#muffet's pet
sariels-world-ella · 4 months
So originally I was just going to make the full body design drawing since this artwork I made here isn't full body, here's that drawing in case you're curious:
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So, I made a full body one and then got carried away and made Grillby and Fuku too, I still don't know how the arms work AT ALL but ehh... Whatever
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I don't have too much info on Grillby and Fuku as AU Characters but I do have a bit on Muffet so here's that below the cut:
Full Name: Little Miss Muffet
Alias: Muffet, Muffy, Miss Muffet
Biological Sex: None
Gender: Feminine
Age: mid to late 50s
Romantic preference: any
Status: alive
Birth year: early 1960s to late 1950s
Species: Monster
Type: Anthropomorphic
Race: Arachnid
Occupation: Baker
Known Family: Little Miss Patience (Grandmother) Little Miss Mactan (Mother), The Small Spiders (Adoptive Children)
Strongest Attacks:
Venom Bite - Inject your enemy with lethal Venom
Lynch - hang your enemy with a noose of webs
She graduated from a high school in snowdin and went to Hotland’s culinary school for her higher education, as soon as she graduated she took out a business loan and opened her bakery parlor.
Not much of Muffet’s early life is known, but we do know she lived with her grandmother, Little Miss Patience though it's unknown if her parent(s) were still in the picture, though we do know her mother's name is Little Miss Mactan, as in Latrodectus mactans (Black Widow), implying that if Muffet had another parent that Mactan probably ate them and the reason she isn't in the picture anymore is that she is serving jail time.
Muffet did meet Papyrus when she was 7 and he was in his 30s-40s at that time when he was working part-time as a babysitter, and at some point Muffet met Grillby but it's unknown exactly when.
During the Underground Civil War, her Parlor was temporarily closed down and she made food and supplies for the war effort.
Muffet is extremely skilled in martial arts and likes to use a fighting technique that incorporates elements of dance.
Before the barrier went up, Muffet’s Family originated from, what is now, the human country of France. We know that Muffet has a lot of tiny spiders that aren’t the same race nor monster type as her being from the Creature Type, but she does consider them her children, and no, they are not the ones she serves to others to eat, those are actual, real, living, exoskeleton and blood spiders not monsters who look and act like spiders, we know this because if they were monster spiders, she won’t be able to cook or bake them into anything as they’ll just turn into dust and dust doesn’t taste good.
We also know Muffet came from a longline of tailors and seamstresses, but Muffet chose to pursue baking and went to culinary school, however Muffet is still a natural tailor and is very good at making clothing, even making clothes to support the war effort during the Underground civil war.
We don’t know what Muffet’s pet is, we do know it’s not a species part of the Supernatural Order, so it’s likely just a familiar, though if it is, it's unknown if she is the one who conjured it or it was just passed down through generations.
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daikaiju-chaos · 1 year
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Inktober of '21 and '22 - Day 12: Stuck and Forgot
Featuring Muffet's pet muffin-spider-thing, and Mumei in the Forgorten Land.
(Yeah, I have no clue why during 2021 I chose to do a bunch of Undertale stuff.)
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cupcake8me · 1 year
Inktober day 2 (I'm too slow at this TwT)
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Next up: path
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sparticus2000art · 4 months
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Continuing with drawing undertale characters I don’t draw often, here’s muffet!
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dragon8er · 1 month
Frisk sketch page
Hey guys, Dragon8er here!
Was testin out a new personal design for Frisk.
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Ended up also drawing Louie from Undertale: Restored (created by @shigg315) just for funsies. Plus they kinda give sibling vibes to me.
I also took the opportunity to finally design Silksuit!Muffet's pet, and gave her a name. She's Beau (pronounced "Bow"). The top one was the first draft of the design, the bottom is the final version. Heavily inspired by the Pokémon Tarountula. Silksuit is also co-owned by @bigfungus7.
So, yeah.
That's all!
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dummdemonisbella · 4 months
Underpearl Muffet with her little pet spiders!
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didderd · 10 months
ye :3 am glad yall seem to like Leggies hehe
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temm-masscret · 1 year
Facing the Muffin Spider
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BFG Blasted (Without Hud)
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Muffet won't be happy about it
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lost-spells · 5 months
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I'm sitting on another animation idea, but decided I need to settle on some designs for the characters involved.
I love Muffet's design, but I'm iffy on Frisks.
(Ik the quality is sheite, I snagged it from my Facebook instead of just posting the screenshot directly from my tablet)
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
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Visiting with the nieces while my brother dinks around getting ready for our flight
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lost-sunset-canine · 2 years
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hes a loaf qwq spooder loaf qwp  i think you can tell i’m sleep deprived lmao qwp  i love him, i’m just doodling him at this point and love it qwp  he needs a hug qwp  heeh qwp instead of a muffin its a loaf qwp  i feel like a genious qwp  -dairiem
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Since AI is a controversial hot topic right now and I've been watching Battlestar Galactica (1978) for the first time in 10+ years I'm going to make a post about what AI SHOULD be.
So yesterday I finally got to rewatch what was one of my favorite Battlestar episodes when I was a teenager, "Fire in Space". In it, the Galactica is rammed by two cylon fighters, causing massive damage to the bridge and one of their landing bays. This also starts a fire burning on multiple decks which traps a group of people in a rec room, including three main characters: Boomer, Athena, and Boxy. (post introducing Battlestar characters here)
Now, the group in the rec room are trapped by fire on both sides. They have only five oxygen masks for probably 15 people, including a number of wounded and Boxy, who is about six. The only possible escape route at this point is an air vent, which is only big enough for Boxy to get through, but as Apollo (Boxy's father) points out, Boomer would never take a chance with the little boy's life by sending him for help.
But. Boxy's constant companion is a dog named Muffet. And Muffet is a mechanical, artificially intelligent, dog. Muffet has already saved people from a dangerous situation before in "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero" when he gets help for the team stranded on the planet during a snowstorm. The crew on the bridge is still skeptical that the dog will make it though, because there are dozens of air ducts he could wander into that don't lead to the bridge. However! Apollo remembers that Boxy taught his dog to sniff out candy (as any small child would do) and tells them to put some in the bridge's air duct to lure the dog there.
It works. Muffet arrives on the bridge with a note from Boomer explaining their situation and lack of oxygen masks. They attach a bag of the masks to Muffet and send him back through the air ducts, telling him to "Find Boxy". Muffet does, bringing the masks and a note that, in a desperate attempt to stop the out-of-control fire, they're about to blow a hole in the hull of the Galactica (so basically, hold on and don't get sucked into the vacuum of space!).
And then Muffet goes back into the air ducts to rescue a fireman he'd seen trapped and injured by the blaze. He pulls the man out in the nick of time, getting half fried in the process.
So what's my point here about AI? My point is that Muffet, as a mechanical dog, can do much more than an ordinary dog and do it in a way that doesn't risk an animal's actual life. Muffet was able to go through the vents and endure the smoke because he doesn't need to breathe air. When he was damaged by the fire he can be repaired and made to work again. He is also intelligent enough to be trained and follow basic commands like a normal dog, as well as having the problem solving/prioritizing skills to bring the oxygen masks to the people who needed them first and then go back to save the fireman.
My point is that THIS is what we should be striving for with artificial intelligence: to have robots smart enough to think logically, follow commands, and who are able to go into situations that would be horrifyingly dangerous/lethal for a human or animal and save/help people. Like, Idk how to say it more clearly, but this mechanical dog from a 70's sci fi show is literally the peak of artificial intelligence we should be striving for. Emergency workers wouldn't even be losing the emotional bond they have for animals they work with, because Muffet is programmed to act like a real dog and he does! He's basically Boxy's emotional support animal. They could get sent into fires, violent areas, etc and not only be helpful but comforting to people who needed it!
Additionally, this is all taking place in a show where they literally told us that the cylons, the evil race trying to eradicate the humans, are robots who became smarter than their creators (who were not humans, btw) and outlived/killed them. Both sides of the coin are 100% present here.
Also, Muffet looks like this:
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tl:dr this mechanical dog from a 1970's tv show is the peak of artificial intelligence and I don't know why we aren't making more of him.
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bluemoth698 · 1 year
Here's my take on Underswap Muffet, swapped with Catty and Bratty
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I thought it would be fun for Muffet to be a little painter here who sells her art for way too much money. Papyrus has commissioned her a few times and likes to play fetch with her pet when he visits.
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Special thanks to ChrisTheRaccTamer and Shroompng for their help with the background and tweaks to the sprites, and feel free to ask any questions you may have about the AU!
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akanemnon · 6 months
Not Frisk having omega flowey and that monsterous cupcake that muffet has a pet flashbasks. Lol
Oh they definitely have seen worse than the flower dragon *True Lab flashbacks itensify*
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xtaleunderverse · 2 years
Celebrating Underverse's 7th anniversary with concept art: Doodles of Underverse 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 part 1 from my notebook! (Some pages alternate between Spanish and English, this is how I usually brainstorm ideas, sorry in advance ;w;)
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0.5 - Hopeless Snas telling Frisk they're alone in this
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0.5 - XGaster monologuing and trying to persuade Frisk
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0.5 - Mettaton vs XMettaton fight scene ideas
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0.6 - Muffet and her new pets | Cross in the Omega Timeline
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0.6 - Core!Frisk and Epictale
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0.6 - Cross and Dream talking | VS Nightmare and Killer fight concepts
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0.7 part 1 - Overdrive X!Mtt beta concept
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0.7 part 1 - XTale!Papyrus
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0.7 part 1 - Weak X!Chara
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BONUS: Underverse 0.7 part 2 - Surprise
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the-selfinsert · 27 days
Poll time :D!
I put out a post asking for one-shot fanfic ideas a little while back, and said the I'd put most popular ideas to a poll to vote on. So, here we are!
(Also remember, I'm going to do this again, so be on the lookout!)
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