#mun: maki
melodiaemfrp · 2 years
Maki here!! @magnificentmaki on twitter and it's 11/14. Here to reapp Bambietta Basterbine from Bleach, please and thank you!
henlo maki!
bambietta basterbine has been reapped for you!
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||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 17: Equal Punishment for all part 2||
Hi dears. I'm back and I'm going to add another part or chapter to this little mini series. It's time for part 17. So lets see what chaos has happened today?
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
((Your reading part 17))
||Drabble Summary||
After the first punishment from Megumi, Nobara, Yuji, and Kisho were trying to behave. However, thanks to learning about using the fireworks they now want to use them more in the missions. Right under Megumi's nose but it seems they got caught. What will happen now? read to find out.
~A angry shadow sorcerer
~destruction might be present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya and Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
It was another nice day at the school, even for many of the students that was relaxing on this summer day. During this time, Gojo Satoru was happily eating a cake he got from the shop today while smiling.
"Ahhhh what a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing...." he said hearing the birds chirping along like nothing was-that was when a few screams were heard in the distance. "And students screaming in peril...wait wha?" Gojo blinks to look left and right wondering where that came from only to see three of his students running tired but scared out of their minds.
"What do we do, what do we do, what do we do!?" Nobara said panicing while crying.
"I don't know! We need a plan to get away before he finds us!" Yuji said.
"I know! I think we can try to hide but we-"
"NO! We need to find out who snitched on us!" Nobara said mad.
"Uhhh you three alright?" The three blinks to look seeing Gojo sensei waving with a smile. "Here to enjoy the day too?"
"GOJO SENSEI YOU HAVE TO SAVE US! MEGUMI'S PISSED!" Kisho said in a panic crying. This made the teacher blink to tilt his head.
"Hmm? Awww Megumi is angry again? Wait..what did you guys do?" he asked.
"We uhhh...sorta used fireworks during our missions but we kept it under wraps. We don't know who told him!!!" Yuji said.
"Ohhhhhhhh...I remember that report. That was pretty fun." he snickered but the three sighed.
"Though..where is Megumi?" Gojo asked but before the three could speak they heard a loud shout.
" T-T"
"You have to help us Gojo sensei please! Were too young to die!" Kisho said.
"Hmmmm..I might be able to help but...maybe if you guys just accept the punishment it won't be as bad. XD"
"....Not helping Sensei.." Yuji and Nobara said before something crashes into the ground. The three tense looking seeing Totality there as he howls out loudly.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT! RUN! RUN AWAY!!" Kisho said running with Nobara and Yuji following as well. Gojo blinks to see them gone but shrugs happily eating his cake he got. A smile with a happy noise leaves him.
"So yummy~"
"D..do you think we should at least help them? I know Megumi is mad but..I never seen him this mad before." Taz Hellion was worried seeing Megumi looking left and right. He already sent out Nue and Totality to find the three so he can give them a more worse punishment but MIko and Yuria was worried.
"I..I don't know if we can..." Yuria said but shows a sweatdrop on the side of her head. "And I don't know if we can even save the three from his wrath this time."
"...Maybe we can try to calm h..him down?" Miko suggested.
"Ummmm..." Both Taz and Yuria looks at her then at Megumi who was still angry. "W..we can try.." So they walk over to a very angry Megumi.
"Ummm big brother Megumi? I know your a..angry but maybe you should c...calm down?" Taz said worried that Megumi heard her voice to look at her. His anger was gone from his face seeing her, Miko, and Yuria that he goes to pet her head. "???"
"Don't worry Taz, I'm not that mad. Just wanna talk to them for a bit. Don't worry. Besides, I wish they were behaved like you, Yuria, and Miko." he said admiting that it leaves the three to blink. Even Kinie knew he was furious on the inside. Just hiding that from the three.
'Well, at least his anger is not towards us. Even I know better than to mess with him.' she said laying in her tree under the shade. It was nice in her domain.
'Not helping Kinie...' Taz thought seeing Megumi calm with her. "Now, you three should run along, I'm going to go find them and just talk okay?" he said.
"Uhh o..okay.." they said seeing Megumi going to find them but when facing away, his angry expression shows as he rushes off. He left Taz with Miko and Yuria who looks to one another then at Megumi leaving.
"..You know if he finds them, they are so dead.." Yuria said.
"Y..Yeah...I know." Taz said praying they will be okay.
~~~~~~In a hidden area in the school grounds~~~~~~
"Okay, I think we can hide here for a while before he finds us. But we still need to find out who snitched on us!" Nobara hissed at the two but they were hiding somewhere while Kisho and Yuji were nervous.
"But we don't know who! Right now it's too dangerous to even go anywhere. Maybe we can wait it out till he calms down?" Kisho said.
"But for how long? You saw how pissed he was!" Yuji cries shaking Kisho who got dizzy. "Were so fucked man, so fucked! T_T"
"Yuji, your making me dizzy! @_@" Kisho yelps trying to calm him down. But Nobara smacks Yuji up side his head to stop him.
"Will you calm down!? Look, all we need to do is keep away from Megumi till he chills out. I'm sure after this he will be cool again. No worries! I'm sure after he does, this will blow over." she said.
"And how are you sure?" They asked even with Yuji crying scared and Kisho having swirls in his eyes dizzy from the shaking.
"I just know because I-"
That's when a very angry growl was heard, something breaks down the classroom door startling the three. Standing there was a very angry Megumi who was looking right at them. The three of their eyes widen now hugging one another shaking in fear.
"There you three are!"
"Uhh oh shit-"
"Ummm Hi Megumi! Fancy meeting you here. We just uhhh-"
"Save it. I want to know why you three were using fireworks again? Didn't we agree that you wouldn't use them on missions again?" he asked, demanding a answer from one of them.
"...W..we know but.....we can explain. They help a lot in the mission even being more careful this time! Please, we just wanted to make it quick and easy with no hassle!" Yuji said waving his arms even if he was terrified right now.
"Is that so?"
"It is! come on guys say something to back me up!" Yuji said as Nobra was crying afraid.
"I......I got no words to say!" she said.
"I'm still dizzy but we are more careful this time! We swear!" Kisho said.
"........" Megumi said nothing towards this but this only leads him to close his eyes. "Is that so?"
"Ummm yes?" the three said sweating bullets right now. But how would Megumi take it? Slowly sighing he didn't open his eyes.
"You know? I think I understand fully." he said.
"Y..You do?" Yuji said lowering his hands.
"Of course! How could i have been so blind! I get you three wanted to use them to speed up the mission. Even if it's risking fires, destroyed properties and items, and risk of someone being hurt. I get it now!"
"...." Nobara didn't like how he said that. Not at all.
"So...." He then opens his eyes showing that disturbing smile on his face while looking at them. "Here is my reaction to it."
Seconds later, the three screams as the inside of the classroom was swarmed with angry rabbits. However, Nobara and Kisho saw Yuji caught as he was crying.
"Don't worry Yuji..it won't hurt. It's just three times more painful than last time." he said happy while showing that creepy smile. Yuji was pale seeing the red eyes of the rabbits surrounding him as he looks.
"......" To them they quickly dash off.
"SORRY YUJI!" Kisho said running.
"YOUR ON YOUR OWN!" she said.
"Oh don't worry, their next so..enjoy your punishment." he said as the rabbits jump him.
"One down...two more to go." Megumi said as he had some of the rabbits chase them. Now Nobara and Kisho were running down the hallway passing a few empty classrooms. Maki was reading something but as she was drinking something she saw both Nobara and Kisho dash by her.
"Hi Maki, if you see Megumi, you didn't see us! bye!" she said quickly not stopping.
"Wait what?" she saw the two gone but that's when she sees the rabbits to blink but they look around before guessing. "If your looking for them..they went that way." she said pointing. The rabbits goes in that direction but Maki sighed.
"Sorry guys..I don't want to be a target to a pissed off Megumi. Nope. Not going to leave from this spot." she said going to reading again. Outside, Nobara and Kisho were panting looking around to run or hide.
"We need a plan here! What do we do!?" Kisho said in a panic.
"Hold on, I'm thinking!" she said looking left and right however, she thinks blink. "I think I got something but you trust me right?"
"Uhhh yeah I do!"
"Good!" As she nods, that's when Totality shows up growling at them. Kisho and Nobara tense to back up but they were nervous.
"E..easy Totality..good boy...." she said laughing nervously. "Alright here is the plan Kisho just follow my lead." she whispered.
He knew Nobara had some good ideas so this one couldn't be bad right? Seconds later, she grabs Kisho and lifts him up.
"WHAT!?! O.O!!"
'Wait, she can't be serious can she?! She can't be!!' Kisho screams in his head as she threw Kisho to Totally's paws and he winces from that. However, he tenses seeing him. "Uhhh g..g..good boy..good boy-Nobara!!"
"SORRY KISHO! I'LL PAY YOU BACK LATER!" she said running off in high speed.
"NOBARA YOU TRAITOR! HOW COULD YOU!? T_T" he shouted before he felt Totally pick him up by his maw and drags him to Megumi. "NO TOTALITY NO!! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE! NOOOOOOO!!"
Nobara knew she made a risky choice but she would be home free while running and hiding now. She panted now in a room alone only to sigh.
"Sorry you two...but Megumi is not getting me this time! I don't want to be punished again even with the icky slime again." she shudders grossed out. "But at least a beauty like me will survive!" she said happy like nothing was wrong. However, she was dead wrong.
"You really think so?" said someone behind her.
"Of course! I know I'm smart because Megumi didn't catch me! X3"
".....You might wanna recheck that statment.."
That's when she tenses to sweat worse slowly turning her head sweating even worse. Standing behind her was a scary Megumi looking down at her.
"....Oh shit.."
"Hello Nobara..." he said as she quickly crawls away from him but saw the slimy frog tongue show up again. "Oh no NOT AGAIN! Megumi please not the frog again!" she cries but she felt the tongue wrap around her ankle to stop him as she was crying shaking in fear.
"Sorry Nobara..it's your punishment..this should teach you and the other idiots to listen.....but it won't hurt for too long." he said.
"B..but I'm a girl! You wouldn't hurt a pretty girl like me right-"
"You used that before you think it would work again?" he said.
"........M..Maybe?" she said laughing scared. Her response was being dragged back into the dark screaming for help. The three were screaming for mercy and help but many sweatdrops not wanting to face Megumi's wrath.
Later that evening, the three were caught but shaking in fear. Yuji was beaten up by the rabbits. Kisho was crying being bruised up by Totality before the rabbits even Nue joined in. And Nobara shaking as she was coated in slime again with worms inside.
Taz, Miko, and Yuria felt bad for them but Kinie and Sukuna was laughing their butts off from the funny show they got. Megumi sighed but he felt better to look at the three tapping his foot.
"Now, what did we learn?"
"N..Not to use f..fireworks in missions.." the three said crying.
"A..and to not keep secrets from you.."
"Good.." he said feeling better.
"You know, this was not too bad right guys? At least you learned your lessons." Gojo laughed as Kisho, Nobara, and Yuji looks at him then at one another. In a moment, the three falls back passed out with swirls in their eyes twitching.
Yeah, they learned alright but what's stopping them from doing it again? NO one will know.
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norvstforthvwickvd · 1 month
I need JJK content STAT!
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ofovertime · 11 months
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toyama-division · 2 years
Hey, @nugsters here. ( ̄ー ̄)b
Been pulling myself away from the community after realizing that I've been putting some unspoken pressure on myself to pander to an audience. That is not what I want to do at all. My Hypmic blogs were made for the sole intention of self satisfying my creative needs and since I've strayed from that, I have betrayed my own goals. Not to blame anyone, it's my own fault I got distracted.
I'll continue doing the division reviews and when I reopen my ask box I'll answer questions and asks like normal, but I'm going to quit and even possibly delete any RPs I've done. This includes my @suginami-division blog. Not like it matters since my 3 RPs have died off anyways. I'll also be scrapping any fan division crossover art projects I had, including a video I was planning to do. I didn't really get far anyways so it's not like it matters. (For the people who were concerned, here's the song I was gonna use, finally revealed: LINK )
If this upsets any specific persons, let me say again that it isn't anyone's fault. This is my own choice and I hope that all the lovely people in the community will respect my decision. Hope everyone has a good day and look forward to my self indulgent content. (≡^∇^≡)
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nugsters · 2 years
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I swear I love this man so much he's got way more backstory angst than his brother I just forgot about him for some reason I'M GOING TO CRYYYYYY
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aotoreiki · 2 years
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Incorrect quotes shenanigans, ft. @remotespontaneouscombustion
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bemuseing · 2 years
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Incorrect quotes shenanigans, ft. @remotespontaneouscombustion
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pillowxtalk · 1 year
Who’s the cuddler?
Who makes the bed?
Who wakes up first?
Who has the weird taste in music?
Who is more protective?
Who sings in the shower?
Who cries during movies?
Who spends the most while out shopping?
Who kisses more roughly?
Who is more dominant?
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
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“If I had a nickel for everytime I ended up with an older brother figure who was or still is, an important boss of a sinister organization, I would have two nickels.”
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“Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.”
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A pair of chopsticks stick out the corner of Lucid’s mouth, rotating and moving them with his tongue as he hums over his work. Deep in thought the angel scribbles more in his journal for dream ideas to create later.
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||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 11-Little adventure of Yuji and Taz||
Hi dears,. This is Part 11 of this Drabble series I'm writing with my amazing friend. It seems we have another adventure this time so lets see what is going on today. To see where we are now, the chapters are down below.
---- Previous Parts -----
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
((Your reading part 11))
---Drabble Summary ---
It seems another adventure is going on with the students of Jujutsu High. However, it involves watching over little Taz and Little Yuji. However, when Sukuna and Kinie went to get some snacks, it was up to the others to watch them or would they? Curious to what happened, read to find out.
~Worried students
~Missing toddlers but they were fine
~Two very angry parents
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"Your going where?" Daichi, Megumi, Nobara asked seeing Sukuna and Kinie standing in front of the three while hearing little Yuji laughing while gently booping little Taz's nose who smiled blushing.
"You heard us. Me and Kinie are going into town to get some new stuffed toys for the little ones. I'm getting a tiger for little Yuji.." he said.
"And I'm getting a panda for little taz. Though, I already got her a quoll one but I'm getting another one......" Kinie said. Both the king and his princess were wearing some regular clothing and it seems they would do some shopping.
"So we are asking you to watch over the little ones for a few hours. We shouldn't take too long to get what we need and come back." she said.
"Ohhh so you want us to baby sit them? Sure, we can do that!" Nobara said smiling with Megumi and Daichi nodding. They wouldn't mind watching them. Even seeing the two playing.
"Good. We should be back real soon while heading into town." she said to them. As the two were getting ready to head out.
"Don't worry you guys, we will watch over Yuji and Taz till you come back!" Daichi smiled happy to the two but Kinie remembers something.
"Oh, and one thing.." she said.
"Uhhh yeah?" Daichi asked seeing Kinie looking to them.
"You guys better be sure to keep a good eye on them. You are responsible to being sure little Taz and little Yuji stay safe and don't get hurt..." she glares at Daichi but only looks to them as they tense.
"She's right. We don't want anything happening to the little ones so just be sure you keep a good eye on them. Because if we find out anything happens to them or if a single hair is missing on their heads." Sukuna grabs Daichi's shirt and lifts him up to look dead in his eyes seeing red eyes. Kinie even had her dark spear showing while glaring at them.
"You all will regret it." they said in a deadly tone scaring Daichi and them.
"U..Uhhh r..r...right! Of course, you both don't have to worry. We'll be sure they are safe." Daichi said that Sukuna looks to him but drops him as he falls on his butt.
"Anyway, you can contact us with these phones Gojo gave us. Just keep a eye on them...we will see you soon." he said but saw little Taz and Yuji playing as they waddle over to Kinie and Sukuna who picked them both up.
"Papa! Papa! P...Pway?" Taz coos smiling at him while holding his cheeks.
"Pway Pway!" Yuji smiled nuzzling Kinie's cheek.
"Oh you two. We have to go out for a little bit but we will be back to play with you. You and your brother be good little ones okay. And Yuji, keep a eye on your little sister okay?" Kinie said but he blinks only to nod. "Good boy."
"And Taz, be sure you listen to your little brother okay?" Sukuna said but she blinks to nod, gigging while hugging him. The group blink seeing how cute they were! They really were the only ones that can calm Kinie and Sukuna down. Seeing this, both Kinie kisses Yuji's cheek and Sukuna kissing Taz's cheek before setting them both down.
"We'll be back. Be good you two." They said smiling while they giggle waving to them. The curses smiled waving to the little ones but they glared at the others to insure they would be safe. However, they stood up to head out and close the door to see Daichi sigh.
"Yeah...still scary." Nobara said but seeing little Yuji stand up but helps little Taz stand too so they can go and play with Miko and Yuria seeing how adorable they were.
"Alright guys, lets just be sure Taz and Yuji are taking care of. Lets just do our best!" Daichi said.
"We'll be fine, Daichi. Though, lets be sure they have what they can while Sukuna and KInie are gone. With that, the group goes to babysit Taz and Yuji. For a while, they already fed them, cleaned them, and made sure they were safe and protected. Even Eito was watching over the two while they were being gentle while petting and hugging the spirit. Eito chirps nuzzling against the two.
"Awwwwww, so cute!" Gojo said taking more pictures.
"Again with the pictures.." Nanami sighed looking at him but Daichi, Megumi, and Nobara sighed. Well, since they became kids, he was enjoying this. Though, so far they already were alright and told Kinie and Sukuna the two were okay.
So far so good. It was not like anything could go wrong right? Well....after a few hours, the group was resting up while making sure the two were safe.
"I'm telling you. If you just add a theme song it's fine! It'll make you look cooler-"
"I told you a thousand times Kisho, I'm NOT adding a theme song!" Megumi argues with the girls going to get some blankets for Taz and Yuji to take their nap. The two were playing in the room with Yuji giggling to pet his sister's head again. All she did was giggle and smiles.
"But why not!? You'll be cool just like me! X3"
"NO!" he shouted at him as the two argued now. This made little Yuji blink confused to why they were arguing now. He didn't know why but he was looking only to keep by his sister. As for Taz, she was giggling hugging her quoll plush before the two hear a soft baaa from somewhere.
"???" They looked around before seeing the cursed spirit Willson? What could he want? He looks to the kids but thought they were cute! He even smiled to see the little ones eyes sparkling seeing the goat ghost.
He and Denji kept arguing back but didn't know the little ones were now following after Willson who was letting them. He was happy while the two kids laughing softly reaching for him. This is when the girls came back to the room.
"Hey guys, were back with the blankets. Taz and Yuji should be ready for their na-" As Nobara speaks she stops seeing the two arguing. Miko and Yuria blinks confused.
"WHY ARE YOU TWO ARGUING!?" Nobara shouted seeing them stop to look but Megumi sighed.
"Nothing. This idiot was suggesting I should get a theme song but I said no." he Megumi said.
"He has no taste!" Daichi said with the girls sighing.
"Uh huh. Come on, we need to put the little ones down for a nap." Nobara said. "So where are they?" she asked.
"They should on the play mat." Megumi said pointing so the girls go to do that but when entering the room they stop.
"What?" Daichi asked.
"Megumi?....Daichi?...their not in here." Nobara said as the two blink to get up heading over.
"What are you talking about? They are in there. Are you trying to-" As Megumi looks he tenses seeing the play room was empty. Daichi saw but his eyes widen.
"W...what?!? But they were here! We know it!" Daichi said rushing in. "Taz!? Yuji!?" DAichi said looking around for them as the girls did and Megumi too. As they were panicking, Willson was happily playing with the little ones while he was leading the two to a play area but he would keep them safe while Taz and Yuji was happily following him.
~~~Back inside~~~~
"Oh no, oh no no no no NO!" Daichi was sweating now looking like he was going to be sick. "I can't believe this! WE LOST TAZ AND YUJI!! SUKUNA AND KINIE ARE GOING TO FUCKING KILL US!" he said crying.
"Calm down! I'm sure they are around somewhere. They couldn't have gone far." Megumi said.
"You two were to watch them while we went to get the blankets for them! How could you lose them!?" Nobara shouted to bonk the two as Megumi winces.
"It wasn't my fault! Daichi started the stupid argument so it's his fault!"
"NO! I was just trying to tell you a theme song would make you look-"
"G..GUYS! This is not the time! We have to find them before Sukuna and KInie get back! Who knows what they will do if they find out!" Yuria said worried.
"I think I might know what he might do and It won't be pretty." DAichi said shaking.
"Look, lets tell everyone in school to keep a eye out for the two. They have to be around here somewhere. We can find them before-" As he said this, Daichi's phone rings as he looks to see who it was. His face pales showing it was Sukuna and Kinie.
"What's wrong?"
"I..I..It's them! Sukuna and Kinie is calling! What do I do!?" he said.
"Just answer the phone!" Megumi said but DAichi whines not wanting to but gulps to calm down and picks up. "Uhhhh Hello?"
'Hey brat. It's me. Were just calling to check on the pups. Are they alright?'
"Yeah, of course! Their fine. We ummm...just put them down for a nap." Daichi said but he was scared.
'I see. Well, I'm just calling to say we should be back in a little bit. Kinie is looking for some new bows for Taz but I got Yuji some hats. It should be another two hours before we come back.'
"Right. Thanks for the heads up! We'll be sure to do that!" he said loudly but Sukuna blinks.
'Why are you being so loud? Your shouting...'
"S..Sorry, just ummm.....excited. Anyway, we'll see you two later!" he said to hang up.
Sukuna blinks to lower the phone. "Weird." he said but heard Kinie laughing. He looks seeing her holding some cute little bows for Taz.
"Did you find something princess." Sukuna said even if other women blushed seeing how hot Sukuna looked! He looked pretty built for a guy.
"I did! Taz would look cute with this!" she said showing them. Sukuna looks but smiled.
"I think she would be three times cuter than she is." he said to Kinie who smiled being adorable. He chuckled to pet her head while KInie smiled. "Oh, I forgot. How are the pups?"
"They are taking their naps. I think by the time we get back, they should wake up. So, we should hurry up and head back." he said.
"Of course my king." she said happily finishing up as he follows her. Though, he was helping with holding the things in a basket.
~~~~Back at Jujutsu High~~~~~
Everyone is on high alert trying to find the little ones. They have looked in all the classrooms, outside, teacher's lounge, hidden spots, even other locations and no luck. Where could they be!?
"Ohhhh their going to kill us. Their going to kill us!!" Daichi cries looking cared. "What are we going to do?! What are we gonna tell them!?" he said.
"Stop panicking. The little ones have to still be in school. We just have to keep looking." Megumi said.
"But how long!? Sukuna and Kinie will be back soon! They will destroy the school if they find out!" he said but Megumi sighed. He saw the girls running over worried but tired. "Any luck?"
"No. We looked in the cafeteria but nothing." Nobara said.
"We checked the classrooms with the second grade and nothing." Miko said worried.
"Were still looking around but..what if they walked off the school grounds!?" Yuria said that made Daichi twitch but slowly think.
"O..O..Out..o..o..of s...s..school grounds?" he meeps but his eyes became dizzy and falls back to faint. Yeah, they were going to kill him. Megumi sighed to see that.
"Great.......Come on, lets keep looking." Megumi said while they just keep looking. The groups were scattered all over but they had no idea Willson was watching them. Even carrying them on his back to give them little rides. And yes, they are still on school grounds. Little Yuji laughed having fun but held onto his sister Taz who was making silly noises riding his back even petting his head.
"Goooo....f..fun!" she smiled.
"Baaaaa...sooo cute!" he said happily to reach and nuzzle the two who smile and hug him back. Yeah, they were having fun with him. Not knowing the chaos going on right now. They looked everywhere for the last few hours till it was later in the afternoon. Megumi was tired but was upset seeing they didn't find them.
Nobara was worried hoping they were alright. Daichi did wake up but he was pacing left and right. They didn't find the two and it was already getting dark.
"I don't get it. They should be around but no! Where could they be!?" Daichi said but Megumi looks to him.
"I don't know. We should have watched them better then they wouldn't be missing. All because you wanted to argue about stupid theme songs."
"Theme songs are NOT dumb!" he said.
"Guys not now! I just hope the others are having better luck..." Yuria said but they might have to tell Sukuna and Kinie they lost the pups. They were not going to be happy.
"So..h..how should we tell them?" Daichi said worried as the group thinks but it's when they heard the door open making him tense.
"Guys! were back!"
Sukuna and Kinie returned.
'Oh on..' Daichi said.
"Sorry we were late. We had to get some other things for the little ones but we hope they were good." Kinie said showing the bag with Sukuna doing the same. However, the two blink seeing the group tired or something.
"What is wrong? Did the pups tire you all out? That's a shame. They are pretty quick for little pups." Kinie smiled. "So, are they still taking their nap?"
"Is something wrong?" Sukuna asked but Megumi sighed to look at them.
"Sukuna..Kinie...we have something to tell you.." he said.
"Tell us? What is it?" She asked but Sukuna wonders too that Daichi looks scared but sighed.
"W..we......we sorta lost them?" Daichi said nervous but the king and his princess blinks.
"Lost them? What are you talking about?" KInie asked.
"...Lost as in we...lost Yuji and Taz.." Megumi said but Sukuna was shocked that Kinie drops the bag seeing the bows and stuff doll of a panda fall out. She quickly rushes into the play room to check.
"But don't be angry. We been looking for them all day! We are having the others help us try to find them-"
"....WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FUCKING LOST THEM!? AS IN THEY BEEN GONE SINCE I CALLED!?" Sukuna shouted to make the others wince. He was pissed.
"Y..Yes but please! We didn't mean to-"
"It wasn't our fault! It's just me and Megumi got into some argument about him having a theme song and-"
"YOU LOST THE PUPS BECAUSE OF SOME DAMN ARGUMENT!!!" he shouted but Kinie looks to come back but she was quiet. The girls saw her upper face hidden but their was tears? Wait, was she crying?
"........You..YOU IDIOTS!" Kinie barked that her cursed energy shows up in deadly waves but she walks over showing a spear ready to hunt them all down. "HOW COULD YOU LOSE THEM! WHAT IF SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO THEM!" she said now crying angry.
"SILENCE! DO YOU KNOW THEY COULD HAVE WANDERED OFF FROM SCHOOL GROUNDS! WHAT IF ANOTHER CURSE GOT THEM!? WHAT IF THEY GOT HURT!? WHAT IF THEY......WHAT IF THEY GOT KILLED!?" she said now tightening the grip on her spear but she looks up to scare them. Her eyes were glowing but the tears were seen. Even Sukuna was worried. He's never seen his princess cry like this.
"KINIE CALM DOWN!" Megumi said but she had her kinfolk surround everyone ready to attack them. "YOU FOOLS DARE LOSE THEM! I WILL BE SURE YOU REGRET THIS! I WILL BE SURE TO MAKE YOU ALL-" As she speaks, someone pulls her back only to be held. She looks up but saw Sukuna quiet.
"Enough princess........please calm down." he said but she was quiet only to cry more that she hid her face sobbing loudly in his chest. Sukuna held her but he looks to the others.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't curse you all for losing the pups. And it better be a good damn one." he said.
"........W..we don't know we just..the girls were getting blankets for them but...after they did we lost track and...." Megumi couldn't explain knowing even from now, Sukuna was pissed off. He held a crying Kinie to him but he slowly held his other hand like he was going to destroy the room with them in it.
"W..wait Sukuna please! We'll keep looking for them! Please we are sorry!" Daichi said crying.
"......You should be. Though, I'm sure we will make you all suffer for losing them." he said in a dark tone as everyone was ready to defend themselves from a angry Sukuna. His cursed energy was showing around him. However, before he could....
A familiar baaaa was heard to make him blink. The others did too seeing from the window of Willson happily floating over.
"What the..."
"Oh great. What does the damn goat want? I"m not in the mood to deal with you right now!" Sukuna shouted at Willson. However, the goat keeps coming to the window before he floats in but was carrying two little bundles of blankets.
"Sorry evil king...baaaaaa I was having so much fun with the little pupppssss today. They got tired out after following me to play."
Wait what!?
Kinie's eyes widen to turn and see the blanket. Willson lowers down to set them on a big pillow showing little Yuji asleep with a smile but hugging little Taz to him. It was the pups!
"Ehh!?!" Willson had them all this time!?
"Hold on, how long have you had them!?" Megumi said but the goat looks.
"Huh? Alllllll day. They followed me outside but I kept a watch on them. I was trying to take them back but they wanted to stay. Why, did I miss something?" he asked.
Right away, Kinie goes to the two but she falls on her knees still crying. They were safe. They were back safe and alive. Reaching with a shaky hand, she touches Taz and Yuji's little cheeks as they sleep peacefully happy. Though, they knew it was her to yawn but nuzzle against her hand holding it.
"......." Kinie said nothing but sobs gently reaching to pick them up in her arms to kiss their foreheads.
"Oh thank god your both safe...I was so worry.." she sobs holding them but Sukuna calms down to gently go and hold Kinie with the little ones. He was happy they were safe too. He did look to Willson to say,
"Thank you for watching over them. We heard the others lost them...but thank you for keeping them safe." Sukuna said.
"Your welcome.....I didn't want anything happening to them. But they are alright...I even got them some food from the cafeteria so they were fed too. Even so, I'm going to go sleep now..it was fun playing with them. NIght night.." with that, Willson disappears to do that. Sukuna sees him gone but now looks to Kinie crying but nuzzling the two.
"....Sooooo...were not in trouble are we?" Daichi said.
".......No, your still in trouble....we told you guys to watch them...so your lucky you won't die this night. I think we'll keep a eye on them from now on.." Sukuna said but he picks Kinie up in his arms along with the bags they got for them and leaves to set them down to rest. The others remain in the living room but falls on the ground after the scare.
"Y..Yeah Megumi?" he said.
"The next time or if we get the chance to watch them again..no more talk of theme songs...ever." Megumi said.
"...Deal." he said. Nobara shook her head but she'll write this in for a side mission. Though, she was happy that the two were safe. Meanwhile in a room they were given. Sukuna was holding Kinie who went to sleep but she was holding Yuji and Taz in her arms. He finds it cute to see this almost like he and her had a family. Gently kissing her forehead, he was happy to know the pups were safe.
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clippedwingsmuses · 5 months
🇨‌🇱‌🇴‌🇸‌🇪‌🇩‌ 🇸‌🇹‌🇦‌🇷‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ - @ultfan 🇦‌🇨‌🇦‌🇩‌🇪‌🇲‌🇾‌ 🇱‌🇮‌🇫‌🇪‌ 🇻‌🇪‌🇷‌🇸‌🇪‌ / 🇺‌🇱‌🇹‌🇮‌🇲‌🇦‌🇹‌🇪‌ 🇹‌🇦‌🇱‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌ 🇩‌🇪‌🇻‌🇪‌🇱‌🇴‌🇵‌🇲‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌ 🇵‌🇱‌🇦‌🇳 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌🇲‌🇪‌: 🇫‌🇮‌🇷‌🇸‌🇹‌ 🇲‌🇪‌🇪‌🇹‌🇮‌🇳‌🇬
‌‌today's an off day at the academy, one of the rare days where it seems like no one has anything important to do or anywhere to be. the halls and the courtyard are busy as ever, and the noise is overstimulating.
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as per usual, maki makes an effort not to bother herself with the chatters of her classmates. the quiet ones are always grouped together, and the rowdy ones can't be five feet apart from at least one of them. maki didn't want to partake in whatever sort of chaos they were plotting to do or going through in that moment.
she takes her leave before she gets roped into their nonsense, and makes her way down the hall in silence and solitude. she was careful to avoid whoever was crowding the corridor right now.
this is one of the moments where she would but expected to 'practice her talent' at this school, like they were all assigned to. but, it was difficult to do either of them in a way that mattered. she didn't have anyone to target, and no one to take care of.
instead she pays a visit to one of the empty classrooms, void of both desks and people. from the belt strapped to her calf, she removes the knife she was used to having on her person in case of emergencies. or, well, in case someone stepped a little too close to her more specifically.
she situates herself at the back wall of the room by the door, lines up a shot, and throws the knife straight forward into the chalkboard at the back. this could help bide her time. in a way, this is 'practicing' her talent too, in the event that she was forced to face off against a long range target. the chances of getting into that situation with only a knife were slim, but she couldn't take risks in her line of work.
she approaches the board to pull the knife free with ease. she finds a small piece of chalk on the ground nearby, and draws it across the chalkboard ahead of her. various symbols are written, ranging from a target one might see on a dart board, to smaller dots littered around in random locations. her goal was little more than to test her aim.
she approaches the back of the room when she's done, leaving behind the chalk and waving her hand to dislodge some of the dust from her hand. she turns, and lifts her knife, focusing in on one of the smaller dots on the chalkboard.
her focus is unwavering in this moment. of course, that's subject to change.
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tempest-toss · 1 year
((What are your guys' favorite insects?))
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softidolproject · 1 year
Oh yeah, that's right! Happy birthday, Maki!
Come and visit and/or bother the tomato. She could probably use it today on one of her few days off!
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mayhemhq · 10 days
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TEAM SICK FREAKS (secretly team sick fucks) COACH: hook. / @worshipme COLOR: orange TEAM UNIFORM: orange top with team name printed on it. any black bottoms. feel free to accessorize as you see fit. TEAM SONG: nasty girl remix by tinashe (ft. chloe)
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**please note that we will have posts queued at the start of each game to kick off interactions with both teams in each game. these are just an overview of the games and teams is just for ooc reference, so muns have prior knowledge and can be prepared.
game one: egg & spoon race.
participating is the team of: @smileinspite, @poppindawgs @omegaweapons @ratedrcope @lexnair @thewrestlerx a.k.a. WILLOW, TRENT, KENNY, ADAM, LEXY & SHIBATA.
game two: wet seatpants relay.
participating is the team of: @jernigans @skippen @timelesstcrm @harleycam @itsyazmin @haytersade a.k.a. ANNA, KIP, TONI, HARLEY, YAZMIN & JAMIE.
game three: zorb ball relay.
participating is the team of: @hdbnger @judgmentjay @kylefletcher @trkhan @lvigier @brokcnhalo a.k.a. ELP, JAY, KYLE, TONY, LIAM & MELISSA.
game four: dodgeball.
participating is the team of: @zsjr @rebelsovereign @mcnemaker @scumbagmax @callmedaddystat @absolutestroke @paparoddy a.k.a. ZACK, DAVID, MERCEDES, MAX, KRIS, RICKY & RODERICK.
game five: pit pursuit.
participating is the team of: @fightingglamour @firedidol @wrkhorse @pennymead @dear-abril @blckthrnes a.k.a. MARIAH, MAKI, ANTHONY, PENNY, ABRIL & JULIA.
game six: obstacle course.
participating is the team of: @junglds @obeybrookes @smdftb @luncaticmoxley @brittsdmd @sw3rvecity @scisscrking @beachorange a.k.a. JACK, CHRIS, DANNY, JON, BRITT, SWERVE, ANTHONY & ORANGE CASSIDY.
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