believes he tops all the monsters, werdos, and epics.
-and he obviously is most commonly seen tickling Common, they get into tickle fights a LOT.
-I’m not saying he’s not a bad Ler, he just…he can be pretty vulnerable too…most importantly, the fact his core is the most exposed, and the most easy to tickle
-the other wubboxes love teasing him about that and he hates it, he hates any kind of teasing to be honest
-but he sometimes loves a good tickle fight, he really does enjoy himself when he is having fun with another wubbox or monster
-oh and back to lee furcorn, he LOVES tickling furcorn. He finds it hilarious and adorable
-he can be extremely squirmy at times, but when the other wubboxes can manage to pin him down then he’s dead 😂
-they find themselves having to do that a lot, also because rare is a bit mischievous and absolutely loves pulling pranks and getting in trouble!
-and cheer up tickles is something he likes to do, mostly if his bestie common is feeling down over something then he will ask what’s wrong, give him a hug, then he’ll start tickling common 😂
-common loves that (sometimes)
-I’d actually say the epic wubboxes are the best lers, but rare is a really good one too. He just tries to show that off a bit too much
-and everytime he tries to tickle the epics it leads to him also getting wrecked because he probably deserved it
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shadow-says-hello · 1 year
how do you think furcorn would react to raspberries and getting nommed?
This is such a cute question!
He would kick his feet out and laugh loudly, after all Furcorn has a very loud and *lovely* voice hahah, he would also shut his eyes tightly and maybe tears would come out of his eyes :P
Furcorn is extremely ticklish and he is really sensitive to raspberries and noms, and he’s most commonly tickled by the werdos as I said in one of my past posts because he’s so smol and he gets teased a lot by them and they think he’s adorable
Furcorn honestly doesn’t mind the attention when he’s aware it’s gonna happen but the only thing that annoys him slightly is when one of the other monsters picks him up from behind without him knowing and starts tickling him. Another thing that annoys him is that he knows he’s completely defenseless 😂
But yeah I still love him and I think sometimes he can really enjoy being tickled but other times he doesn’t 😁
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