#multi-prong attack
thresholdbb · 11 months
Why don’t they all just get completely smashed when they’re about to be assimilated by the Borg?
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keclan · 2 years
oh i just know kunsel and luxiere were pulling their hair out when they heard zack had a new shinra grunt bestie
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thebibutterflyao3 · 10 months
Day 1 - Prompt: Snow @jegulus-microfic
December Daily Series - 154 words.
**Series 1/5 of a continuous multi-ship story**
Morning’s light blinded him when his eyelids fluttered open. An obscenely bright reflection of the sun’s rays had the audacity to bounce off of the new fallen snow and attack his retinas with searing prongs. Regulus groaned as he flailed at the open draperies that allowed this intrusion into his bed.
“Potter,” he whined, squinting at the figure staring intently through the now unshaded window that separated their beds. “Too bright.”
James glanced over his shoulder with a look so utterly charmed that Regulus was fully drawn from his sleep-deprived annoyance at once. The glow haloed his face as the mess of curls danced playfully from his sudden movement and cast a stunning relief of warmth against the violently cold world behind him. His breath hitched hard.
“Sorry, Black, but this is entirely too pretty to ignore.” His gaze flicked over Regulus momentarily before he turned back to the scenery outside.
I know the feeling.
Next Part >>>
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Today, the despicable Hamas terror organisation launched a multi-pronged attack on Israel.
As of tonight, over 200 Israelis have been murdered, and an unconfirmed number have been kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and taken into Gaza. Over 1000 Israelis have been injured. Hamas fired over 3000 rockets into Israel, aimed at multiple cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
[EDIT 15/10/2023 Over 1300 Israelis were murdered by Hamas Nazi savages, and over 3000 were injured. Over 150 have been kidnapped and may also have been murdered too.]
Israel is now retaliating against Hamas terrorists in Gaza by destroying their terror bases that they locate in civilian areas. All decent people worldwide will stand with Israel as it takes revenge on an evil antisemitic cult that has promoted genocide from its inception and refuses to abide by any peace agreement. All decent people will see why making concessions to Palestinian leaders without getting anything in return is utter madness.
Unless Palestinian terrorism is stopped by force, there will be no peace.
Hamas will pay a heavy price for what it has done.
My condolences to all Israeli victims.
Stand with Israel
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Doing research on WW2 such as the geo-political climate (which was never Really mentioned in my American public school), keeping a copy of the mandate for Leadership on my phone, staying updated on current events, and my very autistic knack for pattern recognition has me fight or flight.
I don't know what WW3 is gonna look like, it may very be another cold war. But it's here.
When we look back on this, we won't say that it started when the US finally took up arms. The war started way before the US was willing to admit there was even a problem.
It will be like WW2, where the US let as many ppl die as the world would allow before they and the other allied forces stepped in.
And just like back then people are asking "why won't the USA or France or the UK do something? Why are they letting it go on so long?"
And the answer is the same as it was back in WW2.
The allied forces themselves were was antisemitic, greedy, and politically driven.
Oh yeah and if you look real close and squint you can also see an oil grab in Iran that happened during ww2. You know "to stop the axis powers" from having oil 🙄
So why would they get involved if they didn't have to?
Remember how they ONLY involved themselves because Poland, an ally to UK and France was invaded?
What are the chances of Netanyahu attacking a US ally, you think?
In fact..I don't remember learning almost a damn thing about the middle east during ww2? But I'd be willing to bet my life its not so different from now. You know. Some non-arab nation doing something shitty but for some fucking reason Arab and Muslim nations are punished?
So lemme just head onto google real quick.
Huh. Would you look at that.
"The Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran or Anglo-Soviet invasion of Persia was the joint invasion of the neutral Imperial State of Iran by the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union in August 1941. The two powers announced that they would stay until six months after the end of the war with their enemy Nazi Germany (World War II), which turned out to be 2 March 1946. On that date the British began to withdraw, but The Soviet Union delayed until May, citing "threats to Soviet security"
The invasion, code name Operation Countenance, was largely unopposed by the numerically and technologically outmatched Iranian forces. The multi-pronged coordinated invasion took place along Iran's borders with the Kingdom of Iraq, Azerbaijan SSR, and Turkmen SSR, with fighting beginning on 25 August and ending on 31 August when the Iranian government formally agreed to surrender, having already agreed to a ceasefire on 30 August."
So this says Iran surrendered in just 5 days and then then they were occupied for almost 6 years...
To keep Hitler from having oil, right? Thing is: Germany got most of its oil from the Baku fields.
In Russia. 🙃
The attack also took place less than two months after Allied victories over pro-Axis forces in neighbouring Iraq and French Syria and Lebanon.
That's an awful lot of fighting in the middle east when Hitler in Germany and Europe was the fucking problem 🙃🙃
The invasion's strategic purpose was to ensure the safety of Allied supply lines to the USSR (see the Persian Corridor), secure Iranian oil fields, limit German influence in Iran and preempt a possible Axis advance from Turkey through Iran toward the Baku oil fields or British India.
They nabbed Iran's oil because they could under the pretense of "well what if the axis powers attack us through Iran?"
Kind of like "well what if the terrorists attack us through the Red Sea?"
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Part 5 of Steve Disappearing
Eddie thinks back to certain milestones in his daughter’s life. He remembers when she was first learning how to ride a bike. How she fell and he wanted to pick her up and tell her it was okay. But without missing a beat, she got up on her own and tried pedaling again.
He remembers when she was learning to tie her shoes and then cried from frustration, refusing to put shoes on for two days straight if they had laces.
Eddie thought about Lucy’s most recent actions as he traded info with the others and let them know that Steve was alive and being used as Vecna’s puppet.
He thought about the three year old that clung to his two fingers while walking side by side as they conjured up a plan.
He thought about Steve doing her hair for the first day of kindergarten only for her to return home with a bird’s nest as the crew got their supplies.
He tried not to think about how listless she got on some days when she realized Steve wasn’t coming back.
“Are you sure you want her to be a part of this?”, Joyce asked.
“We need her, Steve and me”, Eddie had answered. “Besides, when has telling a kid ‘no’ ever worked?”
They both knew if they tried to keep her safe in a house, she’d find a way to get involved. She already had.
Eddie tried really hard not to think about whether or not he was a good parent. Most parenting guides didn’t suggest you commit arson with your child. Burning down the Hawkins lab was part of a multi-pronged operation. It was honestly supposed to be one of the safter parts. Only Will or El could directly oppose Vecna or the Mind Flayer.
And Lucy shouldn’t have to see her dad like that unless absolutely necessary. Along with the Creel house, they were destroying anything that might tether Vecna to this dimension.
It was unfortunate that not only was he connected to this place, but Eddie and Lucy being here together meant Steve could feel them as well.
It was a play similar to 86. Someone was attacking Vecna in the mindscape, while someone else got to his physical body in the Upside Down. That just left Steve’s body here.
And while it broke Eddie’s heart, he had already mourned the man. And if it was a choice between him and his still breathing daughter then-
Eddie shot. Using the lighter probably would have done more damage but even now he couldn’t bring himself to be cruel to Steve. Each bullet felt like it was piercing his own heart while he could hear Lucy crying from behind, gripping his shirt.
Steve’s body fell to the ground. Something dark and smoky separated from him, screeching at the heat of the flames around it before fading from existence. Steve’s body was deathly still and Eddie was about to lead Lucy out of the burning building when Steve’s body jerked and he suddenly started coughing.
And god help him, he wanted to believe. He hadn’t heard from the other teams yet. Steve could still be possessed or Vecna could still be alive. But he couldn’t leave Steve again. 
“Go!”, he shouted at Lucy, pushing her towards the doors while he went back to Steve.
A lot of blood. And lot of bullets, but they’d seen worse. 
“Stay with me”, he said while picking up his husband. “Just hold on and stay with me.”
When Steve woke up, it felt less like waking from a dream and more like sleep paralysis. It was dim, there was a heavy weight on his chest, and there was an ominous silhouette standing off to the side.
He took a deep breath and the silhouette moved.
Holy shit! Steve!”, Robin shrieked.
He had never been so happy to hear her squawk.
The light was turned on and he saw the weight on his chest was his daughter. He stroked her hair and when she woke up and saw that he was awake, the tears started, for the both of them. His were streaming down his face, but they were nothing compared to the full body sobbing she was doing. For a moment he was scared she might hurt herself and just rubbed her back soothingly.
“Sshh, shh, you’re okay now.” His arms wrapped around her as Eddie practically crashed into the room. “You were so brave, my little warrior.” Steve kissed the top of her head. “Thank you for finding me.”
That brought on a fresh wave of sobs and Eddie came over to wrap them both up in his arms. For a moment, Eddie let himself just feel Steve in his arms before drowning him in kisses all over his face.
“Next time you say some self-sacrificing bullshit, I’m vetoing it.”
Thank yall for reading!
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coochiequeens · 2 months
Recommended Books
This page provides a list of recommended books about prostitution, pornography, the global sex trade, and surrogacy.
By and for men
Sex dolls
ANY GIRL by Mia Döring
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“Any Girl is a ferociously honest, intensely tender and utterly unforgettable book that is as thought-provoking as it is timely.”
BODY SHELL GIRL by Rose Hunter
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“Body Shell Girl is incredible. It is a captivating and honest account of a woman’s experiences, thoughts, and feelings in the sex trade.” – Cherry Smiley
The Sex Economy by Monica O’Connor
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Drawing on extensive research, O’Connor challenges the idea that the sale of women’s bodies as commodities is acceptable and that men have a right to buy sexual acts from another person. She shows that ‘sex work’ is not a lucrative occupation for impoverished women and girls, and  exposes the harm that normalising the sex trade does on women’s lives, gender equality and society as a whole.
Being and Being Bought by Kajsa Ekis Ekman
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“This is a riveting analysis of prostitution and surrogacy that shatters the great wall of lies about these two institutions. Brilliantly analyzing the parallels, Kajsa Ekis Ekman wages a multi-pronged attack on sexism and classism that leaves the reader with hope for change.” Melissa Farley, PhD.
See: A brief history of the ‘Sex work is work’ movement
Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution by Rachel Moran
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“The best work by anyone on prostitution ever, Rachel Moran’s Paid For fuses the memoirist’s lived poignancy with the philosopher’s conceptual sophistication. The result is riveting, compelling, incontestable. Impossible to put down. This book provides all anyone needs to know about the reality of prostitution in moving, insightful prose that engages and disposes of every argument ever raised in its favor.” Catharine A. MacKinnon
Last Girl First! Prostitution at the intersection of sex, race & class-based oppressions
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A study into how all over the world and throughout history, women and girls from the most discriminated communities are over-represented in prostitution. Poor, Indigenous, migrant, asylum-seeking, displaced women, those from the lowest castes and from ethnic, religious and racial minorities are the first victims of pimps and sex buyer
Pimp State: Sex, money and the future of equality by Kat Banyard
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Skilfully weaving together first-hand investigation, interviews and the latest research, Pimp State powerfully argues that sex trade myth-makers will find themselves on the wrong side of history.
Prostitution Narratives: Stories of Survival in the Sex Trade edited by Melinda Tankard Reist and Caroline Norma
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This book documents the reality of prostitution through the lived experience of women who have survived it.
Exit! by Grizelda Grootboom
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Grizelda Grootboom’s life was dramatically changed when she was gang raped at the age of nine by teenagers in her township. Her story starts there. It is a story about the cycle of poverty, family abandonment, dislocation and survival in the streets of Cape Town. She reveals the seedy and often demonised life of a prostitute and her ultimate escape from it.
Read our review >>
Body for Rent by Anna Hendriks and Olivia Smit
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Childhood best friends Anna and Olivia were just 15 years old when they met Ricardo. He was older, charming and good-looking – and Anna and Oliva were easy prey. Manipulated, groomed and abused, within three years he had pimped the girls into the neon-lit windows of Amsterdam’s red light district.
Read our review >>
Shadow’s Law: The True Story of a Swedish Detective Inspector Fighting Prostitution by Simon Häggström
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Detective inspector Simon Häggström is head of the Stockholm Police Prostitution Unit. He tells the true stories of the people he meets every day; young girls facing dangers they did not foresee, seven foreign women working and living together in a one bedroom apartment, Lovisa, born into a life of drugs and prostitution, and of course, the men who buy sex.
Not a choice, Not a job by Janice G Raymond
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“This book dispels the smoke and mirrors and uncovers the horrific and complex truths of prostitution and the global sex trade. This is a must read for those who want to understand the facts about the harsh realities that so many experience.” Vednita Carter
The Pimping of Prostitution: Abolishing the Sex Work Myth by Julie Bindel
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“Bold, brilliant and brave. This is Julie Bindel at her best, demolishing the myths around prostitution and asking us to listen to survivors, the women and men who know the ugly reality first-hand.” Joan Smith
The Nordic Model by Trine Rogg Korsvik and Ane Stø
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In this book, feminists activists write about their enduring struggle for the abolition of prostitution. The authors offer valuable insights into the movement’s strategies, as well as its allies and opponents. The book unmasks the pro-prostitution lobby and confronts the myth that the Nordic model is harmful to women in prostitution.
River of Flesh and Other Stories edited by Ruchira Gupta
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Twenty-one stories about trafficked and prostituted women by some of India’s most celebrated writers: Amrita Pritam, Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay, Indira Goswami, Ismat Chughtai, J. P. Das, Kamala Das, Kamleshwar, Krishan Chander, Munshi Premchand, Nabendu Ghosh, Qurratulain Hyder, Saadat Hasan Manto and Siddique Alam, among others.
Not for Sale: Feminists resisting prostitution and pornography edited by Christine Stark and Rebecca Whisnant
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This collection of essays connect feminist perspectives on the sex industry with radical critiques of racism, poverty, militarism, and unbridled corporate capitalism, and shows how the harms of prostitution and pornography are amplified by modern technologies.
The Natashas: Inside the new global sex trade by Victor Malarek
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They’re the third most profitable black market commodity, after illegal weapons and drugs. They are women and girls, some as young as 12. They are sold into prostitution and kept enslaved; those who resist are beaten, raped, and sometimes killed as examples. In many cases, the men who should be rescuing them –from immigration officials to police officers and international peacekeepers – are among their aggressors.
The Johns: Sex for sale and the men who buy it by Victor Malarek
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This book dispels the myths that justify prostitution and puts on display the rationales of ordinary johns, their beliefs, their behaviours, and their astounding brotherhood. It also shows us the darker side: the rise of sex tourism, the predators, the role of the Internet. Lambasting the pro-prostitution lobby, he explains why legalising prostitution can lead only to the greater enslavement of women.
The Industrial Vagina by Sheila Jeffreys
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“This is an insightful analysis into the globalization and industrialization of the modern sex industry. Sheila Jeffreys makes the connections between prostitution, marriage, pornography, strip clubs, and sex tourism and how they all combine to exploit women who are most harmed. This book opens a window on global sexual exploitation and the institutions that support it.” Janice G. Raymond
The Idea of Prostitution by Sheila Jeffreys
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This book investigates the claims of the pro-prostitution movement and the burgeoning sex industry, arguing that the sex of prostitution is not just sex; the work of prostitution is not ordinary work; and prostitution is a choice for the men who abuse rather than for the prostituted women.
See The Idea of Prostitution: Q&A with Sheila Jeffreys and Rose Hunter.
And Life Continues: Sex Trafficking and My Journey to Freedom by Wendy Barnes
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Wendy Barnes was introduced to sex trafficking by her first love, the father of her children. And Life Continues is her story: how she became a victim of human trafficking, why she was unable to leave the man who enslaved her for fifteen years, and the obstacles she overcame to heal and rebuild her life after she was rescued.
Pornland: How porn has hijacked our sexuality by Gail Dines
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“Dines brilliantly exposes porn’s economics, pervasiveness, and impact with scholarship as impeccable as her tone is reasonable. This book will change your life. Ignore it at your peril.” Robin Morgan
He Chose Porn Over Me edited by Melinda Tankard Reist
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“Shattering the popular myth that porn is harmless, the personal accounts of 25 brave women in “He Chose Porn over Me” reveal the real-life trauma experienced by women at the hands of their porn-consuming partners – men who were supposed to care for them.”
Read our review >>
Your Brain on Porn by Gary Wilson
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“Your Brain on Porn is written in a simple clear language appropriate for expert and layperson alike and is rooted firmly within the principles of neuroscience, behavioural psychology and evolution theory … As an experimental psychologist, I have spent over forty years researching the bases of motivation and I can confirm that Wilson’s analysis fits very well with all that I have found.” Professor Frederick Toates, Open University.
Read our review >>
Big Porn Inc: Exposing the Harms of the Global Porn Industry edited by Abigail Bray and Melinda Tankard Reist
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“With contributions from leading world experts and activists, Big Porn Inc offers a cutting edge exposé of the hidden realities of a multi-billion dollar global industry that promotes itself as a fashionable life-style choice.
“Unmasking the lies behind the selling of porn as ‘just a bit of fun’ Big Porn Inc reveals the shocking truths of an industry that trades in violence, crime and degradation. This fearless book will change the way you think about pornography forever.”
Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity by Robert Jensen
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In our culture, porn makes the man. So argues Robert Jensen in Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity. Jensen’s treatise begins with a simple demand: “Be a man.” It ends with a defiant response: “I chose to struggle to be a human being.” The journey from masculinity to humanity is found in the candid and intelligent exploration of porn’s devastating role in defining masculinity. You can download a free PDF of this book from Robert Jensen’s website.
Surrogacy: A Human Rights Violation by Renate Klein
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A radical feminist introduction to the reality of surrogacy as the commissioning / buying / renting of a woman into whose womb an embryo is inserted and who thus becomes a ‘breeder’ for a third party and how it is being heavily promoted by the stagnating IVF industry which seeks new markets.
Towards the Abolition of Surrogate Motherhood edited by Marie-Josèphe Devillers and Ana-Luana Stoicea-Deram
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“In this eloquent and blistering rejection of surrogacy, a range of international activists and experts in the field outline the fundamental human rights abuses that occur when surrogacy is legalised and reject neoliberal notions that the commodification of women’s bodies can ever be about the ‘choices’ women make.”
Read our review >>
By and for men
The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men by Robert Jensen
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“The End of Patriarchy asks one key question: what do we need to create stable and decent human communities that can thrive in a sustainable relationship with the larger living world? Robert Jensen’s answer is feminism and a critique of patriarchy. He calls for a radical feminist challenge to institutionalized male dominance; an uncompromising rejection of men’s assertion of a right to control women’s sexuality; and a demand for an end to the violence and coercion that are at the heart of all systems of domination and subordination. The End of Patriarchy makes a powerful argument that a socially just society requires no less than a radical feminist overhaul of the dominant patriarchal structures.”
The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and how all men can help by Jackson Katz
“With integrity and courage, Jackson Katz  has taken his message – that the epidemic of violence against women is a men’s issue – into athletic terms, the military and frat houses across the country. His book explains carefully and convincingly why – and how – men can become part of the solution, and work with women to build a world in which everyone is safer.” Michael Kimmel.
Sex dolls
Sex Dolls, Robots, and Woman Hating by Caitlin Roper
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“Sex Dolls, Robots and Woman Hating exposes the inherent misogyny in the trade in sex dolls and robots modelled on the bodies of women and girls for men’s unlimited sexual use. From doll owners enacting violence and torture on their dolls, men choosing their dolls over their wives, dolls made in the likeness of specific women and the production of child sex abuse dolls, sex dolls and robots pose a serious threat to the status of women and girls.”
The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and how all men can help by Jackson Katz
“With integrity and courage, Jackson Katz  has taken his message – that the epidemic of violence against women is a men’s issue – into athletic terms, the military and frat houses across the country. His book explains carefully and convincingly why – and how – men can become part of the solution, and work with women to build a world in which everyone is safer.” Michael Kimmel.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 9 months
by Vijeta Uniyal 
Hezbollah, estimated to be the world’s biggest terrorist organization, has spent nearly two decades tunneling along Israel’s northern border. The underground web of terror tunnels in Lebanon is even bigger than Hamas’s ‘Gaza metro’, which is estimated to be over 300-miles-long. This subterranean network of tunnel shafts, command centers, and weapons depots has been financed by the Iranian regime and built by North Korean mining companies.
Writing for The Times of Israel, prominent Israeli journalist Tal Schneider reported Tuesday:
Two weeks ago, the IDF spokesman revealed one of the biggest attack tunnels in the Gaza Strip — four kilometers long, wide enough for vehicles to drive through, and running from Jabaliya, north of Gaza City, up until some 400 meters from the Erez border crossing into Israel.
While the tunnel did not cross the border, it presumably could have enabled terrorists on motorcycles and other vehicles to drive underground from the Jabaliya area and exit close to the border before IDF surveillance soldiers or patrols could block them. The IDF did not specify whether this was the case when 3,000 Hamas-led terrorists poured into Israel on October 7, slaughtering 1,200 people and abducting 240.
The uncovering of this vast tunnel, of which there are several more in Gaza, has revived discussion of similar tunnels near, at and under the Lebanon border — especially amid the ongoing clashes there with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist army, the forced evacuation of tens of thousands of Israeli residents of the north, and the Israeli leadership’s repeated insistence that Hezbollah must be forced back from the border and deterred.
The Lebanon tunnel project was begun and developed long before the one in Gaza. Existing intelligence indicates a vast tunnel network in southern Lebanon, deep and multi-pronged.
At the Alma Research and Education Center, which focuses on the security challenges on Israel’s northern border, researchers have spent many years investigating Lebanon’s underworld. Tal Beeri, the director of Alma’s Research Department, who served for decades in IDF intelligence units, has exposed that subterranean network in material based on considerable open-source intelligence.
Several years ago, Beeri managed to track down on the internet a “map of polygons,” covering what he called the “Land of the Tunnels” in southern Lebanon. “The map is marked, by an unknown party, with polygons (circles) indicating 36 geographic regions, towns and villages,” he wrote in 2021 paper.
“In our assessment, these polygons mark Hezbollah’s staging centers as part of the ‘defense’ plan against an Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Each local staging center (‘defense’) possesses a network of local underground tunnels. Between all these centers, an infrastructure of regional tunnels was built, interconnected [with] them.”
Beeri assessed that the cumulative length of Hezbollah’s tunnel network in south Lebanon amounts to hundreds of kilometers.
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thevibraniumveterans · 3 months
STAR WARS — The Acolyte
EP 5 — Night
Okay, so first off, I speculated last week that yes, given last week’s episode title of “Day”, the polar opposite of that would be “Night” for this week’s episode title, because would it be so awkward if that were not the case?
Amandla did a wonderful job portraying both Osha and Mae, but so did the camera crew and the editing crew; especially for that one scene.
Last week people speculated that the bad guy would be Qimir, and well… 😅
(Spoilers in my notes/thoughts below…)
- Ominous music plays, as the camera zooms down on Osha lying in a small alcove, unconscious from last episode’s Force push. She awakes; the first word out of her mouth is the name of her droid Pip, wondering where he/it went. She finds the droid. She hears lightsabers in the distance, gets up, and trips… and sees the corpse of a dead Jedi. She stands up, and there in the earth before her, almost like it was gouged into the ground itself, looks like a multi-pronged hand, red and searingly angry.
- She watches as the robed figure battles with a red saber against the other Jedi with blue, green, and yellow blades. The Jedi are no match for the figure; Osha carefully approaches. Yord and the figure cross sabers. Yord gets injured, and two other Jedi jump to the rescue. Both are cut down in cold, brutal fashion. That means almost all, if not all, the Jedi who brought her to Kelnacca’s home to rescue Mae, are dead or injured. The figure faces Osha, who raises a blaster. But what good does it do? The figure advances on Yord, and absorbs a stun blast from Osha. That’s new. That never happens. The figure turns toward Osha, who is told by Yord to run. Inside, Mae panics, and sees Kelnacca’s saber. She picks it up, figuring it might be of use later, especially when her sister is in trouble.
- Osha, on the run, switches on a torch beam and hears rustling. She panics, and runs. The figure throws his saber, but is deflected by Sol. He uses the Force to send Osha flying toward Yord, who brings her back to safety. Sol and the figure face off.
- The figure address Sol, who doesn’t know who the stranger is, but thinks he senses “something familiar”. They face off again.
- Mae exits Kelnacca’s abode, carrying his saber. Mae is suddenly accosted by Jecki, and both come to blows. Jecki wants to arrest Mae, but obviously she’s not cooperating. They keep fighting, each wanting the upper hand. They push each other into, and consequently out of, Kelnacca’s home.
- Somewhere nearby, Sol and the stranger trade blows. The mystery deepens; Sol knows the stranger trained Mae, and wonders what Master hides their face from the student. The stranger ominously replies, “You tell me.” What’s that supposed to mean?
- Osha hears Jecki cry out in pain (Jecki is fighting Mae), but Yord says to keep moving. [The logistics of never having adult Mae and Osha in the same room is getting funnier by the minute.] Sol and the stranger keep at it. Yord tells Osha about how the stranger could psychically control Jedi; and weirdly, Osha says the same of her mother Aniseya.
- Jecki finally forces Mae to the ground, and cuffs her. The stranger appears out of nowhere, and attacks Jecki. She has taken Kelnacca’s saber from Mae, and now has two blades to defend herself, which she does, just barely. Mae, hoping the battling duo are distracted, runs. The stranger destroys one saber, and disappears. But who does that? Nobody can just disappear. Unless this is another mind game vision that’s being played on Jecki, and she has no idea what’s coming. She stands alone in the clearing, confused. She runs.
- Elsewhere, Osha tells Yord to switch off his saber, and somewhere else, Mae is still on the run. She barely dodges the stranger’s saber. He cuts Mae’s cuffs loose, but is accosted by Sol and Jecki. The stranger clearly wants to kill Mae, but that is not in the interest of Sol and Jecki, so they leap to her defense.
- Mae uses her sisterly bond with Osha to call her back, but turns our Yord can also hear that. Osha says that they have to return to the scene they fled from. She turns on her torch to attract the bugs overhead, and turns around.
- Sol, Jecki, and the robed figure are still fighting. Jecki has managed to knock the helmet off the figure’s face. The figure splits his saber in two, ignites the other one, and stabs Jecki three times, killing her instantly. Jecki drops to the ground, revealing the figure as Qimir.
- He uses the Force to pull Mae towards him, gripping her neck like he wants to choke her. She did not expect him to be the master. Why would she? The person she thought to be a friend has been the person she was taking orders from. Sol lunges to attack Qimir, who fends off the blow, and then switches off his saber and points it straight at Mae’s head. It’s a threat; Sol disarms himself, pained.
- Qimir claims to not have a name; or at least, if interpreted elsehow, Qimir was a name he hid behind. He doesn’t like the Jedi, as they are restrictive; he says he wants to do what he wants with the power he has. He reveals that Mae reneged on the “deal” she made with him — technically Mae said she wanted to turn herself in, last episode, when she thought Qimir was a friend and not the masked Master she was supposedly serving.
- Yord comes onto the scene, his saber drawn. He comes face to face with Qimir, who he’s seen only once before. He recognizes his opponent. “Surprise,” says Qimir. He twists Yord’s arm, gets him in a chokehold, kills him by twisting his neck, and disposing him on the ground. Osha, Sol, and Mae, and Sol, are horrified.
- Osha shoots a stun blast, hitting Mae, who was running. She drops.
- Sol and Qimir engage in unarmed, close quarters combat, a scene surprisingly RARE between two people strong in the Force. Sol is just about to kill Qimir, when Mae stops Sol from doing it. Perhaps because she believes that Jedi don’t kill the unarmed, and if Sol did that, it would go against what he believes?
- Turns out, yes. However, Qimir states, “If you never follow [the rules], you never have to break them.” Osha runs up behind Qimir and clips Pip onto a metal bit on QImir’s back, causing the umbra moths to swoop down. Very interesting way to have something else do the fighting for you, for a change. The umbramoths carry Qimir off, he is unable to defend himself.
- Osha asks Sol about what Qimir said earlier, and asks, “Why did he say I shouldn’t trust you?” Before he can explain, Mae stuns Sol from a distance. (Perhaps a stunt actress was most likely used in this scene before the closeup on Amandla.)
- Dawn breaks on Khofar. Osha approaches Mae. Osha asks, “What did you do?” Mae says something hauntingly familiar, “I did what I needed to do. For you. For our family.” Osha doesn’t believe this, thinking that everything that led to this moment was all Mae’s fault, starting from that night Mae prevented Osha from leaving her room. It’s also a clever camera trick, for Amandla to portray Osha and Mae in these closeups; while she plays either character, it’s clear a stuntwoman plays the other sister.
- Osha accuses Mae of starting the fire, and states that the Jedi saved her. Mae thinks otherwise, that the Jedi invaded their home and took Osha away. This shows that there are two opposing points of views, one that paints the Jedi in a good light and another that shows them as flawed. Mae slings an accusatory, “They’ve turned you against me.” Another familiar line. However, Mae tries to trick Osha by saying “I can help you.” Mae goes to hug Osha, who does not return the gesture. Mae also says, “Please choose me”, which is another accusatory statement that perceives Osha as the antagonist for choosing the Jedi over her sister. Osha is confused, but she hugs her sister back.
- This is also a trick, Osha is here to arrest Mae, who says of Sol, “He stole you from us.” Osha disagrees, “He saved my life.” Mae, ironically, rebuts, “And what kind of life is that, huh? A life without purpose, without love, without family?” Funny, Mae didn’t have those either, so who is she to speak? Is she projecting her feelings? She uses the Force to push Osha away, and cuts off part of her own hair.
- Elsewhere, Qimir floats back down from the treetops, blade ignited. He walks off; the tracker picks up Pip, and scurries off.
- Mae returns to Sol’s side. It’s Mae because the personality is different. Which means that at some point, Mae switched clothing with Osha to pretend to be her. That’s just weird. Mae says to get back to the ship. The whole scene feels off. It’s not the scene, it’s that Mae has had to disrobe her own sister and put her clothes on, to deceive others. It’s just so weird. Mae follows Sol back to the ship.
- Back in the forest, Qimir picks his helmet back up. And his robe. Which, strangely enough, he drapes over the prone body of Osha. Why is she here, specifically, and why did he do that?
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darexirepublic · 4 months
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We're absolutely thrilled to announce that after a secret, multi-pronged operation carried out and lead by the Ministry of Defense alongside our allies in @peritainia-peace and the @pactargent, the last of the hostages taken in the Marta II terror attacks have been rescued.
Minister of Defense Ka'plet revealed today at a press conference that the operation lasted four days and involved "top secret coordination between our friends to ensure operational secrecy and security."
In total, they explained, four pirate bases were successfully captured and several hundred persons detained. Spread throughout the bases were the hostages, some of whom were in rough shape owing to mistreatment at the hands of their captors. Thankfully, medical treatment was on hand and their wounds were stabilized.
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"Through channels with our Pact friends, we were able to intercept and destroy enemy fighters before they could attempt to escape or rescue their comrades. Careful coordination was able to block their escape vectors and allow us to free those imprisoned, with minimal losses."
Over fifty pirate vessels were destroyed or disabled in the raids. Transports containing the detainees are now en route to the Central Detention Facility where they shall be interviewed by Pact and Republic officials.
A running tally of those rescued include:
-Fifteen @thylakindustrial residents of Marta II
-Twenty-six Darexi
-Four Jasho
-One @alari-nation tourist, one @phlaalu tourist and two @vakthar-of-song diplomats
The Phlaalu, Alari and Vakthar governments have been notified of the rescue of their citizens, and after medical treatment, they will be returned safely.
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Admiral Vexio of the Home Force element of our Patrol Fleet stated that, thanks to PEACE and the Pact, "our vessels were able to disable or destroy most of the enemy force before they knew what was happening. Careful blackouts of their communications allowed for us to predict and block their movements and attempts to link up with one another."
The Chancellor's Office has praised the operation and stated that a formal ceremony to welcome the freed hostages back to Laxtara will take place next week.
I'm absolutely elated to announce this, friends! We have been under a strict comm blackout from the Ministry of Defense regarding this operation until now!
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By: Armin Navabi
On the morning of the 7th of October, 2023, the Palestinian militant group Hamas orchestrated a multi-pronged assault against Israel from the Gaza Strip. Their fighters breached the heavily fortified border, committing a mass murder of more than a thousand Israeli civilians, including young children. The political discourse surrounding these brutal events and the war that has come in its wake, especially in the West, has been tinged with a misguided transposition of Western identity politics onto the Middle East that collapses all nuance and reduces a complex situation into a simple binary of “oppressor versus oppressed.” As such, leftists in English-speaking nations tend to see Palestine (including Hamas) as an oppressed, brown victim class whose freedom-fighting “resistance” against their oppressive, white, US-backed colonizers in Israel is a righteous cause with which to stand in solidarity. This simplistic view of the long-standing conflict in the Middle East leads to confused and contradictory thinking, as seen in the slogan (and now meme) “Queers for Palestine” brandished at anti-Israel rallies. It’s worth exploring just how incoherent this concept is.
On the surface, “Queers for Palestine” attempts to meld LGBT advocacy with Palestinian liberation, a juxtaposition that has precipitated a whirlpool of ridicule and criticism due to the fact that LGBT rights scarcely exist within the Muslim world, and the Palestinian territories are no exception. The slogan has been widely satirized with variations like “Chickens for KFC” or “Blacks for the KKK”, which highlight the basic lack of awareness of just how incompatible the values of the Western left are with the Islamic right they so readily champion.
The reality of the situation could not be more stark. Though it has much room to improve, Israel is at the forefront of LGBT rights in the Middle East. In Israel, LGBT people are visible members of society with legal protections, civil rights, and a plurality of public acceptance.
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Palestine, by contrast, is quite a different story. The UCLA Williams Institute’s 2021 global report on LGBT acceptance rated Israel 44th out of the 175 countries/territories examined. Palestine came in at 130, behind Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Georgetown University likewise placed Palestine 160th out of 170 countries on their women’s peace and security index, in good company with most of the region. Amnesty International’s 2020 report on human rights highlights the criminalization of male same-sex relationships in Gaza, punishable by up to 10 years' imprisonment, with a conspicuous absence of legal protections against anti-LGBT discrimination or harassment. This lack of civil rights has led hundreds of gay and bi Palestinians to flee to Israel to escape persecution. One such refugee, Ahmad Abu Marhia, a 25-year-old gay Palestinian man, was living under asylum in Israel. In 2022, he was kidnapped and beheaded in the West Bank city of Hebron. His murderers uploaded footage of the killing to social media.
However, every time these disparities are mentioned, critics are quick to lob accusations of "pinkwashing" — a concept invented to frame any discussion of Israel’s progressive stance on LGBT issues as a distraction from their mistreatment of Palestinians. The fact remains that these “Queers for Palestine” could march in Pride parades in Israel if they wanted to. In Palestine, they’d better be wearing iron neck guards if they don’t want to lose their heads.
Another disconcerting element of “Queers for Palestine” is that it popped up in prominent left-wing anti-Israel/pro-Palestine rallies in the immediate aftermath of Hamas’s terrorist attacks, before Israel had the chance to respond. As such, there is no way to interpret this slogan and the surrounding leftist fervor except as a signal of support not merely for Palestine, but specifically for Hamas, the jihadist movement with the explicit aim of eradicating the state of Israel. It's imperative to understand that Hamas, as detailed in its 1988 Covenant, is propelled by a fundamentalist Islamist ideology with the goal not only of eliminating all Jews but also conquering the world — just like ISIS. Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar was recorded saying, “The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors.”
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[ One of the many memes that the original “Queers for Palestine” image spawned. ]
Western support for Hamas, under the guise of Palestinian liberation, overlooks the deep-seated radical Islamist ethos driving the organization, which, if unbridled, would jeopardize the very freedoms cherished by LGBT people across the developed world. Anyone who doubts this should try being gay, bi, or trans in most of the Middle East and North Africa’s (MENA) Muslim-majority countries. Virtually all of these nations have laws that criminalize homosexuality and being trans, some of which carry the death penalty. Human Rights Watch’s "Everyone Wants Me Dead" report succinctly encapsulates in its title alone the perilous environment faced by LGBT individuals in these regions.
Many on the Western left, including the LGBT left, have become enamored with Critical Social Justice, which provides a warped lens through which they perceive all of humanity as oppressors versus oppressed classes. Armed with this simplistic, binary worldview, leftists gravitate toward perceived liberation movements for other so-called oppressed groups. This narrow prism, however, obscures the universalist ideology of Islamism espoused by groups like Hamas, which, under a facade of anti-imperialist rhetoric, harbors a brutal dogma that is antithetical to the liberties and rights championed by LGBT activists. No amount of screaming about “pinkwashing” can drown out the irony of folks who believe in LGBT liberation cheerleading ideological movements from which they would flee as refugees.
To be sure, the Palestinian people have suffered more than their fair share, and it’s easy to see how the Palestinian resistance narrative can carry the allure of righteous rebellion, especially for factions of the hard left who have their own aspirations of a large-scale dismantling of our liberal society. The vicarious thrill of romanticized revolution that leads some to go far beyond simply advocating for the Palestinian people and expressing solidarity with Hamas, ignores the jihadist ideologies at the core of such organizations. These ideologies are oppressing LGBT Palestinians at this very moment, and given half a chance, they would oppress the very leftists now voicing support for the Palestinian cause. And, indeed, this has happened before.
The aftermath of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran is a harrowing tale of leftists being tortured and executed en masse by the very Islamic regime they supported for the sake of their anti-imperialist goals. Many Iranians who aligned with leftist organizations supported the revolution only to find themselves persecuted by Islamists they helped put in power.
Immediately following the revolution, the new regime led by Ayatollah Khomeini began systematically oppressing LGBT people and publicly executing them by the thousands. These atrocities were justified as a means to "eliminate corruption" and prevent the "contamination" of society. Between 4,000 to 6,000 gay, lesbian, and bi people have been executed since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Iran’s legal system, rooted in Islamic law, criminalizes consensual sexual relations between same-sex individuals, with penalties ranging from lashes to death. Iranian law does not distinguish between consensual and non-consensual same-sex intercourse, allowing authorities to prosecute both perpetrators and victims of sexual assault.
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[ Source: The Algemeiner ]
Images of gay and bi men hanged from cranes so that they may slowly suffocate to death serve as grim reminders for anyone interested in human rights: align with Islamic fundamentalists at your peril.
"Queers for Palestine", and the nuanced realities it glosses over, underscores the need for a more informed and discerning discourse — a discourse that transcends catchy slogans and moral binaries and delves into the complex, often discordant ideologies at play in the Israel-Palestine conflict. That way, we can advocate for a better future without bolstering forces antithetical to liberal values, and without betraying LGBT people by undermining their very rights and freedoms. We can’t do that while overwriting the complicated dynamics of a 75-year foreign conflict with our own provincial identity politics.
Intersectionality is an institutionally acquired neurological disorder.
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
The Israeli attack on a hospital in Gaza was carried out with a “proximity fuse” bomb that explodes high above the ground, an expert told Anadolu on Wednesday. 
Retired military officer and ammunition specialist Engin Yigit said there was a strong possibility that the attack was carried out with an MK-84 guided bomb.
Yigit said considering the images of the moment of the attack, the probability that the ammunition was a JDAM-equipped 2,000-pound (910-kilogram) Mark 84 (MK-84) bomb increased.
He noted that Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is the name of one of the guidance kits. “You can make the bomb guided with a kit that you attach to the front or back of MAK-82, MAK-83, MAK-84 bombs.”
“JDAM is a type of kit that allows precise delivery of the bomb to the target,” he said. “The said kit attached to the bomb makes the bomb smart and provides precision strike capability.”
Yigit said there are several fuses to detonate the bombs and some can explode on impact, while others can explode at the desired moment and height before impact.
“Bombs with proximity fuses or proximity sensors may not create craters where they explode,” he said. “The hospital attack in Gaza may have been similar. How high the bomb explodes can be set by the user.”
The strike by Israel on the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital killed at least 471 victims, according to revised figures by the Gaza Health Ministry.
The conflict began Oct. 7 when Hamas initiated Operation Al-Aqsa Flood -- a multi-pronged surprise attack that included a barrage of rocket launches and infiltrations into Israel by land, sea and air.
Hamas said the incursion was in retaliation for the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and growing violence by Israeli settlers.
The Israeli military then launched Operation Swords of Iron against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.
At least 3,478 Palestinians have been killed. The death toll in Israel stands at more than 1,400.
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science-sculpt · 7 months
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The Immune System's All-Star Team: The Mighty Cells That Protect You
Your body is like a bustling city, constantly facing threats from outside invaders like viruses and bacteria. Thankfully, you have a team of dedicated defenders keeping you safe: your immune cells! Our immune system is a marvel of biological defense, tirelessly safeguarding our bodies from harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. At the forefront of this defense are numerous types of immune cells, each with its unique functions and capabilities. Did you know the average adult has about 2 trillion white blood cells, which contain most immune cells? That's more people than live in China! These tiny warriors come in different shapes and sizes, each with unique superpowers to protect you. Let's meet some of the key players:
The Innate Force: First up, we have the innate immune system. This frontline defense acts fast and nonspecifically, providing immediate protection against any threat. The key players: 1. Neutrophils: Think of these guys as the city's SWAT team. They're the first responders, rushing to attack invaders with toxic chemicals and swallowing them whole with their arsenal of enzymes! These are the most abundant immune cells, are short-lived but highly effective. Unfortunately, they die in the fight, leaving behind a green gooey mess (pus) that signals infection.
2. Macrophages: These are the veterans, the wise generals of the immune system. They go beyond mere engulfing, processing antigens (foreign molecules) and presenting them to other immune cells for recognition and attack. They also act as scavengers, cleaning up debris and orchestrating healing. These are the cleaners and recyclers. They gobble up dead neutrophils, debris, and even worn-out cells, keeping your city sparkling clean.
3. Natural Killer (NK) Cells: These are the ninjas of the immune system. They silently patrol, sniffing out suspicious cells infected with viruses or even cancer and eliminating them with a swift punch. The Adaptive Arsenal:
The Adaptive Arsenal: If the innate system fails, the adaptive immune system steps in. This highly specific defense remembers past encounters and tailors its response to each unique threat. The cells of adaptive immune system are:
B Cells: These are the antibody factories, producing highly specific proteins called antibodies that neutralize pathogens and toxins. Each B cell produces a unique antibody, like a lock and key, targeting specific invaders. They whip up special proteins called antibodies that lock onto specific invaders, like sticky notes, marking them for destruction.
T Cells: These are the generals, coordinating the entire defense. There are different types of T cells:
Helper T Cells: These are the commanders, directing and coordinating the immune response through chemical signals. They activate B cells, macrophages, and other immune cells, orchestrating a multi-pronged attack.
Cytotoxic T Cells: These are the elite soldiers, directly targeting and eliminating infected cells or cancer cells. They recognize and bind to specific enemy markers, unleashing a lethal attack.
Memory T Cells: These are the veterans, remembering past encounters with invaders and helping the immune system respond faster next time.
The Unsung Heroes: Beyond these main players, numerous other immune cells contribute to our defense. These include:
Dendritic cells: These antigen-presenting cells capture and process pathogens, presenting their fragments to T cells for activation. They're like the scouts, gathering enemy intel and relaying it to the command center.
Mast cells: These cells reside in tissues and release inflammatory chemicals in response to allergens or parasites. They're like the alarm system, alerting the immune system to local threats.
Eosinophils: These specialize in fighting parasitic infections, releasing toxic chemicals to neutralize them.
Basophils: These are involved in allergic reactions and contribute to wound healing.
The beauty of the immune system lies in its intricate collaboration. These diverse cell types work together in a complex and beautiful dance, each playing a specific role to achieve a common goal: protecting our health. They communicate extensively through chemical signals, creating a complex network of interactions. Imagine B cells producing antibodies that bind to a pathogen, flagging it for destruction. Macrophages engulf and eliminate the tagged pathogen, while T cells coordinate the attack and eliminate any infected cells. Dendritic cells present captured fragments to T cells, priming them for future encounters. This seamless cooperation ensures a swift and effective response to any threat.
Your immune system is constantly learning. Each time you get a vaccine or fight off an infection, your immune cells create memory T cells, making you more resistant to future attacks. Understanding these cellular heroes can help us appreciate the incredible machinery that keeps us healthy and appreciate the importance of maintaining a strong immune system. It also allows us to make informed decisions about supporting our immune system. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, getting adequate sleep, managing stress, and consuming a balanced diet can all contribute to a robust immune response.
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tentacion3099 · 11 months
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
by David Swindle
HIAS generated critical headlines earlier this month when Ashley Chteh, a volunteer at  HIAS Pennsylvania, was recorded helping to burn an Israeli flag and saying “Down with the Nazi regime.”
The nearly 145-year-old nonprofit founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society quickly noted that HIAS Pennsylvania was an independent partner of HIAS. “This person is not and never has been affiliated with HIAS, and is no longer affiliated with HIAS PA,” it stated. “We strongly condemn antisemitism in all its forms. Hate has no place in our world.”
HIAS has been drawing additional criticism, including that it has contributed to rising antisemitism stateside since Hamas’s terror attacks in Israel.
“Sadly, since Oct. 7, HIAS has again failed to prioritize Jewish safety, as HIAS did in decades gone by,” Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told JNS. “HIAS works to bring Muslims to America, most of whom are Jew-haters and Israel-haters.”
On Oct. 7, HIAS posted: “We are horrified by the attack against civilian populations in Israel on Shemini Atzeret, one of Judaism’s holiest days. Civilians throughout the region are living in fear of even more violence, more suffering and more loss.” It has since posted that it is “heartbroken by the violence that continues to devastate Israeli and Palestinian families.”
The nonprofit was “originally set up by Jews to help fellow Jews for reasons of religious imperative and communal solidarity,” and worked to help the American Jews find relatives in Europe post-World War II.
Today, its mission has changed. It is now “a multi-continent, multi-pronged humanitarian aid and advocacy organization with thousands of employees dedicated to helping forcibly displaced persons around the world in keeping with the organization’s Jewish ethical roots,” per the HIAS website. It has also quoted the Talmud on X.
Klein, however, charges that HIAS has “failed to call for the defeat or surrender of Hamas, even though this is absolutely necessary to stop more Oct. 7s from occurring.”
A JNS review of HIAS’s X account returned no references to “Hamas.” The terror organization, which the United States has designated for 26 years, is mentioned several times on the HIAS website, but the organization doesn’t appear to have called for Hamas to be removed.
HIAS has also “promoted untrue accusations about Islamophobic and anti-Arab attacks in Israel and the ‘West Bank,’” Klein said.
He also criticized HIAS’s efforts to push Israel to resettle 30,000 illegal Eritrean and Sudanese immigrants, saying that “HIAS inaccurately calls these economic migrants ‘asylum seekers,’ despite their lack of legal or moral entitlement to asylum.”
“There have been huge problems with these illegal economic migrants committing crimes and attacking elderly Jews in southern Tel Aviv, making life unbearable for many poor elderly Jews,” Klein said.
“Especially at this time, when there are so many displaced and injured Jews who need assistance in Israel—and antisemitism is hurting Jews throughout the world—HIAS needs to return to prioritizing Jewish lives and safety,” he stressed.
‘Aiding displaced persons, regardless of their faith’
JNS asked HIAS how, if at all, it has done its work differently since Oct. 7, particularly given rising Jew-hatred.
“With growing antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred around the world, HIAS will not stray from our mission,” Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of HIAS, told JNS. “In Israel, we are assisting Jewish evacuees as well as non-Jewish Ukrainian and African asylum seekers.”
“Our work in Israel is a reflection of our work around the world—aiding displaced Jews and, as a Jewish organization, aiding other displaced persons regardless of their faith identity,” he said.
JNS asked what percentage of the refugees with whom HIAS works are Jewish, and the nonprofit did not respond.
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thelaithlyworm · 2 months
how nirvana in fire is going:
wei zheng is not having a great day
consort jing is not having a great day
mei changsu is not having a great convalescence
Team Yu is toasting each other with champagne and enjoying their first win in at least half a year...
i have to hand it to the prince yu-qin banruo-xia jiang axis, they did get lucky with mcs taking sick leave at the critical moment, but damn, that was some toasty planning. multi-pronged attack, right at the weak points, impeccable timing.
i love it when the antagonists are competent.
(Team Mei doesn't, but they can't have everything, every day. they'll get by.)
also also, fuck, mei changsu looks hot with his hair down and his pretty collarbones showing, even if he's supposed to be deathly ill at the time. (i'm sure hu ge will never know that i've been objectifying his body, but if he ever did i hope he would understand that it is only a small - if very real - part of my appreciation for his acting skills and general presence. (you can't go wrong with a man who likes cats.))
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