#this mostly goes to the discord honestly
toyama-division · 2 years
Hey, @nugsters here. ( ̄ー ̄)b
Been pulling myself away from the community after realizing that I've been putting some unspoken pressure on myself to pander to an audience. That is not what I want to do at all. My Hypmic blogs were made for the sole intention of self satisfying my creative needs and since I've strayed from that, I have betrayed my own goals. Not to blame anyone, it's my own fault I got distracted.
I'll continue doing the division reviews and when I reopen my ask box I'll answer questions and asks like normal, but I'm going to quit and even possibly delete any RPs I've done. This includes my @suginami-division blog. Not like it matters since my 3 RPs have died off anyways. I'll also be scrapping any fan division crossover art projects I had, including a video I was planning to do. I didn't really get far anyways so it's not like it matters. (For the people who were concerned, here's the song I was gonna use, finally revealed: LINK )
If this upsets any specific persons, let me say again that it isn't anyone's fault. This is my own choice and I hope that all the lovely people in the community will respect my decision. Hope everyone has a good day and look forward to my self indulgent content. (≡^∇^≡)
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struwberrii · 2 months
suna headcanons 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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here are my silly sunarin headcanons!! hope you guys likey
ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ (also is mostly relationship stuff but not all)
has the craziest sleep schedule like he stays up all night, falls asleep at 5am, wakes up at 8 am and just goes to school fine
buys you snacks from the vending machines daily
teases you a lot but is really flirty about it
probably most active at night and invites you out when it’s dark, he just likes how much emptier everywhere is
has the best music taste and always puts you onto his music
nonchalant dread head of japan
would probably sneak into your house through your window just to see you
says the funniest things with the most deadpan expression which makes it 10x
if you dont reply to his messages fast enough he hits you with the "why do you hate me"
he’s too honest sometimes and has a bad habit of saying things that are rude when he really didn’t have to
randomly tackles you and play fights
bros the type to pick you up and jump into the pool with you
does the bare minimum with all his school work
starts talking like you and using your slang when you guys hang out long enough
he’s the guy people talk shit around bc they think he’s quiet and a loner but he’s lowkey a shit starter and shares what he hears
slacks/lazy in most things but he carries you guys in fortnite
his bed is covered in stuffed animals from you, even all the cute sanrio ones
ur his profile pic online
i feel like he’d use discord and get paid as a mod on some server 😭😭
calls you stupid as a term of endearment
he can always tell when something’s wrong, like he can sense if something’s off with you
probably wears a lot of sweat pants
always smells really woody and fresh (yk like generic men’s cologne idk 😭)
very touchy, loves having an arm around you waist :3
allergic to drinking water, ik his piss is acid (honestly same here….)
his sister loves you so much
lowkey the worst at soothing you/cheering you up so he just hugs you
let’s you do skincare on him, he thinks it’s relaxing
i feel like he’d own at least one of those stupid tiktok fidget toys that he swears works but everytime he uses it he can’t stop laughing thinking about how stupid he looks
has a bad diet only because he’s too lazy to actually cook
burps SO LOUD and SO OFTEN like hold it man
has a tiktok account that he rage baits people on and reads the comments to you pretending it wasn’t him who wrote them (smh)
tries to teach you volleyball so you guys can kinda play together
i feel like he’d know a lot about the stars and like the constellations
i also feel like he’d really like coke floats (ice cream + coke in a glass) a lot for some reason
acts like he doesn’t really care but he cares so much
he’s only vulnerable and emotional with you
randomly attacks you with kisses
i feel like he'd know some really good unknown dessert spots all around town
i feel like hes an adidas guy
says out of pocket stuff on purpose with no reaction just to see you panic (he thinks its funny)
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box-dwelling · 3 months
I put this in discord but fuck it it's post worthy. I missed the month but AA charcaters and are they publicly out (like in terms of being legal celebrities, not with friends and family) and do they attend pride.
Phoenix: He is not out because he doesn't like talking about his personal life at fucking all. But if asked directly he's gonna admit to it. But he does definitely go to pride every year with Trucy and is the guy to give dad hugs to queer kids who's parents don't support them
Apollo: The press will wrestle his sexuality and being trans from his cold dead hands. He does go to pride but very specifically because he's trans, not because he's gay. Given his taste in men he does not think that's something to be proud of
Mia: 100% out publicly and does go to pride.
Athena: Not really famous enough for people to care but she's not hiding anything at all from the public. She goes to pride every year and loves it
Maya: Out publicly as a deliberate stance around the complicated gender politics of Kurain. Loves pride and brings pearl along who loves the rainbows but will stare homophobically at any gay person she sees.
Ema: not famous enough for anyone to care but she will absolutely mention it if she ever is. She is going to pride and she is getting wasted and high and then having a questionable hookup
Miles: Literally started this train of thought. He is not out publicly. He would find the very concept of revealing his sexuality publicly demeaning and invasive. He doesn't like pride for introvert reasons, he only ever goes as a chaperone for Kay and Seb.
Franziska: Very very out. But she is not going to pride unless she's asked to do a speech because she is a god damn workoholic. She only goes personally if Maya drags her along and then she does actually have a ton of fun.
Godot: I don't think he's even out to himself.
Klavier: He is very very out publicly but his fans still debate it. A lot of people think he's queerbaiting for his career despite all evidence to the contrary. He is at pride EVERY yeah and will go to as many parades as he can manage. Huge pride guy. He also probably performs there 99% of the time.
Simon: Robert Patterson levels of out. He is not here to represent anyone, he is here to baffle. He goes to pride mostly with Athena and refuses to wear any colours.
Gumshoe: Again not really famous enough for it to matter. But he fucking loves pride. He enjoys himself so much. Honestly even if you don't interpret him as queer I think he'd still go to pride as a loud as hell ally.
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emeritus-fuckers · 2 months
Ghouls with a reader that has frequent lower back pain, mainly when sitting or picking up something heavy? <3
Ghouls with a darling who suffers from back pains
Ghouls chosen by the emeritus-fuckers discord server. Includes: Sodo, Rain, Cirrus, Cumulus, Omega and Aether.
Sodo (he/him)
You're very lucky with him, honestly.
He's surprisingly strong for someone his build (after all, he's a ghoul, not a human) and he's very, very warm.
So all it takes for your backpains is for him to either lay on top of you or spoon you.
His favorite is sitting behind you and paying his guitar while you cuddle up against him.
He will occasionally jokingly suggest cuddles to outsmart your pain and get rid of it in advance.
Bites you to distract you when the pain gets too bad to distract you.
Sodo is very clingy with people he's close with, so he does occasionally use your pain as an excuse to cuddle.
He's very sweet about it, though.
Rain (he/she/ve)
Rain freaks out.
It's mostly internal, but he still freaks out.
Don't pick up heavy things ever again! That's what ghouls are for, not you!
She pretty much drags you into bed and gives you painkillers.
Also, plenty of water and healthy snacks. Something is clearly wrong for you to experience such pains, you're still young!
Although, in all fairness, you could be over a hundred years old and you'd still be too young for any pain, according to ver. Too young and precious.
It's not in the "you're too young, what issues could you have?" tone, but in a "you're too young for this, I'm so sorry, I'll help you in any way I can, my darling" tone.
If he can do something for you, he will. No straining yourself for you, nuh-uh.
poly!Cirrus (she/ze) and Cumulus (she/her)
Cumulus gushes over you, telling you to put the thing down. Or Cirrus just takes it from you.
You get a very soft scolding until they realize just how bad the pain is.
Cirrus picks you up and carries you to bed for a massage while Cumulus goes to get you some nice ointment.
You get two ghoulettes who are very skilled with their fingers working on the pain in your back.
And after that, cuddles. A lot of cuddles. With their tails wrapped around you.
Lazy day incoming. They'll gladly sing you a lullaby if you wear yourself out.
You end up falling asleep to Cumulus petting your hair and Cirrus drumming her fingers along your side.
Omega (he/him)
Lifts you and the heavy thing easily.
You better pray he doesn't see you in pain or you're banned from carrying anything for the rest of his life.
The thing about Omega is that he will pick up and carry anyone he can. Doesn't matter if it's you, Terzo, or even Alpha. If he has enough strength to pick someone up, he will.
And he's a big strong ghoul. He could probably carry the entire band and not even break a sweat.
Very often, he carries you in one arm and Terzo in the other arm. Terzo jokingly calls omega his Papa Mobile.
Also, Omega comes from a line of shamans, which means he can prepare you medicine that helps with the pain.
Pretty neat, right?
Aether (he/him)
Why are you picking up heavy things in the first place?!
You've got him, hello? Why didn't you call him to pick it up for you?
Honestly, if you weren't in pain, right now, he'd make a (playful) show of being offended.
But since you are in pain, it's time for those big arms of his to shine.
He squeezes you until your back makes that satisfying pop that makes the pain go away.
And if that doesn't happen, it gets personal. Aether now has beef with your back pains.
He massages your back regularly. Even learns how to do it best so you feel better.
He does make a silly little show of "punching" your pain away.
He also offers his services as a pressure blanket!
(Crush me big sexy.)
Written by Nosferatu.
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chordsykat · 5 months
How I write action/fight scenes
From a prompt posted by a friend on Discord last night. :3 Just thought I would ramble a bit before getting to work, this morning. If you're a writer and want to know what goes through my head as I come up with combat scenes in my stories, then read on. In this way, I hope we both learn a lot. Because I honestly don't think I've ever laid out my "formula" before...
First, know who you're dealing with.
This tutorial is going to stick mostly to the actual writing aspects, but if you're going to do an action series, you should factor in the combat abilities of your characters as you develop them. This doesn't have to be anything fancy. Keep it to the natural human responses at least. In other words, during a conflict, how will your character react:
Fight: Push back
Flight: Run away
Freeze: Do nothing
Knowing just that will give you enough to start thinking these dances through. And indeed, that's what they are - a dance. If you know more, like, specifically what kind of fighting they do, what their strengths in combat are, etc -- all the better, but know that what I list below goes in order from most to least important, and that stuff won't be on the list until the end.
Second, (and always) make the audience care about the action.
This sounds dumb and counterintuitive but people won't find an action scene compelling just because it's an action scene. Not to knock it, because it was brilliant for a different reason and a lot of the writing staff's hands were tied... BUT... During my time as a fan of, all the way into my employment with, Archie-Sonic, I can't tell you how many action scenes happened just because some executive at Sega was like "I think X and Y need to fight." So they would, and for reasons that were muddy at best. I think at one point, we had Sonic and Knuckles literally exchanging this dialogue:
Sonic: Yo dude, be cool. Last time we met, we left on good terms! Knuckles: Maybe, but you're still an intruder and just because you did me that favor on the day my daughter was to be married does not mean I owe you anything in the way of kindness.
IDK, my memory may be foggy, but that was the gist of it. Point is, don't do that - and first make sure your audience understands the motives behind the action, the potential stakes, and why it's all taking place to begin with. Else, you can make it as cool as you want and people are going to walk away with a sense of "that was cool" instead of "holy shit I was freaking out through that whole scene." If there's any question as to what you should be striving for as a writer, it's the latter.
Third, plot it out like it's a mini-story.
To the point - figure out the end first, and work backwards, just like so many writing tutorials have said before. Again, keep it simple: Who wins? Does the conflict result in a casualty of some kind? Does a character learn something?
Before you show how it goes down, you need to establish what goes down as the action happens, and what happens afterwards. Keeping the ending in mind as yo write a scene is always a good way of making it feel tighter. And throwing littlte twists for interest (maybe a character has the upper-hand for all but the end of the fight - maybe a character is losing until a specific turning point, etc) is made much easier, too.
Fourth, mind the rhythm.
A little weird to explain this, but the back-and-forth nature of the scene needs to flow well. Generally, conflict follows a pattern of:
Character acts
Opposition reacts
Opposition acts
Character reacts
If this pattern looks familiar to you, it should. This is the basic pattern of human dialogue as seen in stories and, YES, real life. Consider your scene like a dialogue all its own (even if the characters are talking throughout). The twists and turns I spoke about in the last point should be "off beat" because there's an unexpected nature to them. When a twist happens, consider breaking the above pattern.
Fifth, showcase character traits and skills (again, always).
Some characters have a high sense of honor and would put down their weapons if their opponent was unarmed. Some of them would fight dirty and hit someone with a chair when their back was turned. Some characters are scrappy and will jump into a conflict even when they're sorely outmatched. Some are straight up cowards who might run away even when there's a good chance they could win. Some are smart enough to bow out and will not engage -- hiding at the first sign of trouble. Some will throw snowballs at the oppressor and be surprised when they pull aggro and the dude comes after them.
You get the idea -- fights, conflicts and action scenes are great ways to show your characters' strengths, weaknesses, traits, and personality. Times of struggle are going to lay emotional responses raw, and it's a great way of showing "who someone really is" as it were.
Sixth, showcase unique defensive behavior.
Some characters have specific training: military, martial arts, street-fighting, etc... which, if you're aware of those, should come out during combat or conflict. Some characters have access to weapons. Some characters' bodies are the weapon. Etc, etc etc...
Whatever you do, about the only time you're going to show off the fact that your character knows Muay Thai is during an action scene. If you yourself do not practice this martial art, then research what you need to incorporate to make it believable when you write. Watch videos and write down the ways you would describe the movement. If you're doing a comic, then sketch the movement. Use that in your story.
Last, create more interest by tying in and highlighting story themes or disparities between protagonist characters, antagonist characters, and/or the conflict as a whole.
A little trickier, but if your story has a central theme or moral, try showing pieces of it shining through the action. Just as one wild example, if you have a theme of "love conquers all" this might mean your fight will end with the two people falling in love, instead of fighting. Think like a dungeon master. If you rolled a natural 20 on "try to woo the orc" in a combat situation (remember that comic?) what do you think would happen?
Too, if your combatants have something in common, or especially something that they are diametrically opposed on, feel free to show that off in these scenes. It'll leave the audience knowing them better (and set them up for further head-butting... or romance(?) down the line. And that's always fun).
Anywho, that's just a few of my thoughts on action sequences in fiction. If this helped you, or you want me to talk about this even more -- send me a message or a note or something. Always up for discussing this kind of thing.
And your reward for reading this far is an invite to join my discord if you wanna hear me ramble on about this sort of thing, in perpetuity. :)
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bezierballad · 5 months
IMPORTANT: If you either own or are in a Black Butler themed Discord server, PLEASE READ THIS
Please stay away from this user that goes by Winthlock (or Tsuki. They mostly go by Winthlock, but I'm assuming Tsuki is either one of their alts or a different username they go by)
They're not only a proshipper who raids Kuroshitsuji servers and posts disgusting images (specifically Sebaciel images) but also a hacker.
If they post a link, DO NOT CLICK IT otherwise they will receive your information.
I'm in a Black Butler roleplaying discord server and we just had one of our members hacked by this person
Said member also provided screenshots. (There's a LOOOOT of screenshots btw. Also TW for proshipping and some other gross stuff.)
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Classic Sebaciel defender. Lovely. -_-
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If you're wondering what Pink no Koneko is, a quick google search shows that it's one of those Sebaciel doujinshis. So now you have a good idea of what's probably behind that censor. 🤢🤮
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And here is them posting the links that lead to accounts getting hacked. (In case you don't know, Grabify is what many hackers use to gain access to information such as a user's IP address)
One of the unfortunate victims is a friend of mine and in a mutual Black Butler server.
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For those confused; the person who got hacked by Winthlock (I censored said person's name in blue) calling out Winthlock (who is both using the hacked account and trying to play innocent about the whole thing)
The "MA" user you're seeing in the above screenshot is the hacked account.
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Please note the same profile picture.
Winthlock also goes by winthlock03 as you can see. (Either it's their alt username or one of their alt accs)
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There's also been lots of speculation about Winthlock in general; another user (censored in pink) says that they also have some experience
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Another user also states their experience (censored in green)
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So if the information in the above screenshots is true, then there's a good chance that Winthlock is not only a proshipper, a hacker, but also a lowkey creep lusting for an underaged character and supporting their kid sister indulging in proshipping. (Again, this part is merely speculation, no screenshots of the comments, were provided unfortunately.)
But yeah, that's the basic gist of it.
I seriously cannot believe people are this petty. Proshipping is one thing: if you ship something disgusting like Sebaciel, fine. Whatever. No point in wasting time trying to change your mind. I'll just block you and move on with my day, simple.
But raiding servers and hacking people's accounts? That's honestly inexcusable. It's honestly abhorrent. And possibly convincing young individuals that proshipping is cool and something they should do and that there's nothing wrong with it? Absolutely degenerate behavior.
And I know there's gonna be someone saying shit among the lines of "Why are you aNTIS so worked up about a fictional ship"
This proshipper is raiding discord servers and hacking people, over a fictional ship. Just think about that for at least five seconds, please.
TL;DR if this person joins your server, please block them and ban them ASAP. Do NOT click the links they post.
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thedenofravenpuff · 23 days
How do you draw the metal shine on your animatronics?
Oh geez
I have no frigging idea! Couldn't start to explain what I'm doing, as I just draw and add shine and shading as I work. At least if yer talking about my robot shine in my sketches.
But alright, let's see if I can try and make examples for this..
Fig. 1
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As said above, I usually shade and shine as I go, so leaving this one mostly blank was bit of a toll on me.
But yeh, just a flat sketch of our favourite Sun guy just happy to be here
Fig. 2
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Alright, this is a very simple example for how I do most shine on areas meant to be a light colour. Can't be too drastic and risk making it look like the casing is supposed to be darker.
Best way I can explain the "shine lines", hmmm.. I'm not smart enough to have the words, I guess. I just learn from observing art and things around me to try get an idea what gives the right effect with the tools given..
Fig. 3
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Let's try with more detailing by adding soft shading.
I really do just add these things based on feel and vibe, as I go.
Do pay attention that whether it's metal shine or shading on non-metal parts, it rarely goes all the way to the art lines. Gotta preserve white space for effect, it helps giving the needed illusion of light when ye only got pencil to work with. Is the best way I can put any instructions on this.
Fig. 4
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Of course matters on the shape and desired effect on what you are drawing. There are many ways to draw shading and shine on different materials, for the right feel. This is just some basic and simple examples I can think of to try and illustrate.
I'm sure you can find plenty of better tutorials out there to explain this concept in deeper detail than I'm able to.
I never really looked it up myself, I just experimented with my techniques as I went. Even trying to set it up in separate parts have me unsure if this gonna help ya understand how I do my work.
Best I can tell ya, is I mostly tribute the backgrounds of Hollow Knight some credit for my shading techniques today. Some arts done attempting to copy the style of the game's backgrounds and detailing gave me some pointers to work from.
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(Moth character my old OC Grave Keeper)
So, yeah, that's the best I can give ya on the subject of how I do metal shine in pencil. Best I can offer is ya look up examples that work for you, to try draw from as you figure out your own technique and vibes for it.
I do hope that was any help!
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localgremlinboy · 10 months
I have been sitting on these for a long time because I wanted to have some more varied stuff but I haven't had time to write anything! So here's what I've got! Honestly these are some of my favorites
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
- Whenever he's kicked out of an area or event, Oswald proceeds to start shoving anything not taped down into his pockets. He doesn't need the stuff, he just likes to be petty and ruin it for everyone else
- Bane has done a series of infomercials for various products & services that only air on late night product channels. Alfred is the only batfamily member who knows, he was doing laundry late one night and nearly lost it
- Mr Freeze writes restaurants/companies when they wrong him. Like nice formal letters, signing them and everything
- The Joker has an imdb page. Actually a lot of the villains do but like the Joker has one he updates with fun facts. Who says they're accurate but they sure are fun
- Riddler freaking hates puppets. Their soulless eyes say it all. He refuses to or "work" with puppets. That being said, Scarecrow has chased him around with Scarface once or twice "for science"
- Scarecrow has and still does write letters of recommendation for his ex students. He freaking still has Gotham University letterhead paper and everything. Honestly some of his students have gotten the job from his letter alone (maybe it's out of fear but like it's still a win), and they 100% send Jonathan thank you gifts in Arkham. He's got one of those dorky teacher scrapbooks where he keeps the thank you letters. One of his students even crocheted him a little plush scarecrow. It's like, they don't love his crimes but you know that was ol kooky professor Crane for ya
- Harvey kind of has a soft spot for sitcoms, he used to watch them with his mom growing up. One of their favorites, ironically, was night court
- Bane has a famous chili recipe and he makes one batch a year. It's fucking delicious! He makes an edition with meat and a vegetarian version too. Of course consults Ivy for home grown excellent quality vegetables and she gets first dibs in return
- the Joker has not one but TWO released albums. One is essentially a mash up of all the serenades he's made Batman listen to over the years and the other one is called "The Holidays with the Joker: Christmas selects edition"
- Scarecrow's car is a mess. He's got a work truck of course but his main car is like a wood panel sedan that he's been driving since he was a professor and refuses to get a new one. It's a fucking mess, he has like clothes, papers, garbage all over the place. He still has term papers he forgot to grade under the seats. Riddler HATES his car, with a passion
- Riddler has gone through the pain and suffering to teach all the rogues how to use discord, he had once hoped it would make their crimes more efficient. They have a group chat but it's mostly suffering on his end as all chaos ensues
- Scarecrow owns a Halloween train village he has set up in one of his lairs. It plays instrumental versions of Halloween songs as it goes around the track
- Joker will push open cups off of tables because he can. He's got the chaotic energy of a cat awake at 3 am
- Riddler and Scarecrow's friendship starts like super formal and co worker like but after like a year and a half, evolves into a weird symbiosis. Jonathan points at random ass objects or books and goes "you" when he's with Edward. Eddie has a habit of fixing or picking debris of Jonathan, usually when they're crimeing. Also one time, they were both startled so bad by Batman that Scarecrow jumped into riddler's arms like Scooby & shaggy, except they both held onto each other for a second before toppling over. Robin then unmasked them like scooby doo
- Harley & Ivy are frequent Panera customers and often get pick up orders there under "codenames" given by Harley. All the workers know who "Plantmamma" and "the quinnanator" are but like they tip great and everyone should get to enjoy soup
- Bane has one CD in his car, it's a 2010 greatest hits CD that someone accidentally left in there. Who you ask? He has no idea
- Harley has a getaway playlist preloaded in her phone for car chases
- Riddler and Scarecrow watch reality tv/game shows together. They binged all of survivor and the amazing race in a year. It was a joke at first but they both got really into the shows. They have both applied to be on amazing race together and unfortunately haven't been called back
- Joker still uses cassettes (and vinyls probably) except he mixes them himself and labels them all stupid titles like "Birthday bash #9", "Baty's mix", "what's the deal with airplane food?", "etc". But he also has a tape recorder and makes notes to himself and labels those ones too, so he gets his personal notes mixed up with his music jams all the time. He goes to put on some epic clown music and instead it's a twenty minute recording he made of himself eating fruit loops
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miss-sweetea-pie · 1 year
I just saw an interesting maiko post. I didn’t want to comment or reblog because I figured that person didn’t want to have a discord considering the tags and some times tumblr recommended things to you. I probably wasn’t meant to see it honestly, But now I want to talk about it.
It was about how Zuko and Mai are just teenagers who don’t understand each other sometimes and then fail to communicate.
Also about how Mai’s emotionless trait collides with Zuko’s need for emotional validation and Zuko’s controlling possessiveness collides with Mai’s need for freedom. But they care for each other that doesn’t make them a bad couple, and Mai is not a bad girlfriend.
Honestly it a really good way to frame the relationship. I would also call it incompatible, maybe even toxic? it doesn’t make them bad people, but sometimes people do bring out the worst in you. Technically, this is true for Zuko, considering he went back to the fire nation, and he started dating Mai at the same time. Mai is the first person we see him speaking to after betraying his uncle and the show wants us to know he made the wrong choice. Mai is use as a narrative tool for Zuko’s lack of support in the fire nation,he’s miserable when he goes back home, and the one person, you would think he could connect with, his girlfriend, is cold and emotionally withdrawn. The show used Maiko to explore the the emptiness of being home in the fire nation, the empty promises of fire nation glory he been chasing and it doesn’t resonate with him anymore, also the impossible standard of gaining conditional love. (Sorry but Maiko is Zuko centric so it does makes Mai hard to read at best and abusive at worst)
I don’t deny that they care about each other in someway they’ve known each other since they were children, it’s safe and comfortable. but love is not enough. Honestly most toxic relationship in irl continue because they love each but they are not good for one other. Zuko and Mai they don’t understand each other and it seems like they don’t really want to understand each other. That’s the problem. (Mai mostly).
Maiko is really just a toxic cycle of their needs not being met
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This scene where Zuko want to talk about his feeing and open up to her
Mai: *yawn* I just asked if you were cold not for your whole life story.
(Not going to lie, that was funny but it’s still a very dismissive thing to say, especially to your partner.)
Zuko is actually a little bit more sympathetic when she tells her “sob story” he didn’t yawn
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Zuko: I like when you express yourself.
(her being off and on with her anger. Is like a metaphor for him being in the fire nation, trying to make something work and it’s not working. Constantly feeling like he said or does the wrong thing)
and It just bubbles over until they finally blew up
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Zuko’s possessiveness is a reaction to after he feels like he has done all sorts of stuff to please her. it’s zuko reaching his breaking point. Boy is really insecure in this relationship because the feed back he gets from her is contempt. Sure we could argue and say that doesn’t make mai a bad girl friend maybe this is just her sense of humor or personality. well, it doesn’t mesh well with Zuko therefore, they are incompatible, and a bad couple with each other. 
( also Zuko is not nice here that’s kind of the point he hads regressed  in his character arc so to speak.)
and then they get back together by making out.
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Sure she says she cares but why when did she actually show it? Actions speak louder than words! We never get a moment where Mai gets it and really understands him.
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
This is gonna be a little long but here we go.
Not one of the regular spies but I’ve been keeping my eyes on things the last few days and I can tell you in the discord group I’m in, it’s mixed between buddie fans and BT fans. There are a couple…loud (nice word for it) ones especially who are very much trying to push hard core right now that between the messed up fics and that tumblr account the other day, Buddie fans are “out right declaring war” against gay men specifically due to their “homophobic attitude” toward Tommy. Like the amount of times in of them said “against gay men” in their latest rant in discord, if it was a drinking game we’d all be hammered.
If someone asks questions because they aren’t familiar with what’s going on because they have things blocked or filtered then it’s immediately on the defense of “you need to clam down” and “maybe if you didn’t burry your head in the sand over buddie you’d see how this is affecting real life gay men” or the fan favorite rhetoric of “if your a woman then you don’t need to speak on the matters and you should be supportive of Tommy right now”
It’s honestly getting really wild how much they are losing it. And even when myself and other queer have said something we just get ignored and accused of being “self hating homophobic”
Then on the TikTok and Twitter side, they seem to have launched this rhetoric that kinda goes along with what LW was saying about changing the narrative about Lou/Tommy and mental health. One of the louder BT fan TikTokers even made this wild video today about how people need to really try and step back from their hate and understand that when we saw Tommy in the begins episodes
“it was 2005 and that kind of stuff was just the normal hazing and stop reading into it.”
So pushing the racism/misogyny as just normal hazing now instead of what it is.
There has been some push back against that video by both POC creators and white creators being like uh no that’s definitely not hazing and it’s definitely not your place to dismiss it as such etc. but the comment section is unfortunately mostly with people agreeing with the BT creator and that people need to “let it go and try and understand Tommy better”
Twitter they are trying to push hard on the narrative that they know they aren’t going to see Lou until either 8.01 or after 8.01 “but it’s for his mental health to not be seen so it’s for the best”. And it’s of course the buddie fandoms fault he needs to take such actions and can’t be seen until then. But very big push right now on trying to get them all on board with the “it’s for his own good and we should be proud of him for standing up for himself and staying where he needs to be so he can be safe and happy”
That’s all I got for now
Hello darling ❤️
This was a lot. Be supportive of Tommy? When he's a canonically bigoted character and people keep saying gay excuses racist while attacking real life queer women and poc people for having opinions on a fictional character? I'll pass. When the show gives me real proof he evolved as a human, maybe, until then ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I did see the calling the comments he makes "normal hazing" which is out of touch to say the least and considering tiktoks algorithm, unfortunately, that only gonna show up for people who agree.
And, look, I think he's gonna be in the season too, but this narrative that we are so bad for Lou's mental health is... Tommy and Lou are not the same, so like, opinions on Tommy are not attacks on Lou as a person and I'm still waiting to see proof of this awful bullying we are doing to Lou that leads to this. Even more when we've seen multiple of them attack Ryan very explicitly.
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simonnebethel · 9 months
Writeblr Introduction
Just learned what a writeblr intro is so I'm gonna make one before I go to bed lol
I've already done something like this a few days ago but that was when I had no clue what I was doing lmao, so might as well make a more in depth one
About me:
19, she/her, bi
I write mostly fantasy and urban fantasy, and honestly i dont think i've ever written a story that was non-fantasy lol
Started writing when I was 10, but it was mostly Warrior Cats fanfiction on Wattpad lol. I went through a writing slump for most of highschool but last year I decided to get back into it since I'm not doing anything else lol
I like to read fantasy and classic lit, also anything with vampires. I also have a soft spot for slowburn romances where the main characters dont kiss until, like, the 4th book heehee
In love with anything gothic, vampire, and wlw 👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
I think one of my more niche interests is any early 2000s fantasy/sci-fi movie with a nu-metal/rock/alternative soundtrack like Queen of the Damned and The Crow. They are just...*chefs kiss*
My current stories:
A Chant for Blood (Formerly known as Account of Calamity)
Account of Calamity is a gothic victorian fantasy about a Grand Marshal, Karliah Helisende, and a blood-drinking fiend, Yorick Gwynplaine, who work together to investigate the mysterious portals that spawn dangerous creatures into the city of Isarnan, all the while Karliah is being haunted by the mysterious ancient temple that watches over her every move.
I'm currently working on the second draft, and I may start looking for beta readers once I'm finished, although I know I'm not far from finished with this novel. I also plan to make it a 4 or 5 book series, and slowly add a slowburn romance.
12/30/24 - Second draft has been finished!!
Looking for beta readers! Look here!
Our Demonic Hearts - The Craven Pact Series #1
Our Demonic Hearts is a urban fantasy about a cambion woman, Ana Kravens, haunted by her past. Taking place in a small Mississippi town, a man she went through a traumatic incident with, Beau Motloe, shows up on her doorstep one day with a deal; help him find his missing mother, and he'll give back the memories she lost during the traumatic incident. Her father, a demonic creature of unknown origin, wants nothing more than the Motloes dead, claiming that they were the very reason his daughter was almost killed 6 years ago. Ana goes against her father's wishes and accepts Beau's deal, suspecting that her father isn't telling the whole truth about that fatal night.
It is completed and available on Wattpad and Royal Road!! It was just a small project I had done for Nanowrimo, and has been edited at least once before being published. However, I plan to make it a trilogy and maybe have some spin-offs. This story is fairly new, but most of the characters are at least 5 years old and I love them very much <3
What I plan for 2024:
Finish the second draft of Account of Calamity and look for beta readers(In the beta reader phase!)
Start the second novel of The Craven Pact Series
Write a short story/novella or two taking place within the Account of Calamity universe. My brain is currently exploding with ideas rn(2 are in the drafting process currently!)
Write a short story about Ana Kraven's mom and how she met Marchosias, Ana's father.
Plan something for Nano?? Idk where I'll be in November lol
I'm interested in following other writers and reading everybody's stories! I would also be interested in a beta read/beta swap ^^
Other sites I'm on:
Wattpad: LillithOfBees
Royal Road: SimonneBethel
Nanowrimo: BeeWitch
18+ Writing discord!!!
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honeydewdelight · 7 months
Hello I need to talk about my ship headcannons SO LETS GO
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In the show:
twilight X Pinkie: this was not what I used to ship. I used to ship Pinkie and Rainbow and while I still think that's a cute pairing, I don't think anyone in a 5 mile radius would survive if those 2 were together. TwiPie was something I didn't expect to ship but the art honestly convinced me, and I think their dynamic could be super cute. Maybe twilight could calm pinkie down a bit while pinkie gets twily out of her shell more.
Applejack X Rarity: I ship it more in EG than in the show but i like both versions. I could never really see applejack and rainbow dash together tbh. I kinda headcannon that they did try but ultimately figured that they werent great for each other, and thus AJ got with Rarity instead.
Fluttershy X Discord: I can't not ship it. They married. You can't argue with it. They married and fluttershy goes to live with discord in his dimension. Discord made it so that fluttershy can always move freely though the 2 dimensions, making her the only pony capable of doing so, ever.
Starlight Glimmer X a sack of dirt: don't like her she can eat dirt
Starlight Glimmer X Trixie: okay fine she can have Trixie but ONLY IF SHE PLAYS NICE.
Pear Butter X Chiffon Swirl: they at least dated at some point. Chiffon loved her a lot but knew they wanted to lead different lives. She broke it off but they always stayed very close friends.
Mostly in EG:
Fluttershy X Rainbow Dash: again a ship I wasn't sold on immediately, but I'll always be a sucker for childhood besties to lovers, and I notice that Rainbow is often the reason for Fluttershy to push herself out of her comfort zone and often improves as a direct result of it. Rainbow is Uber protective of Flutters but also learns a great deal about patience.
Sunset Shimmer x Pinkie Pie: these 2 are in a QPR. they live together and are very physically close with each other. Worlds tightest dymamic duo. They love gaming together, but Sunset often likes to play more brutal shooters while pinkie likes old games or slice of life games. So when Pinkie notices Sunny needs to blow off some steam she puts on a shooter for her while pinkie watches and lays on her lap.
Sunset Shimmer x Sci Twi: sunset is always a confident flirt but when it comes to twi she's an honest mess. Twi finds it super adorable tho, and slowly figures out Sunny's feelings (with tanks to the wingman skills of Pinkie) Twi is okay with the dynamic between Sunny and Pinkie, and also becomes pretty close with Pinkie. While she often sleeps over at their appartment, she really prefers to have her own space so doesn't move in with them. Sunny is very understanding.
AJ x Rarity: I mean duh, even the staff ships it. I like EG RariJack more than show/pony RariJack. I think they can admire and bond over each others love for their little sister, and often go out with the 4 of them. Its brought sweetie and Rarity closer as well.
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theheelerhouse · 2 months
Long Distance Caregivers and Littles!
Hello hello! This is for all the littles or caregivers (and vise versa) who are long distance! Here are some activities you can do and some ways to make it easier! (From personal experience <3)
1.) Calls! If calls are something you two are comfortable with then it helps a lot. In my personal case being both a little and a caregiver (a flip), I often stay muted when little as i struggle to talk but it is nice to have that security and company and to even (if possible) hear your caregivers voice even if you respond through text.
2. Sleepy-time calls! Kinda goes hand-in-hand with the first one, but once again, if you are okay with calls and are in a similar timezone, sleeping or taking naps on call can be rather soothing. I have nightmares a decent amount when little so again, having an extra sense of security and comfort is nice when it's needed. (Also applies to naps!)
3.) Video Games! Find a game you guys can play together (mine is stardew valley :D) but things like minecraft and animal crossing i have found works great too!
4.) Parallel Play/Parallel Activity! Honestly, an amazing way to spend time with each other. You don't have to be doing the same thing, but you can be. Just get on a call, even if you aren't talking, and be doing something together. It's really nice if you don't mind silent calls. You're just relaxing and having fun together.
5.) Digital Games! iMessage games or Discord Games can be fun if that's something you're interested in! Honestly the whiteboard one on Discord is simple and fun cause it's just a blank canvas for a bunch of doodles!
6.) Star Charts! Star/Reward charts are an amazing way to get each other to take care of themselves from a distance away. You can keep track of the other persons and vise versa. Eating, Drinking water, doing basic self care, etc. It's really helpful for me even when not regressed!
7.) Movies and TV shows! Apps like discord are great for streaming TV shows or movies! You can have a little mini movie night with the person or people you care about and it's just so nice.
8.) A way of communication This one is for my lovely people who take care of and/or go non-verbal when little. It's extremely helpful to have a way of communicating what you need. My caregiver and I personally mostly communicate on discord and we both have Nitro and are in some Agere servers with non-verbal emojis that help us communicate with each other. It's just a matter of what works best for you.
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dezznuggz · 8 months
LTLVC WINS $50,000
The groupchat × reader insert
~This will basically be about LTLVC YouTube vid part 4 and how the reader reacts to each groupchat member's elimination.
•(DO NOT READ IF U HAVE NOT SEEN THE VID YET, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!) There will be use of y/n, reader will go by she/her(sorry) this is my first time so tell me if anything's wrong and pls give me requests. Don't be a silent reader and plz give request...enjoy
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We are about a million hours into the challenge and everyone is doing good so far, or that's atleast what they're trying to show. I'm also trying to act off as if I'm not tired by moving around and talking alot. Right now I'm currently eating hot fries while swinging from side to side in my chair. We just finished doing lights off and during lights off I felt like I was losing it mostly when tanner danced as a floating shirt and having nick get mad at us for not being able to be quiet for 5 mins (I was the main person being loud)
"tanner are u still there?" Isaac asks since tanners been quiet, "yea I'm still here, I'm watching the Simpsons look!" Tanner says as he shows us his phone where he was literally watching the Simpsons on Twitter. "Nick?" Isaac moves on to asking Nick since he looks a little too asleep. "Mmm" nick responds to Isaac since he's too sleepy to even respond correctly. "Bro ur barely awake" Isaac tells Nick since he can practically see Nick having on from just a thread, "no I'm just keeping my eyes closed, I'm listening to y'all's conversation.." nick says with his eyes still closed, "bro your actually kidding there's no way your getting sleepy this early its ridiculous" I say to nick cause honestly it is outrageous, "im not sleepy im just bored since im sitting here doing nothing and im fucking cold!" Nick says slightly irritated for being accused of sleeping.
A little bit of time goes by, I'm watching YouTube videos to keep myself entertained, everyone else is talking to each other about God knows what then grunk makes a statement on how Nick looks like Eminem so I take a look at my discord and see Nick with his head down with his hood on. Everyone starts making comments on how he's asleep, then we all turn silent and start whispering to see if Nick responds then suddenly we hear him snoring and all of us practically freak out quietly. "Nick if you don't respond in 10 seconds then I'll remove you for falling asleep first 4 times in a row" Isaac says while whispering. "This is embarrassing" I say very quietly.
Isaac then removes nick from the call and all of us were honestly shocked for Nick to fall asleep and get eliminated that early. "Did anyone's else's heart rate like start going up cause mine did" Larry says equally as shocked as everyone, "dude there's actually no way he got out this early, he actually wanted to stay for a long time bro I feel bad" I say since Nick was talking non stop how this year was his year. "That's a new record" tanner says while laughing, "Isaac you have to make the tweet, one down" Larry tells Isaac with tanner still laughing in the back. "He really didn't want to get out yet" yumi says while still shocked, "yea he didn't even get to play lethal company with us" yumi says. Then Larry and Yumi start acting like Nick when he said he wasn't asleep. "He's going to be so mad" I say already knowing how Nick is, "he's probably still asleep bro" grunk says. Nick then joins the call again seeming a little more awake, "hey man wassup" grunk says to nick, then Nick starts talking about how he just had his head down. "Dude you were just sleeping and snoring away" I say and tanner laughs, "you did this to yourself, why'd you do this to yourself, you chose the most comfortable position to sleep in". "You get in the most coziest spots". "Why do you get in the most coziest spots like come on", me, tanner, and grunk start shaming on Nick for practically self sabotaging himself. Nick then says his final goodbyes before leaving the call to sleep while we still have to stay for $50,000.
I don't even know how long we've been awake and I don't even remember how long ago yesterday was. After Nick left we had some surprising guests like Santa (who said I was on the naughty list for always being loud and screaming at the boys), and Nick also joined back to the call for a little bit, which we terrorized him for eating almost a dozen donuts. We are doing lights off right now and Larry has a special challenge for us called the black market challenge that he had planned since last year. For the black market challenge we had to listen to men whimpering for SIX WHOLE MINUTES. "That was like cross my heart and hope to die send me to hell now God challenge!" Yumi says after being fully annoyed by the whimper audio, "I'm never participating in the black market challenge ever again" I say after being traumatized, "I'm not gonna lie but that did not feel like 6 minutes, that felt like an hour" tanner says while laughing.
"well I'm going to bed dude, I have to prepare for exams tomorrow" grunk says while sounding sleepy and also a little bit sad. "That's a very mature thing to do grunk, I'm proud of you" I say so grunk doesn't feel fully disappointed in himself for giving up on $50k. Larry then makes a statement on how grunk was a good soldier while Yumi flashbangs himself multiple times while smiling like an insane person. Grunk then explains how he knew he wouldn't have been able to win after hearing Yumi being fully committed to the challenge. "You know what this as a message for everyone to never let a last to leave vc ruin your college" everyone laughs at what I said. "Yes, yes I know but next year imma clear my schedule" grunk says. Everyone says their goodbyes to grunk as he fist bumps his camera and leaves.
"this call looks empty dude" Yumi says as now seeing how far he came, "I'm watching AI Santa clause" tanner says out of the blue "what???" I say while laughing. "Dude I feel bad, ISAAC WHAT THE HELL!" I scream at Isaac, "what did I do?!!" Isaac replies back confused, "I don't know I just need to argue to keep me awake" I say while talking in a much lower and calmer way. "Now I see why you got put on the naughty list" yumi says, I then look at the camera shocked and jokingly hurt, "alright you know what then I'm gonna leave the call" I say while closing my eyes to make it more believable that I'm going to quit, "NO ACTUALLY DONT!" Yumi screams at me to "wake" me up, "yeah that's what I thought keep that same energy" I say and I go back to my phone while Isaac laughs.
I didn't even bother to keep track of time anymore, at this point I'm army crawling my way to stay awake. Yumi is talking to me but I'm mostly responding to him in a mumbling way or in a short way. Larry takes notice that I'm getting sleepy so he also starts talking to me while trying to make me laugh but as Larry tries talking to me, Yumi ends up being the one responding to Larry while I just zone out and contemplate life. I soon see tanner walk off somewhere to the right but I don't think much of it cause of all people, he's the main one that keeps moving around. "y/n, you good?" Isaac asks me as he sees me being quiet, "I'm straight, I'm Gucci, I'm pure, I'm at my finest right now, if you ask me how good I am right now id tell you I'm good" I say rambling and mumbling on words, "what?!?!" Larry says while laughing at how drained I am right now. "Y/n you can not fall asleep right now! I'm not ready! I'm not there yet!" Yumi yells at me knowing that if I fall asleep then he's gonna want to leave the call. "Woah who said I was falling asleep, did u not just hear how fucking fresh I am right now" I say no longer mumbling, "where's tanner?" Isaac asks, "I think he went to the bathroom I don't know" Larry answers Isaac's question and we continue talking about how Isaac's dad was practically giving us a little nap break, "no cause I remember when I got eliminated the first time, I was going to play it off as a joke" Larry says while trying to keep himself awake, "dude I remember that, I felt so bad but it was so funny" I say while laughing a little. "It's like when you're in class and your feet fall" Yumi says as he acts as if he fell over but got woken up in class, "exactly like that then you gotta check to see what everyone else is doing and they're all reading" I say while laughing starting to get a little more energized. "Is tanner still in the bathroom?" Isaac asks but no one really answers him but instead Yumi makes a new conversation about his PC being bipolar or something.
We then all hear a phone ring and we go quiet, "who are you calling?" I asked the question that Larry and Yumi wanted to ask, "are y'all 100% sure that tanners in the bathroom?" Isaac asks while being a little bit suspicious. "I heard him say he was going to the bathroom". "I didn't hear him say he was going to the bathroom" Yumi and Larry say almost at the same time, "when tanner says he's going to the bathroom, we don't know" laughing a little Knowing that tanner would do something dumb like that. "Imma head downstairs to get a bowl of cereal, you want me to check in tanners room?" I ask Isaac, "yea can you do that please thank you" Isaac responds to me and I head out of my room. I walk into tanners room and although it's dark I can still see the big dark figure laying on tanners bed that so happens to be tanner himself, I let out a quiet giggle and I walk over to his PC. I bring his mic close to my mouth "he's laying on his bed playing angry birds" I say very quietly and I let out a breathy laugh, I then go to tanners bed and I take a picture, after the picture I take his phone and show Yumi and tanner that I have his phone, "he's knocked out cold, he's dead asleep, he's out dude" I say before having tanner leave the call.
I got my bowl of cereal and I walked back into my room to still hear Yumi, Larry, and Isaac talking about tanners elimination, "wait y/n did you take a picture?" Isaac asks me, "oh yeah let me send it to y'all" I say while laughing a little while still remembering how tanner looked while asleep. "No yea I walk in there and he's fucking asleep, I didn't get a good picture of it tho but he only has 2 stars on every level" I say to the people that are still left in the call, "wait what I thought you get 3 stars automatically if you complete the level" Yumi says a little shocked on how much of a noob tanner is at angry birds. "Alright new challenge y/n, we listen to lullaby music while watching the herds till we fall asleep" Larry says while chuckling, "we get tucked in, a binky, and a warm glass of milk" Yumi butts in, "alright I'm down" I say while being sleep deprived.
I'm already sleep deprived and at this point I'm finding everything funny for some reason and it doesn't make it better when Yumi won't stop talking about something dumb. "What's up with my lighting? What are you talking about? Are you jealous? Are you jealous cause you're poor? Oh you're not gonna get the 50k to help you buy it cause you're poor and you're gonna just stay poor" Yumi rambling to Larry about his lighting and I keep just keeping laughing at absolutely nothing, "oh yeah well you're so rich-" Larry cuts himself off from laughing, "y/n what are you laughing about?!!?" Larry asks while also laughing at me laughing about nothing. "Dude they're both at their breaking point" Isaac says while watching both Larry and I laugh non stop, "they're both losing it" Yumi adds on to what Isaac said.
Isaac then starts asking me why girls like thongs, "dude i don't know I haven't worn those in like ages" I say while calming down from laughing, "she hasn't worn a thong since 100 B.C" Larry says while laughing which caused me to laugh again. "No dude they just feel it different then what we feel" Yumi says but then quickly adds on how Isaac is gay for even thinking that, "no for real tho I think it has something to do with preventing less sweat and not to show our pantie lines" I say while still laughing a little, "oh no yea that too, girls don't like to show their pantie lines, yea I said that" Yumi says..."You did not say anything close to that" Isaac says. Isaac and Yumi start talking about whatever and I just kept zoning out to the point that I was falling asleep so I sat up straight and tried butting into their conversation to hopefully wake me up. "Isaac wake Larry up right now. There's no way he's sleeping, start the count down dude wake him up" Yumi says to Isaac while Isaac tries asking Larry what cuervo meant and he got no response. "No Larry better not be asleep I swear to god-" I say but got cut off by Isaac "wait wait okay 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0" Isaac counts down in a very unenthusiastic way. "KICK HIM! KICK HIM NOW!" Yumi yells at Isaac, who still gave Larry more time to wake up just in case he was trolling, "No dude they got Larry" I say fake crying as if he died. Larry then joins back after Yumi finishes his little celebration for being apart of the last 2, "dude what the fuck happened" I say to Larry, "no here's the thing- oh my God my heart is fucking beating fast!" Larry says and then he explains how him getting eliminated felt unreal and that he's not gonna be a sore loser about it which caused Yumi to compliment Larry for being a good teammate. "Bye Larry cheer for me in your dreams, imma win this for you" I say to Larry before Larry jokingly blows a girly kiss and wave at his camera then leaving.
It was just me, Yumi, and Isaac and we were both over it. My strategy simply didn't work but instead back fired at me. I was supposed to talk and argue with everyone so I can stay awake but instead I ended up zoning out almost halfway through which caused me to become even sleepier. "Isaac if you paid me $5000 right now, I'll leave" I say as I'm trying to leave the call with atleast a little bit of money, "no absolutely not" Isaac says while being completely over everything going on, "okay how about $5,000.50¢?" I say still trying to leave the call with just a little bit of money, "ooo you know what that's a good deal I would take it" Yumi agrees with me, "what no, you guys do realize that I have to give the winner 50k while also paying the loser 5k?" Isaac says trying to reason with me and Yumi but we still don't seem to get it and Isaac just gets frustrated.
"on the scale from 1-10 how sleepy are you Yumi?" Isaac asks Yumi so that he too can stay awake, "I would say, I would say, I would say, I don't know, id probably say-". "DUDE WHATS YOUR SCALE AT RIGHT NOW??!!" I scream at Yumi cause him not comprehending is causing me to not comprehend either. "I don't know id say I'm in another planet but I'm not sleepy, like I'm in another planet that higher and better than y'all's planet" Yumi says and it goes silent, "...imma be honest with you, for someone that says they on another planet, you don't look like you're on another planet right now?" I say while laughing a little which caused Yumi to laugh, "no cause y/n laughs at her own jokes" Yumi says while laughing, "honestly if y/n could date herself she would, wouldn't you y/n?" Isaac asks "if I could fuck myself I would trust me" I say without a single thought in my brain and all Isaac and Yumi did was laugh.
"okay one of y'all has to be on the verge to quit and I'm taking a bet that it's y/n" Isaac says in hopes of riling y/n up so she can stay awake, "how'd you know, Isaac's so smart, you're a smart guy Isaac" I say in a sarcastic tone cause I am on the verge of quiting, "Isaac you know y/n got invited to a Christmas party yesterday" Yumi says since isaac conversation plan didn't work out, "YEAHHHHHH" i say in a very cheer tone, "you're going for the food aren't you?" Isaac says, "yeah" I say back to my calm self while looking at my phone and Yumi laughs.
I'm looking at my phone and my mouth literally hangs open and my head starts feeling like 50 pounds so I nod off for a little bit since Yumi and Isaac are talking so a couple seconds of sleep wouldn't hurt. I feel relaxed, I feel better, I feel fresh, I feel happy, I feel...wait...why's everything quiet? I open my eyes to see my PC on the general chat and my heart completely falls to my ass. I panic and I see that Isaac and Yumi are still in the call so I quickly join. "Y/N WHAT HAPPENED?!!??" Isaac screams in my ear and I'm still shocked like I don't even know what's going on, "dude I swear I wasn't even asleep!" I say as I have a shocked face the whole time and no longer feeling sleepy, "I was actually rooting for you y/n, I'm so disappointed" Isaac says while Yumi cheers and laughs. "IM JUST AS SHOCKED AS YOU ISAAC WHAT THE FUCKKK" I say also disappointed in myself cause I came so far and I never won any of the LTLVC, I thought this year was also going to be my year. Yumi and I have calmed down but Yumi is still chatty and hyped up at the fact that he won $50,000, "Isaac...am I still gonna get the $5,000.50¢?" I ask politely, "no get the fuck out the call, congrats on winning Yumi, imma go to sleep leave me alone" Isaac says as he disconnects me and Yumi and I headed to sleep Knowing that I could've won half a million.
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https-immotmari · 8 months
❝ Is it chill that you're in my head? ❞ ─── mari's mutuals!
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in which, mari shows you who she builds friendships with even through online! also, love toya aoyagi ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
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. . .@melops-postoffice! ( Lili / she/her / they/them)
or rather formerly known as liqi's-postoffice, if desire any type of manhwa/isekai type of fanfic then you'll definitely going to love her project! especially if you're also a fan of akuneko (devil butler with a black cat). of course, she's into a lot of fandoms like project sekai, cookie run kingdom, honkai star rail, etc!
. . .@sweetkiitsunez! ( Kiit / she/her / they/them )
well, kiit actually restarted her acc in tumblr so, make way for her rebirth of a acc! kiit's one amazing person even though i've only met kiit through discord but, still one awesome person! please be warned that kiit's works may have dark theme so, please be responsible in what you read.
. . .@herri-writes! ( Herri / she/her )
the reason why I found ensemble stars, no joke. girlie hasn't been rather active since I think she's busy with schoolworks and her private life (she's much older than me) though her works are quite on point. I recommend her acc for anyone!
. . .@invui! ( Yinnie / she/her )
the one I used to bully back in the server, especially when it was june back then hehe. this acc is actually her sideblog I think, with her main acc tagged there of course. I honestly recommend her acc for anyone especially if you're a fan of kpop!
. . .@bianjay! ( Keith / he/him )
this guy is one cutie-patootie once you chat/meet him, seriously! also, this is yin's kid, everyone say hi to him. he's also a kpop stan alongside his mom, like mother, like son they say. his acc is mostly reblogs about kpop, often TXT, memes, gifs, etc. though, I think he's also into some fandoms outside of kpop.
. . .@moonvityy! ( Emmie / she/her )
if i remember correctly, emmie and kiit are like the oldest among us here. it's no wonder why emmie got that mama bear vibes lol and is a lamli bennet simp fr. say hi to lamli's wife, everyone hehe.
. . .@xlvr-renas! ( Karu/Xin / he/him / they/them )
my ride and die bestie when it comes to teasing the others💗I think he, alongside with Keith, would send c'mon, baby, america memes in the serve and then due to that, I felt goofy and send a meme myself. boschi simp.
. . .@fwoomiufy! ( Miu / she/her )
ammon lead's wife, everyone! besties since we too are delulu about certain butlers hehe, though, a sweetheart one! I, alongside some in the server, send ammon fan arts and she just malfunction.
. . .@pudding-pompurin, @pluckpleepplop!
they're rather new mutuals of mine! I hope we can get along real well (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
. . .@reikaoproducer! ( Kiyo / she/her / he/him / they/them )
ngl, I'm a huge fan of their project sekai sideblog! can't believe that their main acc is mutuals with lil' ol me ヾ(•ω•`)o! I recommend any of their acc like seriously! their writing is so good and the way the scenario or story goes it's like heaven!
. . .@sukiyukiii! ( Suki/Yuki / she/her / they/them )
a newcomer in the tumblr app, everyone say hi! yuki is actually my best friend in real life so, gotta be more careful with my post since two of my bestfriends are now following me ( of course, I followed back ). thank you for the genderbent project sekai au, especially the Eizou, crumbs 💛💛💛 I recommend project sekai users there to interact nicely to her! she's a sweetheart dw!
. . .@emoszart! ( Scarlet / they/them )
another one of my bestfriends in real life now taking form into a tumblr acc. her mind is one of the reasons why I'll take HUMSS. I recommend her acc for those who want like a dark, mysterious, fantasy type of lore and drawing! she's one of the best artist, I can assure you that ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
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so, yeah! that's all my mutuals for now! overall, all are lovely people to interact with so don't be nervous around them. ′ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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michimonie · 6 days
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A year or two ago, I wrote up a few blurbs on a private Discord server about a Twisted Wonderland Looney Tunes AU.
It started off with Sylvester and Tweety, then ballooned out to other characters.
Since it started with Sylvester, I'm going to start with him:
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(ignore the coffee steam, I fixed it in the actual Sly illustration, lol)
The general idea for him was the "delinquent with a heart of gold" trope. His backstory is that he lived above a bakery with his brothers and Granny. He's a cat beastman, Hector is a dog beastman, and Tweety is a human, but with great flying skills (on a broom).
Tweety (adorable tiny witch vibes with a yellow cloak) was a prodigal patisserie who made sweets and treats like none other. Tweety, Sylvester, and Hector are adopted brothers.
Hector (big dude, does a lot of heavy lifting work) is the eldest and is generally traveling for his work, but he visits from time to time and lectures Sly for being a menace to society.
After the bakery closes up for the day, Tweety likes to take the leftover treats and fly through town, making Sly chase him for a taste. Sly never gets any treats, though. Instead, he has to clean up the property damage he caused during the chase. The most famous treat they have is called a Canary Cake, and Sly has never tasted one before, but he is determined to make it happen.
During the night time, Sly, being part cat, tends to be up (3am zoomies) and occasionally stops robbers and delinquents from causing any trouble to the bakery (no one believes him, though).
Meanwhile, he spends the day finding every reason to not have to help out, but every reason to get some baked goods (which never pans out for him). Whenever the bakery needs decor, though, he goes all in. He doesn't like to show it, but he loves decorating and is really good at doing intricate designs.
Sly and Tweety both get in, but Tweety gets in at a later point. On his own, Sly has a hard time adjusting to his new situation and doesn't make too many friends.
When Tweety shows up, he has mixed feelings: "I thought I was the special one who got into the famous college!" "Of course HE gets in. He gets everything...." but also "Is he doing okay?" "If anyone bullies him, they'll have to go through me!"
There was a point where the two have to work together on a project and I can't remember the details, but Tom, Jerry, and Spike are exchange students and Sly decides to go ask how they make their project work. Side note: I do remember that Tom and Jerry were going to be mostly mute, but Spike talked a lot.
Bugs and Daffy are "rich kids", BUT Bugs is very down to earth, while Daffy is the opposite. Porky, meanwhile, is a scholarship student who tutors them.
Bugs (casual, yet classy look, maybe illusion magic major because disguises and outfits?) is pretty good at his classes (especially for someone who rarely does his homework), and really, the only major thing holding him back is that he has a vibrant social life. He's got an account on TWs version of Instagram (forgot what it was called), and he's got a ton of followers, but he rarely (if ever) posts anything rude or thoughtless. He is generally pretty level headed, but can definitely have his moments of overwhelming emotion.
Daffy (fabulous, wears a white choker, and reluctantly follows school rules about clothing, but will take any opportunity to break out his fabulous wardrobe) is decent at his classes and shows a general interest in them, but he gets distracted easily and is quite honestly pissed that he's only got like 3 followers on TW Instagram. He's the type of student who might show up to class one day with a latte and an attitude. That being said, when he can really get into something, he can get together a perfect A+ project.
Porky (cozy and functional outfits, usually well prepared unless the situation relates to Bugs or daffy) is overall great at his classes, and he wouldn't mind tutoring... if it weren't his current buddies. He cares about them, but they can be a handful during study sessions. Tutoring is a part of his scholarship requirements, so he can't just back out. While generally level-headed, it doesn't take much from the other two to get him worked up (especially when they're late to tutoring). With his own work, he's very dedicated, but sometimes Bugs and Daffy see him overwhelmed and show him how to calm down and have fun every once in a while (I mean, there is a restaurant / lounge on campus).
So, I had general ideas for other characters. But nothing too solid. A few problems I ran into were:
Should I genderswap the women? (Like in TW)
Is this going to remain a magic school or change to another one (acting?) because it's an AU?
Both of which locked me in a corner until I could make a decision.
In case I decided to use genderswapped Lola, I had an idea about her being a "golden retriever himbo", which included pieces of multiple versions of her.
For Petunia, I was thinking she could go to a different school, but nearby so she could visit often.
Melissa and Tina hadn't come up on my radar yet (this was years ago).
Melissa would probably be one of those popular students who tends to look really cool on the outside. she probably comes from a long line of either exorcists or some kind of magic having to do with spirits or the undead (maybe necromancy?).
Tina would probably be one of those casually cool types that's just kind of vibing, but ends up doing accidentally cool looking things (or purposely). She's still figuring out what kind of magics she's into more.
I can see Wile and Road Runner having a sort of frenemy relationship where they are rivals. Wile would 100% be into magi-tech, while Road Runner would be more Savannaclaw and into a more physical approach. Wile would challenge Road Runner often, and would more often than not be his own downfall.
Sorry for the thought spam. If you made it to the end then congratulations! If you skimmed, thank you for at least looking. If you just skipped to the end, thanks for considering, lol.
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