#much love to Ashley <33
mooseonahunt · 1 year
Ashley posting (ft. Saddler and Serennedy)
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Ashley’s handle comes from this post. I thought it would be funny if she never changed it back to her original handle.
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Mun/Member Birthdays For The Month Of July 2022 :
July 2nd – Ashley ( twenty-one-years-old ) @trixiedangxo
July 5th – Admin. Sophia ( nineteen-years-old ) @averila
July 8th – Cassie ( twenty-two-years-old ) @cassiesmultimuseblog
July 8th – Luna ( twenty-four-years-old ) @ofperfectionsfm
Character Birthdays For The Month Of July 2022 :
Please notify us if you or your character will be having a birthday sometime this month, so that we can update this post. Thank you !!
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eds6ngel · 11 months
Hello lovely I was hoping you could do a Steve with a kid fic! Reader is Steve’s kid’s teacher and they have a parent/teacher meeting and Steve falls for her!
Love you and your writing 💋
✎ when i kissed the teacher | part one
firstly, thank you so much for the compliment darling!! secondly, you are one lucky person as i've decided to make this into a multi-part series! i've always been a massive fan of dad!___ x reader, so i've taken it upon myself to create a series out of it! i'm aiming for four or five parts, but we will see where it takes us <33
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. mentions of bad mother. deep talks about life. swearing. slow burn. mutual pining. pet names. fluff. comfort. steve's daughter is the cutest. more warnings as the chapters commence! [4.9k].
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“All right my loves!” you yell calmly to the children, them waving at their parents from the glass window, the group excited to head home after a tough day of school. “Come and sit on the rug for me, I have one more thing for you all before you get to go home!”
A bunch of chatter and pattering feet can be heard as the six-year-olds bounce over to the colourful, spotted rug, each plopping themselves down and crossing their legs as they look up at you with eager eyes.
You cross your arms and put your finger up to your lips, the children copying you and nudging their friends to look up at you and replicate your action. The final kid finally turned his eyes towards you and copied you, you shaking your head and smiling, “What took you so long Harry?”
He frowns slightly, “I’m sorry Miss, I wasn’t paying attention.”
If there’s one thing you could call a success in your teaching, it would be the ability for your kids to reflect on where they went wrong. It was one of the most important things they could learn as they grow.
“It’s okay honey, just remember to use those listening ears to hear your friends quieten down next time, okay?”
He nods as all of the kids sit with their hands tucked between their crossed legs, you now knowing that everyone was completely focused. “Firstly,” you smile softly, “You have all made amazing progress today, I’m very proud of each and every one of you.”
You can see each of them smile brightly, bouncing in their sitting position, especially the less-able kids, they deserved some extra love with all the hard work they put in to improve.
“Secondly,” you say, leaning over and grabbing a neat stack of papers, “Next week is your parent-teacher meetings! So, I’m each going to give you a letter and I want you to give it to your mommy or daddy, okay?”
The children nod, you smiling and standing up, giving each of them a letter. Once you put the spare sheets on the side, you say to them, “Okay, as always, stay seated and I’ll call you up if I see your mommies or daddies, okay?”
You walk over to the window, peering out to see two different parents stood next to each other: Mr. Byers and Mr. Harrington. Mr. Harrington, who from day one insisted you call by his first name Steve, waved at you, you giving a small smile back as you turn towards both dad’s daughters, “Okay, Ashley! Alena! Your daddies are here!”
The two girls stand up, toddling over to their tables to grab their backpacks, you giggling to yourself as you see how huge they look on their small figures. Ashley is the first to stand in front of you, smiling as you open the door, “Go and see daddy. See you tomorrow!” you say, the girl rushing over as Mr. Byers picks his daughter up, grabbing the sheet she was holding in her hand and heading out of the gate.
As you turn your back, Alena is standing there, grinning at her dad through the open door. Alena was a spunky character. She was super friendly, always willing to help out the other kids and almost always had her hair styled in two un-even pigtails. But, she wasn’t fussed, her hair usually a mess by the end of the day after tumbling around on the grass in the playground. The amount of times you had to bring in the poor girl when she had scraped her knees or elbows was insane, but she always put a brave face on. She was a very cute kid and you were lucky you got to teach her.
“Hello!” you say, pretending to jump at her sudden presence, making the young girl giggle, “Oh, come here my love, your backpack strap is twisted.” You lean down and un-twist the purple backpack strap, swiping the few bread crumbs off of it as you signal to her dad. “There’s your dad, honey. Have a great rest of your day!”
She bounces over to her dad, smiling as she passes him the letter, him taking a quick glance over it as he realises what it was.
He had to spend time talking with you. Just you, him and Alena. Alone.
It was no doubt that Steve knew of his little crush on you. He tried his best to push it to the back of his mind, but with seeing your gorgeous face five times a week, how could he ever forget about your beauty?
Now, he had to practically spend time alone with you. Sure, it was still under professional circumstances, but how was he supposed to concentrate? It was a meeting to talk about his daughter’s school progress, yet his mind treated it like a first date.
Steve looks up from the sheet to see your back turned attending to the other students, Alena tugging at his leg, “Daddy, come on! I wanna go home!”
“Yeah, okay, okay,” he replies, waiting for the moment for you to turn to face the window again, which you do. He can’t stop staring at you as you give him a small wave, Alena waving back at you as you giggle, the girl not knowing that you were in fact waving at her dad, who weirdly couldn’t stop looking at you. Strange.
You divert your eyes to attend to the next kid, Steve snapping out of his trance as Alena continues tugging at his jeans. “Okay pumpkin, I’m going, I’m going.”
He grabs his daughter’s hand as he heads out to the gate, him trying to compose himself at the inevitability of you two talking in private. Hopefully his daughter being there would be enough of a distraction.
Until she wasn’t…
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You were setting up your classroom for the day. It was the start of a brand new week, so you knew it was going to be a little bit more tough on your end to get the kids to be quiet. They had curious minds, so they would definitely want to go into excruciating detail about their weekends to their friends.
A knock on the door can be heard as you lay out a worksheet full of math problems on the children’s desks. You turn around, smiling as you see Alena standing there with her dad, sheet of paper held between her small hands. “Good morning Mr. Harrington, and good morning to you too Alena!” you brightly say, her dad replying, “Please, just call me Steve.”
“Well,” you chuckle, “Good morning Steve and Alena. How was your guys’ weekend?” you ask, turning your back as you put out the final worksheets.
“Daddy and I went to the aquarium!” she beams.
“Ooh, that sounds like fun!” you smile widely, “Did you see lots of fish and sea creatures?”
“Uh huh!” she chirps, “I saw clownfish and seahorses and turtles and octopuses!”
“That sounds like you had a great time! But, remember, what do some plural nouns end in?” you ask her, trying to correct her on her simple mistake. Even you didn’t have the answer to why some end in ‘I’ instead of ‘Us,’ it was just another weird variation of the English language.
“Um…” she thinks, “They end in ‘I?’”
“Good job! So, it wouldn’t be octopuses, it would be…”
“Octopi!” she smiles brightly.
You put your last worksheet down as you walk over and ruffle her hair, “Well done!” You look down to the sheet of paper in her hand, “And what is this?” you ask, taking it from her delicate hands.
“Parent-teacher meeting letter,” Steve tells you, “Is it alright if I bring her along? I chose some of the earliest slots as it’s just easier for me to come straight from work to here instead of hiring a babysitter. But, if you just want parents alone, I’ll get a friend to pick her up.”
“No, it’s totally fine Mr. Har— Excuse me, Steve,” you reply, “I’m sure a lot of parents are in the same position as you. You can totally bring her along! It’s also an opportunity for her to hear how she can improve first hand, which is great. So…” you mumble, walking over to your computer and opening up Excel, “Alena… 3:45PM. Is it just you coming or is your wife coming also?”
He freezes up at the mention of his ex. His ex-girlfriend’s name wasn’t on the school system at all as he frankly has nothing to do with her. But, you’re Alena’s teacher, how were you supposed to know his life history? Steve stutters as he thinks of a reply, “I, um… I don’t have a wife…” Shit. Not the answer.
“Oh my Gosh,” you frantically say, looking up at him where he had now entered the classroom and was stood in front of your desk, “I am so sorry. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had the chance to go through the student’s personal files yet. I apologise for assuming, I really am.”
God, you were too kind. It just made you all the more attractive.
“It’s okay,” Steve sighs, “It’s not even on the record. Well, her mother isn’t mentioned on there for… reasons, so it’s fine really.”
You sympathetically smile, “I may teach children Steve, but I know when an adult is hiding a pain too. Whatever happened, I truly am sorry, and you shouldn’t have to pretend that everything is okay to make others feel comfortable.”
He knew you were right. But, you were the first person to ever say it out loud. To be completely honest with him. No beating around the bush and just accepting his passiveness, you understood how he felt about Alena’s mother, even without the backstory. You’re exactly the kind of person he needs in his life.
You turn your head, sighing with a smile, your head leaning against your intertwined hands. Alena was sat at her desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a couple of crayons from the centre and doodling away. It was a rule in your classroom that no kid was to start their early morning worksheet before the bell rang. That way, no kid felt left behind.
“She’s such a good kid,” you smile, “She’s kind and brave and always completes her work. I’ll obviously tell you more of that on Wednesday, but you’ve done an amazing job raising her, especially as a single dad. I hope you know that.”
Steve looks into your gorgeous eyes, fumbling over his words, stunned at the comments that easily flow out of your mouth. You weren’t afraid to be kind, and that was a beautiful quality. “I try my best,” he awkwardly says, not used to the compliments, “I have a hard time accepting that, but, thank you anyway.”
“Of course,” you softly reply, “You deserve to hear it.”
The two of you stay in silence, the quiet sound of Alena’s crayons scraping across her paper being the only noise in the brightly decorated classroom. Steve rubs the back of his neck and coughs, “Well, I should get going. Head to work and all…” he says, pointing his thumb behind him towards the door.
“Uh, yeah…” you awkwardly reply, “Don’t want you to be late,” you quietly laugh.
“I’ll see you later,” he finalises, referring to when he would pick up his daughter at the end of the day. You nod, Steve heading over to Alena and asking for a kiss which she gives him, before he turns around and heads towards the door, exiting the classroom.
You sit there in contemplation, how did you compliment him so easily? You didn’t do that to other parents, and you knew that a few of them were single moms. Why just him? Why did you feel different towards him?
Steve was feeling a similar way as he pushed the door open out to the main entrance. He swore he wasn’t going crazy, he felt something between the two of you. It couldn’t have just been his crush on his daughter’s school teacher convincing him that. He’s dated women in the past and even they haven’t complimented him to that extent. Even the women he tried to date as Alena was growing up hadn’t dared say anything complimentary about his parenting skills. You were different. You showed him the kind of praise he always wanted.
He was falling in love with his daughter’s teacher.
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Your day had gone pretty well. As predicted, the students were extra chatty because of their busy weekends, but you didn’t mind. All of them getting along with minimum bullying in your class is what made you most proud. If they were kind to each other, a little extra talking was good for the mind. They were developing, which means their brains were super busy. It was a sign of healthiness.
All of the parents had shown up on time to collect their kids, which was the biggest accomplishment for you. Usually, at least one parent was running late, so you had to take on the task of guiding them to the front desk to wait for their mom or dad. But, today you were free, meaning you got to go home a little earlier, or so you thought.
As you led the last kid out to their parent, you shut the door, beginning to tidy up the classroom before you drive home. However, a faint knock can be heard against the glass, you turning to see Steve and Alena patiently waiting outside, his larger hand holding her smaller one.
You open the door, you smiling and saying, “Hi guys!” Steve speaking up, “Hi, um… I know you’ve probably filled up a lot of your slots by now, but is it okay if I could change the time for our parent-teacher meeting? Work asked me to stay an extra two hours.”
“Of course!” you reply, walking over to your desk, “I’ve shut down the computer for now, but I’ll make a note in my planner, okay? I keep everything stored twice in case this thing decides to play up.”
“Sounds great.”
You flip through the pages, finding Wednesday’s date and opening the cap to your pen, “Okay. How late are we talking?”
“You have anything after 6PM?” Steve asks, “I can do slightly earlier if it’s a problem for you, but I don’t want to accidentally run late and mess everything up.”
“Not to worry,” you reply, “I’m pretty sure I have after six,” you look down through the list, finding some empty slots after 6PM, “Yes, I do. I have 6:15 and 6:25. Any preference?”
“6:15 would be great, thank you,” he says with a sigh, thankful that his change of work schedule hasn’t messed up yours. You cross out Steve’s 3:45 appointment and re-write him in for 6:15, making sure to update that in the school system tomorrow.
“Also,” he starts, “Is it alright if I get my friend Robin to pick up Alena on Wednesday?”
“Um…” you think, “If you could give me a description of them, that would be helpful. You know, keeping the kids safe and all. Don’t want to give your daughter to any stranger who claims they are your friend, you know?”
“No, I totally get it,” he replies, “She has a dirty blonde coloured hair that, I guess is shoulder length? She has a fringe too, slight wave to her hair. A little shorter than me, so I guess like 5’9-ish. Blue eyes, freckles on her face, she had black painted nails the last time I saw her which was like three days ago. Is that good enough?”
“Yes, let me just write it down so I don’t forget. I’ll confirm with Alena on the day anyway, she’ll probably be excited to see her,” you say, making a note underneath your column of parent-teacher meeting times.
“Oh yeah,” Steve chuckles, “She calls her Auntie Robin, so if she yells that, you have the right person.”
“Great,” you smile, mumbling out, “Okay… Alena picked up by ‘Auntie’ Robin — short, dark blonde hair with fringe, blue eyes, freckles, black nails. Okay, all written down.”
“Thank you,” Steve breathes out, “I’m still on for dropping her off tomorrow and Wednesday, it’s just picking her up Wednesday afternoon that’s the change. Hope it’s not too much of a fuss.”
You wave your hand, “You’re fine, trust me. It’s only one day, you pick her up every single other day on time. Plus, you told me in advance, which many parents have failed to do in the past,” you softly laugh, reminding yourself of the endless days of random people claiming they’ve come to pick up a certain child, you having to go through the endless hassle of contacting the parent to confirm the stranger is who they claim they are.
“Yeah, well, I thought it was best you should know. Hawkins is a scary place, I’m sure you’re well aware,” he awkwardly smiles, trying not to focus of the events that happened just under ten years ago.
“Yeah, not got the best reputation around here,” you laugh, brushing your hair behind your ear. “Well, I guess I will see you in the morning.”
Steve smiles, lifting Alena up onto his hip, “You will. And again, thank you for letting me change the time.”
“No problem at all,” you smile, “Bye Steve. Bye Alena!” you shout, her giving you a big smile and a wave from over Steve’s shoulder. God, she was a cute kid. And her father… Well, he wasn’t bad-looking either.
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The parent-teacher meetings had been going well so far. You had conversations with parents that were brave, their kids little mini-me’s of them, to kids you just wanted to save from the inevitable attitude they would someday inherit from their parents. As a teacher, it sometimes felt that you were becoming the mother that the children wish they had.
No parent had actually booked after 6:15, so Steve was your final parent to speak with, and you couldn’t wait to gush about how beautiful of a girl Alena was.
As you bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell, you sigh in your seat, leaning far back and placing your hands on your face. A voice interrupts you, “Not the nicest, huh?”
You move your hands away, leaning forward once again and softly laughing, “Yeah, bit of a silver spoon shoved up there.”
Steve enters the classroom and takes a seat in front of your desk, “I hate parents like that. I heard them from outside saying that you were lying about Rhys. Like, come on man, just accept that your child has flaws. You didn’t even say anything bad!” he exclaims, arms flailing up in the air.
“Right?” you smile widely, “All I said is he needs to improve on his spelling and suddenly I’m the worst person in the world. I never even said it was a bad thing, they came to that conclusion. I don’t expect every child to be perfect at everything, I wouldn’t even say that about Alena, it’s normal for children to have a few tough spots in their education.”
Steve softly smiles, “Well, you’re lucky I won’t complain even if Alena was bad at everything.”
You laugh, “I certainly won’t be doing that. Speaking of, shall we start?”
“Of course.”
“Okay,” you say, flipping through your grade sheets and coming across Alena’s name, “Firstly, grades. I don’t really do a typical grade system, your A-F kind of thing, I actually do it in stars. A bit weird, I know, but it actually helps the kids understand their current learning levels, so I just adopt it as well,” you smile.
Steve grinned at your explanation, actually preferring your way of grading. So what if it was weird? It was different, and he liked that.
“Her spelling is spectacular, 10/10 on her spelling bee last week, 9/10 the week before. Pretty consistent in the top levels there. That would land her in adult talk around an A, so that’s five stars in child’s talk,” you say, turning the page over to the reading section, “Are you aware of our reading levels?”
He furrows his eyebrows, “I can’t remember what the highest level is again.”
“Not to worry,” you reply, looking him in the eye, “So we do levels 1-6. One obviously being the lowest, six being the highest. Six is very rare in this class, just for warning. I think I only have two students on level six, so don’t panic that Alena’s not there yet. She’s on level four, which is just above average, a B grade if you will. Plenty of room for improvement, so I’m not overwhelmingly worried.”
Steve laughs, “Definitely a change from me. I can’t spell for shit,” he freezes, “Sorry, I shouldn’t curse, should I?”
You chuckle, “We’re technically out of school hours, curse all you want honey.”
Honey. That was new.
“Now,” you say, flipping over to the next page, “She is struggling a little with math. I’ve noticed that she gets her numbers confused around a little. When counting on her fingers, sometimes she skips a number or goes ‘3, 2, 3.’ And that has sadly affected her in other subjects. We sometimes do timelines in history, and her switching up of numbers means she’ll put a date from the 1500’s in front of the 1600’s. So, she’s currently on two stars, which is sadly a D in normal grades. But, it is only simple mistakes. If she doesn’t get those numbers mixed up, she’ll naturally bump herself up to a B, possibly even an A. I was wondering if you could help me out with this next part.”
“Of course,” Steve replies, “Anything to help my pumpkin.”
You smiled to yourself. What a cute nickname.
You pass him over a couple sheets of paper, “Since I have fifteen kids to teach, sometimes it’s a little hard to notice the mistakes Alena is making before I mark her work, and the markings do equate to the grades. So, I have some math problems here, and I was wondering if you could maybe help her at home? Try and get her out of the habit of skipping numbers or mixing them up. That way, if you know they’re right, you can bring them in, I’ll mark them, and they’ll bump up her grade. Also, the affect of you getting her out of the habit will probably help her in class too.”
He takes the sheets off of you, “Totally, I’m on it. She’s still doing better than I ever did at school, so that’s always a bonus,” he slightly chuckles.
You smile, shaking your head, “To be honest, as humans, we’re not supposed to be good at everything. I shouldn’t really tell you my thoughts on this, but the education system is designed for competition. The idea is that kids are supposed to be good at everything, which is utter bullshit to me. Alena is probably just not gifted at math, and that’s okay.” You sigh, “But, because of the system design, if she wants to graduate first grade, she’ll need to get at least a C in math.”
Steve smirks, “Ain’t that the truth. But, I understand. Math homework will be on the agenda for this weekend,” he smiles.
You close your book, “That’s the main grades done. Writing is also very on point, she can trace the letters almost perfectly. It’s just removing that guide now and seeing how she does without it,” you smile.
“Great,” Steve agrees.
“Now, I’ve done this with every parent tonight, so I’m just going to talk about how Alena is as a growing human, because no amount of grades will ever outweigh personality, and it definitely won’t for Alena. She’s is such a sweet girl. She’s always willing to help others, easily makes friends due to her kind persona and has really respectable manners,” you explain, “I mean, you saw what she was like on Monday morning. Instantly came in, followed my rules about not starting any tasks until the bell rings, and just sat there drawing. She’s amazing at being honest and respectful, but also has just enough spunkiness to set her apart in a crowd. What I’m saying is, you’ve done an amazing job raising her Steve, and I’m sure she gets her beautiful personality from you.”
Steve can’t help but let a small blush rise to his cheeks at your compliments. Again, it was just something about you. You take notice, but don’t point it out, smiling widely at his reaction.
Steve sighs happily, “Well, I’m glad she’s like that. I wasn’t the most… nicest person at school. I let the popularity get to my head, all that shit. Treated everyone lower than me like they were a second-class citizen. Even did that to Jonathan, Mr. Byers, for a while. His wife is actually my ex,” he chuckles, “She pretty much got me out of that shitty popularity ordeal. So, I think I just want my daughter to be the opposite of me. Be the me I could’ve been when I was younger, you know?”
You nod, “I get that. I’ve learnt that parenting can either be one of two things: you don’t want your kids to end up like you, or you want them to be exactly like you. Based on how you described yourself, I’m glad you chose the first option. Although,” you shrug your shoulders, “I would give yourself some credit. It seems like you’ve done the inner healing and reflection to give your daughter a chance to become a kind human being. A shit person can’t create a nice one.”
“Yeah,” he thinks, “Maybe you’re right. I do still say mean stuff every now and again. Judge people before knowing them, all that kind of shit. I’m not proud of it, but it’s just engrained into me by now.”
You look into his eyes, “I think that’s more a generational thing. I mean, I try my best to see why people act the way they do, but even I judge people. What I said for Alena also applies for you too, Steve. Humans aren’t meant to be this definition of perfect. We’re always gonna have a flaw. You can try and work on it as much as you want, but there’s only so far you can go. Sometimes, it’s just easier to accept that’s who you are and it’s actually doing you more harm than good the more you critique yourself for it.”
You were so goddamn smart. You couldn’t have been more than twenty five years old, and yet, you had a better understanding of life than he ever did. Maybe it was seeing life through a kid’s lens, but he feels that can’t be all to the intellect. Life experiences make you understand the world. It sure helped him understand it. He was intrigued. He wanted to understand your mind, get to know you better than just his daughter’s teacher. You were such a beautiful soul and had such a fascinating mind.
Steve has no words as he stares at you in awe, unaware that he hadn’t even said anything as you clear your throat, “Um… anyway…” you begin, grounding Steve back to reality, “Do you have any questions for me?”
His mind did go to asking you out on a date. But, you were his daughter’s teacher, was that even allowed? Was that breaching any rules or codes?
And little did he know you were asking yourself the same questions. Your brain was itching to research into the questions. Why did he have to be one of your student’s dads?
“Uh, no, no I don’t,” he stutters out, taking this as a queue for him to leave as he raises from his chair. You hold out your hand, him taking it as you shake it, each basking in the warmness of the other’s palm.
“Well, thank you Steve for being here. I usually do another one of these around March time, so I hope to see you here for one of these again then!” you smile.
“Of course,” he replies, “But, really I should be thanking you. Supporting me and all when I basically rambled about my life.”
“Just because it’s a parent-teacher meeting doesn’t mean I have to lose all my kindness to be professional,” you sympathetically say.
Steve hums in agreement, you weren’t completely wrong. He’d take you any day to compliment and uplift him. If only he could somehow have that…
“Yeah… Well, see you tomorrow morning,” he smiles, turning his back and heading out the classroom door.
You stand up and start to pack away your folders and planners into your bag, thinking about Steve. You could tell that he wanted to change, wanted to shape his daughter into the man he never was. Give her the opportunity he only wished he had. But, there was something about him. Sure, he had a gorgeous mop of hair and the prettiest hazel eyes, but there was something inside too. A sense of kindness, warmth, comfort. Something you’d never felt so intensely with a man before.
Shit. You were falling for your student’s father.
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thank you for reading!! i can't wait to write for the rest of it! i'll try and get a chapter out every few days amongst other smaller fics, so please be patient <;33
→ next chapter.
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devourers-of-god · 5 months
can you do the sally face cast with a s/o or friend thats usually very mean to everyone but has a soft spot for them
if you choose the s/o option dont do todd for obvious reasons
Hello I’m very bored so I figured I would answer old, VERY OLD inbox messages :3
**I decided to do the CAST being mean to everyone except you guys 😭**
BEFORE I START: I know the gang are not mean at all (except Travis let’s be honest) !! This is very much fiction, head canons ! <33
Sal: 🩵🫧🐁
- With other people he’s so dry and the most sarcastic person ever.
-Doesn’t hang out with a lot of friends because people annoy him more than anything.
- When you arrived at school, his few friends started to talk to you and slowly, but surely, you entered the group 🤭
- At first, Sal wasn’t interested in talking to you, he would be quite quiet and speak few sentences towards you.
- He would make harsh jokes to his friends (don’t worry his friends are not hurt by this weird love language of his) but weirdly, would skip you.
- One day, you and your friends decided to go ghost-hunting! It was your first time and you were stressed, you’ve never seen a spirit nor a ghost in your whole life.
- Sal noticed and decided to stay close to you and help you with the ghost stuff, by explaining that you won’t get hurt and he’s there.
- While he treated you nicely, he was an asshole to the others. This day he cared about your safety and yours only.
Larry: 🦝🤎🎨
- Larry would be harsh and secretive about his interests/personal life.
- Only Sal knew about his hobby, painting. The others won’t figure it out after a while.
- You moved in the apartments a week after school started. He would glance at you in the apartment’s hallways. Even though he thinks you’re cute.
- His friends invited you over at the cafeteria and started being friends with the gang.
- Larry wouldn’t interact much with you and spent his time mocking the group, but didn’t include you in the mockery.
- One day after school, everyone decided to hang out at the tree house after school. Hours had passed by and Sal, Ashley and Todd decided to leave, explained by it being the night. Larry invited you to stay, only if you wanted to of course.
- You accepted and Larry eventually warmed up to you during the night, he invited you into his sacred room and felt bold enough to present to you his interest, painting !
- Larry was very nice to you. Even when you fell asleep on his bean bag. He brought a blanket and put it over you, to keep you warm. He stayed up all night guarding over you in case of things that might happen.
Travis: ⚔️💛✝️
- Travis was already a bitch to everyone, it might be explained because he has no close friends, except at church.
- While in his daily round of bullying others in the school’s cafeteria, he spotted you alone in a corner.
- He found you mesmerizing and interesting. Perfect next victim of his bullying! Travis approached your table with confidence.
- You looked up at him with a smile. He got surprised and blurted out : “ WannaHangOutAfterSchool 😃”. You accepted and Travis left quickly to lock himself in the bathroom. He needed time to calm down alone.
- The last school’s bell finally rung, announcing the end of the day. Travis remembered that he was hanging out with YOU. Flustered, he waited for you at the front door and you showed up.
- He walked you home and kept making you laugh. You guys had a great time and your personalities matches well.
- Needless to say it was a great day for Travis. He saves your number on his secret phone and texted you all night.
Kicking my feet in the air twirling my hairKMFSOO
hope you enjoyed LOL after 2-3 years of not writing LOLLLLLL
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Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
Context: @bengiyo made a hypothetical queer cinema syllabus for a hypothetical baby gay to watch. I said "fuck it I'll do it," and he said "dear god, there are so many movies on here, pick three from each section" and I said "absolutely not, I shall watch them all. And here i am I think over a year later and only four sections in. Anyway I am working my way through Unit 4: Heartbreak Alley right now which is:
Bent (1997), Strange Fruit (2004),Boys Don’t Cry (1999), Brokeback Mountain (2005), Parting Glances (1986),Philadelphia (1993), The Living End (1992), Holding the Man (2015), Jeffrey (1995), and Boys on the Side (1995).
Today I will be talking about
Jeffrey (1995) dir. Christopher Ashley
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[Run Time: 1:33, Available: Tubi, Google TV; Language: English]
Summary: A poignant romantic comedy about the quest for love and intimacy in the age of AIDS. A story of a thirtyish gay actor/waiter who decides to become celibate...the risk of AIDS has taken all the joy from sex.
Steven Weber as Jeffrey, main character
Michael T Weiss as Steve Howard, love interest
Patrick Steward as Sterling. Jeffrey’s friend
Bryan Batt as Darius, Sterling’s boyfriend
Content warning: this film very much has some costuming choices and lines that do not age well
I love seeing how movies handle matters of grief, and all the little ways the world continues to turn even as you feel like your life has tilted on an axis. I feel like Jeffery does a really great job of showing this kind of push and pull. It is simultaneously absurdity, the comedy, the pain, it’s all there, and it’s real, and I think it balanced it well without ever tipping over the edge in to something so sad as to move me to tears. Which, I think is the point because this is very much listed as a romantic comedy and I am inclined to agree, at least with the comedy part because this film was very funny. 
And it was fun. 
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It was so much fun to watch! 
This film is based off of a play and thus the structure of the film is wonky, it’s disjointed, motifs in some ways, it breaks fourth walls left and right, it spirals in to dance numbers and jeopardy style fantasy all the time, and you can tell that the people making this movie had a really really great time doing so. It was bright, it was vibrant, it was full of life. 
And coming to the end of this movie, it makes so much sense, the intentionality behind the ridiculousness of its scenes, the vibrancy of its sets, the colors and the characters. The intentionality behind the seriousness of it too. The fight between Steve and Jeffrey out front of Steve’s apartment, the conversation between Sterling and Jeffrey in the hospital after Darius died. This is a movie about living. Living despite. 
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Jeffrey is terrified of HIV/AIDS. So terrified that he goes from fucking as many people as he can to abstaining from sex altogether. So terrified that he pushes away a man that he has hit it off really well with after finding out he’s HIV positive. So terrified that he is going to sublet his apartment and run away back to Wisconsin to hide from it all. Jeffrey is afraid of death, he is afraid of sickness, he is afraid. So much of this unit has been about what we lost to AIDS. The people we lost, the loves we lost, the memories we lost. And while losing loved ones is a part of this film as well, that is not its primary message. Jeffrey focuses on the life that Jeffery lost, the love, the memories he never made because of fear. He hurt Steve time and time again, he didn’t (or wasn’t going to) march in Pride, he yearned desperately for sex but would not engage in it in any form because he was scared of getting AIDS, and he was scared of losing people to it too. 
I feel like “it is better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all” is an appropriate quote when it comes to the thesis of this film. Though I might tweak it to something more like… “it is better to live with loss than to never live at all.” 
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gif by @ballumville
This film is listed as a comedy, and something that I personally find absolutely crucial to good comedy is sincerity and seriousness. I do not want comedies to be funny all the way through, I much prefer when a comedy reminds you that it knows the world we live in and finds laughter in it anyway. Because that feels so much truer to life. Jeffry, Darius, and Sterling are at yet another memorial, and they are cruising, and it is not that they aren’t sad to lose another person, but there are just so many men there. Jeffrey, Darius, and Sterling are at yet another memorial and Darius and Sterling insult the choice in music, start to talk about Darius’ inevitable death and Jeffrey doesn’t want to hear it. Jeffrey, Darius, and Sterling are at yet another memorial and Darius and Sterling adorn fancy grieving hats they have stolen from the coatroom to lighten the prayer. 
Grief is learning someone you love has died, and the timer for the oven going off because your lunch is ready. Grief is learning someone died while you are wearing a sweater with In Dog Years I’m Dead printed on it. Grief is learning someone died, and still going to the dinner you planned to have with a friend. Death is terrible and absurd, and lives are changed in an instant, and you can’t stop your roommate from making a joking “everyone still alive?” comment when everyone is very much not. Death is terrible and absurd, and like Jeffrey you go to the hospital to visit a friend, and you have a conversation with them for a full five minutes before he tells you his partner died half an hour ago. Death is terrible and absurd and you are able to cry but the ghost of your friend comes to visit in his CATS costume and tells you everything will be fine.
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Jeffrey is scared to have sex, he is scared to acquire HIV, he is scared to lose those he loves to the disease. And he strains against the confines he’s put himself in, all these old parts of himself slipping hands through the bars of their cage. But Jeffrey has trapped himself in a hell of his own design and he’s slapped the label AIDS overtop of it and resigned himself to a boring, meaningless existence away from his life and his friends and all the potential lovers he might find because of his fear. 
This film was funny, it gave you as many reprieves as it could, it held resolute in its sincerity when it needed to, and eased up on the gas before things could go to far. It was funny, it was whimsical, I had a lovely time seeing all the little ways they took a stage play and adapted it for the big screen. I lost my mind at how many truly phenomenal, A-list actors were in this film, most in small guest roles. I’m talking: Sigourney Weaver, Kathy Najimy, Nathan Lane, Christine Baranski, and quite a few more. 
I had a great time watching this film, I loved it alot. Mother Teresa smoking a cigarette and playing piano and all. 
Favorite Moment 
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God there were so many good ones. I think my favorite moment is actually the scene during Pride with the newscaster, all these gays crowding around him as he tries to give his report. Getting interrupted by Steve and Sean and Sterling and Darius, the narrative to get straight to the point of Jeffrey’s character in that moment by having the reporter ask Jeffrey what he planned to do during Gay Pride and to have him answer “I’m running” (fucking brilliant), and then of course the moment to end all moments. Sterling telling the newscaster that Angelique was going to get her penis removed after Pride, and seeing her mother proudly exclaim “it’s coming right off!” 
It was such a tight and effective way to show the dynamics of the main characters, how much life and excitement Darius had in being on the news in that moment, the way that Jeffrey was standing apart from everyone else, that he was described as someone who ‘could be anyone’, that he was so visibly outside of the celebrations.
Favorite Quote
“Of course life sucks. It always will. So why not make the most of it? How DARE you not lunge for any shred of happiness?"
A strong contender for my favorite scene of the film, I really loved the push and pull of the scenes with the clergyman. Nathan Lane is a brilliant performer, as is Steven Weber and it is really fun watching moments where you stick two talented people in a room together and let them just cook with gas. I have probably said it too many times at this point that there is a very smart balance between comedy and drama in this film, and the entire scene between these two is one of the clearest examples of that. This line is said to Jeffrey by the Catholic priest as they leave the confessional where the priest has just been talking about how God is in musicals. And Jeffrey is just “what about”ing his way to the endless, miserable spiral of a man who cannot see the joy that rests just beyond his fear. 
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I love this line because as someone who has had a non-zero number of lows in their life, I have gotten through those periods of fear, of doubt, of misery by reaching for the smallest joys. In some of my worst bouts of stress, depression, whatever I kept a journal where I forced myself for months, just before bed to write three things I was grateful for that I had experienced that day. So that I might end my day on a positive, and so that I might look back when I needed to to see that no day is wholly good or wholly bad. 
So I appreciate seeing characters get beat over the head with something preachy like that, like grabbing for scraps of happiness wherever they are. 
There were so many great moments, there were so many beautiful lines. It was expertly balanced, and I will never look at balloons the same way again.
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theimitationgame-if · 2 years
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Will you be able to solve a mystery you don’t even know the start of?
Setting: Operose, Massachusetts.
Genre(s): Mystery, Thriller, Drama, and Romance.
Warning(s): This story will be rated 18+ for depictions of violence, psychological games, manipulation, references to being drugged, profanity, sexual themes, dark themes, and mentions of death.
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You don’t know how you got here.
You don’t know how the tattoo on your inner wrist came to be.
You don’t know anything besides your own name.
Your memories, your past, were all just a blur to you.
Waking up in the hospital, with your tattoo and hospital wristband, were the only clues to your identity. To who you used to be before the events that had taken your memories.
You wouldn’t find out until later that you weren’t the only one with memories unaccounted for.
Will you be able to find out what’s going on beneath the surface of the picturesque town of Operose, Massachusetts? Or will you be pulled under the waves of the supposedly better life the town offers you?
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Play as an Amnesiac!MC that’s just trying to figure out what happened to them. Will you be able to do so? Or will you be stopped before you can try?
Customizable MC: name, gender, sexuality, appearance, and a smattering of other things that will crop up.
Try not to let your investigation become too well known— as you never know who you can trust in the grand scheme of things.
Romance 1 of 5 Romantic Options; from the Mayor of Operose to a Grumpy Detective.
Will you be able to find out what’s going on within Operose?
Or will you die trying?
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Nathan/Natasha Walker [M/F] - The Mayor
36 [6’5” | Crystalline Green Eyes | Raven Black Hair]
The Mayor of Operose is quite an intimidating figure— with a charming smile, intelligent gaze, and silver tongue, no one could wonder why they had been elected into such a position. Do they know more than they appear to? Are they just a pawn in all of this too? Will you end up giving up more than you ever thought possible to figure it out?
Caspian/Cassidy Beckett [M/F] - The Detective
32 [5’11” | Sapphire Blue Eyes | Platinum Blonde Hair]
A Detective of the OPD that really doesn’t want to deal with your conspiracy theories. However, as more unexplained events begin happening within Operose, they can’t stand idly by and let things continue as they are. Even if you may have to get used to their pricklier exterior, you’re glad that you’re able to call them an ally. Will they become something more?
Harry/Harley Pierce [M/F] - The Doctor
34 [5’7” | Hazel Eyes | Onyx Black Hair]
The individual that helped you come to terms with where you were, what “happened” to you, and how things will progress from here on out. With a compassionate air, gentle smile, and docile disposition, they’re a person you could easily trust. Will you be able to convince them that things aren’t as they appear? That Operose isn’t what everyone thinks it is?
Ashton/Ashley Jolie [M/F] - The Partner
33 [6’2” | Blue-Gray Eyes | Dark Auburn Hair]
The partner you were assigned to whenever you had woken up— another amnesiac that’s grappling with the new world around them. Sarcasm and dry humor is their go to when dealing with everyone, but you’re able to see a softer side to them that you’re sure they don’t want anyone to ever see. Will you be able to figure out not only your past but theirs too? Find out the origin story of the tattoo you both shared? Will you end up falling in love as you do?
Shade [M/F] - The Shadow
30s [5’10” | Dark Brown Eyes | ???]
A figure you only see in darkened alleyways, poorly-lit parking garages, or just at the edge of your peripheral vision. Someone that seems to know that Operose isn’t what everyone thinks it is. You don’t know much about them— their name, what they look like beneath the cowl they wear, or anything truly substantial— all you do know is that they’re trying to help you the best that they can. Will you be able to grow closer to your own living shadow?
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ugetelynx · 6 months
Rating: G
AW: No archive warnings apply
Relationships: Leon S. Kennedy/Luis Serra, Ashley Graham & Leon S. Kennedy, Ashley Graham & Luis Serra
Additional tags: Luis Serra Lives, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Luis Serra is Extra, Leon and Luis are Ashley’s unofficial parents, Hurt/Comfort, if you squint, they’re both hopelessly in love, Fluff, living together
This is my secret santa gift for @patos-chan !! I had so much fun writing this I hope you enjoy it!
Also huge shoutout to @blveherb for organizing this event <33
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 5 months
“New Years”
Rating: G
Word Count: 3,540
Summary: Leon falls asleep on the couch during a New Year’s party with their friends, so Luis takes it upon himself to carry him outside and cuddle him on the couch while watching the rain.
And all the while, Luis reminisces internally on the life he lived, the person he’s become, and his love for Leon.
A/N: I’ve left everything I wanted to say to all my readers in the notes of the fic on AO3, so if you could go and read it all, that would mean the whole entire world to me :) <<<33
Fic under Cut!!
Luis wondered a lot what death would look like.
He kind of had to, really- it always felt like an inevitable. Unavoidable. He always imagined himself dying young; drowning in a pool of his own mistakes, choking on the blood he caused with his own hands. Maybe he’d inhale too much smoke, maybe he’d toy with the line between curiosity and danger a little too harshly-
Either way, Luis never planned very far ahead. He could never imagine himself settling down or finding somebody to love forever and ever. He accepted that long ago; that as long as he was alive, death was close to follow suit.
He just hoped that death would be peaceful. Like falling asleep and waking up in a crowded room full of your loved ones.
So adjusting to the opposite- adjusting to a new life full of people who cared about him, a man who’d love him until the end of time, a stable home, a steady job- it didn’t come naturally to Luis. Far from it, in fact.
He had to fight tooth and nail to get the people in Leon’s life to trust him fully. That he was OK with, though; he was used to getting his hands (nonmetaphorically) dirty to survive. But what he wasn’t used to was seeing his efforts actually pay off.
Rebecca worked in the BSAA’s laboratories close by his side completely by choice. Chris offered for him to stay the night at his place when Leon was away. Hell, even Jill loaned him the keys to her car when his broke down;
It was almost domestic in nature. Like Luis had his own circle of support outside of Leon.
No- he did have support outside of Leon now. He had people who cared about him. People who wanted to see the best in him. People who looked past his mistakes. People who loved him.
Luis needed to keep reminding himself of that.
But he wasn’t alone, at least.
He has Leon to help with that seemingly oh-so difficult task every single day of his life.
Even when Leon didn’t realize it- he was reminding Luis that he was loved and cared for with every little action he gave. From soft morning kisses in bed, to cooking him a small breakfast before work, to picking him up in the afternoons to take him on little coffee dates;
Sometimes it felt like the smaller, more menial moments meant far more to Luis than any loud declaration of love ever could.
Which was ironic, cuz loud declarations of love were Luis’ specialty;
He’d taken after his childhood hero Don Quixote in that way. He’d taken after him in many-a ways- but performing flowery speeches and winding poems of love were one of the dozens of talents Luis had picked up from his beloved book. And, hell, they clearly worked- because people adored them.
Even when he wasn’t trying to be painfully romantic, they still worked- and the evening Luis found himself in was no exception. He could spin jokes and tell tall tales to Claire, Rebecca, Chris and Jill like there was no tomorrow- and they hung into his every word with an almost childlike curiosity. Ashley saw through this, though. It was far from an act Luis was putting on- it’s not like he was lying about any of his stories- but she of all people knew how genuine Luis was in the way he expressed his emotions. Ashley of all people knew especially how much being perceived as chivalrous and quixotic meant to him.
It was one of the few things he could control in life. And one of the few genuine things he could give back to people. He liked seeing others smile; it made him feel like he was doing something truly good.
But as much as Luis was a talker; he was equal parts a listener. Moreso, even. The longer the New Years Eve party went on, the quieter Luis found himself becoming, ironically- choosing to lean against the wall in the corner of the kitchen and watch his friends laugh about their own inside jokes and lates mishaps on missions like it was only yesterday they’d just come back from them. Hell, maybe it was only yesterday- Luis lost track of the conversation after letting his eyes dip close one too many times. He’d lost track of time entirely, in fact; which was a very new feeling for him.
He’d always kept track of time. Minutes. Hours. Days. He had to keep track of these arbitrary numbers or else he ran the risk of succumbing to the Plagas or his own madness. It was a tiring cycle; a cycle he didn’t even realize was so exhausting until Leon pulled him out of it.
For the first time in years, Luis let himself loose track of time.
He felt safe. He felt at home.
He’d lost so much throughout his life. Every home he had- His Grandfather, and every home he built for himself- His Dream Team at Umbrella… it’d all come crumbling down around him one way or another eventually. And Luis would be lying if he said he didn’t miss it. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss his Grandfather’s baritone voice or the makeshift Birthday Parties Umbrella would haphazardly throw for their employees.
But Leon brought that all back to him.
He loved Luis like he was apart of him. His other half. His person. And Luis did the same.
Leon built him a home he could feel safe in; a home that wouldn’t be destroyed. Leon caressed him every night and listened to him ramble and read him stories in his terrible attempt at Spanish whenever he asked-
He woke Luis from his nightmares and dried his tears with gentle kisses. He’s put Chris or Rebecca on the phone to tell him a stupid joke just to cheer him up.
Leon gave him everything. And Luis just prayed to God that he could give him the same back, too. Even if it was just in little ways.
Speaking of…
“You’re Husband looks dead to the world, Luis,”
Claire playfully jeered from the other side of the room, her smile hidden behind a glass of wine as Luis was practically snapped back to reality, blinking his big brown eyes like a newborn deer. He almost forgot they’d gotten married- that Luis had proposed to Leon with one of his own rings.
Jill chirped up and gently jabbed his side with her elbow, nodding her head towards the couch on the opposite end of the small and homely apartment where, past Rebecca and Chris standing beside a doubled-down-with-laughter Ashley, was Leon; his head propped up with the heel of his hand and his eyes already closed as he seemingly instinctively curled up against the throw couch pillows sleepily.
It took pretty much every muscle in Luis’ body not to audibly coo and melt into a puddle right then and there. Claire and Jill were right; Leon was fast asleep in the middle of a New Year’s party. To say that was adorable would be an understatement.
“Gracias, señorita,”
Luis playfully flicked his wrist at Jill, causing her to scrunch her nose up with a smile.
“I’ll go rescue my Prince Charming from his slumber, eh?”
“Don’t let him miss out on the countdown!” Claire raised her glass towards the clock on the wall. 11:45 PM, it read. Luis shook his head and gave her an affectionate wink as he passed,
“Oh, no, I’d never let him miss out on such a monumental moment”
“He’ll bug you about it for weeks if you don’t”
Luis shot the both of them a quick grin,
“I’ll take my chances.”
Luis wasn’t sure how much better he knew Leon compared to his friends, but he knew for certain that his partner would infinitely rather sleep though the New Years Countdown than force himself to stay awake for it- he hardly got any sleep, after all. Missions kept him on his feet like a waking zombie.
Luis gently sat down next to Leon on the couch, carefully positioning himself so his weight didn’t dip the cushions enough to wake his Sleeping Beauty up.
He couldn’t help but just… stare at Leon for a few moments.
Seeing his partner so genuinely at peace was such a rarity for the both of them. Even early in the mornings when the two still had time to lie in bed, Leon would still insist on waking up first and getting himself dressed for no particular occasion.
Pure rest was hard to come by for the both of them- so Luis didn’t dare move a muscle to try and wake his lover. Despite the fact that the music was blaring and the people walking in circles around them were cackling louder than the showtunes on the radio.
“ Oh my gosh,” Ashley practically gasped at the sight; he voice lowered to a whisper despite it not being necessary. Luis flashed her a smile.
“ Is he asleep??”
Luis was practically giggling like a teenage girl, brushing a few stray strands of hair out of Leon’s face- his eyelashes fluttering against his freckles cheeks.
“ I might take him outside. Y’know, where it’s a little quieter”
Ashley made a noise that was somewhere between a squeak and an ‘ aaaaaawwweee!! ’, her hands clasped over her toothy grin.
“ That is so cute, oh my gosh!! He won’t wake up if you carry him, will he?? Wait, no- do you need help carrying him out?”
Luis huffed a laugh at Ashley’s genuine worry- giving her a quick peck on the cheek to ease her woes.
“ Your Príncipe will be just fine, Mariposa- And if he does wake up, I’ll just kiss him to sleep again”
Ashley gently shoved his arm, “ I don’t think that’s how the story goes… I think it’s the opposite way, Luis”
“Nah. You’re mad. Mad as a crazed man”
This caused Ashley to double down into laughter- clutching her stomach as Luis couldn’t help but giggle along at her amusement. He took the opportunity to slip his arms under Leon’s knees and back while Ashley was distracted, lifting his partner up with a slight grunt bridal-style.
Luis still struggled with his back from time to time. Most of the time, actually- and while tonight seemed to be one of his ‘better days’, those were, unfortunately, very few and far between.
Most of the time it just… ached. A guttural, bone-deep kind of ache that he could never assign a name for even on the best of days. Sometimes it was easy for him to stand on shaky legs and make his way to the other end of their shared apartment- but on other days, Luis genuinely couldn’t get out of bed. The pain gripped him so harshly that even his own medications wouldn’t provide him any relief.
There was a time where Luis refused those medications, too. Penance, he had said; a worthy punishment for his crimes. He knew now that it was just plain and simple self-harm, but that didn’t stop him from trying.
And oh, how he tried.
But, as always… Leon pulled him out of those endlessly deep waters tooth-and-nail. He spent many-a sleepless nights at Luis’ bedside just cooing to him and softly trying to convince him to just take his medications. And eventually, his struggles paid off. Luis didn’t think he’d have as much confidence and self-worth as he did now without that gentle push from Leon. But never once did his partner complain, no; he loved him back like it was as easy as breathing.
Hell, even on nights where Luis tossed and turned- back wet and eyebrows knit together as he dreamt of the knife to his back, the Plagas wriggling around in his chest, the machine that tore his skin apart to remove it- Leon was always there, always by his side, to hold his hand and be there for him when he woke.
So carrying his lover Bridal-Style away from the crowded party and through the fly-mask screen door outside onto the balcony was the least he could do.
The screeeeeeeeeeck of the plasticky door handle was enough to get Leon stirring- because, somehow, picking him up and moving him halfway across the room wasn’t enough already- and Luis noticed near-immediately that his boyfriends eyes had started fluttering. So, as much as he wanted to dust the cushions off, Luis swiftly took a seat on one of the outdoor couches that sat tucked up against the corner of the balcony- it smelt old and it was far from soft. Weather-worn from spending years outside. Bugs buzzed around the blueish overhead light, occasionally flying close to Luis’ hair.
But he didn’t mind. As long as Leon didn’t wake up.
“ Luis…?”
Ah, damnit.
“ Amoooorrr,”
Luis cooed, placing an arm around Leon’s side as he coaxed his head back onto his lap, running his free hand through that dusty-blonde hair he’d gotten familiar with gently grasping onto.
“You should be asleep, no?”
“ Rrrwe outside…?”
Leon’s words were slurred and probably almost entirely intelligible if it weren’t for the fact that Luis knew him well enough to know what he was trying to say. He nodded,
“Sí. You were falling asleep on the couch inside. Figured being out here might be a little nicer for you”
Leon didn’t respond at first. He just rubbed his eyes and yawned; and Luis felt his heart squeeze at the sight. Leon instinctively curled against Luis’ lap even further, and his lover took that as a sign to gently drape the thin-fabric blanket over his body and card his fingers through his hair lovingly.
“ It’s nice,”
Leon finally mumbled.
“ ‘S quiet. But, like, I can still hear everyone inside.. just… muffled.”
That much was true. Through the fly-screen door, the distant sound of music and laughter and drinks being clinked together bounced off of the ceramic-tile floors and echoed along the balcony. It was nice. Comforting. Comforting to know that the people who loved them both were just a door away.
Luis couldn’t remember the last time he experienced something quite like this. Maybe when he was a child, after late-night Church ceremonies, when his Grandfather would pick him up and drape his tired body over his shoulders while waving goodbye to their neighbors- the distant sounds of bells and singing and laughter growing more and more distant the closer to their little cabin they got. Laughter would be replaced with the soft swooshes of water lapping against the shore, yet those bells could still be heard if he listened out hard enough. Even as he fell asleep Luis could swear he could hear the scratches of his Grandfather’s pen against paper from the other room.
It was funny how some things just… never changed.
‘Funny.’ More like terrifying.
Guilt and anxiety were very, very powerful feelings, Luis had learnt. He’d spent a very large majority of his life totally convinced that he was a bad person; that he’d hurt everybody and everyone around him and that the cycle of death and destruction that seemed to follow in his wake everywhere he went would never end. He’d forced himself to accept that, a long, long time ago- that there was no opportunity of forgiveness for him. That he was always doomed to make the same mistakes over and over and hurt everyone who’d ever loved him and never be worthy of change. Never be worthy of love. But that didn’t stop the deep, nagging voice in the back of his throat that longed for hope. That crazy, almost quixotic desperation for a better life- a life he would fight tooth-and-nail for. That he’d get his knuckles bloody and bruised over. That he’s loose teeth and morals for.
And learning that his cycles could be broken, and that he was deserving of love was… hard. It was hard to accept change. It was hard to sit with and come to terms with all of the people he had hurt and still accept love from others- from Leon. But once again…
Leon loved him so easily, it felt like breathing. And Luis would be a damned dishonest liar if he didn’t admit that loving Leon back felt just as easy as spinning his lighter between his fingers.
It was just hard to understand why Leon loved him. It was hard to carry around reminders of the things he had done and still live a good life in spite of them all- it was hard to accept good things in life, and even harder to pick up and carry the good things that had happened in the past, too.
But he wasn’t alone anymore. He didn’t have to be alone anymore- he knew Leon faced many of the same trials and tribulations as he did. But just like his nicknamesake Sancho Panza, Luis would never leave his side as his Don Quixote, and vice versa. No matter what adventures their lives took them on, they’d always have each other.
They were completely, and utterly devoted to each other. In every way, in every universe.
“The rain is nice…”
Luis jumped slightly; not expecting Leon’s voice to break him out of his thoughts. He hadn’t even noticed that there was any rain at all- but once he noticed, he couldn’t tear his eyes off of it. The thundering against the plastic shutters and the slow, methodical drips of water dipping past the cover was enough to make Luis himself feel sleepy. But he had a Prince Charming to keep an eye on.
“I thought you fell asleep, ¿mi vida?”
“M’ tryin’ not to…”
Luis couldn’t help but chuckle; Leon’s sleepy and relaxed voice made his chest feel soft and pliable in all the best ways possible. He continued running his fingers through Leon’s hair, subconsciously pulling out his lighter from his pocket and twirling it in small circles between his fingers.
“You can fall asleep if you want to,” Luis assured, “I can wake you up when the countdown starts, if that’s what you’re worried about..”
“Don’ care about the countdown…”
Leon let out a big, long sigh and snuggled his head further into Luis’ lap, curling the blanket around himself further.
“I jus’ wan’ be with you..”
“But I’m right here?”
“Yeah, but like… I don’t wanna, like, fall asleep, an’ just leave you all by y’self on the couch here”
Luis had to physically restrain himself from sobbing and kissing Leon right then and there.
“I’ll be fine, amor,”
He instead chose to lean down and gently place a kiss on top of Leon’s messy, mop-like blonde hair, his eyelashes fluttering shut for just a moment.
“I’d rather you get some rest. You clearly need it”
“Y’ sure you don’t mind?”
“ Sin duda.”
“But what about-“
“ Leon, Sancho, love of my life,”
Luis grinned boyishly and ruffled his lovers hair,
“Get some rest, por favor. For me?”
Luis heard Leon let out a big, long, and expectedly tired sigh.
“…Ok. Thank you, dove”
“No need to thank me,”
Luis leaned down once more and kissed the side of his head once again,
“ I’ll be right here when you wake up. Te lo prometo.”
And just like that, Leon fell back asleep quicker than Luis could finish the twirl of his lighter. He clearly needed the rest.
His gentle snores, soft rising of his shoulders and the pitter-patter of rain was enough to make Luis feel totally at ease- and the distant, muffled and warm sounds of laughter from inside of the house had just about sent Luis into his own slumber himself.
Yes, Luis wondered a lot what death would look like. But he was no longer scared of it. He hoped it was like falling asleep on the couch during a house party as a child and being carried to your room by your parents to be tucked into bed.
He knew he lived a good life. He knew he had people who loved him, and that was more than enough for him.
If Luis died tomorrow, he wouldn’t mind all that much. He’d be happy with where he was, and who he loved.
He’d be happy that he chose love. He’d be happy that he chose Leon.
And he’d be happy that Leon chose him back, too.
“The countdowns starting!!”
A voice from inside- Ashley, if he had to guess- yelled out through the walls. Luis instinctively snuggled Leon in closer, his eyes fixated on the rain.
Leon didn’t wake up. But he didn’t need to.
“Happy New Years!!!!!”
Luis leaned down to kiss Leon on the forehead once more. He was still asleep.
“ Te amo, Leon..”
He whispered into his ear. Barely audible above the rain and the cheering from inside.
‘ I love you ’ felt like too weak of a sentence to describe just how Luis felt about Leon. It didn’t encapsulate everything that man meant to him.
But it didn’t have to. It would be enough.
Leon loved him back. He knew that. And that was enough.
They’d always be enough.
“… And Happy New Year.”
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mxchislvt · 2 months
Hi! Thank you so much for doing a matchup trade with me! You seem so cool and I’ll be sending in the rest of my description later, this is just for the appearance matchups :)
FANDOMS: JJK, TBHK, Haikyu!, Black Butler, Assassination classroom, MHA, Hazbin Hotel, Genshin, Honkai Star Rail, FNAF (and also Preferably between the aftons), Obey Me!, Twisted Wonderland, DDLC, Harry Potter and Sally Face please! Just no angel dust, the vee’s, alastor, charlie and husker please.
And I sent my picrew photo in your DMs! Thank you!
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A/N: Thank you so much for doing this matchup trade with me!! I loved mine so much so here is yours!! <33
APPEARANCE MATCHUP FOR @averagetoyakinnie
For Jujutsu Kaisen I match you with....
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Megumi Fushiguro!
For TBHK I match you with...
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Hanako - Kun!
For Haikyu! I match you with...
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Sakusa Kiyoomi & Sugawara Koushi!
For Black Butler I match you with...
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Grell Sutcliff!
For Assassination classroom I match you with...
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Karma Akabane!
For MHA I match you with...
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Tomura Shigaraki!
For Hazbin Hotel I match you with...
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Sir Pentious!
For Genshin I match you with...
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For HSR I match you with...
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For FNAF I match you with...
(Im sorry i couldnt add anymore pictures 😥)
William Afton!
For Obey Me! I match you with...
For TWST I match you with...
Malleus Draconia!
For DDLC I match you with...
For Harry Potter I match you with...
Cedric Diggory!
Last but not least
For Sally Face I match you with...
Sal Fisher & Ashley Campbell!
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a/n: once again thank you so much for doing this with me! I hope you like this!! <33
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19, 26, 33 for the otp asks + Frank and Jodie 🩷
HELLO LOVELY!! <3 B) let's get straight into it!!
19. how do they feel about PDA?
Jodie is less fond of it, but not against it, especially at first. Even though she trusts Frank, in the first months of the relationship she's still very much finding her feet after the campaign, still learning how to navigate her new life, she's always looking over her shoulder. She doesn't want someone to know that she and Frank are a thing in case it puts him in danger, so most of her affection was private. Later on though? yeah, she doesn't mind it so much.
Frank though, he enjoys showing off that they're together. Like, that's his woman, you know? He'll slink an arm around her shoulders or waist, place kisses on her cheeks, hold her hand- he'll be touching her in some capacity so people know. Especially ramped up if someone tries flirting with either of them; someone flirts with Jodie? He's like "hey sweetheart" and if someone flirts with him he's like "yeah this is my girlfriend/wife" god, he'd say that so much more after they're married XD "the wife, this is my wife etc"
26. what are their vices?
Hmm, this is interesting to think about. I'm like hnnnnnn-
OK, I think for Jodie her vice might look like this; sometimes she won't be able to tell Frank what's wrong, or keeps how she's feeling about something to herself, until she can't actually take it anymore. But it's more so because she doesn't know how to cope with some of her own emotions. When she's with Frank, she's in uncharted territory, she's never been in a relationship like that before and she's learning. But at the same time, Frank can't be practical and fix/help something if he's not told about it.
For Frank, it's hard to describe. I think that he's a man that either has the patience of a saint or is quick to anger and there's no in-between. This might frustrate Jodie because she'll not understand why he's able to be patient with one thing, but then another will piss him off immediately.
I think the thing to remember about them is that their emotions and the way they might deal with certain stimuli will have been entirely influenced by their life experiences and possible traumas that they've had to endure. They're both constantly in a state of healing, of learning, but despite having these little nuanced vices in their relationship, they do work well together and love each other to work on getting better about it.
33. who's the better cook?
Lmao, probably Frank which is funny, given that Jodie does probably end up cooking more especially when she's had Ashley. Like, for a little while Jodie stays at home and she would be annoyed that she spends all this time cooking for her family (don't get me wrong, her cooking is nice) but Frank just seems to have the knack for cooking XD
sometimes though neither of them can actually be bothered to cook, so fast food it is. Who needs to faff around in the kitchen when Burger Town is just as good. Or a pizza. I think Jodie is a pizza gal.
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grigori77 · 29 days
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 94
One Shot Wonders? This should be interesting ... oh ... right, Robbie being RIGHT THERE is ... interesting ... we know full well what a chaos gremlin he is, we have been missing that ... and then there's Laura who can't even BEGIN to hold it together long enough to become a problem ... XD ... that was ... a STRANGE skit, to be honest ... but interesting ...
Wow ... that was the most thinly-veiled dig at Youtube I've EVER HEARD, Travis ...
Bells Hells live show? Intriguing ...
I swear, though, seeing FCG on the title sequence is ... INTENSE. We miss you already, Letters ...
It already feels SO GOOD that we got Dorian back, though ... and I mean it, I love having Robbie back at the table ...
Given the mood, I can't even get enthusiastic about any possibility for Ashton x Fearne stuff ...
Laudna: "What's harder? Expecting the worst, or being surprised?" Dorian: "Good question." Oof ...
Ahston (to Fearne): "Dou you want some company tonight?" HOLY FUCK ... I'm Travis right now ... he's all of us ... oh yeah, ANYTHING is good with these too, I'll take the crumbs ... and it's sweet. It really is ...
Oh yeah, so Orym TOTALLY heard all of that ... XD
LONG REST!!! LONG REST!!! Gods, they need this SO BAD ...
Travis rolls AGAIN ... oh shit, how do I keep forgetting about that? Is Chetney dead?
How is Fearne arranged wit Ashton in theit sleep? Why is this a WORRYING question right now, MATTHEW?!!! O.O
Okay ... what the hell is THIS thing? Why is this more creepy than cute right now? I don't trust this shit ... be careful, Fearne, please ...
33 Passive Perception ... fucking hell, Orym ...
How DOES she squeeze through that? Wildshape? A cockatiel with a peach plume? Awwwwww ... Ashley doing the wobbly birdwalk ... :3 ... oh wait ... so it's leading her AWAY? Yeah, I really DON'T trust this shit right now ...
Yes. Keep following her, Orym ... do not lose that bird ...
She's going to continue following this INCREDIBLY SUSPICIOUS critter becausde it's cute ... yeah, classic Fearne ... I just can't with her ...
Floating IN THE AIR? How the fuck? Yeah, that definitely can't be a good sign. A DARK ARMOURED GAUNTLET? Fuck's sake ... damn it, it's FUCKING Zathuda. FEARNE!!! Gods damn-it!
She's just PANIC FLAPPING. Of course she is ...
The whole time Ma\tt does this character I'm just seeing Sean Connery in Highlander ... it really doesn't help to create the menace due the moment ...
Crap ... he intends to use Fearne to unlock Predathos' prison ... yeah, that's not much of a surprise ...
Yeah, there's NO WAY she's gonna come with you, you Scottish CREEP ... but she wants his wyvern ... yeah, of course she does. LOL ... oh boy ... he's actually really taking that as encouragement, isn't he?
Yes girl. Insight check this asshat ... WHISPERS!!! Cue Beacon plug by Travis ...
"Fearne Zathuda?" Come ON, you evil fuck, don't you dare ... YES FEARNE!!! School the man ... Calloway all the way ...
A MIRROR? Oh balls ... please not THAT shit again ... last thing we need right now is Dark Fearne ...
Bollocks ... it really IS happening ... damn it, I saw that shit coming ... fuck ... fuck fuck fuck fuck ... she's loose, she's free, this is SO BAD ...
Wait ... SHE'S MULTIPLYING?!!! Fuck, that's not good ...
Orym messages Dorian through the Sending stone ... PLEASE let this work ... talk about a desperate Hail Mary ... PLEASE PICK UP, DORIAN!!! Oh thank fuck that worked ...
Laura has to roll for everyone to see if this WAS a long restor not ... YES!!! Thank fuck ... so only Fearne and Orym are still short, at least ... but that's not so good right now ... balls ...
YES!!! Chentey's nose! Sniff them out QUICK old man!
Ashton says: "Find. Them. NOW!!!" with SUCH exquisite intensity, I love it ...
Over the wall! Quickly!
No guards? No help? REALLY?!!!
Roll initiative! Uh-oh ...
Shit! A Battlemap! Bollocks ... this means he's SERIOUS ...
Yes! Orym! Bait & Switch for the win like always! Way to go, Wee Man!
Earthbind? Hmmm ... could she fuck this up for them before it even starts? That would be helpful ... yes, stay put, Fearne ... be careful ...
Boy, Faux-Fearne is SO CREEPY ... SHADOW CLAW attacks? Oh fuck ... COLD DAMAGE?!!! Ouch ... wait ... oh, so Fearne can become RESISTANT to Cold damage? Nice ... plus Psychic damage? Argh ... not so good ...
And now the extras ... I really hope they're pale imitations ... balls, looks like they might NOT be ... shit ... a NAT20?!!! Come on Mercer, PLEASE play nice ... O.O
Orym pulls another Bait & Switch ... okay ... oh, is he planning on invoking Nana Morri? Yeah, do it, any port in a storm ... meanwhile GET SWINGING, Fighter! HOLY SHIT, Liam, you are rolling ROCKS tonight! Keep THAT up, please!
Fearne activates the Spark! Yeah! She'll pay for it later, but right now ... SO BADASS, I swear ... and here comes Mister! Yay!
Oh, they take Fire damage when they hit her? Nice ... Voice Thief? What the sweet FUCK?!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargh ... 17 poijnts of damage? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ... it cuts her throat, with no blood ... BUT HER VOICE IS JUST GONE ... fucking hell ... oh fucking fuck ... she is just getting SO MESSED UP right now, I hate this ...
Come on, Orym, fuck these bitches UP!!! Nice! Nat20! But it's A SHIT damage dict roll ... balls ... Second Wind! Yeah, right now he really needs it ... yeah, he's done what he can ...
All that Fearne has left is VERBAL spells ... fuck ... Mister takes some shots with his flaming shit gun instead ... she's going to DROP her flaming form? REALLY?!!! That was the ONLY ADVANTAGE she had right now ... but it does cause a big BOOM so maybe it'll work ... yeah, at least it gets TWO of 'em ... 41 points of damage! YEAH!!! Wow, and she just TAKES THOSE TWO OUT entirely ... yes! And now she's at FOUR POINTS OF EXHAUSTION ... oof ...
Dark Fearne jumps up on one of the rocks ... what's THIS SHIT?!!! Oh nice ... BOTH HITS MISS ENTIRELY?!!! Sweet ... but the third hits ... 6 points ... AND SHE'S DOWN?!!! FUCK!!! Another hit while she's DOWN? Fuck!! Autocrit means TWO FAILED DEATH SAVES!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!
Orym pours a healiong potion down Fearne's throat for 17 HP back, then crouches over her to protect her, shield up and ready ... ORYM!!! Sweet ...
At least Fearne's got her voice back ... SCORCHING RAY!!! GO QUEEN!!! Four attacks ... roll good, Ash! 2 hit, but she rolls BALLS on the damage ...
But it was JUST enough to finally take out Dark Fearne? Oh thank the fucking GODS ...
Mister shoots more flaming shit at thew remaining copy ... and hits it! OKay ... come on, you sweet flaming monkey ... meanwhile Ashley gets stuck reading rules and Laura gets REALLY upset with her about it ... NERVES, PEOPLE!!! And it WORKS!!! That last bitch is DEAD!!! Thank fuck ...
Is it over? Thank fuck ... oh for ... NOW what? Gloamglut? Fucking ZATHUDA!!! You fucking ASSHAT!!! Just piss off already!
The NEXT LESSON? Oh, I hate him so much ...
NOW the alarm's raised? As he's already leaving? IS HE leaving? What's happening?
Thank fuck that's over with ... yeah, NO MORE solo nighttime excurstions, ANY OF YOU ... you're making me go grey here ...
Cure Wounds? Yes. Thank you, Dorian. Heal Fearne ...
Yes. Seriously, Fearne, NO MORE FOLLOWING CUTE CREATURES ... I agree, take a buddy next time! Smarter, at least ...
Ah, yes ... because Dorian REALLY DOESN'T know a whole lot right now, this is true ... seriously, time to fill our poor boy in!
And now for a break ... yeah ...
Creeeeepy Beacon ad ... hmmm ...
An uneasy morning, clearly ... salvaging what's left of the mirror ... is that really a good idea?
Yes, indeed ... what ARE WE going to do now? What's the plan? Decisions need to be made ...
Kayleth first ... yeah, smart.
Okay, big meeting. Time to unload all the information ...
Oh, is Fearne going to fill them in on the WHY that all just kicked off? This should be interesting ...
So ... the Hallowed Cage rings a bell? Interesting ...
Yes, I figured Evoroa would be a valuable teaching resource for this lot ...
Growing discord from Ludinus' propaganda across Exandria? Great. Just what we need right now ...
Oh yeah, the machinery ... the piece of Malleus Key tech ... okay ... so it's definitely Arcanum era technology ... all of it keeps pointing back to Aeor ...
Someone who knows Aeor? Who's that, then? They're on a mission? Hmmm ...
A mission for US, then? Okay ... so they're going to meet with this individual? And potentially stop Ludinus, if he IS out there too? Sounds smart ...
Yeah, I mean Dorian does have a particularly fresh and unique perspective on this right now that's bound to be useful ...
"Scrappy fuck-ups"? I mean, he ain't wrong, but ...
Whoa, Chetney ... O.O ... HEAVY WORDS, man ... careful ...
Laudna: "He was just a snow Ludinus!" Um ... yeah ...
Chetney's like a "fart in the wind" ... XD ... cute ...
Imogen tries to show them what the Five Minds looked like ... okay ... yeah, Chetney's right, there's definitely some serious POWER in their Psychic game compared to ours ...
Weeks? I really doubt we actually HAVE that much time ...
Sent by a WIDOGAST? What?
Seth Domade? An archivist of the Cobalt Soul? Interesting ... so he's one of the Aeor experts? Cool. He's actually BEEN THERE? Even cooler ...
The furniture? What? Chetney ...
Finding an individual? WHO?!!! He'll tell them on the way? Damn it ...
The globe! Cool ... XD Keyleth finds it somewhat terrifying. As she should ...
Laudna's fetuses in jars ... yeah ... calm down, Dead Girl!
So, off to find this mysterious Assembly member first, then ... yeah ... and they're going to be using Domade as the means of transport? Teleportation? Hmmmm ...
Imahara Joe? Yeah ... he really should know what happened to FCG ... best to wait until they can tell him themselves, then. Yeah ...
So, to Zadash first, then ... oh, war chest funds? Yeah, that'd be really helpful too ... 10,000 gold pieces? REALLY?!!! Wow ... that's ... IMPRESSIVE ...
Yes. Ashton's giant magic Hole ... oh yeah, Dorian's not seen that yet ... Chetney: "Are you turned off by our dep dark Hole?" Well I mean it does STINK or rotting corpses right now ... oh, they're just cleaning all the nasty stuff out of it RIGHT NOW? Holy fuck ... LOL
Wow ... this conversation just became surreal and oddly unpleasant ...
Domade is intrigued by his first impression of this group and I don't blame him in the slightest ...
Yes. Fearne IS exhausted. FOUR TIMES right now ... yes, Keyleth PLEASE help her right now ...
She took away TWO WHOLE POINTS of Exhaustion? Cool ...
The Champion of Asmodeus? Oh boy ... O.O
Yeah, Keyleth continues to be awesome, like always ...
Wise words from Orym, yes ... and some advice from her to him, too ... oh boy ...
Dorian likes the Mythtaker. Yeah ... :3
Okay, heading out with Seth, then. Introductions all round first, though. Yeah ...
Oh right ... this looks like a SERIOUS Teleportation spell ...
Yeah, Liliana was able to STOP TIME. It was very intimidating.
Ah, so where ARE THEY then, Matthew? The Sprawl in Zadash. Okay ... interesting, it seems that something has been amiss recently ... oh, recent BATTLE? Hmmm ...
So Chetney's been here before, long ago ...
Ah, the Tri-Spires, yeah ...
Invisibility? Yeah, that's viable for some ... yea, timely indeed since they're being followed ... yeah! Do it now ...
Oh, so they're gonna BLUFF IT, are they? Group Stealth check ... great ... NAT1?!!! Ashley NO!!!
Smells like deer shit ... XD
Dodge the guards? ANOTHER Stealth check? Oof ... oh, yeah, MUCH better ...
Walk with confindence ... Chetney just starts Connor McGregor-swaggering ... LOL
The Gilded Willows? Nice ...
"Do not panic"? So that's the keyword to GRAB ... okay ...
Chastity's Nook? REALLY?!!!
Oh boy ... this is gonna be WILD, I can already tell ... yeah, Dorian finally gets it ... XD ...
Iva: "How can I help you?" Imogen: "Oh, we're here for the ... uh ... PORN."
Ah yes ... ye olde sex shoppe ... LOL
Erma? ERMA?!!! SHE'S the target? Really?
Blood Cursxe of Binding? Wow ... straight to it ... meanwhile Imogen casts Command and tells her to: "Freeze!"
Oh, nice grapple, Ashton ... if he pulls this off it's gonna be SWEET ... 23? NICE ...
Laudna Counterspells before Erma can work her magic ... 21? YES!!! Nice one! Success! Unsettling Presence ... YEAH!!!
Dorian puffs Ruby Dust in her fast and casts a 7th Level Forcecage on her ... WHAT?!!! Holy fuck, bard! She tries to Counterspell it ... and it works? BALLS ...
Orym glues her hand to the wall with Sedling's Grasping Vine ... meanwhile Ashton just grabs her arm ... and Imogen tries to hold her in place with her mind ...
Seth pulls something that just deadens LL MAGIC IN THE ROOM ... oh, nice, I see what he did there! Yes, sweet move, Cobalt Soul! That';s perfect. Time to just dogpile her, then ...
Wait ... no more illusion for Seth, then ... HOLDY FUCK!!! YES!!! I KNEW IT!!! Essek fucking Thelyss! YAY!!!
She's fucking ASTRID?!!! Seriously?
And THAT'S where we're calling it? I mean FUCK but also NICE! I mean it's kinda perfect, really. MY BOY IS HERE!!! YES!!!
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imrinababy · 3 months
URL Song Game <3
tytyty @cozytopia & @cronakillz for the tag <33 literally makes my little gremlin heart happy when im included in anything bc sobs i barely interact with ppl
unfortunately it wasn’t a phase mom and we’re still really emo so tw ur abt to see an emo’s playlist. i do listen to a lot of different types of music (including a lot in Spanish) but i have this one playlist i listen to on a daily basis so ill prob be pulling from that mostly. i do have heavy brain rot for ptv so 🧎
I - Intoxicated by The Cab (literally was obsessed with this song years ago but everyone only knew angel with a shotgun)
M - Ma Cherie by Palaye Royale, Kellin Quinn (this song makes my brain so happy istg kellin’s voice against remington's is so ownejqow)
R - Reach by Eyes Set To Kill
I - I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy
N - Not The American Average by Asking Alexandria
A - Aviation by Misdelphia, Vic Fuentes (omg vic??? who’s he??? anyways this song is so underrated and unknown i think?? idk but I love it)
B - Besitos by Pierce the Veil (ptv brain rot so real on this one mis compás frfr)
A - Ashley by Escape the Fate
B - Basket Case by Green Day
Y - You're so Creepy by Ghost Town
this was literally so much harder than i thought. <//3 i tried to limit it to one song per artist but half of my playlist is ptv so 😭 i tried linking every song from Spotify but im kinda stupid so if i mixed one up, pls do lmk & i’ll fix it. also ilysm pls hmu to anyone who knows more than like 4-6 songs on here <3
once again im too shy to tag anyone so if you see this, heres ur ghost tag. you’re legally obligated to do it now mwah ty
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that-fandom-writer · 1 year
chenford march madness
OK so I do not have the ability to make this into a cute little format of any sort lol however if any one wants to do that feel free lol this is just a list of prompts that @my-shields-are-down  and I came up with (along with a few that we sent to her)
This is for Chenford March Madness since we are going the entire month of March with no new episodes, this is a list of prompts for writing, making gif sets or videos, please use the # Chenford March Madness if you create anything from this list please! Trying to keep the fun in our fandom while we don’t get new episodes lol.
1-    I love you
2-    Lucky (for march 17th)
3-    T.O. / Rookie time
4-    Proposal
5-    Hike with Kojo
6-    Pregnancy announcement
7-    Wedding
8-    Smut
9-    Double date with Wopez
10-  Metro dude flirting with Lucy
11-  New female rookie flirting with Tim
12-  Lucy tells Tim about Noah (the meaning of hot pants and that Bradford)
13-  One of them goes missing and the other is worried
14-  Lucy tells Tim “you said you are a show me guy, show me how much you love me”
15-  Another baseball practice
16-   Anniversary Celebration
17-  Family Vacation outside of LA
18-  Chaperoning kids’ field trip to aquariam/ museum/ historical site (with all the correct details)
19-  New pet after Kojo dies
20-  Kid has a temper tantrum
21-  Tim catches his daughter making out with a boy in her room- how is she punished (she tries to manipulate him in response to get her way)
22-  Lucy asks X to walk her down the aisle
23-  Tim meets his first grandbaby
24-  Vampire/werewolves or witches au
25-  Tim taking his son for his first haircut
26-  Tim’s motorcycle (Tim in leather pants must be included)
27-  Magician Tim and Lucy
28-  Tim and Lucy visit your favorite place
29-  Getting hotdogs at Pinks
30-  Date night at the LA Forever Cemetery for a classic movie
31-  Accidently eloping in Vegas/ Reno/ Atlantic city
32-  White elephant Christmas party
33-  Tim needs Glasses
34-  Genny gets married
35-  Prom stories
36-  Tim in basic training
37-  Couples Halloween
38-  4th of July picnic
39-  Tim tells their grandkids about the first and second date
40-  Morning after their first time
41-  Talking about the fake proposal to Ashley
42-  Discussing why they dated Ashley and Chris
43-  “I’ve never been in love”
44-  I’m not your type Tim
45-   Birthdays
46- kids pranking Tim and Lucy
   Ok so i know this is a long ass list lol, I am just trying to give all of the writers in the fandom some inspiration since we are gonna be stuck without new episodes for a month lol.
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taking-shots · 2 years
broken walls | n. mackinnon (18+)
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warnings: this is literally pure filth, idk what else u want me to say
word count: 769 (this was also not proofread in the slightest so pls don’t come for me)
a note from the author: boy oh boy have i been saving this one for a rainy day. i hope u enjoy this as much as i did besties <33
it’s about half past 2:00AM the night of the downtown parade when you and nate finally stumble into his front door.
he’s had too many beers to count, and ej managed to make him take god only knows how many shots of tequila. you’re not so innocent either; the amount of truly’s you had would send a sorority girl into kidney failure, and cale would only take shots if you agreed to too, not to mention the mimosas you, mel, and ashley consumed at breakfast this morning. you don’t know much by this point, but you are for sure horny and so is your boyfriend. the more alcohol he consumed, the more touchy-feely he got, which was extremely rare for his stoic personality.
by the time you left everyone, nate had started full on making out with you while grabbing a handful of your ass. on the ride home, he kept slotting his hand between your thighs, which made you grateful you had chosen the denim shorts to wear this morning instead of the white skirt you originally picked out. your uber drive was young, and he didn’t need to see the avs’ star centre fingering his girlfriend in the backseat. he was already getting a show enough because of nate’s nipping and sucking on your neck and jawline only when you had to pull away from lips to breathe. fast forward to actually getting inside nate’s luxury home, he throws you on the bed and quickly strips himself of the sweat and alcohol champion t-shirt. everything is normal up until his cock is finally freed.
“baby,” he moans, rubbing himself through your soaking lips. “get inside me.” you whine, bucking your hips forward in an attempt to finally feel the familiar feeling of nate deep inside you. “look at me, please.” he practically begs, keeping one hand on his weeping cock. you open your eyes and look at the man in front of you. he’s practically in tears, but you’re not sure from what. “hey, nate, what’s wrong, baby?” you ask concerned, immediately sitting up and softly cupping his cheek. “we don’t have to do anything, we can just go to bed.” nate automatically melts in your touch and relaxes. “no, it’s not that.” he sniffles. “i just…can you…can you just take care of me, please? just for tonight, i promise-“ he starts to ramble and apologize, but you quickly cut him off by pressing your lips onto his.
you kiss him for a moment before gently taking his hand off himself and softly stroking it with your own. he breaks apart from your mouth, nearly releasing right there in your hand. “i’ve got you, sweet boy.” you assure him. “lay back for me.” nate wastes no time in complying, getting comfortable on his side of the bed. “whatever you need, you tell me, yeah?” you tell him softly, straddling him. he nods his head but doesn’t say anything, too focused on how his tip is just begging to inserted inside your soft, warm cunt. “nathan.” you tell him firmly, making his blue eyes look into yours. “tell me you understand.” he knows that you won’t let him inside until he verbally acknowledges what you said. “yeah. yes, i understand.” he tells you.
you slowly sink down on his thick shaft, taking it inch by inch, not used to the feeling of being on top. once your pubic bone is resting at his base, you place your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. you stay like that for a moment, thinking about your next move. you’ve been on top for with a few of your exes, but this was different; it wasn’t just about riding him. he needed to know how loved by and special he was to you - he needed to feel it. “you feel so good, baby.” you sigh, beginning to move your hips. “my champion…no one deserves it like you do.” your words were having an affect on nate something serious as his eyes were screwed shut, and his hands gripped the sheet so hard you thought they would rip at any moment.
you knew this wouldn’t last much longer. in fact, you probably wouldn’t even get an orgasm tonight, and that’s was okay with you. nate struggled so much to let people in and tell them how he really felt, so the fact that he finally felt safe enough to ask you what he had obviously wanted for a while now was pleasure enough for you. (besides, you knew nate would undoubtedly wake you up tomorrow with the best morning head.)
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chartreuseian · 3 months
For the number game: 6, 8, 11, 19, 29, and 33, please!
Thank you 😁 So many!! Ok, strap in, I suppose...
6. Least favorite AU to write?
Well, most AU's really. They are just about my favourite thing to read, but properly alternate AU's (like your amazing Enigmatic Confections) freak me out from a writing standpoint. I never feel like I'm going to be able to properly bring the characters into an entirely world and still do them justice. If it's at least canon adjacent, I feel more certain of what I'm doing. I actually don't think I've ever written anything that is a full blown AU!!
8. How do you get into the mindset of writing [insert character]?
Hmm. Well, I'm a big fan of writing to music and once I find a song that fits the character and their mood, I'm generally good to go. I find I can shift into pretty much any perspective provided I understand the motivation for the scene though.
11. Which character is the hardest to write?
Helen Magnus. Or Ashley. Helen because I feel like my Helen ends up so much more angsty and dramatic than she should be. Even when I'm doing the Oxford era stuff that I love, I'm never happy with her characterisation. And with Ashley I think it's because I never really warmed to how they handled her character on the show so I struggle to connect.
19. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular? Why do you think that is?
Ha. Well, if I hadn't blasted away everything on FF a few months ago, I'd probably have a better idea of this. I feel like 'Forget Me Not' and 'The Invisible Exploits of Doctor Magnus' had a lot of traction for a while there. And 'Mr & Mrs', despite getting only sporadic comments these days gets pretty decent hits on each chapter. On the why, absolutely no idea!
29. What's something you've improved on since you started writing fics?
I'm a very different writer now than when I started by virtue of being 13 years older, but also because I write so much for work and in so many different contexts, I've got a very different appreciation for the craft of it than I did before. In particular, I've got a stronger grasp of technical features than I did way back when (I don't know if I actually paragraphed anything in the first few chapters of my first story!!) and I think my expression, while still stupidly flowery, is much more effective at establishing perspective and characterisation.
33. What's your ideal fic length?
To write? Long enough that I get invested but short enough that I don't lose steam. I'm giving up on trying to figure out how long things will or won't be though. 'Mr & Mrs' was supposed to end up at about 50-70k and it's enormous now. The deskcapades one was also supposed to be just a few cute little steamy moments, but it's at 40k now and there's still plenty to go.
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
fluffy HCs as requested bud <33
Vesper is absolutely spoiled by VM - they get better with it as time goes on [the Trickfoots have their own kids, and the rest have their responsibilities really settle in, and Vex and Percy learn that maybe spoiling a kid rotten isn't the best way to go] but this kid gets everything. Partially because she's the first baby and SO cute... partially because Vax just died and Vex is A Mess so they're all rallying to defeat this for her, for themselves, and it's very healing to make a lil baby smile and laugh.
Scanlan actually isn't the best at lullabies - the kids turn to Pike's huskier and softer voice at bedtime. Which Scanlan is Very Dramatic About, but he has the best songs for games and chores and good times and such. But Pike lulls them right to sleep, and also offers up sea shanties when they're working on chores as a family that require a rhythm.
Sorry, but you know Willhand'ildan absolutely fucking hates his name. He and Vax'ildan (Dan) bond over not really... knowing how to deal with being named after dead people, especially the same guy their parents feel guilty about not being able to save. So Dan and Wills actually end up being very close friends, and I HC they're fairly close friends too. I HC Dan as becoming a Druid in Zephrah, and if so he and Wills either send letters regularly or Wills works as a Tempest Blade there too (shhh hes FINE hes FINE he comes out COMPLETELY UNSCATHED SHHH).
Juniper's feelings are less complicated, because Scanlan had a lot more time to come to terms with his mother's death, and her name is a lot more common / namesake less well known so people don't immediately bug her about it. She feels really touched she has this connection to this woman only her dad knew.
Not v relevant but imagine an AU where Tary and Lawrence adopt a lil Fjord. (They both settle down in Port Damali, which is where Lawrence was living, and where Fjord grew up!) Consider Fjord with gay dads who absolutely trounce on standard ideas of masculinity from the word go, and also are prolific authors. Jester would get absolutely fucking starry-eyed when he tells her lmao
vesper being spoiled by a vm who feel guilty about vax and paranoid about this small fragile lil babbu and also who want to see her have more than they ever did... they overcorrect but it's so earnest and i love them oh my god
poor wilhand'ildan was fucked over for LIFE (sam and ashley are giggling as they ruin this fictional child's life it's hilarious) and i do think that would be SUCH a heavy burden, but the thought of vax'ildeux and wills being buddies........ that warms my heart sm. AND LIVING IN ZEPHRAH WITH AUNTIE KEEKS......... BLESSED
juniper <33 she has no idea how much drama her named caused LMAO
thank you so much for these,,,,,,, heart full of warm happiness <33 thank you
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