#murakumo unit
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Some Lambda gifts from my BBDW video here!
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realboutfatalfury · 2 years
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this is C4-R1 she is a robot and loves shrimp 👍 that's all i have so far with her
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crimxon-shinigami · 1 year
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The Murakumo Unit simply stared the view in front of her. She can't recall what happened to her. Perhaps it was a deep sleep that was out of control.
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nottoxicfr · 10 months
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This is a very rough test design of an Elphelt Murakumo Unit/Elphelt-13 design. I do think if Murakumo were in Guilty Gear as Valentines, then they would obviously have Justice’s big ass shoulders and a tail. I think on revision, I should add the cod piece and maybe a gun in the tail’s tip. I’d like to implement a bit more painful visual things, like screws in the flesh holding the armor in place.
I’ll probably go into what I think an Elphelt 13 mix up would be like personality wise later. Right now, I just think Elphelt’s search for love would mix poorly with Nu trying to kill Ragna. I dunno. More later?
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nkn0va · 7 months
So for the first non illegal character x character ask on this page i'd like to request ragna x nu because i think they have a cute dynamic if you take out the ritualistic suicide sex to bring about the end of the world.
That's the plot twist, chief. The ritualistic suicide sex is their dynamic. I can...give this an attempt at the very least.
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(Thank you to @uponawhitehorse13 for the custom banner)
-For the sake of this ask, the best I can really do is say this is post-Central Fiction where Ragna makes the decision to not erase himself and live in the new world with everyone else.
-When Nu finally recovers from her sickness and is able to move around freely again, her first instinct is naturally to find Ragna. Once she does she initially has the thought of becoming one with him in the form of the Black Beast.
-At least she does until she realizes that's no longer possible. The cauldrons have been destroyed and with the full power of the Azure, Ragna is for all intents and purposes a god. She couldn't beat him anymore even without the Azure last time so now there's basically no chance.
-Ragna doesn't really know what to do, even if he still wanted to save Nu from...well their thing they were forced to do together. He'd finally succeeded in doing that, so... maybe she deserved the chance she'd wanted for so long?
-It takes a while for the Grim Reaper to warm up to the idea, but seeing how Nu wanted him so badly now and she wasn't going to try to get him to destroy the world, he eventually figured why the hell not.
-An actual, real relationship is...awkward to say the least. Knowing their less than ideal history together along with the fact that Nu looks exactly like Saya due to being a clone of her really doesn't help. Is this even legal? Are there even any laws that go over clones of family members anywhere?
-Predictably, the Murakumo Unit's...intense feelings haven't changed, however she'll have to learn to express her affections in more normal, much less destructive ways. She'll cling to Ragna's arm at every chance she gets with no sense of shame whatsoever regardless of how he feels about it at any given time.
-To be honest, both of them are extremely inept at love, they're both learning as they go. Ragna just kind of sits there and lets Nu do what she wants most of the time, knowing she has to figure this out just as much as he does.
-However he has to be the one to stop her when her more violent tendencies start to emerge. If she catches him talking with any other woman who's not Noel or Lambda she'll probably be ready to throw hands right then and there, and that's not gonna end well for the poor girl on the receiving end if he doesn't.
-It's a long learning process, but Nu eventually learns to hold back the urge to attack any woman who even looks at Ragna kinda funny. She'll hold onto him tightly and shoot the woman the kind of look that very well could kill a person. As soon as said woman goes away she goes right back to her happy, child-like personality. The way her mood can swing like that so dramatically and so quickly will never get any less unsettling. At least she's pretty adorable when she doesn't have the urge to commit first degree murder.
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cloudyspider · 8 months
Thanks to Mizukagami for inadvertently pushing me in the right direction to looking up Lux Sanctus: Murakumo facts but in Tsubaki’s CS Arcade Terumi says that Murakumo being an Anti-Sankishin device by design is immune to the Master Unit’s intervention. So if you ever wondered why the Origin just doesn’t intervene and make sure Ragna never fuses with Nu on December 31st 2199 AD well she can’t because Nu in her metal evening gown won’t let her
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kingofdinosaurs · 2 years
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murakumo units with (blaz)blue eyes
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
(diary meme ehek) 13 Yuichi (either Nagasone, Kashuu or Saseki ehek), 7 Hachisuka! (@zantedeschia-praesul)
[ DEAR  DIARY          .    .    . ]
i'm a gemini you can't just give me 3 choices and expect me to pick hehe. so have them all !!!!!!! (really i just love doing these diaries so i'm taking all them i can get rrrrrraaaaaa)
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Nagasone)
Ohhh, dearest diary. You are going to feel so special, aren't you? Because you've known for so long about Nagasone and I, longer than perhaps anyone else-- except maybe Kashuu. Don't be getting jealous, though!
But... we've finally decided to let it be known by the rest of the honmaru, and... Well I think a lot of the men already had some kind of idea. Kogitsunemaru definitely knew, though he's gracious enough to wait until we were ready before he said anything (some very kind words, naturally). I think Murakumo got the hint simply for how much time he spends in my office some days. Hachisuka probably figured it out pretty quickly, though he hasn't said anything to me, and Nagasone hasn't mentioned anything from him. Urashima I think was somehow still unaware. Perhaps he's just too pure for this world.
"I don't know why I was so nervous about it." I know I say this all the time, but it never seems to stop being relevant. I was worried others would be unhappy about it, or that they might think I play favorites-- clearly this is different, right? Right.
Worst of all, the thought crossed my mind that... perhaps after it stopped being such a secret, Nagasone might lose interest, or look at me differently, or something. I don't have this worry anymore, but I can't stop thinking ABOUT the fact that I thought that might happen. I feel awful for even barely entertaining the thought. Nagasone had never given me any reason to believe that, and on the contrary, he only ever gives me hundreds more to KNOW for certain that it wouldn't happen. It's... amazing, really, how he can do so much to make me feel so good, and happy, and just... like everything's okay... But I still find a way to think there's a chance that I don't deserve it.
Nagasone would hate to hear that from me, I know it. And he doesn't deserve that, either.
Which is why I tell you, of course. But you probably could already guess that, huh.
Well... Whether I deserve it or not... I love him. So much. I'd be a goner without him.
So, diary, I hope you're happy for us too.
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Kashuu)
Dear Diary.
This still feels like some kind of fucked-up dream. But... up until now, through all of this... recovering, monitoring, assessing, training, learning, trying to come to terms with the fact that apparently magic and sword-men and time travel is all real... It's been like I'm just walking through it in a confused, numb daze. It didn't really matter. For all I knew, I could've been dead and this was my afterlife.
But... not anymore.
I summoned my first touken danshi. Kashuu Kiyomitsu, he's called. One of two trusty swords of Shinsengumi first unit captain, famed Okita Souji.
The summoning itself was... excruciating, but amazing. I don't know how I did it. But... I haven't FELT this much emotion, felt anything in this intensity but despair and loneliness in... I don't know when, or if I have.
Maybe I was scared. This whole Government thing is intimidating. Maybe I was just afraid that if I didn't give it my all, they'd... I dunno, kick me to whatever the afterlife equivalent of a curb is. Or send me to hell.
Maybe I just wanted it to be real so badly that I managed to tap into that... pathetic, desperate wish for a connection with someone, a friend, that I could have a chance not to isolate myself or squander it, and...
And he appeared. Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
I thought perhaps the fact I was crying might freak out a new person-- a literally NEW person, right? But it seems... there really is a connection between us. They told us this would be the case with the swords we summoned, but... I guess I couldn't believe it until I felt it myself.
I hugged Kashuu Kiyomitsu and... it just made everything real. Real, and scary, and overwhelming, but... if this is my second chance at life, I'm going to take it. As long as he's there with me... I think I'll be okay.
Kashuu Kiyomitsu... Thank you.
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Saseki)
Ah, diary...
I'm sitting at my desk... I should be working, but... I just can't help but stare at the magical painting Saseki gifted me, and think about him. I appreciate Nagisa a great deal, and of course owe my life to her and her men, but I don't know that I was in such a state of mind to have formed a bond with her. Not to mention there was a lot that she couldn't tell me, since the Government had yet to make a call on what to do with me.
But Saseki... what can I say? He's become one of my best friends, almost like a brother, perhaps. He's so insistent that he be able to protect me or help me if I'd ever need it, even after he's been through so much himself... I'm so grateful to him, and this honmaru is lucky to have such an ally, of course.
But letting my thoughts drift... one question my mind asked, I can't help but think about: "Where were you before, in my old life?"
I had ... friends, before. I guess. But I had such trouble trying to interact with them for some reason and opted to just... keep to myself. I didn't feel truly comfortable with anyone.
But... I don't know. I don't want to change where I am now. I would never give this up for even a moment, not over my dead body and then some. But I can't help but wonder, what IF I had known Saseki? Sometimes I think about this with my touken danshi as well, but it feels more of a fantasy that way, about maybe taking them around a modern city and whatnot. But with Saseki... he's a human. In theory, it's not impossible for us to have crossed paths, and ... I just think... maybe if we had...
No, no. This sounds like I'm blaming Saseki. It's not that. It's just... What I mean is... I'm just so grateful to have him. And I know now the impact one person can have on the trajectory of history in a given timeline. On the off chance I would have allowed myself to befriend him like this back then, or in a different timeline... maybe things wouldn't have been quite so unbearable. Maybe there's a version of me who had someone like him like I wished I had. And that's what's really got me right now.
[there's some smudges where seemingly a couple of drops were hastily brushed off the page]
Well. It's really neither here nor there, isn't it. What matters most is that we both got to where we are and are friends today, right? Right.
07.     entry made featuring an important moment in their life. (Hachisuka)
Dear Diary.
It was... a beautiful day. Well. It was... a fine enough day. Until the rain and winds picked up, and thunder crashed, rattling the doors and windows...
And HE appeared.
Nagasone 'Kotetsu'.
It may be unbecoming of me, but I'm seething. A counterfeit, a fake, an imitation, using something as prestigious as the Kotetsu name? Here, in my citadel? In my room? My master is testing me, truly.
He seems to not even be bothered by the fact that he bears a name that doesn't suit him, that he couldn't possibly live up to... right? He's just so... amicable, and seems quite happy to be here.
I told him: I may be obligated to share my room with you--for now. But know this. You are NOT a true Kotetsu, and you are NOT my brother. Do not expect me to treat you as such.
I don't know what I expected from him.
It's ridiculous, preposterous.
It seems I lost my train of thought. No matter. I'm being called out for dispatch anyway. This isn't the last you'll hear on this regard, mark my word.
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murakumo2008 · 4 months
Oh dang anonymous isn't an option here uh... okay then well I'll just commit.
Who are your favorite members of the BB cast and why??? : )
Ragna: I love anti heroes, especially it they wear red jackets. I love his story and his sarcastic personality, he's amazing and one of my favorites protagonist in videogames
Bang: A ninja with Kamen Rider reference and an insert song made by Hironobu Kageyama?!, Just inyect it on my veins!!!
Murakumo Units: I love robot girls
Hakumen: He's so cool
Celica: She's cute
Terumi: I also love pure evil villains and his design is awesome
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canonjoshua · 6 months
For the Character Ask: Yuuki Terumi
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: How much of an utter asshole he actively chooses to be. Even just funniness aside, and he is incredibly funny, I think Terumi willingly choosing to BE as much of an asshole as he can possibly be just because he likes being an asshole, damn what everyone else thinks or feels, as the ultimate act of rebellion and freedom as what is basically god's mindless defense system growing a soul out of a desire for freedom from its task fucking owns. He's genuinely one of my favorite characters in all of fiction
least favorite thing about them: The piss yellow rain coat. There's some concept art of him that looks cooler. Hell there's a lot of alts that look better, color scheme wise. I wish it wasn't that exact shade of yellow. Even orange suits him much more.
favorite line: Where to fucking start? On the serious side of things, the entire arcade mode ending rant in continuum shift. I've got the whole thing memorized due to the hammy delivery Now… Murakumo, activate! This world is nothing but lies! Lemme show you what I like to call the truth! The truth called "despair!" In the name of Susano'o, I command you! Murakumo, AWAKEN! Behold, the sword of the god-slayer, KUSANAGI! Let all lies fall before your divine blade! Gaahahahaha! Finally, I've got the true successor to the Azure! Try and stop me NOW, Master Unit Amaterasu! Second is: How many years... How many years? Oh, how many years I've waited. How many times has this been repeated? How many hundreds of times?! How many THOUSANDS?! ONE HUNDRED THOUSANDS?! MILLIONS?! TRILLIONS?! I've repeated this worthless comedy show more times than I can count! Hmhmhmhm... Yes... Just a little bit more... Just a bit more, and it will be within reach — the lost "Embryo". Once that's done, this shitty, worthless comedy show will end. And on the comedic side of things: Basically everything he says during any given gag reel, with special attention given to the band gag reel.
brOTP: Him and Hazama. They're like shithead twins and the closest thing either of them is ever gonna have to a friend. Also, him and Ragna but specifically in the band gag reel.
OTP: Him and Relius. See the Relius post for my thoughts. Also, canon marriage.
nOTP: Him and Ragna. I get that people love putting together the main character and villain guys to do yaoi, but also, those two hate each other way too fucking much for that to even result in actual yaoi. They'd bite each other to death before anything like that happened.
random headcanon: Absolutely starts random internet discourse to both feed off of the hatred and because he thinks it's fun.
unpopular opinion: Terumi is a saturday morning cartoon villain on a morality level and probably one of the worst people in all of fiction, but at the same time, he has a lot more depths and interesting things to him than most people give him credit for, even including people who /do/ like him.
song i associate with them: The LA Vocal version of Endless Despair. WAILING WAILING. A LOUD CRY.
favorite picture of them: There's a lot of really good terumi pictures out there but I think I'll go with the slutty pose he does while showing Hazama some major revelations about his own existence.
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kerta-the-53rd · 8 months
We should name the DRDTALT cast after Blazblue/Guilty Gear characters(edit: excluding Murakumo Units). Like uhhh
Teacher = Ky
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By Suwaiya on Twitter
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I want to make a blazblue self insert that’s a really skilled engineer/mechanic and basically they pull a Tony Stark and just make their own Murakumo Unit Suit. And like it’s an extremely capable and intricate piece of technology that is durable, combat ready, and has like its own code and safety functions in case someone tries to hack into the suit. It’s also very close replicating the real thing, And so when she’s wearing it onlookers genuinely mistake her as being an actual Murakumo Unit.
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captaindarksword · 2 years
jaune being the knight is a reference to hakumen
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Monty Oum was a huge BlazBlue fan and based Penny’s fighting style (and possibly her origin as a robot girl) on Nu
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 and her Murakumo Unit “sisters who were made with souls like how penny is a robot girl with a soul) with those floating swords her weapon is divine radiance murakumo which starts off as a big sword it turns into 8 floating blades surrounding the user, and their armor.
after nu’s first death she came back to life/rebuilt with the soul intact
and another murakumo unit who thought she was a real girl/ who could be mistaken for a real girl
and another one who could give birth etcc
it could be a reference with penny becoming a real girl
 and I think qrow with his giant sword that can turn into a scythe may have been inspired by ragna whose giant sword can turn into a scythe
and yang xiao long took inspiration from bullet (their weapons
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who appeared before her Bullet was included in the JPN 1.0 arcade version, which came out in November 2012, while the Yellow trailer was June 2013.
So yeah, it’s impossible for Bullet to have been inspired by Yang, and there’s a greater-than-zero chance Yang was inspired by Bullet, especially considering that Namine from Dead Fantasy 6 (8?) copies moves from Nu 13 (the most obvious is Nu’s 5C).
both of them had someone disappear from their lives  tager ( who lost his memories ) and raven ) and they chased after them  going around trying to find info but while tager cared about bullet raven straight up abandoned yang.
the seemingly minute differences between Aura/dust and Magic is a leftover from how Ars Magus and Magic work in Blazblue.
, Qrow is basically just a color inverted, older version of Ragna the Bloodedge, down to their  weapons.
the finale of Volume 6 has a LOT of similarities to the ending of Chronophantasma, what with the heroes fighting a giant artificial enemy bring about a change in the protagonist.
jin kisaragi hero of ikaruga who was adopted  into an esteemed family known 
becomes one of the six heroes hakumen ( who was the leader)  and jaune wanted to be a hero like his father and grandfather etc and jin fell in love with a red haired woman ( who uses a spear)  who ended up dying in an alternate timeline for the alternate jin ( the red haired girl tsubaki was killed by nu who penny references )  so both situations involve the death of a red hed and robotgirl who ( or  former robot girl)   who ends up going back in time  due to falling into a cauldron ( jin sustained serious damage from this) like how jaune ends up falling  into the pit and into the ever after 
and ends up becoming hakumen  after choosing to be put into a suit of armor   so he can be a real hero  ( when he was placed in the armor jin was told he can be a real hero now ( paraphrased ) ( which caused jin to eventually lose his physical body and become a spirit inhabiting the armor
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nottoxicfr · 10 months
Ramlethal would be the most traditional interpretation of a Murakumo Unit (Prime Field Device) but I think Elphelt would end up like this.
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Just a girl and her multitude of floating guns
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nkn0va · 7 months
Masterlist/Current works
Current works:
Under Night In-Birth:
If someone can find good genderbend Carmine art I will do headcanons for that
Completed requests:
Noel + Aigis friendship HCs
Yukari, Marie, Kokonoe, and Phonon needing to rely on S/O due to non-functioning arms
S.E.E.S ending up in Kanzakai
Noel, Kokonoe, and Linne wearing a taller boyfriend's clothes
Orie, Wagner, and Mitsuru with an S/O that picks them up
Wagner, Tsubaki, and Kaguya with an S/O that grew up poor
Celica, Yuzuriha, and Rise with a mellow, laid-back S/O
Mitsuru, Yukiko, and Makoto (P5) getting caught making out with S/O
Sumire and Beelzebub getting proposed to
Chie, Wagner, and Orie with an S/O who swears a fuck ton
Beelzebub and Azazel's S/O suddenly picking them up
Judgement, Justice, and Lucifer cuddling HCs
Cynthia, Lusamine, and Diantha relationship HCs
Persona 5:
Phantom Thief girls + Sumire relationship headcanons
Ann and Haru with an S/O believed to not be a real S/O
Makoto and Futaba helping S/O study
Makoto and Haru's S/O reveals their aunt is Commissioner Kaburagi
PT girls + Sumire with a bedridden S/O
PT girls with a western S/O
PT girls with S/O sacrificing themselves to help defeat Yaldabaoth
Persona 4:
IT girls with a western exchange student S/O
IT girls whose male S/O doesn't feel good enough for them
Naoto giving her hat to her younger sibling
IT girls with a best friends to lovers S/O
Yukiko with a homeless S/O
Izanami spying on the IT and falling in love with male S/O
Persona 3:
Fuuka relationship HCs
Mitsuru, Yukari, and Fuuka comforting Minako's S/O after her death
Litchi with an S/O that gets frequently injured
Izanami relationship headcanons
Nine, Bullet, and Izanami cuddling headcanons
Noel being flustered headcanons
Murakumo Unit relationship headcanons
Tsubaki and Kokonoe with househusband S/O
Kokonoe's cat-like tendencies headcanons
Ragna x Nu relationship HCs
Bullet coffee date headcanons
Tsubaki with Hakumen's adopted son/apprentice
S/O kissing Tsubaki during a spar to throw her off
Tsubaki wearing her taller boyfriend's clothes
Tsubaki relationship HCs
Tsubaki's S/O accidentally taking the Mind Eater curse from her
Makoto with an S/O that likes to sleep on her tail
Izanami accidentally having a child with male S/O
What if Ragna had saved Nu in CT?
Bullet, Litchi, and Makoto relationship HCs
Celica introducing her S/O to her friends/family
F!Ragna x M!S/O relationship HCs
Noel, Kokonoe, and Tsubaki accidentally getting pregnant
Litchi's S/O not being bothered by Arakune
Nine relationship HCs
Ragna + Nu parenting HCs
Six oneshots here and here
Noel, Tsubaki, and Makoto with an S/O with Izanagi-no-Okami
Noel and Tsubaki's male S/O distracting them while they're mind controlled
Rachel falling in love with Valkenhayn's student
Izanami using her extra sprouted arms around the house
Under Night In-Birth:
Hilda's S/O being caught with lipstick marks
Orie and Wagner with an S/O that loves to fluster them
Linne platonic headcanons
Wagner coffee date headcanons
Kaguya with an S/O that loves to pick her up randomly
Kinds of music the Licht Kreis girls would like
Yuzu, Hilda, and Kaguya with an S/O that calls them mommy
Wagner and Kaguya with a sarcastic smartass of an S/O
Wagner's S/O asking her out
Eltnum relationship HCs
Yuzu, Wagner, and Orie meeting their S/O in bbtag
Wagner, Orie, and Kaguya with an S/O who collects video games
OC oneshot
Wagner, Kaguya, and Yuzu with a gunslinger S/O
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