#murdoc pov
superfreak · 7 months
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OH how did i forget about THIS Murdoc right here🥴
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bajaja-blast · 4 months
you finally come home after years of being stranded alone in the middle of the ocean, some of that time with one of your uncle/dad figures who had turned into a giant, only to find out that your green adoptive dad built a robot clone of you after your presumed death, then kidnapped your brother, locked him in a underwater dungeon with his biggest fear constantly watching him, tortured him & forced him to sing for an album
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gorillaxyz · 5 months
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Valentine by Laufey is a Murdoc x Emmett song. Send post.
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mmurdocc · 5 months
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POV: Murdoc is on a hit and facetimes you to let you know how it’s going 🥰
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macgyvercairo · 3 months
Do you have a Cairo Day story that you weren't able to finish writing? Did you miss a previous Cairo Day Celebration Week? Is this the first time you're hearing about a Cairo Day Celebration? Well, this is your chance. Introducing Cairo Day 6.5 (aka Cairo Day Reprise) August 5th-11th
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Cairo Day is a week-long MacGyver fandom celebration which usually takes place during the week of April 14th, the airdate of the season one finale. This event has been ongoing since 2019 and every year we hear from people who weren't able to finish the projects they were working on. While we will always happily accept "late" stories, artwork, gifs etc. we also recognize the appeal and hype of working toward a goal or deadline.
Posted below are all the prompts from the previous six years. As all these prompts were submitted and voted on by the participants there were some repeats and we have included them. You can fill as many or as few as you would like. You can do all the prompts from one year or mix and match your favorites. The fandom may not be as active as we were once upon a time but we're still around.
Best Friends 
The Sandbox
Close Calls 
Blood Brothers 
Return to Cairo
Improvise Day
This is Going to Hurt
Outsider POV
In Sickness and in Health
The Ties that Bind
If You Go Kaboom, I Go Kaboom | Kidnapped
Tell Me Where it Hurts | Army Days
I Have an Idea and You’re Not Going to Like It | Warmth
Jack Lives | Hurt/Comfort
Murdoc  |
Faked Death  | Sandbox
Jack Lives
Tell Me Where it Hurts
Undercover/Secret Identity
Found Family
Bedside Vigil
Answer Me
Hidden Injury
Respiratory Distress
Is That Blood?
The worst things (To be in bed and sleep not, To want for one who comes not, To try to please and please not.)
Collapse | Eclipse
Crash Course  | Hidden Injury
Polaroid | Swim With the Fishes
Midnight Rituals  | Jack Lives
Shot | Locked In
In Flight | Shh, You’re Okay Now
Photo prompts:
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cherrytinz · 1 year
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pov: Murdoc seducing the babygirls 💋💚
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impossiblepluto · 3 months
Hello bonjour I reread Adversary + Antigen and ignoring the fact that I am now screaming in every possible way except physical (and, even though I knew what was coming this time, I still had a physiological stress response to your words (<- big big compliment)), I am also gnawing on my laptop thinking about McClain and Reese's reaction and response to seeing Mac.
I am just. I am thinking about how much do they know??? Has Yasmin radioed over and given them the scoop?? Does Yasmin even know what went on in the back there (😱)?????? Like despite (or maybe inspite of) the fact that Mac's got about a thousand different reactive molecules moving through his blood stream right now, he's still somewhat combative I imagine. Or at the very least, I'm sure there's a good chance that some of those drugs are going to wear off before everything is sorted out 😬
Anyway whilst thinking about this I inadvertently made a chart in my head and thought it would be funny to share with you:
pros of epi wearing off: less wired mac who can breath without his entire body vibrating and causing panic on top of panic
cons of epi wearing off: anaphylaxis comes back and says hi!!!! because it is annoyed it got pushed off of metaphorical center stage
pros of sedative wearing off: mac feels less betrayed, more in charge of his body with more autonomy
cons of sedative wearing off: PANIK
...I'm not sure what this ask is anymore at this point. I just need you to know that my brain is entirely occupied thinking about what the future has in store for Mac and I am wondering if there is any hints or thoughts that I can have to munch on in my brain <3
Bonjour friend (I cannot read that word without seeing the polar bears peeking their heads out of dens or into portholes memes, and I am delighted to realize that)
I am also delighted to hear that you reread Adversary + Antigen. I was completely spoiled by the comment you left on that fic and now I get another one + more Vi thoughts. Ah! Amazing. An embarrassment of riches.
Not sure if it's the worst thing I've done to Mac but it's the most in depth I've gone. I got a little tightness in my chest and throat while writing it.
Reese and McClain hearing about what happened to Mac, the panic attack, and getting to witness one of their own is a moment that I am anxiously awaiting to share (and finish writing) Originally, Mac was going to make it all the way to Phoenix Med, where he would again stubbornly insist that he was not laying down, not riding into the building on a gurney, and mostly unsuccessfully struggling through the halls with his entourage, before his facade completely broke. I was as shocked as Jack and Ed when Mac began fighting for his life in the back of the ambulance.
I think I might have to do Mac's attempted escape from someone else's POV. Yasmin does know some of what happened and has radioed ahead so McClain and Reese have an idea of what's coming through the doors. Also, everyone is putting the puzzle pieces together a little quicker and confirming what they suspected. And Jack is struggling for many reasons.
One of the things that has me stalled is getting Mac's headspace right- and portraying so it feels genuine. The epi, adrenaline, and emotions are still thrumming under his skin, but the sedative is making it feel strangely distant even though it's right there. The loss of safety, security, autonomy, he expects that from Murdoc but from his friends and the people he trusts, that betrayal feels like a sinking pit. If he expresses his needs who would listen? Even his anger feels muted, but will be making an appearance that I'm very excited about. Regulating his emotions and his responses are beyond his ability so he's oscillating between this betrayed, submissive compliance, seething anger, embarrassment about his outburst and shame that he allowed Murdoc to do this to him. Everything that anyone says or does feels so patronizing. There's a detached clinical part of him too, and while he wants to lean into that part, that's worse for everyone else watching.
I love your chart because it's all the same stuff going through my head. I'm trying to fit a little bit of everything in there. The half-life of epinephrine is very short (epi is just to stem the reaction and keep you alive long enough to get additional treatment) so he might start feeling the foreboding, prickly sensations growing again before this is over.
Thanks for the ask, friend! It has reawakened my excitement for this fic when I was starting to get too in my head about it! If there is something specific that you've been like "i hope she does This!" feel free to share because there are a lot of directions that I'm still trying to decide on
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bugslaststraw · 9 months
I want to write but I'm having really bad pain and no creativity so I'll just say this; there is something wrong with the Now Now and not a day goes by that I don't think about it at least a bit. Because what was that phase even about? The plot is so intricate. I guess the idea was "let's stick the guy stopping everyone from being their true free selves in jail n see what happens," right? That's about how Hewlett (or was it Albarn) put it. And from Murdoc's pov it's pretty easy to understand; he's jealous, alone, and going through both literal withdrawal and the horrifying realisation that his band doesn't need him. So far so good, right? (block o' text under cut)
Except that really, nobody actually seemed to have a good time during that phase. Or did they? They seem to want to imply it, since they speak vaguely positively. Saying things are calmer and cleaner and quieter now. That should theoretically be a good thing. Only all the songs are so damn sad, even songs that seem happy have some sort of underlying melancholy to them, and when asked why, Russel says "have you ever woken up from a dream to find out it wasn't real?" Speaking of, why did he trip 2-D over in Humility? We were never told. How come Noodle spends half the time worried that 2-D is possessed by something? Are those two reasons related? Are either of those people even relaxing at all? Did they talk about it? And what's with the sketchbook or notebook or whatever, why does that have so many odd scribbles- and the lyrics, he wrote all of them himself. He calls it his solo album when prompted. Why are those scribbled over pictures of Murdoc in there? There's a sketch of what looks like the clip used from Stylo next to the lyrics for Souk Eye. And what does he mean by "where have you gone"? Why does the demon drawn on one page look so much like the thing Murdoc said saved his life? What did all those slogans mean, like "G is the magic number" and "save us from him" and, actually, how did Murdoc even survive to begin with, since he already sold his own soul off and didn't have any convenient virgins to use instead? Why do Russ and 2-D go total radio silence as soon as he's presumed dead, giving no interviews or social media presence or shows or songs or texts for months while Noodle was in Patagonia? Why doesn't she mention them? What were any of them really feeling during the Now Now? What was going on-?? What is this fucking story even trying to say? That you become unbearably cocky if you don't have someone around to hurl insult at you 24/7, I think not? If that was the case why do they all come off like they're hiding some big awful secret the whole time and just pretending to be happy- gods I don't even know anymore fuck this here are some of the well scanned pages I have
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itsjustloudy · 7 months
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Pov: you're Kong studios and Murdoc needs money to sail to a shitty plastic island in the middle of nowhere
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coffeetablettowers · 13 days
Title: I Love a Bomb
Rated: T
Relationship: Murdoc/2d
Summary: The different aspects of 2d and murdoc's relationship
Tags: making out, POV first person
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gesamkuns-twerk · 22 days
Next phase Gorillaz meta: Murdoc should buy a lighthouse and open a crappy chip shop and hire a bunch of actors who almost look like the rest of the band. He should be British Grunkle Stan and embrace Old Man Life.
He should make POV tiktoks (badly) that’s just Phil Cornwell riffing while he goes about his day, yelling at birds and teenagers. He should also make a GRWM that’s just him stumbling around the grossest hotel room you’ve ever seen.
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tyu1forever · 5 months
Real things my friends have said: Percy Jackson Edition ✨✨✨
This list is ever-growing as my friends get dumber and I read more Percy Jackson. Please tell me if they don't match or if you have ideas.
Nico: I was so fucking depressed I fell asleep
Annabeth: I just wanna backhand you into medieval friday
Will: my doctor was examined by my health
Percy: stress is so stressful
Poopoo peepee
Leo: break it up, ladies
Leo: Can i get ur snap.
-Thalia: No sorry im gay.
gay ppl suk. My dick
murdoc 😍. STFU
Percy: Adhd meds are weird. Like you have to remember to take the pills that make you not forget things.
-Grover: That took moment to understand
Hurting stands up
If you dont listen to ABBA you're tasteless af. I don't like ABBA. KERIS U ABBA HATER
Percy: (To Nico) Shush gay one
Leo: (to Piper) Lady, calm your fucking nachos
I fell in the shower and i tried to grab water
Percy: The colour 3 tastes sandy
Annabeth: Gun pigs (guinea pigs). They shit like machine guns
Annabeth: Thats what i was implying imbicile
O nu ma pp
Leo: now let me listen to beyoince
Percy: Gaslight Gatekeep Girlcock
Percy: I left my gf on read bc she hung up on me
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (reaction to seeing friend's new haircut)
Jaosn: Can we not talk about bondage? This is a library
HOW TF IS THIS SHIT IS ALR DEAD. yall im a lesbian. One of us one of us one of us
Im just casually vibrating inside this man
Imma put my headphones back in, if you need me just dislocate my arm.
Leo: Jason and Piiiiiiiiiiper sitting in a tree, f u c k i n g
Leo: Why datig?
-Percy: Ah yes why datig
Piper: Luffy can stretch his dick.
-Frank: YEA- WAIT WHATTT????
Percy: That's my future wife you're taking about
That's not an ant that's a spider END ITS LIFE. Australia man (sobbing bc got bit by spider-ant)
Frank: sToP eAtInG mY gRaNdMoThEr
Piper: Shut up before I kill you.
- Grover: Damn she pulled out the shoe
do you want cummies?
Hazel: Look at the size of that thing!
damon is praying that the towel won't fall
Birth certificate reveal! NOW!
Percy: Can we use subtitles? (he meant subtopics)
Leo: Apparently avocados have a similar taste to dick
Nico: Schools back on tomorrow
- Percy: Kys
-Nico: Me too
Clarisse: bangs hand on wall OW FUCK
Piper: Vaping gives of such SDE (small dick energy)
Are the anger issues coming back?
Jason: Grandma wants a beer
-Leo: The realest shit I heaver heard
Coach Hedge: I need to bash someone's head in, specifically a toddler's
A wild ✮𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂✮ appeared.
*cackles bones irishly*
pov: ur singing to along to a song and accidentally say the n word
i thought that was mpreg
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Violent Psychopath + Abnormal Psychologist = Loving Relationship?
Fandom: CBS MacGyver (2016 reboot)
Pairing: Murdoc x Emmett Becker (fan character)
CW: killing mentions, violence mentions, shooting mentions, general morbidity associated with a character like Murdoc (especially since it’s written from his pov)😭
See, I wasn’t planning on falling in love. Hell, I didn’t even know that was something I was capable of. I never had been one for abandoning my job for romance- unlike my mentor, Mr. Helman. No, I was always one for the hunt, and well, the very violent kill too, but that’s besides the point. My point being: I didn’t think I would ever fall in love. With anybody.
And yet there they were. Sitting across from me, aimlessly rambling about something or another. I wasn’t really listening that closely at the time. Truth be told, I was far more interested in memorizing the details of their face. I do that sometimes. Memorize people’s faces, that is. I like to remember what their features look like with the terror of impending death etched in on them. It's cathartic, really.
But it’s different with Emmett. I don’t wanna see their facial features contorted with fear. Ever. Sure I would tease them a bit, yea, but that’s only because they’re awfully cute when they blush. No, I don’t want to hurt or even really scare Emmett. I really truly don’t. Which is weird for me. Exceedingly weird. Seeing as I just totally adore hurting people. If you haven’t already gathered, I have a particularly nasty case of antisocial personality disorder. I’m a complete nutcase, actually.
But here’s the catch; not only do I not want to hurt this person, but I even enjoy their company. I find myself looking forward to their visits. And oh have I been indulged… Emmett used to visit once a week as mandated by my imprisonment at the behest of the Phoenix Foundation. But soon it was upped to twice a week. Now, they’ve been coming in every day, much to my delight. I still haven’t figured out why.
Today, as I tuned back into the conversation, I realized, Emmett was telling me about how they very nearly went into physics as a career, thanks to their interest in astronomy and astrophysics. I almost let slip that I was glad they didn’t, y’know, because if they had, well I would likely have never met them. Luckily for me, they didn’t seem to notice my near slip-up. Or if they did, they allowed me the dignity of letting it pass unnoticed.
It made me wonder though, if I’d ever tell them. I really didn’t know. I mean, what does one say in a situation like this? ‘Hey, I know I’m a lethal assassin-now prisoner at federal supermax prison and you’re only here to psychoanalyze me but I might be in love with you?’ Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Really and truly though, I knew I couldn’t handle the blow of rejection on top of being imprisoned. I had to at least get out first. Then, at least then, if I told Emmett and got brutally rejected, well, then I could turn back to my favorite hobby: shooting people.
It occurred to me, I really should make a plan to escape. I mean, I had the aforementioned motivation but also, my son, Cassian. When would I ever see him again? And would he find out what I did for a living? I couldn’t let that happen. So I had double motivation to get out.
And so I did. I got out. It was the most fun I’d had in a long time, killing those guards.
I hadn’t wanted to leave Emmett in the dark. I’d wanted to tell them, let them know where I was going, say goodbye in case things went awry by some odd mistaken chance. But I didn’t. Because, honestly, let’s be real, if you were a psychopathic murderer cooped up in supermax, would you tell your therapist you were trying to escape? Yea, no, I didn’t either.
But, of course, things went according to plan. I faked my death, killed the guard by my door (and several more along the way) and made my hasty escape from federal prison.
If only I could escape my own feelings towards that psychologist so easily. I still had that to contend with of course. I decided, however, that this would be my first course of action: pay Emmett a little visit…
Woooo same deal as the previous one!! I’ll go back and link the previous and following chapters later!!
Previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/selfindulgentfandomstuff/757376610766864384/violent-psychopath-abnormal-psychologist
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/selfindulgentfandomstuff/757379545299107840/violet-psychopath-abnormal-psychologist-loving
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blurrymango · 6 months
Misery Meat and People Eater by Sodikken are both 2Doc vibes TBH.
Misery Meat as being from 2D's POV, and People Eater as from Murdoc's POV.
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ao3feed-macgyver2016 · 2 months
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