#muscle atrophy
cinnamon-roll-whump · 10 months
thanks again to @melkors-defense-attorney for the cane idea!
Tulkas stands by the door, impatient, arms folded over his chest. Melkor feels very small as he moves about the cottage, gathering his things. He can't help the last time thoughts running through his mind at everything. This is the last time he'll make his bed. The last time he'll see some of these clothes. The last time he'll walk through this doorway, clean these dishes in the sink, run his fingers over the back of this chair.
He finds a bag to put a few things in. A change of clothes, Anna's water and food bowls. He doesn't have much.
The absurdity of it strikes him, and he stifles a dry laugh. Here he is, preparing mundanely for a simple journey, as if he's a craftsman or trader preparing to go to market, when the reality is that he runs the risk of losing everything.
"Anna, sweetie!" He calls her softly, and she runs over from where she was investigating a few books. He ties a long strip of leather to her collar, the leash he spent so long crafting and making sure she was accustomed to. His hand rests for a moment on her head, and she pushes into the touch. "Good kitten."
"Enough delay," Tulkas snaps. "You have your things, let's go."
"Of course." Melkor frowns, standing. Anna follows him over to the door. Carefully, watching Tulkas's face, he reaches behind the other Vala. Tulkas glares daggers at him, but Melkor keeps his movements slow and pulls back holding a tall wooden staff. It's simple, but sturdy, and has served him well.
"What's that for?" Tulkas eyes it warily.
"Walking," Melkor replies. He kneels down to tie Anna's leash over a small ridge on the base that he'd left there for just this purpose. It'll give her a few feet more of length than if he held the leash in his hand.
"Walking?" Tulkas repeats in confusion.
Melkor keeps his tone even, detached. "I spent so long in the Void, my muscles began to atrophy. I had to relearn many things when I was released, and I am still unable to traverse significant distances unaffected. I do not need it in my house, but if I grow tired of being cooped up or I run out of food for Anna and must visit the village, I cannot manage that distance unassisted yet."
He sees Tulkas frown, then his eyes go wide as he realizes just how little the distance from Melkor's home to the village is. A mere mile or so that the once-great Vala cannot manage without support.
"So." Melkor forces a firmness he does not feel into his voice and grips his staff tighter. "Now you see one of the reasons I did not want to return to Valinor. I hope you'll forgive me that we’ll need to stop often, as the other option is you carrying me, and I think neither of us would enjoy that."
Tulkas grunts in reluctant acknowledgement and pushes the door open. Melkor walks through without a word, Anna scampering at his heels.
How was he so lucky as to find this little blessing? His sweet girl, so loyal, and almost as clever as his Mairon. If he were still lord of Angband, he can imagine watching Anna run circles around Mairon's favorite wolfhounds. He'd make sure they played gently with his little kitten, and in the evenings, when a hound slept on either side of their bed, Anna, so much smaller, could share their pillow or sleep cuddled up with a hound.
His chest aches with longing, deep desire for what can never be again, for the Maia he cannot touch or speak to without the risk of having his life ripped away again. It's too much.
"I need to stop." Melkor's voice grates against his own ears, and he's hardly conscious of anything but the hard wood of his staff sliding through his palms as he sinks to the ground.
Paws press against his thigh, and then with the soft pricking of claws, Anna climbs into his lap, purring for all she's worth. Still clutching his staff with one hand, he moves the other to her head, thumb brushing lightly over her ears. The tension in his chest begins to ease, the cold hand of dread loosening its grip. Manwë is a fair judge. He won't send Melkor to the Void again for something that wasn't his fault. And he won't punish Anna for Melkor's mistakes.
But what about my Mairon?
Melkor stands slowly, one arm holding Anna close to his chest, and looks towards Valinor. Come what may, this time he will save what matters.
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⚠️ TW: Body Image // Neglect In Healthcare ⚠️
Monday will be my third attempt to try to get answers about my muscle loss. I don’t think these doctors understand how scary this is for me. I’ve been thin all of my life but even at my lightest I didn’t have this much muscle loss. Maybe it’s just a mental thing but it’s happening so fast that I feel like I’m watching it progress over the course of months. I’m hoping this image comparison will be shocking enough to get them to take me seriously bc I truly don’t know what else I can say to get the point across.
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marvelousdamsels · 2 years
Heath Update
I've been struggling with more constant debilitating pain since July 2021 and I feared it was my ordeal with the 2 undiagnosed abdominal hernias from October 2017 - October 2020 all over again or that the complications with that surgery and the scar revision that led to finding the two massive hernias had led to something worse. Well after trying to get help from my old surgeon and getting treated like I was overreacting I was finally encouraged by my gastroenterologist (I've also now been diagnosed with gastroparesis so that's been a major adjustment) to get a second opinion from a whole different office. So off the the nearest U of M hospital I go one very uncomfortable CT later, I finally heard from the doctor Thursday morning.
According to the surgeon, it's not something that would need surgery to fix so no hernias or something else so yay, it's just that he can't help me so less yay. Apparently the muscles in my right abdomen have atrophied and my abdominal wall is very thin, but the real problem is the nerves which seem to be the root of the pain. So the only thing to do from his perspective is going to a pain clinic, he's referring me to a good place with a good doctor at least, but I guess the plan is kind of find the nerve(s) causing the pain and get rid of them because they're not doing anything or attached to working muscle right now. So a seek and destroy mission where I'll just feel numb in the areas where now it's constant pain. I just don't how effective this will be how long it would take or how long it would even last. Right now it just seems like big promises.
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nancylfitness · 3 months
Flex, Stretch and Compute
As we sit at the computer our shoulders are usually forward and we are hunched over for extended periods of time.  Our bodies are not designed to sit all day. Sitting for long periods of time (10 hours or more per day) has a negative effect on health: circulation decreases, muscles tire, and tasks become more uncomfortable to perform.
It can cause pain and tightness in the back and neck, tingling in the extremities and poor posture. 
Also, sitting after eating a meal causes high blood sugar spikes. Instead move around after eating to cut the sugar spikes in half … move around, clean the kitchen, walk the dog.
Incorrect computer posture habits combined with long-term sitting may cause medical problems such as:  cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) or repetitive stress injury (RSI).
Reduce these effects of long term sitting; take breaks; switch things up:
Below are examples of some exercises / stretches that can be performed without leaving your desk area.  Set your timer to take breaks and go for it!  Start small and slowly work your way up to more movement.
Neck Flexors, Sitting or Standing
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Stand (or sit) head comfortable in a centered position.
Draw in chin pulling head straight back.  Keep jaw and eyes level.
Hold this position for 5 to 7 seconds.  Release. 
Side/Torso – Standing Bend
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Stand with feet together and palms overhead touching.
Bend body to one side as far as possible.
Hold 5 to 7 seconds.
Resume original position.
Bend body to the other side as far as possible.
Hold 5 to 7 seconds.
Resume original position.
Chest Scapula Adduction with Pectorals
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Stand in a doorframe, palms against frame and arms at 90 degrees.
Lean forward, squeezing shoulder blades together.
Hold 7 to 10 seconds.
Release, then repeat.
Hip Flexors/Quadriceps Stretch
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Stand, may use chair as a support.
Slowly bend left leg feeling the stretch.
Hold for 7 to 10 seconds.
Repeat with other leg.
Dorsiflexion and Plantar Flexion, sitting
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Sitting with feet on the floor.
Point toes up while keeping heels on the floor.
Hold position 5 to 7 seconds.
Now, press toes to the floor while raising heels.
Hold position 5 to 7 seconds.
Repeat several times.
Upper/Mid Back Stretch, sitting
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Sitting in chair with knees apart, bend forward toward the floor.
Feel the stretch in the lower back.
Hold 7 to 10seconds.
Sit upright.
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medicomunicare · 1 year
Set these "satellites" on their mighty wings: pity Wingless is so "sticky" to forbid the messenger to take off
Set these “satellites” on their mighty wings: pity Wingless is so “sticky” to forbid the messenger to take off
WNT messenger proteins are crucial for a variety of cellular functions. WNT signaling is crucial for the development of organisms and the maintenance of tissue homeostasis, as WNT messengers are involved in a variety of cellular functions. In skeletal muscle, for example, they can increase muscle mass and improve regeneration. Wnt signaling plays a crucial role during the development and…
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pangur-and-grim · 10 days
I am FINALLY at the stage where I can walk without my aircast, but it’s painful in a way I didn’t expect? the sole of my foot has become so tender that it hurts to walk on. it’s also texturally different (less thick hard skin) so maybe I’ve just developed soft sensitive baby feet from not walking on it for two months? very interesting
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u2hearts · 2 years
My own discouragement rant
My own discouragement rant
I was determined to get into my comfy chair. Ok getting in isn’t the problem, it’s getting out. The chair is not only low but mushy. I don’t have anything very solid to push myself up to a standing position. I tried to angle the wheelchair in front of me, using the chair’s arms. Unfortunately, that didn’t help either. The end result was being lifted up by both my physical therapist and the aide.…
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taijiandqigong · 2 years
Muscle Atrophy the Fast & Easy Way.
Muscle Atrophy the Fast & Easy Way.
I’ve learnt a lot about recovery from illness in the last 12 months. I realise now how difficult it can be, and in particular how easily muscle wastage can happen, and how quickly it actually takes place; it really doesn’t take very long at all. I taught almost every day through the 2 years of Covid. I was in front of the screen constantly demonstrating; there was no opportunity to stand back to…
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realpokemon · 11 months
apparently some trainers put their pokerus infected pokemon into pc boxes to prolong the disease. isn't that fucked up or what. anyways if you were infected with pokerus I'd put you into a pc box <3
you really had me going for a minute there. i was so excited to have someone normal in my inbox. delighted even
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they are in love
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rookisit · 6 months
Just a quick reminder about the cinematic end tho this event
!!!!!Phil's wings aren't broken!!!!!!
The muscles may be torn and strained from the disuse, and very much injured
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hoaxghost · 2 years
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Posting new oc- His name's Brody and he's a surfer guy from the 70s who went missing in a cruise incident then came back 40 years later as a zombie though he feels pretty chill about everything
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"Whumpee asked for you specifically, A. I'll let you in to see them," Whumpee's medic and lover, Caretaker, said.
A couldn’t believe it. Whumpee wanted to see them? Before their best friend, B? After they sacrificed themself and were tortured by Whumper for months because of them?
They followed Caretaker, refusing to let them down, even as their face burned with shame, guilt gnawing at their insides.
Leader Whumpee sat in the wheelchair, whiteboard sitting across their blanketed lap as Caretaker opened the door for A, the younger, sibling-like member of Team. A's breath hitched, eyes widening.
"They’re okay, A," Caretaker assured them. "Their throat is still healing, and they're still weak, but they're going to be okay."
A nodded, Caretaker letting out a deep breath. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to give the two of you some privacy. I have some things to attend to." The door shut behind them, leaving A standing before Whumpee, unable to meet their eyes at the sight of matching wounds from Whumper.
Whumpee's eyes burned with the shame of being unable to even give A a hug, or tell them that none of this was their fault. They attempted a smile, scribbling on their board.
"I missed you."
A's eyes welled with tears. "I'm so sorry, Whumpee," they whispered, hands curling into fists.
Whumpee shook their head vigorously, scribbling big letters on the board before tapping it when their marker. A looked up, hiccuping when they saw the message.
"It’s not your fault. They would've just killed you and taken me anyways. It's not your fault."
As A sank to their knees, they wrapped their arms around Whumpee in a hug, holding back tears as they pressed their face into the blanket.
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angelnumber27 · 2 months
Hi baby angels 😇 it’s about to be that time where I need help with getting a couple of my medications soon! It’s within a few days that I will be running out and I didn’t want to wait until the very last day/moment to try to scramble for a way to pay for them.
My cshapp is $juliagw :)
I have Venmo as well as PayPal, please DM me if you want my usernames to either of those and are interested in helping me 🙂
I am also selling content right now because I need my medications and I am hot. DM me if interested. You can see what I look like here
I need $80 total for the medications I need please help if you can.
I can make art for you if you want please just lmk what y’all are interested in <3
Thank you everyone so so so much 🖤 I’m so lucky and grateful to have and be surrounded by such a wonderful community on here.
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nmzuka · 3 months
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I haven't drawn in like a week and can def feel it hhh
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delawaredetroit · 2 months
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Observe, the Hosu Trio being little know-it-alls absorbed in their own world. Somehow, they're the only ones in the top five that didn't try to help anyone else prepare for their midterms
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