#mumbai live
mumbai-live-news · 2 years
कांद्याला भाव न मिळाल्याने नाराज झालेल्या कांदा उत्पादकांनी 16 ऑगस्टपासून बेमुदत कांदा विक्री बंद आंदोलन सुरू करण्याची घोषणा केली आहे. कांद्याला सरासरी २५ रुपये किलो भाव न मिळाल्यास १६ ऑगस्टपासून कांद्याची विक्री बंद करण्याचा इशारा महाराष्ट्र राज्य कांदा उत्पादक संघाने दिला आहे. कांद्याचे भाव उत्पादन
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mumbailivenews · 2 years
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what is up with all the hate Ishan gets??
Even if you are a hater, which I obviously don't support, apne account pe hate karo na usko. Why are you commenting everywhere and picking up fights with the handful of people who do support him and say anything barely nice about him?
The amount of hatred for some players and blind support for others is hypocrisy at its finest.
Like put all the blame on a young player when none of your players have played consistently this season?? Fucking morons!!! No matter what's the outcome of the match, or whoever plays bad, how bad the team is performing, galti Ishan ki hai???? Amazing!
Has no other player ever been out of form or played badly ever?
Funniest bit? Calling him overhyped. Show me the hype, man!! I would like to see it too. None of the senior players support him, commentators don't appreciate him even when he plays well, gets mocked for taking a fucking break for his MENTAL HEALTH!!!
All he has received is hate and unkindness.
But then again, what can you expect for the Indian crowd...
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thesimoneashley · 1 year
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Simone Ashley at the Dior party on March 29, 2023 in Mumbai, India
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titlishu · 1 year
being Desi and loving pavitr prabhakar means endless headcanons about that guy
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 25 days
Thinking about the possible environmental impact of introducing a foreign insect species to a random coastal European town with a wildly different climate, and how this insect reportedly “likes chocolate more than leaves” and this town just so happens to have a massive reservoir of melted chocolate located beneath the city streets and 4 prominent chocolate salesmen and no jungle-like foliage to nest in but I guess that’s fine because they will, when asked nicely, lay precisely one little egg in individual chocolates
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cosmicrhetoric · 3 months
talked to an indian gas station employee in a VERY white town this afternoon for a kinda long time (typical "you indian?"/"yah"/"WAH ☺️ kahaan se") and it wasn't until i drove away that i realized i switched from hindi to marathi halfway through the convo and he was too polite to say anything 😶 can i get a shout out for bilinguals who suck
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heavenlyyshecomes · 5 months
Living by the sea is both good and bad for exactly the same reason: the world ends at the horizon. That is, the world never ends. And you always expect too much. At first, you hope everything you’re waiting for will arrive one day on a boat; then you realise nothing’s going to arrive and you’ll have to go looking for it instead. I hated my city because it was both really beautiful and really ugly, and I was somewhere in the middle. The middle was the worst place to be: hardly anyone made it out of the middle. It was where the lost causes lived: there, nobody was poor enough to resign themselves to being poor forever, so they spent their lives trying to move up in the world and liberate themselves. When all attempts failed—as they usually did—their self-awareness disappeared and that’s when all was lost. My family, for example, had no self-awareness whatsoever. They’d found ways of fleeing reality, of seeing things from a long way off, looking down on it all from their castle in the sky. And most of the time, it worked.
—Margarita García Robayo, ‘Waiting For a Hurricane’, in Fish Soup tr. Charlotte Coombe
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Hindu Saheban! It is not understood in the books of Gita, Vedas, Puranas that how Sanatani Puja came to an end and how Sanatani Puja will be resurrected. Must read the sacred book,
"Hindu saheban! nhi samjhe geeta ,ved,puran."
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sunblonderealtors · 1 month
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Green Living in Mumbai : Embracing Sustainability in Residential Projects
In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, where urban life pulses with energy, there's a growing consciousness towards sustainable living. As the cityscape evolves, so does the approach to residential projects, with a shift towards eco-friendly initiatives and sustainable practices. Here's how Mumbai is leading the charge towards green living
Eco-Friendly Residential Projects:
From LEED-certified buildings to developments designed with eco-friendly materials, Mumbai is witnessing a surge in green residential projects. These initiatives prioritize energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction, offering residents a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.
Waste Management Initiatives:
Adopting a zero-waste approach, many residential complexes are implementing robust waste management systems. Composting facilities, segregation at source, and recycling programs empower residents to minimize landfill waste and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.
Green Spaces Amidst Urbanity:
Amidst the concrete jungle, developers are carving out green spaces within residential complexes. Rooftop gardens, vertical gardens, and landscaped courtyards not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also promote biodiversity and improve air quality, creating tranquil retreats amidst the urban chaos.
Certifications and Recognitions:
With sustainability becoming a key differentiator, many residential projects in Mumbai are pursuing green building certifications such as IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) certification or GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) rating, underscoring their commitment to environmental stewardship.
Energy-Efficient Design:
Sustainable architecture is becoming increasingly prevalent in Mumbai's residential landscape. Incorporating features like solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and passive design principles, these homes minimize energy consumption and carbon footprint, paving the way for a greener future.
Water Conservation Measures:
With water scarcity being a pressing issue, residential projects in Mumbai are implementing innovative water conservation measures. Rainwater harvesting systems, greywater recycling, and low-flow fixtures help reduce water wastage and alleviate the burden on municipal resources.
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mumbai-live-news · 2 years
2203 cows have been vaccinated for lumpy in mumbai | मुंबई - अभी तक 2203 गायों का लंपी टीकाकरण
पूरे महाराष्ट्र में मवेशियों में लंपी रोग( LUMPY) के प्रकोप के साथ, बीएमसी ने शहर में गायों का टीकाकरण( VACCINATIONS) शुरू कर दिया है। BMC के आंकड़ों के अनुसार अब तक 2,203 गायों का टीकाकरण किया जा चुका है, जबकि बाकी गायों को अगले सप्ताह टीका लगाया जाएगा। इस बीच, खार क्षेत्र में लंपी बीमारी का एक READ MORE
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mumbailivenews · 2 years
Following early pre-monsoon showers, Mumbai has seen few spells of rains since June 11, however, reports suggest that mosquito-borne diseases have already risen in the past 15 days. With this increase in cases coinciding with the sudden surge in COVID-19 cases, doctors face a challenge while tackling both. Get full news at: https://www.4shared.com/web/preview/pdf/bl2K4XhIiq
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superfan44 · 2 months
Superfan's Short Movie Reviews: "Monkey Man"
I have to say, as far as gritty action thrillers go, this one felt unique to me. Dev Patel absolutely kills it both behind and in front of the camera. The cultural element he infuses into the narrative adds a perspective that's as interesting as it is emotional. Plus, the action here does pack quite a punch to say the least. Bottom line, this is an amazing movie, one so engaging and stunning it will leave you wanting more.
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thebisexualwreckoning · 2 months
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Can you tell I came prepared
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snixx · 2 months
ghost stories turns ten this year...it's gonna be ten years since coldplay came to my city soon...please come back loves I will scream loud enough for the entire stadium yours is the only concert I need to attend in my life. please. for the 14 year old girl whose life you saved. I love you <3
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ectology · 11 months
Mumbattan. He is from Mumbattan. Did you even do research.
where do you think mumbattan is based on buddy
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