#muse: esme
tworoses-fantasyrp · 1 year
open to m/nb, monster/wolf/anthro, fantasy/magical setting
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Esme had been purchased by this creature mere minutes ago. He had wasted no time to test her submission, her loyalty, her obedience. The slavers had beaten her enough, used her enough to put fear of failure into her. They had given her potions to heal her and make her drowsy enough to be used without fighting back at first... Different slavers had different methods and desires.
This had to be better, being owned by someone she could learn the patterns of, learn when to avoid if she could, or say the right things to appease him. She might even learn to enjoy her new life... She hoped she might. It would be better. It had to be better. If he paid for her, if she were property then he would look after her, wouldn’t he? He wouldn’t be so careless if she were just being sold off to someone else...
Esme dragged her tongue against his balls, knowing that was wanted by other men. But he was different. Unlike anyone she’d ever seen... And it did frighten her a little. But his fur was soft and almost comforting and he had not harmed her with those sharp claws. Not yet. His cock was hard and already slick. It had been interesting to watch it grow, hidden away.
Her auction collar was still around her neck. They were still in town and she ignored the sounds of the city and the slave auction, trying to focus on pleasing her new master. There was still time for him to change his mind and she did not want to go back.
(illustrated inspo under the cut)
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daisyfield98 · 6 months
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wastheheart · 13 days
The first time raised voices and sudden, loud noises no longer cause Esme to flinch or brace? The first time someone touches her in day-to-day life and she doesn't catch her breath, waiting for fingernails to cut into skin? The first time she's intimate without needing to make sure her partner's hands don't go to those specific trigger places?
Esme healing and not even realising it until someone mentions it. Esme blooming into a happy, gentle soul who finally feels safe?
And of course there are still moments, but they're fewer and further between; even then, her reactions to them aren't as big as they used to be.
We love to see it.
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chickensarentcheap · 17 days
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Look at her...
@tragiclyhip @watermeezer @youflickedtooharddamnit @secretaryunpaid and those follow Tyler and Esme :)
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ancientgreekyuri · 9 months
when it comes 2 making s/is for me its important that even the name makes sense in universe.... FE characters tend to have Celtic or Norse related names, so I ended up I finding Esne's name by digging thru a database of medieval welsh names 😭
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
this is weird but i feel like for a vampire biting a human is a bit like biting into a peach
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glorianahq · 3 months
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{mimi keene,25, cisfemale, she/her} we are so glad to see you safe, (ADOPTED) PRINCESS ESME GLYNDWR of CARDIFF! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are DETERMINED and COMPASSIONATE enough to handle it. just don’t let your ARROGANCE bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU HAVE BEEN HAVING PROPHETIC DREAMS BUT YOU KEEP THEM HIDDEN TO AVOID BEING ACCUSED OF WITCHCRAFT OR MADNESS. {elisa, 27, est, she/her}
Full Name: Esme Glyndwr Title: Adopted Princess of Cardiff Age: 25 Gender: CisFemale Pronouns: She/Her
Hand on the throttle Thought I caught lightning in a bottle
Early Life:
Princess Esme Glyndwr's life began far from the grandeur of Cardiff's royal palace. Born into a modest family in a small village on the outskirts of Cardiff, Esme's early years were marked by simplicity and hardship. Her parents, humble farmers, instilled in her a strong work ethic and a deep sense of compassion for others. Tragically, a devastating plague swept through their village when Esme was only five years old, claiming the lives of her parents and leaving her an orphan.
Orphaned and vulnerable, Esme was taken in by a local convent, where she spent several years under the care of the kind-hearted nuns. It was here that her intelligence and curiosity began to flourish. The nuns, recognizing her potential, ensured she received a basic education, teaching her to read, write, and perform simple arithmetic. Esme's thirst for knowledge was insatiable, and she quickly outpaced the lessons the nuns could provide.
Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Adoption into the Royal Family:
Esme's life took a dramatic turn when she was ten years old. King Alaric and Queen Elowen Glyndwr, known for their charitable work and progressive views, visited the convent during one of their many goodwill tours. They were immediately struck by Esme's sharp intellect and resilient spirit. Impressed by her potential and moved by her story, they decided to adopt her, bringing her into the royal family as their own daughter.
Transitioning from the simple life of the convent to the opulence of the royal palace was both exhilarating and overwhelming for young Esme. She was given the finest tutors and access to an extensive library, allowing her to immerse herself in a world of knowledge and learning. She quickly excelled in various subjects, including languages, history, and the sciences, earning the admiration of her new family and court.
Gathered with a coven round a sorceress' table Family Dynamics:
Esme's integration into the Glyndwr family was not without its challenges. She had to navigate the complex dynamics of her new siblings, Winifred and Carwyn. Despite these challenges, Esme forged strong bonds with her adoptive siblings.
Winifred Glyndwr: Esme admired Winifred's free spirit and boundless energy, often finding herself both exasperated and entertained by her sister's antics. Despite their differing personalities, the sisters shared a deep bond, with Esme often playing the role of the more grounded and thoughtful counterpart to Winifred's whirlwind of activity.
Carwyn Glyndwr: Carwyn, the eldest, became a mentor and protector to Esme. His wisdom and sense of duty deeply influenced her, and she looked up to him as a model of what a leader should be. His tragic death during the Reckoning was a profound loss for Esme, leaving her with a sense of responsibility to uphold his legacy.
I got cursed like Eve got bitten: The Secret of Prophetic Dreams
Around the age of fifteen, Esme began experiencing vivid and unsettling dreams. At first, she dismissed them as mere figments of her imagination. However, as time went on, she realized that her dreams often foretold future events with startling accuracy. This discovery terrified her. In an era where any hint of supernatural abilities could lead to accusations of witchcraft or madness, Esme knew she had to keep her gift hidden.
The burden of her secret weighed heavily on her, isolating her from those she loved. She became adept at interpreting her dreams and subtly influencing events to avoid potential disasters, all while maintaining the appearance of normalcy. Her secretive nature, born from necessity, often made her appear distant and enigmatic to those around her.
Cards on the table Mine play out like fools in a fable, oh It was sinking in Recent Events:
With Carwyn's death and Winifred's ascension to the throne, Esme's life has become even more complicated. She supports Winifred's reign and works tirelessly to help her sister stabilize the kingdom, all while grappling with her own hidden abilities.
A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moon Aspirations and Challenges:
Esme's primary motivation is to protect her people and her family. Her compassion drives her actions, and her determination keeps her focused on her goals, even as she navigates the complex and dangerous world around her. The weight of her prophetic dreams adds a unique challenge, forcing her to constantly balance her public duties with the private burden of her abilities.
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esserisupremi · 4 months
If I feel like my characters are no longer interesting to mun or muse and interactions feel forced, yes I will stop writing with you . I’ve been here for too long to even attempt to hold onto partners who find others more in their wheel house . I’m not about that rp life anymore.
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widowshill · 1 year
eventually i'll get comfortable writing here. eventually.
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olivia-calidamn · 2 years
tho TUA definitely supports Esmé taking Jerome’s last name i do think it suits for Jerome to take Esmé’s name by way of Jerome wanting to appease Esmé and Esmé not letting up because Beatrice kept her last name. and the thought of Esmé making Jerome take her last name because his last name is embarrassing amuses me. of course on the other hand Esmé’s last name could’ve been the embarrassing one…
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oschvank · 1 year
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ooc. maaan. i love nelliel so much . like she's so amazing . the way she carries herself, her mindset . i wanna wriiiiite, develop new bonds, actually see her lighten up .
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 1 year
Open to anyone
What: Esme is a recently escaped slave, taking refuge in a cavern
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The dress she wore was in shreds, hardly enough to cover herself. Perhaps she could make some sort of wrappings to give herself a little dignity. She would have to find a town, far away from the slave auction she had so narrowly slipped away from. The slaver had decided to ‘taste’ her before she was up for the block... and he’d foolishly fallen asleep after tiring himself out.
Now, Esme washed herself of his stench, of the dirt and grime of living so poorly for so long. The water was warm, but the air was almost stifling. She knew she couldn’t hide in here for long... She would have to risk everything, possibly stealing or even selling her body to gain a little coin. She was starving... But for now she would get herself clean as she could, cover herself as well as she could before slipping out into the night...
Her pussy was sore from the slaver’s rough treatment of her. She whimpered slightly as she rubbed herself under the water, hoping to relieve some of the discomfort she still felt.
(inspiration art linked here )
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Colour Theory & Romance in Butterfly Court
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I was re-reading before the newest episode of the show dropped, and I realised that there's a whole wealth of shipping material that's gone (as far as I can tell) untouched. So naturally, I had to channel my inner Rory and get to exploring - so grab your kittens, your art supplies of choice, and get ready to have your mind BLOWN below the cut.
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See that? No, it's not the colour of the sky, but it is the key to a lot of interesting nuance in Butterflyverse ships. All those gorgeous descriptions of clothing, magic, and physical appearance put a lot of emphasis on colour, specifically what colour each character is associated with.
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What does this have to do with ships, you ask? Let's get into it, using some of the most popular ones as examples. DISCLAIMER: these are the most popular BC ships as of april 2023, based on how many fics are on ao3 tagged for each ship (book/show/movie all included).
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Mat: green-red are at a 90 degree angle to each other, so he’s got an element of opposition within himself as well as stability. His whole arc is based on internal conflict (remember his kitchen thoughts right before Andrey got stabbed?) thanks to the external conflict that he’s involved in. When he meets Aurora, she becomes a focal point - and her main colour association is white, which is centred in the colour wheel. Rory and Mat challenge each other’s views and ultimately stabilise each other to work towards a common goal - and IT SHOWS. Literally. Even if we take out Mat’s red association, MatRory stays stable based on the monochromatic scheme; they’re constantly working along the same parallel. Monochrome schemes evoke senses of calm and peace, which makes sense for one of the only canon couples that hasn’t gone through a ton of angst because of being together.
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Moving onto something a little more controversial: Esme/Enoch, aka E-squared. A lot to unpack here. Let’s start with Esme: she’s almost comically consistent with wearing red all the time as “her” colour, her hair is red, she’s careful to only perform fire magic in public (or at least look like it), and the amount of time she spends covered in blood is non-negligible. The book also spends a good amount of time describing her eyes: one of the first things we learn about her in the books is that “her eyes are the colour of greed” and there’s a mention of her eyes matching a gold body chain she wears at Razac’s party. Her magic is "fierce gold light". So Esme is strongly red/gold associated. A stretched-out analogous combo, if you will. She’s independent on her own spectrum of warm colours; Esme supports herself throughout the books and it’s only when she gets involved with things outside that spectrum of power that stuff gets Complicated.
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Enoch’s eyes are also given a lot of screentime; they’re consistently described as very pale, icy blue, and his magic manifests as “pale aqua” or “cyan” light. If we include Ward colours or his preferred “benthic blue” ink for letters, it’s impossible to miss the association between Enoch and blue. Let’s compare their magic (the focus of their first meeting, when Esme comments on Enoch’s magic after he heals her): gold is essentially yellow, maybe with a touch of orange, and blue is directly across from that on the colour wheel. Esme and Enoch are complementary; constantly opposed despite their attraction and ability to make the other person more vibrant. Some might say opposites attract…or that their differences are irreconcilable and at the heart of why they’ll never be completely happy together. However you look at it, there’s a lot of tension there.
For another spin on the blue/gold complementary angle, let’s take a look at Lunesme. Luna’s hair is naturally “blue”; on the cover art and special edition illustrations, it looks either sky blue or slightly cyan depending on which printing you’re looking at. Regardless, Luna and blue are very, very strongly linked. So we’ve got the same complementary colour relationship - but Esme’s interactions with Luna are completely different from with Enoch.
Although they both share intimate moments, Esme does a lot more “hesitating” and “considering” around Luna, and in the church scene we can see that she’s taking space to be more active and engage with/for Luna, whereas with Enoch (the assassin scene, ice skating, Razac’s party), Esme is more reactive. She’s not on a back foot, necessarily, but there’s definitely a different dynamic (and this could be intentional. Esme does flaunt her relationship with Enoch at the beginning, when she’s still sure of herself within that warm hue spectrum, but the whole thing at her apartment after the Seraphine gala throws her off).
The complementary tension in Lunesme draws them together, but the reasons they support each other so well are the same as why they keep having this will-they-won’t-they energy. Esme’s fear of hurting Luna pushes her away - and it’s why she takes the protective initiative in the church. With Esme’s red/gold and Luna’s blue, we’re looking at a triad - arguably the same as E-squared, but with what we know about Luna and how she and Esme have shared a surprising amount of secrets with each other (the scene where Esme let her pet her ears lives in my head RENT-FREE, and I live in London :P), their stability is challenged by the secrecy of their relationship. They usually only meet in shadowy scenes (remember the lighting in the church scene and all the times shadows are mentioned? Seraphine gala escape in evening…Esme only turns the lights fully on after Enoch arrives). The vibrancy of Lunesme is dulled by their fears of being exposed or bringing harm to one another, since they’re only totally honest in whispers or in letters.
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Next example: Imperial Triad. We’ve established that Enoch is blue; Nicholas is pretty obviously green (the eyes, the magic, the Remington colours) and Andrey is most often seen in variations of grey (usually “pearl” and “dove”, with Taran’s hair overlapping a little on “dove” and exclusively taking “ash”). Just looking at hue, green and blue are analogous and grey (a tone) mutes them - this isn’t a bad thing, don’t worry! It’s a bit ironic because Andrey’s antics create more chaos than not, but in the context of his relationship with Nicholas and Enoch, the colour shows how he stabilises them (because let’s be honest, they’re both Unhinged and varying levels of good at hiding it). Their higher saturations are evened out by Andrey keeping them occupied, and overall their hues are harmonious together.
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I don’t think we can necessarily try to predict any endgames just through this theory, but it’s pretty obvious that there was a lot of thought put into the symbolism of each character’s colour association and how they play into the relationships between them. It’s already been stressed that wearing certain colours in court is a way of showing or requesting favour, so even in-universe, we might see some mention of something similar! My personal guess is that it’d be focused on magic colours, but we’ll have to see.
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chickensarentcheap · 15 days
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Cutie Patootie
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
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okay but what if . . and hear me out . . it breaks esme's heart so much when rosalie comes to join them that she's so sad and hates this life that esme is the one that goes to carlisle and begs him not to turn another vampire . like , he didn't really think about it ( he does see that turning rosalie in his mind saved her and can't see past that a lot . I imagine he feels badly that she's hurt but attributes it to what she went through and thinks she will come around ) and so it isn't til esme goes and pleads and cries that he finally is like oh I should stop making new vampires even if they are going to die because I can't play God like that .
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spanishinfluenza · 1 year
You should write about when Carlisle first changed Esme and they were sort of dancing around each other flirting waiting for the other to make the first move. Edward obviously knew that they loved each other first and then Esme figured out she loved Carlisle. Carlisle was last to figure it out and it throws him completely off guard when he figures it out. He’s so shy and doesn’t know what to do! I just imagine he’s such a shy guy when he was trying to flirt with Esme. If he could’ve blushed he would’ve been
My Love, it sounds like you should write this! Like this is the fic! What happens next? We need more Carlesme content creators always 🧡
For real though, you just know Carlisle was a dithery wee sod about Esme at the start. She makes him feel like he's 23 again, first time he's felt like that in over a hundred years. SHE PUTS THE BABOOM BACK INTO HIS COLD DEAD HEART 😭😭
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