#mulan was important to me as a kid so i do have a few mulan dolls
fishylife · 2 years
admittedly the d*sney animators dolls are quite cute and i definitely prefer them to ag which seem to be the most popular brand for dolls with that size and proportion...but i don't want to buy d*sney dolls lol
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pastamansta · 8 months
Dora the explorer
I spoke recently about how "Alice in Wonderland" (2010) is one of my guiltiest pleasures in film. I say this for a few reasons, but one of the most important reasons why I use the word "guilty" is because, by and large, I do not like Disney's live-action remakes. The few "remakes" that I do enjoy tend to be the ones that many would argue "don't count," such as "Maleficent" (2014), "Christopher Robin" (2018), "Cruella" (2021), and even "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" (2010). The only "genuine" Disney live-action remake that I have even slight feelings on, beyond a mild annoyance, are "Aladdin" (2019), for being so stupid and product of a romp that I have something akin to pleasure associated with it, and "Mulan" (2020), which makes me actively angry.
I'm not going to pretend like disliking Disney, live-action remakes is "just a me thing," but it's obvious that no matter how verbally displeased that internet people become by the creation of these films... there's certainly a fucking market, huh? I mean, I can say that I, personally, tend to forget that "The Lion King" (2019) even exists, because I didn't even give it a chance, and it still made $1.6B at the box office.
I guess the inherent concept of taking a piece of pre-established, animated media and letting it change forms is just something that appeals to "the monkey brain." "This Will Be Graphics In 2013," if you can dig it? I mean, one of the things that everyone seems to forget is that Disney isn't the only one who's done this. No one seems to remember that Hanna-Barbera had quite a stint of this in the early 2000s; Flintstones, Josie, and Scooby, back-to-back-to-back! Do I even need to bring up the heroes in a half-shell themselves? I mean, and let's say those aren't to your taste because they're a little too "kid-oriented" for your taste; "Speed Racer" (2008) has received its cultural resurgence for a reason and "Alita: Battle Angel" (2019) managed to go toe-to-toe with a pre-Endgame MCU film and not walk away entirely battered, even if it's never getting its sequel.
So, you know, it's not like this is scorched earth or anything, it's just another type of adaptation. The "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is a live-action remake, from a certain perspective.
Why do I say all of this? Well, mostly because being a legal adult and being asked my opinion on "Dora the Explorer" (2000‑2019) is worthy of a fat eye-roll, but also because I hope to make a case here, if only by comparison alone, for why a live-action Dora movie could've worked, but was approached from too simple an angle, because it wasn't being taken seriously.
Either a concept has, let's call it "genius," baked into it... or "genius" has to BE baked into it in adaptation. This is the inherent argument that comes with adaptation in any form; "Is this improved by changing, is it made worse by changing, which means it needs to be changed more, or is changing it a neutral action?" The neutral action argument is just generally reductive; even if the only point of the project was to cast a real-life person to play an animated character, you will still be subject to the comparison of "if they sound right" or not.
So, we've boiled our question down a little; "Is this improved by changing, or is it made worse by changing, which means it needs to be changed more?" Well, for some, it's not so simple. "John Carter" (2012) is one of Disney's largest failures to date; it's a crappy adaptation of Edgar Rice Burrough's novel "A Princess of Mars" (1912). This story was written eight years after the release of the first multi-reel film, roughly eleven years before film had sound, and roughly twenty-seven years before film had color. Who's to say that this story wasn't made for the screen? The screen wasn't even an option for its presentation when it was created! Let's give it a g- Fucking terrible idea, nevermind.
However, in the case of Dora... It's kind of obvious, isn't it? It's a children's edutainment series, made popular by its ease of access, bright colors, and... genuine lack of content. I mean, one of the show's most influential decisions was to include a full minute of silence, so kids could say whatever they wanted to at Dora. Taking this concept to the silver screen is truly "made worse by changing, which means it needs to be changed more."
So, what are the changes? They add a bunch of side characters I never remember to a generic globe-trotting plotline that reaches its climax when the characters trip balls and see life through an animated lens... Okay, well, that's not the climax, but, I mean, I can't imagine a ton of people paid much attention to anything that happened after that scene. Oh, well. Maybe they've should've, like, cared? Considering the director is behind "Alice Through the Looking Glass" (2016) and the writer is behind "Gulliver's Travels" (2010), maybe I shouldn't be shocked.
TL;DR: The only moment I remember with any fondness from "Dora and the Lost City of Gold" (2019) was the extended "let's shit in a hole" gag. As for the cartoon... be so fr rn
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bubblesandpages · 1 year
17, 19, and 3? 👀🍵
3. what is your favorite genre?
Fantasssssy my beloved <3
17. top 5 children’s books?
GLAD YOU ASKED and is also an evil question limiting me to five :p
For the sake of my heart I'm limiting this to children's chapter books because this list would be impossible if we were to include picture books. Nostalgia will also have a significant say as I've read more than a few excellent children's books in my adult life that, good as they are, don't quite manage the same level of blind adoration as some of these earlier ones do, even if they match them in every other regard.
The Wind in the Willows: immediately disregarding rule two, I didn't actually like this book as a kid, though the fact we had an abridged copy growing up might have had something to do with that. This book is made up entirely of charm, and perfectly nails it's atmosphere. The fact that this isn't a cottagecore classic is beyond ridiculous >:(
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane: this is probably the closest you can get to fictional book that made me the person I am. There is something so poignant and deeply, deeply touching about this book and how it depicts loss and tragedy, and the hope and perseverance that makes life worth living.
Lara and the Gray Mare: I know I never shut up about her, but she means so much to me. This series more than any other showed me how much I care about women in history being women in history. Yes, it's has a Mulan spin to it, but it takes so much of its time honoring and respecting the roles women had in society, giving their actions weight and importance, and allowing them to achieve self-actualization through the myriad of ways they contributed to society. I adore it, and thinking about it makes me ticked off with how narrowly feminism set's the parameters for female success at times in favor of more mescaline achievements.
Dragonskin Slippers: this was quite possibly my introduction to tongue-in-cheek fantasy parody while being unabashedly girly! There's adorable, thoughtful, and terrifying dragons who love summer fruits and collect dogs, and stained glass windows, an abundance of embroidery, evil princesses, non-evil counts, decidedly practical heroines, and absurd aunts who've read too many fairytales! This book is pure comfort and joy to me <3
The Complete Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie: this comes the closest out of any book I've read to capturing the pure dreamlike vagueness of fairytales. May Gibbs often gets compared to Beatrix Potter, but I'd say that Potter has a more grounded realism to her work, while Gibbs feels like an unfinished sentence. Events in her stories happen, and you get the sense they work especially on an emotional level, but events will take place with little clarification or explanation—hence the fairytale quality.
19. most disliked popular books?
(Kids and preteens look away; this isn't intended for you) Keeper of the Lost Cities is bad actually, I'm going to need all the adults to relearn what a good children's book is. Go read a Newbery or ten, because this isn't it.
Murderbot Diaries is really, really not my cup of tea. Pardon me for not finding an android reenacting me as my worst self somehow relatable or comforting to read about. Nobody in this first novella gets any good solid characterization,other than Murderbot and the captain, there's a bajillion people on this crew yet all I know about them is which other person in the team they'd like to sleep with, which, for a self-professed skipper of sex scenes seems like the least likely thing for our protagonist to zero in on, or perhaps there's a larger point here about how coupling is all that human's think about. Anyway, don't like it.
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bobvarioa · 2 years
Random Stuff Ep. 1: Disney Princesses
So first, what is a Disney Princess? This might seem like an incredibly simple title/category, but it is actually quite vague:
Firstly let's discuss some princesses that almost nobody will argue are not in the category, to perhaps get a sense of what a princess is:
Cinderella: I think this one is clear enough she married into a royal family and thus is a princess
Snow White: This one is more vague because technically she never marries the "Prince" (yes his actual name in the movie) and he is only her true love, but there is still royalty involved so that makes sense to me.
Aurora: She's the protagonist of Sleeping Beauty, if it's been a minute and you forgot like I had. Literally the daughter of a king, not anything else to say.
Ariel: Same as above, daughter of Neptune-Lite, king of the sea.
Belle: Marries in.
Jasmine: Daughter.
Tiana: Marries in.
Rapunzel: Daughter.
Merida: Daughter again.
Alright, these have direct royal linkage, and it makes sense that they are in here, but you might think this list is missing a few notable figures? Where's Mulan, Pocahontas, Moana, Elsa, Anna, or even Raya if you've seen the more recent films.
These princesses fit into the category of women which are in a position of authority under a (typically male) "bigger" position of authority, which is kinda similar to a princess?
Pocahontas: Daughter of a chief, so converting that to a similar title, makes,, enough sense?
Moana: Same deal here, daughter of a chief.
Raya: Arguably could fit under the next category, but daughter of a chief, position of authority.
I think that these are alright contenders of the title, why restrict this title of princess to just those who fit the traditional king-queen-princess-prince system? Least controversial, arguable category, basically just a question of language.
The next category is people in a position of power, and I think this is where the title breaks down a bit:
Elsa: Snow Queen, not really a princess persay? She definitely fits the vibe, but would you consider the various other queens of these princesses to fit in this list? Again, no not really.
Anna: Same logic applies here, she's a joint queen with Elsa, does it really make sense?
Mulan: She's technically just a general, why consider her a princess when she really isn't one cough cough disney prince trans joke #mulan is trans
Okay but that's just picking at hairs, at the end of the day it's just the title of a toy brand, is this really important? Kinda! I think this should be renamed, Disney Princesses as a brand are some of the most influential characters for young girls, and I think is disingenuous to tell little girls that all the cool women they see in films can only be that cool if they are princesses, etc. Why not call this a better name is all; a more modern name, that kids can relate to (Disney Heroes is brand that exists after all). Regardless, there's one female protagonist that is missing from this list, Mirabel. It honestly surprises me that she's part of this list, she's quite literally not in any position of power, and sure she saved a town, and in that town everyone looked up to her. But frankly? it doesn't make sense to me (although she's probably my favorite out of all of these). I don't really think this problem of classification has a great solution, and why really fix it; I did say the problems with it before, but I think this would just cause more problems for Disney, and they have better things they could do to fix other problems they have.
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its-tie-kir-ra · 3 years
As someone who is a full-time inukag shipper, I totally get where your coming from w/ the inukag scenes where Moroha just "accepts" her parents.
I think though that most inukag shippers are no longer watching YH (myself included), and that we have collectively decided to ignore the context behind the inukag scenes and just focus on those individual scenes as a whole. That's why we haven't really questioned why Moroha just goes w/ the flow, because:
1) we actually want to relish the few inukagmor crumbs we get even if it is a little pathetic
2) we take certain aspects about those scenes, like InuKag being loving parents and Moroha being a happy daughter, as actual canon because it fits with how we always imagined an inukag family to be in post-canon, even before YH.
And 3) we know Sunrise, especially Sumisawa, are not smart enough to write about a rational, emotional struggle as big as coming to terms w/ finding your birth parents and what that might realistically do to a person. We've accepted the fact that the writing is shit and that a realistic portrayal of such an emotional struggle is too good a concept to be written into such a shitshow like YH, so why make a fuss about it anymore?😪
That's just my theory at least. I know I'm taking InuKag being loving and doting parents, with Moroha being a happy daughter as one of the only actual canon things from YH.
I've seen some YH fanfics that dive into that particular struggle tho, if you ever wanna look them up on FF.Net or Ao3.
This is a response to this post. It's about how the show doesn't handle adoption/child abandonement well, and I used the example of how Inukag are going to handle this going forward and how the scenes feel really hollow to me as an adopted kid. I'm not trying to crack on Inukag shippers for liking it. Like what you like.
You realize that making a fuss over those scenes is sending the message that this show has an audience and it will keep going, right? Like you're allowed to do it, but don't pretend that it's ultimately not sending the message that you're ready to spend money.
I don't understand this. Fandoms scream and cry and beg for shows to be brought back. When they're brought back, the fandom usually hates it, except for a few parts which they get excited over (which I have a whole theory over how eventually you just run out of story to tell). Then they beg for more. And the cycle continues. Like read fanfic if you want to get that Inukag hit so badly. Like fandom prides itself on being very "Canon, who cares" and then as soon as the creators announce more is coming they turn into Oliver Twist. Is the validation that important to you?
It's like the live action thing. Everyone is out here getting so excited over the ATLA live action, but I'm dreading it, because when has there ever been an anime to live action that's good? Mulan, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Beauty and the Beast, THE LION KING, all were adaptations that were pretty freaking terrible, both in adapting their works and making a new story, but that hasn't stopped like 6 more being announced this past year and them bringing in billions of dollars and every time people are like "IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT!" So I don't get it.
Watch another damn show. Those sequels and live action adaptations are not about making you happy or bringing the fandom together. It's about making money.
I'm not trying to be an asshole but Jesus Christ sometimes I feel like I'm losing it watching this, because like, my favourite anime is FMAB, and everybody wants a sequel, and I don't. Because the ending was perfect. Why would you want to mess it up? It's way more fun for me to imagine what happened in my head or read a fanfic than pay someone to tell me what happened that will ultimately be treated as "more official" (which isn't a bad thing because I also believe that we should be respectful of original creators because they're fucking human and they're eventually going to run out of ideas and it's potentially going to be bad). All a sequel will do is disturb the tranquility and ruin whatever better ideas that the fandom came up with. (Because there is no way in hell they'd let Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, be the house husband he was destined to be.)
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Adds "talk about sequels" and "talk about adaptations" to list of video ideas because I have way too many opinions
(I don't doubt that Inukag would've been great parents. Y'all can fight me on that. But when I see comics about Ayame and Koga raising Moroha as "Aunt Ayame and Uncle Koga" (which is BS in itself, Koga and Ayame are her parents in that situation and I bitched about how much I hated Koga raising Moroha for 10 minutes in my video because I don't care what y'all say he wouldn't be a good parent to a quarter demon but ULTIMATELY HE IS HER DAD) and everybody going aweeeee that's exactly how it happened, like, you're treating it like it's canon. Stop pretending you're not. You're not ignoring the context.)
(I feel like an overinvested crazy person right now.)
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Unsung Heroes
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Request: Hi! I just found your account and I am in LOVE. I know this is a sort of very specific ask, but could you write Spencer Reid dating a masculine/trans masculine person? I think it would be really cool so yeah lol thank u in advance 🥺🥺💖💖 (ur literally so damn talented)
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, anon! Sorry it took a long time to get to but I’m glad I’m getting it out before the end of the year. This is my first masc trans reader fic out of two in my requests, so I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know if there is anything I can improve on or anything you would like to see in my next masc trans spencer reid fic that I didn’t portray well here. I did a bit of research to make sure my portrayal was accurate but I am always open to improving my work especially so readers feel comfortable and represented while reading. Hope you enjoy and happy reading! 💕
Couple: Spencer Reid/Masc trans!reader
Category: Fluff
Content warning: None just pure ~fluff~
Word count: 2.5k
You threw on your favourite flannel to complete your outfit. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time to fix your hair properly before Spencer arrived. He might not be a fan of styling his hair but making sure your hair was to your liking was your thing. Especially after getting a fresh cut it was important to you that you made the best of it before your hair started to grow back.
You then quickly checked your beard to see if there were any noticeable razor bumps. You didn’t see any visible ones but the ones below the surface were always the dangerous ones. You ran your hand over your beard to feel for any up and coming bumps. You stopped your finger over a spot that felt tender to the touch.
“Ah, you already feel as if you’re going to be a pain,” you mumbled to yourself.
You heard soft knocks on your door before you could continue your battle with your soon to be razor bump. You grabbed your wallet and keys off of your dresser before leaving your bedroom to answer the door. You opened the door to see Spencer standing in front of you with his hands gripped on his satchel strap and an excited smile plastered on his face.
He gently lifted his satchel to bring your attention to it. You chuckled as you saw how full it looked. You looked at him with a quizzical expression as he started to laugh himself.
“I thought we could read some light literature as we indulge in these breakfast burritos you’re so excited about,” he said.
“I haven’t read a good book in a while let alone encyclopedias,” you chuckled.
“They’re not all encyclopedia’s. Just one,” he said.
You laughed as you closed the door behind you. You didn’t believe him one bit about only having one encyclopedia in his satchel but you weren’t going to overly tease him about it. You were more interested in him trying a breakfast burrito for the first time.
You originally didn’t get the hype over breakfast burritos for a while until you were running late to work one morning and saw a food truck nearby. They convinced you to try their breakfast burrito and you’ve been loyal to them ever since. You knew Spencer was more of a coffee and go person but you thought he might enjoy trying something new.
“We’ll find out the truth after we get something to eat,” you said.
Spencer smiled and nodded as he loosened his grip on his satchel strap. He let his hand loosely fall to his sides. You smirked as you reached your hand out to him and he immediately grabbed it. To say he was forever touched starved was an understatement.
You were glad you could give him something he didn’t already have plenty of in his life. Touching books and case files all day definitely couldn’t give him the physical touch he deeply desired. You were happy every day for the past six months you could be the one to embrace him in any amount of touch. Bonus points for him always smelling good as well.
Spencer pressed the button for the elevator. “Are these breakfast burritos really as good as you say they are?”
“You’re doubting me now?” You asked.
“No, I would never do that. I’m just saying we sometimes have different tastes in things,” he said.
“Oh? What kind of things?” You asked.
“Well, you prefer listening to more contemporary artists while I’m more into classical,” he said.
“Musical taste is whatever though. I can get down to Mozart any day,” you chuckled.
He laughed. “Well, you take your coffee with oat milk and three brown sugars. I take mine black with a little sugar.”
“If you think half the sugar canister is a little sugar then I don’t wanna know what you consider a lot of sugar.”
You both laughed as the elevator doors opened. You both stepped into it and you pressed the lobby floor. You looked at him with a smirk before grabbing his chin. He smiled at your touch as he looked lovingly into your eyes.
“What?” He asked.
“I think there’s one thing we can both agree we have good taste in,” you said.
You leaned in and kissed Spencer on the lips which you knew he longed for. He didn’t hesitate to embrace you fully into his mouth. You don’t think you’ve ever kissed a guy with softer lips than him. He latched his hands onto your face and started to stroke his thumb against your beard. It ran over the growing razor bump but you didn’t mind if he touched it.
You parted your lips from him before you changed your mind and opted to spend the day with him in your apartment. He chuckled and didn’t move his hands away from your face. It didn’t seem as if the good doctor was quite finished with you.
“You want another taste?” You joked.
He nodded. You obliged and leaned in to kiss him again. You could have him for breakfast all day every day. Since breakfast was taken up by a breakfast burrito with your names on it, you guessed you could have him for lunch instead.
You and Spencer had found a rock to sit on near the lake. The park was quite full for a Sunday morning but with such nice weather you couldn’t blame people for wanting to be out and about so early. You watched Spencer carefully as he took his time eating his breakfast burrito. You couldn’t quite tell if he liked it or not based on his blank stare into the water as he ate.
“How do you like it?” You asked.
He quickly snapped out of his long gaze into the water. He looked over at you and smiled but it couldn’t fool you. You knew something was running around that big brain of his and you wanted to know what.
“I like it. It’s definitely an interesting concept,” he said as he took another small bite.
“Spence, what’s wrong?” You asked.
He shook his head in response to you as he finished chewing. You gave him a second to finish whatever was left in his mouth before he started talking. He let out a drawn-out sigh before licking his lips.
“I was going over case files this week and went over this one from a few years ago. This little boy’s family was murdered  and he was the only survivor. Found out he left his aunt and uncle’s house to go into foster care. Apparently, he’s been having a hard time no matter where he goes,” he said.
“Well, from being a human I can tell you family sucks but from working in social work I can tell you the foster care system sucks. It’s hard to look at some of these cases and talk to these children having a hard time for sure,” you said.
“I just don’t feel as if I’m making a difference,” he confessed.
You shook your head in protest. If anyone was making a difference it was Dr. Spencer Reid. You knew how doubtful he could be of his capabilities sometimes but you knew he just needed a little reminder here and there.
“Are you kidding? You’re out here risking your life to catch serial killers every day and you don’t think you’re making a difference?” You asked.
“But it just stops there. The lives ruined never get fixed. The survivors never know a sense of peace. I just help solve cases and then move onto the next thing,” he said.
“You don’t have to deal with the social work or therapy side of these cases because there are people who take that area over for you. You do enough, Spence,” you said.
“And you do the most, Y/N. You’re so good at social work and when you’re not doing that you’re dedicating your time volunteering for homeless youths,” he said.
“It’s easy to volunteer though. Anyone can do it,” you said.
“And here I am not doing that.”
Spencer stared back into the depths of the water as he took another bite from his breakfast burrito. A bigger bite this time. You were honestly impressed. He probably took a bigger bite so he had more time to chew and less time to talk about his worries. A true genius.
You looked into the water yourself. The waves coming in reminded you of what one of your coworkers said to you once. You laughed to yourself which brought Spencer’s attention back to you.
“You know when I first told one of my coworkers I was transgender they asked if my transitioning period felt as if that one scene in Mulan where she looked at her reflection and knew she was supposed to reflect who she was inside and then decided to pretend to be a man to go into war on behalf of her father. I said not exactly and before I could explain to them why their analogy wasn’t really accurate, they hugged me and said they were proud I was able to reflect who I was inside on the outside,” you said.
“The lake reminded you of your coworker’s ignorance?” He questioned.
You chuckled. “No, it reminded me of that scene in Mulan and then that reminded me of my coworker’s ignorance. That being said though they did tell me how a lot of people they know are unsung heroes. I asked what they meant by that and they said unsung heroes are people who are trying their best but aren’t acknowledged or are overlooked by others or themselves.”
“Are you trying to say I’m a little harsh on myself?”
“Just a little.”
He looked back out into the lake again. You could see the wheels in his head turning as he thought about what you said. You continued to enjoy your breakfast sandwich as you let him ponder on your words. Usually it was the other way around and the words you were pondering were a bit more complex but you were nonetheless glad you could get him thinking.
By the time he looked at you, your burrito was nearly done. His whole time thinking he hadn’t taken another bite of his burrito. You didn’t know if you were happy he was about to talk to you about his insights or upset because he made a good breakfast burrito get cold.
“You don’t think I’m an unsung hero do you?” He asked.
You shook your head. “Of course not. I think you’re just a hero who wants to save the whole world at once but can barely finish a breakfast burrito.”
He chuckled. “This thing’s huge.”
“And so is the world but just like your bites, you have to solve issues within it in small nibbles,” you joked.
He laughed as he took another bite out of it. He tried to chew it with a smile on his face but you knew he hated the fact it was cold. You laughed at him as he swallowed the remains of his bite. He carefully wrapped his half-eaten burrito before looking at you with a wide smile. You were glad to see him smiling again and the doubt lifted from his face.
“I think you’re right,” he said.
“You think I’m right? Say that I’m right again and you might just have to hand over your Ph.D. to me,” you joked.
He chuckled. “Which one?”
You both laughed. When Spencer made a joke, it was definitely one for the books. However, when he made a good joke it was one for the history books. You believed the longer you two are together the better his humour could become.
“All jokes aside, I want to spend my free time volunteering with homeless youths with you,” he said.
You looked at him surprised but a smile soon appeared on your face. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He looked at you with those big, beautiful brown eyes of his filled with hope. You nodded your head.
“I would love for you to volunteer with me. I think the kids would love learning a thing or two from you,” you said.
“Teach?” You said.
“Yeah. Every Friday we teach youths a different arrangement of skills that will help them in life. It’s a great sight seeing them have hope in their eyes again. I first started with counselling transgender youths in the program and have branched out to other members of the LGBTQ2S+. I now help homeless youths who have been victims of physical abuse. It’s definitely hard stuff to hear but seeing their faces when they know they’re being helped through their problems is the biggest reward I could ever ask for.”
Throughout your whole speech you could see tears at the brim of Spencer’s eyes. He tried to wipe his eyes before any tears could fall out but you already knew you had touched his soft spot. He smiled brightly at you before letting out a soft chuckle.
“I hope they like physics,” he said.
You laughed. “Taught the Dr. Spencer Reid way, I think they will have a new appreciation of the science.”
You both broke out into laughter again. You broke the laughter by kissing him on the lips. You could never get over how happy he looked every time you kissed him.
“I love you, Spencer,” you said.
He grinned. “I love you too, Y/N.”
“How about we get you some real breakfast and head back to my place for lunch?” You said.
You stood up on the rock and placed your hand out for Spencer to use to get up. He gladly grabbed onto it as you hoisted him up. For someone with a Ph.D. in physics you would think that he would have a better sense of how to balance. It was just another cute quirk of his you loved.
“Some real breakfast?” He questioned.
“Yeah, your coffee with a “little” sugar,” you said.
“Ah, my real breakfast. So what’s going to be for lunch?” He asked.
You grabbed his hand to hold as you two walked through the park. You smirked at him as you looked him up and down. He blushed as he let you examine him from head to toe.
“Your encyclopedia’s of course,” you said.
“Wait, what? Why my encyclopedia’s?” He asked.
“Ah-ha, so there are more than one in your bag,” you said.
He sighed. “Was this your way of making me confess that you’re right again?”
“So there’s no lunch?”
“You’re lunch.”
“Ah, I see you’re on a diet then.”
“You know what? I love that my humour’s rubbing off on you so well.”
“I think it’s a sign we belong in each other’s life for a long time to come.”
You laughed. “I’m not the romantic type but I have to agree.
“So how come I’ve told all my friends from work you’re the most romantic person I know?”
“Oh? I guess I’ll show you how romantic I can be during lunch.”
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection, @slutforthegubes, @pinkdiamond1016, @spencerreidsthings, @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto, @slutforsr @bxtchboy69, @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @tclaerh @agentadhd @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @blxckhearthood @jesspavlik0vsky @katexrichardson @keniaasf @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @keniaasf @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @bluerose512​ @laneybobeczko-g​ @averyhotchner​ @littlewierdalien @cynbx @mggsprettygirl​
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harryspet · 4 years
Could you possibly write some dark Bucky Barnes ? Maybe the reader is super innocent and he takes advantage of it?
party princess | bucky barnes 
[Warnings] dark bucky barnes x innocent reader, natasha x reader (sort of), nanny reader, manipulation, affair, drunk consent (dubcon?), little editing
A/N: I’m gonna be honest and say that I basically DNF’d this one-shot after working on it for awhile. I liked the idea at first but then towards the middle my interests in it got a little iffy. anyways, I hope you can still enjoy it for what it is. I’ll def try to write more stories like this in the future! 
In which married Bucky takes advantage of the birthday party princess. 
word count: 2.5k
“Okay, let’s see, who wants to have their wish granted?”
The crowd of first graders erupted but you quickly held up your hands to shush them, “Before I can use my magic on any of my little friends, I have to make sure you’re all good little girls and boys. How many of you are kind to your friends and listen to your Mommies and Daddies?”
Hands raised and you smiled, “That’s very good, my friends. If you want to be a princess like me or a prince, then are certain things you have to do. Princess’s are polite, kind, and most important of all …” A hush fell over the crowd as they listened patiently before you suddenly exploded with giddiness, “They like to sing and dance! Will you sing a song with me, friends?”
Bucky watched from behind the glass door as you twirled around on the terrace. He sipped at his bottle of beer, noting how your eyes lit up as the group of children gather around you. They wanted to touch your ball gown and have you tap them with your fairy wand so you could grant their wishes. You seemed to be in your element and you hadn’t fallen out of character once as you pranced around in your fairy princess costume. It was a character from the latest Disney junior show that his daughter had recently fallen in love with and Natasha had the idea of hiring a party princess for her fifth birthday party. 
Both Natasha and Bucky were surprised when you volunteered to do it. You loved makeup and the idea of making their daughter’s birthday spectacular seemed like fun. Besides, you had only been nannying with the Barnes family for a couple of weeks and you wanted to make even more of a good impression. 
“I’m starting to think she actually has magic,” Natasha commented, and Bucky turned to see her placing candles on their daughter’s birthday cake, “I can barely handle our baby girl alone and yet she’s tamed fifteen of them.”
“She’s really something, isn’t she?” Bucky smirked and Natasha grinned, lighting the candles. 
“Keep it in your pants for now,” Natasha stated slyly, “C’mon Daddy, let’s sing happy birthday.”
As he opened the sliding door for Natasha, she rolled out the cake and the entire terrace erupted with singing. Bucky joined along, of course, watching as his daughter grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the cake. You sang happily, encouraging her to blow out the candles and make a wish when the song had ended. 
Natasha took a million pictures of you and, out of the corner of your eyes, you could feel Mr. Barnes’ gaze on you. You hoped that meant you were doing a good job. Keeping a smile on your face for that long was quite a lot of work. You watched as the birthday girl ran up to her father and he swung her in his arms.
You had already noticed what a beautiful family they were and how incredibly lucky they were to live in such a nice part of town. You hoped to have something like this one day and to find someone as attentive as Mr. Barnes. You were holding a little girl in your lap as she was asking if you personally knew Mulan before you heard a gagging noise.
Before you knew it, icing colored vomit was dripping down the bottom of your dress. 
Her mother came quickly, swooping the little girl from your arms, “I’m so so so sorry! She must’ve had too much cake,” You only smiled, trying to hide any disgust that you felt. 
“It’s okay,” You stood, making sure the little girl wasn’t embarrassed, “Even princess’s get tummy aches. Besides, I have lots of dresses in my castle.”
You felt a hand on the small of your back and turned to see Mr. Barnes, “The princess will be back in just a moment,” He spoke to the crowd of first graders as if to say that he’d personally help out with your accident. 
“I’m just going to return to my castle for a moment, friends” You assured the little ones with a smile, as Bucky helped you with the long train of your dress. Natasha had spent a fortune on the dress just to make sure it was realistic. He helped you inside, and as the sliding glass door closed, you let out a breath of air. 
Your smile fell a little though you didn’t want to appear completely tired in front of Mr. Barnes. One hand carrying your train and the metal one on your back, he led you towards the master bedroom. At first, you blushed but then you realized that was probably where the most room was. 
“You looked like you were having fun out there,” Bucky commented. 
“It’s nice making them smile,” You spoke earnestly and part of Bucky told him to beware. You were too pure for him to dip his fingers into yet he still wanted to taste you. 
“Do you want to take off your dress?” Bucky smiled evilly as your eyes widened and your cheeks heated with embarrassment. 
It took a minute for you to realize what he was actually asking, “W-Well, the show must go on, right? I think I can just try to wipe it with a wet washcloth and hope for the best. I don’t want to let this ruin the party.”
Bucky nodded though he added, “My daughter loves you so I doubt you could ever ruin anything.” That made you genuinely smile because you knew then that the impression you were trying so hard to make was definitely good. Natasha had even said you deserved a raise before you’d gotten thrown upon. 
Bucky led you into the bathroom before he retrieved a washcloth and ran in under the sinkwater for you. You couldn’t help but admire the luxury of it all, the tall ceilings and the chandelier that hung. You could fit the size of your entire apartment in their bathroom. 
You sat down on the tub and began to scrub at your dress, “I really appreciate you guys giving me a chance. I know I didn’t have as many qualifications as the other girls,” Bucky knew you’d be grateful for that. Your interview with them was good and Natasha liked your personality but Bucky wanted you because of your beauty and youth. 
“You’re a hard worker, Y/N,” You liked the way your name rolled off his tongue like you could hear the satisfaction in each syllable. “Natasha and I were thinking … I’m not sure she’d want me to mention it yet-”
“What were you thinking?” You looked up with curious eyes, “I mean, of course, you don’t have to tell me, sorry.”
Be patient with her, Natasha had told him. But looking down at how the heart shape neckline of your dress exposed your breasts, patience was the last thing on his mind. 
“We wanted you to stay with us, join our staff full time. Nat wants to start working more and it’s hard for both of us to keep up with things around the house.”
“Really?” You perked up, your eyes wide with excitement, “I’d love that. I’d love that so much, Mr. Barnes.”
Bucky admired the light in your eyes and knew the power he held over your life. You wanted this job desperately since it was probably the best you were going to do. You’d probably do a lot to keep it as well. 
“I’m sure Nat will be glad to hear it …. and you can call me Bucky, Y/N. Might as well drop the formalities if we’re going to be getting closer.”
Closer in proximity is what you thought he meant, “Sounds good, Bucky.”
It had been a few weeks since you’d moved into their luxurious home. It had been a complete dream especially with the huge pay raise that it had earned you. 
“Do you have a boyfriend, Y/N?” You looked up abruptly from where you were wiping down the kitchen counter. Natasha was sitting down at the island, typing away at her laptop, while she looked you over. You still had paint on your hands and on your cheek from the painting session you had with her daughter. Now the little girl was down for her night and Natasha thought it was the perfect time to get some information, “I mean, you just never mention anyone.”
“I-I don’t,” Your cheeks heated from embarrassment, “Dating isn’t really … my thing.”
“Why’s that? You’re a lovely girl, Y/N.”
Why was she saying all this? Why the sudden curiosity? Was she worried you’d bring someone around her daughter?
“I-It’s just hard. With kids, I’m confident but, with adults, not so much.”
“Bucky used to be that way,” You weren’t expecting to hear about him, “When I met him, he was very closed off. He thought dating was still like it is in the ’40s. Sure, it’s nice to settle down but everyone these days is so … open. You know what I mean?”
You tilted your head to the side, “But you and Bucky settled down?”
“Yes, we love each other and I wanted kids so it made sense. But we still like to keep things interesting. We want to make sure each of us happy.”
“How … How do you do that?”
Natasha bit down on her lip as she thought for a moment, “Let’s have a glass of wine,” She spoke, getting up from her seat.
“Oh, I don’t drink,” You rushed out nervously, “I mean, I’ve never done it before.”
She was still moving towards the wine cabinet, “There’s a first time for everything, right? C’mon have a drink with your boss.” Your boss, right. She was speaking so casually that you had almost forgotten the line between you. 
“Are you sure? What about-”
“Bucky won’t be home until late and the little one is fast asleep. We can have some girl talk, it’ll be fun. One glass won’t do any harm,” Natasha sat the two glasses on the counter before she started to pour you some red wine. 
You’d probably be good after one glass but the universe didn’t work in your favor that night. There was a second after the first glass and now you were a giggling mess. 
Natasha managed to reach into the deepest parts of your past and had you laughing at the same time. You were exactly as she had previously predicted. You had a sheltered life, you grew up disadvantaged but had religious parents. They shamed you into not doing a lot of things but Natasha manages to drill into you that “you shouldn’t be ashamed of anything you do”.
When Bucky strolled in later that night, he found you and Nat sprawled on the couch in the living room. Whatever plan Nat had was working on, it was clearly successful, “Bucky, honey, come sit with us!”
You set your glass down, realizing how comfortable you had gotten, “Don’t be shy now, Y/N,” Nat said to you as Bucky took a seat beside her, “Y/N was telling me about her love life.”
You stared at Nat in disbelief. You understood talking about this stuff with her because she was a girl but with Bucky? “It’s exciting, I hope. There are lots of people in New York.”
“A-Actually, I-”
Natasha placed a hand on Bucky’s leg, taking another sip of wine before saying, “She’s a virgin.”
Bucky looked you over with a smirk, “And I thought the fairy princess stuff was an act ... “
You weren’t sure if you should be offended so you only said, “It’s not like that. I still know things ... “
Natasha handed her glass of wine to Bucky before standing and walking to where you were sitting on the couch. She held her hands out to you and you took them hesitantly. She pulled you up so you were standing impossibly close to her, “How much do you know, honey?”
“I … “
“Don’t you want to learn some things? So you can please the man in your life?”
“You won’t be much use to your future boyfriend if you don’t know how to please him,” Bucky interjected, leaning forward. 
You hadn’t even thought of it that way …Maybe it was the wine or something because you didn’t object to their words. “I don’t think I can ... “
Natasha still held your hands as she guided you over to where Bucky was sitting, “Of course you can,” Before you knew it, she was pushing you into his lap. You felt his hands tightening on your waist and you began to panic. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Barnes-”
“It’s okay,” Natasha grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at her as his cold hand roamed over your thigh, “We’re gonna help each other out. You can’t go the rest of your life without knowing how to please a man. How I please Bucky is with girls like you, understand?”
It was so far from anything you had ever experienced that you weren’t sure if you did understand. That didn’t stop Bucky from pressing his front to you, grabbing at your breast and rubbing circles against your nipples through your top, “Let me teach you, Y/N, I promise I won’t bite” He whispered into your ear and it must’ve been the wine that makes you whisper back, “O-Okay.”
You’d be lying if you said you never thought about Bucky in that way but the thoughts had never gone far because of Natasha. 
Natasha stepped away from a small grin on her face. After Bucky got his hands on one of the innocent dolls like you, it seemed to turn him into a complete animal in bed, and Natasha loved dealing with the consequences, “Bucky’s going to be very gentle with you, honey. Just give a shout if you need anything.”
Bucky watched as his wife stepped away, knowing he liked to watch her go. He turned his head back to you, dipping his face into your neck, starting to kiss the sensitive area there. It sent fire through you, not only to your cheeks but all over your body, “What do you know about kissing, Y/N?” Again, he could tell you were only pretending as you stuttered over your response, “Then I’m your first?”
You nodded. Nat had really hit the jackpot. He was going to thank her really well later. 
Bucky’s hand stroked your bottom lips for a moment, “Just relax,” You did your best but you couldn’t help but tense as he leaned into you and pressed his lips against yours. You thought it would be a short moment but his hands roamed over your bare legs as the tip of his tongue began to pry open your mouth. 
You let him and soon you were trying to copy his movements by moving your mouth against his. When he finally did pull away, you thought you might have totally embarrassed yourself, “Was that bad?”
Bucky immediately shook his head, “You’re a natural, baby.”
i really wanted to write more but i kinda just lost inspo : / and I didn’t just want to not post it. 
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coffeeforday · 3 years
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“You said
«to steal is just to find»”
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Summary: Flavie’s and Levi’s friendship through the years spent in their safe place.
W/C: 1.8k
Content warning: modern au, oc content, language, this chapter is kinda sweet ain’t gonna lie.
A/N: thank you again @lue-arlert for beta reading 🥰 and also for hearing me ramble about Flavie 😘
Previous chapter
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Levi moved into this town with his mother and his uncle just before he was supposed to start school. His 5 years old self made sure to make his mother know he did not like it.
So here he was, pouting with his tiny hands in his pockets, walking on a dirt road in the forest, kicking the rocks on his way.
It’s a confused Levi that looks around trying to find the source of the voice. He’s alone here, did he imagine being called?
“Hey! Up here!”
He looks up, and indeed, there is a girl high up in the tree. Her beat up overalls are rolled at the legs. Her converse are just as beaten up, he notices, as she swings them back and forth. Her hair is holding onto dear life in a messy braid. She’s looking at him with sparkling eyes:
“I’ve never seen you before! Are you new?”
“Hum, yeah. I’m Levi.”
“I’m Flavie! Come here, it’s the best up here!”
Apprehension floods him, he has never climbed so high. He takes a few steps forward, looks through the branches trying to find the best path.
“I’ve never climbed a tree before.” He scrunches his nose as he admits that.
“Oh, it’s alright! This is the easiest tree to climb! It’s like it was made for this.” She smiles, happy to make a friend. “The lowest branch is behind.” She points down behind her to show him, eager to have him climb her tree.
The boy understands what she means once he gets on the first branch. It is like it’s made for climbing, the branches placed like they were forming a spiral staircase. He stops just before where she’s sitting, setting himself clumsily on his branch. She turns herself around to face him.
“How old are you?”
“I’m five.”
“Me too!” Her eyes sparkle even more. “We’ll start school together.” Her eyebrows scrunch together in thoughts. It’s quickly replaced by a beaming expression. “I think we’ll ride the school bus together too! You can sit with me.”
The afternoon flew by, filled with easy conversation. Which meant that Flavie talked, Levi listened and answered the questions coming his way. He’s not the most social kid, but she made befriending him look easy. It was time to get down when stomachs started participating in the conversation. Flavie patiently waited for Levi to go down after instructing the best way to do so.
“I’ll walk home with you”, she smiled. She kept on talking, about her cat (No Name), her favourite colour (yellow), her favourite princess (Mulan). So when Kuchel heard the voice of her sweet, but closed up, son answering the chipper girl, all worries of him running off melted away. She was surprised that he met someone so fast, in the middle of nowhere, but still reassured at the thought of him knowing someone in time for the first day of school. She came out on the porch once she deemed she listened enough. Hands on her hips and with a frown, she said “ Levi Ackerman, I was worried sick young man!”.
“I’m sorry ma’am! We stayed in the woods a bit too long.” Flavie serves an apologetic smile, a practiced performance, good enough to make any parents trust her. Kuchel can only smile softly to the girl while asking for her name.
“Well Flavie, do you need someone to drive you home?”
“It’s ok ma’am, I know a shortcut!” She sounds so proud of that, Kuchel chuckles.
“Do you want to give your mom a call then, sweetie?”
“There’s no need. There’s too many of us for her to notice anyway.” The answer leaves Kuchel startled, watching Flavie running off already.
“Thank you ma’am! Bye Levi, I’ll see you on the bus!”
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“Levi, I brought snacks!”
Levi’s gaze goes down to find his best friend running towards their tree. Now at ten years old, the tree had become an important place in their friendship, a safe space, meeting there on a daily basis. He watched her make her way up with ease and style into her spot silently. She grabbed the snacks and handed him a little bag of fruit gummies, still without a word. He could guess what was wrong. Something was certainly wrong for her to be so quiet. He knows better than to bug her about it, she’ll talk if she wants to. Flavie knows this too, feeling grateful for the silent but steady presence of her best friend. The snacks are done when Flavie finally breaks the silence.
“I hate this time of the year.”
He knew it. To be honest he hates it too, being stuck doing a stupid art project for someone that is not in their life.
“Miss Martha is just mean.” She continues, her voice unusually small.
He heard what happened in class. He also heard the snickers among the classmates. He had to throw a glare at them.
“She had no right to say that.” Levi clenches his fist.
“I know I don’t have a father, she didn’t need to say it.” She brings her knees to her chest. “I feel like they’re always judging my mom through me.” She pauses, sadness morphing into anger, “I’m just a kid!”
Levi ponders what to say next, unsure of what would be helpful. But he does understand how she feels, the both of them don’t have the most conventional families, whatever that means.
“Adults think we don’t understand because we’re kids. But we see and we hear just like them.” His voice is calm and collected, for a ten years old. He has a lot more tact than their teacher when she explains what will be the Father’s Day gift they’ll be crafting. Oh it’s true you don’t have a dad. Just do something for whoever your mom is dating now. That’s enough to make any kid crawl back behind their walls. Enough to make a child question the life their parents imposed on them. Enough for Flavie to wonder about all the boyfriends her mom introduced to the family. Enough for Levi to wonder if it’s wrong to be living with only his mother and uncle.
“She isn’t wrong though. But it’s not like I have control over that.”
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“Wouldn’t it be nice if it was just you and me always?” Flavie sighed, looking up at the sunlight slipping through the tree leaves.
Levi doesn’t lift his eyes from his book to look at her.
“Why are you saying that?”
He’s sitting on the ground, back leaned against the trunk of their tree. Flavie is lying on the ground, legs crossed and up on the tree next to him. The end of the summer vacations were right around the corner, the last one before graduation too. The passing years didn’t seem to tear them apart. Childhood friendships are often fleeting, short and intense, fizzling out after a ridiculous disagreement. People seeing them go were almost holding their breaths waiting for the moment that friendship would blow up, not understanding how the distant kid and the firework that was Flavie could keep this going.
But Levi knew better than them. Flavie was more like a forest fire: destructive, grandiose, unstable and barely controllable. He didn’t mind. He was the only one allowed to see everything, the tears, the anger, the dreams, the disappointments and, of course, he was the only one able to pick up the pieces. That fire she carried inside was contagious. The bounds of friendship become stronger when you dream together.
The longest time they spent apart lasted a week, and it had been the longest week for both of them. Flavie’s new boyfriend expressed that he wasn’t comfortable that her best friend was a boy, how weird it was that they spent so much time together. The experiment ended up in an easy break up, no tears were shed for that one. She admitted that the last straw was when he got jealous that he wasn’t her first kiss. She then deemed unnecessary to precise her first kiss was with Levi, in preparation to their first girl/boy party with a planned game of spinning the bottle.
Flavie sighs again, spinning a fallen leaf in front of her eyes.
“I’m just sick of this place.” She puts the leaf down on her stomach and looks up to her friend. The hand that was holding the leaf goes to nudge his leg. His attention shifts to her face after marking his page and closing his book.
“I just think we could find another tree like this. I wish we didn’t have to choose our future now and just find someplace where we could do this all the time. Or just wander somewhere and learn something new everyday. Just find some peace, you know, to keep this bubble we have alive.”
“We should still get some education so we can do all that, Flav.”
“Probably. But we can do that later. There’s no need to choose now, we’re sixteen for fuck’s sake! Don’t you see that after graduation is like the only window we have to be wild before being sucked into a normal life? We should see for ourselves what we are outside of this town before making decisions.”
“Do you think we’d be different elsewhere?”
She answers without missing a beat, fingers crossing on her belly as she does so.
“Of course Lev. What’s the point of anything if we don’t change?”
Silence settles between them while he ponders her answer. He has been wondering about their relationship a lot. Would they be so close had they lived elsewhere ? Or met later in life? She’d say there’s no point in thinking of that. They stumbled upon each other and have been holding tight ever since. He would not have survived in this shithole if it was for her.
“Do you really believe that?” Uncertainty veils his voice
“Of course! Don’t let who you are now stop you from taking what you need to become who you want to be. You’re not stuck, Lev.”
He has trouble seeing how one can do that, without ending up like their parents. That’s probably what she means, because staying here.. there are only things he doesn’t want to take. The things he wants all come to the price of something else, like his mother’s kindness that has been rewarded with loneliness.
He leans forward, one of his hands flat on each side of Flavie’s shoulder.
“What if it’s not mine to take ?” His voice just above a whisper.
She chuckles softly while lifting a hand to the middle of his chest.
“What do you mean, Levi?” She taps his chest lightly a couple of times. “Just take it if you find it.”
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Tag list: @lavenderdaisyhoney @porcoqalliard @fierydiamond @lue-arlert @sinnerofthewalls @reiner69er
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wonjeonwrites · 4 years
mummy | don’t want
“Aika, love, slow down you’re getting cotton candy all over your clothes,” Miko fusses as the 3-year-old hurriedly tries to shove the bunny-shaped treat into her already-full mouth.
“It’s swo gwood, mummy!!” Aika cheers, cheeks stuffed with cotton-candy causing her speech to be a bit muffled.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, Aika,” Miko laughs, “You’re gonna choke, love.”
Aika giggles, slowly swallowing the sweets in her mouth before going in for another mouthful.
“So this Friday we’ll be going to dinner with someone,” Miko starts out, nervously fiddling with her pants, “It’s someone very important and they can’t wait to meet you.”
“Yuta coming?” Aika asks, looking up at her mother with her doe-eyes, the ones that gets Yuta to do anything for her.
“No, princess, Yuta is working on Friday,” Miko answers, growing more and more nervous by the second, “It will just be the two of us and the person you’ll be meeting.”
“Who, mummy?”
“We’ll be meeting your dad, love,” Miko admits, worriedly waiting for her daughter’s reaction.
“Dad?” Aika tilts her head, looking intently at her mother, “I have dad?”
“Yes, princess, you do,” Miko nods, reaching over and placing Aika in her lap.
At this point, Miko had no idea where the conversation was going. Aika was a bit of a wild-card and Miko didn’t know how she’d react.
“Where is he?”
“He went away before you were born. Mummy had you when she was young so dad didn’t know if he could do it, so he went away.”
“But dad’s back?” Aika asks, shocking Miko with the question.
“Yes, dad’s but, baby, but this time, he has his own baby too.”
“Dad has new baby?” Aika continues after a few seconds of silence.
“Yes, his name is Sian and he’s 3 years-old, like you.”
“Dad don’t want me?”
“Baby, no,” Miko panics, not knowing where that came from, “Dad wants to meet you, baby. He wants to see you.”
“But only now?”
“I know.” Miko admits.
Rin was right. Kids do know more than Miko thought they did and right now, Aika was sure that her father did not want her.
Sniffles interrupt Miko’s train of thought. She shakes the thoughts away and looks down to see a fussy Aika, who’s eyes are starting to tear up.
“Aika, what’s wrong?”
“He don’t love me.” Aika pouts, bottom lip jutting out as she flings the cotton candy stick onto the table.
“Princess, no,” Miko tries, “Dad loves you, Aika. He just wasn’t ready before, but now he wants to meet you.”
“Where’s Yuta?” Aika chokes out, hiding her face in her mother’s neck, “Wanna see Yuta. Please, mummy.”
Miko’s shoulders slump in defeat. She had imagined this several times and did not see it ending up this way. She picks up her phone with her left hand, the right carefully stroking Aika’s back as she whimpers into her mother’s neck. She shoots Yuta a quick text, telling him that they were on their way to his apartment, where they spend almost every night at.
Yuta’s Apartment
“Oh, poor baby,” Yuta cooes as soon as he opens the door. He opens his arms, waiting for Aika to look up and climb into them, which she does as soon as she hears his voice.
“Yuta,” Aika whimpers, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck, “Missed you.”
“I missed you more, munchkin,” Yuta greets, leading the way into his living room, where Mulan was softly playing on his television, “What’s got you so upset.”
“Mummy says we’re seeing dad, but I don’t want to,” Aika pouts, getting comfortable on Yuta’s lap as he sits on the couch.
“Why not, princess? He’s your dad.”
“I don’t want him to,” She huffs out, crossing her arms stubbornly.
“Aika, he’s your dad, love,” Miko tries again, plopping onto the couch next to them. Aika opens her arms towards her mother, signaling to be picked up. Miko obliges, settling Aika on her lap.
“I don’t want him to be my dad!” She screeches, catching both Miko and Yuta off guard.
“Aika don’t say that,” Yuta starts, immediately being cut off by the little girl.
“I want Yuta to be my dad!” She interrupts, clambering off her mother’s lap and running away towards Yuta’s bedroom
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“if you’ll excuse me, i have to pick up my daughter.”
When Miko entered her 20s, she didn't think she’d have a little human by her side. Meet Miko and Aika, a famous stylist and her little girl. For 3 years, it’s been Miko and Aika against the world. When Nakamoto Yuta, famous Japanese model, enters the story, will Miko and Aika welcome him with open arms? 
🧸 masterlist
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violetfaust · 3 years
I'm interested in hearing more about why you think Margot should've been Rumbelle's daughter. Sounds interesting, but what would that mean for her enchanted forest life? I think her being Robin Hood's daughter would've been fine if not for Zelena
Okay, Nonny, since you sent this a few days before Mother's Day, I'm gonna finally take the opportunity to try to sum up and speed-run the Belle's Daughter Margot feelings that have haunted me for THREE YEARS. Buckle in; this will be more than you or anyone asked for.
Disclaimer 1: It's been, well, three years, so my memory of Curious Archer and their story is not perfect; could be off on some details here. And Disclaimer 2: I really loved Tiera Skovbye as Robin/Margot; she did a lot with not much screen time, and she and Rose had fabulous chemistry. So although she was well cast as Robin Sr.'s kid, Tiera would be perfectly believable as a Rumbelle daughter, too--maybe give her some low-lights and call it a day. We keep Tiera as Margot in this rewrite. Okay: onward.
(Since one of the few things that would have to change about Robin if she were Rumbelle’s daughter is her name, I’ll just mostly use her Hyperion Heights name “Margot” throughout this post for simplicity.)
First and foremost, the foundation of everything: Margot is so like Belle! She is so like her. They have the same love of adventure, a similar sense of humor. She took Alice on a date to a bookstore. Most of all, she has Belle’s ability to see past “the mask of the monster” to a person’s heart. There was a great scene where Tilly explained that she didn’t want Margot to see her “bad days” because she thought it would be “too much,” and Margot said words to the effect that she was there for the bad as well as the good.
Obviously, people don't have to grow up to be exactly like their parents (Belle and Rumple sure didn't)...BUT. In fiction, one of the fun parts of next-gen stories is for the audience to see how their favorites' personalities are passed down. It's just more fun to see a Henry who has parts of Regina/Emma/Neal than one who doesn't; it's fun to see Lucy resemble little Henry. And it would be fun to see Margot be like her parents (she is very like Robin Sr; not so much Zee). Seeing a character who has so many of Belle's traits becomes just more...fun...when she learned them FROM Belle.
The family feud Rumple/Hook angle turns Alice and Margot’s relationship up another roman tic notch. A classic trope! It’s about reconciliation and love remaking and erasing those old grudges. Which is even more important when we’re supposed to believe that the evidence of Rumple’s final redemption is his saving Rook.
On a more macro level: the entire claim that OUAT is "a show about hope" COLLAPSES because it ends with the annihilation of the Stiltskin family. Rumple, Belle, and Neal are all dead; Henry doesn’t acknowledge them as his family; and Gideon is a friendless and forgotten orphan in another world. I did my rants about this three years ago, but long story short: the show’s not about hope unless it’s hopeful for EVERYONE. And having at least one of Rumbelle’s children alive and happy at the end (with her True Love and friends and acknowledged as part of the family) would fix that. My objection has never been that Rumple (and even Belle) die, but the way it happened.
And of course, Rumbelle needed to have at least one other child because Kitsowitz managed to deny them even one single shared happy moment surrounding Belle’s pregnancy with Gideon and his birth. Even if the audience didn’t get to see it (and we could have gotten a glimpse in Beauty), we deserved to know it happened.
Finally: Zelena did not belong in S7, period. I know it was fun for her fans! (Although apparently there weren't enough of them to positively affect the ratings, meow.) I do know! But it was bad storytelling. She served no point in the larger season arc, and the serial witch killer plot that was invented to serve her was one of the worst and most stupid things Kitsowitz came up with in seven years, and ate up time that could/should have gone to develop other characters. (Driz and Ana come immediately to mind, instead of having them shunted off to another universe, but also Henry/Cinda/Lucy and of course Rumple since his plot was coming to a close.) Zelena didn’t even get any significant growth herself, or develop her relationships with Regina or Robin. She still didn’t express regret for the horrible things she did to characters we love (Rumple, Neal, and Robin Sr.); the only result of all that screentime was to give an unrepentant rapist a love story with a person--we barely see and have zero investment in. And even that was ultimately negated at the end of the season, because in the finale Zee’s back in Storybrooke sans Boo Bear.
So, all that said: what would have to change about Margot’s, and Curious Archer’s, FTL storyline to give us Margot Gold?
Her name—but actually very little else. (And frankly it would have been more respectful to have Belle name her daughter after Robin Sr., who was actually her friend, than for Zee to name her kid after the man she raped, manipulated, and ultimately got killed—but that ship had sailed.)
Belle and Rumple could have given their daughter any number of fairytale names after people they know, aka fresh take on a Disney character. My favorite possibilities are Aurora (and then Curious Archer could have been Curious Beauty, and done a riff on the Sleeping Beauty story as part of their FTL backstory, with a built-in TLK) and Merlin (very pretty for a girl, I’ve always thought).
But the character herself would have been very much the same: she could be Rumbelle’s jock daughter, trained in archery and swordsmanship by family friends (Merida/Mulan/Charming), but always feeling out of place in her family of scholars/sorcerers/nerds.
I am SO sorry for the length of this--there's even more under this cut!
Robin/Margot felt insecure about trying to live up to her father’s name; Rory/Merlin/Margot could have similar anxieties trying to live down her father’s Dark One rep. There could even be a similar story where she was born with magic (like Robin was) but loses it or chooses to give it up—something that would estrange her further from her family. Or, if she was Merlin, she could keep her magic but be reluctant to use it, and part of Curious Archer’s Hyperion Heights arc would be both Margot and Tilly discovering and accepting their magic. (Sapphic sorceresses for the win.)
Now, one of the cutest things about Alice/Robin’s FTL dynamic was Robin being a girl from the Land Without Magic finding her feet in an enchanted forest, with Alice’s help. But it would only take a little finessing of S7 Rumbelle’s story to get that for Rory as well. (Of course, any decent story would have a LOT of finessing of Rumbelle’s plot so that Belle didn’t die and put Rumple on a suicide mission, but again—assuming the ship has sailed…)
Say that Rory is five to six years younger than Gideon. The Rumbelle family spend a dozen years or so traveling the realms, but then Rumbelle decide that they want Gideon and Rory to be comfortable in the LWoM with their extended Charming family, so they settle back into the Pink Palace so the kids can get a LWoM education. They still take occasional journeys, often Rumbelle going to save some hapless souls, but Rory grows up primarily in SB with very few, vague memories of all the fascinating places they visited when she was a small child. This feeds her hunger for adventure along with some envy of Gideon for having so many more fairytale experiences—another thing that makes her feel like a misfit in her family. So, presto, when she moves to FTL she and Alice have pretty much the same meeting/adventures.
One of the key notes of Rumple and Alice/Tilly's relationship, showing his growth and making it so special, was how he chose to set her free of being the Guardian or whatever, allowing her to be free and get what he never had, the chance to grow old with the woman she loves. And that would be weakened if Rumple knew that by choosing Alice's happiness over his own, he was also choosing his own daughter's happiness (because we know Rumple picks his kids over himself ever time). But--he doesn't have to know WHO Alice's True Love is when he makes that choice. He could just know that there is someone, or simply realize that Alice deserves her freedom for her own sake. (Rumple's daughter also getting happiness would be a side benefit that he didn't learn about till later, and have the added perk of Rumple actually getting a narrative reward for doing something good. Which almost NEVER happened! Bonus.)
Finally: I do understand that Robin's presence on the canvas was important to fans of Robin Sr.--getting to know he's remembered and having someone carry on his legacy. Of course I get it--Rumbelle and their family not having that is my biggest complaint (of so so many).
But we don't need a grown-up Robin Jr. to be Robin's legacy. Let her stay a cute background kid with perennially baby Prince Neal. There's already a character, one we're invested in, to carry on for the Hoods: Roland. And again, it would be satisfying for the audience to learn that a five-year-old orphan wasn't shunted off from what family he had left (Regina and Henry) into another universe and never heard from again. If Kitsowitz didn't waste time with Zelena, they wouldn't have needed the idiotic Jack-is-Hansel-the-serial-killer twist, and we could have have had Roland filling the role of Henry's best friend/little brother (and therefore Lucy's fake HH dad--God, that plot was bad all the way back in season 1; why Kitsowitz why?). We'd see Roland onscreen, part of the family, at the end of the show, perhaps with his own True Love (Drizella, maybe, or better yet Gideon) and happy future.
So, that's it: the combination of Margot Stiltskin-Gold and Roland Hood tightens and heightens the storytelling throughout S7, closes some plot holes, and actually fulfills some of the show's stated themes. Who knew!
Anyone else want three years of OUAT theory vomit? 😋 Shoot me an ask!
(I actually have another one, god help us all, but I might save it till Father's Day...)
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kazoo5480 · 3 years
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Summary: Emma Nolan and Killian Jones had been best friends since they were kids. What happens when they begin to grow up, their friendship falling apart, but Killian is still in love with Emma?
“Fucking idiot, ” he said internally and stalked off toward his homeroom. He seriously had to try harder, because a girl that looked like Emma, was going to be shark bait. Upperclassmen would already be circling her, at least Liam would offer her some form of protection he thought as he walked.
He walked in and grabbed a seat next to Ariel and Mulan. Mulan smirked at him, her eyes seeming like she knew something, he would guess Ruby told her something.
Mr. Leroy came in and began writing on the blackboard. The wide portly man waddled around his desk and sat down, his chair squeaking. Killian bit back a grin at the noise it made.
“Alright Sophomores, I am not your den mother, I don’t coddle, if you have women troubles I don’t care, If ladies have female issues, go see the nurse and say nothing to me, I won’t ask, I don’t want to know. This is your home base, you need homework help, ask me. Otherwise, use this hour to finish homework, study, and if you have to talk keep it to a reasonable noise level. If you need the bathroom, the key is by the door, just go and come back. That is all, as you were” he said and swiveled in his chair, it creaking like it was going to snap as he opened a book.
Mulan laughed at Eric and Killian had to laugh. The man literally wouldn’t care what they did as long as it wasn’t unreasonable, and Killian had to appreciate that for the first time a teacher treated them like adults, expecting them to act like adults.
He pulled out his schedule again and made notes next to the classes with their room numbers. He also wrote down his locker combination.
“So I think Ariel’s parents are going out of town in two weeks. She thought it might be fun to have a few people over, just our friends though, not like a party. Should still be warm enough to swim, but the pool is heated anyways” Eric said, and Mulan nodded.
“She does have a pool, we could get some pizzas, might be fun,” she said and Eric nodded.
“How about you Jones, you in?” he asked, and Killian thought it over, but Emma would be there. He couldn't fix this unless he got her to spend actual time with him, so this was a perfect opportunity.
"Sure,” he said and tried desperately not to picture Emma Nolan in a bathing suit. “Can I ask Will?” he asked, and Eric nodded.
“Just Will though, and Belle is welcome if she wants, but Ari said to not let it get around,” he said and Killian nodded.
The next two classes were fine, and he had gym class at the same time as Emma too, Ruby didn’t tell him that.
She came out of the girl’s locker room with Anna and they began stretching on the floor, and he walked over sitting by them. Emma looked at him curiously but didn't say anything acknowledging him yet, or inviting him into their conversation.
He was going to really have to try hard here.  “Hey,” he said. “How’s your first day so far?” he asked them both.
Anna launched into a very detailed description, and Emma bit her lip as she stretched, and he knew what he was thinking. Thanks for opening that can of worms, we won’t ever get her to shut up now, he said internally in Emma’s voice.
To their surprise Anna’s boyfriend Kris came up, and also had gym so she turned her attention to him, leaving Emma and him on their own.
“You could try to make this less awkward Jones,” she said sarcastically.
Killian’s breath caught, “I didn’t realize that I was,” he shot back, but she was talking to him. That was good, he would take what he could get.
“Whatever. Just, I don’t care why you did it, let’s move past it, and try to be normal. You’re jumpy and it’s giving me anxiety” she said, bending forward, pulling her hair up into a ponytail, not looking at him, or realizing she had given him a straight view down her tank top.  
Killian felt his dick harden at the sight, and tried shaking the thought off. “I’m sorry. Ok? I am. I will try to be a better friend to you, I know” he said.
Emma fixed him with a curious look and nodded after a moment. “We aren't friends anymore. You made sure of that, but maybe there is hope for you yet” she said and took off running down the track.
There it was. She said it. He knew when Emma was giving him an opening, he knew her well enough to know that's exactly what it was. She was not going to make it easy, but lucky for her, he was prepared to fight for her.
“So, tell me how your day is going,” he asked as he caught up to her. Emma seemed surprised at his sudden reappearance, so she slowed, and they began to walk the track.
She shrugged, “I knew I was going to get targeted but two Juniors already cornered me by my locker before I even got to homeroom. Liam put his arm around me leading me away and dropped me safely at the door, I think they got the point. But wait, will they think Liam is my boyfriend? Shit, I didn’t think about that” she said in a jumble and Killian just listened, silently fuming.
“Jones, you’re doing that thing with your mouth. Stop” she said, and he stopped clenching his teeth.
“You don’t always have to point it out,” he retorted, trying to relax his jaw.
“Sorry. I am feeling kind of weird here, watching you get jealous isn’t something I am used to anymore, so I will work on that” and his jaw parted slightly. She just called him out plain as day, fucking hell, he thought.
His eyes went wide, “Jealous? I am not. I just think that upperclassmen creeps shouldn’t be hitting on you like it’s a meat market,” he said.
“Oh, okay” she sing-songed and huffed out a laugh.  
Mr. French, the PE teacher blew the whistle and they all began to run, and he knew Emma was fast, but the way her boobs bounced up and down while he ran next to her, he had the urge to give her his tee-shirt.
He tore his eyes away and looked forward, while Emma pretended not to notice his staring, not caring one bit.
They made it two laps before the teacher called them back in, and they headed to the locker rooms, heading their separate ways, and Emma wasn't sure what to make of the last hour. She could see he was trying, actively trying, but she didn't know how to feel about that yet.  
She quickly rinsed off, keeping her hair out of the spray, and dressed. She came out, shooting Ruby a text that she was on her way, and was surprised to see Killian waiting for her when she looked up.
“Lunch right?” He asked and she nodded silently.
“Jones!” Will called out, and Will smiled at Emma.
“Lunch?” Emma asked, and hoped it would be a yes, but he shook his head.
“No I have first, but here,” he said, handing Killian his notebook. I grabbed yours” he said, and Killian snatched it and tucked it in his bag, nodding in thanks. She could tell that something in that notebook irked Killian; he shoved it away too quickly for it not to be important. She decided if he could try, so could she.
“Shall we?” Emma said, and Killian walked beside her towards the cafeteria. Emma spotted Ruby who already had a table for them.
They got in line, and she grabbed her lunch, waiting for Killian to grab his, and they walked to Ruby, sitting side by side.
“How’s your day so far? Emma asked Ruby.
Ruby shrugged, "got a few catcalls, and one seriously dirty look from a girl when I kissed Mulan, but hey, if that’s the worst of it, I can handle it. It’s not like being a lesbian is a new thing, they’ll get over it eventually, I don’t care that I am gay so you can’t really tease me about it!” she said laughing and Emma and Killian laughed too.
“How was PE?” Ruby asked, chewing her pizza.
“Fine, track. Nothing big, Mr. French is nice, so he probably won’t hassle girls too much once it is indoor swimming and we don’t want to get in the pool because of Belle. Thank god he has a teenage daughter, it means he won't ask questions” Emma said, shrugging.
“Swimming? Why are we swimming?” Killian asked as he dissected his pizza, dabbing at the grease pooling on the top of it with a napkin. Emma and Ruby rolled their eyes at him.  
“What? I was in the weight room for football instead of PE last year,” he said.
“In the winter, they usually do indoor swimming and lifeguarding. I think you can opt-out for something, but it’s like a CPR course or something,” Emma said breezily.
“I see,” he said and suddenly realized he would be spending a whole semester watching Emma in a bathing suit with no way to hide. Fuck his life, he had to get this under control.
“You know how to swim Jones, it’s not like you can't do it. If you’re worried about body issues, you’re fine there” Ruby said with a smirk, and Emma coughed.  Ruby eyed her, “What? I see Jones run, without his shirt on. You aren’t my flavor, but you have nothing to be ashamed of Killy” Ruby said, and his ears flamed red, Emma shaking in laughter next to him.
He didn’t even know what to say, “Thanks Red for that vote of confidence,” he said chewing his pizza.
“Close your mouth when you chew,” Emma said, elbowing him. He cocked an eyebrow at her, and she rolled her eyes.
“Aw, you two made up,” Ruby said sweetly.
“Nothing to make up Ruby, just leave it alone,” Emma said sharply and Ruby's eyes widened.
“Swan, come on. I apologized” Killian said, practically pleading.
“Don’t call me that, we aren’t there yet. I accept your apology, and I am an adult and I am leaving the subject alone. I suggest you do too” Emma said, and got up tossing her tray, and stalked out of the lunchroom.
Ruby eyed Killian and he looked confused. “Care to shed any light?" Ruby asked.
Killian groaned, "We were doing perfectly fine before you meddled with it, Ruby,” he said, peeling at the label on his water bottle.
Ruby shrugged, “it is not my place to tell you. Ask her, or better yet, go after her before an upperclassman corners her alone,” she said.
Killian left his tray and grabbed his bag running out after her. He saw a flash of blonde hair heading into the library and he followed her in. He looked around and spotted her as she sat at a table in the back.
“Em?” He said quietly, and Emma rolled her eyes.
“I am fine Killian seriously. I don’t need you to say anything ok? I get it, I am trying to be an adult, and try to be normal with someone I am not exactly comfortable around. I am trying, I have been trying all day. So please, just let it go” she said looking back down to her book.
“Can I walk you home after school?” he asked quietly, and Emma looked up at him curiously.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because I want to say something, and here is not the place for me to say it. So can I walk you home?” he asked again. She waited a moment and nodded.  “I will be out front at 3:15, see you in English,” he said, walking out and leaving her alone. He rubbed his hand over his face, what the fuck was he going to tell her. Everything, some of it? He needed Liam.
To his luck, his brother and Graham were walking in from outside when he waved at them. Graham put him in a headlock and ruffled his hair. Killian shoved him off.
“You got a minute?” he asked his brother and Liam nodded leading him away from the incoming Seniors.
“How do I apologize for something to a girl, when I don’t want to explain the whole truth but I don’t want to lie?” He said.
Liam sized him up. “Finally going to tell Emma why you dropped her?” he said harshly. “You know if you weren’t an idiot, I wouldn’t have had to protect her from slimeballs, your arm would already be around her,” he said, poking Killian in the chest.
“I get it alright. I just don't know what to say, I can't say the truth, the entire truth. So what do I say?” he said.
“I find when I am in hot water, a little sucking up helps. Say that you are very sorry, that it is entirely on you, and you need some time to talk about it entirely. But that you are sorry you hurt her feelings and treated her like crap when she was and still is your best friend. That should soften her up a little, and then you will have to work like hell to get into her good graces. I heard Neil Gold mention her outside, and he is going to make a beeline for her. I suggest you or Ruby stick close to her, keep that asshole away from her” Liam said.
“Thanks, Liam,” he said, and his brother nodded.
He put his hands on his shoulders, looking him over. “No one is going to touch you, you’re my brother,” he said, and Killian nodded. “Now go put your head in a book, or do your homework, chase after Emma, whatever it is that you do,” he said and walked toward the locker room peeling off his shirt.
Killian thought about what Liam said, and waited until it was almost time for English, and leaned against the wall outside of their class to catch her. She looked surprised to see him there, but said nothing and walked alongside him into their class. He chose the seat behind her, and she opened her notebook and paid attention.
He had Science with her next, so he chose the same table as her, sitting in his stool a foot away from her, and was thrilled when their teacher announced their tablemate would be their partner for the duration of the semester.
Emma groaned internally. It seemed like the universe was putting him in her path deliberately, she could make it through this. She had made it through losing her best friend, she could certainly try to let him in a little since that seemed to be what every sign the world was telling her, couldn't she?
The bell rang, and they split off for electives, he had opted for Tech which didn't surprise her at all.  He asked her about her elective as they walked toward the science room and she surprised him, “Ceramics” she said.
“When did you start liking art?” He asked genuinely curious, he wasn't truly surprised, she could make something out of anything, one of the more resourceful people he had ever met, even as kids.
“When my mom took me to New York for my birthday last year, I thought this would be a good way to dip my feet in,” she said.
“I didn’t know you went to New York,” he said quietly.
“You don’t know a lot of things, Jones,” she replied softly, entering her classroom.
Man, Liam was right, he was going to need to fucking grovel to get things back on track with her. He spent most of the hour paying attention to Mr. Locksley and picking apart his brain to try and figure out how to make things right. Some truth, just not all of it.
Tech club flew by, Emma’s uncle Robin was their teacher, so it wasn’t totally terrible. His stomach churned the closer it got to Three O’Clock, and when the bell rang, he stopped by his locker and dropped his books off, and headed out front. He sat down and waited, and Emma came out a few minutes later.
“Ready?” He asked her and she nodded and extended her hand helping him stand. Two years ago he wouldn’t have let go of her hand, but now he had to.
They made their way past the houses and neared Main Street when she finally broke the silence that was smothering them.
“You wanted to talk, so talk,” she said, her hands tugging on her backpack straps nervously, her face tilted toward the ground.
“Still as blunt as ever. I wanted to say I am sorry. I know I hurt you, I know I did, and I am so sorry Em. I didn’t mean to, I can’t explain all of it, but I just had other interests, and I know if I had asked you to come to watch me play baseball, or football, or even watch me build robots you would have. I know if I had just asked, you would have been at every game," he said, swallowing.
"I don’t know why I pushed you away, or let the space get so big between us, but I am sorry. I care about you, a lot. I am trying to make up for that now. Honestly, I am. I want you to be my best friend, you have always been, despite space, you still are. I am just really sorry” he said.
Emma stopped walking. “You’re an idiot. You dropped our friendship, 13 years of it to play sports, and have guy friends. I'm not stupid, we hit high school and suddenly I wasn’t cool enough to be a part of your group. You didn’t think I could be a part of that, or support you playing sports? You could have told me, talked to me, instead you cut me off and just stopped being my friend. It was fucked up, and I am mad at you, yes, and I am still mad, but regardless of what you just said, it still fucking hurts Jones. I am trying to let you apologize, and move on, but I want to know why I should even try” she said angrily.
Killian pushed the brim of his baseball cap up, and stopped, turning to look at her. “Because I am still your best friend, even if I am an idiot. I care about you Swan, I want to be your best friend, I want to be let back into your life. I don't want to be on the outside of it anymore, not knowing the inside joke, or knowing how you feel. I know it's different, we are older, you've changed, I've changed, but I am still me, and you are still you” he said searching her face.
Emma stared at him, her heart pounding in her chest, blood roaring in her ears. His eyes looked so sad, he was really just as messed up as she was.
“God, you're dumb. So dumb. I can't just let you back into my life Killian, you left it, you just dropped me. It made me feel like you were ashamed of me somehow. Your mom tried reassuring me that you were being a typical boy and would grow out of it, so is that what this is? You have grown out of being an asshole? Because I am not willing to budge further than being polite if you haven't grown up at all” she said.
Killian grabbed her hand, not letting her pull it away. “Em, I am, I have. I am sorry. Let me in, let me be your friend at least” he said searching her face, and he could see her green eyes glisten but knew she was too proud to let them fall. He tugged her to him and wrapped his arms around her waist as best as he could, his nose smelling her hair, and she sniffled.
“You're an idiot,” she said. He pushed her backpack off of her, throwing his on the sidewalk next to it in a heap. He pulled her against him tightly, not wanting to let her go.
“I know, I know. I am sorry. I shouldn't have shut you out, I am sorry. I will figure out a way to explain it all, but I don't have it all figured out today. I will try and I will tell you, just don't keep me on the outside, please Em. I care about you so much” he whispered.
“I missed you,” she murmured, her arms going around his neck and she crushed herself to him as tightly as he was holding her.
“I missed you too Swan,” he said back.
She stepped back, and swiped at her cheeks, and started walking. “I came, you know, for a while. To watch your games, with Ruby. I came to some football games, I know you saw me.  I saw you win the championship pitching too” she offered up, and he looked at her surprised.
“Really? Why?” he asked.
“Hope. Hoping you wouldn't always be an asshole, and here we are” she said, bending to pick up her bag, and kept walking.
“I am sorry,” he said one last time as they approached the walkway to her front door.
“Good,” she said and turned to walk up to her front door.
“Wait! You have a cell phone don’t you?” he asked and she nodded.
“Can I have the number?” and she shook her head.
“Baby steps Jones” and shut the door. She leaned against it as soon as she was inside, taking a deep breath, and completely freaked out that she was agreeing to let him back in.
@holdingoutforapiratehero  @hookedmom @xsajx @kymbersmith-90 @kmomof4 @katie-dub @ohmightydevviepuu @lassluna @pirateherokillian @teamhook​ @stahlop @elizabeethan @whimsicallyenchantedrose @resident-of-storybrooke @therooksshiningknight @jennjenn615 @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @killianswannn @stories-enchanted @eleveneitherway @girl-in-a-tiny-box @withheartfulloflove @kday426 @lyssapup27 @swanlovato @kaoslikesstuff @djlbg @kristi555 @laschatzi @xarandomdreamx @lkles08 @wyntereyez @bubblegum1425 @xhookswenchx @yasbio2015 @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @wefoundloveunderthelight @hollyethecurious @let-it-raines @jonesfandomfanatic @searchingwardrobes @dreamingdreamsalways @oncechicagolove @andiirivera @vvbooklady1256 @gingerchangeling @everything-person @klynn-stormz @qualitycoffeethings @vampcoffeegyrl23 @enchanted-swans  @ohmakemeahercules @donteattheappleshook @bluewildcatfanatic @the-darkdragonfly @demisexualemmaswan @lavenderbudd @grimmswan @spartanguard @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @sarahpaq08 @thisonesatellite @captainswan21 @zaharadessert @mariakov81 @snowbellewells @xouatxcs @kiwistreetswan @batana54 @nadine200179 @probalicious17 @courtorderedcake @julesep3026 @jackieorioncat @whatthehell102082 @xemmaloveskillianx @jarienn972 @sthonour @linda8084 @carpedzem @pirateprincesslena @daxx04 @winterbythesea @artistic-writer @scientificapricot @cocohook38 @wisfan3000 @chrisilybrooke @pcrcabcth @captainswan4life85 @molly958 @kingofmyheart14 @badwolfreturns @itsfridaysomewhere  @fallingforthecaptain @lovethelifeyoulive1106 @onceratheart18 @strangestarlighttree @omgmarvelous @justanother-unluckysoul @anothersworld @purplehawkcaptain @jennjenn615​ @sailtoafarawayland​ @superchocovian​ @hookedonkillianforlife87
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fwibblefwobble · 4 years
modern!au single dad tomioka giyuu: a concept
modern!giyuu x reader headcanons
so a few days ago i was up late texting a friend and went wild with the idea of him as a single father in a modern!au... here’s a collection of my ravings
warning: light profanity
- you two live two doors down from each other in your apartment complex
- you quite literally bump into him on your way back in from work
- he’s like ack i’m sorry and helps stabilize you
- never really noticed you lived so close and keeps an eye on your door whenever he’s on his way in/out
- one time he’s just spacing out and staring at your unit and you walk out and make eye contact with him
- he’s like oh shit
- you’re confused but you just assume he spaced out and don’t ask
- he has somewhere to be but he goes back inside and waits until he knows you’re out of the building 
- just waits with his head in his hands like what the fuck
- his daughter’s like ???? you good????
- he’s like fine yeah 200% buttercup don’t worry about it
- proceeds to worry about it for the next week
- the next time you meet he’s checking the mail after a morning run
- light sheen of sweat and jacket rolled up to his elbow, some sweet forearm action
- it’s a sunday morning after you went out with friends and you look a lil trashed cause you spent the night at their apartment and came back early in the morning 
- your mascara’s kinda flaky and you did a half-assed job at washing your face but you didn’t expect to run into Hot Neighbor™
- he greets you and hopes that you forgot about the thing that happened a week ago
- if anything your mind is occupied by why the hot single dad two doors down is giving you butterflies
- he does the thing where he pushes the hair in front of his face back
- its hot in a post workout sweat kinda way
- casual conversation ensues again in the elevator
- you bring up something about you being a ta at a local uni getting her masters
- he’s like not to capitalize on your talents but would you mind tutoring my kid for a day, i have to work overtime at the office on thursday and all my friends are booked
- assures you his kid is a very well behaved lovely girl, you’re apprehensive because children but also yes sure i have nothing better to do
- my guy has her room decorated
- whatever color she wants he paints it for her
- she has her own lil window with fake plants cause she can’t quite take care of real ones yet
- you and his daughter hang out after you help her with homework, watch tangled for like 2 hours and make dinner together
- she doesn’t do much because children with knives is not a good idea but you make her feel like she’s contributing to the team
- lots of high fives and good jobs, makes her feel very important
- he comes back home so fucking exhausted but he sees you and his kid on the couch passed the fuck out and oh my god
- he has half a mind not to drop his shit right there and join you
- against his will he wakes you up and you’re embarrassed like oh my god i’m so sorry i fell asleep in your apartment cuddling your daughter
- he’s so in love lmao that image of you and his kid lives in his head rent free
- he’s kinda breathless thinking about it
- once you’re safely back in your own apartment he tucks his girl in and makes sure not to wake her up
- lays in his bed just like wow
- you guys talk the next day and you’re still apologizing profusely, you feel so weird and you can’t look him in the eye
- he insists on at least getting you lunch, you guys settle on dinner at a local place that’s not too fancy
- putting yourself together before the pseudo not date but kinda date is The Strugglebus Saga
- you get in a facetime with like 5 of your friends trying to figure out what to do
- tiptoeing the fine line between date and not really date, what’s too comfy and what’s too casual
- “is red my color? does he like red lipstick? is lipstick too much?”
- he kinda hears you cause the walls are just the tiniest bit thin but it’s cute cause he’s having a tiny crisis of his own
- arranges shinobu to take care of his baby while he’s gone
- his daughter helps him get dressed it’s so cute
- he’s like no...?
- “dad, that isn’t your color.”
- confidence lowkey destroyed but it’s ok
- wears his lucky socks his daughter gave him for father’s day for good luck
- it’s a very cute and chill date, he picks you up at your door and the both of you are nervous cause it’s been a while since you’ve put yourselves out there
- it’s a tiny bit awkward in the beginning but as you guys ease up a bit it’s all good laughter and banter
- he doesn’t want you to know he heard you freaking out but he makes sure to tell you that you look nice just as subconscious validation
- both of you are a lil sad when the main date portion is over so you guys decide to get ice cream and walk around after
- and wow is it just me or do the lights get brighter when he’s around???
- he thinks the exact same thing
- he hasn’t felt this alive in a very long time
- you guys split the bill for the main date but he pays for your ice cream cause he’s a big gentleman 
- and when you guys say bye to each other he walks into his apartment, closes the door and lets out this sigh
- he turns around and its his daughter and shinobu both giving him The Look™ and he just refuses to acknowledge it
- you go home and scream a little bit
- your ears are hot and your cheeks are burning but you can’t stop *smiling*
- gotta rub your cheeks a lil to soothe the pain
- by now you guys have each other’s phone numbers and text each other that you had a good time before you each go to sleep and both of you are smiling at your phones like absolute idiots
- the next time you see each other is completely by accident
- you’re at a bookstore browsing and you see him around the corner with some flowers tucked under his arm looking through some stationery or stuffed animals
- and you’re like?? flowers??? does he have someone did i misinterpret that whole entire outing was that just out of courtesy and not cause he was interested in me
- but he says hi and strikes up a conversation
- you kinda timidly ask about the flowers and he’s like oh! i saw these when i was coming home from work and i remember walking by the florist with my daughter and she said these were her favorite flowers so i was thinking of surprising her when i got home
- as if your heart could swell with any more love for this man
- the love in his heart and his attention for DETAIL?? unparalleled. he is TOP TIER
- and at that point you’ve been over close to a dozen times, his daughter’s a smart cookie she doesn’t even need tutoring but ever since you looked after her she keeps on asking him if he can invite the pretty lady next door
- he asks you and you are more than accommodating, that girl is an absolute angel
- elects to leave out the part where she called you his girlfriend
- not quite there yet but maybe someday
- he catches you and her singing the mulan soundtrack with plastic hairbrushes once and it’s adorable domestic ass shit
- you’re 200% down to listen to this girl talk about elementary school drama
- honestly better than half the shit that happens at uni
- giyuu asks you to cover for him at pta meetings and all the other moms are very disappointed to see you instead of regularly scheduled eye candy
- if marissa looks at me like that one more time i swear we’re gonna scrap
- when you tell him about it he’s absolutely oblivious to the fact that every single mom is in love with him
- he just thought they were nice, nothing more to it
- kinda really pissed that they treated you like shit and next time he goes AND brings you
- absolute power move, suck my ass bethany
- happens very organically, both of you don’t even register it until it hits
- both of you are like fuck!!
- he’s like are you okay with it?
- and you’re like yeah 200% but are you okay with it?
- he’s like yeah of course
- and both of you say yeah and nod to each other back and forth until you take the initiative and pull him in again
- lowkey making out in the elevator
- your hands are all up in his hair and *wow this is exhilarating*, like his heart is full to burst
- and when he comes home his daughter’s like are you ok? your hair’s kinda messed up and stuff
- he’s like yeah it looked like this when i left
- she looks at him funny, like it definitely did not
- he’s just at a complete loss for words he’s trying to hide your lip gloss smeared on his face and his head is a lil woozy
- and he just gestures for a minute
- flails his arms weakly
- “yeah... uh... it’s, uh... wind.”
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Angel of Mine
College Boyfriend Mark X Reader
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Genre: FLUFFIEST OF FLUFF, Doting boyfriend Mark that we all deserve
Word Count: 4.5K
Summary: You and your boyfriend Mark are cuddled up in your bed watching a movie when you are reminded that you have an essay due in a couple of hours that you haven’t even started on. Before you can completely break down, your boyfriend comes to your rescue and offers to write your paper for you. It’s in the moments of watching him so focused, typing away at your laptop do you realize how lucky you are to have Mark as a boyfriend.
A/N: Hey guys! So it’s the beginning of midterms here in Hawaii and i’ve already cried seven times I am not kidding you I have two semesters left of college and this is the hardest it’s ever been. I wrote this imagine for shits and giggles; i’ve never had a boyfriend before (HAHAHAHA CRIES IN FILIPINO AND KOREAN) so I wouldn’t know if there are guys out there who are actually like this (If you are, God bless you) (and if your boyfriend is like this, MARRY HIM) I actually watched a tiktok post on instagram right after I finished this where this girl said she was doing her boyfriend’s homework because he was stressed or whatever and if that isn’t couple goals than I don’t know what is (btw I do not condone having someone else do your homework) (especially if you force them to do it because you don’t want to it’s your responsibility and your education, but if they offer...it’s a different story) (LOL) anyways, enough of me blabbering, please enjoy reading while I cry in a corner.
“Remind me how I got myself in this situation again?” Your boyfriend gave you a knowing look and you couldn’t stop yourself from letting out a faint giggle at the sight of his furrowed brows.
“Because you love me.” He playfully rolled his eyes and continued typing away at your computer.
“Yeah, sometimes a little too much. But if I remember correctly, you promised to suck me off once I’m finished writing this damn thing, so don’t think I’m going to forget our agreement babe.”
To say you were a procrastinator would be the understatement of the year. Just a few hours ago, you and Mark were comfortably cuddled up together in bed while you both watched the live action version of Mulan. When your boyfriend excused himself to go use the bathroom, you decided to scroll through your Instagram while waiting.
After looking at a couple of posts from some of your friends and family, you were curious as to what everyone was doing and you found yourself going through some of their stories. Finals were less than two weeks away, so you were used to seeing your friends post pictures of them working their many assignments or studying for exams.
What you weren’t expecting to see was one of your classmate’s working on an essay for your English class that was apparently due in less than four hours. Only then did it hit you; you had yet to write the paper and it was worth 20% of your grade. For weeks, you told yourself you were going to start on it and when it was first assigned over two months ago, you thought you had all the time in the world.
Two months went by quicker than you could even fathom and you were frustrated with yourself for not writing it down on your calendar or completing it earlier. You practically ran over to your laptop and began looking up the rubric to see how your professor wanted you to write your essay and you could feel your heart sink to your stomach as soon as you read the requirements.
Mark was confused when he saw you no longer lying in the bed; the two of you decided to have a lazy day indoors and you’ve only left the bed twice to use the bathroom and to get something to snack on. This past week has been extremely rough on your mind and your body; so when you told Mark you had no intention on doing anything other than laying in bed and watching movies, he knew to trust your words.
“Baby, what are you doing?”
Your flustered expression only made him even more curious as to what could have happened in the few minutes he was in the bathroom for. You bit your bottom lip in frustration; knowing how Mark could be whenever it came to your education, you were afraid he was going to be upset once he found out you had only a few hours to write your essay. Since you were too much in shock to respond to him, he took matters in to his own hands and looked at your computer screen.
“Wait—I remember you mentioning this essay a couple of weeks ago—eight pages?! Six educational sources—and it’s due by 11:59 P.M. tonight—y/n what the hell?!”
This wasn’t the first time you waited till right before your assignment was due to start working on it. Matter a fact, most of your important assignments; research papers, group projects, essays and online tests were completed on the day they were due. Sometimes it was on purpose; you felt as if some of your best work were the ones you’d work on right before you were supposed to turn it in. You knew it had a lot to do with the fact that you felt pressured to do better knowing you had a time limit; but most of the time you were just lazy and didn’t want to do any work at all.
You and Mark knew about each and every single thing there is to know about one another. He knew of each and every beauty mark on your body and where it was located, he memorized all your aunt’s, uncle’s and cousin’s names, he knew the exact shade of blue that you claimed was your favorite color and he knew how you liked your tea in the morning.
The only thing he had no control over, was the way you handled your education. Mark thought the entire world of you; he believed you were the most hardworking, courageous, determined, generous and golden-hearted person he had the amazing pleasure of knowing. And he wasn’t being biased because you were his girlfriend, but you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen before. In his eyes, you were flawless; you could do no wrong—well; the only problem Mark really had whenever it came to you was the fact that you didn’t know how to prioritize your responsibilities.
After what happened to you right around the time you were introduced to one another, Mark would’ve thought that your mindset and outlook on how you managed everything going on in your life would change. He knew you were capable of great things; when you put your mind to it, you could finish any task that you were given and you were great with multitasking. Mark saw how much time, persistence and effort you would put in to your job or whenever you’d lend a hand to anyone who needed assistance; he admired your work ethic and how passionate you could get when it came to the people and things that you loved.
It was just harder for you to put time in to your essays, journals, blogs or reading the books your professors would assign. School was never something you ever really cared for; it wasn’t like you were really learning anything anyway. For years, you tried your best in being good at all subjects. You’d stay up studying for hours on end only to not retain any information that you learned and it wasn’t entirely your fault. The educational system was just fucked. In this generation, it isn’t even about learning anything; the main focus is turning in assignments on time.
The professors could give less of a shit whether or not you understand any of the material being taught. During your relationship, Mark tried his best to motivate you and even bribed you with food and kisses. He even offered to make flashcards for you if that meant you’d have an easier time studying, but nothing ever worked.
As much as he wanted you to be successful with your education, especially because he genuinely loved attending school, he knew not to force anything on you and making matters worse. This time was different though; this class was one you were already having a hard time with and this essay in particular would determine whether or not you pass or fail by the end of the semester. Your boyfriend tried his best to hide his disappointment, but it was only natural for him to be upset. Attending college was not cheap at all.
He was completely aware of the thousands of dollars you had to fund on your own because your parents weren’t able to help you financially as much as they wish they could. Since he was extremely supportive of you and each and every single one of your endeavors, he even helped pay for quite a bit of your tuition which you haven’t completely forgave him for, but you both showed him and told him on a daily basis how grateful you were that he did such a thing; and that he never fails to take care of you in ways you didn’t think you deserved.
A part of him wanted to continue his poor attempt at scolding you, but as soon as he saw tears building up at the brim of your eyelids, all his anger and frustration dissipated. If there was anything Mark hated, it was seeing you cry. The reason behind your tears didn’t matter; it just broke his heart knowing you were sad and right now, he pushed the idea of your procrastination to the back of his mind. He motioned for you to stand up and kissed both your cheeks to get rid of any trace of tears. Then, he pulled you in to his embrace and placed his chin on the top of your head before he comfortingly ran his hands up and down your back.
“I’m so sorry Mark—I’m sure you’re upset with me and you have every right to be—I’m so stupid—“ if this were under different circumstances, the cheeky pinch on your butt would’ve earned your boyfriend a punch to the shoulder, but you knew this was his way to stop you from degrading yourself. Before you could ever say anything negative about yourself, Mark would try and divert your attention away from bad mouthing yourself.
Although you and Mark were together for three years now and you knew he was the man you planned on spending the rest of your life with, there was an annoying voice in your head that would remind you almost every single day that you didn’t deserve him. He’s sacrificed so much for you and you knew it was because he loved you; but you never understood why. You weren’t anything special; sure, you loved him with every fiber of your being and you knew he was well aware of that. Yet, you knew he deserved so much more but there was no way you’d ever be able to let him go. Not when he was the one who saved your life all those years ago. The only person who meant anything to you.
As much as you loved your family and your friends, nobody could ever compare or mean as much to you. Nobody could ever be as important as Mark was. He was the only person you were sure you would die from heartbreak if you were to lose him. It was selfish of you to continue dragging him down with you and your toxic ways, but you needed Mark; you’d be nothing without him. He was your own personal guardian angel sent to change your life entirely for the better. He was the only good thing going for you and with the way he treated you as if you were the most fragile and rarest jewel in the world, you knew he wasn’t going anywhere.
“You’re not stupid baby—a little irresponsible and careless, but not at all stupid. Hmph, I’ll tell you what, seeing as how I’m better when it comes to writing essays, let me handle it this time.”
“No, there’s no way in hell I’m going to let you do this assignment for me Mark, I’d rather take the F—“ the soft kiss he placed on the corner of your lips made it aware that Mark meant business. Whenever he’d say something, he meant it. However, you refused to allow him to work on something you kept pushing back for months. Your essay was your full responsibility and it wouldn’t be fair for your boyfriend to have to write something he didn’t benefit from in such a small amount of time. God, he really did love you.
“The more time you spend trying to talk me out of helping you when I already made my mind up, the less time I’ll have to work on this paper. I don’t want you stressing over this; you’re already so worn-out as it is. This’ll be a piece of cake babe—you just sit on the bed and look pretty while I get started.”
Mark had to be a figment of your imagination. There was no way someone as thoughtful, kind-hearted, selfless and caring as him could exist. Most people would groan at the idea of having to do more work and if it were anyone else, you were sure you would’ve gotten a completely different reaction. You were quick to pull him in to a tight hug and left multiple chaste kisses all across of his face.
“I love you—more than I can ever fathom in to words Mark Tuan. You don’t understand how much this means to me—I’ll do anything you ask of me. Ugh, I will never get over how amazing you are and I could never thank you enough for all that you do for me.” He cupped your cheek and placed a wet kiss on your jaw.
“Anything huh? Maybe you could do some loads of my laundry, but that’s pretty much it—oh. I um—maybe you could—ah never mind.” You looked at him in curiosity and giggled when you saw the apples of his cheeks grow pink with embarrassment. Whatever he was probably referring to had to be something he was shy about. Your boyfriend was the definition of an introvert and he had a hard time asking people questions or even favors; this sometimes also included you. If you wanted to know what was on his mind, you’d have to pry it out of him.
“What is it babe?” He gave you the most adorable shrug and nibbled on his bottom lip as he began to look everywhere around the room but at you.
“Don’t feel as if you have to do this for me, I really don’t expect anything from you, but I wouldn’t mind a blow job if you’re up for it later.” One thing you loved the most about Mark, was how gentle and awkward he would get whenever it came to initiating sex or insinuating that he wanted a sexual favor from you. It was cute, yet it also turned you on for some reason. Maybe it was because he’d act totally innocent and submissive since he never wanted you to feel uncomfortable and he preferred to take things at your pace; but once the two of you actually made love, his attitude would take a 360 degree turn.
Sex with Mark was your favorite past time; he could get very naughty and rough in bed, but he could also take things slow and sensually. It really depended on the mood, but your boyfriend was an extremely generous and passionate lover. He knew what you liked, what positions you enjoyed the most, how to lick, bite and suck on all your sensitive body parts in order to elicit any kind of needy reaction out of you. It really boggled your mind that someone like Mark—someone so perfect without a flaw at all actually existed and what was harder to believe was that you were the lucky girl who was extremely blessed to call him yours.
That was something you would never take for granted; nor did you think you would ever get used to having him in your life. You seductively made your way on to his lap and began leaving sloppy kisses against his nape. This beautiful man sitting in front of you was willing to do your homework in order to prevent you from having a mental breakdown. He was willing to sacrifice his time to work on an assignment that wasn’t his responsibility to take care of just so that you didn’t have to suffer. Honestly, what world war did you fight and win in your past life to be the one that receives Mark’s love every single day? Whatever it is that you did to be able to call Mark your boyfriend, you would do it again and again if it meant having him in each and every single lifetime.
“Fuck—babe—as good as that feels, I only have three hours—y/n—you know, I’m actually thinking about taking you on your offer—just settle for the F and I’ll get settled in between your pretty thighs—“ you couldn’t help but stifle back a giggle once you heard the soft whine fall from his lips after you got up from off his lap, but he was right. He was already doing your homework for you, the least you could do was sit on the side and prevent yourself from bothering him.
“Oh yeah—you’re definitely taking me down your throat as soon as I turn in this paper. Now do as I said and sit down on the bed. Your presence alone is such a distraction and fuck—I’ve been hard since this morning when you walked out in my shirt. Damnit y/n—I really want to have my way with you right now. Please use this experience for future reference. I can’t believe I’m being cockblocked by a research paper of all things.”
You watched as Mark quickly skimmed through the rubric; you knew your boyfriend wanted to make sure he understood the material before typing out a bunch of nonsense. The last thing he needed was to spend all this time and effort looking for resources, citing them and looking for both spelling and grammatical errors only to earn you a bad grade. If Mark wasn’t there and you just so happened to find out about the essay, you wouldn’t have even attempted to write anything.
Your mindset in college was that if it seemed impossible, you would just give up on it entirely. Mark’s mindset however, was more realistic and you wished you had the motivation and enthusiasm that seemed to live in his bloodstream. Watching him so focused as he typed away like nothing was such an inspiring sight. English was one of your boyfriend’s favorite subjects; he loved reading all kinds of books—from murder mystery to comics and romance novels, Mark always preferred reading over watching a movie or television shows.
But, if there was anything he enjoyed more than reading, it was writing. Normally, the day his professor would assign him an essay, proposal, research paper or journal entry was the same day he would complete it and turn it it. There had to be something wrong with him. What person in their right mind genuinely enjoyed writing thousands of words, making sure there weren’t any errors and that the paper in its entirety actually made sense? You knew not to bother him, but you couldn’t help staring at him in all his handsome glory. His brows were furrowed and he began biting his lip in concentration; you didn’t think it was possible for someone to look like a model straight from an ad or a magazine while typing out an English paper.
“Can I get you something to eat or drink babe?” He quickly shook his head in disagreement without even looking up—he was too focused in whatever it was he could be typing.
“I think I need a couple of kisses though, you know—to help me reenergize.” You playfully rolled your eyes at his cheeky request before getting up and placing a few soft kisses against his mouth.
“So how’s it coming out?” He scrunched his nose before giving you a slight shrug.
“If I’m being honest, this probably isn’t my best work, but I’m sure it’s fine. I’m almost done by the way—so I’ll have you look it over to make sure it’s to your liking and then you can turn it in. Maybe you should start preparing your gratuity and tie your hair up. Might as well take your pants off while you’re at it—ow! I’d be careful if I were you baby. I might just replace your name with mine and confuse the shit out of your professor—yeah, that’s what I thought. Now, be a good girl and return back to bed.”
As much as you wanted to continue messing around with him; only because you were enjoying how demanding he would get when he was under stress, you knew better than to distract him. You decided to find something else to occupy yourself with as Mark returned to typing profusely at your laptop. It was extremely fascinating how he didn’t even take a second to think about what to write. The words seemed to just flow out of his brain like it was the easiest thing in the world and you were growing envious of his ability to come out with such quality and detailed work in such a small amount of time.
Around twenty minutes later, Mark let out a sigh of relief and brought his hands behind his back—a sign that he was finally finished. He motioned for you to walk over to your desk and had you sit on his lap. Out of habit, he snaked his arms around your waist and placed his chin on your shoulder; wanting to be as close to you as possible.
“Ten pages, twelve sources and it’s only 9:15. Tell me what you think baby.”
Right as you finished reading just the first paragraph alone, you were at a loss for words. Even if you were to start writing this paper when you first received the assignment from your professor, you were sure nothing you could write would be at least half as amazing as this paper was. It wasn’t repetitive—nor did he use nonsense words or anything you were sure you probably would have added in. He put all his sources in alphabetical order and inserted page numbers at the bottom of each page.
You could see why Mark’s previous English professor had asked him on multiple occasions to be her TA. The word brilliant wasn’t even enough to describe the kind of student Mark was. For someone who never really cared about reading English papers; whether it was an assignment for class, or when you had to give constructive criticism on one of your fellow classmate’s work, you would always skim through their essays—but you found yourself reading each and every single word Mark had typed out. His essay had you hooked; it was one of those writings that you were sure anyone would actually enjoy having to read. How was he able to finish all of that so quickly? By the end of it, you were in tears and you didn’t even realize you were crying until you felt Mark giggle in to your neck.
“Why are you crying Bub? I don’t think what I’ve written is at all that depressing. I literally wrote about biodegradation and how to save the earth—“
You didn’t give him any chance to continue his explanation as you roughly smashed your lips against his. Mark did so many things for you on a daily basis. He didn’t have to say he loved you for you to know that he did—his actions spoke for him. Knowing how most guys could be, you were sure no boyfriend would waste his time completing an assignment, especially one so time consuming needed all your knowledge and effort—for his girlfriend.
College was rough on everyone; so to take on something you thought was extremely difficult in order to prevent you from stressing out more than you already were—it made tears fall from the brim of your eyelids. You continued your ministrations, licking his lips and bringing both the bottom and the top in between your teeth before sucking on his tongue. Feeling him hum in to your mouth sent warmth to your core. In your relationship, you were the more extroverted and talkative one. You could go on and on about any subject you were passionate about.
However, just like Mark; you were more about actions than words—mainly because you felt like there weren’t enough words in the English dictionary to actually form sentences that would describe just how much you loved Mark wholeheartedly and exactly what he meant to you. When you felt his excitement press up against your ass, you knew what was right about to happen; but you wanted him to know verbally how grateful you were for him before showing him physically.
“Fuck—how did you—what kind of drug are you on Mark? That was one of the best essays I’ve ever read. There’s no way my professor is going to believe I wrote that. This is honors worthy—you’re—I can’t even find a word good enough to describe you. Otherworldly? Wonderful? Perfect? I love you so much Mark. Fuck, do I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don’t know what I did to have you in my life, but I would do it again and again to have you forever. I know you hate when I say this, but it’s the truth baby—I really don’t deserve you. Thank you, not just for typing this essay—fuck I still can’t even process this entire situation you need to sign up for scholarships or some shit you are so fucking intelligent and such a hardworking student. But—thank you for loving me. You really are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am forever grateful for whoever it was that decided to bless me with you as my soulmate. I love you Mark Tuan.” His wide grin and the way he looked at you so adoringly made your heart melt.
“I’d do anything for you—you know that baby. It’s just—seeing you so distressed—so frustrated and unhappy with school, watching you overwork yourself to the bone—it fucking sucks. Especially when I see you beating yourself up over grades you have no control over. I know you try your best in every single thing that you do and I know that it’s easy to forget some important things and fall behind, but I will always be there to catch you—and to assure you that everything is going to be okay. You’re my person y/n—it’s my life duty to take care of you. However—don’t get used to this baby, as much as I love you—trust me—I love you with every breath I take and with every beat of my heart—but shit, that was rough. Oh—and I never want to hear you say you don’t deserve me ever again. You take care of me just as much as I take care of you. It’s a team effort babe. Now, with that being said, you caused a big problem in my pants over half an hour ago and I think it’s time that you solved it.”
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Seventeen headcanons: Seventeen as Disney Characters’ Kids
a/n: you can thank my cousin forcing me to listen to the descendants soundtrack for this. may or may not do oneshots for these at some point so uh,,,,,,we’ll see
Seungcheol, son of Kovu and Kiara
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a lot like his parents
is a little infamous because some people still see his dad as “evil” anyway
does whatever he thinks is right even if it’s not traditional
heir to be king and he takes that seriously
honestly he is lowkey trying to prove himself to everyone
hangs out with wonwoo a lot and usually goes to him for advice
also best friends with soonyoung since they’re kind of in the same boat
doesn’t want to be sheltered by his parents even though he has mixed reactions from the public
even if his entire kingdom doesn’t like him, he wants to be a good prince and future king
Jeonghan, son of The Cheshire Cat 
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sly and sneaky and mischievous lil shit
you don’t think he’s there but he’s there
he hears and sees everything
his favorite thing to do other than nothing is eavesdrop
he’ll be hanging out with his friends and as soon as someone is like “let’s go do this” he disappears without saying anything
often found lounging about with his tail swaying and flicking
typically up to no good but his seemingly sweet face always fools people
but those who know him know he’s typically anything but sweet
whenever he appears, you always see his smirk first
Joshua, son of David & Nani
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surfer dude
i mean, come on, look who raised him
hangs out with seokmin a lot 
he’ll sit on his surfboard out in the ocean and seok will swim up and rest his arms on the board and they’ll just talk or swim and stuff
he is a little ‘odd’ but his aunt is lilo and he was raised around aliens so can you blame him
but he really just wants to be normal because people have been judging him for his entire life
sometimes he’s a lil judgy just to make himself feel less weird
*insert that gif of him making that face in the going svt episode that everyone uses as a meme now*
but like he also keeps experiment 002 as a ‘pet’ after mrs. hasagawa couldn’t take care of her ‘cats’ anymore
so he still is a lowkey strange boi 
Junhui, son of Thomas O’Malley 
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smooth as heck
a little goofy but that’s his charm
he comes from one of thomas’s many one-night-stands, so he lived on the street and was only raised by his dad for a long time
when he was brought in to live with duchess and her kids, she treated him like one of her own, and he got along well with her kids
would throw hands for his sister without question
still a flirt like his dad though
but he drinks his respect women juice i promise
usually playing around with his brothers or sometimes going off to help hansol
even though his family is loaded now, he still acts like he’s an alley cat lmao
kinda stays away from jeonghan because he finds him scary
can be found hanging around with soonyoung though
Soonyoung, son of Shere Khan
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he wants to be a tiger so badly so
despite his dad being kind of yknow an asshole
soonyoung is a huge sweetheart 
some people may think it’s an act or whatever but it’s just how he is
and his dad is trying so hard to get him to be less kind but the boy can’t help his fat heart okay
he hangs out with seungcheol a lot because the two can relate on being misunderstood
soonyoung is basically kovu
came from a shitty family but is just here for a good time
but if you fuck with him he can and will rip your throat out
hangs out with jun quite a bit because he makes him feel more upbeat and kind of grounded i guess???
because he doesn’t want his status or his father’s words getting to his head
honestly highkey worried he’ll become like his dad
Wonwoo, son of Milo Thatch & Kida 
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literally the perfect mix of his parents
the curiosity and shyness/awkwardness of his dad
mixed with the beauty and grace of his mom
he’s the prince of atlantis since kida became queen after the king died, and everyone absolutely adores him
has girls lining up to marry him but because he’s awkward like milo, he’s not really that interested in getting married anytime soon
hangs out with seungcheol and tries to give him helpful advice
pretty much always reading and learning about other cultures and kingdoms
has never been outside of atlantis and he’s highkey curious about what’s out there
but he’d never sneak out behind his parents’ back because he’s a good boi
Jihoon, son of Elsa 
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he’s a lot like his mom (from the first frozen i havent even seen the second one ok)
he also has powers like her which he doesn’t use often
even as a child, he preferred learning how to use and control it rather than just use it for fun
but now when he has to go out for royal things, he will sometimes make a little ice rink for the kids or create little flurries and dancing snowmen just to see the children laugh
and if you look at him, you can see the hint of a smile
spends most of his time in his room reading or sleeping because that’s just how he chooses to spend his time
tbh he doesn’t want to be a prince he just wants to do what he wants
but elsa is a single mom and he’s her only heir so he doesn’t want to let her down or stress her out
but if he could just,,,,,,not be a prince, he would love that
Seokmin, son of Ariel and Eric
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everyone always sayin this boy looks like prince eric anyway so
he’s a mermaid like his mom so he can spend time in the water and on land
often goes ‘surfing’ with joshua but it’s basically josh surfing while seokmin swims in the waves and watches
sometimes he goes to visit wonwoo in atlantis but not often because it’s kind of hard to get to
spends 50% of his time singing whatever song is stuck in his head or just making up his own
he really is more like his mom personality-wise lmao
and of course more like his dad when it comes to looks
likes being on land and in water equally you can’t make him choose one
his best friend (other than josh) is a dolphin that goes on adventures with him and stuff, and an octopus that clings to him like a backpack
Mingyu, son of Eugene and Rapunzel 
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big clumsy but kind idiot
also does that weird smolder thing like his dad
honestly he’s kind of the perfect mix of his parents
very kind and curious
but he’s not nearly as trusting as his mom
he may be kinda dumb sometimes (he got the braincells from his dad ok) but he makes an excellent prince
he loves his kingdom and his kingdom loves him
he’s got so many suitresses but he put his training to be king first
however he highkey in love with the girl who sells flowers and planters at the market
Minghao, son of Cruella De Vil
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like his mom, he’s very into fashion
unlike his mom, he prefers to find cruelty free ways of achieving fashion
he actually left home when he was 16 and has nothing to do with her
he’s become an anonymous fashion designer because he knows nobody would give him the time of day if they knew who his mother is
as a designer, he goes by the8
he designs all of seungkwan’s clothes too
he usually just stays inside and works on his clothing because people are mean to him when he goes outside
Seungkwan, son of Charlotte La Bouf
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just wants to be a prince so heckin bad !!!!
likes to dress up in nice clothes and go out a lot
only wears things designed by minghao though
he’s boujee okay
honestly would give up his prince dream to help minghao make a new name for himself
he wants to be a prince more than anything but his friends and those he loves come first
but seriously can a princess just marry this poor boy already
Hansol, son of Robin Hood & Maid Marian
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hands down the sweetest boy ever
he’s pretty well off so he typically just gives away his own things
but he will steal from the rich if he has to lmao
pretty much friends with everyone because he’s just so likeable
the only people who don’t like him are rich assholes lmao
may or may not have been arrested a few times but it was for good reasons i swear
sometimes has chan tag along on his adventures to steal from the rich
Chan, son of Mulan & Li Shang
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he’s not a prince but damn he looks like one
the strongest warrior in his kingdom
his family is also very highly ranked so while he’s not a prince he’s still an important dude in the kingdom
girls swoon over him and men want to be him
can we blame any of them
if he’s not training/practicing, he’s off with hansol 
often donates to the poor but also loves to eat the rich lmao
has also wound up in jail a few times but his parents are fine with it because it’s for a good cause
but if he’s not practicing or with hansol, he’s just fucking up assholes
those are basically his hobbies lmao
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being-worthy · 4 years
Saturday Home Cinema: Mulan (2020) - A very honest review!
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I just had to write this review because Mulan is one of my heroes and I’m a huge fan of the original Disney Mulan (1998). I saw the movie for the first time as a kid when I had trouble feeling integrated and was daily bullied at school. I re-watched it again and again and again until I was able to learn by heart the script and all the songs in German (and later on, even in English). I just saw so much of myself in Mulan (maybe except for the fact that I’m not as beautiful or witty as she is). I too always felt out of place and I couldn’t be my true self and I was never very ladylike either. I also looked up at her and saw her as a role model. Sometimes I thought that if I stared long enough at my reflection in the mirror, it’d show me my true self - and I’m still waiting to this day… Disney’s 1998 version of Mulan was and still is my favourite Disney movie.
The best thing about this movie is the soundtrack, especially at the end. Christina Aguilera was the right choice to sing Reflection and Loyal Brave True. The goosebumps her voice gives, I can’t even describe how extraordinary her voice is. In the end credits, you can listen to the English version of Reflection as well as the Chinese version (sadly sung by Liu Yifei  ¬¬). It’s worth to watch the end credits and listen to the songs.
*My suggestion: Stop whatever you’re doing. Put on some headphones (even better if they’re noise-cancelling), close your eyes, play the song Reflection song (and Loyal Brave True if you feel like it) by Christina Aguilera, no distractions no interruptions, forget about everything and everyone, let the song flow through your ears, mind, heart, body, and soul, and you will feel like you’re Mulan, especially when the drumming gets louder, it’s epically epic! (Sorry for the redundancy but it IS a remarkable song!)
I welcome the idea of wanting to take a classic and do something new, something fresh with it but humanity could’ve gone without this movie and they shouldn’t ask for $35 to watch it on Disney+ and sometimes a classical doesn’t need to be redone. Additionally, I can’t entirely understand what’s going on these past years not only with Disney but Hollywood and all other big movie production companies. It’s either remake of this classic or a 2nd/3rd sequel of a movie that doesn’t actually require a sequel but it’s still done anyway. Why even bother wasting big amounts of money to create a disaster? You’re better of donating that money to charity (or to me lol). The main thing that Disney has been doing lately are remakes of many of our childhood movies Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Dumbo, The Jungle Book, The Lion King, among others, and now Mulan. Some have a few good parts in them but they still can’t and never will compare to the original. Why is there no originality and innovation anymore? Have they run out of ideas? Furthermore, let’s be honest people will always compare the remake (either consciously or unconsciously) with the original because there are less than a dozen movies where the remake either was (almost) as good as the original much less better than the original. The movie Mulan (2020) had a massive budget and is the most expensive film made by a female director (Niki Caro), yet how they made it, the battle sequences and CGI effects, etc. they’re all crappy.
Budgets of all Mulan interpretations:
Mulan (1998) - $90 million > Directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook. Made $304.3 million in the box office
Hua Mulan (2009) - $12 million > Directed by Jingle Ma. Sadly, made only $1.8 million in the box office. It deserved more love!
Mulan (2020) - $200 million(!!) > All that budget was a waste!
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I’ve seen all three versions. The 1998 version is for everybody and it’s funny and you feel with the characters and the film. Let’s be honest, the granny is one of the best characters, most of us have or had a granny like that in our lives. The 2nd one is a 2-hour long movie, a more mature adaption which illustrates the ugly harsh truth about war and the loss and death it brings with it and that there’s nothing funny or cool about it. This one is not suitable for children. You feel with the characters and their sacrifices and they also develop along the movie. I can only recommend to watch this version if you haven’t. And the latest one is a disgrace.
I’m a bit confused as to what the message of the movie is. On one hand, it tells you shouldn’t hide your inner beauty, you shouldn’t hide who you are, you shouldn’t hide your abilities, you shouldn’t try to hide who you truly are in order to conform to what the world/society wants you to be or who you should be, let your true self shine and be yourself and don’t allow anyone to tell you that you’re inferior just because they think/say you are. This is something powerful and admirable but, on the other hand, at the same time, it tells you that you can only do that if you are the chosen one. Let me explain... In the beginning, we see Mulan as a little girl chasing a chicken up to the roofs of the houses at the village where she lives. Basically, she’s born as a one-woman army (almost deus ex machina) and doesn’t require any further training which is total and utter rubbish. She has all the skills because of her powerful chi (vital life force energy) but has to underplay them because it’s not very ladylike to behave like she wants to and she still underplays them when she trains with the soldiers so as to keep a low profile. Her being so powerful from the beginning makes me feel alienated from her and I can’t empathise with her. It’s also not very realistic, nobody is born with their abilities fully developed. For example, even Bruce Lee had to train hard to get where he got and he wasn’t the only one.
The original version shows us a regular girl, at times clumsy (which is a cliché but we still liked it) and when she’s confronted with new situations, she analyses them and finds a quick canny solution to them. She also has to train her body and mind to get to the peak of her potential and accomplish what nobody else could in her time, and here the character is done from the start of the movie and the only thing she has to do is choose not to hide her chi anymore. This tells us that you don’t have to work hard to achieve your dreams whereas in reality you actually do have to work your butt off!
I’m not a fan of the leading actress they chose for Mulan, aka Liu Yifei, not only because she’s a police brutality supporter according to her controversial tweets a while back - this already makes her unworthy to portray Mulan who is the complete opposite - but also because she didn’t do a good job at depicting this great role. Mulan is a role model for every girl and woman and it’s a massive contradiction if a woman who agrees to the atrocious police methods impersonates her role. What message do we send out to every girl out in the world? In her acting she’s this blank and hollow person through the movie and transmits no emotion whatsoever - not even when she cries. This also makes it difficult for me to identify myself with her. She’s this wooden plank, she is and stays a blank canvas through the whole movie with no growth in her character and it’s frustrating having to see this because the character of Mulan isn’t at all like this. Mulan experiences many emotions from the moment where she makes the decision to enlist so her father doesn’t have to or when she experiences the loss of her comrades or has to kill someone for the first time, etc. she suffers along her journey and all this changes her but you see nothing of it in Liu Yifei’s Mulan.
In the Disney version, there are some crucial moments that are missing in the new one. For instance, the most crucial one is the moment where Mulan decides to go to war. If you remember the animation one, she’s sitting in the rain by the dragon statue and at that moment makes a decision that could kill her or worse bring dishonour to herself and her entire family (including ancestors) which was far worse than death during that time! She gets up, marches to the altar of her ancestors, takes her father’s sword and cuts her hair (I know men had long hair back then too but still), puts on the armour and goes to war. All this while being accompanied by an epic song written by Jerry Goldsmith called Haircut. This is one of the most intense and dramatic moments in the movie and in all Disney movies! You can understand and feel the importance of this decision for the character and you feel the weight of it! In the 2020 one, she takes the sword and the next shot presents her already with the armour on - there’s zero dramatic impact here. That was a great missed opportunity!! By omitting important scenes and their dramatic impacts like this one that are essential to the story and to the characters, to their development and their journey throughout the story and you really need to rely on the original from 1998 to have this context.
The battle scenes are like many modern movies: lots of action, lots of moving (too fast-moving), a few amazing fighting moves and fights but not showed entirely. I at least expected some similar quality, like we’ve seen in films such as Hero (2002), House of Flying Daggers (2004), and Tiger & Dragon (2020) to name a few. Sadly, these movies had better fight scenes quality than Mulan which were filmed in high frame rate but over-edited with action that is negatively frenetic and have artificial CGI effects (even the CGI effects in Independence Day were better - I’m watching the movie while writing this). We’re in the 21st century with great advances in technology and movies are given big budgets (particularly Hollywood films), yet despite all this, most movies end up with CGI effects from another era. How come this happens over and over? In this one, we see people running too fast, horses running too fast, and they’re all like a big mass of headless chickens and you don’t know exactly what is happening where. All this fast running, the constant cut and paste of scenes looks all too modern and doesn’t fit the current time period of the movie and it surely doesn’t transmit the way of fighting of that period. 
Moreover, we get lots of flashback-lesson learning scenes throughout the movie. This is another fashion in movies lately, playing the film in the present time while at the same time jumping back and forth between flashbacks. It spends a good portion of the movie with these flashbacks. This is not a big issue and admirable per se but when these scenes are insignificant because they’re glossed over and transmitted without zilch emotion, then why even bother to include them in the first instance?
As a last comment, I like the fact that they hired Chinese actors and actresses for the movie (although I don’t know why it had to be in English, I’d have preferred it to be in Chinese, it’s not like we’re allergic to subtitles - unless they’re not done properly), some of them of renewed name, like Gong Li, Rosalind Chao (I loved her in The Joy Luck Club), Jet Li, Donnie Yen (legendary Ip Man), Jason Scott Lee (saw him in Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story), Tzi Ma but they won’t be able to save the movie even with a great cast like this one. 
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itsmattsunshinehere · 4 years
Okay so umm.... I thought of this and can't get it out of my head. Kuroo, noya and tsuki (separate) with an S/O that is a theater kid and has to kiss/get a little touchy on stage how would they react.♥️ You can make it a little slutty I don't mind ;)
Omg you guys must have a thing for Kuroo.
I had super fun doing it! And Tsukki is definitely my fav eheh. Thanks for your request!! Hope you like it 😘💘
Kuroo Tetsurou / Nishinoya Yuu / Tsukishima Kei x reader.
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Kuroo Tetsurou
When Kuroo finds out you're in the theater club he's slightly surprised.
He didn't think you liked acting, he just knew you were passionate about movies and theatre.
So, you start inviting him to your performances, where you typically only play secondary roles, and he always comes to see you when he isn't busy with his team.
He thinks you're really good and talented, which is why he always encourages you to audition for the main roles: he knows that you could get the part easily, he really believes in you and in your abilities so much.
That's why one day you make up your mind and audition for a lead role, managing to get the part.
When you tell Kuroo, he is really happy for you and congratulates you.
But then he asks you what’s your role and for which play.
"I play Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice."
He doesn’t know that much about theatre or literature, but he remembers very well the film you had watched together just a few days ago. He would have liked better something less romantic where he shouldn't have shared you with someone else, even if it’s just on a stage.
He tries to conceive his jealousy, he wants you to know that he won’t miss your performance at all and that you’ll be the best Elizabeth Bennet they could choose.
He doesn’t recollect seeing any kissing scene in the movie, so he's not that worried.
Then one day you invite him to your place after rehearsals and while you're in the shower, he's in your room and his gaze is caught by the script, exactly on the page where your teacher has added a new scene where your character and Mr. Darcy kiss.
Jealousy is a disease Kuroo, get well soon.
He knows that you’re just acting and that it’s important for you, so he decides to be a mature boyfriend and doesn’t tell you anything that can make you leave that part for a secondary one.
Anyway, he makes sure to catch up with you backstage as soon as the show ends and make it clear to "Mr. Darcy" that you're his and only his Elizabeth.
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Nishinoya Yuu
Like Kuroo, Nishinoya is also rather surprised to learn that you are part of the theatre club.
"Wow Y/N you must be great!"
Later that day, you tell him that the play for which you will perform is a stage version of Mulan and that you would like to audition for the main role.
So the next day Noya shows up in front of you telling you that he wrote your name for the role of Mulan on the form in the hall.
Tanaka, next to you, praying for his friend life, on the other hand Noya looks proud of himself.
He knows you're going to be great and you're really talented, that's why he thought about giving you a chance to audition for it. He knows that you would probably have missed it because you always overthink everything.
Of course, you get the part and you celebrate together.
He also suggests you to teach you lots of samurai moves (even if he himself doesn't know one).
He's super supportive and helps you study your lines and practice your scenes.
The only problem he hadn't considered was Captain Li Shang's role.
It is not happy anymore about your achievement, he knows better than that. And seeing how happy you are for your role, he decides to hold back and say nothing that could bother you. He knows he can trust you, it’s other guys the ones that he doesn't trust.
You see him quieter than usual when he's around you and you don't understand what's going on, so you go straight to the point and ask him what's wrong.
When you find out that his is nothing but a little jealousy, you hug him and reassure him that nothing special happens between you and the guy who plays Shang.
When the performance’s day arrives, after the show, he immediately comes backstage to congratulate and tell you how good and great you have been, completely forgetting about every other character.
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Tsukishima Kei
Of course Tsukishima knows what you do after school.
"You know Kei, I'm part of the club-"
"Yes, theatre club, I know."
"Wtf are you a stalker?"
Tsukishima is a very attentive especially when it comes for things (or people) that matter to him. Many times he noticed scripts in your school bag, so he guessed you where part of that club.
But he always played dumb and let you tell him about your hobby and invite him to your shows, without spoiling you that he has known all along.
He starts to come and see your rehearsals and performances and can’t help but notice how good you are. No wonder they often give you main roles and sometimes he shows you off in front of Tanaka and Nishinoya.
Then one day you tell him that you got the part of Juliet in the new play of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Tsukki congratulates you and it would be all great if only shortly after Tsukishima did not find out who is the guy who will play Romeo. Definitely someone he knows he can’t trust.
He also knows the story very well and although he is rather pleased by Romeo’s death, he doesn't like the idea that you'll have to kiss him before that.
But you are a professional: he knows you and trusts you, he knows he doesn't have to worry. That's why he tries not pressure you, instead he helps you as much as possible, preventing you from practicing some scenes with your other partner.
On the day of the performance he comes to see you with a bouquet of flowers behind the scenes before the start of the show to try to calm you down, but when he arrives in your dressing room he finds only the guy who plays Romeo and asks him where you are.
"Yeah, Y/N is talking to some friends outside, probably about me. She's pretty, isn't she?"
Tsukishima holds back from punch him, in the end, beauty is the only thing he has. Then he asks him to let you know that your boyfriend was there and the boy nods without much care.
At the end of the show he joins you immediately and after giving you flowers, he kisses you in front of Romeo, who opens his mouth shocked. Then he approaches the boy, wanting to make it clear what the real roles are.
"Next time I'll make sure your poison isn't just water." (Obviously he's not serious, he doesn’t have to know…).
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